www.tidbitscda.com For Ad Rates call: (208) 755-9120 [email protected] of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #26th June 23RD 2014 TIDBITS® TAKES FLIGHT by Janet Spencer On June 25, 1953, Horace C. Boren became the first passenger to fly around the world on com- mercial airlines in less than 100 hours. Come along with Tidbits as we take flight! EARLY PIONEERS • The Wright brothers were not the first people to fly a plane. Seven years prior to their 1903 flight, Samuel Pierpont Langley’s 16-foot (4.8 m) plane travelled three quarters of a mile (1.2 km) and stayed aloft for a minute and a half. The Wright’s claim to fame was that they made the first flight that carried a human. Langley’s plane was unmanned. • The world’s first fatal airplane crash occurred in 1908 when a propeller broke, sending the air- craft plunging 150 feet (45 m) to earth. The pilot escaped with a broken leg, but the single pas- senger, Lt. Thomas Selfridge of the U.S. Signal Corps, was killed on impact. The pilot was Or- ville Wright. • Many people mistakenly think Charles Lind- bergh made the first transatlantic flight. Actu- ally, he made the first solo transatlantic flight, but many other transatlantic flights were made prior to his May 20-21, 1927 solo flight. For in- stance, there was Capt. John Alcock and Lt. Ar- thur Whitten Brown who flew a converted Vimy night bomber from Canada to Ireland on June 14 & 15, 1919. turn the page for more!


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of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #26th June 23RD 2014


by Janet SpencerOn June 25, 1953, Horace C. Boren became the first passenger to fly around the world on com-mercial airlines in less than 100 hours. Come along with Tidbits as we take flight!EARLY PIONEERS• The Wright brothers were not the first people to fly a plane. Seven years prior to their 1903 flight, Samuel Pierpont Langley’s 16-foot (4.8 m) plane travelled three quarters of a mile (1.2 km) and stayed aloft for a minute and a half. The Wright’s claim to fame was that they made the first flight that carried a human. Langley’s plane was unmanned.• The world’s first fatal airplane crash occurred in 1908 when a propeller broke, sending the air-craft plunging 150 feet (45 m) to earth. The pilot escaped with a broken leg, but the single pas-senger, Lt. Thomas Selfridge of the U.S. Signal Corps, was killed on impact. The pilot was Or-ville Wright.• Many people mistakenly think Charles Lind-bergh made the first transatlantic flight. Actu-ally, he made the first solo transatlantic flight, but many other transatlantic flights were made prior to his May 20-21, 1927 solo flight. For in-stance, there was Capt. John Alcock and Lt. Ar-thur Whitten Brown who flew a converted Vimy night bomber from Canada to Ireland on June 14 & 15, 1919. turn the page for more!

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From the Publisher’s DeskBy : Evelyn Bevacqua

TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #26 June 23rd

A “tidbit” is defined as “a tasty morsel to be enjoyed before the meal”. And that’s just what Tidbits® is – a non-controversial, weekly paper dedicated to publishing entertaining morsels for the mind, food for thought as it were: trivia, fun facts, amusing stories and oddities.Tidbits is distributed to over 200 locations throughout the area. Tidbits can be found in res-taurants, coffee shops, grocery stores, offices, banks, libraries, hair salons, auto repair shops, motels, hospitals, medical & dental waiting rooms, retail stores, etc.Our weekly readership is 14,800. If you would like to add your event, stories, ad info or any comments, please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] or call me at 208.755.9120.

What is Tidbits?

EARLY PIONEERS cont’d• When Capt. Alcock and Lt. Brown flew from Canada to Ireland, they took with them Lucky Jim and Twinkletoes— two stuffed black cats, for luck. However, these “lucky” charms didn’t do much good. First, a super-heated exhaust pipe disintegrated. Then a blinding fog moved in and the plane would have taken a nose dive into the Atlantic if the fog hadn’t cleared 100 feet above the sea. Next, ice formed over the instruments on the wing after a snowstorm and Lt. Brown had to climb out on the wing to chip it off. But in spite of it all, the two men landed safely. Un-fortunately, Alcock was killed six months later while flying in a fog in a Paris air show. Brown subsequently swore off flying forever, but his pi-lot son was killed in World War II.• President Wilson and other important officials gathered in May of 1918 to witness the take-off of the first airmail flight. The plane was to carry mail from Washington, D.C. to Philadelphia. Af-ter take-off, the plane somehow went off course and landed in Waldorf, Maryland— which is farther away from Philadelphia than Washington is. The mail was eventually delivered by train.• In 1938 Howard Hughes filled his plane with ping-pong balls so it would float if it went down over the ocean. He then proceeded to set the speed record for flying around the world.• On March 2, 1949, a U.S. Superfortress bomb-er completed the first nonstop flight around the world when it landed at Fort Worth, Texas. The plane traveled 23,452 miles (37,742 km) in 94 hours and 1 minute. It was refueled four times in flight. • In 1986, the Voyager accomplished the first round-the-world flight without refueling. Cruising at a speed between 65 and 120 mph (104 – 194 km/hr) at an altitude of 8,000 to 10,000 feet (2,500 – 3,000 m) it took pilots Rat-tan & Yeager 216 hours, 3 minutes and 44 sec-onds to travel 25,012 miles (40,252 km).

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What is Tidbits?Rathdrum Farmers Market

2nd & 4th Saturdays @ city park. 208-640-9315

June 6 - 28Guys and Dolls (musical)

Performed at the Lake City Playhouse.More information, call 208-667-1323.

June 27Intuitive Reading ShowFriday June 27 6:30pmBonnie Whiting.com

(208) 667-1423

June 29CDA Ironman Triathlon

Athletes begin their day with a two-loop swim in the clear waters of Lake Coeur d’Alene.

The two-loop bike course boasts no turns in 80 miles. The run loops along the shores of the lake. This race offers 80 qualifying slots for the IRON-MAN World Championship in Kailua-Kona, HI.

