Cao Dãng Y t Phú Th- Thư vi n CD  N H XU T B N G O D C u í m  I * V . r ' W *v.  '  V * i

Tiếng anh cơ sở Tập 2 (Tái bản lần thứ ba) - Trần Văn Phước

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Cao Dãng Y tố Phú Thọ - Thư viộn


u í m   I* V. r 'W * v .    

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TS. TRẦ N VÃN PHƯ Ớ C (Chủ biên)




(Basic English)TẬ P II

(Tái bả n lầ n thứ ba)


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Bản quyền thuộc Nhà xuất bản Giáo dục.

04 - 2008/CXB/519 - 1999/GD Mã số : 8N472n8 - DAI

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Basic English 1 & 2 là kết quả của sự hợp tác chuyênmôn giữa các giảng viên có nhiều kinh nghiệm và tâm huyếtcủa các Khoa tiếng Anh thuộc nh iều trườ ng Đ ại học của kh uvực miền Trun g (Đ ại học Vinh, Đ ại học Huế, Đ ại học Đ à Nẵngvà Đ ại học Quy Nhơn) vì một bộ giáo trình do người Việt Nam

 biên soạn phù hợp vối tr ìn h độ của sin h viên tiến g Anh không

chuyên ngữ và vì mong muốn đóng góp vào sự nâng cao chấtlượng dạy và học tiếng A nh tại V iệt Nam.

Basic English 1 & 2 nhằm vào việc củng cô" và phát triểnkiến thứ c về ngữ âm, ngữ p háp, từ vự ng và kĩ năng giao tiếpngôn ngữ từ trình độ tương đương với trình độ sơ cấp(elementary) lên đến trình độ tiền trung cấp (pre-intermediate)thông qu a việc rèn luyện các kĩ năng tổng hợp nghe, nói, đọc,viết và kĩ th u ật dịch xuôi-ngược.

Basic English 1 & 2 được biên soạn theo quan điểm cấutrúc-chức năng (structural-functional), lấy việc rèn luyện cáccấu trúc ngữ ph áp và rè n luyện kĩ năng đọc hiểu làm tiền đềcho việc thực hiện các chức năng giao tiếp ngôn ngữ trong giaiđoạn đầu học tiếng Anh cơ sở và giai đoạn sau học tiếng Anhchuyên ngành.

Basic English gồm hai tập, mỗi tập có 30 bài học (Unit)

và củng cô" (Consolidation). Tập 1 dành cho sinh viên năm thứnhất, tập 2 dành cho sinh viên năm thứ 2. Sô'   tiết học chínhthức tại lớp cho từng bài học từ 5 đến 6 tiết và số tiết dành chocác bài củng cô" từ 2 đến 3 tiết.


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Mỗi bài học đểu có cấu trúc thông nhất gồm các phần M ụ c tiêu bài họ c  (Unit Goals),  Hoạ t độ ng tạ o khố ng k h í họ c tậ p (Warm-up),  N g ữ ph áp   (Grammar),  Nói  (Speaking),  Nghe (Listening),  Luyệ n âm   (Pronunciation), T ừ vự ng   (Vocabulary),

 Đọ c hiể u A, Đọ c hiể u B   (Reading A & B), Vi ế t    (Writing),  D ch (Translation) và T óm tắ t các đ iể m n gữ p h á p  (LanguageSum mary). Cấu trúc n ày khô ng nh ữ ng giúp cho giáo viên chuẩn

 bị bài giảng tố t mà còn giúp cho học viên tự học tố t.

Ch úng tôi châ n th àn h cám ơn Khoa tiếng Anh các trườngĐ ại học Khoa học Huế, trư ờ ng Đ ại học Vinh, trư ờn g Đ ại học Ngoại ngữ Đ à Nắng, trư ờ ng Đ ại học Sư phạm Quy Nhơn và tổtiếng A nh các trườ ng Đ ại học Y khoa Huế, Đ ại học Nông Lâm

H uế đã th am gia góp ý hiệu đ ính để hoà n th iện bản thảo.

Chúng tôi hi vọng Basic English 1 & 2 sẽ mang lại nhiềukết quả khích lệ cho sinh viên không chuyên ngữ trong việc họctiếng Anh.

C h ủ b i ê n



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Unit 1: MAPS

Unit Goal

Giving an d responding to compliments


Names and Belongings

Each student thinks of names of two or three things which begin with the same  

letter as the name s/he owns and makes a sentence, e.g.

My name's Hoa and IVe got a hat, a house and a horse.

Every student Is asked to stand up and tell the whole class his/her sentence.


 A. Put in have got (‘ve got), has got (‘s got), haven’t got and hasn *t got.

1. They like animals. They .. three dogs and two cats.

2. Sarah .........a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle.

3. Everybody likes Tom. He .........a lot of friends.

4. Mr and Mrs Johnson ........ two children, a boy and a girl

5. An insec t.........six legs.

6. I can’t open the door. I a key.

7. Quick! Hurry! W e ......... much time.

8. “What’s wrong?” “I ......... something in my eye.”

9. Ben doesn’t read much. He   .....many books.

10. It’s a nice town. I t ......... a very nice shopping centre.

11. Alice is going to the dentist. She ......... toothache.

12. “Where’s my newspaper?” “I don’t know. I  ......... it.”


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13. Julia wants to go on holiday but sh e .........   any money.

14. I’m not going to work today. I .........a bad cold.

 B. Choose the best reply from List B fo r each question in List A. Write the correct letters in the brackets.

List A

1. Can you type?

2. Are you good at math?

3. What languages can youspeak?

4. Can you drive a ca r? '

5. Can you get on with

 people?6. When can you start work?


List B

( ) A. I came top in my class in thelast test.

( ) B . I ’m taking my driving test next week.

( ) c. As soon as you like.

( ) D. Yes, about fifty words a

minute.( ) E. English and French.

( ) F. I think so. I’ve got a lot of friends.

 A. Look at these business cards and answer the questions.

Dr J T Hallivvell

 Hilson General  Hospital

SBH Java


367 Highfield Avenue




Ford Motors




44 Main Street,


H L M Sharkas


Suite 106A

Vitron Towers, Hadley






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1. Who can repair cars?

2. Who can make suits or dresses?

3. Who knows how to sell cars?

4. Who can draw plans to build a house?

5. Who can treat sick people?

6. Who can repair an electric kettle?

 B. Read the following sentences and write the correct word in each blank. Choose the words from the list below.

describes shows learns

explains teaches lectures

Mr Shaw .........   physics at the University of Hong Kong and .........mostly to third-year students. The students like him a lot because he.........how things work in simple language. MrShaw says that heoften.........   a lot from his students. His wife is an English teacher in asecondary school. In her lessons sh e ......... her pupils how to write shortstories and ......... people and scenes she knows in her stories.


Giving and Responding to Compliments

Purpose: Compliments express approval, and their main purpose is toshow that you like some aspect of the other person’s appearance,

 belongings, or work. This reassures the other person thathis or her taste,appearance, etc., is appreciated by other people.

Whom to compliment. You may compliment anyone you have occasion totalk with. It may be a close friend or someone you have just met. And incertain cases you can compliment a stranger in order to get someinformation.


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What to compliment.  Usually, you compliment someone if you noticesomething new about the person’s appearance. You may also complin100*a person on his or her general appearance. It is customary to compliment 

 person on a recently purchased item. When you visit someone's house or

when the host prepares a meal for you, you can give compliments too. How to compliment : There are three ways to give a compliment: bysaying something nice about the object, by asking how the person made itor where it was bought (but NOT how much it cost), or by asking foranother look or another serving, if it is food.

 Replying to compliments'.  There are two basic ways of replying tocompliments: accepting them and rejecting them. In most cases, it is bestto accept the compliment. To do this, you can either thank the person and

explain something about thẹ thing being complimented, or you canreturn the compliment by giving the other a similar compliment. Incertain cases, you may accept the compliment but deny what the personhas said to compliment you. Some people do this to appear modest.

Situation 1

 A works in an office where X is the supervisor. X has invited everyone 

 from the office to a cocktail party one evening. There A talks with B, X ’sspouse.


1. greets A 1. greets B, complimentsclothing

B on

2. accepts compliment 2. accepts complimentcompliment returns

3. offers food

4. refuses compliment

3. accepts, compliments Bfood

on the


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north is at the top of the map. When north is at the top, south IS at the bottom. East is to the right and west is to the left. The four otherdirections shown on the compass are northeast, southeast, southwest and


The map scale can tell you how far It is between any two placeson the map. It is usually at the bottom or in a comer of the map. It tellsyou that a certain distance, such as an inch on the map, IS equal to certain

number of miles or kilometers.

Because a map is like a picture, you can find out many things aboutan area more quickly than reading in books. You can find the answers tothese questions quickly on a map:

1. Is die area near an ocean?

2. What other forms of water does it have?

3. Are there any mountains?

4. Is there a desert?

5. How far is it between cities?

6. What is the best way to travel between cities?

7. Are there any national parks or recreation areas?

Thousands of years ago, people made maps when they went tonew places. They drew them on the earth or on walls of caves. Maps are better now because all maps begin from a photograph. Map photographscan be taken from airplanes or satellites. Today there are good maps of allareas of the world. There are even good maps of places difficult to travelto, such as the Arctic and Antarctica.

 New maps are made every year bccause places change quicklyEvery year there are new roads, bigger cities, and fewer trees

When you travel, a map is very important. You can find hyou want to go in a new place.


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 A. Answer the following questions.

1. What do the following colors on a map represent?




2. What tells what the symbols mean?

3. How do all maps begin?

4. How often are new maps made?

 B. Decide i f the following statements are true or false.

1. A map shows everything.2. A legend tells you that an inch is equal to a certain number of

miles or kilometers.

3. North is always at the top of a map.

4. Every year there are more trees.

5. People started making maps in the last 100 years.

6. Black is the color of water on a map.

7. You can find national parks on a map.8. A compass shows directions.

9. We do not have good maps of some places that are difficult totravel to.

10. A large area map shows houses, churches, and schools.



Who names the baby? Who gives a baby his or her name? Naming

customs are not the same in every society. Iir some societies, the parents


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(mother and father) name the baby. But in others, the grandparents of the

godmother and godfather (special friends or family members chosen by

the parents) name the baby. In Greece, the godmother or godfather namesthe baby. The parents hear the baby's name at a religious ceremony at the

church.In some societies, the children have two given names. In these

societies, all of the girls or boys in a family may have the same firstname. For example, all the girls may have the name "Marie.” It's the first

given name. The second given name is different: "Marie-Rose,” "Mane-

Jeanne " "Marie-Christine." All the boys may have the same first name

"Jean”: "Jcan-Paul," "Jean-Christophe," "Jean-Pierre."


Where do religious names come from? In some cultures, everyone

has a religious name. Roman Catholics and Greek Orthodox give the

names of saints to their children. "Teresa" (St. Teresa), "Anthony" (St.

Anthony), "Nikos" (St. Nicholas). Jews choose names from the Bible:

"Adam," "Rebecca." Moslems choose names from the Koran:

"Mohammed," "All."


What do given names mean? In some cultures, given names have

special meanings. The Chinese name "Po" means "good". The Chirtese

name "Lok" means "happiness" or "joy." The name "Po Lok” has a very

 positive (good) meaning in Chinese culture. People think names with

 positive meanings bring their children good luck in their lives


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Who is a namesake? Sometimes parents give children the same

name as a relative or friend. For example, a boy and his grandfather may

 both have the given name, "William.” A girl may have her grandmother's

name, her godmother's name, or an aunt's name. The boy is the namesakeof his grandfather. The girl is the namesake of her grandmother,

godmother, or aunt. It is an honor for a person to have a namesake.


What names can you choose? In some countries, a child must have

a traditional name from that culture. For example, in France and Belgium,

 parents have to choose a common name from the past. A couple (man anda woman) in France wanted to name their daughter "Daisy," but they

didn’t because "Daisy" is not a traditional French name.

In other countries, you can give your child any name. There are no

restrictions at all. In the United States, parents may choose any name for

a child, or they can make a new name. In the state of Pennsylvania, there

are some interesting names in the birth records. For example, one child

was named "Pepsi" and another was named "Coke". In Mississippi, the parents of a baby girl named her "Glory Hallelujah." In another state, one

couple had five sons (boys) before their daughter (girl) was bom, and

they were very happy to have a daughter at last. They named their

daughter "Atlasta" - meaning "at last a girl" or "at last we have a girl!"

1. Comprehension Questions

Circle the letter o f the correct or best answer. Discuss your answers with  your class.

1. A couple has two children, and they are both boys. They have

a. two sons


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 b. two daughters

c. two namesakes

2. A couple has two children and they are both girls. They have

a. two sons

 b. two daughters.

c. two namesakes.

3. "There are no restrictions on naming your children." This means

a. you have to give your children traditional names.

 b. you may name your children any names you choose.

c. you have to give your children religious names.4. Match these words. Draw a line from each word on the left to a

word on the right that means almost the same thing.

a. culture 1. my mother's sister 

 b. my parents 2. society

c. my aunt 3. my mother and father 

5. "Traditional" meansa. something new, for example, a new custom.

 b. something good, for example, a good custom.

c. something old, for example, an old custom.

 2. Vocabulary Practice

Choose the correct word and write it in blank. Discuss your answers with a partner.


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Sometimes the parents or the grandparents ____________ (like-

name-feed) (1) the child. Sometimes, however, the  _____________ 

(parents-godparents-grandparents) (2) name the child. Chinese people try

to • _______ (choose-write-say) (3) the name of a child carefully. The

name can have a special meaning, and they choose a name with a

 _____________(positive-negative-fiinny) (4) meaning. Religious parents

give the child a name from the Koran or the  ________  _ 

(telephone books-Bible-friend) (5). Roman Catholics name their children

after  ______________ (movie stars-singers-saints) (6). Sometime a child

has the name of a special person the child's parents love and respect very

much. This child is th e ________ child-namesake-daughter) (7) of this

special person. It is an  ___________   (honor-privilege-mistake) (8) to

have a name sake. It means the parents love and respect you. In somecultures, parents have to give children ____________ (popular-beautiful-

traditional) (9) names. In other cultures, parents are  ____________ 

(religious-sad-free) (10) to name their children whatever they want. They

can make a new name.


1. Tôi rất thích k iểu tóc của chị!

2. Chiếc váy em đa ng mặc trông xinh quá!

3. Bừ a tiệc th ật tuyệt vời, đặc biệt là món gà quay!

4. Con gái chị trông kh áu kh ỉnh quá!

5. Bức tr a n h bạn vẽ mới đẹp làm sao!


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Ỉ . You are going to hear a song written by Eric Clapton called  Wonderful Tonight. Read the words o f the song and put one o f the words or phrases in the box into each gap. There are more words than gaps!

 feel head  because eyes all right  heart  were blond 

light  darling morning car everyone home bed  walking

beautiful clothes brushes love evening keys  puts look 

Wonderful Tonight 

 It 's late in the...........

She’s wondering what   ...........to wear S h e ...........on her make-up

Then...........  her lon g ...........  hair.

 And then she asks me,

‘Do I lo o k .......... ? ’

 And I say, ‘Yes,

Y ou ...........wonderful tonight.We go to a party

 A n d .turns to see

This ........... lady

That's ............. around with me.

 And then she asks me,

 Do you feel all right9 ’

and 1 say, Yes,

 I  ...........wonderful tonight. ’

 I fe el wonderful


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........ ..  I see

The love light in yo ur ............

 And the wonder o f it all 

 Is that you just don’t realize

 How much I  ........... you.

 I t ’s time to go ........... now

 And I ’ve got an aching..........

So I give her the............

She helps me to bed.

 And then I tell her 

 As I turn out th e ...........

 I say, 'My,  ..........

You .......... wonderful tonight' 

2. Find the mistakes in this summary and correct them.

A husband and wife got ready and went to a party. The partv started in

the early evening. He thought she looked very pretty, but he didn’t sayanything. There were two or three other people at the party. He was angrywith his wife, and she was worried about him. He loves her very much,

 but she doesn’t love him.

At the end of the party he didn’t feel very well. He drove the car home.

He had another drink before he went to bed.ĨRƯ ÕNG




s s : . l u j ã z — 


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I would like to complimcnt you on Thank you. It's nicc of you to sayso.

I would like to complimcnt youon...

I think your (hair) is very nice. Thank you, but it really isn’tanything special.

I just love your ... Thank you. Yours is even nicer.

The (chicken) is delicious...! Thank you.

I really like your...!

This (checsc) is super.

That’s not a bad (bike) you’ve got.

That’s neat.

That's nice.

That’s not bad.

Terrific. Thanks.Pretty good.


All right! ______________________________ 

 Note: ___ JCtfAOOAOJ

- The phrases Ịearthẹ top ofịhe list arc generally more formal than theones near the bottom;I

- It IS sometjmpaj^ufiicierft simply to say “Thank >ou” to acomplimcnt. No further replịk is required.

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Unit Goal

 Asking and talking about routines and habits

WARM-UP: How much do you know about your teacher?

Participants : five students and the teacher 

Material: six small boards

Each participant has one board on which they write the answers to the following questions:

1. How often does the teacher go shopping?2. How often does s/he teach?

3. How often does s/he eat out?

4. How often does s/he drink?

5. How often does s/he cry?

The teacher gives the answers. The winner is the one who has the most correct  


Put in always, usually, very often, often, quite often, sometimes, occasionally, never.


1. I t ........

2. People.

3. Women

rams in Hanoi in winter.

.......get up late on Sundays.

............ win the Nobel prize.

4. Good-looking people

5. Policemen................

6. . W om en ...................

7. Elephants.................


eat meat.

give flowers to men.

have nice personalities.


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8 Passport photographs......................................l°°k r coP̂ e

9. P ric es.......................go up.

10. Politicians..........................tell the truth.

11. People..........................live to be 100 years old.

12. Holidays............................cost too much money.


Choose the best word from the list below to complete the conversation7hen write the correct form o f the word in the blank.

immediate hard fast sudden careful good

A, Drive very carefully  now. A car may .............come out of that sideroad. A lot of drivers drive to o .....................here.

B. Do you think I’m ready to take my driving-test yet?

A. Yes, vou can drive very ...................Why don’t you applv for a test

......... ?

B. I don't know my highway code yet. I'm trying very . .. .. . to learn it.


Questionnaire: How self-confident are you?

1. If a fnend asks \ou to lend him/her some monev do you ever refuse?

a. never b. rarely c. sometimes d. often e always

2. If you meet an English-speaking foreigner do you ever pretendnot to speak anv English9

a. always b. often c. sometimes d. rarely c never 

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3. When you are not satisfied with things you have bought howoften do you complain?

a. never b. rarely c. sometimes d. often e. always

4. Do you ever avoid situations where you may meet people youdon t know?

a. always b. often c. sometimes d. rarely e. never 

5. If you go out to eat with friends how often do you choose therestaurant?

a. never b. rarely c. sometimes d. often e. always

6. If you make a mistake and your teacher corrects you do you feelembarrassed?

a. always b. often c. sometimes d. rarely e. never 

7. If you are waiting in a queue and somebody pushes in front ofyou do you ever complain?

a. never b. rarely c. sometimes d. often e. always

8. If you feel attracted by a boy/girl do you stand nearby hoping thats/he will speak to you?

a. always b. often c. sometimes d. rarely e. never 

Compare your answers with those of the people next to you. Say 

why you choose each answer. Add up the numbers you have ticked. The higher the total the more self-confidence you seem to possess.


A. Write the reason why you chose each answer to the questionnaire, for  example: If a friend asks me to lend him/her money I (sometimes) refuse because ....

B. Write a letter to a new pen-friend. As this is your first letter, you should describe yourself so that he or she gets a good idea o f w hat you are like and what your daily life is. Your letter should be between 100 and 120 words in length.


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Bananas are widely believed to grow on trees : this IS incorrectThe banana is a plant which finishes all its growth in one year, reaching Iheight of 30 feet. Bananas have a stem from which come large, green

leaves. The plant reaches its maturity in about 18 months.As the bunches of bananas mature and the fruit develops, they

can be propped up with poles and covered with blue polyethylene bags.These prevent bruising, protect against the frost, and speed ripening byincreasing heat and humidity.

Once the banana plant has produced its fruit, the mother plantdies and is replaced by pups (sucker plants). These grow next to the parent and make a new generation of banana plants.

Choose the best answers.1. What does ‘this’ in line 1 refer to?

A. the belief that bananas grow on trees.

B. certain beliefs about bananas

c. widely-held beliefs about banana trees

D. the belief that bananas do not grow on trees

2. What would be the best title for the first paragraph?

A. Beliefs about banana plants

B. The growth of a banana plant to maturity

c . A year in the life of a banana plant

D. Banana plants: from birth to maturity

3. Why are blue polyethylene bags mentioned in paragraph 2?

A. They are used to prop up bananas

B. They protect growing bananas and speed ripening.

c. They help increase heat and humidity and so prevent bruising

D. Bunches of bananas are always covered with them


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4. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. How the banana plant produces its fruit

B. How a sucker plant is called a pup

c. The death of mother plants

D. The growth of sucker plants5. The next sentence after the passage is most likely to be:

A. The old banana plants are choppcd up andused asmanure

B. Chicken manure can now be used to feed allkinds of banana plants.

c. Bananas are used in dessert rccipcs all over the world.

D. Bananas arc grown all over South and Central America

6. Another way of expressing the last sentence is:

A. Sucker plants grow beside the parent plant and create new banana plants.

B. A new generation of parent plants grows next to the suckcr plants.

c. Growing next to the parent plant helps suckcr plants make a newgeneration of banana plants.

D. Parent plants have sucker plants growing beside them; twogenerations of plants thus grow together.



Litter is garbage - like food, paper and cans - on the ground or in

the street. Where manv people live together, litter is a problem People

don't always put their garbage in the garbage can. It's easier to drop a

 paper than to find a garbage can for it. But litter is uglv. It makes the city

look dirty, and it spoils the view.


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The wind blows papers far away. Often they arc difficult to catch.

When they blow against a fence, they stay there. This fcncc IS a wall of 


Litter is a health problem, too. Food and garbage bring animals,

which sometimes carry disease.

Some people want to control litter. They never throw litter

themselves, and sometimes they work together in groups to clean up the

city. In most places litter is against the law. The law punishes people who

throw garbage on the streets. They usually pay a fine, and occasionally

they go to jail.

Two famous sayings in the United States are: "Don't be a

litterbug!" and "Every litter bit hurts!"


First student: Change each sentence into a question.

Second student: Answer each question with a short answer.

1. Litter is a problem in our cities

First student: Is litter a problem in our cities?

Second student: Yes, it is.

2. Litter IS ugly.

3. Papers are difficult to catch.

4. This fence is a wall of garbage.

5. Litter is against the law.

6. People don't always put their garbage in the garbage cans.

7. Litter makes the city look ugly.


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8. Litter spoils the view.

9. The wind blows papers far away.

10. Food and garbage bring animals.

11. Animals sometimes carry disease.

12. Some people want to control litter.

13. They never throw litter themselves. (Don't they ever...)

14. The law punishes litterbugs.

15. They usually pay a fine.


1. Tôi luôn luôn thức kh uy a nh ư ng hiếm khi dậy muộn.

2. - Bạn có hay đi xem phim không? - Thỉnh tho ảng, khoảng

một thá ng một lần.

3. Lớp trưỏ ng của ch úng tôi luôn đi học đúng giờ và khôn g bao

giờ quên làm bài tập ỏ nhà.

4. ỏ Hué, trời ha y mư a vào khoảng tháng 10 - 12.


 Desmond Philton works fo r Market Research company. He s asking Mr   Norris about his free time. Listen to the interview and fill in the gaps.

1. What time does Mr Norris usually arrive home?

 before six o ’clock 

at six o’clock 

after six o'clock 


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2. What docs he usually do after dinner?

watch television


go outvisit friends

3. How often docs he (a) go out ?

(b) watch television?

(c) visit friends?

(a) (b) (c)


once or twice a week 

three or four times a week 

every night

4. Docs he ever go to

never  rarely occasionally sometimes often

the cinema?

the ballet?

the theatre?

the opera?


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 Adverbs o f frequency (How often?)

These adverbs are words such as always / usually / often  / sometimes /  

seldom / rarely / never. They are always placed:

1. after the verb ‘be’

 He's always on time.

2. before other verbs in their simple forms

 He never gets to work late.

3. in between the auxiliary’and the verb if there’s only one auxiliary in

the comDlex verb

 He 'II rarely get angry.

4. after the first auxiliary if the complex verb has two or more


 He's never been fired from a job.


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Unit Goal

 M aking commentaries

WARM-UP: Who is it?

Four people work in an office: two women and two men.

Anne likes Catherine, but she dislikes the two men.

Peter doesn't like the person that Anna likes, but he likes Anne.

Only one person likes Catherine.

John likes two people.

One person doesn't like Anne. Who is it?


Complete each gap with a verb in either the simple or the present  continuous.

Dear Erica,We are enjoying our holiday a lot. Each day we ...............  the usual

things - we ...............   down to the beach, ...............   a dip in the sea,

...................   in the sun for a while - that’s what we ...............   at the

moment - although E ddie ...............   to annoy me* - he ...............   cold

water over my back while I ................... this letter.

We .................... both really tanned and I ...............   very healthy. We

............... to windsurf - i t .....................much easier than I thought.

W e ............... you were here.

Love from Janet


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Form the correct noun from each verb in bold type. Write your answer in the blanks on the right.

Example. There was a big (explode) but no one was there, explosion

1. We carried out a careful (examine) of the area.

2. The police also started an (investigate).

3. There is no satisfactory (explain) of UFO.

4. The (appear) and (disappear) of UFO was a mystery.

5. Many people believe in the (exist) of flying saucers.

READING A Read the problem and complete the solution.


Arsenal, Manchester, Liverpool and Tottenham are four football teams.

Each team is playing against one of the others on the next threeSaturdays - a different one each time.

On Saturday the 12th, Arsenal are playing against Manchester.

Manchester are playing against Tottenham on the 19th.Who is playing against whom on the 26th?


Manchester ............   against Arsenal on the 12lh, ............   thev are playing............Tottenham on th e ...............

............on the 26th they..............against Arsenal..............Tottenham.

.............they are playing against............. on the 26*

..............................are playing against.............. on the 26th.

Words to put in:


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Arsenal Liverpool Tottenham are  playing arc not

 playing against 19th and or so so so

A Can you think of some things that are happening in this town orcountry during the next week or so? (concerts, football matches,

visits, ...)B What are you doing this evening? What are you doing next weekend?

What arc you doing for your next holiday?

c. Complete this dialogue and practise it in pairs.

X: Arc you doing anything this evening?

Y: I’m not sure. Why?

X: Well, would vou like to ............ with me?

Y: I’d love to, but I’m probably............. ing.X: Well, how about tomorrow? Arc you free?

Y : ................................................... .

X : ......................................................



7he man who says he took this photograph two nights ago near his home in north London has been accused o f a hoax.

 As soon as the photo was shown to local airport officials they immediately said it must be a fake.

45-year-old Bob Green, w ho took the photograph, said he  SƠH a large orange light in the sky. He Matched It for about 30 seconds, then asked  his son to rush indoors and get his camera. When

Graham has just shown this newspaper article to Robin. Thcv have beentalking about it.

Robin: The next thing you 11be saying is that there are little green menwatching us from the skies.


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Graham: Perhaps there are. Who knows? But I'm not saying that. All I'msaying is that plenty of people have seen flying saucers.

Robin: Flying saucers? Military aircraft, you mean - or clouds, or  balloon, or even Venus. Any trick of light in the sky is a 'flying

sauccr'. People imagine things so easily.Graham: Flying saucers are a reality.

Robin: Then why aren't there more photographs?

Graham: There are plenty of them.

Robin: Not nearly enough, and it's so easy to fake photos on things inthe sky. And even if flying sauccrs do exist, why don't theyland? Why don't the little green men get out of their saucers andsay who they are?

Graham: Perhaps the time isn't ready The earth is still under observation.

Robin: If I were a little green man, do you know what I'd think?

Graham: What?

Robin: I'd think that cars were living crcatures and human beings wererobots designed to look after them!

Comprehension questions1. What arc Robin and Graham talking about?

2. Does Robin believe that 'little green men arc watching us from theskies'?

3. Docs Graham believe this?

4. According to Graham, have many people seen flying saucers?

5. What explanations does Robin offer for flying saucers?

6. What do people do easily?

7. Who says flying sauccrs are a reality?

8. Why aren't photos very good evidence according to Robin?


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9. For a moment, Robin assumes that flying saucers exist What questiondoes he ask Graham?

10. What would Robin think if he were 'a little green man ?


Write a letter to your friends and describe a football match, using tht  words or phrases below:

friendly match - students of English vs students of Maths -

Prof. Nam - referee

Hue stadium - full - excited

English team - score a goal

Math team - rather well

final score - 2 to nil

English team - coffee house - victory


 Listen and answer the follow ing questions.

1 What time is it?

2. What's the name of the television programme?

3. Is the record recorded, or is it alive?

4. Where's it coming from9

5. What was today's most important event?

6. Who was first? What nationality is she?

7. What did she get?

8 Did she break the world record?9. What was her time?

10 How many medals have the USA won?


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Translate the news in the listening activity into Vietnamese.


Use the Present Continuous for:

+ what is going on now, at this moment

+ in complete actions going on over a longer time - hours, days,weeks, months, years - even centuries or millennia if you’re a physicist

(from then) —>now -> into the future

+ planned actions/ arrangements which are in the future

+ actions which may have started and are going on now and willcontinue into the future


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Unit 4: THE MOON

Unit Goals

Comparative an d superlative 

Talking about change


One student thinks of the name of a town or a country and says T am going to (and gives the name)." He then points at another person, who in ten seconds 

must give two adjectives which begin with the same letter as the name of the town or the country, e.g.

Student 1: I am going to Belgium.Student 2: big, beautiful

The next student then chooses another town or country. If a student cannot think of two adjectives beginning with the same letter, he chooses ttie next country instead. "I am going to ..." etc.


 A Complete the following table.

Positive Comparative Superlative

Example',  long longer longest

1. good ................

2. generous ............

  3............  worse

  4 ...........  ................ most hopeful

5. obscure6- ................   farther 

7. happy


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  8......................................  least

  9........ .......  more girlish .............10. yellow ................ ...............

 B. Correct the following sentences.

1. Bob was the biggest of the twins.2. You could not meet a more kinder lady.

3. The patient made the wonderful recovery.

4. Mary was as old like Jane.

5. Who is the tallest? Jack or Betty?

6. The more bright students do not always do well in tests.

7. The weather is colder as last week.

8. The noise in Rome is far worst than in Florence.

c. Write the following sentences correctly..

1. He arrived more late than his boss.

2. Instead of slowing down, he drove more fastly.

3. He did this test easily then the one before.

4. She drives worst than I on the freeway.


 Read the following paragraph carefully.

The world's oceans are so vast that they can cope with the presentlevels of pollution. However, little is known about the long-term effectsof such slow poisoning. The most serious problem of modem times isthat man is destroying the earth's natural resources and transforminghuge areas into wasteland. As a result, it is becoming extremely difficult

to grow enough to feed the world's rapidly increasing population. A wayof protecting all the wildlife on the earth must also be found as manyspccies are in danger of disappearing completely from the facc of theearth. The dangers, however, arc not confincd solely to the land or the


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sea. The smoke in the atmosphere, for example, is increasing so much 

that the amount of sunlight has been reduced in many cities. Man s wholeenvironment IS being changed in a serious way.

For each o f the following dictionary definitions, write down the correct  word (printed in bold type) in the passage.

Example, birds, animals, fish which are not tame : wildlife

1. results, consequcnccs

2. keeping something safe from harm

3. the process of making something dirty or impure

4.  barren area, desert

5. the air, water and land in which vve live6. completely changing in form or nature

7. wealth, goods or products people can use

8. the air surrounding the earth

9. the number of people living in a placc

10. difficulty which needs attention and thought


Pair work . Talk about some o f the problems you Mould be faced with if   you suddenly had to live in a foreign country. Think o f the followingaspects:

- food

- language

- culture- climate

- time zone


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When people look up into the sky, they can see that it is notempty. During the day, they can see the sun. At night, they see the moonand many, many stars. Scientists want to learn more about the sun and themoon because they are near us. The stars are very far away, so people

can’t go there yet. However, people have already been on the moon.

