www.veneto.to Provincia di Padova thermaemeeting HOTELS Abano Montegrotto

Thermae Meeting

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Meeting hotels at the Euganean Spas, Padova, Italy

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Provincia di Padova

thermaemeetingHOTELSAbano Montegrotto

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Alle Terme Euganee, acque benefiche sgorgano da oltre

tremila anni dando vita al più grande bacino termale d’Europa

immerso nel Parco Regionale dei Colli Euganei.

Benessere ed Equilibrio associati ai servizi meeting,

alle piscine termali e ai centri wellness d’eccellenza interni

ad ogni hotel, per un pre e post congress davvero unico.

Incontri d’affari, meeting, seminari, workshop, esposizioni,

aggiornamenti e team building, la professionalità e

l’accoglienza saranno un marchio distintivo di tutti i servizi per

organizzare il vostro meeting su misura.

At Abano and Montegrotto SPAS the healthy and

beneficial waters have been flowing for more than three

thousand years, bringing life to the largest spa centre

in Europe.

Surrounded by the Euganean Hills Regional Park the

Euganean Spas offer well-being and physical balance

combined with meeting facilities.

Each hotel includes thermal pools and excellent wellness

centers, for a unique pre and post congress. Hospitality and

professional organization for tailored business meetings,

round-tables, seminars, workshops, exhibitions, updates or

team building.

Thermae & Meeting HotelsAbano Montegrotto Indice Summary

AbanoRitz - thermae & wellness hotel 4

Hotel Augustus Terme 6

Hotel Bristol Buja 8

Esplanade Tergesteo 10

Grand Hotel Terme - beauty and wellness 12

Terme Mioni Pezzato 14

Hotel Terme Petrarca 16

Come arrivare How to get there 18

Altre sale meeting More meeting rooms 20

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AbanoRitzthermae & wellness hotel ABANO TERME

Abano Ritz un’esperienza da provare!Per ritrovare l’equilibrio psico-fisico: le thermae, il centro wellness, il beautyclub. Thermae per recuperare salute e ottimismo. Centro Benessere con uno staff motivato e professionale per far scorta di energie positive. Beauty Club laureato all’università della bellezza by Maria Galland.

L’Abano Ritz associa i servizi del meeting classico all’utilizzo, su prenotazione, del centro benessere e della SPA con programmi personalizzati per i partecipanti al convegno, creando proposte pre e post congress.Per garantire al team un lavoro senza stress: coffee break salutare, pranzi con menù equilibrato, massaggi la mattina prima di iniziare a lavorare: una vera manna per sciogliere contratture e tensioni. Piscine e vasca hydrorelax, sauna e palestra a fine riunione per combattere la troppa sedentarietà. L’Abano Ritz crea così il concetto “Meeting in benEssere” per creare motivazione e aggregazione.

L’AbanoRitz non è un luogo di transito ma un approdo! Curatissima la sua cucina (premio 2010 della stampa: “Gotha del gusto”!) e la cantina, goloso il barbecue nel parco della piscina, d’atmosfera il ristorante “White Gloves”. Stanze a tutela del riposo e della privacy. Abano Ritz: connubio perfetto tra tradizione e progresso.

TYPE: Hotel

ADDRESS:Via Monteortone, 19 35031 - Abano Terme (PD) Tel. +39 049 8633100 Fax +39 049 667549 www.abanoritz.it www.meetingwellness.it [email protected]

LOCATION:Centrally located in spa town.Closed in July



EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES:• air conditioning• agreement with other hotels• internet point • garage • parking • transfer services • adsl/wi-fi • agreement with Congress Center “Pietro d’Abano” • SPA• thermal pools

MEETING HOTEL TOTAL ROOMS: 139• doubles 64 • singles 61• special rooms 14

The Abano Ritz, an experience you just have to try!Re-find your physical and emotional balance at the thermae spa, the wellness centre and the beauty club. With the thermae spa, regain your health and optimism. At the Wellness Centre, our professional and motivated staff will be ready to supply you with a huge positive energy boost. The Beauty Club has graduated from Maria Galland’s “Beauty University”.

