BITS Pilani BITS Pilani Pilani Campus Lecture 10 First Law for Control Mass Lecture 10 First Law for Control Mass

Thermodynamics lecture 10

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BITS PilaniBITS PilaniPilani Campus

Lecture 10 First Law for Control MassLecture 10 – First Law for Control Mass

Page 2: Thermodynamics lecture 10

Problem 1

A piston/cylinder contains 50 kgof water at 200 kPa with avolume of 0.1 m3. Stops in thecylinder restricts the enclosedyvolume to 0.5 m3, as shown infig. The water is now heated to200oC Find the final pressure200oC. Find the final pressure,volume and the work done bythe water.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Page 3: Thermodynamics lecture 10

Example 2A piston-cylinder arrangement has a linearspring and the outside atmosphere actingg gon the piston. It contains water at 3 MPaand 400oC with a volume of 0.1 m3. If thepiston is at the bottom the spring exerts apiston is at the bottom, the spring exerts aforce such that a pressure of 200 kPainside is required to balance the forces. The

t l til thsystem now cools until the pressurereaches 1 MPa. Find the heat transfer forthe process.

BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

Page 4: Thermodynamics lecture 10

Example 2:SolutionInitial state determined by P and v, it is superheated. Final state fixed by P (given) and v again. How do we find v?P = 200 kPa + ksV/A2, where ks is the spring constant, and A the area of cross-section. This is since the pressure to just balance when piston is at bottom is given as 200 kPa Sincebalance when piston is at bottom is given as 200 kPa. Since P1 = 3 MPa and V1 = 0.1 m3 given, ks/A2 = 2.8x104 kJ/m3, so V2 = 0.02857 m3, v2 = 0.02840 m3/kg, saturated mixture with x2 = 0.14107

State P (kPa) T (C) V (m3) v (m3/kg) Mass M (kg) x u (kJ/kg) U(kJ)

1 3000 400 0.1 0.09936 1.006 ‐ 2950

2 1000 143.6 0.02857 0.02840 1.006 0.14107 1019

W = ∫PdV = 200 (∆V) + 2 8x104(V 2 V 2)/2 = 143 kJ

BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

1W2 = ∫PdV = 200 (∆V) + 2.8x104(V22 – V1

2)/2 = -143 kJ1Q2 = ∆U + 1W2 = -1925 -143 = -2068 kJ

Page 5: Thermodynamics lecture 10

Problem 3

An insulated piston cylinder devicecontains 5 L of saturated liquidcontains 5 L of saturated liquidwater at a constant pressure of175kPa. Water is stirred by a peddlewheel while current of 8 A flows for45 min through a resistor place inthe water. If 50% of liquid (by mass)q ( y )is evaporated during this constantpressure process and the peddlework amounts to 300kJ determinework amounts to 300kJ, determinethe voltage of the source. Also showthe on P-v diagram.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Page 6: Thermodynamics lecture 10

Fi 4 2 E l f k i th b d f t

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Fig 4.2 Example of work crossing the boundary of a system because of electric current flow across the system boundary

Page 7: Thermodynamics lecture 10

An insulated piston cylinder device contains 5 L of saturated liquid water at a constant pressure of 175kPa. Water is stirred by a peddle wheel while current of 8 A flows for 45 min through a resistor place in the water. If 50% of liquid (by mass) is evaporated during this constant pressure process and the peddle work amounts to 300kJ, determine the voltage of the source. Also show the on P-v diagram.

Solution:Assumptions1 The cylinder is stationary and thus the kinetic and potential

energy changes are zero.2 The cylinder is well-insulated and thus heat transfer is2 The cylinder is well insulated and thus heat transfer is

negligible.3 The compression or expansion process is quasi-equilibrium.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Page 8: Thermodynamics lecture 10

An insulated piston cylinder device contains 5 L of saturated liquid water at a constant pressure of 175kPa. Water is stirred by a peddle wheel while current of 8 A flows for 45 min through a resistor place in the water. If 50% of liquid (by mass) is evaporated during this constant pressure process and the peddle work amounts to 300kJ, determine the voltage of the source. Also show the on P-v diagram.

