Wednesday, February 29 It l Ok-uWEAK-NKW Y01tK-l»2m 11:00 u. m.—Monte- Service ' Talk. 11. 10 it. in.—Household limtitute, 11 -DO ii. in.—Studio program. ll- 'IC a. m, "Tho Snmll House. " 12:00 noon—Studio program. lli :30 p. m.—Market uml weather re- ports. I2:.| 5 p. m.—Kolfe ' s Palais D'Or Or- chestra , 1. 15 p. ni.Cii. ltoii lloxill , tnnor.' 2:00 p. m."-Bridges " . 2:15 p. m.—Pni'iutssils Ti-lo. a :15 p. m. "A Weekly Fashion Loi- ter. " if,-80 p. ni.—Studio program. ,1 :00 p. ni.—-"Express Yourself. " ,|;15 p. m. —Tlio Manhattan Trip. .1. 15 p. m."Stage and 'Screen. " li:00 p. in.—Twilight Hour, l!:00 p. m.—Waldorf-Astoria dinner music. 7:00 p. m.—-Synagogue services. . ' 7:30 p. m.—The Soconyiitis, 8:00 r>. ni.—Grout Moments In His- tory. 8:30 p. in.—Neo-Russlan String Quartet . ,. :00 p. in.—Howard correct time. 11:00 p. m. —Iparin Troubadours, I). -30 p. m.—Goodrich Zipper Orches- tra and Quartet. 10:30 p. m. —National Grand Opera . 11:30 p. m. —Hotel Manger Orches- tra. . |i20fc—WRNV—NEW , YORK—326m- 11:00 a. m.—Keeping fit "Y" class. 11:15 a. m. -1-Pure food bulletin. 11:20 a. m. —Morning devotion and music. 11:50 a. m.—Time signals. . /- 12:05 p. m. —Dish-a-day. 12:15 p. m. -—Louise Sehultz , songs. 12:30 p. m. —Electric ferries. 12:32 p. m. —Chickoring piano recital. 12:45 p. m. —Anna Crews, songs. 4:00 p. m.—Francos Allison , soprano. 4:15 p. m. "Campbell Kids " ' , 4:30 p. m.—Joe Lane, songs. 4:45 p. m. "Wilbur and Perry. , 5:00 p. .. ml—Mae Sims, ukulele and songs;' ' . , . ' . 5:15 p. m. —Blue Hour Entertainers. 5:45 p. m. —Lillian Baker. 6:15 p. m. -i-Frances Sper, songs. G:30 p. -m.rChester Hall , tenor. . 0:45 p. m. —Jlansom Page , guitar. 7:00 p. hi. * —Operatic .duets. 7:15 p. ni. —Violin ,, piano and bari- tone recital. 7:30 p. m. —Louis Ri go , French bari- tone. 7:40 p. m. —Ralph Christman , pianist. 7:50 p.-m.—Isndpr Schcrman , violin- ist. ' 8:00 p. m. —Dr. Ditmars of. Bronx ' Zoo: : " ¦ ' ' 8:30 p. m. Electric ferries. 8:32 p. m. —Ben ^ Bernie ' s Orchestra.. fifiOk—WJZ—NEW VORK—451m ' - '10:00-11:00 a. m;—Dr. Copeland j . . Hour. ' ' 12:30 p. ni. —Lombardy lunclicon-mu- . ¦ .' . sic. ' , 1:30 p. m. —Hotel Astor Orchestra. 2:00 p. m. —Weather reports. 2:05: p. m;—"Your Daily Menu. " 2:20 p. m. "Wallpaper , Room by Room." V 2:30 p. m,—New York Health Ser- vice Bureau. . 2:4 0 .p. in. —Th« Venetian Gondo- liers. 3:45 p. m. "Fiction Writing. " 4:00 p. m, —Arrowhead Inn Orches- tra. - 5:00 p. ' i m."Choosing Your Pro- fession." 5:15 p. m. —-Studio program, ' . ' 5:30 p. m. —Stock market reports. 5:45 p. m. —Mme. Lolita Cabrera Gainsborg. ' " . - ' ¦ " . . 6:00 p. m. —The 7-11' s. " fi:25 p. in.—Summary of.programs. (5 :3 0 . p. m. —Jeddo Highlanders. 7' :00 p. m. '-Longine' s correct time, 7:00 p. ; rn. —Savoy-Plaza Concert Orchestra. : 7:25 p. m. —John B. Kennedy. V 7:30 p. m. —Savoy-Plaza Concert Or- chestra. 7:45 p. m. "The Political Situation in Washington - Tonight. " 8:00 p. m.—Champion Sparkers. 8:30 p. m. —Sylvam ' a Foresters. 0:00, p. m.—Variety Hour. 10:00 p. m. —Lbngine' s correct time. 10:00 p. m.VThc Mediterraneans. 10:30 p. m. —The Radio Franks. 11:00 p. . m,i—Slumber Music. 970k—WABC—NEW YORK—309m 12:00 noon—Time. . V" 12:55 p. in. —AVeather forecast. 12:58 p. m. ' Modern Investments. . 1:00 p. m. _Barclay Orchestra. 2:00 p. m. Forum Says : 2:02 p. rn.—Health * Association. 2:15 p. m. —Adele Ardsley, soprano. 2:30 pjm. Cook book. 2:45 p. rn. —Leona Mourton , mezzo soprano, V '1:30 p.. in. "Heigh -Ho" ' o:30 p. m.—Hcckseher Foundation. C>:30 p. m. —Hotel Ogden Orchestra. 7:15 p. m. —Y. M. C. A. ' 7:30 p. m. —Motor Boat. 7:4 5 p. m.—Rhys Morgan , Welsh tenor. ! 8:00 p. m. J ^ Modern Investments. 8:01 p. m. —University Series. 0-00 p. m. —Forum Says: ft :02 p. m. —Izaak Walton League. 9 -30 p. m, —Mexican Good Will Hour. - ' ' ¦ . - 10:30 p. ni—Time. ' - , 10:32 p.^ih. —-Weather forecast. , ' 10 / 33 p. m. King ' s Te.. Garden Or- chestra, v * Jl- "30 p. . m. "Heigh-Ho. " 12 :30 p. m. _Time. l'l2llk-WI!Sr-l(AV SltOllK-2 1 Im 12:110 noon—sTe dlicku Musica l Jluur, Mil) )>. m,—To hy announced. ,. 0:00 p, in, .—Dmiee niii.sk' . . 7:110 p. ni. —Latest news llni' .hes. . 7:10 p. in. —Financial report. 