r THE WEATHER NATIONAL ACADEMY'S SHOW. Fair to-da- y; lncreas Some of the striking pointing in the innual morrow; probably XhlMtton reproiiuvni in photogravure Highest temperature y IN THE SUN NKXT SUNDAY. Detailed tveather, masl ond pur! Bp - VOL. I. XXXIII. NO. 116. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1915. cmri$M,m, v sn priff.ip on noMr Delano. PRICE TWO CENTS. TYPHUS PLAGUE SPREADS OVER TEXAS BORDER Hcaltli Service Agent Guarding Boundary Line Three Cases Found. TO RED CROSS lotoMi Dgo, It. The Mas! IK pt nj hai crogggg the Km Brandt .nt- Tenia mnnaaina w " ,fNt reached the United State rutlio H.m.iIi Service here Three cans ff tV iMktra la-e-n located at laredo, . abet hundred! of Moll wn refugee! have gathered. S r. UOUI (Torts "fe bring made to p., fTi' further spread of the dlaease on thla r.do of ihv line. ttn'.x- - hat leaned special agents txmlrr and at Public Health Orders' detailing nil along tacb these placed a iigid (uaranUns Inspection will be peraona leaving Mexloo alll be subjected to careful examination tad respects placed In detention cam pa Reports reaching the lied CtOM to- - ttf Mexico elty, where lO.SOO i r- - Hm are ' . ported down with Hie fever, naf thai the epidemic ha iproed to foreign quarter Thirteen cases are eporlM m tiie American and English ooioni's The Brttiab Ambaaaadoe conf- erred lo-d-ay Wlttl Secretary Laming over the situation. Th Be rntnry Informed him Car-nr- ..' not yet replied to the tsqusel Kthh Qovernmeni that he permit agents ( the American lied Croei of Rockaiallar Foundation to take chars-- if thi cnmpalnu against the fevei in ilxi."o iv. Pueblo Pachuca and ptrta u' the Bute ..i Oaaa a, where the -- alliance ta raging with particular v o D I'ilfU i.lU.H T of l: a.ta i',.. wiu :o Urn xx th can lift the ban he .i the .v. - the ttr.( ury Una lit Hi Kit, e t etl on 1 can T The towns the of All trow aa that ban and the ui the to C. Pltroe or the Publi been ordered I.ar.do to charg Health Frao- - of ii there. ,rro New Yoru. t.t the home irl de Forest, the executive com-- . the Red fioan. of which -- x- nl Taft is cnatrman, u'- - xbit to which the unerlean Red Cross extend aid abmld Oarranaa hag .nj on that ..rtauiaatli.il. Officers of the Public Health hVrvico, r.. mm to fact tha; typhua dtcr plague which kind thou- - beted area dati from take the Serbia, explained tnnl h ih onaequence ar nnd famine, transmitted by body ver- - geMrally appenra nrai arm) it properly guarded with a, The iie.ua rate from extremely higa and tn" j: a virulent type, 'eared that with tne Increaalnt the United itea of the of Villa the plague will ipldly among the Amerloan bor- - s unless dra-ti- c eteps are taken n Kor th's reason tne PUb-- s. lee ngenti and oilier uuar-:-- v being sent the pordei instructed fumigate the per-- i clothing of nU thoae condns ASES tN CAPITAL. .t Pltthl nd Tjphos Oalna Tearful ReudwaTi fork hankrr a rereee(f n frnm i rrvldenf of lflro cilg lelli blvldlg of Cm aroar7e of thi "iiifoi and oaiMtlMcaa Ii riue rag Itl'i.r purf MlXICi ClTT, Dec. 12. ! !' streets are Kttiy in l one heara nothing now On ii talk, of the epldomlo of typhus frir that nini been on t'ia Inoraaao for m .. Ae, but of late h beet, gain- - Ua fi irful headway On the dooia of i ond third tenement house in '.' r rju tfr' and even the cen- - ... capital then- - are alnlater large i Um m t 4- - ' rif. ii;,- 'hit the la t i 1 d. .n ol rm Is Ii iaa ia to S: it. rt to lo as in i. in oi- - In is in or III us of tha authorities forbid- - trance to the Infected parti of the sick onea obliged ister tn tbem. tho pliysli Inn and Mt who givea t'ue sa- laments, ale st.n.siics atv available an tuber Of e,is and nunita.".- of from typhua fever to date. Fhe are retloenl and the nowa oen- -. ionatltutlonallata In charge it tpha and oablea let no is- - i or permit the word "alarm' to app ar anywhere In A Well founded rumor runs i...ve been aie.ut 11,000 oagea : present Mex'oO city epi ' Ii h i been doi 09 the MP es to combat 'he eoourgg and it ii got far beyond their control. uapltnla tr Crowded, ,, ,,: full ll' 4 medicines ! anl arc nearlv exhausted have poated placards on eon ' calling upon the peo- - Inaai to "id them in fight 'I Sell P' at 'file placard! state that of the world the ooopera ..pi. Is Indl'PI t sable to the i order to combat roti- - ,, . ittloni and thai Deration all measures ofllclail are Useless The Mdvls! the public to lake pre-a- n . Ii an mentioned and which purely hygienic nature, such I wholeaome food, ventilation, ftl houses grid the like. s.ii i or guarding ggataal which advanced medical sol iaa. as the real Irammllt r nd good physicians In i loss to un let stand the rea- - - omktalon, The markol plaoeg i iwded tr im- - I cm with lice, c the striata are full of them, omouril iif personal nleanllnoeg t of toe will guarantee h'm Ion go I" 'g 'i' lie Is obllg d I f door ui. br lacse-i- tondl- - o a'.s have been spending so niuo an many men i tor flen. Carrangi not c'eanl g ut mean- - of saint tor Hit purpose ,i.i III n v. rely rtlti- - money and th Ir pr. p. s t rlum h il the nfl led ry corps or olna overs thing pi ssl at the epidemic, they would . vi handicapped b) the Ig i..i fanat i. is.,i of many famlllee e tn t their sujf ring relg. o the hospital grder ""y son I remain boused with then r. itinued og POUi Popg, GREAT HEARST RANCH CONFISCATED BY VILLA Thousands Cattle Stolen at Babieora Five Ameri- can a nil One English Employee Held Prisoners bv the Mexicans. I'aoo, Ten.. le. 21. Oen, villa a declared confiscated nil the Mexloo propertlee of Wiliinm Randolph Kearat I and hiN mother, Inoludlni lbs fnmnm I BnblOOm rur.rh J p. li.rker, an em- - I ploj ee on ih ranch, arrived bare to- -' nlghl bringing tiie newa to .lohn Hays, Mi Meamt'a Mexloo metigger. na aahi uon, Villa han killed or idrlrn a Way a (MM many of the OBt tie. Tne Mnoh M Icate.l !n the t!tur- - j lien district, arm of Cmliualiua rlty. Hvon were of T 11 Clarke, general manager of the Hearet aetatea, wiiri iai night that ha had received a iexpat,-- mntarda i morning from Mr. May detailing in brief tin aeixuro of fie nabloora nmrh. With all the foremen and employeeti Who wi r- - not Mexlonna, ihat i, nv Ameri cana aiwi ore Bngttahman, Villa seined tho place about ten daya ago and looted it Tv-- o of the em- ployees oftcaped, one Amerean. J p. Barker, and a Mi. xl, an They reached ENO MILLIONS FOR COLUMBIA GROWING Appraisal Estate . T" l t'i. Is likely to nn eatlmated bv hi if Stocks hows Maj Exceed 815, MIIU. HUM. AID s i Mno Rnn to 1 one. nfui. as heira-nt-la- Inatend of less than 110.000 000, as computed by Mr Rno hlmaelf when he made his win. leaving the bulk of hi property to t'n. liimb'a fnlvilsltj . was disclosed In the Burrogatea' Court yeelerday when a Hat of hla aecurltlea was by the tem- porary admtnlatratora, Luclua H. Been William P. Bno and William Mitchell. Provided tbe will tiled for probate October 21 atanda, In But face of the? contest being mane by Mr. Kno's next of kin, Columbia (Tnlvernlty'a share of the estate win be about f.00,000. to y 'steei:-- cum putatloita Tn,- - will provldea that Columbia is to recelvi reelduar) estate, which the baafar of n total eartate of about ii o.i wna eettmtted at fl 00. Should the unlverairy authorltlee df-el- d to s.i ,!i,,ir.y n the would go a long way townrd fulfilling Colum-bln'- a pan "f the medical centre project Announce ntenl was mnde btal Juna of plans for eueh a 'entic. t mprlae tiu- Preabyterlan Hospital and the College ot end Burgeona to he built On the alta of Ihe old Amerloan l ague park at Broadway and 166th street. According to tio- - eetlmnte then made th.. total cost of the project graa - be ,Ta0, th- Ho tiltal'a hnre being g,t00t000 and CotumbbVn portion of th expenditure The piatis call a Ol MM learning oomparnble with Parle. Vienna and Berlin. The par vntui of the t... k terdnj It II.IH.75J, but tne actum the atocka and bonds at present is about 000,( .Mr. Eno left nl h as: S,000,g00 In renlty, and hla ef- fects and the of h'.s Plfth al-- o laiuable. The list dlanlnaad thai aecurlt) owned by Mr. Bno wa- - vniunbh holding of sf.i k In a concern. Ha had a ci nosti in tne NOW and Trust Compel New Votk city lie also laid Railroad la. principal to Arbor The foil. Idlnga ligckawanna Ballroad ('lib ago a nl SorthWi llion i 'iiiaiis Inauranca i 'ami for l 'hsaapi 'k.. tlirl l 'bin i. nm w. Coal Company. Port tHMlfa sad Del ruail Pro- - oramea Erl let pfd. ... Laekae inna Bal road "l.i, a t. lee Mr. tic II, nr.. Ralll Drl Iga a 7.500.000, of medical thos. lls'ed ye"- - vaiue personal contents ave- nue home are every York xci small eetnlchai liable rtlflcata ol de. Life and bonds alued r,000 1230,000 of Ann pig were rn'U- - M.iiin-- .lie aao i.ooo I.IOfl Id pfd Baera made affidavit the Itereal and tnvinenai pnm mo ties lasi year wiu between lltt.OOO and i"T.-- , 000. Through ihe notion of the delimiting the securities the United Btntea Trual Company ihe admlnlatratoni are give for onlv M0 with 000. Bell .III CLEAR. MILD CTRISTMAS. gNOWfall IndlenteM cel Po-I- liver l.nk, Region, Wash sot. m. Dee, IS. going to be iui i""v Christmas with mibi tem- perature. There's Kitting the sleigh ells down from Hie bun loft aid Will.e'x sled will rrobably Ite Unused for rome days. There will not be any snowfall any Where the Fast avoiding to tho Weather Bureau annoui tnenl tgoepl poaalbl) light rail over the Great Uakee region. The snow and rain nnrrles Penniylvar.lu, New York and Sew Bngland la) will he over the Ml mtla tcean by 'hrlatmna auu slight rainfall Indicated fin the Northern PaclflO States lor the holl diya. No norms unusually OOld atmosphere areas are evident A WHITMAN-GAR- DINNER. Ooveraoo w ut Trust Mead Ii ins v. Ie- - Whitman win MaW uV evi W unt fol Innufanca M4f,Ot7, at 4.- k hi Ii i C required .'3. . 1 of of pt a .w th a ui W Jer- - Shu res is, t Vdl, nn on ".-- ! In to N I i. It h a no uae I new In a in i i Is a or I Vi ". r. o rn. in- - Knlrrtnlii "lleel ,v Y ear's ti. ,'. GOO. and Hrg entertain at dinner on before ihe charily ball m i Will llicllde .mime nut a.... tl i larv. Mr. M PI Btuuri Duncan, Mr and Adoiph ', j,,, ind ''ah' and Mis .,, ill.nd una, ... Mr. and Mm. I'arkei ('ornlng, Mr- Hum W. Saw. Ml. and 5 dVorga D. l''i."' Mrs. Many Whit, nay McVU'hsr of New Vork, Mr- -. Will on uayard Von R!nsselaer, Pol Hay aard and Mr, and Mrs, Pranklln n ,rd. I BBHItl tii.. Ill I I ' tilt. rAMPA, kVhT A WK1 FlalRlpt ltt.iHTH. ;..,,, vi, Ulai'i Mtsi Tralna v short! ' rout ofiei Seal lervlog, lag. lilt g ay - tide. Kl I'neo icaterda'. oi. borxeba.k. :.av.ng been on the road for nine da I, The Bufcnuom proper ty, abnwt one million acrea .f land and fii.oon attic, helong. lo William Randolph and Mr Phonbi Hearnt, mother of William itan- - doipn Haamt, Aiut f,'u Mexlonna are employed on the place. The Mexican WeN not millet.!.