This is That and That is This and if This is Not That We Will Keep This Until That Comes - Ernest Angley (1992)

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  • 8/8/2019 This is That and That is This and if This is Not That We Will Keep This Until That Comes - Ernest Angley (1992)


    October 1992

    Topics: Patience,Your Mind

    Volume 10 The K eeping Pow er for the Mind

    by Ernest An gley

    And the p eace of God, wh ich passeth all und erstanding,

    shall keep your hearts and m inds through Christ Jesus

    (Philippians 4:7). The peace of God is beyond understanding.

    Bu t this is that which was spoken b y the prophet Joel

    (Acts 2:16). With great boldness, Peter stood up before the crowd

    that so recently had crucified Jesus. Reaching back into the OldTestament, he identified the power that was falling at Pentecost,

    saying this is that! This is the power Joel told us about.

    The Lord has, in this last and final hour, sent me to identifythis that is falling in our midst to be

    that which Peter spoke of around two thousand years ago. That which Joel described is this that is

    falling today. That is this, the same power that fell at Pentecost, the same Jesus, the same healer,

    the same greatness of God, the same, the same.

    Nothing could be as great as what we have now. We won't let it go because we knowthis is really

    that. Settle it in your mind: we can have what the first Christians had in the Early Church. In fact,

    we declare that we already have it. It's here. With all our souls, minds and bodies we say: Ifthis

    isn't that, then we're going to keep this until that gets here. We want all of God in this last hour.

    Seeing the greatness of God in the obedient lives of those in Old Testament days illustrates what is

    available to us. The Old Testament is filled with types and shadows of living realities to come.

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    Elijah is a type of Jesus ascending back into heaven as well as a type of the Bride. On his way to

    that catching-away ground, Elijah took his mantle, wrapped it together and struck the waters of the

    River Jordan. The waters divided, and Elijah and Elisha crossed Jordan on dry ground. Elijah

    said u nto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, be fore I be taken aw ay from thee. And

    Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be u pon m e. And he said,

    Thou hast asked a hard thing: nevertheless, if thou see me whe n I am taken from thee,

    it shall be so u nto thee ; bu t if not, it shall not be so (II Kings 2:9,10). Elijah's mantle would

    fall to Elishaa double portion of powerif Elisha saw him when he went away.

    Did Elisha receive the double portion he asked for? Yes. He took up also the mantle of Elijah

    that fell from him, and w ent back, an d stood by the bank of Jordan; And he took the

    mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters, and said, Where is the Lord

    God of Elijah? and w hen he also had smitten the w aters, they parted hither and

    thither: and Elisha we nt over (II Kings 2:13,14).

    Elisha cried for the Lord God of Elijah with all the faith of Abraham, Moses, Noah and the rest.

    Heaven heard, and the waters began to separate to the left and the right.

    As Elisha saw Elijah taken up into heaven, the disciples saw Jesus when He went away. Jesus told

    the disciples that after He went away, He that believeth on me, the w orks that I do shall he

    do also; and greater w orks than these shall he do; becau se I go unto m y Father (John

    14:12). Believing all He taught, the disciples received the mantle of power and went to work for


    Now the mantle of Jesus has fallen upon the Bride of Christ in this her final hour, bringing with it

    the power to evangelize the whole Earth. No one single church or denomination makes up this

    Bride, but true believers throughout the whole world. The Bride has picked up the Master's

    mantlethe Jesus mantle, the Jesus power and authorityand she's striking the waters, crying

    with all faith and love:Where is the Lord God of Elijah! Her heart answers, He is right here!

    Watch Him work; w atch Him manifest Himself! Watch Him open blinded eyes and unstop deaf

    ears. Watch Him make the crippled to walk. Watch, wa tch, He is here, the Lord God of Elijah!

    Thank God!

    Study the miracles that God performed through Elisha. We thought Elijah was wonderful, but

    Elisha received a double portion of his Spirit. Note what that double portion did. It was glorious to


    The king of Syria warred against Israel, but again and again Israel avoided his army. Therefore

    the heart of the king of Syria was sore trou bled for this thing; and he called his

    servants, and said unto them , Will ye not shew m e w hich of us is for the king of

    Israel? And on e of his servants said, None, my lord, O king: bu t Elisha, the prophet

    that is in Israel, telleth the king of Israel the w ords that thou speakest in thy

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    bedchamber (II Kings 6:11,12).

