TIlE MIX THrnsiUT Ann M I jjiwsuKsuILtL oi- 1w JisRaII w InLJr Il + 0 SI as- I I 4 e- I p- la s V vI 4 ii Li WbP- WS 4 I- m S m4 I 4iEI m i p 1- ft I > S > 1p- sI T rn I l q- S I 4 Sl I4- p Iu i4 kS4I + 0 4 > d 4JH4I44- 4S Wi44 > 99999 S fI q 4M A 4fr- Id I ou- Im p f iv- l 4 a l + 49 f ft4- s qq- I I 0P4 04 eP44 eI ffi SM 144 Pftf v p ptI4 l- 40 s ineil w4qq44 ml 4 r- si 1nt 1- flf4l 4mW i4- d i smteMr fHri- J h4 l4f > Iwtitr < ffi i- r ft4e4 MM eu Mori x md l hut 14 4 I9 t t- UI V r us41 nl- p4II if 4U4- rIS S 4fIJ mt WIHI 9 4 I r 4V4 444IlI- l IV hI p 04 miii 411 ff- I 4tMf fl v 4fl- N q44 fl p1 fhi- mM e4 in s it I rpfltiiI qps- wIpl4 f atnt Iia ir e M Infil- I iipirI ffi prn 4- iit4 riiiTwHr l > r Ik ie f > i A in lav Hi f pe iin 4 hrf ihir I4k l W4- 1frr l r > 4iI IT4L Ml wxflilnj I In UsA DMIMM hsl IhV f > I h ul J Ut Ilaf 1PI fll lh rail end Mil4eeil n V vIt Hnilis5 Itisst fxfllK IIV I IHIM 111 n li4 4 l l- I r n I n t in Mr Iifilr ariin l thatl I h ivti 4Pi i uri li limnt for inrif lr- e ittiii4ittfl r s4 llifir p noi 11 ri- K fnianrxl Jftlfu all Jultt flllir I n re- t I nf P3 lnlilMlii hail 4nrrnir I PiirnIt- A m if anil hsil v n i rvn lninti f r in- Ul Yh IIV If wuI be f s In hisi ielh it liHIl- nn I4tfrq 1I11AY thi s slI I tiIrnf h fsikA bit fltI Ih1 am JUSt al t f lo IHHI Jiiili er Kile f- Inn iI I ih j krsin4 if the nmuunf but ti J us h 0 vr I iiu ni t inwrir it Th Nill W14 thn ilvr InllOnno s nb hy- J mi l tu I114 n Diilllurif f II l 1st litn nisi s rmt 24 V nr hlnif r nl eitnte nnto I144 a t mil I nvxnu 51fl4l rtiotrme llfinn mnal- r ut r l 11 IA I t23l Irrmt llurin In tins rnifrr wb WAI puttlnit tins roofs on Ib bou o- rtrfk a 4ttrilvr i inmlnillon ami his bull w ivntlnii l at 120 KI Me iit4 Inckiil up Ant I lluJiliilfli vrakril away Kranrk will 1 Im- tr wlit up blorr Jiiiliiu Niui llrunt In Drcr- st I rrmmrr on a writ of bta t curptis tuti- Nittun m rrtnsy w JTcut bn ruin T > tonnr A- f inuil uf I inMlor ciiorluJ nl ttiu aptiroacbut n- dkit tIs crscd bssk 41 thA lt > Tlt ltopltitl the four Injnnvl mon wiifi roimrlml to tie doing well Otis of- tinin Jnc b NLulit wn alilo to wnllc lioini Tim otis aiJ tha otbori wt r j in n fulr war its I UtrlctAttorn r Mixrtlno l IItel this ruins T t nlar rmrntniT anil oximlnoil brl k that Imil lormul titt ol tbo watt Uon ho re turn d hetnlil Mr Iunlr on of my aIitant Imt In UriUtlonK to draw out ivory Mt of ovlilnnre nt- ti lniiilrlr In tie pollcu court and Coroner nttlciu that nmr tonI to t lit tins re < ionllUltr for this rrlinlnul ilUricarl for luiinnn silo U lion the ssyklenco I olosoil I bAIt nutmlt a rniiy of It tn ths iriml Jury sod I l ts tllue that tlio rc ult will lo the Tory 1iompt Inillctiiiont- ol rinma ptmon or porson It tins boon the rraollOH ln ucb cimu for the Grand Jury to J nnJ nn indictment onlr for manrlaucutor- llut If onohnlf that 1 have hoard I In true 1 think that In tine cnsn tbnro ouutit to l Is H corn lets loiarture from tile custom Tbo Urnnil- iirrcoiilJ J luJlot eon for murJor tn the Ilrtt- i irrtf- llulMInt In rector IVOenoh made a rnport to the Fire ComiulMlonura yestorJay of the re- mit ¬ of his Investigation In regard to Uudilan- il k fallen building Accompanying liii re- port ¬ which t M a lildtorr of the erection of the bulMlnxi from the tlm the plans were tiled It a lIst of the bulldlnes whose dnfoctlve con Itr net ion has caused suits to be brought analiut HuJdonsIek during tlio laet llvo or i lx leers Tbeae building are many hundreds In number and are scattered all I over the city ilr- DOouchs report IB a< follows nil Diri > T riiT CITY orNi o i- IJCKUB or lairicrioji or BuiLDMiti- tM M VOIE April 11 IMV- Bontrallr Boar iffiri CommUilottfrtU- iTTLBKU UD th 35th of NoTtmt 1SB4 an ftppll rubs lovrtel lwt > tjr foarball liiio on tha ai uth MJa- of but aecouij iFIt commencing IOO feat aaat front Elartntaaraauaaait running op lo within 1IU fuel of Tenth avanoe waj nlail In tna odlca of tba Bureau of BuiMlugt Theaa bulldinxt were to be twenty the f > et front sod Tsar aigblfthrea feat deep fire iturtca tn- btlitit and wire to t La o cupleJ bjr uu fainllUa runt Thu e tttnatr t cnit cf rich hoUM aa alatrt tn the ups II cailon waifltfUV The application was In proper form Hid im lire 3 wai approval ir > lr tt m f bit < rl rooi- at the tune ttisleetr ot UuililliiEi- Un Doe 4 HW4 Eumlnur T w Dallay reported that th butldtr hail cnmmtnrM the convtruttion nf the bulldtngp end In the monthly report of the ronditlon of ictnrra niftde br lxamlnr uallir for December 1W4 nil laid that the tuildiagt were in course of con ltructli On the 15th of Janonrr trs5 Kiamlner Robert V Mackex waa traii f rriil to the twetit M COIII district In which ihata buIldings wereaud baa bud charge there Df to date un the 19th January Examiner Mackey filed a corn llaint airnlnit the tiutldtntr comtnen lnif reiMeitUely L2 fet t5ol feet aj feet fH fret 3ii feet cud 3W feet list ot letenth avenue In thai the rear well of each tboTa the third dory II bu ffvd uutwarU and utaafr end a complaint aiamtt the building commencing JS test east of bleteulh avenue In that the cuterlr table In out of plumb bulged aboTa the lerond elorv 104 unsafe > otfcea were issued on Jan 215 directing act the walls repurled insets be laden down end re tout according lo law On Jan li Kxamlner Macke- vll irted that til ul the bulldlnia wen used aafa cod lliuu hit rerommtnlatloo the cases were dlemiteed fhe insIde eel aialnat the easterly gobS of the eaal- auiMluc KM pending at lbs time of Installing ut the iuiidliica on the 4th ot April Examiner Mackey re¬ ported he work of removing the easterly well in prog 5555 In a report dated April 13 the work la tll in iroireta It arpeare br the Innrnale ot Examiners Caller anil Backer that the tulkllli a were Tltlted on lire 4 10 17 tu tJ cod 2 hISS end on Jan A ItOU by Galley and an Jest IS 17 19 JliJ JO 31 Feb 401 fu 11 1J 14 10 IN 19 JO Jl 25 M J7 Mitch U 3 4 C II I 1i lit IB 13 It Ls 28 a 0i 31 April 1878 n and 13 ItHS l by Uackey tot no violation of law waa reported bt either until the luSt day of January al abort stated I nut upon the repulse submitted by exatnlnera Uailey and Marke that tile balldlnga were chow Hie secohd 510y when the transfsrof examiners wee made cud tint the weekly statements Kiamlner Slackey show last the railrrly futile well hail not been taken down aa orjtreil but that the souls had been braced with spur brscM In which condition It wee when II tell I else cull that the ullIlnKn were roofed cUd topped out at the time otfalllig I further find that Interior building nslentls wets used In the construction of she walls without objections from the examiner Cud that thee walls were built with ft terrIer which had not the qualities required by law Hi the application The application aa flied in this winau rails for stingier coinpoaed of aharp aand cud Knckland lime The samples taken front various per Hoot of the ruins show thai the mortar was made of a esmly loam with a small percentage ot lime poorly mileS ant that this material did not hays such binding jualities aa is required by law is shown by the fact that the mnnar lice almoel entirely fallen from the bricks or cots be easily removed The buildings being erected 111 winter tile bricks were tail dry Thus waits wee con ilriicted ltd a inlnlmuni of lateral atrenglh Rains and irttt during tiereniber Januart February and March Urttier ailed In wraKrnlng the walls t 51w fluid that blasting had bern going on within fifty test oh the clureBon either site cud that slims of receot blasling were i Wbl on April li This bfasllng Bit 111 tiinhie have we struici the welts The tuiuiget itt wail rraJuiaIl becesuir p0 untlch out it plumb that It eli alit ti thrust of Slits faliluig iuuiss triug ton great for uh iiiiliings otu tue W5I 5 resist the eutirs row we circlet to the grunt Th plication for a permit for these buildings was lied tiv dMorre W Npilzcr clMlmlng to be an architect Ojitthsir of nntthiitd Hanr Appllrallons were slun to sqilcer for the erection of buildings on Tenth 114 ricrtnth avenues suit on Mxty nrst and fiuxtysec nd troth aifrloon July an iHH4Vortli side of Sixty first street too trot east ot levcnth ateitue twelve tenements Ferdinand Behm owner tit H iixiEut site ot First avenue Sixty flrst to Slitiecoul Street owner A II Jones tight taue mints and store JattH IMJ8outh side of PUtynrst street JO feat dli of HMeuthaienue owner Ootlbold llaugj sight SCuuiy Ct ii Jsn > Mouthweit corner of Tenth sects ant Hlxty Kruna Street owner InllhoM llaugi four tenements lleM liiatlons i were all In proper form and the lie fir ti first three Wtt ItipronsO bv T prsdeCsi Sr atit tie iau t in icing ly hpltier who flied thy applications Is It Is t d emplored t by one Bjddennlek Hang Boehn- iu Inch Jo00 ars cico IiIDpOU1 to be cuuiptoyoas of Ituiilaii hue Sick t tansumiit this 111 of uioifttions Cr the builditig a in I tIiiIflO5 Constructed tuy Ilultenetek during the eir Iui7C Isos upon permtia granteaioAll Julia carob L u > ul ke Jacob J Koasnslln Charles te4i WIck KT Keller Israel aster and Kamuel 8linnion hn am kn iwn tu te figureheads lor Uuddsnsle- kTblt U the list ot Iluililenslsks bnlldlnps that Were complalneil about b tween Ibid auJ 1H85 Tiie5 wore 1J5 ease most ol the cease coy rtnti idveri l tmlldlncs and the whole Incluil Imfii atit ll000 houses Many of tbeso wero Siiii Hncr nsroM of persona who were only for Uudjenslak The number of house W eath cSem their location cad the hfttti Intl of ltat- Sercnj J1ud4eik or tita dummies ax iyn CysillIC s outthis sat corner Ninety serenlhl- onse four tOCiO bat brick walls not braced A II assert I cmi avn s t We ino feet south of Hs enty ninth llOmli i iVnii1 bed tturtarl buildings afterward tell CCCii highsp Girth lr1 iolh aide tOO tat cut of First ro1 liostsi hal l ortar lraeicaipari- HHirt houie becsiJ eseus o5thst turner 1 Seth streat five Lid Sumner 555 stun iii fCllfldahiifl Jonas a ° fltytiilrd ttyet I Situ aid 5ssresty sin fast east of ssu ircUd t cveti5 fun looms for altO aft pmttltoua not trees uoiih slle seventy dvs feet east 155015 nile fuir 551155 Itt m rtar Casper Still sirt annik siJe IOU feet oust of Sic eel b s J S i e eec e ea 5s C he a Sc4 I e b Iae 1 S ea C a- a 4- b 50 s1ke s 54 os- a ea ae J b e earn ii r- a I ce 9 5c s 4- 1w S eau a 4k ss c a e a- a eI ec se a w au U ae a ea C- ye ° A a e- e0s ea a w fi 4 0 rc ° w 5 e- I eq as 4w sas w eaeq 4 5 qc ses a beeC 1e ea 4 eI 5 4- we m nww 4 4 a wd- ea a- a w ea 9- te a t pg sdi 5 = u 2 bse U a C 4 P- ad uss o e 4Iw e SS 5e C I s4 rc- e 5as4 4 1 5- w 1r q 4 w ls 4p 4e4 es e wee 4 4ip epe I 5 a eaw 0C e5 9 40450 eel Vi4O eeC 0 045 C 5 fesO e0 iS 050 + a4 sow s 57 5n ac 0p li5 5 500 eq 05 9 455 50e a y500- u05c easM e 0450 0 4 eat s 4- 5a 5 tie so i99ti9 at fp4csS rue 50 e4 p- ar0C 5c f H f to eqs eJ I s 04 4a e0I e 4 wise so 4c r- 5f5C eSeiC e0 oem leO 50 Cef rose at y q asc lee 5 a ee a fl uw- e > tr + Mi4 f r c me ff 0 nseCeo4 5etoe 59alee lf ast 5 A45 55 C 4 S scwt 5 cc q w e- ee 0 d Ias- ev AIIP Ste eqfla e5f 5f s a 0 cc 150 1 AS 0 0fe 50 iei0p a C4assee- C Pf SICSSO Ases safe pe f 4 f 01 Ceassa 5er flaw ct 4sf5 5 5- C MVrMwf sfee ASC 44 f 0f 4t t I 04 4SUCC feic see f of 0r V f H- a 55555 j jyt 4flfl e f IN 04 iv1 east sff e5 cease Ae te if se ° H > t utpe 4 elAe t Is OlOCeO50 f feC e ft Se H el fSl 1 Nrt e Jb f4 ccci tf- f I 4 cc fttt 0 IC ee ieC4 005 Htrsl oft du J la Iltt4f l sal fcsC ivea f ee > it Jaft to- e M ttb e s a Jna- e 5 55 5 555555 VCq heSS SI ie 055 445 pfly msl 0Ae- eeN mmis5tt a ea f 7 Io coat f e 5 cc eae rc p en a J Mc 5e- us 5eo 5 lemheqt aso Iete Csumb eq eueae ji 5 1IIVtI bei atfl use cap 4 s mm 5oet54 c coo af de5V L 54e ms e tssnuhotll sot tC5ei ne- APS Ca Ill firffdy eVCty nmh moetb i5 fq 55 af- Cd IC 5e 5f4 OStCStI eie eir beanie SoenCIi- eeomt ecoeI tpet oeOt s5 Ji qI 4 fees set ent Oe 55cc tO Ituulu f itll It f ietn IV sill CluOnmee Thud access eethwt gm sf leCtt sIr A hens atehi ocer osfl5ows en north tabS lieS dobI- I ipt fifth street north M 171 feet ueS of tern 4- rttni two boee1 iKstf lHu uot guarJtJ Ab II Jo TI i t avtimi foriheCet fit r Mntlj ninth trtt I ut hon Sn 1 fttm fi f f 5e I eenis st Me 77 fret Dents Cf 5yemmIe C oI tet u50e boos eyc tilwt rn iMblnrf tU i wet t not tileS cub plaster cisnunon- ehguty f fill street v uiti i u xv ff fttt a- tanD reon t ftrnt itUiti nut truvriU I Jemse- Eidhuy ftflh IT Hum cc t Vn fwt nest nf 4rrjat- elIli ie 510 hussi rourjitutifl of lUitMubt botke- jengh JnnsV- hutity nftli street Httth iii > Ni tt at of geconi- IVfllte xcaaVkiton int iruar trtt Jones 4ritU A Wl > tlr A fet Duffin of EightrIt1i street two 50Cc nklight nvi arv moot Jo nn rjnlg wich Avenue A rest Ill 0 feet nirh nf rUhtysltlh reel tee livii si Will uul property copeS Jim MIgi lob hOcus A northwest corner righty etth street four hu s witls nol ITIletlp ropwi i Jolin ivlgwes- AvfitueA northwest corner I Ulitv lith streei four 1i1 51mi kvl ghls mist fire priMif John rtetgwirk- t 4hty nfth street 0 nth iCeS tct e sit uf fecon I retiui two houses new buildings plans not luLutlt- rentie not Jnae- yulti rrn rd rcrthweet corn of tercnt four house uaiug tad tnortar In foundations I Islet Third avenue rortheait corner nf Ninetyninth sreet- rur houses no temporary supports uudvr touLdattou Catet third avenns northeast corner of Ninety ninth street four houne l timber ilnlels nut chamfered taer Third avenux northeast corner uf Ninety ninth street one hmiet silo walls carried up over two stories tn al vance ut fronts Ittper- r Ighty elMI Street nrrth lie 2V5 feet est rf First lenue one house ercitllig building plans dUapl roved set Cr Third avenue esst side IP 0 feet sonth nf Thirteenth Street six houes side walls retried up ovsr two totice- iti advance of trout liln muns- MnetTninth street northeait corner ef Third avenne one IliiUiCi beam of third tory do not rest at one end four Inches on the walls i atper- Hgntyeislh street uuufb side 230 feet east of First iveiiu one house t site walls carried up over tnu stories its advance of fronts i asper Third avenue southeast corner of Thirteenth street me house chimney Ireisl projects twelve Inches trio fate of wall on aecond story Mintnona Second avenue southeast corner if Seventy ninth street rive houses erecting buidlngs plain dlsap proveS Simmons Third avenue southeast corner of Thirteenth street one house no mien arches on window opening lu north wall Simmons Third avenue northeast corner of Fourteenth street reeling without sntmntllng plans tiltmmma Third avenue sou beast corner of 1 hlrteentn street nihouM no rolock arches turned over window open- ings ltitnmotii Third aeuu northeast corner of Thirt4e th street rioting plans not approved Hloiniona Third avenue aoilhriat corner of Thirteenth Street one bouse no retook arches turned over wluCow open logs Hlmmnns Second avenue lootheast cornsr of Seventy ninth slyest nva houses stile walls carried up over two stums- n advnnce of fronts fclmmone Third avenue salt side 13 feet north of Fourteenth street thrre houses side walls carried up over two stones In advance cf fronts Hu tdeii > lek- Uglily ntth street south side J7 feet east of Second avenue one house walls not properly coped Joim- ihighlyfifth street south side i5 I feet east of herond venue two houses waits not runirly col ed Jonas Seoi nd aenue southeast curlier of t eenty utntn attest five lions Insuincient temporary supports tinier flour brains Htillnons- Kiirlic > ntlh surest north side I7J feet east of Second AcnnetvtnnousesHslinni roperlv cupeit Jonu- Hevellty stcund Street north side an feet cost uf Sec ntil aenue two houses skylights not nrepruof walls tint coped Jonas One llundred sOd Mnth street north side 79 feet east of Lexington avenue five huu e4 I side walls carried up oer two stories In advance i f fronts hedgwUk Seventy aecond street north side I4o feet out of Btf- ond avenue two bunsea skyluhta Uul fireproof and walls not coped Jonas Second avenue south side corner of Seventyninth aIred five hussies walls uoi property copid Simmons Otis Hundred and Tenth street south side 25 tent east of lexington avenue rive house erscUbg buildings p Las nut sutmlttwl 6edgwlck One Hundred and Teulh street souths le inn feet east of 1 elugli n avenue one house boil mortar rVUgnlik Third avenue northwest corner of Muety ninth street one house Joints of chimney phases nut struck suiouili on Inside riltinnons- rletenly ninth street bulb side f 0 feet east of econd avenue two houass Wails nut properly coped him moos- Seventyascot d street northwest cornet of Second avenuefnur houses walls nut proi erly roped Casper recond avenue west side 7S feet north of Seventy lecond street out Sinus wails not property coped CVcn l avenue northwest corner ef 10 th stnet two houses erecting buildings plans disapproved Manchke One Hundred and klghtb street northeast corner of Third avenue two Insults laying foundations CD bad toitom Maochk Second avenue northwest corner of lOftth stress two houses hint brick Masohke First avenue west aide JS feet south of Seventythird street two houses erecting bulldluge plans out anb- Buddenilek tuitteil eVPflty5Cebl street north side Ito feet west of Avenue Athree houses erecting buUdrmts plans nut submitted Kuddentlek beveuty second street north