Coming July 19 & 20WoodsTalk 2014

“Living Green” & Sustainable Living,Music & Art Festival

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August 24th, 2014Scott Wemple Memorial Golf Tournament August 24th, 2014 at Avondale Golf Course. starting at 1:00pm. Silent auction, raffle, prizes and dinner included. For more information, call Donna at


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ARTWALK5-8pm every second Friday from April - Decem-

ber, stroll through beautiful Downtown Coeur d’Alene and enjoy local and nationally acclaimed artists. Visit supporting galleries, shops, restau-

rants and businesses with your friends and family. A family-friendly, free event! Apr 11, May 9, Jun 6, Jul 11, Aug 8, Sep 12, Oct 10, Nov 14, Dec 12

RIVERSTONE SUMMER CONCERT SERI-ESEvery Thursday during July and August, we

present a summer concert at beautiful Riverstone Park in Coeur d’Alene. Enjoy a free concert from a variety of the best local performers. Sponsored

by The University of Idaho, Coeur d’Alene.July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 . August 8, 15, 22, 29

TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #26 June 23rd

FAST FACTS ABOUT AIR TRAVEL• Number of people who traveled by air world-wide in 2012 Over 3 billion• Number of passengers who died in crashes in 2012 414• Number of people killed or injured by bathtubs each year About 182,000• Average number of times an airliner is hit by lightning each year 1• Number of plane crashes due to lightning strikes since 1963 0• Percent of Americans who had flown in 1978, the beginning of airline deregulation 17%• Percent who have flown today 84%• Percent of Americans who hold a passport 11• Number of bags per minute that move through O’Hare Airport’s computerized baggage han-dling system 480• Number of bags lost or mishandled in the U.S. every day 7,000• Percent of all lost bags which are returned to their owners within 24 hours 97• Total number of lost bags which are never re-turned to their owners annually 435,000• Number of the world’s 20 busiest airports which are located in the U.S. 6 • Number of flights handled by air traffic control-lers at O’Hare Airport (the world’s 3rd busiest airport) per hour at peak periods 210• Number of people who work at O’Hare Airport in Chicago, Illinois 35,000• Amount of dirt moved during the construction of Denver International Airport, in millions of cubic yards 110• Amount of dirt moved during the construction of the Panama Canal, in millions of cubic yards 330• Miles of fiber optic cables running through Denver International Airport 5,300• Highway miles from Miami to Seattle 3,362

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FAST FACTS ABOUT AIR TRAVEL• Total area of Denver International Airport, in square miles 53 • Total area of Manhattan Island, in square miles 22.4• Number of miles of highways that could be built with the amount of asphalt that was used to build the runways and ramps at Denver Interna-tional Airport 900• Number of times airlines update fares in their computers daily 250,000• Number of Americans who are members of a frequent flyer program 61 million• Percent of all frequent flyer miles which are earned on the ground 47• Percent of all frequent flyer miles which are never redeemed 75• Number of free tickets issued annually due to frequent flyer miles 12 million• Number of cubic feet of re-circulated air per minute given to economy-class passengers on some 737 flights 8• Number of cubic feet of re-circulated air per minute given to first-class passengers on some 747 flights 60• Amount of money saved per aircraft per year on fuel costs by re-circulating air instead of in-troducing fresh air $60,000• Number of airsickness bags used by U.S. air-lines each year 20 million• Number of collisions between birds and planes every year in the U.S. 1,400• Percent of those collisions involving seagulls: 80 to 90• Percent of students at the air traffic controller school at the Oklahoma City training center who do not get passing grades 40%• Percent of flights in America that either leave or arrive late 25

by Samantha Weaver

It was American writer and philosopher Elbert Hubbard who made the following sage observa-tion: “Many a man’s reputation would not know his character if they met on the street.”

You probably know that the king cobra is one of the deadliest snakes: It can grow up to 18 feet long and is very aggressive, often attacking with little or no provocation. When it rears up to at-tack, the head can be 4 or 5 feet off the ground, and king cobra’s venom is so deadly that a single bite can kill an elephant. You might not realize, though, that these snakes are protective parents. Both the female and the male stay close to the nest, guarding the eggs from any danger.

Those who study such things can tell your age, race and gender just by examining one of your hairs.

Did you ever wonder how the lollipop got its name? A man named George Smith first put the hard treat on the end of a stick, but candy-mak-ing wasn’t his only interest. It seems that Smith also had a keen interest in horse racing, and he named the candy after a popular racehorse of the time, Lolly Pop.

If you took the entire surface area of the dwarf planet Pluto and laid it flat, it would fit inside Russia.

The next time you get caught outside in a hard rain, you can reflect on the fact that each drop that hits you is traveling at about 20 mph.

Thought for the Day: “All truth passes through three stages. First,

it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” --

Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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WHY DIETS AND EXERCISE DON’T WORK When you’ve tried diets and exercise and feel like you’ve “tried everything” and still can’t lose weight, what went wrong? Why do diets work for some people, and fail for others? Why do some diets harm some people and yet are so beneficial to others? There can be many reasons.First of all, we are all unique individuals with unique genetic expressions. However, we were all cre-ated with the same basic design of organs and systems, all ingeniously designed to do the same thing. So a more appropriate question would be, “why aren’t mine working as well as the next persons?” Every organ in the body has to be doing its job the way it was intended or it may result in weight gain. Let’s take the digestive system for an example. If the body isn’t making enough en-zymes to digest the many fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, proteins and other substances, then the function of every single system suffers. When one organ or system is working sub-optimally, it puts additional strain on other organs or systems, limiting their optimal function as well. When the body is not functioning optimally, excessive weight can result. Exercise and diet are both important factors in weight management. However, neither diet nor exercise work alone forever. In order to obtain an ideal weight you must do both. You also must address some of the underlying reasons why you gain weight. In other words, are you deficient in essential fatty acids? Is your digestive system working properly? Are you depleted of the minerals critical for organ function that may be interfering with your ability to lose weight? Is your endocrine system functioning properly? How is your blood sugar? Is your thyroid functioning right? A word of caution here: Many people have low functioning thyroids that don’t show up on the typical lab tests. There are other less traditional tests for determining thyroid function that have been used reliably for decades by natural health practitioners. Any imbalance anywhere can contribute to weight gain. And finally, we need to look at the entire lifestyle. Today we live a life where stress is so abundant that it is no wonder we have weight out of control. This prolonged stress response triggers hormones, that are instrumental in excessive weight gain. If you’re finding exercise alone or dieting alone isn’t working, combine them. Remember too, that it isn’t a quick fix. It is a necessary lifestyle change. If you have been combining them and it’s not working, then your body isn’t up to the chore. Seek the services of a natural healthcare practitioner skilled in uncovering what’s wrong. When we fix that, the side effect will be a healthy, lean you!

Dr. Holly Carling is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist, Doc-tor of Naturopathy, Clinical Nutritionist and Master Herbologist with over 34 years of experience. Dr. Carling is currently accepting new patients and offers natural health care services and whole food nutritional supplements in her Coeur d’ Alene clinic. Visit Dr. Carling’s website at www.vitalhealthandfitness.com to learn more about Dr. Carling, view a list of upcoming health classes and read other informa-tive articles. Dr. Carling can be reached at 208-765-1994 and would be happy to answer any questions regarding this topic.