Upon request, the Abano Ritz combines the services of a classical meeting with that of the wellness centre and the SPA, with personalised programmes for those attending the meeting, creating pre- and post-meeting suggestions.To guarantee stress-free work: a welcome coffee break, a lunch with balanced menu, and massages early in the morning before getting to work. After the meeting, there are swimming pools and a hydro relax bathtub, sauna and gym, all to combat against having sat still for such a long time. The AbanoRITZ thus creates the concept of “Meeting in well-Being”.

The Abano Ritz is not a stop-over but the main destination! It has a well looked-after kitchen (awarded the 2010 “Gotha of Taste” by the press) and wine cellar, a gourmet barbecue located in the swimming pool park, and a “White Gloves” restaurant. Rooms are reserved for rest and privacy.

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MEETING AREAROOM A: max 110 ROOM B: max 40

Hotel Augustus Terme MONTEGROTTO TERME

L’Hotel Augustus è situato in posizione centrale e riservata con un parco di 25.000 mq; in esso è inserito un percorso per il training e 3 piscine panoramiche con temperature differenziate e una piscina coperta. L’albergo è interamente climatizzato e dispone di tre ascensori, un’elegante soggiorno, una sala TV, un ampio bar, un accogliente ristorante con buffet degli antipasti, delle verdure e dei dessert e un menù ogni giorno diverso. Sala colazioni con super buffet. Snack bar in piscina. Tutte le camere: standard, comfort, superior, Suite e Junior Suite, sono dotate di ogni comfort (balcone, telefono diretto, aria condizionata, frigo bar, TV-satellite). Garage coperto numerato e ampio parcheggio, un campo da tennis, una sala fitness. Punto d’incontro ideale per lavoro, relax e benessere. Troverete due accoglienti sale per i vostri meeting con video proiezione e impianto di amplificazione audio e voce. Internet wi-fi o via cavo. Uno staff qualificato che potrà suggerirvi soluzioni ad hoc per eventi speciali. Dopo un’intensa giornata di lavoro, potrete sempre concedervi dei momenti di relax e benessere nelle nostre piscine termali e nel nostro SPA CENTER. Possibilità di cure termali convenzionate A.S.L. (fango, bagno terapeutico, inalazioni e aerosol) e grotta sudatoria ai vapori termali.

(L'Hotel dista 50 m dalla fermata degli autobus, 250 m dalla stazione ferroviaria, 45 km dall'aeroporto di Venezia)

The Hotel Augustus stands in a central and reserved position, with a park of 25.000 sq. a training circuit has been harmoniously laid out there. There are 3 panoramic swimming pools with spa water at different temperatures.The hotel is completely conditioned and has 3 lifts an elegant living room, TV room, a big bar, a restaurant. Big buffet breakfast. Snack - bar service at the swimming pool. All the rooms have complete services, balcony, telephone with direct dialing, air - condition, fridge - bar, safe and satellite TV; standard rooms, comfort rooms, Suites and Junior suites. Indoor garage with numbered spaces and a large car park, a clay tennis court, gymnasium and games room. An ideal meeting point for business, relaxation and wellness.You will find 2 comfortable rooms for your meeting, with video projection and voice system. Internet connection (from a fixed location) or wi-fi. A skilled staff in organizing meetings, incentives and conventions at your disposal and able to suggest solutions for special events.After an intense day of work, you can always have moments of relaxation and of well-being in our thermal pools or in our Spa. A fango-treatment or a relaxing massage could become an original way to remember your meeting.

(Hotel Augustus is located 50 m from the bus stop, 250 m from the railway station, 45 km from Venice Marco Polo Airport).

