THE INDIANAPOLIS JOURNAL, SUNDAY, MAY . 15, 1892. Ngoi iaf Half - GREAT SALE OF John L. Griffiths, JIlss Catherine Merrill, Mr. Augustus L. Mason, Mrs. May Wright bewail, Mr. William Dudley Foulke. T II 1 I MPS I OUR Will be the which these Besides these, Greatest Attraction this week. oocls will be sold will crowd the departments. our offering of CAKPETS, TAINS and HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS will be in- teresting. Notice the items below: . SALE GREAT OF The prices- - at LACE CUR Bluo Owari Umbrella Stands - - - 81.75 Folding Fan Fire Screens 25o! Bamboo Lunch Baskets - 5o GOODS GREAT SALE OF FLOWERS AND HATS. The greatest Millinery Stock ever shown in Indian apolis will be opened on our Second Floor to-morro- w, in our Millinery-Departmen- t Thousands of .Hats and Flow ers. All conveniently arranged on tables so that selec- tions can be easily made. The. best jnade Hats in the world, such as MilansL Tuscans, Italian Braids, Hair Braids, Neapolitans and French Fancies. U : 29c For your choice of over 1,000 Hats. The former price was 75c to $1. 48c For your choice of over 1,200 Hats which have sold at from $1.25 to $1.75. Flowers by tho thousand bunches. 29c For vour choice of one lot of Flowers that are sold everywhere at 75c to $1 per bunch. 48c For regular $1.25 to $2 Flowers. These goods will be sold at these prices as long as they last We reserve the right to limit the quantity to any one person, whether merchants or retail customers. The sale will take place whether it rains or shines, so don't stay away on account of the weather. To-morro- w we will put on sale a big lot of Dress Goods which we bought very cheap owing to the depressed state of he market ' 'A" v YouWtilccd these soon, as the bright weather comes to stay. You can buy them for a mere trifle as long as they last For your choice of about 1,600 yards of regular 25c Dress Goods. 3Ir. and Mrs. J. W. Chllds. of Lebanon, have been visitlnc the family of Joseph Funk.. ..The Alum- ni Association entertainment, given at The home of Miss Lizzie Hammond, Wednesday evening, in honor of it second anniversary, was an elab- orate and Interesting occasion. . ElkhrL . Mrs. Edwin Dean is in' Hudson, Mich.. ..Mrs. II. A. Williamson is visiting in Sonth Bend.... Miss Mary Beam, of Stnrtis. Mich., is visiting in the city Mr. and Mrs. W.Anderson, of La Porte, are visiting friends here.... Mrs. E. M. Morebart la visiting in Winamae... Mrs. 8. A. Janes returned Friday from an extended visit la California Dr. J. B. Ellis and family have re- moved to Llgonier Mrs. II. L. Wisbart apd Bister Jennie have returned from a visit in Bel- - vldere, ill Mrs. Cooper ana Mrs. llun Mo- - Lachlan are in Chicago Miss Grace Dice is home from a visit in Chicago.. ..Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Megahau have returned from a visit in Winamae, this State.... Mrs. C. SialoQ" is visiting in Indianapolis.... Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brumbaugh have returned from Kansas, and will make this place their home.. ..Miss Charlotte Mann has gone to Mus- kegon, Mich., to attend the wedding of her brpther Eobert Miss Kerr, who was visiting her friend, Miss Ix;nna Henry, has returned to Llgonier Mrs. J. P. Sanders is visiting In Ply- mouth Miss Minnie Miller, of Goshen, is the jruest of Mrs. Benjamin Bodoll....Mrs. Lynn Colburn, of - Wakesha, Wis., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson ffhorp..., Mrs. Kemmer, of Toledo, is visiting friends here. ....Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mixer, of Adrian, Mich., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Ferhald....Miss Lydla Craeknell has returned from a six weeks visit with her sister in Cuiou City.. ..A dozen of the members of the Orion Cluh will attend the wedding of their former first tenor, Clarence Horton, at Marion, Ind., May IS. l'ortville. MJ38 Lucy Dodson, of Lafayette, is tho iruest of Mr. and Mrs. I.W. McCounell....Mr. and Mrs. M. IL Llkins. of Broad RipnlS, were the gnests or friends here last week.... M las Tlllle Shatter and Miss Nora Davis, visited Pendleton friend Sun- day Mr. and Mrs.B.E.illaand Mr.andMrs.D, F. Blackburn, spent Sunday with Anderon frisnds Miss Etta Cramer, of Dodson, Mont; 19 the suest of relatives near fcere....MU Nellie Van Zaudt, returned from a visit to Milner's Corner friends Thursday.... Miss Luettie Bar-par- d, of Mohawk, was tho guest of Miss Maggio Hash over Sunday. Farmland. Mrs. O. Ash is visiiing In Forrest, O....Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Mull were' at Elchmond last Sunday, the guests of relatives.... Mrs. Samuel Bartell and little son, of Indianapolis, are guests of E. T. Gough and wife...'.Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Kby were at Winchester last Sunday.. ..Miss Mattie "Younco was at Marion City last Sunday.. ..Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Meeks spent Sunday in Muncie. ....Rev. and Mr. John Smith, of Dayton, O., visited Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Eby last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. K. P. Gray visited at Dunkirk lost Sunday. ...Mrs. Emma Harris was at In- dianapolis Monday. .'..Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Alger, ot Lcoaardsburg, O., have located m Farmlund. Miss Myrtle Freldline visited at Greenville Tuesday.... Miss Gussie McNoes, ot Indianapolis, is visiting here. II III NBM Frankfort. Miss Lena Bryant and Mrs. J, G, Adams are re resenting tho Tourist Club at Chicago.... Miss Bertha Rice, of Indianapolis, Is the guest of Mrs. M. Epstein.... Mr. and Mrs. R. P. shank-li- n and Miss Fannie lett Monday for an extend- ed trip to California Miss Daisy Avery spent last Sabbath at 1 oiue, returning Tuesday to school at Indianapolis Mrs. W. K. Moore aud Mrs. J. V. Kent are the Vuests of C. McClcery at Chicago Mrs. W. P. Sldwell is the guest of friends in Chicago Mrs. William Burke, of Thorntown, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Green Mrs. Alice Donnellson. of Kansas City, is the guest of friends hero. ...Mrs. Charles Brewster, of Fort Madison, is visit- ing Mrs. C. McClurg....Mrs. B. F. Moore left Wednesday for a vudt to friends at Bloomington, III. .. .Miss Jessie Griffith, of Delphi, is the guest of friends here.... Miss Anna Fritch left Thurs- day for an extended visit to friends at Allen-tow- n, Pa. Greensh UTS'. Mrs. Levi Wilcox, of Indianapolis, is the guest of Mrs. J. P. Hittle... .Mrs. John W. Lovett has returned to Anderson Misses Emma and Ella Kelly, of Cincinnati, are visiting here Mrs. li. B. Rawls is visiting relatives at Lcxlngtou.Ky.... Dr. Scholield and family are at Philadelphia.... Miss Addio Kennedy of Liberty, who has been visiting here, has returned home ...Mrs. Martha Goddard, of Mielby county, Iowa, is visiting tho Goddards Mrs. J. F. llnzelrigg la the guestof her daughter, Mrs. ' Cora Applcgate. at Shelby-vill- e, GreenOIrt. Mrs. Arthur Wilklns is visiting ner parents, ilr. and Mrs. Joshua Cottlngham. at Indian- - apolis.... The Misses Siulth, of New, Salem, are visiting their cousin. Mrs. Vint Viekery....Mr. and Mrs. J. 1. Shaffer, of Chicago, and Mrs. . Henry Shepherd and daughter, of Indianapolis, wero guests of .Charles 8. Hughes And wife the pat weckT.l.. Misses Mayino Atkinson And Miss Gertrude Moore, of Irvlngton. and Messrsv Weak-le- v and Dolph, of Shelby ville, were guests of Miss Ruby Martin last Sunday.... Dr. W. C. Esken and family, of New Castle, visited rela- tives here last Sunday Mrs. I. P. Poulson, Mrs. A. J. Smith and Mrs. W. S. Montgomery, representing the Ioniau Club, of this city, were at Chicago the past week attending the national meeting of the Federatlou of Women's Clubs of the United States. Greencastle. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gibbs havo returned to Colorado Mrs. Win. Pax ton has Joined her husband - in Dakota Mrs. D. E Kelly is at In- dianapolis Mr. and.Mrs. John Guwley are vis- iting their daughter at St. Louis.,.. The Kappa Kappa Gamma fraternity will give a reception next Friday evening in honor of Mls E. Jcau Nelson. It will be held at the residence of Mrs. Dr. Latnmers.... Mrs. B. F. Beckwith and daughter. Miss Allle, have gone to Mattoon, III., on their way to Col- orado Albert Line, or Richmond, was in the city Monday, the guest of Ids daughter. Miss Florence Miss Btclla Mowbray, of Peru, is the guestof Miss Grace Mannlug.... Mrs. Ham- mond, of Chicago, la visiting Mrs. Dr. Laramers. Miss Bridget Cannon, daughter of Frank Can- non, has gone to St. Mary's of the Woods to Join the Sisters of Providence Mrs. E. B. Walker, of Anderson, is visiting her father, W. G, Burnett Mrs. J. F. Darnall, of Munclo, will resume her residence iu this city during tho summer.. ..Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Arnold have gone to California. ...Mrs. Alpheus Erich, Mrs. J. C. Ridpath and Mrs. G. C. Sruythe have gone to Chicago to attend the National Federation of Women. Hartford City. Mrs. William Merrltt, of Kansas, is visiting in this county. ...The Nonpareil -- Club closed its season of festivity by a reception at the A. D. Schaefler home, on Walnut street. First and secoud prizes were awarded Mr. and Mrs. Bow- man aud Mr. and Mrs, . Cuoley. Jefferson ville. Miss Alice Northern Is the guest of Mrs. George Smitha Mrs. Sophia Egbert and Mrs. S lebert lelt Thursday atternoou far a tour tbrouuh Europe.... Miss Pearl Rnspell. of Fewer Valley, Ky.. visiting friends here, lias returned home Miss Maud Perry lelt for Kentucky to spend several weeks, with friends Mrs. Doc- tor Polk, of Auchorage. Ky., is the guest of friend in this city Mrs. Etna stivers, of Winn sboro, Tex., is visiting her parents in this city Mrs. Lon SmaM and Miss Stella Nixon, of Chioago, arc tho guests of Mrs. James Keigwin Mrs. Dan Morgan lett for Columbus Thursday. ...Miss Nora Knight entertained Veduesday evening. Mrs. J. M. Phillip, of Clay City, Ky., is the guestof Mrs Natlmn SpaiKs....Mrs. Tarbol, Oi Jacksonville, Hi., is the guest of Mrs. E. A. Barler MUs Camille Webster is in Lexington, Ky....Mts Mary Dalley has returned to Cincin- nati to resume her studies Miss Jennio Hay has lett for Westerville, O., to spend the summer Miss Jennie Scott, of Indianapolis, is the guest or her aunt, Mrs. A. J. Ho ward"..,. The Jefferson Club entertained Friday evening Mrs. . Walter Hasscn entertained Friday evening.... Mrs. J. B. Patten leaves in a short while ou a vteitto Ch- icago.... Miss ZellaTuttle, of Charlcstown, is the guest of Mrs. E. P. Webb Mr. and Mrs. Frank MUey have returned from an extended visit in the country, Knights town. Mrs. Mlnnlo Kline, of Fcoria, 111., is visiting her parent. Mr. and Mr. Frank Lowry Mrs. M. S, Reddlck attended the wedding of Miss Minnie Reeves at Columbus, Ind Mrs. Carre Jones la amoug friends iu lrvington and Leb- anon.... Mr. and Mrs. John Morns, of New Castle, were the guests of friends here last Sun-dav....M- rs. Laura Cam mack was visiting in Spiceland last week... .Mia Roso Morris has gone to Seattle, Wash., for the summer Mrs. Todd, of Logans port, has returned home after a two week visit here.. ..Mr. and Mrs. Jonu Cunningham eutertalned tho Epworth League Litcrnti Monday evening Mrs. Frank Grubbs. of Indianapolis, will be the guest of friend hero thi week Commencement exer- cises of the Hlcb-scho- ol take place Friday even- ing. May i!(. The graduates are Borta Adams. Bessie Cameron, Sadio. Byerly, Lizzie Brooks, Minnie Fort, Nellie i'lant. Mary lleaton. Ona Graff, Allco Davis, Clara Montecue aud Raymond Charles. ' Kokomo. Mrs. EllieGillen McMonigal and Mrs. C. X. Pollard attended tho ministerial conventional Huntington William S.Clore and Miss Zella Haggard will be married May 19... Mrs. Green-lea- f, of Hagerstown. 1 the guest of Mrs. Mary Anderson Mrs. Frederick Johnson nnd daugh- ter Rita, of Rushville. are guests or Mrs. Charles Leach Mis Lou Plttman, of Indianapolis. was the guest of Misses Hettle and Ollle Edwards over Sunday Howard and Mrs. Stevenson. of Ypsilantl, Mich., are guests of W. C Barkalow....John T. Elliott and Miss Stella Fisher wero married Tuesday James F. Eidenour and Miss Mamie Hamilton were married Wednesday... Mes-dam- e A. F. Sharp. Jane Turner, Jennie Hendry and Dr. Kern attended the W, C. T. U. conven- tion at liOgansport last week. ...Mrs. Harry Wat- son and son Ernest are visiting at Anderson.... Mr. D. Huddleson, of Psoli. is the guest of Mr. Sodie DayhuiT....B. B. Johnson, of the Rich- mond Item, and family nre visiting here.... Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cunningham attended the liaker-Cunnir.cha- m wedding at LocauiiNrt lat week.... Newton Smith and Miss Maud Benson were married Wednesday Mr. Mortimer Car- - riyer, after a vlilt hore. returned to her home at pCoutinueU.ou Fifteenth 1'ase.) 25c 4 11 i Aorifj oik personal notes for the Sunday Mbtte of the Journal, tostture trublieation, mutt lr in the hands cf the eihj editor by Saturday neon. The violet boatonnicres which were such favorites early in tbe iprin? have given vay to the snowy, sweet lily . of tLo valley, and the freab, green leaves and fragrant Llossom decorate dresses and eoat lapels on all occasions. Tho bunsbes are displayed at Washington-stree- t corners, and the temptation to pos- sess one is difficult to resist. The giant tni;ruonette stalks and huge carnations create lo. small havoc on pocket-book- s, but the small varieties once in favor are not desirable, now tba florists are discovering new processes whereby the earden pink of other days is made a blossom of high de- cree in the conrt of flowers. The gorgeous parrot tulips, with their ragged-edge- d pet-el- s, seem more like the creation of a gobelin than an actual product of the conservatory and garden. The windows of the florists' shops rival in masniticent display of color and variety the wildest combinations that dry-goo- ds or jewelry-bouse- s daro show. The exception, that only wealthy persons can have cut flowers in their parlors or adorn- ing the dining-roo- m table, has ceased. A flower can be had for so small a sum, and can be made to last so long, that every home should have a bit of color and per- fume somewhere about. The success which lomo have in keeping flowers is envied by others. Oneeocretof the success is ex- plained by one who 'lives among flowers; that is, made in the brief explanation, in common parlance, made dim by no tech- nical terms: "Just below the potals is a lit- tle full place. At long as that is kept in "water the flower will last. Sometimes it will keep a week or more." The remark was occasioned by seeing some one fill a bowl half full of water and crowd it full of flowers. The delicate, beautiful things which, are so plentiful, need room and plenty of fresh water. 13e generous to your flowers and they will re- pay you with interest. The same will bold gooa in the cultivation of the garden-patc- h which is being so carefully prepared and watched at this season of the year. Personal Mention. 21m. Lncian B. Swift is entertaining her sis- ter, Miss Lyon. Mrs. T. L. Bloomer returned yesterday from a Blsort visit to Muncie friend. Mr. nd ilrs. Will Rums and danshterf, of Cairo, nre TlsltinR relatives lit this city. MI9S EUnor Iglehart, of DePauw, is the guest of Miss Margaret Smith on East rratt street. M:sa Km ma Martlndale left yesterday for Bos- ton to visit her sister, Mrs. llobert C. Emery. rresident Duncan, of Coatea College, Terre ITaut, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Clay pool to-da- y. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cowan, of St. Louis! and 31 rs C. A. Dolman, of Kokotuo, are guests of Auditor of Mate and Mrs. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Bassett and Mr. and Mrs, John A. pann have returned from a three weeks' visit to Virginia ana the East. Mr. Albert Fletcher, of California, arrived yes- terday, and la visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas fcharpe. No. 840 North Pennsylvania street. Lr. Katherlne e'nyde r. of Evansville. who ha been attending the Indiana Medical Association, is a juett of her brother, II. B. fcnyder, 17J yorth East street. Mrs. Miller and dauchter. Mrs. Clara Allen, rf Gallon, O., are visiting Mrs. J. C. Mendenhall, 839 North Illinois street. Mrs. Allen was for- merly prominent in musical circles here. Mr. and Mrs. Louis gchmidlap have issued in- vitations for the marriage" of their daughter Minnie and Dr. V. E. Andrew for next Wednes- day evening', at their home, No. l4BellefonUine street, A most enjoyable rarty was given by Miss Lizzie Eyan, Friday eveninsr, in honor of Miss CfLle Hanua. of Crawfordsville. Quite a party of youn? peoplo enjoyed tho evening's enter- tainment. Mrs. Alexins Stewart Maxwell leaves this wek for an extended visit to Maryland, Tcnn-pylran- la and Washincton. Dr. Cravens and family will occupy her place f residence a.t 410 Korth Pennsylvania street, during her absence. Mr, II. J. Kantrowitx and daughters, Irwin end Hilda, and Miss Tlllm Fable leave next edneoday, the ISth, for New York to visit her Iarvnu for a month, and will the spend the rest of the Huiiimer at the sea shore and the mount- ains, returning home in October. Mrs. Frank II. Carter gave a very pleasant .thimble party. Wednesday afternoon, to about twentj- - five ladies, at her home on Bellefontaine street. Thehouao was tastefully decorated with Mien of the vaUey. jonquils, carnations and sn eet peas, tnd lilie "were presented to each ii est as favors. Mr. W. W. "Woollen. ML Katharine Mer- rill. Mrs. T. P. Ilaugbey, Mrs, J. H. Jenchrs, Mrs. Hay Wrlcht Fewall, Mrs, Frank MeBeth and Sir. J. I Ketebam have returned from Chi- cago, nh re they vent to attend the Federation of Women's Clubs. Mrs. Ketcbain. who was a delegate from tfce Katharine Merrill Club, ha tH-e- n elected a director la tho federatlou, with pnme of the notable women of the land, a com- pliment which the club and all her friends ap- preciate. 0 Society Events. Miss Jennie Eckhonse will receive her friends Informally this afternoon, from 2 to 6 o'clock. The Chapel Club will roeet with Mrs. W. F. Kuhn, No. -- S3 Broadway, Wednesday, May 18. Tho Ladies Leap-yea- r Clnb will plvo asocial reception at Greih's Dancing Academy Wednes- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Daniels will give a dla-Ji- cr Friday, in honor of tho hitter's sifter, Miss Daniels, of Wichita, Kan. Miss Brownie Butler will give a dinner, to- morrow evening, la honor of Mii Ualford. of W ashington, and Miss Early, of Baltimore, Mr. and Mrs. M. rj. Spades will give a dancing party at (iresh'e Hall Tuesday evening in honor or the tirthday annlversay or her dauchter Julia. Mr. and Mri. L B. ffwift entertained a small rumtcr of Irtsndsat dinner, last venlnir, in honor of their guest. Miss Lyon, Mrs. Swi If a sifter. Friday evening the friends of Mrs. J. Johnson, of t3 iioyt avenue, surprised her with a sheet and pillow-cas- e party, it being the anniversary of her birthday. Mrs. May Wright Pwall will give an informal reception Tuemlav afternoon, at the Propylftmi. in honor of Mrs. Jennie C. Croiy fJonr.ie June) and Mrs. Kate Tanuatt Woods, of bale-in- . Mass. The Matinee Mcsicale. will give an invitation concert at FropyLi-u- Hail Wednesday evening. Mta. Jcsate Caldwell, of Cincinnati, will eive a long recital, assisted with three numbers by ILCmbers of tie muMcale. The Neighbor! Club will hold its last meeting for thJi waon, '1 tiesday eventni.', at the resilience of Mrs. Wlnslow, No. !r.o North Meridian street. Tie committee have decided to speud the even- ing with a iirovTcsaivo euchre party. The rand at the military carnival at Tomlin-k- u Hall, under the direction of Mr. Jo.ejh Cameron, received many weil-mrrite- d compli- ment for tlnir excellent play inc. Tlielr variety of programme was also the subject of pleasing remark. Jlrs. Chapln C. Foster gave af o clock tea yes- terday afternoon to the seniors of the Cirls' Classical to which cotrie of young women her dnuc'uter Mary belnirs. Mrs. Foster vai agisted In rveeivicg by Mrs. Sowall. and In entertainment by former erad- iates Ml.;es Julia and Deborah More, Mary Ali n. Brow nie Butler am! Demla Butler. The gathering was ouite lnfir:nai and intlrely de- lightful. The flowers which brlhte'.iel the hMir. and tilled the nioitis with their fracrauoe wr tied v.iih U vender and white ribbons, the senior' c lafeH colors. The. Contemporary Cluh will hohl its last meet- - In: of the fccan, Wednesday evenimr, at the 1'ropyla-um- . The. I.nlurc of the ii.eetlnc will bt K,eiJ. 'lhc tinkrunitue will be a tvtui'osiutu f honje talent. The ex-otiict- will !;aro honors with Thne chosen at thej la?: il( tion. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Butler. !!. Col-n- n and MIm Char- lotte Jones, and Mri. Ixsrus Noble will eonfl-tut- e the reception comtiiittee. Hie s.ihtect will t e: "fo What Extent Can the Ixiwer Type of Mankind Be Elevated by tl e 1 reese of Clvil-1ation- i" liieu3ed ly !; Mary Dean. Mr. William I FbLLackJMrs. Martha C. Dcutils. Mr. THE STATE AT. LARGE. It alter Intendfd for this column mutt be in this fjjce not later than Gp.m., Saturday; item rc ceiicd after that hour u ill not be used. Anderson. Cards are out announcing the weddinrf of Dr. B. F. Perkins, of tfhs city, and Miss JeDuie Hall, of JefTerMonvllle Mr. and Mrs. Louis Loeb are at Chicago Miss Charity Dye. of Indianapolis, was the guest of the Iliad class eaturday after- noon and evening Miss Buthnaton. of Cincin- nati. Js a guest or Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bufflngtou. ....The Anderson Club will give a May day dres ball on the evening of May It. Guests vrill be invited from Indlan-aroli- s. Loganixrt, Ilichmond. New. Castle, Muncie and Jlarion Mr. and Mrs. DcFor rest Druly entertained Friday nfjrht.... Mrs. Joseph Lockwood is home irom Eaton, O. ....Mrs. Theodore Zlon has gone to Chicago for a Abort visit. ...Mrs. James Sparks is at Koko-m- o Mr. and Mrs. uarver are home lrom Craw fordsville.... Miss Carrie Doles, of Wind- fall, is a guest of Anderson friends..;. Miss Path Lovelace, of Jrant City, Mo., is visiting in this city.. ..Mrs. Mecklols at Portland Missfcu-san- o Little, of Muncie,-visite- d Miss Maud Kll-gor- e last week... .Mies Grace Sherwood, of Chi- cago, and Miss Zora Wilson, of Benton Har- bor, are visiting Mrs. 11. J). Webb.... John L. Eupe and ife. of . Elchmond, were guests of Hon. a. M. Ballard last week.... Messrs. Frank Crown and Fred Alioy, Misses Birdie and Marguerite Clarke aro guests of T. N. Stilwell and wife, of Alexandria, to-day.- ... Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Uarvey are at ClucinnatE... Mrs. C. T. Doxey is at Alexandria. Bedford. Mrs. Freeland is visiting relatives in Edwards-port- .. ..Mrs. Litic, of Heltouvilie, is visiting Mrs. M. E. Bichnrdson....Miss Lilly Voris has returned to her home in Switzerland county.... Miss Alice Carlton is visiting m Louisville.... MUs Carrie Smith has accepted a position as teacher in the Deaf aud Dumb Asylum at Nettle Crim, of Mitchell, w.vs visiting Mrs.Graco Pcrna last week. . . .Mrs. Mary E. Vestal returned to her home in Chicago last week. Brazil. Mrs, T. P. Jones, of this city. Is visiting rela-tives- at Danville. 111.. ..Miss Masijie Wallace, of Danville, Ind., is the guest of Miss Anna Spears. ....Miss Edith Asbury, of Terre Haute, is the Eieitof Mrs. F. J. James. ...Mrs. Charles White Greencsstle friends Louis Holtman, wife and daughter left on Monday for 8an Fran- cisco... Miss Laura btapelton is visiting Green-castl- e friends.. ..Miss Anna Klnc. of West Vir- ginia, who has been the guest of Miss Anna Km-za- n, returned home Monday.. ..Miss Eva Blake, of Kosedale. is visiting Mies Emma Layers.... Mrs. Jacob (iants, of Terre naute. la VMtlng her mother, Mrs. Sheppard Mrs. Sarah Handutou, of l'aik county, is visiting her dautrhter.Irs. B. 8. Jlaly Mrs. I. Woolen gave 'a Jartg Thursday evening In honor of Mlsst'Liifik Wallace aud Mattie Probts, who are visiting Misses Faille and Annie Campbell MIs Anna epenrs entertained a cinch party Monday evening... .Mrs. Isaac Lamaocbo is the guest of Indianapolis friends... Charles Myers aud wife and dauchter are tbn guest of their aunt, Mrs. A- - Wheeler, of Clay City. Iiluffton. Mesdnmes F. T. Waring and E. II. Montgomery attended the convention of the W. CL T. V.. at Huntington, tho past week,. ..Mrs. J, H. Onus by and Miss Nina gturpls i r- eturned last week from Boston, where they have been for the pat