www.tidbitscda.com For Ad Rates call: (208) 755-9120 [email protected] of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #8 Feb 18th answer page 2 How much do you know about how our culture has evolved throughout the ages? This week, Tidbits explores the progress made over the cen- turies. •Archaeologists general divide prehis- toric eras into three ages – the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age – named such for the material used for making implements and weapons. During the Stone Age, stone was fashioned with a sharp edge or a point, with the oldest known stone tools excavated from several sites in what is now Ethiopia. The Stone Age is divided into three sub-eras, the Paleolithic era (early), roughly 70,000 to 20,000 B.C., the Me- solithic era (middle), 20,000 to 7000 B.C., and the Neolithic era (new), 7000 to 3000 B.C. The period of the Bronze Age is considered to be from 3000 to 1200 B.C., and ushered in the use of copper and tin with the alloy bronze in the manufacture of tools and weapons. The Iron Age occurred between 1200 and 600 B.C., when the harder and tougher iron replaced bronze. Cultur- al changes accompanied the difference in metal, as newer agricultural practices, religious beliefs, and artistic styles evolved. Decorative designs on ornaments and pottery became prevalent. Blacksmiths were hammering items into shape, advancing away from the Bronze Age’s method of casting. Turn the page for more! TIDBITS SAYS … IT’S BEEN AGES! by Kathy Wolfe


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Tidbits Issue week 8

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of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #8 Feb 18th

answer page 2

How much do you know about how our culture has evolved throughout the ages? This week, Tidbits explores the progress made over the cen-turies. •Archaeologists general divide prehis-toric eras into three ages – theStoneAge, theBronzeAge, and the IronAge – named suchfor the material used for making implements andweapons.DuringtheStoneAge,stonewasfashioned with a sharp edge or a point, with the oldest known stone tools excavated from several sitesinwhatisnowEthiopia.TheStoneAgeisdivided into three sub-eras, the Paleolithic era (early), roughly 70,000 to 20,000 B.C., the Me-solithic era (middle), 20,000 to 7000 B.C., and the Neolithic era (new), 7000 to 3000 B.C. The period of the BronzeAge is considered to befrom 3000 to 1200 B.C., and ushered in the use of copper and tin with the alloy bronze in the manufactureoftoolsandweapons.TheIronAgeoccurred between 1200 and 600 B.C., when the harder and tougher iron replaced bronze. Cultur-al changes accompanied the difference in metal, as newer agricultural practices, religious beliefs, and artistic styles evolved. Decorative designs on ornaments and pottery became prevalent. Blacksmiths were hammering items into shape, advancingawayfromtheBronzeAge’smethodof casting. Turn the page for more!


by Kathy Wolfe

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Ten locally owned and oper-ated dining establishments in the greater Coeur d’Alene area have joined together to offer anEatingContest!Allyouhavetodoisenjoythegreat cuisine at each of these ten establishments in a 6-week period. You must spend at least $15 at each lo-cation, save your receipts and drop them off at Franklin’s(501N.4thStreet,Coeurd’Alene),byMarch20,2013.Allentrieswillbeenteredintoadrawingtowina$20giftcertificatetoeachoftheestablishments–that’s$200inFREE,great,local dining! See page 6 for locations and see below for an introduction to each restaurant.

• Side Street Place, Post Falls – The Side Street Place offers full breakfast and lunch menus for all tastes with a neighborly atmosphere for the wholefamilytoenjoy.• Broken Egg Café,Coeurd’Alene–TheBro-kenEggCaféfeaturestraditionalAmericanCui-sine for breakfast and lunch, with large portions for a great price.• Sargent’s, Hayden – Sargents offers great steaks for lunch and dinner at a wonderful price andtheatmospherewillbeenjoyedbyall.• Fu-Ki Japanese Steakhouse and Sushi Bar, PostFalls–IfyouarelookingforgreatJapanesecuisine, Fu-Ki is the place to visit. Your personal Chef cooks your dinner right in front of you on a Teppan stove, putting on a great show for the whole family.• 315 Cuisine,Coeurd’Alene–315islocatedinthebeautiful,historicalGreenbriarInn.Hereyouwillenjoyahand-craftedmartinibarandsmall-plate menu with some main dish traditional fare also offered, all in a great atmosphere with car-ing, friendly staff.• Angelo’s Ristorante,Coeurd’Alene–IfyouenjoyauthenticItalian,youcan’tgowrongwithAngelo’s.Wonderfulfoodinagreatatmosphere,best choice for a quiet, memorable date night.• Elmer’s,Coeurd’Alene–Awonderful“Amer-ican” family restaurant serving breakfast, lunch and dinner with great food for all tastes and ex-ceptional service.• Chinese Gardens,Coeurd’Alene–Agreatse-lection of Szechuan and Taiwan home-cooking for an unbeatable price.• Franklin’s,Coeurd’Alene–Franklin’sHoa-gies features fresh ingredients, great breakfasts and amazing sandwiches, including their famous Original Cheesesteak Hoagie, all served by friendly staff in a great local atmosphere.• GW Hunters, Post Falls – Famous steak and seafood restaurant offering a great menu includ-ing incredible wild game dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They serve large portions at great prices in an atmosphere of very tastefully displayed wildlife museum décor.