Scientists know a lot about it.

The moon is nearer than the sun. The moon is about 240,000miles away. The sun is farther, 93 million miles from us. When peoplelook at the moon, it looks almost as large as the sun. That is because it ismuch nearer. The sun is really much larger.

The sun is a star. It is a ball of fire; it sends out light. The moon isrocky and hard. It is not hot. It does not send out light; it reflects light.This means that the moon does not make its own light. The sun sends out

light to the moon. Then the moon sends the sun's light back to the earth

The moon is very different from the earth. There is no air on themoon. It is both very hot and very cold there. During the day, it is very


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hot in the sunshine, but at night It can be -200 F degrees (129 degreesbelow zero c .) •

There arc no trees, grass, or water on the moon, only rocks anddeserts There arc many mountains that are from 2 to 5 miles high. Therearc at least 30,000 round holes in the moon called cratcrs Some of thecratcrs are half a mile wide, but some are as large as 160 miles wide.

A moon is a smaller object in spacc that goes around a planetOur moon goes around our earth. It takes about 28 days for the moon togo around the earth. At the same time, the moon itself also turns Thistakes about 28 days too. This is why one side of the moon IS always 

turned towards the earth. The other side is always turned away.Spaceships went around the moon in the 1960s. They took the first

 pictures of the back side of the moon.

In Julv 1969, two men from the United States stepped on themoon Thev took some machines to make some tests. They brought back48 pounds of rocks from the moon.

Scientists have learned many things from that tnp to the moon.Thev have learned that the rockẩ arc 3.5 billion years old. They are notlike rocks on the earth. There arc manv things about the moon thatscientists still do not know.

The first trip to the moon was very important It means that now

human beings have walked on a placc different from the earth. It IS a beginning. It is a step to all the other planets and stars

 A. Choose the best answers.

1 Scientists want to lcam more about the sun and the moon bccauscthey are near us.a. people who study science b. people who wri te books

c. people who tcach in universities

2. The moon docs not send out light; It reflects lighta. makes light b sends back light from another place,c. shines

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3. There are round holes in the moon called craters.a. mountainsb. rivers

c. holes

4. Spaceships went around the moon in the 1960s.a. boats that go on the sea b. airplanes that fly above the earthc. machines that take people off the earth into space.

5. It was a step to all the other planets and stars.a. an example of a planet is the sun b. an example of a planet is the moonc. an example of a planet is the earth

 B. Decide i f the following statements are true or false.1. The sun is nearer to us than the moon.

2. The moon looks almost the same size as the sun.

3. The sun reflects ligL:.

4. It is always very cold on the moon.

5. Some of the mountains on the moon are 5 miles high.

6. The largest of the craters on the moon are about half a mile wide.

7. We can see all of the moon.

8. The rocks on the moon are 3.5 billion years old.

9. The rocks from the moon are like rocks on earth.

10. The moon reflects light.



A secretary writes letters, answers the telephone, and meets people.

She uses a typewriter every dav. She puts papers away in the file cabinet.


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She stands between her boss and his visitor. She helps her boss to plan his

time and to finish his work.

Choice Questions

 Answer each question with a complete sentence.1 Docs she put papers away in the garbage or in the file cabinet?

She puts papers away in the file cabinet.

2. Docs a secretary write books or letters?

3. Docs she meet the boss or the visitors?

4. Docs she answer the telephone or the typewriter?

5. Docs she use the typewriter cvcrv day or every week?

Teachers work in schools They help their students to leam. They

order books, explain lessons, give homework, and corrcct papers. At the

end of every term, they grade their students.

Choice Questions

1 Docs the teacher work in a school or in an office?2 Docs the teacher collect garbage or correct papers?

3 Docs the teacher give grades at the beginning or at the end of the termV

A porter is a hotel worker who carries the bags of the travelers. He

shows the hotel guests to their rooms, and they usually give him somemoney for his help.

A chef works in a hotel or in a restaurant. He plans the meals and

cooks the food. He often has helpers to cut vegetables to bake bread, andto prepare the meat.


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Choice Questions

1. Is the porter a worker or a guest?

2. Docs he work in an office or in a hotel?

3. Does he show the travelers their bags or their rooms?

4. Docs a chcf plan meals or lessons?

5. Does the chcf work with other cooks or does he work alone?

6. Do the helpers plan meals or prepare food?

An artist uses paper, pens, pencils, and paint to make pictures. She

draws pictures for books and magazines. Her pictures are easy to

understand. The drawings help to explain the ideas in the book.

Choice Questions

1. Does an artist use a pen or a typewriter?

2. Does she use her pen to draw or to correct papers?

3. Does the artist order books or make the pictures for books?

One kind of doctor is a surgeon. He works in a hospital. Thesurgeon operates on sick people; he repairs their bodies. After the

operation, he orders medicine. The surgeon watches his patients until

they are well.

Yes/No Questions (Use these directions for all the yes/no questions)

First student: Change each sentence into a question.

Second student: Answer each question with a short and a longanswer.

1. A surgeon is a kind of doctor.

2 The surgeon repairs telephones.


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3. He operates on sick people.

4. He watchcs his patients until they are sick.

5. The surgeon works in a school.

Choice Questions

1 Is the surgeon a doctor or a hotel worker?

2. Docs the surgeon order books or mcdicine for his patients?

3. Arc operations for sick people or for well people?

The letter earner delivers mail. He walks from house to house with

letters and packages in his bag He also picks up letters from the 

mailboxes and bnngs them to the post office.

Yes/No Questions

1. The letter earner bnngs letters and packages.

2. The letter carrier works in a restaurant.

3. He picks up letters from mailboxes.

4 He walks from house to house5. The letter carrier brings letters to the post office.

Choice Questions

1 Is the letter carrier a hospital worker or a post office worker?

2. Docs he pick up letters or visitors?

3. Docs he cam a mailbag or a mailbox?

4. Docs he write letters or deliver them?


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A businessperson works in an office. He plans business activities.He prepares reports and goes to meetings. He leams about buying,selling, and producing things. A business person must hire workers tohelp him.

Yes/No Questions

1. A businessperson works with patients.

2. An office is a place of business.

3. A business person goes to business meetings.

4. Buying and selling are business activities.

5. A businessperson hires other workers.

Choice Questions

1. Does a businessperson prepare meals or reports?

2. Does he work in an office or in a school?

3. Does he work together with other people or alone?

A firefighter tries to prevent fires by inspecting buildings. He asks

 people to make their houses safe from fire. When a fire starts, he rides tothe building in a fire engine. Firefighters hurry to put out fires and to save


Yes/No Questions

1. A firefighter works in a post office.

2. He tries to prevent fires.

3. He asks people to throw litter.4. Firefighters ride to fires in fire engines.

5. They save people from fires.


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Choice Questions

1. Docs a firefighter start fires or put them out?

2 Docs a firefighter inspect building or food ’

3. Do firefighters save people or money?Who- Questions

 Answer the following questions by giving the kind o f worker who does each activity. Then make ten who- questions o f your own to ask iht  other students.

1. Who puts out fires?

2. Who draws pictures for books and magazines?

3. Who carrics the travelers' bags?

4. Who plans business activities?

5. Who operates on sick people?

6. Who helps her boss to plan his time?

7. Who grades students at the end of every term?

8 Who brings letters and packages from house to house?


 How many changes have there been in your town in the past few yean?  In about 100 words, describe some o f them and the way they havt  affected your life.


 Here are some o f the things Tina said about the cities she visited. Listen and form the comparative and superlative for each group o f words OS 



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1. Tokyo - London - New York - exciting

2. London - New York - Rome - old

3. London - Rome - New York - Tokyo - old buildings

4. New York - Tokyo - London - parks.


Translate the examples in Language Summary into Vietnamese.


+ These adjectives form the comparative and superlative in a completely

irregular waygood better best

 bad worse worst

little less least

many/much more most

far farther farthest (distance)

further furthest (extra or additional)

old older/elder oldest/eldest

+ Comparison of health: well/ill better worse

 He was very ill last Meek, but now he's getting better.

She wasn't very well this morning, and now she's feeling worse.

+ These adverbs have an irregular comparative and superlative form

well better best badly worse worst

late later latesưlast


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less least

more most

farther (distance) farthest

+  Much  and  far   arc used before comparative adjcctives and adverbs,

 before too, or before more or less.

 Jane's much/far better.

You're much/far too nice.

 I paid much/far more than 1 should.

There's much/far less water in the river than usual

There's fa r too little opportunity fo r adventure these days

Before a plural expression many and fa r   arc used to strengthen more. Far  

(but not many) is used before too many, too few/, fewer  and less.

There are many/far more people than I expected 

There arc fa r fewer (or less) cinemas than there used to be

We 've got fa r too many eggs and fa r too few egg-Cĩtps

With superlative adjectives and adverbs, much and (by) far  can be used

 He's much the most imaginative o f them all.

We're walking by fa r the slowest 


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 A. Identify the one underlined word or phrase A or B that should be corrected or rewritten.

1. California, with a population of more than 23 million, is the more


 populous state in America.


2. The gorilla is much in danger of extinction as is the giant tortoise.


3. In man, yellow-blue color blindness is less common as re-green color 



4. The area of the United Sates is divided into 50 states, of which thelargest is Alaska and the most small is Rhode Island.


5. Los Angeles and San Francisco are two of the more visited cities on


the West Coast.

 B. Put 'C' i f the sentence is correct. Put 'X' i f there is an error in the superlative pattern.

1. They were the most poorest people I had ever seen.2. When he won the contest, he was the most surprised person than the

other contestants.


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3. I went to Belgium, Holland, and England last year, and I liked Belgium better.

4 Is the Sahara the largest desert in the world?

5. August is hottest and most humid month of the year 

6. John, Phyllis, and Mary were all saving money to go to Eg\pt, andJohn saved die most.

7. You can use any of these three pens, the red one is the best for markingon heavy material.

8. That place serves the goodcst ice crcam in town.

c. Fit the verbs take, work , do, plant into the sentences below usingeither a simple present or present continuous form.

1. a) Can I speak to Mrs Laing?I'm sorrv. My mother's not at home. She ......... some shopping.

 b) Will she be at home tomorrow morning?

Yes. She ........ the housework in the mornings.

2. a) Have you got a job for the summer?

Yes I ........ in a factor)' for six weeks.

 b) What's the name of his company?

H e ...... for a company called Metalco.

3. a) Where's the best place for these seeds?

I always......... them behind the tree.

 b) Where's Tim?

He's in the garden. H e .......... some flowers.

4. a) Show me how to do the trick.

It's simple. I ...............the card from the bottom of the pack. b) Where does Susan go every evening?

To evening classcs - this month she ........... a typing course.


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 D. Choose the correct tense (simple or continuous) for the verbs in brackets.

1. Water (freeze) at 0° c.

2. Quick! Take the sauccpan off the cooker - the water (boil).

3. She's a dietician - she (help) people to choose the right food4. This is how you (make) an omelette. First you (take) three eggs and

(break) them...

5. Can't you do it more quietly? You (make) a terrible noise.

6 .1can’t help you now. I (study) for an exam tomorrow.

7. I (spend) my holiday here in Torquay this summer.

8 .1always (spend) my holidays in Scotland.

9 .1(do) all the cooking while my wife is in hospital.

10. This boy never (do) what he should do and always (do) what heshouldn't.

E. Rewrite the sentences below putting the following words and phrases  in the right place (be careful about punctuation).

hourly always once

never ever twice a week 

monthly now and then every other day

1. We love Greece so much that I have spent my holidays there.

2. We have our English lessons, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

3. A: When can we hear the news?

B: Well Radio 2 broadcasts a news summary.

4. Have you been to London Zoo in Regent's Park?5. This international scientific journal is published exccpt in August.

6. I've only seen the Queen, when she visited the local hospital.


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7 The museum is open to visitors, on Tuesday mornings and Thursday


8. Alan must be at the office at eight thirty, so he gets up later than seven 


9. Mv niece comes to see me, when she happens to come this way



The great ship, Titanic, sailed for New York from Southamptonon April 10th, 1912. She was carrying 1316 passengers and a crew of891. Even by modern standards, the 46,000 tons Titanic was a colossalship. At that time, however, she was not only the largest ship that had

ever been built, but was regarded as unsinkable, for she had sixteen water-tight compartments. Even if two of these were flooded, she wouldstill be able to float. The tragic sinking of this great liner will always beremembered, for she went down on her first voyage with heavy loss of life.

Four days after setting out, while the Titanic  was sailing acrossthe icy waters of the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a look-out After the alarm had been given, the great ship turnedsharply to avoid a dircct collision, the Titanic  turned just m time,

narrowly missing the immense wall of ICC which rose over 100 feet out ofthe water beside her. Suddenly, there was a slight trembling sound from below, and the captain went down to sec what had happened Below, thecaptain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rap;dl>. for fiveof her sixteen water-tight compartments had already been flooded' Theorder to abandon ship was given and hundreds of people pluneed into theicy water. As there were not enough life-boats for everybody. 1500 liveswere lost.

Comprehension Questions1. Where was the Titanic sailing?

2. What was seen by a look-out?


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3. When did the ship turn sharply?

4. Did it sail alongside the iceberg, or did it collide with it?

5. What was heard from below?

6. What did the captain do?

7. What did he find?

8. When did everyone jump overboard?

9. Why were 1500 people drowned?


 In not more than 150 words write an imaginary account o f what  

happened on the Titanic immediately after the order to abandon ship was given. Use the ideas given below. Do not write more than three 


Title: Abandon Ship

 Introduction: Order to abandon ship unexpected - everyone unprepared.

 Development'.  Immediate effect - panic and confusion - people rushing inall directions - crew came up from below - lifeboats lowered - people

 jumped overboard - struggle to get into lifeboats - lifeboats full.Conclusion: Titanic  sank rapidly - people in water - cries of despair -

lifeboats moved away.


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Unit Goals

Past events 

 Narrating past events

The simple past tense; regular a nd irregular verb forms

WARM-UP : Begin telling a story. This can be the first few lines of a storyfrom the coursebook, or improvised, or the teacher can invite a student to start 

Then, going round the class, each student has to add another brief “instalment' to the story.


 Read the following news:

Top fashion model Gina cricd last week when she said goodbyeto her pet - a young Siberian wolf callcd Sasha. She kept the wolf in her Rome apartment, took it for walks in the park,and even took it shopping

with her. “People were terrified,” complained a neighbour. “I took a

gun with me whenever I went out.”Last week, police told Ms Ricardi that she had to give the wolf

up. She gave it to a local zoo.

 Match these verbs from the text with their base forms. 

cried said kept took were went told gave

give take tell be keep crv go say

 Regular past form s

What are the past forms o f these verbs?


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wait arrive play carry stop

washinvite enjoy try plan

 How is the past tense formed when the verb ends in 'e ’?

 How is the past tense formed when the verb ends in a consonant +y'?

 Irregular past forms

Student A: Choose a verb from the box and make a sentence in the past. Say buzzed instead o f the verb you chose.

Student B: Give the past tense o f the missing verb.

see write eat  bring wear 

tell wake drink   buy go

take fly leave read drive

wake have come get lose


A Yesterday I buzzed  a good film.

B saw

A One day she buzzed  a gold coin in her garden.

B found

 Exercise 1

Find the correct action fo r each person.


Copernicus studied the planets.

Shakespeare wrote plays.

 \o p le Actions

Copernicus going to the moon


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 Neil Amstrong

Marco PoloColumbus


inventing the elcctnc light

studying the planets

 painting pictures

sailing to Americawriting plays

travelling to China

 Exercise 2

 Bob had a lot o f jobs to do last weekend. He dỉdn t have time to do all of  

them. Which ones did he do?


He washed the car.

He didn't buy a new battery for the car.


Wash car sWrite to bank 

 Buy new battery for car   Book holiday s

Phone sports club s

Pay electric bill

Paint gate

Clean windows s

 Exercise 3

Write questions to ask about the missing information. 


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“I went to Indonesia in 19 __”

When did you go to Indonesia?


1. “ I went to ............. for my last holiday.”

Where....................... ?

2. “We stayed in ................

Where.............................. ?

3. . “We stayed there for  weeks.”

How long.........................   ?

4.   “We h ad ...........:............. ............. weather.”

Did.................................. good weather?

5. “We travelled round bv

H ow ................................ ?

6. “We ha d ............................................food.”

Did..................................  ........ good food?


 Ask and answer questions with another student.

Did you go anywhere yesterday? Where? What time?

Did you watch anything on TV last night? What? What time? Did you

enjoy it?

Did you meet anyone yesterday? Who? Where? What time?

Did YOU buy anything last weekend? What ? Where?


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Write about a pleasant bad experience that you had using the simple 

 past tense.


Write the correct word from the box in each blank in the following


reporter daily newsagent

headline article advertisement

1. “Can I get a copy of the Daily Times at any ___________ T*

“Yes, of coursc. It’s on sale even in small shops.”

2. “Are you a newspaper  ___________ ?”

“Yes, I work for the Morning Sun.”

3. “Does the Star come out once a week or is it a __________7"

“It appears every morning.”

4. “How much does it cost to put an ____________ in this paper?”

“It’s twelve dollars a line for the first day and ten dollars a linefor each of the following days.”

5. “Recently I read a very interesting ______________ about new

ways of solving crimes.”

“What paper was this in?”

6. “There’s a very good story in today’s paper about a young boyand his successful business cleaning windows.”

“Was that the story with t h e ______________Ladder to



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l i s t e n i n g

 Listen and find the answers to the following questions.

1. Who enjoyed their weekend more, the boy or the girl?

2. What did the woman have to cat or drink on the train?

3. Where are the young couplc from exactly?

4. Did the young man like the film? What was its title?

5. What is the woman neighbour going to do this weekend?

6. Where and when did the woman buy her pullover?

 Read about William Shakespeare s family. Complete the family tree.

wealthy landowner in the neighbouring village of Wilmacote.

In April 1564, their eldest son, William was bom in Sữatíòrd-upon-Avon. Not much is known about William’s early life. In December1582 he married Ann Hathaway, the daughter of a fanner. Their firstchild Susanna, was bom in May 1583. In February 1585, she gave birthto twins —Hamlet and Judith.

Shakespeare's early interest in theatre led him to London, wherehe spent much of his life away from his family in Stratford. In London,


When John Shakespearemarried Mary Arden in1562, they didn’t know thattheir third child would bccome the most famouswriter in the Englishlanguage. John was a

 prosperous businessman,who owned a glove-makingfactory near Stfatford.Mary was the daughter of a


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William became the best known playwright of his time In his life, hewrote 37 plavs, the best known of which arc  Romeo and Juliet   and

 Hamlet.  He also wrote a large number of poems He only returned toStratford to live with die family for the last four years of his life.

When Shakespeare died in 1616, he was survived by his wife andhis two daughters. His son, Hamlet, had died in 1596.


William Shakespeare and bom :..........................


 bom:....................   bom:................. bom:...................

died: ...1596....


 Read the passage. When you finish, you will answer the questions that  follow.


For many thousands of years, people hunted for horses to cat Infact, horse meat was a very common food. Then, about 6.000 years ago,

 people discovered that horses were useful, too. Somewhere in southern

Russia and west Central Asia, people first began to use horses to \sork forthem.


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This discovery changed human history. People were able to travelfaster and farther with horses. They were able to leave their ovvn landMany people went to distant lands, met new people, and saw new places.

For many

centuries, until railroadswere built, peopleeverywhere depended onhorses to work and totravel. In fact, horsesworked to help build theroads and railroads weuse today. They also

worked on farms. They pulled fire engines and

ambulances in cities. Horses were indispensable to people for a vcrvlong time.

 Read the following questions. Then go back to the passage and scan 

quickly fo r the answers.

1. When did people discover that horses were useful?2. Where did this discovery happen?

3. Where did these people use horses for?

4. How did horses help to win wars?

5. What were some uses for horses in the past?

6. The main idea of this passage is

a. People discovered horses 6,000 years ago. b For a long time, horses were useful to people.

c. Horses helped people to win many wars against enemies


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1started Did I start? I did not (didn’t) start

You started Did you start? You did not (didn't) start

He/she/it started Did he/she/it start? He/she/it did not (didn't) stait

Wc started Did we start'7 We did not (didn't) start

They started Did they start9 They did not (didn't) start

Was and Were

I was Was I? I was not (wasn't)

You were Were you? You were not (weren’t)

He/she/it was Was he/she/it? He/she/it was not (wasn’t)

We were Were we? We were not (weren’t)

They were Were they? They were not (weren’t)


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Unit Goals

Saying what was happening The pa st continuous 

When and While clauses


In pairs or small groups the students think of as many words as they can in two minutes that they know were originally English but are commonly used in their own language (Vietnamese). Write up all the words on the board. Alternatively,

do the activity as a competition and see which group has the most words.

Gr a m m a r


Yesterday Tom and Tim played table tennis. They began at 10 o’clockand finished at 11 o’clock.

What were they doing  at 10.30?

They were playing table tennis (at 10.30).

“The^ were playing” means that they were in the middle of playingtennĨ9. They had started playing but they hadn’t finished.

This is the Past Continuous tense: I/he/she was playing

We/they/you were plaving

We use the past continuous to say that someone was in the middle ofdoing something at a certain time. The action or situation had alreadystarted before this time but hadn’t finished:


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- This time last year I was living in Quang Ngai

- What were you doing at 9 o'clock last night'*

Wc often use the past continuous (I was doing) and the past simple (I did)together to say that something happened in the middle of something else:

- Quang burnt  his hand while he VVÍ7.Vcooking the dinner - 1sow  Linh in the park. She was sitting on the grass and reading a


- It Mas raining when I got  up.

- While I was working in the garden, I hurl my back 


 A A group o f people were staying m a hotel One evening the fire alarm rang. Use the words in the brackets to make sentences saving *hat each 

 person was doing at the time.

Example:  (Don / have / a bath) Don was having a bath.

1. (Mai / write / a report in her room)M ai..................................................................................

2. (Quang / get / ready to go out)Quang ..............................................................................

3. (Tuyet and Huong / have / dinner)Tuyet and Huong ...........................................................

4. (Tóm / make / a phone call)Tom .................................................................................

 B. Put the verb in the correct form, past continuous or past simple 

Example.  While Tom was cooking (cook) the dinner, the phone rang(ring).

1. George ........   (fall) off the ladder while he ............   (paint) theceiling.

2. Last night I ...........(read) in bed when suddenly I (hear) ascream.


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3. . (you / watch) television when I phoned you?

(wait) for me when I ............ (arrive).4. Ann .

5. Tom.look)

(take) a photograph for me while I .........   (not /

c. These sentences make fo ur different stories. Which sentences go together? Tell each story using when or while.

 A. Read the passage. When you finish, you will answer the questions that follow.

Some people learn a second language easily. Other people havetrouble learning a new language. How can you help yourself learn a newlanguage, such as English? There are several ways to make learningEnglish a little easier and more interesting.

The first step is to feel positive about learning English. If you believe that you can learn, you will learn. BE patient. You do not have tounderstand everything all at once. It is natural to make mistakes when

you learn something new. We can learn from our mistakes. In otherwords, do not worry about taking risks.

The second step is to practise your English. For example, write ina journal, or diary, cverv day. You will get used to writing in English, andyou will feel comfortable expressing your ideas in English. After severalweeks you will see that your writing is improving. In addition, you mustspeak English every day. You can practise with your classmatcs outsideclass. You will all make mistakes, but gradually you will becomecomfortable communicating in English.

The third step is to keep a record of your language learning. You

can write this in your journal. After each class, think about what you did

Did you answer a question correctly? Did you understand something the




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teacher explained? Perhaps the lesson was difficult, but \ou tried to

understand it. Write these accomplishments in your journal

You must be positive about learning English and beliese that you

can do it. It is important to practise every day and make a record of your

achievements. You will enjoy learning English, and you will feci moreconfident in yourself.

 Read the following questions. Then go back to the passage and scan 

quicklv for the answers. Write them in the space under each question.

1. Are there ways to make learning a second language easier?

a. Yes

 b. No

2. How many steps are there?___________________________ 

3. Describe each step. Then give one example of each step,




4. What is the main idea of this passage?

a. It is very important to learn a second language.

 b. Some people learn a second language easily. Other people do not.

c. There are ways to help you leam a second language more easily.


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 Jin Lee has studied English fo r a long time. Read the story and find out: 

 How does he fe el about learning English?I am a fourth - year student at a good university in Korea. I will

graduate in four months and take a job with a company in a small town

near Seoul. I have spent almost 10 years learning English. And let me tell

you, it has been a waste of time.

To begin with, I will probably never use English in my work. My

 job will be with a taxi company. Everyone speaks Korean. The owner of

the company is Korean and all of employees are Korean, too. The taxi

drivers themselves do not need to speak English because there are very

few foreign visitors in our small town.

I don’t need English in my free time, either. If I want to read about

what is happening in foreign countries, I can read Korean newspapers and

magazines. I can learn all about other countries by reading in my native

language, not English.

And of course all the television stations carry international stories,

so I don’t have to watch the news in English in order to understand what

is happening all over the world.

I think of the many hours, days, weeks, even years that I spent in

school and at home studying English. Just think of what else I could have

studied instead of English. I could have studied more history, so that I

could understand my country better. Or I could have read more literature,

to help me understand the great writers of my country.

Instead, I spent so much time studying English. And for what

reason? So I could pass examination? What a terrible waste of time. I

really can’t understand why people need to study English for many so years.


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What do you think?

Which opinions do you agree with? Check as many as you Kant.

1. English is the most important international language We should allstudy it until we're good at it, even if it takes several years.

2. If you need English for work or travel, you should learn it. But noteverybody needs to learn it - for a lot of people, it's just a waste oftime and energy.

3. You may think you don't need English now, but who knows? Youmight need It in the future. So, it's better to be prepared

4. I think learning a foreign language is verv important But it doesn'thave to be English. Other languages are important, too, especially thelanguages of neighbouring countries.

5. Wc should study English but not for so long. The people who reallyneed it can continue to study it if they want.

 Now exchange your ideas with a classmate.


1. The pictures tell the story o f how a man first met his w ife. Try to put them in the correct order. Can you guess the story ?

2. Listen to the story on the tape, and check that you have put the picturesin the correct order.

3. How many o f these questions can you answer?

What was the man writing?

What was his friend's name?

What kind of party was it?

Whose party was it?

What was the weather like?

w bat colour elothes was the woman wearing^

Why did she have a suntan^


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Walk around the class and ask at least ten other students the questions )below, then fill in the grid their answers in note form and be ready to let   your teacher know how many people had similar answers to your  

questions.Where were you at three o’clock this morning?

What were you doing?

Where were you at eight o’clock this morning?

What were you doing?

Where were you two years ago?

What were you doing?

Where were you in August last year?

What were you doing?

3 a.m 8 am two years ago last August

Student 1

Student 2



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1. Rewrite the following passage putting the verbs in brackets in the past  

continuous tense.

When I (walk) down the street, I heard a shout A small boy (shout) for

help. He (hold) his stomach. A car (pass) and I stopped It. When we(drive) to the hospital, the boy (cry) with pain. When we got tọ the

hospital, some nurses (wait). They (take) him away when I remembered

to ask his name and address. I went to his parents' house and they

immediately went to the hospital Two weeks later I met the boy again

when I (walk) to work. He thanked me for help

2. Think o f something that happened to vou, or invent something. Write 

 your story using the past continuous and past simple. Then show your  story to the persons sitting next to you asking them to guess whether it is 

true or was invented.


Circle the word that does not belong with the other words. Tell why the other three words go together.

1. chemistry, geography, mathematics, navy

2. newspaper, journal, radio, magazine

3. jeans, denim, rivers, leather 

4. advertisement, competitor, inventor, athlete

5 disease, space, solar system, comet

6. heart disease, harmless, cancer, sickness


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 Past simple & Past continuous 

Past simple: for events in the past

 He burned his hand  Past continuous: for things that were going on at the time.

 He was frying an egg.

 Past continuous tense

Was(n’t)/ were(n’t) + -ing

She was writing a letter.

They weren t working.

Was she writing a letter?

What were you doing?

when & while

Past continuous + when + past simple

 He was frying an egg when he burned his hand.

Past simple + while/ when + past continuous

 He burned his hand while he was frying on egg.


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Unit Goals

Talking about experience

 Agreeing with someone's likes or dislikes

The present perfect tense with  ‘ever '  

So, neither, too, either 


Divide the class into groups of four or five. The students then take it in turns totell a story which is either true with fantasy elements added, or wholly true,though difficult to believe, or wholly untrue. The other students listen and say which elements, if any, are true.

Dave: What about India0

 Nora: No, I've never been to India.

When we talk about a period of time that continues up to the present, wcuse the present perfect. Nora and Dave are talking about the places Norahas visited in her life (which is a period continuing up to die present).



Study this example conversation: 

Dave: Have you travelled a lot, Nora?

 Nora: Yes, I've been to 25 different countries. Nora's life

Dave: Really? Have YOU ever been to Vietnam?

 Nora: Yes, I’ve visited Vietnam twice. past  present


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We often use ever  and never  with the present perfect:

Have you ever eaten caviar?

We have never had a car.


You are asking someone about things s/he has done in his/her life. Use the words in brackets to make your questions.

Example: (you / ever / be / to Italy?) Have you ever been to Italy?

1. (you ever / be / to South America?)

2. (you / read / any English books?)

3. (you / live / in this town all your life?)

4. (how many times / you / be in love?)5. (what’s the most beautiful city / you / ever / visit?)

6. (you ever / speak / to a famous person?)

So; neitherỈ too; either

- “I'm feeling tired.” “So am I.” (= I'm feeling tired too)

- “I never read newspapers/’ “Neither do I.” (= I never read them either)

- I passed the exam and so did Tim. (not “so Tim did")

“Not... either” can be used instead of “neither” and “nor":

- “I haven’t got any money.” “Neither have I.” or “I haven’t either.”


You are talking to someone. You hove the same ideas, taste etc. as your   friend. Use So... or Neither... each time.

Example-.  I’m feeling tired. So am I.

I don’t like eggs. Neither do I.


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1. I need holiday

2. I don’t like milk.

3. I couldn’t get up this morning.

1. I’d love a cup of tea.

2. I’ve never been to Africa.

3 I was ill yesterday

4. I should smoke less.

5. I spent the whole eveningwatching telcvisicfti.

6. I didn’t know that Ann was iohospital.

 Agreeing with someone*5 likes

- I’m crazy about football.

- Are you? I am, too./ So am I/ Me, too. / 1 like it, too.


- 1 really like football.- Do you? I do, too./ So do 1/ Me, too.

Say that you are crazy about or that you like the following things and   people very much. Your partner will agree.

1. football 4. the Beatles

2. exercising 5. Trinh Cong Son

7. travelling

8 Britney Spears

3. Huynh Due 6. opera

 Agreeing with someone's dislikes

-I don’t like beef noodles verv much,

can't stand beef noodles.

(No,) neither do I./ I don’t either./1 can’t cither./ neither can I.


- 1hate beef noodles.-(Yes.) So do I.

I do, too.


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Say that you don 7 like five o f the following things. Your partner will


1. hamburgers 4. speaking English

2. rock n’ roll 5.modem art

3. mystery stories 6. camping


 A. Read the descriptions o f two famous people. Underline the parts that describe their main influence on their people.

Charles Darwin(1809-1882)

Very few scientists have

inspired the kind of heatedcontroversies that this man’swork provoked. Hisobservations on the lonelyGalapagos Islands off the coastof Ecuador made him famous,

 but they also created

controversies about humanity’s

 beginnings - issues that still

anger people and incite

 politicians and religious leaders

across the world.

B. I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim. He is inAustralia. He has been there for six months. Tim is an engineer. Heis working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number ofdifferent places in Australia. He has just bought an Australian car and

Pablo Picasso(1881-1973)

Like a magnificentearthquake, die invention ofthe camera shook the

foundations of the art world,and this artist was among the

first to pick up the pieces.