TYPE: Hotel

ADDRESS:Viale Stazione, 150 35036 - Montegrotto Terme (PD) Tel. +39 049 793200 Fax +39 049 793518 www.hotelaugustus.com [email protected]

LOCATION:Centrally located in spa town.Open all year round


RESTAURANT:1 for max 200 peopleCOFFEE-BREAK AREA: 100 m2


EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES:• air conditioning• agreement with other hotels• internet point • garage max 15• parking max 250 places• audio-visual systems• video conferencing system • transfer services • adsl/ wi-fi • SPA• thermal pools

MEETING HOTEL TOTAL ROOMS: 124• doubles 62 • singles 44 • suite 15 • junior suite 3

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Hotel Bristol Buja ABANO TERME

TYPE: Hotel

ADDRESS:Via Monteortone, 2 35031 - Abano Terme (PD) Tel. +39 049 8669390 Fax +39 049 667910 www.bristolbuja.it [email protected]

LOCATION:Centrally located in spa town.Open all year round

PLENARY ROOM:Max 100 peopleTOTAL NUMBERS OF MEETING ROOMS: 3MORE ROOMS:• 1 for 35 people• 1 for 20 people

RESTAURANT:1 for max 250 peopleOUTDOOR RESTAURANT:1 for max 140 peopleCOFFEE-BREAK AREA: 70 m2 INDOOR BAR

EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES:• air conditioning• internet point • parking max 150 places• audio-visual systems• transfer services • wi-fi • SPA• thermal pools

MEETING HOTEL TOTAL ROOMS: 139• doubles 72 • singles 36 • suite 15 • junior suite 16

Situated in the centre of Abano Terme, just a few steps from the pedestrian area, the Hotel Bristol Buja is immersed in the green of the wonderful park and offers 139 cool, airy rooms and fine decorated suites. Style and elegance are synonymous of attention for details and for your needs, for we have just one goal: fulfilling your expectations and going further, in order to make you feel at ease and make you desire to come back again.

The restaurant offers an excellent choice of International and Venetian signature dishes; a truly unique experience that is not to be missed. Facilities include an indoor, a sweetwater and three outdoor thermal pools, a gymnasiums with high quality fitness and exercise equipment, steam room, thermal grotto and sauna, as well as our superb Spa treatment rooms offering a wide range of luxurious health and beauty treatments. The Hotel is equipped with 3 meeting rooms: a theatre room for conventions, a meeting room and a small assembly room. Hotel Bristol Buja proposes packages studied following the different exigencies with coffee breaks, brunches, quick lunches, customized menus.

In order to make the business - stay also a moment of pleasure, we study Spa-business proposals that, as well as giving access to the thermal pools, provide the use of Kingdom of sauna, fitness activities and/or relax treatments to enjoy during the pauses.

Situato nel centro di Abano Terme, località termale per eccellenza, ai piedi dei Colli Euganei, l’Hotel Bristol Buja offre ai propri clienti un soggiorno all’insegna della remise en forme e del riposo. La cura del particolare qui è di casa e l’attenzione rivolta agli ospiti fa della permanenza al Bristol Buja un’indimenticabile esperienza.

Noto per le sue terme e la sua spa mette a disposizione servizi all’avanguardia di primo livello dedicati al benessere, alla bellezza, alla riabilitazione motoria ed alla dietologia. La ristorazione propone prelibatezze della gastronomia locale ed internazionale rendendo piacevole anche la sosta dell’ospite più esigente.Le quattro piscine termali dotate di idromassaggi e giochi d’acqua, quella d’acqua dolce, il bagno turco, la grotta termale, la sauna, il centro fitness rappresentano vere e proprie oasi di relax. Le 3 sale meeting attrezzate sono in grado di assecondare le varie esigenze manageriali ed aziendali.

Affinché il soggiorno di lavoro diventi anche momento di piacere, di volta in volta vengono effettuate proposte Spa-business che, oltre all’accesso alle piscine termali, prevedono l’utilizzo del Regno delle saune, attività fitness e/o trattamenti relax da godere durante le pause.

MEETING AREAROOM A: max 35 ROOM B: max 20 ROOM C: max 100

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Esplanade Tergesteo MONTEGROTTO TERME

L’Hotel Esplanade Tergesteo è uno dei “leading hotels” di Montegrotto Terme, dove da sempre stile, eleganza ed ospitalità rimangono l’essenza del nostro lavoro.È l'ambiente ideale per ogni tipo di incontro: congressi e conferenze aziendali. Coffee Break, pranzi di lavoro e cene di gala studiate in base alle vostre esigenze renderanno ancora più produttivi i vostri meeting di lavoro.