year... .Mrs. Henry Wuerston. of Warren, who ha- - been a guest of friend in" this city, returned home Tuosday morning Misses Jennie Allen, Ella Loser, Etta Weisell and Anna EHInger will attend schotd at LaPorte through the summer.. ..Mrs. Clark, who has been visiting C J. dine and family, returned to her home at Elchmond Tuesday.... H. M. Herrley and wife and 11. B. Pirnouton and wife, of Huntington, spent fun-da- y with Will Kunkcl and wife. ...Miss Hattie Courtney. of Salem. O., spent Sunday with Arch Phillips and family.... Mrs. Milton Hartle, who has been visiting friends In Kofcomo. returned home Wednesday.... Will- iam e. Smith and Ml?s Minnie Adams drove over from Fort Wayne, Sunday, and spent the day with Ccnafor Smith and family Mrs. Alice Moritz. of Kansas, who has been vls-itin- e Dr. Goodln,- - of Nottingham, lett last week for Marlon to visit her sister. Mrs. wnilaru Wlke. ....Mrs. Eobert Gutellus and children left lat week for Hiawatha. Kan., to visit Misses Bes- sie Hale. Jennie Bowman and Grace and Kate Patterson.of Decatur, spent S unday lu this city. . . Mrs. George Grimes and little daughter returned this week from a visit to Lagraueo Mrs. Lydla Outrun, or.vwuiamsport, visiting tho family of Bemamln Sawyer... .Ncdie Mason spent Bun- - day with herparenta. Co! fax. Mrs. O. W.Eldred and son Harris are the guests of her sister, Mrs. J. B. Parker, at In- dianapolis Mrs. Leila Parker was the guc.t of friends at Frankfort Sunday.... Mis Roxle Harper was in Indianapolis Tuesday. Mrs. Balch, of Frankfort, was the guest of friends here Tuesday.,.. Miss Carrie Moore, of Darllagton. was thegnest of Miss Florence An- derson Friday. Centcrviile. Mrs. Sarah Dobbs, of Kokomo, was visiting friends last Saturday and Sunday. ...Mr. Frank Land, of Kichmond. spent Sunday evening with friends Mrs. Dr. Silas H. Kersey was the jrueet of Kichmottd friends Tuesday.... Mrs. Mary Clark, of Elchmond, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jacksou Wednesday Miss Clr.ra Manlove, of Milton, was the irunt of Miss Nellie Lockou, Tuesday and Wednesday.. ..Miss Delia Smith was tho guest of Kich- mond friends last Monday and Tuesday Mrs. Catherine Carter returned from Chicago Frida7....Mrs. Clark and Mrs. NAsli, of Cincin- nati, wero the guests or Mr. and Mrs. II. 11. Knto Friday. ...Mrs. Lam Muse entertained a larue company of young men and women at the Jones House. Friday evening, in honor ol her sous, Cort and Ernest Muse. Connersville. Ml? s Kate Heron visited Cincinnati last week. ....Mis. Taylor Kelley, of Greenville. O., is vltdt-iu- g Counersville relatives.. ..Mrs. Amanda Gor- don has returned to her home in Hebron, Neb.... Mrs. Wright and daughter. Miss Sophia, of Chi- cago, are visiting relatives here... .The women of the M. E. Church gave a tea at the homo of Mrs. L. T. Bowei a last Tuesday... .Mrs.- Mary Cattin has returned to her home at Indianapolis.... Mrs. J. E. Loin rts visited Cincinnati Friday Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mount vi5ited Lojransport relatives last week.... Mr. and Mrs. E. Dwhiht Johnston havareturned from their trip East. ...Mr. nud Mrs. Charles Bock visrted In Cincinnati last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Huston aro eutertaining "Mr. and Mrs: J. W. Mills, of North Manchester. Mrs. J. N. Hiioton and daughter Marie vis- ited Sparta, Ky., relatives last week.... Mrs. William Wilkin, of plaintleld, visited here Thurs- day.. ..Mr. aud Mrs. 8. Johnson, of Portsmouth, ., are visiting lonneTsviiie reutivea Mrs. S. II. Eoblnsou visited Indianapolis last w eek. Crawfordsvllle. Mrs. J. L. Goben has been vidtlng in Wave-laud..- .. Mrs. Johu Bickford. of Chicago, is visit-lu- g E. E. Ballard and wife... .Mis Belle Allen has returned to lerre Haute, after a visit with friends in this city The Musical Amateur 9o- - ctelx gave a recital Tuesday eveninc at the mu- sical rarlors of George F. Hughes. Those who tok part were Mecdames A. B. Anderson, Walter and Tliomas, and Misses Campbell, Wolfe, Cowan and Waison...,Mr. A. B. Mtlford has beep visiting in Indlanapo is. ...Mrs. J. E. Eyan. of line BluCs, Ark., is visiting in this city Mrs. Mary A. Hendricks, of Ibauon, Mr. Ada Eonglry, of South Pasadena. Cal., and Profofor Brown and wife, f ft heneetady. N. Y., have leeu truest of tho family of T, IT. 1. MoCain..,.Mr. 11. J, Milltgan. of Indianapolis, has been visitinir Joseph Millirfn and wife.... Miss Smile Uritton entertalneil Saturday even-i- n u in honor of MUs Wood, of DtPauw....Mrs. H. II, Gortner. of Goshen, i vitlug It. V. (ialcy and family. ...The Athenian Club met on last Monday and papers were read by Miss Kate Snyder. Mrs. J. II. Os- borne and Mr, s. C. Campbell. ...K. A. Heynolds nnd wife entertained Weiiiesdny and Thursday eenlug.H. Mr. G. A. Eldridgc, of Lead- - vllle. Col., 1 visiting Watson ard wife..;..' ienerai Jones, of Youngstown, U is the guest of Mrs. Prolessor Kiug....Mrs. Pauline Post, of Friendship, is the truest of Charles Jiost W. 11. Hughe aiidwiro.ef suUban, are guests of their sou, George F. Hughes. Dublin. MUses Goldle and Vlda Reed, ef Iticlimond, pent several days here last w eek Ml Nettle Necdham, of New Castle, visited here latt week. OUJe Pradwny, of Iwisvllle, visited here last week. ...Miss Ella Baitings, ef Elchmond, atteuded commcr.cc tneut Tuesday everdnr..... Mi Nora Eliasou, of Centerviile. ha beeu greettnc he? many friends lure Mrs. Cat h- -' arine Murphev. of Des Moii.ri, w ith hcrsi-tc- r, Mrs. K. a. U. 1 our, of New Castle, were vUitlng the steffy fami'y Thursday and Friday.... Prof. T, A. Mott and wife, of Elchmond, attended com-meuccme- nt and tho alumni entertainment. For your choice of over 1,200 yards of Dress Goods that sold at 37 l-- 2c to 50c 371-2- c ' 10 For your choice of a lot of novelty mixtures which are sold everywhere at 65o to 75c per yard. 75 Sil veriuo Tea and Dover Egg Beat- - Cofiee Cans - 5c ers - - 8c Hardwood Hat Celluloid Starch 5c . Racks - 5c ,, 50c Willow Scrap Knife and Fork Baskets - 35c Baskets - 9c i pQt chains - 5o Fancy Spice Box- - eg - 25c Bread Toasters 5o For your choice of 46 Suit Patterns of Grepons. selling price is 8950. Lisk's Improved Cake Tins ) QQn Complete Bt-- t - t - - jOit Extra Large Blacking: Cases, $1.50 kind - 89c BLACK GOODS In the Dress Goods offering to-moir- ow you will find a bigr lot of Black Dress Goods. One lot of 40-inc- h Lace Batiste, regular 65c goods, at 35c A lot of 40-inc- h Black Nun's Veiling at 39c. A lot ot Dra de Alma at 45c. S-Li- E OF SPRING JACKETS Retinned Bread Kaisers - 59c Hearth Brushes - - Jc CO-Fo- ot Clotbes Lines - 8c Large Bread Boxeg - - 39c Self-wringi- ng Mops - - 35c Paper Pails - - - 18c Galvanized Pails - - 23c AID WRAPS T&E EDGAR Varnish Brushes 8o Stove Brush- es - lOo Metal Lemon Sqneczers lOo Nutmeg Grater. Steel Fr7 Patent Nutmeg Graters 3C Pans - I2C Fold'g Lawn " Chairs - 79a 4 Hardwood Wanh Benches 9SJ 5 Foot Step Ladders C9o Wood-Fibe- r Buckets 39c Hunter's Sift- ers - 15c Lemon Squeezers 5c 15c 69c 70 FANCY EAKTIIKXWAUE CL'Sl'ADOUES 23c Good Wash Boil- ers 5c - - Largo Square cov- ered Mark't Bas Fity Cents on the Dollar. Is tlje price at which about 130 Spring Jackets will be sold, and oyer JlOO Silk and Lace Capes will be sold at the same sacrifice. kets Spice Cabinet 73 X ,;v.-: X Lap-Boar- ds The $1.50 Jackets at. 75c The $2.25 Jackets at.Sl.18 The $2.75 Jackets at. 1.3 The $3.50 Jackets at. 1.75 The $4.25 Jackets at. 2.155 The $5.00 Jackets at. 2.50 The $6.00 Jackets at. 3.0 The $7.00 Jackets at. 3.50 Tho $9.00 Jackets at. 4.50 LADIES' SILK EMBROID- ERED WRAPS. $2.50 quality at..,. .....81.25 $3.50 quality at 1.75 $5.00 quality at 2.50 Large Bottle Ammonia - 5c Rush Stoop Sea's - - Sc White - wash Bnuhes - 15c 24-iu- ch Turkey Dusters - 18c Hnrdwood Clothes Pins 10 dozen - 5c Root Scrub- bing Brushes 8c Willow Clothes Hampers - 79c Lnrpt Clothes Babkets 45c mm Cloth Military Capes at $4.75 to $7.50. Novelty Military Capes to- morrow, with Lace and Lace Bertha, worth from $25 to $65. You can buy -- at nearly half price. , White Blazers.... 2.25 Colored Blazers 2.25 Misses' Blazers and Reefers at from 83 to &.50. (2 Bamboo Plant Stands , $1.39

