Third Eye Chakra By Simona Rich in All Articles, Spirituality Out of the main seven body energy centres third eye chakra is one of the most important chakras. Your third eye gives you an opportunity to experience different dimensions without having to leave your body. This is the easiest way to see other dimensions which your physical sight cannot perceive. You see through your eyes the physical world and you also have the ability to see the spiritual world through your third eye. Third eye chakra has the purple/indigo colour, however some people even see very dark, almost black eye. The eye does not even have to be shaped like an eye, although this is the most common shape. Some people see the third eye chakra shaped like a book or a star. You can see a realistic eye or just a shape filled with indigo or purple colour. If you do not get enough universal energy it will be quite hard for your to see your third eye. You can get an abundance of universal energy by meditating. When

Third Eye Chakra

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Third Eye Chakra By Simona Rich in All Articles, Spirituality

Out of the main seven body energy centres third eye chakra is one of the most important chakras.

Your third eye gives you an opportunity to experience different dimensions without having to leave your body.

This is the easiest way to see other dimensions which your physical sight cannot perceive.

You see through your eyes the physical world and you also have the ability to see the spiritual world through your third eye.

Third eye chakra has the purple/indigo colour, however some people even see very dark, almost black eye. The eye does not even have to be shaped like an eye, although this is the most common shape. Some people see the third eye chakra shaped like a book or a star.

You can see a realistic eye or just a shape filled with indigo or purple colour.

If you do not get enough universal energy it will be quite hard for your to see your third eye. You can get an abundance of universal energy by meditating. When you meditate you get universal energy through your crown chakra into the whole of your body.

Usually people experience their third eye when they meditate, and that certainly happened to me too. Because meditation is very spiritual, you get many experiences which include the awakening of kundalini energy, nervous system cleansing and the opening of the third eye chakra.

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When you meditate your third eye may show itself to you without you even trying. However, if you consciously want to see it, you should, during meditation, concentrate on your third eye area (between your brows). However, you should not focus on this area too intensely. You just have to be aware of that area.

When you concentrate on your third eye area, you will start feeling tingling sensation or slight pressure/vibration in that area. This always means that the third eye chakra is awakening, no matter how small pressure/vibration you are experiencing.

After some days, or even the same day of you trying to see the third eye, you may start seeing the colours of it. You may straight away become aware of your third eye, but that does not happen often.

Usually people start seeing blurry shapes and colours of grey, white, purple and indigo before the actual sight of the third eye chakra.

The more you meditate and practice, the stronger colours get and then you finally will be able to see your third eye.

If you do not feel any vibration when you concentrate on the third eye, but you see colours of your third eye straight away, that means your eye is already awakened.

This usually happens to people who were very spiritually advanced in their previous lives. Therefore in this life you do not need to try hard to develop spiritually everything happens very quickly and naturally.�

When you see your third eye, you should concentrate on the middle of it or on the most intensely coloured part of it. This way you will get the glimpse of other worlds because you will be sucked in to the fourth dimension.

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When that happens, you may feel being physically drawn to it too, or you may feel vibration/pressure in your body. Do not get scared this is perfectly normal.�

When you are getting sucked in to the fourth dimension, you may experience your journey as going through a tunnel. I personally saw a black tunnel and a beautiful purple light at the end of it. I was being sucked in very fast and I would constantly emerge from different tunnels.

When you concentrate on the light at the end of the tunnel, you are travelling and visiting different worlds in different dimensions to yours.

When you open your third eye chakra you become more spiritually protected because your aura gets purple colour. With time you will be able to strengthen your energy so that you would be protected from the harmful energies of others.

With the opening of your third eye chakra your sixth sense sharpens and you become more in tune with the universe. Your character features will not change, but you will have greater knowledge of this world and others.

Your eyesight lets you see the world through the filters limited beliefs that you � �have, therefore you only see a small picture of the real world. Your third eye does not have any filters, therefore you see the reality as it really is.


You will benefit in many ways if you decide to awaken your third eye chakra. Your sixth sense will sharpen therefore you will become more sensitive to what is happening in your reality.

You will also become more present in your daily activities which will lead to them being completed in a much more effective way.

