Classical Thermodynamics Classical Thermodynamics Dr. Massimo Mella School of Chemistry Cardiff University E-mail:[email protected]

thermodynamics - Università degli Studi dell'Insubriascienze-como.uninsubria.it/mella/chimfissbac/thermodynamics.pdf · Statistical Mechanics Thermodynamics Quantum Mechanics allows

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Page 1: thermodynamics - Università degli Studi dell'Insubriascienze-como.uninsubria.it/mella/chimfissbac/thermodynamics.pdf · Statistical Mechanics Thermodynamics Quantum Mechanics allows

Classical ThermodynamicsClassical Thermodynamics

Dr. Massimo Mella

School of Chemistry

Cardiff University

E-mail:[email protected]

Page 2: thermodynamics - Università degli Studi dell'Insubriascienze-como.uninsubria.it/mella/chimfissbac/thermodynamics.pdf · Statistical Mechanics Thermodynamics Quantum Mechanics allows

The backgroundThe background

• The field of Thermodynamics emerged as aconsequence of the necessity to understandthe processes associated with workproduction by means of steam engines.

• It deals with macroscopic systems, for whicha molecular level description was eitherunconceivable (initially, no one knew aboutmolecules) or considered extremelycomplicated (too large number of objectsinvolved).

• It relies on experimental data to drawconclusions on the system under study.

Page 3: thermodynamics - Università degli Studi dell'Insubriascienze-como.uninsubria.it/mella/chimfissbac/thermodynamics.pdf · Statistical Mechanics Thermodynamics Quantum Mechanics allows

Quantum Quantum MechanicsMechanics

Statistical MechanicsStatistical Mechanics


Quantum Mechanics allows oneto compute the energy levelsof atoms and molecules

Statistical Mechanicspredicts specific propertiesof compounds

General Relationships betweenmacroscopic variables(e.g. P, V, T, etc)

1 Kg1 Kg

The link between scientific fieldsThe link between scientific fields

Page 4: thermodynamics - Università degli Studi dell'Insubriascienze-como.uninsubria.it/mella/chimfissbac/thermodynamics.pdf · Statistical Mechanics Thermodynamics Quantum Mechanics allows

The concepts of work and energy. IThe concepts of work and energy. I


W = F r( )" dr

When the state of a system(e.g. the height of a weight) ismodified by an external processacting against a force (e.g.gravity) it is said that WORK iscarried out.

(this integral is carried out over the curverepresenting the displacement of thesystem= line integral)


W = F r( )" dr = mgdh0


" = mg dh0


" = mgd

Work carried out against a constant force (gravitational, mg) along a straight linepath (e.g. a crane lifting bricks on top of a building)

Page 5: thermodynamics - Università degli Studi dell'Insubriascienze-como.uninsubria.it/mella/chimfissbac/thermodynamics.pdf · Statistical Mechanics Thermodynamics Quantum Mechanics allows

The concepts of work and energy. IIThe concepts of work and energy. IIWhat would happen if we allow the weight to fall?The gravitational force would accelerate the body with aconstant acceleration and we can predict its velocity at h=0using simple kinematics laws.


d =gt


2" t =


g" v f = gt = 2gd

With further elaboration, one gets:


W = mgd = mggt


2= m

v f2

2= Ekin

This tells us that:•The work carried out lifting the weight can be converted into energy•Kinetic energy can be used to change the height of a weight against thegravitational force (i.e. energy gives the capability of carrying out work), or

Work is a way of transferring energy between systems

Page 6: thermodynamics - Università degli Studi dell'Insubriascienze-como.uninsubria.it/mella/chimfissbac/thermodynamics.pdf · Statistical Mechanics Thermodynamics Quantum Mechanics allows

The concept of heatThe concept of heat

Heat flowHeat flow

High temperature Low temperature

The temperature of a system is defined on the basis of a macroscopicproperty of a reference system (height of mercury in a thermometer)

0th Law of Thermodynamics: if two closed systems in contact do not change their stateit is said that they are in thermal equilibrium, no matter what is their composition. If A isin equilibrium with B, and B is in equilibrium with C, then A and C are in equilibrium.

One witnesses a changein the temperature of bothsystems, decreasing thehigh T and increasing thelow T. We speak about aHeat Flow.