this week. prices- at · 2017-12-12 · THE INDIANAPOLIS JOURNAL, SUNDAY, MAY 15, 1892. Ngoiiaf Half- John L. Griffiths, JIlss Catherine Merrill, Mr. GREAT SALE OF Augustus L. Mason,

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Page 1: this week. prices- at · 2017-12-12 · THE INDIANAPOLIS JOURNAL, SUNDAY, MAY 15, 1892. Ngoiiaf Half- John L. Griffiths, JIlss Catherine Merrill, Mr. GREAT SALE OF Augustus L. Mason,


Ngoiiaf Half-

GREAT SALE OFJohn L. Griffiths, JIlss Catherine Merrill, Mr.Augustus L. Mason, Mrs. May Wright bewail,Mr. William Dudley Foulke.


Will be thewhich theseBesides these,

Greatest Attraction this week.oocls will be sold will crowd the departments.our offering of CAKPETS,


teresting. Notice the items below: .


The prices- - at


Bluo Owari UmbrellaStands - - - 81.75

Folding Fan Fire Screens 25o!

Bamboo Lunch Baskets - 5o



FLOWERS AND HATS.The greatest Millinery Stock ever shown in Indian

apolis will be opened on our Second Floor to-morro- w, inour Millinery-Departmen- t Thousands of .Hats and Flowers. All conveniently arranged on tables so that selec-tions can be easily made.

The. best jnade Hats in the world, such as MilansLTuscans, Italian Braids, Hair Braids, Neapolitans andFrench Fancies.

U : 29cFor your choice of over 1,000 Hats. The former

price was 75c to $1.48c

For your choice of over 1,200 Hats which have soldat from $1.25 to $1.75.

Flowers by tho thousand bunches.

29cFor vour choice of one lot of Flowers that are sold

everywhere at 75c to $1 per bunch.

48cFor regular $1.25 to $2 Flowers.These goods will be sold at these prices as long as

they last We reserve the right to limit the quantity toany one person, whether merchants or retail customers.

The sale will take place whether it rains or shines, sodon't stay away on account of the weather.

To-morro- w we will put on sale a big lot of Dress Goodswhich we bought very cheap owing to the depressed stateof he market' 'A" v YouWtilccd these soon, as the bright weather comesto stay. You can buy them for a mere trifle as long asthey last

For your choice of about 1,600 yards of regular 25cDress Goods.

3Ir. and Mrs. J. W. Chllds. of Lebanon, have beenvisitlnc the family of Joseph Funk.. ..The Alum-ni Association entertainment, given at The homeof Miss Lizzie Hammond, Wednesday evening,in honor of it second anniversary, was an elab-orate and Interesting occasion.

. ElkhrL .

Mrs. Edwin Dean is in' Hudson, Mich.. ..Mrs.II. A. Williamson is visiting in Sonth Bend....Miss Mary Beam, of Stnrtis. Mich., is visiting inthe city Mr. and Mrs. W.Anderson, of LaPorte, are visiting friends here.... Mrs. E. M.Morebart la visiting in Winamae... Mrs. 8. A.Janes returned Friday from an extended visit laCalifornia Dr. J. B. Ellis and family have re-

moved to Llgonier Mrs. II. L. Wisbart apdBister Jennie have returned from a visit in Bel- -vldere, ill Mrs. Cooper ana Mrs. llun Mo--Lachlan are in Chicago Miss Grace Dice ishome from a visit in Chicago.. ..Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Megahau have returned from a visitin Winamae, this State.... Mrs. C.SialoQ" is visiting in Indianapolis....Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brumbaugh have returnedfrom Kansas, and will make this place theirhome.. ..Miss Charlotte Mann has gone to Mus-kegon, Mich., to attend the wedding of herbrpther Eobert Miss Kerr, who was visitingher friend, Miss Ix;nna Henry, has returned toLlgonier Mrs. J. P. Sanders is visiting In Ply-mouth Miss Minnie Miller, of Goshen, is thejruest of Mrs. Benjamin Bodoll....Mrs. LynnColburn, of - Wakesha, Wis., was theguest of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson ffhorp...,Mrs. Kemmer, of Toledo, is visiting friends here.....Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mixer, of Adrian, Mich.,are visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Ferhald....MissLydla Craeknell has returned from a six weeksvisit with her sister in Cuiou City.. ..A dozen ofthe members of the Orion Cluh will attend thewedding of their former first tenor, ClarenceHorton, at Marion, Ind., May IS.

l'ortville.MJ38 Lucy Dodson, of Lafayette, is tho iruest of

Mr. and Mrs. I.W. McCounell....Mr. and Mrs. M.IL Llkins. of Broad RipnlS, were the gnests orfriends here last week.... M las Tlllle Shatter andMiss Nora Davis, visited Pendleton friend Sun-day Mr. and Mrs.B.E.illaand Mr.andMrs.D,F. Blackburn, spent Sunday with Anderonfrisnds Miss Etta Cramer, of Dodson, Mont;19 the suest of relatives near fcere....MU NellieVan Zaudt, returned from a visit to Milner'sCorner friends Thursday.... Miss Luettie Bar-par- d,

of Mohawk, was tho guest of Miss MaggioHash over Sunday.

Farmland.Mrs. O. Ash is visiiing In Forrest, O....Mr. and

Mrs. K. L. Mull were' at Elchmond last Sunday,the guests of relatives.... Mrs. Samuel Bartelland little son, of Indianapolis, are guests of E.T. Gough and wife...'.Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Kbywere at Winchester last Sunday.. ..Miss Mattie"Younco was at Marion City last Sunday.. ..Mr.and Mrs. J. It. Meeks spent Sunday in Muncie.....Rev. and Mr. John Smith, of Dayton, O.,visited Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Eby last SundayMr. and Mrs. J. K. P. Gray visited at Dunkirklost Sunday. ...Mrs. Emma Harris was at In-dianapolis Monday. .'..Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Alger,ot Lcoaardsburg, O., have located m Farmlund.

Miss Myrtle Freldline visited at GreenvilleTuesday.... Miss Gussie McNoes, ot Indianapolis,is visiting here.


Frankfort.Miss Lena Bryant and Mrs. J, G, Adams are

re resenting tho Tourist Club at Chicago....Miss Bertha Rice, of Indianapolis, Is the guestof Mrs. M. Epstein.... Mr. and Mrs. R. P. shank-li- n

and Miss Fannie lett Monday for an extend-ed trip to California Miss Daisy Avery spentlast Sabbath at 1 oiue, returning Tuesday toschool at Indianapolis Mrs. W. K. Moore audMrs. J. V. Kent are the Vuests of C. McClcery atChicago Mrs. W. P. Sldwell is the guest offriends in Chicago Mrs. William Burke, ofThorntown, is the guest of her parents, Mr. andMrs. J. G. Green Mrs. Alice Donnellson. ofKansas City, is the guest of friends hero. ...Mrs.Charles Brewster, of Fort Madison, is visit-ing Mrs. C. McClurg....Mrs. B. F. Moore leftWednesday for a vudt to friends at Bloomington,III. .. .Miss Jessie Griffith, of Delphi, is the guestof friends here.... Miss Anna Fritch left Thurs-day for an extended visit to friends at Allen-tow- n,

Pa.Greensh UTS'.

Mrs. Levi Wilcox, of Indianapolis, is the guestof Mrs. J. P. Hittle... .Mrs. John W. Lovett hasreturned to Anderson Misses Emma and EllaKelly, of Cincinnati, are visiting here Mrs. li.B. Rawls is visiting relatives at Lcxlngtou.Ky....Dr. Scholield and family are at Philadelphia....Miss Addio Kennedy of Liberty, who has beenvisiting here, has returned home ...Mrs. MarthaGoddard, of Mielby county, Iowa, is visiting thoGoddards Mrs. J. F. llnzelrigg la the guestofher daughter, Mrs. ' Cora Applcgate. at Shelby-vill- e,

GreenOIrt.Mrs. Arthur Wilklns is visiting ner parents,

ilr. and Mrs. Joshua Cottlngham. at Indian- -apolis.... The Misses Siulth, of New, Salem, arevisiting their cousin. Mrs. Vint Viekery....Mr.and Mrs. J. 1. Shaffer, of Chicago, and Mrs. .

Henry Shepherd and daughter, of Indianapolis,wero guests of .Charles 8. Hughes And wife thepat weckT.l.. Misses Mayino Atkinson And MissGertrude Moore, of Irvlngton. and Messrsv Weak-le- v

and Dolph, of Shelby ville, were guests ofMiss Ruby Martin last Sunday.... Dr. W. C.Esken and family, of New Castle, visited rela-tives here last Sunday Mrs. I. P. Poulson,Mrs. A. J. Smith and Mrs. W. S. Montgomery,representing the Ioniau Club, of this city, wereat Chicago the past week attending the nationalmeeting of the Federatlou of Women's Clubs ofthe United States.

Greencastle.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gibbs havo returned to

Colorado Mrs. Win. Pax ton has Joined herhusband - in Dakota Mrs. D. E Kelly is at In-dianapolis Mr. and.Mrs. John Guwley are vis-iting their daughter at St. Louis.,.. The KappaKappa Gamma fraternity will give a receptionnext Friday evening in honor of Mls E.Jcau Nelson. It will be held at theresidence of Mrs. Dr. Latnmers....Mrs. B. F. Beckwith and daughter. Miss Allle,have gone to Mattoon, III., on their way to Col-orado Albert Line, or Richmond, was in thecity Monday, the guest of Ids daughter. MissFlorence Miss Btclla Mowbray, of Peru, isthe guestof Miss Grace Mannlug.... Mrs. Ham-mond, of Chicago, la visiting Mrs. Dr. Laramers.Miss Bridget Cannon, daughter of Frank Can-non, has gone to St. Mary's of the Woods to Jointhe Sisters of Providence Mrs. E. B. Walker,of Anderson, is visiting her father, W. G,Burnett Mrs. J. F. Darnall, of Munclo, willresume her residence iu this city during thosummer.. ..Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Arnold havegone to California. ...Mrs. Alpheus Erich, Mrs.J. C. Ridpath and Mrs. G. C. Sruythe have goneto Chicago to attend the National Federation ofWomen.

Hartford City.Mrs. William Merrltt, of Kansas, is visiting in

this county. ...The Nonpareil -- Club closed itsseason of festivity by a reception at the A. D.Schaefler home, on Walnut street. First andsecoud prizes were awarded Mr. and Mrs. Bow-man aud Mr. and Mrs, . Cuoley.

Jefferson ville.Miss Alice Northern Is the guest of Mrs.

George Smitha Mrs. Sophia Egbert and Mrs.S lebert lelt Thursday atternoou far a tourtbrouuh Europe.... Miss Pearl Rnspell. of FewerValley, Ky.. visiting friends here, lias returnedhome Miss Maud Perry lelt for Kentucky tospend several weeks, with friends Mrs. Doc-tor Polk, of Auchorage. Ky., is the guest offriend in this city Mrs. Etna stivers, ofWinn sboro, Tex., is visiting her parents in thiscity Mrs. Lon SmaM and Miss Stella Nixon, ofChioago, arc tho guests of Mrs.James Keigwin Mrs. Dan Morganlett for Columbus Thursday. ...Miss NoraKnight entertained Veduesday evening.

Mrs. J. M. Phillip, of Clay City, Ky., isthe guestof Mrs Natlmn SpaiKs....Mrs. Tarbol,Oi Jacksonville, Hi., is the guest of Mrs. E. A.Barler MUs Camille Webster is in Lexington,Ky....Mts Mary Dalley has returned to Cincin-nati to resume her studies Miss Jennio Hay haslett for Westerville, O., to spend the summerMiss Jennie Scott, of Indianapolis, is the guestor her aunt, Mrs. A. J. Ho ward"..,. The JeffersonClub entertained Friday evening Mrs. . WalterHasscn entertained Friday evening.... Mrs. J. B.Patten leaves in a short while ou a vteitto Ch-icago.... Miss ZellaTuttle, of Charlcstown, is theguest of Mrs. E. P. Webb Mr. and Mrs. FrankMUey have returned from an extended visit inthe country,

Knights town.Mrs. Mlnnlo Kline, of Fcoria, 111., is visiting

her parent. Mr. and Mr. Frank Lowry Mrs.M. S, Reddlck attended the wedding of MissMinnie Reeves at Columbus, Ind Mrs. CarreJones la amoug friends iu lrvington and Leb-anon.... Mr. and Mrs. John Morns, of NewCastle, were the guests of friends here last Sun-dav....M- rs.

Laura Cam mack was visiting inSpiceland last week... .Mia Roso Morris hasgone to Seattle, Wash., for the summerMrs. Todd, of Logans port, has returned homeafter a two week visit here.. ..Mr. and Mrs.Jonu Cunningham eutertalned tho EpworthLeague Litcrnti Monday evening Mrs. FrankGrubbs. of Indianapolis, will be the guest offriend hero thi week Commencement exer-cises of the Hlcb-scho- ol take place Friday even-ing. May i!(. The graduates are Borta Adams.Bessie Cameron, Sadio. Byerly, Lizzie Brooks,Minnie Fort, Nellie i'lant. Mary lleaton. OnaGraff, Allco Davis, Clara Montecue aud RaymondCharles. '

Kokomo.Mrs. EllieGillen McMonigal and Mrs. C. X.

Pollard attended tho ministerial conventionalHuntington William S.Clore and Miss ZellaHaggard will be married May 19... Mrs. Green-lea- f,

of Hagerstown. 1 the guest of Mrs. MaryAnderson Mrs. Frederick Johnson nnd daugh-ter Rita, of Rushville. are guests or Mrs. CharlesLeach Mis Lou Plttman, of Indianapolis.was the guest of Misses Hettle andOllle Edwards over Sunday Howardand Mrs. Stevenson. of Ypsilantl,Mich., are guests of W. C Barkalow....John T.Elliott and Miss Stella Fisher wero marriedTuesday James F. Eidenour and Miss MamieHamilton were married Wednesday... Mes-dam- e

A. F. Sharp. Jane Turner, Jennie Hendryand Dr. Kern attended the W, C. T. U. conven-tion at liOgansport last week. ...Mrs. Harry Wat-son and son Ernest are visiting at Anderson....Mr. D. Huddleson, of Psoli. is the guest of Mr.Sodie DayhuiT....B. B. Johnson, of the Rich-mond Item, and family nre visiting here....Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cunningham attended theliaker-Cunnir.cha- m wedding at LocauiiNrt latweek.... Newton Smith and Miss Maud Bensonwere married Wednesday Mr. Mortimer Car- -riyer, after a vlilt hore. returned to her home at

pCoutinueU.ou Fifteenth 1'ase.)


11 i Aorifj oik personal notes for the SundayMbtte of the Journal, tostture trublieation, muttlr in the hands cf the eihj editor by Saturday


The violet boatonnicres which were suchfavorites early in tbe iprin? have givenvay to the snowy, sweet lily . of tLovalley, and the freab, green leavesand fragrant Llossom decorate dressesand eoat lapels on all occasions. Thobunsbes are displayed at Washington-stree- t

corners, and the temptation to pos-

sess one is difficult to resist. The gianttni;ruonette stalks and huge carnationscreate lo. small havoc on pocket-book- s, butthe small varieties once in favor are notdesirable, now tba florists are discoveringnew processes whereby the earden pink ofother days is made a blossom of high de-

cree in the conrt of flowers. The gorgeousparrot tulips, with their ragged-edge- d pet-el-s,

seem more like the creation of agobelin than an actual product ofthe conservatory and garden. Thewindows of the florists' shopsrival in masniticent display of color andvariety the wildest combinations that dry-goo- ds

or jewelry-bouse- s daro show. Theexception, that only wealthy persons canhave cut flowers in their parlors or adorn-ing the dining-roo- m table, has ceased. Aflower can be had for so small a sum, andcan be made to last so long, that everyhome should have a bit of color and per-

fume somewhere about. The success whichlomo have in keeping flowers is envied byothers. Oneeocretof the success is ex-

plained by one who 'lives among flowers;that is, made in the brief explanation,in common parlance, made dim by no tech-nical terms: "Just below the potals is a lit-tle full place. At long as that is kept in"water the flower will last. Sometimesit will keep a week or more."The remark was occasioned by seeingsome one fill a bowl half full of water andcrowd it full of flowers. The delicate,beautiful things which, are so plentiful,need room and plenty of fresh water. 13e

generous to your flowers and they will re-pay you with interest. The same will boldgooa in the cultivation of the garden-patc- h

which is being so carefully preparedand watched at this season of the year.

Personal Mention.21m. Lncian B. Swift is entertaining her sis-

ter, Miss Lyon.Mrs. T. L. Bloomer returned yesterday from a

Blsort visit to Muncie friend.Mr. nd ilrs. Will Rums and danshterf, of

Cairo, nre TlsltinR relatives lit this city.MI9S EUnor Iglehart, of DePauw, is the guest

of Miss Margaret Smith on East rratt street.M:sa Km ma Martlndale left yesterday for Bos-

ton to visit her sister, Mrs. llobert C. Emery.rresident Duncan, of Coatea College, Terre

ITaut, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. SolomonClay pool to-da- y.

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cowan, of St. Louis! and31 rs C. A. Dolman, of Kokotuo, are guests ofAuditor of Mate and Mrs. Henderson.

Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Bassett and Mr. and Mrs,John A. pann have returned from a threeweeks' visit to Virginia ana the East.

Mr. Albert Fletcher, of California, arrived yes-terday, and la visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomasfcharpe. No. 840 North Pennsylvania street.

Lr. Katherlne e'nyde r. of Evansville. who habeen attending the Indiana Medical Association,is a juett of her brother, II. B. fcnyder, 17Jyorth East street.

Mrs. Miller and dauchter. Mrs. Clara Allen,rfGallon, O., are visiting Mrs. J. C. Mendenhall,839 North Illinois street. Mrs. Allen was for-merly prominent in musical circles here.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis gchmidlap have issued in-vitations for the marriage" of their daughterMinnie and Dr. V. E. Andrew for next Wednes-day evening', at their home, No. l4BellefonUinestreet,

A most enjoyable rarty was given by MissLizzie Eyan, Friday eveninsr, in honor of MissCfLle Hanua. of Crawfordsville. Quite a partyof youn? peoplo enjoyed tho evening's enter-tainment.

Mrs. Alexins Stewart Maxwell leaves thiswek for an extended visit to Maryland, Tcnn-pylran- la

and Washincton. Dr. Cravens andfamily will occupy her place f residence a.t 410Korth Pennsylvania street, during her absence.

Mr, II. J. Kantrowitx and daughters, Irwinend Hilda, and Miss Tlllm Fable leave next

edneoday, the ISth, for New York to visit herIarvnu for a month, and will the spend the restof the Huiiimer at the sea shore and the mount-ains, returning home in October.

Mrs. Frank II. Carter gave a very pleasant.thimble party. Wednesday afternoon, to abouttwentj- - five ladies, at her home on Bellefontainestreet. Thehouao was tastefully decorated withMien of the vaUey. jonquils, carnations andsn eet peas, tnd lilie "were presented to each

ii est as favors.Mr. W. W. "Woollen. ML Katharine Mer-

rill. Mrs. T. P. Ilaugbey, Mrs, J. H. Jenchrs, Mrs.Hay Wrlcht Fewall, Mrs, Frank MeBethand Sir. J. I Ketebam have returned from Chi-cago, nh re they vent to attend the Federationof Women's Clubs. Mrs. Ketcbain. who was adelegate from tfce Katharine Merrill Club, hatH-e- n elected a director la tho federatlou, withpnme of the notable women of the land, a com-pliment which the club and all her friends ap-preciate. 0

Society Events.Miss Jennie Eckhonse will receive her friendsInformally this afternoon, from 2 to 6 o'clock.The Chapel Club will roeet with Mrs. W. F.

Kuhn, No. -- S3 Broadway, Wednesday, May 18.Tho Ladies Leap-yea- r Clnb will plvo asocial

reception at Greih's Dancing Academy Wednes-day evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Daniels will give a dla-Ji- cr

Friday, in honor of tho hitter's sifter, MissDaniels, of Wichita, Kan.

Miss Brownie Butler will give a dinner, to-morrow evening, la honor of Mii Ualford. ofW ashington, and Miss Early, of Baltimore,

Mr. and Mrs. M. rj. Spades will give a dancingparty at (iresh'e Hall Tuesday evening in honoror the tirthday annlversay or her dauchter Julia.

Mr. and Mri. L B. ffwift entertained a smallrumtcr of Irtsndsat dinner, last venlnir, inhonor of their guest. Miss Lyon, Mrs. Swi If asifter.

Friday evening the friends of Mrs. J. Johnson,of t3 iioyt avenue, surprised her with a sheetand pillow-cas- e party, it being the anniversaryof her birthday.

Mrs. May Wright Pwall will give an informalreception Tuemlav afternoon, at the Propylftmi.in honor of Mrs. Jennie C. Croiy fJonr.ie June)and Mrs. Kate Tanuatt Woods, of bale-in-. Mass.

The Matinee Mcsicale. will give an invitationconcert at FropyLi-u- Hail Wednesday evening.Mta. Jcsate Caldwell, of Cincinnati, will eive along recital, assisted with three numbers byILCmbers of tie muMcale.

The Neighbor! Club will hold its last meetingfor thJi waon, '1 tiesday eventni.', at the resilienceof Mrs. Wlnslow, No. !r.o North Meridian street.Tie committee have decided to speud the even-ing with a iirovTcsaivo euchre party.

The rand at the military carnival at Tomlin-k- u

Hall, under the direction of Mr. Jo.ejhCameron, received many weil-mrrite- d compli-ment for tlnir excellent play inc. Tlielr varietyof programme was also the subject of pleasingremark.

Jlrs. Chapln C. Foster gave a f o clock tea yes-terday afternoon to the seniors of the Cirls'Classical to which cotrie of youngwomen her dnuc'uter Mary belnirs. Mrs. Fostervai agisted In rveeivicg by Mrs. Sowall.and In entertainment by former erad-iates Ml.;es Julia and Deborah More, MaryAli n. Brow nie Butler am! Demla Butler. Thegathering was ouite lnfir:nai and intlrely de-lightful. The flowers which brlhte'.iel thehMir. and tilled the nioitis with their fracrauoewr tied v.iih U vender and white ribbons, thesenior' c lafeH colors.

The. Contemporary Cluh will hohl its last meet--In: of the fccan, Wednesday evenimr, at the1'ropyla-um- . The. I.nlurc of the ii.eetlnc will btK,eiJ. 'lhc tinkrunitue will be a tvtui'osiutu fhonje talent. The ex-otiict- will !;aro honorswith Thne chosen at thej la?: il( tion. Mr. andMrs. Noble Butler. !!. Col-n- n and MIm Char-lotte Jones, and Mri. Ixsrus Noble will eonfl-tut- e

the reception comtiiittee. Hie s.ihtect willt e: "fo What Extent Can the Ixiwer Type ofMankind Be Elevated by tl e 1 reese of Clvil-1ation- i"

liieu3ed ly !; Mary Dean. Mr.William I FbLLackJMrs. Martha C. Dcutils. Mr.


Italter Intendfd for this column mutt be in thisfjjce not later than Gp.m., Saturday; item rcceiicd after that hour u ill not be used.

Anderson.Cards are out announcing the weddinrf of Dr.

B. F. Perkins, of tfhs city, and Miss JeDuie Hall,of JefTerMonvllle Mr. and Mrs. Louis Loeb areat Chicago Miss Charity Dye. of Indianapolis,was the guest of the Iliad class eaturday after-noon and evening Miss Buthnaton. of Cincin-nati. Js a guest or Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bufflngtou.....The Anderson Club will give a Mayday dres ball on the evening of MayIt. Guests vrill be invited from Indlan-aroli- s.

Loganixrt, Ilichmond. New. Castle,Muncie and Jlarion Mr. and Mrs. DcForrest Druly entertained Friday nfjrht....Mrs. Joseph Lockwood is home irom Eaton, O.....Mrs. Theodore Zlon has gone to Chicago fora Abort visit. ...Mrs. James Sparks is at Koko-m- o

Mr. and Mrs. uarver are home lromCraw fordsville.... Miss Carrie Doles, of Wind-fall, is a guest of Anderson friends..;. Miss PathLovelace, of Jrant City, Mo., is visiting in thiscity.. ..Mrs. Mecklols at Portland Missfcu-san- o

Little, of Muncie,-visite- d Miss Maud Kll-gor- e

last week... .Mies Grace Sherwood, of Chi-cago, and Miss Zora Wilson, of Benton Har-bor, are visiting Mrs. 11. J). Webb....John L. Eupe and ife. of . Elchmond, wereguests of Hon. a. M. Ballard last week....Messrs. Frank Crown and Fred Alioy, MissesBirdie and Marguerite Clarke aro guests of T.N. Stilwell and wife, of Alexandria, to-day.- ...

Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Uarvey are at ClucinnatE...Mrs. C. T. Doxey is at Alexandria.

Bedford.Mrs. Freeland is visiting relatives in Edwards-port- ..

..Mrs. Litic, of Heltouvilie, is visitingMrs. M. E. Bichnrdson....Miss Lilly Voris hasreturned to her home in Switzerland county....Miss Alice Carlton is visiting m Louisville....MUs Carrie Smith has accepted a position asteacher in the Deaf aud Dumb Asylum at

Nettle Crim, of Mitchell, w.vsvisiting Mrs.Graco Pcrna last week. . . .Mrs. MaryE. Vestal returned to her home in Chicago lastweek.

Brazil.Mrs, T. P. Jones, of this city. Is visiting rela-tives- at

Danville. 111.. ..Miss Masijie Wallace, ofDanville, Ind., is the guest of Miss Anna Spears.....Miss Edith Asbury, of Terre Haute, is theEieitof Mrs. F. J. James. ...Mrs. Charles White

Greencsstle friends Louis Holtman,wife and daughter left on Monday for 8an Fran-cisco... Miss Laura btapelton is visiting Green-castl- e

friends.. ..Miss Anna Klnc. of West Vir-ginia, who has been the guest of Miss Anna Km-za- n,

returned home Monday.. ..Miss Eva Blake,of Kosedale. is visiting Mies Emma Layers....Mrs. Jacob (iants, of Terre naute. la VMtlng hermother, Mrs. Sheppard Mrs. Sarah Handutou,of l'aik county, is visiting her dautrhter.Irs.B. 8. Jlaly Mrs. I. Woolen gave 'a JartgThursday evening In honor of Mlsst'LiifikWallace aud Mattie Probts, who are visitingMisses Faille and Annie Campbell MIs Annaepenrs entertained a cinch party Mondayevening... .Mrs. Isaac Lamaocbo is the guest ofIndianapolis friends... Charles Myers audwife and dauchter are tbn guest of their aunt,Mrs. A- - Wheeler, of Clay City.

Iiluffton.Mesdnmes F. T. Waring and E. II. Montgomery

attended the convention of the W. CL T. V.. atHuntington, tho past week,. ..Mrs. J, H.Onus by and Miss Nina gturpls i r-eturned last week from Boston, where theyhave been for the pat year... .Mrs. HenryWuerston. of Warren, who ha- - been a guest offriend in" this city, returned home Tuosdaymorning Misses Jennie Allen, Ella Loser,Etta Weisell and Anna EHInger will attendschotd at LaPorte through the summer.. ..Mrs.Clark, who has been visiting C J. dineand family, returned to her home at ElchmondTuesday.... H. M. Herrley and wife and 11. B.Pirnouton and wife, of Huntington, spent fun-da- y

with Will Kunkcl and wife. ...MissHattie Courtney. of Salem. O., spentSunday with Arch Phillips and family....Mrs. Milton Hartle, who has been visiting friendsIn Kofcomo. returned home Wednesday.... Will-iam e. Smith and Ml?s Minnie Adams drove overfrom Fort Wayne, Sunday, and spentthe day with Ccnafor Smith and familyMrs. Alice Moritz. of Kansas, who has been vls-itin- e

Dr. Goodln,- - of Nottingham, lett last weekfor Marlon to visit her sister. Mrs. wnilaru Wlke.....Mrs. Eobert Gutellus and children left latweek for Hiawatha. Kan., to visit Misses Bes-sie Hale. Jennie Bowman and Grace and KatePatterson.of Decatur, spent S unday lu this city. . .Mrs. George Grimes and little daughter returnedthis week from a visit to Lagraueo Mrs. LydlaOutrun, or.vwuiamsport, visiting tho familyof Bemamln Sawyer... .Ncdie Mason spent Bun- -day with herparenta.