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You will also understand that there is no such thing as death in this world after �the end of your physical body your soul becomes connected to the whole of who you are.

When you open your third eye chakra you will be able to see other dimensions whilst being in your physical body. This will give you better understanding of who you are and what the purpose of your experience of this world is.

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Experiences After The Third Eye Opening By Simona Rich in All Articles, Spirituality

After the third eye opening you may get some unusual experiences which you may want to know about before the opening of this chakra.

Some of the experiences you may get are pleasant, some are not. If, after this article, you think that you are ready to open your third eye, you should read my first article explaining how to do that.

How to know that you have awakened your third eye

You can be assured that your third eye is awakened if you close your eyes and can see:White/blue/purple coloursIntense white dotsBlack sky with numerous starsThe shape of the eye/square/circle/some other shape filled with blue or purple colour

These are all signs that you have awakened your third eye.

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If you feel the pressure or some activity in your third eye chakra, that means that your third eye is being awakened and soon you will be able to see it.

What to expect after the third eye opening

Do not be surprised that when you awaken your third eye, you will start getting unusual experiences. That especially has to do with your sight. When you are tired or you are about to sleep or just relax and close your eyes, you may suddenly get all kinds of images in your mind’s eye.

Some of them will not make any sense to you, some of them will be very vivid, others will be blurred… There are all kinds of dimensions out there and with your third eye opened you will be able to pick up on them. The higher vibration you offer, the higher developed worlds you will be able to explore.

Higher vs Lower Dimensions

If you offer a low vibration, you may get to see the dimensions where restless souls stay. By ‘restless souls’ I mean the souls of people who committed suicides and could not forgive themselves for having done that. They are afraid to be judged by someone, so they stay between this world and higher dimensions. This, of course, is not the best dimension to choose to see, but if you find yourself viewing such dimension, you should understand that you offer the vibration that attracts such sights.

Although I have never seen lower dimensions, some people who saw them became scared and started regretting their third eye opening. Such people contact me asking what to do because they are scared of these sights. All I can advise is for them to try to raise their vibration, because only then you will be able to get the sight of higher dimensions. The article that will help to do that is the one I wrote about your thought vibration. In general, you should become more positive to raise your vibration.

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If you offer a very high vibration (that of peace, love, gratitude and happiness), you will be able

to see more developed worlds than even the one in which we live. You will know that you picked up on this dimension if you see very vivid light colours and when the air seems to be full of golden light. The golden/white colours will be the main ones in these dimensions.

Sometimes it may seem to you that you get information overload, and you may not be able to tune out of these dimensions, they will keep shifting through your eyes, sometimes really fast, different images may pass through you every second. Because you are new to this experience, you may not know how to switch off the third eye sight, so that might scare you.

But do not be afraid when that happens because all you should do is to open your eyes. You can also listen to the music before going to sleep and that should turn off this sight.

Sensitivity to energies

After your third eye awakening you will become more sensitive to the energies of other people. You will be able to pick up on both good and bad energies. It is beneficial to pick up on good energies that others are offering, because they affect you positively.

However, you will pick up on bad energies too. For example if some person is angry and she looks at you, you will get some of her anger. That is why spiritual people sometimes get drained after spending some time in a crowded area. There are too many bad energies out there, and when you become more spiritual, you become more sensitive to such energies.

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There are a few things you can do to reduce the harm of such energies. You can use some protection when you feel that you are amongst negative people. Such protection can be imagining that you are surrounded by white or golden (or both) light and imagining how their negative energy cannot get through that light. This is a very very useful technique which I personally use. That always saves me from getting drained off my energy.

You can also use another great technique that will benefit you in numerous ways. When you come home and take the shower, try to shower with cool water. Not too cold, but not as warm as you are used to. Now imagine that the water that goes on you is washing away all the bad energies that you picked up today. See in your minds eye the water picking up such energies and taking them down with it.

When you do this exercise for a couple of days in a row, you will feel a huge relief during and after the shower. The time you spend in the shower may become the most pleasurable one. Do not be surprised if after the shower you will become extremely happy or inspired to do something. That is all the result of removing negative energies from your body.

