WA BANTU The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples A,u.thorlaed to pubU,b Go •• rumeDt NotleM .lIeellag Native Price 3d HeidJt'!!'Gd Il' tI.o.,al: __ _________________________ __ __ ____________ •. ________________ __ SUFFOLK REPLIES TO CITY DEEP Thrilling Echo Of Xmas Broadcast Mdingi's Voice Heard In Eastern Britain T HERE bllS been aD Interesting sequel, In tbe shape 01 a teUer Irom Ip,.tleb, lollowlng the broadcast,ddless by Mr, DavId V .0. Mdlngllrom the Cit, Deep Compound on Christmas Da, Mr. Mdlngl, addressed His Majlst, King George the Flrtb direotly from tbe cu, Deep Compound, Johannesborg, In tbe Doune 01 the I.mou. Christmas Dill broadcast In whlcb all the nations 01 tbe British Implre took parI. He was Ibe only .peaker wbose voloe--dlreoted Into the little millrophooe --was addressed direct to tbe King. He said: "We an grateful to you, 0 King," be said, .. aDd to your Empire ror hooour'og us as a people-thou wbo art great and mighty as tbe burnlDg ,uo, Ktog or tbe world aod Its high s&as. We, tby humble subjects, greet Ib.e aod 'by Empire. Ball Ibou Klog !" Tbeo tOfolog to tbe 8,000 NaUvea In tbe oompouad, be laid: .. Through tbls little tblnl your ,"olees "IU be beard tbroughout tbe world. Give to Ibe KIDg and his Empire the salale wblch Is glveo only 10 Klnl'," The IfaU", tben ealled oat three times" Ba,ete !" aDd tbe Chler ended wUh " 81ala kable- Remain in peaee. MDlNGI'S VOICE HEARD IN SUFFOLK N ow comes the ,equel. A leUer, deted December 1934-. and 8i@ued by Mr. C. W. Oeborne who worked on the City &; Suburbaa Mine eome thirty odd yeara ago, hal jUllt been received by Mr. Mdingi in the followinl!' terme: Newlands Tragedy ------ Fingo Labourer Before 1 The Court To . Postmark IpSWich. Suffolk. 11 p.m., ,'" D 1 "3' _ I ec., . . The Native who Broadcut the City Deep Compound 00 Ohrlst- meB Day. C/o Manager, City Deep G. M. Coy .• Johannesburg, South Africa. 70, Belle ,"ne Road, Ipswich. Suffolk, Eo@land. December :!7th, 1934. "De .. r Frieod,--I regret not being able to addreBl you by ynur proper Dllffie al I coold not quite hear it dietinctly on the wirelen 00 Chriet m .. a Day. bnt that dOe!. not What does matter to me la the feeling 01 pride when I heard you apaak in your Native tongue.. . "Little did I think lome thirty odd yean ago wben I at tbe City &: Suburban Oold Mloe that I Ihould be one day litting in the home of my childhood and liltening in to the voice of an African Native lend· ing a me88age of peace and goodwill across the ocean the aame 808 what yon did on Christm8011 Day. "A8 one who hee spellt ao many yearll among your people and who learnt to reepect them, i should like to take this opportuoity of con. gratulating you on yonr efforts for yont voice came through clear and distinct. It Wall to me 8 treat to once T HE murder at Newland. of rtfill Martha Hendrina Hurn 00 the night of September 8 laet year WI"" the eubject of a preperatory ex. amination of Ahraham Maoyamalala (21), a Fingo labourer, before Mr. C. E. Lugg in the Johannesburg Magistrate'a Court on TU6eday. Th) Court wae crowded, lome beiD@ unable to gaio admil. elon. Min Hurn's movemente on the night of the tragedy, and the die. covery of her body in a hole near Brown Street the next morn ins, were detailed by Doe witoeae, the laet bot one to lee her alive, identified her two daye later from a pbotograph in the .. Rand Daily Mail." Simon !Inntumeka, employed at tbe Rand Lea8es, reoalled a Saturday night in September when he attended a "tea party" given by a Nati ve woman. He arrived there about 7 p.m. and left after breakfalt the following day. Doriog that period he at no time left the party. Simon 8aid he knew Manysmalala well. He hsd 80180 been the party, /lad left about 9 p.m. ManyamaJala We.I wearing black trooeere and a brown bat. Tbe hearing wae adjourned uotil February 8. more hear a Native epeak in bia own Mr. W. MpuJampola, of lady Grey, language althongh leparated ao maoy haa left for tbe Cape e.fter viliting (OuntinuM in fHl'lt 2.) J friends in Joh8Doeaburg. I MR. D. Y. O. MOINGr. who, io the preaeoce of R,OOOAfricanl. made a direct broaucaat to Hi, Majesty King George on OhriitmIB Day, aod whOle menage "1.8 heard iu SuffOlk, England. eliciting a reply from Iplwicb which ia reproduced in thele colum08. Strange Family Staggering Extent Murder Feud Of Liquor Evil Death Sentence At Nairobi --- £59,698 In Fines In 1934 T HE law cioel not, and nt!ver baa, IN reeply te a queeetion in thee Honse ackno.\edged the right of one of ADlembly Capetown, 00 Tuelday, man to kill another-even when the General Smnte told that Houae that killer olaime the cuetom of the tribe. I 00 leBs than 0761 chargee hed been Thie question came to the fore last made io Rand con rte in oonnection week at Nairobi. when three white with the aale of illicit liquor, and that jndgea heard a strange story of a there had been 8683 oonviotioDI in family Murder tradition. 1934. The amount of finel paid "&8 The members of the family pleaded £69,698. thet they bsd conBt"otly murdered Thele Iteggering fignrta prove eaoh other. _\0 African and hia eilter conolo,ively tbe extent of the liquor "ere after e,idence had been heard, __ ;-:-__ :-.,...:-::-_ hoth eentenoed to death (or the = murder of a brother. who waa aeeaulted murder bim before be seleoted them with & Ipear and a billhook al he eat as his viotime. in hia houee one evening talking The judges refnsed to Intervene contentedly with hia wife. a@ainltthe death sentenCe. The brother and eieter cbaeed him, Mob law near Mombasa resulted in the Woman fioiehiog him off with the the death of a Nati,e burglar Ind billhook 0.11 he lay on the ground. serious injuries to two others, who were membera of fI gaog wbioh Family Murder Custom burgled an IndiaD etore in dllyli@ht. In the coutee of the heoring botb They threatened the J ndian oooupit'l' stated tbat it wos the custom of their and hi8 wife, and stole 0 hox ef family to murdl'r their brothers. Tbe money and several gold ornaDl('nta. woman said th8t her owo father had The noiee attraoted a !/,Irgri' crowd, who been mUlderI'd by hie brother. and oh8011ed the anailante. Ooe Wae 80 altogether five mem ber8 of tbe family seyerely manhandled that he died hsd been thue di8poeed of. Sinoe the Only one escaped. Sillce a ehntgnn deceaBed lometimel acted strangely, was uBed in the fight the police have the accuaed cODaidered It hetter to strengtheDed the patrole OD the COllt Oontinul!d in la6t column. area,

Thrilling Echo Of Xmas Broadcast

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Page 1: Thrilling Echo Of Xmas Broadcast


• The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples • A,u.thorlaed to pubU,b Go •• rumeDt NotleM .lIeellag Native •

• Price 3d HeidJt'!!'Gd Il' th~ tI.o.,al: __ V::o:l._:15:._N~o~._7~7~O~. _________________________ ~J~o~.~'~'~N~':,:.~uc,:o:,~'~O~T~" __ Jcc"-c'~=-"_'·C, __ l_"_"_'_.~ ____________ c,~ •. ~.~o:mM~_~'~'":C"~'C~:'=-________________ __

SUFFOLK REPLIES TO CITY DEEP Thrilling Echo Of Xmas Broadcast

Mdingi's Voice Heard In Eastern Britain

THERE bllS been aD Interesting sequel, In tbe shape 01 a teUer Irom Ip,.tleb, lollowlng the broadcast,ddless by Mr, DavId V .0. Mdlngllrom the Cit, Deep Compound on Christmas Da,

Mr. Mdlngl, addressed His Majlst, King George the Flrtb direotly from tbe cu, Deep Compound, Johannesborg, In tbe Doune 01 the I.mou. Christmas Dill broadcast In whlcb all the nations 01 tbe British Implre took parI.

He was Ibe only .peaker wbose voloe--dlreoted Into the little millrophooe --was addressed direct to tbe King. He said:

"We an grateful to you, 0 King," be said, .. aDd to your Empire ror hooour'og us as a people-thou wbo art great and mighty as tbe burnlDg ,uo, Ktog or tbe world aod Its high s&as. We, tby humble subjects, greet Ib.e aod 'by Empire. Ball Ibou Klog !"

Tbeo tOfolog to tbe 8,000 NaUvea In tbe oompouad, be laid: .. Through tbls little tblnl your ,"olees "IU be beard tbroughout tbe world. Give to Ibe KIDg and his Empire the salale wblch Is glveo only 10 Klnl'," The IfaU", tben ealled oat three times" Ba,ete !" aDd tbe Chler ended wUh " 81ala kable­Remain in peaee.


Now comes the ,equel. A leUer, deted December ~7. 1934-. and

8i@ued by Mr. C. W. Oeborne who worked on the City &; Suburbaa Mine eome thirty odd yeara ago, hal jUllt been received by Mr. Mdingi in the followinl!' terme:

Newlands Tragedy ------

Fingo Labourer Before 1

The Court


. Postmark

IpSWich. Suffolk.

11 p.m., ,'" D 1 "3' _ I ec., . .

The Native who Broadcut fr~m the City Deep Compound 00 Ohrlst­meB Day. C/o Manager, City Deep G. M. Coy .• Johannesburg, South Africa.

70, Belle ,"ne Road, Ipswich. Suffolk,

Eo@land. December :!7th, 1934.

"De .. r Frieod,--I regret not being able to addreBl you by ynur proper Dllffie al I coold not quite hear it dietinctly on the wirelen 00 Chriet m .. a Day. bnt that dOe!. not mat~er. What does matter to me la the feeling 01 pride when I heard you apaak in your Native tongue.. .

"Little did I think lome thirty odd yean ago wben I wor~ed at tbe City &: Suburban Oold Mloe that I Ihould be one day litting in the home of my childhood and liltening in to the voice of an African Native lend· ing a me88age of peace and goodwill across the ocean the aame 808 what yon did on Christm8011 Day.

"A8 one who hee spellt ao many yearll among your people and who learnt to reepect them, i should like to take this opportuoity of con. gratulating you on yonr efforts for yont voice came through clear and distinct. It Wall to me 8 treat to once

THE murder at Newland. of rtfill Martha Hendrina Hurn 00 the

night of September 8 laet year WI"" the eubject of a preperatory ex. amination of Ahraham Maoyamalala (21), a Fingo labourer, before Mr. C. E. Lugg in the Johannesburg Magistrate'a Court on TU6eday.

Th) Court wae crowded, lome ~eople beiD@ unable to gaio admil. elon.

Min Hurn's movemente on the night of the tragedy, and the die. covery of her body in a hole near Brown Street the next morn ins, were detailed by wi~n'eee.. Doe witoeae, the laet bot one to lee her alive, identified her two daye later from a pbotograph in the .. Rand Daily Mail."

Simon !Inntumeka, employed at tbe Rand Lea8es, reoalled a Saturday night in September when he attended a "tea party" given by a Nati ve woman. He arrived there about 7 p.m. and left after breakfalt the following day. Doriog that period he at no time left the party.

Simon 8aid he knew Manysmalala well. He hsd 80180 been ~t the party, /lad left about 9 p.m. ManyamaJala We.I wearing black trooeere and a brown bat.

Tbe hearing wae adjourned uotil February 8.

• more hear a Native epeak in bia own Mr. W. MpuJampola, of lady Grey, language althongh leparated ao maoy haa left for tbe Cape e.fter viliting

(OuntinuM in fHl'lt 2.) J friends in Joh8Doeaburg.

I •

MR. D. Y. O. MOINGr. who, io the preaeoce of R,OOOAfricanl. made a direct broaucaat to Hi, Majesty King George on OhriitmIB Day, aod whOle menage "1.8 heard iu SuffOlk, England. eliciting a reply from Iplwicb which ia reproduced in thele colum08.

-.~~~~~~~~~==-----=--------Strange Family Staggering Extent Murder Feud Of Liquor Evil

Death Sentence At Nairobi

---£59,698 In Fines

In 1934 THE law cioel not, and nt!ver baa, IN reeply te a queeetion in thee Honse

ackno.\edged the right of one of ADlembly Capetown, 00 Tuelday, man to kill another-even when the General Smnte told that Houae that killer olaime the cuetom of the tribe. I 00 leBs than 0761 chargee hed been Thie question came to the fore last made io Rand conrte in oonnection week at Nairobi. when three white with the aale of illicit liquor, and that jndgea heard a strange story of a there had been 8683 oonviotioDI in family Murder tradition. 1934. The amount of finel paid "&8

The members of the family pleaded £69,698. thet they bsd conBt"otly murdered Thele Iteggering fignrta prove eaoh other. _\0 African and hia eilter conolo,ively tbe extent of the liquor "ere after e,idence had been heard, ecVci~l~o=n_t~h='~R~':O:;d:. __ ;-:-__ :-.,...:-::-_ hoth eentenoed to death (or the = murder of a brother. who waa aeeaulted murder bim before be seleoted them with & Ipear and a billhook al he eat as his viotime. in hia houee one evening talking The judges refnsed to Intervene contentedly with hia wife. a@ainltthe death sentenCe.

The brother and eieter cbaeed him, Mob law near Mombasa resulted in the Woman fioiehiog him off with the the death of a Nati,e burglar Ind billhook 0.11 he lay on the ground. serious injuries to two others, who

were membera of fI gaog wbioh Family Murder Custom burgled an IndiaD etore in dllyli@ht.

In the coutee of the heoring botb They threatened the J ndian oooupit'l' stated tbat it wos the custom of their and hi8 wife, and stole 0 hox ef family to murdl'r their brothers. Tbe money and several gold ornaDl('nta. woman said th8t her owo father had The noiee attraoted a !/,Irgri' crowd, who been mUlderI'd by hie brother. and oh8011ed the anailante. Ooe Wae 80 altogether five mem ber8 of tbe family seyerely manhandled that he died • hsd been thue di8poeed of. Sinoe the Only one escaped. Sillce a ehntgnn deceaBed lometimel acted strangely, was uBed in the fight the police have the accuaed cODaidered It hetter to strengtheDed the patrole OD the COllt

Oontinul!d in la6t column. area,

Page 2: Thrilling Echo Of Xmas Broadcast



All CMI(7)!.mlullofll 10 h IlIidrUMld ta:

Btl8111M8 IiLl.llAOUl,

P.O. Bo!: .:;Z:;,

deal of the responsibility for \ the crime lie. with the un- Umtetell' 's known white men who Bell Prize Winning

Essay OIlI! YUI'

81l< Moothll

n- MOIl.hI

J OlU.1l'llllnt11Ul.


'I' "-

'(!!mttleli wa ~antu

261b JANUARY 1935.


IN the House of Assembly last Taesdsy Genera.l

Smuts, the Mioister of Justice, told Mr. F. J. Roberts that 134 shabeens were known to exist a.long the Reef--'-"3. figure waich is a.pp.lllingly high. Tb.e Minister sdded that these shebeEms were controlled in 61 <H.sea by Europeans, ia 56 by Syrians, snd in 17 by Coloured people. No less than 8 .. 683 OOQviotioQS ha.d been obtuned in reapect of liquor selling. and ~59,69S had been co~lected in fiaes .. "Every pOSSible atep b.as been hken by the Plllioe aad iJI still being take [I by this Dap90rtment to stamp o.u~ the evil," added the MlDlster. "The figurel qaoted fully sup­port the oontention. that the polioe a.re very actively en­gaged in stamping out the evil. "

Wha.t however, strike9 us here ia the fact that the liquor evil is growing rather t~an deoreasing: oar do we denve the ae.tisfaction from a ~tudy of the fig ares that 8e~~9 to have p09seBged the ~1tDlster, who was pleased to think t~at the evil waS being fought With all the strength of the Dapart­ment conoerned. What fiUs us with disgust is the knowledge that the liquor brewed by these dealers is semi· poisonous and is still being consumed in euoh vast quantities-the gal­lonage most be enormous -by the many Afrioans who sre pouring into the Rand. The elIect 00 the health of the oonsumers must be seriously adverse sod must tend to shorten their lives: moreover, the oonduct of these patroDs of the .. liquor queens" has been badly affected and orimes have been committed whioh have sometimes shocked the nation.

There are m.ny i08taDc68 in roof of the effec t of this

~rink on at.nd.rda of conduct. ~ good many years ago ~ murder w" . p6rpe~&ted at Brirlon by ~IX Af~lcao~, and the Coroner 10 pUSlDg hn verdict drew attE'~tion to tht' fact that the pns0!lers h.d b&f'n drunk at the time. .. I , I" he aaid ··that & great I.\~e • '

drink that is three-parte POiSOD to the 'Working Na.tiv6S of the Rand:' It would probably not be exaggerating me.ttera to suggest that more tha.n ha.1f the serious Africa.n crime, may be laid at the door of the keepers of shebeene. A witness b&8 mentioned that on the night of the NewlandB murder in September a. number of drunken Africans were out on the road where the crime was committed. It cannot be emphasized too often tha.t crimea such as this only inten­sify race bitterness and pull down effectively much of the public-spirited work which is being directed to'#ards the improvement of race relations. Without for a moment com­menting on the question as to whether the African should have alcohol or not. we do most emphatically contend that he must not be poisoned by the she been keepers, robbed by these people, and converted into an uncontrolled and un­ooo.trollable menace to the commnnity. Without the drink poison there would be very few week-end stabbing &9saults. The African com­munity would find itself better off and in better health. The tone of Afrioa-n urban life would improve.

On the broad question of drink ibelf. and wbethe'r the Afrioan should have it, it iii astonishing how the world is gradually moving towards the entire elimination of alcohol. The nature cure health move· ments throughout the globe and particularly in the United States, condemn aloohol and keep it out of their dietaries. Alcohol is a menace in the long run aad the Natives are reoognising this to an ever­inoreasing extent. 'Vbile not maintaining a fsnatioal out­look on this matter, we suggest that nothing like enougb is being done to stsmp out ~he poison-brewers who are rOln­ing AfriollD Ih-es snd homes on the Rand.