-,- by Villa aa far an In Ir.nvwn hern, whether the Americana I.JOO nil tit- - ,r. I,.. l fnr ranaom nlno tx noi Nnonm, bill Mr Hnnrnta Wanhington oori iMtandetrl na poll fled the Btnta bepnrtmenl of the w,x-ur- nnd appealed fur action looking toward ..tie KN.totj of the Ajnerlcnna The daapntah Whloh Mr. Clarke alauatated that fifteen Americana employed i,y the Madero Oaiupany lie Babieora ranchi had alan been aelxed by Villa, hut tha they were ex- - to ' erne out of Mexloo In a day or two All the Madero Company m- - pbiyeee who were i.ike-- i by the MasWinn bandit were aanerlcnnn, Mr. Clarke mid Ine night that Inna-mi- n h an Villa if outlawed it anpeoted thai the property will be renlorad in a Hhort while. The aafoty of the Amer- icana and the Rnaliahmen if the chief corwern ef the llearal rapreaantatlvai BLISS ARMS PLANT BLAST KILLS MAN Mysterious Explosion in Brook' lyn Factory Laid Eoc .f lllei. WOi LD MEDICAL PLAN WORKERS IN PANIC Bled Pbyalctana Preabjnerlan that bond Mrs. a myetertoua exploalnn of gas In ote Of the big iiroji -- tile m.ikr g plant! of the !: (V BUM C impnny of Brooklyn about s o'clock last nlghl killed mie work-nan- . Injur,. I at leant one other and created a panic among tha 1,000 empktyaea in the buPdlng. The ol ist occurred on the fourth rhxir of th.- plant at Thirty-nint- h and Potty- - (Irs: street and Pirat avenue, Brooklyn. Several theorkaa were advanced lo It, but the sudden appearance of officiant of the Police and Plre depart-men- u ami Aanbitani Dhptrict Attorney Wile in bd to the belief that the ex- - plosion might have is n due to lumper tug by some ttne not In ayrepatby with tin oauaa nf the AUlea Tin- - Bllaa oampany at preeetii opt -- ie tare,- big aim, and ammunition plnntl In Brooklyn wh h turn '.it gc- quni '.ties of war auppllaa for Ihe allied nallone. ntie tdant is at Plymouth and A da ma streets and the two otliers are In t lUth Brooklyn. The bulldlt g In which Hta occurred la one of the Hush Ter- minal gtruciurea, a six itorj modern building of raen forced concreta All ti. plains operate day and night under a rush .ii war contract a. About (,000 men work In the Th!rtynlnth strf-e- t fnctory nnd approximately 1,000 men wen- .,t woik an the fourth floor if the building vt heie Ihe ga exploded. one comer of the fioor, a twenty-fiv- e tool aqua re i m walled ..rr from the real or the mnchlner) filled fioor, i need is an oven room foi tainlahlng projec- tile enells. Two men, Alfred Pcrd, :m yuan old, ol IU Sixty-nint- h atreet, ac nniing to the police record, ami John Rdlholm, -- 1 y ars old. of :l! Twelfth I it reel, both of Brooklyn, were in iha room a ut v o'clock laat night. One (theory of the egploalon is thai tne gaa J tire In 11"' oven nt out ihhI that Pord lopenlni the oven door stuck in a lighted piece "f pa)-- which canted the gne, probably leaking from the feeder plot . to cvpi. de. The other theory on which th poll." H'd the tMatrlet Attorney are worsgng Is that soma out- - tamper, d wit the feeder pipes to leakage so that When the lire went out and 1'ie door 01 the oven was opened an explosion would f.ii'ow. Pord waa killed Inatantly Thi separating n waa blown oul and Bdt-- I holm waa hurled through the opening I Into the main room 11 was cut and lu uis. d about the hands, hut w as no; aerloualy hart. Tin firemen found him sitting on tite wreckage calmly nmoklng a i Igarette. It was said th it tin re was not tell pound! of axploetve In tha entire build- ing, Inaamuch a.s thi ahelli arc sent to Scranton, Pa., I be loaded. The dam 10 the building was etstimat. d at 15, BIG CHRISTMAS GIFTS MAKE WORKERS HAPPY Harvester Co. Ailmiix 85,000 in Partnership, Du Ponts (Irani I. .u:.' iti'iiii.. put!) their ii o'.vi.o, 1 led Mi of the ltd mat are to paco smployers, a nounoemetil made employee win he profit haling cm pauy. payment ii. small month alio Is made fi Inn rbe 8b,000 einiooy-i- l Harvester Cop - oopartnetg arBh il.nng to an i,n- - public Rach allowed to purchase rtlflcateg of tin- - con.-fo- r which may p.' made i Instalments, Provision converting I Ilea,- cet til - cl. at a r il- - below mark- - value. In addition 10 the regular Stimuli B 1st cent, dividend declared on oommotl stock, nn- omployeeg win participate in any extra earninse. Figures for mil show that bad th. plan been In effect for thai year eirtfuoyeea would have i,i tiled to the extent of over 10 Jicr icjit CALVMgr, Midi . Oac. II. With the gnnountamSn to-- , lay of a I per cent. in- - un on tin basis ot their November pay the Mohawk mid Wolv tine Mining Companies made l.loo vinployeea happy. This Is the Hit a bonus paid by Ihe com pualea Has year, Two of tin gifts wen for lit per cent. Wii.mis.it..'.. D i. Deo, II,- - The Du Ponl Powder i.ompniiy mads a suhgtnii tiai gin today to all ..f its lalirled am ployses throughout the oouiitry, n nuunuliig llnuatios of a u,, per eii". ciii-- ii t.onus tor in.- oomiug A- - orlalnulli planned, th Imitus , is to c.c iinua 111 ly until January i. In a notice sent from llM pr lid! tne signed by nsrre ix. du I rout, I Die older holds good (or neat y u. j DANIELS ANGRY , FORD SO ILL HE TO SHOW NAVY QUITS PILGRIMS BOARDREPORT! TO START HOME JSun Debt Billions Bankruptcy Near, Warns German Expert Criticised for Report Says the Entire MVorwartt" Prints Attack on Imperial Treasurer, Show- - ; Figures. He Will 8nb mil 'I ii' in to House. W0(U SENDS SHARP NOTE OF RESIGNATION WaeHINOtoN, Dec. 21. Chafing under the crltlrlem of ills aetlor In guppiex.inc the teal report of the Gem-ru- l Board Ol the Nav and publishing Instead a report which the Iward at Ida raqUMt drafted within tiie llmltatloni he ImpOMdt 8 - tan- of the Navy Danlela de Ida i to be Abandoned. nibmtt the original document to the alatamenl thai Mr. Pord ia on hi Houae Committee on Naval ASnlra. lis wnj home i contained In a Chrlatlanln ! eotimderme alxo t'.e a Ivlxab I' v of lt spat, h t.. fie Copenhagen VnflOnOl giving It out to the public before that time, but on thl.x piln' lie bat not RW ' ur hlx min i. Meantime tha Secretary ana written to the American Aeronautical Society ask- ing It to name a i epreat ntatlve on the Naval Advisory Hoard In place of Henry A Wlae Wood, Who reslgred partly be- cause of the Secrentry'a action In sup- pressing the report and partly because of his lielirf that the naval building pro- - gramma proposed t Mr. Danlela and in- - dorseil by the Ti"i lent la ' d ingetou-i- y weak." 'ine Secretary received from Mr. Wood tOdn) a letter stitit g he h.ib pre-aeiit- hie teabJIMtlun 10 Thon.as A ISdl son. chairman ol Ihe advisory hoard, and ' giv ing i. ia reneona for doing to. The reaaona were couched in language "harp ' and to the point. llenl on Wood's Ai.ent the comment! of Mr Wood the Sevrrtarj y .vul-- l sa iiotaitig, r.or would he reply to tenurks of Congreai member! who have announced their m- - ten Hon of Introducing reeoluUoni t" fore,, the Secretary to aubrnlt to Con gre.xs all reports received by him from tiie daneral Hoard That theae resolutlona will be pvesseti deaplte Ihe Becretary'a announcement lo da) that he would submit the suppwaaed report of J.ii Congreae Is more that. likely In view o the fact developed to- day that Hare are other report! from the General Board on naval building policy who ii th. ha.: pigeon-i- n ed The .hr.y report, hofrevar, la of partlo ular Inter- - ii because, aa Wa. brought out tV.- .- vva lb. d orient whi. n the General h- an ubmltted in reeponae to en outer from Preelfient Wlbsun ed '' both Secretary Danleht un,i Se.ntary of Wat Oarrlaoti 't the time when the Luattunla ontrovetwy with tlermany had reached a critical stan". calling en them to obtain Horn then" navy anil army experts respectively fun Information as t., what had to be doni to put the two branches of the service on a footing to meet any emergency Which might ails,. Like war i oil. ne Report, f- - The repl) ot that time coir, War College'a p ii. " which S, son made i it. in the pul l. cation tsirt, leu wa aponda the Army of ml itnry ec ret eri Df War Gnrri hla wn nnnual re nlgeonholed b) rotary Danlela Although tii" publlahed report of the General Board of November I refer! to the Jul' report aa having ei forth of th. board that the n.iw b) 1010 ehould equal thai of at v other not excepting Ureal Brit- ain, nnd as having lint down a pro gramnn f"i 101T, l"- - ditalli "f thla report have never I t made kicw-- i . outetde 'f th- General Board nol an official of the Department beatdea Ihe Secretary waa allowwJ to see it Sev- eral dnya ago It waa stated that the hoard In thla upon recommended an expenditure in i t alone "f tiou.0ou.oon Further InVeetlgatloll to-d- a) developed tne tact that sunta officer! pellevo that Ine all n urged Was 1600,000,000 for 1'mt or us mtssh as Se rotary Danlela recommi n y.v.r In tins rhal tl with Sao Is shall be in jve Noi r.noiiult. response to put blm Secretary Daniels said While had taken ilt. sideia tn diiwiim his programme the amount of money likely to be bis plan for a two draadtKHsghts a year chedule win baaed on tne number of capital Ships Whloh ha believed it pes sdble to ItttVI under const ruction ut any one As it requires tivee years to .. dreadnought hi plan would make sir in,, number building at an) ".ne time The General Board in Its published re- port ailed for the authorisation of four battleshkpi in 10IT, two In mi and tw in loio, thus providing thai in ISlI eight dreadnought! WOUld un.le,r con- struction, with the llrst four out of the dry des ks and bemg iui . she.) arlth ar- mament. At the preset, t time there are alg var.is, private mil Governmeni ownedt able t" build droadnoughte, tha New York Navy Tardi Mare Islam) N.ivy Yard, Newi L'ompany, Pore River Bhlpbulldltig t'omioniy and the New Y"tk Shipbuilding Company, The General Hoard, txa the tin" If thi United Slates ad, .pled a flged policy of naval expan- sion the fact w.uild encourage the i'X- - panslon gtructlun i ll lit lo the plan "atatement ' of t.n sen yards iiii.i ti" con Of new unable the bo Hies I. ihe carrying proposted. WOOD'S ACT PRAISED. Prelioreilneas ('OBSUltttee tit, II la llllll. The Confaranoe Commiti Honal Prapnrednesa gave u followlna American country, expended Milptttrd inqulrlss Afternoon uvallaMa coinpi.de maximum Cramps, Newpon position degri OgpS on the lUflt- - low Inn "Thai tn- - del I' il.oi, of Henry A. wise Win.i. chairman of tin. Conference Committee on National Props redneos, to attack w hai he i ails the thoroughly and therefore dangerously weak naval and loilltarv policy of the trim'nlatratlon reflects the sentimenl of the nation IS indicated hy Ihe InfiUX of tnessnges to him y from all purla of tii- - coanii" uongratulatlng him on the aiand he ima taken resigning from the Naval Consulting Hoard in order that be may be free to uonttliug his aiiii.algii lor KileiiU ie piep iretiiieNa. "Til! act of tile A. ill. ll tuition 0gN4stisd "a ''"'(;e of Pence Mission Is Miantlonetl. He LEADER H AS DOCTOR FIRST TIME IX FIFE W Caofi Oupatrh to Tar Sck. Uo.npom, Hoc 'H ( Friday ) .Henry (Wd hat ieft his party and has started for home, according tn Copenhagen iiw- - ;,at' hex received here thl morning. rewrt saya V.:w' the peace mission la 10 has The that Ti he le ! nih , whii h says i to One "Henry Pord cor." secretly to Bergen lo embark on the iteamettlp Her- - gen mis for hon e. Ills tloctora have Ofdl red i. for Ms nerv-e.