Due moderne piscine di acqua termale con varie tipologie di idromassaggi, il nostro nuovo centro Benessere, che offre una vasta scelta di massaggi e trattamenti wellness e beauty, nonché la possibilità di usufruire anche di cure termali convenzionate ASL (fanghi con bagni termali e/o cure inalatorie), si traducono nell’opportunità di trascorrere un soggiorno in un clima di autentica vacanza per ritemprarsi e ritrovare una perfetta condizione psico-fisica ...E per il vostro tempo libero: Green Fees scontati per i campi da golf nelle immediate vicinanze; biciclette per scoprire la bellezza dei nostri dintorni ed ancora la possibilità di visitare importanti centri culturali e città d’arte, facilmente raggiungibili (Verona, Vicenza, Venezia, Padova …).

L’Hotel Esplanade Tergesteo, offre la possibilità di unire un soggiorno di lavoro ad un soggiorno all’insegna del più completo relax e benessere.

The Hotel Esplanade Tergesteo is one of Montegrotto Terme’s “leading hotels,” where style, elegance and hospitality have always been the essence of our job.It is the ideal environment for any type of meeting, such as a conference or business meeting. Coffee Breaks, business lunches and gala dinners are carefully prepared according to your needs to make your business meetings even more profitable.

Two modern thermal swimming-pools with different types of whirlpools and a new wellbeing centre with a wide selection of massages and treatments for wellness and beauty. Furthermore, you have the opportunity to take advantage of our thermal treatments (mud treatments with thermal baths and/or inhalation treatments) and at special prices if you have an ASL prescription. This is a perfect opportunity to spend a holiday to recover your energy and rediscover your perfect psycho-physical condition. And, in your free time, you can golf with reduced Green Fees on all golf courses in the surrounding area, ride bikes to discover the beauty of the surrounding nature and have the opportunity to visit important cultural centres and cities of art, such as Verona, Vicenza, Venice, and Padua, which can all be easily reached.

The Hotel Esplanade Tergesteo offers you the opportunity to combine your stay on business with a holiday of relaxation and wellbeing.

TYPE: Hotel

ADDRESS:Via Roma, 54 35036 - Montegrotto Terme (PD) Tel. +39 049 8911777 Fax +39 049 8910488 www.esplanadetergesteo.it [email protected]

LOCATION:Centrally located in spa town.Open all year round



EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES:• air conditioning• agreement with other hotels• internet point • parking max 135 places• audio-visual systems• transfer services • adsl/wi-fi • SPA• thermal pools

MEETING HOTEL TOTAL ROOMS: 127• doubles 56 • singles 51 • suite 12 • junior suite 8


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ADDRESS:Viale Stazione, 21 35036 - Montegrotto Terme (PD) Tel. +39 049 8911444 Fax +39 049 8911444 www.grandhotelterme.it [email protected]

LOCATION:Centrally located in spa town.Open all year round



EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES:• air conditioning • agreement with other hotels• internet point • garage max 12 • parking max 120 places• audio-visual systems• video conferencing system • transfer services• adsl/wi-fi • SPA• thermal pools

MEETING HOTEL TOTAL ROOMS: 107• doubles 70 • DUS 10 • suite 18 • junior suite 9


Il Grand Hotel Terme di Montegrotto Terme è il luogo ideale per incontri d’affari. Situato lungo il viale principale di Montegrotto, nel cuore delle Terme Euganee, l’hotel è immerso nel verde e gode di assoluta tranquillità.Le 110 stanze di cui 29 Suite, sono arredate con gusto raffinato e dotate di ogni comfort. A disposizione i 2 ristoranti interni, dei quali uno panoramico, con vista sui colli Euganei e un ristorante a bordo piscina con buffet e Live Kitchen (cucina a vista), adatto anche per pranzi di lavoro.Particolare attenzione viene riservata all’offerta culinaria, con possibilità di scegliere tra menu à la carte, Wellness, Gourmet e Km0.