We suggest that the law should be invoked to deport any men or women convioted of running shabeens or sellmg liquor illioiUy. Those who cannot be deported should be sent to labour farms.

In this way the evil might be stamped oot. We hope that intensified efforts will be mad& to put an end to what is nothing less than a public scandaL If soch efforts are not made, the continuance of the evilil complained of will rest a" & standing reprosch to the Union.

• Following are Fort Rare Cepe

.utricolatioD auet-elle. 0 ... n.-I. C. GodIr.y, A. P.

eo"f!odl!r, W. L. 10jo, O. L. Kak.a.oa. o A. "aD dn Ro •.

Cia .. Ilt.-S. HOnODO. D S. Mall, P. P. Su,llula aDd W. D. S .... o.


'Why I Prefer Tea To Strong Drinks

(By FoB.·Uscu£ MA.KJDTLA..)

THE following jllOior prize·euay wall judged fint out of 561 entriea

received from all OVer the Union. It will be agreed th.t it ill a partioularly praiseworthy etiort by an African writer. We oongratnlate him 00 hit succeee-Editor, Umteteli.]

New Machavie Mine Consideration

Africans --


ON tbe property of the New Machavie Gold Mining Co., Ltd., whiob i.

on tbe farm Eleazar. fifteen milea Welt

of Potche19troom. the housing of the Africao mine·worker~' bae bl!I!D well thoogbt out. "Tbe South African Mining Jouroal " atatta th.t tbia new hou8ing at Machavie ia a feature. , A SOUND mind in a healthy body, Sanitary arrangemenh are up.to.date

ie what great men regard .e tbe and inolude water-bome eewerage. greateet wealth.' Tbe acoommodation, statee "The

It ba.e been found by long experience Mining Jonrnal," illciudl'8 married that tea if made and used properly ie q uartera for '.he A!ri~an •. one of the belt beveragel. In the In tb~ African. 'Iogle quarten a&. firlt plaoe it aote Itol. etimul.nt to a Macbavle the pilton adopted by tbe tired body. An old man after a very I management ~a8 been n,~t to follow hard day'e work will feel quite \ the. uanal banach ~,pe of refreehed a.fter taking a oup of tea. com~uod but to place -p~rlle. of the Balidea, tea in ita pureet form men 10 eeparate and luflioltntly la~8e contai08 no alcohol or any other drug quartere, n~ euch p~~~y n.umi?:moR "hioh may be daagerooa to the body. more th.n eight for a houelng.

Looking at the queation from tbe economio point of vie,., we find that the price 01 tea ie very loW' compared. with that of alooholio drinks.

• Warthog's Fierce

Attack-African Girl Killed

In Pit· Trap

Farther, one hae to be very prudeot and atrong willed in ueing .looholio drinka, 10 1.1 to be able to oontrol himaeH. Bllt unfortunately, very few people have .trong wille, 10 that, thoae who become babitual heary drinkera abuae thetDllllvetl .. ith the reeult that they degenerate morally, A pby.icany .od economioally.

TERRIBLE .tory come. Irom N.irobi. A warthog, it aeem.,

h.d been c.ught in a.n elephant pit nea.r Ndale, Toro, Uganda. The oew, epread through the neighbooring village', and a big orowd ('ollected at. the top of the pi~ whioh Wae oovued with branche. and gr.... A yoootl Alden girl peering througb, .lip~ aod lell almolt 00 top of the frantlo hog. It ripped her body to pie-fl' wit.h itA toelu belore the horrified oolooke" coold take .tepa I:<l fOeooo her.

Not only are aloobolio drinke a dlmger to the penon who uee8 tbem, bu~ to thOle .round him too; thl. applies elpeoi.lly to thOle who have familiee. Imagine a father who indulge. in alooholio drink,a, hie wife .Dd childreu .re alway in mi.ery, becauae their father doee Dot care very mooh for tbam. It il well known, that ohildren are alw.,. inolined to copy tho.e who are older than they are, eepeola.lly their parent •• So that if a fatber or a mother ie a drunkard tbe children will allo be drDokuda, or .. III do un.baehed tbe repoleive thingl which adrunken man doe!, and dronkennell .-i11 become

• Suffolk Replies To

City Deep (Continued/rom pagt I)

.0. inherited qUllity io the family Time and ag .. 1o people procore medioinel which oonte.io • certain amollot of alcohol, which il .dded to mileo. apart. by the doctore to help ~be man i? hi. "I hope all the HOOO boy. io tbe liokne... Bot if one II a habltoal Cnmpono.d eojoyed tbemlel'i'fII aod 1 drinker of alcoholica tbe medicine caD wi.b yon.1l well in tbe comio« y~r. hue no OOoe6clal effect. on bim, be· 'H,tj Gbali. J hope I bave .ptl~ cln,e hie eystem i. DIed to the drug. it correctly.

Many home. are orten wrecked, I remaio, Yourl Trill" through the father or the mot,her (~gd) C. W. OSBOVi&." beioq: a drunkard; and their poor 10. woo.dedol fa.bion Mr. Mdioll·. children are brought up onder 00 voice went out ail over tbe world, aad puentaloare, and. thil ie very de· wa. beard not ani,. by Ha M.julY. 'rimental to 'he children.. ; 'he King, bot by mn,. million. (f bla

On tbe other hand an habitual tea I aobje-ctl ioclodiog the .. "i.er of tbtl drinker doea no' lotier from any of ~tter tbat we h ..... print.«l Iro. the di •• dvaotagel of aloobol. He haa Soffolk. a lonod miod 10 a healthy body, tea. ============== doe. not tempt him to abuee, aud if ...; he reqmrea medicine that contaio. UNIQUE POSTCARD OFFERS­,k,h,' it f.IB', t, him tho do,igo.d • etiect.

Hi. home i. happy, hili afta.in are proaperooa, and hia e:bildren .. ell traiuM, and olc.ly brought up.

Thoa it will be INn from ih. abo,.. why it is that. I pufer tel to .trool drin"l .

0) po.turd eDlarttm8Dt. from Joor chONn nP!!:'" tin" 3d. elo:-h, minimum tl~.

(11 Yo" .pool d8'V8Joped, aDd pMtcard eolarA'fl­mc,u made from eo.,'h DI',nti-re iaalead 01 amall

TO CORRI.5POIDEITS prlnw. Prw. 001, :r··

H D TY.ULZASKE.-We are in· All .. ark a~t. pi .. ~. poat.(._ • .&it'tttiog ioqoiriel ",~08 the) Expt'tt .. orm •• hip-

eoDdoe .. of tbe police ia the matt.C!R ':omplaiaed of io yoar letter. Sone. C, Boa Of, C .... T'11fS.

Page 3: Thrilling Echo Of Xmas Broadcast
Page 4: Thrilling Echo Of Xmas Broadcast


For Our Women Readers A Popular Wedding Matatiete Wedding

Cape Town Tidings Bi.bop of Wincb •• ler's Vi.it


NGO:U~L.\ "'e In JIt.OQary. 1\13J, Iltllly.e ago nyana wetu. omnd.

oane 0 v.,we-oth.1 L .. ngalib.lele e H~rtcbot. Ubudala 1 year" montb,. (tlhlob) elile Kepa, Rautioi, Bbai mlt-aoeli,we ngu lombiko.

-- ( By A. S. YIL·NIWlIIO)

OIdjobn •• Gwabini THE m&rriage took pllloCe at the Methodist Chafch. Metatiele. on

9th JlIoI1lJafY, of Mr. Reginald N. Cingo, B.A., loa of the late Mr. W. D. t..:lngo and Mre. Ciago of E!Ilfandi·

A FINE Sonday wal .psn' at Langa LOl'atioQ. The Biebop of Win·

chet\er addrellled Afric.o relideole of the Location in tho!! ne .. Churcll (St.. Cyprian'I). Tho 8iebop of Wio· cheater il in Slut.h Afric. to reprcaetlt the Arohbilhop of Caoterbary at the oeotetlary oelebratiOD' of St. George'. Cathedral, C.pe Town.

M OGH iaterett wall Ihowo in the weddiog .. hich "all IJlemoieed in

the Met.h,di5t. Cllurch, y.fekiog, 00 illth J''1'lVY b,tw&lo Min Miriam Mt.IDS'l ONJbioi elde8~ daughter of Mr. and Mra. J.'Owabiol, of K.olkoi, Mafekiog, aDd ~f. Edward Oldjoho, eldelt. eoo 01 &it. and ~lrl. K. B. 01djohn, of Zeerust. Both par$iee are member. of fami!i81 .. ell k:noWD ill looial amd .portiog circlee of Mafekia@:.

Rev. J. J. Mohan Wdol lobe olfi~i .. tio.g minilter at tbe Oar&;800Y, wbile Mr. A. Sboroaae acted all beltmao. Mr. .Joel O"ablol, {",ther of the brida, gave her away.

The bride "ore a frock 01 he.vy .. hite latin baaote, out 00. alimming lion with traio and tuUe veil. A Ibo';et biluqoet of w~it.e c'~nltionl aod pink lilial, .nd 811vef kld .hoN completed tbe outfit.

Min S. Ow"bini, the bride'. eiiter aud cbief bridelmaid, wore. d!lointy frook wbite Iriah laoa, with lilver kid .bo,,' and diamaute beaddtell. Mise Oertrode Twenty looked cb.rmi.og io .. beautiful g:>wo of .. bit;.e lace .nd gnrgeHII .nd a B .Ilibuntal .tr.1It" bat.

Tbe receptioo, which .~I ~eld at the bride'. reeidaaoe at KOlkol, wa~ a t",hfully arranged and happy alhir, Ind a I.rgl number of frieadt .ttend· ed, amocglt .. hom being: Mr. aod llr •. J. Gwabini, '\{rl. M)la".,. Mr. .nd Mu. M. B. Oldjobo, IdIMel Sboroaoe, I ... ind. Oldiohn, SUlan Mothuli, Zondane, Re". J. J. Mllhau, Chief Tiego, Mr .• nd Mu. Zoodane, Mr. and Mr •. Tyamzalhl, 'Ik aod Mr •. 81.003 .. aoe, Mudamel Plhkehla, Q1iV.bini; MIIiH F. P. M llboelhoe. Modimagale •. G. P. Mo.hililboe, )L Louw B. L. taloehoelboe, E. M. MOlh~el.; Melara Alfred Oape. Bennett Motbuli, J. M,kg"., G. acd J. M lthuli, H MII~I". A Mobau, Tamenti G M'lO.l., W Tlamnlhe, Leteaoe,' A. K. Mooki, C. 8. \l"ntlhio~ Ollrporal Plh.adonda, E. MOlhol'l, Mopali, J. Ot.hel~ng. While the rll~iltlr IfU belog IIgold, Mr. 8. H. loll~II'l81 .'ld hll friends nflg .,ery acclptably. ·H. M. ---

Late Mrs. Nduna

• "eni, and Mies Mabel M. T. Mayeu., liope"eli Farm, Matatiele. The Rev. A. W. Cragg offici.ted, &aailted by &ev. Moety"a of M.tatiele. Daring tbe ligoiog of the regilklt the hymn "The Voice that breathed o'er Eden" .. a. readered u a 1010 by Mr. E. C. K. M.jombozi (nephew of the bride), acoompani&d on the org.n by Mill L. B. Cragg. The lervice conol\lded with the playiog of tbe "Wedding M.rch."

The bridll, who wa. given a ... y in marriage by her unole, &:Ir. H.J .Mayet.a, ""re a gown of white crepe-de obeoe with train, a .i/vet coa~ee, wre.th attached 00 .i1ver cap, veil embroid· ered in eilver, and silver ahoes to tooe. She carried a banquet of piok and .. bite oarllatione. She .... at.­tended by fonr oharming brideem.id., Mltee. L. B. Ctagg, M. N. Piliao{nieoo of tbe bride). Mzozoyana aod Damane (coulios of the bridegroom). Tiley .. are dreales of pale pink georgette .nd leghorn hat. to matoh. They oarried .ho .. er bonqoete of white liliM tied with pio.k .od .. hite ribbona. The bridegroom'e gifts to the bridee· maid. were beade. There .. ere four Bower girll nd two oourt traio girll io loog .. hite c,·epe·de·cheoe drellee. They .. are .. hite oapl "ith pink rOlea ao.d .. hih .h08l. Theycattied balkete with red aad white dahliae. The page boy wallo "bIte latio.

Mr. A. K. Mayer-a, B.A. (oooein of the bride), Mr. E'pin Majombozi (oephewof the bride), and Mllin S. M. Tlhapane and J. B. Mabote, both of Kroonet.ad, were b8fltmeo.

From the church the weddiDg party motored to T.yler'. Hall, whloh wal blaatifully deoorated. Here light reo fr8flhmente .. ere taken. In the evening a well attended reeeption wallo given, Pllr. H. D. PiIi.o in the ohair •• nd there wa. a coooatt .od daDGB. The Iod.leoi High School .tudeote g.ve a drill dieplay, and there was also very good lingiog. The Rev. H. W. Cr.gg pro pOled the toalt of the Bride .nd Bridegroom in a happy Ipeech, .od be wae leoooded by hit daoghtt-r, Mill L. B. Cragg. wbo later gave. malt bumoroUI r&Oitatioo. M.r. R. Cingo. bridegroom, replied 00 behalf of the bride and himlelf. There were fifty·

-- live telegraml from well .. ilhe,., and

DEEP IlUOW apr.a,1 over U "m\$.ton t.beae were read by Mr. H. B Pili.o. L)('\tioo on M.·)o,by eveolog, A d~nce follo .. ed. to the mOlie of the

11th JIlOU'lt"Y, .. hea It .... (mo .. n Rontio Jal.l. Band. that Mr., N.llJolI., only two dlY. after The hooeymooo .... .peot .t tbt'o l"ath of ber little child, b.d al.o Dr. Moroka'. relidellce, Thaba 'Nebu, paued ••• ,. "ra. N..Juoa .. ho with the journey beio~ mad,. by motor. b~r hUib,"tl tau~bt at the St. J.me.'~. The bride travelled io. fZrey crepe­ClloNb achool, had an ,,: .. umlD~ d.ebiof', .. ith a grey IIwagll:.' ccat, hut very du.rminll: perlOoaltty, .• nd glonl in grey. grey b.t .od grty III ooe c\me to know ber, uoe r..,.i1ted luede Ihef'" tbeetlllngth of her gl\otleoe ... thl!' fine- I ~ • •. 11." of h~r IIrl!'Ofl chu.dl!'r !'Ib ... ae l\' aZA ELISOE!'lA !-:GOZf c:-otre of tbe Wayfare.r WO"eml!'ot. ABAZALIKAZ[ babaot .... na .banei· then. hU"iog b<tc<lme lot~re.t.to:d 10 Inane akufuoekl ukoba b.taoda· WaTlarioll troo Ylara .go With ~h .. C. bUM ukobaoik. r,e.n lika Cb.mber. Ilaiper, .t. Mooder BtlI!', .,",onllooia& \ato 10 Koblokobl~. Ahll;a .. o ('.my. fr.:am 1927 to 193:! a~ st.aodertoc. no bhoqo o.UnClnaoe hog. nlk ... Wben Mra. Nddn. came to Oermi.ton kwict.eaoa ngokot08ojw. okaoj.ogoko ([)et ... ·hmeot No. 17) the q.olc~1 linik ... kon. ll;amotu omkolu. Iyua imhued the m01"eIDent .. ith vltallty lIu Chamberlain 10 Kboblokhoblo

Colllill"ed '" auf col .. " IiIQ.an.IDp~a ahlobo I~khoblokboblo IiIUlGI. mlloy.ae. Liwagi .... ~ IOnke i Kam!11 aenakil •.

Seabanks Pharmacy, P.O. Bo. 88, D.rb, •.


8bala UNtI. ipepe. u<miti J1!tu


The Arohbilbop of C.pe Town, Dr. Phelp!, alao apoke, .1 .. ell 18 Re1". J. Cal.tll, of Cradock, .. ho replied 00 beh.lf of the reaident,. Tea wal ,erved at the Native paator'l reli· deoce. Amoog3t thOle prellent at tbe meeting beiog Hia Or.oe tbe Arch· bilbop of Cape Towo, Hie Lordlbip tile Bi.hop of Wioob.ter, F.ther BuU, Fatber Savage, Rev. J. Ce.lata, Manu Mbizela, Ndlebe, S. Stgwao., Mdzukuma, Kek.oa, J. R. Rilothebe, W. Stuorman, Jamel Ngojo (vice. Prllideot C.pe Coogreee).

Mre. Riclllrd Radebe ia au .. vilit here; aod Mra. Magaba is bere with her European employere.

Mi .. Ndimaode, of M.ritzbnrg, who wa. a member of the CaluEI!o Donble Quarte~te th.t .. eat overaeal, il .tay· ing with Mt. Ndim.ode, one of tbe chief .tewardl of the Bethal A.M E. Church.

Tbe Zolu natioo wal wtll reprel8llt­ed at the Coonl aar.olnl Sho... A troupe .tyling themaelve. "Zulul" reflected the gr.atoe .. of thil people.

S. B. Ny ZT ,u,iar). Meth. IIliea. Seh.,

Fourte("n Stre.ml.


A RE141TTANCE of" b .. beeu fec~i1"ed 'rolU a oorrupoodeu'

.. hOle e.ddrtll i~ given AI P.O Rlmo. hgopal. "l'ie. Z"ekm,kaar. Nortbero Tran.vaal. but the "'ritf'f omit-ted to foraith hil name. \Viii the al!'nder kindly 0 )mmao.ioate tbl Of'N!!U'1 plI.fticol u l to the Publi,heu, Box 45::!5, Johannllbufg.


MQUDULI.-To loviog mtmory o( our belo"\""ed d.ughter, Nom ..

NOIDt.luogllo, .bo p.ned aw.y peace­fully on the 20th Jaou.ry, 11134, al Pimville.

"S"eet .re the thoughh that lavoor of oooteot,

Thl qoiet mind il richer th.o a crown."

Ever remeIDbarad by hf'r f.ther aod mother

'&'008 11lQNITY 10 YO(;I\ tOItR •• Ptl~lJllII:O'

ij Shik'ts Croll"y CamLri<1 1'.,1 Piper aDd oDe .Eflv.,lopot ClIO be po.t.e<llor Id.