- The s teams Bergenatjord of ihe Norweglai.-Ainerl'a- i. l.lne la oliedUted to s vii from Bergen about December II, and It Is considered poealble thai thla Is the vessel to which the correspondent roler. A news agency despatch from Copen- hagen received early tins morning adda thai the ret ort Is cm rent In the Danish capital thai Ihe whole trip la to be abnndoned. According to these the ist of the party, excepting dot itact.a of North l (akotn, who hna lell for Copenhagen, Inft Chrlatlanla for Stockholm without knowing that th ic, d. r ind financial backer of the ,xpe- - dltlot Waa starting back for America. Mi earlier d.spatch from Chrlatlanla ,.. thin Mr. Pord went i m lo Block h il n ahead of the rest nf tia- - party, travelling on a regular train Inetead of rn, ihe special train he had provided for ihe dhei--- . it was auggeatad In Ihe dee patch that Mr, Pord waa advlied b) Ids '.physicians lo travel atone In order teat he might get more rest. .Ut ll- - fob iii sup- - has rest ilp FORD LEAVES PILGRIMS. win. Dean Marqnle He ttoiis Igor-eregrl-aa ' n trshi. fraai te t ler.sjssadrsf o Tea s laecfel feMa fsripalcJI Tint St . I 'HKISTt.VN. V. Via lell. doll, DOC. lie. Henry Pord, Dean rt. s Maruuht of sr. Paul'a Cathedra1 Detroit, and Mr. Porda chauffeur dbtappeared early this mom-Bs- They tts.k a trs.u out ot t'nris- - tlania and have goni l a deat I nation which has t.oi tean announced Tic trip lelleved to be due to Mr. Ford'! de- - re :.. es. ..p tbe delegates, Who were bothi ::ik nun day a Mr. s fai ir likely . rejoin th i usAchce i 'openhagen. ess he W lil Spi tat elusion. nignt. Ill a before ,t Becauee f Chrlatmng The Intana, oi l of paat fortnight In tli, a h de of .Scandinavia culmlnai d n December 31 in lowest tempera tut- - recorded In Dee mlier. Th! temperature in Stockholm reached be io aero; .,; ChMstlania, ii below; at v., d,.t, - Uegr s, : nd In Jeratland, ',; bektw. The laal - lowest tempera i aver recorded in Scandinavia, rlk-f-l .1 rp.cr however, I m Ig in He aerei: i 'inn st! lai.de '11 Christ lants (... r.. p,,ril It ills Itlmeal til Iron, rirl i td it- parte hla Bl n. se lls not the ewr tha tiro DOCTOR. Ilauur M it , S lloiMe. it.v flaaptftcA re Tun S' ia. London, Dec tde. Fold isa e part) will leave for S'.oi kholm h id i. dot '.or v for the "Ir- -t Un e In his Iif" The phys clan. u Prlmai n Koren, head of the Kei ,'imss hospital, pronounced him organ! f illy aound, but greatly fatigued ami expressed teats ot the effects of the fourteel hour journey to Stockholm .lust now. Mr Pord, win, I.-- nun oonflned to his bed. udd lose friends tontght that ha was pleased it the recaption given to the mi--o- n ,, Chrls'.Utnla. The railur- - of Mr. Fold to appear and 'the leclueion ol Mme, Roaglka Behwlni mii, ti..- Hungarian iHacittst, undoubt edl) hurl tne cauea of tne mission lute. Tne Norwegians were most anxious to ice Mr. Pord and were disappointed .vhen he did not appear Ail the NorwegtutlS I have talked With fell that Mr. Fort ..- - an a wild go.se chase under poo i rut tingeme nt. Clergymen and others called y at Hi. ho',1 to pay their respects to Mr. Foi.. Son ' th legates were tn- - ert.tiieu M igi.us A a'crson. who took the Vikmg ship to the W..i i, ..i un- - Man Bxpoaltlon at Chicago. Ther. is irr.a' aecrnci oonoernlng the identitv of 'i." Norwegian delegate! who w 1: accompany the par'.y on Its further travels, The Indications are that no one ... i vet accepted IhS Invitation There was a n.ass meeting (o nlghl attt .,ded by ifio Boclallsts who heard and approved of tbe peace plan. It will be recalled that the Socialists were de. tented at the last elections when they b.is. ii their campaign on antlmllllarlam. A '.Ig i 'oris' in. is celebration and mass meeting to be held by the Peace nnd Ar- bitration league of BtOOkhoBn already has b, en announced. It Is likely that the party will not go to The Hague. BS It has bet n forbid' den to cross Gorman) it is probahls Unit a conference win be held at Copen- hagen, but 11 N very doubtful If the delsgales tie allowed to speak thera bucause or the pauisn taw pronioittng lot I ners from discussing the war MISS ADDAMS WON'T GO. I ion i l. inu i lino! daioH the . which x v'it tisanue, I'btMiah Hi Ugllailatlii He. Message can died llulid-Amerl- OUld have In inn" to Join th. Well very I rolll I or, I. II, is lit Ink' Miaa Jane Ad r reservation on line stsamship n iter to Europe peace exne, Ii. ion at The Hague, diss .villains received lo. Christ luiila the following day fn cnblegri tdgued b Henry Kurd ",ii preas rumors uioiit diisenslun un hoard unfounded only a few Journalist' try to make stories foe (heir papers by Investing everything with rich Imagina- tion. Hope your fnlth In our mission is as unshaken aa ours. Norwi iiin t. - pic are iplendld, Hast wishes, and hopo tn ne you Join our puny.'' a maattug of the intanigtlqial oin- - ii itic on pt i iiiant ut peace, si,', fur JailU my li at Tut- Hague, lias been post ooiicl until ll call no uuriiiu wuag al i Addi mi will b. .1 xto attend. War Ten and Suppressing Ing That $o00,000,000 More Every Month Will Be Needed After Next March. AFTER WAR DEBT , DECLARES . iggcigl pggii Deaaaics r.i Taa lr Hkki.in. via Iondon. Dec St. A flnan-ct- expert contribute! to Portngertai the ooJatgyi orKim. an article reapectlni Oartnany'o finan dal condition in which ihe denounces "lie Imperial Treasurer. who p.ilni toe situation In optimistic Icolotj, .mrt asserts that IIM nation ! on the verge .f financial bankruptcy. "With the latest credits demanded,'1 ihe ra.. "th! Herman arai deb) amounts 'to 10,000,000,000 niarkx (110,000,000, iMioi. According lo Or. HeHferlch, t'- - Treagurar, this sum ill carry the war ion until March, ISIS, Every additional month the war will cost at least '.'.(iOO,-- I (inn, poo marks $ 500.ni.i0.nfm . "Ore may he certain that ninney will I t found as In 'he past by lool bUI it is aojually oattaln that a loan win liir S (mt cent. Interest ami some day will have to Ite redeemed "We are already assured of an In- terest obligation of 1,000.000.000 tn.rke ($500,000000) a year. Redemption will be Inevitable, an the credit if the empire can be maintained ape,- - the war in no other way. With Mteroet chalet and the colossal aufflg which win tie required for penalona to war survivors at"! their dependenta the empire will rs- - face to face with an expenditure of :.t least el- - L'.SOO.iiao.QOO mark- - 11 t.0n0,00n I a ,r moif ttl.iti iietol e .11" lie bl "Apart win ti budget, which remain mi stationary, aa poatal net Imperial Income Iaa I the v ,, 000 lid nol 1,000.000,-- mark! (ISOO.OOO.OOO). war debt, therefi t more, than h Items such ihe nl'r win the in- - "Bui '.t .s war our imoerlal tina caused grave dlfilctllles finance reform has folio 'be 'Preueuiy has been i look 'ii tor tew sou come. leas even "ur reel ncial llllof Blnce was one swoop by 6ii 000 000 marks 1100,000,000). then 'lie Ludget did halatne In the Govern mottl resorted the extraordinary maaaun fortunes raiae iiie'.t""' tnarks il- - or a. to on to i"-- f,,r an army Vet even that then' had to If 'a' to , !. lielolt. "The - mite enough to enaldi to cs'li.'t.'e wha' Is lllietti go'iig to provide for befc .III "Bealdea the empire Among tin r vco the most :m amount ,!: 7 Mitt fl 'tl lUI.e "But irlot e "! mend. victory." officially "Rami mlnuien Christ a' "1 n Doable , i.t t e more f venue, year ittaln alone amount Ublo Imperial come notorious Pasm, that c a another the "The I00t Kven it 1011 a tbrert Incrense, a 1 from S .1 u a0) marks 11 this, the al B) -- '.em aiii hardly item! revenue hi t ilues importi la ,: th in on Ql fl it' :.. ur ivis- - to 77 S.OOO.OOO i. lark 0(100), Th'- - i an ii P 'h- - .oi taxes Imposed m raw bl the t.n mdu world after the war. which w;'i 2,000.000 GIVE FRANCE $2.tt00.000.000 AS LOAN i His as U! re, .r It of til ty Bsepsfct li Thi lit "f - of Fiat., th- - t'"w wai called, f.i nlr thai ml) have olapseu Thus on" (ran .ugh eight iieparimeni anuiiisi the Icl.c.d tie thi ti,. iHur, ,.t.. ved onstnntly of revenue. tax Increased, tax Imported Bpeakltg Which lOStlfiel Rio pur 'WOOilSll eio.k.tig- - ifter ........ that, eye of be of de rtant tne iii"-.- t Hi. e's .mii ."i at! tin of product! In the ibtedly thnt Ihe tre Mill i'l loan is siiv L007.lt 8,000 Id '.he dial!, of itnln an id tUu.' exoceill! .i,.. o, ,.t to. 1 1 i 's ii. t' Of tl I i d I I, il an . ( s. i; ic. .I.- - :v gel e. t it ) Prance, a.-- , and th. Pran have lo com rlbttte." rcu.ua says tlutl Hi Bank th, Frit. and Its branches have received J v6Q.000.00U fruias ,000) tn.- - l ew loan an t thai the of payments in oaih and In short term treasury 0 per cent, of Ihe t Itttl. Alexandre Minister of Finance I told in- - Plnance Committee the prench that tin- - total on Decern iber lis I reached 14,11 1.000, inn .'' 119 H64.S00.00O), .oh ling tn.it "Wldel) surpassed lions." maintained ustome Mbrrt the iirns Take annum before burden - to-d- ceased Ii00,l lowaro bolida oceedi Rlbot, Senate nntlclpa ll I loan eatlmated OOO.OOO), cash 14.000.000 that ,600,ouu,000 of loan, 'on small capitalists ami parsons with The nun per of those subscribing to the loan at in." post office, is estimated Una .HO", number sub- scribing at Bank of Fiat .m i III branches exceeded 100,000, With those figures as basis t.r computation It is estimated ihat Iho number of rs will l.ooo.ooo. The financial editor ot tin- itea Dssotii who is regarded as one ,,,' ihu aouixleat and musi conservative finan cial I ne- - o. , ...... , . .. , lnli.it the lo.n li... Ke with aiuounl ol un. a. mi.