elde IM feet West of Avenue A five houses erecting bondings plane dlap pruned ttedgwick t4ovettycecond street north side 300 feet east oSec- ond avenue four bouses tot trick mnimoni Thirst avenue west side slnnly ninth to lutith street smut houses ak lights not fireproof Simmons Mnety ninth strest north side HI feet east of Third avenue out booed skylight nut nreproof Casper Second avenue wrat side J5 feet north of iwtli street one house side wlis carried up over two stories lu ad Vance of front Maschke Bevsntfsexoiiil street north side 2OO feet west Av A two houses bait br ck hedewlck Seventy eoon1 street north stIle 3U feet east of Sec- ond aienus four homes lad iritk Kinmone Avenue A west tide 2 test south nf Kereuty third street three houses had brick Maschks Third aveiue east sils JS feel north uf irRlh street one house lid walls carried up over two storrlse In ad ante f front It siiiteti- uventleib streel siuth side 374 feet east of Third avenue two houses foundations not laid lu cement mortar itsaclike first avenue northwest corner of seventy fifth street one hi use walls cult propsrly coped Mast like elrst avenue iiortbwe1 corner of Keventvnftn tract one hiiuse skylights nol fireproof Msichke First ntuniw west side Si feet north of heventvflfth street one home skylights not fireproof Maschke First avenue west tide 25 feel lorlh of Hevenly flflh street one house walla not roperlv cope Masclik- Hnventy flhb strait north side 7J feet west of First avenue one house walls not properly toped Masohke Seventy nfth street norlh side 73 wilt of First ave nor ons house skylights not fireproof Machke- Hevenl Iblrd street north site 1J5 feet east of Third avenue Ills houses erecting buildings plans not ap irovsd Jonas- Sertritlelh street south sit 184 test west of First avenue four houses tile wslis carried up over two ito rice lu advance uf fronts Maschk- eeventthird street north side IW feat east of Third avenue one house using party wall without permit Julius highly fifth street Fait 949 one house welts not pnperil coped MKeller Elglitv fifth street East S49 one home skylights not fireproof TO Keller Yightyolath street Emit 349 one house skylights not fireproof It Kritsur Ehifhtysilub sired EastSV one bouse sUjllgV not 04 Keiir ITFuely seven h street aouth sills 100 feet writ cf Set ond avenue eight huuMS skylights uot nreproot 8edg- Nlnsty wick seventh street south sits BOO feet west of Fee ond avenue sign houses skylIghts nut nieproof 8edg- wond wick avenue rorthwest corner nf SeventythlT- eetnne hause lerectlni building plans not submitted 55uIliisiek line lIutidrl and Tnttt itreet ecit 5J1CO five hnuaesi skyllghta tint ItteprOof diwiCk- Keroud aveusu oortbwcsl center of evenlythirl strict on hoUas erecting buildhsgt plane disapproved Jotici- Cwentisth street eolith mile 3cc feet v et of Second- avenue one house chimney breast Insufficiently sup rvennieVh11YreeluUh side 10 feet west of Second aveliut four houseat side walls cattish up over two- stsrurs In fclvsncs ot fruiits Maachka Seventy eIghth street Itail 3liJ four houltsl erer- lxii butldlilsl planS not submittel guddensiek- teventitui Street south sid fast west of deconi avenue four housest side walls carrisi up uYsr two stories In advance f fronts Maailik- ebiviBiyUUd IUMI west aide 75 hit wilt of 9siQd a0O 9545 150q a l gal earn t a a a w si c p09 00504 b50 s 4 m vi Peso 000 O A0s sen aws a es 4 0 00055 St S 5 4 0 u4 I eso oIs P0 4 0 4 twa so 4 Os S 45 so s 0oo p Oil 4 0U 5555 o 0 s4 C 00 w 0 04 4 co0 oq urn esas di4eS 5 54 4 a C 0w- w 4 IW Ww S0 C I 4 4 50 99 9 0W mr9 m 0 mtm 0 ie 4- MSa4 p- Sss f 4 04 050504 p a k- 13L 0 0 ss w e 40 OOs 0sp f 50- s 4 4w so- a e o C a 50 4 0 so 00050 45545 0 5s4 0ep ea c 50 I 0 00 4 ec 50 504 v0 50- e 50 0v 550 4 i a 50405s5e55pso- ra500 0 055 00 550 545 500 00 55nel55550e54 5050 C i 00050 0 C as e2W iirsLjlj- WJT CS- p eso C C Cas9ss 4 4C s earl C C to 5 i 5 ° S0e eC P J ie f ee a- 0a r f ee44 av ew 4 4so 0I M W- w 0 e 0 0 4 eesasso w 05 45 F040O1 1450 50W0 55 55505015 4 oe ppjeo wow eiate- Mw 5C lC4Afe itfe 00 5055 4a p aemse 0 55e50C sosa a w 5 550 550 0C cocO 5550 ie 50 s- ae 449 lb I4 4455 C a eWas ° t 004I eaAseqf- A fPACS S00C5 t- fo Uso fms4p4 f Use pwvf to alto p- mIleleCs 450f Aia fv C > > Cupea o r f f C Me Ie4 C r tMftp SM ateeel ef ril ffmtnm t m txr pep cC fStee atfertMe 4 H if asPiC sc ee l tvtfte Mef wwIca St Oo SeJ50 sridilt o ISo pn55C SC Sf asf class a40a se5l a5 Ieesipew 454 t < e> e ye C e5eg m e r t s euwy4 Cup e ee fee le e1 Sw 00 a Sle eC He Pile a < iSceic amp e in o 4 550 p IwO 0 05 t iC tA Mmis 4- P C 4 a t cC l 045 505iOeOIC fn IM etf4r f S55WCC P5 nee 5o < elie>iiee e eewtte e f f f 1w 99 em4 is ee 19999 rt fi e se eec sic m s eiC e e vp5C Ca55- sc g s eapase eacef- eir5 55550- 4WPhIfusn r PetoSms 4 fse tO f15501f iif 11irMmie f urni 4 fp iea patrJsy from it vIes in S t Jffmfr II i fltnet Si < salil lMinlafif its Se si In rh s fnMt nf rinntniT mipetiesop hIIIIInIte lt- i mSes Distil mont CflsflSei O4tt f lies iifnp ttigshiflCd IUil01 0e5 sIlpy hIfreflV flames hit t rtTl t lincnl tip Ifit l hcf Firt ca- r nl I y I nf Mbn 8iIIerie 4 i i4 l5 a- r ui lidif f thf injifiBre ji S i- Itnru nn i 5C nil fPS Mm I mi e liii I a tuff eu t wilts nlm UN ur tnil flttfAfiP l I h ul i ehes resell mr t 4 t l A > rip llitSies l meri hnwmw tti it t wed fit IT 1 1 riw ode WA4 a ts n Mrt tout l iy th irIs thes TifilKt WI rrnr 0 I irtI- ntMlnat outs i wllt he MI rrltfcriil in t i foimilitliii win n Ti n Inotocti r of IIIIPM e swinish not hilp it Si fIn liml no townr I hi t n tIn ttlw In I o jaes of tha house a WhiCh fi I n Jir- T rrifM alter hi e tHtllin r es I I Arti ant tin ivO r l ie t o tsne I Ash l dofl efMIn ruku which nil ton etnmln i iC I t iutea mi l lu folliiT Psi emf thorn ho tttat nil ullitlntf In IIPNIKIII ofesresrtliin nr tlteriohlnn In the rr i ulItrte t must 5 Me < nitinnil4llf- o nlf they iris tnlrtf efoctemh r nltcfM In conformity with this Ins f anil arcs riling tn the tortos nml volItion of the trml Anntlmr- a ahiiiiil this n iefliea ualnif litil tOOCOriS I ill ocnuf the rotnnvnl of the aim a 5fl Stfn- tyfonr hours itLer with t nrorteili- w Mr bitmfbriIOlt ontitlnue l nih- rxnmlnnr I Is ri jiilrel to kas njaiirnil la whlli luilr ontrlf ol the I nlMliiatit visited flhuet te totoulo Ihe times of vhalt nnil the condition of tIles work must i notml nml mtixt t be elgoesi by tie einmlner daily l before ho reperts at thu llMrtct liniliimrlors This Hull Hue In r clnr I Is nut any mors rosTonsiilt t l then the Fires Comtnla lon rH whit know no nibro- nlxiiit thes litillillntn ilmn n out know aliout 11w Lrnnilmnil Thn Itiillillnit Insir ec br his an touch offiCe Work toiln that tiu hm- nn tlmo for nnythlnir else Intll this la- cliniiicml thi evil will noMr hit r ineili Tim lullillnc InHx ctornulitto bo fro o tin ehcuuhil in ft nucrltiteniltut ilt Ought to U attn tn- lasli nlmut the city and soo the men do their Inly Just ImnuliiK thfrMi Irelilents nf the United Stilrf three hevretnrles ot html or thren lieaiirnls There are now tlilrtythrco rxBtnlnpr Sovrn wet cut ofT hiitmt January TIlts ni nl not have teen done for there Wets clerks who TTO riot no tcd Forty exantlavrs ttmi enough to do tIns work as lumr as the city alight to pity for If thor atlnndnd to their duty thtiy could make the city howl The liulldlnit cxninlni are art tn toll you I- mve too runny bulldliit to Attend to That III all noriannap Of coitms thry Cant always know what change a man may make Inside of his house hut now bulldlccs can bn upon a block oR A great many win be looked eftor In a day Whim they neglect their July they should be summarily tried I have seen smut know thp evils of building In frosty veath r enpeclally by the men of the Iliiildensluk trIbe The mortar freczo up nnd lit destroyed When the thaw comes one side molts flrt nnd the wall buckles anti l is likely to come down The bill I drew tin and unnuc ceaisfully tried to pus provided that buildings should not be put up In freezIng weather Tn the case of a sudden frost no moro work should be done until the thaw comes and the extent of the darniiae becomes known Mr sterbroolc staid that the Building De- partment ¬ wanted a lawyer bristling on sill sides quicker than lightning with to back ¬ down and Invulnerable to sweet talk Examiner Blttner reported to Inspector DOench yesterday that n block of nlcbt houses now liullrllntf In Klerenth avenue n twoen- Slityflrst soil Sixtysecond streets which ho nul examined worn In n dangerous condition Ipcanso their construction was defective ansi he materIal poor The nominal owner of tho bousesu Is A H Jonas hut be let supposed to bo- one of Huildnnplek numerous dummies This report agreed with Inspector DOenchs opln on of the prxmlscs of whose danceroits con ¬ dition ho hind l been convinced by n personnl- exHinlnatlnn He found tho walls already bulged and thin structures llnblo to tall It sub ncted to tile ordinary pressure of occupancy Ilm mortar used was very poor Mr DOnnch ordered tho immedIate demo litton of the elclit houses They cannot bo touched until an order Is obtained from the court and It the real or nominal owner rosins this order may never be obtained In any event there will be a delay of weeks The National GeT- he Polo grounds presented the appearance of a small labs when the llms strived to call the game yesterday between tba > ew York and Metropolitan Clubs This tame therefore could not be played This was to ha t ben the last game of the spring series be tween these clubs and both sides were to have hid their Strongest teams on the Hell Today the l ew York and Bridgeport Clubs will play on the Polo grounds The game advertised between this Brooklyn and Am- herst College Club it Brooklyn yesterday was not played- Tue trouble between the WIHlamshunrh ithletlo Bass Rail Club sod the Long Island Association las been sot Led ant the club has withdrawn Its reslffnatlnti- Anson tifttis Chicago Club hu played In the League nine years during which time ha baa played tn r ro games end has made I 019 has hits Ills percentage ta- Ml No other purer has made lun hits It Is expected that a meeting ot base ball managers will ie held tItle week In this city to tale action lu re- gard to the blacklisted SI Louis players At llaltlinore Baltimore 5 Providence 1 At Fhlla- KlphlaAlhlellc5 Philadelphia 7 At AugustaAt lanta ins Anauta 1 The game between true Uosran cud Ttewark flubs at Newark was prevented by rain At BostonDsrtniouth College lit Institute of- olnffv Tech J At rolumtui Nashllle 11 1otumbua 9 Tim Keefa will puns for the New Yorka to day Nportlng NolM A meeting of billiard layers who will take part In tha coming tournament wilt be hell at ode broadway al- uoon today The West Put ton Club of Long Branch defeated the Neptune Sun Club In a char pigeon match al Asbury lark yesterday iy a score of 6B lu 54- BlIy Madden has emoted a boxing tournament which wilt take place at Turn Stall on Ma II and U It will be turin to alt amateurs RnlrUl tutu be niche al Maddens ISO East Thirteenth street The competition will be for feather tight middle aOl heavy weights Wallace Koas met Thomas IJavls at the Turf FltU out Farm tItles yestsrday nnd a reed to allow hiui lo sub siltuts bother man rot the Ute vV Ounovan in the six Jay roller skating race with Kenneth A Skinner Th- race Is open to all v bo deposit film tn toe rurofnreon or before April Jtt The contest will take i Ute al Mali son SQuare darden during the week commenting Play II Mr Durvea ties renewed his offer to give a lure of Jflimo to be rosed fur nn tile Larhlue Course live unties open to the leading fullers of the antIS with the un- derstanding that YUlllani Ueach fcdward Ilanlan out Wallace Rosa ire lo entir arid start the race to ba rowed In August The Turf FIeld sitS Mm sari that If llanlrui In prepsrlng for this race wfli place himself In the beside of lila old mentors Messrs John Uivls aol f ConUon they will agree to flud not Itss than F5inu i to 10 cm him aaairlvalu slake i letoeen blmaud beach lleach la now uu his way to Luglaud Court Clea dura this Disy- SUPItJME CoiiBT CniMBEBs Nos 0 10 4t at sis 117 N7 rM ISO mi HU lilT UN IU Idle Kfl- I7 ill Jill 244S Jin 204 > n aiJ 096 jus 11J tis 314 ucu J51 SM a45 3i l 38 J1HJ ann triClilTaail Fart I Clear Sis til lieu llU UT7 till 741I hits IUKI HWI Kill 1U74 list 7iJ Ult 301 1073 Iart II Uaseun IUlt avl Platt at ci CIUCOIT rart I Hear has IO47 JTlX J4II HH5 1M4H J3TI IWJ- HH uO4i4 03111 3iTJ3454 sun 31t2 K ° n ih7 34010 34 310- 2J43 45113 4185 4t3 33lit 3444 37I4 M3J ZimiJ Fart Iliast Nis Jit44 Z5t iiSIiii 214 1713 2100 OtIS 211U t4s i4I maid iUfl 74Oi Lell 2O23 243 3455K- Jul42 37IH flJ Xl JTUS J7I 1 Pan III Clear Noj tHTU 52X4I4N Su30 OiSl JVJU 790 3173 314J 3l7rt- aVil nxl Jlba leSs I i IU7U JIJI mull IodiIS tunuS mn low iinmi tirm iu7Ht- 6CRio vtB s Coiit contested will of Rhiuulla M Vtrs lun it M Isaac Marcus II A M Cecslla- Boolh it f M- biriaioa COCRT PrscuL Tvsx Case on Ilarknrsa Oct the New York rievatvd Railroad Comoanv tart iase on prohsbtv until recese Nus H17 HIR TOt Ml 449 117 TWo rxa rHTJ H0 Slip out sIlo VW Hul Part II Cane uiitlnlihril Nna 579 HUI Inn hittO u- lvsvnnnvtim JUSTMH MI wo It7tS Fact lit Case on until recess Sos TieS 1H43 IHI 14JH Convoy PLUS iricctsl Taw No calendar EquiTr Taanrlsar Nos II ti 84 ran ICase unfli laliel until reeess ties I OH I7r > v Tin I7Z anv IHI nj 1114 17H 1144 1152 life iUl 121T I21H lll UJJ- IMI 1132 IV7 JIJ iCi U4J U47 1241 12411 UM- iri II liv Isrt II rase on Wagner agt the Metropolitan Klsvated Kallrusd Coiupany llnsa Bull IaU tlronds Todar Grand game llrldceporl aft Mew lork saint I OT M admlsalon24v AM Pter a PUsMeiM IHr >llT PellalsP- oeltlvcly Popular Provoke Praise Prove Priceless Iecullarlv Cr nipt TerceptlMj fulentt I Pnxlnclng Ier bandit Profit Precluding Pliuplas aunt Pustules Pro- moting Purity and Peace Purchase Price Petty IUar- maclila Patruuuing Pierce Procure Plenty U4r Pure curie hair msttreMes feather bets coniforla bles blankets and everything In tha balding line at Cnwperlhwalts 113 to Ifii Chatham st one block from lavatad sUtloa established VMAtt 1iiMiiW 3laflc ftHPir Tr oil urn safe aaj M ri4- BltIHrrvI > lfi btof all r r M w lbS trrfr t In styl isd cope flitf Ill 50iii CL to Situ ANN b JMH 1017 pccat 3otI- cTUISUItF ur Ml > Dbrlng on trouble oftly itiitlifratiOui kl ln y dtMat Ac rrtrcnt the bail on sulue sf urrjr by using Ur KvatMl 5 Faiorite lUined LOAM iTiftd on furniture without rtinoral alit Inftitt on istan uo deas 132 Nai au si room lJ- Vanderbilt HullOtntf BUY YOU UIAHM IKIJ KMfM AT TULs- vctur aV Centr it hw York St Iibt fln custom tiiBde dishing rriailln sit hail cost Upci Hfttunlavjr ultfht 44 tty tt up stairs Jlric- darii ub1Lciittctt N4JKTII AMEKKANJ KKV1EW t toll SAY SiLl iiv BINhFITID WOMAN T fly Bill ateth Lartv stanton Bishop J P hpalillng lNOUhTUIAL fl- WHATis or > llATluv Mr David UudJey rIgi- ditCiPiIi IN rlCTlUN Bj Jkin s la n ACAUfcMic KlliifclJoMtBy rrot Andrew l rilh slU MtIHIIU fly Ioert Burhanan it thY IKIMh IS lMKfA > IMI Ity rielJentJ I rucitsrd nioriTiox IN ENGIIII iirr By Rev T Tblsvitnti Drer ivi cents a cy TO a year IublulieJ al 3d Lafayette place New York finuucii- tNln Y4lKat fINT II 11 AMI IIUUHUN- KMKK t mlLMIU fOMIAN- Yrli VSCKEIl 8 UrMl titY lOKK April I 1iM- tlILUl OUnCE This Company U prolArel I in dveui In rush the 8rf siNS MIIIITIIAIIR ItiiMlH nf tie llUUiOl KIVKl- KAIUIIOAU CdillANV tualurlnK lOuts IB unit wheu eier presented at tilts stile The face vats of tIn bsttiI I Mill t be raid together witS accrued lIteral to ilMsif lelilatuni uu to altO t > cloSing June in IKn after ulnc Out le Interest wit calM t V W KUosll LK Ttcuursr- t ViHL MAI WELLS VICTIM r i meis- o s- C JI i- s55I I f5JI- pgej tLfl j15q1 r i- tas 1smeI4IeI0Il OPIR4 ii- 4iCsW kovi 4 Mi C tas1- 1SW SaSI 134 slls FeEled btf w- a Ih ipskcte tf V > sst > U- e wf l Ils 58 s S9i- en i Sum teWs I aO 4e 5 ft V c- Pis 4515554100 U5o4 4 f4Cl 51- NesfaVsisVflt d Ipi114 ssidsio4htI4ffit- o 9e fls 4 B4 fls of fbi ess- oI4 00 mo 4wp Peswl mttpwI Jc- C i5flC0I IBiS fr J4l I Hf f4rt- enn 4 fp- ms efwtkosf Kim n f ar rmlSqtc 5 r rIft Hr ratq ml it fluff5p4t- is e 7541055S asefsPtCtifi- Sivq fR5 554fr0 f mi mr weef i ysse0 frtrn tdat- irrf sot IeeiastsrI SB fl httisi psmos aas1sdq- wll fIp4inw ° t ffiro I Mt gte Btt U 0 ffle fsJak0 fludei Met e1rlI- n IIq 54 4Itsf Ant istl If s flashlevs 15508 11 esstef IIM M ° eurVf lti f liftoff ffr- oanr1r 055441 401 AuI4rlH hlN Jell the aesef oIler- IInft fssfy 4esvhpwsefe soa Iuc ° Ust bs tho Lollf l that lbs itollrw 4 ft- lf sI fe ll met en nfrwwt mar wnf 01 nf llm- rM Potts y0e1esuisP 4ftmfflfp9 ml je- 0msnpfnVISseVoessINent Pritr i rho s s tef Alp ppeswrsin50nl i Sites te4 limfoi tftut pi nn w Uss cutlax nf ilxiin fhet M n in I tifont CSO ei ilinr eel l thee tonaTi l r niillni Aic tisnsjnaflnn 5155 55essiI rnllifhi- f his Ofly Inn ndse ie sn l tins iViI lrt- thnttajh a uftfa5 front l IsoemcessIIIeu ems any mul xfil Show1 l nn alsin 1sf rMcn e- An Inllio COS mivl in Iho Pusfy nrnl- frie I in ie fpnI l IC to n < n n rtnni ltiq 5fl1sf5fless WAne normii UsA tnmiKli ones liiwinaJ unmlatA4p s signs i f great lnit siiniiimn isiisshuug stfitln she FT Minm f f- r i n rb Mm ti lhlrirfinnlyrvt rtio- r > rm WIC B I 55 li 5I IMHI 11511- 1Ii l M swrf linml tv ilrtf lust Ysw I two nrthrr isyc b rlm rnoolr l wits in greet peI nf ninn r isnt l that ties nlle ntpte ho rmrn hue Watch nni 5oi 5 I his etrnptOfl riprt- trntt itnt l l iewe Init ruilm On ibm fnniiiy fil ilfiaf iwlorn ties loft 141 I cia n wnt- kni rn M lisps m niy sa ttse lnf trite I rT n- tn < whom Itis mil trieS l lormll lli nrll ° lr that ha n Hnar nshol l min r anil illjilaTili- f I fl7 each jfe tie purrlni cersILh- uiftstm ifleluin4 a talunbiu fled tiiiwi and n- It 9lf sf speetirofrus IK now llKualit ttiat ftw llilt ulxratilr- piuire1 to mnrlfr lrrll r lur his mnnny On- tinlay i ° nlvht utt n hnftin nf wilts WItS nr Ii ri- iiirlr t I III wruitied l I lir Mmw ll ansi Irvllnr ant It I iMllnTed that this rn wa p U n l Tho next mornlnif the holy WK put In thn trunk nnd nil this mmrr ant jwirv wei- teknti Mci well I iift thin hotol nn the st is cay > nu that ho was trnlnn Knst in the alstIiO nlklt Mr L llnumnn henl of a- wlioloMili IJCUM her saw Mtzwutl- on a Sun Francisco train going Writ Ifs identifIed him by a phntcicrnrh They rat ammlly anti Maiwell who Is try Kntrllh In vifiit pole that his was In thin employ of the rurklih OoTnrnment ant was getting Intor- nntlon In this cntintry He was exalted and nssrvstIs Maxwnirs picture was found nmoni- fnillers ITitn and Mr llatiinan lilintldid It lntl Tlllc April lJuimess Tiiylor an rutflUhniAn from New York city cars hn Is an IntImate trlund ul Chnrle A 1rcller who wns- murd rnd In M Louiis Hn aays that the de- scription ¬ of the corpse an clren In the morn nc piip rii Is accurutx lrolter he Mays I is the on of V Ircllor hi ootl street London K Il lies and his brother wars associated with theIr fattier In business at that addrus It- was also tntcruitvil with Dlckson of York- shire Lnirland luunufactittKr ansI dnale- ra nlath strndes of decorative print cloths anti mbroldorles for which Ireller lad quite a taste Ho travelled In tills country nt their representative He wm uentlenmnly nod rellnei In manner of a retiring slipusst LIon anti utmost of an elToiiilnato nature He was about 21 yrurs old 1 have not HOXII him Incn hits arrival but had a letter from him once since Taylor leiiMs for ht IxniU to ilcht In renpon to a telcuram from the Chief ot Tolleo ot that city Charles Arthur Prollor was bcrn In England 27 years oco ills parents and brothers aol slstero Iho In Ixindnn He receIved a iroud ed tlcation and was qutet ansI rollned ot inannnr lie was S feet H Incbos In height smut compactly milt Hls wuluht mltfht have boon 170 pounds ills eyes were > ery dark and lila complexion was sallow Ho had no color In his face HI hair was noticeably black as was isle close cropped moustache and small squarecut side whiskers which extended down Ills cheeks for an inch anti a half and which seemed Ike a continuation ot his hair Ho was em jloyed by J 11 Dixon ft manufacturer at Jradford England to sail hts goods la this country Ills tint visit to America was In May 1883 Ho then made a trip through the leading cities of the United Htates and Canada anti did well In his business He went back to Kntrland three montbn later His second trip was In the spring ol 1884 and he remained here between three and four mouths Ho was troll known to a large number ot Importing firms In this country Mr Prellor arrived In this city again on March 2 last anti was drlvun to the Union Square Hotel Ho engaged room for the nIght HUj- niCKitate oonslMud of seven pieces three of wlilcti were Inrve handsomely bound trunks Ln the hotel mirlster ha wrote C Arthur roller London The writing was like that of a very nervous i erson On lie following morning he told the porter not to curry lila baggage to his room as he had decided not to stay After breakfast he wont away In tho afternoon a clerk from the Belvedere Hotel aId his bill at the Union Sijunrn Hotel and ordered that the baggago bo trans ¬ ferred there In the mean while MrPrellerhad called at the Belvedere Hotel engaged a line alcove room and when his baggage came had It moved to It Ho stopped at the Ilnlvedera Hotel for throe weeks leaving en March 8K While at the hotel be made no acquaintance He breakfasted alone at the cafe at 9 oclock every morning Thou be went out and rarely returned until 10 or 11 oclock at night Ho said nothing ot his affairs to the hotel people but gave them the Impression that tie was an agent of some big commercial house On his return bs usually carried several small packages His dally mall was very large He dressed with great care but quietly Tie sometimes wore flvo or six different suits In a week He carried a handsome watch but no other jewelry not even a watch chain Ho was very quick of movement and always seemed to be In a hurry The hotel clerk says that when he left on March 21 tile three largo trunks wore sent on to San Francisco He asked the clerk to forward any mall that might come for him to the Continental Hotel Philadelphia Mr Walter H Lennox Maxwell did not stop at the liolvcdere Hotel while Mr Irellor was there and It Is said that bo did not even call during 1rellers stay A Western salesman named Markwell did stop there at this time As far as ram bo learned Mr Maxwell did not visit Now York at this time When Mr Frolics first came to New i ork he brought letters of Introduction to Mr Hlohard- W Owens pastor ot the Congregation of 1lym outh Brethren who hold services at 7 Seventh avenue Mr Preller belonged to the same sect anti while In this city attended all the services He was very friendly at Mr Owens home at 97 Clinton place and spent nearly all of his even- ings ¬ there During hiss last visit be expremied a desire to tee the slums of the city Mr Ow- ens ¬ took him to the Five Points Mission and to other places Mr Preller carried largo sums ot money with him ansi just before going on one of those trips be told Mr Owens that he had 1300 In his pocket Take my advice said Mr Owens and have your money turned Into drafts Large amounts of money are temptations to thieves The young man did not take the advice ami when no left New York he carried with him 11000 In bills This moury has not been ac- counted for In conversation with Mr Owens he said that he had met Maxwollon the voyage to this coun ¬ try ansi bad again seen him In Boston Both Mr and Mrs Owens received the Impression that Maxwell was a very religious person Mr Preller was truly religious Mrs Owens said yesterday and I am sure that be would not have taken up with Maxwell If he had not thought that be was a good man He always carried a lllblo with him when he came to see us and was only happy when discussing re llglon He was quite reticent In his manners and very nervous Ha did not like to live In hotels on account of the noise He was very re- fined ¬ and a rarely good musician I do not think that there can be any donbt that the man fountS dead In St Louis Is Mr Ireller If I had hoard the description anywhere It would have convinced me There could be no mistake about the dosecropped black moustache ansi queershaped side whiskers It was reported MrsOwens continued that this Maxwell Is a son ot Somerset Max well Lord Farnham This Is not true Lord Fttrubam Is a number ot our religious orcanl- cation and was welt known to Mr Prellar Mrs Owens said that Mr Preller looked more like a native of Poland than an Englishman Sue was certain that he belonged to no social iKtlo organization anti that the murder had not been committed for any political motive She was sure that Maxwell bail killed him for plun Maxwell arrived at the Southern Hotel Bt Louis on March 31 Mr Preller did not get titer until April 3 although It was understood that be should meet him on the earlier date This I Is explained by the fact that Mr Preller had determined to leave New York tour days before be slid bare and bade all Ills friends goodby A large mall brought In by a Euro ¬ penn steamer detained him On the Sunday before his departure he attended the church eo Seventh avenue and In the urnooa caUeti g i visL m uisaI4q f- iOPrsA4elpes404 t C04 c- i1a pe w44p- e sos4 p aS as 4g o VNesl5 lsos 5s4 see I Ahseb1I 5I 4 s5 a Ins 044504 M tyiMe amr is k4e v H L0Wsi JHi s> ns- M e ftisa4 axfear f 5eq4socs i lav IW- rf Lmei OfwlM f UJ > esc f tfj eree 0 I le Wtm I140 i S M 1es VHsst rv- 4sM > tfutfytm ft t4ua l M evw so Ls i ° 4soae 51 1044 4i4l a>e IhMU ee er >w- it e sa saco 5l 5- 5M04s qb55 p 044C ftsI m- P lav ftsofr- to p44I444sewgisq lPVIad r 4 M < I4e 10 14 i m- 5qe i 4 i m e Mr tr ss4lO pssos4 g- 0lad Sacf 0 y0a ieII 4- so cnj 4 4 e pse5d- S P es- we as ewqe 5 555 r eeHr erm e l 500 AC50C451p pves5 r- tff > Isew e lifle > MsM Ift If mierif tiso MM 555I5fI mtn s0 i55 P0SL i l ieee flit PS sow r f re Irf H M fVe fn t 4IS45fes 5 40 5054 ieCis5ss Mr eftagsef 55 eLf 4o MI U masrepeiasJ I tftf fsww poajso Hr 40S ° r eii oIasle I I- 4 asAs 05t0 elesoo Ie 104 rIp ft wf 40psaolaeo to fl555 40Sf Lsa Coil Ies4 kios hareS 4 C lit 0 if rhefM- r < HHitsntllewf ft atllfleinlrf ilsei 14re0f Ifl rni is 4c 0 ft0f- I soIl fiwfs frjs Ses 1ro s5w 5 A easy ii nn Ipril tJ rise UH SssS e > 4l lsrtle ilsol I Pe ° 5vIttmCIiisIfqat Spyil I 01 wsesse iVvftt H Ltt 51 fiqyed ltiv freaI eu- PA t5it VqrIWace- s4SISSS mdl nvfr si s Shoe fpi4 Nlhi 4 pfl mu Ifaltero I lies efr iel awn Hi Ito obj wie aefttwr C Wises isr e Wae4l5f will h n l nMhinif fr jf witi in- ijllexl fj55 ffssht ft 5JsdmSsI5 thual Waiwehl PSI nlrri fHlr esiii Ooil think of anf mnllvre- sr 15583 11 jeuI with him chatii ha t5 5lf tOPS 5Ac ylyk II C45 IC ehI- sni l th4l R wv ttjhe f fi4lt if wifffnil Iief4- ifirnnf rbouoy If noMirf ht would gq tn ft ISHtl Sr ep to fi flveifr f ffrittlf t ili that nl- iir Irye nf irrinatoinint CHi M nmi Issue- It 1015 to ruelUril r r liiftrnieifii p Ki flY i r tinttin1- ta aeIy Wa Oweap ISis ow P50 W- iIliaioe hr lies leil- A > niiiMfvArfMl man lirrathiiitf hisrl with rirai nmnl in sat 0a little omes In tile- sY1v Park Thealre yeenrdty afternoon with the strer ojosj tight When a yotirnf man n erinl le 4li- Oh my Nt really mnim roum too Mil Alloir rnntln whittl Tourn a mnnl Ob Im to rflnl la so 4 A man Rust Ill M calm i4117 dlil you ever hear about Fatwt lay on tU ta< k on a rock ynti know and hal all the devils beauties tins Lutore him I think Im this only man whoi v r thoroughly umteritooj what IatiM r ally uttered lItvs that 1 Im ibn man whos hm to handln thn rn suits of that ttertlntment In TIIE Suv lUi- Jtl lit f Irsi hsnlacmv l l Cii e at the sew Pars C lilSf ccl Musess Brrlwif anl kith 1 for in the lOwer nf Itxntr fmnnienrlng Mon stay Spell i IP7 Stile WeeS betwen tO houraof- TTinrn Id 1044 am only going to bn twentyfive- u nutlr In this bower but wa advertised for Ino Uxaniw we were afraid we would not havo- pnniiLh applicants Wn sers wrong I am recur to go on this ntnnd and nwnar that ivory lIly In this country who Is out of a jots thinks she l is n beauty My name M Holmes am Im v calant OA any onto In the htishrheWs hint I must say the Ileulth De- partment ¬ ought to have twothirds of tile wo ¬ men who came horn today Home ot the applicant were pretty remark ably urotty anti I expect to have a bntigiip bower hut some of them wArs ery bail In ¬ deed Aol thu most dinicult thing was nut to show that I didnt consider them beauties When a very Hiuall woman arrived with a fare like a last years crahapple I had to strIke an attitudes go through spasms oi admiration and then toll the lady tory gently that no one onuiJ get Into the bower unless silo was very blj When It trios a tory tall woman I would strike another attitude and nay that the bower wits going to ho very low with only room for women four fut high One liuoly who I think lives nt Cnatla Garden said thUd the groundwork ot beauty was health and shano She staid Sura Oive health an shupa nnotigh for two an av Ol was painted bIke them Btago- wlmmen Id bo bother lukkln northern Pay ma 12 a month an OIll Inter the hewer Homo of tIn women were poor and needy Some lust wanted to be admitted and got mad when I asked them how much they expected to make Others and I know two or three of them personally were handsome young married women whose husbands are busy during the day and who said they thought they might an well be mak ¬ lug some money as not The ones whom I have chosen are corkers anti when I get thorn dressed up theyll make this town bowl Therell- be plenty more hero tomorrow como around and con some AMfJZ4EXEYT A CemeMrl Oar tfcurlif A concert was itlvun at Stclnway Hall lost night for the bonellt of the Hospital of the New York Medical College ansi Hospital for Women The worthy object und the fact that tho pro¬ gramme was to bo Interpreted by Theodore Thomass orchestra with Emma Juch Emily Wlnaut Adolo Margullon and Max Ilolnrich as soloists attracted a largo audience In the arrangement ot the pieces performed Mr Thomas was not so discriminating as usual In the first part Berliozs overture to his opera Benvenuto Coiiinl was followed by Nlcodfls Symphonic Variations a work of solid merit but rather extended oo that there was a broad stretch Instrumental muslo before the QrHt solo was reached This solo an aria from SalntSaonss tjamson and 10- Ilia sung by Miss Wlnaut should have boon placed between the overture and the variations especially as it was followed by Halntbaonss concerto Fault Uniting however ceanes when the ex- ecution ¬ ot the programme Is considered All the orchestral works wore brilliantly perform- ed ¬ Mr Brandt proving by his clear tone and correct phrasing In the violin obllgsto of Nl- codos composition that ho has quits recovered from the attack of nervous prostration which caused him to be absent from his desk for a longtime Miss Margulless playing ot HalntSlenis- Q minor concerto showed that she Is steadily Improving In her art The scherzo which floats away from the sombre Introduction like a buttery passing flout the dark shadow of an oak Into the sunshine was given with especial lightness and delicacy Miss VTInant sang her aria with breadth and dignity Miss Juch and Horr Ilolnrich contributed a duet from the Flying Dutchman Tbe orchestral works besides those mentioned were the overture to the Flying Dutchtnan and the twelfth Hun ¬ garian Ubapsody br Liszt Oblluitry The Rev George Leeds D D aged 68 years who died of apoplexy In Philadelphia yesterday wes rector of Grace Protestant Episcopal Church In Balti- more He succeeded the Rev Or Coxa when the litter was elected ta the Bishopric ot western New York fif- teen years ago Dr Leeds vras a strong candidate for the Blihoprlc of Maryland at the Com entlou In May Seat Ha was a native of Masaachusstta Major Charles K lie of the First Regiment National Quard of Pennsylvania died In Philadelphia yesterday He wits for 35 years Master of Transportation on the Philadelphia Wilmington ant Maltluioia Kallroa1 but latterly was connected with the nrin of Ide llaveretlcs A Co uianuractiireraiif rarer tags Thellev J II Hltllnger 1 11 of IheRewlckley Presliy terlan Church Pittsburgh a prominent divine died l es tsrday morning after a protracted Illness sled 63 yeara ty II K Merrill otis of the must prominent lawyers of Virginia died at isis home In Brunswick county on Tuesday aged isa years lie wss for several years pre- siding Jnstlca of htscountv and fur msny years before and since the war a member uf th btate legislature Chris Bradford the famous life saver died In Fists burgh yesterday of paralysis During the past seven years he with his brothers Ned and Mike saved 3jJ lives at tha Atlantic City beach Cot Knberl rorsythe trafnc manager nf Clue Chicago and Kaatern Illinois Hsllroad died la Savannah Ua yesterday A > otker Hedy Fanaid to Vey lataud Creek Another body was found on Tuesday in Coney Island Creek near Cumbers Railroad almost concealed In the reeds It was that of a roan about V1 years old o feet 0 Inches till weighing about toil pounds stud with mixed gray heIr He wore whIt can ton flannel drawers white knit woollen undershirt two paIrs of trousers one of dark casslmera and the other of yrcyi t coat and waistcoat of dark cloth mixed with red laced shues calico alitrt r4 wristlets brown kid gloves and woollen mittens and a ring purse containing 15 cents JLU envelope In one of tha pockets dated Nov I 1HK1 and postmarked Ireland was found In one of the pockets It was addressed lo 1atrlck tbe lest news haIrs Illegible us was tbe plac to which the let ter was addrtsied 1 ha latter looked like M 14 or 111 Ctaesosi avenue Inquiries made ateach of these num bets threw ao light on the mans Identity Thor were no msrks of violence on the body which had evidently teen long tn the water ae- ua e U- i 055 weso a is p1 T- MsoNtap aci 55 eS0 e e ea- eea 5 Ice ss4eume F e- a 4> J mm S4 eselisi mm 99 a 4 M t > M 0 > fmmt Pt 0 4 5 tmfm m- mee < aC M 50 e s i 4N 4 I 0 aeas 50551 t 40 00 50- e as IC 0 0 e i SC 4 Ia 5000 H 4 55 4- f e e- 50passo l 5e 5ewoa ac ie e4 o 5 0 40 ° SsOOO r C e Isnt 00- 00s04fist S- Ceeda0V t Mr> I II 055 4W4 54ISl > 44 4 5 40550040 rest 0500014 a 4Msi 0 e f S S4S Aa 41 4 S e es0A 9m9 999 45 4- a eas 0 w el 5 mso so- e e 4 I mm ew- eI5soC M le Cac SeC 5 5d45 C 4 5- oaia Spe e0stns e54 4 50 s 5555000 5i54 49 b I- sItr0 ej p 4 10fp5040so fsg pihwlb le SesfwSses t 450 ye 4 N 9i 745 4 > f 55is < a 1f t tea 55 i- e e