See advertisement on Page 6!

Questions about the contest ? Call Evelyn at 208-755-9120


Greetings, my name is

Evelyn Bevacqua

IT’SBEENAGES!(continued):•AccordingtoGreekmythology,thereareseveral stages of human existence on Earth. DuringtheGoldenAge,thefirstraceofmor-tals, dubbed the golden race (meaning good and noble), was created by the gods and held conversations with them. There was an endless abundance of food and no need for agriculture. This age was characterized by peace, harmony, and prosperity. The mortals lived to an old age while maintaining their youthful appearance, and eventually died very peaceful deaths. The SilverAgefollowed,withthemortalsdescribedas foolish and immature, who refused to wor-shipthegodsandgoddesses.Accordingtomythology, this so angered Zeus, he destroyed the silver race. The mortals of the mythological BronzeAgewerehardenedandtough,caughtup in wars. This race was undone by their own violence.TheHeroicAgewastheperiodofhe-roeswhofoughtatTroy.IntheIronAge,painand evil ran rampant, with humans living in toil and misery, and with no shame over wrongdo-ing. •TheperiodofEuropeanhistoryfromthe5th to the 15th centuries is referred to as the MiddleAges.ItbeganafterthecollapseoftheWesternRomanEmpireandtheabdicationofRomulusAugustusintheyear476.TheearlyMiddleAgeswerecalledtheDarkAges,last-ing until about 1000, during which time there was a drastic deterioration in cultural develop-ment and the economy, as well as an increase in wars.ThepartoftheMiddleAgescommonlyknown as the Medieval Period, began around 1000,andcontinueduntiltheRenaissancebe-gan in the 16th century. Gothic art and architec-ture appeared during this era.•ThegoalofthereligiouswarsknownastheCrusadesduringtheMiddleAgeswastore-storetheholyplacesinJerusalem.PopeUrbanIIbeggedCatholicarmiestogotowaragainstMuslim forces in the Holy Land.

Bras On Dudes is a live decorated bra actuionbenefitingtheAmericanCancerSocietyRelayForLifeofCoeurd'Alene.Ourfirstyearwe raised $5,000, and last year we raised almost $9,000. This year our goal is to raise $$15,000 fortheAmericanCancerSociety.Brasdonatedby Relay For Life teams, individuals and lo-cal businesses are modeled by local firemanand other "dudes". Proceeds are donated to the AmericanCancerSociety,Coeurd'AleneRelayFor Life.

This years event will be held on Friday, April26,2013at theBestWesternPlusCoeurd'Alene Inn inCoeurd'Alene, ID. Tickets are$25perpersonor$40percouple(whichisanytwo people). The ticket price includes one glass of champagne, appetizers and entry to the event. Tickets are available at the Coeur d'Alene InnandInlandNorthwestBank(INB)locationsinPost Falls and Hayden. They are also available bycontactingKimWilliams@[email protected]@[email protected]. Tables for 6, 8 or 10 can be reserved upon payment for the tickets. Ifyouareinterestedindecoratinga bra, there is no entry fee. There is no limit to howcreative you canbe: Just keep it PG-13!Braentrieswishingtobeincludedinthisyear'scalendar must be in by March 1. Contact Kim or Bill for an entry form.

Looking forward to seeing you at the great cancer fighting event!

Bras On Dudes

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ITSBEENAGES!(continued):• TheAgeofDiscoverystartedintheearly1400sandcontinuedtothe1600s.AlsocalledtheAgeofExploration,itwasthetimewhen Europeans began travels in search of new sea trade routes to what they thought were the EastIndies.ThePortugueseandSpanishdomi-nated the exploration – Vasco da Gama, Ma-gellan, Balboa, Cortes, Ponce de Leon, and, of course, Columbus were the leaders of the more well-known voyages of discovery. •WhentheEarthundergoesalong-termreduc-tion in surface and atmospheric temperatures, glaciers and ice sheets may expand. This is known as an ice age, or more accurately, a glacial age. Experts say there have been at least fivemajoriceagesovertheEarth’shistory.They are probably the result of an interaction betweenverysmallchangesintheEarth’sorbit,changes in ocean currents, and changes in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmo-sphere. We can see the effects of glaciers across the continent – the Great Lakes and most of Minnesota’sandWisconsin’slakeswerecarvedoutbyglaciersandfilledupwithmeltingwater.•Duringthe17thand18thcenturies,theworldmovedintotheAgeofEnlightenment,acul-tural movement promoted by the intellectuals ofthattime,suchasIsaacNewtonandVoltaire.They attempted to lead the world away from su-perstition, irrationality, and tyranny and toward knowledgethroughscienceandreason.Itwasbased on faith in nature and belief in human progress, with hostility toward organized reli-gionandmonarchy.The“enlightened”believedthat people were naturally good and would work to further the happiness of others.