You should try doing this activity every day for you to feel the full benefits of this technique. When you do this every day you will notice the huge difference in your daily energy levels. You will be much more energetic and focused throughout the day because there will be no negative energies disrupting your routine.

Your health will improve significantly and your life quality will improve in general. Your relationships, sleep, work and state of mind will improve to a great extent.

Other third eye opening experiences

After your third eye opening you may get very strong vibrations in your body that may really scare you. It surely scared me when it happened to me for the first time. I had no idea what is happening to me and I suspected that I am about to

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have an OBE (out-of-body experience) because I read that something similar happens before such experience.

However, if you stay calm and just let the vibration overtake you, it will pass. During this vibration you may be able to see your third eye or (if you still did not awaken it) this experience may open your third eye.

I was able to get a glimpse only into very developed dimensions, with beautiful houses and golden sunny days. The view that I get when I look through my third eye is a very interesting one. For example I may see a detail of the house (eg. two windows of the house and an edge of the roof, and the sky). It is as though I am looking through a telescope. There is a pitch black colour on the edges, and in the middle I see some sight.

Usually I see still objects, like houses or people, creatures similar to people (nothing scary, trust me). I usually get a glimpse into the worlds that are very similar to that of ours. So people are similar and where they live is similar to where we live.

I am not sure why I get only these experiences, I suspect that it is because I am simply not ready to view very different worlds to that of ours.

As I mentioned earlier in this article, you may also get a sight of a black sky with many stars. If you get such view it means that you got into the 4th dimension and that you may get into different worlds from this place. I cannot be any more clearer than this because I still did not manage to clearly get into different worlds from this place. When I get smoother transition I will definitely write an article about it.

How long it takes to experience the third eye opening

The time it takes to open your third eye is different for everyone. If you were spiritually advanced in previous lives, or were trying to advance spiritually, it may

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take a very short while for you to experience your third eye opening. For me it took only around a week to do that, but I strongly feel that it is because I was very spiritual in my previous life and I had many lives before this one.

You may need to wait from a week to two months for your third eye opening experience, sometimes even longer. Just try the techniques that I gave in my first article and if you persist you will succeed in your third eye opening.


I hope that I did not discourage you from the third eye opening. Although the experiences that you will get after your third eye awakening are quite different from what you experience in this physical world, if you keep your vibration high you will not see anything of negative nature.

Therefore you should stay as positive as you can every day and if you do that you will definitely enjoy the sights that you get from your third eye.Meditation Dangers: Things You Should Know and Prepare For By Simona Rich in All Articles, Psychic, Spirituality

Enough of me said about meditation benefits, deep meditation experiences and how to meditate. It’s time to deal with a more negative side of meditation – meditation dangers.

Everyone who meditates or is thinking of doing so should know the dangerous side of meditation. If you are not aware of the dangers, they can unexpectedly come and cause many troubles in your life, such as frightening visions, non physical contacts or even insanity.

So here, in no particular order, are the dangers I encountered from my own meditations and those of others.Meditation Danger #1: Getting attached to meditation experiences

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When you meditate you may get many interesting meditation experiences.

For example, when I meditate, I sometimes hear conversations in different languages, see certain events from this and other worlds and see different beings.

I mainly see the colors though, especially the Blue Pearl which some meditators believe to be their own souls.

I also see black sky with thousands of swirling stars. Some people report seeing mandalas (sacred geometrical paintings), various deities, and so forth.

Why such meditation experiences can be dangerous

It’s okay if you accept these experiences and let them pass. It’s even okay if you explore them for some time. But don’t lose sight of the forest for the trees. Meditation is for self-realisation, after all.

If you get attached to these experiences and keep exploring them and forget about the path to self-realisation, your spiritual progress will stop. Those experiences will also likely to stop after some time, so you may find yourself in a dark spiritual pause.

I remember during a Vipassana meditation course I was meditating and saw a vision of me meditating alone in a vast desert. I told the teacher about this amazing experience and she just said: ignore it and keep meditating. It was like a slap on my face, but now I understand why she responded this way.

There is an even bigger danger if you lose the path to self-realisation by enjoying the meditation experiences. It’s believed in Buddhism that those who lose the path for meditation experiences are reborn in lower than human realms, for example, in the animal realm.