POLE LA INSTITUTION The s.. ho,)1 for Aftieaa Gi,I •• nd Bo,. (a Upper SataL



Standards V aDd VI ts THE nnERMEDIA1£ SCHOOL.

FEES: £6 0 0 PER ANNUM. Apr; to-

Tbe Principal, Polela InstitutioD,

Bnlwer, Natal.

Page 5: Thrilling Echo Of Xmas Broadcast
Page 6: Thrilling Echo Of Xmas Broadcast


"Worms In Sbeep And Cattle" to take "ep. to eradicate the •• te­Inail. Salt and lim. lore effective, but .. lolutloo of blue,tooe (ooe in

Hewu News millico) i, perh.pI the be.t of .11. DR0!l0~T al.ill prevail. io tbl'

Useful Book o.ed "io thl. proportion, it .. m not district, and the mellie crop. have aoy iII·effeot. on either plant, have now f.ded in colonr. Colman-Keen's

----,;::---- or .tock. A young mao from Cathcart. ll. Srock Ihoold DOt be allowed to charged with abdodiog .. youog girl

Tlpe Worm condition. AoOC!mia it cert.in to grau in moi.t pl.ca, ... bil ... lick of of 18, ••• brought before the Magit.

A VERY commoo clu.e of lOll or lollow. .all., booemul and blueetooe iI excel· tr.t. at Whittleee_, 00 8th Jaouar, poor eooditioD in . beep i, tbt U the _took i. grated io dry p .. t'llre. lent in the prevention of a epread of and wu convicted Ind lined £5 or ODe

Tape Worm, It i. I white worm, long there i, little danger of infectioo bnt' the condition. deecribed, Once the month'. impri,oomen~. aDd Bit in 'hape. Segments of tbl' '1 in the caee of wireworme, ~oi.t animlll have Ihown the pret!leooe of With regret we anOOonce the del". living worm brllk off from time t( ",ouo~ il a prolifio breediog groond liVer Boker however, they Ihould be of Mr. Ngemoto Mlrepula of Upper time and are paned oat in the exoreta, lor thta peet. The Ilrval thrive in the I ~"'d with Mnetard Ind Bloeetone La~lang'llbo, who p.lled away at hie being vieible to the nlked eye. dlmp lOil oear dam., eto. Dreooh, in tbe lame manner al rBlldence on 9th Jaouary.

Tape WOfm io,..riably clO181 uoder. Ooce aheep are infeoted they wireworm. Ard~all afk)r Chrietmn holidaYI lized eheep. It attack! lam be at .. n be giveo the lame treatment at The liver Bnke ie Het, and ':'?;::~;IE'i: Mila Maud Scina from Edwell early .tlge of their growth, but ita lorihed lor wire and tape It. i. in the 'hape 'a . Enock Si.hob, from Btellenboech' cause i. not known, The ~orme are about an inch GrIce Si'huba and Amell~

Regullr dOliog i. a etandard remedy pinky. red in colour, aDd tbickilh. (To be c01l.finuM). from Fort Malan.

tho eheep beiog treated in the eame Lung Worm _-;:~:;;;:-;::-:;-;;:::::I :~~~E to check loil ero.ion are being maoner ae for nodulat and wire worm. at Lower Lahlangnbo Location

A much larser, thou,b not neeea. M· MO. · ( , •• ".... t.. ( u. In thil inltance, too, the III. ;wloa, a e c .rge 0 mullin. John lamba ehoold be removed =j) r larily more pe~nicion. 'Worm, i. the bal II a lady olerk S~0.8ana, R. T. Mabeee and Barnahll Crom the ewe. at ni,bt, U Lung Worm (Didyocaulu.t). Sheep Zlnl (foreman) ; and the con.t,oction

are infeeted only i. plaoee 'Where M,·.., .( d ( (. . doeed early next morning ao orrow. or Irrigation il and allowed to ,,'urn to there it damp ground, and if ted teacherat continued at Kamaatone LlCa.

eheep are '"'&zed in dry ... Lurel D t d ,.. ( B the ewel two hoon later. c· epAr oree UD er e c arge 0 en Njenjeli there i, no fear of infeotion. Blatl Sithuba and

The tape worm. will be Luckily. tbe lon, w.'m i •••• ". (K· d d . t. ( " or UDberJey .

pane urlOg e 0 ow· lived and, provided that the =;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; iog night and the eeoond etock ie in good condition, tbe • day. infection e.n be .babn off

Bankrupt Worm Banlauf>t quickly. Tbere i. no known life A common mi"ake ia to Worm remedy apart from keeping the

c onfuae tbe Triclao&tro"NJylv. .,. or Bank· eheep in good coodition. rapt Worm, with the Nodular Worm. The long worm ilaboot 3incbee AotuaUy, they differ greatly in eit.8, in length, wbite in colonr, and Ltw& the bankrupt worm being extremely livel in the air p .... gee of the Worro eman and not vi.ible to the naked lnnge. eye. It IivlI in tbe firat part of the Lit'er Fluke emaIl inteBtine of eheep, and 1110 in other tumin.nh, giving muoh trouble by 8uoking blood aod barming the mocou. membr.ne of the inteetioe.

Sheep infected with Bankropt Worm may be treated io the aame manoer .. for "ire worm, i.e., with a MUlh.rd and Blolltone Drencb. Thil il aleo 1& preventive meaeore, eince tbe bankropt worm i. not generany found in Ibeep onlea. the way hae beeo prepared by other worme, euch at the "ire.orm. If eheep are doeed ngn· I'rly to free them from wireworm, and fed oorrectly and .ufficiently, the ba.nkrnpt worm will he automatically checked.

Book Worm Aoother blood .• ooking

worm i. the Hook Worm, there being t.o .pecie ..... BUnD8/omum and Gaiguia. The.e b .. ve theit habitation --='" in the .mall inte.tine of tbe

- eheep and euck a great deal \ H ook of blood, leaving wound.

Wonn. which continoe to bleed even after the departore of the canee. Sheep infected with tbe hook worm are invariably found to be droplioal, and are generally ;n aO extremely poor


'Water enaill prove excelleDt "incubaton It for the development of the Liver Finke (Fp:iora hepatica and F. gigcsntic4).

The liver floke ha. itt beiDg in the I

bite·ducte of the liver of .heep aDd cattle, laying myriade of egga, which .. re .. beorbed by the int8ltine together with tbe bile. Tbey eventoally pa .. out with the faecee.

Provioiog the egg. are d~:1 moist placee, they hatch ~t develop if they are able ocoopation of a wateraQail. the yoong worlOll moUiply ing rapidity in the anail, tn.lly evacuate thele further their

on plant. and water. Their et.ook ie dace. a together general poornele. Iheep eo infeoted die in large nnmbere

Live~ immediate etep. are ,Fluke. rectify t.he trouble. Since the Jiver floke caonot reach

ita foil development nnlele i·, ti""~bit'l the water Inail, the obvioul remedy ie




raaDiDI; lUILer work, which iDcludes the ma~iDg of sboes Saddles, Hlmellu, etc. ; Blacksmithinl IDd WagoD M.kiD~ and Sheet Metal Work; Carpentry; lad Motor Mtchl.iu.


J. S. RICE, Principii, lZlNGOLWENI P.O .. NATAL.


(I) Full Higb Scbool coarse. up to aDd iududiDg MatriculatioD' (2) AU Teacben' courses Dp to a.d iDdDdiDR T3; , (3) Speciall.dnstrial (Carpeuters and Builders') cours ...

Spacious groaDds. All Sports. Large, liry da ... rooms. Electric Ligbt.

A epeoial featW'e it made of inter. racial meetingl with Enropean .todenta. Claeaee in problem. of Banta life aDd leaderehip, Chrietian ethie, and civice are given to III llnior etodent.e penonllly by the Principal

(Dr. Edge.r Brookel, M_A., D.Litt.)

Fees from £10 to £11 per annum payable by a new system of instalments.

AI aocomodatioD ie limited it il adl'itable w write early.

Paosp_cros AND ALL PAanO'OL.iBs .aoy :

THE PRINCIPAL, Amantimwti Ioetitote,

Adame Million St.tion, NATAL.

Reka Phofo enang Ie lets'oao


" NKOSI." Ke phofo e jehang ha monate e naeang motho matla 'meleog ho feta phofo tee ling bofel .. tIeo 0 II:a Ii reJ.:ang.

no it mote eMily dipated and oootain. moch more nutriment

than the ordinary M&&lie meal yon buy. -.-It ie packed in bage of 1801h., IrK) lb., 60 lb., 25 lb., 10 lb.

"'lid 5 lb .

_'OC'~'U ov U\o.OtI fLOIA Hltt5\' ...... ~.-.-.....

h" ., .......... '

E fomaneha Iikhetaaneog tie boiml bo 180 lb •. , 100 lb •. , 50 Ibe., 251bl., 101ba. Ie 51ba.

Once you have tried "INKOSI " we are sure you will uee no


It is trul, the Kia, of Mut..

If yOOf trader doea not stock it, Ilk bim to write to:

Union Flour Mills, Ltd., P.o. Box 393, JObaD.elburg


Bang fela ha 0 h leb phofo ena ea "Inkoei," re 0 tiieet... bore 0 Ale ke oa hlola 0 lebeli.a


Ehlile ke eoDI Mortu M Ii ,bolo.

Page 7: Thrilling Echo Of Xmas Broadcast
Page 8: Thrilling Echo Of Xmas Broadcast


Teachers' Results, 1934 Jacob j Lutbuli, Flora; Lutbu\i, J.phth. i Mgobbod, Dai.y , Mpulo. UI.dy. ; Mut."., Edna; NO"lotl LiJli~o; Ndlovu. Elijah; Ngcobo:

Mkize, Raphael . lIkize. Violet· Mkung·1. Alief! ; ~la.,hla , Tbl"'rtle ~ Manml, Walter; Nala, Elizabeth· Ndlmao~e, Reioolda: Ng,,~oJa, Cloe; Nc..hloglla, Mand; Sbelembe . Mildred'

T8 ~; f\l U\l .-iog are tbl fel uitl 01 the N,hl D ,pt.rtm ~ Dtal EXlmioationi

c oodnct eJ in DJoembar. 1931. T ba n'm el are arunged in alphabatioal order.

PSR·lU. T&IC ULA rros TCACH EM' TnlRD CLI. '<i (T,3,) E X."'- ' IISATIO!f

(tS D YB&R Cou aSB)

Th.ird Cl/l H AD ..... 'I~. MtI.~ibulr.o , R')ber t , Mbewu, S~muel ; Mlh"pelol , Daniel M; Ndebele, Nimrod .

FIB~T YIt.&. lt C ot.·lt',~

SU(}nd Cla.,~

AD . ~\I'i. M(lrril on, Peter ; Abel; ~UtIHlo , J .. mn; Otbniel.

~1plpele , I:)baoge ,

7'hird Cla t, A o.",,~ Kraai, Viotor ; nabeoga,

Gertrude ; l,hmp... Aothony , MIph"be , Keoneth ; Muaba Jobn , Muilo, Either: lbtlou, Paul : Merafe, Elleo; Mipbni, Cllrinl; Mokoena, Nellon . ~('imaog , P .. trick ; ~dblaodbla L\mbert ; P"lmer, Albtrt ; R~debe, Columbu.; Rt-debe. P"tar ; Taoana, Bernard; 'fb"ltl\ekoala, Everitt.

NaTIV. Tu.olll:ss' HIUBBR S.COND Yc ... a

EX1'ERN.f..L. Ngobne,1 MaoO,:,oald.



ADA.~S. Butelezi, Greene; Goba, Reggie; Makuya, Perci.,al.

ST. Cru.o·s. Arcbibald. Margaret; ){dladla, Charlel; Mtewbo, M.u,aret.

M.f..alA.tf!fWr.t.. Bhalole, MOle'; Bormaon, Pet.er; Knmalo, elecit; Ngcobo, Natalia; Radebe, Vi~llI.

OIlPBUMULO. Mbhata, Simon; Ndblela, ROIaline; Ngcobo, Hilda;

SW",ZIL.&.tfD. MhloDgo, Ephraim EXTERNALS. Ebert, Magdalen; (Sr.

Bertina,. Third CloM

ADAlI"' , Dhlamini, Edgar; Gumed@. Llurel; Mablati, Ivy; Mcunu, Elliot; Mfeka, Edo,; MUiloma, Ftederick: Myeu, Duonet; Ngidi, Dodley; Nkoli. R,cbel: Nofemele, Abel; Radebe, Adolphue; Tlhabaogo, JOleph; Zwane Ephraim.

ST. Ca ... o·s. Bheogu, DU'del;Kbale, Ndande; Khumllo, Mlud; Mavu,o, Pb.i[am}o ; Mlipa, Theopbilu5; Ndlela, Ho-,urd ; Ngobele, Agnel; Q"ana, Herbert ; Qlrao', OJborn; Sithole, Winifred.

MARl"'NNHtLL . Dblamioi, Enocb; Kubhelr.a, Vitalil; Klrela, Mu"ell; Magoeo, Beatill; Nduli, Beauty; Numa. Alirelia; Radeb~ , EmmaDoel,

Ul!PHUM u- r.o. Cooper, Per ; Kuzwayo T~mb!l.oi; Mounu, Aoderaoo : Mlomi, Nom .. gugu , Shiba, Abel ; Yengwa, H,lalieiwe: Zondie, Eooch.

Pautd 'n ParI I A 01. ' I". Mkir.e , Rey"ood" ; EXrERYALS . Cele, Laooard'"

Ntombela. Ephraim*.

Pa.~.td in Part II SWAZI(.A.N'D. MQgom~zulo, Johnlon. E x l'&R!f.f..I.S. Gcsbatlbe, Joaeph;

Kubhell:a, Jeremiab J.; Motbuli, B~noett H ,; Obermaier, Matia (Sr. Bildeguoda) ·; Zulu , Wilfred

"' 'fbe'' candidatea baYe DOW com­pletad tbe enmiOltion.


Second 01411" AOA'd 'i. Cl le, Elijab ; Kuz"ayo,

Jolia; Lambede , AntoD ; Mannya, Frobie ; Ndlela, Elizabetb ; Ngweoya, Zephaniah.

S1'. CII ... D'.'1. Arobibald , Gertrode ; Butalezi, Joaephine ; JIli, Tokotilei Kunene , Margaret ; Katonl! . Olipa ­Yt,bali, NaDcy ; TenoH Jonathan .

E n E"SOA T. 1Ii Kel"a. Omri; Mljozi , Annie : Nyembui, Lincoln.

ll..&.Rl_~"' ''' R I[.L. de Sauoti" Alma'

Dblawi oi , J <lhHol,. ; Oiltillati. Afra ; OJb ~ , Phillip ; K ~oy l.,e. Thom .. , ~Ub!llk~ , E,lItp:"il ; M'liM, CJorad ; Sulu , Aglpitu,.

O' " ' II UHtJL'l. ~ ~vundh la, Annie; MhloogJ, S,Jlley; Z.:IU, P"ulul.

Aool~ ; Ngeobo, CI .. r~h ; Ngcobo, JuaDlt. ; Ngobaoe, Simon j Njoko, Claudl.; Nkomo. JOlflliol. ; Radebe. Samuel; Seague, Either i Sep.ml. Lillian ; Ska'.u, Edith i T.nezi Jamet ~ Tlbazi, SoliDI.; Vil.ltati, 'Aaron' Yeoi. Barn.ba' i Zwo,we, Adeline •

Third eLM. ST. CBAO'S. Gamedll, Alph~ol ; AO~\I:I. B lllb" , Vlotori.; B .... telezi Lekaba, John ; Loo_ke, Urbaoia'

Wilfred; C~le R elec ; Cole, Libn.h; Mb.mbo, Maritbl ; Mbatba Nor.~ Cob., \rchiblld j Dbl .. mioi,Cbrilt.ine; Mcuno. Edith ; Mkw.oazi,' Jlcob : Oblamioi, C"lboo; Obl.mioi, Jadah.; Nene, Jabulaoi; Nkoli. Ame, ; Nhele: Dhl.mioi, Obrie ; Dube, Vera; Ellen j Ntuli. Dinab. Nzimande, Eva' Gowabau, Elpba,; Gamede, Hilda; Pbakt.tbi, Vio.let; Sb.abangn, Joyce; Kelwl, L,onardj Kboboll:o, Edgar; Thlngo, Tryzlna; Zondo, Marl!:lret: Kortja8l, Lillianj Kuluse, JuaoiHa: JZondo, Wilford ; ~ulo,Cb!Uleaj Zungll, Ku.i, Grace; Luvunn . Conltaocej anet; ZWlne, Violet. Mall:bobotloaoe, Ethel;\hkbobotlolne EDB!(DALB . Kbumllo, Ablbai' Rllemead; Maeelr.o, Alvinl; MlI:iu, Kobbeka. Lydi,,; Madoodo, Gallioab: Greenaore; Moguni, Keoneth; Mt.et"a Mala, Ao.driel ; M&lb~zi, Beaoty; Agrippa; Ndlamleoze, Martba; Ngcobo Mbbele, Evelyo 0: MlI:!:r.e, Mariaoe' Ella ; Ngoobo Lilliao; Nzim~ode, Modiu, Saraii; !himaog, Idoo. B.; Ke\lida; Pbahla, Adeline ; Skalr.ana, Maiman~, Kennetb; MIomi, Prettie'

1<' lorence; Tho,hioi, Berlioah. Nkoli Catherioe; Nk)m bela, Ablolam: 81'. CHAD'S DIU,S, Beauty; GOlba, Ntlibauy~n~, Soloman; .Rampa:

Bea~rice; L,lala. Z.aharta; Luhlo. Zablon, Siblya, Margaret; Simelaoe, o~"aoe. LeHab: Madela, Philemon; I Jan~t j_ ~,!~, .Ethel; Tlbabalala. Mobot.o, "Mirriam; Muiboil:o, Glad,.; Loolla , Zlbll.l, Alic~;. Zolu, Flore,;,ce. Mbele, Wilfred; Ndlo.,o, Evelyo; AI"'BUN~RlLL. OdlZ~, Ca~herIDe; Nhbangue, Francel; Nzimande, Conc~, .WII!On; Dlaml';" •. Nlcholal; David; Sllr.iti, Algernon; Sooi, Maria;' Dlamlol, Vloklr; Dlamlol, Wilfred;

Siblya, Abigail. ' UIIII·HtfMTrLO. Biyela, George'

Buteleti. Shadracb : Camane, Petrol: Cele, Tok.ozile ; Dblttdhll, JOlnna; Gabela, Thelma; Gama, Mirriam' Ooba, Milton; Gumded. Caleb: Gumede, Nolr.okanya i Gumede' Taodiwe; Hlatlh"ayo, Melhaeh ~ Hloog"ane. Reuben . Kuma/o' Roeallna; Loko~i, DailY : \tba'a' Tbeunil&en; Mdlehb~. Teut , !l-Idhloli' Stephen; Mdi.oiao, Afrioa Mbluogo; SUlaDoa; MlI:lze, Aoatoliu Mk.ize l .. bella ; Mlr.wanui Alberti;)a ~ lIlambo, MuritJ; Mndabelo, Ab~er: MDgadi, Qoioilile; MpanZl. Hebron: Mtetwa. VhrittiaD; Moog"l! Joanna: Ndaba, Simon; Ndulr.eli, L'awreoce: Ngcobo, Bbekit.emba . Xgoobo: Shadraok; Ngema, Keh.kupi . Njoko Lydia; Ntuli, Muriel ~ Ny.na, Frieda ~ N yaDda, Gracina; NYlodeoi, Solomon; N.ya"o, Mollie; Sibiya, Florence; Simelane, Boteline: 6imelane

I Bolomon ; Lba, Jaekaoa , Xolo: Agnu; Zama, JaneU ; Zikede Lawrence; Znln, Llurah , Zongn' Lottie. •

SW.f.ZIL"':;l>. Dblamioi. Zlcbariah.