-s- if the wa- favorable anil li event! in Balkans would not havi hud Influsnos on peruilon. "It is evident now 'hilt fi.l were Iti vain." writer i tys, that Hie of old il per cents, of- - fared aa suhscrlpllona is iHnnparatlvi ly small, probably nol a milliard uf (rants l.oiiiel: to- - fidencc In the credit uf Prunes and hi ihe future ol Ilia old renins "lierinniiv'a lldu. larv t'v ejrttor continues, "deaplts an her operationo, has hsr Increase) Hi. war bv Il,o00,000,000 'runes (11,100,000,000) ; that Is. Lis beet' quadr'H'ied, a considerable ijuan of Treasur! nil's are In clruulathip. The oaaled. tin oinl ha 1", ioo,ooo,u nolua. hal' ti- lo.ooo.ooo. Iiaas is niiy .nd. sow K se e, "i --'" nl them, if th Oarman imrort i.nift remalna tne tame, trill be artm-- , all, raised to a point considerably higher than dttrilUJ thO war. "such a burdening 'if Herman Indua- - tr- will undermine our competitive The Internet! ( eonnumori de- mand, therefore, th" complete abolition of import tariffs after the the conagquen v of such an aboli- tion will be an ctintinous hole In 0UI Imperial income. How, then, d tin Government Ihlnk it M nalng t' n.iru-lat- e tne Imperial finaita i ' "Or. HelfferlCh admit! ti.- - iusstion Cauaes turn anxiety. Hut until now he has failed to give any Indication of how he expect! t i lurmouni th dlffleultloo. Ti e tnemben of the Relchatag who vote for th" new will bear bofofi same responalbl. ,t v to Ua taxpayei.- - iha nnanos mlnlati r. It Is na'.urj hose who make the In the name of tiie nation should also bear respon!-biltt- v th" manner In which the people are to ne bjnb-.ts- tot tbe Heroet and redemption of theae debta. "Tae till.e see'n.x to have come fx Ooveriiment and tne Kelchatag war uueatlon, 'Whal are the leaning to"' " LOSS ONLY lr I i as to an- - Pnleh sure kecamalated W all Ii Is I n in pa I red. loo!. Dec, Mr palsh, he ttnai dal expert, said mm im war has Involved practli ally no destruc- tion of accumulated wealth, in..- lis. Ii in the wealth we fall t.. ornate." he sal "That is to r.i. broadly, we me making shells, not houses ; build. ng Warships, not making railways Our main loss irises 'ion the t.. mpk repro- ductive expenditure, and this lois is aboul MOO.OOO.OOO H.oOO.000,000) a vear. "I. s true t'lat we are e'.llr.g Ameri-,- i SO unlit', tut we are buying Hu- - alai Preneh ..no II illan bonds, and on t!..- - balance there ha been ntt reduc linn iii our Investment slice toe begln-n- li g of ihe If one fu Will Uve -m-leallj during the wa may not need to meel out great war expenses by real Islng un our capital. BjtbOUgtl Of course we ..ii f :i to save tin.- - the usual ItOO.OuO.OOO l0l.0O0,000,000) yarl) il our t t i.it we use for re producttvi purposes building house., rail w a) . ships, factories, "As .t whole tbe world will tot Ir. the p.. ,n ..' tie war save .'nuch. and oonee-quentl- y there will be very little xpaii alon ti prvaluctl in. th- - other hand, the xpannlon In population will ! entailer than uaual, ami the economic pressure that would otherwlae come from the dic of production will thus be min- imis. .1. "Temporarily iher win be economic pressure of considerable leverit) at li e f b k iui ,. war ttii preasurs win ac aueed mainly Us the reailjuattnent of ndltlons from ear to ra ace. No doubt t v.. nil .,f : ie country will grow as ia, .inly afte the War It 'I'd Wore, the wn' trnn a izoo.oou.nott i reri ." if n per cent. t1..- - amount of th. loan frate x i 2 000,000,000), loan i n. reduce Frai dated f. SUCH franca Is tilt Moating loan fro 1 S,a0o,oou,00u i 1)1.- - 10,000,000 1 raaull that more 'i ipetl for." promtnei t tervli v.. l b tl.'ngt losoay much auc t" the a' 11,000.000, the of uuncon!ull-- Iv.OuO.uOO.OOO to 6,0o0,b0o,000 So .tt isfa"tirv no not Pratioo-Aniertc- b i i.i.er correspon "i Tmh a' on e . d nt he did not consider an extraordinary success. Hi pointed .nn that me of 1 4,1011.000,000 francs I $1,140,000,000) exprvseed p..- - value, the actual value being 15,100,000,000 (S,-40- 0 "'in. i The tvnaetian.' is that the Krer.c'. 'i .v- - ,1 client must emplo) an loptatlon of German or liatn mortgaging institution,"' o a. I., furtlier important advances from the public, probab y ueglnn rig In to six nj intba I tic l.onil llllle,l. The Uanken Interviewed agreed .v. f.. following eatlmates iti gitniysli ut t e loati The ton, i of sinea Treasur converted amounts 10 ,ooo, foreign Bubicrlptlotta i. ihe iiewlfranca (l,ooo,otio,ooot longer aie at 100, ,o0o francs! term notsg yielded 1,000.000 1 10,000,000), ..f which Spain contrlb I The subscribed amount uted Iranos (I'J.OOO.ooO), The led to hot wean 3. no I.OOO 11400, great number of subscribers shows j ouo,oon i and (ttou, it pot the large impnnlss I OUO.000), and the converted rentes to ubi. 'i aunolled ihe chief sunnurt ! I. 0O.OU0 (400,0iiii.nin), I' x the moies' .avintis, at while the the ii total egceed sfouraol a oerlaln momeni ihu a ti SUi'll th" adding amount (11,00(1,000), showing IhO recovery circulation," since ,i while tit;.- lo.l 1 ury .ne. 11,01 those war. Yet credit the debts for the IS mainlv bu'.ltlr-- (allure wir onch during wa ..- - ie ti the official figures term notes ($40v,- - houghl that Holes SJti'llillt half I will sa in. uvest ors M I he reall) j 1011, The foreign subscriptions, UligUnd . X, luilnd, totalli d fratu'M (Ii7,ooo,ou0), made Iran t lio.ouo, ) a. 50,000, i francs :'r that orge war tome mid lent loan eiio war T.." The wis nnd I.,...!.., con. tl" of teini monthi - a!., from 16.000,000 up 60, from Swi.-.i- Holl ,il limit i 'ev mlllloii fruiics inch from Spa ,, i n- I i, ii. Stales and Italy. The I swi-- s corrosiaiiidents of Uunkaia j report thai few Dermun and Austrian: i subs. ' itloi n.ic been reo tvadal Swiss UniUilOtOod that Is'lldon's sulistTlp mciuneq in tne otnchii total. I oinptti isoii oi th! atatonwinti the ' of Pmnce u ider the datri ie. I cam Iter h and I ke ember is taken lo indicate Ihu th" cash submitted shown, roughly, a 1,100,000,000 francs 14 411, ." ." 1. WRECK ON THE LACXAWANNA I'vvo gnOllolla of I H.I I rain rat.lt 1 ainiiiies B spurted I Soiunton, Pa., lie. 31. Thi IlllOII ol '.tl ill .10. and 10 'lie S Trail road, dm ond . rol'd, Url Bpactal c seni to Biroudsb ol o, No. I tivoll the 'eil tasing effect the the franc th" three let, til's acrla short UK ll few of Paris ll is of u of gam of hit.l un the Lacku g in thi' e sec- - ni I l) A. M ran on lull, to night i t nd !' the new cut tarrying physlclani em iroin t'lis city ral PeihKtlni 1,000,000,000 i wen ktlust and aomt ..Jui-id. WILL NOT TELL ENGLANDTRUTH I ABOUT BALKANS b) 111" are nit, ral ti." , e.e. Lord Robert Cecil Warns Parliament Secrecy ! Key to Success. DOUBLE IMPERIAL INCOME CRITICS SAVINGS, kriegadarlehuakaaseni CANT STAND STRAIN Asm-H- Hritisli Cabinet United u All Lino of Pollcj XVASIOJi OF GREKCE EXPECTED BY JAN. Commander ut Salonlci sa, Army h Readj in Meet Teutons. i ipCMi itrooM, Ureak Ctlblt Jcvperr Ie gel Deo. i'i The of remit M Skou id Is, yea- - terday Athoni that Oreece was willing and read.' to help the Bntente Power bit had heel. BotttOd and ignored hy t'aem 'o .i point beyohd endurance caused a lively discussion in the Houtx- oi Commoni todsy and more rocrlm-Inutlon- a reepectlng the situation at the Danlanellei t tne entire field of the Near K.ir:. 1:. ri ply to 'he Vnrioug remarks and chargai n de, Lord Robert Cecil, iar-ne- i lary Under Secretary for Uia For- eign iiffice. said that the keynote of the Government's policy in the Balkans bad be n to produce ia these unhappy coun- tries i. spirit of unity Instead of one of discoui. lie aa'.i It was Impoealblg to disc-.is- the diplomatic relations with at tha llulk.ip Statea, because se of their sucoesn. CTOCy was the rssoji Lord Robert said that some of th haaassi being made ngalnat tha Foreign ofiirx- - htdteate tlutl tw roti.s at.- unable to su- "Until ii." realgnntion "f one or mora niemlnTs of tl'." iVibin.o.' H'td Itober' added, oi..- - bound to accept the v'.rw tin. it .: 'I'ltted on tne main lines of it policy, As the unity the Allies, they have carried on the war l.i a manner Which, if one considers his- tory, .i - aii. unexampled performance or unity "Whet, lidoaa aren'l 8. ing right for the moment some people think the pruoer rsmrae - to turn on the men who ur- - ivyiug t. serve then' country and shout 'Traitor, traitor.' Is dlsgl useful unBrltllh stato ..f Milium it I. utterly deetructlve of he i r.. . . - of ihe CI ... . pair , these l "The auggestloi . rejected an intry absolute aautlan f. Ireece .ii f lundallon." .lose-- . I.. K ng, n x mutrsi i. dgcla inn had not tol l all .i ii right to expect Ipl untitle v in the w ell Wit I' ist a.l'.-- s very tic noi of ltobet t f.u Haul a is due plohmcy who was dlplomac patch H htspe lo i I aril IS iKi.- i Tnr statement l e - tab i is. rd '..ilex, plant lonstnntln I.. a . ll an. i ".,ut il th. ri , pus liwaln failure islblo ben xierit t'u' . try i p . that ttlon. l.'e the ' i hat tl.i ode . 01. s it iii.U' .1 .uiHi v hyati thnt ..riuce ;.,rt. poll' had their and member Govern people rdiine'.h AT SALON IC JAS flermnna Promlae rnak Peipe Informed impllehi according resiainrteiit letegraphlng under ocetnher Turk eady Athsi Gcrmguii and Hulgai rstood slnvoff igMshkM blow Therefori within I s 'lint ) gun hav o h.ll ' tl ill Inu i.t to Sl d p I f .." ol ti -- .. 1. al c. man ror. had rrlt sell r..l Is u-- s of m of T pi- m Is the I'- ll' the ah for ed it tne Near li.St gS - ild t.n- circ 'Its Willi ll to d a a irg dl cirse of Quit It. II n . . it .l .i i ry l in. sjpa ja .s4joi. .'S thi uo W th.- ep Th' Sal mien co oi 'he , w. 1,!, Uuto of 'As p. "ll, to SI. luming tw ion ' - nf th.- - half ai an ultgi ,101.1 is iif Bulgs 1.1 ri with. 16 ti, rue. it llllon it. ble Hi it Undo- - recently ninteti tnat be struck iieri-'- oi calm may b. short "ii.n ,ie Caatelnau has an'lvod here unexiwctediy hod long conferences with Burrall and tlen. Mahon on liacember an visited Pi- - French British fronts laxjiulutloit of s.Uo nlca oulot. reassured 10 lieu, Mar rail's stutenteni thai the city danger." The Mlienn correspondeni .' I. tel. gr iphlng lllni nhor -- " . tys "Ih. tllue ago Tiie Allien." corroepii l.or'inv" outlook tii.- mulided Inn No Mis m is imp i a is a " I x .1 .1 a v for 11 ti.e He Th- - 's Do bo. 1 s SHI d tv is o. In the x m.ir sntlsfactor) than the Macedonian cam i;, i,. sin rail said two he g'o! full) salisllod, . and are in lay In ihe eliemv s ads .1 Ih" DOUBT VARNA LANDING. s,,le,l. I loop 0 us, ,! abu Brsgofct a N, l. The ic 'iive.i nothing tht. despatch ft. iiUent, published thai the Russia nnd f. ral the the regarding tigr- - told LRU Viev "iber fall Rntente i informed icrniutiy lermun task thui ,vt ilennuni, Premier ollld here n.'i.. and star: not f arrived now 1'ec. olw on II r ma lo leliore, . Tin " Din'ii Vhren. further in re- al ';, A O' IIS yasterdu,', rg. landed troops at Varna, Bulgaria after a bom Uardmetit, Beyond the f t that 'be oily has been lajmburded Biore Is no con- - llmiallnn from ni, source. Tl... Russian Bntlautsy its last night h.td received no Inforimitlun of .1 land- ing ai Varna or other recent inillta y 01 I. aval inn ctia .In afacha of lh igirlauia) gaiu lUat is nuss oi' .he fifty