By Dr. Holly Carling

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Q: I’m a single mom who needs your help. My children and I live in a 1950’s era home with large trees in the front and back yard. Last week when my son mowed the front lawn he complained about it being soggy and smelling bad. I checked it out and he is cor-rect. What should I do?

A: Based on the age of your home and the fact that you have large older trees I can think of several conditions that could be the root cause (excuse the pun). You need to assess the condition of the sewer pipes running from your home to the main sewer line. Your pipes may be cracked, split, or corroded. This could be a result of age, ground chang-es, or the tree soots have invaded the lines. I suggest you have an inline video camera inspection. This will provide you with answers and from there, op-tions. Do this sooner rather than later.

The Rooter Guys (208) 772-4408

Q: How do I find out if I qualify for a Habitat for Humanity home?

A: The goal of Habitat for Human-ity is to show God’s goodness by entering into partnership with fami-lies currently living in inadequate housing, who wish to own a home of their own, but have not been able to get the help they need elsewhere.

Habitat families purchase their homes directly from Habitat with no profit, no interest loans.The selection of families who will purchase homes from Habitat for Humanity of North Idaho will be done by the Family Selection committee in a way that does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, age, handicap, religion, marital status, or because all or part of the applicant’s income is derived from public assistance programs.The primary qualifications for the Habitat for Humanity program are: • The family income must fall within approved guidelines.• The family agrees to partner with Habitat by contributing at least 250 hours per adult of “sweat equity” on Habitat projects.• The family is living in inadequate housing.

Call (208) 762-HOME (4663) and ask to speak with the Office Manager to begin the application process.

Good luck!

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I have been advertising in Tidbits for some time now and love it. Positive people and a great paper, I'd recommend Tid-bits as an affordable op-portunity for business growth in any industry.

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Glutamine Forte Have you heard of the awesome benefits of turmeric?Turmeric root contains a powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant called curcumin. It has been used for years to decrease muscle pain and inflammation, while also demonstrating joint pain relief. Theracurmin is a more bioavailable form of curcumin that gives 27 times the absorption of other curcumin supplements. Glutamine Forte is a one-two punch supplement we use at Healthy Liv-ing to deliver amazing gut healing and anti-inflammatory benefits. It contains Theracurmin and L-Glutamine, an amino acid that heals the cell membrane of your digestive tract. When something is wrong with the gut L-Glutamine is #1 one to repair the intestinal barrier and support the immune system. Glutamine Forte by Integrative Therapeutics puts the two together to solve inflammation and tissue repair for the whole system, with the antioxidant benefits turmeric.

Susan Ashley MD Family MedicineLiberty Lake, 509-928-6700

Juice Another study recent-ly completed looked at a review of the lit-erature showing a cor-relation between sugar sweetened beverages, or SSB, consumption and blood pressure. Twelve studies involv-ing 409,707 partici-pants, were included. The researchers found a positive correlation between increased SSB consumption and hypertension in all 12 studies. The incidence of high blood pressure was increased with consumption of SSBs. The authors write

"Restriction of SSB consumption should be in-corporated in the recommendations of lifestyle modifications for the treatment of hypertension. Interventions to reduce intake of SSBs should be an integral part of public health strategy to re-duce the incidence of hypertension".

In other words, quit drinking sugar-laden drinks! Such as sodas and juice. And quit allowing the kids to have these drinks. Children do NOT need to drink juice - you're giving them a cup full of sugar. Especially at a young age, don't even get in the habit of allowing your toddler to have any juices. Apple juice is particularly bad, as it is full of arsenic. And organic juice doesn't matter - it's still sugar!The ONLY exception is one - pomegranate juice. When taking pomegranate juice daily, 2oz or 1/4 cup per day, it will help to keep your arteries clean and make them more flexible, with less plaque build-up. But you only need 2 oz per day, not a cup! Or, better yet, eat a 1/4 of a pomegranate each day.Let your kids eat fruit and get the fiber and all the other nutrients found in them, instead of juice. No koolaid, Gatorade, lemonade, soda, powdered sugar drinks, juices. One soda has 65 gms of sugar, or 22 packets of sugar!Look for these ingredients to avoid: sugar, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, fruit juice concentrates, honey, syrup, corn syrup and sucrose.Let you and your kids learn to love the taste of water, with a splash of lemon or lime!

Susan Ashley MDSpecializing in:• Bio-IdenticalHormones• Autism/ADHDdrug-free treatment• Brain Health/ Dementia• Food allergies• Energy Medicine• Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia• Pediatrics/Sport Physicals• Anti-Aging Medicine

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J.D. of Massachusetts writes: Mix 1/2 cup vine-gar and a chamomile tea bag in a pan of medium hot water. Let cool slightly and soak feet for up to 10 minutes. Follow up with foot powder or deodorant.

Cucumber is a speedy diuretic. Try snacking on slices for a cool treat. Or deseed slices and slip a few in your glass of cold water. If you keep a couple of crackers in your sugar jar, they’ll keep the sugar from caking.

“When we go to the doctor with our youngest, we bring a few crayons. She’ll lie down on the exam table paper, and we draw her outline. Then she can fill in her face and other details. This usually calms her while she is waiting. The doc-tor even has used the outline to talk about her body to her.” -- E.S. in Georgia

Boost your metabolism by drinking green tea ... hot or cold. Try it over ice with honey and a sprig of mint.

“In older houses, you might have a problem with cracking drywall when trying to hang pictures. You can solve this by placing a bit of clear tape over the spot where you’re going to drive a nail. It goes right in. If you’re nailing into wood, drag your nail through some soap (bar soap is fine) before striking. It does the same thing, keeping the wood from splitting.” -- P.K. in New Jersey

Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Or-lando, FL 32853-6475 or e-mail JoAnn at [email protected].

(c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.NEW! CLASSIFIED ADS ONLY $ 6.50 A WEEK. SEE PG 23!