7:15 p. in.—Kuknelm ' H Orchestra . 1220k—Wfillll-KRKISI'OHT—2 l (Sni 7:00 p, in. —Strand Tln. -nlie Artists ' . 7il5 ]>. in. —Music Shop Hour. 8:15 p, in. —Hnrold Seymour , basso. 8:30 p. in. —Frieda Ilochen , soprano. 8:40'p, m, —K, W, Uoedeckor , bari- tone. IM0O p. in. —Nuncr-Men; I Uecitul. 0:30 p. in. —Long Brothers , songs. 11:45 p. m.—Wm, Annette , violinist. 10:00 p. m.—Dance orcliestru. 11001* —Wl'ti—273m ATLANTIC CITY 1:00 p. m,—Ambassador luncheon music. 0:45 p. m.—Organ recital. (1:55 p. m.—Lust minute news. 7:05 p. m.—-Morton dinner concert;. ' 7:50 p. ni.—Sports talk. 8:00 p. in.—Casino dinner dance or- chestra. S:20 p. in. "The Russian Lark". 8:11 0 p. in.—Chelsea Concert Orches- tra. 8:55 p. m.—r "Learning to Fly. " 0:05 p, m. —Traymove Concert Or- chestra. 0:30 p. m.—Royal Hawaiian troupe. 10:30 p. m.—Traymoro Grille Dance Orchestra , 11:00 p, m.—Follies Bergere Dance Orchestra. 11:30 p. m. —Silver Slipper Supper Club Dance Orchestra. 1130|>—M'ICC -IiRip»EPOR'I 265m 0:00 a. m.—Horning Glory Hour. 10:00 a. m.—Danbury Merchants Hour. 11:55 a. m.—Time signals. ' 12:00 noon—Luncheon music. 1:00 p. in. —{a ' ews flashes. . J :05 p. m.—Agriculture talk. (1:00 p. m. —Correct time. 6:01 p' . iri. —Bridgeport Merchant J 1 Hour. ' 7:00 p. m. —U. S. weather forecst. 8:00 p. m.—Girl Scouts program. 9:00 p. m , —The.Schubert Trio. 10:00 p. m. —-Late news. . Thursday, March 1 . 610k—WEA F—NEW YORK—192m 11:00 a. m.—Leslie Frick, contralto. 11:45 a. ni.—Studio 'program. . . IU:U0 p. m, —Market anil wctillioi* re- ports. 12 Mi" ) p. m, —Hotel Pennsylvania liinelii . 'oii music. I t'll! p. m.—Studio program. 2:15 p. m, —Pni'hussiis Trio. 3:15 p, in. "Muntii 1 K.Mort'isc's. " 3:. 'H) p, in. —Studio program, 4:15 p. in. —The MaiihiiUan Trio. 4:15 p. in.—Studio program, 0:00 ji. in.—Waldorf-Astoria dlnni'i' music, 7:00 p, m.—I'Vleration mid-week hymn sing. 7:30 p, in.—Cownnl Comfort Hour. 8:00 p. in.—Dodge lii-others Prc.ioii- tation, ' 8:30 p, in,—Hoover Sentinels. 0:00 p, in.—Howard correct timi:*. 0:00 p. in.—Cllquot Club Kskinso.. 10:00 p. in.—Smith Brothers. tO' MO p. in.—Stutter ' s Pe nn syl van- ians. 11:30 p. in.—Park Central Orchestra . (120k—WI.NY—NEW YORK— .12l.ni 11:00 a. ni. —Keeping fit "Y" class. 11:1.1 a. in. —Pure food bulletin. II :20 a. ni. —Dr. Newman D. Wlnldcr , pianist, 11:50 a. in. —Time signals. 12:05 p. in.—Dish-a-day. 12:15 p. ni.—Kugenie Wilson , soprano. 12:30 p. ni.—Kleetric ferries. 12:32 p. in. —Joo Guzik , jazz pianist, fiBOk—WJZ—NEW YORK—454m 10:00-11:00 a. m, —Dr. Copeland Hour. 12:30 p. - , -n, —Park Central luncheon music. ' ' . ¦ ' ' 1 :30 p. in.—Hotel Astor Orchestra. 2:00 p. ni.—Weather reports. 2:05 p. rn. "Your Daily Menu." 2:20 p. m. "American Colleges in the Near East. " - 2:30 p. m. —Meat council. 2:40 p. in.—The "Venetian Gondo- liers. 3:45 p. ni. —Studio program. 4:30 p. ro. —The Afternoon Players. 5:30 p. ni. —-Stock market reports. 5:4 5 p. m. —Studio program . ' 0:00 p. TO. Sid Hall's Orchestra, v . 0:55 p. TO. —Summary of programs. 7 :00 p. m. —Longine ' s correct time; 7:00 p. m,—United States Marine Band. 7 :30 p. m. —National Mixed Quartet. 8 :00 p. m. —He-Told Tales. 8 :30 p. m. Ampico Hour of Music. 9:00 p. m,—Maxwell House Hour. 10:00 p. ni. —Longine ' s correct time. 10:00 p. m. —To be announced. 11:00 p. m. —Slumber music. " " ¦ " II ^ j —r—— ,, , " , " i s. '. 1 . 1 , 1 . *-—-r- ' ¦¦ . ¦ ,. ¦: _)70li-. .VA nC—NEW Yoniv—lltill m ' ¦ I2i0ll ilium, —Tlmn. laifili JI . in. —Weather forecast. Illir>8 p, in. —Moilerii liivi'stiiK'iits. 1100 p. in. —lliuvlny Oi-clii'slrii, UiOO ji. in. —Foiiiin Hnyu: vm p. m.~- "llc*lgli-llo, " Hi:l() p. in.—Conk book. Ul'lfi p. in.—Health" Association. fliOO p. m.—Adele Ardsley, so|iruno, ill 15 p. in. —Clif'fltcr Cilllignn , hurl- tone. .li. 'lO p. m.—l.nona Moiii'ton, nicziio- soprano. 4 1.10 p, m."Helgli-IIo. " fiiOO p, in. —l' ul-u Food Hour. OiJIO- p. m.—Heekschm' Kotimliillon. (I I ' M JI . in, —l' i'Ofcriiin Ntiinniiir . v. (Ii '1.1 p. m.—Hotel Ogden Orchestra. 7:15 ji. in. —•American Legion. (Continued on Page 4 , This Section) ^ ttfe^i^^l^^ 5 ^ ^^^ j jf r^SB<^'^^£Ml Schordine Bros. Authorized Agentt for the Celebrated KING RADIO We»t Main St., cor, [tiver Ave. .0,000, 000 Homes Without Radio Advertise Your Line on the PATCHOGUE ADVANCE RADIO PAGE And Get Your Share o(r This Market Coll Patchogue 1000 For Ropreiontnlivo Who Will rni«li You With Rnten nnd Help You Plnn n Cnmpnign V; General A^ Six; with Fisha 'Bod y'-GMR C y linder Read andCwssJIowRodMor The more 70U see of thc New Serie- that mastcTStroke of engineering , . '' Pontiac SLac—the more -you learn of which retards loss of water through" ' J -DOOR 5'7 AA Its superior six-cylinder performance boiling and freezing and assures con. SEDAN J HlJ ' . andlhe scores of cngineerinsnadvance- slant cooling water temperature. And Coupe . . . $745 ments it offers—the more deeply liere is the only six of its price equip- ' Sport Remitter. 474$ you must bc impressed by this ped with the GMR cylinder head and Spo/t Cabriald $795 lowest priced General Motors Six producing the smooth, silent, eco 4-DoorS«l»n . S81S ¦ «rad by the unparalleled value that it ziomical power made possible by its Soott Ijuulau represents. _ . scientific principles of design. Sein . . ' . - $875 For here is the only six of lis price These and scores of additional fea- Ql ^ f^AUAmaicm with bodies by Fisher and with the tares tell you why the New Series - 2£_-»«fJS^niuJi vivid styling, sturdy construction and . Pontiac Six leads its field! in value by- emtpricutncludeniin. interior roominess which remits from such a tremendous margin—why It is ^«mnhiin<llhischa«a. the mastery of Fisher craftsnunshlp. the one car you wilt -want to examine J^M£OT ° TIII «PO£ Here is the only sir of its price cm- in detail and drive before you buy ment Plan, ploying the Cross - flow radiator— <inycar. ¦ - ¦ . ¦ ' . ¦ ¦ . . . . , ¦» T WZEW^bsERI ^S , . ' ¦ > ¦¦ PERFECTION SALES CO. JAMES McEWAN, Prop. 51 North Ocean Avenue ' 108 West Main Street PATCHOGUE, N, Y. BAY SHORE, N. Y. Telephone 1 085 Telep hone Bay Shore 1448 •mm &~-~ ' =—i : . ' " . " ——— ' * > ' \ W. K. KENNELLY __f. A. BII HCER . |. I "lt '!r" 8«rvici* " Tlint Counts'* " J f KENNELLY & BURGER j Klrclrlcal Contraclorsi J ] FREED-EISEMANN RADIO j I . ' TfIcihonr Sayville S50 ! j 159 W«=t Mnin Strn-I , Sayvlllf , N. V. I PIANOS RADIOS Smith & Lull , ' Corp. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE PATCHOGUE BAY SHORE Frunli Munn with Chikiiiplon Sparkers Frank Munn , tcnoi's will be the guest soloist during the program hy the Champion Sparkers which will be broad-nut through stations associated with WJZ Wednesday evening, Febru- ary 20, at 8 o' clock. Mr, Miinii ' s solos will include "Little Log Cabin of Dreanis " , "The Hours 1 Spent With You " and "Together " . To Present Second Undiu Pageant The second radio pageant of the series of "Turning Points In Jewish 'History ' .' will be presented in the broadcast program of thc United Syn- agogue of America from the NBC WEAP studios on Wednesday evening, February 29, at 7 o' clock. This pag- eant , entitled "Moses Goes to Seek Ilia God , " raises the curtain that time has fashioned of thc 3,500 years which havo elapsed since tho time of Moses. The pageant was, written and ivill lie directed by Rabbi Samuel M, Cohen , executive director of tho United Syn- agogue. "De Recat-Bingel Mexican Good Will Hour " Senor Rodolfo Hoyos , the noted Mexican Baritone will be featured on the fourth "De Recat-Bingcl Mexican Good Will Hour " when that feature is broadcast over station WABC at nine-thirty o' clock Wednesday eve- ning, February 29. Senor Manuel Cruz , Vice Consul of Mexico, in New York will be the of- ficial speaker and announcer during the fourth presentation. He will re- view, step by step, the progress of Mexico in recent years. Chocolate Always Wins , Savs BettyiCrocker According to Betty Crocker , who will be heard by WEAF listeners to- morrow morning:, February 20, at II o' clock , if you ask thc family what kind of cake they want made for thein , tho answer is always /' choco- late. " For this reason she will take the topic "That Chocolate Taste " ns the basis of her discourse for the day. How Well Di» Yaw Know Your Do|| V Haw well tin ynu know your dog ? Do you know why ll tines) cerl-iin tliinur. nnd doi. 'sn 't do olliet's— pci'hup;' not. Ilowevr*!' , nu I'lillnhteiiliig talk tin ilogH mul their peculiar Hies will In given over . Station WAUC al eigh t o' clock Friday nveiilng, MHIT I J 2nd, by the well known authority, Mrs. Daisy M iller. "ItnoHcvclt Undii) llcvlcw " Inaugurating a new feature sta- tion WKNY presents on each TUOM - duy evenliiK from 11:30 to 12:30 n ' clock a theatrical review- . This fi-ii- liiro will bo brtiiidcast frtnn the House- veil drill; and will be it tijfineiiteil by Den Hondo untl his Dance Orchestra, Among the artists appearing on Tues- dny evening, February 28 will be: Flsa Lehman , well known interpreter nf Southern songs; Reginald Pasch , featured player of ' . 'Golden Dawn "; Margaret Speaks and Anna Iltuisce in ' . 'osUnii o duets ; tho eeli'limteil Euterpe Saxophone Quintette; Fain nntl Dunn , popular radio and featured attraction on the Rialto ; / male quartette from a current New York production; and Charle.. Wold and Ills Multljile Crystal Musicallon. World Court lo III' DIsi'tlHMlll Adherence by llio . United fUntc. Ii> "The World Cmirt", n.ii expressed In lho subject " In or Out of the World Court" , will In* tllsciiHsetl iu tlie "Vel- I ' I 'H ' Servlei' " broiiilcant through WMAF Tuesday ovouiii . ;, Fobi' iuuy Hit , beginning at 7 o' clock. The sub- ject will lie tlisciiHiied from various viewpoint!- by .lainus G. McDonald , chairman of the executive committee nf the Foreign Policy Assocliitlon and .SiMiuUir Frederick II, Cilllelt of Mns»- aehii.ictttt , together with a third speak- er yet to ho tllinotiiiced. Jnmcs Itrotli . rs ' Roynl lluwnllnu Troupri .liunoM 11 rolhers, makers of Atlan- tic City ' s "cut to fit the mouth" taffy, prevent the Royal llawalitul Troupe lo Wlifi j. ll-toiiora In a st 'i-les of weekly noWty programs beginning tomorrow nilihl at 0 :30. Those newcomers lo lhe "inlki^ " an! enliibi-atod In vnude- villo circles and with the mellow beau- ty of llielr ItiMli'iimeiita of which they are niiiRters , jironilse many Jiapjiy hours for thoso who list them with i Kold stiiv an the ficliedtilofl, A pnat ninHlor on the xylo)ilioiu. ' niul a vcr- Biitlli ' uTim . Mir biirmony Hlngers eoiii. ploli * tlm coiiipany. .lames Iirothcrs ure well-known to World' s Pluy- Iti'oiiinl frleiiils an HpoiiKors of ratlin dunce orchestras who , for several years , plciuied WPG llntoner... Advertise in the Advance-It Pays Highlights PHONE *" ei7 ~ i PATCHOGUE Dl/ We Are Specialists Battery—Auto Electric—U .J ¦ ¦ ( DAY-FAN Radios SLEEPER . STEIN1TE GEORGE WALDBAUER Havens Avenue You do it without thinking, but this time THINK. When you turn on the ignition -*^|||R and touch ' ' ' (tm ' ' ' * ' ' you r foot to the st.irtcr *% L. you send the electric current flowing throug h the starter switch JpBte providing the power to turn the starting motor (y_^^^ra^ which engages the starting gear with the eng ine fl y-wheel , turning over the * *' ^* r ^ f~ Y * ' "^1" T* "**_r*r »- t , i ._ri ffi_reRMAST( _ffl«mn^ '^•rtrfife o -•¦ * «i ^-crankshaft in its hearings ^^_ W _&w _^^^^ '^ ¥/z >tf ' , " ' and the camshaft (^^^w ^ which works thc tappets , !p? 8 , 12, or 16 of them , to open and close th ? "valves , as the 4, 6 or 8 pistons, joined to J ' the crankshaft by connecting rods throug h the same ' " / number of wrist-pin be<irings ffl KM move down to draw in the charges , of gasoline and up against compression— till the spark f ires (SBSlllII and IS__Tf1^nn__ the p istons g ive their first hot thrusts of * s FULL B ODY power downward throug h the connecting rods mujppiw"" QH 0j j $$b$^^ the engine main shaft , and the HBw.vlBB|y N v «- gears spinning in the transmission housing, read y IN ALL GRADES for "clutch out " and your shift into low, to wLw ^ / /f t intermediate—and then to hi gh. B' ll IS m \ .;< ; , - Every movement, 'dependS pti" oil—on. correct lubri- i fBSk, v ___H__B ;. ' , cation. . 'It ' s an important responsibility. The nitons . EmB / iB^M ' are provided in/the design of the car, the rest is for ' HS MI mtL PlMW ' you to decide. Think—and get good oil— HnktB ]\Z WHW TIIH TEXAS COMPANY, 17 B.ttery PUee. Near York City BjHL ^"—^ Jf3i Texaco JPitroleum Predutts - H1ffll___l- ' <lf^*^^