tile.loc.gov · r THE WEATHER NATIONAL ACADEMY'S SHOW. Fair to-da-y; lncreas Some of the striking pointing in the innual morrow; probably XhlMtton reproiiuvni in photogravure Highest

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Page 1: tile.loc.gov · r THE WEATHER NATIONAL ACADEMY'S SHOW. Fair to-da-y; lncreas Some of the striking pointing in the innual morrow; probably XhlMtton reproiiuvni in photogravure Highest


Fair to-da- y; lncreasSome of the striking pointing in the innual morrow; probably

XhlMtton reproiiuvni in photogravure Highest temperature yIN THE SUN NKXT SUNDAY. Detailed tveather, masl ond pur! Bp

-VOL. I. XXXIII. NO. 116. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1915. cmri$M,m, v sn priff.ip on noMr Delano. PRICE TWO CENTS.




Hcaltli Service Agent

Guarding Boundary Line

Three Cases Found.


lotoMi Dgo, It. The Mas!IK pt nj hai crogggg the Km

Brandt .nt- Tenia mnnaaina w "

,fNt reached the United State rutlioH.m.iIi Service here Three cansff tV iMktra la-e-n located at

laredo, . abet hundred! of Moll

wn refugee! have gathered.S r. UOUI (Torts "fe bring made to

p., fTi' further spread of the dlaease on

thla r.do of ihv line.

ttn'.x- - hat leaned

special agentstxmlrr and at

Public HealthOrders' detailing

nil alongtacb these placed a

iigid (uaranUns Inspection will beperaona leaving Mexloo

alll be subjected to careful examination

tad respects placed In detention cam paReports reaching the lied CtOM to- -

ttf Mexico elty, where lO.SOO i r- -

Hm are ' . ported down with Hie fever,

naf thai the epidemic ha iproed toforeign quarter Thirteen cases are

eporlM m tiie American and English

ooioni's The Brttiab Ambaaaadoe conf-

erred lo-d-ay Wlttl Secretary Lamingover the situation.

Th Be rntnry Informed him Car-nr- ..'

not yet replied to the tsquselKthh Qovernmeni that he permit agents

( the American lied Croei ofRockaiallar Foundation to take chars-- if

thi cnmpalnu against the fevei inilxi."o iv. Pueblo Pachuca andptrta u' the Bute ..i Oaaa a, where the--alliance ta raging with particular v o




of l:a.tai',.. wiu:o Urn xx th

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towns theof





and the




C. Pltroe or the Publibeen ordered

I.ar.do to charg

HealthFrao- -

ofii there.,rro New Yoru. t.t the home

irl de Forest, the executive com-- .

the Red fioan. of which -- x-

nl Taft is cnatrman, u'- -

xbit to which theunerlean Red Cross extend aidabmld Oarranaa hag

.nj on that ..rtauiaatli.il.Officers of the Public Health hVrvico,

r.. mm to fact tha; typhuadtcr plague which kind thou--



fromtake the

Serbia, explained tnnl h ihonaequence ar nnd famine,

transmitted by body ver- -geMrally appenra nrai arm)it properly guarded with a,

The iie.ua rate fromextremely higa and tn"

j: a virulent type,'eared that with tne Increaalnt

the United itea of theof Villa the plague will

ipldly among the Amerloan bor- -

s unless dra-ti- c eteps are takenn Kor th's reason tne PUb-- s.

lee ngenti and oilier uuar-:-- v

being sent the pordeiinstructed fumigate the per-- i

clothing of nU thoae condns


.t Pltthl nd Tjphos OalnaTearful ReudwaTi

fork hankrr a rereee(f n

frnm i rrvldenf of lflro cilglelli blvldlg of Cm aroar7e of

thi "iiifoi and oaiMtlMcaaIi riue rag Itl'i.r purf

MlXICi ClTT, Dec. 12. ! !' streets areKttiy in l one heara nothing nowOn ii talk, of the epldomlo of typhusfrir that nini been on t'ia Inoraaao form .. Ae, but of late h beet, gain- -Ua fi irful headway On the dooia of

i ond third tenement house in'.' r rju tfr' and even the cen- -

... capital then- - are alnlater large



m t4- -


rif. ii;,-'hit thela

t i




olrm Is


iaa ia

to S:





i. in oi- -



in orIII

us of tha authorities forbid- -

trance to the Infected partiof the sick onea obliged

ister tn tbem. tho pliysli Inn andMt who givea t'ue sa- laments,

ale st.n.siics atv available antuber Of e,is and nunita.".- of

from typhua fever to date. Fheare retloenl and the nowa oen- -.

ionatltutlonallata In chargeit tpha and oablea let no is- -

i or permit the word "alarm'to app ar anywhere In

A Well founded rumor runsi...ve been aie.ut 11,000 oagea

: present Mex'oO city epi' Ii h i been doi 09 the MP

es to combat 'he eoourgg and itii got far beyond their control.

uapltnla tr Crowded,,, ,,: full ll' 4 medicines

! anl arc nearlv exhaustedhave poated placards on

eon ' calling upon the peo- -

Inaai to "id them in fight'I Sell



'file placard! state thatof the world the ooopera..pi. Is Indl'PI t sable to thei order to combat roti- -

,, . ittloni and thaiDeration all measures

ofllclail are Useless TheMdvls! the public to lake pre-a- n

. Ii an mentioned and whichpurely hygienic nature, such

I wholeaome food, ventilation,ftl houses grid the like.

s.ii i or guarding ggataalwhich advanced medical sol

iaa. as the real Irammllt rnd good physicians In

i loss to un let stand the rea- -

- omktalon, The markol plaoegi iwded tr im- - I cm with lice,

c the striata are full of them,omouril iif personal nleanllnoeg

t of toe will guarantee h'mIon go I" 'g 'i' lie Is obllg d

I f door ui. br lacse-i- tondl- -

o a'.s have beenspending so niuo

an many men i

tor flen. Carranginot c'eanl g ut

mean- - of sainttor Hit purpose

,i.i III


v. rely rtlti- -

money andth Ir pr. p.

s t rlum h ilthe nfl ledry corps or

olna overs thing pi sslat the epidemic, they would

. vi handicapped b) the Igi..i fanat i. is.,i of many famllleee tn t their sujf ring relg.

o the hospital grder ""y sonI remain boused with then

r. itinued og POUi Popg,


Thousands Cattle Stolen at Babieora Five Ameri-

can a nil One English Employee HeldPrisoners bv the Mexicans.

I'aoo, Ten.. le. 21. Oen, villaa declared confiscated nil the Mexloo

propertlee of Wiliinm Randolph KearatI and hiN mother, Inoludlni lbs fnmnmI BnblOOm rur.rh J p. li.rker, an em- -

I ploj ee on ih ranch, arrived bare to- -'

nlghl bringing tiie newa to .lohn Hays,Mi Meamt'a Mexloo metigger.

na aahi uon, Villa han killed oridrlrn aWay a (MM many of the OBt

tie. Tne Mnoh M Icate.l !n the t!tur- - j

lien district, arm of Cmliualiua rlty.

Hvon were


T 11 Clarke, general manager ofthe Hearet aetatea, wiiri iai night thatha had received a iexpat,-- mntarda imorning from Mr. May detailing inbrief tin aeixuro of fie nabloora nmrh.With all the foremen and employeeti Whowi r- - not Mexlonna, ihat i, nv Americana aiwi ore Bngttahman,

Villa seined tho place about ten dayaago and looted it Tv-- o of the em-ployees oftcaped, one Amerean. J p.Barker, and a Mi. xl, an They reached





T" l t'i.Is likely to nneatlmated bv hi

if Stocks howsMaj Exceed 815,MIIU. HUM.


s i Mno Rnnto 1 one. nfui. as

heira-nt-la- Inatend ofless than 110.000 000, as computed byMr Rno hlmaelf when he made his win.leaving the bulk of hi property to t'n.liimb'a fnlvilsltj . was disclosed In theBurrogatea' Court yeelerday when a Hatof hla aecurltlea was by the tem-

porary admtnlatratora, Luclua H. BeenWilliam P. Bno and William Mitchell.

Provided tbe will tiled for probateOctober 21 atanda, In But face of the?contest being mane by Mr. Kno's nextof kin, Columbia (Tnlvernlty'a share ofthe estate win be about f.00,000.

to y 'steei:-- cum putatloitaTn,- - will provldea that Columbia is torecelvi reelduar) estate, whichthe baafar of n total eartate of aboutii o.i wna eettmtted at fl 00.

Should the unlverairy authorltlee df-el- d

to s.i ,!i,,ir.y n the wouldgo a long way townrd fulfilling Colum-bln'- a

pan "f the medical centre projectAnnounce ntenl was mnde btal Juna ofplans for eueh a 'entic. t mprlae tiu-Preabyterlan Hospital and the Collegeot end Burgeona to he builtOn the alta of Ihe old Amerloan l aguepark at Broadway and 166th street.

According to tio- - eetlmnte then madeth.. total cost of the project graa - be

,Ta0, th- Ho tiltal'ahnre being g,t00t000 and CotumbbVn

portion of th expenditureThe piatis call a Ol MMlearning oomparnble withParle. Vienna and Berlin.

The par vntui of the t... kterdnj It II.IH.75J, but tne actum

the atocka and bonds at present isabout 000,( .Mr. Eno left nl h as:

S,000,g00 In renlty, and hla ef-

fects and the of h'.s Plfthal-- o laiuable. The list

dlanlnaad thai aecurlt) owned byMr. Bno wa- - vniunbhholding of sf.i k In a

concern. Ha had a cinosti in tne NOW

and Trust CompelNew Votk citylie also laidRailroad la.principal to

ArborThe foil.


ligckawanna Ballroad('lib ago a nl SorthWi

llioni 'iiiaiis Inauranca i 'ami


l 'hsaapi 'k.. tlirl l 'bini. nm w. Coal Company.

Port tHMlfa sad Delruail

Pro- - orameaErl let pfd. ...Laekae inna Bal road

"l.i, at. leeMr.

tic II, nr..Ralll

Drl Iga


7.500.000,of medical


lls'ed ye"- -


personalcontents ave-

nue home areevery


xci smalleetnlchai liablertlflcata ol de.Life

andbonds alued r,0001230,000 of Ann

pig were

rn'U- -






Id pfd

Baera made affidavit theItereal and tnvinenai pnm moties lasi year wiu between lltt.OOO andi"T.--

, 000. Through ihe notion of thedelimiting the securities

the United Btntea Trual Companyihe admlnlatratoni are give

for onlv







gNOWfall IndlenteM cel Po-I-

liver l.nk, Region,Wash sot. m. Dee, IS. going to

be iui i""v Christmas with mibi tem-

perature. There's Kitting thesleigh ells down from Hie bun loftaid Will.e'x sled will rrobably Ite

Unused for rome days.There will not be any snowfall any

Where the Fast avoiding to thoWeather Bureau annoui tnenltgoepl poaalbl) light rail over theGreat Uakee region. The snow and rainnnrrles Penniylvar.lu, New York andSew Bngland la) will he over theMl mtla tcean by 'hrlatmna

auu slight rainfall Indicated fin

the Northern PaclflO States lor the holldiya. No norms unusually OOld

atmosphere areas are evident


Ooveraoo w utTrust Mead

Ii ins v. Ie- -

Whitman winMaW uV evi





at 4.-

k hi










pt a

.w th



W Jer- -

Shu resis,




on ".--!




i. It h

ano uae






i i

Is a

or I






in- -

Knlrrtnlii "lleel,v Y ear's ti. ,'.

GOO. and Hrgentertain at dinner onbefore ihe charily ball

m i Will llicllde .mime nuta.... tl i larv. Mr. M PI

Btuuri Duncan, Mr and Adoiph', j,,, ind ''ah' and Mis .,, ill.nd

una, ... Mr. and Mm. I'arkei ('ornlng,Mr- Hum W. Saw. Ml. and

5 dVorga D. l''i."' Mrs. Many Whit,nay McVU'hsr of New Vork, Mr- -. Will

on uayard Von R!nsselaer, Pol Hayaard and Mr, and Mrs, Pranklln n


I BBHItl tii.. Ill I I ' tilt. rAMPA,kVhT A WK1 FlalRlpt ltt.iHTH.;..,,, vi, Ulai'i Mtsi Tralna v short! '

rout ofiei Seal lervlog, lag. lilt g ay- tide.

Kl I'neo icaterda'. oi. borxeba.k. :.av.ngbeen on the road for nine da I,

The Bufcnuom proper ty, abnwt onemillion acrea .f land and fii.oon attic,helong. lo William Randolph and MrPhonbi Hearnt, mother of William itan- -

doipn Haamt, Aiut f,'u Mexlonna areemployed on the place. The MexicanWeN not millet.!.-,- by Villa aa far an In

Ir.nvwn hern, whether the Americana


nil tit- - ,r. I,.. l fnrranaom nlno tx noi Nnonm, bill MrHnnrnta Wanhington oori iMtandetrl napoll fled the Btnta bepnrtmenl of the w,x-ur-

nnd appealed fur action lookingtoward ..tie KN.totj of the Ajnerlcnna

The daapntah Whloh Mr. Clarkealauatated that fifteen Americana

employed i,y the Madero Oaiupanylie Babieora ranchi had alan been

aelxed by Villa, hut tha they were ex- -

to ' erne out of Mexloo In a day ortwo All the Madero Company m- -

pbiyeee who were i.ike-- i by the MasWinnbandit were aanerlcnnn,

Mr. Clarke mid Ine night that Inna-mi- n

h an Villa if outlawed it anpeotedthai the property will be renlorad in aHhort while. The aafoty of the Amer-icana and the Rnaliahmen if the chiefcorwern ef the llearal rapreaantatlvai



Mysterious Explosion in Brook'

lyn Factory Laid Eoc

.f lllei.








a myetertoua exploalnn of gas In oteOf the big iiroji -- tile m.ikr g plant! of the!: (V BUM C impnny of Brooklyn abouts o'clock last nlghl killed mie work-nan- .

Injur,. I at leant one other and created apanic among tha 1,000 empktyaea in thebuPdlng.

The ol ist occurred on the fourth rhxirof th.- plant at Thirty-nint- h and Potty- -

(Irs: street and Pirat avenue, Brooklyn.Several theorkaa were advanced lo

It, but the sudden appearance ofofficiant of the Police and Plre depart-men- u

ami Aanbitani Dhptrict AttorneyWile in bd to the belief that the ex- -

plosion might have is n due to lumpertug by some ttne not In ayrepatby withtin oauaa nf the AUlea

Tin- - Bllaa oampany at preeetii opt -- ietare,- big aim, and ammunition plnntl In

Brooklyn wh h turn '.it gc- quni '.tiesof war auppllaa for Ihe allied nallone.ntie tdant is at Plymouth and A da mastreets and the two otliers are In t lUthBrooklyn. The bulldlt g In which Hta

occurred la one of the Hush Ter-

minal gtruciurea, a six itorj modernbuilding of raen forced concreta All ti.plains operate day and night under a

rush .ii war contract a. About (,000 menwork In the Th!rtynlnth strf-e- t fnctorynnd approximately 1,000 men wen- .,twoik an the fourth floor if the buildingvt heie Ihe ga exploded.

one comer of the fioor, a twenty-fiv- e

tool aqua re i m walled ..rr from thereal or the mnchlner) filled fioor, i needis an oven room foi tainlahlng projec-tile enells. Two men, Alfred Pcrd, :m

yuan old, ol IU Sixty-nint- h atreet, acnniing to the police record, ami John

Rdlholm, -- 1 y ars old. of :l! TwelfthI it reel, both of Brooklyn, were in iha

room a ut v o'clock laat night. One(theory of the egploalon is thai tne gaaJ tire In 11"' oven nt out ihhI that Pordlopenlni the oven door stuck in a lighted

piece "f pa)-- which canted the gne,probably leaking from the feeder plot .

to cvpi. de.The other theory on which th poll."

H'd the tMatrlet Attorney are worsgngIs that soma out- - tamper, d wit thefeeder pipes to leakage so thatWhen the lire went out and 1'ie door 01

the oven was opened an explosion wouldf.ii'ow. Pord waa killed Inatantly Thiseparating n waa blown oul and Bdt-- I

holm waa hurled through the openingI Into the main room 11 was cut and

lu uis. d about the hands, hut w as no;aerloualy hart. Tin firemen found himsitting on tite wreckage calmly nmoklnga i Igarette.

It was said th it tin re was not tellpound! of axploetve In tha entire build-ing, Inaamuch a.s thi ahelli arc sent toScranton, Pa., I be loaded. The dam

10 the building was etstimat. dat 15,



Harvester Co. Ailmiix 85,000in Partnership, Du Ponts

(Irani I. .u:.' iti'iiii..


ii o'.vi.o, 1 led Miof the ltd mat

are to paco

smployers, a

nounoemetil madeemployee win heprofit haling cmpauy. paymentii. small monthalio Is made fi


rbe 8b,000 einiooy-i- l

Harvester Cop -

oopartnetg arBhil.nng to an i,n- -

public Rachallowed to purchase

rtlflcateg of tin- - con.-fo- r

which may p.' madei Instalments, Provision

converting I Ilea,- cet til -

cl. at a r il- - below mark- -value.

In addition 10 the regular Stimuli B

1st cent, dividend declared on oommotlstock, nn- omployeeg win participate inany extra earninse. Figures for milshow that bad th. plan been In effectfor thai year eirtfuoyeea would have

i,i tiled to the extent of over 10 Jicricjit

CALVMgr, Midi . Oac. II. With thegnnountamSn to-- , lay of a I per cent.in- - un on tin basis ot their Novemberpay the Mohawk mid Wolv tine MiningCompanies made l.loo vinployeea happy.This Is the Hit a bonus paid by Ihe compualea Has year, Two of tin gifts wenfor lit per cent.

Wii.mis.it..'.. D i. Deo, II,- - The DuPonl Powder i.ompniiy mads a suhgtniitiai gin today to all ..f its lalirled amployses throughout the oouiitry, nnuunuliig llnuatios of a u,,

per eii". ciii-- ii t.onus tor in.- oomiugA- - orlalnulli planned, th Imitus

, is to c.c iinua 111 ly until January i.

In a notice sent from llM pr lid!tne signed by nsrre ix. du Irout,

I Die older holds good (or neat y u. j




JSunDebt Billions

Bankruptcy Near,Warns German Expert

Criticised for Report Says the Entire MVorwartt" Prints Attack on Imperial Treasurer, Show- - ;

Figures. He Will 8nb

mil 'I ii' in to House.



WaeHINOtoN, Dec. 21. Chafing underthe crltlrlem of ills aetlor In guppiex.incthe teal report of the Gem-ru- l Board Ol

the Nav and publishing Instead a reportwhich the Iward at Ida raqUMt draftedwithin tiie llmltatloni he ImpOMdt 8 -

tan- of the Navy Danlela de Ida i to be Abandoned.

nibmtt the original document to the alatamenl thai Mr. Pord ia on hiHouae Committee on Naval ASnlra. lis wnj home i contained In a Chrlatlanln! eotimderme alxo t'.e a Ivlxab I' v of lt spat, h t.. fie Copenhagen VnflOnOl

giving It out to the public before thattime, but on thl.x piln' lie bat not RW '

ur hlx min i.

Meantime tha Secretary ana written tothe American Aeronautical Society ask-

ing It to name a i epreat ntatlve on theNaval Advisory Hoard In place of HenryA Wlae Wood, Who reslgred partly be-

cause of the Secrentry'a action In sup-

pressing the report and partly because ofhis lielirf that the naval building pro- -

gramma proposed t Mr. Danlela and in- -

dorseil by the Ti"i lent la ' d ingetou-i- y

weak."'ine Secretary received from Mr. Wood

tOdn) a letter stitit g he h.ib pre-aeiit-

hie teabJIMtlun 10 Thon.as A ISdlson. chairman ol Ihe advisory hoard, and

'giv ing i. ia reneona for doing to. Thereaaona were couched in language "harp

' and to the point.

llenl on Wood'sAi.ent the comment! of Mr Wood the

Sevrrtarj y .vul-- l sa iiotaitig, r.orwould he reply to tenurks of Congreaimember! who have announced their m- -

tenHon of Introducing reeoluUoni t"fore,, the Secretary to aubrnlt to Congre.xs all reports received by him fromtiie daneral Hoard

That theae resolutlona will be pvessetideaplte Ihe Becretary'a announcement loda) that he would submit the suppwaaedreport of J.ii Congreae Is more that.likely In view o the fact developed to-

day that Hare are other report! fromthe General Board on naval buildingpolicy who ii th. ha.: pigeon-i- n

edThe .hr.y report, hofrevar, la of partlo

ular Inter- - ii because, aa Wa. broughtout tV.- .- vva lb. d orient whi. nthe General h- an ubmltted in reeponaeto en outer from Preelfient Wlbsun ed

'' both Secretary Danleht un,iSe.ntary of Wat Oarrlaoti 't the timewhen the Luattunla ontrovetwy withtlermany had reached a critical stan".calling en them to obtain Horn then"navy anil army experts respectively funInformation as t., what had to be donito put the two branches of the serviceon a footing to meet any emergencyWhich might ails,.

Like war i oil. ne Report,

f- -

The repl) otthat time coir,War College'ap ii. " which S,son made i it. inthe pul l. cationtsirt, leu wa

aponda the Armyof ml itnry

ec ret eri Df War Gnrri

hla wn nnnual renlgeonholed b)

rotary DanlelaAlthough tii" publlahed report of the

General Board of November I refer! tothe Jul' report aa having ei forth

of th. board that then.iw b) 1010 ehould equal thai of at v

other not excepting Ureal Brit-ain, nnd as having lint down a programnn f"i 101T, l"- - ditalli "f thlareport have never I t made kicw-- i .

outetde 'f th- General Board nolan official of the Department beatdea IheSecretary waa allowwJ to see it Sev-eral dnya ago It waa stated that thehoard In thla upon recommended anexpenditure in i t alone "f tiou.0ou.oon

Further InVeetlgatloll to-d- a) developedtne tact that sunta officer! pellevo thatIne all n urged Was 1600,000,000 for1'mt or us mtssh as Se rotary Danlelarecommi n





Is shall be in jve

Noi r.noiiult.response to put blm

Secretary Daniels saidWhile had taken ilt. sideiatn diiwiim his programme the

amount of money likely to bebis plan for a two draadtKHsghts a yearchedule win baaed on tne number of

capital Ships Whloh ha believed it pessdble to ItttVI under const ruction utany one As it requires tivee yearsto .. dreadnought hi planwould make sir in,, numberbuilding at an) ".ne time

The General Board in Its published re-

port ailed for the authorisation of fourbattleshkpi in 10IT, two In mi and twin loio, thus providing thai in ISlIeight dreadnought! WOUld un.le,r con-

struction, with the llrst four out of thedry des ks and bemg iui . she.) arlth ar-

mament.At the preset, t time there are alg

var.is, private mil Governmeni ownedtable t" build droadnoughte, tha NewYork Navy Tardi Mare Islam) N.ivyYard, Newi L'ompany,Pore River Bhlpbulldltig t'omioniy andthe New Y"tk Shipbuilding Company,

The General Hoard, txathe tin" If thi United Slatesad, .pled a flged policy of naval expan-

sion the fact w.uild encourage the i'X- -

panslongtructluni ll lit lothe plan



of t.n sen yards iiii.i ti" conOf newunablethe bo

Hies I.

ihe carryingproposted.