Your Solution to Chronic PainAt Pain MD, we use a “state of the art” integra-tive, non-surgical approach to treating the spine, based on all of the most current research. We have a multi-disciplinary team and utilize the best of what each discipline has to offer, combining dy-namic and isometric exercise, spinal manipula-tion, non-surgical spinal decompression, laser decompression therapy and nutrition to achieve previously unheard of results, even with patients who have been told they cannot be helped. Dr. Craig Eymann D.C. is our lead chiro-practor here at Pain MD. We also offer Physical Therapy treatments lead by Elliot Davis, DPT and therapists Tammy Mac, Brooke Hageness and Jamie Riddle. We work closely with the patient’s prima-ry care medical doctor, taking a team approach, resulting in the best outcomes for the patient. All of our doctors have at least 15 years of clinical experience each, dealing with the “worst of the worst”, when it comes to back problems. Chanc-es are, they have already seen and treated “your” specific back problem. Some of the back problems we treat and have fantastic results with are: herniated disks, stenosis, sciatica, slipped disks, failed back sur-gery, degenerative disk disease, scoliosis, bulg-ing disks, numbness/weakness/shooting pains in arms or legs, posterior facet syndrome, protrud-ing intervertebral disks, to name a few. Wheth-er you have been told you need surgery or not, chances are we can help you. Life is not static. It moves on whether you want it to or not. Every decision you make with regard to your health will place you either closer to your health and wellness goals, or fur-ther away. Which direction do you want to go? We are here to help you live the life you want, one that is active and healthy. Here at Pain MD, we serve the needs of all people from infants to the elderly. Chiropractic care is an important aspect to your overall health, whether you are suffer-ing from a minor affliction, or dealing with a life-long condition. As a holistic health-care ap-proach, chiropractic care focuses on a whole-body approach to health. Problems like stress can affect multiple body systems, and other dif-ficulties can affect more than one portion of your body. We do not focus on the site of the pain, but on your entire body.Call us today at (208) 667-7246.It’s never too late to start the journey to health and wellness. You will never have a more profes-sional yet friendly experience than you will here at Pain MD in Coeur d’Alene. We accept most insurance plans.

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Famous CanadiansDOUGLAS McCURDY• Douglas McCurdy, one of Canada’s premier aviators, was born in Nova Scotia in 1886, and graduated from the University of Toronto in 1906 with a degree in mechanical engineering. It didn’t take long for his career to ‘take off.’ • In 1907, he joined Alexander Graham Bell’s Aerial Experiment Association. In 1908, he helped Glenn Curtiss set up the Curtiss Aero-plane and Motor Company. In 1909, he became the first person in the British empire to fly an aircraft, becoming only the 9th person in history to fly a plane. In 1910, he was the first Canadian to be issued a pilot’s license. And in 1911, he made the first flight from Florida to Cuba, one of his most remarkable achievements. • From 1909 to 1911 McCurdy participated in flying exhibitions all over North America. Hop-ing to give the people of Cuba their first glimpse of mechanized flight, officials in Havana offered him $8,000 (worth $100,000 today) if he would be the first to fly from Key West to Havana. Al-though the 94-mile (151 km) journey doesn’t seem like a big deal today, McCurdy knew that if the flight succeeded, he would set a new world record for distance travelled over open water.• McCurdy paid a tinsmith to make pontoons to attach to the wings in case he was forced to land at sea. The U.S. navy offered to string six tor-pedo boats along the line of flight, each puffing out smoke to aid in navigation. They would also be able rescue him if he crashed. • On a calm day in January of 1911, McCurdy took off from Key West on a short test flight, intending to circle around and land again. But the crowds surged forward, clogging the landing strip. He had no choice but to head out to sea.

PHOTO: Miranda Lambert

Top 10 Pop SinglesThis Week Last Week1. Iggy Azalea feat. Charli XCX No. 2 “Fancy”2. Ariana Grande feat. Iggy Azalea No. 3 “Problem”3. John Legend No. 1 “All of Me”4. Pharrell Williams No. 4 “Happy”5. DJ Snake & Lil John No. 5 “Turn Down for What”6. Katy Perry No. 6 “Dark Horse”7. Jason Derulo feat. 2 Chainz No. 7 “Talk Dirty”8. Nico & Vinz No. 17 “Am I Wrong?”9. Justin Timberlake No. 8 “Not a Bad Thing”10. Jason Derulo feat. Snoop Dogg No. 20 “Wiggle”

Top 10 Albums1. Coldplay new entry “Ghost Stories”2. Brantley Gilbert new entry “Just as I Am”3. Michael Jackson No. 2 “Xscape”4. Soundtrack No. 4 “Frozen”5. The Black Keys No. 1 “Turn Blue”6. Various Artists No. 3 “Now 50”7. Phillip Phillips new entry “Behind the Light”8. Soundtrack new entry “The Fault In Our Stars”9. Iggy Azalea No. 14 “The New Classic”10. Rascal Flatts No. 5 “Rewind”

Top 10 Hot Country Singles1. Luke Bryan No. 1 “Play It Again”2. Florida Georgia Line feat. Luke Bryan No. 2 “This Is How We Roll”3. Jake Owen No. 5 “Beachin’”4. Brantley Gilbert No. 3 “Bottoms Up”5. Miranda Lambert/Carrie Underwood new entry “Something Bad”6. Miranda Lambert No. 7 “Automatic”7. Thomas Rhett No. 6 “Get Me Some of That”8. Brett Eldredge No. 8 “Beat of the Music”9. Justin More No. 12 “Lettin’ the Night Roll”10. Rascal Flatts No. 4 “Rewind”Source: Billboard(c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

by Freddy Groves

Women Veterans React Dif-ferently to TBITreatment of veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury has been difficult because of the many symptoms that the illness presents. Now add another barrier ... there are differences in symp-toms between men and women.Women veterans with TBI suffer from chronic pain, joblessness, PTSD, homelessness and de-pression in greater numbers than male veterans. They are more likely to suffer from anxiety, neu-rological problems and sleep disorders. Addi-tionally, women veterans are more likely to suf-fer from multiple symptoms. If PTSD is part of the package, women likely take longer to heal.Odette Harris, associate professor of neurosur-gery at the Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Health Care System) studied the effects of TBI on women veterans. She began with the fact that women veterans are more likely to be single par-ents and more likely to suffer from harassment and assault related to gender, both of which add to stress of TBI.Her research concluded that women veterans with TBI are:--Four times more likely than male veterans to have substance-abuse problems.--Seven times more likely to be homeless, and 2.7 times more likely to be unemployed.--30 percent more likely to also have PTSD. (The good news here is that women are more likely to ask for help and respond to treatment as well as men, if not better.)Harris produced video narratives of women vet-erans describing their conditions in the hope that fresh approaches to treatment will come out of the new paradigm: men and women who have TBI need different care because they have dif-ferent symptoms.To learn more, visit the Veterans Resource Cen-ter on nami.com, the site for the National Alli-ance on Mental Illness. Also see the VA’s TBI site at www.polytrauma.va.gov. The www.ptsd.va.gov site has information for veterans, and friends and family of veterans with PTSD.