ha < 50 P4 11050 e 04505b tIC r 45 f if Ii f S 4 so t wa- scc 5NIs44M lbeCl 0 Ca r rn m a I 5 Ct wsoiasp- If If I iwe f9 r it s n ie- wiC > V lIrS a S V Oie HT- t f n IM t55Itt05t4P- S i st MM s CL a iS I f e ri IM lair 540 f y f M 4 tf qsi M s 50 555 0 t 99 I sr C Is Csi all bf l5pI rlel 5 f fe i 4 lg- Sl0l501 tJ4 f f0 FCI0 tS- I 41 e > to 4 lii r4 I 4 f It i 0 e 1 7 I ia 7e 14 lC455P P7 e5 ia p p o- Ce I ICy C P r let > p j Iac 41 Ml I eisa iCi a55550 Pee50S- esenasCi seeto Op is I lie 4 I 4 9 ire e e4 iw 554 L S 4 aso 5555 0 7 i p adsle fe riaitflKMS- i ns e1 t Cue 5C 41 r mf 1 7srs IJ unttttp in 11 f cv as- f > re Is le yf T ft H ars C f 5 4 s lsweas lvimt04 C it 5Iig reso pf 05sl I 54 psreselii 5 845 545 Juts I I le 1 44f rsitr a s I eOpVIi55I I 0jej p i ril rir sets i wn7so ft Ji M tiCs III i ossO IFt I exi 5wtI I1V4I IJllnl HI I I U r H ltM IOlSy4s 111 T ajeei a 1esIna5Pe 3N ixer is 0 0 144 Ml 3u e ee 141 14 a f ue CC t I C I sa 5C Cf i ft l vs C n f ii I si r I vlte- ioLn M ISl C f4 I Pw- i l54I4 3 5 C 4 7Jj455 04e t P r7ss e i KII a Cy vvsei 4 r pf lUxi- nnl J Is 0J t t I ef 71 wee Jin 4u i S 4MT ft a in- 3eb IlL I 41 P I 0 uv r Ks met 7Je J4 Wee fl S IJ1 4H- VIMI > 4 St P I L ii Imp I J5- If Iie tonS Soil 04SJP IW tOn PM it lists Wsei tn r iii ra < 7 to Weoiie I 1 I I d0 lie To I r 5 434- cwn o hess Ins 5s4C 1411- K U S 4 I hst Mif I lies 15mslh l4r I s 5tf SW pf ls Iisa set lsm5 P- tPJeiS Far f C ida sse Fill rise raicsv Kit jun i 5104550 r o is e iiJs i5 Seat 36 MI- I f t 4 e f liP4 IlA n Lot pietn 7J1 Tii I 5 4 > r uik l45e 4 M P U H ir- 7iJ II 5 5 I lJl 50 K Jft 55 i I f S Is lult IsO 1 J lent rTI T7 anal i Smith Jt 31 5 y I A Sill uS l Ice- aiiadis n Pa J7 Sot Pactfli I Ic 4 led ii Yi Nor Pa at 4 ChlrH 4s4 a t J lii UlS ierlhwei mO ie > rent Pan U JJ Sartlset sf Ul lji hue C Its lau IH llnl 5 Wsitsrn 3 74 tieSL I L AW Iu72 IH lomahaff KlC K 2- HI J llu tma HVI HWS iiregin A r C Hi i 4 Kin rent JJ ilt it H a Iav Sirs el7 K leon pref tn I slsiuie Wail Ml I tie US lS honk tsluj lilt Ids b rue tref VA Rich A Inn pu5 Uiu A Sash JJ SJllkh I A I I ° a livkHhore 3es 3i IT A Par U s t II i Nan Hy ron K5i0 KiSituiun Pacinc 47 47S Melrup El lll Westlurei H ijij MO rvicc tirj rol Wptixt iiAV April 15 Foreign news I nul very little Inlluuuuo Upon tocavs stock market At the ouonlutc which tans heavy it conslilurabln conovunlnns from ast night l rrlcus thoru was a general dliposl lon to soil stocks Tlioirinclinl wllars wore tiotinos liavliitf foreign connections sod the inciil traders foiiowd them encoslragcsl doubt uan by tlio morn pacllloniiturenf the European advlois which wuruponflrtnod by an Improve mont In tIle isrico sit llrilUli consols The down- ward ¬ mownirnt was suililunly uliecko l before ln end of this Unit hour by n rood ittmnnd for Union Inclllc That Htock iitnl Tacllla Hull provnd to bo the loaders euif an active stud blflior marLut They uunpIluJ about tlirinneviTitliit of thin transactions anti plueiud at not advance of 3 vl cent Thu ntipiront ciiusns for them move In h Mh wnro his declaration uf lbs usual Iucitlo Mail divi- dend ¬ and progress toward n settlement of the tninscontlnrintal trnmo illfTtrunces Lnckn- wanna nnd W ntvrn Union were mod seconds In ino upward movHiiinnt but the iranger and Vanderbilt stocks worn only Kynipatlietlcullv- llrm Delaware and Hudson Manhattan and MIssouri Iliolllc scored advances ranging from 1 to 3i V cent but the gains not already spool fled though general were fractional The close was strong at nearly the best prices of the day Closing prices oognparuwith those of yester ¬ day as follows April 14 JprfllS AprIl tu xpriiis Cent Pulflo 3l5 TJ- r Sot Pa pf a5 4eu H A u la rji N T Central uu- S Pit DeLLWsstli7 Iso J CeutraL 3Ur DeL lludsli ta eUW Omaha lit 86 oo Den A Kloll OK 7- VEanATias Oregon AT U I IK I2 I7 tOfu PaclfloMait 5J- t Lou ft salt 31rg 92 Fan corn 735 T- SL Lake COors 3u Self Paul A Man Ml Kji Manhat con SUV HIH razes facing io H Missouri Pac SI ilj Union Pacino 44U 47- 1UuTal Nortnwesioom i5 ue > 4 Wst DljJ htu Government bonds tiulet but strong The registered 4a suld H and with the cannons closed X higher bid Tho 3s were S higher bid at the close Railway bonds modoratoly active and prices as n rule wore a little better The only feature was the tradlnc In Kunsan and Texas general 5t at a not advance of li v cout Money on call lls V rent Sterling exchange dull litit firm Pottnd salts wore unchanged at el80 for loiiir bills and l8H > i for demand The Rt Louis Terre Haute and Alton Rail solid Company lifts declared a tlvldonil of 4I ft cent upon tile preferred stock thImble May 1 Internal revenue receipts today 227814 customs fMl Util national bunk notes for re demutlou 511000 The amount of bullion gone Into thin Dank of England Is i3l 000 Consul npanudutOSe anti eloped at US 1311 Tans advices quote 3 V cents at 7715 and exchange on London 2538 The Faclflo Mall Steamship Company de- clared ¬ today Its regular quarterly dividend of IS V cent payable May 1 Tho gross earnings for the quarter endIng i ° eb 23 are reported nt 1114049 not earnings 335 5SO and cash on hand 487783 At the electing of the three tors Mr Jay Gould offered a resolution which was unanimously adopted authorizing tbo- 1resldont of this coin run y to negotiate with the transcontinental railroads for a stottiernont of their existing dlfftrencea upon the following basis The Union and Central raolflo to agree to transfer their transPaci ¬ tic or China business from the Oriental and Occidental Steamship Company to the Tactile Mall and to icuaranteothat com- pany ¬ against opposition on that business so tar as they can control It for ton years If this is done the Pacific Mall will becotno a member ot the transcontinental pool on the samo terms that It would If a ru 11 road It Is to be allowed however a differential rate on account of the longer route anti time required All questions that cannot be settled are to be submitted to the Iool Commissioner from wliosn decision an appeal to arbitration can be taken It Is understood that the Union TacIHa Is practically committed to tills plan The Oriental and Oc- cidental ¬ Steamship Company la a concern owned by tile capitalists Identified with the Central 1nclflo and Us property consists chief ¬ ly of the loose ot four steamers that ply be- tween ¬ Han Francisco anti China Two of thorn are chartered from the White Star Company and two from American owners Pending negotiations for a settlement upon tile basis mentioned the old contract between the rail roads and the Paclllo Mall that wits to ho ter- minated ¬ May 1 will be extended to Juno 1 The annual re port of the Atch 1800 Topeka and Banta Id Itallroad for 1881 shows gross earn log of H01Jlt expenses 11 55I5M taxes Jill370 net nurnlnLfl ITUUJCii being a de- crease ¬ of WO G17 as compared with 18HI The surplus for this year Is H408i In ThiS the surplus wise 1472133 Ibid It not boon for the pool balances nf IHSt then undetormlnod amounting tn 2llCfiH charged auainst tho re- ceipts ¬ of 1HS4 tin Hurplus for the year would have bean llOWlSO Tile undetermined pool balances for 1HH4 are estimated to bo loss than 125XX Tint seturisius of the company on Dec 31 18SI was 87r H140 Including an advance of 1721 211 to the Atlantlo and Iacillis Com- pany ¬ The sales ot the land department for the year warn 3530DO acres at IJ3G > acre as agaInst 411955 acres at M6G v acre In Itt33 There Is due from the Mexican Government In subsidy 14777W The following were eectrd dIrectors of the Dunkirk Allegheny Valley and PIttsburgh hail road Company today Edwin D Worcostor Cornelius Vanderbilt William K Vanderbilt Frederick W Vanderbilt Samuel F Burger James II Butt r dIarIes C Clarke Cbauncoy M Depew Horace J llnyden Dwight W Par dee Darwin Thayer Oscar V Johnson and Ilassellas Brown New York Murknla WEDNESDAY Anrll 15 Ftourt AND MCAL BualiiaM was less attlve ant the late advanca In prIces was lilt fully supporte- dCornslutUres opened dearer on the pears rummy wIth an isepruvemeist at Ltvetpuoi tetit decliieI siseder sets so rosiij oisitug at 50 OJc for April lui3c fur May tIitsc for Jltitl ItO rag July llOe for Au- gust hUlls fog eptsnibsr 101c fer Octobsr t02o for 4oiwbsr It Ofc to iecsiuter and liu 4 i 0 lIt Jan listIl saleslJulXJ betas spota wsrs diulll mldfittg up lands Ii ItitiC Esclpti ot the pirts 2010 Laie- sltlalNWiiet futures wet very active for speruia tinuu but at droispiog price glimsiig at an liuctoctsmli ste- ciitie silts K3414iuu tIusti ho 3 itt svutiter at icj gsiii for Say II Olw4tOItfur Juuis Ci uoilst me4 fir J0l1 itorjiieIor Alsgust aled iIes551 far October Spot wheat was less setuve suit prices d- ciinrd shanpiyt sates bruiSing so 2 ret In lator suIrlJa No 3 do ito wi < ac ant whtit Stat IiiOtadlat ldian corus ftiturse were also ictive ies- tunderasottiag moveelsuet which caused a dechlie In value stIes ite4uoc bash Mo a wiled at J 4lis I Vs ss5 ev si twc SC la is aV Jaj a4 37 p a Wso gs ac50 S o s aso Pa a s seu s e4as4 4a we 5ea se4 gek ee as iw Uses 005f e0JssI 50C UeieCa4 isO we 00 5555 ea55eaw C e I so ac so- e e es es a 4 so as so C 0 0e C ei 50 p Sea 55 C- assC 5 So sisf VS 4 W 40Ce 554 455S a e550 a 0 450 a- CCC0i m 0 5 SC see It 5 Se t C45sei 5045 055 5a0 C is sot as e ta SC asso asa- s0n U 4 aoU 55pi 5s5 C p 00 LI 5ea a as ea s- otos soso so C 0 s e ts ci- a a 5 el0 e g e my sad 4 5 9- lte 4554 stC es0 00 0 P o as C c s 0 sos ii Sy 4 so as 5as coe e4- 0aC a p ass is as re C yeao s- p s- P 0 Vsoeas as 4so 05 4c Owe 55C50 50eC a 5 pqme4 0 soC 0 asIa 0 sw 00 05 55 aV C- 0505s WeC 04 1050 0 55e so is 0- 0o sosd 500 55 455 0 554 5j f 050 sOys asO 0 esI 0050445 5 is as Sacosy assW 55p- CSas50inweeC5g p eq 550555050 pee 4 so poeass i155 450O 4 04 5e mmt9 K see < p mft 0 < w 9 A0 5p4C 5- e0 ttf ke e s- 9m S ow 04 us 0 5 00 5 C- Saso assow WC seaS 55 5 5 p as os cs 4qfl5fs as Pi 455 500 C P a- sf 150 5 0 55 f55 as p4 0e- acOtPbspeP5 wO f at 0 5acs- o4a 4 soc act Is eas00as f1S5 p- 511swe ay- assoea50el o 550C C5 9 I ° 999 99ft iis5et 991 4 eS V- e pw S 99 9ft rW asso Ow SC m0 c 0 ie- eeeelel1vsesssy 4 SC Y Spyll 1 U fTC se woe C 44 e4 y psc gepq- e weq sassi SW Ce P4 ms 5551 is > f ieiie 05 f 4 Seaso s i4 l ac I rtt SCISIU ass ital wasss psf 44 IIV P C isr M assr e C IM- SX seas < aflea 14 85cC a p ssn- I I I lie VMerie Ni of SStCea I DM 5n Peli tyof se p p vs os e is fpse Si a I secacs ewm1e S was PS es test sSIfl 5 5 aSciI SW 5011cC CiSas PiP SswC5ais 5 fl 55505 54 patpC- e Ci 1455 isNOCIaC 00 Sf150 I e- s4V 5s 4 P4 5 seC 1 Fsuc I o l5si mae t qimiiis 14 ufts laces 5 y P 4 awl 0 If s9 9999it isferbe IIM n M 05541- p 4l Wills 4 Is le 5 e 1 1t9- wlaiel 5Ciwee NC5 0 9 p5 si itr i 555555 lSel aee0Ps C eale sos 1450 ag S eeiMHe1 vain Poec s l el Hs 5 MiniiHl- lsfw4 vrPrL1qzYcl eses11nel eec ejirr OlsiSiss 5e5a 4 SIISasIeaII li CO us eseceesle 9f- 4tnl >H 4l 0M 455 I beItl a nilleU lal4 11- 14rrlilWi seasr Apt U- le 4rhi So ie Itemise WeeN II- F Se Ste sf Wasmgtp SOOtS fiCsitd llHrsnlutl fcl s 0epert a s wetnr r lewi 1 ii Mfreb J- Se Vvrttlinnne I 999 W mref rar 55 Camden l 4Ocit tint rfl estfli Aprs C 4 Prsaweier Jenny l wes llsrt sd l 50535cc Liveriv l It 1551005 02 4xndlnseK fmm lew Tote ci IhI5nw- S 4 s na tm Mew Ynrk al 5Jieeoes 5 rnn trAns See in tt llanmari- as Liif if StoVe from > e Yore al ljuesnsownS- SILSP ram rimsiae COsts Ps Balili Porn t7nern fwn for tsw Turk XlliltlKtll- UIlOISKItin 4lll rtl H at the South Re- nrinel ehurc hv the Sled itoilerl Terrr Ii li ai- elstel I p the Her HAIIUI ii l Alexander II H Janmi tlrahaine Oiinlllier In Uiir Hunting lest daugnler cl Vie late Hr Jstnen llvslip all of this rlty- UOrth MAI Lout Un April is al Aetorla N Vly this Itev II > C obi II I Jam > s M llurnf tstnrla N L to II Msule daughter if the lale John C Mallory liiMPROTtYSi II rrll tO at St Marys Church No walk Turin I liy Ike Lev John A Moinin U r tumervv of Uroukl > u to ratiule h Ljuch uf > urwa- lkinrn ANieeOn Airli I 14 rhtrlotte wife rf John Angus slId Itoh ii r of truiict t II ggs In her 7JJ year > lillerikl > er > lce lit hr l lit l resMenr tOt Uvlngstcn- St llru kl > n thIs el tuliig al 7 JO u clvik- InUrtnent 10o itt llurili I1H1 On Mondar April l Is Augusta beloved wife nf Lol HIM liillli i llrr III I Hie lUth J enr of iwo ate rutieral from tier late r sldencr IM Mndsou sit Brook ln nu riiurMay April in at I o clock P M- HllUKYOii the Utli Itint Mary A lloury widow nt- Jusepli floury fvrtuerlv uf rlkltlini III leer Tlnll Iree- rUlUlrtUt At Nencantle HesUheter toiuity s > MItt II rlljiui 11 HroHer in his 73d > ir uneral front hi Inle reel lent e to day At 1 cork 1 M P tarrlngrs pill ineit tnnnilnir train m thy New Ours City and Norlhvrn Hatlroad at stNinursI- IOWB At Cstrliiitlt S V uu Monday April 13 James Hows In tOo THth year funrfal Hrvicis al Uiueuovlauu Thureday April 1- 1atJuriuck I M ILlUTr Thomas P Elliott eldest son of James and Joliunua Klllutl of Cachet Tlpperar Ireland In tho- ittth ear of his age Relatives aol friendnf the famIly are reipectfully In- vited to attend this funeral front Ills let realdeuc- U1UIL SL koutli Uroukl > n 011 thursday April IB at 9 90 oclock A Mt thence to Church uf SI Thoumj- Aqulnaa uth st and 0th av where a solemn renulem mass witS be celebrated for tue repose of lois soul thence to Calvary L4nietery To ties Maiisiaa or THl saw YoRk Torso Men s Mo OAtS CATHOLIC HsnaioLaiiT ASSOCIATIOH Brotherst ioi- am hereliy notified to attend the funeral of our late brother Thomaa r Klllott from the Church of st Thomas vih st and Gui sv Brooklyn oo Tnnriday April 10 st ii 5 B1lTdt Fresidsot- MJMURPIIY Rye isc HAMMOND On April U Ileleu wit of Surgeon leneral William A Hammond V 8 Arm acid daugli let of the late Michael Xeatiet of Philadelphia KuuerM services at her late residence 4J u ret filth st- todav at 11 it clock Interment private frluda are kindly reiiuusled tit tn sent flowers IIAK8KN suddenly on Tuesday April U William llarsen In the 74d year of Ills age Funeral fruni Ins Isle residence 73 Calrcr st Green point on Thursday at a 05 iA M- I1AIIVKY On Wediusday April IS ftl Ills late ml deuce 45 south Oxford st 13ruoklii tionus 11 liar yet In hula 8M year IiAsEttts April It after a short Illness the beloved sot iif Margaret lIMes late uf Now York aired 15 yearn friends lull relatives and clue those of Ins brother law Martin Deiauey are respectfully Invited toattenl tile utierul from iii sidencti of his mother 150 Prink Im t llreeiipolnt on t rida the ITtli al 2 M P M Interment in alvary Cemetery KI UKsuddenly on AScII II lUcliaei widow of Wil- liam II Kirk aged 11 years Funeral sirvlies at her lithe home 100 Ollutoa av- Sen ark N J tolay nt J oclock V V LMllAirlir to UirUtlaunu4uved wife of James L > net aged M > ears 1 lleUtlves and friends are respectfully Invited to attend her funeral front her late residence 410 East llth si on Inlay morning at u 31 cluck thence to St Hridgets Church Av H and r lh st a tiers i solemn requiem eec will be uflured fur the reoso of br soul lUeiicv lo Cal- vary iemetery at 1 tOll Clock OLKMKIHK his son resilience 309 Palrmonnt- iv Jersey ttty llelghta on April 13 John Olendorf Funeral tolay al I clock f M at Hergeu Uaptls Church on Mdiaon ar Jersev City heights FAYIlus this city un April fcdnard 1ays Oaths of county Kent finrland ngeil 552 years IAK AI fistertiiwn > V Aprim Elizabeth Pay widow of the late John Pay native of Keil Kngusiid aged U2 veare slid 0 inoiitha- HAMUS Al Portchesler Weelchester county M Y- on Monday April 13 18HA Mrs Hannah II Staled widow of Ellsha Sands In the e4lh year ot her age Kuueral voivKes it her late rreidelice on Thursday April lit at 3P M Carrlanes In ailing at depot on ar- rival of UV train frosts 4Jd st delot- NANtoilliAi ilosheu N Y Wednesday April IS Capt NI U Hanford In his 711 year Funeral sers ices from hits lato residence loshen N Y Friday 17th tnnt at 1 oclock P M Truth leave foot of Chamliera st al 9 A M sIll A tVI 111 Jersey Cit April 19 160 Illtsm Bbaw aged 61 vears- Rrlatlvea sod friends nf the family are Invited to at- tend his funeral on Friday aftermon at 23 i echoeS from Nt Matlhewa 4hllrch huuiea st Jersey Llty WlOtr lln Muudsy evening ASCII IJ JUrlou Lee Infant daughter of Hlchard ami Vnr 1 Mont Funeral services from the ratlilvure of lint parents Franklyn av Uloomrlrld N J today at HI VIA M- NU1LU AN On lues Uy Timothy M ulllvan native of East Fsk parish of Kaunoue county Kerr > Ireland In the Cilia yenr ur his Cite lltflatlvis friend and the luemtere of the Iavont- aYclll luh are reiperlf ully Inv Hid toattend I tho funeral I from Hie residence of his mother 4il Pearl sL New York nn Thursday April lit at 1 ml I V sharn- Tllllll Al lliilmanvlleN JApril U the Itev I sect Toil Jester of the 1reL > lerian Llmrch lloluiin < llc ageJH7- ruiieial In the IresbylerUn Church Laltevvood NJ on TliurcUy lOtli lust at II n M 1 ho Iresbj ttrv of vjoninouui are Invited to atteud without further no tls TIUtNOB Urll 15 Malhew Tralnor aged 73 years Keliittvesaiid frl tils are r citfullv Invited ta atletif the funeral from the rennletice nf tile son 2 HI Spring st April 17 at tt A M t thence lo SL Antliunjs Uhurcli- Hulllvan st- TltotVHIIIDnEIn rramlngham Mais nn Friday April to li orge A TrovvUluge funuerlv of thu city aged di J years and 15 days

THrnsiUT Ann I Iae ViHL InLJr o ea - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1885-04-16/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · r ut r l 11 IA I t23l Irrmt llurin In tins rnifrr wb

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TIlE MIX THrnsiUT Ann M IjjiwsuKsuILtL oi-

1w JisRaII w InLJr Il+ 0 SI as-

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r> 4iI IT4L Ml wxflilnj IIn UsA

DMIMM hsl IhV f> Ih ulJ Ut Ilaf 1PIfll lhrail end Mil4eeil n V vIt Hnilis5

Itisst fxfllK IIV I IHIM 111 n li4 4 ll-II r n I n t in Mr Iifilr ariin l

thatlI h ivti 4Pii uri li limnt for inrif lr-e ittiii4ittfl r s4 llifir p noi 11 ri-

K fnianrxl Jftlfu all Jultt flllir In re-

t I nf P3lnlilMlii hail 4nrrnir I PiirnIt-A m if anil hsil v n i rvn lninti f r in-


Yh IIV If wuI be f s In hisiielh it liHIl-


I4tfrq 1I11AY thi s slII tiIrnf h fsikA bit

fltIIh1 am JUSt alt f lo IHHI Jiiili er Kile f-

Inn i I I ih j krsin4 if the nmuunf butti J us h 0 vr Iiiu ni t inwrir it

Th Nill W14 thn ilvr InllOnnos nb hy-

J mi ltu I114 n Diilllurif f II l1st litn nisis rmt 24 V nr hlnif r nl eitnte nnto I144a t milI nvxnu 51fl4l rtiotrme llfinn mnal-r ut r l 11 IA I t23l Irrmt llurin In tinsrnifrr wb WAI puttlnit tins roofs on Ib bou o-

rtrfk a 4ttrilvr i inmlnillon ami his bullw ivntlnii l at 120 KI Me iit4 Inckiil upAntI lluJiliilfli vrakril away Kranrk will 1Im-

tr wlit up blorr Jiiiliiu Niui llrunt In Drcr-st I rrmmrr on a writ of btat curptis tuti-

Nittunm rrtnsy

w JTcut bn ruin T > tonnr A-

f inuil uf IinMlor ciiorluJ nl ttiu aptiroacbut n-dkit tIs crscd bssk

41 thA lt > Tlt ltopltitl the four Injnnvlmon wiifi roimrlml to tie doing well Otis of-

tinin Jnc b NLulit wn alilo to wnllc lioiniTim otis aiJ tha otbori wt r jin n fulr warits

I UtrlctAttorn r Mixrtlno lIItel this ruinsT t nlar rmrntniT anil oximlnoil brl k thatImil lormul titt ol tbo watt Uon ho return d hetnlil

Mr Iunlr on of my aIitant Imt InUriUtlonK to draw out ivory Mt of ovlilnnre nt-

ti lniiilrlr In tie pollcu court and Coronernttlciu that nmr tonI to tlit tins re < ionllUltrfor this rrlinlnul ilUricarl for luiinnn siloU lion the ssyklenco I olosoil I bAIt nutmlt arniiy of It tn ths iriml Jury sod I lts tllue thattlio rc ult will lo the Tory 1iompt Inillctiiiont-ol rinma ptmon or porson It tins boon therraollOH ln ucb cimu for the Grand Jury toJnnJ nn indictment onlr for manrlaucutor-llut If onohnlf that 1 have hoard IIn true 1think that In tine cnsn tbnro ouutit to lIs H corn

lets loiarture from tile custom Tbo Urnnil-iirrcoiilJJ luJlot eon for murJor tn the Ilrtt-

i irrtf-llulMInt In rector IVOenoh made a rnport to

the Fire ComiulMlonura yestorJay of the re-mit


of his Investigation In regard to Uudilan-il k fallen building Accompanying liii re-port


which tM a lildtorr of the erection of thebulMlnxi from the tlm the plans were tiledIt a lIst of the bulldlnes whose dnfoctlve conItrnet ion has caused suits to be broughtanaliut HuJdonsIek during tlio laet llvo or ilxleers Tbeae building are many hundreds Innumber and are scattered allI over the city ilr-DOouchs report IB a< follows

nil Diri > T riiT CITY orNi o i-IJCKUB or lairicrioji or BuiLDMiti-

tMM VOIE April 11 IMV-Bontrallr Boar iffiri CommUilottfrtU-

iTTLBKU UD th 35th of NoTtmt 1SB4 an ftppllrubs lovrtel lwt > tjr foarball liiio on tha ai uth MJa-of but aecouij iFIt commencing IOO feat aaat frontElartntaaraauaaait running op lo within 1IU fuel ofTenth avanoe waj nlail In tna odlca of tba Bureau ofBuiMlugt Theaa bulldinxt were to be twenty the f> etfront sod Tsar aigblfthrea feat deep fire iturtca tn-

btlitit and wire to tLa o cupleJ bjr uu fainllUa runtThu e tttnatr t cnit cf rich hoUM aa alatrt tn the ups IIcailon waifltfUV The application was In proper formHid im lire 3 wai approval ir >lr tt m f bit < rl rooi-at the tune ttisleetr ot UuililliiEi-

Un Doe 4 HW4 Eumlnur T w Dallay reported thatth butldtr hail cnmmtnrM the convtruttion nf thebulldtngp end In the monthly report of the ronditlon ofictnrra niftde br lxamlnr uallir for December

1W4 nil laid that the tuildiagt were in course of conltructliOn the 15th of Janonrr trs5 Kiamlner Robert V

Mackex waa traii f rriil to the twetit M COIII districtIn which ihata buIldings wereaud baa bud charge thereDf to date

un the 19th January Examiner Mackey filed a cornllaint airnlnit the tiutldtntr comtnen lnif reiMeitUelyL2 fet t5ol feet aj feet fH fret 3ii feet cud 3W feetlist ot letenth avenue In thai the rear well of eachtboTa the third dory II bu ffvd uutwarU and utaafrend a complaint aiamtt the building commencing JStest east of bleteulh avenue In that the cuterlrtable In out of plumb bulged aboTa the lerond elorv104 unsafe > otfcea were issued on Jan 215 directingact the walls repurled insets be laden down end retout according lo law On Jan li Kxamlner Macke-vll irted that til ul the bulldlnia wen used aafa codlliuu hit rerommtnlatloo the cases were dlemiteedfhe insIde eel aialnat the easterly gobS of the eaal-auiMluc KM pending at lbs time of Installing ut theiuiidliica on the 4th ot April Examiner Mackey re¬

ported he work of removing the easterly well in prog5555 In a report dated April 13 the work la tll iniroireta

It arpeare br the Innrnale ot Examiners Caller anilBacker that the tulkllli a were Tltlted on lire 4 10 17tu tJ cod 2 hISS end on Jan A ItOU by Galley andan Jest IS 17 19 JliJ JO 31 Feb 401f u 11 1J 1410 IN 19 JO Jl 25 M J7 Mitch U 3 4 C II I1i litIB 13 It Ls 28 a 0i 31 April 1878 n and 13ItHS lby Uackey tot no violation of law waa reportedbt either until the luSt day of January al abort stated

I nut upon the repulse submitted by exatnlnera Uaileyand Marke that tile balldlnga were chow Hie secohd510y when the transfsrof examiners wee made cudtint the weekly statements Kiamlner Slackey showlast the railrrly futile well hail not been taken down aaorjtreil but that the souls had been braced with spurbrscM In which condition It wee when II tell I elsecull that the ullIlnKn were roofed cUd topped out atthe time otfalllig I further find that Interior buildingnslentls wets used In the construction of shewalls without objections from the examinerCud that thee walls were built with ft terrIerwhich had not the qualities required by lawHi the application The application aa flied in thiswinau rails for stingier coinpoaed of aharp aand cudKnckland lime The samples taken front various perHoot of the ruins show thai the mortar was made of aesmly loam with a small percentage ot lime poorlymileS ant that this material did not hays such bindingjualities aa is required by law is shown by the fact thatthe mnnar lice almoel entirely fallen from the bricks orcots be easily removed The buildings being erected 111

winter tile bricks were tail dry Thus waits wee conilriicted ltd a inlnlmuni of lateral atrenglh Rains andirttt during tiereniber Januart February and MarchUrttier ailed In wraKrnlng the wallst 51w fluid that blasting had bern going on within fiftytest oh the clureBon either site cud that slims ofreceot blasling were i Wbl on April li This bfasllngBit 111 tiinhie have we struici the welts The tuiuiget

itt wail rraJuiaIl becesuir p0 untlch out it plumb thatIt eli alit ti thrust of Slits faliluig iuuiss triug ton greatfor uh iiiiliings otu tue W5I 5 resist the eutirs rowwe circlet to the grunt

Th plication for a permit for these buildings waslied tiv dMorre W Npilzcr clMlmlng to be an architectOjitthsir of nntthiitd Hanr Appllrallons were slunto sqilcer for the erection of buildings on Tenth114 ricrtnth avenues suit on Mxty nrst and fiuxtysecnd troth aifrloonJuly an iHH4Vortli side of Sixty first street too troteast ot levcnth ateitue twelve tenements FerdinandBehm ownertit H iixiEut site ot First avenue Sixty flrst toSlitiecoul Street owner A II Jones tight tauemints and storeJattH IMJ8outh side of PUtynrst street JO featdli of HMeuthaienue owner Ootlbold llaugj sightSCuuiy Ct iiJsn > Mouthweit corner of Tenth sects ant HlxtyKruna Street owner InllhoM llaugi four tenementslleM liiatlonsi were all In proper form and thelie fir ti first three Wtt ItipronsO bv T prsdeCsiSr atit tie iau t inicing ly hpltier who flied thy applications Is It Is

t d emplored tby one Bjddennlek Hang Boehn-


Inch Jo00 ars cico IiIDpOU1 to be cuuiptoyoas of ItuiilaiihueSick t tansumiit this 111 of uioifttions Cr the builditig

a in I tIiiIflO5 Constructed tuy Ilultenetek during theeir Iui7C Isos upon permtia granteaioAll Juliacarob L u > ul ke Jacob J Koasnslln Charles te4iWIck KT Keller Israel aster and Kamuel 8linnionhn am kn iwn tu te figureheads lor Uuddsnsle-kTblt U the list ot Iluililenslsks bnlldlnps thatWere complalneil about b tween Ibid auJ 1H85Tiie5 wore 1J5 ease most ol the cease coyrtnti idveri l tmlldlncs and the whole Incluil

Imfii atit ll000 houses Many of tbeso weroSiiii Hncr nsroM of persona who were only

for Uudjenslak The number ofhouse W eath cSem their location cad thehftttiIntl



J1ud4eik or tita dummies ax iynCysillIC s outthis sat corner Ninety serenlhl-

onse four tOCiO bat brick walls not braced A II

assertI cmi avn s t We ino feet south of Hs enty ninth

llOmlii iVnii1 bed tturtarl buildings afterward tell

CCCiihighsp Girth lr1 iolh aide tOO tat cut of Firstro1 liostsi hall ortar lraeicaipari-


houiebecsiJ eseus o5thst turner 1 Seth streat fiveLid Sumner 555 stun iii fCllfldahiifl Jonas

a° fltytiilrd ttyet I Situ aid 5ssresty sin fast east of


t cveti5 fun looms for altO aft pmttltoua not

trees uoiih slle seventy dvs feet east155015 nile fuir 551155 Itt m rtar Casper

Still sirt annik siJe IOU feet oust of Sic

eel b s J Si e eec e ea 5s C he a Sc4 Ie b Iae 1 S ea C a-a 4-

b 50 s1ke s 54 os-

a ea ae J b e earn ii r-a I ce 9 5c s 4-

1w S eaua 4k ss c a e a-

a eI ec se a w auU ae a ea C-

ye° A a e-e0sea a w fi 40 rc ° w

5 e-

I eqas 4w sas w eaeq 45

qc ses a beeC 1e ea 4eI 5 4-

we m nww4 4 a wd-

ea a-

a w ea 9-te a tpg sdi5 =

u2 bse Ua C 4 P-

ad uss o e

4Iw e SS 5eC I s4 rc-

e 5as4 4 1 5-

w 1r q4 w ls 4p 4e4 es

ewee 4 4ip epeI

5 a eaw 0C e5 9 40450eel

Vi4O eeC 0 045 C 5 fesO e0 iS050+ a4 sow s

57 5n ac 0p li5 5 500 eq 05 9455 50e a y500-u05c easM e 0450 0 4 eat s 4-5a 5

tie so i99ti9 at fp4csSrue 50 e4 p-

ar0C 5c f H


to eqs eJ I s 04 4a e0I e 4wise so 4c r-

5f5C eSeiC e0 oem leO 50 Cef rose at y qasc lee 5 a ee a fl uw-

e >tr+ Mi4 f rc me

ff0 nseCeo4 5etoe 59alee


ast5 A45 55 C 4 S scwt 5 cc q w e-ee 0 d Ias-ev AIIP Ste eqfla e5f 5f s a

0 cc 150 1 AS 0 0fe 50 iei0p aC4assee-

C Pf SICSSO Ases safe pe f 4 f01 Ceassa 5er flaw ct 4sf5 5 5-

C MVrMwf sfee ASC 44 f 0f 4t t I

04 4SUCC feic see f of 0r V f H-a 55555 j jyt 4flfl e f IN 04 iv1 east sff

e5 cease Ae te if se ° H > t utpe 4elAe

tIs OlOCeO50 f feC

eft Se H el fSl 1 Nrt e Jb f4 ccci tf-fI 4 cc fttt 0 IC ee ieC4 005 Htrsl oft duJla Iltt4fl sal fcsC ivea f ee > it Jaft to-




e s a Jna-e 5 55 5 555555 VCq heSS

SI ie 055 445 pfly msl 0Ae-eeN mmis5tt a ea f 7 Io coat f e 5

cc eae rc p en a JMc 5e-

us 5eo 5 lemheqt aso Iete Csumbeq eueae ji 5 1IIVtI bei atfl use cap4 s mm 5oet54 c coo af de5V

L 54e ms e tssnuhotll sot tC5ei ne-APS

Ca Ill


eVCty nmh moetb i5 fq 55 af-Cd IC 5e 5f4 OStCStI eie eir beanie SoenCIi-eeomt

ecoeI tpet oeOt s5 Ji qI 4 fees setent Oe 55cc tO Ituulu f itll It f ietn IVsill CluOnmee

Thud access eethwt gm sf leCtt sIr A

hens atehi ocer osfl5ows en north tabS lieS dobI-I ipt fifth street north M 171 feet ueS of tern 4-

rttni two boee1 iKstf lHu uot guarJtJ Ab IIJo

TI i t avtimi foriheCet fit r Mntlj ninth trttI ut hon Sn 1 fttm fi f f5e I eenis st Me 77 fret Dents Cf 5yemmIe CoI tet u50e boos eyc tilwt rn iMblnrf tU i wett

not tileS cub plaster cisnunon-ehguty f fill street v uiti i u xv ff fttt a-

tanDreon t

ftrnt itUiti nut truvriU I Jemse-Eidhuy ftflh IT Hum cc t Vn fwt nest nf 4rrjat-

elIliie 510 hussi rourjitutifl of lUitMubt botke-jengh JnnsV-hutity nftli street Httth iii > Ni tt at of geconi-

IVfllte xcaaVkiton int iruar trtt Jones4ritU A Wl > tlr A fet Duffin of EightrIt1i

street two 50Cc nklight nvi arv moot Jo nn rjnlgwich

Avenue A rest Ill 0 feet nirh nf rUhtysltlhreel tee livii si Will uul property copeS JimMIgi lob

hOcus A northwest corner righty etth street fourhu s witls nol ITIletlp ropwi i Jolin ivlgwes-AvfitueA northwest corner I Ulitv lith streei four

1i1 51mi kvl ghls mist fire priMif John rtetgwirk-t 4hty nfth street 0 nth iCeS tct e sit uf fecon I

retiui two houses new buildings plans not luLutlt-


not Jnae-yulti rrn rd rcrthweet corn of tercnt

four house uaiug tad tnortar In foundationsI Islet

Third avenue rortheait corner nf Ninetyninth sreet-rur houses no temporary supports uudvr touLdattou

Catetthird avenns northeast corner of Ninety ninth street

four houne l timber ilnlels nut chamfered taerThird avenux northeast corner uf Ninety ninth streetone hmiet silo walls carried up over two stories tn alvance ut fronts Ittper-

r Ighty elMI Street nrrth lie 2V5 feet est rf Firstlenue one house ercitllig building plans dUapl rovedset CrThird avenue esst side IP 0 feet sonth nf Thirteenth

Street six houes side walls retried up ovsr two totice-iti advance of trout liln muns-

