Sunday Worship Third Sunday after Pentecost Faithful Father’s Day New Life Evangelical Lutheran Church Shoreview, Minnesota June 21, 2020

Third Sunday after Pentecost Faithful Father’s Day · PRAYER OF THE DAY readings, and the M: Let us pray. O God, the strength of all who trust in you, mercifully hear our prayers

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Page 1: Third Sunday after Pentecost Faithful Father’s Day · PRAYER OF THE DAY readings, and the M: Let us pray. O God, the strength of all who trust in you, mercifully hear our prayers

Worship Notes

Sunday Worship

Third Sunday after Pentecost Faithful Father’s Day

New Life Evangelical Lutheran Church Shoreview, Minnesota

June 21, 2020

Page 2: Third Sunday after Pentecost Faithful Father’s Day · PRAYER OF THE DAY readings, and the M: Let us pray. O God, the strength of all who trust in you, mercifully hear our prayers


Worship Notes

New Life

Evangelical Lutheran Church

W elcome! Guests, we’re so happy you are able to worship with us online and at church. We pray during these difficult days that you find peace and strength in the Lord and his Word. We meet today in our faithful Father’s house.

June 21, 2020 The Third Sunday after Pentecost

Path for Worship: Service of the Word - Printed Hymns: 453, 473, 239

Today’s Worship God desires mercy, not sacrifice. God’s mercy shows our lost condition and gives us salvation joy in the life and death of Christ. He leads us beside the quiet waters of Word and Sacrament.

About the Path for Worship The Service of the Word is an updated version of liturgy that is largely based on the ancient rite of the Western Church. It espouses regular use of the Word and moves forward with the concept of interaction between Christ and his people. We focus on “Christ for us” with a joyous spirit of thanksgiving as we are led to the benefits of God’s Word.

Prayer Before Worship Thanks, Lord Jesus, for humbling yourself as my Savior. Grant me a humble heart to follow you in faith-born love. Quench my thirsty soul. Amen.

Sunday Schedule Contact Information Worship 10:00 am Church Office 651-484-1169 E-mail [email protected] Website www.newlifeshoreview.com Pastor Mark Cordes, Pastor Joel Gawrisch, Administrative Assistant Jill Holm The following item is printed under OneLicense.net #A-715373 Service of the Word Text ©1993 Northwestern Publishing House. All rights reserved.

Scripture Readings The Holy Bible: Evangelical Heritage Version (EHV) © 2016 The Wartburg Project. www.wartburgproject.org. All rights reserved. Preview Edition available NPH (800-662-6022).

Psalm 119c Refrain Tune: Joyce Schubkegal. © 1993 Joyce Schubkegal (admin. Northwestern Publishing House). All rights reserved.

Page 3: Third Sunday after Pentecost Faithful Father’s Day · PRAYER OF THE DAY readings, and the M: Let us pray. O God, the strength of all who trust in you, mercifully hear our prayers


Worship Notes

Path for Worship

Gather ENTRANCE HYMN Red Hymnal #453 | Come, Follow Me, the Savior Spoke

Stand for the final stanza

Entrance Hymn Stanzas 1 to 3 and 5 of the Christian Worship version are from Johann Scheffler’s six-stanza hymn first found in the enlarged edition of his Heilige Seelen-Lust (1668). It was titled “She [the soul] Encourages to the Following of Christ.” No author is known for the fourth stanza, published in Geistliche Lieder und lobgesänge of 1695 and in Freylinghausen’s Geist-reiches Gesang-Buch (1704). The translation by Charles William Schaeffer appeared posthumously in ELHB1907.

Gather We gather together around the Means of Grace - the Gospel in Word and Sacrament.

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Worship Notes

M: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you.

C: And also with you.

Song of Praise After hearing the announcement of forgiveness, there is every reason for relief, joy, and thanksgiving to warm the believer’s heart. Considering how good God is in Christ and how firm are the promises of his eternal Word, believers break out in words based on Psalm 34: Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!

Confession of Sins These are words acknowledging that we inherit sinfulness from our parents and have fallen short of God’s perfection ourselves. We refer to these conditions as original sin and actual sin, respectively. Yet Jesus’ perfect life lived for us and his innocent death in our place removes the guilt of sin forever.

Confession of Sins

M: We have come into the presence of God,

who created us to love and serve him as his dear children. But we have disobeyed him and deserve only his wrath and punishment. Therefore, let us confess our sins to him and plead for his mercy.

C: Merciful Father in heaven, I am altogether sinful from birth.

In countless ways I have sinned against you and do not deserve to be called your child. But trusting in Jesus, my Savior, I pray: Have mercy on me according to your unfailing love. Cleanse me from my sin, and take away my guilt.

M: God, our heavenly Father, has forgiven all your sins.

By the perfect life and innocent death of our Lord Jesus Christ, he has removed your guilt forever. You are his own dear child. May God give you strength to live according to his will.

C: Amen.

Prayer and Praise M: In the peace of forgiveness, let us praise the Lord. SONG OF PRAISE Oh, Taste and See

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Worship Notes

The Word PRAYER OF THE DAY M: Let us pray.

O God, the strength of all who trust in you, mercifully hear our prayers. Be gracious to us in our weakness and give us strength to keep your commandments in all we say and do; through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

C: Amen. Be seated FIRST READING Hosea 5:15 - 6:6 (EHV)

God wants loyal love like His.

I will go. I will return to my place until they admit their guilt and seek my face. In their distress they will earnestly seek me. 6:1Come, let us return to the Lord. For he has torn us to pieces, but he will heal us. He has struck us, but he will bandage our wounds. 2After two days he will revive us. On the third day he will raise us up, so that we may live in his presence. 3Let us acknowledge the Lord. Let us pursue knowledge of the Lord. As surely as the sun rises, the Lord will appear. He will come to us like a heavy rain, like the spring rain that waters the earth. 4What am I going to do with you, Ephraim? What am I going to do with you, Judah? For your faithfulness is like a morning mist, like early dew that disappears. 5That is why I cut them to pieces by means of the prophets. I killed them with the words of my mouth. The judgments against you go forth like the light. 6For I desire mercy, and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God, rather than burnt offerings.

The Word God continues to speak to his people through his powerful Word. The Prayer of the Day, the readings, and the psalms or anthems are all chosen according to the Lectionary. The Lectionary is a listing of readings for each Sunday of the Church Year. The readings have been chosen to bless the gathered believers with balance, discipline, direction, and freshness. The First Reading is typically taken from the Old Testament and occasionally from the Book of Acts. This reading often contains events or prophecy that find fulfillment in the Second and Gospel Lessons.

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PSALM OF THE DAY Red Hymnal p. 111 | Psalm 119c

Sing responsively by half verse.

Psalm Along with Old Testament believers we respond to God’s gracious promises in the word and song of the Psalms. The singing of the Psalm, while connecting believers of both the Old Testament and New Testament ages, also connects today’s readings.

Oh, how I love your law!* I meditate on it all day long.

I have more insight than all my teachers,*

for I meditate on your statutes. I have more understanding than the elders,*

for I obey your precepts. Refrain I have kept my feet from every evil path*

so that I might obey your Word. I have not departed from your laws,*

for you yourself have taught me. How sweet are your words to my taste,*

sweeter than honey to my mouth! Glory be to the Father and to the Son*

and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning,*

is now, and will be forever. Amen. Refrain

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Worship Notes

SECOND LESSON Romans 4:18-25 (EHV)

Faith is credited as righteousness.

Hoping beyond what he could expect, [Abraham] believed that he would become the father of many nations, just as he was told: “This is how many your descendants will be.” 19He did not weaken in faith, even though he considered his own body as good as dead (because he was about one hundred years old), and even though he considered Sarah’s womb to be dead. 20He did not waver in unbelief with respect to God’s promise, but he grew strong in faith, giving glory to God 21and being fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised. 22This is why “it was credited to him as righteousness.” 23Now the statement “it was credited to him” was not written for him alone, 24but also for us to whom it would be credited, namely, to us who believe in the one who raised our Lord Jesus from the dead. 25He was handed over to death because of our trespasses and was raised to life because of our justification.

Stand VERSE OF THE DAY 2 Corinthians 5:19 (EHV)


God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them. And he has entrusted to us the message of reconciliation.


GOSPEL Matthew 9:9-13 (EHV)

Jesus gives God’s mercy to lost souls.

As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting in the tax collector’s

booth. He said to him, “Follow me.” Matthew got up and followed him. 10As Jesus was reclining at the table in Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners

were actually there too, eating with Jesus and his disciples. 11When the Pharisees saw

this, they said to his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and

sinners?” 12When Jesus heard this, he said to them, “The healthy do not need a physician, but the

sick do. 13Go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.’ In fact, I did

not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

M: This is the Gospel of our Lord. C: Praise be to you, O Christ! Be seated

Second Reading The Second Reading is from the New Testament letters of the apostles or the Revelation to St. John. It stresses Christian faith and Christian living as a response to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Verse of the Day The congregation stands for the Verse and the reading of the Gospel. (In the past soldiers put down their weapons and kings removed their crowns when the Gospel was read.)

The Verse of the Day is in reality a Gospel verse that serves as a prelude to the reading of the Gospel, as a reflector of the season of the Church Year, or as a bridge between the Second Reading and the Gospel. The Gospel Believers have come for this moment. Here Christ speaks in sharp rebuke of human sin and goes by way of perfect life, innocent death, and resurrection grace to procure salvation for the world.

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HYMN OF THE DAY Red Hymnal #473 | Savior, I Follow On

MESSAGE Matthew 9:9-13 (EHV)

Taste God’s Friendship medicine for the sick mercy for sinners

APOSTLES’ CREED Statement of Faith I believe in God, the Father Almighty,

maker of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,

who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.

He descended into hell.

Hymn of the Day The Hymn of the Day is assigned to this day for its rich content and connection to the day’s Gospel. The Message is the Word of God, proclaiming the living voice of the Gospel to God’s redeemed people. The preacher is the appointed representative who illuminates the Scripture for the congregation and applies it to our contemporary situation. He is neither lecturer nor entertainer, but a link through whom the Holy Spirit brings law and gospel to bear upon the hearts and minds of the worshipers and enlivens their faith and life. Statement of Faith Public confession is faith’s response to God’s saving Word.

The Creed is a summary and profession of the Christian faith.

The Apostles’ Creed is so-named, not because it was written by the apostles, but rather that it summarizes their Bible-centered teachings. It continues to be broadly confessed in Christian churches throughout the world.

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The Prayer of the Church is spoken in response to our Lord’s invitation to pray for all people and in all circumstances. Often spoken responsively, it reflects and gives voice to the individual thoughts, requests and deep, unexpressed needs of God’s people ascending to his throne of mercy.

The third day he rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven

and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty. From there he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the Holy Christian Church - the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

PRAYER OF THE CHURCH M: Lord God, our maker and preserver, we praise and thank you for all that you give us

day after day.

C: We are not worthy of all the mercies you show us. M: You have given us your precious Word to nourish our souls and to protect us from

the temptations of the devil, the world, and our sinful nature.

C: We thank you for those who teach and preach your saving truth at this place and everywhere. Grant them a rich measure of patience, wisdom, and love.

M: Heavenly Father, we pray that you shield us from every kind of danger: sudden

catastrophe, terrors of crime, and the pain of disease. Watch over those who travel by land, sea, and air. Keep our loved ones from whatever perils may threaten them.

C: Heal those who are sick, cheer those who are sad, calm those who are distressed, and comfort all who are old and infirm.

M: Bless our land, our people, and those who hold offices of high trust. Keep our

government and schools upright and strong for the advancement of good citizenship and useful vocations, that we may enjoy your gifts of peace, security, and well-being.

C: Grant your blessing to every nation on earth. Where there are wars, may there be peace. Where there is hatred, let it be healed. Where there is poverty, danger, or disaster, come with your almighty power to help and restore.

Special prayers and intercessions may follow. M: Hear us, Lord, as we bring you our private petitions. Silent prayer. M: We bring these requests before you in the name of Jesus our Lord, and ask you to

hear us. Take all that we have, our bodies and minds, our time and skills, our ministries and offerings, and use them to your glory.

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C: We give ourselves to you that we may serve you in whatever way is pleasing in your sight. Amen. LORD’S PRAYER C: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,

thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,

forever and forever. Amen. Be seated OFFERING God has so richly blessed us in every way. Christ’s love empowers us to respond so that we can “...be generous in every way, which produces thanksgiving to God.” (2 Corinthians 9:11 EHV) Offerings may be placed in the plate on your way out this morning. As you continue to make use of E-giving, “snail mail” (to Financial Secretary Roger Flashinski) and drop-off at church to support our collective ministry at New Life, you are encouraged to give generously to those in need, being confident of this: “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6 EHV) Please Stand.

Go in Peace PRAYER

M: O Lord God, our heavenly Father, pour out the Holy Spirit on your faithful people. Keep us strong in your grace and truth, protect and comfort us in all temptation, and bestow on us your saving peace, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

C: Amen.

Lord’s Prayer The Lord’s Prayer was given by our Savior to his Church in response to the disciples’ request to be taught to pray. See Matthew 6:9-13.

The conclusion to the prayer, also known as the Doxology, was a common conclusion to ancient prayers. Offering Moved by God’s love in Christ, we offer him our first and best gifts, purely out of thanks to him.

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Closing Hymn Horatius Bonar’s text was first published in four stanzas of six lines in the third series of his Hymns of Faith and Hope (London, 1866). It appeared the following year in the English Presbyterian Psalms and Hymns for Divine Worship (London, 1867). The last word of the concluding line of stanza 3 has been changed to “sing” from “bring,” which was a duplication of the previous line’s ending. One well acquainted with Dr. Bonar says, “Visitors in Edinburgh might go out of curiosity to see and listen to this ‘sweet singer,’ but they soon forgot the poet in the preacher. The opening prayer lifted them into the presence of God, and they listened as he went on to speak of a love stronger than death, and of the experiences of Christian life.”

BLESSING M: Brothers and sisters, go in peace. Live in harmony with one another.

Serve the Lord with gladness.

The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look on you with favor and give you peace.

C: Amen. CLOSING HYMN Red Hymnal #239 | Glory Be to God the Father

Blessing The blessing of Aaron has been spoken over God’s people for over 3,500 years. The Lord said, “So they will put my name on [them], and I will bless them” (Numbers 6:27).

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