Prelioreilneas ('OBSUlttteetit, II la llllll.

The Confaranoe CommitiHonal Prapnrednesa gave u









Cramps, Newpon





lUflt- -

low Inn"Thai tn- - del I' il.oi, of Henry A.

wise Win.i. chairman of tin. ConferenceCommittee on National Props redneos, toattack w hai he i ails the thoroughly

and therefore dangerouslyweak naval and loilltarv policy of thetrim'nlatratlon reflects the sentimenl ofthe nation IS indicated hy Ihe InfiUX oftnessnges to him y from all purlaof tii- - coanii" uongratulatlng him onthe aiand he ima taken resigning fromthe Naval Consulting Hoard in orderthat be may be free to uonttliug hisaiiii.algii lor KileiiU ie piep iretiiieNa.

"Til! act of tile A. ill. ll tuition

0gN4stisd "a ''"'(;e


Pence Mission Is





W Caofi Oupatrh to Tar Sck.Uo.npom, Hoc 'H ( Friday ) .Henry

(Wd hat ieft his party and has startedfor home, according tn Copenhagen iiw- -

;,at' hex received here thl morning.rewrt saya V.:w' the peace mission la 10






! nih , whii h says i



"Henry Pord cor." secretly toBergen lo embark on the iteamettlp Her- -

gen mis for hon e. Ills tloctora haveOfdl red i. for Ms nerv-e.-

The s teams Bergenatjord of iheNorweglai.-Ainerl'a- i. l.lne la oliedUtedto s vii from Bergen about December II,and It Is considered poealble thai thlaIs the vessel to which the correspondentroler.

A news agency despatch from Copen-hagen received early tins morning addathai the ret ort Is cm rent In the Danishcapital thai Ihe whole trip la to be

abnndoned. According to thesethe ist of the party, excepting

dot itact.a of North l (akotn, who hna lellfor Copenhagen, Inft Chrlatlanla forStockholm without knowing that thic, d. r ind financial backer of the ,xpe- -

dltlot Waa starting back for America.Mi earlier d.spatch from Chrlatlanla

,.. thin Mr. Pord went i m lo Blockh il n ahead of the rest nf tia- - party,travelling on a regular train Inetead ofrn, ihe special train he had providedfor ihe dhei--- . it was auggeatad In Ihedee patch that Mr, Pord waa advlied b)Ids '.physicians lo travel atone In orderteat he might get more rest.


ll- -



sup- -




win. Dean Marqnle He ttoiis Igor-eregrl-aa

' n trshi.fraai te t ler.sjssadrsf o Tea s

laecfel feMa fsripalcJI Tint St .

I 'HKISTt.VN. V. Via lell. doll, DOC. lie.Henry Pord, Dean rt. s Maruuht of sr.Paul'a Cathedra1 Detroit, and Mr. Pordachauffeur dbtappeared early this mom-Bs-

They tts.k a trs.u out ot t'nris- -

tlania and have goni l a deat Inationwhich has t.oi tean announced Tic trip

lelleved to be due to Mr. Ford'! de- -

re :.. es. ..p tbe delegates, Who werebothi ::ik nun day a

Mr. s fai irlikely . rejoin thi usAchce i 'openhagen.

ess he W lil Spi tatelusion.

nignt.Ill a

before ,tBecauee fChrlatmng

The Intana, oi l of paat fortnightIn tli, a h de of .Scandinavia culmlnai d

n December 31 in lowest temperatut- - recorded In Dee mlier. Th!temperature in Stockholm reached beio aero; .,; ChMstlania, ii below; atv., d,.t, - Uegr s, : nd In Jeratland, ',;

bektw. The laal - lowest temperai aver recorded in Scandinavia,

rlk-f-l .1 rp.cr


I m Ig inHe

aerei:i 'inn st!

lai.de '11

Christ lants(... r.. p,,ril


ills Itlmealtil Iron, rirl


td it-

partehla Bln. se






Ilauur M it ,

S lloiMe.

it.v flaaptftcA re Tun S'ia. London, Dec tde.

Fold isa e part) will leavefor S'.oi kholmh id i. dot '.or v for the

"Ir- -t Un e In his Iif" The phys clan.u Prlmai n Koren, head of the Kei

,'imss hospital, pronounced him organ!f illy aound, but greatly fatigued amiexpressed teats ot the effects of thefourteel hour journey to Stockholm .lustnow.

Mr Pord, win, I.-- nun oonflned to hisbed. udd lose friends tontght that hawas pleased it the recaption given tothe mi--o- n ,, Chrls'.Utnla.

The railur- - of Mr. Fold to appear and'the leclueion ol Mme, Roaglka Behwlni

mii, ti..- Hungarian iHacittst, undoubtedl) hurl tne cauea of tne mission lute.Tne Norwegians were most anxious toice Mr. Pord and were disappointed.vhen he did not appear

Ail the NorwegtutlS I have talked Withfell that Mr. Fort ..-- an a wild go.sechase under poo irut tingement.

Clergymen and others called y

at Hi. ho',1 to pay their respects to Mr.Foi.. Son ' th legates were tn- -

ert.tiieu M igi.us A a'crson. who tookthe Vikmg ship to the W..i i, ..i un- -

Man Bxpoaltlon at Chicago.Ther. is irr.a' aecrnci oonoernlng the

identitv of 'i." Norwegian delegate! whow 1: accompany the par'.y on Its furthertravels, The Indications are that noone ... i vet accepted IhS Invitation

There was a n.ass meeting (o nlghlattt .,ded by ifio Boclallsts who heardand approved of tbe peace plan. It willbe recalled that the Socialists were de.tented at the last elections when theyb.is. ii their campaign on antlmllllarlam.

A '.Ig i 'oris' in. is celebration and massmeeting to be held by the Peace nnd Ar-bitration league of BtOOkhoBn alreadyhas b, en announced.

It Is likely that the party will notgo to The Hague. BS It has bet n forbid'den to cross Gorman) it is probahlsUnit a conference win be held at Copen-hagen, but 11 N very doubtful If thedelsgales tie allowed to speak therabucause or the pauisn taw pronioittnglot I ners from discussing the war


I ion i l.inu

i lino!daioHthe .




tisanue, I'btMiah Hi



can diedllulid-Amerl-

OUld haveIn inn" to Join th.



I rolll I or, I.

II,is lit


Miaa Jane Adr reservation on

line stsamshipn iter to Europepeace exne, Ii. ion

at The Hague,diss .villains received lo.

Christ luiila the followingday fncnblegri

tdgued b Henry Kurd",ii preas rumors uioiit diisenslun un

hoard unfounded only a few Journalist'try to make stories foe (heir papers byInvesting everything with rich Imagina-tion. Hope your fnlth In our missionis as unshaken aa ours. Norwi iiin t. -

pic are iplendld, Hast wishes, and hopotn ne you Join our puny.''

a maattug of the intanigtlqial oin- -ii itic on pt i iiiant ut peace, si,', fur JailUmy li at Tut- Hague, lias been postooiicl until ll call no uuriiiu wuag al

i Addi mi will b. .1 xto attend.

War Tenand

SuppressingIng That $o00,000,000 More Every Month Will Be

Needed After Next March.


. iggcigl pggii Deaaaics r.i Taa lrHkki.in. via Iondon. Dec St. A flnan-ct-

expert contribute! to Portngertai theooJatgyi orKim. an article reapectlni

Oartnany'o finan dal condition in whichihe denounces "lie Imperial Treasurer.

who p.ilni toe situation In optimisticIcolotj, .mrt asserts that IIM nation !

on the verge .f financial bankruptcy."With the latest credits demanded,'1

ihe ra.. "th! Herman arai deb) amounts'to 10,000,000,000 niarkx (110,000,000,

iMioi. According lo Or. HeHferlch, t'- -Treagurar, this sum ill carry the war

ion until March, ISIS, Every additionalmonth the war will cost at least '.'.(iOO,-- I(inn, poo marks $ 500.ni.i0.nfm .

"Ore may he certain that ninney willI t found as In 'he past by lool bUIit is aojually oattaln that a loan winliir S (mt cent. Interest ami some daywill have to Ite redeemed

"We are already assured of an In-

terest obligation of 1,000.000.000 tn.rke($500,000000) a year. Redemption willbe Inevitable, an the credit if the empirecan be maintained ape,- - the war in noother way. With Mteroet chalet andthe colossal aufflg which win tie requiredfor penalona to war survivors at"! theirdependenta the empire will rs- - face toface with an expenditure of :.t least

el- -

L'.SOO.iiao.QOO mark- - 11 t.0n0,00n Ia ,r moif ttl.iti iietol e .11"

lie bl"Apart


budget, which remain mistationary, aa poatalnet Imperial Income Iaa I

the v ,,000

lid nol 1,000.000,--mark! (ISOO.OOO.OOO).

war debt, therefit more, than h




the in- -

"Bui '.t .swar our imoerlal tinacaused grave dlfilctlllesfinance reform has folio'be 'Preueuiy has been i

look 'ii tor tew sou





ncial llllofBlnce

wasone swoop by 6ii 000 000 marks

1100,000,000). then 'lie Ludgetdid halatne In the Governmottl resorted the extraordinarymaaaun fortunesraiae iiie'.t""' tnarks il- -



toon to


f,,r an army Vet eventhat then' had to If 'a' to ,

!. lielolt."The - mite enough to enaldi

to cs'li.'t.'e wha' Is llliettigo'iig to provide for


"Bealdeathe empireAmong tinr vcothe most :m

amount,!: 7

Mitt fl'tllUI.e"Butirlot

e "!




"1 n



i.t t






alone amountUblo Imperial



thatc a


"The I00t

Kvenit 1011

a tbrert

Incrense,a 1


S .1




11 this, the al B) -- '.emaiii hardlyitem! revenue hi t

ilues importi la

,: th





it' :.. ur ivis- -

to 7 7 S.OOO.OOO i. lark0(100), Th'- - i an ii P 'h- -.oi taxes Imposed m


the t.nmdu

worldafter the war. which w;'i

2,000.000 GIVE FRANCE$2.tt00.000.000 AS LOAN






of til


Bsepsfct li Thilit "f- of Fiat.,

th- - t'"w waicalled, f.inlr thai ml)have olapseuThus on"


.ugh eight iieparimenianuiiisi the Icl.c.d




iHur, ,.t..vedonstnntlyof revenue.

tax Increased,




Which lOStlfiel Rio pur'WOOilSll eio.k.tig- -


........that, eye


of de

rtant tne

iii"-.- t



.mii ."iat!

tin of


In theibtedly


Ihe treMill i'l

loan issiiv

L007.lt 8,000

Id '.he dial!, ofitnln an id

tUu.' exoceill!.i,.. o, ,.t to.1 1 i 's ii.

t 'Oftl


i d






s. i;ic. .I.- - :v

gel e. t it )

Prance, a.-- ,

and th.Pran have

lo com rlbttte."rcu.ua says tlutl Hi Bank


Frit. and Its branches have receivedJ v6Q.000.00U fruias ,000)

tn.- - l ew loan an t thai theof payments in oaih and In short

term treasury 0 per cent,of Ihe t Itttl.

Alexandre Minister of FinanceI told in- - Plnance Committee the

prench that tin- - total on Decern

iber lis I reached 14,11 1.000, inn .''119 H64.S00.00O), .oh ling tn.it "Wldel)surpassedlions."





iirns Take








bolida oceedi




ll I

loan eatlmatedOOO.OOO), cash

14.000.000that ,600,ouu,000

of loan, 'on small capitalists amiparsons with

The nun per of those subscribing tothe loan at in." post office, is estimated

Una .HO", number sub-scribing at Bank of Fiat .m i IIIbranches exceeded 100,000, With thosefigures as basis t.r computation It isestimated ihat Iho number of rs

will l.ooo.ooo.The financial editor ot tin- itea

Dssotii who is regarded as one ,,,' ihuaouixleat and musi conservative financial I ne- - o. , ...... , . ..