    The king of Syria thought surely there was a traitor among his people, but the Lord was the one

    telling Elisha the king's plans. The king then sent a great army to surround the city Elisha was

    ina whole army went after one prophet of God. Even the heathen recognize God when He begins

    to manifest Himself. He is Lord God Almighty.

    The servant of Elisha was in despair on seeing the host of the enemy surrounding them.Alas, mymaster! how shall we do? And he answe red, Fear not: for they that be with us are

    more than they that be with them. And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee,

    open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and

    he saw: and, b ehold, the mou ntain was full of horses and chariots of fire rou nd abo ut

    Elisha (verses 15-17). All the servant could see was the enemy; he didn't have the double portion

    of Elisha. Without the double portion from God, you will see only the enemy and not God's

    protecting hand.

    When the army came for Elisha, he prayed u nto the Lord, an d said, Smite this people, I

    pray thee, with blindn ess. And he smote them with blindn ess according to the word

    of Elisha. And Elisha said un to them , This is not the w ay, neither is this the city:

    follow me, and I will bring you to the man w hom ye seek. Bu t he led them to Samaria.

    And it came to pass, when they were come into Samaria, that Elisha said, Lord, open

    the eyes of these men, that they may see. And the Lord open ed their eyes, and they

    saw; and, be hold, they wer e in the midst of Samaria (verses 18-20).

    The king of Israel thought it would be the ideal time to smite the Syrian army, but Elisha had others

    plans. Feed them and let them go. And he pre pared great provision for them: and w hen

    they had eaten and dru nk, he sent them away, and they we nt to their master. So the

    bands of Syria came n o more into the land of Israel (verse 23).

    Miracle power, miracle wisdom were Elisha's; and we must have that miracle know-how in this

    final hour. The greatness that Elisha had is this that the Bride has today. What greatness was withElisha!

    Elisha is a type of the Church. The spirit of discerning, the spirit of knowledge available to the

    Church will be wonderful in this marvelous hour. All the greatness of God, all of heaven is

    connected with the Church to bring in the world harvest of souls. God will do anything for the true

    Church, the Bride of His Son Jesus, in this last hour. We are expecting all kinds of fantastic,

    unbelievable things as God shows His miraculous power.

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    In Elijah and Elisha's day, in Jesus' day, and in the Early Church, even the dead were raised. All we

    have to do is go back to that, for this is that. We rejoice knowing that God will do anything and

    everything great and wonderful to show His miraculous power in this final hour.

    It was a simple act of power that raised Lazarus from the dead. With a loud voice Jesus cried,Lazarus, come forth. And he that was dead came forth, bou nd hand and foot with

    grave clothes: and his face was boun d abou t with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them,

    Loose him, and let him go (John 11:43,44).

    When Peter raised a woman from the dead, again it was by a simple act of power. Tabitha, a

    woman full of good works, died and was laid in an upper chamber. But Peter pu t them all

    forth, and kneeled dow n, and p rayed; and turn ing him to the body said, Tabitha,

    arise. And she opened her eyes: and whe n she saw Peter, she sat up . And he gave her

    his hand and lifted her u p, and whe n he had called the saints and w idows, presented

    her alive (Acts 9:40,41).

    The Acts of the Apostles is the standard for Christian living. It's for us todaythis is that and that

    is this. It's ours. It belongs to us. Acts teaches us to be nothing less than Christ like. The Bible

    does not present a double standard to live by, only one standardHis.

    The refuge of the Early Church was in their coming together in the unity of the Spirit where God's

    Spirit was flowing. Their happiness, their joy and contentment, their pleasure was in God's

    presence. In one mind and one accord, they enjoyed God's presence in each other.

    When people are in one mind and one accord with the Lord, they want to dine with Him, a

    banquet, a full course. Their hearts cry for more of heaven's food, heavenly manna, served from on

    High, Angel food is glorious indeed. The Lord is filling the Bride with all kinds of wonderful things

    that will strengthen and give her power over all problems. Deliverance, freedom, libertyJesus

    breaks every fetter and He sets people free. Recognize the freedom in Him that comes when all sin

    is gone.