THINK. - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86071739/1928-02-28/ed-1/seq-9.pdf1220k—Wfillll-KRKISI'OHT—2 l(Sni 7:00 p, in.—Strand Tln.-nlie Artists'. 7il5

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Page 1: THINK. - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86071739/1928-02-28/ed-1/seq-9.pdf1220k—Wfillll-KRKISI'OHT—2 l(Sni 7:00 p, in.—Strand Tln.-nlie Artists'. 7il5

Wednesday, February 29It l Ok-uWEAK-NKW Y0 1tK-l»2m11:00 u. m.—Monte- Service' Talk.11. 10 it. in.—Household limtitute ,11 -DO ii. in.—Studio program.l l - 'IC a. m,—"Tho Snmll House."12:00 noon—Studio program.lli :30 p. m.—Market uml weather re-

ports.I2:.| 5 p. m.—Ko lfe 's Palais D'Or Or-

chestra ,1. 15 p. ni.—Cii. ltoii lloxill , tnnor.'

2:00 p. m.—"-Bridges ".2:15 p. m.—Pni'iutssils Ti-lo.a :15 p. m.—"A Weekly Fashion Loi-

ter."if ,-80 p. ni.—Studio program.,1 :00 p. ni.—-"Express Yourself .",|;15 p. m.—Tlio Manhattan Trip..1. 15 p. m.—"Stage and 'Screen."li:00 p. in.—Twilight Hour,l!:00 p. m.—Waldorf-Astoria dinner

music.7:00 p. m.—-Synagogue services. .

' 7:30 p. m.—The Soconyiitis,8:00 r>. ni.—Grout Moments In His-

tory.8:30 p. in.—Neo-Russlan String

Quartet .,. :00 p. in.—Howard correct time.11:00 p. m.—Iparin Troubadours,I) .-30 p. m.—Goodrich Zipper Orches-

tra and Quartet.10:30 p. m.—National Grand Opera .11:30 p. m.—Hotel Manger Orches-

tra. .

• |i20fc—WRNV—NEW , YORK—326m-11:00 a. m.—Keeping fit "Y" class.11:15 a. m.-1-Pure food bulletin.11:20 a. m.—Morning devotion and

music.11:50 a. m.—Time signals. . / -12:05 p. m.—Dish-a-day.12:15 p. m.-—Louise Sehultz , songs.12:30 p. m.—Electric ferries.12:32 p. m.—Chickoring piano recital.12:45 p. m.—Anna Crews, songs.4:00 p. m.—Francos Allison , soprano.4:15 p. m.—"Campbell Kids"',4:30 p. m.—Joe Lane, songs.4:45 p. m.—"Wilbur and Perry. ,5:00 p. . . ml—Mae Sims, ukulele and

songs;' ' ., . ' .5:15 p. m.—Blue Hour Entertainers.5:45 p. m.—Lillian Baker.6:15 p. m.-i-Frances Sper, songs.G:30 p.-m.—rChester Hall , tenor. .0:45 p. m.—Jlansom Page, guitar.7:00 p. hi.*—Operatic .duets.7:15 p. ni.—Violin,, piano and bari-

tone recital.7:30 p. m.—Louis Rigo, French bari-

tone.7:40 p. m.—Ralph Christman, pianist.7:50 p.-m.—Isndpr Schcrman , violin-

ist. '8:00 p. m.—Dr. Ditmars of. Bronx

• ' Zoo: : "¦' '8:30 p. m.—Electric ferries.8:32 p. m.—Ben

^ Bernie's Orchestra..