, lnli.it the lo.n li... Ke

with aiuounl ol un. a. mi.-s- ifthe wa- favorable anil li event!in Balkans would not havi hudInflusnos on peruilon.

"It is evident now 'hilt fi.lwere Iti vain." writer i tys,that Hie of old il per cents, of- -

fared aa suhscrlpllona is iHnnparatlvi ly

small, probably nol a milliard uf (rantsl.oiiiel: to- -

fidencc In the credit uf Prunes and hiihe future ol Ilia old renins

"lierinniiv'a lldu. larv t'vejrttor continues, "deaplts an her

operationo, has hsr Increase)Hi. war bv Il,o00,000,000 'runes

(11,100,000,000) ; that Is. Lis beet'quadr'H'ied, a considerable ijuan

of Treasur! nil's are In clruulathip.Theoaaled.



ha1", ioo,ooo,u





Iiaas is niiy







nl them, if th Oarman imrorti.nift remalna tne tame, trill be artm-- ,

all, raised to a point considerablyhigher than dttrilUJ thO war.

"such a burdening 'if Herman Indua- -

tr- will undermine our competitiveThe Internet! ( eonnumori de-

mand, therefore, th" complete abolitionof import tariffs after the

the conagquen v of such an aboli-

tion will be an ctintinous hole In 0UI

Imperial income. How, then, d tinGovernment Ihlnk it M nalng t' n.iru-lat- e

tne Imperial finaita i '"Or. HelfferlCh admit! ti.- - iusstion

Cauaes turn anxiety. Hut until now hehas failed to give any Indication of howhe expect! t i lurmouni th dlffleultloo.

Ti e tnemben of the Relchatag whovote for th" new will bear


same responalbl. ,t v to Ua taxpayei.--

iha nnanos mlnlati r. It Is na'.urjhose who make the In the name

of tiie nation should also bear respon!-biltt- v

th" manner In which the peopleare to ne bjnb-.ts- tot tbe Heroet andredemption of theae debta.

"Tae till.e see'n.x to have come fx

Ooveriiment and tne Kelchatagwar uueatlon, 'Whal are


leaning to"' "


lr I



to an- -

Pnleh sure kecamalatedW all Ii Is I n in pa I red.

loo!. Dec, Mr palsh,he ttnai dal expert, said mm i m

war has Involved practli ally no destruc-

tion of accumulated wealth,in..- lis. Ii in the wealth we

fall t.. ornate." he sal "That is to r.i.broadly, we me making shells,

not houses ; build. ng Warships,

not making railways Our main lossirises 'ion the t.. mpk repro-

ductive expenditure, and this lois is

aboul MOO.OOO.OOO H.oOO.000,000) avear.

"I. s true t'lat we are e'.llr.g Ameri-,- i

SO unlit', tut we are buying Hu- -

alai Preneh ..no II illan bonds, and on

t!..- - balance there ha been ntt reduclinn iii our Investment slice toe begln-n- li

g of iheIf one f u Will Uve -m-leallj

during the wa may not needto meel out great war expenses by realIslng un our capital. BjtbOUgtl Of coursewe ..ii f :i to save tin.- -

the usual ItOO.OuO.OOO l0l.0O0,000,000)yarl) il our t t i.it we use for reproducttvi purposes building house.,rail w a) . ships, factories,

"As .t whole tbe world will tot Ir. thep.. ,n ..' tie war save .'nuch. and oonee-quentl- y

there will be very little xpaiialon ti prvaluctl in. th- - other hand,the xpannlon In population will !

entailer than uaual, ami the economicpressure that would otherwlae come fromthe dic of production will thus be min-

imis. .1.

"Temporarily iher win be economicpressure of considerable leverit) at li e




iui ,. war ttii preasurs win acaueed mainly Us the reailjuattnent of

ndltlons from ear to ra ace. No doubtt v.. nil .,f : ie country will grow asia, .inly afte the War It 'I'd Wore, thewn'

trnn a izoo.oou.nott i

reri ." if n per cent.t1..- - amount of th. loanfrate x i 2 000,000,000),loan i n. reduce Fraidatedf. SUCH

francaIs tilt

Moating loan fro1 S,a0o,oou,00u i

1)1.- - 10,000,000 1

raaull that more'i ipetl for."

promtnei t

tervli v.. l b




auc t" the

a' 11,000.000,the of


to 6,0o0,b0o,000So .tt isfa"tirv

no not

Pratioo-Aniertc- b i i.i.ercorrespon "i Tmh

a' on e . d nt he did not consideran extraordinary success. Hi

pointed .nn that me of1 4,1011.000,000 francs I $1,140,000,000)exprvseed p..- - value, the actualvalue being 15,100,000,000 (S,-40- 0

"'in. i

The tvnaetian.' is that the Krer.c'. 'i .v- -

,1 client must emplo) an loptatlon ofGerman or

liatn mortgaging institution,"' oa. I., furtlier important advances fromthe public, probab y ueglnn rig Into six nj intba

I tic l.onil llllle,l.The Uanken Interviewed agreed .v. f..

following eatlmates iti gitniysli ut t eloati

The ton, i of sinea Treasurconverted amounts 10 ,ooo,

foreign Bubicrlptlotta i. ihe iiewlfranca (l,ooo,otio,ooot longeraie at 100, ,o0o francs! term notsg yielded 1,000.000

1 10,000,000), ..f which Spain contrlb I The subscribed amountuted Iranos (I'J.OOO.ooO), The led to hot wean 3. no I.OOO 11400,great number of subscribers shows j ouo,oon i and (ttou,it pot the large impnnlss I OUO.000), and the converted rentes to

ubi. 'i aunolled ihe chief sunnurt ! I. 0O.OU0 (400,0iiii.nin), I' x

themoies' .avintis,

at while thethe



a oerlalnmomeni

ihu ati

SUi'llth" adding


(11,00(1,000), showing IhO








those war.Yet

credit the









during wa

..- -


ti the

official figures

term notes

($40v,- -

houghl thatHoles SJti'llillt

halfI will

sa in. uvest ors M I he


j 1011,The foreign subscriptions,

UligUnd . X, luilnd, totalli dfratu'M (Ii7,ooo,ou0), made

Iran t lio.ouo, )

a. 50,000, i francs :'r










T.." The

wis nndI.,...!..,





monthi- a!., from

16.000,000up 60,from Swi.-.i-

Holl ,illimit i 'ev mlllloii fruiics inch from

Spa ,, i n- I i, ii. Stales and Italy. TheI swi-- s corrosiaiiidents of Uunkaiaj report thai few Dermun and Austrian:i subs. ' itloi n.ic been reo tvadal Swiss

UniUilOtOod that Is'lldon'ssulistTlp mciuneq in tne otnchiitotal. I

oinptti isoii oi th! atatonwinti the '

of Pmnce u ider the datri ie.I cam Iter h and I ke ember is taken loindicate Ihu th" cash submitted shown,roughly, a 1,100,000,000 francs

14 411, ." ." 1.


I'vvo gnOllolla of I H.I I rain rat.lt1 ainiiiies B spurted

I Soiunton, Pa., lie. 31. ThiIlllOII ol

'.tl ill.10. and10 'lie S


. rol'd, UrlBpactal

c seni toBiroudsb



No.I tivoll




effect the






shortUK llfew



ll is

ofu of

gam of

hit.lun the Lackug in thi' e sec- -

ni I l) A. M ranon lull, to night i t

nd !' the new cuttarrying physlclaniem iroin t'lis city

ralPeihKtlni 1,000,000,000 i wen ktlust and aomt ..Jui-id.



b) 111"





, e.e.

Lord Robert Cecil Warns

Parliament Secrecy !

Key to Success.





Asm-H- Hritisli Cabinet

United u All Linoof Pollcj



Commander ut Salonlcisa, Army h Readj

in Meet Teutons.



Ctlblt Jcvperr Ie gelDeo. i'i The ofremit M Skou id Is, yea- -

terday Athoni that Oreece was willingand read.' to help the Bntente Powerbit had heel. BotttOd and ignored hy

t'aem 'o .i point beyohd endurancecaused a lively discussion in the Houtx-

oi Commoni todsy and more rocrlm-Inutlon- a

reepectlng the situation at theDanlanellei t tne entire field of theNear K.ir:.

1:. ri ply to 'he Vnrioug remarks andchargai n de, Lord Robert Cecil, iar-ne- i

lary Under Secretary for Uia For-

eign iiffice. said that the keynote of theGovernment's policy in the Balkans badbe n to produce ia these unhappy coun-

tries i. spirit of unity Instead of one

of discoui. lie aa'.i It was Impoealblgto disc-.is- the diplomatic relations withat tha llulk.ip Statea, because se

of their sucoesn.CTOCy was the rssojiLord Robert said that some of th

haaassi being made ngalnat tha Foreignofiirx- - htdteate tlutl twroti.s at.- unable to su-

"Until ii." realgnntion "f one or moraniemlnTs of tl'." iVibin.o.' H'td Itober'added, oi..- - bound to acceptthe v'.rw tin. it .: 'I'ltted on tne mainlines of it policy, As the unitythe Allies, they have carried on the warl.i a manner Which, if one considers his-

tory, .i - aii. unexampled performanceor unity

"Whet, lidoaa aren'l 8. ing right forthe moment some people think thepruoer rsmrae - to turn on the men whour- - ivyiug t. serve then' country andshout 'Traitor, traitor.'

Is dlsgl useful unBrltllh stato..f Milium it I. utterly deetructlve ofhe

i r..




of ihe CI... . pair

, these l

"The auggestloi. rejected an


absoluteaautlan f. Ireece.ii f lundallon."

.lose-- . I.. K ng, nx mutrsi i. dgcla

inn had not tol l all.i ii right to expect

Ipl untitle v in thew ell

Wit I'

ista.l'.-- s



ltobet t

f.u Haula is dueplohmcywho wasdlplomac

patch H

htspe loi I aril

IS iKi.-












a . llan. i



ri, pus




benxierit t'u'

. try

i p .



the ' i

hat tl.i

ode .

01. sit iii.U'

.1 .uiHi v












flermnna PromlaernakPeipe


impllehi accordingresiainrteiit

letegraphlng underocetnher





and Hulgai


igMshkM blowTherefori



s 'lint) gun hav

oh.ll ' tl

ill Inu










-- ..











u-- s


m of




Is the


ll' theah



Near li.St gS- ild t.n- circ 'Its

Willi ll to



a irgdl

cirse of

QuitIt. II




it.l .i i ry



ja.s4joi. .'S thi uo

W th.- ep

Th' Sal mien co oi 'he, w. 1,!, Uuto of

'Asp. "ll,



luming tw ion ' -

nf th.- -


an ultgi ,101.1

isiif Bulgs 1.1





rue. itllllon

it. ble

Hi it Undo- -

recently ninteti tnatbe struck

iieri-'- oi calmmay b. short

"ii.n ,ie Caatelnau has an'lvod hereunexiwctediy hod long conferenceswith Burrall and tlen. Mahon onliacember an visited Pi- - FrenchBritish fronts laxjiulutloit of s.Uonlca oulot. reassured 10 lieu, Marrail's stutenteni thai the citydanger."

The Mlienn correspondeni.' I. tel. gr iphlng lllninhor --" . tys









Inn No













a v for




Th- -'s

Do bo.1 s






x m.ir sntlsfactor) thanthe Macedonian cam

i;, i,. sin rail said twohe g'o! full) salisllod,. and are inlay In ihe eliemv s ads.1 Ih"


s,,le,l.I loop 0

us, ,! abu Brsgofct

aN, l. Theic 'iive.i nothingtht. despatch ft.

iiUent, publishedthai the Russia




tigr- -





Rntentei informed












arrived now



on II r ma loleliore,. Tin "Din'ii Vhren.further in re-

al ';, A O' IISyasterdu,', rg.

landedtroops at Varna, Bulgaria after a bomUardmetit, Beyond the f t that 'be oilyhas been lajmburded Biore Is no con- -

llmiallnn from ni, source.Tl... Russian Bntlautsy its last night

h.td received no Inforimitlun of .1 land-ing ai Varna or other recent inillta y01 I. aval inn ctia .In afacha of lh

igirlauia) gaiu lUat is nuss oi' .he