MnetTninth street northeait corner ef Third avenneone IliiUiCi beam of third tory do not rest at one endfour Inches on the walls i atper-

Hgntyeislh street uuufb side 230 feet east of Firstiveiiu one house t site walls carried up over tnu storiesits advance of fronts i asper

Third avenue southeast corner of Thirteenth streetme house chimney Ireisl projects twelve Inches triofate of wall on aecond story Mintnona

Second avenue southeast corner if Seventy ninthstreet rive houses erecting buidlngs plain dlsapproveS Simmons

Third avenue southeast corner of Thirteenth streetone house no mien arches on window opening lunorth wall Simmons

Third avenue northeast corner of Fourteenth streetreeling without sntmntllng plans tiltmmmaThird avenue sou beast corner of 1 hlrteentn street

nihouM no rolock arches turned over window open-ings ltitnmotii

Third aeuu northeast corner of Thirt4e th streetrioting plans not approved Hloiniona

Third avenue aoilhriat corner of Thirteenth Streetone bouse no retook arches turned over wluCow openlogs Hlmmnns

Second avenue lootheast cornsr of Seventy ninthslyest nva houses stile walls carried up over two stums-n advnnce of fronts fclmmone

Third avenue salt side 13 feet north of Fourteenthstreet thrre houses side walls carried up over twostones In advance cf fronts Hu tdeii > lek-

Uglily ntth street south side J7 feet east of Secondavenue one house walls not properly coped Joim-

ihighlyfifth street south side i5 I feet east of herondvenue two houses waits not runirly col ed Jonas

Seoi nd aenue southeast curlier of t eenty utntnattest five lions Insuincient temporary supportstinier flour brains Htillnons-

Kiirlic > ntlh surest north side I7J feet east of SecondAcnnetvtnnousesHslinni roperlv cupeit Jonu-Hevellty stcund Street north side an feet cost uf Sec

ntil aenue two houses skylights not nrepruof wallstint coped Jonas

One llundred sOd Mnth street north side 79 feet eastof Lexington avenue five huu e4 I side walls carried upoer two stories In advance i f fronts hedgwUk

Seventy aecond street north side I4o feet out of Btf-ond avenue two bunsea skyluhta Uul fireproof andwalls not coped Jonas

Second avenue south side corner of SeventyninthaIred five hussies walls uoi property copid Simmons

Otis Hundred and Tenth street south side 25 tent eastof lexington avenue rive house erscUbg buildingsp Las nut sutmlttwl 6edgwlck

One Hundred and Teulh street souths le inn feet eastof 1 elugli n avenue one house boil mortar rVUgnlik

Third avenue northwest corner of Muety ninth streetone house Joints of chimney phases nut struck suiouilion Inside riltinnons-

rletenly ninth street bulb side f 0 feet east of econdavenue two houass Wails nut properly coped himmoos-

Seventyascot d street northwest cornet of Secondavenuefnur houses walls nut proi erly roped Casper

recond avenue west side 7S feet north of Seventylecond street out Sinus wails not property coped

CVcn l avenue northwest corner ef 10 th stnet twohouses erecting buildings plans disapproved Manchke

One Hundred and klghtb street northeast corner ofThird avenue two Insults laying foundations CD badtoitom Maochk

Second avenue northwest corner of lOftth stress twohouses hint brick Masohke

First avenue west aide JS feet south of Seventythirdstreet two houses erecting bulldluge plans out anb-

BuddenilektuitteileVPflty5Cebl street north side Ito feet west of

Avenue Athree houses erecting buUdrmts plans nutsubmitted Kuddentlek

beveuty second street north elde IM feet West ofAvenue A five houses erecting bondings plane dlappruned ttedgwick

t4ovettycecond street north side 300 feet east oSec-ond avenue four bouses tot trick mnimoni

Thirst avenue west side slnnly ninth to lutith streetsmut houses ak lights not fireproof Simmons

Mnety ninth strest north side HI feet east of Thirdavenue out booed skylight nut nreproof Casper

Second avenue wrat side J5 feet north of iwtli streetone house side wlis carried up over two stories lu adVance of front Maschke

Bevsntfsexoiiil street north side 2OO feet west Av Atwo houses bait br ck hedewlck

Seventy eoon1 street north stIle 3U feet east of Sec-ond aienus four homes lad iritk Kinmone

Avenue A west tide 2 test south nf Kereuty thirdstreet three houses had brick Maschks

Third aveiue east sils JS feel north uf irRlh streetone house lid walls carried up over two storrlse In ad

ante f front It siiiteti-uventleib streel siuth side 374 feet east of Third

avenue two houses foundations not laid lu cementmortar itsaclike

first avenue northwest corner of seventy fifth streetone hi use walls cult propsrly coped Mast like

elrst avenue iiortbwe1 corner of Keventvnftn tractone hiiuse skylights nol fireproof Msichke

First ntuniw west side Si feet north of heventvflfthstreet one home skylights not fireproof Maschke

First avenue west tide 25 feel lorlh of Hevenly flflhstreet one house walla not roperlv cope Masclik-

Hnventy flhb strait north side 7J feet west of Firstavenue one house walls not properly toped Masohke

Seventy nfth street norlh side 73 wilt of First avenor ons house skylights not fireproof Machke-

Hevenl Iblrd street north site 1J5 feet east of Thirdavenue Ills houses erecting buildings plans not apirovsd Jonas-

Sertritlelh street south sit 184 test west of Firstavenue four houses tile wslis carried up over two itorice lu advance uf fronts Maschk-

eeventthird street north side IW feat east of Thirdavenue one house using party wall without permitJulius

highly fifth street Fait 949 one house welts notpnperil coped MKeller

Elglitv fifth street East S49 one home skylights notfireproof TO Keller

Yightyolath street Emit 349 one house skylights notfireproof It Kritsur

Ehifhtysilub sired EastSV one bouse sUjllgV not04 KeiirITFuely seven h street aouth sills 100 feet writ cf Set

ond avenue eight huuMS skylights uot nreproot 8edg-


seventh street south sits BOO feet west of Feeond avenue sign houses skylIghts nut nieproof 8edg-


avenue rorthwest corner nf SeventythlT-eetnne hause lerectlni building plans not submitted

55uIliisiekline lIutidrl and Tnttt itreet ecit 5J1CO five

hnuaesi skyllghta tint ItteprOof diwiCk-Keroud aveusu oortbwcsl center of evenlythirl

strict on hoUas erecting buildhsgt plane disapprovedJotici-

Cwentisth street eolith mile 3cc feet v et of Second-

avenue one house chimney breast Insufficiently sup

rvennieVh11YreeluUh side 10 feet west of Secondaveliut four houseat side walls cattish up over two-

stsrurs In fclvsncs ot fruiits MaachkaSeventy eIghth street Itail 3liJ four houltsl erer-

lxii butldlilsl planS not submittel guddensiek-teventitui Street south sid fast west of deconi

avenue four housest side walls carrisi up uYsr twostories In advance f fronts Maailik-

ebiviBiyUUd IUMI west aide 75 hit wilt of 9siQd

a0O 9545 150q a l gal earn

ta a a w si c p0900504 b50 s 4 m vi Peso000 O A0s sen aws a es

4 0 00055 St S5 4 0 u4 I eso oIs P0 40 4 twa so 4 Os S

45 so s 0oo p Oil 4 0U 5555o 0 s4 C 00 w 004 4 co0 oq urnesas di4eS5 54 4 a C 0w-w 4 IW Ww S0 C I 4

4 5099 9 0W mr9 m 0 mtm 0 ie 4-



Sss f4 04 050504 p a k-


00 ss w e 40 OOs 0sp f 50-s 4 4w so-

a e o C a50 4 0 so 00050 455450 5s4 0ep ea c 50 I 0 004 ec 50 504 v0 50-

e 50 0v 550 4 ia 50405s5e55pso-ra500 0 055 00 550545 500 00 55nel55550e54 5050C i 00050

0 C ase2W iirsLjlj-



p eso C CCas9ss 4 4C s earl C C

to 5

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0a rf ee44 av ew 4 4so 0I M W-

w0 e0 0 4 eesasso w

05 45 F040O1 1450 50W0 55

55505015 4 oe ppjeo wow eiate-Mw 5C lC4Afe itfe 00 5055 4ap aemse 0 55e50C sosa a w5 550 550 0C cocO 5550 ie 50 s-ae 449 lb I4 4455 Ca eWas ° t 004I eaAseqf-

A fPACS S00C5 t-

fo Uso fms4p4 f Use pwvf to alto p-

mIleleCs 450f Aia fv

C > > Cupea o r f f C Me Ie4 C rtMftp SM ateeel ef ril ffmtnm t m txr pep cC

fStee atfertMe 4 H if asPiC sc ee l tvtfteMef

wwIca St Oo SeJ50 sridilt o ISo pn55C SC Sfasf class a40a se5l a5 Ieesipew454 t< e> e ye C e5eg

me r t s euwy4 Cup e ee fee le e1 Sw00 a Sle eC He Pile a < iSceic amp e in

o 4 550 p IwO 0 05 t iC tA Mmis 4-P


4 a t cCl 045 505iOeOIC fn IM etf4r fS55WCC P5 nee 5o < elie>iiee e eewtte e f f f

1w 99 em4 is ee 19999 rt fi e se eec sic ms eiC e e vp5C Ca55-sc g s eapase eacef-eir5 55550-

4WPhIfusn r PetoSms 4 fse tO f15501f iif11irMmie f urni4 fp iea patrJsy from itvIes in S t Jffmfr

II i fltnet Si < salil lMinlafif its Se siIn rh s fnMt nf rinntniT mipetiesop hIIIIInIte lt-imSes Distil mont CflsflSei O4tt f lies iifnp

ttigshiflCd IUil01 0e5 sIlpy hIfreflV flames hitt rtTl t lincnl tip Ifit l hcf Firt ca-r nlI y I nf Mbn 8iIIerie 4 i i4 l5 a-

r ui lidif f thf injifiBre ji S i-

Itnru nn i5C nil fPS Mm I mi e liiiI a tuff eu twilts nlm UN ur tnil flttfAfiPl I h uli ehes resellmr t 4 t l A > rip llitSiesl meri hnwmw tti it twed fit IT 1 1 riw ode WA4 a ts n Mrttout liy th irIs thes TifilKt WI rrnr0 I irtI-ntMlnat outs i wllt he MI rrltfcriil in t ifoimilitliii win n Ti n Inotocti r of IIIIPM eswinish not hilp it Si fIn liml no townr I h i t ntIn ttlw

In I o jaes of tha house a WhiCh fi I n Jir-T rrifM alter hi e tHtllin r es I I Arti

ant tin ivO r lie t o tsne I Ashl doflefMIn ruku which nil ton etnmln iiC Itiutea mil lu folliiT Psi emf thorn ho tttat nilullitlntf In IIPNIKIII ofesresrtliin nr tlteriohlnn Inthe rr i ulItrtet must 5Me < nitinnil4llf-o nlf they iris tnlrtf efoctemh r nltcfM In

conformity with this Ins f anil arcs riling tn thetortos nml volItion of the trml Anntlmr-a ahiiiiil this niefliea ualnif litil tOOCOriS I illocnuf the rotnnvnl of the aim a 5fl Stfn-tyfonr hours itLer with t nrorteili-

w Mr bitmfbriIOlt ontitlnuel nih-rxnmlnnr IIs ri jiilrel to kas njaiirnil la whlliluilr ontrlf ol the InlMliiatit visited flhuet tetotoulo Ihe times of vhalt nnil the condition oftIles work must i notml nml mtixt tbe elgoesi bytie einmlner daily lbefore ho reperts at thu

llMrtct liniliimrlors This Hull Hue Inr clnr IIs nut any mors rosTonsiiltt l then

the Fires Comtnla lon rH whit know no nibro-nlxiiit thes litillillntn ilmn n out knowaliout 11w Lrnnilmnil Thn Itiillillnit Insir ecbr his an touch offiCe Work toiln that tiu hm-nn tlmo for nnythlnir else Intll this la-

cliniiicml thi evil will noMr hit r ineili Timlullillnc InHx ctornulitto bo fro o tin ehcuuhilin ft nucrltiteniltut ilt Ought to U attn tn-lasli nlmut the city and soo the men do theirInly Just ImnuliiK thfrMi Irelilents nf theUnited Stilrf three hevretnrles ot html orthren lieaiirnls

There are now tlilrtythrco rxBtnlnprSovrn wet cut ofT hiitmt January TIlts ni nlnot have teen done for there Wets clerkswho TTO riot no tcd Forty exantlavrs ttmienough to do tIns work as lumr as thecity alight to pity for If thor atlnndnd totheir duty thtiy could make the city howlThe liulldlnit cxninlni are art tn toll you I-

mve too runny bulldliit to Attend to ThatIII all noriannap Of coitms thry Cant alwaysknow what change a man may make Inside ofhis house hut now bulldlccs can bn upon ablock oR A great many win be looked eftor Ina day Whim they neglect their July theyshould be summarily tried

I have seen smut know thp evils of buildingIn frosty veath r enpeclally by the men of theIliiildensluk trIbe The mortar freczo up nndlit destroyed When the thaw comes one sidemolts flrt nnd the wall buckles anti lis likelyto come down The bill I drew tin and unnucceaisfully tried to pus provided that buildingsshould not be put up In freezIng weather Tnthe case of a sudden frost no moro work shouldbe done until the thaw comes and the extent ofthe darniiae becomes known

Mr sterbroolc staid that the Building De-partment


wanted a lawyer bristling on sillsides quicker than lightning with to back ¬

down and Invulnerable to sweet talkExaminer Blttner reported to Inspector

DOench yesterday that n block of nlcbt housesnow liullrllntf In Klerenth avenue n twoen-Slityflrst soil Sixtysecond streets which honul examined worn In n dangerous conditionIpcanso their construction was defective ansihe materIal poor The nominal owner of thobousesu Is A H Jonas hut be let supposed to bo-one of Huildnnplek numerous dummies Thisreport agreed with Inspector DOenchs oplnon of the prxmlscs of whose danceroits con ¬

dition ho hind lbeen convinced by n personnl-exHinlnatlnn He found tho walls alreadybulged and thin structures llnblo to tall It subncted to tile ordinary pressure of occupancyIlm mortar used was very poor

Mr DOnnch ordered tho immedIate demolitton of the elclit houses They cannot botouched until an order Is obtained from thecourt and It the real or nominal owner rosinsthis order may never be obtained In anyevent there will be a delay of weeks

The National GeT-he Polo grounds presented the appearance

of a small labs when the llms strived to call the gameyesterday between tba > ew York and MetropolitanClubs This tame therefore could not be played Thiswas to ha t ben the last game of the spring series between these clubs and both sides were to have hid theirStrongest teams on the Hell Today the l ew York andBridgeport Clubs will play on the Polo grounds

The game advertised between this Brooklyn and Am-

herst College Club it Brooklyn yesterday was notplayed-

Tue trouble between the WIHlamshunrh ithletlo BassRail Club sod the Long Island Association las been sotLed ant the club has withdrawn Its reslffnatlnti-

Anson tifttis Chicago Club hu played In the Leaguenine years during which time ha baa played tn r rogames end has made I 019 has hits Ills percentage ta-

Ml No other purer has made lun hitsIt Is expected that a meeting ot base ball managers

will ie held tItle week In this city to tale action lu re-gard to the blacklisted SI Louis players

At llaltlinore Baltimore 5 Providence 1 At Fhlla-KlphlaAlhlellc5 Philadelphia 7 At AugustaAtlanta ins Anauta 1 The game between true Uosrancud Ttewark flubs at Newark was prevented by rainAt BostonDsrtniouth College lit Institute of-


J At rolumtui Nashllle 11 1otumbua 9Tim Keefa will puns for the New Yorka to day

Nportlng NolMA meeting of billiard layers who will take part In tha

coming tournament wilt be hell at ode broadway al-uoon today

The West Put ton Club of Long Branch defeated theNeptune Sun Club In a char pigeon match al Asburylark yesterday iy a score of 6B lu 54-

BlIy Madden has emoted a boxing tournamentwhich wilt take place at Turn Stall on Ma II and U Itwill be turin to alt amateurs RnlrUl tutu be niche alMaddens ISO East Thirteenth street The competitionwill be for feather tight middle aOl heavy weights

Wallace Koas met Thomas IJavls at the Turf FltU outFarm tItles yestsrday nnd a reed to allow hiui lo subsiltuts bother man rot the Ute vV Ounovan in the sixJay roller skating race with Kenneth A Skinner Th-race Is open to all v bo deposit film tn toe rurofnreonor before April Jtt The contest will take i Ute al Malison SQuare darden during the week commenting Play II

Mr Durvea ties renewed his offer to give a lure ofJflimo to be rosed fur nn tile Larhlue Course live untiesopen to the leading fullers of the antIS with the un-derstanding that YUlllani Ueach fcdward Ilanlanout Wallace Rosa ire lo entir arid start therace to ba rowed In August The Turf FIeld sitSMm sari that If llanlrui In prepsrlng for this racewfli place himself In the beside of lila old mentorsMessrs John Uivls aol f ConUon they will agree toflud not Itss than F5inui to 10 cm him aaairlvalu slakeiletoeen blmaud beach lleach la now uu his way toLuglaud

Court Clea dura this Disy-

SUPItJME CoiiBT CniMBEBs Nos 0 10 4tat sis 117 N7 rM ISO mi HU lilT UN IU Idle Kfl-I7 ill Jill 244S Jin 204 >n aiJ 096 jus 11J tis314 ucu J51 SM a45 3i l 38 J1HJ ann triClilTaail

Fart I Clear Sis til lieu llU UT7 till 741I

hits IUKI HWI Kill 1U74 list 7iJ Ult 301 1073Iart II Uaseun IUlt avl Platt at ci CIUCOIT rart I

Hear has IO47 JTlX J4II HH5 1M4H J3TI IWJ-


uO4i403111 3iTJ3454 sun 31t2 K°n ih7 34010 34 310-2J43 45113 4185 4t3 33lit 3444 37I4 M3J ZimiJ FartIliast Nis Jit44 Z5t iiSIiii 214 1713 2100 OtIS211U t4s i4I maid iUfl 74Oi Lell 2O23 243 3455K-

Jul42 37IH flJ Xl JTUS J7I 1 Pan III ClearNoj tHTU 52X4I4N Su30 OiSl JVJU 790 3173 314J 3l7rt-aVil nxl Jlba leSsI i IU7U JIJI mull IodiIS tunuSmn low iinmi tirm iu7Ht-

6CRio vtB s Coiit contested will of Rhiuulla M

Vtrs lun it M Isaac Marcus II A M Cecslla-Boolh it f M-

biriaioa COCRT PrscuL Tvsx Case on IlarknrsaOct the New York rievatvd Railroad Comoanv tart

iase on prohsbtv until recese Nus H17 HIR TOt Ml449 117 TWo rxa rHTJ H0 Slip out sIlo VW HulPart II Cane uiitlnlihril Nna 579 HUI Inn hittO u-lvsvnnnvtim JUSTMH MI wo It7tS Fact lit

Case on until recess Sos TieS 1H43 IHI 14JHConvoy PLUS iricctsl Taw No calendar EquiTr

Taanrlsar Nos II ti 84 ran ICase unfli lalieluntil reeess ties I OH I7r> v Tin I7Z anv IHI nj1114 17H 1144 1152 life iUl 121T I21H lll UJJ-IMI 1132 IV7 JIJ iCi U4J U47 1241 12411 UM-iri II liv Isrt II rase on Wagner agt theMetropolitan Klsvated Kallrusd Coiupany

llnsa Bull IaU tlronds TodarGrand game llrldceporl aft Mew lork saint I OT

M admlsalon24v AM

Pter a PUsMeiM IHr >llT PellalsP-oeltlvcly Popular Provoke Praise Prove PricelessIecullarlv Cr nipt TerceptlMj fulentt I Pnxlnclng Ierbandit Profit Precluding Pliuplas aunt Pustules Pro-moting Purity and Peace Purchase Price Petty IUar-maclila Patruuuing Pierce Procure Plenty U4r