Pa6"4 h. Part 1. Ziqubo, Orah. Do~, Benry; Keen, Wendelina; ED.!fD.t..U. Gnmede, Doreen; Khatle, 8teP~D; Knmalo. Alvirah; AD ... Ms. Ndlo.,u, Petroa-.

Madhlala, Simon; !ilalioga. Saraphina; Kumalo, Salmmah; KuoeDe, ~erard; Mbolie, Bert-iDah; Mtiya, MackenloD; Kunene, Tbeobald; Lazaro, EII%&~tb; ST. CRADS. Mlomi, Jaoe. Ndaba, Nioolina; Ndhlovll, EphraIm; Latlo.ko. SoI0a:'0D; Madonda, P~OIl; M.uI.f.NIfBILL. Mathebula Gilbert; Ngubane, Garret; Nyembe, Jolliet; Manzle, Clarah •. M~pumnlo, Adeline; Mnibuko. Eetber. Ritole, Daphne; Sitole, Golden; TOli, Ma~lJIuJa. lhrrlam;. Ma.hinini. UMPUIIULO. Cebekoln, Simon; Stephen; Xala, Miltoo; Zulu Elbnah. Da.,..d; Mavandhla, BarrJet; Mbhele, LutoJi, Hnggith •.

Gertrode; MOOnwa, Albert; Mblongo lli.RUNNJlYLL, Beato, Norab; Mollie' BIIkize Clara' Mkize FI : (Com' tUd . " I

DhlaDgalala, Bipi "0 ; Dlomo CorDelia; I;;;;;;;;' ~;;;;;;:' ;;;;;;;;'~;;;;;;' ;;;';;';;';;';;";;'~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;';;;;;;';;'=""'=;;' ;;;;;';;;;;;~ Doma, Athaoaeio8; Gamede, Joel; Gule, Selby; Gnmede, Janet B.; Hlong"ane. Michael; Langeni, U 6· k Ch b I' Vi,,,,.; M,dawoni. Ad.,h.id; m 51 a am er aiD we Si5U. Meetekn, Mavill; M,imaog. Ernllt; M"andhla, Scboilltica; Mzekandaba. Seymour; Ndaba. Prince .. ; Ndimande Reineldi,; Ngcobo. Theobald; Ngidi, Conatance ; Nlibande, Eather i Ntombela, Elliot; Sitole, Caleb; Sitole David; Zloa, Rapbael;Znlo, Solomon. UalPHUllULO Bhen~n. Maud; D1amini Japbta; Dlodla, Leab; Didisa, Edith; Rlong"a, Boognmola; Komalo, Gertrode; Kunene, Fortune; Muokn, Sellina; Mdbletlhe, JObi Mfeka, Grace; Mngoma. Elizabeth; Nala, Alph .. ; N~bela, Katie; Ntozake, Jane; Nyembe, Robert; Sbaoge Bleuing; Vilakazi, Ida; Zama . Beatrice; Zolu, Joseph.

EXTERNALS. Mkize. Donatoe Zalo, Joaobim.

D. ;

Paued in Part 1 EDENDALE, Harrick., Matthewe.

Pa88td in. Part II ADAMS. Mkize, M'l.y; Tihabalala

Victoria. EDENDALE. Dhlam ini, E.,elyo;

Kumalo, Zammie; KUoene, Elafrieda, Mbokazi, Walter; Mhloogo, Eunice; Nlr.otioe, Joseph.

EXTERNALS. Manyati, Albert.

N.f..TIV£ TltACBERS' SIXTD CLA"S SUA1M Cla .. ~ . ,

• AD ... lIs. Makanya, Gertrnde; Mia· mbo, Eralmal; TOlbini, Conatanoe.

ST. CHAD's. Field. Josepb; Kelr.ane. Vinoent; MalJOndo, Beatrioe; Mnoabe, Grace; QWana, Clara; Xaba, Solomon.

ED£ND ... LE. Dobe, Benjamin; Mlungu, Obadiah.

MARIA.1l"'BILL. BereDg. Valentiae j Botelezi, brael; Gabun, Pbylomena; Mabala, Ambrose; Makauya , Janetb; Mduli, Edward; Tebawe, Pbilip.

UMPUMULO. Butuleti, GrifJet; Cele, Gladyl; Gall, Franz; Mtembo,

• Beriiz&. Third, CIMS.

ADAMS. Cele, Lillian; Dhlamini. Je8aie; Dladl&, Vuyiewa; Dlamini , Kolr.etad; 010000, Armltrong: Fakude. Loke ; Olma. Michlel; Gumede, Hazel ; Owala, Hermit ; Kumalo.

U·MaYuka ne Ok09ikui ya­ke batahatl. ngemigcobo bada bllnmana no nyana ababini. Into eoteha au Bayuka yaba Ir.okuziva izikali zomzimba zi wile ebothathaka, wan wa­blMeI"a lieieO, IIda eagell6 gui no otyoodyoehe. K "a no nyaoa wake omknlu wa· bonabla ekwa ngo hlaselwe yilo nlr.atbazo ino yise.

u Ma.,ulr.a wa mbhombhotela ngeliti ukub& alr.abooakllis! kuchacba uyalr.umocama em­aebeozini. Inkoeilr.azi ka Mavuka, nayo, ngelixeaha yayise ijonse eDlr.alweni umtyeleli


Nge tamaanqa, u mfaodiei .. atyelela k"a Ma..uka weft ngalo Dkatbazo Ylbo. Waba cebilla ukuba batengs n·Mfiti ka Chamber· laia v."O Silu olthe weaindiea abantu abaniozi ababe gula kakhulu eeei aigulo easi khathau u Mavuka.

• K .. lza Ir.waqala ukubako

uludwe olunedUleko twama Iinga okufuro.ana uneedo. Bonlr.e omaqethuka aban­uge babe naluncedo Ir.uhi oO:la u Mavuka wabablaulo imali ninkulu. lziota zaya zibambbi. Yaye imali e nqabile. Umlungu oqeeba

U Mavuka, watboba. Baza banyangwa bobabini baphila. Wafik'umtyeleli om· tsha watiywa igama lokuba ngu Chamberlain.

Chamberlains COLIC ANO DIARRHO':: M. R ~ U' '''V


Page 9: Thrilling Echo Of Xmas Broadcast


' •• a,. to oad war." The .rmiltic., in otber worde , mUI' become. peace, lin lodarlng pMCII, tbrooBh the coo­MOratloo of " tbe hoth " 10 th. oooott1. aDd 10 .11 ooootrill in OQ' yMtern world. of

•• • thOH "ho I ••• r It .haJl DOt be apia.

lairqibo se Solomzi Lakwa Gatyana

A ••• i .. i • Ti" •• I •

I COIDOcnD I' BP. BAY So 'BILLIII I I that ODe of 1°~·::i~ I in thil aDd

(Nov 8. P. Noovl.o)

to th. han IDol

The Christian Minister An Optimist tho

wit.b. their b,~:.t~.,~~;io~~: I.a that "boll, tbe .,ho died OpeD

of the Great the IOlemo wit·


;~d~:iI;; h. 10

"poJ:O eahothu k.l otl a -10DYUa Y' Boloms i la·

.bidibeoe edolopiDI J .... uary. 11;0&0:'1'.'

MOil, P. B. . . mbl Dp J. W. Sipllosi

aiJaDdelayo : Okokuba Oatyana jikelele uJ'lca·

amuiml etittbal.


from ble 'he ben,

all of 01 beoome

Ok01:ob. UlDzi w •• U.I ogomotoo ukoh.

e.i.ogiawe e BhuDlJeDi Iti abba .mwmi &tight.

01l8111&%i looto aDllUg­

Olr:ohb. umbali 10 IDa· WHATEVER mood may characterize

o'ber men , it ie demaaded of lIl' auDl,ter thaI. he be a man of hope, of darin, upectaocy. 01 deep-gr"?u~d­.. optimi,m. Thil demnd I'. 10· _reot 10 hil oalling. 11 he Ie a pnaimilt or a cynic be mly be lure • , he hu not bun called to prelcb. If the habit Ind grain of hia milld do DO' commit him definitely to I beUef iD the pouibilitie8 of impronmellt. of reco."rT. of .alva~ion, h,e i •. out ~f place. For the mlDitter , bU~lne,," to .peak for God, and tbemOit Impo~. ant thing .bout Ood it that he eenle, aU pouibilititl of humIn Iro.th alld _nehment aad .. Ivation. A Oed who dOH not carry IOcb pouibilitiet .nd opeo tbe way for man to eoter Into lbeir realiution ill a falae God. The preacher', balinell i. to lpeak . f~r shil iufinite clrrier of humin poe'lbll. itie.. No man .ho Ileke a helrt 01 hope elD lpeak for. loch a God. 11 \he miniltoer follo.lng I Ityle IU tco oomlQOD in o'.r day, Idoptl a.n Itti~ode of so-called " realitm" which VleWI aDT hwoaD lCeDe II cooliating only of in .,ilible od calculable factor , he would be a lood reporter lor a new.­paper, or • good Pbo~gnpber, but he ia • poor miallkr . Every humin litoltion , .hether 00 tbe level 01

public affaiH or in 'he ~~rro.n (IZ .

perience of pellonal hVIBg~ I~a!ldl Ig.iBlt a baokground of In!,,~ble poatibilitiel. They ~re unp~d!ctlb!e and iae.leulable. It II t.he mlDliter I geniu. to be ""e of them, to be .""e that at any momeDt. a f.ctor mlY emerge from the blckground "hich "ill entirelT recllt the litoation in the foreground. Such upec,ancy ill the et"nce of faith . It i. tbe minletar', o.ol!ith, and it il thi. faith which be h .. dedlcl" ed himaeU to a"lken in other people. AI. leader IIId Ihepberd 01 1001. he mult believe that the belt il yet to be. Nobody follo.8 a peNi.milt. ~e lIIIay read hil boob alld luten to hit phiiolOphlliDgl, but. we do DOt loiUm- him , The minilter o~ God it a bri .... r of hope. " Bow beautiful upon ~. 1III0UDtala. are the feet of hillll 'hat llrinpth aood tiding of good ."

IDdaleDi High School I. UaintlilJ JODi" ~ Certificate

Coarae. SWI. v, VI, VTI, VJI[ and IX. N.B.-ThileouUCI ia 11'0 open for. limited number of boT"

Z. Tear_n' u.ne ia De •• lic SeiaeL

For the Nat&! Educatioa De­partment Certificate.

3. DolDabc saace " Industrial Training lor Girl8. A three yeare' conne lor .hieh Std . IV i8 reqoired .

Feet .18 )leI ... nllm, .Apply JQf" partiGukm:

THE PRINCr. AL. Iod.lelli Higb Scbool.



Is War Coming? --

IT w .. lizteen yeart ago. on t~e elnenth day

1918, tbat tbe world .... b, tbe armittioe wblob ead tbe greatelt war in

.... So gnat ... the relief lad jot On oooalloa, t.b., oa every ele .... o.b of No .... mher ainee that d.'., .orld ba. agreed to commemorate the e.ent. and to commellllonte it ia In elp!clallpirit and to an eapeeil' ead.

Tba' fire' Armitttce day ... a f"tival of rejoicing thlt tbe Grea' War had at I." oome to an ead. Later Armilltlce day, bue an beea futi .. 11 of high ruoive that tbe nezt war, or another .ar. ,ball ne.er come to I beginni&«. Tbil ia u it .bould be for lorely there Gan be no fitting obler"lnoe of lhil oecllion-ao ob­.. noce. u a matter of J.ct, whicb i. reaU, decent-ilzeept the fulfillment of .hat tbe .oldie,. ditd fOf in the

to tbe ant UI all CIII relu ..

Bat il there to be a " nezt .ar" I t1b .. ~ an, aigoa tbat." i. comiagl

In aanter to tbil queation. I caa only .. k aaother qUMtioa- Are tbere

Ilga. of anytblng elee1 To tbole indulge ia hope futuiea and wi.h

lulfllmeatt. it. ma, teem .. thougb tbe Ikiel are olelr, aad peace, there­fore, the ple ... at or OUl

daYI. Bot to thOle I~.',,,:. ~ and teek ooly W .h.l.ever tbey maT thlt the baril-on. of bllck .ith tbe approaching .. ar. Ezpert obur ....... differ II

wbetber the nen war il '.::::.;,::.:~ I Iprial, or nez' lan, a year two yea" heace, four yeaH heaee. Bat 10 far al I kDow theee they are aU .greed ,hat .ay,aad,lOonor come. The elementl phenomenon, 'he forc .. a' tbe 100mms meaaee of !~~~'~~'~k>~2 conflict •• re too aUllleroo., and too turible, to be igaored.

Po be Cl»lti"lIrd

elialgqibo , ... loDlo-eeba

a"uncede QlDsi .. all .. a Gatyua kuleDto nn eM Bbun.ni ; Okokuba kubolelwe ama·Ceba D. Bulo.be, E. C. Bam no Mou. N. W . Pringle DO Ceba L. If .. ita ongueko ngeolp:ozo yabo Ilulemcjmbi. KWata konyul .. a i.humi lam.doda o.ba aha­mbe naleuca.o (prote.t) yomti

lI.i BhuDla Ie.ithili de kube Mtata nxa enge.,I"a.