    The apostles became like Jesus. They thought like Him, talked like Him, took on His mind. They

    were so much like Jesus that they did greater works, greater in number, more of what He had done

    when He was here on Earth. Jesus had told them they would.

    Today, many have gone as far away from the Word as they can, deciding the Book of the Acts of the

    Apostles is unsound. As long as they look on the baptism in the Holy Ghost as fanaticism, they will

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    not have it. As long as they consider signs, wonders, miracles and healings to be false doctrine, they

    won't receive them.

    Signs and wonders belong to believers; your production in this final hour, saith the Lord, will be the

    evidence of your believing. Signs and wonders will be the evidence of belief.

    To be part of the mighty greatness of God, we must keep moving with Him. He is taking His

    Children on into His greatness, conditioning minds and spirits to receive it all. And the se signsshall follow the m that be lieve (Mark 16:17).

    We can't be hopers, critics; we must be believers. Thinking God might perform a miracle is not

    good enough: We must know it and believe it. Jesus said,If thou canst be lieve, all things are

    possible to him that be lieveth (Mark 9:23).

    There are those who have said they believed and nothing happened. It isn't to be like that in this

    final hour. God will honor faith, but it must be real faith with the life of God in it, not just faith

    "from the tongue out." God's faith works.

    Faith isn't a kind of hyper-talk, an empty shout that brings no results. Some people have said they

    had faith but that faith was always for some time in the far distant future. Why not believe God will

    move for you now? Why not step out in God's faith and stand on His promises in the manner of the

    Early Church who put their lives on the line believing His Word?

    The Acts of the Apostles covers about thirty-three years of the Early Church period, glorious years

    in which God moved and miracles took place. But in this last hour we can have more than they had

    in all those thirty-three years of the early rain of the Spirit. We live in the time of the latter rain.

    The Bible said that the latter rain of the Holy Spirit would be greater than the early rain. Greaterworks, many more multitudes of miracles, millions of deliverances will take place in this the last

    hour. Our eyes will behold His glory.

    I've been with the Lord; I've traveled with Him and seen His glory, and now He is letting us know

    we have entered into His greatness. As I evangelize from place to place, I see it. How exciting to go

    into different areas and find people ready to receive miracles from God! They come on business to

    meet God, not me, to meet my Lord and Master. They know that although I can't heal them, I

    represent the One who can.

    The ministry as a whole, many times becoming more involved in social functions than in the Word

    of God, has omitted the Word. When the apostles were confronted with duties that distracted them

    from preaching the Word they said, It is not reason that we should leave the w ord of God,

    and serve tables (Acts 6:2).

    But the apostles knew feeding the widows was a worthy thing, so they appointed men to take care

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    of that business. Unlike the social-gospel ministers of today, they recognized their responsibility

    was to serve the Word of God. The Word must go forth.

    Live in the Word; pray instead of play, fast instead of feast, and God will answer from heaven.

    Ministers who preach current events, sports, rather than the Word have the frown of God.

    The Early Church believed the Word; they preached it with the anointing of the Holy Ghost, with

    power. We will give ou rselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the w ord(Acts 6:4). They prayed, prayed, prayed and ministered the Word. Everywhere Paul went, he

    preached the Word.

    At the death of the first martyr, Stephen, the Early Church was scattered in all directions. Through

    persecution they were scattered, but they did not take a spirit of fear with them; they took the

    Word, the message of the miraculous Jesus, of His divinity. This is that and that is this.

    We have it, too; we have the message of Jesus, His crucifixion, resurrection and the Comforter He

    sent. We're fasting, continually in prayer before God. The Wordwe are never finished with it,

    dining, dining on it. Glory be to God! In the early morning hours, late at night, we turn the Word

    over and over in our minds, spirits and hearts. The Word of the living God, the voice of the Lord,

    falls on the eager ears of the Bride of Christ. The Spirit brings to her what God has said. God's

    Word lives; the Holy Spirit gives it life in us. In Jesus is living reality.

    People who have educated their minds but neglected their souls are starved for reality in the Lord,

    hungering for a simple message of salvation. Men have made God's Word complicated, mixing in

    so much humanism that it has no strength, no power to deliver. Doubters render the Word

    helpless and hopeless, make God look like a disgrace to many people. God will not have it in this

    final hour. He will brush aside those who have hindered, lifting His Word high before a lost and

    dying world and setting it into action. We will behold His glory, behold "Thus saith the Lord!" We

    will behold the arm of the Lord moving with great power to perform miracles as we tell the nations

    of His might in this last hour, of His great salvation and deliverance. Glory be to God!

    When the Lord said I am the Lord that healeth thee (Exodus 15:26), He made a promise for

    today. God sent Jesus; He is our healer just as He was the healer when He walked the shores of

    Galilee. The same Christ ministering with nail-riven hands, He is the Son of the living God.

    The power of Jesus was recognized in the beginning by the Early Church. They had been given the

    authority to use His name, and they used it. Power from on High came through the Holy Ghost.

    In my name, Jesus said, shall they cast out de vilsthe y shall lay hands on the sick, an d

    they shall reco ver (Mark 16:17,18). Different ones in the Early Church gave their lives for their

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    testimony, while many religious leaders of the day denied the authority in Jesus' name.

    How much are you willing to give? Some are willing to give all just as the Early Church was. That's

    the reason God is moving, and will move greater and greater. We can depend on it. This is the

    hour of greatness, the hour of victory, the hour to go all the way with God.

    Faith doesn't operate in the wisdom of man, but in the power of God. Rooted and grounded in the

    power of the living God, your faith will be alive, in action on planet Earth today. The Almighty God

    who spoke the universe into existence, the one who made the first man out of the dust of the Earth,

    who took a rib and made a helpmate for him, still creates and re-creates, saves, heals and delivers.

    He spoke the Earth into existence and hung the earth upon nothing (Job 26:7).

    Perhaps you are so ill the doctors have given up; but nothing, no disease, no affliction, is too hard

    for God. You may have spent much time waiting for man to take care of you, so why be impatient

    with God? Wait upon God in the prayer chamber for your decisions.

    Rooted and grounded in thus saith the Lord, you can claim the promise of healing, the promise of

    the cure. The Lord is saying to you,Wilt thou be made well? Wilt thou be delivered? I am the

    Lord that healeth thee; I am the Lord that delivereth thee. I am the Lord that sets you free. I am

    God, the healing God, the Creator. Look upon Him! Look upon Him and separate Him from all

    mankind. He is the Almighty, and He stands before you in His greatness to serve you with His

    greatness. You can have His power if you really want it, if you bow completely to His divine will in

    using it.

    For I determined n ot to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him

    crucified. And I was with you in we akness, and in fear, and in much trembling. And

    my speech and m y preaching was not w ith enticing w ords of man's wisdom, but in

    demo nstration of the Spirit and of powe r. That your faith should not stand in the

    wisdom of men , bu t in the powe r of God (I Corinthians 2:2-5).

    Paul, a man educated at the feet of the greatest teachers of his day, recognized Jesus Christ as hissource of wisdom. He looked only to Jesus for his knowledge, but many religious leaders today

    have neglected that divine source in favor of man's ideas and opinions.

    Know Jesus Christ above all, the crucified Jesus. Know His redemption, the spirit of redemption,

    it's power and greatness. Heaven's redemption for Earth people, the great price heaven paid for it,

    should be living reality in your heart. If you don't know the crucifixion, then you don't know the

    value that was paid for redemption. Paul didn't say he was strong all the time, but that he was in

    weakness, fear and trembling. Strength came when he held onto God. His speech, lacking enticing

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    words of man's wisdom, demonstrated the power of the Spirit.

    In this last hour, our speech must also demonstrate the Holy Spirit and power of God. Nothing less

    will get the job done. Many religious leaders today influence people with man's wisdom and

    personality. Paul's speech was in demonstration of the Holy Spirit and of power so that people's

    faith would not stand in the wisdom of man, but in the power of God. Because people don't reach

    to receive the greatness from God, no miracles, no healings, no manifestations of the Holy Spirit are

    seen in many churches. Man's wisdom produces dead churches, congregations that don't know the

    power and the Spirit of the Almighty.