fifiOk—WJZ—NEW VORK—451m'- '10:00-11:00 a. m;—Dr. Copeland

j • . . Hour. ' •'12:30 p. ni.—Lombardy lunclicon-mu-

. ¦ .' . sic. ',1:30 p. m.—Hotel Astor Orchestra.2:00 p. m.—Weather reports.2:05: p. m;—"Your Daily Menu."2:20 p. m.—"Wallpaper, Room by

Room." V2:30 p. m,—New York Health Ser-

vice Bureau.. 2:40 .p. in.—Th« Venetian Gondo-

liers.3:45 p. m.—"Fiction Writing."4:00 p. m,—Arrowhead Inn Orches-

tra. -5:00 p. 'i m.—"Choosing Your Pro-

fession."5:15 p. m.—-Studio program, ' .'5:30 p. m.—Stock market reports.5:45 p. m.—Mme. Lolita Cabrera

Gainsborg. ' ". - ' ¦ ". .6:00 p. m.—The 7-11's. "fi:25 p. in.—Summary of.programs.(5 :30 . p. m.—Jeddo Highlanders.7':00 p. m.—'-Longine's correct time,7:00 p. ; rn.—Savoy-Plaza Concert

Orchestra. :7:25 p. m.—John B. Kennedy.

V 7:30 p. m.—Savoy-Plaza Concert Or-chestra.

7:45 p. m.—"The Political Situationin Washington - Tonight."

8:00 p. m.—Champion Sparkers.8:30 p. m.—Sylvam'a Foresters.0:00, p. m.—Variety Hour.

10:00 p. m.—Lbngine's correct time.10:00 p. m.VThc Mediterraneans.10:30 p. m.—The Radio Franks.11:00 p.. m,i—Slumber Music.

970k—WABC—NEW YORK—309m12:00 noon—Time. . V"12:55 p. in.—AVeather forecast.12:58 p. m.'— Modern Investments.

. 1:00 p. m._Barclay Orchestra.2:00 p. m.—Forum Says :2:02 p. rn.—Health* Association.2:15 p. m.—Adele Ardsley, soprano.2:30 p j m .—Cook book.2:45 p. rn.—Leona Mourton, mezzo

soprano, V'1:30 p.. in.—"Heigh-Ho" 'o:30 p. m.—Hcckseher Foundation.C>:30 p. m.—Hotel Ogden Orchestra.7:15 p. m.—Y. M. C. A.

' 7:30 p. m.—Motor Boat.7:4 5 p. m.—Rhys Morgan , Welsh

tenor.! 8:00 p. m.J^Modern Investments.

8:01 p. m.—University Series.0-00 p. m.—Forum Says:ft :02 p. m.—Izaak Walton League.9-30 p. m,—Mexican Good Will

Hour. -' ' ¦. -

10:30 p. ni—Time. '- ,10:32 p.^ih.—-Weather forecast.

, ' ;¦ 10/33 p. m.—King's Te.. Garden Or-chestra, v *

J l -"30 p.. m.—"Heigh-Ho."12:30 p. m._Time. •

l'l2llk-WI!Sr-l(AV SltOllK-2 1 Im12:110 noon—sTe dlicku Musica l J luur ,Mil) )>. m,—To hy announced.

,. 0:00 p, in,.—Dmiee niii.sk'.. 7:110 p. ni.—Latest news llni '.hes.. 7:10 p. in.—Financial report.7:15 p. in.—Kuknelm 'H Orchestra .

1220k—Wfillll-KRKISI'OHT—2 l (Sni7:00 p, in.—Strand Tln.-nlie Art ists'.7i l5 ]>. in.—Music Shop Hour.8:15 p, in.—Hnrold Seymour , basso.8:30 p. in.—Frieda Ilochen , soprano.8:40'p, m,—K, W, Uoedeckor , bari-

tone.IM0O p. in.—Nuncr-Men ; I Uecitul.0:30 p. in.—Long Brothers , songs.11:45 p. m.—Wm, Annet te , violinist.

10:00 p. m.—Dance orcliestru.

11001*—Wl'ti—273mATLANTIC CITY

1:00 p. m,—Ambassador luncheonmusic.

0:45 p. m.—Organ recital.(1:55 p. m.—Lust minute news.7:05 p. m.—-Morton dinner concert;. '7:50 p. ni.—Sports talk.8:00 p. in.—Casino dinner dance or-

chestra.S:20 p. in.—"The Russian Lark".8:110 p. in.—Chelsea Concert Orches-

tra.8:55 p. m.—r"Learning to Fly."0:05 p, m.—Traymove Concert Or-

chestra.0:30 p. m.—Royal Hawaiian troupe.

10:30 p. m.—Traymoro Grille DanceOrchestra ,

11:00 p, m.—Follies Bergere DanceOrchestra.

11:30 p. m.—Silver Slipper SupperClub Dance Orchestra.

1130|>—M'ICC -IiRip»EPOR'I — 265m0:00 a. m.—Horning Glory Hour.