tlDgoowlbanla U J gena ku­puml.. Ukulangiu. eli ~imo linge

'mvel.eni llokubo1ilela alia. Dokunik •• mandla

, ahllo yeu Iii on.,.. agapandle k.e aitambilo uka

Chamberlain. eliubllo linoiaaDe linga Maluta aaamaDdla alU1Io" ukubola kuzo CODke iaifo u8ikumba. Sitear!­Iwa zlzo zonke iIlellllili De Veakile.

~~~"'~~~",.~«,,~~" ........ " " ' ........ " ...... . ,... " ....... " ... , ........... "';

~ ~ Ukannale ~ ~ - Ditshika tse d i ~ ~ ~ ,

uena! ~

Banna bale bantsi b .. na Ie THATA ea go dira, 'me lela ba tlboka se se

~ § ~ ba KGOETSANG

Di:5bih dl (hol~d'a di h I" " di Uedi nODobe. Dib b'h dl b .. he' Dl ka repiol y.ng? S!~ o •• cona keng ? Tse h IIlpoeo I .... di budiwanl ke balho ' ,tle re di .rab& gora molbo m.ng Ie m.n, l Ite • iUe.

Diu.hih di ro~ l . dibel, h I. Ii", lse di Q .ng mo aoboken, go e& mo 'moleng ollh . D>tibik. I" d i t~ n. di tabogo b& mo •• go ,. 11110,0 ofi folog • .Iu. lIIokoUi~. 110 d'Lsbihng Ise dlton. tae ,onl Ie be <I i rell i na lSI dintainLsi 1st <I, tlboglng Ie 'mele ollh, 1&" mdaCO&n&,

'me . a .. seklt. •• cbole],j,& lI1\H1 a let. ele go di. l sengee. lIo .. nUa gl. hel. e e eN", mO Bobakong E TLA KA LOSIKA '0 III hel. ~!l:I .. lekoto k'Dt ... sek~e'lo '0 dirol. H Boboko Ito H baUlng

. H a. ditshU.lo dl kalh. tu di 10111. dltu.lo IH

di CO l llg rna Bo~okon, d, nltuell ,. ... Stltlo loa ngun. eo bobola.n(. Legale hi. ditsbih di nonobile. di repi~oe Itnlle h di,.o Isl. Vi , ab. 'go lIn& tenC MOD UMO II 0 C(n.ng mO Bobokollf 0 1i!llibclun( 'mele all be, °

; ° nn tJuta u '0 1n •• kI. .gotu. ea go .. IJb.;"ei<l. Knnt:. C: .. tM'o e e tiallg ka

e ClUe u.,a.

~ SEYO SA VIRATA SA DITSH I KA S ~ tsen~' m~ Madlng 'me. Ie ,"I. g~ lit i.1. mo d 'I~I". ~ "ng t Ollhe. Dillhlh I II! di kO'lh'h~n~ tse a, , I. pil tng di Iphep ... Mye Ie U BOLsbelo . Ka.b~. ; n. ko go utl ueg. hluo II thatl U 80 butk> ~ Mo' &go g. moo Ce Illell. th.tl. Ie bOitlm,do yoa ; go rau, , 0 bereh leha e'e t,.o "~oe I~ n ~o •. ; Bo Ls bolo yo bonlle be boet:, '''0 '0 uen •. ~ Bocho'-l. 1M u. fell. Lenl yt Ie botele 1& I( ) " ftltloa kt Ihl. In epotl. Vj •• b. t di,jJt t,.o u une.

Vir.t& e •• ki,," .. d, D ~lItbelo. n. I.e di:::~~~; ~ b. 3/3 bo Uolo k,oll .. dilt 6 h 18/-. ! II .. ",mtl .. mo (0 VIRATA CO., P.O. 142. Clpt Town .

~~ Gitabih e lelu ItlUiJu e nOlKlbiJe ~ .. nlf t&

~"~'-'-"'-'-~'~~~ ..... ~,,~~~"'"""'"~,.'-"U\.~,..~,.'US~ ...... " .. ,"

Page 10: Thrilling Echo Of Xmas Broadcast


1-Ridsdel Iya Fuduswa NOV MBIlA.I.KLI WASE QONCE

, .KANSELE y ... p. inil.e i ootili kobo bonlee abemi bue Rld. del

Loc .. tJoo ulr.uba b.foduke Ir.on .. pambi komhIa .. ama 30 ka JWle 1935, bui · diliu ouiodlo abahlala knzo. Iod .. -wo eb.lulekiJeyo yile yokoba nmotu ongeOZ&Dg ... ieelo IImbnyeku o oge· odin yalle pambi "amlomhla, .. k .. l0-be ... fum.na-nto ogllodlo y .. ke. Izi. adlu ealntah.. ekuliodeleke ukuba bafudnkeJe kur:o .. b .. otn ba.le loki.hi eeziq .. liwe uk ... ki... k .... ye koli· ndeleke okuba libe .er.ilnogile ogo· mbl ... am .. 30 ku June. Koyo Ie· veki I K.nlflle iu.lr.noyola I SiOOnd .. aedolopn (M.yor) oomooedi.i •• yo (Depnt.y.M .. yor) .

Ngombla. .. e 1J ka J .. no .. ry 0

Nko.k. B. M .. h .. i .... enze l' IOci .. l ' e eehooiroom nlr.ubnliaa 0 Moo . H. Mqomo otitlha e Dordreobt obezokuei· _ i bolide yue .pa.. Ibe bobo.ob obumo .. odi kuolo, koyimidl .. lo y ... e odlini De ogem .. ; i 1010 fmnandi ioi­kwe DgU Moo. Ale:! . Tya.mu.be oti· hba e Ba..ia .. n'. Ri"ftlr, e Ny .. ra,iogo· ma ye cboir ebipe' .. e ngu Mnu .J. L. }lejane. loteto nipnc1Jk:iJeyo zinikwt' Dgaba ngok:nlaodelel.n .. :-ld. O'C. Diogi ..... yo,Nko.k.lf. J ••. Ty .. mulhe. 1. L. }lejaae, A. M. J .. bavu, M.lo. 8. D. Mqomo. Emva kwuimoocnmollen o Mou . H. Mqomo .. eoze nmbnlelo

o.hu.bo ngalllndib.no. eoctm .. ampa· Ir.amo .. e .ooiety ysae Qonc. ~ K ... b .. · beko .ipaula .. b .. : BaDamI. R. Pango (M .C.), S. Mqomo, J . O .. do, E . T . \-.nq., H. Bukaoi, O.ih, m .. neoelr.ui L. Ngt'.i , J. Lindi , M. Dingll".Yo, M. R .. ye. A. Tysmuabe 00 Nkou. E. M .. ut.bongo.

Sieel .... ukub .. leOZII umd .. aibulele i 'Border ' ngoxatiao elweozilt yo k.i TUmt'ute ye Ch.mber of Mine. ebiae Bhei.

Abantu Nenlo Zsbo o Mno . Ale.::r: . NJ.b. nb.mbe ind .. ·

wo yobu' POit Maett'l' kwic .. I .. laba· nhundn eaikondleni aik. Mun. W. A. Z .. ola o ... t.ba.te i 'Iea.e.' V Mnn. W. W. Mam .. uboylle Emg •• li o ... e Qom.oco apo ebehambele kon. ogo. mcimbi womteb.to weotombi y.ke . U Moo. B. Nlr.ete .... e Debe ebelr.e .... I .. p. edolopioi t'Zotnboo. ilihloOO uke. V Mno. N. Balube ...... e Botter .. orth oyi ' Anlat .. nt lectnru' e Fort Cox. ehamba Ir.ouye nfokOlilr.ui y .. h, odlole sp.. ngo )4Isqibelo H! J .. oo .. ryeeiog ... po uikolweoi ub.· 1imi. Si"fOyi .. na uo Nohmba. Geili.he wel.p .. ofUlldi ... e loud. Seminary, N .. tal, ngoknfnm .. o .. ibh.1O knrq .. tao I .. e' e .. ay ' ebeJiqut} •• osu 'Mteteli.' Am .. lnogo .m.trb. ~ Bhcdi se loki.hi

(Ko'l"elo hmlllQti olo'ldtlo,o)

Intlanganiso Yezi Tyudeni (Nuu "Kw~u. W~. UT .. TA)

NGOHHLA we 6 ble kubeto 10Ua· osani.o enkolu yezi'yudini etl·

funda twinda.o ogenda .. o qlomma· odLa .... e Mht.a, t .. indlo ye B'ong. endala. Beziko uak.a Nokoleji, e Dikeoi, e Nxukwebe, e Mt.".ko njalo njalo . E.ihl.l .. eoi ibiogu Moo. L. W. T.bi}d encedi.aoa no Mon . H. y.ko . Omabloi lamadodaoa Dga"a· Ir. ... a Nokoleji . In.nj Inityndini beli. Ir.u roa.bumi a.iOOzo, kodibene amli· • ela oomtiojll.oa . l!ljoaso nleo'la­ngauilo koknuma ukoseka nokoku· tau intlbokumo eziojengemidlalo , o "ulindlela, impilo oj.lo oj.lo ogapa-

ng.la :-W. Reed, Joo. Fritz, Lou. Fritz , G. D. Oeilitbe, W. A. Z.nla, D. J. Petro • . 0 Mon. S. M. Benne" No.aua ... alapa u,ifonel. umrube .. e .edao Dodge kuloDyaka mteba aha· mba ogawo eziolr.o.iui em.paodleni.

Siva akaba umeimbi ... e 'Tradiog aod :Fiouce Campuy' oquty .. a yi Dunye yenkoll::eli nlapa, oyalnng., yaye Ie Dkampa,ni knvakal. okub. izimi.ele ulr.oDeedi.a DSemOOleh. maU k ... i mpi y. Pe.ba kwe Ncib. eHyifun. okovula amalhiabini alr.o­quba il'eokile.

V Min S. Moeletei .. ae Mafeteng. ehamba knnye nonyana bake ababioi o K . Moeletai ofundiaa e Tbabaneng, no J . Moelehi ofundi .. eSt. M.tthew., b.cite iveki apa ogemioimbi pambi koknbnyelo e Lu.utbu.

odie tokueeka lltuqoodana DOll ... zao& f.-katl twaIn. lbe yiDtiaopoi.c e:tuki .yo nlloomklt.&. Siyan,i .. ,. bkolu lelillog. NY. ,itelilba abba lo~ ne:tiqamo edbl.. E).udal.yo int.l.ag_oi,o imll.Il,. 11mb I. we 19-kwakule. Ab .. bambi ohmbo bo-01ul1,. og_lamlai kobe Ie yolnlqlJa intlana_nlKl IbeMy.yotubJotr.olDi ... U Moo. 110 Niloat. J . Nqaoa ba.e NJ:olr..,.be haUr."'1I ngentombi eohba nlombl. we Ii kale ; .iY •• 1I11 .. 1I. oabo . Ab.nomr.. O. D. Bam no A. D. Bam baku Nd .. b.kazi bate bako pa_ tati komzi beyiodlela e'loge e Ny •• adeni komkolo. U None M . Noatwelo ,iynuy. ep.bmi/e fkubeni abelele i,ltub •• evdd yiokot.10 10-mqala t10ikwe iot,o.k.ana iholide. Aba Numz. T. M. Tlhandu , B. Baai, J. Moh.met. A. Nt.hona 00 J. NteboDa bake beg:uda ku T.olo k.epelileyo tlg1l cat yo Mou. Metlyo. Baocoma ukub.kuble kombuto (fare· .ell, yo Mno . T. W. M.qallda, i Boardins Mute: y"illolo 'olimo n T.olo o,.binhbel.a e Tfko k •• lnvi· .ikolo lolimo. U Mou J. Ntombela, nmfnodi.i ot.apo e BQrgbendorp. oke .alapa kwepelileyo ezoknbooa uyi.e.


IUULALA 1mbo1l'_" Am.~ulDdo., ID .. h ........... 110..,_1, IDKkv.mt., Bon_ Oqo,"o. ... -. !Iui •• e Britui ............... .

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Page 11: Thrilling Echo Of Xmas Broadcast
Page 12: Thrilling Echo Of Xmas Broadcast


Iziganeko Zakwa Gompo Eze Bhodi Ye Lokishi

UNYULO Iwe Bbodi ye Lokilbi loqutywe ogolublobo oh .... malo­

Dgu ke 1936 e LoCltion Advieory Board yale El8t Blnk: Banum~. Jeremi.b M'nge.yi, D. Vanto Nibe, J. M.tota . R. H . Godlo, William 6iyo, P. Makoboka, Henry D. TYlmzllbe, Mak08k. Floreoce Siyo, Daiay D. B. Pehr.MlloJlnl . Huogu elihba lioye kupel. ngu Mou. H. D. Ty.mulbe fI.ikoedleoi. Mill. Nociogo.

I Bhunga Lama Ndlambe Intl.oganiao yom-milelo ye-Bbunga

lama Ndlambe idibene ngombll "e Z Janu.ry kwada kw.luaukn olulande· layo eko ooke amaloogo.. P.k.ti kwemicimbi eliqela uoxiweyo kubell:.o Ie, kwepambili: Umoimbi ovel. lI:..,i Bbnog. Elikhulo 10 Moeno·Neiba ogo mcimbi wokunakanwa ngu Rulnmeote Inre Nkoli zama Mfengu, ovuee iogxo­xo eoknlu. I Bbnoga Iigqibe ekobeni iuaha alikafaoeleki lokuba u Rulu· mente I&ioike inda"o Ylw i Nkoli uma !lfengu, kuba Ima Zi~j, am. Bbele oama Hlnbi .yalultonoa ogo­bokhoei; 1Dda"0 yokuba koguqul"e umteto weli Xo.a omlaka ityal. u mnioimzi nguono lonke roaapo olu· .. maaaogweoi .ke umkbulule knlo makamaodela utunyel .. e k1l'ali Bhu­oga Elikbulu, la .. lona ellma Ndla· moo lagqiba ekobeoi umteto we.i XOIa llyeltwe ome ojengokuba "eotile; Umcimbi ovela oawo awi Bhung .. Elikholo og<loyanul0 Iwabanli ekn­beoi befundi" ablntwlna babu aba· xabiao Utile a"ofomlDanga onlo kuma Ceba ak"a Ndl.mbe, agqibe .. ODa ekubeoi alikavotw. iXf)llha loko oyaozeJa ablOt"aoa .babnd.l. bntile eknfnodeoi.esikohreoi ulem.kbaya.

Iaindnlnlo elka Cabl Time eeekeh.a ogn Ceba M.dOli lokoba ama Caba akholol ... e won. od"a kwiei Bbeoge~o eiDao :265 ei.ka 1933 e,itintela aka·

ngeoa kwaba Nteuodu kwimid. yale dolopu, liogqulwe facitwi yiotl.nga· oilo ye Bhuoga. KWlouioye kw.ogu Ceb. Time uekel.a ngo Ceba Mluu,­oa elieel. nkuba booke aba Ntluodu ababewelile baya rmfetwfui e .t~raoee nge Mfatwe ;yam a Jamloi bakbululwe awi Rafu ye Kaoda, likltyiwe Ii Bbuoga . Umcim bi wokuC&odw. kwe· odawo Ylm.ngcwlba eti Lalini ul.ai­ugia.e rmva ekbaya ui Lalini ukuba kofuoYlnwe kuqal. ulu"o Itmti.

lotl.o(lloieo nayo yoba ngombla .. e 6 kn M.reb.

Abantu Nento Zabo Mpilo.ode.otle ku Mnu. Dlvid

Ratbabeng wllapa 00 Nkoe:l;. Gertrude Virginil Kitty ab.&imaoye ngeqina lomtlhlto kutabloje epa e Mooti. I " hooeymooo " yabo bl,idlfle e Kom.ni olle Mt.ta bahlmba oge­oqwelo y.bo. U Nkosk. Adelaide M&ilikni wlee Komaoi kWlkuoye neDtombi yake bnindweodwe &0 Muu. 00 Nkolk. David RltbabfOg e .. Moriva." .

EmVlDi kokugula iz:eah. eUde yi .. Lobar f,0eumonia " n Mno. Enoch .. Dyudu • Myoli wile Catbc.rt oli­Ibi,e elipaklde ngobulukn be II January apa e Fnre Hoapihl wangowatywa nRe nkOllto eoknlu yama Moravi hkokele u Mlu. G. G. Ndtotyaoa we Baotn Prelbyteriao Cho.rch, koko ne Nko.ikni k.mfi eogu Leoa Myoli nentomti'i y.ke eoknlu u Nkolk. PanlY Mejlue wlee Kltikati.

U Moo. no Nkoek. M. Jakaty.oa b.le Bbai emvelli kokueita iholide apa be.r.indweodwe zih NklJlk. E Moyaodo habnyele k .... e Bbli. U Nkoek. S08.0. Qwe wa88 Ne" BrightcD e Bbai Daye ubebambele k •• lap. k"a Gompo, k"aDo Nko.k. D G. Maoaraa. U MDO. Fred Sholba walapa

Kaftgda hmAlott ololldflayo.

Ezase Rini {Nou KItT8U_j

I Nkoei, Il VeHle A. ,Slodile, .. aye-IlpI €I Rioi imicimbi ipetwe Ii

Cete P. E. B. Ngxiki u Nobblla "0-mzl kwakooye oe komlti yamalungi­lelelo. 10koli leyo ,agodu.wa og.la­mapakati I,akuyiahiya komkula: Butywa, MPltO, Hule, Ngqolombe, Hlbanl, Fobe no Ngxiki. Lamaoeoe .... abolib.li ububele bakomkulu.

Paket! kwahuiahiye ekupeleoi ko­oyalta lioga Iela u Naolk. Petera no NaOlk. Leve ab.te oua bebe gola b.oga buiabiye nge.iqupe. Sibe ne n,.eba yokub.oj!lwa IIqel. Ie kIm pa. nl I.e ngoma ibilap. i Dioky Darkiel, Yllandelwl yi Big Four yaae Komloi ogoku eiboo.a .0 Pbopbo, "hiponooo" ule Rautlol. Neodweod ... e be&i liqela elinobom eeingabaluia .blnumz. Tw~ku, Mqubuli, !db.olekwa, Mpbele Mllo]a, Jorah, \a&l, Ndlazilwau. olmoko.luna Tae"u , X.bana no Kure. U Nkolk. Mbelle no Nkou. Botb. bebeke .b.biko ioteokwloa buela umoya Ab.numz. Mbolekwl NgJiki bebe Ie Touroamenteni eku~ p.ulek. ioto yokuba bekako olilma­ko •• uoa aloka apa e Rioi Amakoeaz Magaba (aiatera), MI.mla, Slwi" n~

ubuya epil. e Bbai apo ebeke w.h •. mbela kooa. U Nk08k. Kate W . Nokbele wale 14 Allellbory Ro.d Selborue apa, ukbe weota iotault".o~ kwizihlobo zake • Neemera kwicawa edlulileyo. Woke abeneqela Ie eawa eiama ka Sir Ch.rlet Crewe e Qamr. u Moo. Simo~ S.leoi "alap. ogoba. mhelo oe Ndedebe leyn. 0 NkOik. Regioa Fik.yo wile Bb.i obenenhnku Ipa okozakobek. ility. ko·nioalume Olweleke plkati kunyaka OOlulileyo. U ~kolk. Norse M,. Nomangeli MapIKeII,V.lholo o'"loge ellayeni I.ke e Bloemfootein ogokobamhel •. o Moo. Abel Mbuzeli Bbele .... Iapa ngokueetyi.". ogo gqira ntabat. ihbiot&hi wllioga kumaalikazi "ah • Rautioi.

Sinou. I-Sadlal.. i teooi, apa II Rioi

kodwa ndioovuyo lokuba ete II Mou. Mbolekwa akubuy. II tonroameDten! ~~.u.hekumil. um'ti ogeu krikiti ltlq.mo aomaebend wake n •• i: In)· liIe i St. Philip', C, C. ivulile De Oriental C. C. I AbeDY yooa !tudela ,8vul.yo oditeta nje ziyama 080 Mgqihelo: Teachen VI. Town.