Page 7: thermodynamics - Università degli Studi dell'Insubriascienze-como.uninsubria.it/mella/chimfissbac/thermodynamics.pdf · Statistical Mechanics Thermodynamics Quantum Mechanics allows

The link between work and heatThe link between work and heat

Joules proved the equivalencebetween heat and mechanicalwork

The work carried out to moveThe work carried out to movethe paddles increases thethe paddles increases thetemperature of water, makingtemperature of water, makingthe process equivalent to heatthe process equivalent to heatexchangeexchange

νν Joules also showed that Joules also showed that the the amount amount of of heat washeat wasproportional to proportional to the the amount amount of work of work carried carried outoutWork and heat are both ways of transferring energy

Page 8: thermodynamics - Università degli Studi dell'Insubriascienze-como.uninsubria.it/mella/chimfissbac/thermodynamics.pdf · Statistical Mechanics Thermodynamics Quantum Mechanics allows

The first law ofThe first law of Thermodynamics. IThermodynamics. IThermodynamics variable: a macroscopic observable thatcharacterizes the state of a system (e.g. pressure, volume,etc) and that it is, within limits, under external control.N.B.: not all thermodynamics variables of a system may bevaried independently, they are connected through the StateLaw.

Thermodynamics function: a macroscopic quantity thatdepends only on the state of a system but not on theprocess (or path) that has been used to reach the stateitself (e.g. height). Changing the value of athermodynamics variable changes the value of statefunctions. Notice that!

pV = nRT Ideal gas state law




" = nzds


" = h

nzds" = 0

Page 9: thermodynamics - Università degli Studi dell'Insubriascienze-como.uninsubria.it/mella/chimfissbac/thermodynamics.pdf · Statistical Mechanics Thermodynamics Quantum Mechanics allows

The first law ofThe first law of Thermodynamics. IIThermodynamics. II


W = mg nzdsl1

" = mg nzdsl2

" = mgh = #Epot

mg nzds" = 0

Let’s rewrite the previous two equations, assuming that there is nofriction along any path and that the gravitational force does notchange with height:

The change inenergy does notdepend on the pathbut only on theinitial and finalstates.Energy is a statefunction

In presence of friction, an additional force is present, so that


W = F frict + mgnz( )dsl1

" = F frictdsl2

" + mgh = q + #Epot

Where q represents the amount of work which has beendissipated due to friction and has not been used to changethe energy of the system (mechanical definition of heat).

Page 10: thermodynamics - Università degli Studi dell'Insubriascienze-como.uninsubria.it/mella/chimfissbac/thermodynamics.pdf · Statistical Mechanics Thermodynamics Quantum Mechanics allows

The first law ofThe first law of Thermodynamics. IIIThermodynamics. IIIThe first law of Thermodynamics is a conservation law,equivalent to the conservation of the total energy (kinetic pluspotential) in classical mechanics.

ΔU = w + qDifference between theinternal energy of twostates of a system

Heat supplied to thesystem (positive sign)

Work done on thesystem (positive sign)Nomenclature

Important:U is a state function (i.e. its valuedepends only on the state of thesystems).w and q are not state function andthe amount of work and heatexchanged depends on the path.

Page 11: thermodynamics - Università degli Studi dell'Insubriascienze-como.uninsubria.it/mella/chimfissbac/thermodynamics.pdf · Statistical Mechanics Thermodynamics Quantum Mechanics allows

Processes: reversible and irreversibleProcesses: reversible and irreversibleOne distinguishes two different kind of changes:•Reversible: the direction of the process can bereversed by an infinitesimal modification of a variable(e.g. p). It is a process during which the system is inequilibrium with its surrounding (e.g. Tsys=Tenv; pint=pex)and it is quasi-static (I.e. the change happens infinitelyslowly) with no dissipation due to friction.•Irreversible: processes in which an infinitesimalmodification of a variable does not reverse the direction(e.g. expansion of a compressed gas against theatmospheric pressure). Notice that all spontaneousprocesses are irreversible.

A reversible change is an idealization that allows us to eliminate theconcept of time in Thermodynamics and that frees us from manycomplications in deriving general statements.