Pure curie hair msttreMes feather bets coniforlables blankets and everything In tha balding line atCnwperlhwalts 113 to Ifii Chatham st one block fromlavatad sUtloa established VMAtt

1iiMiiW 3laflcftHPir Tr oil urn safe aaj M ri4-BltIHrrvI > lfi btof all

r r M w lbS trrfr t In styl isd copeflitf Ill 50iii CL to Situ ANN b JMH 1017

pccat 3otI-

cTUISUItF ur Ml > Dbrlng on trouble oftlyitiitlifratiOui kl ln y dtMat Ac rrtrcnt the bail on

sulue sf urrjr by using Ur KvatMl 5 Faiorite lUinedLOAM iTiftd on furniture without rtinoral alit

Inftitt on istan uo deas 132 Nai au si room lJ-Vanderbilt HullOtntf

BUY YOU UIAHM IKIJ KMfM AT TULs-vctur aV Centr it hw York

St Iibt fln custom tiiBde dishing rriailln sit hailcost Upci Hfttunlavjr ultfht 44 tty tt up stairs





ateth Lartv stanton Bishop J P hpalillnglNOUhTUIAL fl-


or > llATluv Mr David UudJey rIgi-ditCiPiIi IN rlCTlUN Bj Jkin s la n

ACAUfcMic KlliifclJoMtBy rrot Andrewl

rilh slU MtIHIIU fly Ioert Burhananit thY IKIMh IS lMKfA > IMI Ity rielJentJ I

rucitsrdnioriTiox IN ENGIIII iirr By Rev T

Tblsvitnti Drer ivi cents a cy TO a yearIublulieJ al 3d Lafayette place New York



Yrli VSCKEIl 8 UrMl titY lOKK April I 1iM-tlILUl OUnCE

This Company U prolArelI in dveui In rush the 8rfsiNS MIIIITIIAIIR ItiiMlH nf tie llUUiOl KIVKl-KAIUIIOAU CdillANV tualurlnK lOuts IB unit wheueier presented at tilts stile

The face vats of tIn bsttiII Mill tbe raid together witSaccrued lIteral to ilMsif lelilatuni uu to altO t >cloSing June in IKn after ulnc Outle Interest witcalM t V W KUosll LK Ttcuursr-



r i meis-

o s-C J I i-

s55I I f5JI-pgej tLfl j15q1 r i-

tas 1smeI4IeI0Il OPIR4 ii-

4iCsW kovi 4 Mi C tas1-

1SW SaSI 134 slls FeEled btf w-a Ih ipskcte tf V > sst> U-


wf l Ils 58 s S9i-en i

Sum teWs I aO 4e5 ft V c-

Pis 4515554100 U5o4 4 f4Cl 51-NesfaVsisVflt d Ipi114 ssidsio4htI4ffit-

o 9e fls 4 B4 fls of fbi ess-

oI4 00 mo 4wp Peswl mttpwI Jc-C i5flC0I IBiS fr J4l IHf f4rt-

enn4 fp-

ms efwtkosf Kim n f arrmlSqtc5 r rIft Hr ratq ml it fluff5p4t-

is e 7541055S asefsPtCtifi-Sivq fR5 554fr0 f mi mr

weef i ysse0 frtrn tdat-


sotIeeiastsrI SB fl httisi psmos aas1sdq-wll fIp4inw ° t ffiroI Mt gte Btt U 0 ffle fsJak0 fludei Met e1rlI-

nIIq 54 4Itsf Ant istl If s flashlevs 15508

11 esstef IIM M°eurVf lti f liftoff ffr-


055441 401 AuI4rlH hlN Jell the aesef oIler-IInft fssfy 4esvhpwsefe soa Iuc °Ust

bs tho Lollfl that lbs itollrw 4 ft-lf

sI fell met en nfrwwt mar wnf 01 nf llm-rM Potts y0e1esuisP 4ftmfflfp9 ml je-

0msnpfnVISseVoessINent Pritri rho s stefAlp ppeswrsin50nli Sites te4 limfoi tftut pinn w Uss cutlax nf ilxiin fhet M n in Itifont CSO ei ilinr eell thee tonaTi l r

niillni Aic tisnsjnaflnn 5155 55essiI rnllifhi-fhis Ofly Inn ndseie sn l tins iViIlrt-

thnttajh a uftfa5 front lIsoemcessIIIeu ems anymul xfil Show1 l nn alsin 1sf rMcn e-

An Inllio COS mivl in Iho Pusfy nrnl-frie I in ie fpnIl IC to n < n n rtnni ltiq5fl1sf5fless WAne normii UsA tnmiKli onesliiwinaJ unmlatA4p s signsi f greatlnit siiniiimn isiisshuug stfitln she FT Minm ff-r i n rb Mm ti lhlrirfinnlyrvt rtio-r


rm WIC B I 55li 5I IMHI 11511-1Ii

lM swrf linml tv ilrtf lust Ysw I two

nrthrr isyc b rlm rnoolrl wits in greetpeI nf ninn r isntl that ties nlle ntpte ho rmrnhue Watch nni 5oi 5 I his etrnptOfl riprt-trntt itntl liewe Init ruilm On ibm fnniiiyfil ilfiaf iwlorn ties loft 141 I cia n wnt-kni rn M lisps m niy sa ttse lnf trite I rT n-


whom Itis mil trieSl lormll lli nrll °lr thatha n Hnar nsholl min r anil illjilaTili-

fI fl7 each jfe tie purrlni cersILh-uiftstm ifleluin4 a talunbiu fled tiiiwi and n-

It9lf sf speetirofrusIK now llKualit ttiat ftw llilt ulxratilr-piuire1 to mnrlfr lrrll r lur his mnnny On-

tinlayi° nlvht utt n hnftin nf wilts WItS nr Ii ri-iiirlrt IIII wruitiedl Ilir Mmw ll ansi Irvllnrant It I iMllnTed that this rn wa p U n lTho next mornlnif the holy WK put In thntrunk nnd nil this mmrr ant jwirv wei-teknti Mci well Iiift thin hotol nn the st is cay >

nu that ho was trnlnn Knst in thealstIiO nlklt Mr L llnumnn henl of a-

wlioloMili IJCUM her saw Mtzwutl-on a Sun Francisco train going Writ IfsidentifIed him by a phntcicrnrh They ratammlly anti Maiwell who Is try Kntrllh Invifiit pole that his was In thin employ of therurklih OoTnrnment ant was getting Intor-nntlon In this cntintry He was exalted and

nssrvstIs Maxwnirs picture was found nmoni-fnillers ITitn and Mr llatiinan lilintldid Itlntl Tlllc April lJuimess Tiiylor an

rutflUhniAn from New York city cars hn Is anIntImate trlund ul Chnrle A 1rcller who wns-murd rnd In M Louiis Hn aays that the de-scription


of the corpse an clren In the mornnc piip rii Is accurutx lrolter he Mays Iis theon of V Ircllor hi ootl street London K Il

lies and his brother wars associated withtheIr fattier In business at that addrus It-was also tntcruitvil with Dlckson of York-shire Lnirland luunufactittKr ansI dnale-ra nlath strndes of decorative printcloths anti mbroldorles for which Irellerlad quite a taste Ho travelled In tills country

nt their representative He wm uentlenmnlynod rellnei In manner of a retiring slipusstLIon anti utmost of an elToiiilnato nature Hewas about 21 yrurs old 1 have not HOXII himIncn hits arrival but had a letter from himonce since Taylor leiiMs for ht IxniU toilcht In renpon to a telcuram from the Chiefot Tolleo ot that city

Charles Arthur Prollor was bcrn In England27 years oco ills parents and brothers aolslstero Iho In Ixindnn He receIved a iroud edtlcation and was qutet ansI rollned ot inannnrlie was S feet H Incbos In height smut compactlymilt Hls wuluht mltfht have boon 170 poundsills eyes were > ery dark and lila complexionwas sallow Ho had no color In his face HIhair was noticeably black as was isle closecropped moustache and small squarecut sidewhiskers which extended down Ills cheeks foran inch anti a half and which seemedIke a continuation ot his hair Ho was em

jloyed by J 11 Dixon ft manufacturer atJradford England to sail hts goods la thiscountry Ills tint visit to America was InMay 1883 Ho then made a trip through theleading cities of the United Htates and Canadaanti did well In his business He went back toKntrland three montbn later His second tripwas In the spring ol 1884 and he remainedhere between three and four mouths Ho wastroll known to a large number ot Importingfirms In this country

Mr Prellor arrived In this city again on March2 last anti was drlvun to the Union SquareHotel Ho engaged room for the nIght HUj-

niCKitate oonslMud of seven pieces three ofwlilcti were Inrve handsomely bound trunksLn the hotel mirlster ha wrote C Arthurroller London The writing was like thatof a very nervous i erson On lie followingmorning he told the porter not to curry lilabaggage to his room as he had decided not tostay After breakfast he wont away In thoafternoon a clerk from the Belvedere Hotel

aId his bill at the Union Sijunrn Hoteland ordered that the baggago bo trans ¬

ferred there In the mean while MrPrellerhadcalled at the Belvedere Hotel engaged a linealcove room and when his baggage came hadIt moved to It Ho stopped at the IlnlvederaHotel for throe weeks leaving en March 8KWhile at the hotel be made no acquaintanceHe breakfasted alone at the cafe at 9 oclockevery morning Thou be went out and rarelyreturned until 10 or 11 oclock at night Hosaid nothing ot his affairs to the hotel peoplebut gave them the Impression that tie wasan agent of some big commercial houseOn his return bs usually carried severalsmall packages His dally mall was very largeHe dressed with great care but quietly Tiesometimes wore flvo or six different suits In aweek He carried a handsome watch but noother jewelry not even a watch chain Ho wasvery quick of movement and always seemed tobe In a hurry The hotel clerk says that whenhe left on March 21 tile three largo trunks woresent on to San Francisco He asked the clerkto forward any mall that might come for him tothe Continental Hotel Philadelphia

Mr Walter H Lennox Maxwell did not stopat the liolvcdere Hotel while Mr Irellor wasthere and It Is said that bo did not even callduring 1rellers stay A Western salesmannamed Markwell did stop there at this timeAs far as ram bo learned Mr Maxwell did notvisit Now York at this time

When Mr Frolics first came to New i ork hebrought letters of Introduction to Mr Hlohard-W Owens pastor ot the Congregation of 1lymouth Brethren who hold services at 7 Seventhavenue Mr Preller belonged to the same sectanti while In this city attended all the servicesHe was very friendly at Mr Owens home at 97Clinton place and spent nearly all of his even-ings


there During hiss last visit be expremieda desire to tee the slums of the city Mr Ow-ens


took him to the Five Points Mission andto other places Mr Preller carried largo sumsot money with him ansi just before going onone of those trips be told Mr Owens that hehad 1300 In his pocket

Take my advice said Mr Owens andhave your money turned Into drafts Largeamounts of money are temptations to thieves

The young man did not take the advice amiwhen no left New York he carried with him11000 In bills This moury has not been ac-counted for

In conversation with Mr Owens he said thathe had met Maxwollon the voyage to this coun ¬

try ansi bad again seen him In Boston BothMr and Mrs Owens received the Impressionthat Maxwell was a very religious person

Mr Preller was truly religious Mrs Owenssaid yesterday and I am sure that be wouldnot have taken up with Maxwell If he had notthought that be was a good man He alwayscarried a lllblo with him when he came to seeus and was only happy when discussing rellglon He was quite reticent In his mannersand very nervous Ha did not like to live Inhotels on account of the noise He was very re-fined


and a rarely good musician I do notthink that there can be any donbt that the manfountS dead In St Louis Is Mr Ireller If I hadhoard the description anywhere It would haveconvinced me There could be no mistakeabout the dosecropped black moustache ansiqueershaped side whiskers

It was reported MrsOwens continuedthat this Maxwell Is a son ot Somerset Max

well Lord Farnham This Is not true LordFttrubam Is a number ot our religious orcanl-cation and was welt known to Mr Prellar

Mrs Owens said that Mr Preller looked morelike a native of Poland than an EnglishmanSue was certain that he belonged to no socialiKtlo organization anti that the murder had notbeen committed for any political motive Shewas sure that Maxwell bail killed him for plun

Maxwell arrived at the Southern Hotel BtLouis on March 31 Mr Preller did not gettiter until April 3 although It was understoodthat be should meet him on the earlier dateThis IIs explained by the fact that Mr Prellerhad determined to leave New York tour daysbefore be slid bare and bade all Ills friendsgoodby A large mall brought In by a Euro ¬

penn steamer detained him On the Sundaybefore his departure he attended the churcheo Seventh avenue and In the urnooa caUeti

g i visLmuisaI4q f-

iOPrsA4elpes404 t C04 c-i1a pe w44p-

e sos4 p aS as 4g oVNesl5 lsos 5s4 seeI Ahseb1I 5I 4 s5 aIns 044504 M tyiMeamr is k4e v H L0Wsi JHi s> ns-M e ftisa4 axfear f 5eq4socsi lav IW-

rfLmei OfwlM f UJ > esc f tfj eree 0I le Wtm I140 i S M 1es VHsst rv-

4sM> tfutfytm ft t4ua l M evw so Lsi ° 4soae 51 1044 4i4l a>e IhMUee er >w-

ite sa saco 5l 5-

5M04s qb55 p 044C ftsI m-P lav ftsofr-

to p44I444sewgisq lPVIad r4 M < I4e 10 14 i m-5qe i 4 i m e Mr trss4lO pssos4 g-

0lad Sacf 0 y0a ieII 4-so cnj 4 4 e pse5d-

S P es-

we as ewqe 5 555r eeHr erm e l 500 AC50C451p pves5 r-

tff> Isew e lifle> MsM Ift If mierif tisoMM 555I5fI mtn s0 i55 P0SLi l ieee flitPS sow r fre Irf H M fVe fn t4IS45fes 5 40 5054 ieCis5ss Mr eftagsef55 eLf 4o MI U masrepeiasJ I tftffsww poajso Hr 40S ° r eii oIasle II-

4 asAs 05t0 elesoo Ie104 rIp ft wf 40psaolaeo tofl555 40Sf Lsa Coil Ies4 kios hareS 4 C lit0 if rhefM-

r< HHitsntllewf ft atllfleinlrf ilsei14re0f Ifl rni is 4c 0 ft0f-I soIl fiwfs frjs Ses 1ro s5w 5 A easyii nn Ipril t J rise UH SssS e> 4l lsrtle ilsol IPe °5vIttmCIiisIfqat Spyil I 01 wsesseiVvftt H Ltt 51 fiqyed ltiv freaI eu-PA t5it VqrIWace-

s4SISSS mdl nvfr sis Shoe fpi4 Nlhi4 pfl mu Ifaltero I lies efr iel awn

Hi Ito obj wie aefttwr C Wises isr eWae4l5f will h n l nMhinif fr jf witi in-

ijllexlfj55 ffssht ft 5JsdmSsI5 thual Waiwehl PSI

nlrri fHlresiii Ooil think of anf mnllvre-sr15583 11 jeuI with him chatiiha t5 5lf tOPS 5Ac ylyk II C45 IC ehI-

snil th4l R wv ttjhef fi4lt if wifffnil Iief4-ifirnnf rbouoy If noMirf ht would gq tnft ISHtlSr ep to fi flveifr fffrittlft ili that nl-

iir Irye nf irrinatoinint CHi M nmi Issue-It 1015 to ruelUril r r liiftrnieifii

p Ki flY i r tinttin1-

taaeIy Wa Oweap ISis ow P50 W-

iIliaioe hr lies leil-A


niiiMfvArfMl man lirrathiiitf hisrl withrirai nmnl in sat 0 a little omes In tile-

sY1v Park Thealre yeenrdty afternoon withthe strer ojosj tight When a yotirnf man nerinl le 4li-

Oh my Nt really mnim roum too MilAlloir rnntln whittl Tourn a mnnl ObIm to rflnl la so 4 A man Rust Ill M calmi4117 dlil you ever hear about Fatwt lay ontU ta< k on a rock ynti know and hal all thedevils beauties tins Lutore him I think Imthis only man whoi v r thoroughly umteritoojwhat IatiM r ally uttered

lItvs that 1

Im ibn man whos hm to handln thn rnsuits of that ttertlntment In TIIE Suv lUi-Jtl lit f Irsi hsnlacmvl l Cii e at the sew ParsC lilSf ccl Musess Brrlwif anl kith 1 forin the lOwer nf Itxntr fmnnienrlng Monstay Spell i IP7 Stile WeeS betwen tO houraof-


Id 1044

am only going to bn twentyfive-u nutlr In this bower but wa advertised for

Ino Uxaniw we were afraid we would not havo-pnniiLh applicants Wn sers wrong I amrecur to go on this ntnnd and nwnar that ivorylIly In this country who Is out of a jots thinksshe lis n beauty My name M Holmesam Im v calant OA any onto Inthe htishrheWs hint I must say the Ileulth De-partment


ought to have twothirds of tile wo ¬

men who came horn todayHome ot the applicant were pretty remark

ably urotty anti I expect to have a bntigiipbower hut some of them wArs ery bail In ¬

deed Aol thu most dinicult thing was nut toshow that I didnt consider them beautiesWhen a very Hiuall woman arrived with afare like a last years crahapple I had tostrIke an attitudes go through spasmsoi admiration and then toll the ladytory gently that no one onuiJ getInto the bower unless silo was very blj WhenIt trios a tory tall woman I would strike anotherattitude and nay that the bower wits going toho very low with only room for women fourfut high One liuoly who I think lives nt CnatlaGarden said thUd the groundwork ot beautywas health and shano She staid

Sura Oive health an shupa nnotigh fortwo an av Ol was painted bIke them Btago-wlmmen Id bo bother lukkln northern Payma 12 a month an OIll Inter the hewer

Homo of tIn women were poor and needySome lust wanted to be admitted and got madwhen I asked them how much theyexpected to make Others and Iknow two or three of them personallywere handsome young married women whosehusbands are busy during the day and whosaid they thought they might an well be mak ¬

lug some money as not The ones whom I havechosen are corkers anti when I get thorndressed up theyll make this town bowl Therell-be plenty more hero tomorrow como aroundand con some


A CemeMrl Oar tfcurlifA concert was itlvun at Stclnway Hall lost

night for the bonellt of the Hospital of the NewYork Medical College ansi Hospital for WomenThe worthy object und the fact that tho pro¬

gramme was to bo Interpreted by TheodoreThomass orchestra with Emma Juch EmilyWlnaut Adolo Margullon and Max Ilolnrichas soloists attracted a largo audience In thearrangement ot the pieces performed MrThomas was not so discriminating as usualIn the first part Berliozs overture tohis opera Benvenuto Coiiinl was followedby Nlcodfls Symphonic Variations a workof solid merit but rather extended oo thatthere was a broad stretch Instrumental muslobefore the QrHt solo was reached This soloan aria from SalntSaonss tjamson and 10-Ilia sung by Miss Wlnaut should have boonplaced between the overture and the variationsespecially as it was followed by Halntbaonssconcerto

Fault Uniting however ceanes when the ex-ecution


ot the programme Is considered Allthe orchestral works wore brilliantly perform-ed


Mr Brandt proving by his clear tone andcorrect phrasing In the violin obllgsto of Nl-codos composition that ho has quits recoveredfrom the attack of nervous prostration whichcaused him to be absent from his desk for alongtime

Miss Margulless playing ot HalntSlenis-Q minor concerto showed that she Is steadilyImproving In her art The scherzo whichfloats away from the sombre Introduction likea buttery passing flout the dark shadow of anoak Into the sunshine was given with especiallightness and delicacy Miss VTInant sang heraria with breadth and dignity Miss Juch andHorr Ilolnrich contributed a duet from the

Flying Dutchman Tbe orchestral worksbesides those mentioned were the overture tothe Flying Dutchtnan and the twelfth Hun ¬

garian Ubapsody br Liszt

OblluitryThe Rev George Leeds D D aged 68 years

who died of apoplexy In Philadelphia yesterday wesrector of Grace Protestant Episcopal Church In Balti-

more He succeeded the Rev Or Coxa when the litterwas elected ta the Bishopric ot western New York fif-

teen years ago Dr Leeds vras a strong candidate forthe Blihoprlc of Maryland at the Com entlou In May Seat

Ha was a native of MasaachussttaMajor Charles K lie of the First Regiment National

Quard of Pennsylvania died In Philadelphia yesterdayHe wits for 35 years Master of Transportation on thePhiladelphia Wilmington ant Maltluioia Kallroa1 butlatterly was connected with the nrin of Ide llaveretlcsA Co uianuractiireraiif rarer tags

Thellev J II Hltllnger 1 11 of IheRewlckley Presliyterlan Church Pittsburgh a prominent divine died l estsrday morning after a protracted Illness sled 63 yeara

ty II K Merrill otis of the must prominent lawyersof Virginia died at isis home In Brunswick county onTuesday aged isa years lie wss for several years pre-siding Jnstlca of htscountv and fur msny years beforeand since the war a member uf th btate legislature

Chris Bradford the famous life saver died In Fistsburgh yesterday of paralysis During the past sevenyears he with his brothers Ned and Mike saved 3jJlives at tha Atlantic City beach

Cot Knberl rorsythe trafnc manager nf Clue Chicagoand Kaatern Illinois Hsllroad died la Savannah Uayesterday

A > otker Hedy Fanaid to Vey lataud CreekAnother body was found on Tuesday in

Coney Island Creek near Cumbers Railroad almostconcealed In the reeds It was that of a roan about V1

years old o feet 0 Inches till weighing about toilpounds stud with mixed gray heIr He wore whIt canton flannel drawers white knit woollen undershirt twopaIrs of trousers one of dark casslmera and the other ofyrcyit coat and waistcoat of dark cloth mixed with redlaced shues calico alitrt r4 wristlets brown kid glovesand woollen mittens and a ring purse containing 15cents JLU envelope In one of tha pockets dated Nov I1HK1 and postmarked Ireland was found In one of thepockets It was addressed lo 1atrlck tbe lestnews haIrs Illegible us was tbe plac to which the letter was addrtsied 1 ha latter looked like M 14 or 111Ctaesosi avenue Inquiries made ateach of these numbets threw ao light on the mans Identity Thor wereno msrks of violence on the body which had evidentlyteen long tn the water


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IW tOn PM it lists Wsei tn r iii ra < 7to Weoiie I 1 I I d0 lie To I r 5 434-

cwn o hess Ins 5s4C 1411-


U S 4 I hst Mif I lies 15mslh l4r Is 5tf SW pf ls Iisa set lsm5 P-

tPJeiS Far f C ida sse Fillrise raicsvKit jun i 5104550r o is e iiJs i5 Seat 36 MI-

IIf t 4 e f liP4 IlA n Lot pietn 7J1 TiiI 5 4 > r uik l45e 4 M P U H ir-


II 5 5 I lJl 50 K Jft 55 iIf S Is lult IsO 1 J lent rTI T7anal i Smith Jt 31 5 y I A Sill uS lIce-

aiiadis n Pa J7 Sot Pactfli I Ic4 led ii Yi Nor Pa at 4

ChlrH 4s4a tJ lii UlS ierlhwei mO ie>

rent Pan U JJ Sartlset sf Ul ljihue C Its lau IH llnl 5 Wsitsrn 3 74

tieSL IL AW Iu72 IH lomahaff KlC K 2-

HI J llu tma HVI HWS iiregin A r C Hi i 4Kin rent JJ ilt it H a Iav Sirs el7K leon pref tn I slsiuie Wail MlI tie US lS honk tsluj lilt Idsb rue tref VA Rich A Inn pu5Uiu A Sash JJ SJllkh I A I I ° alivkHhore 3es 3i IT A Par U s tIIiNan Hy ron K5i0 KiSituiun Pacinc 47 47SMelrup El lll Westlurei H ijijMO rvicc tirj rol

Wptixt iiAV April 15Foreign news Inul very little Inlluuuuo Upon

tocavs stock market At the ouonlutc whichtans heavy it conslilurabln conovunlnns fromast night l rrlcus thoru was a general dliposllon to soil stocks Tlioirinclinl wllars woretiotinos liavliitf foreign connections sod theinciil traders foiiowd them encoslragcsl doubtuan by tlio morn pacllloniiturenf the European

advlois which wuruponflrtnod by an Improvemont In tIle isrico sit llrilUli consols The down-ward


mownirnt was suililunly ulieckol beforeln end of this Unit hour by n rood ittmnnd for

Union Inclllc That Htock iitnl Tacllla Hullprovnd to bo the loaders euif an activestud blflior marLut They uunpIluJ abouttlirinneviTitliit of thin transactions antiplueiud at not advance of 3 vl centThu ntipiront ciiusns for them move In h Mh wnrohis declaration uf lbs usual Iucitlo Mail divi-dend


and progress toward n settlement of thetninscontlnrintal trnmo illfTtrunces Lnckn-wanna nnd W ntvrn Union were mod secondsIn ino upward movHiiinnt but the iranger andVanderbilt stocks worn only Kynipatlietlcullv-llrm Delaware and Hudson Manhattan andMIssouri Iliolllc scored advances ranging from1 to 3i V cent but the gains not already spoolfled though general were fractional The closewas strong at nearly the best prices of the day

Closing prices oognparuwith those of yester ¬

day as followsApril 14 JprfllS AprIltu xpriiis

Cent Pulflo 3l5 TJ-r Sot Pa pf a5 4euH A u la rji N T Central uu-

SPitDeLLWsstli7 Iso J CeutraL 3Ur

DeL lludsli ta eUW Omaha lit 86 ooDen A Kloll OK 7-VEanATias

Oregon AT U I IK I2I7 tOfu PaclfloMait 5J-

tLou ft salt 31rg 92 Fan corn 735 T-SLLake COors 3u Self Paul A Man Ml Kji

Manhat con SUV HIH razes facing io HMissouri Pac SI ilj Union Pacino 44U 47-

1UuTalNortnwesioom i5 ue >4 Wst DljJ htu

Government bonds tiulet but strong Theregistered 4a suld H and with the cannonsclosed X higher bid Tho 3s were S higher bidat the close Railway bonds modoratoly activeand prices as n rule wore a little better Theonly feature was the tradlnc In Kunsan andTexas general 5t at a not advance of li v cout

Money on call lls V rentSterling exchange dull litit firm Pottnd salts

wore unchanged at el80 for loiiir bills andl8H>i for demandThe Rt Louis Terre Haute and Alton Rail

solid Company lifts declared a tlvldonil of 4I ftcent upon tile preferred stock thImble May 1

Internal revenue receipts today 227814customs fMl Util national bunk notes for redemutlou 511000

The amount of bullion gone Into thin Dank ofEngland Is i3l 000 Consul npanudutOSe antieloped at US 1311 Tans advices quote 3 Vcents at 7715 and exchange on London 2538

The Faclflo Mall Steamship Company de-clared


today Its regular quarterly dividend ofIS V cent payable May 1 Tho gross earningsfor the quarter endIng i°eb 23 are reported nt

1114049 not earnings 335 5SO and cash onhand 487783 At the electing of the threetors Mr Jay Gould offered a resolution whichwas unanimously adopted authorizing tbo-1resldont of this coin run y to negotiate with thetranscontinental railroads for a stottiernont oftheir existing dlfftrencea upon the followingbasis The Union and Central raolfloto agree to transfer their transPaci ¬

tic or China business from the Orientaland Occidental Steamship Company tothe Tactile Mall and to icuaranteothat com-pany


against opposition on that business sotar as they can control It for ton years If thisis done the Pacific Mall will becotno a memberot the transcontinental pool on the samo termsthat It would If a ru 11 road It Is to be allowedhowever a differential rate on account of thelonger route anti time required All questionsthat cannot be settled are to be submitted tothe Iool Commissioner from wliosn decisionan appeal to arbitration can be taken It Isunderstood that the Union TacIHa Is practicallycommitted to tills plan The Oriental and Oc-cidental


Steamship Company la a concernowned by tile capitalists Identified with theCentral 1nclflo and Us property consists chief ¬

ly of the loose ot four steamers that ply be-tween


Han Francisco anti China Two of thornare chartered from the White Star Companyand two from American owners Pendingnegotiations for a settlement upon tile basismentioned the old contract between the railroads and the Paclllo Mall that wits to ho ter-minated


May 1 will be extended to Juno 1

The annual re port of the Atch 1800 Topeka andBanta Id Itallroad for 1881 shows gross earnlog of H01Jlt expenses 1155I5M taxesJill370 net nurnlnLfl ITUUJCii being a de-crease


of WO G17 as compared with 18HI Thesurplus for this year Is H408i In ThiS thesurplus wise 1472133 Ibid It not boon for thepool balances nf IHSt then undetormlnodamounting tn 2llCfiH charged auainst tho re-ceipts


of 1HS4 tin Hurplus for the year wouldhave bean llOWlSO Tile undetermined poolbalances for 1HH4 are estimated to bo loss than125XX Tint seturisius of the company on Dec31 18SI was 87r H140 Including an advanceof 1721 211 to the Atlantlo and Iacillis Com-pany


The sales ot the land department forthe year warn 3530DO acres at IJ3G > acre asagaInst 411955 acres at M6G v acre In Itt33There Is due from the Mexican Government Insubsidy 14777W

The following were eectrd dIrectors of theDunkirk Allegheny Valley and PIttsburgh hailroad Company today Edwin D WorcostorCornelius Vanderbilt William K VanderbiltFrederick W Vanderbilt Samuel F BurgerJames II Butt r dIarIes C Clarke CbauncoyM Depew Horace J llnyden Dwight W Pardee Darwin Thayer Oscar V Johnson andIlassellas Brown

New York MurknlaWEDNESDAY Anrll 15 Ftourt AND MCAL

BualiiaM was less attlve ant the late advanca In prIceswas lilt fully supporte-

dCornslutUres opened dearer on the pears rummywIth an isepruvemeist at Ltvetpuoi tetit decliieI sisedersets so rosiij oisitug at 50 OJc for April lui3c furMay tIitsc for Jltitl ItO rag July llOe for Au-gust hUlls fog eptsnibsr 101c fer Octobsr t02ofor 4oiwbsr It Ofc to iecsiuter and liu 4 i 0 lIt JanlistIl saleslJulXJ betas spota wsrs diulll mldfittg uplands Ii ItitiC Esclpti ot the pirts 2010 Laie-

sltlalNWiiet futures wet very active for speruiatinuu but at droispiog price glimsiig at an liuctoctsmli ste-ciitie silts K3414iuu tIusti ho 3 itt svutiter at icjgsiii for Say II Olw4tOItfur Juuis Ci uoilst me4fir J0l1 itorjiieIor Alsgust aled iIes551 farOctober Spot wheat was less setuve suit prices d-

ciinrd shanpiyt sates bruiSing so 2 ret In latorsuIrlJa No 3 do ito wi < ac ant whtit StatIiiOtadlat ldian corus ftiturse were also ictive ies-tunderasottiag moveelsuet which caused a dechlie Invalue stIes ite4uoc bash Mo a wiled at

J4lis I Vs ss5 ev sitwc SC la is aV Jaj a4 37p a Wso gs ac50 S o s asoPa a s seu s e4as4 4awe 5ea se4 gek ee as iw Uses005f e0JssI 50C UeieCa4 isO we00 5555 ea55eaw C e I so ac so-

e e es es a 4 so as so C

0 0e C ei 50 p Sea 55 C-

assC 5 So sisf VS 4 W 40Ce554 455S a e550 a 0 450 a-

CCC0im 0 5 SC see It 5 Se


C45sei 5045 055 5a0 C issot as e ta SC asso asa-

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my sad 4 5 9-

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llHrsnlutl fcl s 0epert as wetnr r lewi 1 ii Mfreb J-

Se Vvrttlinnne I 999 W mref rar55 Camdenl 4Ocit tint rfl estfli Aprs C4 Prsaweier Jenny l wesllsrt sd l 50535cc Liveriv l

It1551005 02

4xndlnseK fmm lew Tote ci IhI5nw-S 4 s na tm Mew Ynrk al 5Jieeoes5 rnn trAns See in tt llanmari-as Liif if StoVe from > e Yore al ljuesnsownS-

SILSP ram rimsiae COstsPs Balili Porn t7nern fwn for tsw Turk

XlliltlKtll-UIlOISKItin 4lll rtl H at the South Re-

nrinel ehurc hv the Sled itoilerl Terrr Ii li ai-elstel I p the Her HAIIUI iil Alexander II H Janmitlrahaine Oiinlllier In Uiir Hunting lest daugnler clVie late Hr Jstnen llvslip all of this rlty-

UOrth MAILout Un April is al Aetorla N Vlythis Itev II > C obi II I Jam > s M llurnf tstnrla N

L to II Msule daughter if the lale John C Mallory

liiMPROTtYSi II rrll tO at St Marys ChurchNo walk Turin Iliy Ike Lev John A Moinin U rtumervv of Uroukl > u to ratiule h Ljuch uf > urwa-

lkinrnANieeOn Airli I14 rhtrlotte wife rf John Angus

slId Itoh ii r of truiict t II ggs In her 7JJ year> lillerikl > er > lce lit hr llitl resMenr tOt Uvlngstcn-

St llru kl > n thIs el tuliig al 7 JO u clvik-InUrtnent 10o ittllurili I1H1 On Mondar April lIs Augusta beloved

wife nf Lol HIM liilllii llrr III IHie lUth J enr of iwo aterutieral from tier late r sldencr IM Mndsou sit Brookln nu riiurMay April in at I o clock P M-

HllUKYOii the Utli Itint Mary A lloury widow nt-Jusepli floury fvrtuerlv uf rlkltlini III leer Tlnll Iree-

rUlUlrtUt At Nencantle HesUheter toiuity s >

MItt II rlljiui 11 HroHer in his 73d > iruneral front hi Inle reel lent e to day At 1 cork 1


tarrlngrs pill ineit tnnnilnir train m thy New OursCity and Norlhvrn Hatlroad at stNinursI-

IOWB At Cstrliiitlt S V uu Monday April 13James Hows In tOo THth year

funrfal Hrvicis al Uiueuovlauu Thureday April 1-1atJuriuck I M

ILlUTr Thomas P Elliott eldest son of James andJoliunua Klllutl of Cachet Tlpperar Ireland In tho-ittth ear of his age

Relatives aol friendnf the famIly are reipectfully In-vited to attend this funeral front Ills let realdeuc-U1UIL SL koutli Uroukl > n 011 thursday April IB at9 90 oclock A Mt thence to Church uf SI Thoumj-Aqulnaa uth st and 0th av where a solemn renulemmass witS be celebrated for tue repose of lois soul thenceto Calvary L4nietery

To ties Maiisiaa or THl saw YoRk Torso Men s MoOAtS CATHOLIC HsnaioLaiiT ASSOCIATIOH Brotherst ioi-am hereliy notified to attend the funeral of our latebrother Thomaa r Klllott from the Church of stThomas vih st and Gui sv Brooklyn oo TnnridayApril 10 st ii 5 B1lTdt Fresidsot-

MJMURPIIY Rye iscHAMMOND On April U Ileleu wit of Surgeon

leneral William A Hammond V 8 Arm acid dauglilet of the late Michael Xeatiet of Philadelphia

KuuerM services at her late residence 4J u ret filth st-

todav at 11 it clock Interment private frluda arekindly reiiuusled tit tn sent flowers

IIAK8KN suddenly on Tuesday April U Williamllarsen In the 74d year of Ills age

Funeral fruni Ins Isle residence 73 Calrcr st Greenpoint on Thursday at a 05 i A M-

I1AIIVKY On Wediusday April IS ftl Ills late mldeuce 45 south Oxford st 13ruoklii tionus 11 liaryet In hula 8M year

IiAsEttts April It after a short Illness the belovedsot iif Margaret lIMes late uf Now York aired 15 yearn

friends lull relatives and clue those of Ins brotherlaw Martin Deiauey are respectfully Invited toattenltile utierul from iii sidencti of his mother 150 PrinkIm t llreeiipolnt on t rida the ITtli al 2 M P M

Interment in alvary CemeteryKI UKsuddenly on AScII II lUcliaei widow of Wil-

liam II Kirk aged 11 yearsFuneral sirvlies at her lithe home 100 Ollutoa av-

Sen ark N J tolay nt J oclock V VLMllAirlir to UirUtlaunu4uved wife of James

L > net aged M > ears 1lleUtlves and friends are respectfully Invited to attendher funeral front her late residence 410 East llth si onInlay morning at u 31 cluck thence to St HridgetsChurch Av H and r lh st a tiers i solemn requiem eecwill be uflured fur the reoso of br soul lUeiicv lo Cal-vary iemetery at 1 tOll Clock

OLKMKIHK his son resilience 309 Palrmonnt-iv Jersey ttty llelghta on April 13 John Olendorf

Funeral tolay al I clock f M at Hergeu UaptlsChurch on Mdiaon ar Jersev City heights

FAYIlus this city un April fcdnard 1ays Oathsof county Kent finrland ngeil 552 years

IAK AI fistertiiwn > V Aprim Elizabeth Paywidow of the late John Pay native of Keil Kngusiidaged U2 veare slid 0 inoiitha-

HAMUS Al Portchesler Weelchester county M Y-

on Monday April 13 18HA Mrs Hannah II Staled widowof Ellsha Sands In the e4lh year ot her age

Kuueral voivKes it her late rreidelice on ThursdayApril lit at 3 P M Carrlanes In ailing at depot on ar-rival of UV train frosts 4Jd st delot-

NANtoilliAi ilosheu N Y Wednesday April ISCapt NI U Hanford In his 711 year

Funeral sers ices from hits lato residence loshen NY Friday 17th tnnt at 1 oclock P M Truth leavefoot of Chamliera st al 9 A M

sIll A tVI111 Jersey Cit April 19 160 Illtsm Bbawaged 61 vears-

Rrlatlvea sod friends nf the family are Invited to at-

tend his funeral on Friday aftermon at 23 i echoeSfrom Nt Matlhewa 4hllrch huuiea st Jersey Llty

WlOtr lln Muudsy evening ASCII IJ JUrlou LeeInfant daughter of Hlchard ami Vnr 1 Mont

Funeral services from the ratlilvure of lint parentsFranklyn av Uloomrlrld N J today at HI VIA M-

NU1LU AN On lues Uy Timothy M ulllvan nativeof East Fsk parish of Kaunoue county Kerr > IrelandIn the Cilia yenr ur his Cite

lltflatlvis friend and the luemtere of the Iavont-aYclll luh are reiperlf ully Inv Hid toattend Itho funeralIfrom Hie residence of his mother 4il Pearl sL NewYork nn Thursday April lit at 1 mlI V sharn-

Tllllll Al lliilmanvlleN JApril U the Itev I sectToil Jester of the 1reL > lerian Llmrch lloluiin < llcageJH7-

ruiieial In the IresbylerUn Church Laltevvood NJon TliurcUy lOtli lust at II n M 1 ho Iresbj ttrvof vjoninouui are Invited to atteud without further notls

TIUtNOB Urll 15 Malhew Tralnor aged 73 yearsKeliittvesaiid frl tils are r citfullv Invited ta atletif

the funeral from the rennletice nf tile son 2 HI Spring stApril 17 at tt A M t thence lo SL Antliunjs Uhurcli-Hulllvan st-

TltotVHIIIDnEIn rramlngham Mais nn FridayApril to li orge A TrovvUluge funuerlv of thu cityaged di J years and 15 days