• We take the contents of the cylinder as the system.• This is a closed system since no mass enters or leaves• This is a closed system since no mass enters or leaves.• The energy balance for this stationary closed system can be

expressed as

)()( 21


+ )(2


12122121 ZZmgUUWQ −++−=−

1221 UUW −=−

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Page 9: Thermodynamics lecture 10

An insulated piston cylinder device contains 5 L of saturated liquid water at a constant pressure of 175kPa. Water is stirred by a peddle wheel while current of 8 A flows for 45 min through a resistor place in the water. If 50% of liquid (by mass) is evaporated during this constant pressure process and the peddle work amounts to 300kJ, determine the voltage of the source. Also show the on P-v diagram.

UWWW =−+ outb,inpw,ine,   ∆








,p ,,

∆V )hh(mW)tI( 12+ inpw,∆V

/kJ/kg486.97 kPa 175

3kPa 175 ==

⎬⎫= @f11 hhP

 kPa, 175/kgm0.001057 liquidsat. 3

kPa 175






( )

k4 7304m0.005




fg2f2 57.22135.097.486hxhh


BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

kg4.7304/kgm0.001057  3 ===



Page 10: Thermodynamics lecture 10

An insulated piston cylinder device contains 5 L of saturated liquid water at a constant pressure of 175kPa. Water is stirred by a peddle wheel while current of 8 A flows for 45 min through a resistor place in the water. If 50% of liquid (by mass) is evaporated during this constant pressure process and the peddle work amounts to 300kJ, determine the voltage of the source. Also show the on P-v diagram.



kJ kg486.97)kJ/55kg)(1593.7(4.7304kJ)(300




V 228.497=⎟⎟⎠



=kJ/s 1VA 1000

s) 60A)(45 (8kJ 4935.536


1 2

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


Page 11: Thermodynamics lecture 10

First law as a rate equation

WQPEKEU δδ −=∆+∆+∆













t =∆δδ 0lim


KEdKE )()(lim =∆

dttt lim0 δδ

PEdPE )()(lim =∆

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

dttt lim 0 =δδ

Page 12: Thermodynamics lecture 10

First law as a rate equation

QQ &δlim QtQ

t =δδ 0lim

Wδ Wt



δ 0lim



dtdU && −=++


WQdE &&=

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus



Page 13: Thermodynamics lecture 10

BITS PilaniBITS PilaniPilani Campus


Page 14: Thermodynamics lecture 10


BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Page 15: Thermodynamics lecture 10

Conservation of mass and Control Volume

Control volumes:

Control Volume

Mass can cross the boundaries, and so we must keep track

of the amount of mass entering and leaving the controlof the amount of mass entering and leaving the control


Conservation of Mass Principle

Net mass transfer to or from a system during a process is

equal to the net change in total mass of the system

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

during that process.

Page 16: Thermodynamics lecture 10

Conservation of mass and Control VolumeControl Volume

∑∑VCdm&& ∑∑ −= ei

VC mmdt


Total mass inside the control volume

∫ ∫ +++=== .......)/1(.. CBAVC mmmdVvdVm ρ

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Page 17: Thermodynamics lecture 10

Conservation of mass and Control VolumeControl Volume

Th l fl t iThe volume flow rate is

∫ ∨=∨= dAAV local&

The mass flow rate becomes

∫The mass flow rate becomes

AdAVVm local ∨=

∨=== ∫ )(

&&& ρ

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


vvVm avg ==== ∫ )(ρ

Page 18: Thermodynamics lecture 10


For a Fixed mass

12 EE −

For a Fixed mass

= 21Q − 21W12 21Q 21

The instantaneous rate equation isThe instantaneous rate equation is

dE MC Q& W&dtMC .. = Q − W

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus