Think Family Briefing for Governors Alison Smith, Together for Families Lead Officer V1.0

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Think Family – what does it mean? Definition… Think Family means improving outcomes for children, young people and families with multiple needs by considering and understanding the needs of all family members and co-ordinating the support they receive from children’s, young people’s, adult’s and family services through a single family support plan co-ordinated by a Lead Professional.

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Think Family Briefing for Governors Alison Smith, Together for Families Lead Officer V1.0 Dictionary corner Troubled Families national payment by results programme to turn around the lives of troubled families each Local Authority given a target number of families Together for Families Cambridgeshire programme leading the response to this national initiative and embedding Think Family an approach for how we work with families as partner agencies Think Family what does it mean? Definition Think Family means improving outcomes for children, young people and families with multiple needs by considering and understanding the needs of all family members and co-ordinating the support they receive from childrens, young peoples, adults and family services through a single family support plan co-ordinated by a Lead Professional. VIDEOS - F LP Think Family process Family Common Assessment Framework assessment tool for the whole family which can be started from the perspective of the child, young person or adult and lead to a whole family assessment A Family Support Plan template will be used with all CAFs, for all FIP cases, for all Early Support cases and all Child in Need cases and used as the basis for planning for Teams Around Families A shared Outcomes Framework to help us identify how we will know we have been successful A clearly defined Lead Professional role covering all levels of need in the Model of Staged Intervention Process supported by the Advice and Co-ordination Team These tools and processes were launched on 19 October The Advice and Co-ordination Team Advice service for professionals: A talking service directory Advice on processes for accessing services: Information about whether a CAF already exists, who else is involved with the family and whether there is a Lead Professional and how to contact the Lead professional Co-ordination: Logging the start of a Think Family involvement Conducting multi agency research Supporting identification of a LP and logging and tracking this Facilitating referrals and supporting establishment of TAFs Identifying families for the Phase II Together for Families cohort Supporting schools Locality Managers are working with schools to provide Think Family and Family CAF training Lead Professionals have access to Think Family clinical supervision some schools are starting to access this More detailed training is available for those who are Lead Professional Think Family Champions from locality teams Early Help Consultation proposing that the Family Intervention Partnership team will provide direct support to schools with Family CAF More info about all at Link with Together for Families cohort? The Together for Families team are responsible for the implementation of the infrastructure to support Think Family for all as well as reporting to government on the national target There will be a managed cohort of at least 2820 families the families with the most complex needs who will most benefit from a co-ordinated think family approach. All Family CAFs assessed to see if the family should be part of the TFF cohort We are looking to place markers about who these families are on all partner agency case management systems Small budget for TFF families Lead Professionals for TFF families will be asked to help us evidence these families have made sustained and significant progress so we can ask government for funding