10:00 a. m.—Danbury MerchantsHour.

11:55 a. m.—Time signals. '12:00 noon—Luncheon music.1:00 p. in.—{a'ews flashes. .J :05 p. m.—Agriculture talk.(1:00 p. m.—Correct time.6:01 p'. iri.—Bridgeport Merchant J1

Hour. '7:00 p. m.—U. S. weather forecst.8:00 p. m.—Girl Scouts program.9:00 p. m,—The.Schubert Trio.

10:00 p. m.—-Late news. .

Thursday, March 1 .610k—WEA F—NEW YORK—192m

11:00 a. m.—Leslie Frick, contralto.11:45 a. ni.—Studio 'program. • . .

IU:U0 p. m,—Market anil wctillioi* re-ports.

12 Mi") p. m,—Hotel Pennsylvanialiinelii .'oii music.

I t'll! p. m.—Studio program.2:15 p. m,—Pni'hussiis Trio.3:15 p, in.—"Muntii 1 K.Mort'isc's."3:.'H) p, in.—Studio program,4:15 p. in.—The MaiihiiUan Trio.4:15 p. in.—Studio program,0:00 ji. in.—Waldorf-Astoria dlnni'i'

music,7:00 p, m.—I'Vleration mid-week

hymn sing.7:30 p, in.—Cownnl Comfort Hour.8:00 p. in.—Dodge lii-others Prc.ioii-

tation, '8:30 p, in,—Hoover Sentinels.0:00 p, in.—Howard correct timi:*.0:00 p. in.—Cllquot Club Kskinso..

10:00 p. in.—Smith Brothers.tO'MO p. in.—Stutter 's Pe nn sylvan-

ians.11:30 p. in.—Park Central Orchestra .

(120k—WI.NY—NEW YORK— .12l.ni11:00 a. ni.—Keeping fit "Y" class.11:1.1 a. in.—Pure food bulletin.II :20 a. ni.—Dr. Newman D. Wlnldcr ,

pianist,11:50 a. in.—Time signals.12:05 p. in.—Dish-a-day.12:15 p. ni.—Kugenie Wilson , soprano.12:30 p. ni.—Kleetric ferries.12:32 p. in.—Joo Guzik , jazz pianist,

fiBOk—WJZ—NEW YORK—454m10:00-11:00 a. m,—Dr. Copeland

Hour.12:30 p. -,-n,—Park Central luncheon

music. •' ' . ¦' ' •1 :30 p. in.—Hotel Astor Orchestra.2:00 p. ni.—Weather reports.2:05 p. rn.—"Your Daily Menu."2:20 p. m.—"American Colleges in

the Near East." -2:30 p. m.—Meat council.2:40 p. in.—The "Venetian Gondo-

liers.3:45 p. ni.—Studio program.4:30 p. ro.—The Afternoon Players.5:30 p. ni.—-Stock market reports.5:4 5 p. m.—Studio program. '0:00 p. TO.—Sid Hall's Orchestra, v.0:55 p. TO.—Summary of programs.7 :00 p. m.—Longine's correct time;7:00 p. m,—United States Marine

Band. •7 :30 p. m.—National Mixed Quartet.8 :00 p. m.—He-Told Tales.8 :30 p. m.—Ampico Hour of Music.9:00 p. m,—Maxwell House Hour.

10:00 p. ni.—Longine's correct time.10:00 p. m.—To be announced.11:00 p. m.—Slumber music.

"" ¦" II ^j—r—— ,, , " , " i s . '.1 . 1 , 1. *-—-r- ' ¦¦ .¦,.¦:

_)70li-. .VA nC—NEW Yoniv—lltill m '¦I2i0ll ilium,—Tlmn.lai f i l i JI . in.—Weather forecast.I l l i r>8 p, in.—Moilerii liivi ' stiiK 'iits.1100 p. in.—lliuvlny Oi-clii 'slrii,UiOO ji. in.—Foiiiin Hnyu:vm p. m.~-"llc*lgli-llo, "Hi:l () p. in.—Conk book.Ul ' l f i p. in.—Health " Association.fliOO p. m.—Adele Ardsley, so|iruno,ill 15 p. in.—Clif 'fltcr Cilllignn , hurl-

tone..li.'lO p. m.—l.nona Moiii'ton , nicziio-

soprano.4 1.10 p, m.—"Helgli-IIo. "fiiOO p, in.—l'ul-u Food Hour.OiJIO- p. m.—Heekschm' Kotimliillon.(I I 'M JI . in,—l'i'Ofcriiin Ntiinniiir .v.(Ii '1.1 p. m.—Hotel Ogden Orchestra.7:15 ji. in.—•American Legion.

(Continued on Page 4 , This Section)

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51 North Ocean Avenue ' 108 West Main StreetPATCHOGUE, N, Y. BAY SHORE, N. Y.

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\ • W. K. KENNELLY __f. A. BII HCER . |.I "lt'!r"8«rvici*" Tlint Counts'* "

Jf KENNELLY & BURGERj Klrclrlcal Contraclorsi J] FREED-EISEMANN RADIO jI .' TfIcihonr Sayville S50 !j 159 W«=t Mnin Strn-I , Sayvlllf , N. V. I




Frunli Munn withChikiiiplon Sparkers

Frank Munn , tcnoi's will be the guestsoloist during the program hy theChampion Sparkers which will bebroad -nut through stations associatedwith WJZ Wednesday evening, Febru-ary 20, at 8 o'clock.