Per convegni e seminari il Grand Hotel Terme mette a disposizione una Sala meeting per 60 persone, dotata delle più moderne attrezzature, con connessione Wi-Fi gratuita. Due ampie sale sono inoltre riservate ai fumatori. A vostra disposizione due piscine termali (35°C) comunicanti, una esterna e una interna, la Spa Luxury Relax, dotata di Thermae Mediterraneo con aromaterapia/cromoterapia, docce emozionali e terapeutiche, sauna finlandese, cascata di ghiaccio, percorso Kneipp e palestra. Nella Maison de Beauté, coordinata da medici specialisti, è possibile effettuare massaggi classici, terapeutici, orientali nonché trattamenti fangoterapici ed estetici.

Today more than ever, the world of business is a source of change: transformations in industries, product lines, services and distribution channels develop from one day to the next so it becomes even more important to encourage awareness, trust and participation in corporate life amongst colleagues.To achieve optimum results, it is often better to organise business meetings at venues designed to facilitate interaction and active participation.The Grand Hotel Terme has 2 restaurants, the first, for gala dinners and special events, is the spectular panoramic restaurant on the top floor of the hotel, with breathtaking views over the Euganean hills, and the other facing the pool with a rich buffet and Live kitchen every day, is optimal also for work lunches.

The Grand Hotel Terme offers a meeting room for up to 60 people, fully equipped with video projection, wi-fi area, sound system, other two areas are reservated as smoking rooms.Guests at the Grand Hotel Terme can take full advantage of the two linked thermal swimming pools (35°C), one outdoor and one indoor, as well as the Spa Luxury Relax, complete with the Thermae Mediterraneo Turkish bath with aromatherapy/colour therapy, multisensory and therapeutic showers, Finnish sauna, ice waterfall, Kneipp path and gym, the relax come also by classic, terapic and oriental massages available in the Hotel, like Mud and aesthetical trattaments.

Grand Hotel Termebeauty and wellness


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Terme Mioni Pezzato ABANO TERME

TYPE: Hotel

ADDRESS: Via Marzia, 34 35031 - Abano Terme (PD) Tel. +39 049 8668377 Fax +39 049 8669338 www.hotelmionipezzato.com [email protected]

LOCATION:Centrally located in spa town.Open all year round

PLENARY ROOM:Max 200 peopleTOTAL NUMBER OF MEETING ROOMS: 3Indoor Exhibition area: 350 m2 Outdoor Exhibition area: 260 m2


EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES:• air conditioning• internet point • garage max 4• parking max 100 places• audio-visual systems• video conferencing system • transfer services • adsl/ wi-fi • SPA• thermal pools

MEETING HOTEL TOTAL ROOMS: 176• singles 12• DUS 47• doubles 81• elegance 32• suite Mioni 4

Il Mioni Pezzato sorge nel centro di Abano Terme in un parco privato di 20.000 metri quadri. Non si tratta del classico albergo termale ma di un omaggio al design con spazi ampi e luminosi, arredati con pezzi contemporanei che regalano all’ambiente un tocco unico e raffinato.

L’hotel mette a disposizione ad uso esclusivo dei suoi ospiti cinque piscine termali coperte e scoperte con oltre mille metri quadri di superficie d’acqua. Il fiore all’occhiello dell’albergo è il Tea Rose, il centro benessere pensato dagli architetti in stile zen: luci soffuse e profumi che inducono al relax mente e corpo. Nell’elegante ristorante lo chef e il suo staff firmano un menu con il meglio della cucina del territorio a base di ingredienti selezionati e stagionali.

Il centro congressi, con entrata separata adiacente all’entrata dell’hotel, è composto da una reception dedicata (50 mq), dalla sala Mioni di 250 mq completa di ogni equipment, la vicina sala Ticino di 60 mq ed un portico perimetrale di 260 mq ideale nella bella stagione per coffee break con vista sul bellissimo giardino.

The Mioni Pezzato hotel is located in the center of Abano Terme in a private park of 20.000 square meters. It is not the classic spa hotel but a tribute to design, furnished with contemporary and antique pieces.

The hotel offers its guests the exclusive use of five indoor and outdoor thermal pools with more than one thousand square meters of thermal water. The Tea Rose Spa has been designed by the architects in a “zen style”: lighting and ambiance have as a purpose to relax the body and the mind. In the elegant and traditional restaurant, the chef and his staff propose a menu of local cuisine based on seasonal and selected ingredients.