Co! fax.Mrs. O. W.Eldred and son Harris are the guests

of her sister, Mrs. J. B. Parker, at In-dianapolis Mrs. Leila Parker was theguc.t of friends at Frankfort Sunday....Mis Roxle Harper was in Indianapolis Tuesday.

Mrs. Balch, of Frankfort, was the guest offriends here Tuesday.,.. Miss Carrie Moore, ofDarllagton. was thegnest of Miss Florence An-derson Friday.

Centcrviile.Mrs. Sarah Dobbs, of Kokomo, was visiting

friends last Saturday and Sunday. ...Mr. FrankLand, of Kichmond. spent Sunday evening withfriends Mrs. Dr. Silas H. Kersey was the jrueetof Kichmottd friends Tuesday.... Mrs. MaryClark, of Elchmond, was the guest of Mr. andMrs. Charles Jacksou Wednesday Miss Clr.raManlove, of Milton, was the irunt of Miss NellieLockou, Tuesday and Wednesday.. ..Miss DeliaSmith was tho guest of Kich-mond friends last Monday and TuesdayMrs. Catherine Carter returned from ChicagoFrida7....Mrs. Clark and Mrs. NAsli, of Cincin-nati, wero the guests or Mr. and Mrs. II. 11. KntoFriday. ...Mrs. Lam Muse entertained a laruecompany of young men and women at the JonesHouse. Friday evening, in honor ol her sous,Cort and Ernest Muse.

Connersville.Ml? s Kate Heron visited Cincinnati last week.

....Mis. Taylor Kelley, of Greenville. O., is vltdt-iu- g

Counersville relatives.. ..Mrs. Amanda Gor-don has returned to her home in Hebron, Neb....Mrs. Wright and daughter. Miss Sophia, of Chi-cago, are visiting relatives here... .The women ofthe M. E. Church gave a tea at the homo of Mrs.L. T. Bowei a last Tuesday... .Mrs.- Mary Cattinhas returned to her home at Indianapolis.... Mrs.J. E. Loin rts visited Cincinnati Friday Mr.and Mrs. J. C. Mount vi5ited Lojransport relativeslast week.... Mr. and Mrs. E. Dwhiht Johnstonhavareturned from their trip East. ...Mr. nudMrs. Charles Bock visrted In Cincinnati last week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Huston aro eutertaining"Mr. and Mrs: J. W. Mills, of North Manchester.

Mrs. J. N. Hiioton and daughter Marie vis-ited Sparta, Ky., relatives last week.... Mrs.William Wilkin, of plaintleld, visited here Thurs-day.. ..Mr. aud Mrs. 8. Johnson, of Portsmouth,

., are visiting lonneTsviiie reutivea Mrs. S.II. Eoblnsou visited Indianapolis last w eek.

Crawfordsvllle.Mrs. J. L. Goben has been vidtlng in Wave-laud..- ..

Mrs. Johu Bickford. of Chicago, is visit-lu- g

E. E. Ballard and wife... .Mis Belle Allenhas returned to lerre Haute, after a visit withfriends in this city The Musical Amateur 9o--ctelx gave a recital Tuesday eveninc at the mu-sical rarlors of George F. Hughes. Thosewho tok part were Mecdames A.B. Anderson, Walter and Tliomas, andMisses Campbell, Wolfe, Cowan andWaison...,Mr. A. B. Mtlford has beep visitingin Indlanapo is. ...Mrs. J. E. Eyan. of lineBluCs, Ark., is visiting in this city Mrs. MaryA. Hendricks, of Ibauon, Mr. Ada Eonglry, ofSouth Pasadena. Cal., and Profofor Brown andwife, f ft heneetady. N. Y., have leeu truest oftho family of T, IT. 1. MoCain..,.Mr.11. J, Milltgan. of Indianapolis, hasbeen visitinir Joseph Millirfn and wife....Miss Smile Uritton entertalneil Saturday even-i- n

u in honor of MUs Wood, of DtPauw....Mrs.H. II, Gortner. of Goshen, i vitlug It. V.(ialcy and family. ...The Athenian Clubmet on last Monday and papers wereread by Miss Kate Snyder. Mrs. J. II. Os-borne and Mr, s. C. Campbell. ...K. A. Heynoldsnnd wife entertained Weiiiesdny and Thursdayeenlug.H. Mr. G. A. Eldridgc, of Lead- -vllle. Col., 1 visiting Watson ard wife..;..'ienerai Jones, of Youngstown, U is the guest

of Mrs. Prolessor Kiug....Mrs. Pauline Post, ofFriendship, is the truest of Charles Jiost W.11. Hughe aiidwiro.ef suUban, are guests oftheir sou, George F. Hughes.

Dublin.MUses Goldle and Vlda Reed, ef Iticlimond,

pent several days here last w eek Ml NettleNecdham, of New Castle, visited here latt week.

OUJe Pradwny, of Iwisvllle, visited herelast week. ...Miss Ella Baitings, ef Elchmond,atteuded commcr.cc tneut Tuesday everdnr.....Mi Nora Eliasou, of Centerviile. ha beeugreettnc he? many friends lure Mrs. Cat h- -'

arine Murphev. of Des Moii.ri, w ith hcrsi-tc- r,

Mrs. K. a. U. 1 our, of New Castle, were vUitlngthe steffy fami'y Thursday and Friday.... Prof.T, A. Mott and wife, of Elchmond, attended com-meuccme- nt

and tho alumni entertainment.

For your choice of over 1,200 yards of Dress Goodsthat sold at 37 l-- 2c to 50c

371-2-c' 10

For your choice of a lot of novelty mixtures whichare sold everywhere at 65o to 75c per yard.

75Sil veriuo Tea and Dover Egg Beat--

Cofiee Cans - 5c ers - - 8cHardwood Hat Celluloid Starch 5c

. Racks - 5c ,,

50c Willow ScrapKnife and Fork Baskets - 35cBaskets - 9c

i pQt chains - 5oFancy Spice Box- -

eg - 25c Bread Toasters 5o

For your choice of 46 Suit Patterns of Grepons.selling price is 8950.

Lisk's Improved Cake Tins ) QQnComplete Bt-- t - t - - jOit

Extra Large Blacking: Cases,$1.50 kind - 89c

BLACK GOODSIn the Dress Goods offering to-moir- ow you will find

a bigr lot of Black Dress Goods.One lot of 40-inc- h Lace Batiste, regular 65c goods,

at 35cA lot of 40-inc- h Black Nun's Veiling at 39c.A lot ot Dra de Alma at 45c.



Retinned Bread Kaisers - 59cHearth Brushes - - Jc

CO-Fo- ot Clotbes Lines - 8cLarge Bread Boxeg - - 39cSelf-wringi- ng Mops - - 35cPaper Pails - - - 18cGalvanized Pails - - 23c


T&E EDGAR VarnishBrushes 8o

Stove Brush-es - lOo

Metal LemonSqneczers lOo

Nutmeg Grater. Steel Fr7Patent Nutmeg Graters 3C Pans - I2C

Fold'g Lawn"

Chairs - 79a4


Benches 9SJ5 Foot Step

Ladders C9oWood-Fibe- r

Buckets 39cHunter's Sift-

ers - 15cLemon

Squeezers 5c


69c 70




Good Wash Boil-ers 5c- -

Largo Square cov-ered Mark't Bas

Fity Cents on the Dollar.

Is tlje price at which about 130 Spring Jackets willbe sold, and oyer JlOO Silk and Lace Capes will be sold atthe same sacrifice.


Spice Cabinet 73X ,;v.-: X

Lap-Boar- ds

The $1.50 Jackets at. 75cThe $2.25 Jackets at.Sl.18The $2.75 Jackets at. 1.3The $3.50 Jackets at. 1.75The $4.25 Jackets at. 2.155The $5.00 Jackets at. 2.50The $6.00 Jackets at. 3.0The $7.00 Jackets at. 3.50Tho $9.00 Jackets at. 4.50LADIES' SILK EMBROID-

ERED WRAPS.$2.50 quality at..,. .....81.25$3.50 quality at 1.75$5.00 quality at 2.50

Large BottleAmmonia - 5c

Rush StoopSea's - - Sc

White - washBnuhes - 15c

24-iu- ch TurkeyDusters - 18c

HnrdwoodClothes Pins10 dozen - 5c

Root Scrub-bing Brushes 8c

Willow ClothesHampers - 79c

Lnrpt ClothesBabkets 45c


Cloth Military Capes at$4.75 to $7.50.

Novelty Military Capes to-

morrow, with Lace and LaceBertha, worth from $25 to$65. You can buy -- at nearlyhalf price. ,

White Blazers.... 2.25Colored Blazers 2.25

Misses' Blazers and Reefersat from 83 to &.50.


Bamboo PlantStands , $1.39