Freddy Groves regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his col-umn whenever possible. Send email to [email protected]. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

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DOUGLAS McCURDY (cont’d)• Reaching an altitude of 1,000 feet (304 m) and a speed of 48 mph (77 km/h), he could see the smoke from the funnels of the closest torpedo boat. He could hear their whistles blowing. After two hours, he spied the waterfront of Havana. Crowds thronged the beaches and a cheer went up. • Suddenly, just a few miles short of his goal, his engine quit as one cylinder after another gave out. He was forced to ditch in the ocean while Cuban citizens gasped in horror. Fortunately, the water was calm and the pontoons worked. The U.S.S. Pauling took only 15 minutes to reach the downed aircraft. McCurdy joked that his feet never even got wet, but the plane was a complete loss. Still, he had managed to set two records: it was the longest flight ever, and it was also the first flight ever taken that left the sight of land. • McCurdy had taken the precaution of shipping a second plane to Havana, and without even changing his clothes, he treated onlookers to a flying exhibition. City officials pledged to give McCurdy the prize money even though he hadn’t completed the original flight. At a gala ceremony in his honor, he was handed a fancy envelope. However, when he opened the envelope later, he found it empty. After making discreet inquiries as to how he could get his prize money, he was advised that it would be a touchy and difficult matter. He dropped the issue.• Douglas McCurdy went on to achieve much more. In 1915, he established the first aviation school in Canada, and was the first manager of Canada’s first airport. He was also instrumental in setting up an aircraft manufacturing company located in Toronto. In 1947, McCurdy was ap-pointed lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia, a post he continued until 1952. • Douglas McCurdy died in 1961, just a few years short of seeing man land on the moon.

Make a Day Filled With Rainbows

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and vio-let. A rainbow of colors that delight kids when they appear like magic, streaming across the sky after a shower. Since young kids love anything to do with rain-bows, why not spend a rainbow-filled afternoon with them doing activities bursting with color? Here are a few simple-to-do ideas that playfully and artfully teach the basic spectrum and the hues in between.

RAINBOW DISCOVERIESRainbows aren’t just in the sky. On a sunny day, pour some water in a clear glass, then tilt it side-ways and move it slowly along the edge of the kitchen counter until you catch rays of sun shin-ing through the water. A beautiful ribbon of rain-bow colors will appear on a white floor or on a white sheet of paper placed on the floor.

RAINBOW WEARChoose clothes to wear from head to toe repre-senting the colors of the rainbow. Name them, sing a song about them and then draw a self-por-trait in living color.

RAINBOW ARTOn the left side of a large sheet of construction paper, spoon puddles of poster paint in the se-quence of rainbow colors, one above the other. Leave a small space in between. Using a stan-dard household squeegee, spread the paint in an arc with one swift movement to instantly form a rainbow. Once kids try this off-kilter technique, they’ll likely add more paint and drag their new painting tool in different directions, making rain-bow paths and valleys all over the paper. Hang the rainbow art on the wall, wrap up a birth-day present with it or use for a place mat, a color-ful addition to springtime snacking. Wash your squeegee in soapy water after use. You might decide to add one to your family art-supply box.

RAINBOW DREAMSUse your kids’ rainbow art to inspire a bedtime story about an adventure “over the rainbow.” Ask them to describe what they would like to find at the end of the rainbow.

Donna Erickson’s award-winning series “Donna’s Day” is airing on public television nationwide. To find more of her creative family recipes and activi-

ties, visit www.donnasday.com and link to the NEW Donna’s Day Facebook fan page. Her latest book is “Donna Erickson’s Fabulous Funstuff for Families.”

(c) 2014 Donna EricksonDistributed by King Features Synd.

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By Samantha Mazzotta

One-Sided Windows Won’t Come CleanQ: I clean my apartment windows every week, but I can’t clean the outside. If I lift the win-dow and reach around outside, I can just get the bottom part of the window. We’re in an upstairs unit, so I can’t reach them from outside. Any so-lutions? -- Frustrated in Wisconsin

A: It sounds like you have single-hung windows, which have a bottom sash that can be lifted up, while the top window is sealed into the frame. Double-hung windows can be opened at either the top or bottom.Single-hung windows are designed so that the bottom sash can be removed for cleaning or re-placement. How they’re removed varies slightly from manufacturer to manufacturer, but there are a couple of methods that are pretty much the same.The simplest type to remove, in my opinion, is a sash that has slide-backs along the top so you can easily pull in its top retainer clips and lever the top of the sash out of the frame toward you. From there it can be disengaged from the slider connections at the bottom and maneuvered out of the frame. Or, if you’re just going to clean the outside, you can lever it out until it lies flat, clean it and put it back into place.The other common type is a sash held in place by removable hardware, like sash stops at the top of the track. After removing or shifting re-taining clips, the sash is lifted past its normal opening point and away from its bottom balanc-ers or guides, and then levered out from one side and then the other.Confused? Do an Internet search for videos of single-hung window sash removal until you come across one similar to yours.With the bottom sash out of the way, you can much more easily reach the outside top of the window to clean it. Doing this weekly may not be fun -- lifting the sash out of some windows can be somewhat frustrating, and there’s always a risk of damaging the hardware, like the balanc-ers or sash stops. So clean the outside windows only a couple of times a year, or when they are noticeably dirty.What’s the best way to quickly clean windows, especially the grimier outside? Add a little bit of dishwashing liquid to a lot of warm water, and use a big sponge to apply the suds. This loos-ens dirt much better than ammonia cleaner and paper towels. Swipe away the suds with a win-dow squeegee (available at home-improvement stores or in many home-goods stores), cleaning the blade after each swipe, and wipe the corners of the window with a lint-free rag.

HOME TIP: Streaky window glass? Dampen the panes with cleaning spray or slightly soapy water, then dry with old newspapers.

Send your questions or home tips to [email protected].