1. Provincial u Mlu. J. Antoni aka_ ao ua .. inge awi komfa yom&i '11'11" Tiyopiya.

U Ziteo. ow.ye :utiae aweliya Wati II" Ngxua itoba elingango nyalEa ude .. abaojw. ngokueba Idu_ ~yulwe ,clnwe emleo&eoi; .likltetw. Ityala olne Settl~rl HClpitaL

Kloitlbo ke :l;iokokeli Ie Bolo y .... i Maelwi bloioa eko 0 Noloki,hi, ulic um!:i, iko i Kanlela, iko aWlne Joint Couocil. Kuyakude Itube oioiol liJj. ndele.

Njeogokuba i TourolmeotyeRugby iukub. !e Mooti oje oge Elahr kn lony.k. i Board himiaele ukuvula. aWlkamlioYlne intllnglno yokuvgla iyalr.l!'b~ ngombla we 6 Febru.ry e Clublnl .magola ne delegatel tilinlle ukn6ka nge xeeh.. Siva netokuba i E.,tera Province, Midl.nd. oe Border Bolld iYI kudibanl e Rioi oge 10 February llkulanpiaelell i Tournlmeot. SiYlyicela i BOlld uf Coatodillla okokuba idibille ne Bolld lan.d~awe .ibala lilooli.we libiyel.e' 'Ylalocedmto II klmpi ye neioibl.

• T e.cbeu' Rel.ltl, 1934

(Continued/rom 'PQJJe S.) p~ b Part 11.

ADllII-. DI,dla, Raymond-, ~T. CHAD'S. Ngcobo, Gallioa

Sear.ncke, Robbie·. Thabede, Amo,- ~ EDJ:!'IDAU:. Kunene, Ethel; Tenoff •

Glady,- . M.UlIANNBn.L. eels, Samuel-, OIlI't:IIULO. Z.'OIl, Golden·, SWAZILAND. Mapal,la, Abia; N.l.~

Antboo,. eTheee Caodidatu have no.

completed tbe E:&amioation.


ka bo bolela

baballa Cbelete bo kbotsofala

Ie bontsa botle


I.e et.lelit&06 bore U leke oa relcieetao& lieta tee la lobog. Hobane I. oe Ie rekieeteo. lieta,tae aa lowg, tae tabohang feela Ie b. fele kapele, bo baue ba ba bolo ba li meene ke booa be. eteeeg leta'oao lena. B. ile bare " Leta'oao !e0l1. tla booa feels. ho lieta tae lokileog, tse tla ob o.ko e 101e1 •. Ka boo he baaeootai meraloo@: b. tla teeba lieta tee lokileng bo tse taa lokang, 'me ha ba 1& tI. tbetaoa ke bareni b. lieta tll6 14, lokang." SbebiaiBa hantie I18llO&Onta'o 1101 II lets'oao len.. Hore ka moso Ie aeke 110 hloia Ie rella Het. tae fleoaog leta'oao lena.

See~a sa ~eko~i Seet.a se nang Ie let.s'oao la Gauda

-_ .. - .. - l'tiHAYA I OFfIll!" Htb UUH11lb (GOFA I COUPONS')

Page 13: Thrilling Echo Of Xmas Broadcast
Page 14: Thrilling Echo Of Xmas Broadcast


Makumane A Tsa Leribe Losho la ga Sedikelo T sa Phiritooa -- M ORUTI Stitilbo 0 khutlile IDotlfuE G O latolt lo. bana Ie botlbe b. be

Pulo ea Matlo a Morena a Macha tlal.ns og Ie mo.hui Samuel

Lo. abe Sedikelo, moroa MOD.llatbebe Mooo.tbebe 0 0 Sedikelo 00 MOlaUoa' Mol.Uo. 00 M.lope • Lobeko ~ Mabeeo, Modiboa Mmioahhipi e Dcbo Morolong.

o. T.emaDeng (Kimberley) IDOO • tleng. ile mOlebetling 0 10 IO.T.T . Ea •• tao. fibla b.ufinJ.De bo taoa Philipolil ke morali o. Moruti Seitilbo e. nheng • keo a lekolo auldt o.n. "orut! P. Selepe: 0 bl.pbohehoe m • . blabeog. neDg • mo t. 'oue . Mor.li o. Hr. II. Mo'hnpi .. taa.og Br.nd. for' ° teng motla 0 cb.ketae b.holo b. hae .


MORE NA Mote'Of ne 0 bile Ie mob te o moholo 010 pulo ea matlo a bae

uribe ka Moqe belo 010 5 Pherekhong . Batho ba Blot le ba ile ba tbeoha ka lori tie tbaro Ii tlehe baroetl ana Ie bablankana. Morena 0 na bla bile 'me lechaba 110 eja nama e Dgata . Pb.la tea Thaba·EI 'oeu (Bethlehem) Ie ha Fiobborg Ii Ie t eng . ° ahile matlo a matle a nang Ie phahlo e nUe ka mo· khoa 0 makatl8ng, ea mabehbeke. Bar'a marena a letereke 18 Leribe ba neng ba Ie teng re ka bolela MOfena M.lopha Joaela Molapo . Morena Selebalo Moeeneke Selebalo , litloholo t.a Morena Mota'oene, bara ba molo Morena Tomo 10nathaDe, Morena PrelideDl Molapo (nmotte 010 Blohe) Monna Joang Khetbiea Ie ba bang ba bangata.

Mr. Ie Mn. Abiel Maema ba theohile ho ea OaDdeng b mOMbetti oa ho ga6lla. Mr. Tbabo Kuble 'Mote 0 theohile bo boela bae Kroon.tad, h. mofomah.ali Ie b.na ba. •• leke bo qetela phomolo ea Pherekhong Ie ho Iheba. bohloko ba 'm'. bOD ••

KORnt. ea UmteteU e reki.oa bmpoDg ea Wotee ke Mr. A.aer K. Nkhahle. Be kile r. bona MoreDa Mahal. ]t. Molapo mOD. b mOlebetei. Mofo.ab.li 'M.Ubotetio 0 klle. re kh.lo • fetel. Leribe k. motok.r. o. hM 0 moch •. ReY. A. Chabedi 010 kereb ea Method· iat ° .. eleiae MUlIru kilo mo.ebetai 010 breke. Mn. Paul Ntaekhe 0 kile • ea lenyalong M.hobong.

Re bone t.le e Dga" e fibla mona Rloue ka Ii 7 Pherekhong 'me e fetela maloting. Mr. H. M. T.hiki ke eeDa mohlahJobi Olio likoto mODa Rlotae. Me • .,. Seth NUh.kaDa, Edwin Ntaua ke baleml ba 'Mu.o ba nteeng b. ruta aecub. mona uribe. Mr. EdWID Boblo ke eena motl.,.i o. toloko e. 'Molo' B. ele Mr . Daniel M.kek.le Mr. Sol. 8tb.I.bala ke boo. be.tbuti Ie mahlo • ·MolO. B.tho hlna bchle ke ba thol.og ba elet..ug ba.hi be. HIotae bo t .. maea b tiel. e. toka.

Re lebch. h.bolo bo bon. banoa b. likelello ba .... og Mr . J . Ram.bolu Ie Mr. Phamotae. Mr . O. S. M.kepe 0 tla ch.ta b.u fi Ie Miu Hope o. Ma. .ro. Moren. Lejone J . Mol.po oa M.liba·m.ta'o 0 kile • re kbalo koano HIohe.

Bo bile Ie mokete 0 mobolo oa li ­piDa mNDe lekolong I. St. P.ul .. TlikO.De. LipiDa Ii De Ii taamai.oa ke Mr. Gilbert Motolo. tinhere e kbolo ea Taikoane . B.tho Ie eooh.b. hI. De ba phutbehile b.ntle . Ra ny.lulla ho bon. leoh.b. Ie bo utlo. pioa ha bana ba .ekolo. Ba Mr •. P. R.mohotai ho fihlile H iM E . S. Mokbehle ea rulang IIllIeru ,

Re lokel. bo t haba ron. b. eetreke loa Leri be ho utloa ho re blahlobong e. likolo tea ban. til. r..e.otho t .. thuto e mah.reoll: (lut.e rmed i.te School) , • • Qalo .e aebeli tae haoUe bo feta tMlble, •• latel. ke .. Leribe (MananamMo, oaoa) 'me.a bor.ro ebe • • St MODica' • • a Roma. Moo. ke IIhl.hlobong h a 8 t YI t.e tlam.iaoanli ke ' YulO.

Re utloa k. malo.bl. kopaoeog Ie t habo bore Mr, Herbert T. bik i emon g o. hlhl.blobi b. Iikolo t ea Leaotbo, 1'. bill'D_ u ribe ka mor·. molo Mr. Mack.y Sello, 0 Uo.o. koano ho ea aeterekt'D, •• Qutbing. Muo.bi • roo. ke bob.De re De NI Ie re mo tlo. l'he, 'me thallo e. roo. ke ho mo )alt-.leha btl .. bo Ie moeebE'hi 0 motle moo. ".DR. joe.lek. h •• ile. Mbe­leU. Ii kolo ttl Leril18 h m.khethe.

·E. kilen •• re kbalo kf' Mr . .T.m". naogaka Makl!'p8 ho u Maaeru. a . re hE'be morero 00 • Dt Og • ile k. , 'oa. Mr. M.kepe kef IDonJl: (la banDa t. , b.holo m.abeolf Oahtlljl en., e bile l-e .--eo. molul. -aetulo oa lek.la 1. I ti loe I. KopeoQ f'& T.oeloJ:ltle .. s

• l..!-sotho (1"',utol.1 ~ J'rM' I'f'M' .... A ..

10ci.tiOD). Rape efDa Mr. M.kepe e kile ea eb. mookameli Je moogoli e moholo o. kopano eo • .

Re tbaba ho boo. Mr. A ~ea Moeb.basb. ko.oo Leribe k. ho chao kela, a ehoa mane Ma, ite Sobool, moo • khet het eoeng bob. MOlopi oa Temo .

Pula e ogab e ooetee e nele Leeotbo bo tloba kilo Mc.qebelo 12 kboeling eDa, 'me e lipooneog lemabeleDg a ufng biola ho batJ. pul. ka m.U • . mpenyaD. feel. ke hobaDe e rat. bo oa k. eetako Iinlko athe eefako e ne Ie ele ntho e 110 joeng Leeotbo kit n.ko e tflele. e ng.ta haholo letrekeng .a Leribe, 'me batbo ba b.tl. ba qetile bo bel. kajeno lehoja likoro he ling tie ng.'. Ii lleohoe ke pula e ogat. e. mono· Dgnab ••

Jefrou Q.beog Cbabeli, mob.h'. Rev. Ch.beli o. kereke ea Wesley.n Methodist mon. Blotee 0 fiblile ka I. 14 "oeling ena bo tlO. Benohel moo e neng e .e e Ie nako e teletan. a etehe teng Mn. Chabeli 0 felfbe· litloe ke 'm'.e. 'me ntbo e '?;::;~:: ka bo leti.isa ke boba Mn. (

MOllhuj ene ele ene eei ec 0 eeteeDg mo tluog eo MODoathebe Ie Sekao . Ke

10 r. Goronyane mo Kgo­Seith. ° agile mo P.lmiet.

10 lolele, 'me. tlog. mo ngoageog

fa goe e Dbe kbu o limolot&e go ro·

?al. . ka lali 25 Deoember me a tlm ela k. J.nuary 1935

OOloko. k. II I mo kerek'ell8 e~ Paul'. Welleyan Cburoh , tirflo e

ke Moruti Poollen. Molhni modiri mo kereleeng ka boreri.

Pel e a budogela Tb.b.llcbu e ntlll I. kncke ea P.lmiet·

fODt ein ebile ele toloko fa tekole­komiti 0 .bo •• Ie m.ahome a .hupe

a • godile. 0 tlogelle b.n. b. hauro b.

; b .. ehall. blbedi k. eo n1ecOtDg go R.mag.g.. Palo r. banna Ie ba.adi b. n. b. letee koloi

kbotl. y. Batb. Pabello Buri.1 Auooiation ene ele 1.>0. Pbitlho eDe

eteltcoe pele ke Srucbo P. Modiro. Ie P. Modillohile. MD lebitlns tiro

oe e cboeroe ke Rr.ecbo Kgo.i. Ba Ie mo.hoi ke Mr. E.

T G~:'8~~;::[o.)lr. A. !I.n: B. : tl. a eo. Ie leae., ba e ne e Ie e liIemo tee kit b.ng lubome ngnan.. Re lebohela Rev .

kamoo Molimo 0 uUoileng th.pelo S~~~~~ill:;,~M' . ~~~~i!~:~:;~. b.e k. Ieee. leDa. Lebiteo 110 .~"~I~.1 !!~. , )lr. nk.o. e mocba ke" M.ndl' e Nko.i " . PoooyanE', Mr. J. S. ,

K.mor'. te'ebetlo ulilemo he milo. Mn. B. Sebeel., )lu. Ditbebe, Mn.

. Li~.I.li •• Ii a. b.tiaoe m.palnug II b.~'lOo k~DtOrotlg. kapa otiling e. m.glatrat. me kh.lIlo foa,. lipsea o6sing e. 'm •• lrata e b.U. e Ie te'o· pboli bob.oe ba motbo a rata ho et. kap. a e. mOlebetlio~ tulong tie ling: mohlomong k. trelle h. mOle belli 0 Ie Dlong.t. oGeiog 0 tia fOm. bo fiblela m"kbooa • qet. mOlfbelli o. b. tl rD@: ba 0 Ie bet... )fobkmong nlko eo m.kboo •• qehog k. foOO. ke o.ko eo tereoe e tllm.uog k. fOO. ' 'me be ebe hrene e llIe mo .We. B.tho ba b.ogat. b. liuo. ke terrae k. mokbca o jo.lo. Jf.polufng bo 110 bo lokile hohane bo bulo. h lia.ko hoble . Batbo ba bang.t. b •• enyebelo. b­mleto. boo. k. bek. I. bo ko.lo. b. o61i eo b.ta·o.oetleng ho bati •• bo eooa .

M.tb.hie, Mn . S . S. Dib", Un. C. J . Sfgole, )fro Z. Lonah, IIr. J . I"I.tole. Bao b. cO.II8 BloelllfooteiD roe fI t' M,.. Lobere, Mil. 1101811., Mr. A. Tbubi.i, Mr. P. Lir.lillgne, Ih. Jbbilo .

Ke lebog. Iihal. cotlbe til Ii tba· I.nyeng Ie nn. ka ge ntlba litbulbo k. go Daea Ii.tl. 1110 tirena u u lo.bo I.g. ue 'moao Ie CODe Ii looiety . Thulbo h. lona botlbe bo .Hebo If molemo, Ii ohbilliitu lII.r.thoo, Rre 10 'molokile.

Ibome. mar.ro bo ba Litlel. tl8 Talima rapelIlJ ttl qdelo BlOfmfontein.

'Mo.o (Pnblio Worke Dep.rtment) ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. E . S_ SJ:DIKELO,

mooD.·mDholo, Andre .. M.kubu, 010 ba M.mokoaqo 0 ho. taoa m''''b •. / taina ka peD.heDe.

Leta.,. I. Mo.boubce, J2 B~':~;~ bela, Ie U. tbabeloa joalek •. I Leribe kit mokete o. p.pali E' kbolo reieilli fa Iipere. Mananeo a ":'::i~: eo lipere litl. e m.thfl. a fe ~

Jolly Jack Barnard's Book Shop AppoinJ.e.d Age~t for H Umtt1eli."

'me Balotbo boble b. lokel. pol. letaatai len. ele Ie Irbolo, ke k. Ion. MOIbOfebce a ilfng a tlela Leeotho ta'ireletlo LI •• •• 'MulO 010 England. Ba r.hng bo fum.D. manaoe. peieo ena ba k. nJl:0II. ; Boo. Secret.ry, Leribe Mot bflb Cove· D.nt Day Gymkb.na Club, P . O. Le· ribe Baeutoland .

ThoDSIDds of books IlwlJs iD stock iDclodiDg Nati.. books, Bibl .. , etc.

Write for Price List to :


fh '111" ~ .. ,. ... G' P.,WI .1 ~h .. Ilrl l.& , . ,.;u 4 I·:.ao, tile m) 1Cl;&aI A fr·<:&- x. hl ... ElI tl

.. ~ ~ ~ ~ Me d'tltll&, (;0 N rLH F ATIA , ~ GO l' 'IAT,u T.. P I r~ .. ,ellll, u. t •

f .. ,..tntl.. • I ' 'W DII .... ~u

AI" _GO.iI:r E 'UNO


s • •

Page 15: Thrilling Echo Of Xmas Broadcast

Litaba Tsa Teyateyaneng I pULA e kUeng ea na ka m&.tu.tli a

a fetlleng e I&. emi@ihe, 'we e ne e bile eka e ka boela ee. re phu hanye· nyane feela.

Bablomphehi Qelo Maope, Philemon 'Mabathoana Ie Miohael Taeki ba eme ka maoto ho lokieetl&. lipere tea bona peiso ea Moahoel!lbol!l e tla ba Leribe Ira la 12 Marob. Eka waoba ba matbi. siue hantle Hlohloloane.

Nako ea ho boela halikolo e ntae e at&.mela 'me ban. b. baogat .. ba ee ba otle b. itokiaetea ho theoh. ho ea lillolong. Re bona kOlno mona thuto e tonetsoe mahlo ke Ba,ta.ung feela, re ba.tla. ra 8. tsebe hare na. ke boo$ ba. fum&nang botbata lefata'eng lena. Cha ba fa t8ebe khopolo tall. bMho.

Motlatli oa 'Mueiaj (Mr. Dutton) 0

t80a bit9. baoa ba. mobe, ba ba. fibla a ba fa. lipereki8i. Kajeno ke khetlo la bobeli moren&. enoa. a etea joalo. Rnri rea ba lebohela. bana bao.

Capta.in F, A. Piers ofi8iri ea mapo· leu 0 hlok. hopholo 0 ee a bile a etaoa Hogakong Lej08leputBoa 'me eka 0 10-kel. ho ea bouoe. K. leba.ta 100 0 8e .& bile a okile levi ea khoeli tee tharo. Mr. F. D. Warren ke eena e .. nkileng eebata. aa Clptain Piore.

Mr. Wilfred Mpoti 0 .. Peka 0 teng koano ho tla thuea lev6nkeleog ba Monla. Baeti ba roo .. ebBe Mrs. R. Matloaa. (Ma.,orn), J. Mot8ieloa. (Peka) Kenneth Deatea. (Corn Exohaoge) lIr. U. B. Mosheah Ie rangoanae ba ile bl feta Ie mona hI. b. et&oa bohlo· kong ba atat'a Mr. U. B. Moehea ea hlokahaletseng mUDe Sefikeng. Re l!ale bon.; Morena a ba, t.hu8e kilo ma­ts'elieo a. 'nete. Mra. R. Morabe 0 kile a re khalo ho ea. bona. bang kl eena Laribe. Min L. Mokhehle tic here aa. St. Agoea Misaion Scho'll, o. tao, aa Leriba sopetle, eka mol.tBatsmg .oa. 0

ea bantle. Morena. Mt\8upha 0 taoa. -jeta mona a ea. M.eern. Bo Mr. S. Phenithi Ie Jameson Teeppe Ie bona ba ltile ba ea Ma8etu.

Meur8. Sol. Molelle 10 Z, Mohobela tla kile b. etel. nokang ha Molelle ho .es bona m.qheku.