Page 12: thermodynamics - Università degli Studi dell'Insubriascienze-como.uninsubria.it/mella/chimfissbac/thermodynamics.pdf · Statistical Mechanics Thermodynamics Quantum Mechanics allows

The first law ofThe first law of Thermodynamics. IVThermodynamics. IVHow does U depend on the thermodynamics variables V, T?Let us consider a gas in a rigid container of volume V; heatingthe gas is equivalent to increase its internal energy (w=0) andraises the gas temperature. We defined therefore






$ %


' ( v

Heat capacity atconstant volume

In the case mechanical work is carried out reversibly on thesystem with no heat exchange, one has


dU = "w = #pintdV

However, Joule proved that an ideal gas (i.e. non-interactingpoint particles) during a free expansion at constant T did notabsorb any heat, so that





$ %


' ( T

= 0

For an ideal gas, U isonly function of TT=const U=const

Page 13: thermodynamics - Università degli Studi dell'Insubriascienze-como.uninsubria.it/mella/chimfissbac/thermodynamics.pdf · Statistical Mechanics Thermodynamics Quantum Mechanics allows

Processes at constant Processes at constant ppextext: enthalpy: enthalpyIn chemistry, very often changes happen with the system (e.g. the reactionvessel) being able to change its volume against a constant pressureapplied by environment (isobaric). This indicates that mechanical work isexchanged between the two and suggests that an alternative state functionmay be better suited than U to describe the system.

Work done by the system against constant pex:


Fex = Apex

Wpex= " Fexdh# = "Apex dh# = "Apexh = "pex$V

Notice that the amount of work carried out dependsonly on the change of the thermodynamics variableV of the system; this allows us to defineH=U+pV (enthalpy), which is a state function.The heat exchanged with a thermal bath is given by:qp= ΔU-wp= ΔU+p ΔV= ΔHso that the change in enthalpy is equal to theamount of heat exchanged at constant pressurewhen no other work than expansion is done.

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Thermochemistry Thermochemistry and and Born-Haber Born-Haber cycle. Icycle. IOften, it is useful to know in advance how much heat is releasedduring a chemical process (e.g. combustion in a furnace) at constantpex. To do this, we can exploit the state function property of enthalpy(i.e. it depends only on the state of the system) and define thereaction enthalpy




" # c j



" $ rH = c j



" % cirHRi


"ΔH>0 endothermicΔH<0 exothermic

If ΔH is measured at 1 bar and 298.15 K with P and R in their moststable form in those conditions, it is called standard reaction enthalpy (ΔrH

o). In these conditions, if the reaction has only pure elements as Rand only a P, it is called formation reaction and its change of enthalpyis called standard formation enthalpy (ΔfH

o). By definition, all ΔfHo for

pure elements in their standard phase are zero.

Hess’s Law: the standard reaction enthalpy is the sum of the standardenthalpies of the reaction (or formation) into which the overall reactionmay be formally divided.

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Thermochemistry Thermochemistry and and Born-Haber Born-Haber cycle. IIcycle. IIThe state function property of H can also be used to estimateunknown enthalpy changes, provided there are alternative path to gofrom R’s to P’s. Suppose we would like to know the standard

vaporization enthalpy for water (l→v). We canthink about this process as taking place intwo step, namely crystallization andsublimation. Since the system movesbetween the same initial and final states, ΔHfor the two step process is the same asvaporization: ΔHvap= ΔHsubl - ΔHfusion.

Similarly to the case abovewhere two phases of waterare connected via differentpaths, the cycle for theformation of ionic salts fromelements is indicated with thename of Born-Haber cycle.

Page 16: thermodynamics - Università degli Studi dell'Insubriascienze-como.uninsubria.it/mella/chimfissbac/thermodynamics.pdf · Statistical Mechanics Thermodynamics Quantum Mechanics allows

Entropy: the disorder of a systemEntropy: the disorder of a systemWe still cannot predict if a possible process is spontaneous or not,even with all the concepts introduced so far. However, we canextract useful insights by considering a very simple case, namelythe free expansion of a gas in an isolated vessel.

For this spontaneous process, neitherwork is done nor heat is exchanged,so that the energy is constant. Thus, Uis not the driving force.

However, we can easily understand that the total number of statesavailable to any particle in the gas is doubled by the process (thinkabout filling the volume with molecule-size boxes). In this case, amore disordered system is created at the end of the expansion. Asa way of measuring the total number of states available to thesystem, one can define the entropy as

where Ω indicates the number of state available to a system for agiven energy U. In our example, ΔS>0, the signature of spontaneity.


S = kBln "( )

Page 17: thermodynamics - Università degli Studi dell'Insubriascienze-como.uninsubria.it/mella/chimfissbac/thermodynamics.pdf · Statistical Mechanics Thermodynamics Quantum Mechanics allows

Entropy in action: the second lawEntropy in action: the second lawA more general analysis of spontaneous processes would alsoconclude that for these the entropy of a system and its environmentcannot decrease. More directly:

Second Law: the entropy of an isolated system increases in thecourse of a spontaneous change.