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Some lamas also believe that such meditators might be reborn in higher worlds too, but I could not find out how to distinguish which meditators will be next born where.Meditation Danger #2: Developing supernatural powers

If you meditate for some years (or if you meditated in past lives then this can happen very fast), you are likely to develop some supernatural powers, such as generating heat and thus not getting cold. Or such powers might include seeing what’s happening in your neighborhood, in another country or another world. You may even be able to become a particle of something and gain its awareness.

This happened to me once. In a Vipassana meditation centre during the chanting I found myself to gain the awareness of a sound wave. I became it. I went up when the voices went up, and went down when the voices were lowering. I was traveling at an amazing speed and saw a white light mixed with blue all around me.

Why such powers can be dangerous

Lets be honest. Most people start meditating for selfish reasons. It could be for getting rid of stress, raising awareness, knowing God or oneself, feeling unity or God’s energy and so on. Rarely does anyone start meditating for the enlightenment of humans, infusing more positivity and wisdom to the world or for the world peace.

There’s nothing wrong in meditating for selfish reasons as long as it doesn’t harm anyone. But when you start developing supernatural powers and your ego is still quite big (if you have selfish wishes it most likely is), then your ego will badly want to use these powers. This may result in harm to other beings and the disregard of the boundaries and rights of others.

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For example, if you develop an ability to tune into another person’s thoughts… You see where I’m getting at? Only the most Buddha-like person would refrain from tuning into his spouse’s, friends’ or potential partner’s thoughts.

Those who start using this power soon start taking on more and more evil karma, because this bad deed invites his “neighbors”. So the person with supernatural powers may start manipulating people and unfairly gain certain advantages.

This all leads to the rapid accumulation of bad karma and future births in low worlds, as well as a likely negative current life.Meditation Danger #3: The dark night of the soul

Some meditators, having successfully overcome their attachments to meditation experiences and supernatural powers, come face to face with an even more dangerous phenomenon. It’s called “The Dark Night of The Soul”.

The dark night of the soul is the inner state when your awareness of God disappears. Some meditators completely get used to the feeling that God is always with them an that their intuitive powers never let them down. And suddenly they are left completely alone.

Why the dark night of the soul is dangerous

Some people go through this time with a calm mind, but I would say many more get frightened and stop their spiritual development, never to resume it again in this life-time. Some even start believing that God doesn’t exist and so join the “rational people” circle.

This all happens because of the lack of knowledge. Only if people would know why this phenomenon happens, they would continue meditating despite it and experience an even deeper connection with God.

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The dark night of the soul visits those meditators who are very near the enlightenment. I would dare to say that this is the last step to enlightenment. It teaches you that all the external gods you knew of, were born in your mind or in the minds of other projections of… the one awareness. It’s only You that exists. You Are the reality.

When you can accept this, you start seeing the reflection of yourself in every living and non-living being and event. Then you no longer feel alone and without the connection to God. You feel the universal love and peace and you feel that you are the unity of all things.

Here is a good video further explaining the dark night of the soul:

Meditation Danger #4: Awakening of kundalini

Kundalini is the energy sleeping in the root chakra. Through meditation and yogic asanas you may awaken this energy, causing it to rise rapidly through all the big and small chakras in your body until it goes through your crown chakra, to connect with God.

Why is kundalini dangerous?

When kundalini, also called “the serpent force” or “the sleeping serpent”, awakens, it can cause a real havoc in your mind and your life. If your mind is weak, slow down this awakening as much as possible. Read this article to find out how.

When my kundalini energy awakened I started seeing snakes everywhere: on TV, newspapers, I heard conversations about snakes and even dreamed about them. I felt the kundalini energy moving in me and causing physical discomfort. I felt pressure and buzzing in my ears and during one night it was almost unbearable, I started even fearing that I would not be able to remain sane.

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Fortunately I read about the dangers of kundalini awakening and remembered to do the grounding activities. I also discontinued meditation for some days. Then, after all the havoc ceased in my mind and life, I resumed the meditation practice with caution.