The convention center is adjacent to the hotel entrance and has a separate entrance It consists of a reception area (50 Sqm), a room called Mioni of 250 Sqm, a smaller room called Ticino of 60 Sqm and a porch perimeter of 260 Sqm. The Mioni room is equipped with all modern congress equipment (projector etc.) The porch is ideal for coffee breaks in summer since it is overlooking the beautiful garden.

MEETING AREAROOM A: max 170 ROOM B: max 30ROOM A+B: max 200

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Hotel Terme Petrarca MONTEGROTTO TERME

L’Hotel Petrarca, in posizione centrale, tranquillo ed accogliente, con un parco di 40.000 mq, vi attende per regalarvi momenti di intenso piacere e benessere psico-fisico.

È interamente climatizzato con camere del tipo superior, minisuite, suite di lusso, tutte con balcone, frigobar, safe e TV, ascensori, bar, ristorante, reception, reparto cure, beauty farm.7 piscine termali, coperte e scoperte a temperature differenziate, idromassaggi, percorso Kneipp, palestra, campo da tennis coperto e scoperto, boccia.La forza benefica dell’acqua termale delle proprie fonti, è indicata per fanghi, bagni terapeutici, inalazioni (convenzionati A.S.L.) massaggi, cure fisioterapiche, Vital-Center.

Il ricco buffet della prima colazione; la cucina mediterranea con prelibatezze servite nei nostri ristoranti i menù per celiaci, diventano occasione di festa al termine di ogni pausa o conclusione dei vostri meetings.4 sale congressi, inserite nel verde, modernamente attrezzate, assistenza personalizzata, per eventi sino a 400 persone con coffee-breaks, pranzi a buffet o serviti, serate di gala.Garages,ampi parcheggi auto e bus.

A m. 100 dalla fermata bus, m. 700 dalla Stazione FS Terme Euganee, a Km. 45 dall’Aereoporto Venezia M. Polo.

TYPE: Hotel - Congress Center

ADDRESS:Piazza Roma, 23 35036 - Montegrotto Terme (PD) Tel. +39 049 8911744 Fax +39 049 8911698 www.hotelpetrarca.it [email protected]

LOCATION:Centrally located in spa town.Open all year round

PLENARY ROOM:Max 400 peopleTOTAL NUMBER OF MEETING ROOMS: 4MORE ROOMS:• 1 max 300 people• 2 max 100 people• 1 max 20 people


EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES:• air conditioning• agreement with other hotels• internet point • garage max 5• parking max 180 places• audio-visual systems• video conferencing system • transfer services• wi-fi• SPA• thermal pools

MEETING HOTEL TOTAL ROOMS: 145• doubles 85• singles 30• suite 15• junior suite 15

The Hotel Petrarca, in quiet position, with a park of 40.000 mq awaits your arrival to give you moments of intense pleasure and psycho-physical well-being.

Completely conditioned, with superior rooms, minisuites and luxury suites, with mini-bar, safe, Tv. Lifts, bars, restaurant, reception, Spa, beauty-farm. You can enjoy the benefits of thermal water coming from the Hotel’s own sources, indicated for mud baths, therapeutic baths, inhalations massage, physiotherapy and a Vital Center.7 indoor and outdoor pools with thermal water and different temperatures, complete with whirlpools, Kneipp, and gym.Tennis courts (indoor and outdoor).

The pleasures of good food, from the rich breakfast buffet to the delicacies from the Mediterranean cuisine served in our restaurants, menus for celiac disease, becomes an opportunity to celebrate each break or end of your meetings.4 conference rooms, surrounded by greenery, equipped with modern facilities and offering custom-made service, hosting for each event up to 400 people, coffee-breaks, buffet or served lunch gala evenings. numbered garages and a large car and bus parking.

Is located at m. 100 from the bus stop, m. 700 from the railway station Terme Euganee and Km. 45 from Venice Airport M. Polo.