What he did with those pieces,rearranging and recombining

them, changed forever the way

we would appreciate and

evaluate painting. Few artists

in history have had this kind ofimpact or influence.


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has gone to Alice Spring, a small town in the ccntrc of Australia. Htwill soon visit Darwin. From there, he will fl> to Perth My brothahas never been abroad before, so he IS finding this tnp vers exciting.

 Answer these questions about the text 1. What has the writer just receiv ed from his brother. Tim?

2. Is Tim an engineer, or is he a doctor "!

3. How long has he been in Australia9

4. Has he already visited many placcs or not?

5. Where is he now?

6. Has Tim ever been abroad before or not97. Is he enjoying his tnp very much or not9


 Ask and answer.

A: Have you ever read/ seen/ been to .......9

B: Yes. I have./ No, I haven't./ Not yet.

A: What did you think of it?

B: Great./ Not bad./ OK./ I didn't like It./


 Imagine you are visiting Hue City Donang Citv. According to plan, you 

are going to stay in this city fo r one week, an d this IS vour fifth da \ ' in the 

city. Write a postcard to an English friend o f yours telling him her *hat   you have done (places o f interest YOU have been to. ihe kinds o f food vou

have eaten. hoH many photographs you have token, etc) so far The

 postcard might begin like this:


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Dear James,

How are you? I’m writing you from Hue/ Danang City. I have been inthis city for five days and have done a lot of interesting things. I have



 How long have these people been in Britain? Listen and write the 

number of weeks, months, or years they have been there.

 1....... 6  V 1 weeks..............   5.....................................

  2............................. 6...........................

3........................................  7.......................................4. 8......................................


Translate the following sentences into English using the present perfect  


ì>. Bạn đã bao giờ thăm Công viên Suối Tiên ở Thủ Đ ức chưa?2. Bạn đã bao giò đọc một tiểu thuyết trinh thám Mĩchưa?

3. Đ ây là lần đ ầu tiên tôi xem c ầu Tru yền hình trên VTV 3.

4. Lan chưa bao giờ nói chuyện với một người Anh.

5. Học kì này, Tu ấn ch ư a bị điểm thấp tron g môn học nào.


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Present perfect simple 


have/ has + verb + -ed (past participlc)Positive and negative

I/We/You/They ‘ve (have)/ haven’t

He/She/It ‘s (has)/ hasn’t

worked in a textile factory


Have I/we/you/they

Has he/she/it

 been to the United States?

Short answer 

 Have you been to Sapa7  " "Yes, I have. ”/ “No, I haven 7. ”

Yes, I have. ”/ “No, 1 haven, t. ”

“ Has she ever written poetrv? ”

“Yes, she has. ” / "No, she hasn t.  "


We cannot use / ve; they 've; he s\   etc. in short answers.

Wrong Yes, I’ve.

Yes, we've.

Right Yes, I have.

Yes, we have.


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Unit Goals

 M akin g and reply ing to suggestions, offers and  requests 

 M odal verbs fo r suggestions, offer and requests


Take a word the class learnt last time, and ask the students to suggest all the  

words they associate with it Write each suggestion on the board with a line 

 joining It to the original words, in a circle, so that you get


P re se n tatio n

Offering: WouId/Wouldn’t you like a sandwich / some tea?

Yes/ No responses: Yes, I’d like one/some, please.

 No, thank you.

Write:  Make offers for the following things and substances.

A sandwich, some coffee, a slice of toast, some potatoes, anorange, some fruit

1. Would you like a sandwich?




5. .........................................................................................



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 Requests for things and substances

Requesting: Can/Could/May/Might I have a sandwich/ some sugar, please?

Yes/ No responses: Of course you can/may. No, you can'ư may not, I’m

afraid.Write: Make requests fo r the following things and substances

A sandwich, some coffee, a slice of toast, some potatoes, anorange, some fruit

1. Can I have a sandwich, please9



  4................................................................................................  5................................................................................................


 Making suggestions, inviting actions

Making suggestions, inviting actions: Would / Wouldn t you like to come

with us?

Yes/ No responses: Yes, I d like to love to. No, I d prefer not to. thank  you.

Write: Make suggestions Invite actions for the following situations.

1. Your friend has nowhere to stav for the night. Would vou like to stav with me?

You   want   your    friends   to join you for    a meal

You   want   your    friends   to come on an   excursion

You   want   your    friends   to have a holiday   with you


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 Requesting others to do things fo r you.

Requesting others to do things for you: Will/ Would you pleaseopenthedoor for me?

Yes / No responses. Yes. o f course 1 will. No. I mafraid I 

con 7 at (he moment.

Write: Make requests fo r the following situations.  You want someone to...

1.  hold the door open for you. Will/Would YOUhold the door open  fo r me, please?

2. dial a number for YOU

3. translate a letter for you

4. deliver some flowers for 

Offering to do things fo r others

Offering to do things for others: Shall I earn that for you?

Yes/ No responses: Can/ Could you? That's very kind of you. No.

thank you.

Write:  Make offers for the following situations.

1. An old lady clearly wants to put her large suitcase on the luggagerack.

Shall I put the suitcase on the rack (for you) ?

2. A young woman is shivering and the window is open.

3. Your friend accidentally drops some sheets of paper on the floor.


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 Making suggestions that include the speaker.

Making suggestions that include the speaker: Shall He go for a SH’im?

Yes/ No responses: Yes, let 's./ Yes. let 's. shall we? No. I d rather wt  didn t.

Write:  Make suggestions to a fr iend for the following situations.  Youfeel like...

1. driving to the coast.

Shall we drive to the coast 7 

2. having a meal out this evening

3. travelling first class

4. having a holiday in Sapa


 Interests and jobs



Career suggestion Student’s preference

travelling ̂


the army

the ocean


the law



work in a sporting goods store

sales representative ^



kindergarten teacher

work on a cruise ship

work in an art gall crysoldier

 bank teller 


football plavcr

deep-sea diver


Secretary of Defense


 private detectivewnte children*s books

 brain surgeon


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 Make conversations.

A: I like travelling.

B: Oh? Would you like to be a sales representative?

A: I think I’d prefer to be a pilot.

Calling Hotel Services 

A: Front desk. Can I help you?


B: This is Room 1436; I forgot my razor. Can I get one somewhere?

I’d like to make a dinner reservation.

A: Just call Courtesy Services at extension 105.' the hotel dining room 120

Student A: You ore a hotel guest. Coll the  front desk with the requests 

listed below.

Student B: You are the front desk clerk. Look at the directory and tell 

 your partner where to call.

 Reverse roles. This time. Student B. calls with requests.

Student A’s requests

1. You’d like to have dinner in your room.

2. You want to have your suit cleaned.

3. You need a wake-up call at 6: 30 am.

4. You want to get to the airport chcaply.

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Student B's requests

1. You need some more towels.

2. You'd like to send a fax to Ha Noi

3. You want to get tour information

4. You'd like to arrange a tennis game.


 Read these sentences about road safety.


1. Always use a pavement or footpath

2. Wear white or light-colourcd clothes in the dark 

3. Don't let young children walk alone near a busv road


4 Don't pass other cars near a corncr. or a bend, or at the top of ahill.

5 Don't park in front of a zebra crossing.

6. Don't drive if you feel tired

7. Always fasten Your scat bolt when YOU start Your car


8. Use front and back lights at night

9. Always keep both hands on the bicvclc handle bars

10. Don't earn a passenger on your bicycle.

11 Look round before you turn left or right.


Airport shuttle 116Bab\-si t t ing 107

CaurtesN service 105Dining room 120

Fax service 102Front desk  1011lealth club 110


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 Now read the following sentences about II people. Who IS using the 

road safety? Who is acting dangerously? Write safe (S) or dangerous (D) 

in each box.

1. □ Mr. Barry is taking his daughter to school. She is sitting in front of 

him on his bicycle.2. □ Miss Jones is leaving her car. It is at the side of the road in front of a

zebra crossing.

3. □ Leila is on her bicycle. She wants to turn right and she is looking

quickly behind her.

4. □ It is midnight. Mrs Shore is crossing the road on a zebra crossing

She is wearing black clothes.

5. □ It is ten o’clock in the morning. Mcdhi has no lights on his bicvcle.

6. □ There is a pavement but Mabel Lowe is walking at the side of the

road towards a zebra crossing.

7. □ Mrs Kilimis is walking on the pavement of a busy road. She is

holding the hand o f her small child.

8. □ Bill Johnson is cycling to work and he is waving to his friends.

9. □ Mr. Sumatomo is driving only a hundred metres but he is wearing

his seat belt.

10. □ Mr Lee is very tired and so he is driving home very quickly, to go

to bed.

11. □ Carlos is passing a lorrv in his new car. There is a comer a hundred

metres in front of him.


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 Mi-Yeon remembers something important that happened when she was a 

little girl. Read the story and find out: What happened 9  What did she 


I was in the kitchcn helping my mother when I heard the crash. I

knew at oncc what had happened I turned and started to run toward the

room where the guests were, but my mother stopped me.

"Wait," she said. "Let's return to our guests as if nothing has

happened. Do not show how upset and angry you are."

"But Mother, how can you say that? You know what has happened.Our family vase has been broken. You heard the crash. This is terrible."

My mother smiled at me and replied, "Yes, I know. The vase thathas been in our family for over 200 years is broken. But we mustn't let

our guests know how priceless it is."

With that, she picked up the tea, and \vc returned to our guests.

When we entered the room, I saw at oncc that my worst fear was right •

the priceless vase was in pieces on the floor. And standing next to the

 broken vase was the 4-year-old son of Mrs Kim.

Mrs. Kim has a homficd look on her facc.

The boy was starting to cry. He looked very guilty.

"I. I...well, somehow...," Mrs. Kim began to explain.

My mother quickly said, "Oh, that's all right. It was an old vase. Itwas not valuable."

But the vase just fell off the shelf," Mrs. Kim replied.

Oh, don't worn about it. Everything is just fine. Would you likesome tea9 And what about some of these sweets?"


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After our guests had gone, I asked my mother, "Why did you say

that the vase was worthless? You know that it was very valuable."

’'What else could I say?” my mother replied. "Could I say it was

valuable? That the boy had broken our family's most precious treasure?

Could I say that?""Well," I said, "It's the truth. We should always tell the truth." "Not

always," explained my mother carefully. "Sometimes we must not tell the

truth. Sometimes it is best to hide our true feelings."

"Is there no other way?" I asked.

"Believe me, I know. There is no other way."

What do you think?

What was the mother trying to teach her daughter? Check the sentences  you agree with.

1. Relationships with people are more important than material things likevases.

2. Other people's feelings are more important than your own feelings.

3. It's sometimes necessary to tell a lie.

4. Never show other people your true feelings, especially sadness oranger.

5. Don't embarrass other people. Always protect their feelings.

 Now exchange your ideas with a classmate.


 A spokesperson is discussing ways that people can help save the environment. She will talk about things that can be done around the home and in the community. As you listen, check ( S) the suggestions that she actually mentions.


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Around the home

........Buy cloth napkins

........Buy overpackaged goods

........Take bags to the grocery store

....Use home-made cleaning products

In the community

............Ride a bicycle

............. Get your office to recycle paper 

Teach young children to


.........Plant a tree



Choosing a career, test 1

1. Which colour do you prefer?a. Blue.

 b Grey

c. Orange.

2. Would you rather 

a. play a team game? e.g. footballor netball.

 b. play a game for two? e.g. tennis

c. take exercise on your own? e.e.run, cycle or jog.

3. Would you rather 

a. be nch and famous?

 b. be rich, but not famous?

c. be poor and happy?

4. Would you prefer to live

a. in a big city? _____________  _ 

6. Would you rather bea. a dcfcncc lawyer?

 b. a prosecution lawyer9

c. ajudgc'7

7. Would you rather be

a. a film star?

 b a doctor?c. a writer?

8. Would you rather have a holiday

a. in Disneyworld9

 b. on a small island0

c. in an old and beautiful city0

9. What would vou prefer to do9

a. To go to a disco

 b To go out with one friend


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 b. in a small town? c. To stay at home alone

c. in the country?10. Who would you prefer to have

5. Would you rather  dinner with?

a. work alone? a. A famous person. b. work with two or three people?  b. A large group of friends

c. work with a lot of people? c. Someone from your family.

SCORE: 15 to 20

You like being with people. You are ambitious and you wantsuccess.

SCORE: 9 to 14

You like being with special friends. You’d like a job with people, but you’d prefer to meet one or two people at a time.

SCORE: 8 and under 

You like being on your own. You’d prefer a quiet job. ____________ 


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1. Complete the following three texts. Use past tense forms of theverbs in the box below.

 be cut invent sav break explode kill takecome go know throwcrash have like use

When Joseph Merlin .....   roller stakes in 1760, he decided todemonstrate them at a large party Half way through the party,

he .... into the ball room wearing his skates and playing a violin.Unfortunately he .... how to turn or stop, and he .... into a largemirror at the end of the room He the mirror and his violin,and ended up in hospital.


In 1868, the City Council set up the world's first traffic lightoutside the Houses of Parliament in London The traffic light.... electricity - instead it used gas lamps  behin d red and green

glass. It .... a great success: after a few da vs It . ... and .... a policeman It was almost 50 years before they built anothertraffic light.


A customer in an expensive New York restaurant complained tohead waiter George Crum that he his chips because theywere too thick. Crum .... very annoyed He .... into the kitchen,

.... a potato into very thin slices, and ... the slices into a pan ofhot oil. Then he ... them back to the customer, who (to Crum'ssurprise) .... that they tasted dclicious. They ... the world's first potato crisps.


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2. Irregular Past Tenses

 Here are twenty verbs. Ten are regular and ten are irregular. Write the  past tense form o f the irregular verbs only.

 buy put

cook  speak do start

happen take

have talk  

hear  visit

laugh wait

leave watch

listen whisper 

make write

3. Read and respond

 Read these introductions o f some true stories. Think o f a title for each story. Write it in the box. Which story sounds the most interesting? Circle it.


Matt was playing hidc-and-scck with

his brother. He hid in a cupboard.When nobody came he tried to get out but the door was stuck. He shoutedand shouted but nobody heard him.What would happen to him?


Andrea was shopping when she

saw another woman who lookedexactly like her.

Who was this woman? Was thisher twin? She dccidcd to followher.


Yoko was eight vcars old. She had a bad dream and woke up in the middle

of the night. She went into her parents' bedroom but they were notthere. Her elder sister was gone, too.Where were they? Why had they lefther alone?


John was on his way home aftervisiting his girlfriend.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps behind him. A small middle-aged man was following him.Who was it? What did the manwant?


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Try it 

Think of something unusual that has happened to YOU Write an introduction for your ow n true story’.


Where were vou?What time was it?

What did you see?

What did you hear?

How did you feel?

4. Bingo:

 Move around the class and ask your classmates questions in the present   perfect about their past experience using the pattern Have you (ever).... ?” as in  “Have you ever been to Halong Bay9  The winnner is the person who can get all the positive answers fo r the questions m one horizontal or vertical column first. Remember to write doMin the names of  the persons who give the positive answ ers.

Your own true story

.. been toDanang

... spokenEnglish with

a foreigner?

...visited theHue Royal


... seen aKungfu film?

... been 10 aconcert?

... seen amovie starin person?

... spent asleeplessnight?

... eaten frogmeat?

... travelledfrom Hue toHCM City byưain?

... Slavedovernight on theThien An Hills?

... visitedHo ChiMinh City?

... read anewspaperin English9

... got drunk9 ... written anEnglish letter?

------------sung an

English song0

... driven acar? ...been toDalat? ... been in anaccident9 ... been to LangCo Beach9 ... smoked acigarette0

... won alottery?

... raised a pet?

... travelled toSapa9

felt lonely? seen a JamesBond (007) film?


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 Match each request with a suitable response. Then compare with a  partner and practise.

5. Requests

a) Would you please mail theseletters for me?.................

 b) Excuse me. Could you moveyour bag, please? ...........

c) Would you mind not smokinghere?

d) Please try to come to class on


I’m sorry. I won't be late again. I promise!

OK. I’ll go outside.

All right. I’ll do it when I godowntown this afternoon.

...............Sure! No problem!

................. Sorrv, I didn't know it

was bothering you..................   I’m sorry, but it’s notmine.

6. Past Continuous vs Past Simple

 Join each idea in A with the most suitable idea in B. Make sentences using whenAvhile and the past continuous or post simple of the verbs in 


a. I dropped my bag while I was running for a bus.


 b. I (drop) my bag I (drive) to work 

 b. I (cut) myself  I (eat) a sandwich

c. My car (break down) I (run) for a bus

d. I (see) a shark  I (shave)

e. Mv clothes (get) dirty I (swim) in the sea

f. I (break) a tooth I (clean) the attic


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Write down the names o f three books films plays etc that you like and  three that you don t. Tell other students and listen to their answ ers.

Ihke... ; 1 Ẩ   So do I (   Neither do I.

I really like... ) I don't. N ) c  ldoEtc 1don't  y S   V- I quite like It \


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Unit Goals

Talking about hobbies an d problems. How long...?


 a)Ask a partner the following questions: 

1. Have you ever collected anything? (e.g. stamps, compact discs, keyring, pens, lighters, etc.)

2. What do you collect?

3. When did you start collecting them?4. Do you still collect them now?

5. How many have you got?

6. Why do you collect these things?

b ) Report to the class about you r interview.



Joanna has been collecting album stickcrs for several yearsActually, it is a prettv expensive hobby. It costs about 25p for a packet offive stickers. There are usually about two hundred and fifty stickers in analbum. Joanna has been collecting the All About sport stickers since lastyear and she hopes she will have about ninety-six different stickers at theend of this year.

1. What is Joanna’s hobby? How long has she been collecting them9

2. Is it an expensive hobbv? Why?

3. How long has she been collecting the All About Sport stickers?

4. How many docs she hope to have at the end of this year?


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Exercise 1 

for and since

Complete the spaces with fo r and since.

1. They’ve been living in London ______ April.2. We’ve been working hard ______ an hour 

3. He hasn’t been listening ______ the start of the lesson.

4. She’s been reading that book  ______   three weeks, and she hasn’tfinished it yet.

5. I've been collecting model cars ______ I was a child

Exercise 2

Fill in the correct forms o f the verbs in parentheses. Use the present   perfect continuous when it is possible. When this IS not possible, use the  present perfect.

Example :

Beatrice and Allen Gardner have decided (decidc) to teach a number ofchimps Ameslan, a t\pe of sign language.

1. Deaf people  ______________   (communicate) with Ameslan for decades.

2. The Gardners ______________ (teach) a small amount of Ameslantoa number of chimps since the 1960s; the famous chimp is namedWashoe.

3. Washoe _____________ (learn / already) to use one hundred and fiftyAmeslan signs.

4. Using these signs, W ashoe ______________ (ask) for such things as

food or games hundreds of times.

5. Another chimpanzee _______________ (practise) Ameslan for severalyears.


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6. This chimp  _______________ (master) almost two hundred words,and he  ______________   (combine) these words into short butgrammatical sentences a number of times.

7. Still, even this chimpanzee _____________ (not learn) nearlv as muchas a three-year-old human.



You can learn a lot of things from your collections. Here are threestickers from Joanna’s collection. Look at the three stickers, and answerthe questions.


Soccer: Goalkeepers

Most footballersretire in their mid-thirties, butgoalkeepers go onand on! Irishinternational Tim

Godwin of Manchester United is42, and he’s still playing in the Firstdivision. He’s been playing for Manchester for 25years. Tim has played for Ireland 47



Village Cricket (2)

Cricket is a game foryoung and old. Invillage cricket teams, players may be between 14 and 60years old - or even

older. ColonelJeremy Smythe ofWickering, Sussex,was 72 last birthday.He has been playingcricket for Wickeringsince he wasfourteen! He has played for them more

than 1,500 times!


Synchronized Swimming

Synchronized swimming(or “water ballet”) is oneof the youngest sports. It began with Hollywoodfilms of the 1930s. It became an official

international sport in1952. Synchronizedswimmers have beencompeting in the OlympicGames since 1984. It has become very popular ontelevision.

1. Is Tim Godwin still playing for Manchester?

2.  How long has he been playing for Manchester?


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3. How many times has he played for Ireland0

4. Docs Colonel Smvthe still play for Wickcring9

5. How long has he been playing for Wickcnng9

6. Approximately how many times has he played for Wickering0

7. How long have synchronized swimmers been competing in theOlympics?

8. What’s another name for synchronized swimming9


 About yourself 

 Ask and answer in pairs.

1. How long have you been studying English''’2. How many English textbooks have YOUstudied'*

3. How long have you been studying this book ’

4. How many units have you finished'7

5. How long have you been wearing glasses/ that ring/ an earring/ thatwatch, etc.?

6. How long have you been living in your present home9/ this town9

7. How many homes have you lived in during your life?



Mr. and Mrs. Banks have been having a lot of problems in theirapartment recently. For several weeks their bedroom ceiling has beenleaking, their refrigerator hasn't been working, and the paint in their

hallway has been peeling. In addition, they have been taking coldshowers since last week because their water heater hasn t been working,and they haven t been sleeping at night because their radiators have beenmaking strange noises.


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Mr. and Mrs. Banksare furious. They have beencalling their landlord everyday and complaining abouttheir problems. He has been promising to help them, butthey have been waiting formore than a week, and he stillhasn’t fixed anything at all.

Questions and Answers

 Mr. and Mrs. Banks are calling their landlord fo r the first time 

about each o f the problems in their apartment. Using this model, create dialogues based on the story.

A. Hello.

B. Hello. This is Mrs. Banks.

A. Yes, Mrs. Banks. What can I do for you?

B. We’re having a problem with our bedroom ceiling.

A. Oh? What’s die problem?

B. It’s leaking.

A. I see. Tell me, how long has it been leaking?

B. It’s been leaking for about an hour.

A. All right, Mrs. Banks. I'll take care of it as soon as I can

B. Thank you.


Translate Reading B into Vietnamese.


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Present perfect continuou s

I ‘ve

You have

We haven't for  two hours

Thev have not  been working ten minutes

He ‘s

She has sincc three o'clock 

It hasn’t

has not

T uesday

 Have you been listening }

Yes. 1 have./ No, I haven t.

 Has she been working7  

Yes, she has./ No, she hasn 7.

 How long have they been living there?

For ten years./ Since January. How long has he been studying English7  

For six months./Since September 

Present perfect vs. pre sen t pe rfect co ntinu ou s; fo r & since

We often use the present perfect continuous tense in a question with  HoM long.. P. or with fo r  and since.

 How long has she been driving?For two hours./Since seven o clock.

 How far has she driven ?


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120 kilometres.

 How long have they been saving?

For two years./Since July.

 How much have they saved?



for - a period o f time:

 for two minutes/for three weeks/for a long time

since - a point of time:

since Tuesday/ since 4th May/ since 1992/ since 1 was three years old/ since two months ago/ since 1 arrived.


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Unit Goal

Expressing possibilities w ith may ,  might, can, and  



What has just happened?

Use of the present perfect to describe something that has just happened.

Procedure.  Write a series of exclamations on the board - not more than about 

ten (there is a selection to choose from in the BOX). In pairs orgroups, studentschoose an exclamation, think of an event which might have caused someone to 

say it, and write down a brief description of the event, using the present perfectFor example they might choose "What?”, and write:

Someone hasn't heard clearly what was just said.

Then they choose another and do the same again. After two minutes Invitestudents to read out their sentences without identifying the exclamations thatgave rise to them; the rest of the class guess what the exclamations were.

BOX: What has just happened?

Oh! Oh? Congratulations!

I'm sorry! Great! wtiat?

 No! Thanks1 Welcome!

 Never mind! It 's a deal! Hello’

Goodbye! Thank goodness! Yes, of cotrse*

Ow! Bad luck! Great!


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 4lan and Mike are eighteen-year-old twins. They have ju st left school.  Read what they say about their future careers.


“Well, first I’m having a holiday. I’m travelling round Europe forthe summer, and then in October, I’m going to university to study business and marketing. I’ve always wanted to work in management. Bythe time I’m twenty-five, I want to be very rich, so after university, I'mgoing to work in the City with my father. He’s a stockbroker.”


“I know it’s time for decisions, but I’m not very good atdecisions. I might go to university, but I’m not sure. I might wait andtravel around the Far East for a while.”

After that I might become a teacher. I know you don’t cam much, but I like working with kids. Someone told me there arc a lot of jobsteaching English so I might do a course in that. Then I could teach andtravel!’*

Grammar questions

1. Who is sure about what he wants to do? Who isn’t sure?2. What future forms does Alan use?

3. Which verb does Mike use that shows he isn’t sure about his futurecareer? *


 Exercise 1

Choose the correct verb form in the following sentences.

1. “What’s for supper?”

“We’re having/ We might have lamb. It’s in the oven.”


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2. “What time are we eating?”

“7.00. Don't worry. It’ll be ready/ It might be before your TV programme.”

3. “Who’s coming for supper9”

“I invited Jerry, but he will be/ might be late It depends on the

traffic.”4. “What are you doing tomorrow7"

“I don’t know yet. I’m going/1 might go into town.”

 Exercise 2

Put in a pronoun (e.g. it, she) and may (not)/ might (not) - verb. Use the verbs in brackets.

Example :- There are lots of clouds. It may rain you know, (rain)

- Don’t give your grandmother these sweets. She might not like them,(like)

1. I’mthinking of learning Italian.  _________________________   toevening classes, (go)

2. I wonder why Jeff is late. - Well,there’s a lot of traffic.

 ________________________ in a hold-up. (be)3. It’s a long way to go in a day. We think 

 _________________________  the journey somewhere, (break)

4. The car has been standing outside in thecold all week. ________________________  first time, (start)

5. Emma is pleased that she's got an interview for a job. _________________________the job, of course, (get)

6. The caravan is a bit small for all of us.

 ___________  ________________  it and buy a bigger one (sell)

7. Don't you think that box is a bit heavy for you? _____________________  _   it. (drop)


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In the United States, accidents are the number one cause of deathin people under age forty-five, and illnesses such as heart disease affect

millions. Unfortunately, most of us sooner or later will be faced with anemergency. The victim may be someone near you or it might be you; ineither case, recognizing the injury or illness and knowing what to docould save a life. The following are some of the symptoms of commoninjuries or illnesses.

Possible injury or illness Symptoms

A person may be in shock: if the victim is weak, pale, thirsty, cool,nauseous, or sweaty around the lips,forehead, palms, or arms

if the pulse is fast but weak 

A person may have a headinjury:

if the victim is dizzy or bleeding from thenose, cars, or mouth

if the pulse is slow and strong or fast andweak 

if the victim cannot move an arm or leg

if the pupils of the eyes are different sizes


Using the information in the chart or your own knowledge, diagnose the  following symptoms. Use may, might, or could to make your diagnoses.

Example:- The victim is weak and pale.

- He could be in shock.


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1. The victim is thirsty.

2. The victim’s pulse is slow and strong

3. The victim is bleeding from the nose

4 The victim is sweaty around the forehead and lips

5. The victim is nauseous.

6. The victim’s pupils are different sizes


Steve and June want to go to Pans fo r a few days before Easter. They wrote to the See-lt-Now Travel Agency in London, and asked about some 

 possible ways o f going cheaply. This IS part o f the answer they got 

... In answer to your enquiries about chcap fares from London to Fans,here are two possible methods of travel

1. You can go by a combination of coach, ferry', and train The ferrycrosses the Channel from Dover to Calais, where you can get a train toPans. The tnp one way, from London to Paris, takes a bit more than

ten hours, and a ticket costs £40 00. However, if you choose this wayof travelling, you'll have to travel either on Friday or on Sunday.

2. Alternatively, you may want to go all the way by coach The coachleaves from Victoria Station to Paris, takes fourteen hours, and a ticketcosts £25.00. If you choose a coach tnp, you’ll be able to travel citheron Thursday, Fnday or Sunday

Fill in the following table with the information and the r»o suggestions  given bv the Travel Agency.


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Coach, ferry, train Through coach

Travel time

Days of week 

Single fare

 A few days later, the travel agent found a third method o f travel and  

wrote tơ Steve and June again. Use the information in the table below to complete his letter .

See-It-Now 15 WigmoreStreet

London w c 2

18 May 1985

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bragg,

I wonder if you have made anydecisions about your trip to Paris. I sent youdetails of two methods of ưavel which youwould both be very pleasant. ____________ 

Table: London - Paris

Coach, Hovercraft and TrainTravel time 8 hours

Days of w eek  any

Single fare £35 1


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 Read about the Information Super Highway.

What do twenty million people in the world have in common?Answer: they all use the Internet. In fact, from your desk, you can checkthe weather in Rio, buy stocks in Hong Kong, or see the latest exhibitionin the Louvre museum in Paris. Also, specialist users like languagetcachers can discuss the latest classroom techniques and activities. On amore serious note, doctors in Africa can get up-to-the-second informationon medical research around the world.

Ail you need is a basic computer, a modem, and the software tolink you to a phone line. With a single key stroke you’re on line and youdon’t have to wait long for information. Delivery time for e-mail fromEurope to the U S A is about 10 scconds. But is it expensive? Not really -a typical online monthly chargc fee in the U S A can be as low as $10.

What’s really extraordinary about the Internet is the amount andvariety of information available. You can find out about kite flying inKorea, the priccs of hotels in Pakistan, and the best plays on Broadway.You can use electronic bulletin boards to join in political debates, getadvice about love, or even analyze your favorite sports teams’ performance. Services are also available that allow you to do your banking, reserve airline tickets, and even shop for a Mother’s Day gift.

And in ease you think using the Internet means hours alone, youcould always head for the Internet Café in New York and order cofTee, asnack, and an hour online ($3 per hour). You might even meet someoneonline and sưike up an on-screen romance.

 Answer the following questions

1. How many regular Internet users are there in the world?

2. What three things can you use the Internet for?

3. How long does it take an e-mail message to ưavel from the U S A toEurope?

4. What is a t)pical online monthly user fee for one month?

5. What information can you look for on the Internet?


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6. What can you do if you don’t want to spend hours alone on theInternet?


What will our environment be like in the next 30 years?

The Sun is gening hotter. Ice in the two poles is melting. Deforestation isalarmingly increasing. Floods are stalking through many parts, droughtmany others. Air, water, food, and many other things arc being polluted ..We all are facing a situation which is getting worse and worse.

 In groups (of 4 or 5), try to find out many possible ways to change such situation, to save our life.


We all may not use motorbikes or cars any more. That saves petrol andkeeps the environment clcan. It could be done.


May, might, can and could express the idea that something is very possible. We can use them for die present or the future.

 Present/ Future Possibility

May (not) >

Might (not) ^ + simple form


Could (not)

 He may have a bad case of the flu.

 He might not come to school tomorrow.

You can get a husband through Internet.

Could he have pneumonia?


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Unit Goal

Past habits

WARM-UP: Looking back 

______________________________ Quiz Sheet___________________________

We all used to be very different from the way we are now. Exactlyhow different are we? Find out what your partner used to be like.

Ask the questions and write the answers. Ask one follow-upquestion after each of the answers your partner gives you._________

Questions Answers

1. Did you use to have a favorite teacher?

2. What did you use to wear to school?

3. Did you use to belong to a dub or team?

4. What did you use to want to be? (job)

5. How did you use to get to school?6. What time did you use to get up and go to bed?

7. Did you use to have a part-time job?

8. Did you use to have a pet?

9. Did you use to dislike any foods?

10. Did you use to have a nickname?

11. Make your own question:

Did you and your partner have anything in oommon? Make a group of four and tell your group members.

(Nick) and Iboth used to (plaụ on the soccer team in high school). 

O r Neither of us used to (have a pet).


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 Molly Harrison was a young girl in the 1920s. Read what she says about it.

“We shocked our parents. We used to do things our mothersnever did. We cut our hair, we wore short skirts, we smoked, and wentdancing. I loved doing a dance called the Charleston. I once won a prizefor that! My boyfriend had a car, a Model T Ford. We often went for picnics in the countryside. The roads weren’t busy then - no traffic jams!My father bought a car in 1925, an Austin Seven. He paid £150 for it! Wewent to the pictures twice a week, and it only cost sixpence. My favoritestars were Charlie Chaplin and Greta Garbo - the films were silent. I sawmy first “talking” picture in 1927. Also, wc listened to the radio a lot (theBBC started in 1922). I can remember it all so clearly.”

* 1. Why did she shock her parents when she was young?

2. What did she use to do?

3. Does she do those things any more?


 Exercise 1Using used to, change the following sentences from the simple past tense to the habitual past.


- We lived in a small house.

- We used to live in a small house.

1. Our family had a television, but we seldom watched it.

2. We always found other ways to pass the time.

3. All of the children in the neighborhood were friends.

4. In the summer, we always played games, rode our bicycles, and wentswimming.


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5. All of us liked to swim.

6. In autumn, we always made big piles of leaves to jump in.

7. In winter, we skated and skied all the time.8. We built snow slides through the back yards and went down them on

sleds every day after school.

9. Finally springtime came after months of winter.

10. We waited for summer to arrive again.

Exercise 2

 An interviewer is talking to the oldest person in the village. Put in used towith the verb.

Old Woman: I’ve always lived in the village, butnot always in this house

Interviewer: Where did vou use to live?  you live

Old Woman: When I was a girl, we lived at

Apple Tree Farm. We (1) ithere. 1. like

Interviewer: But life was hard, wasn’t it?

Old woman: Oh, yes. In those days, we(2) electricity. Mv fathermilked the cows by hands.

2. not have

Interviewer: And (3) with the farm work? 3. you help

Old Woman: Yes, I (4) the hens.

4. look after 

Students practise acting out the interview.

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My Pa used to play the violin. Us children used to gather aroundthe potbelly stove in the kitchen during those long, freezing-cold winternights in Wisconsin, and we used to be glued to the sounds of that oldviolin. My Pa made that violin sing.

That violin gave us our best entertainment because my Pa used to play for dances around the county. We used to get so excitcd when hetold us that we were going to go to a dance. About one Saturday night amonth, he used to hitch the horses, pack the entire family into the wagon,

and take us off to the dance. Now that was really excitcment!I still have that violin. It has got to be at least a hundred and fifty

yearsold now. I’ve played it on and off through theyears, andothershave pickcd it from time to time. But nobody has made itsing the waymy Pa used to

A1 Monom, age 87, Middleton, Wisconsin

 Note : Vs children  is a colloquial for “we children"

1. What did the children use to do when their father played theviolin?

2. Was their father good at playing the violin?

3. How did they feel when they were going to go to a dancc?

4. What was their real excitement then?

5. How often did they go to a dance?

6. Has the violin been played now?

7. Does their father still platy the violin now?

8. What is the difference between father’s sounds of violin andthe others'?

I l l

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What are some things that you used to do as a child? Recall and tell your  friends.



Student A

Many people look around our present world and arc notimpressed. They have a nostalgic view of the past and feci that life usedto be better in almost every way. For example, they say familyrelationships were sfrongcr. There used to be less divorce and people 

usually lived in the same area as their family. Families also used to becloser because people didn't move so much.

There was also a greater feeling of community. People knew andhelped their neighbors. People these days, they say, often don't evenknow what their neighbors look like.

The nostalgic view also tells us that the environment people livedin used to be better. The air was cleaner, the water was purer, our foodwas more natural and tasted better.

Towns and cities were also much easier to live in. They were smaller,

less sữessíul, and used to be a lot safer. And people weren’t afraid to goout at night. Are these people viewing the past with “rose-tinted glasses”?Well, maybe - in fact they even insist that the weather used to be better.

1. Read the article quickly. What’s the writer’s point of view? Check ( O the right box.

Life used to be better.

Life used to be worse.

2. Read the article more carefully and fill in the information.

Topic Main idea Example1. Families relationship stronger  less divorcc



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 Now use your notes to answer your partner’s questions.

3. Find out about your partner's article and complete the information

Topic Main idea Example





What’s the point of view of your article?

What topics and main ideas does it mention?

Docs it give any examples?

Student B

Life nowadays may not be perfect, but to many people it s clearlya lot better than it used to be. They quickly talk about health. Peopledidn’t use to live as long and their chances of dying from disease werehigher. Medical treatments, they say, also used to be more painful. Thesedays we have cure for just about any problem.

Apart from basic health care, people didn't use to have so manychoices about their lifestyles. For example, only a very small percentageof young people used to be able to go to college. And, they tell us,without so much education, career choices were very limited.

In fact, according to the “now is best" view, life in general didn'tuse to be as interesting. People worked long hours and therefore didn'thave much free time to follow hobbies or develop interests. And for most people, visiting foreign countries for pleasure was an impossible dream.


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 Now, because of technology, for the first time we really do live in thesame world. It used to take weeks for letters and news to travel from one

 part of the world to another. On the Electronic Superhighway, it takes

seconds. Do these people view the present with "rose-tinted glasses ?Well, they certainly don't think so.

1. Read the article quickly. What's the writer’s point of view?Check ( S )  the right box.

Life used to be better.

Life used to be worse.

2. Read the article more carefully and fill in the information.

Topic Main idea Example

1. Health didn't live as long treatments more painful




 Now use vournotes to answer vourpartner's questions.

3. Find out about your partner’s article and complete theinformation.

Topic Main idea Example





What 's the point of view of your article?

What topics and main ideas does it mention?

Does it give any examples?


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Used to + infinitive expresses a past habit or state which does not happenany more.

We used to go to the seaside every summer.

If the action happened once only, we cannot use used to. We must use thePast Simple.

We went to Blackpool in 1929.


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Unit Goal

The firs t conditional uses


One student gives the name of a town, a river or a country, and the next student must give the name of a town, river or country which starts with the last letter ofthe one first named, e.g.

1. Russia

2. The Argentine

3. Elbe

4. Edinbixgh etc.

 Names must not be repeated, and anyone who fails to give an answer is exit ofthe game, which continues until only one person is left


1. Environmentalists arc worried about the ‘greenhouse’ effect.Make sentences, using If . . . . ,.....w i l l .......


If the earth gets wanner, the sea will get warmer.

If the sea gets warmer,...

If... the earth gets warmer.


the sea gets warmer.


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the ice at the North and South Poles melts.


the sea level rises.

there are floods in many parts of the world.


many people lose their homes and land.1. You and your friend arc going on holiday. Ask and answer

questions about it.


What / do / miss / plane?

- What will you do if you miss the plane?

- If I miss the plane, I’ll go by train.

a. What / do / plane / late? b. Where / stay / hotels / full?

c. Who / talk to / not make any friends?

d. What / do / not like the food?

e. Where / go / beaches / crowded?

f. What / do / get sunburnt?

2. A child is complaining to his mother because she won t let him

do what he wants.a. Why can t I eat all of the cakes?

 b. Why can’t I climb up the ladder?

c. Why can't I watch TV all evening?


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d. Why can’t I play with the eggs?

e. Why can’t I walk in the middle of the road?

f. Why can’t I jump in the water?g. Why can’t I play with the knife?

h. Why can’t I put my finger in the socket?

His mother is worried about the consequences of these activities. Thechild might cut himself, elecưocute himself, get run over, get a hcadache,get stomachache, fall off things, break things, get wet.

How docs she answer the child’s questions?

Example: If you eat all of the cakes you’ll get stomachache.


Write similar sentences about some other dangerous or annoying activities that children sometimes get up to.

Example: If children go out without a coat they will catch cold


Student A : You are going on holiday. Tell student B your holiday.

Student B: You can only see the problems!

 Make up a dialogue like this:

A: We re going on a camping holiday this year, to Scotland

B: But the weather's awful in Scotland! What will you do if it rains?

A: We’ll...

A: We hope to do some mountain climbing.B: I tried that once. It’s very dangerous. What would you do if you fell

and hurt yourself?

A: Well, I’ll...


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/.  Read each o f the following lists o f four words. One word does not  belong in each list. Put a circle round the odd word in each list.

a. ill b. doctor c. sleep d. hospital e. tablet f. get better 

sick nurse take care of hotel pill recover 

sad teacher nurse surgery medicine faint

unwell chemist look after clinic chocolate improve

2. Put a circle round the letter o f the correct word to use in each blank.

Anna: Can you tell me what time the doctor’s ......   open?

a. office b. surgery c. hospital d. ward

Kim: It’s open now. The .... will help you.

a. porter b. receptionist

Anna: I just want to collect a ....

a. prescription b. recipe

Kim: Is it for some ... for a headache?

a. improvement b. prevention

Anna: No, it’s for a .... cough,

a. bad b. poor 

Kim: Here it is. This should soon

a. prevent b. solve

c. waitress

c. menu

c. liquid

c. strong

your cough,

c. disappear 

d. mechanic

d. direction

d. medicine

d. difficult

d. cure


1. Match each injury or illness with the best piece o f advice. Write the appropriate letter in each box.


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A snake bite c eye injury E sprained ankle G nosebleed

B sunburn D earache F poisoning H shock 

1. faintness J. blister K. cut finger 1. Speak calmly and put a light coat over the person to keep him


2. Take off all tight socks and shoes as quickly as possible

3. Sit down, put your head between your knees and have a sweetdrink.

4. Do not try to make the person sick. Find out when s/he

swallowed it.5. Put it under a cold water tap until it stops bleeding Then press

a cold, clean cloth on it.

6. Describe a snake to the doctor. It may be poisonous or it maynot.

7. Move the person into a cool, shaded area and cover him/herwith wet towels.

8. Bathe in a little warm water and lie down. If you start to getdeaf, see a doctor.

9. Bend your head slightly forward over a bowl and breathethrough your mouth. If it continues to bleed for a long time,call a doctor.

10. If it is very painful and YOUcan’t see anything clearly, coverwith a bandage or cloth.

11 Prick it with a very clean needle and then put a plaster on it.

2. Read the following directions on medicine and ointments


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Directions for use

Put a tablespoonful of Purityl Mouthwash

into a small cup and wash out your mouth for

one minute tvvicc daily.

This mouthwash is especially useful

for a sore mouth


for bad brcalh.

 NOTE: If you use this mouthwash,

your tongue and teeth may become slightly yellow.

However, you can usually prevent this

if you brush your teeth first.

WARNING: Do not swallow the mouthwash.

Do not let children play with it.


For stomachache

Take the tablets every hour. They can curc your stomachache in a fewhours.

Adults: two tablets each time up to 24 hours. ..

Children 6 to 12 years: one tablet up to 24 hours.

Chew the tablets and swallow them with water. Do this for 12 hoursafter your stomachache has disappeared. This prevents yourstomachache from returning. If your stomachache does not improve,see your doctor.

WARNING: Do not take more than the dose stated above.


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For headaches, colds and influenza

DOSE: (Unless told otherwise by a doctor)Adults and children over 12 years: one to two tablets.

Take the tablets three or four times daily even four hours Don’tcontinue to take the tablets for more than three days. If you do not get better after this time, sec your doctor.

Do not take more than the dose.

Keep the tablets in a safe placc bccausc they can be dangerous toyoung children.


For insect bites and stings. Helps to prevent pain and itching.

IMPORTANT: Use on the skin only. Rub gently on the skin two orthree times daily for up to three days. Keep out of the reach of children.

If there is no improvement within three days, see your doctor  ________ 

Write true (T) or false (F) after each o f the following sentences, according to the directions above.

1. Take two Paratecil tablets every four hours for up to three days.

2. Wash your mouth out with Purityl Mouthwash once in two days.

3. Use Anti-sting for mosquito bites.

4. If you have bad breath, take two Diotum tablets.

5 / Buy some Purityl if your mouth or tongue is sore

6. Put two Diotum tablets in water and swallow them.7. Don't take Paratecil tablets for longer than three days

8. You can swallow Anti-Sting to help prevent pain.

9. If you use Purity!, your teeth may changc colour a little


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10. All the labels advise people to put the medicines where childrencannot reach them.

11. See a doctor if the Paratecil tablets do not cure you.


 Read the following article about holiday English Language courses in Scotland Write the correct word in each blank.


Our classes take place for three hours every morning from

Monday to Friday. The maximum class size is twelve and the average isten. We use modem methods of (1) ..........anci learning, and the schoolhas a language laboratory, a video camera and recorder. You will only besuccessful in improving your English, however, if you work hard and (2)........ speaking English as much as you can. You will take a short (3)........ in English as soon as you arrive. In this way, we can put you in a(4) ........at the most suitable level.

There are two classes at the Elementary level; one is for complete(5) .......and the other is for students who know only a little English. In

 both classes you will practise simple conversations.

In the class at the Intermediate level you will have a lot of (6) .........

in communicating in real-life situations because we help you to use  theEnglish you have previously (7) .........  in your own country’. You willalso have the chance to improve your (8) ...........of English grammar andto build up your vocabulary.

The emphasis is on oral communication practice in a wide varietyof situations at the advanced (9) ...........  You will learn how to use

language correctly and appropriately when you (10)..........  to nativespeakers. In addition, you will develop such study skills as readingefficiently, writing articles and reports, and note-taking from books and



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Translate the above text Holiday courses in Scotland into Vietnamese.


The First Condừ ionaỉ: Uses

First conditional sentences express real conditions (a possiblecondition and a probable result).

According to the situation, it can express different functions.

 I f you do that again, I 'II kill you! (a threat)

 Be careful! I f you touch that, you 'II burn yourself, (a warning)

 I ’II post the letter if you like, (an offer)

 I f I see Peter, Ị '11tell him the news.

Possible condition -> Result

If + present simple, will + bare form of verb


 I f It rains, 111 stay at home.


What will you do if you don 7 find a job? 


 I f I don 7 find it, I 'II phone you.

 I f I find it, I won 7 buy another one.

 I f I don t work hard, I Mon t learn.


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1. Put the verbs in brackets into either the simple present or a n'ill future form.

a. If you (help) me, I (do) it.

 b. Unless she (have) the money, they (not give) her the ticket.

c. Phone me as soon as you (hear) any news.

d. I (wait) here until someone (comc) to meet me.

e. The next time the neighbours (make) a noise like that, I (telephone) the police.

f. The shop (stay) open as long as customers (keep) coming.

g. My friends (be) there before I (arrive).

h. When you (see) him, you (give) him a message?

i. Once he (find) out what is happening he (be) furious,

 j. I (send) a reply the moment I (receive) his letter.

2. Match a line in  A  with a line in  R. Complete the line in  B  with asubject and used to.


1. I was very fit when I wasyoung.

2. The teachers at my school

were horrible.3. My sister’s room was so


4. I had a dog when I was a kid.

a.  It used to  follow meeverywhere.

 b. go everywhere bv

 bicycle.c. fly Concorde.

d. never tidy it at all.


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5. My family had some lovely e. do a lot of exercise.holidays. f. hit the pupils.

6. When I was young, we didn't g go camping all over have a motorbike. Europe.

7. My uncle was a pilot forBritish Airways.

3. Match these sentences with the questions below them, thencomplete them with a suitable verb in the present perfect simple or continuous.

a. She's _________ at that school for ten years. b Yes, he’s  _____  the driving test four times.

c. I've already _____ three cups of tea, thanks.

d I've  _____  in my flat all week.

e No. someone's _____  all the pencils in the shop.

1. Is he still learning to drive?

2. Where have you been all week - I haven’t seen you for ages0

3. Has she been at the school for a long time?4. Do you have any pcncils, please?

5. Would YOUlike a cup of coffce?


Work in groups. Ask each other questions as in the example. Give as many different explanations as you can.

Example  A: Why are your eyes all red?B: I’ve been crying.

C: I’ve been peeling onions.

D: I’ve been watching Love Storyf  on television


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 Ask why:

1. your hair's wet

2. you're out of breath3. you've got oil on your hands

4. your hands are shaking

5. your face is red

6. you've got blood on your hands

7. there's sawdust on the floor 

a) have been doing recently?

What do you think these people b) haven't been doing recently?

1. Eric has put on six kilos.

2. Samantha has lost her suntan.

3. Michael's got severe toothache.

4. Janice isn't going to pass her exam.


 Here is part o f a letter.

I’ve been doing a lot of work on my flat over the past fewweeks. I’ve taken up the dirty old lino that was there before, and sanded all the floors, except in the kitchen,

where I’ve put cork tiles on the floor. I’ve also strippedoff all that hideous flowery wallpaper, and yesterday Istarted painting the walls white.

And I’ve been going around second-hand shops lookingfor cheap furniture. I haven’t bought much yet, but I’ve


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got two very nicc armchairs which I found in a sale a fewweeks ago - I got them for $ 10 each

 In the same way, choose one of the sentences below, and dew lop a into a  paragraph.

1. I’ve been getting my life organised rcccntly.

2. I’ve been finding out about holiday jobs over the past coupic of weeks.

3. I’ve been keeping very fit lately.

4. I’ve been living a wild life for the past three months.



Monsieur Mcge-Mouric's invention of margarine was a greatadvance in technology. After all, it affcctcd one of the most importantthings in our daily lives - eating. Nevertheless, it has taken margarinemore than a century to become a scnous rival to butter, and even now ithas not won absolute supremacy.

There is no doubt that many similar scientific and technological

developments will have taken place by the time the writers of the 2030ssit down to look forward another 50 years to spcculatc on life in the2090s. By that time cars may be running on hydrogen taken from theocean. We may all be living in automatically controlled homes, andearn ing portable telephones with us wherever we go The world's energycrisis may have become history, with the successful application ofnuclear fusion. We may be entertained by three-dimensional television,and take two-month holidays. Our education may last until the age of 25,and we may all be living for 120 years. Other, yet unimagined. changesmay lie beyond the horizon waiting to take us all by surprise Whatever

form these changes take, the facc of life in the future will certainly besignificantly different.

Yet, speaking as one who has the advantage of being able to look back more than 50 years, I look forward to the future with confidence.


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 because, in spite of all the changes, Ỉpredict that human beings will still be able to exercise choice in deciding how to run their lives.

Looking back 50 years, we can see enormous changes. In the1930s there were many people in the world who had never seen a car orlistened to a radio. A television set was still a technological dream, themoon was umroubled by man and his missiles, and its back was still anunseen mystery. Nuclear reactions existed only in theoretical physics andto fly the Atlantic from one continent to another was an adventureexperienced by few. However, if we were suddenly transported back intime fifty years, I doubt if we would have any great problems settling intothe pattern of the everyday life of the 1930s.

Similarly, it seems to me that fifty years from now people willchoose to keep the principles and values that they have always believedin. New inventions in the future may changc the pattern of life, but thehuman mind that guides it will not alter. Monsieur Mege-Mourie's ownnation may be right when they say 'plus ẹa change, plus c'cst la memechose'*

(* 'the more things change, the more they stay the same.')

(from Our Future by Magnus Pyke, Hamlyn Paperbacks 1991)

1. What kind of book is Our Future?

2. Choose the correct answer. Dr. Pyke mentions margarine to make the point that:

a) technological advances are very important

 b) people are very slow to adapt to new things

c) artificial things are taking the place of natural things

3. What is Dr. Pyke certain about when he talks about the 2030s?4. In general, what changes does he think we might see  by the 2030s in 

the following fields?

a) energy b) work and leisure c) mcdicine


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5. Imagine you arc living in the 1930s and writing a book about ihc1980s Make predictions based on lines 9-16.

6. According to Dr. Pykc in what ways were the 1930s

a) very different from the 1980s ?

 b) not very different from the 1980s ?

7 a) Why does Dr. Pyke feel we don't have to worn much about thefuture?

 b) 'Plus ẹa changc, plus c'cst la mcmc chose’ (line 36) How docs thisapply to the passage?


1. Nếu tồi nav TV có chương trình hav, chúng tôisẽ ở nhà xem.

2. Bạn sẽ làm gì nê*T không có tiên?

3. Nếu em lại đến trễ, anh sẽ không chờ đâu.

4. Nếu trong nhà bếp không còn gì, chúng ta sẽ đi ản ngoài.

5. - Anh có vẻ mệt mỏi nhỉ? Dạo này anh đang làm gi vậy?

- Tôi đang trang tr í lại căn nhà suôt mấy tuần qua.

6. Trưốc khi lập gia đình, cô ấy thường không nấu ăn ỏ nhà vàocuôì tuần.

7. Tôi đang ôn tập cho kì thi học kì cả tháng nay.

8. Khi còn nhỏ, An thường để tóc dài.


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Unit 16: A STORY

Unit Goals

Polite and formal requests 

Question tags


Divide students into two teams (A 8c B), each student of team A prepares one IF  

clause, each student of team Bprepares one main clause. Then the teacher readsone dause of team A and one dause of team Bby random. The whole class listenand choose the best connection.


1. Polite and form al requests


 Mr. Bullimore is a retired army sergeant. He tends to annoy people with his authoritarian tone. Here are some of the things he said on a recent  train journey to London. Can you make him sound more polite ?


‘Single to London.’

‘Could I have a single to London, please?’

‘Hey, porter, carry these bags onto the train!’

■Roast beef and potatoes.’

‘Open the window!’

‘Don't smoke!’

‘London at last! Pass me my umbrella.'

(at the ticket office)

(on the platform)

(in the dining car )

(in the compartment )


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2. Requests

 Make up short conversations for these situations. In each case decide 

how formal the relationship is and use appropriate language The  first one is done as an example.

a. Sally asks Tim to help her carry some chairs into the hall.Tim is happy to do it.

‘Tim, can you help me carry some chairs? ‘Yes. sure’.

 b. Mr. Allison asks his bank manager to lend him somemoney to buy a new car. The bank manager refuses

c. The bank manager asks his secretary to come into his

office for a moment. She replies.d. The bank manager asks his secretary if she can work on

Saturday. She has arranged to go away for the weekend.

e. Sue is watching TV. She asks her brother to make her acup of tea. He is busy washing dishes.

3. Question tags

 Match a line in A with a line in B and a line in c.

A B cIt’s chilly today,

You don't like this food

You know the Browns,

This exercise isn't hard,

You've got a car.

You haven't met Henry.

haven’t you?

is it?

h a v e Y O U ?

do you?

isn't it?

don't you?

 No. How do you do

Yes, they live next doorto me

Yes. A Renault

Yes. There was a frostlast night

Well, I find It a bit toosalty.

 No. It's quite eas>


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 4. Questions Tags


Fill in the blanks with reference to vour hometown or vour present situation. Then add question tags toeachstatement so that you can check the information with a partner.

a. This town has about.............inhabitant.....................?

 b. The nearest airport is .................. ........................?

c. The buses stop running a t ................. , ..................?

a. A cinema ticket costs.................................?

 b. We shouldn’t smoke in ................., ..................?

c. The date yesterday was......................................?

d. The next public holiday will be ................... , ................9

e. It rained last.......................................... ?


Write down some facts you think you know about your partner (birthday', age, home, family, what s/he did vesterdav, last year, etc.). Then acid  question tags and check the information with your partner.



Choose the best of the four alternatives to complete each sentence. Be careful because some o f the wrong answers ore only slightly wrong' 

a. I’m going to read all the ............carefully before I dccidc where

to go.brochures handouts posters prospectuses

 b. I’d like to book a room with a(n )............of the sea.

outlook panorama sight view

1 ^ ^


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c. And, if possible, I d like a room with its own.............

 balcony box gallery porch

d. When I’m on holiday, I enjoy..................getting sunsưoke having a sunbath

sunbathing taking a sunbath

c. The most worrying part of a holiday is when your plane...........

lifts off lifts up takes off lakes up

f. And then later I get worried when my plane...........

anchors falls grounds lands

g. We’re ofT to sunny Spain on a ............holiday.chartcr packagc packcd packet

h. When you’re abroad it’s useful to be able to speak the language....

articulately eloquently fluently haltingly

i. One day when I'm rich. I'm going to go on a round the world....

cruisc sail travel trip

J. If you’re going to a country where you don’t speak the language, 

it’s a good idea to take a(n)............with you.guide book interpreter language guide phrase book 

k. The main attraction of the town is its long sandy..............*

 bcach coast seaside shore



Fill each gap in this story with one word only. The first one IS done for   you as an example.

We were late as usual Mv husband had insisted on doing his packing b y ........, and when he discovered that he couldn't manage he'dasked me for help at the last..............So now we had an hour to get to the


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...............  Luckily, there wasn’t much traffic on th e ..... .  and we wereable to get there just in ............. We checkcd in and went sưaight to thedeparture .......   to wait for our ............. to be called. We waited and 

waited but no announcement was ...........   Wc asked at the information......... and the girl there told us that the plane hadn’t even arrived yet. Inthe ........... there was another announcement telling us that passengers

waiting for Flight LJ 108 could collect a   .......... meal voucher and thatthe plane hadn’t left Spain bccause o f...........problems. We thought that

meant that it wasn’t safe for the plane to ..........   We waited again for ...........   until late evening when we were asked to report to the desk again. This time we were given vouchers to spend the ............  at theairline’s ........   in a nearby hotel.

The next morning after a sleepless ............  bccause of all the planes taking off and landing, we reported back to the airport. Guess whathad ......... while we were ............................................. ! All the other ...........  hwoken up in the night to catch the plane, but for some ............or other we had been forgotten. You can imagine how we felt!



Keiko and Akira have been friends for a long time. But something has happened\ and they might not be friends any longer. Read the story and find out: What has happened to hurt, and maybe even end, their  


Akira and keiko leave the university library after several hours ofstudying together, something they do often. Suddenly, Akira tries to kissKciko. Kciko is shockcd.

"What are you doing, Akira?" Kciko asks, hardly able to speak.

"You're my best friend. We're been friends for five years. You're eloser tome than my brother. And now you want to kiss me?"

Akira explains, ”1want our friendship to be even closer."


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"No, no, no! I don't think of you in that way. You're my fnend.Best friends don't act that way."

Akira looks confused. "I don't understand Don't you sec me as a

man?""Of coursc I do," replies keiko. "You're a handsome man. But

you're a spccial man ... my best friend So we can't do this Now do youunderstand?"

"No, not at all. Here is how I see it. You're a woman and I'm aman. Wc like each other very much. We're very closc. So let's do what isnatural in any malc-femalc relationship."

"Natural? I think our friendship is natural. I thought I understood

you. Maybe I was wrong*" cries Kciko.

Akisa's face is red. "So you really don't like me at all You JUS1 

want someone to talk to." He turns and walks quickly away.

Keiko's anger turns to sadness. In her heart, she thinks Akira iswrong - men and women can be friends without being lovers. But nowshe's not sure. What if all men think like Akira?

What do you think?Can a man and a woman be close friends without being lovers9 Check  the opinions you agree with.

1. Sometimes they can be friends, but usually friendship between a manand a woman is difficult.

2. Maybe not. If a man and a woman arc close friends, they will naturally become lovers.

3. Yes, they can. I know a lot of cases like that among my fnends4. It's impossible, because men always want to have sex with women they



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5. Of course they can. I have some good men friends and we're justfriends.

 Now exchange your ideas with a classmate.


Translate the above text into Vietnamese.


 Listen and fill in the application form.


 L Confirmation information__________________

> You were an English major, weren’t you?

take shorthand, don’t you?

>Ycs, that’s right.

I was.I do.


Student B is being interviewed for a job. Student A asks questions using the cues below. Student B answers, giving additional information if possible. For example:

A: You read the job description, didn’t you?

B: Yes, I did. It sounds like a very interesting job.1. arc a college graduate

2. can use a word processor 

3. were active in school organizations


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4. have taken courscs in business

5. have worked in a law firm before

6. will be able to start work this month

2. Asking about what someone said  ______________________ 

> What did she say about Mcxico9

Did she say anything?

> She said we d really enjoy it.

could travel around without any difficulty

 _______________might find it a bit hot. _____________________ 


Take ihe parts of the husband and wife in the dialogue. The husband asks what Lorraine said about the topics below. Lorraine’s comments are on the right. For example:

1. Mexico 1. ‘You'll really enjo> it."

A: What did she say about B: She said we'd rcallv enjov It

2. ttansportation from the airport -J .. r v v  3. You won t need a visa for a

Mexico17 2. 'You can get into town bv bus or taxi.”

3. a visa short stay.'

4. ‘You may have some trouble4. the hotels getting a reservation ■

5. ‘You'll find a lot of interestingthings to buy.'

6. ‘You can changc mone\ in the

5. shopping

6. changing money

7. language problems

 banks or in the hotels "

7. You won't ha\c an\ ưouble inMexico City '


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8 what to ear  8. ‘You may need a sweater or jackct in the evening.'

> Did you ask how the weather was?

she say

> It seems (that) it was cold in Mcxico City.

She said

Practice 1

 Now student A will take the part o f the wife talking to Lorraine about her  vacation. Take notes on what Lorraine says - you will need these notes 

 for Practice 2. Student A can use this model and the cues below to ask  questions. Student B will respond with Lorraine's answ ers.

A: How was/were.............?

What did you think o f ..............?

Student A Student B

1. the weather 1. cool in Mcxico City; nicc and

Practice 2

 Now student A is the husband. Ask your wife what Lorraine said about  the following topics. Use the model above to ask and answ er indirect.

2. the hotels3. the restaurants

4. the night life

5. the beaches

6. the public ứansportation

7. die people

warm along the coast2. up-to-date and very beautiful

3. excellent

4. very colorful and lots of fun

5. gorgeous

6. not very good

7. friendly and hospitable


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1. the weather 

2. the beaches

3. the nightlife4. the public transportation

5. the restaurants

6. the hotels

7. the people


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Unit 17: IF I WERE YOU...

Unit GoalStudents learn how to advise and persuade the others by using second conditionals.

WARM-UP: Problems in learning English as a foreign language

-Students think of their own difficulties in learningEnglish.

For example.  - I cant understand fast speakers.

- I find it difficult to speak English fluently.

- I have a problem of learning vocabulary.- Students work in groups o f 4 or 5 and talk about their problems. One student  writes them ơ own.

- Teacher collects students' sentences and corrects grammatical mistakes.



 Read the sentences below and put those on the right (number 7 to II) in the correct order to form a dialogue. The ones on the left are in the 

» correct order.

1. Hello, Ann. What can I dofor you?

7. Oh, I’ve tried. He won’t listen. Hesays I’m selfish. He thinks Ishould stay in all the time, likehim. What will it be like afterwe’re married?

2. Can you tell me why you’reworried, Ann?

8. Um, yes. We're saving money, to buy a house. Mick, my boyfriend,stays at home every evening, but I


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like going out, and if he phoneswhen I'm out. he gets very upset

3. Docs he often phone and

find that you're out?

9. Oh, I couldn't do that1 If I

 postponed it, my parents andfriends would be reallydisappointed! Perhaps I should

 just stay in more If only I werehappy to stay at home. It would beall right.

4. Have you talked to Mickabout this? Or is thatdifficult too?

10. Yes . and he thinks I should stayin and save my money, but I findthat difficult. If I stayed in every

night, I’d go mad.5. Well, Ann. I know you’ve

made arrangements, but ifyou get married now, you'llhave problems, believe me.You need to talk to cachother more. If I were you,I d talk to Mick seriouslyfirst. He may not want to.

 but if he refuses to listen, postpone the wedding for awhile.

11. Hello Tom. Um, I’m engaged to be married. The wedding's in fourweeks, but I'm really womcdabout it.

6. No. it wouldn't be all right!Believe me. Ann, that's notthe real problem. Ifmarriages start badly, theygo on badly ...

Complete these sentences from the dialogue

1. If I ______   ____ in every night, I ____________ mad

2. If I __________ you, I _____________to Mick seriously first


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3 If I ____________ it, my family and friends_____________reallydisappointed.

4. If only I ___________ happy to stay at home, i t ___________ allright.

 Now, complete the chart by using the sentences from the dialogue.


which cannot be true unlikely to happen

Sentence number 


There is something different about the function of the conditionalsentence b. What? Why?

 Exercise I 

 Match the clauses below to make sensible pieces o f advice.

a. If you really wanted more friends,

 b If you were in my situation,c. If you cancclled your dates in advancc,

d If I were you,

c. If she had more patience,

1. I wouldn't acccpt such an invitation.

2. you'd do the same.

3. you'd join a club.

4. she’d find it easier to deal with the children.

5. she'd be happier.


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 Exercise 2

Complete the sentences by using the verbs below in the correct tense. 

hear arrive go make phone

faint have forget do see1. Kate and Andy are always late If they actually  ________ at the

 party on time, everyone ____________ with shock.

2. ________   you ________ the policc immediately if you __________ 

screams late at night?

3. She always remembers to visit her grandmother on Thursdays. If she _________ to go one week, she  ___  on the Fnday.

4. If the streets  _____________   Dettcr lighting, it__________ a big

difference.5. What _________ you _________ if you  __________ someone attack 

another person in the street?

 Exercise 3

 Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays thesame.

1. If we hurried, we wouldn't miss the train.Unless w e ..........................................................................................

2. You drink too much coffee, that's why vou can’t sleep.

If you didn’t ........................................................................................

3. If you asked me, I would tell you.

I wouldn’t ............................................................................................

4. If I were you I would try getting up earlier.

If I were i n ...........................•................................................................

5. If you see Peter, tell him he should be here at 8.00

If you should........................................................................................


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 Exercise 1

 In pairs, one student talks about his/ her problems in learning English and the other gives suitable pieces ofadvice, using I f I were you.

For example:

A: I can’t understand fast speakers.

I find it difficult to speak English fluently.

I have a problem of learning vocabulary.

 B: I f I were you, I would ...................

What should I do?

 Exercise 2

Work with a partner. What would reduce youth crime in your country?Use the stem sentences below to help you.

- If teenagers didn’t .........................

- If there were m ore .........................

- If communities..............................


 Read the following paragraph. Put a circle round the letter o f the correct  word to use in each blank.

If someone commits a  ____ (1) _____ in Britain, the police try to catchhim. They ___ (2) ____ him and later they charge him. The person mustthen appear in court. The judge ____ (3) ____ the case and listens to the ___  (4) ____ and the other  ____  (5) _____ . If he finds him ____ (6) ____ 

he punishes him. The judge may fine the criminal or even send him to prison.

1.A. bad B. crime c . wrong D. guilt

2. A. lock B. seek c . capture D. arrest


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Others, like Harry Richards (65), put the blame on low moralstandards

“I wouldn’t dream of stealing or mugging someone. If young people knew the difference between right and wrong, there wouldn’t be

so much crime.”

 Read the article again and answer these questions.

1. How old is the average burglar in Britain?

2. Who does Olive Mattocks blame for the trouble?

3. What would reduce crime, according to PC Robinson?

4. What does Rose Leach say about young people today?5. What does Harry Richards blame for the amount of crimc in his area?



 In many countries, almost everyone drives a car. But this means terrible traffic jams and air pollution. Read this story and find out why Singapore doesn't have a car problem.

In many big Asian cities, such as Seoul, Taipei and Tokyo, there isa flood of cars, trucks and buses on the streets. This has caused terribletraffic jams that pollute the air.

One large city, Singapore, is an exception. There are no traffic jams. Its air is clean - free from pollution. It only takes fifteen minutes todrive from the city to the airport.

This happy situation is no accident. It is the result of a government program to fight air pollution and traffic jams. The government hassimply made it very expensive to own and drive a car in Singapore. The

 program requires anyone who wants a car to buy a permit.


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A 10-year permit to own a car can cost as much as US$75,000.

And when you add sales and import taxes of 195 pcrcent to the cost of

 buying a car, residents of Singapore might pay over US$250,000 to get ft

car and a permit.

In addition to the cost of owning a car, dnvcrs in Singapore must pav to enter downtown on weekdays. And there is a big tax on gasoline.

As nice as this sounds, it might not work in other places. Think

about your city. Think about how many people own their own cars and

use them for work and pleasure. How would everyone feel if it became

too expensive to own and drive cars?

There might be other problems. Would the public transportation

system - the buses and trains - be able to handle all of the people whoused to drive their own cars? And are the buses and trains convenient for 


Clearly, something must be done to change people's lifestyles in

the world's large cities. Pollution from cars and trucks has already caused

senous damage to the earth’s environment and It will get worse and

worse. Perhaps Singapore has the nght answer after all.

What do you think?What do you think about the car problem in large Cities? Check the opinions you agree with.

1. Other large cities should do what Smgapore has done.

2. What Smgapore did is crazv. It's impossible to do in our city.

3. We should do what Singapore has done, but onlv gradually step bystep.

4. We should develop solar or electnc cars. Then the problem of pollutionwill be gone.

5. I understand the problem, but I just can't live without a car.


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Sow exchange your ideas with a classmate.


Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Nếu tôi là triệu phú, tôi sẽ mua một cái biệt thự .

2. Bạn sẽ làm gì nếu bạn ỏ trong trường hợp của cô ấy?

3. Nếu tôi giàu có như Rockefeller thì tôi sẽ tiêu tiền như vuachúa.

4. Nếu tôi là anh, tôi sẽ uống aspừin và đi dạo.

5. Anh sẽ làm gì nếu anh trúng sô'?


Unreal condition in the present 

 L Form

If-Clause Main-Clause

Past subjunctive

 I f it rained  

 I f I were him,

Present conditional

ShouldV Would  + bare infinitive

 I would not come.

 I would not do that.

 2. Use

Unreal condition in the present is used to express:

• something that is unlikely to happen in the present and in the future.

- something that cannot be true in the present and in the future.

- imaginary situations.

Besides the modal verb would , we can also use should , might  and could  to express different degrees of possibility.


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Unit Goals

how to talk on the phone, to make appointments

using the present continuous tense to express future 


WARM-UP: What are you doing on Saturday7 

Work in groups of four. You ask your friends questions about ttieir plans for the 

weekend. For example:What are you doing this weekend7

What are you doing on Saturday7

What are you doing on Sunday evening7

Is anyone doing these things this weekend7

going to a party

going to the cinema

going to work 

going for a drive

making a meal for friends

going out with children

visiting relatives or friends

other activities?.......

Tell other people in the class what you found out and answer these questions:

1. What tense did you use to ask questions in warm-up activity7 How did your friends answer?

2. What do you use this tense to talk about7


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 Exercise 1Put the verbs in brackets in the present continuous tense.

1. They are going to drill for oil here. They (start) on Monday.

2. My uncle (make) a speech on Friday.3. I (take) my sister to the ballet tomorrow.

4. How you (get) to the party tomorrow?

I (go) by car.

Who (drive)?

5. I (have) my photograph taken tonight.

 Exercise 2

Write will or be (is, am, are) going to in the blanks.

1. She is pregnant. She is íỉoìníĩ to have a baby in June.

2. After I graduate I ______________  probably work for a bank.

3. I ____________watch TV tonight.

4. If you talk onthe phone while driving, you _____


5. Watch out! Y ou ______________ hit that truck.

6. Those clouds are really black. I think i t ______________rain.

7. This citv  _____________   probably have a population of 1million in 10 years.

8. If I don’t feel better by tomorrow, maybe I  _  ___________stayhome.

9. He bought the present yesterday. H e ______________ give it to

her tonight.

10. A: The phoneis ringing.

B: I  _________ get it.


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 Exercise 3Use the present continuous where possible in the  follow ing sentences and  

 put the remaining verbs into the be going to form

1. I (play) bridge tonight with Tom and Anna

2. He (have) an operation next week 3. It’s very cold. I (light) a fire

4. We (have) some friends for lunch tomorrow

5. You (go) to the auction tomorrow?

Yes, I (go) but I (not buy) anything.


 Exercise 1

 In groups o f three, take turns asking for someone on the phone and  making invitations.

Hello, could I

Hello, i s ...........there, please9

{Ask to speak to someone)

Hello, this i s ..................


What are YOU...............?

(Talk about the weekend)

 Nothing special. I’m  .................

Would YOU like to ................... ?

Do YOU w a n t t o .........................?

How about................................?

Let ' s ..........................................

(Alake an invitation)

Yes, I'd love to.

Sure, sounds great.

 No, sorry I can’t. I’m busy/ I’m

working/ I'm writing report, etc


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 Exercise 2

Arrangements: questions

When? What? Where? Who? How many? How much?

Example:  I’m playing tennis o n ..............................................with....

A: When are you playing tennis?

B: (I'm playing tennis) tomorrow afternoon.

A: Who are you playing with?

B: (I’m playing with) Kate.

Choose one o f these arrangements. Ask and answer questions about it:

We’re getting married next ... .(1).......  in a little church in .......(2)........

We’re inviting ..... (3).....   people to the wedding. We’re going to......(4)..........for our honeymoon.

My father’s retiring.......(5).......... , so my parents are moving to.......(6)........ They’re buying a lovely little house right by the beach.And it’s really cheap - they’re only paying .......(7).......

Tomorrow afternoon I’m ........ (8)..........with ......... (9)........


 How do you say the words and phrases below?

1. I’m going to get a new job.

Where are you going to stay?

2. Are you playing tennis tomorrow?

Who are you playing with?

3 .1expect we’ll go out for a meal.]

I’ll probably bring my camera.


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Put a circle round the letter of the word to replace each blank.

A: What's the .....(1).......going to be like tomorrow ’

B: The.......(2).........for tomorrow isn't very good

A: It’s going to be quite cool w ith .......(3)........as low as 18°c.

B: But are we going to have an y .......(4).........?

A: Not a lot. It’s going to be .......(5).........over most of the country butthere may be a few ........(6)...........   in the morning.

1. A. weather 

2. A. forecast

3. A. degrees4. A. rains

5. A. well

6. showers

B. climatc

B. news

B. measurementsB. raining

B. fine

B. water 

c condition

c. prophesy

c temperaturesc. rain

c good

c. rainfall


Write next week's diary fo r vour teacher. Ask questions and fill in  planned events.

For example'. - What are you doing on Monday evening0

- Are you doing anything on Tuesday morning9


WAYS TO KEEP PHONE CALLS SHORT Do you like to talk on the phone 9

 Do you think that you spend too much time on the phone 7 


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The phone rings. It's a friend who wants to tell you about his or her latesthealth problem. You hate to be rude and cut your friend off, but what canyou do? Time management consultant Stephanie Winston, author ofStephanie Winston's Best Organizing Tips, offers this advice:

1. Don't ask questions like "What's new?" They give the impressionthat you have time to chat. After "hello", get right to the heart of thematter.

2. Time your calls intelligently. If you make a call right before lunch ordinner, or at the end of the workday, people chat less.

3. Set a time limit. Start with, "Hi, I've only got a few minutes, but Iwanted to talk to you about . . . Or, "Gee, I'd love to talk more, but I

only have a couple of minutes before I have to run errands."4. Jump on a pause. Even the most talkative caller has to pause now andthen. Quickly say, "It has been great talking with you." Then end theconversation.

5. Forget niceties. Some people just don't take a hint. Interrupt vourcaller and say, "I'd like to talk to you longer, but I'm pressed for time.Good-bve." Then hang up. Don't ask for permission to end theconversation.

6. Find a "partner in crime.” If nothing dse works, ask somegpe inyour home to help you. For example, one woman signals her husband,who yells, "Jane, I think the roast is burning!"


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7. Avoid the phone completely. Use an answering machine to screencalls. If you have an important message for a chattcrbox, leave themessage when he or she isn't in.

 A. Read the article. Then look at these sentences Check ( S) the things  you can say to keep phone calls short.

1. I'm glad you feel better. What can I dofor you9

2. I have to go now. Good-bye.

3. Hi. How are things?

4. I need to get off the phone now. There'ssomeone at the door.

5. So, what else is new?

6. No, I'm not busy right now.7. I'm sorry to call you at dinnertime, but I have just one question.

8. I only have three minutes before I have to leave

 B. Talk about these questions.

1. Which advice have you used sometimes?

2. Which do you think are the three best pieces of advice?

3. What else can you do to keep phone calls short9



Many people wonder about life in the next century Life willcertainly be different. But how? What kind of problems will we face

then9 Will they be different from the ones we face now0 How can weovercome these problems? Nobody knows the answers to these questionsexactly. But certainly one of the important concerns will be the problemof overpopulation.


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Over 3% Mexico, Venezuela, Pakistan, Vietnam, several

African and Middle Eastern countries

2-3% India, Colombia, Egypt, Indonesia, South Korea,Taiwan, Burma

1-2% Argentina, Cuba, Canada, Spain, Poland, Japan, China

Less than 1% United States, Europe, and the Soviet Union (exceptPoland and Spain)


The population of the world is growing faster than the supplies offood, shelter, and fuel. In other words, there will soon be too many people

in the world. There won't be enough food, housing, electricity, and fuel

(gas, oil, etc.) to meet our needs. Everybody knows overpopulation is one

of the great problems of the future. However, the causes of this problem

and its solutions arc not simple.


First, let's look more closely at the problem itself. What causesoverpopulation? We could answer.

"That's easy. People have too many children". But we need to

examine the problem more carefully. Why do people have large families?

People had large families in the past, too. As a matter of fact,

 people in most cultures had larger families in the past than they do today.

There is nothing new about having a lot of children.

Today, however, people generally have better health care.

Therefore, the infant mortality rate is going down. Not as many babies


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and young children die now bccausc mothers and children get much

 better nutrition and health care.

In the past, one of the reasons people had a lot of children was the

high infant mortality rate. Many babies and young children died of

various diseases. And, people had more children to make up for thosedeaths. For example, a family often had five or six children, and only

three of the children would survive That means only three \s ould live to

 be adults.

Secondly, the population of the world is growing larger because-

 people in most cultures have better nutrition and health carc People eat

 better food today. They have medicines to protect them from illnesses

and disease. Therefore, they live longer lives.

We can see, then, that two positive factors - better nutrition and

general health conditions - contribute to overpopulation People are

healthier; they live longer. The result is overpopulation

Choose or write in the correct or best answer. Discuss vour answer With  your class.

1. This passage is about

a. infant mortality.

 b. modern medicine.

c. overpopulation.

2. Why is infant mortality going down9

3. Why are people living longer?


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4. Some of these statements are true, and some of them are not true. Read

each statement carefully. Write "true" of "false" in each blank.

 ___ a. People had larger families in the past.

 __  _  b. People had better health care in the past.

 ___  c. Infant mortality rate is going down.

 ___  d. People are not living as long today as in the past.

 ___  e. Nutrition and health care cause people to live longer.

5. Cross out the word that is not like the other two words.

You may look up words in your dictionary.

a. problem - solution - answer.

 b. as a result - therefore - however.

c. mortality - survival - death.

d. many people - too many people - overpopulation.

e. shelter - food - housing.

 2. Vocabulaiy and Structure Practice

Choose the correct word and write it in the blank. Discuss your answers with a partner.

One of the ______ (reasons-things-problems) (1) we are going to

face ____  (in-on-at) (2) the next century is overpopulation. There may

not  ____    (have-be-had) (3) enough foou, shelter, electricity  _____ 

(with-for-and) (4) fuel for so many people. One of th e ____ (reasons-

roblems-things) (5) for the overpopulation problem is that people _____ 

las-have-had) (6) better health care now than they_____(has-have-had)0 in the past. The infant mortality rate  ____    (is-was-are) (8) eoine

down because mothers and babies _____ (has-have-had) (9) better 

nutrition and health care than before. Also, people _____ (is-are-\vere)


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(10) living longer today than in the  _____   (before-past-future) (11).

Certainly, good nutrition and health care _____ (is-are-were) (12) very

 positive factors in our world today. However  _____ (it-they-are) (13) do

contribute to _____ (a-an-the) (14) growing problem of overpopulation.


Going to: for intentions

 I ’m going to watch TV this evening.

Be (+ not) + going to + infinitive

Present continuous: for things that are already arranged

 I m meeting some friends tomorrow.* Use Present continuous instead of “going to go” and “going to come”

 I 'm going to the concert.

 Are you coming to the party?

I’ll probably/ I expect I’ll: for things you are not yet sure about

 I 'II probably just have a sandwich fo r lunch.

 I expect I 'l l watch TV this evening.

*Time expressions:  tomorrow, next week, next Thursday, in three days,in a year 


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Unit Goals

To revise present simple and past simple passive To make students aware o f modal passive

WARM-UP: What's in my hand?

Students sit in groups o f three. Each o f them holds a small thing in his/her hand  and lets toe otfier two guess what it is by using such questions as:

* What's it made of?

- Where was it produced?- When was it bought?

- What is it used for?

Presentation and Practice

 I. Look at this statue. What is it? How could you get one? Where could   you receive it? Tell your partner.


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2. Here are some facts about the Oscar aw ards Read the text and try to remember as much as possible.

a The Acadcmy was formed in 1927 by Lois B Mayer. The first winnerswere chosen by five judges.

 b The statuettes have been callcd Oscars sincc 1927. when a sccrctary atthe Acadcmy said that they looked like her Unclc Oscar 

c. The statuettes arc 34 cm high and cost about $100 to make

d Each vear, members of the Academy's twelve branches choose fivenominations in each category, and the winners arc then choscn by the5,000 members of the Academy.

c. The ccremony has never been cancclled, but It was postponed in 1968after the assassination of Martin Luther King, and again in 1981 afterthe attempt to kill Ronald Reagan

f. The film which has won most Oscars is Ben Hur   It won eleven Oscarsin 1959.

g Woody Allen has won three Oscars but has never been to the ccremonyto rcccivc the awards.

h The youngest ever Oscar winner was Shirlcv Temple She rcccived aspecial award when she was just five years old, in 1934

i. The oldest winner was Jcssica Tandy, who won an auard for Dnving

Miss Daisv in 1990, aged 80.J If a film wins an Oscar, it will probably cam at least an extra S20m

3. Without looking at the text in Exercise 2, complete the following sentences putting the verb in brackets into the correct tense You must  choose betw een:

present simple passive e.g. I am given she IS given 

 past simple active e.g. I gave she gave  past simple passive e.g. 1 given she was given 

 present perfect simple e.g. I have %iven she has given


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a. The Academy (form) in 1927 by Louis B Mayer, and the first winners(choose) by five judges. Now the winners (choose) by the 5,000members of the Academy.

 b. Every year five films in each category (select) by the members of the

Academy's twelve branches.c.  Ben Hur   (win) more awards than any film since 1927. It (collcct)

eleven Oscars in 1959.

d. The ceremony (postpone) in 1968 after the assassination of MartinLuther King, and the organisers also (postpone) the ceremony in 1981after an attempt to kill Ronald Reagan.

e. Woody Allen (win) three Oscars so far, but he has never been to theceremony.

f. Jessica Tandy (win) an award in 1990 for Driving Miss Daisy.

Compare your answers with a partner, and then you can check most of them by looking back at the text.

4. Do you know which country first used bank notes, and when7 Discusswith a partner, then complete the text using words from the box.

however although as a result

 __________  paper money was in use in China when Marco Polo visitedthe country in the 13th century, it was not until 1661 that the first banknote was issued in the West. Even so, until the outbreak of World War I,

 paper money was principally used by merchants, financiers and the nchrather than ordinary people, for whom coins were the common currency.

 ____________ 17th- and 18th-century notes are fairly rare. __________ ,a considerable amount of paper money was produced in the 19th century,and some of it can still be found today, us Confederate notes and pre-Revolutionary Russian notes arc both highly sought after by collectors.


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 In the above text, how many verbs are in the active form, and how many are in the passive? Why is there such a large number in the passive?  Discuss with a partner.

5. Complete the rest o f the text about old bank notes Put the verbs into 

the correct active or passive form.In the first two decades of the 20th century, paper money largely

 ____________   (replace) coins for everyday transactions. Bank notes ____________ (design) to be as forgery-proof as possible, so papers andinks ___________ (choose) very carefully, and the engraving on somenotes ____________ (become) extremely complex.

Early designs  ____________   (vary) from country to country.Italian and French notes often __________ (have) portraits of national

heroes, while Spanish notes ___________ (decoratc) with small drawingsthat _________ (base) on paintings in Madrid’s Prado Museum.

By 1916 intricate designs incorporating five colours could _____________   (print), and this can  _____  ______  _ (sec) on theBulgarian 100 leva note. However, some notes ____________ (remain)very basic: the wartime one peso note from the Philippines ____________ (produce) very crudely in red and green on roughly cut paper.


Choose one or two statements from this list that vou agree with or  disagree with strongly. Discuss in groups.

1. Artists should not be allowed to draw pictures in court.

2. Drawings of people on trial should be shown on television.

3. Trials should be televised.

4. Important private art collections must be opened to the public for partof the year.

5. Art galleries should not be financed with taxpayers’ money


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6. The sale of paintings of national importance to overseas buyers must be approved by the government.

7. A painting was recently sold for $26 million. It is better to spendmoney on art than on arms.



In July 1994 Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, was

struck by 21 pieces of a comet. When the fragments landed in the

southern hemisphere of the giant planet, the explosions were watched by  

astronomers here on earth. But what if our own planet was hit by a

comet?The year is 2094. It has been announced that a comet is heading

towards the earth. Most of it will miss our planet, but two fragments will

 probably hit the southern hemisphere. The news has caused panic. Stock

markets around the world have been thrown into chaos.

On 17 July, a fragment four kilometres wide enters the Earth’s

atmosphere with a massive explosion. About half of the fragment is

destroyed and pieces are scattered through the atmosphere. But the coresurvives and hit the South Atlantic at 200 times the speed of sound. The

sea boils and a huge hole is made in the sea bed. An enormous tidal wave

is created and spreads outwards from the hole. The wall of water, a

kilometre high, rushes towards southern Africa at 800 kilometres an hour.

Cities on the African coast are totally destroyed and millions of people

are drowned. The wave moves into the Indian Ocean and heads Asia.

Coastal cities are evacuated and thousands are killed in the panic.

Before the wave reaches South America, the second fragment of

the comet lands in Argentina. Earthquakes and volcanoes are set off in

the Andes mountains. The shock waves move north into Califonia and all


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around the Pacific Ocean. The citics of Los Angeles. San Francisco and

Tokyo are completely destroyed by earthquakes

Millions of people arc already dead south o- the equator, but the

north won’t escape for long. Tons of debns arc thrown into the

atmosphere by the explosions and the volcanoes As the sun IS hidden by clouds of dust and water vapour, temperatures around the world fell to

almost zero. Crops are ruined. The sun won't be seen again for many

years. Wars break out as countries fight for food. A Year later civilization

has collapsed. No more than 10 million people have survived.

Could it really happen? In fact, it has already happened more than

once in the history of the Earth The dinosaurs were on the Earth for over

160 million years. Then 65 years ago they suddenly disappeared. Many

scientists believe that the Earth was hit by a piece of space debns. The

dinosaurs couldn't survive in the cold climate that followed and they

 became extinct. Will we meet die same end9

1. Read the firs t two paragraphs and the last paragraph o f the text. Each 

 paragraph describes a similar event. Answer these questions.

a. What are the three events?

 b. When do, or did, they happen?

2. Read paragraphs 3-5 carefully

a. Match the items in column A and column B.


First fragment

Second fragment


shock waves

clouds of dust and water \apour

tidal wave


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b. Look at the events in column B 

What causcs each one?

What effects docs each have?



There are two kinds of sports, "amateur" and "professional".

Amateur athletes do not receive money for competing in sports. Olympic

athletes, for example, are amateurs. They do not receive money.

Professional athletes, on the other hand, do earn money. Some

 professional athletes earn a million dollars ($1,000,000) or more a year.

Professional athletes need money to support themselves.

Professional sports give great athletes the opportunity to plav sports to

earn their living. They earn enough money to support themselves and

save money for their future. We, the spectators, have the opportunity to

watch wonderful performances by our favorite athletes for the price of an

admission ticket.

There is a bad side to professional sports, however. Sports arc

supposed to encourage good character and "sportsmanship". In other

words, sports are supposed to make a contribution to society. Professional

sports and professional athletes do not always do this, however. In fact,

sometimes they cause verv serious problems for society.

In 1985 and 1986, the newspapers and magazines in the United

State were full of articles about professional baseball and basketball

 plavers. They were using illegal drugs. A lot of young people looked up

to professional athletes as heroes. When athletes use drugs, they set a bad

example for young people.


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In addition, there is sometimes an atmosphere of violence in

 professional sports. In other words, spectators may get into fights and

hurt each other at a professional sports event For example, on May 29,

1985, a terrible tragedy occurred at Hcizcl Stadium in Brussels before the

European Cup Finals. An English soccer team was playing an Italian

soccer team for the European championship The English fans started afight with the Italian fans. One of the stadium walls collapscd More than

50 people were killed. Why did this happen? What caused this terrible

violence? We still do not completely understand the answers to these


Professional sports arc more like businesses than sports for

 pleasure. Everything is money, money, money. Teams have to win a lot

of games to keep their fans happy, or the fans won't comc to their games.Then, the team can't earn enough money to pay its expenses This causes

a lot of pressures on the players Thcv have to win, win, win. Winning

 bccomcs more important than anything else. In sports, there is an old

saying: "It is not important if you win or lose, what is important is the

way you play the game." In professional sports, this saving is not true.

Winning is the most important thing in professional sports

1 Comprehension Questions

Choose or write in the correct or best answer. Discuss wur answer with  your class.

1. This passage is mainly about

a. some of the problems in amateur sports.

 b. some of the problems in professional sports.

c. the difference between amateur and professional sports


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2. Name two problems in professional sports in this passage.

3. Some of these statements arc true, and some of them are not true. Readeach statement carefully. Write "true" or "false" in each blank.

a. Amateur athletes receive money for taking part in sports.

 b. Professional athletes receive money for taking part in sports.

c. Sports, especially professional sports, sometimes create an

atmosphere of violence.

d. On professional teams, the players make a lot of money.

e. This passage says we should not have professional sports. We

should only have amateur sports.

4. Cross out the word that is not like the other two words. You may look

up words in your dictionary.

a. peace-violence-fighting

 b. worry-pressure-pleasure

c. career-profession-amateur 

d. athletes-fan-supporter 

e. sportsmanship-good character-sports

 2. Vocabulary and Structure Practice

Choose the correct word and write it in the blank. Discuss your  

answer with a partner.

Sport  _____   (is-are-were) (1) very important in most societies.

People enjoy taking _____ (placc-part-time) (2) in sports and watching


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 _____(it-them-these) (3) as spectators Both amateur  _____  (and-but-or)

(4) professional sports have a placc in socicty. There were, however, in

rcccnt vears ___________________ (a-an-the) (5) number of problems in  _ (am

 professional-all) (6) sports. For example,  _____   (for-in-aftcr) (7) 1985

and 1986, there were  _____    (a-an-thc) (8) lot of articles in U S

newspapers and magazines about baseball and  _____   (baseball- basketball-game) (9) players bccausc some players used  _____   (legal-

illegal-expensive) (10) drugs. Many people think these players were a

very  _____   (good-high-bad) (11) example for young people. Another 

example o f  _____ (a-an-the) (12) senous problem in  _____    (amateur-

 professional -all) (13) sports was the tragedy at Hcizcl Stadium  ____ 

(in-on-at) (14) Brussels in 1985. The English fans got into a fight with the

Italian _____ (player-fans-owncrs) (15). In the end, more than 50 peopledied at that ______ (baseball-tennis-soccer) (16) game For some reason,

 professional sports often create _____ (a-an-thc) (17) atmosphere of 

violence. Many people _____ (believe-know-like) (18) that professional

sports  _____   (is-are-were) (19) really businesses, not sports  ____ 

(business-spectator-e vents) (20) Everything is win, win  _____   (win*

lose-tie) (21) and monev, monev, money.


1. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays 

the same. Include the agent where this is necessary.

Example: Last Thursday we appointed a new marketing manager.

=> A new marketing manager was appointed last Thursday.

a) Smith Ltd. are supplying our company with new office furniture.

■=> Our company___________________________________ 

 b) William the Conqueror built the castle in the 11th century


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■=> The castl'c ____________________________________ 

c) People believe that someone murdered Mr. Stone.

^ It is __________________________________________ 

d) The police were following the suspects.•=> The suspects___________________________________ 

e) No one has seen Peter since the day of the party.

<=> Peter_____________________________________________________________

f) People think that an apple a day is good for you.

<=> An apple a day ___________________________ ______ 

g) No one has signed this letter..<=> This letter  ____________________________________ 

2. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense.

Packet sugar from the supermarket ____________ (1. extract) from either 

sugar cane or sugar beet. These products ____________ (2. mix) with hot

water, which  ____________   (3. dissolve) their natural sugar. Sugar 

 _____• ______ (4. also find) in fruit some of which, such as dates andgrapes, ____________ (5. contain) very high amounts of sugar. To be a

little more scientific, sugar should  ____________   (6. call) sucrose.

Sucrose ___________ (7. make up) of two substances, glucose, which

(8. use) for instant energy, and fructose, which

(9. last) longer as a source of energy. The sugar in fruit is

mainly fructose. So when we (10. eat) fruit, we


(11. also eat) quite large amounts of natural sugar. Some

 ________ (12. believe) that too much sugar  ___________ 

(13. eat) in sweets, cakes and biscuits. I t ______ 

generally bad for the health, although nothing

(14. say) to be

 ________   (15.


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definitely prove) so far. However, it (16 know) that

sugar  ____ 

other foods

(17. cause) tooth decay. As one expert put it: “If

 _____ (18. damage) our body as much as sugar 

(19. damage) our teeth, they (20. ban)



When you are more interested in the person or thing affected by an 

action, and not the person or tiling responsible fo r the action , you use the

The man was arrested outside his home.

(we are interested in the man, and not the person who arrested him)


The passive is formed by the verb to be + the past participlc of the verb.

The only tense change is to the verb to be.

I am/ was/ will be/ could be/ might be + past participle

He/She/It is/ was/ will be/ could be/ might be + past participle

You/We/They are/ were/ will be/ could be/ might be - past participle

- Only verbs with an object (transitive) can be made passive

They sent the letter The letter was sent 

They arrived late. (Cannot be made passive)

Verbs with both direct and indirect object can be made passive in two


They sent me the letter I was sent the letter 


The letter was sent to me


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- Some verbs (eg. like, love, etc.) which are transitive cannot be made passive in some uses.

 I like this place.

(A passive form of this sentence would not be acceptable.)

- The passive is often used with say, believe, understand, know  and

similar verbs used in reporting to avoid an impersonal they or people.

People say that John Wilson lives in New York.

John Wilson is said  to live in New York.

- If a verb is followed by a preposition and object, the preposition stays

with the verb in a passive sentence.

People shouted at the Prime Minister during his speech.

The Prime Minister was shouted at  during his specch.


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 Exercise 1: Questions

Earlier this evening a man walked into Dixie s wine store, held a gun to 

the manager’s head and got away with 3000 pounds The police have a description o f the man and o f the car he was driving They think the gunman was someone called Lennie Walsh. A detective IS questioning  Lennie. Complete the conversation, putting in the questions

Detective: Think back to half past six this evening, Lcnnic ... ?

Lennic : Where was I? I don’t know. I was walking somewhere. Yes, 1went for a walk.

Dctcctivc: ... for walks?

Lcnnic : No, not often, but I did tonight.

Dctcctive: ... ?

Lcnnic : No, I didn’t go to Dixie’s wine bar.

Dctectivc: ... ?

Lennic : Yes, of course I’ve got a car. It's a Mavis Corona

Dctcctive: ... ?Lennic : Blue. Look, ... ?

Dctcctivc: I'm asking vou all these questions because there's been arobbery. Now, the number of the car. ... ?

Lennie : No, I don't know it. I can't remember the numbers

Dctcctive: Well, I can help you. I think it’s BDX 25S ... 0

Lennie : Well, you may be right. I'm not sure.

Detective: ... the car?

Lennie : No, I didn’t. I never steal.

Detcctive: I'm very interested in your car, Lcnnic 9


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Lennie : I don’t know. I’ve no idea where it is. Someone's borrowed it.

Detective: Well, ... ?

Lennie : A man I know.

Detective:... ?

Lennie : No, I can’t. I can never remember names.

Exercise 2: Reporting orders a nd requests

Every summer there's a ten-mile ‘Fun R un' around Milchester fo r people who want to keep fit. Last year the organizers gave all the runners a list  of rules. Sarah did the run last year, and she's telling a friend what the rules were. Look at the rules and give Sarah's words. Use tell or ask 


They asked us to arrive at the start between 1.45 and 2.15. They told us to be there by 2.30 at the latest.