Le hlol. Ie ntee Ie re he. motho a h'o!l.ta ka. m .. tsoho eba 0 .. itiontloU .. , hoja la kilo Ia. tl.. bona Mr. B, Mufolo, ea s .. khsthalong hob'oara ka mahoho a haa: likoro tea haa Ii ntle, lekholo ke lenyane ho eena lemong .ena.

Mr, PiIIlr Sojane (mora Mavelaphe) -el! taoa.og Mohale8boek 0 teng koano bo tla thu •• bo Mr. Sol. Nkoko Ie B. Letla"a moeebeblog 080 bongola batho.

Mr. Wiltia,m Deatea, moqobi 0110 lorry Teyatoyaneng 0 taoa ea Gauteng ho ea. lata "khubelu" eneha Mr. Ben Sokne8a. mOBnpi oa Temo 0 boa hah&Jo kilo botle ba lijalo 8olemong een!li 'me h!li Be feela naha era talaa!

Banana ba Saretsoeng Ba Bopang

• Falimebelang Kobi ea Phokolo ea Mali.

Ha maroetllIlo. hocheng hI! hlle a jeoll ke balllt", a b<>pll 'me a" hloka tho.bo," ho. bo 30 letho Ie mo kbo.bli.a.aog, b. a aa oatafeloe k~ lijo. hebll bore 0 fokollo. ke mill;. Ka !lllkonYlioll e seag kae ho hema h. hae, ho opoloo. ke hloobo Ie mokokotlo Ii tl. tii311 'oet .. eO. bore 0 fokoUoa !til mali. HII morlll; 0& hllo a Ie tiena, mo jese Dr. Williams Piak PilllI 1<. poUako. KII kbetlo Ie long Ie Ie lellg leo II jlln~ l;pili,i taenll mill II mll<'lhll II lokileng a kllna 'melilng oa hae, 'me -dhB.belo ell booo ko bllphelo bo botle, -"lItefelo eO. lijo, oyllkallo Ie bophelo bo botle bll so.a.ali.

Bill &eo mOlllll, oa BlllkbllTn, Eoglllnd, a 'Ie blillog:_

"Morall 011 ka ° na kulieoll ke pbokolo ea m .. li ka nako e foelele, 'me II taamllea IIga, keog jOlllo. 0 11110 kblithetBe ke. IIlIko taoble a opeloa. Ire hloobo hi bohloko, molikoa. likbollne, Ie ho rlll'uho. bo. 'meho Ie mllqa_ lBil'ae, 'me hobo! .. i ea hi" e ae e lieoyebile.

"'}Ie 'B iketllllet..a bo tII0 jeaa Dr. \Yill;BtII8 Piok Pille, 'me taa eebetBa jOlltoka. boloi. TaB (110 ."tiao. Iijo, flo boelOB ke wBtle, 'coe ho n" Ie ho kenoa ke mokha, thai .. !e phokolo ea mBU", ke cootbo eo. thBbileng j')ale !e b\ool>o hll. e aa mo opel •. Dr. Williams Pink Pilla Ii mo fetohe kB mokhoa 0 mBkatsa.og."

l1a.bllokele ohle II lekiea Dr. Wmiam~ Piol< Pills, I<"p" 0/lol1a b" Dr. Williame Medicine Co, P.O. BOl< 601. C&Pf> Town, h. ad. hotlolo, ka.pe tOle heletseag k" IS .... rit lela poso.



In the Group &.re Dr. P. k&. I. Sema, the Prs8ident Goneral; Chief ~ini~ O ' f Ch' f M ~ S M Peterson Deleg'l.te Western ProvlDee, rg&.nleer 0 Ie 8; r J.'. .' , •

Mn. Bhola, General Women Organiller.

Mr. H. van del' Merwe, Poetmaetfor 0

hoa fihls. ho tso&. phomoloDg es. kbeeli o tla a talhnrha a Ie bophelong bo khahlehang.


HO fetaha ha moea mateahing a mang a eelomo ho etHa hore re

tepelle. ka lebaka leo ebe batho ba bang ba kenoa ke letHo'ollo, ke lefu Ie bohloko leo. Seblare sa nete lie bo sebelil!la Chamberlain's Colio and Diarrhoea Remedy. Ha ho 'ae h'oa nlng Ie aona khathateong tilt. mala. Se teklBoa likemeBeng Ie mabankeJeng boble.



Ea re 8ii1&l}g kilo. la 19 Pherekhong ke 'Ma,Nokodema Leaba MUlbe oa Kl)eneng ha Morena Mitchel Peete, 0

h 10 ks halot6e mona 8epetlelo sa Lejoe. leputaoa a patoa New Cla.re ka'Ma. • ndaba \"eaeng. 0 na t.\Jle koano ka Dba ko bo bara ba. bae Nieodemu8 Ie Moehe ba Now Clare. Re Ila Ie bona

SINGER Elokileng bo leta tsoble Lef.henc

MACHINE OA HO ROKA U k. Tek. e Mocha·machll SIN G E R kilo theko etlaee

£7 : 17 • • 6

If you want the lovetic, t white,

you mustn't mi~s the last rim e

in blue 'Water. It's the only

way to get the real white.

Just blue watet fot YOUt Lut

rinse and you've a white like

new snow I

Out of the blue comes the whitest wash


a.mabini ngo mhla we 11 Novem· ber, 1934. Ama.bala awn; elinye Ii gwangqa. likuln line koll'l'ana ezimbini ezinoinci, line 8igingqi entaDyeni eku, nene azinkabi omabioi; elioye Iifosi yi poni a.linamabala lon!li. Anqunyu . lwe izinehi oma.bini, owabonilayo yi £2.10/. UffiVOZO.

Hlol<omel" u hona bore u fumane EONA HANTLE SINGER ka bo e reb feela IlABENKELENO a SINGER" namz Ie lete'uso la "a" e Ithubedu lifeaewreng. Kamebla n kRDlla ull fumana Lita'epe. Toki&o leho teboll ha Singer. E eotane ta that. 'me e tla luJIL bophelo ba hao bohle. "SINGER" ke eODa pobo ea Machh1e tu. bo Rob I<sofela. J:leke ua thewaa ka mef\lta lISa teebiaahaleug. TLO kap. NGOLU Lenaneo Ie rona Ia Liporeisi. KABENKELE A TRANSVAAL

PAM PAM DLULA., City Deep Compoond,

BOl: 1411, Johanne6burg.

Joha»aeebarr-S2h Joubert Stree. 27 RiIIIlik Street 30h Pliliu Street

.. .. .. all }IanhaIl abee" J'eppll

Pr>etoria-2lI0 V8D De, ~al' 8t,8II' &IIolli-2i Fort atree' Genni.tcllt--67 Preflldell' 8treet Withuk-JIaID abed

Igazi eUcocekileyo lizisa impilo efezekileyo I.INTESTONE idudula yonke ichefu emzimbeni

KUKO inkunkuma esalayo kuyo yonke indlu yokwenza jzint(), emsebenzi nase ndlwini. Kukwanjalo naku MZIMBA wo ~1U);'TU. l'kudla k\\'enziwa okokuba kupenduke j Cui, inyama na mandla si Sisu kunye ne~i Bindi, koko kuko okuninzi okon­akeJeyo okusaleJayo. Okokuba umonakalo awukweleliswanga umzimba ungenwa yityefu. I-Intestono liyeza elicokisa uku );'go)la esi S,\ini, iuyongo enint::;hi ne mfumba ye nkunkuma enohu!i ese l\1atunjini. I-Intestone ipitikezwe ngamakambi nezi qamo ngale njongo kwaye ixhube ingcambu ezoku corna uku hamba kwe Gazi. Ngokoke kungeso sizatu ihlamba ukung­cola: olwimini. isusa amaqakuva ebusweni noku jaduka emzimbeui.

KU MADODA. Sebenzisani i Intestone kuzo zonke i2ifo ze Sjsu kunye ne Gazi Elibi.

KU MANKAZANA. I-Intestone ilungele arnakosikazi ase nzima nabo bangayi kakuhle ngapandle.

AB~lfTWAlfA. Xa umntana wako ezibika nge nUoko. museze Itamo Ie Intestone.

INTSAlfA. Xa isisl) so saDa si n/Za sebenzi kakuhle ntsuku zonke, mnike intwana ye Intestonc- ._. isipumo sesi ngumman­galiso.

Ukung.:on..,.O<l ..

Ulrndilt_ okuD,apoli-,..

l'1mb..... k .... ,.,._ l,.-']n,ra<>&d.a k_,.,._

Sebenzisa i IHTESTONE xa uqunjelwe nakuzo wnke imeko ezixelwa apa nga .. pezulu.

I .. INTESTONE . j •

I-INTES.TONE i t w.l.fana naxa Ilmntu. etab~~a ijamu nge cepe. Ixabiso hYI 11 9 ng(-.I.l;onxil. kuzo zonke Ikemisl apa ku Mdibaniso~

Page 16: Thrilling Echo Of Xmas Broadcast

16 Ul1TETELl WA B..L~TC. JOBA...,\XESBCRG, 26m JANUARY, 1935.

Mofu T s' oeuapenya Mokuena Ea Lilemo tse 96

----(KE JOWIE 04 Si~EKAL)

MOFUTSOJ::;UAPENYA MOKOEKA ea ileog a hlab. k. 0 •• 0 ea

Lebloa 1. Moelehi eelemong •• IS!l9, o timetee k. I. II Pberekhoog'me .. boloko. b Ie hl.bl.maog. 0 ,i.

Tsa Vredefort (Kl B. W S.)

mor'. b&e Bookie. Ie .etloboloana MR. Baby Sam Ph.koe te ban. bohle· SELEMO 18 etch. 1M! qali1e ka mlfu boble b. Mokoeoa bolutoog b. It.- Ie mabloko. Mr. PI&lene Ie ogoa'Oa

oa lIr. D. L. G. Mokuena, prlDtllpal ea mehla. Phupuog ho bile teng milo- mooa b. blile b. tll'carehlle. Mr. Ie qhfl·k·b~lm·1 ogata," t Lil.Uo kere- Mrs. Moknen. b. kilo ba fe kbalo ho

Ole e me e e ea . ea E •• toll ha malam'. boo._ B. koog ea D.&'C:. A.ME.· Anglican Ie aileDg b. etel .. ko.oo ka Mr. lbtthewa Roman C.thohe. Kah. e De e. Ie me- Bahome Ie mofumahali, ke principal !tete e q.lang eelemo Ie loch., hkereke maDe Molteoo ba f~tetae Wolwboell: Ii ne Ii t.letee bo bile hoblOll:eb~ I::: Elta Ie ogoao': boo. o. kola. Ha lit: • feela. Kete~eng ea D.R. . Mokoeoa bo ettit.e Menra Abe J, ea neo,g a Olemlloe ho tla ~huaa ke Mogodie, Pbyliiog', E. Emery , Edw. MorutlC. I:'. de Jager oa Llodley, a JOD. Martin, principe I, Eur.'Afrlclo knla .tUhlog la bo tbe~ba ba hae, GoyeromeotScbOQI 1-:v .. too,le licbere teletaUig eo e kbolo Moruh E. Makoa !lojakit Bothaville; Ie ogoao'abo, oa 8teyo.,oat a ba a phalla bo t1al Adeodale. Rev. L. Lethoba Ie mo. thuu ka tlhomamllo ea babolo Ie ba· fumahali ba ile Jobanoelburg bo ea hlanka, 'me b. chenchaoa Ie mohlao~ cbati.a mor'a booa Tbabo. Jo •. Makbema bo ea~hu.a D •. Laurtle Re loboha ho booa morali oa Mr. oa Steyn.rlllt. T to b"t 1 BI (t"

K till' 1 D AI . R b .he ugeea oaog oap'a oem 00 fin ala a 0 a, !. ,exLi U 0. k. bohloko a folile bjeoo. I.e eena

B.A. ea tloaog A~erlk .. me .. teama· Mr. Seho.me (mo.evaogeli)kajeno 0 oa e;aog h mo.betll oa Sund.y.8ch:::1 nUalala Mr. Maeika 0 pbaUehe hkerek~og t ... A,M.E., 0 t1a cu a Gaudeog ka piuo ea bohloko. Bana mou moho Ie Rev. J, Teka!le ~a ba tiohere Sehloho ba etehe baa Kroonltad; 'me ba ~Ia "amaea dlltncl Bethulie Ie Mafeteog. Mr. Sehloho 0 eDa eohle ho ea kena Marquat? Rev. ile VereeDigiog. Cooference u Ma. R. P. Makbema Ie malumabah ... me· oyaoo oa m .. fumab.1i .. Methodi,t .. apelo kerekeol ea A I4.E. ba lie ba ebile kholo. Malumlh.li a baromuoa palamela Marquard Ita la 6 Pbero· a etloa Kimberley, Henchel, Fffe Ithoog, bo ea fepa SelaUo kereog ea Stete. Preaideot Mra. Pillo a hema. A.M.K. erekeba e oe e Ie kamobelo in mMebetai ka phakilO hoo bo ea & ... Ie Mrl: R. Makbema leket~ng booebalang bora Coofereo~e ea 1934 eo, mafum:ahah a D.R.Y, Metbodllt. e eot. moaebetsi 0 fetaog liIemo tie Prelbyt.erlan Ie A.M.E. ba eotle InD· ogata.. Bo Revi. Rampon, Lltheko, koloko. 0 motle bo ~bablaoyetsa Pieterte ba tI'oara liu'ebelet.o t.a Morntl Ie ;Jefrou &awlI,beneng 810 kereke. Le eeoa Mr •. De YOI. oa Marquard; me kamobelo eohle ea Keroke ea 'M'a.Rooa a ba teng. Coo. phetbehl ba ba Bbla nrekeng. Ka ferenceeo e i1e ea tli ... ochetalo mo. Soadaba e .. eba mokete 0 mohola oa taaoeng 00".

BelaUo, Ie Ulog kereke e Uetae betbo Re leboba 'Muepala oa ko.no he a ba bile ba hlabile kalifanltere, 'me ea ile a ba moea ho kbaolele ba.hl Ii­aba moeebetei 0 motle ho feta h .. ule cbelete teeo ba neog ba Be ba Ie mono kereke ea A,M.E. e thehoa Marquard. ka taooa (reot). JOlle eka bubi ba

• Re lebohela Mr: A. C .. J. Ramathe tla iteka bo leta. Metli a noolD![ ke ba a nt~e a boloklle ~~bltlO I~ ~atoa. oooa a .alekaolDgba.bi balokubeDe. beog ka bo bioI,: .. Competition ea Pete'e e 'ogoe, 'me e kbuoa ka libofe E ... yea Umteteh, . Ke t, 01D~10 hoena Ie motl'etre oa mentaioou. bore bacba ba ,ma.Afuk .. ba blahlle E oe eka Advi.:>ry Board e ka abeb. t.aebo ea booa hotboog taa teoelopele. taba eoa ka leihlo Ie cheteL lli.le Mrl, A. C,. J, R!,ma~be b •• a PhDtbeho ee Bot.oali e kile fa ko. cba,ketae Botbnllle. Mlu E., Kgabale (Iaoa bo balloa mflao e mtcba ea ". o lule .. cbak~la moo .. ," thle .Ienya. kolo (,cbool feel), bo t10ba 193."i Wa. lOOK la Mr. Simon MOMI, prlDclJllilea Afrika a itllmet!e hc.bane ho hODablla Qoaqoa. bore ke thDaa bo ltOoa Baoa ba

Lilrolo Ii butene ka la 22 Pbere· imetlOe ke kamoo ba ItJltt8 leho.:.! khoOI, 'me Mr. SUlpben Phera 0 Ir.he· feu kateog, ka kboeli Ie khoeJi Phu. tbetaoe ho oka .ebaka .... Mr. H. T. theho n Iitichne ha J.ehcfa Lebooa nall:o ea khoeh tee tharo.. (N A.TB. ea A.T.A O .. 1-'.S) e tla lula

Mr. Pi.t MokODe oa KrOOOltad 0 oa Pa~ye ka Marcb. Lltbo tla eona Ii ale mooa ho t1a lata thot.o Ie 01010' eleho. bo romel .. mabiho .. hOlla klo mahali k .. lorry. Mr. A. Ntleket. 0 Mr. Muh Noge, B. U. School ka ki1e a palamela Johaooeeborg ka Hlakola. Bohle ba kopuoa bore ba be week.eod bo lat .. ogoana.. tenK Ie aooual,ublcriptiou he bon.,

Mr.la M,.. Simoo MOI&I ba ~boba Ie cbelete ea masuinf'. t.oble me'lo.lle e lIeol ea bela hmpho Mi.treNtI Sebume Ie Lethoba ba Ie ho ba lablet .... Iebiobooolo leoya· khuUela liiolong .. a bo~a. Ih Enfa Ioog la booa. Eblle 18111alo Ie leholo, Tai_e eo a oenl e Ie motlet.i 'rede. 'me IIbloi .. a ker.eke ~ Weaele Ii tlo· lort B. U. 0 ile ho qala TbenoiNeo tlilitee moeebewl U mloo 0 mooale B U MI. Getrude Mo.hlhIE­? ~oog 0 wamalaoa ke Rn. 801110:-1. SPe,~oa.

III a moroe.tuoa. faDa k .. monh oa Ibt .... iol. ho Uoba ka KUIEme .. bee .. khablleol ka ~odo. ho lie ba chela habolo liJalo tn eeha.

8elrolo. but.oe. me bua be lale empa boaiuDI be S<'l'Idega 13 Juuary knyeoyaoe haholo paloOI ka baka la ho oele pola a otle I batlil~D8 e fetola ,koIS.i e blahiliteoeog ke b. 'MollO lijalo booba. Komello e kholo habolo mona. .

Yr. E. ~mppe oa Sopbiat.own ebile •

Tsa KrooDstad 1 Konyaoa. Kala IS Pbtrl'khong bo tao .. .fibla. --

( Kit MONCOOLLI 04 RO:S.t.)

K A pbirimaDa ea la 17 Pberekbong bo bile Ie pitlo e kbolo Olbo ..

tluog ea Commuoity Ban, Itchaba 18 pbuthehile k .. bongda ho tla mlmela raFUroto ea Bloekman H. K. Billda ta litabe tea pbutheho ea Ii Advieory Board e oeDg e lutlle Pretoria. Be bang ba hi Ie b. ema kantle ke bo blo. k. !ebalr.a. Setulong e Ie Mr, Jona TlbaplDe. mongoli oa liblokomloe tla koeoo. Boba piteo e re tu, kamorao bo puonraoa eo a ill oS a e 'etea ea ho kopakhutao, a kopa lIr. Bieda bo phoDya Iitaba. Moromuoa .. bolela bore ho boiaaDoe ka lintlba teeDa: MollO 0 bUlaug malokeebf'De; Tllma· iao n jOIII: Lipl~a Ie Iikooteraka Ie bo IImapolni; Korallo (a 'Muto Ie makhotla. be batl'o klpe B.tala, T""lIy!!bo Ell baDava. Mtput~o ea ba· eebehi be Krooo.hd Ie Kboebo ea Batal. maloknheoellg a Forei!etata. A qetelJ. ka bo bolela bahamaiai be khttbilotng hecb .. ba lekhotla Jeo. A balela bore kopeoo e bile kholo baholo Ie hore ba ile ba bootl'oa motle oa Pretoria kamoo 0 ahil0611g htell~.