MEETING AREAROOM A: max 300 ROOM B: max 100 ROOM A+B: max 400 ROOM C: max 100 ROOM D: max 20

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Abano Montegrotto










Abano Terme




Bassanodel Grappa















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Come arrivare How to get there

In treno By trainScendere alla fermata di Terme Euganee /

Get off at Terme Euganee

In aereo By planeDall'aeroporto / From the airport:

• Marco Polo di Venezia

• Catullo di Verona

• Canova di Treviso

• Marconi di Bologna

In auto By carDall’autostrada / From motorway

• BO-PD (A13) uscita / exit Padova Terme Euganee

• MI-VE (A4) uscita / exit Padova ovest

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La Card:• è valida 48 o 72 ore, a seconda della carta scelta e dalla data e orario in essa

riportati;• è valida per un adulto e un ragazzo minore di 14 anni.

Costo: 48 ore: 16,00 € 72 ore: 21,00 €

I vantaggi esclusivi di PadovaCard includono:• Ingresso gratuito a: Cappella degli Scrovegni (tranne costo prenotazione €

1,00), Musei Civici Eremitani, Palazzo della Ragione (in occasione di mostre verrà richiesto il pagamento del biglietto ridotto), Piano Nobile Caffè Pedrocchi e Museo del Risorgimento, Oratorio di San Michele, Oratorio di San Rocco, Orto Botanico, Battistero del Duomo, Loggia e Odeo Cornaro, Palazzo Zuckermann, Casa del Petrarca ad Arquà Petrarca, Museo Internazionale del Vetro d’Arte e delle Terme a Montegrotto Terme.

• Utilizzo gratuito dei mezzi di trasporto pubblico APS sia urbani che extraurbani.• Parcheggio gratuito per automobili e motocicli nel parcheggio APS

convenzionato di Piazza Rabin in Prato della Valle.• Ingresso con biglietto ridotto a numerosi musei, monumenti, ville e luoghi di

interesse storico-artistico della città e della Provincia di Padova.• Gadget, cocktail di benvenuto o agevolazioni nei servizi offerti dagli esercizi

convenzionati, hotel, B&B, ristoranti, pubblici esercizi e agriturismi, ecc.• Sconti sugli acquisti presso i negozi convenzionati.• Sconti su numerosi servizi turistici come visite guidate, tour con il City Sightsee-

ing, escursioni in battello, noleggio auto e biciclette.

The Card:• is valid 48 or 72 hours from the start date stamped on it;• is valid for one adult and one child under 14 years old.

Price: 48-hour card: 16,00 € 72-hour card: 21,00 €

Exclusive benefits of PadovaCard include:• Free entry to: Scrovegni Chapel-frescoes by Giotto (except booking fee: € 1,00),

Eremitani Museums, Palazzo della Ragione (the payment of a reduced ticket is required if the Palace is hosting important exhibitions at the time of your visit), Piano Nobile Caffè Pedrocchi and Museo del Risorgimento, San Michele Oratory, San Rocco Oratory, Botanic Garden, Baptistery of the Cathedral, Loggia and Odeo Cornaro, Palazzo Zuckermann, Petrarch’s House in Arquà Petrarca, International Museum of Artistic Glass in Montegrotto Terme.

• Free use of APS public means of transportation both in and around Padua and from Padua to the Euganean Spas and back.

• Free parking (for cars and motorcars only) at APS Parking 1 - Piazza Y. Rabin, Prato della Valle

• Reduced ticket to some of the most important monuments, museums, villas, castles and historical gardens of the province of Padua.

• Reductions, welcoming cocktail or freebies in hotels, B&B, agriturismo, restaurants and bars included in the Card.

• Discounts on shopping.• Discounts and facilities on various tourist services, guided tours, hop-on hop-

off City Sightseeing Bus, boat tours, car and bike rentals.