(c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

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By Samantha Mazzotta

A LONG LEAP• Goyathlay (meaning ‘one who yawns’) was an Apache born in 1829. He married and had three kids. In 1851, Mexican soldiers attacked his en-campment, killing many, including Goyathlay’s family. Bent on revenge, the survivors went after the Mexicans. • Goyathlay battled fearlessly and without mercy. The Catholic Mexicans appealed to St. Jerome for help. Afterwards, the remaining Mexicans remarked on the bravery of the Apache warrior. They didn’t know his name, so they gave him a nickname, after the Mexican word for St. Je-rome. It stuck. • Goyathlay, now known by his new nickname, became a military leader of his tribe who led many successful skirmishes. In 1886, tired of constant pursuit, he surrendered. He became a celebrity in his old age, and died in 1909. • In 1940, a platoon of paratroopers was nervous about the military’s first mass parachute jump scheduled for the following day. To bolster their courage, they went to a theater to watch a new movie about Goyathlay. Paratrooper Aubrey Eberhardt told his buddies he was going to yell the Apache warrior’s nickname as he bailed out, for inspiration. His buddies decided they would, too. It caught on, and throughout the war, the name was shouted as a battle cry whenever any-one bailed out of a plane. • Today this war whoop can be heard whenever people jump from high places, such as into the local swimming hole. What was Goyathlay’s Mexican nickname? Answer on next page.

1. Maleficent (PG) Angelina Jolie, Elle Fanning

2. X-Men: Days of Future Past (PG-13) Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen

3. A Million Ways to Die in the West (R) Seth MacFarlane, Charlize Theron

4. Godzilla (PG-13) Aaron Taylor-John-son, Elizabeth Olsen

5. Blended (PG-13) Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore

6. Neighbors (R) Seth Rogen, Rose Byrne

7. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (PG-13) Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone

8. Million Dollar Arm (PG) Jon Hamm, Aasif Mandvi

9. Chef (R) Jon Favreau, Robert Downey Jr.

10. The Other Woman (PG-13) Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann

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Top 10 DVD, Blu-ray Rentals1. The Monuments Men (PG-13) George Clooney2. Ride Along (PG-13) Ice Cube3. I, Frankenstein (PG-13) Aaron Eckhart4. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (PG) Ben Stiller5. The Nut Job (PG) Animated6. That Awkward Moment (R) Zac Efron7. Pompeii (PG-13) Kit Harington8. The Wolf of Wall Street (R) Leonardo DiCaprio9. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (PG-13) Ian McKellen10. The Legend of Hercules (PG-13) Kellan Lutz

Top 10 DVD, Blu-ray Sales1. The Monuments Men (PG-13) Sony2. Frozen (PG) Disney3. 3 Days to Kill (PG-13) FOX4. Pompeii (PG-13) Sony5. About Last Night (R) Sony6. I, Frankenstein (PG-13) Lionsgate7. Vampire Academy (PG-13) Anchor Bay8. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (PG-13) Warner Bros.9. Sophia Grace and Rosie’s Royal Adventure (G) Warner Bros.10. The Pirate Fairy (G) Disney

Source: Rentrak Corp.(c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.


• In 1959, a military pilot name Col. Rankin bailed out of his single engine plane when the engines failed at 46,000 feet (14 km). A storm was in progress over the Carolina coast at the time, and he went right through the middle of it. It normally would take a man 13 minutes to fall that far, but Rankin got caught in the updrafts and came to earth 45 minutes later. Fortunately, his parachute opened at 10,000 feet (3 km) and he landed intact. A passing motorist took him to the hospital, where he was treated for frostbite and shock.• In 1955, Pilot George Smith ejected from his disabled plane. That wouldn’t have been so bad, except that he was in a F100A Super Sabre jet fighter flying at supersonic speed at 35,000 feet (10.5 km). He became the first person to ever bail-out while traveling faster than the speed of sound. He was flying at 777 mph (1,250 km/hr). On the way down, his clothing was shredded, and his socks, helmet, and oxygen mask ripped off. He experienced a deceleration force of 40 G’s, meaning that he weighed an equivalent of 40 times his weight. He was unconscious when he landed in the ocean off the coast of California. By some miracle, there was a boat less than 100 yards away. He was in a coma for a week and spent the next six months in the hospital.• During World War II, Captain J. H. Hedley was in a plane over Germany when the aircraft took a hit. Hedley was sucked out of the plane at 10,000 feet (3 km). The pilot took evasive action by plummeting in a vertical dive. When the plane pulled out of the dive, Hedley landed unhurt on the tail. He hung on till the plane was brought safely to a landing.

1. HISTORY: Who was the United States’ first chief justice of the Supreme Court?2. U.S. STATES: Which state would you hail from if you were called a “Tar Heel”?3. MEDICINE: What is the common name for the medical condition called epistaxis?4. TELEVISION: What was the name of the robot in the comedy series “Get Smart”?5. LITERATURE: What famous Western author also wrote under the pseudonym of Tex Burns?6. GEOGRAPHY: What country lies directly north of Sudan?7. POETRY: How many lines are in a sonnet?8. GAMES: How many cards are used in pinoch-le?9. INVENTIONS: Who invented chewing gum?10. FAMOUS QUOTES: What social reformer and statesman said, “If there is no struggle, there is no progress”?

Answers1. John Jay2. North Carolina3. Nosebleed4. Hymie5. Louis L’Amour6. Egypt7. 148. 489. Thomas Adams (1871)10. Frederick Douglass(c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

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1. What was the title of George Benson’s first No. 1 single on the R&B charts? Hint: The name was the same as the album.

2. “A Little More Love” was on the “Totally Hot” album by which artist?

3. Elvis topped the charts in 1956 with his “Don’t Be Cruel.” Which artist released a song by the same name in 1988?

4. Which country song did Engelbert Hump-erdinck make a pop hit in 1967?

5. Name the song that contains this lyric: “I can’t sleep nights because I feel so restless, I don’t know what to do, I feel so helpless, And since you’ve been away, I cry both night and day.”

Answers1. “Give Me the Night,” 1980.2. Olivia Newton-John in 1978. The song was used in the film “Monster House.”3. Bobby Brown. His version also topped the charts and appeared in the “Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas” video game.4. “Am I That Easy to Forget?”5. “I Don’t Know Why But I Do,” by Clarence “Frogman” Henry in 1961. The song was resur-rected in the film “Forrest Gump” in 1994. He got the nickname from his croaking voice, best heard on “Ain’t Got No Home.”

(c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

Keep Your CoolEveryone needs to take steps to stay safe in hot weather, but seniors especially need to be care-ful. Our internal “temperature gauge” doesn’t work the way it used to, and becoming overheat-ed can sneak up on us, with dehydration right on its heels.Here are a few ways to stay cool in summer:If you have air conditioning, use it. Keep an eye on the heat index (temperature plus humidity) on the weather news. The higher the humidity, the less we’re able to sweat and let air evaporation cool us.Go somewhere cool in the middle of the day, such as the library or a nearby coffee shop that has air conditioning. Find out from your senior center if there are cooling centers in your area where you can go for a few hours.Drink plenty of water. Some of our drugs can be dehydrating; ask your doctor if your prescrip-tions mean you should drink more water. Ask him how much liquid you should drink during hot weather, especially if your intake is limit-ed because of water retention. Remember that drinks with caffeine (such as tea or coffee) can be dehydrating, as well as alcoholic beverages or sugary drinks like sodas.Dress in lightweight clothing. Wear a hat if you go outside.Put a cool, damp washcloth on pulse points, like wrist and neck. Take a cool shower.Sign up with a seniors phone service that will check on you, or arrange with friends and family to stay in close contact during hot weather. Keep an eye on the symptoms of heat exhaus-tion: clammy skin, fainting, nausea, muscle cramps and weakness. Call for help if you expe-rience any of these, because they can lead to heat stroke if not taken care of.

Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot person-ally answer reader questions, but will incorpo-rate them into her column whenever possible. Send email to [email protected].(c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Couch DVD TheatrePICKS OF THE WEEK“Rob the Mob” (R) -- Two stupidly in love kids from Queens stumble on a brilliantly doomed plan: find Mafia hangouts where the wiseguys have a no-guns policy, then bring a gun and rob them. Tommy (Michael Pitt) and Rosie (Nina Arianda) sit in on the trials of mob boss Don Gotti -- taking detailed notes of names and addresses. Their story gets the attention of a crime journalist (Ray Ro-mano) who digs into their tale while trying to protect them from the inevitable. It’s all based on a true story from the early ‘90s. Since everything is simultaneously true and ridicu-lous, the film strikes the necessary balance between comedy and drama. Pitt and Arianda light up the screen with delirious love, getting the audience to sympathize with the star-crossed crooks. “Enemy” (R) -- Jake Gyllenhaal pulls double duty in this psychological thriller. Gyllenhaal plays Adam, a prickly, half-awake history professor. By coincidence, Adam sees a face exactly like his in a rented movie. Adam goes a little mad with paranoia before meeting Anthony (also Gyllenhaal) -- a cocky aspiring actor who is totally and inexplicably identical to Adam. They are quite different in personality and lifestyle, but Adam and Anthony have the same face, and even similar tastes in relationships. This twisty-turny brain-wrinkler has plenty of revelations, but very few answers. Gyllenhaal handles his dual-action performance with just the right touches. The film has an infectious style thanks to director Denis Villeneuve, who did great things with Gyllenhaal in their last project, “Prisoners.”

“Repentance” (R) -- Tommy Carter (Anthony Mackie) is a magnetic life coach and motivational speaker guy. He spouts his ultra-positive philoso-phy pieced together from all-sorts of spiritual be-liefs, saying that others can be saved like he was saved after a life-changing car wreck. On the eve of his big book release, he takes on Angel (Forrest Whitaker) as a client for expensive one-on-one life coaching. Things quickly go south when Tommy tries to end the therapy. The plainly disturbed man holds Tommy in his New Orleans basement for a different kind of one-on-one session.

“Afternoon of a Faun” (PG) -- This documentary examines the life and career of one of the greatest ballerinas in modern times. Tanaquil Le Clercq started learning under George Balanchine in her teen years, and later married him when she was 23. Her shape and her motion set a new ideal for what a ballerina should have. Le Clercq came down with polio when she was 27, leaving her unable to dance for the rest of her life. Interviews with friends and colleagues are interspersed with glimpses of her on stage and in the studio.

TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #26 June 23rd

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www.tidbitscda.comTIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #26 June 23rd Page 20Dear Auntie M.,

Please send your questions or comments to [email protected]. I shall be frank and honest with my response and pro-

vide resources where appropriate.

This is to all the jerks out there. When I was a kid we were taught common courtesy and consideration. I’m talk-ing about people who stop walking right in front of you to play with their cell phone. Are you kidding me? Hello!! Do you realize you are not the only person in the world? And how about throwing something in the garbage can, missing, and then just continuing on your way. Don’t you realize other people have to walk by this too? Is it too much to stop and pick up your own garbage? And what about the poor joe who has to pick up your trash. Come on.... that just sucks. And the shopping cart you leave sitting in the middle of a parking place when the cart re-turn is only steps away. Are you that lazy? You can’t wait to get home and eat all your fattening food you just bought? How did the world get to such a sick state is my question. No wonder the crime rate is up. This just burns me up and I don’t know what to do about it. I’m afraid if I say something I’m likely to explode and end up arrested while the scum go free. My blood pres-sure’s off the chart just writing this. What can a poor guy like me do?P-O’d in Potlatch

Dear P-O’d,You are anything but a ‘poor guy’ with values like you’re exhibiting. It is in living our values that our life becomes rich and meaningful. When people demonstrate a lack of appreciation for others and their community it shows poor self esteem and a desire - whether it be conscious or unconscious, to inconvenience or even hurt oth-ers. It’s a ‘let the other guy’ be responsible men-tality and one which is founded in entitlement and arrogance. There is no excuse or reason for acting unconscious of the consequences of our actions, even if our parents didn’t teach us so. Please find a way to let go of your anger before it turns against you. Anger and disapproving of them is not a solution. Do give yourself some approval for being a caring and considerate hu-man being who’s an asset to his community. Lead by example, be positive, and focus on be-ing a better you. As the saying goes, “living well is the best revenge.”

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Real Estate

AcreageHAYDEN LAKE BUILDING lot, treed .265 acre building lot on Clarkview Dr. in Honeysuckle Hills neighborhood. Few min-utes to Hayden Lake, beach and golf courses. Water LID paid. All utilities to the lot, $40,000. MLS #13-6643. Call Loretta Reed, Windermere/ CdA Realty, 208-661-1880

60 ACRES, near Farragut in Bonner County, $180,000. Hwy 57 Murray Creek, Priest River, several parcels, 20-24 acres, power and creek, starting at $49,900. Photos go to: www.KimCooper.com or call Kim Cooper, 800-468-1388 or 208-415-0636, Select Brokers

TWO COMMERCIAL LOTS fully developed and shovel-ready for multiple uses. Ideal for professional practice-type uses, such as insurance, legal. Several residences nearby. $140,000. Two lots available, each $70,000. Call Anne Anderson with Lakeshore Realty, 208-660-4621

HAYDEN HOME, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, fenced back yard, at-tached 2 car garage. Only $130,000. Call Richard at Hope Realty, 208-699-7536

Get away from it all, yet easy access to this secondary lot at Black Lake Shores. Build a cabin, park your travel trailer, or pitch your tent, on this wooded lot. Community waterfront w/common dock, boat to Lake Coeur d’Alene. Come getaway. Priced right at $20,500. with possible seller terms. Call Janice Harvey with Keller Williams Realty CDA 208-659-9564