IMAGINE CREATIVITY CENTER OPENING IN DOWNTOWN COEUR D’ALENE Imagine Creativity Center isa licensed preschool and daycare for children age 3 to 6, located at 315 N. 4thStreetinCoeurd’Alene. The goal of the Center is to nur-ture creative thinking in the formative years. The human brain develops more rapidlybetweenbirthandagefivethanduring any other subsequent period.According toSirKenRobinson,Cre-ativityandEducationExpert,“Weareeducating people out of their creativ-ity!”Hearguesthatit’sbecausewe’vebeen educated to become good work-ers,ratherthancreativethinkers.HegaveapopularTEDTalkentitled“DoSchoolsKillCreativ-ity?”wherehestatesthattoday’sschoolskillthecreativityoftoday’syouth.Webelievethatcreativ-ity is as important as literacy! WeusetheReggio-EmiliaapproachtolearningthatoriginatedinItalyinthe1940’s.Thisphilosophyofeducationviewseachchildasstrong,capable,andfilledwiththeresourcesandcapac-ity to learn. The environment is alive, welcoming, and friendly. Children learn through imaginative play.SeveralstationsaresetuparoundourCenter,whichincludeanArtStudio,Music,Family,Science, Business, Education, Media, and Health and Wellness.

Children will be able to explore art, music, poetry, dance, drama, science, math, organic gardening, media and othersubjectswithastaffthatmakelearningfun.We believe in the importance of community. To foster that, we will host events throughout the year to build relationship with thefamiliesandthesurroundingcommunity.Resources,suchas parenting classes and nutrition classes, will be provided to strengthen families in the community. The Center will serve only whole foods, nothing pro-cessed. The children will be taught the importance of good nu-tritionatanearlyage.Formoreinformation,visitourwebsite:www.imaginecreativitycenter.com.

If you would like to schedule an interview with Kari Browning and Stacia Thompson, the Co-Directors, please call 208.640.9292 or 509.475.5333 (cell),

or email [email protected].

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SENIOR NEWS LINEIT’SBEENAGES!(continued):•Theperiodbetween1750and1850wastheIndustrialAge,whendramaticadvancesinmanufacturing, transportation, and technology produced powerful changes in the economy and culture. The introduction of steam power and improvements in mining created huge advance-ments. Manufacturing machines allowed mass production of goods. •The1920s,commonlycalledtheRoaringTwenties, was a time of economic prosper-ity and rapid industrial growth. Drastic social changes came along, including the growth ofjazzmusic,whichwassopopularthatthedecadebecameknownastheJazzAge.ThesoundsofLouisArmstrong,FatsWaller,andBenny Goodman dominated popular music. Itwasatimeofbreakingwithtraditionandturning toward modern technology. Young peopletookjoyinshockingtheoldergenera-tion – women bobbed their hair and wore short skirts with silk stocking, taking on the nickname “Flappers.”TheJazzAgecametumblingdownon October 29, 1929, with the crash of the stock market, ushering in the Great Depression. •WeenteredtheAtomicAgewhenthefirstatomicbombwasdetonatedoverJapanin1945.ThephraseAtomicAgewasinventedbyaNewYorkTimesjournalistnamedWilliamLaurence,whowastheofficialjournalistfortheU.S.ManhattanProject,whichdevelopedthefirstnuclearweapons.AfterwitnessingtheJapanbombings, he wrote a series of articles support-ing the advantages of the new weapon. •TodaywearepartoftheInformation(orDigi-tal)Age,characterizedbyourincreasesintech-nology and how we receive our information. We arealsointheSocialAge,whichplacesmoreemphasisonpeople’sneedsthroughvarioussocial networks.

by Matilda Charles

Don'tCatchtheFlu!Thisseason'sflujustisn'tgoingaway.It'sgettingworse.AndaccordingtotheCentersforDiseaseControl and Prevention, those requiring the most hospitalizations fromthefluareseniorsage65and older. The most common underlying medical conditions include cardiovascular disease, obe-sity, lung disease and metabolic disorders. Rightontheheelsofthisbadnews,how-ever, a national network of caregivers has pub-lishedalistofsuggestionsforavoidingtheflu.If anyoneknows about theflu, it's theVisitingAngels(www.visitingangels.com)!They'vecre-ated a "Fight the Flu Kit," and their list makes sense: Papertowels:Usetheseinthebathroomor at the kitchen sink instead of hand towels, which can harbor germs. Aforeheadthermometer:Noneedtoputanythinginyourmouth.Askyourpharmacistforbrand recommendations. Handsanitizerswithaloe:sanitizehandswithout drying skin Pens:Carryyourowninpublicwhenyouhave tosignsomething.Don't touchsomethingused by hundreds of others. Lysolspray:Useathomeondoorknobs,handles and light switches (spray on a paper tow-elfirst).VisitingAngelsrecommendsdoingthisonceaweek.Ivoteforonceaday.Theviruscanliveupto48hoursonplasticandstainlesssteel. Handsoap:notnecessarilyantibacterial.Hand sanitizer wipes: Use on everything youtouch out in public, like shopping-cart handles and seats, door knobs, sinks, telephones and li-brarybooks. Ifyoucan't sanitize it,washyourhandsassoonasyoucan.(Ihatetosayit,butthismight be the time to avoid libraries.) With a little luck and a lot of common sense, we can get through this season without gettingtheflu!Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer

reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Write to her in care of King FeaturesWeeklyService,P.O.Box536475,Orlando,FL32853-6475,[email protected].


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by Samantha Weaver

ItwasnotedAmericanpoetOgdenNash,best known as a composer of droll verse, who made the following sage observation: "Sometorturesarephysical /Andsomearemental, /Buttheonethatisboth/Isdental." According to the U.S. Department ofAgriculture, if you're like the averageAmeri-can, you consume 132 pounds of sugar every year. Compare that to folks in the year 1700, who consumed only about 4 pounds of sugarper year. Ifyoucookasingleostrichegg,youcanfeed24people. When you studied history in school, you probablydidn't learn aboutEdwardHyde.HewasacousintoQueenAnneandwasappointedto the post of colonial governor of New York, in which position he served from 1702 to 1708. Thoughhe'snotwellknownnow,hewasquitethetalkofthecoloniesinhisday.Itseemsthatwhen a delegation of colonists went to his man-sion to welcome the new governor, they found him sitting on the front porch, crocheting a doi-lyandwearingoneofhiswife'sdresses.Athisfirstformalballasgovernor,heworeagown.His eccentricities continued until he was caught embezzling public money and was returned to England. The next time you see a shampoo com-mercial and note how creamy and frothy the latherseemstobe,keepthisinmind:Themodelin the advertisement probably has either laun-dry detergent or frothed egg whites on her hair. Those who study such things say that 10 years after a hot dog has been dumped in a land-fill,thewienercouldstillbeintact.


Thought for the Day: "When you stop doingthings for fun you might as well be dead." -- Ernest Hemingway


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Busted Lastyearfivemenwerearrestedforsell-ing, conspiring to sell and/or distributing drugs at the VA Medical Center in Bedford, Mass.There were numerous agencies involved at the local and federal levels, plus theU.S.Depart-ment of Veterans Affairs Office of InspectorGeneral. The investigation took seven months.Let'slookattheplayers.I'llcallthembyinitialsonly. J sold buprenorphine to an undercoverfederalagent,andconspiredwithRtoselloxy-codone to an undercover federal agent.--RconspiredwithJtoselloxycodonetoanun-dercover federal agent D distributed controlled substances, in-cluding heroin, oxycodone, buprenorphine and clonazepam and conspired to distribute those substances. ItwasthesameforHandP.Just for clarification, buprenorphine is used totreat opioid addiction and clonazepam is for sei-zure and panic disorders. Oxycodone is for se-rious long-termpain.We'renot talking aspirinhere.Allofthesedrugscanbeabusedandcauseaddiction. Justhowbad is this?J,RandDcouldhave gotten up to 20 years in prison and a $1 million fine. H could have gotten 10 years inprisonanda$500,000fine.Pcouldhavegottenfiveyearsinprisonanda$250,000fine.So, what punishments did they ultimately get?Jwassentencedto15monthsinprison.Rwassentencedtofiveyearsofprobation.D was sentenced to three years of probation.H was sentenced to three years of probation.P was sentenced to two years of probation.No,itdoesn'tmatterthatthesemenwereveter-ans. What matters is that they were selling at a VAhospitalwithadrugrehabprogram,whereotherveteransgotogetwell.Insomecases,theyweresellingtheverydrugsthey'dbeenprovidedbytheVA. Where in the sentences they received is there any incentive not to do it again?Write to Freddy Groves in care of King Features Weekly Service,P.O.Box536475,Orlando,FL32853-6475,or

send e-mail to [email protected].(c)2013KingFeaturesSynd.,Inc.

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