    And the W ord w as made flesh, and dw elt among u s, (and we beheld his glory, the

    glory as of the on ly begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth (John 1:14). The

    incarnate Word, Jesus, came to Earth with His glory.

    In Acts we read of the spoken Word. The apostlesspake the word of God with boldness (Acts


    The Epistles were written not w ith ink, bu t with the Sp irit of the living God; not in tables

    of stone, bu t in fleshy tables of the heart (II Corinthians 3:3). Man had no control over the

    Epistles; they were written with the Spirit of God, given in pure form.

    For I am the Lord: I w ill speak, and the word that I shall speak shall come to pass

    (Ezekiel 12:25). The Word of God, His promises, can never die; they're like God Himself. Everypromise God has made is backed up by every particle of Him. We can believe, stand on any

    promise of God.

    We have the incarnate Word, the spoken Word and the written Word. How wonderful that God

    has given us this opportunity to know and give forth His Word!

    See God through His Word. You will not see the true God unless you see Him through the Word.Without the Word, you have only man's wisdom and knowledge. The Word has been taken out of

    our schools, out of many hearts. Satan is seeking desperately to destroy the Word. It's the Word

    you need. Study the Word, dine on it and become a candidate for a miracle, listening to

    instructions for that miracle from the Word, the breath and the Spirit of the living God. Let the

    Word condition you for His miracles. Get ready to meet God and receive that miracle you need.

    Live in His divine presence, hungering and thirsting after Him more than after food. Blessed are

    they which do hun ger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled (Matthew


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    You can't separate God from His Word; and, I say again, only through His Word can you see Him.

    You must see Him through His Word. People who have no reality of Him are not seeing Him

    through His Word.

    Various Bible translations today omit part of the Word of God. But the Bible saysif any manshall take away from the w ords of the b ook of this prophecy, God shall take aw ay his

    part ou t of the book of life (Revelation 22:19). Be careful what you accept as the Word of God.

    God hasn't changed what He said, and you need to make sure man hasn't changed it for you either.

    Jesus said, Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my w ords shall not pass away(Luke

    21:33). God's Word will endure forever.

    Some feel free to quote people, but not the Word of God. Their trust is in people. God tells them

    the truth through His Word, and they struggle for years trying to believe it. The great, wonderful

    God of the universe in whom is no fault is all too often not believed.

    Instead of using the Word, there are those who grumble, complain like the Israelites of old whom

    God let wander in the wilderness until they fell over dead before He performed the miracle of

    taking the others into the land of Canaan. Oh, God, help us accept all the Word of the living God

    and to declare that this is that and that is this! Thank God for that! Thank God for this! Thank

    God that is this; we have this and know it to be that.

    It's time to stand in righteous indignation against those who would presume to change any of the

    Word of God. Don't buy their books; don't accept their excuse that the King James version is too

    hard to understand. If you have the Holy Spirit, you can understand it. The Holy Spirit is theteacher.

    Cold to God, many in the religious world today don't allow His Spirit to write the Word in their

    hearts, and that's the reason they have the audacity to deny it. Groups come together to decide

    what Jesus said or didn't say. They don't even know Jesushow would they know what He would

    say? He's the stranger of Galilee in their lives and spirits.

    The devil seeks to butcher, to destroy the Word of God, and people give over to his reasoning,

    become his instruments. Men, women, boys and girls are destroyed because of them. No wonder

    our nation is in moral decay. It will get worse.

    People who don't believe what God has said try to change His words. We must have the Word of

    God just the way God spoke it, not after it has been tampered with by unbelieving minds. Make

    sure you have the real Word of the living God in all of its fullness; let the Word of God be alive for

    you as you open up your heart to it.

    How tragic that humanism has taken over so many as they gather together to rob our Christ of His

    power, authority and glory. Explaining miracles through natural reasoning, they try to convince

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    people that the Lord didn't say what the Bible says He did, that He meant something other than

    what is written, that miracles have a natural explanation. Jesus said,Bu t in vain they do

    worship me, teaching for doctrines the comman dmen ts of men (Matthew 15:9).

    Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the

    faith, giving heed to sedu cing spirits, and d octrine s of dev ils (I Timothy 4:1). The

    doctrines of devils do everything they can to butcher the Word of God, saying it's not all divinely

    inspired. But the Bible tells us that the Epistles were written with the Spirit of the living God, that

    the Scripture came as holy men of God spake as they we re m oved b y the Holy Ghost (II

    Peter 1:21).

    The Word of God destroys doubt, fear, frustration, unbelief. It's like God Himself with the same

    strength. The Word is a weapon that conquers anything unlike God. Mighty indeed, great and

    wonderful is the Word of God! The Word has the same creative power it had when God spoke the

    universe into existence, when He said Let it be, and it was.

    God is still saying, Let it be.Let that one be healed. Let that one be cured. Let that one be delivered

    from demons. Let that one be set free from demonic powers! God is speaking, and life is flowing,

    the same life which flowed into that form of clay in Eden. Nothing in Eden was worthwhile until

    the life of God quickened itno intelligence, no wisdom or knowledge, no movement or life. When

    God breathed into a lifeless form He was saying, Let it be! Let this form be a living man with

    intelligence, with a mind that can make decisions, can think like my mind.

    This is that and that is this, and no one can take it away from us. Ifthis is not that, we're going tohold onto this because this is so great and mighty nothing on Earth can compare to this greatness of

    God, this wisdom, this knowledge, this demonstration of His power.

    I cou nt all things bu t loss for the e xcellency of the know ledge of Christ Jesus m y Lord:

    for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do cou nt them b ut du ng, that I

    may win Christ (Philippians 3:8). How many have that kind of vision today? How many count

    the things of the world valuable and the things of Jesus as nothing? All too many.

    Paul counted all things as loss for the knowledge of Jesus Christ. He treasured Christ's wisdom,

    power, knowledge, thoughts, love, faith.

    When the things of God are counted as nothing, God is made to look less powerful than a man.

    Degraded, sinful, ungodly minds today are like those in the days of Noah and Sodom and

    Gomorrah. Those who give their minds over to evil betray the God who made them.

    Overriding His critics, Jesus taught in Mark 9:23,All things are possible to him tha t

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    believeth. All things are possible for Bible believers. Are you a believer? Do you really believe all

    that God has said? Do you believe enough to act out His Word, enough to stand on it, to breathe

    through it and place your life in the midst of it, to trust your life with it completely?

    The Early Church preached the Word with all the power and greatness that God had given it. The

    Word went forth with the same assurance, the same faith, love and powerand effectit had when

    Jesus spoke it here on Earth. As though Jesus had come back to speak in an audible voice, the

    miracles happened.

    God's greatness is the same in this hour. We can speak, and it will be the same as Jesus speaking,

    and when Jesus speaks it's the same as God speaking. When God speaks, it's done.

    Bathe your minds not in people's opinions. Elijah asked,How long halt ye between two

    opinions? if the Lord be God, follow him (I Kings 18:21). Bathe your mind in God's opinion

    only. The God that answere th by fire, let him be God (verse 24). The miracle-working God

    of Elijah is our God today. This is that and that is this. Ifthis is not that, then we'll hold to this

    until that comes. But we know that this is that.

    So m ightily grew the w ord of God and p revailed (Acts 19:20). The Word of the living God is

    all too often overlooked. Many do not believe the Word prevails over everything, over all sin. If the

    Word doesn't prevail over all sin, then it wouldn't be the Word of God.

    In the Early Church, the Word prevailed until the shackles fell from those bound in sin. The Word

    prevailed until it brought light to those in darkness.

    The Word of God prevailed until it cast down all manner of sicknesses and diseases. The Word

    prevailed until it shook whole cities. The Word prevailed and went into the hearts of more and

    more people, and therefore the number of disciples was multiplied. The more the Word worked,

    the more it prevailed in the minds of people. The Word prevailed until imaginations were crushed

    to Earth, and the reality of Jesus filled minds and hearts, the reality of Calvary, all the greatness of

    the finished work on the cross.

    The Word grows and prevails when it lives in hearts, when it leaps up with all the life of God. Ink

    on paper doesn't prevail; it's the Word like a fire shut up in the bones that destroysunrighteousness, unholiness.