Mr, Miinii 's solos will include "LittleLog Cabin of Dreanis", "The Hours 1Spent With You " and "Together".

To Present SecondUndiu Pageant

The second radio pageant of theseries of "Turning Points In Jewish'History '.' will be presented in thebroadcast program of thc United Syn-agogue of America from the NBCWEAP studios on Wednesday evening,February 29, at 7 o'clock. This pag-eant , entitled "Moses Goes to SeekIlia God ," raises the curtain that timehas fashioned of thc 3,500 years whichhavo elapsed since tho time of Moses.The pageant was, written and ivill liedirected by Rabbi Samuel M, Cohen ,executive director of tho United Syn-agogue.

"De Recat-BingelMexican Good Will Hour"

Senor Rodolfo Hoyos, the notedMexican Baritone will be featured onthe fourth "De Recat-Bingcl MexicanGood Will Hour" when that featureis broadcast over station WABC atnine-thirty o'clock Wednesday eve-ning, February 29.

Senor Manuel Cruz , Vice Consul ofMexico, in New York will be the of-ficial speaker and announcer duringthe fourth presentation. He will re-view, step by step, the progress ofMexico in recent years.

Chocolate Always Wins,Savs BettyiCrocker

According to Betty Crocker, whowill be heard by WEAF listeners to-morrow morning:, February 20, at IIo'clock, if you ask thc family whatkind of cake they want made forthein , tho answer is always /'choco-late." For this reason she will takethe topic "That Chocolate Taste" nsthe basis of her discourse for the day.

How Well Di» YawKnow Your Do||V

Haw well tin ynu know your dog ?Do you know why ll tines) cerl - iint l i inur. nnd doi.'sn 't do olliet's— pci'hup ;'not. Ilowevr*!', nu I 'lillnhteiiliig talktin ilogH mul their peculiar Hies will Ingiven over .Station WAUC al eigh to'clock Friday nveiilng, M HIT I J 2nd, bythe well known authori ty, Mrs. DaisyM iller.

"ItnoHcvclt Undii) llcvlcw "Inaugurating a new feature sta-

tion WKNY presents on each TUOM -duy evenliiK from 11:30 to 12:30n'clock a theatrical review- . This fi-ii-liiro will bo brtiiidcast frtnn the House-veil drill; and will be it tijfineiiteil byDen Hondo untl his Dance Orchestra,Among the artists appearing on Tues-dny evening, February 28 will be:Flsa Lehman , well known interpreternf Southern songs; Reginald Pasch ,featured player of '.'Golden Dawn ";Margaret Speaks and Anna Iltuisce in'.'osUniio duets ; tho eeli'limteil EuterpeSaxophone Quintette; Fain nntl Dunn ,popular radio and featured attractionon the Rialto ; / male quartette froma current New York production; andCharle.. Wold and Ills Multljile CrystalMusicallon.

World Court loIII' DIsi'tlHMlll

Adherence by llio . United fUntc. Ii>"The World Cmirt", n.ii expressed Inlho subject " In or Out of the WorldCourt" , will In* tllsciiHsetl iu tlie "Vel-I 'I'H ' Servlei' " broiiilcant throughW M A F Tuesday ovouiii .;, Fobi' iuuyHit , beginning at 7 o'clock. The sub-ject will lie tlisciiHiied from variousviewpoint! - by .lainus G. McDonald ,chairman of the executive committeenf the Foreign Policy Assocliitlon and.SiMiuUir Frederick II, Cilllelt of Mns»-aehii.ictttt, together with a third speak-er yet to ho tllinotiii ced.

Jnmcs Itrotli .rs'Roynl lluwnllnu Troupri

.liunoM 11 rolhers, makers of Atlan-tic City 's "cut to fit the mouth" taffy,prevent the Royal llawalitul Troupe loWlifi j. ll-toiiora In a st'i-les of weeklynoWty programs beginning tomorrownilihl at 0 :30. Those newcomers lolhe "inlki^" an! enliibi-atod In vnude-villo circles and with the mellow beau-ty of llielr ItiMli'iimeiita of which theyare niiiRters , jironilse many Jiapjiyhours for thoso who list them with i

Kold stiiv an the ficliedtilofl, A pnatninHlor on the xylo)ilioiu.' niul a vcr-Biitlli ' uTim .Mir biirmony Hlngers eoiii .ploli * t lm coiiipany. .lames Iirothcrsure well-known to World' s Pluy-Iti'oiiinl frlei iils an HpoiiKors of ratlindunce orchestras who, for severalyears, plciuied WPG llntoner...

Advertise in theAdvance-It Pays



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engages the

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and the camshaft (^^^w^ which works thc

tappets, !p? 8, 12, or 16 of them, to open and

close th? "valves, as the 4, 6 or 8 pistons, joined to J '

the crankshaft by connecting rods through the same ' " /

number of wrist-pin be<irings ffl KM move down

to draw in the charges, of gasoline and up against

compression— till the spark f ires (SBSlllII andIS__Tf1^nn__

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