Jefreu Mepbike oa Bo.baville ebile moeti oa Mr. Ie Mra. Betbuel

Mr. Ie }lrl. R. Ciogo B A.; lItllra J. Mabote, Sol, Tlhapane Ie Mi .. \finDi" MooJ'lui ba tIIoe koaoa Matatiele moo ba lIellg ba ile leoYlloo![ la Mr. Ciugo. Ka phirimlDa ea la HI Pherl" kbollg ebile ~amobelo ea Mr. Ie 11". Cillgo ha lIr Ie Mn. J K. Mabote moe .wr. R. Ciol!O e ,.Ieog a Shll'\a tellg_

Moruti BaDoDg 0 tometeoe bo tbuea Moroti Tl'kine. Bo fihlile tich"e tn ocba tta Baotu Ullittd Sobool I'ltng Mr. A, C. Jordl8n Ie Mise E. Scga.


HA mala a '" eebehe hlnt.le 'Olde-oble el,a 0 tla .hathIJa. 80

'ebeliea Iipili .. i he "Dg kle ha Cbamberlaio'. Tablete Ii ka u loki.a. Li 10k'lI tbui~o, Ii hllteca uhtl', Ii el.eahore mala a pbethe moubetai oe. 000 .. hentle. Ba ba05la'a ha ntog ba khathahoa ke tbuilo ba thulitloe kt Chamberlaio'l Table". Ak'u Ii lrh Ie uena kejtno. Li rd.i~(a likflu. leng Ie mabeokeleol hob Ie.

• "

E. ntaeog a itlonya mltlahiD)1t1 t, aDa ke .Mr. Eogl'lIe lIotlllle, 'me re 010 lahletea bo hlapbohelca.

Angakupelisa Okwa Kugula Kubi Kakulu.

Ndiy. kWlZi ."' •• g. kWtli. Y tza LisimIDgI ...

l·k,)iu, UI,d, :\\(' nJC~n18U1l1a 1,.0)..,,1 £lIe, t. uga unOO.Ilr.la y",:up,UMi ti· g'lla oKul, •• OkUlltlLtulullIbho (rill'll,) hlniya llnit/Jamlo tID((ulllmaosalilO luoqol'l obllhlungll, ltdJ1f.t)lnU~e 11f1 l..uni-j ,.Im l'Rf,ku Idlaolna 11@:' ogu rul.:in'li. foOllll'lIglI adombhilt'yo,lng"Lo 011111110_ T"j'ataul-<J 1lI1,iui D ul~llUt t,l-wa .n~o ~on1.o mtluogu flU uza kuJI'II. \lhlllueli~ ... IIj.:/,J.uILlltlltha l)ut.i It· nkalnll.l .. l'~. ~ill~j, umtulldo 111·,,)'(' I'"anl,; IwkntYIII Ilk,'.max ... ,ha uji.\ llf')" Ill.' II \,,,1")0, lntlun~\I ('mi· I t ·y')..,u, II ka hUIa.a Ull ~a \H mdeh' JJh;!.k.hn'lll, u),;udt.\lIl,!, ukan~" rt'}I· ubla,u)f'i.I]'·, ule fiti ~I mll,lali ,I' pma 'mln)'t' ImILL\\lIZi )t' okatilllzo yO' ~ mJ,llo uLe aelu hmgt'le &~ mbini amMo tintlo, kunplinll,a llkubako ukltnw. 'ilozi ,,{) mdlal(.l~ .AkullO Irmbi Iyeu 1'1 1I0k"," lupina IIblc,l,o ,·j'{'lllmi hak(,l "lIDO 1;;'lkullIl,.a If'Jllur.o Ikballirtile;ro,

Kiloli IIJiyazi. ukuLa kUllO kwt'o,e· Iqini~kil .. ,..(, kow zanke intlobo·ntlo· ka. namagctJra a),,'uma. uku)'ipeli.roa lou :l.tnkathuo U"tintao nn" .i01i inJWti c'ml,i f'Sf'mluJ"l'ni Ylko ul,u),. umblaum.,j impiIQ.eYlpbukiJe)'o eye· D~"kukh.uln:a ulumane im[lilo ltO nl.!' ... a bpli eliochoLileyo. Kod.a mdele uLc ool,ugan},onyo ltbuphd..le· qiniRka kukub. ube u'omene Iooa yo ullit'huhleni be mpilo ,.ako, iDqU )'alo ety"yaDe!li "Ilaa oale uri

Kauyt' nje paya e Kf'mil!i yako Lona ape inegama liIhlcilelwe oloku ulwU' ul,ue imbodlela lbenye y ... Uti Clcileyo euleni, Witt'. Ki,iDey and Bladder PilLs. t·y.lut-ibo!la illqhamo Ulll·. ungom· !lye k.i Mtuba aama ~4 I'yu~, IntJu· ogu uko zoku yek .. , upde umlllbdo "Jivile't1, i.ga:r.i lak,) li1oululd..e konko erj·t\·ebni. u~ uti u1oub&. U%lDgiaile,

n~il plllll ulltie ll:akulu, .mpiJo elotle jkau~ hkukubu)ela

• oeti oa baholo be hee Aupale Aoma J.i.el &!mppe. Mr. Ie Iba. Mickael 1I0ieko b. labl.beteoe ke Iiphablo tee b 11lit.caei.ng ha be Ie KronOltad bo <,hencbela tereneog ea Seoekal. Ea Ii fumaneoJl; 0 kopooa ka mo'a bo Ii ,,"'lDI'la bo No. 243. 'll 'aob!ollaoe ~t.reet t'ooekal. •

Macba ka la Boraro lDohl'Dg oa EMtero Xati .. To.nehip e oe e Ie pOIt niiZ'ht .. POOt80 e. llte'oaDt.., I 1001'Gpe)lit .. mailoa b Rtl' Ray 1:. Pbillipe.

Cbe matl&tliJ:t~ ana re booa h'bo­limo Ie blile Ie .... p .. hantle haholo' mabepi Ie pola_ Ka .wantaba mo. ,' " ·e.re oa maotalbom ka 0.1to M ba Ir.bomo Ii oroba e ile ea oa ka"khahla Ie .. bolo ebile e kopaotee Ie maJc».na metlaoug e b tboko bo J cha.ooee· burg tf'OI ea hLa U Da Jr.a .'ako "' batJileol Ie etla te 'uyo e mpUI,.aoa limeltol:, baholo '" ka libele .. litho> loaoa II muoho lealo-loalo. We oee,

TluNtba Elicebe alol. IN all .. '. e .. oadele,o, .. piliIey •. ,

Ii::ldney and Bladder PILLS .. be tra e .. bolla boba bo 0010 bo cbt· u habolo.

Page 17: Thrilling Echo Of Xmas Broadcast
Page 18: Thrilling Echo Of Xmas Broadcast


s. A. BANTU RUGBY BOARD MEETING Sports On The E.R.P .M. Transvaal-Cape Rugby Tour Discussed Golf Challenge

-REGINALD Motlamai and hi.

(BY QALAZrrE.) brother Punch challenge any

t .. o profellional golfert in the Trane- (By A, J. S, R.)

LEADING Rugby ent.hu.i8llte from the Tlrioua Cape oeot~ and tbe

Traoavaal met at Port Elizabeth during the IlBt Cricket Tournament to diaouM the formation of a Soutb Alrioao Banto Rogby Board on the eame linea aa the S.A. Bautu Crioket Board. ThiB well a'tt6nded meeting took plaoe at tbe New Brighten Loca· tion Offioe.. Tbe different centre' were represented aa fo\lowa:-M~sfB J.lt:. Dippa, L. Nginr:l, A. B. NtBblnga, C. Manana , R. Tahiael. and T. Jantjea (Port Elizabeth); p, B. Ngriki and A. B. Mbolek"a (OrahamatoW"D); E, N. ka C. Dona (Adelaide); Felix T, Krune (Kimberley): J. Meki and H. S. Ben· Mazwi (Eaat Londoo); J. Mahluttlhana (Queenatcwn); D. Fongqu (Capetown): H. B. PiJilO, a. P. Majola, P. MpheJe and T. I. N. Bondlo (Tran ...... I).

In dealing "ith the project, Mr. J. Dippa (convenor), ... ho pre.id~d. briefly oot)ioed the object. addIng that Mr. Sondlo wu allo ftlaponaihle in. mea.ure for the meeting being called.

All preaent took part in the di..acu.· aion, and i\ .... unanimou.ly deoided that the priucipal of a S.A. Bantu Rugby Board be provisionally aoee~od. Circular letten with regard to the Icheme are to be for"atded tc Secretariee of the different centrel for coaaideration and approval.

It wa. further deoided that centre' be invited tc lend delegate. to a repreaent.a.tive meeting to be held at EMt London during the EaIt.er.Cape Rugby Tournament, .nd the followiog were previaionally elected a. a working committ.e: Melin J. M. Dippa (chairman) E. N. C. Duna, H. S. Beo­MIZ .. i, P. Ngsiki, J. Mahlu~.hana and T. I.::<I: Sondlo (.~retary).

Traosvaal-Cape Rugby Tour lIr. R. P. Maio)" (Preaident. T.N.B.

F.U., JOhlLDDuborg) appealed to Capt Rugbyeotbuaillh for .upport of tbe forthcoming Trao.vaal 1935 Rugby·Cape Tour. The memben pre.eot lupported the Icbtme and ... ored Mr. Majol .. tbat every centre would look forward to the tour with ple.eurable aotioipatioo.

At the cloliog .tage 01 tbe meeting, Mr. M ,N.mee (Superintendent of the New Brighton Locatioo). t.hrougb whOle courteey tbe meeting WI' held in hie offices, espre •• ed hi, appreci. ation of tbe movt'ment. In tbanking thoul preeent for huiag attended, he •• id he felt that. 6\"erythiog proposed •• a io tbe intere,tt and w(olllre of their eporta. It Wat bit bope and deeire, tberefore, tbat tbe .cheme woold not end in t.Jk and it Wat tbe duty of all pretent to give tbe &cbeme their .bolehsarted lopport.

• • • • Conteeting tbeir 10,'al cup fidurel.

New Brighton (0) C.C.played againlt Hard Catcb (A) C,C. at New Brigbton lut ~aturaay. In their fiut inninga, Ne1ll' Brighton e~ored j~ {D. Tito 35 not out , S. T . Ntlhekita :!3 ; Mpati eight for :ll roo.}. Hard Ca-tch foll owed , and wben Itumpl were drawn , tbey had BcoreJ :$0 rUlli for ~ wickete (Kwua 14 not out, C. Mathal.b. 10 Dot out). The m.tch will be re,umed t oday. I

At anotber pitch, Hard Catch (B) met New Brighton (A). Ha rd Catch' tlt'ored :~~ an out . Wben .tumpe "ere dra .. o, Ne'" Bri,ll:bton had .cored 40 r' I DA for 00 \\,)cket.. t

In their ilC'Conrt Tound for the tennia -tropb,. Ch it' ( 8 ) ttam p~a.~·ed ",sainet Champion (8) te.m. CiVI<J won tbe JIlate" l>y "I Fame' l..l3-;';2).

-~;;:;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;~ I v .. l, for a Four·Ball match to be Sllj'l' qu!!IWm;Dua;u;wwpmpr/l"['Qmtlr;~ ·~ played on 14th July over .. 36 ..

~~ On The t~ thirtY'lix holetl, on the Rangert Golf CoUfae at Benoni. Pleaae anawer to:

IN addition to foetball aDd cricket, E.R.PJd. to·day, like other mion,

have fermed a tenni. elob. Mr. E. B. Nkoll, .. ho i. on the E RP.M., il the foonder and organ iter of the tennia club there. It. firet annnal genera! meetiog w .. held in the Yinlndab. Han, Comet Lecatioo, on 3rd January

Mr. R. L. Motaamai, P.O. Box 338 I Field Of 'B.noni ' ~dll1wnnmtmt Sport trmml1!lft1rf!r1iY fir!a~~~:~~ vll~OOr:~~:~18 Ha~~e~~

AT Chril Shaft, Robineon Deep, laat Sonday Deep. met Stone Breakera.

Winning tbe toea Deepa took tbe field and Stone Breakera acored 17\'1 ruu. (G"e16 51 Vundla 3:;, Mpbele :!6, Mot86mme':!;!; Denalane five for 53, Qupe three for 3U). Deepa nplled with lOti (Ndnogana 23, Qu.p~ HI, Denalane 16, Dladla 13; Makot.I foor for 28, Owele three for ::!l, Mampe three for 29). Stone. Br~akera com· menced tbeir ,econd InnIng' and at dOle of play had acored 57 for 1 • icket (Mpbele 4~).

Tbe match will be continued at Wemmer tomorrow (Suoda,).

• • • • Randfont.eio Eatatel A .howed their

beat farm agaiDat City Deep B, lilt Sunday. In their fint inuing. ~~ey .cored 153 rUOl, P. Motlhabe ntlflng with 70 rUDe. City Deep B who fai!ed tu "itbatand tbe bowling U1d fielding of a.odfontein Eatatee A only oollect· ing 79 rune io both Inning.; thul Randfanteia Eatate. A won by an inninga and" run •.

• • • • A record inning. &care 80 far thi.

"aIOD in Traoavaal cricket waa eata bliehed by I. Phillip., "ho, playing for OttomaOi agaiuet Oriental., de~ed the bowling of Oriental. and carried hia bat with a score ~3:l. The Orientala be,t. bowlera "ere .everely punished by this .young ,pl.yrr .who puncbed their delivultB IU all duee· tioca and the poaition waa only ea!led .. hen' Ottoman' cloaed their tint ion· iug. with a acoro of 3~1 runl (I. Phillip. 23-l not out, M, Abrahama 41S), Orientala replied with I:JS (E Fihla 35, E. Majola ~U, R Sibeny. 20); and et<lond inning. l:!J (Gonguka 67, E, Fibla f!"l; J. Abrahama five for 40). Ottomans therefore won by an inninga aod 120 ruoa. . " . "

Relulta of other matche. pl.yed, during t.he laat week· end follow:

Mendiea ve. We.t Rind: Weat Rand firat inningl j3 ruoa, Mendiea £irat innioga 77 runl. Weat Rand ,lec,ood inningl 51. Mendiea aecond IDOlngl 20 for 1 wicket.

Ottoman. VI. Orlando: Ottomlul Sret innings 460 (B. KiI"aten. 106, M. Abrahama 99 0 Ra.dienl 9j, I. Kinten 51, G:Kiratfn 3S, A Duid'l 33), Orlando 30 for Ii wicketl. I

£1 £1. , ..


.... ... 900d !11I014 ....

B.8.A.. OEII, RODOE .Dd olber m.kell DI o,.~leII at all plian.

Cub or TeflllS at £1 per mo.tb . e.u oJ "rlll

CHANANlE BROS., U ,Joullaa,. 1T'.,S1'

r. 11" ... ,1 .a4u W.'oJ; Bo., ,", '"' ol;GaonJ ..... ' 0 ••• I .lOaANNE811t'BO,

firat ioninga 170 ruos. Orientala "cond ioninge 35 for 3 wicket!.

• •

It il rumoured that the E.&,P.M. football club. may am.lgamate nut lealOo and make one .trong olub on t.he E.R.P.M. under the auapicee of

L .. t Wedoeaday .at the Bantu the E R.P,ld.. Callie' F.C. Sporta Club the Hlghlanden held ~heir aooual meeting at which the 1==============::. folio .. ing officen were elected: Patronl, Meull H. D. Bowker. &. J. Re p~kol. ».Ioeui a Lettalo, V.loetf 1&

Carrol, W. G. Ballinger and Geo. Mali, »at.l~nyebo • Sen}'a Brunton; preaideot, T. H. T .. ala; vice pteaident, S. S. Tema; 'ecret"y, D. R. T"ala; vice eecretary, L. Koza; trellurer_ B. P. Gumede; Aaaoeiation nprMentativee, W. Ditaie and G. Nohee; committee, G. Nchee J. Chiloaoe, D. R. Twala and F. J. ld.odibedi.

• • • • The annual meeting of the Wit.

.. ateurand Diatrict Africlo Football AllooiatiOD will be held on SatDrday, February 16 at SimIQH and Jack. Cluba de.iring to affiliate should oommunioate "ith tbe Secret try P.O. Box 4084., Joblnneaburg.


IIELCIN. e Matla a.holo KlleD8 .. bo HloeJD&. "-Ii •• pbekola Ilat-DJcho .. Letlalo, :w..Ii, SeoJa, )lew a Silafctae ..... Lellboellboe. Litlar.;li •• tbo~, IlaOODJO· 110 • R ... r ... b,leDI!, :w.et.eo 0 BobIollo. Koehe cb, lla~oJt'bo a Moroto. MabL.ba, BD Ruruba, Bo BI.polDh.a, Libebe, Yollb.tu. 11. CIa MDHbetai, Bololloli, Sen,. •• BurY' bllIDi!', M FokotMD8: '16. 10/6, II :U/,. MlleiD I !hfura I pbekola Lito 'lIele~ bo Hloblon., Libloba 1M mefu .... r ... ta, 1/9 Ie 31" RigbtbouM" Cbemilbt • Optia1aoa, P.O 80& 611116. 71, Lo",j,!-~treet, JOb.DDMburg ![elako I neboa a.

TRUCK BOYS. Wh •• pushing a truck, look

out for the mi. iD froDt of

you .

You may hurt bim.


Xa nityala ingolovane, kangelelani Umntu opambi kwenu.

Ninga menzakalisa.

BAQHOBI KOLOVANE. Ha Ie shofa kolovane, hlokomela monna ea

ka pele ho lona .

Le ka mo ntsa kotsi. I ,


Printed and PnbJlahed by thr- Propriftcn Nati" Printlllg t Publi,hing Cu. j Ltd .; 46 End Sheet, J(lh.nnelbarg .