    And the w ord of God increased; and the nu mbe r of the disciples multiplied in

    Jerusalem greatly(Acts 6:7). What power, what greatness increased in the Early Church; and

    thank God, we have it again today. We have the finished work of Calvary that delivered us from all

    sin, all demonic spirits. We're free because the Son has set us free through His shed blood on


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    Let the Word increase in your life, in your spirit, in your mind. As it increases, problems that have

    troubled you, made you weak, battled your mind, will be destroyed.

    Thinking on the things of the Word will help the Word increase in your life: Finally, brethren ,

    whatsoever things are tru e, whatsoever things are hone st, whatsoever things are just,

    whatsoever things are pure , whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of

    good report; if there be an y virtue , and if there be any praise, think on these things

    (Philippians 4:8). The Holy Ghost gave this knowledge to Paul. The Pauline Epistles were not

    written with ink alone, but by the Spirit of the living God. As long as you look on them as just

    written in ink, they won't have power for you.

    Jesus said our day would be like the days of Noah. Bu t as the days of Noe w ere, so shall also

    the coming of the Son of man b e. For as in the days that were b efore the flood they

    we re e ating and drinking, marrying and giving in m arriage, until the day that Noe

    entere d into the ark, And kne w n ot un til the flood came , and took them all away; so

    shall also the coming of the Son of man b e (Matthew 24:37-39). We see the same kind of

    minds today that caused people in Noah's day to think evil continually. Having a form of godliness,

    many peopleeven so called Christiansdeny God's power. Where is the power of God in the

    churches? Where are the praises? Where is love for God? Sincere people looking for Jesus go

    from church to church, trying to find Him in His reality. They have read about the true Jesus, and

    they're in search of Him. Don't you hear the tramping feet of those searching in America and in

    other nations, hear their hearts' cry? I'm looking for Jesus. I see the steeple, but where is Jesus? I

    see the pews, the pulpit, but where is Jesus? Show me Jesus! Do you represent Him? Why don't I

    see miracles? Why don't I see His manifestations? I see none of His power and greatness. You

    don't have Him here; I'm going somewhere else. On they go, ever searching.

    People will not find Jesus unless we show them through the Word of God. We must get them to

    look through His Word so they can believe to see Him in His great power. His manifestations must

    be in the midst of us to show the searchers that Jesus is here, that He's the live Christ. He lives, He

    lives, He lives!

    God, we honor you; we treasure your living Word. No wonder Stephen died for it! No wonder he

    freely gave himself for it! Who would die for a dead book, a dead Christ? Stephen knew Jesus wasalive. Facing death, Stephen, full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into he aven, and

    saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God. And said, Behold, I

    see the heaven s opene d, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God (Acts

    7:55,56). He wouldn't have seen Jesus had he not first seen Him through the Word and learned

    about Him through the Word.

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    You found you could either trust or distrust your parents through what they said; you knew them

    by their promises. Never did my parents tell me an untruth. I learned to trust them by what they

    saidhow much more can we trust God by what He says in His Word! He speaks, and He confirms

    His Words. You can't separate God from His Wordthey didn't in the Early Church. They

    proclaimed the Word, declared it, preached it; and God confirmed it. They expected it to be


    In the religious world today, however, it seems that few expect the Word to be confirmed. Not

    enough divine truth is preached for God to confirm. When the Word is preachedpreached in all

    its power, in all ofthus saith the Lord and none of the wisdom of manGod confirms it. God will

    not confirm man's opinions, only what He says. We can talk after God.

    For of the abu ndan ce of the heart his mouth speake th (Luke 6:45). From the abundance of

    God's heart come words of life. The Bible is either a Book of Life for you, or just ink and paper.

    When you hold the Bible, you are holding God.

    I know w hom I have believed, and am persu aded that he is able to keep that which Ihave comm itted u nto him against that day(II Timothy 1:12). When you have committed

    everything into His hands, He is the keeper of it all. Then you have nothing to worry about,

    nothing to fret over. The Bride is on her way to take Jesus to the world and then to go home. This

    is that and that is this, and ifthat is nor this, then we're holding onto this until that comes. Believe

    what God has to say; believe all His Word.

    Thank God, Sinner, that Jesus died for you. I declare to you that the Lord will save your soul, washaway your sins if you want Him to. No matter how many sins you have committed, salvation is

    promised in His Word. You can trust Him and His Word for all time and eternity. His Word will

    never fail. Trust Him right now. Sinner, come to Jesus while you yet have time, while the Holy

    Spirit is striving with you. One day He will strive no longer. Come to Jesus while He is knocking at

    your door. One day He won't knock. Come to Him while He is pleading. One day He won't plead

    or cry over you anymore. When God wipes away all His tears never to cry for another sinner, no

    more will be redeemed.

    If you think God will cry over those who die and are cast into hell for all eternity, you are badly

    mistaken. God will shut you off, seal you into forgetfulness, just like He casts sins into the sea of

    forgetfulness to never remember them again. And He'll never remember you. Is that what you

    want? If not, come to Jesus now. Pray the sinners' prayer with me:Oh, God, save my soul!

    Forgive me of my sins. I'm so sorry I sinned against you, but I have come home; and I'm going to

    serve you, Lord, the rest of my life. I believe the blood of Jesus washes away a ll of my sins, all of

    my sins. Come on in, Jesus, come on in. Hallelujah He has come; hallelujah, He is mine!

    It's wonderful to welcome Him into your life, the experience of all experiences. Nothing is quite so

    great as having Jesus walk in and take over one's life. Cleansing the life, He makes it brand new, a

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    vessel of honor. We love you, dear Jesus!

    When, in my early twenties, I was gravely ill, the Lord came to me and spoke. It didn't matter how

    many afflictions were in my body at that time; it didn't matter about my heart and lungs; it didn't

    matter about the ulcer that had about taken my life from me. The heart, lungs and stomach wouldbe all right. The Lord let me know I was going to be well all over, and I trusted in Him. Although

    death was right there, it couldn't take me. I was at the edge of the grave that night the Lord backed

    death off as though it were nothing. Jesus stood there and made me well all over.

    That wonderful Jesus with the nail-riven hands took me by my hand and led me out of the bondage

    of sickness and death. He is so precious! As he led me out, He breathed His life into my body just

    as He had breathed His life into my soul when I was eighteen years old.

    I had suffered much, and I listened to what He was saying. "Later, you will go on a long fast; and

    when you come out of that fast, you will have my power for the healing of the people." It had beenmore than enough to have said, "I am making you well," but He said He would give me His power

    for others. I've seen Jesus make many people well since that night. He has given me His power for

    the healing of the people just as He said. I have much compassion for the sick. The same healing

    Lord that healed me, the same Jesus, not another, can heal you. He is where you are.

    You who are sick and afflicted, do you believe God? Do you believe in miracles? If you don't

    believe in miracles today, you don't believe in God. It's just that way. Everything about our God is

    miraculous. His works are miraculous. Multitudes have been healed through His power. Skeptics

    mock, but they don't receive. Those who receive are those who accept God's way for man. Godmade His ways for man in great simplicity so that man could walk and talk with Him, work for and

    with Him.

    If you are sick or afflicted, pray this prayer with me now: Here they are, Lord: I bring the sick and

    afflicted to you. Lay a healing hand on the sick and afflicted today. From your supernatural gift

    of miracles, from your supernatural gifts of healing it comes in the name of your Son Jesus. Heal!

    in the name of the Lord. Heal! in the all-powerful name of Jesus.

    It is happening, the healing power is flowing, flowing into the bodies of you who accept it. Keep it

    there by not doubting. Make up your mind with God's mind that you are going to be all right. Nowget well.

    God bless you. Write and tell me what happened as you prayed with me, and I will rejoice with

    you. We know, we know without a doubt thatthis is that that Joel the prophet and Simon Peter

    told about. Bible days are here again. Open your heart and receive the great outpouring of the

    Holy Spirit.

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    THIS IS THAT AND THAT IS THIS, PART 3, All rights reserved. Copyright 1992 Ernest Angley.

    All literature available on this page is owned exclusively by Ernest Angley Ministries and is available for your personal, noncommercial use

    only. You may freely download, print or distribute this literature without prior permission, as long as it is NOT altered and is distributed in

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    1999-2010. Ernest Angley Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

    Is That, and That Is This, and If This Is Not That, We Will Keep This...