465750 Highway 95 Sagle, ID 83860Acreage Property offers Residential or Commercial Diversity! Almost 14 acres, Commercial style 30x60 shop w/concrete floor, two offices, storage room, file room, 1/2 bath, large bay door at back of building, Property has 3 phases of power, second shop is 30x40 w/ concrete floor, single wide mobile w/ metal roof, park like setting plus timber, and lakes close by. Great visibility, 800’ of Hwy Frontage with access and egress. Additional access to property off Dufort rd. This property is filled with opportunity!Candy Inbody Associate Broker Keller Williams Realty Coeurd’Alene CRS,e-pro, SFR,BPOR, SRS, RSPS208-755-4885 [email protected] www.candyinbody.com

GREAT LOCATION! Beautiful rancher in Fairway Hills. Well established landscaping in large back yard. Close proximity to public golf course and Kroc Community Center. Quiet neigh-borhood. Back yard has 6 fruit trees, plums, apples, cherry and pears. $267,000. MLS #14-317. Call Anne Anderson with Lake-shore Realty, 208-660-4621

APPROXIMATE PAYMENT amount, $825 month. 3 bed-room, 2 bath, 1350 sq. ft., garage, built 2004, neat, clean. Norm See, 208-699-5922 Realteam

Real Estate - continued6614 E. SELTICE #D, 2100 sq. ft., $900 per month, light indus-trial. Suite #B, 2100 sq. ft., $1250. M&M Property Management, 208-667-2919

9407 GOVERNMENT WAY, office space, #8, $550 month, #9, $250 month, #12, $350 month, #13, $350 month. Suite #1, $900 month. M&M Property Management. 208-667-2919

For Rent - Commercial


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Classified Ad SpecialONLY $ 6.50 A WEEK

EmploymentHiring Front Desk Associate to compliment Resort City Inn team. DROP OFF cover letter and resume: MONDAY-FRIDAY, 8 am-3 pm: 621 E Sherman Ave, CDA

Seeking a Licensed Massage Therapist to sublet a room at a busy clinic. Positive and team oriented atmosphere. Table & W/D at clinic. For more info. 208-665-2293

Low Fee Spay/Neuter Quality nonprofit clinic in CdA. Cats: $40-$55. Dogs: $55-$90. Details at AnimalAlliesID.org. Call Animal Allies of Idaho for appointment 208-719-0223.

Attention! Realtors, builders and home owners. THE CLEANING GIRLS services include Interior construction, va-cation rentals, one time deep clean, moving in or out, company coming, weekly or bi-weekly? Licensed and insured-Twila-208-691-0086

Looking for experienced RV sales people. Good pay plan, Benefits, Established Dealership in Spokane opening new store in CDA Please call Jon @ 1-208-696-1318 or email resume to [email protected]

Email your ad and contact informationto [email protected]

Need 1-2 more passionate vintiques/cool creations co-op principals for new downtown Coeur d’Alene shop! Get ap-proximately 100’ space for: one year commitment, $135 month space rent, 6-8 hours work per week. No % or commission cut! Call Sam ASAP (208)457-2597.

Auto Parts1 SACHS PC738-02 Heavy Duty Power Clutch. $ 385 on eBay - first $100 takes it. Has approx. 300 miles on it. Call Gary 208- 964-9356

Available room for rent to the right Licensed Massage Thera-pist. If you are interested in joining a team of holistic practitio-ners email your resume and state your interests. [email protected]

Wanted Dough for cars that won't go.I pay cash $100 to $400 plus. I don't always buy every car because of condition, age or lack of clear title. In other words, looking for some decent autos to rebuild, not shredder scrap. 208-818-8568 [email protected].

$WANTED$ diabetic test strips!!!Don’t throw away your un-used test strips, we will pay cash for them, and help get them to the under-insured. We are a small family owned company that wants to help you and others make some $$ money $$. We pay based on expiration date, so call Chris today 1-800-635-9023.

Acres in CdA. Call Sandy Watts at Realteam Real Estate, 208-659-5751, for details

76 Green Timblin Historic school house, accessory house and shop/potential duplex all on 1.59 acres . Candy Inbody Keller Williams Realty CRS,e-pro, SFR,BPOR, SRS, RSPS

Tired of Renting? Want to explore on how you can acquire your own home?Give me the opportunity to guide and assist you in the process. Serving all areas and price ranges.Call Bill Cliff 208 771-4117 Windermere CDA Realty.

RV PROPANE REFRIGERATOR SERVICE . Cooling Unit Expert. Two year warranty . 208 777 1759 .

Get a 32 oz. bottle of Top Dog Pet Stain & Odor Remover for 15$. Tried and Proven by the Pros. Call A Nu-Look to order 208-667-4984

www.tidbitscda.comTIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #26 June 23rd Page 22

CRAFTERS AND ARTISANS Register now to sell your home-made products at Friends of Fam-ily Promise Market Place Sat. Aug. 9 at Christ the Kind Lutheran Church in CDA. For more information contact Sue at [email protected]

NEED CASH FOR YOUR home? Cash investors buying North Idaho homes, any condition! Fast 2 day close. Call or text J.T., Keller Williams Realty, CdA, at 208-818-8385, will respond im-mediately!

HAYDEN HOME, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, fenced back yard, at-tached 2 car garage. Only $130,000. Call Richard at Hope Realty, 208-699-7536

4.5 ACRES FENCED, 3 bedroom, 2 bath home in Bonners Ferry city limits, near hospital. 20x40 shop/ garage. Dead end road. 360 degree mountain views. Walking distance to Koote-nai River. $109,000. Dinning Real Estate, 208-267-7953. Email: [email protected]

BANK OWNED 3400 sq. ft. 4 bedroom, 1.5 bath, fireplace, oversized kitchen, oversized laundry, large lot, garage and car-port, partially finished basement, $140,000. Norm See, 208-699-5922 Realteam

BEATUIFUL NEW HOME in gated Radiant Lake community. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large open main living area, granite, wood laminate flooring, lake views, hurry! $189,000. Mike McNa-mara, 208-660-6320, www.HomesCDA.com. Windermere

ONE LEVEL LIVING, close to freeway for commuting to Spokane and Coeur d'Alene. Beautiful wood pergola and raised garden boxes in large back yard that backs up to a field for added privacy. Nice laundry room off of garage. $148,000. MLS #13-11595. Call Anne Anderson with Lakeshore Realty, 208-660-4621

Page 23: TIDBITS 26 CDA

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TIDBITS of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #26 June 23rd