Even to this day I still see snakes everywhere (now I’m in Asia so I see real snakes and snake deities too), but now my kundalini energy is moving very slowly, so it doesn’t cause any discomfort.

The rising kundalini process should be slow because it’s one of the most dangerous spiritual experiences. When the kundalini is moving up your chakras, your whole mental and bodily structure is changing to get ready for a more spiritual energy and finally the enlightenment.

Too quickly rising kundalini can produce frightening visions and you may even involuntarily project out of your body, without any preparation. This should be extremely scary.

For an unprepared or slightly prepared mind, feeling rising kundalini may even cause insanity. The mind just can’t handle so many unusual spiritual phenomena and may stop functioning because of the spiritual activities’ overload.

I read some really frightening stories about kundalini, some reminded of horror plots. So be very cautious if you feel this energy rising in you.Meditation Danger #5: Witnessing lower worlds

If a meditator has a negative state of mind, he might get a glimpse of the lower worlds. She may see these worlds even when not in the meditative state.

As some people get glimpses of the higher worlds without any warning, so do others see the worlds of lower vibrations.

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I once saw the higher world. I remember writing about it, but I can no longer remember how I called that blog post. Completely unexpectedly to me, my reality was replaced with a glimpse of the world where the surroundings had a very pleasant golden glow and the houses were extremely beautiful. Fortunately to me, I never witnessed the lower world.

Why is seeing the lower worlds dangerous?

The beings of the lower planes might frighten the meditator because of their negative energy and horrible appearances, to the extent that a meditator:

-drops meditation practice

-becomes insane

-gets frightening dreams

Also the meditator will feel the energy of the lower worlds, which could be much more negative and stronger than the energy of some places and persons in our world. Needless to say, this experience would be disturbing.Meditation Danger #6: Clear contacts from other worlds

Meditation opens you up to perceiving non-physical phenomena. I have experienced many such phenomena during my meditation years.

For example, sometimes I see dark energy blobs moving around or staying in one place. Sometimes I see dark, very defined shadows. Sometimes I see a white light or hear some sound with one ear, like a sudden shout or a whisper. At other times I feel wind when other people don’t feel it. Sometimes I even feel that someone is touching my arm or the third eye area.

Why such contacts are dangerous

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I don’t feel frightened by such phenomena because I am prepared for it. I know that such events caused by meditation can’t harm you as long as your mind is strong and positive. But for people with weak minds or for complete meditation beginners, such experiences can be extremely frightening and may lead to the halt of the meditation practice.Meditation Danger #7: Dreams that wake you up

You may get such an abundance of energy during your meditations that it will start manifesting though strong intuition and powerful, very clear dreams. Dreams as though become real and more colorful than they were before, so you feel their full force.

Why such dreams can be dangerous

Such dreams can be so clear, so real and so symbolic that you may feel a supernatural presence in them and that may scare you. Such dreams can even cause you to jump from your bed in sleep, or you may awaken with a puzzled mind without knowing what to do next.

For example, I once dreamt of a black brick falling from the clear blue sky. That’s all I saw – a very bright blue sky and a pitch black brick falling into my third eye area, and hitting me between the eyes. This woke me up and I even felt the impact of the brick hitting me.

I jumped from my bed and thought long and hard about this experience. That was extremely surprising. I understand how people unprepared for such dreams would start being scared to fall asleep.

I noticed that not only meditation, but yogic asanas too make my dreams much more real. I now completely got used to my clear dreams – some of them definitely seem more real than the accepted reality itself.

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I like some spiritual contacts and dreams that are very powerful or full of symbols, but when I tell people about some of my dreams and spiritual experiences, they get tense and tell me that probably they would go mad if something like that would happen to them. Thus I know that even dreams can get some people way off-balance.Conclusion

These cautions will prepare you for what might happen during your meditations and so you will react to such phenomena in a less intense way. I hope you won’t be discouraged from meditating, having read about all these meditation dangers. Awareness is all it takes to avoid or not so strongly react to most of the experiences.

As for the rest of the meditation dangers, maintaining a high vibration by being positive should help to avoid them.

Please share this article with those who meditate without guidance or who are thinking of doing so. Thank you in advance.