PadovaCard ist 48 oder 72 Stunden lang ab dem aufgedruckten Ausstellungsdatum gültig. Sie ist für einen Erwachsenen und ein Kind unter 14 Jahren gültig.PadovaCard ist Ihre Karte zur Besichtigung der bedeutsamsten Orte Paduas und der Provinz Paduas. Die exklusiven Vorteile der PadovaCard beinhalten:• Freier Eintritt zu den wichtigsten Museen und Monumenten Paduas;• Freie Parkmöglichkeit für Autos und Motorräder auf Parkplatz 1-Piazza Rabin in Padua;• Kostenlose Benutzung der APS-Busse und Straßenbahn in und außerhalb der Stadt und

von den Euganäischen Thermen nach Padua und zurück;• Reduzierter Eintritt in vielen Museen, Monumenten, Villen, Schlössern und bedeutenden

Sehenswürdigkeiten in Padua und Provinz Padua;• Gratiszugaben und Angebote in Hotels, B&B, Agriturismo-Betriebe, Restaurants, Bars, usw.;• Ermäßigungen für Bootsausflüge, Fremdenführungen, City Sightseeing Bus, Auto- und

Fahrradverleih, Einkaufen, und vieles mehr.

PadovaCard est valable 48 ou 72 heures à partir de la date et de l’horaire écrits dans la carte pour un adulte et un enfant de moins de 14 ans. PadovaCard est votre passe-partout pour la visite de Padoue et de sa Province. Les avanta-ges exclusifs de PadovaCard comprennent:• Entrée gratuite aux principaux musées et monuments de Padoue;• Parking gratuit à Padoue pour voitures et motos;• Libre utilisation des moyens de transports APS urbains et extra-urbains;• Réductions à nombreux musées et monuments de Padoue et de sa province;• Gadgets et facilités pour les services offerts dans les hotels, B&B, agritourismes, restau-

rants, cafés, etc. conventionnés;• Réductions sur le prix d’achat dans les magasins conventionnés;• Réductions et offres promotionnelles pour excursions en bateau, visites guidées, City

Sightseeing Bus, location de voitures et de vélos, et plus, beaucoup plus!

Info: Turismo Padova Terme Euganee - tel. +39 049 8767911 • [email protected] - www.padovacard.it

PadovaCard:più la utilizzi, più risparmi.The more you use it,the more you save.

20 21

Auditorium Galzignano Terme

Via F. Filzi, 4b

35030 Galzignano Terme (PD)

Tel. (+39) 049 9130041

Fax (+39) 049 9130060

[email protected]


Via Pietro d'Abano - Giardini

35031 Abano Terme (PD)

Tel. (+39) 049 8245220

Fax (+39) 049 8245219

[email protected]


Museo Internazionaldel Vetro d'Arte e delle TermeSala conferenze

Via Fermi, 1

35036 Montegrotto Terme (PD)

Tel. (+39) 049 8910635


Palaturismo Montegrotto

Via Scavi, 14

35036 Montegrotto Terme (PD)

Tel. (+39) 049 8928838

Email [email protected]


Teatro Congressi Pietro d'AbanoLargo Marconi, 16

35031 Abano Terme (PD)

Tel (+39) 049 8666111

Fax (+39) 049 8666113

[email protected]


Teatro Parco MagnoliaVia Volta, 20

35031 Abano Terme (PD)

Tel. (+39) 049 8245220

Fax (+39) 049 8245219

[email protected]


Teatro PolivalenteVia Donati, 1

35031 Abano Terme (PD)

Tel. (+39) 049 8245220

Fax (+39) 049 8245219

[email protected]


Villa Bassi-Rathgebvia Appia, 52

35031 Abano Terme (PD)

Tel. (+39) 049 8245269

Fax (+39) 049 8245264

[email protected]


Altre sale meeting More meeting roomsad Abano e Montegrotto

Page 12: Thermae Meeting

Abano Montegrotto

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Per le foto:

Archivio Turismo Padova Terme Euganee - M. Danesin,

Archivio Consorzio Terme Euganee - L. Masarà,

Archivio ADV Solutions,

Archivio Fotolia.

Per la grafica e il coordinamento:

ADVsolutions srl - www.advsolutions.it

Per la stampa:

Grafiche Turato sas.


Page 13: Thermae Meeting

Tel. +39 049 8669055 - Fax +39 049 8669053www.turismopadova.itwww.termemeeting.itterme.meeting@turismopadova.it

thermaemeetingHOTELSAbano Montegrotto

Provincia di Padova