Milchcstcr Fun Run

Rules for runners

Please arrive at the  start between 1.45 and 2.15.

You must be there by 2.30 at the latest.

Please do not park in the centre of Milchestcr.

You must show your tickct.

You must wear your number on your shirt.

Please wear running shoes.

You must not carry any bags or bottles during the run.

You must follow the correct route.

Please run on the left.

Please do not leave Utter.


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What does your English teacher like you to do0

Say if he/she tells or asks you to do these things

□ v̂ ork hard

rG bring a dictionary to the English lesson□ write new words down in a vocabulary book 

□ listen to English programmes on the radio

Exercise 3: Talking about health problems. (Using I f I were you)

Work in groups. Each student describes a health problem (real or  imaginary) to the group. They discuss it and agree on a solution Then 

the group tells the most interesting problem and solution to the class.

Useful Expressions 

Expressing Sympathy

(weak) That's too bad Tm sorrv to hear that What a pity!

(strong) That’s temble! How awful!

Asking for Advice

I need some advice. I don't know what to do

What should I do?

What do you think I should do?

 Exercise 4: Writing

 Have you made any arrangements for the future7 What are you doing?

Alake true sentences.

1. go/ out this evening

2. have/ an English lesson tomorrow


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3. meet/ a friend tomorrow evening

4. go/ to the doctor’s this week 

5 play/ tennis next weekend

6. go/ away on holiday next month 


1. I’m going out this evening.

Or I’m not going out this evening.

. Exercise 5: The Passive: Simple Present Tense

These steps show what happens when you post a letter. Write a sentence 

 for each step using the passive voice.

1. emptying the post box

2. postmarking the stamps at the post office

3. sorting the letters into the different towns

4. loading the mail into the train

5. unloading the mail bags after their journey

6. taking the bags to the post office

7. sorting the letters into the different streets

8. delivering the letters


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posting a letter: A letter is posted.



 Describe in a few sentences the process that leads to a tin oj Australian peach slices being on the shelf o f a British supermarket.



CONCORDE, the world’s fastest and most graceful passenger  plane, will soon be 25 years old. It first flew on 2 March 1969, from 

Toulouse in France.

Concorde was developed by both France and Britain. From 1956

these two countries had a dream of a supersonic passenger plane. In 1962

they started to work together on the project. The plane cost over 1.5

 billion pounds to develop. It is the most tested plane in the history of  

aviation. It was given over 5000 hours of testing.Concorde flies at twice the speed of sound This means that it

takes only 3 hours 25 minutes to fly between London and New York,


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compared with 7-8 hours in other passenger jets. Because of the five-hour 

time difference between the USA and Britain, it is possible to travel west

on Concorde and arrive in New York before you leave London! You can catch the 10.30 am flight from London, Heathrow and start work in New 

York an hour earlier!

Concorde is much used by business people and film stars. But its 

oldest passenger was Mrs. Ethel Lee from Leicestershire in England. She 

was 99 years old when she took off from Heathrow on 24 February 1985.

Each Concorde is built at a cost of 55 million pounds. Twenty 

have been built so far. Air France and British Airways own the most. 

They each have seven planes.

 Answer the following questions:

1. Did France develop Concorde alone?

2. How many hours testing was Concorde given?

3. How is it possible to begin work in New York before you leave


4. Why was Ethel Lee a special pássenger?



A. What does the typical American or Canadian usually eat? Most

 people think that the typical North American diet consists of fast

foods - hamburgers and French fries. It also includes conveniencefoods usually frozen or canned, “junk food” without much food

value - candy, potato chips, cereal with lots of sugar but no vitamins -


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and so on. This diet is very high in sugar, salt, fat, and cholesterol, 

and the choice of food does not provide much good nutrition.

B. However, eating habits are changing. North Americans arc

becoming more interested in good health, and nutrition is an 

important part of health. People are eating less red meat and fewer eggs, and they are eating more chicken and fish. They know that

chicken and fish are better for their health than meat or eggs because 

these foods do not contain much fat or cholesterol. Some foods might 

cause health problems, and people want to stay away from them.

c . For health reasons, many people are also buying more fresh

vegetables. They may eat them without cooking them first, or they 

might cook them quickly in very little water because they want to

keep the vitamins.

D. The “typical” North American diet now includes food from many

different countries. More ethnic restaurants are opening in big cities

in the United States and Canada. Foods from Japan, Thailand,

Mexico, West Africa, China, and India are very popular. At

lunchtime, many people go to ethnic fast-food places for a Mexican

taco, Middle Eastern falafel, or Philippine lumpia.

E. How are we going to eat in the future? We will probably continueto eat more fish and vegetables and less meat. We will still buy

convenience foods, but frozen foods will be better for our health, and

canned foods will have less salt and sugar. Our “junk food” in the

future is not really going to be “junk” at all, because instead of candy

 bars we are going to eat “nutrition bars” with a lot of v itamins and

 protein. In the future, our diet will probably be even more interesting

and healthful than it is now.


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Getting the main ideas

Write T (true) or F (false) on the lines.

1. All North Americans eat only fast foods, convenience foods, and 

“junk foods” with a lot of sugar, salt, and fat.2. People today are becoming more interested in good nutrition and 

more healthful cooking methods.

3. Foods from other countries are not very popular among North 


4. In the future, people will probably continue to eat more healthful 




What do British people mean when they talk about the following?

Circle the correct answer.

For example:

1. The Union Jack is

a. the central chamber of the Houses of Parliament

 b. the flag of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

c. the most valuable prize in a game

2. An M.p. is

a. a member of the Police b. a Master of Political Science

c. a Member of Parliament


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3. A public school is

a. a state school

 b. a private school

c. a religious school

4. New Scotland Yard is

a. the material used to make bagpipes

b. the headquarters of the police in London

c. a measurement of length

5. A zebra crossing is

a. a place to cross the road safely

b. a television screen for black and white receptionc. a design of two bones used on flags

6. A Tory is

a. a numbered ticket in a lottery

 b. a coin worth two pounds

c. a supporter of the Conservative Party

7. A Building Society is

a. an organization that preserves historic buildingsb. a business which lends money to buy a house or flat

c. a house joined to the house next door


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Unit Goal

To talk about the causes o f past events


What m ight you do w ith i t ? 

Simple sentences using might or could.

Procedure.  One or two students stand with ttieir backs to the board; they are 

the guessers. You write on the board the name of a well-known household 

object: for example, a pencil, a cup, or a box of matches. The rest of the class  help the guessers to find out what the object is by suggesting things they might  

(or could) do with It. They should use their imaginations, and not give away the 

answer by suggesting the obvious use - at least, not immediately! For example, ifthe object is a pencil, they could say things like:

I could pick it up.

I might throw it at someone.

I might point at something with it.

I could scratch my head with It.

Note that in this case might  and could are. used interchangeably.




 Nylon was invented in early 1930s by an American chemist,

Julian Hill. Other scientists worked with his invention and finally on 27

Octobcr 1938 Nylon was introduced to the world. It was cheap and


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strong and immediately became successful, especially in the making of  

ladies' stockings.

During the Second World War, the best present for many women 

was a pair of nylon stockings, but more importantly, it was used to make 

parachutes and tyres.Today, nylon is found in many things: carpets, ropes, seat belts, 

furniture, computers, and even spare parts for the human body. It has 

played an important part in our lives for over 50 years Next year, about 

36 million tons of it will be manufactured.

 Answer the following questions :

1. Who invented nylon?

2. When was jt introduced to the world?

3. What was it used to make during the Second World War?

4. Why is nylon important in our lives?

 Exercise 1

Use the past simple passive o f the following verbs.

discover invent play assassinate paint build 


President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas in 1963.

1. The 1990 World Cup for soccer............... in Italy

2. When...............television..................?

3. The first pyramids of Egypt.........................around 3000 BC.

4. Penicillin....................... by Alexander Fleming in 1928.

5. The Mona Lisa (La Gioconda)..................... by Leonardo da Vinci.


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 Exercise 2: The Passive: Simple Past Tense

Complete this short article about the ship ‘Mary Rose \ Put the verb into the  correct simple past form. Some verbs are active, and some are 


The warship Mary Rose (build) in the years 1509-1510. In 1544 England (start) a war against France, and in 1545 French ships (send) across the Channel towards England. Some English ships (go) out from Portsmouth to meet them. One of these ships was the Mary Rose. It was carrying 91 guns and 700 men - twice as many as normal. It (sink) quickly to the bottom o f the sea even before it (attack) by the French. About 650 men (die). This terrible accident (see) by the king of England himself.

The next month an attempt (make) to raise the Mary Rose, but it (foil). The ship (forget) for hundreds of years.

In the 1970s new plans (make) to raise the ship. Thousands of  objects (bring) up from the ship by divers. Then, on 1st October 1982, theMary Rose (lift) out of the sea. Many people (see) the raising of the ship on television. Finally the Mary Rose (take) into Portsmouth dock 437 years after she had sunk.

ActivityUse these notes to write a paragraph about a ship called the ‘Cutty Sark \ 

famous sailing ship - built in the 1860s - brought tea from China - laterwool from Australia - owned by many different people - finally broughtinto dry dock in London in 1954 - made into a museum.

 Exercise 3

Choose the correct form: active or passive.Example:

A valuable painting steỉe/ was stolen from the Central Art Gallery late

at night.


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The thieves entered/ were entered the gallery through a small upstain window.

1. Walt Disney created/ was created the cartoon character Mickey Mouse.

2. This problem discussed/ was discussed at the last meeting.3. In 1964 Martin Luther King won/ was won the  Nobel Peace

Prize. In 1968 he assassinated/ was assassinated in Memphis,Tennessee.

4. The president arrived/ was arrived in Rome yesterday afternoon.Later he interviewed/ was interviewed on Italian TV

5. Teachers have given/ have been given a new pay nse by thegovernment. The news announced/ was announced earlier today.


Complete the conversations with either a question or an answer.

1. Was the telephone invented by Bell in 1876?

Yes, it was.

2  ?

He (President Kennedy) was killed in 1963.

3. When were The Houses of Parliament built?

(between 1840 and 1857)

4.................................................................................... ?

It (my house) was built in 1950.


Students work in pairs and practise the conversations


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VET Peter Pocock has been left a fortune by a spinster whosehorses and dogs he looked after.

The 90 year-old spinster, Miss Marguerite de Beaumont washelped in other ways by Mr. Pocock. He cleaned and tidied her 11-roomElizabethan mansion when she became too old and ill to care for it. Whenshe died she left everything in her will: her money, the house andgardens, her stables - all of which is worth 3 million pounds.

Miss de Beaumont’s family are furious. Her niece, Mrs.Charmian Pickford said “We are very upset. We are going to fight the

will. My aunt didn’t know what she was doing - she was senile in her lastyears.”

Mr. Pocock, 42, lives in the next village with his wife and baby

daughter. They were shocked by Miss de Beaumont’s generosity. “Wecan’t believe it!”, said Mrs. Pocock, “so much money is wonderful, butwill it make us happier? Money can bring problems. Our hope is that the

mansion will be made beautiful again. Perhaps we can do that now with

the money.” Miss de Beaumont bought the mansion in 1934 and started ahorse farm. It has not been looked after well for many years, but the

 beauty of the building and the garden can still be seen.

 Answer the following questions.

1. Why is Peter Pocock a lucky man?

2. Why are Miss de Beaumont’s family furious?

3. Did Mr. and Mrs. Pocock expect to get Miss de Beaumont’s


4. What do Mr. and Mrs. Pocock hope to do?


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Mr. William Murphy, from Montreal in Canada, now knows thathonesty pays. Last Sunday he returned a lost lottery ticket to its owner

and he was given 1.2 million dollars as a reward!Last Thursday, Mr. Murphy, aged 28 and unemployed, found a

wallet on a Montreal Street. It contained 85 dollars, some credit cards,and some lottery tickets. Mr. Murphy checked the address in the walletand immediately posted it back to its owner, Mr. Jean-Paul Dupont, buthe didn’t send the lottery tickets back. “I kept the tickets. I wanted tocheck them. I thought maybe I’d win 10 dollars or something

On Sunday, Mr. Murphy bought a n e w s p a p e r and started

checking the numbers on the tickets. He couldn’t believe it - he had thewinning ticket! It was worth 7 million dollars!

He thought about keeping the tickets and getting the money forhimself. He sat and thought about it for two hours, but he knew what hehad to do. He took the bus to Mr. Dupont’s address and knocked at thedoor. The door was opened not by Mr. Dupont, but by his son, Yves, whodoesn't speak English very well.

“Good evening,” said Mr. Murphy. “Are you Mr. Dupont9”

“Oui,” said Yves.

“Well, congratulations! You are a millionaire!”

“Uh?” said Yves.

Then his father carne to the door. He understands English, but hedidn’t believe his ears until he was shown the lotter} ticket and thenewspaper.

“What an honest man!’' he said. “You deserve a reward at least 1

million dollars, I think.”

 Answer the following questions


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1. Why is William Murphy a lucky man?

2. What did Mr. Murphy do with the wallet?

3. When Mr. Murphy saw he had the winning ticket, did he go toMr. Dupont's house immediately?

4. When did Mr. Dupont believe that he was a millionaire?


 Listening to the programme.

Comprehension check

 Are the following statements true or false? I f false, say why.

1. People like Beetles because they are so comfortable.

2. The man feels that his car is his friend.

3. His friends who own Beetles have thought of lots of ways toimprove their cars.

*4. Ferdinand Porsche was asked to design the car in 1938.

5. American and British soldiers in Germany didn’t like the Beetlecars very much.

6. Some Beetles were taken back to Britain and America by thesoldiers.

7. Peter Baber opened the first v w garage in America in the 1950s.

8. His father started a magazine for people who owned or likedBeetles.

9. Peter Baber’s schoolfnends first called the car a Beetle.

10. No Beetles have been made in the world since 1974.

What do you think?

1. What is the message of the song? Can you remember (smg!) anyof it?


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2. What is your favourite car? Why?

3. Which other cars do you know that are loved in the same way asBeetles? Which modem cars do you think will be loved as muchin the future?


When you firs t go to a foreign country, reading notices can be difficult   Here are some typical English notices. Match each notice With a place below.

a. 10.55 EDINBURGH calling at YORK NEWCASTLE



d. Afternoon - Tea Served

e. Engaged


g Keep your distance



 j- Please have the EXACT fare readyk.  NO CYCLING ON THE FOOTPATHS


1. A bank 

2. Outside a cinema

3. A drinks machine

4. A bus

5. An airport

6. A pub

7. The underground


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8. A park 

9. A zoo

10. A hotel

11. A railway station

12. A public toilet

13. A motorway


 Passive Voice

1. FormPast simple

was/ we re + pa st participle .

2. Use

♦ We often use the passive when we do not know who or what doessomething.

 My car was stolen last night.

♦ We also use the passive when we are not interested in who or whatdocs something.

The factory was painted during the war.

In this sentence we are interested in the factory, not who painted thefactory.

♦ We also use the passive when we do not want to say who or what

docs something.Compare: Active : I made a mistake.

Passive : A mistake was made.


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Unit 22: A PARABLE

Unit Goals

To express past time relations Ẩ O lett stories


Serial story 

Listening comprehension

Procedure.  Using a story that your students can follow easily enough to get 

enjoyment out of it, read It aloud to the class in instalments - two to five minutes'reading in each lesson.

Choose a story with plenty of action, try to stop each time at a moment of  suspense - and don’t let too much time elapse between instalments!



Marsha and Felix got married one Saturday in June. They had met only

one week earlier at a party and had fallen passionately in love. Marsha

rang and told her parents her news after the wedding, when Felix had

moved into her flat. They were surprised and angry.

Unfortunately, after a few months, their marriage started to go wrong.

Felix had met another woman ...

 Are the following statements about Marsha and Felix true or fa lse? i f  

they are false, correct them.

1 cn

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a. Marsha and Felix hadn’t known each other very long when theygot married.

 b. When Marsha told her parents about the wedding, Felix hadn’tmoved into her flat.

c. Her parents were very angry because she hadn’t told them aboutthe wedding.

d. The marriage started to go wrong, and then Felix met another woman.

 Exercise 1: The end of the story

Marsha (a) .............(read) Felix’s letter and then she (b ) ...............(walk)slowly into the kitchen.

She (c) ...............(buy) his favourite food for dinner. She (d ) .................

(throw) it in the rubbish bin. Why (e ) ............ (he) (f) ..............(do) this to

her? She remembered how happy they (g ) .............(be) in the beginning.They (h) ............ (laugh) a lot then. Marsha (i) ..............(feel) desperate.

One hour later the phone ( j ) ...............(ring) in the flat. It was Marsha’s parents, but she (k ) .......................(not answer) the phone. She ...

 Now finish the story!

 Exercise 2: Writing

 Peter arrived late at different places yesterday. What had happened when 

 he arrived at each place?

 Example: When he arrived at the station, his train had already left

a. the station his train/ already/ leave

 b. the theatre the play/ already/ start

c. the post office it/ already/ close


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d. the furniture shop they/ already/ sell/ the tabic he wanted

c. his friend’s house his friend/ go out

f. the football stadium the game/ nearly/ finish



This is a parable with hvo different endings. Readers can choose the ending thev like best.

ONCE upon a time, there was a man who had the power to turn back the clock. Whenever he regretted something he had done or said, hecould repeat the event in the light of cxpcncncc.

 Now one day it happened that this man was going out for a walkwhen it started to rain, so he took shelter in a bam After a few minutesthe man was joined by a very beautiful young lady and her dog, who werealso seeking for shelter. The downpour lasted about an hour.

The man went home to his wife and told her why he was lateImmediately his wife was suspicious of her husband's behaviour with theyoung lady. She questioned him about what had happened The manreplied in a surprised and hurt voice: “Why, nothing happened. 1 was a

 perfcct gentleman. What do you cxpcct? Especially when she had such alarge dog with her.”

His wife was furious: “What!! Only the dog stopped you!"

The man realized his mistake and immediately he turned theclock back a few minutes and tried the conversation again This timewhen his wife expressed her suspicion, he said “It's true the girl was very beautifu l and she seemed to like me but my deep love fo r YOU gave methe strength to resist the temptation ”

However, his wife was even more furious: 4*What! You wanted tokiss her! An immoral thought is as bad as an immoral deed '

The man spent a long time thinking. There must be some way to please his wife! Finally he turned the clock back again a fc\N minutes.


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Once more his wife asked how he had behaved with the beautiful younglady. But this time he replied: “What? She wasn't beautiful, she wasugly! I am a man with good taste, which is why I marned you, mydarling!” When she heard this, his wife, who in fact was ratherunattractive, flung her arms around his neck and cried, “I love you!”

The man felt that his wonderful power had not helped him at all.Except to teach him that it was impossible to please his wife, and he hadsuspected this for a long time. Therefore he turned back the clock oncemore, not just a few minutes, but a few hours. He went back to the beautiful young lady in the bam, in the rain.

Comprehension check

1. How many times did the man turn back the clock?

2. What mistakes had he made?3. How did his wife react?


 Read the text again. Work in pairs. In the storv, hi'O possible endings ore given. Before you read them. work out on ending. What would you do i f  

 you were the man with the power?

 Now read the two endings. Is either o f them like yours?

What do you think?

1. Which ending do vou prefer? Why?

2. What are the morals of the different endings?


 It is possible to guess the meaning o f words you don t know by looking at  

the context.


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Example: took shelter: Took   is a verb, and shelter   IS probably a noun. 

When it starts to rain, people don't want to get wet, they \sant to escapefrom the rain. So maybe took shelter  means escaped from

Try to guess the meaning o f the following words:

♦ regretted

♦ in the light of experience

♦ a bam

♦ seeking

♦ the downpour 

♦ suspicious

♦ hurt

♦ to resist temptation♦ an immoral deed

♦ flung



At 2 pm on 24 June1947 Kenneth .Arnold, anexperienced pilot, took off inhis own plane from WashingtonState He was heading forOregon On his journey he hadto fly over some mountainswhere a large plane had

recently disappeared Arnold planned to spend an hour searching for the lost plane in the hope ofgetting a 5000 dollars reward.


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By 3 pm Arnold had seen nothing, so he turned in the direction ofhis next stop. He was flying at 2800 metres in good condition with a clearsky. As he recalled later.

 ,ãI hadn t flown more than two or three minutes when a bright  

 flash reflected on my plane. It really surprised me - I thought I was too close to another aircraft. I looked everywhere in the sky but I couldn 't  

 find where the reflection was coming from until I looked to the left and  

north o f Mount Rainier, where I observed a chain o f nine peculiar  

looking aircraft flying at about 2900 metres. I thought they were jets. ”

But the longer he looked, the less like jets they seemed. He could

see no tails, and their movement and formation were unusual. They were

flying in and out of mountain peaks, 30-40 kilometres away. They werenot very large, but they were obviously flying at very high speed, in a line

about 8 kilometres long. When they were flying level, they looked like a

thin black line, but when they turned on their sides, Arnold could see

their shape - like discs.

“I am convinced that they were some type of aircraft, but they

didn’t look like any type of plane that I know.”

When he landed, Arnold went to report what he had seen to theFBI, but their office was closed. So instead he went to the local

newspaper to tell his storv. Describing the movement of the objects, he


“Thev flew erratically, like a saucer would if you skipped it

across the water.”

Later a reporter used the phrase “flying saucer”, and this has been

used to describe UFOs ever since


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 /.  Fact Check

a. Why was Kenneth Arnold going to look for the lost plane?

 b. In what wavs were the objects Arnold saw different from

ordinary planes? (or jets)

c. Why didn’t Arnold tell the FBI about what he had seen9

d. Read paragraph four again and make a sketch of what Arnold

claims to have seen: (i) with planes flving level: (ii) with planes

flying on their other sides.

 2. Word Check

♦ Which o f these phrases does not describe the objects A mold saw 

a nine peculiar looking aircraft

 b. a thin black line

c. discs

d. they were jets

e. like a saucer 

♦Which phrases tell the reader that 

a.Kenneth Arnold was used to flying

 b Looking for the lost plane was not the mam purpose of

Arnold's journey

c. The weather was not bad for flying

d. Kenneth Arnold had never seen planeslike these beforee Kenneth Arnold had tncd to report whathe seen to the FBI


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 Past Perfect Simple

1. Form

We form the past perfect simple with had  + past participle

Affirmative Negative Question


You You you

He He he

She had worked She had not worked Had sh e worked9

It come It It come9We We \vc

You You  you

ITiey They they


d - had hadn 7 - had not 

Some verbs arc ‘regular', other verbs are ‘irregular'

♦ The past participle of regular verbs has an -ed  ending e.g. work -ỳ  

worked.  When we add -ed   to verbs, there are some changes in

spelling e.g. stop stopped 

♦ Irregular verbs have different past participle forms e.g. come -> 

come; see -ỳ seen.

2. Use♦ When vvc are talking about the past, \vc sometimes want to refer

 back to an earlier past.


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Earlier Past __________________   Pas t ______________ Present


When I telephoned Sue.

she had gone out   __________________________ I

We use the past perfect (e.g. she had gone out)  to talk something whichhad happened before the past time we are thinking about (e.g. when I  telephoned).

More examples:

We arrived at the cinema at 8.00, but the film had started at   7.30. 

When I spoke to the woman I realized I had met her sometime before.

♦ The past perfect is the past form of the present perfect Compare:


 I haven t eaten all day today, 

so I m very hungry now.

♦ Compare the uses of theWe got to the station at 8.00, 

but the tram had left at   7.30. 

When Sue arrived, we had had  



/ hadn t eaten all day yesterday, so 

 I was very hungry when 1 got home.

 past perfect and the past simple:We got to the station and the train 

left at 7.30.

When Sue arrived,  we had dinner.


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Unit Goals

To report past conversations 

To express probability


W hst1* the sto ry b ehind I t? 

Questions and answers

Procedure. Show the students an object which belongs to you, for example, a

 penknife, a bracelet, your jacket. Tdl the class about the object and encouragethe students to ask you questions.

Ask individual students If they would mind telling you the story behind anobject of their own.



Study the following charts o fdirect and reported speech.

 L Write the names o f the tenses o f the verbs in italics in the spaces beneath

 Direct statements  Reported statements

♦ I often play tennis.Present Simple

♦ She said (that) she often  played  tennis.


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♦ She ' staying  with heraunt-

♦ He said (that) she was staying  with

her aunt.

♦ She went  to Moscow alone. ♦ He said (that) she had gone  to

Moscow alone.

♦ He’s gone home.

♦ She said (that) he had gone home.

♦ I ’ll go with Anna.

♦ He said (that) he would go with Anna. 

Past o f will

• Grammar questions- What tense change takes place from direct to reported speech?

- Which two tenses in directed speech change to the same  tense in

reported speech?

2. Now study the chart on direct and reported questions. When you have answered the grammar questions below, try to complete the chart. ______ 

Direct questions Reported questions

♦ Where’s John? ♦ He asked where John was.

♦ How many cigarettes do you ♦ She asked how m a n y C i g a re tte s

smoke? I smoked.

♦ Why did Anna go to Moscow? ♦ He asked why Anna had gone toMoscow.

♦ Have you seen Jim? ♦ He asked if I had seen Jim.

♦ Do you like whisky? ♦

♦ Why are you laughing? ♦♦ Where has John gone? ♦

♦ Who did Anna meet? ♦


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• Grammar questions

- How is the punctuation different in direct and reported questions?

- What changes in word order are there?

- What word is used in reported questions when there is no question wordin the direc t question ?

 Exercise 1

 Report the following statements and questions.

1. “I love Anna”, said Jim.

2. “Do you love me, Jim?” Anna asked.

3. “I’m leaving on Sunday,” she said.

4. “Where are you going?” he asked her.

5. “Mr. Walker phoned before lunch, but he didn’t send a message,” Sue


6. “Have there been any messages for me?” Miss Wilson asked.

7. “I don’t think it’ll rain,” he said.

8. “Why didn’t you tell Anna the truth?” Mary asked Jim.

 Exercise 2

 Reporting in the past tense.

Stanley Arnold, the multi-millionaire businessman and head of Arnold

Motors has just died. He wasn’t a very popular man. Below are someexamples of what the press said about him during his lifetime. Write

down what he said.


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“Arnold is not a very nice person.” - Today Magazine 

Today Magazine said that Arnold was not a very nice person.

1. “Arnold Motors has never paid any tax.” - News Extra

2. “Arnold spends the company’s money at a Las Vegas casino." -  

 Newsday Magazine

3. “When he dies, he will probably leave more than 500 million pounds ”

- International News

4. “Stanley Arnold never speaks to his children.” - Modem Worid

5. “He is planning to leave his money to a dogs’ home.” - TheDaily

Free Press6. “Arnold has friends in the Mafia.” - World Magazine

7. “The police ought to ask Stanley Arnold some questions.” - TheSaturday Reporter 

8. “No one will be sorry when he’s gone.” - The Daily Talk

Exercise 3

 Reporting statements and questions.

Adam does his shopping at Brisco supermarket. Yesterday a woman whoworks for Brisco stopped him on his way out and asked him some

questions. She wrote the answers on the form below. Later Adam told hisfriend Don about it. Give Adam’s words.


She asked me how often I shopped at Brisco, and I told her I shoppedthere twice a week.

She asked me if I was happy to shop there, and I told her I


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How often do you shop at Brisco? 

Twice a week.

Are you happy to shop here? 


Why do you shop here? 

 Because it s cheap.

Can you get everything you want at Brisco? 

Can’t get good bread __________________

How far away is your home? 

One mile.

Have you come here by car? 


How much have you just spent? 

 About 15 pounds. ____________ 

Will you come to Brisco again? 




Megan Jones report

Last month Dr Candice Garfunkel, the author of the controversialG-Plan diet, flew in from her home in Miami to promote her health and beauty system. The system consists of a diet with books and a video. DrGarfunkel said that there would also be a computer program next year.


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She is an energetic woman in her early seventies, though I think she looks older. She told me that she had been working on the plan for fifty yean, and that she had got the idea when she had been living in California. Dr Garfunkel said that you had to eat very slowly, and that most people ate too fast. She recommended eating with chopsticks, because you couldn't eat quickly with them. I told my boyfriend, who is Chinese, and he thought it was very amusing. She then told me about the “intake monitor”. This is the craziest part of the plan. She told me that it cost 99.99 pounds, and that it was a small machine that was worn over the stomach. She said it recorded stomach noises, and that a bell rang when you were one-third full. She also told me that you had to drink ten litres of water with a meal, and that you should do twenty minutes’ exercise immediately after a meal! Apparently, the system is very popular in 

America, but I thought the whole thing was nonsense.

 Discuss the questions:

1. Is G-Plan “just a diet”? Describe it.

2. Why is it called the “chopstick diet”?

3. What’s the “intake monitor”, and how does it work?

4. How much water should you drink with meals?


I asked Celia Young why she had written another romantic novel. She said that she found romantic fiction easy to write, but that her next novel wouldn't be a romance. She was hoping to write something different, possibly a detective story.

I told her that I was interested in the character of Felix, and Iasked if there was anyone she knew from real life. Celia laughed and 

replied that she was glad that she didn't have a Felix in her life, and that she had been happily married for over fifteen years to Richard M arsh, the

politician. I said that she had now written five novels, and I asked when ahe had started writing. She answered that she had written stories and


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poems all her life and that she would continue to write even when she was an old lady.

• I thanked her for talking to me and said that I hoped that Hot Lips would be successful!

On a separate piece of paper, write the actual words of the interview in  direct speech. The beginning has been done for you.

Interviewer: Why have you written another romantic novel?

Celia Young: I find romantic fiction easy to write, but my next novel  won’t be a romance. I’m hoping to ...


Work in pairs and act out the interview.



The name Pat is short for both Patrick and Patricia. Therefore Pat could  be a man (Patrick), or a woman (Patricia).

Can you guess what people’s first names could be? E.g. Mr J. McKenzie 

h says ‘Mr*, so it must be a man’s name.

The initial is J. It could stand for James, John, Jack, Jason, or Jeremy. They are all common names. The name might be Jacob, Jethro, or Justin. They are less common names. It might even be Jesse, but that is a very 

uncommon name.

What about these initials?Ms L. Norman Mr p. Constable Dr A. Carter 

Mr R. Palmer Mrs M. Nelson Dr s. Campbell


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ExerciseWork in pairs. Say something to your partner that will make them 

 respond with one of the sentences below, e.g.

A: Anna’s just bought a Rolls-Royce, and a big house in the country.

B: She must be a millionaire!

1. He must be crazy?

2. You must be very tired!

3. That can't be true!

4. Oh, dear! That must be painful!

5. They must be in love.

6. That can’t be good for you!

7. You must be very proud of him/ her.

8. You must be joking!



 Look at the logic problems below. Discuss them with another student.

1. What*s the word?

My first is in fat but not in thin.

My next is in wide but not in slim.

My next is in old but not in young.

My fourth and fifth are in large but not in small.

My sixth and seventh are in noise and sound.

My whole is the place where you may be found.

 Read the rhyme. Can you work out the hidden word ?

e.g. The first letter could be either a o r / It can’t be / because t   is in thin.


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2. The flower in the pond 

There is a water lily growing in a garden pond. Every day it doubles insize until on the twenty-eight day it fills the whole ponds. On which daydoes it fill half the pond?

 3. What relation?

An airline pilot has a brother who dies. The brother who dies has no brother Therefore, what relation is the airline pilot to the brother who



1. Reported Statements 


The usual rule is that the verb form moves “one tense back”.

Present Past

7 love you. ” He said he loved me.

g,Ị 'm going out now. ”  Anna said she was going out.

Present Perfect Past Perfec t

“We ’vé met before. ” She said they’d met before.

Past Simple Past Perfect

"We met in 1987. ” He said they d met in 1987.

Will Would

7 7/ mend it fo r you. ”  She said she would mend it fo r me.

Can Could

7 can swim. ” She said she could swim.

 2. Reported questions


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The verb form also moves “one tense back”.

Present Past

"Do you like school? ”  He asked me if I liked schoolPresent Perfect Past Pcrfect

“Have you met my wife? ” He asked if I had met his *ife


The word order in the reported question is the same as the statement.

There is no do/does/did.

I was going home.

He asked me where I was going

She lived in Rome.

I asked where she lived


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Unit Goal

by the en d o f the lesson, students will be able to use  relative pronouns to combine clauses.


Important jobs

Write down f ive jobs that are important according to you, then interview each  other in pairs. Find out:

• What the jobs are.

• Why they are important.

For example: I think a teacher is important because a teacher is (a person who) 


 During his tour o f Scotland, Robert plans to visit Glamis Castle. Read the  passage, and decide where these phrases should go.

A who died soon after gambling with the devilB where several men and women werelocked up

c which no one has been able to find

D who visits the quiet little chapel

E which stands in the Valley of Strathmore

F who hanged himself there

G who was once seen

H which open by themselves

I whose mother and sister were bornthere

J where King Duncan was murdered


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Glamis Castle, ... about ten minutes north of Dundee, IS the oldestinhabited and most striking of all the castles in Scotland The tower was

 built in the fourteenth century, but most of the present building datesfrom the seventeenth century The castle was well known to many kingsand queens including Mary Queen of Scots and Queen Elizabeth II,....

This magnificent castle is also famous for Its mysterious legends.There’s a famous secret room and there’s a permanent bloodstain onthe floor .... There are doors even though they are locked. There arcstories of a family monster, a vampire, and half a dozen ghosts.

Among the ghosts, there is the terrifying apparition of the huge bearded Lord Crawford ... . The Queen Mother's sister said that while she

was living at Glamis, children often woke up screaming at night becausethey had seen a huge man with a beard. There is a room callcd theHangman's Chamber, which is haunted by the ghost of a servant andthere is the Haunted Chamber, ... and left to die. Thev had come to thecastle to ask for shelter. The ghost most often seen these days is the GreyLady, ... There is also a ghost known as the White Ladv, ... by threedifferent people at die same time. As one visitor said: ‘i f you stay here,any one of these ghosts may open your bedroom door ”

 Read for specific information Find out:1. three reasons why Glamis Castle is famous

2. how many ghosts are mentioned

3. the other mysterious legends


 Exercise 1

Put a suitable relative pronoun in each space.

1 The person whose fingerprints are on the gun was the person ... killedDr Martin.


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2. My bike, ... I had left at the gate, had disappeared.

3. The shoes ... I finally bought were the ones ... I tried on first.

4. The bag in ... the robbers put the money was found outside the bank.

5. The medicine ... the doctor gave me had no effect at all.

6. Peter, ... couldn’t see the screen, decided to change his seat.

7. The meal, ... wasn’t very tasty, was quite expensive.

8. What was the name of your friend ... tent we borrowed?

9. The flight on ... Joe was leaving was cancelled.

10. Brenda is the friend with ... I went on holiday.

 Exercise 2

Complete the conversation. Put in the relative clauses using the information in brackets. (Sometimes there is more than one correct  answer.)


She’s the woman... (She lives in West Sưeet.)

She’s the woman who lives in West Street.

Diane: I saw Roger Cowley on Saturday.

Paul : Roger Cowley?

Diane: Yes, he’s the man ... (He works at Electrobrit.)

Jane : It’s Roger Cowley ... (His wife owns the Top Shop.)

Mark: What’s the Top Shop9

Jane : It’s the shop ... (It sells dresses.) It’s the one ... (I went into ityesterday.)

Mark: Oh I know. It was Roger Cowley ... (His car was stolen fromoutside his house.)

Paul : That’s right. It was the car ... (He bought it from Richard Hunter.)


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Jane : And who’s Richard Hunter?

M ark : I do n’t think yo u’ve met him. H e’s the man (I invited him to

our party.) He didn’t come though

Jane : Is he the man ...? (His sister was on TV quiz show )

Paul : No that’s Bob. Richard is the man ... (Dđvid plays golf with him.)

Diane: Yes, but I was talking about Roger Cowley.



Do you know which one of the characters has had the most filmsmade about them? Billy the Kid and Jesse James tie for second place with

 just over forty films each. But the outnght winner - the most filmedcharacter of all time - is Robin Hood. All three of these men were outlawswho fought against authority. So what is the lasting appeal of the outlawstory?

Most outlaw stories have similar themes. Firstly, there is aninjustice, which forces the outlaw to flee. Subsequently, a band ofoutlaws is formed, who rob their enemies but share the proceeds with poor people. Finally the outlaw is killed, usually because someone

 betrays them.Robin Hood is the classic outlaw. There are many different

legends about him, but no proven historical facts Over the centurieswriters have romanticized his storv and made it more attractive. This isthe basic story.

 Robin o f Locksley returned from the wars to find that his lands had been taken by the wicked Sheriff o f Nottingham. He formed a band o f rebel outlaws in Sherwood Forest who used to steal from (he rich and give to the poor. They were popular with the local Anglo-Saxon peasants, at a time when England was ruled by Norman lords. Robin Has a brilliant  archer. Among his band were Frtar Tuck, who was a fat. cheerful pnest,


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and Little John, a giant, o f a man. Robin fe ll in love with Maid Mahan, who was being courted by the Sheriff. Eventually Robin and Marian got  married 

(The Hollywood versions usually end at this point.)

 Read the passage again to answer these questions:

1. Who is Robin Hood?

2. He was the leader of a group of people. Who were they? What didthey use to do?

3. Was he a good man?

4. Why is he famous?

5. Was he killed at the end of the story?

6. What is the theme of the story?


Find the right explanation for each o f the words below. Write a sentence with a relative clause to explain the meaning. (Sometimes there is more than one correct answer.)


An outlaw is someone who has broken the law and is hiding from theauthorities.

A stamp is something you put on a letter.

Gloves are things that you wear on your hands.

1. socks

2. a briefcase

3. a greengrocer 

He/ She sells fruit and vegetables.

You use them to row a boat.

It heats water.


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4. a present

5. a kettle

6. soap

7. a target

8. an artist

9. a seat

10. an umbrella

11. oars

12. a mirror 

You wear them on your feet

You try to hit it.

You carry papers on it

It keeps the rain off you.

You give it to someone

You can see yourself in it

You sit on it.

You wash with it.

He/ She paints pictures

Try to explain the meaning o f these words: key, sugar, mechanic, needle, brake, nurse, shampoo, porter, receptionist.

 Hope Hamilton doesn't want to get married. Read this story and find  out why.

Hope Hamilton should be excited. Her boyfriend. Bob, asked herto mam him. But after thinking about it very carefully, Hope has decidedshe does not want to get mamcd.

Hope, an attractive 32-year-old Los Angeles computer salesperson,says she loves her boyfriend They have lived together for one year andthey are happy together. Bob is well educated, intelligent and kind. Hehas a well-paying job. And he shares housework with her In short, heseems to be the perfect husband.

"But marriage is for fools and dreamers," says Hope "I mean, whoin their right mind would willingly give up their freedom for another





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Marriage changes people, Hope believes. Husbands and wives begin to take each other for granted. Bob helps with the shopping andcooking now, but Hope thinks that this might change if thev get marriedShe might have to do much more of the traditional woman's work -cooking, shopping and housework.

If she gets married, Hope believes that she will change, too Shesays she is very different from when she was 22 years old, and will be adifferent person in 10 more years. So she wonders if she can remain

happy with Bob.

Hope simply feels that marriage is not the best relationship "Hey,

almost half of all marriages end in divorcc. And many people who dostay married may not be happy. I have a lot of married friends whose

marriages are not very good."

Hope also thinks that marriage will die out in the next century "Somany people all over the world live together now without being marriedThere is really no need for marriage to continue", she believes

"Don't get me wrong," Hope explains, "I am not a crazy person

who wants to live a life separated from other people, especially men. Ilove people, and that's another reason why marriage is not the best

relationship. There are too many cool people in the world. I do not wantto be tied to just one person all of my life. I enjoy being free."

What do you think?

What do you think about marriage? Check the opinions you agree 


1.1 don't like marriage because it means "giving up freedom".

2. Maybe marriage is not a good idea. It's difficult to live happily withone person all your life. People change.

3. Marriage is important. It keeps society together. It's really necessary


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4. When you meet the right person, you'll want to get married It's natural.

5. If you want to have children, mamagc IS important Ch ildren need a 

stable home.

 Now exchange your ideas With a classmate


1. Relative clause with Who, Which, and Thai

These relative clauses identify which person or thing we arc talking

about. Who and Which go after the noun and at the beginning of the

relative clause. Who refers to people and Which to things

 Mrs. Bryant is the woman who owns that enormous house.

There are several restaurants which do Sunday lunches

We can use That instead of Who or Which With people, Who is

more usual. With things, That is more usual, especially ỉn conversation

Which can be a little formal.

The woman who lived here before us is a romantic novelist.

The car that won the race didn 7 look anything very' special.

 2. Who and Whom

In formal English, Whom is sometimes used when the object is a person.

The person whom/ who the police Mere questioning has not been released.

But in conversation whom is not very common We normally leaveout the pronoun, or we used Who.

1  know the woman (who) vou were talking to


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Look at these examples o f relative clauses with whose:

 Jeremy is the boy whose passport was out o f date.

The girl whose photo was in the paper lives in our street.Here whose passport   means his passport, Jeremy’s passport, and

whose photo means her photo, a photo of the girl.

We use whose mainly with people. But sometimes it goes with other

kinds of nouns:

Which is the European country whose economy is growing the 


 Round the corner was a building whose windows were all broken.

3. Whose


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 Exercise 1

Past simple and past perfect

Write the two sentences as one. Use When and the past perfect in either  the first or the second part o f the sentence.


(i) I gave the book to a friend. I read it.

 I gave the book to a friend when I d read it.

(ii) The pupils did the experiment. They wrote a report on it.

When the pupils had done the experiment, they wrote a report on it.

1. Joe saved enough money He bought a motor-bike.

2. Max put all the dishes away. He dried them.

3. Jane signed the letter. She typed it on her word processor.

4. We completed die forms. We handed them in.

5. I looked both ways. I pulled out into the road.

6. The golfers went into the club house. They played the last hole.

 Exercise 2

The past perfect tense

 Decide the order in which these things happened Then write two 

sentences using after and the past perfect.


The prisoner ran across the vard.


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- He jumped out o f the window.

He climbed over the wall.

 After the prisoner had jumped out o f the window, he ran across the yard.

 After he had run across the yard, he climbed over the wall.1. The bank clerk gave it to me.

She looked at my cheque.

She counted out the money.

2. The tourists got out of the coach.

They got back in the coach.

They took photos.

3. The reporter wrote a report on the accident.

She interviewed the people there.

She went to the scene o f the accident.

4. The mechanic put a new tyre on.

He put the wheel back on.

He took the wheel off the car.


Write a paragraph describing how you carried out a job such as wrapping a parcel and posting it. (You can use these words: parcel, 

 paper, wrap, stick, tape, tie, string, post office, assistant, weigh, pay, stamp). Try to think o f a job that you did recently.

 Exercise 3Relative clauses with ‘w ho1, ‘which’ and ‘tha t’

Complete the conversation. Put in who, which or that. (More than one  answer is possible.)


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A: Shall we have something to eat?

B: Yes, but not here. I don’t like café which  don’t have tables. I’m not

one of those people who can eat standing up.

A: There’s another restaurant over there.

B: It looks expensive, one of those places (1) charge very high prices.The only customers (2) can afford to eat there are business executives(3) get their expenses paid. Anyway, I can’t see a menu. I’m not going

into a restaurant (4) doesn’t display a menu.

A: We just passed a café (5) does snacks.

B: Oh, I didn’t like the look of that.

A: You’re one of those people (6) are never satisfied, aren’t you?

Exercise 4

Prepositions in relative clauses (e.g. the letter thaơ which I was

loo k in g/o r )

 Match the phrases and write the definitions.

0. A kitchen a cupboard someone travels to it

1. A sofa bed\ an instrument you can make holes with it

2. A drill \ a piece of furniture you can either sit or sleep on it

3. A destination \ a passage we keep valuable things in it

4. A corridor 'ythe place „ you cook in it

5. A microphone\ ^a room —   people walk along it

6. A safe a tool  people speak into it

0. A kitchen is a room which you cook in.


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 Read the explanation of. how paper is made. Correct the verbs in the brackets in passive voice.


Modem paper (manufacture) from a mixture of various fibres, includingwood, grass and cotton.

When the logs arrive at the factory, the bark (remove). The wood then(feed) into a mill in order to grind it to a pulp. A great deal of water andvarious vegetable fibres (add) at this stage. The pulp (bleach) and then(beat) to break it down still further. Glue and resin (mix) with the pulp sothat a better consistency (obtain). Next it (pour) on to wire screens and(roll) with the purpose of removing the water. It then (press) and(watermark). It subsequently (dry) and (glaze) so as to obtain a smoothfinish.

Finally, it (reel) on to long rollers and (cut) to size.

Exercise 5I *

 Read the following survey o f road accidents. Complete the report o f the survey by writing in each blank the correct pronoun, eg. (he, they, we), and the appropriate verb in the correct tense.

‘We have examined over 1,200 accidents while conducting our survey.87% of all these accidents are caused by drivers’ carelessness. Only 9%of the accidents examined by us result from mechanical faults in vchiclcs.Our survey clearly shows that a large number of accidents can be

 prevented. Moreover, many of the drivers questioned have given veryfoolish reasons for die cause of the accidents. “The pedestrian had no ideawhere to go, and so I ran over him,” one driver said.

The people who conductcd the survey said that they (1) had examinedover 1,200 accidents and that 87% of all those accidents (2) ________  bydrivers’ carelessness. Thev added that only 9% of the accidents examined by (3)  _________ (4) ___________  from mechanical faults in vehicles.(5) ____________ survey clearly (6) ____________  that a large number of accidcnts ( 7 ) _______________ . Moreover, many of the dnvcrs


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questioned (8) very foclish reasons for the cause of the accidents. One driver had said that a pedestrian (9)  __ 

idea where to go and so (10) _____(11)  _________ over 

noover him

READING B Read the police report o f the accident Then wrile the policeman's questions.

I asked the driver of the jeep who he was and what he did Mr. David Piper replied that he was a radio producer for BBC He said that he livedin London and that he was going to Colombo. He said that he and hiscolleagues had been in Sri Lanka for two weeks, and had an appointment

to interview Mr. Arthur c. Clarke. He said that the mini-bus overtooktheir jeep. It then slowed down, probably because of the difficult road andMr. Piper’s jeep hit it. Mr. Silva, the other driver, said that he overtook

 because Mr. Piper was driving very slowly. Suddenly Mr. Piper’s jeepstarted to go faster and then hit Mr Silva’s mini-bus.

 Exercise 6 

Change the following quotations to reported speech. Pay close attention 

to changes in verb tenses and in pronouns. Remember to add a reporting clause. (He said.., She said...) before each sentence.

1. “I’m an engineer. I helped design a missile guidance system that’s being used now. There’s a lot of pressure in this t\pe of work.Playing golf and jogging seem to relieve some of the tension.”

2. “I’ve been moving furniture for five years Yesterday we made alocal delivery. Tonight we’ll be working on a job about twenty milesfrom here. Next week I might be halfway across the country I don’t

think I could ever sit at a desk all day.”

3. “I started delivering newspapers when I was seven The work washard and I didn’t make very much money. Now I work in a coal



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mine, and my wife works, too. We still don’t make enough money.The more things change, the more we stay the same.”

4. “I’m a tennis instructor, and I love my job. I can really help people play better when they listen to me. I may do something else in a few

years. Maybe I should join an organization and do some volunteerwork.”

R E A D I N G c

Put the verbs in the brackets in correct tenses and voices. (Some o f them are in passive voice and some are in active.) Then give the story a suitable title.

An Englishman (arrest) by police in a fishing village not far from Dieppein France yesterday ... and (find) to be suffering from a loss memory. The

 police (call) when the man, who (speak) no French, (refuse) to pay a billof 82F for a large meal which he (cat). When the police (search) him,they (find) no money on him at all. When an interpreter (arrive), it(become) clear that the man couldn’t remember either his name or howhe (get) to the fishing village. His loss of memory (be) probably due to ahead injury. At the police station the police (find) identity papers on him.

Apparently he (leave) his home almost a week ago. Thev now (try) todiscover how he (get) to France ... and where his wallet (be)!


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Unit 26: ACTORS

Unit Goal

 Relative clauses


Work w ith a partner and check that you understand and can pronounce  these words.

maths psychology chemistry philosophy art

religion politics history agriculture medicine

economics aerobics engineering physics literature

electronics statistics athletics architecture computer studies


 Relative clauses with and without *that ’A. Relative clauscs

Study this example: The man that lives next door is very friendly.

relative clause

A relative clause tells us which person or thing (or what kind of person or

thing) the speaker means.Relative clauses are like adjectives. They give us more information aboutnouns and pronouns.

Adjectives - Show me an interesting book 

- The Indian doctor lives next door

Relative clauses - Show me a book that has pictures

- The doctor that 1go to li\ cs next door 

Look at these examples:1. The thing that changed my life was univcrsitN

2. The thing (that) I hated most was chemistr\


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ỉn 1, you have to includc that, but in 2, you can leave it out. Why?(Think about the number of subjects in each sentence.) Discuss with a


B. Notice the word order in the relative clause when the verb has a preposition (apply fo r , stay at, speak to).

- 1didn't get the job I applied for.

- That's the hotel he stayed at.

- The woman I spoke to was most helpful.


 Exercise 1

 Make a relative clause with a preposition.

you were with her last night I am living in it I slept in it

they were talking about them she is married to him I work with them

we wanted to travel on it I applied for it we went to it

1. The bed  I slept in was too soft.

1. I didn't get the job

2. The m an..............   .......... has been married twice before

3. The party ............ .........................wasn't very enjoyable.

4. Who was that girl 9

5. The flight ............   ................ was fully booked

6. I enjoy my job because I like the people...............................

7. I wasn't interested in the things ..........................................

8.   The house...........   ........is not in very good condition.


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 Exercise 2

 Here are some facts about the actors in Vic Macey - Detective 1Look at  the fact and answer the questions below.

Wallace Beany 45. Star of 37 Hollywood films, including Pretty Boy Floyd, Hair Gel.  Lives in France

Maria Donna Lippone 29. Rock singer Her song from the film isnumber 1 in the American Top 20 this week This is her third film.Lives in New York City.

Tom Crewman 24. Star of TV series Texas.  Mamed to Maria DonnaLippone.

A1 Paulino 40. Was in  Men o f Honour   /,  Men o f Honour II, Men o f   Honour III.  Acadcmy award last year for  Men o f Honour IV.  Is nowfilming Men o f Honour V.

Marvin Brandy 75. Great actor 20 years ago. Now lives on a smallPacific island. He is in the film for two minutes. He got five milliondollars for this.

Beryl Street 37. Lives in England. Was Ophelia in  Hamlet  at the RoyalShakespeare Theatre last year.

Ron & Jane Carson Twins, 17. Were in several Disney children's films before Vic Macey - Detective! They're English.

1. Who's the one that's a rock singer?

2. Who's the one that lives on a Pacific island9

3. Who are the ones that were in children's films9

4. Who's the one that's mamed to Maria Donna?

5. Who's the one that was in Hamlet9

6 Who's the one that lives in France?

7 Who's die one that's forty years old9


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Complete the sentences about your own education, then discuss them in small groups.

1. The last course that I did w as ........ ....................2. The thing that interested me most at school w as.........................

3. The subject that I knew most about w as .....................

4. The subject that I knew least about w as .................

5. The biggest problem that I had at college w as .............................

6. The biggest problem that I had at school w as...........................



Professor Max Karlov has some controversial ideas about the role of  women in society. Read this interview and find out: What message is Professor Karlov trying to give to the audience?

Interviewer: Congratulations, Professor Karlov, on your new book,  A woman's place.  I just finished reading it, and you really have strong


Professor Karlov: Yes. But my ideas are based on facts. Societies all overthe world are in trouble. Now, you have to think, why are societies introuble?

Interviewer: According to your book, Professor Karlov, you think thedifficulties in todav’s world are caused by a change in the natural order.Could you explain that for our audience?

Professor Karlov: With pleasure. By a change in a natural order I meanthe changes in our society in the roles and responsibilities of men andwomen. As every body knows, what women do in society - their roles andresponsibilities - has changed a great deal in the past 50 years.

Interviewer: OK, I think everyone would agree with that. But so what?


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Professor Karlov: Women in manv societies no longer stay at home and

take care of children. They have jobs outside the home This means theyno longer have the time to take carc of their children In today’s world,children grow up with so many problems They drop out of school, they

take drugs, thcv steal. Today’s children arc lazy and confuscd. They needthe guidance, love and support that only mothers who arc in the home can


Women should return to raising and educating children. They are

naturally suited to do so Men should continue to have the mainresponsibility for earning money for the familv We know from history

that men arc suited for leadership and women arc suited for raising

children.A woman s place is in the home, raising the children and keeping thehome. A man's placc is outside the home, working to support the family.

I know this is an old-fashioned, or out-of-date, belief. But it is the one

that fits the natural order.

What do you think?

What is your view o f women s and men s role7 Check the opinions you 

agree with.1. I think raising children and housc-kccping should be done by both men

and women.

2. Men are naturally good at working outside the home and makingmoney.

3. If women stayed home, society would be much better 

4. Women are naturally good at housc-kccping and raising children.

5. Today, to support a family, both the husband and wife need jobs

 Now exchange vour ideas with a classmate.


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 Read through (he whole passage. Don't stop to look up new words. Do the first reading at your own speed.


Most people admit that overpopulation is a big problem. At least, it

is going to be a big problem in the future. But there is no consensus about

what can and should be done. This means that people cannot agree on

what to do. Some people think that each couple should decide how many

children to have. They think the government should not interfere. Other

 people, however, think that the government must take care of the

overpopulation problem.Leaving population planning up to individuals

Most people around the world think family planning should be a

 personal choicc. In other words, they think people should decide how

many children to have without any advice or control by the government.

Some people feci this way bccausc of religious reasons.

Others objcct to having government or religious leaders involved

in family planning and population control. They want the freedom tomake their own personal decisions.

The argument for government involvement

Why should the government control popuiation planning? Many

 people say there is no other realistic possibility because people will

continue to have too many children. They will not limit themselves to just

one or two children. They have not limited themselves in the past Why

should thev limit themselves in the future? Unfortunately, they say, Itdoes not work to leave family planning completely up to individuals The

only choicc, according to these people, is for the government to take an

active role in population planning.


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What role should governments play? This IS a very controversialissue. People do not agree on how governments should be involved.

Should governments tell people exactly how many children theycan have (usually one or two)? Should they force people to limit 

themselves to this number? How could the government enforce such population control policies? The government could not give benefits (freeeducation, health care, etc.) to parents of larger families Or it could finethe parents. In other words, parents of larger families would have to paysome money to the government.

At the other extreme, many people think governments should onlytry to show people the advantages of small families and the disadvantagesof large families. They say, "People arc intelligent enough to do the bestthing with no government control or interference." But this may be thereal problem. Many people believe a large family is the only way to havegood care in the future. They may have no other choice. First,governments must offer people other ways of planning for security intheir old age. They must give them social security and health benefits. Then, people may want to have small families.

Choose or write in the correct or best answer. Discuss your answers 

with your class.1. What is the main question asked in the last passage9

a. Will overpopulation be a problem in the future?

 b. Should governments be involved in population planning?

How should they be involved?

c. How many children should people have?

2. Many people think governments cannot, leave family planningcompletely up to individuals because (finish this sentence below)


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3. Give two reasons not to have government involvement in populationand family planning.

4. Some of these statements are true, and some of them are not true. Readeach statement carefully. Write "true" or "false" in each blank.

a. According l a this passage, most people think governments should

control the number of children in each family.

 b. Most people in the world have an average of one or two children.

c. Some religious groups do not believe the government should

control family planning.

d. People did a good job in the past of limiting the number of children

they had.

5. Cross out the word that is not like the other two words. You may lookup words in the glossary or in your dictionary.

a. offer-give-plan

b. object-support-oppose

c. disagrei'ment-consensus-agreement

d. interference-involvement-discussion

e. allowed-required-must

Choose the correct word and write it in the blank. Discuss your answers with a partner.

Most people think that overpopulation _____ (is-was-will be) (1) a

serious problem i n _____ (a-an-the) (2) future, but there is no  ______ 

(consensus-disagreement) (3) about it. Who should  _____   (decide-


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dccidcs-dccidcd) (4) how many children people should  _____   (want-

have-had) (5)? Should_____(this-thcse-thosc) (6) decision be left up to

individuals, or _____ (shall-should-will) (7) the government make the

decision? Most people_____(do-docs-did) (8) not want the government

to _____ (tells-tcll-told) (9) them how manv children to  _____  (has-have-had) (10) becausc they feel that family planning  ___   (was-is-arc) (11) a

 personal matter, not _____ (a-an-the) (12) government matter. Piey

 prefer to make  _____   (this-that-thesc) (13) decisions on their own

without  ____    (a-an-thc) (14) government On  _  ___ (a-an-the) (15)

other hand, manv other p e o p le  ___  (bclicvc-bclievcs-bclieved) (16)

that the government of each country will  ____  (has-have-had) (17) to

take_____(a-an-thc) (18) activc part in family planning. This is a very

difficult and controversial issue. What _____ (do-docs-did) (19) you

think we should do?


 Read the two texts about a turning point in someone's career choice and  

someone's education.

The thing that changed my life was when I failed m\ first year exams

at university. I'd enrolled on a course in philosophy - I’ll never really

know why. I think it was what my father wanted me to do Anyway, I

knew when I sat the exam that I was going to fail quite spectacularly,

and even before the results were out, I dccidcd to changc carccr. I

realised I needed something more practical And the next day, I walked

into the university medical department and applied for a coursc on

nursing I've never regretted it


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The thing that changed my life was when I was still at school; I was

16, and I had no idea what I was going to do with my life. And myFrench teacher stopped me in the corridor one day and told me my

homework was very good. I was quite pleased really, and then she

went on to suggest that I went to university to study Frcnch And I was

so surprised. I thought: 'Well, why not?1So I did, and I loved it. And

here I am now living in France, married to a Frenchman and teaching


 Now write a paragraph about a turning point in your education or carcer  

choice. Begin your paragraph like this: The thing that changed my life 



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Unit goal

Expressing reflexive actions

WARM UP: Review Relative Clause

What's the name in English?

1. Something that opens a lock is a ..........

2. Someone that flies a plane is a ..........

3. Something that turns electricity on and off is a ...............

4. Someone that writes for a newspaper is a ...................

5. Someone that takes photographs is a ..........................

6. Something that opens tins is a ............................


A. Reflexive Pronouns (myself, yourself, etc.)

I myself 

You yourself 

He / She / It himself / herself / itself 

We ourselves

You yourselves

They themselves

We use a reflexive pronoun when the subject and object are the same

Tom cut himself  while he was shaving (not Tom cut him’)I don’t want you to pay for me I'll pay for myself  

The old lady sat in the comcr talking to herself 


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Don't get angry. Control yourself, (said to one person)

If you want more to eat, help yourselves,  (said to more than

one person)

The party was great. We enjoyed ourselves very much

But we do not use 'myself etc. after bring/take something with ...

I went out and took an umbrella with me. (not 'with myself)

We do not use 'myself  etc. after feel/relax/concentrate:

I feel great after having a swim.

You must try and concentrate.

It's good to relax.We do not normally use 'myself  etc. after wash/dress/shave:

I got up, shaved, washed and dressed, (not 'shaved myself


But we say: I dried myself.

 Exercise 1Complete these sentences using myself, yourself, etc. with these verbs:

kick teach cut lock  look after 

hurt bum talk to blame

Example: Tom cut himself  while he was shaving this morning.

1. Be careful! That pan is veiy hot. D on't.............................

2. They couldn't get back into the house. They h ad ...............out.


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4 What a stupid fool I am! I could..............................................................

5 The boy was lucky when he fell down the stairsHe didn't ......................

6. I'm trying to .......................... Spanish but I'm not making much


7. He spends most of his time alone, so it’s not surprising that he

8 Don't worry about us. Wc can ..................................................................

 Exercise 2

Complete these sentences with these verbs. This time, use myself etc. only 

when necessary:

3. It isn't her fault. She really shouldn't....................................

dry concentrate feci enjoy

relax wash shave meet

Example: Tom is growing a beard bccause he doesn't like shaving.

1. I really............well today - much better than yesterday.

2 He climbcd out of the pool, pickcd up a towel a n d ...................

3. I tried to study but I just couldn't........................................

4. Jack and I firs t.........................at a party five years ago

5. You're always rushing about. Why don't you ...................   more?

6. It was a lovely holiday. We really.....................very much7. I overslept this morning I didn't have time to .............. or have



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Exercise 3

 Match the Situation on the left with the possible consequences on the 


7. taking a friend's dog for a walk g. you can get knocked down

B.  Reciprocal Pronouns (each other)

Study the difference between -selves and each other:

Tom and Ann stood in front of the mirror and looked atthemselves.

(= Tom and Ann looked at Tom and Ann)

Tom looked at Ann and Ann looked at Tom. They looked at eachother.

Exercise 1

Put a reflexive or reciprocal pronoun in each blank and match the  opening parts of the sentence on the left with the concluding parts on the  right.


1. (i) They were talking to themselves + a)

1. making a hot drink 

2. plugging something in

3. crossing a busy road

4. walking home late at night

5. getting out of the shower 

6. lighting a fire

a. you can get an electric shock 

 b. you can bum yourself 

c. you can slip over and hurt yourself 

d. you can spill it and scald yourself 

e. you can get bitten

f. you can get mugged



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1. (i) They were talking to .

(ii) They were talking to

2. (i) Don't keep looking at

(ii) Don't look a t ............

a) like lunatics.

 b) as if they hadn't met for years.

a) until the game IS over.

 b) in the mirror 

3. (i) She used to write a) letters which they found very


(ii) They used to write .......

4. (i) The people didn't know

(ii) Know

 b) letters which we found in her diary.

a) so the party was a failure.

 b) and you'll be wise and happy.

5. (i) They learned how to correct...a) when they were studying alone.

(ii) They learned how to correct ...b) when they were working in pairs.

 Exercise 2

Complete the sentences with  yourself, themselves, ourselves, or each other.

1. Sit down! M ake.........at home.

2. All the people at the party are help ing........ to the food on the table.

3. Bill, Laura, and I have known............ for years.

4. All the students got into pairs and asked ...............   questions abouttheir hobbies.

5. That young man and young woman have been looking at ............

across the room.

6. The people here are very friendly. They all know ........... very well.7. No one else will help us, so we'll have to help ......................

8. You can see that those two love.................very much


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Tcach yourself Brain


 by Ryan Mackool

OUT PRICE 7.95 Order number 79

Our review said, ‘A 

hilarious book. I haven't  

enjoyed myse lf so much in




First book of first aid

OUR PRICE 9.99 Order number 32

 Have you ever hurt  

 yourself? Cut yourself?  

 Burnt yourself? Then you 

need this simple 



Protect our Planet!

by Chloe Greene

OUR PRICE 6.99 Order number 53

 Are we poisoning

ourselves with pollution? This book is simple and  

clear: children can read it  

 for themselves.


The Red and the Blue

by Vemon Littlewood

OUR PRICE 14.99 Order

number 52

 Rosemary and Julian are 

 football fans in Liverpool. 

Their families support  

different football teams, 

and they hate each other. 

 Rosemary fa lls in love 

with Juliati, and he fa lls in love with her. Their  

 families try to keep them 

apart. Finally they kill 

themselves. A modem  

 Romeo and Juliet.


 Luther O’Neille -  superstar with Soul

by Cindy Frank 

OUR PRICE 18.95 Order  

number 46 

 Musical genius o ’Neille 

taught himself to play the 

guitar, piano and drums, 

all he was twelve. After an 

exciting early life, he now  

lives by himself on a Pacific island.


School life

 by Joy Grecnford

OUR PRICE 7.99 (2

cassettes) Order number


 Joy Greenford  5 very 

 funny monologues, read  by the author herself. 

Perfect listening for a 

long car journey.


The Car that Drove 


 by Liam Watkins

OUR PRICE 11.99Order number 44

 Another collection o f  

strange-but-true stories.


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Book ciut*

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 /4.  Reading

 Ì. Here are some things that readers said about each of these books in the advert. Which books were they talking about '>


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A real tear-jerker.

If this is funny, I haven't got a sense of humour!

I cut myself badly when I opened the parcel.

My teachers weren't like this.Unbelievable stories - 1couldn't put this book down.

Boring stoiy of a boring man.

The kids read it, but they didn’t understand it.

2. Which book would you buy fo r yourself? /your mother? / a friend? /  a brother or sister? Why?

 B. True or False?

 Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.1. Someone taught Luther to play the piano.

2. Luther O'Neill lives alone.

3. Joy Greenford reads her own monologues.

4. Aliens from space are poisoning us with pollution.

5. Rosemary and Julian hate each other.

6. Rosemary kills herself.

7. Rosemary kills Julian.



Some pets have a hard life. Read this story and find out:

What is this cat's problem?

My name is Tom and I am a cat. I have a major problem whosename is Felina. Felina is my owner. You see, she doesn't understand how

 people should take care of their pets. She has very strange ideas about the

relationship between people and pets.


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What do you think?

What do you think about pets? Check the opinions you agree with.

1. People should respect animal rights. Owning a pet doesn’t mean you

can do anything you want.2. People need pets for emotional support. I think they’re great.

3. People should not keep pets. They don’t belong in people’s homes.

4. People treat pets too much like humans. I think it’s silly.

5. People spend too much money on pets. What a waste! Think of all the

homeless people in the world.

 Now exchange your ideas with a classmate.


Work in pairs. Ask each other these questions.

Do you live by yourself, or with other people?

Do you wash your clothes yourself, or docs somebody else wash them for


Who makes your bed? Who irons your clothes? Who cooks your dinner9

Who does your homework? Have you bought yourself anything this

week? What? Think about a friend, or someone in your family. Have you

 bought each other anything this month?


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 A. Reflexive pronouns

I - myself 

You - yourself He - himself 

She - herself 

It - itself 

We - ourselves

You - yourselves

They - themselves

Reflexive pronouns arc used when the subject and the object arc

the same.


Tom cut himself while he was shaving.

 R Reciprocal pronouns: EACH OTHER

Reciprocal pronoun is used when the subject and the object aredifferent.


Tom looked at Ann and Ann looked at Tom. They looked at each other.


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Unit Goals

To clarify the use o f the most common time 

 prepositions and adverbs (as soon as, before, after, 

until, when, while, etc.)

To talk about excess inadequacy and to express  

degree by talking about results.


What did they say?

Indirect speech.

 Procedure. Towards the end of the lesson, challenge students to recall things

that have been said by the teacher or students during the course of the lesson -

but they must report them in indirect speech. For example:

 Andreas said he was sorry he was late.

You asked us if we had found the homework difficult 

See if they can remember 10, 12 or 15 tilings that were said; if there Is

time, write them up on the board.

Variation 1: Use the same activity as the follow-up to any listening activity as a

way of reviewing the text.

Variation 2. After a discussion, you try to recall things the students have said.

Tiiey remind you of one you have forgotten.

 Presentation and Practice


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Dear Graham,

I’m really sorry about lunch earlier today, but let me explain I went shopping at about nine this morning and justafter I left the supermarket I had a car crash. Nothing serious,and my local garage said they could f i x it while I was outduring the day. I was due at the dentist s at ten, but I was halfan hour late and then I had to wait for another half an hour before he could see me. I finally left at about quarter to twelve,and just as I was leaving I met Angela, who kept me talking forages!

Anyway, I eventually got to the travel agent’s at oncc tofind they were closed until two, so I went to the bank and gotmy travellers’ cheques. I got back to the travel agent's at two

 but they were late back and then I had to wait until they’dfound the right tickets! And they weren’t even apologetic thatI’d been waiting since two! I ran to the restaurant, hoping toget there before about 2.30, but when I arrived at the restaurantyou’d gone (not surprisingly). I tried to ring you to tell youabout all the awful things that had happened since I left youlast night, but I had no luck, and, anyway, I had to collect thecar at 3.30 and get home - if I’d arrived after four I’d havemissed the taxi to the airport. Well, that’s it. I’ll have to go

now - they’re calling my flight. Sorry again and I’ll sec younext week.

1. Here are the events from Maria's day. Put them into the correct order  Then write approximately times next to them.



a. She went to the travel agent’s.

 b. She went to the restaurant.


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c. She took the car to the garage.

d. She went to the airport.

e. She met Angela.

f. She went to the supermarket.

g. She went back to the travel agent’s.

h. She collected the car from the garage.

i. She went to the bank,

 j. She saw the dentist.

k. She went to the dentist’s.

1. She had a car crash.


2. Go through the text again and underline all the occurrences o f these words: after, as, before, until, when, while. Now write the words which 

 follow them.

after I left the supermarket I had a crash.



until _when _


3. Using the information in number 2, complete this chart.

can be followed by

a clause a noun





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4. Choose the best alternatives fo r the gaps.

a Why don’t you make a cup of coffce (during/ while/ until) _______ I’mfinishing this?

 b. He’s already waited (until/ since/ fo r) ______ six weeks to find out.

c. Can I read the book (while/ before/ when) ______ you’ve finished it?

d. You must have seen this sofa I’ve had it (sincc/ for/ after) _______ Imoved here last year.

e. I knew him (before/ since/ while) ______ I came here.


Examples: He can't climb the stairs. He's too weak 

a) He's too weak to climb the stairs.

 b) He isn't strong enough to climb the stairs.

You couldn't read that book in one evening It's too long.a) That book is too long to read in one evening

 b) That book isn't short enough to read in one evening

The doorway was too narrow. The piano wouldn't go through.

a) The doorway was too narrow for the piano to go through

 b) The doorway wasn't wide enough for the piano to go through

Work in groups. Make two sentences for each of the following (a) using too (b) using not ...enough. Use  for onlv where it is necessary

1. We arrived late. We couldn't get any dinner.

2. Don't get married yet. You're too young.


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3. You can't drink wine every day. It's expensive.

4. My mother's shopping basket was very heavy. She couldn't carry it.

5. Don't eat that bread. It's stale.

6. Wc couldn't see through the windows. They were dirty.

7. The stream was too wide. Dad couldn't jump across it.8. You'd better not sit on the ground. It's damp.

9. You could never wear those trousers in winter. They're too thin.

10. He spoke very fast. I couldn't understand him.

c. SO & SUCH

All went on a very cheap student's flight to London, but he soon startedregretting it:

A. He had to wait so long at the airport that he felt tired before the journey even started. The flight was so bumpy that he felt sick. The plane's engines were so noisy that he couldn't hear himself speak. Thefood was so bad that he couldn't eat it.

B. He had to wait such a long time at the airport that he felt tired before the journey even started. It was such a bumpy flight that he feltsick. The plane had such noisy engines that he couldn't hear himself

speak. They served such bad food that he couldn’t eat it.c. There were so many people on the plane that some of them had tostand. There was so little room between the seats that he couldn'tstretch his legs.

What kind o f words follow such, and what kind o f words follow so ?

 Add so or such or such a to these words and phrases.

lovely hard bad weather little money

lovely day hard work much rain small amount of moneylongtime bad deep snow good food

many times deep disaster good meal


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 pity disastrous lot of people

 bad mistake expensive many presents

few people expensively expensive presents



 Dr. Heidi Cornfield, a professor o f fo od science, is being

interviewed about  her new book, What's for Dinner?  Read the interview

and find out: What does she think is wrong with the American diet?

Interviewer: You have some very strong ideas about what Americans eat,Professor Cornfield. Could you tell our audience about some

of them?

Cornfield: I'd be delighted. First, I think that Americans eat too much

meat. We can get protein from other types of food, not just

meat. For example, tofu is rich in protein. We really don't

need to eat meat to live.

Interviewer: Maybe, but some of our listeners really like nice thick juicyhamburgers. They might not need them, but they sure likethem.

Cornfield: I agree with you. But there are health reasons to stop eating


Interviewer: What do you mean, Professor?

Cornfield: Eating meat, especially beef, can cause heart disease.

Thousands of Americans die from heart disease every year.Interviewer: That's interesting. Are there other reasons why we should

stop eating meat?


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Cornfield: Yes. Did you know that eating meat hurts, even destroys, the


Interviewer: I don't understand. How?

Cornfield: It is a fact that rain forests in Central America are beingdestroyed to produce cheap beef to export to other countries,

including the United States. And that hamburger you like so

much - well, it takes 20 square meters of rain forest for each


Interviewer: Oh, no. But I don't like to eat tofu.

Cornfield: That’s OK. There are other good foods to eat.

Interviewer: Well, we're almost out of time. Do you have any final


Cornfield: There are many more interesting facts in my book. Think

about this one before you order your next burger: In the last

300 years, Americans have cut down over half of their trees to

get land to grow food to feed cattle - all because people think

they need meat.

What do you think?

Which opinions do you agree with? Check as many as you want.

1.1 think Americans eat too much meat, but people in other countries also

cat more meat than before. I don't think it's good.

2. Humans should give up eating meat. That way we get healthier, and we

don't destroy the environment.3. It's impossible for me to give up meat. I enjoy eating hamburgers.

4. We should avoid eating animal products like beef, pork, milk and eggs.It's better for us to eat just fish and vegetables.


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5. Maybe people should eat less meat, but I don't think we have to give it

up completely.

 Now exchange your ideas with a classmate.



At six o'clock on April 21, 1976, the living room and front part of

this man's house fell in. The man was having construction workers dig a 

hole under the front of the house to add on another room The workers

weren't there when the accident happened, so nobody was hurt.

Reporters asked the owner, "What were you doing when the rooms

fell in?"

He answered, "My wife and I were talking to guests. We were

showing them the cracks in the front room when we heard a loud sound.

The cracks were growing larger, so we called the construction company. 

But it was too late. The construction workers were still driving here when

the rooms fell in.”

The owner's wife was crying while the reporters were talking and

refused to have her picture taken.

"I was standing right here outside the front room when if fell in,"

she said. "It gave me the biggest shock of my life"

The owner has told his insurance company about the accident, and

it will pay to rebuild the house. The construction company says that the

house will soon be as good as new. But many of the things in the house

have been lost forever.


 Answer each question with a complete sentence.


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1. When did the rooms fall in?

2. Why wasn't anybody hurt?

3. Who was the owner talking to when the rooms fell in?

4. What was he looking at when he heard the sound?5. Why did he call the construction company?

6. What were the workers doing when the rooms fell in?

7. What was the owner's wife doing while the reporters were talking?

8. Where was she standing when the front room fell in?

9. Who will rebuild the house?

10. Who will pay for the repairs?



B has just been to London. A is asking him about it.


A: Did it rain very much while you were there ?B: Yes, it did. In fact, it rained so much that I had to stay indoors all the



 No, it didn't. In fact it was such nice weather that I got quite brown.

Have similar conversations, using these ideas:

food good? hotel clean? meet people?many foreigners? clothes cheap? speak English?

go out a lot? travel much? buy books?


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Work in groups of three. You are students A, B and c. Read through your  own section only, and then play the game, starting with student A.

 Example: He worked very hard for his exams.

A : He worked so hard for his exams...B or c :... that he almost had a nervous breakdown.

Student A

Change sentences 1-5 into half-sentences using so or  such. Students B and c will  complete them.

1.' He worked very hard forhis exams.

2. She looks quite differentwearing a wig.

3. He treated his wife badly.

4. It was a very boring film.

5. I've got very few possessions.

Choose one o f these sentences  to complete what other people in your group read out. Begin with that 

...I'm not going to eat thereagain.

...taxi drivers refuse to takeyou there.

...we didn’t go bathing once.

...I have to have my shoesmade specially. ____________ 

Student c

Change sentences 1-5 into  half-sentences using so and such. Students A and B complete them.

1. There was a very long queue at the bus stop.

2. I'd drunk a lot of coffee.

3. The problem was very simple.

4 .1 have enormous feet.

5. He drank a lot of whisky.

Choose one of these sentences to 

complete what other people in your  group read out. Begin with that.

...we left half way through .

...nobody understood him.

...I'm not going to eat there again.

...in the end she poisoned him.

...they appointed a new transport

manager.... didn't recognise her at first.

... almost had a nervous breakdown.


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...even a child could have ...we didn't go bathing once.solved it. ...taxi drivers refuse to take you there....«obody understood him. ...I only need one suitcase when I...my hands were shaking. move.

...he collapsed on the floor.

...they appointed a newtransport manager.

...I decided to walk instead.

Student B

Change sentences Ỉ-5 into half-sentences using so or such. Students A and c will complete them.

1. The sea was very cold while wewere there.

2. I've heard terrible stories aboutthat restaurant.

3. A lot of people complainedabout the city bus services.

4. Somẹ parts of New York arequite dangerous.

5. He spoke very fast.

Choose one o f these sentences to complete what other people in 

 your group read out. Begin with that.

...I didn’t recognise her at first.

...even a child could have solvedit.

...my hands were shaking.

...I only need one suitcase when Imove.

...I decided to walk instead.

A.I have to have my shoes madespecially.

...he collapsed on the floor.

...he almost had a nervous breakdown.

...we left half way through.

...in the end she poisoned him.


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Philip had dinnerand went to the


As soon as Philip came home from work, hecooked himself some dinner When he had

finished eating, he decidcd to go to the pub andsee some friends. The pub was almost emptywhen he arrived, since it was still early.

...He watched afootball match onthe pub TV...

He's only been there a feu minutes when thelandlord turned on the TV for the big footballmatch. Philip dccided to stay and watch it

Continue writing the story’, using the notes below to help vou Fill in anydetails you like, paying spccial attention to the order in which eventshappened.

. . . . Then the news came on . . . .

. . . . A house was on fire . . . .

. . . . Philip remembered the pan of oil . . . .

. . . . He rushed home . . . .

 too & enough

1. Too goes before adjcctives and adverbs; enough goes after adjcctivcsand adverbs.

Slow down! You re driving too fast.

We aren t working quickly enough. We d better hurry

2. We also use too many, too much and enough before nouns

- We use too many before countable nouns, and too much beforeuncountable nouns.



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She bought too many eggs.

There's too much salt in this soup.

- Wc use enough before both countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

We can 7 make an omelet. We haven 7got enough eggs.

There’s enough salt in the soup.

3. After too and enough we can use for + object.

This jacket is too small for me.

The fla t isn 't really big enough fo r all o f us.

4. After too and enough we can use to-infinitive.

 I t ’s too early to have dinner.

 He isn 7old enough to drive a car.5. We can modify too (but not enough) with much, a lot, far (=verymuch), a little, a bit rather.

much too heavy far too cold a bit too fast 

so & such

1. We use such before a noun, with or without an adjective.

She’s such a nice woman.

We use so before an adjective alone, without a noun or with an adverb.

She’s so nice.

 He works so slowly.

2. We can use so (but not such) with many and much.

There were so many people on the train

We can use such (but not so) before a lot (of)

There were such a lot o f people on the train.


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3. After so and such, we can use a that-clause to express result.

The table was so heơ vv that I couldn 7 move it.

 It was such o beau... house that we bought immediately.

When, as, while, as soon as, before, after, until 

1. When we want to say that things happen at the same time, we can use 

when, as, while.

When/As/ IVhile I was watching TV, tht telephone rang.

2. When we want to say that things happen one after the other, we can use

when, as soon as, before, after.

When I had tinisneu oreakfast, I went out.

 As soon as the telephone rang, he answered it.

 Note that when we talk about the future, we normally use the simple

 present after when, as soon as, before, etc. (I’ll phone  you as soon as I get


3. We use until (or till) to mean “up to the time when”.

We waited until she arrived.

 I knew nothing about it until you told me.


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Unit Goal

To make students aware of the usage of the past  

conditional and to practise it.


Questions about a statement

Practice in forming questions.Procedure. Take a sentence which is a statement of fact - true, false, absurd, itdoesn't matter - from your sourcebook or from your own or the students'imagination. The students try to see bow many questions they can ask about it.Example:

The moon is made of green cheese.

Possible questions:

Has the moon always been made of green cheese?

Is the cheese light or dark green?

Is the cheese hard or soft?

Is the moon all made of green cheese, or only part of It?

Why is the moon made of green cheese?

How was it made?

What does the cheese taste like?

... and so on.Variation.  If there is time, students try to think of answers to some or all of thequestions.


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Ỉ. Complete the sentences with one o f the verbs below, then pu t them into 

order according to the pictures.

 brake, ask, tread, rush, drop, hit, shout

a. Sally ran into the kitchen and  _____  on a piece of glass.

 b. She  _____  him to do the washing up.

c. Sally saw a cat run across the road and______at Fred to stop.

d. One day Fred was sleeping when his wife woke him up.

e. Her foot was badly cut so Fred _____ 

her to the hospital.f. As he was washing up he  _____  a glass ______ and it broke.

g. He _____  hard and the car behind ______ them.

h. Fred broke several bones and had to stay in hospital.

2. Look at Sally's words in the last picture and decide whether the statements.below are true (T) or false (F).

a. Fred braked hard.

 b. Fred didn't brake hard.

c. They had an accident.

d. They didn’t have an accident.


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3. Look at the four sentences below and complete the chart. 

A. If John had come, it would have been a good party.

B If John had come, it wouldn't have been a good party,

c. If John hadn't come, it would have been a good party.

D. If John hadn't come, it wouldn't have been a good party.

true facts A B c D

John came.

John didn't come.

It was a good party.

It wasn't a good party.

4. Complete this dialogue between Fred and Sally. (Use the verbs in exercise I . )

Sally: Well, if you ______so hard, w e ______ the accident.

Fred: If you______ at me, I ______ so hard..

Sally: If you  _____    so much. I ______ at you.

Fred: If you ______ on the glass, I ______ to the hospital.Sally: But if you ______ the glass, I ______ on it!

Fred: And if you ______ me to do the washing up, I ______ the glass!

Sally: So, it's all my fault, is it?

Fred: Yes if you  ______   me to do the washing up, we  ______   theaccident!

GRAMMAR  I These sen te nces are a ll a bou t the past. C hange th em to specu la te about  

the past, using the third conditional.


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a. I had a car accident last year because I was tired.

If I hadn't been tired,___________________________________

b. My friend almost skied into a tree last year, but he saw It in time.

c. I didn't t see the broken glass on the ground, so I trod on it.

d. I didn't shout bccause I didn't see the cat.

e. The ambulance came very quickly and saved my life.

f. I didn't have any insurance for my mountaineering holiday, so I had to 

pay the doctor's bills.

2. Complete the gaps, using the third conditional.

a. I ______ so angry if h e ______ me. (be, kick)

 b. If we ______ in the 1920s, w e  ______  with the Charleston, (live,


c  ______ they  ______ you if you ______ the letter? (visit, send)d She  ______   the job if y o u ______ her such a bad Tlfcrence! (get,


e. If I  ______ that competition, I ______ a new car. (win, buy)

3. Read the situation and then make a sentence with i f  

Example: I didn’t have time. I didn’t go shopping.

=> If I’d had time, I would have gone shopping.a. She was ill. She didn’t go to work.

b. It rained all morning. We didn’t go out.


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c She didn’t have enough money. She couldn’t buy the shoes,

d I wasn’t hungry. I didn’t have breakfast.

e. He was tired. He made a mistake.

f. Wc didn’t have a map. We got lost.4. Lisa has been married to Bob for three years. Now they are divorcing. 

 Lisa, like many women in this Situation, feels she married her husband   for the wrong reasons. She wonders how different her life would have been i f she had married any one o f her other boyfriends, instead o f Bob. Complete her thoughts by finishing the sentences below.

John was funny. If I had married John, 1would have laughed a lot more.

a. Joe was rich.

If I had married Joe, I _______________________________________ . b. Bill was intelligent.

If I had married Bill, I _______________________________________ .

c. Tom was kind.

If I had married Tom, I ______________________________________ .

d. Greg was patient.

If 1had married Greg, I ______________________________________.

c. Steve was lively.

If I had married Steve, I _____________________________________ .

f. Gary was generous.

If I had married Gary, I ___________________________________  _ .

g Mark was fun.

If I had married Mark. I


 In groups o f three, retell the story below using conditional sentences.

1. Jim’s alarm clock didn't work.


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2. He woke up late

3. He was late for w ork 

4 His boss was annoyed

5 His boss criticiscd him.

6. Jim made a sarcastic remark.

7. He was dismissed.


If Jim’s alarm clock had worked, he wouldn't have woken up late

If he hadn’t woken up late, he wouldn't have been late for work 

READING ASome big ifs' 

 And now for the good news!



Environmentologists have identified these as the following:

1. the extinction of plant and animal life.2. global warming (the greenhouse cffcct).

3. world population growth.

4. human and industrial waste.

I. Match the texts with one of the problems.

A. The population of the world, which now stands at around 5 billion is

increasing at a rate of no less than 80 million a year. 90% of this growthis to be found prcciscly in those countries of the developing ttorld wherethe struggle for survival among the population is hardest The world's population is grow ing far too quickly, and bccausc o f th is It IS destroying


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the environment, uprooting the forests, and not giving grazing and arableland time to rccupcratc bccausc of the constant struggle to producc morefood.

B If the levels of carbon dioxide and other gases that contribute to thewarming up of the atmosphere aren't radically rcduccd, their ability retainheat mav mean that the earth's temperature will rise by 3 degrees c overthe next 60 years. The main sources of C 02 are the cars, factories, and power stations of the developed world and the burning of tropical forestsin the less developed world.

c The destruction of forests and other habitats  is causing the extinctionof one hundred spccics of plant and animal life a day. These losses arc particularly severe in the areas of tropical forest which cover only 7% ofthe surfacc of the globe, but which provide the living space for between50% and 80% of all the planet's wildlife. Much of the gcnctic materialthat is threatened with extinction could hold secrcts that would enable usto combat disease or improve crops and harvests.

D With countries all over the world producing millions of tons ofdomestic rubbish and toxic industrial waste cach year, it is becomingincreasingly difficult to find suitable locations to get rid of all the refuse.This is rapidly becoming a major threat to our health and general welfare.It is the developed, industrialised countries with all their throw-away

 products and packages that producc the highest amounts of waste. Butdeveloping countries too arc not without their problems sincc many ofthem lack the appropriate technology to proccss their dangerous chemicalwaste products safely.

II. Some big ifs!

 Read through the four texts in Activity I and use information that you have got from the other sections in this unit to answer these questions.

What will happen if-


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Midori: Yes, you're probably right. She is getting older, and sincc yourfather died, she seems very forgetful.

Toshi: Mother will need someone to take care of her in the near future.

Midori: Perhaps we could hire a nurse. You know, someone who couldcomc in during the day, clean the house, cook some meals, make

sure she takes her pills.

Toshi: But nurses don’t do all of those things. You're thinking of a nurse

and a housekeeper. Who would pay for that? It will be very


Midori: Well, Toshi, what are you thinking?

Toshi: Sincc I'm the only child, wc have to take care of her. She can

come to live with us.

Midori: Here? In this tiny house? There arc only two bedrooms. We can't

move our two daughters out of their small bedroom.

Toshi: What else can we do? We can’t afford to hire a nurse and a

housekeeper. I'm her only child. Her husband, brother and sister

arc all dead. We have to take care of her.Midori: Maybe we could look for a bigger house.

Toshi: In Tokyo? You know that's impossible. We tried looking last year

and everything in this area of Tokyo is too expensive.

Midori: Let's move away from the city. Someplace cheap.

Toshi: But then I would be far away from my officc. It might take me two

or three hours on the train. I hate to commute. No, the only solution

is for Mother to live with us here.


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What do you think?

Which opinions do you agree with 7 Check as many as  \Ĩ W want 

1. It's too expensive to take carc of old people I think the governmentshould be responsible for taking carc of them

2. Taking carc of elderly parents is the child's dut> So the child shouldnot depend on other people or on the government for help

3. Your parents should live with YOU when they're old. c\cn if vour houseis small.

4 If your mother or father suddenly comcs to your house to live. It willcausc a lot of problems.

5 Elderly people should live in spccial homes The\ shouldn't bother

their children. Now exchange your ideas with a classmate.


 /.  Basic form


(past perfcct)


(would have + past participic)

1. If the weather had been mccyesterday,

2 If he hadn't missed his bus,

3. If I hadn't helped you.

I would have gone to the bcach

he wouldn't ha\c been late forschool.

what would you have done0 Note: The contraction of both had  and  Mould  is d 

If I’d (=had) studied hard. I d (=\vould) have passed the exam


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This structure is used when people arc imagining the opposite of or

something different from what actually happened and arc describing the


 I f the weather had been nice yesterday, 1 would have gone to the 

beach, (but the weather was not nice)

 I f he hadn 7 missed his bus, he wouldn t have been late for  

school, (but he missed the bus)

2. Use


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1. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverb o f timea. Can you wait till the afternoon? I’ll come______lunch

 b. I bought the perfume ______ I was living in France.

c. Will you do the tidying-up ______ our parents amve9 I'd like the placcto look nice.

d. I’d like you to meet my friends. Can you stay here ______ they amvc9

e. He didn’t see the end of the film. He didn't wait______the end

f. I only saw Bob briefly. He arrived just ______ I was leavingg. Please don’t talk to m e ______ I’m on the phone.

2. As soon as

Examples: I recognised you as soon as I heard your voice

As soon as they had moved in they gave a house-warming party.

In the same way, change the sentences below, using

either:  as soon as + Past

or:  as soon as + Past Perfect

a. They saw the house and immediately fell in love with it

 b. I wrote the letter and posted it straight away.

c. He got his exam results and immediately rang up his parents

d. The ưain passed and immediately the crossing bamcr \scnt up

e. He got married again immediately after his wife’s death

f. He left the house straight after breakfast.

g. I looked into her eyes and knew immediately that she was the girl for me


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h I told him about my problem and he instantly offered to help,

i. The television programme finished and then I went straight to bed.

3. Getting the order right 

Examples. - turned off the mains/touched the wire

A: He turned off the mains before he touched the wire.

B: He didn’t touch the wire until he’d turned off the mains.

C: He got the job done.

touched the wire/turned o ff the mains

A: He didn't turn off the mains before he touched the wire.

B: He touched the wire before he’d turned off the mains.

C: He was electrocuted.Work in threes. Look at the pairs o factions below, and fo r each pair:

1) decide whether the person did things in the right order 

2) say what happened as a result

a. resigned/found another job

 b. checked his change/left the shop

c. started driving the car/insured it

d. signed the contracưread it

e. had a good breakíasưset out

f. fastened her seat belưdrove off 

g. bought the shoes/tried them on

h. wiped his feeư came in

4. Change the following sentences into other types as in the example.

If she behaves like that again, I won’t talk to her any more.1) If she behaved like that again, I wouldn’t talk to her any more.

2) If she had behaved like that again, I wouldn't have talked to her anymore.


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a I'll comc to see you if I have time,

 b If you stop eating so many cakcs, you'll get slimmer,

c If I get lost, I'll ask a policcman to help me find the way.

d You’ll find the answers to your questions if you read this essay,

c. If I have more luck, I won’t get into trouble.

5. Write the sentences below with an appropriate form o f the verb inbrackets.

a If it (rain), none of us will go out.

 b Wc (not go) to that show even if it were free.

c. She would have gone to collcge if it (be) possible.

d If they can get thcir parents’ conscnt, they (get mamcd) before the end

of the year.

c. She would spend a lot of money on elothes if she (can) afford it.

f. If I (smoke) less, my sore throat would get better 



 Read the newspaper article below and answer the questionsVenus wouldn't  be a comfortable planet to live on: it's hot enough to melt lead, the air is thick enough to swim in, and there arc never-ending electrical storms. V. Axel Firsoff lifts a corner of the veil which covers Earth's neighbour.

Venus is closer to the Sun than the Earth is, and the sunlight reachingVenus is twicc as powerful as that reaching the Earth However, it hasalso been found that Venus which is covcrcd in thick cloud, reflects

twice, as much sunlight as the Earth docs. So it is quite possible toimagine that Venus might not be too hot to support life, and even to picture it as the home of fair-haired Vcnusians chasing across the planetin flying sauccrs


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Unfortunately, this attractive idea docs not stand up to elose examination.Instead of spinning anti-clockwisc like most other planets, Venusrevolves clockwise and it turns so slowly that the sun rises in the westand sets in the cast Most of Venus is permanently covcred in clouds ofsulphur and sulphuric acid, and these clouds absorb so much of the Sun's

light hat on the surface of the planet there is no more than a dark reddishgloom. The Russian spacecraft Venera 9 and 10 found that there wasenough light to take TV pictures - this light, however, camc not from 59days later. This means that during the immensely long Venusian ’day', thetemperature has time to reach 450 degrees Centigrade, easily hot enoughto melt tin or lead. Moreover, the polar axis is almost vertical, so there arcno seasons.

But the real shock comcs when we consider the atmosphere. Normallyyou cxpcct that the closer a planet is to the Sun, the less atmosphere it

will be able to retain. Venus, however, has an atmosphere about 100times as dense as ours. The air is much too thick to run in, and aswimming stroke would help you walk in it. On the other hand, theatmosphere is so thick that you could fly through it without any problem.The winds are very slow - the Russian spacccraft Venera 10 treasured onlanding a maximum air flow of seven miles per hour - yet the atmosphereis so dense that a seven mile per hour wind would be strong enough toknock down a tall building.

The Sun but from flashes of lightning give off by continual clectricalstorms. All in all, then, Venus turns out to be dramatic though extremelyinhospitable placc, and. along with Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, has to beadded to the list of planets that arc quite incapablc of supporting human life.

(adapted from an article by V. Axel Firsoff in The Guardian)

1. a) Why might you cxpcct the surfacc of Venus to be fairly cool?

 b) Why in fact is the surface of Venus hot?

2. If you tried to walk on Venus, what problems would you have?

3 a) Why might you cxpcct the surface of Venus to be bright? b) Why in fact is there very little sunlight on the surface?

c) How did the Russians manage to take TV pictures?


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4. What is the most unusual thing about Venus compared with other planets?

5. Explain the meaning of the following:

a) retain (line 32) d) absorb (line 47)

 b) dense (lines 34 and 42) e) gloom (line 49)

c) swimming stroke (line 35) f) inhospitable (line 56)

6. 'V. Axel Firsoff lifts a comer of the veil which covers Earth'sneighbour.' What different things does this sentence suggest aboutVenus?

7. If Venusians existed, what would you imagine them to be like?


 In a paragraph (about 100 words), compare conditions on Venus with those on Earthy and explain why they are different Talk about: light ,heat, atmosphere,

GAME: “Hide and search”

Some small objects, such as a button, coin, cassette tape, etc are hiddensomewhere while a student (the searcher) waits outside. Teacher need notknow where the objects are - they can be placed bv members of the class.When the searcher comes back and searches, the rest of the class look athim and remember what he/she did. After that, the class talk about whatthey saw happen and not happen. Teacher converses with the class in thisway:  Did A (the searcher’s name) look in your desk. Sam ?/  No, he didn 't./ What’s in Nam 5 desk?/ Have a look, Lan Tell us  Vihat you see./  

 Did A look there?/No. What would he have found i f he had looked there?Lan’s list is repeated. {He had found if he had looked in Sa m s desk)

And so on for other objects.


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UNIT 16: A STORY 131






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MỤ C LỤ C 277


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Ch u trách nhiệ m xuấ t bấ n :

Chủ tịch HĐ QT kiêm Tổng Giám đốc NGÔ TRÁN ÁI

Phó Tổng Giám đốc kiêm Tổng biên tập NGUYÊN QUÝ THAO

Tổ chứ c bán thả o và ch u trách nhiệ m nộ i dung :

Phó Tổng Giám đốc kiêm Giám đốc NXBGD tại TP. Đ à Nảng HUỲ NH BÁ VÂN

 Biýi tậ p lân dầ u và tái bán :


Trình bày bia :


Chế bân :



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Đ ịa chỉ: Só 74, ngõ 310 đường Nghi Tàm, Tây Hồ, Hà Nội.

Sô Đ KKH xuất bản: 04 - 2008/CXB/519 -1 999/GD.

In xong và nộp lưu chiểu tháng 1 nãm 2008.

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