The same analysis would also conclude that, for a reversibleprocess, the infinitesimal change of entropy dS of the system atany stage of the process is given by


dS ="q


where δq is the infinitesimal amount of heat exchanged attemperature T. Notice that, whereas δq is not a state function,dividing by T makes it so.


"Ssys + "Senv # 0

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Focusing on the system: free energyFocusing on the system: free energyLet us suppose that a system is in equilibrium with itssurroundings, the latter acting as thermal bath with temperature T.During an infinitesimal change, the variation of entropy of thesurroundings is simply δqsys/T due to heat exchange. This allowsus to write the Second Law inequality as

which focuses only on the system. Can we give an expression forthe amount of heat exchanged as a function of the process?At constant V, the mechanical δw is zero, so from the First Law

At constant p, instead, we have already shown that


dSsys "#qsys T $ 0


"qv = dU


"qp = dH


dU "TdSsys = dA # 0

A =U "TS


dH "TdSsys = dG # 0

G = H "TS

Helmholtz function Gibbs function

Indicate the directionof a spontaneousprocess

Page 19: thermodynamics - Università degli Studi dell'Insubriascienze-como.uninsubria.it/mella/chimfissbac/thermodynamics.pdf · Statistical Mechanics Thermodynamics Quantum Mechanics allows

Phase diagrams and phase transitions. IPhase diagrams and phase transitions. IMatter can present itself in different forms (phases) with propertiesthat strongly depend on the specific form. A phase diagram givesthe conditions in which the different phases of a compound (e.g.water) can be found (are stable) as a function of thethermodynamics variables.

Triple pointPhase boundary

Along the phase boundaries, two or morephases are present and in equilibrium. It is saidthat a phase transition takes place at the value ofp and T defined by the boundaries. Atequilibrium, the direction is set by infinitesimaldisplacements of the variables. Depending onhow the behavior of state variables and functionsvaries, one can distinguish two different kind ofphase transitions:First order: involves the exchange of latent heatSecond order: proceeds without heat exchange

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Phase diagrams and phase transitions. IIPhase diagrams and phase transitions. IIFrom the practical point of view, it would be useful to predict phaseboundaries. We start with realizing that for two phases inequilibrium, moving one molecule from one phase to the othershould make no difference with respect to the free energy of thesystem. To discuss this, let us introduce the chemical potential forphase 1






$ %


' ( p,T ,n2 ,etc

which tells us the change of G for the system when a molecule isadded to phase 1. The condition of equilibrium between two phasesis therefore





$ %


' ( p,T ,n2 ,etc

= µ1

= µ2




$ %


' ( p,T ,n1 ,etc

On the other hand, if the two chemical potentialwere different, the system would prefer to havemolecules in the phase with lower chemical potentialto decrease its free energy. These ideas can beused to predict the location of phase boundaries.

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Phase diagrams and phase transitions. IIIPhase diagrams and phase transitions. IIIFrom general arguments, one can show that




$ %


' ( = )Sm ,



$ %


' ( =Vm

dµ = )SmdT +Vmdp

Changes in T e p that leave the system on the phase boundarymust be such that

The subscript m indicatesmolar quantities



= "Sm,1dT +Vm,1dp = dµ2

= "Sm,2dT +Vm,2dp


dT=Vm,2 "Vm,1

Sm,2 " Sm,1=#Sm




Clapeyron equation

Notice that the previous equation does imply that p and T cannotvary independently if we want the two phases to coexist. Gibbsproved a general theorem that relates the number of independentvariables (F) whose value could be changed still maintainingunchanged the number of components (C) and the number ofphases (P) in the system (phase rule)


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Chemical equilibriumChemical equilibriumSimilar arguments can be used for a chemical transformation in thegas phase, i.e. to predict the equilibrium conditions for the reaction




" # c j



" dG = c j



" % cirµRi



where dξ is an infinitesimal advancement of the reaction. Atequilibrium, dG=0 and one gets


0 = c j



" # cirµRi



For an ideal gas, where the superscript indicatesstandard quantities (p=1 bar).Substituting into the equilibrium conditions, one obtains


µ = µ" + RT lnp



$ %


' (


0 = c j




# $ cirµR j



# + RT ln

pPjc jP








( ( (



+ + + ; $


RT= ln

pPjc jP





%p"( )

$ cj



# + cir





( ( (



+ + +