Tuesday, February 24, 1959 i i i i i i . . . I Painter to Prepare Mural For Niagara Power Visitors Tonawanda NEWS Page 3 NEW YORK (UPD - Thomas* Hart Benton, the noted painter, has been commissioned by the State Power Authority for $35,000 to prepare a mural for the exhi- bition room of a visitors* view- ing building at the Niagara Power Project, Authority Chairman Rob- ert Moses announced today. The 7 by 20 foot painting will show Father Lewis Hennepin, said to be the first white man to have 1,000 Tourists Open Havana's 'Welcome Tour' HAVANA <UPI>—About 1,000 Florida tourists poured into Ha- vana Monday to open the city's seeT Niagara 1 FaK ItendtaTra to****™** >elcome tour." An- top of the Niagara River Gorge with the American and Horseshoe Falls in the background. A group of Indians also will be in the mural, Moses said. The mural will be displayed in thorities here hope at least four times that number will be on hand by Wednesday. Hotels here are holding 2,000 double rooms open for tourists who take advantage of the offer the overlook structure above the of three days* free lodging and main generating plant of the Ni- entertainment, designed to revive agara Project, from which visit-! the stalled tourist trade. ors will have views of the plant, the river gorge and the surround- ing countryside. Moses said the building will be able to accommo- date up to 10,000 visitors a day. Two murals by Benton are al- ready* on display in the visitors exhibition hall at the St. Law- rence Power Project. The $55.90 cost of the three-day tour, open to any traveler from the Florida area, cove/s the round- trip air fare, hotel accommoda- tions, a sightseeing tour of Ha. vana, a street carnival, a para, chute-drop and water show, night chib performances and open-air concerts. Area Men In Service A^SC Gordon Steffens of 277 Morgan St., Tonawanda, is visit- ing his parents while on leave from Keesler AFB, Miss. On completion of his leave he will re- turn to Keesler for the final 11 weeks of Technical Training as a radio intercept operator. He is a graduate of Tonawanda High School where he was an outstand- ing athlete. He entered the A i r Force in September 1958. , enina . Public Accounting OFFICE 36 North Niagara Si. •Income Tax Returns Prepared •Bookkeeping •Accounting, Lt. Shirley Lehman, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Frank Lehman, 24 Linwood Ave., North Tonawanda, has been assigned to duty with the US Air Force Hospital at Low- ry AFB, Denver, Colo, Miss Lehman was commissioned a first lieutenant in the Air Force Nurse Corps in November 1958 and completed four weeks of ori- entation at Gunter AFB, Ala., pri- or to her present assignment. She is a graduate of North Tonawanda High School and received her BS in Nursing from the University of Buffalo School of Nursing. Recruit John McCully, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. John McCully of 347 Bennett fit., recently was assigned to Compaqy D, Fourth Training Regiment, at Ft. Dix, N.J., where he is receiving eight weeks of basic infantry training in conjunction with the Reserve Forces Act. John Stephen Dzina, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dzina of 64 King St, recently enlisted for f o u r years in the U.S. Marines, under the "Stashee Program." He left Feb. 17 for Parris Island, S.C., where he is receiving r e c r u i t training. HOME ON LEAVE: Airman 'David J. Kowsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Kowsky, ; 957 Sweeney St., North Tona- wanda, is spending a few days leave at home enroute to his new duty station at Westover Air Force Base, Mass., where he will receive training as a warehouse specialist in a unit of the Strategic Air Command,. Airman Kowsky is a graduate of North Tonawanda High School and entered the A i r Force in November 1958. 759 Pupils on Honor Roll At Tonawanda Junior High J RHONE EVERGREEN 0336 36 No. Niagara St. Tonawanda Three area Marines participat- ed in the 18th anniversary celeb- ration of the Second Marine Div- ision at Camp Lejeune, N.C., ear- ly in February. They are: Richard M: Muller, dental technician third class, USN, son of Mrs. Eloise Patraluck of 216 Franklin St.; Marine Cpl. David M. Pachla, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pachla of 311 Warner Ave., and Marine S-Sgt. Eugene M. Hy, son of Mrs. Nicholas Hy of Hom- ey er Rd. Formed in San Diego, Calif.. Feb. 1, 1941, the Division, during the week, held day-long activities highlighted with a full-scale pa- rade and special meals in the mess hall. LUMBERMAN Put "lazy" space to good use Easy -to• work • with wallboard makes remodeling idle areas a snap. Inexpensivetoo!It's pre- finished in a wide choice of tex- tures and colors. Come in soon and look them over. Free de- livery. *This Week's Specials* l"*tt° IRA Ft. SPRUCE SHELVING J 9 9 COM. OAK FLOORING 1 * / Z V FREE DELIVERY . • • .'nUlMJ^a.'hixdudal gyegg LUMBER MlLLWORK Ou^MATIRlAU mi mm i i i-ii— • • * .1.1—11. •_!!•!!—••—•——.. IN f ISLAND STS.H.TONAWANOA,N.Y.^L^JA0n7 MBERE David A. Normandin, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Normandin of 78 Cranbrook Drive, was graduated recently from the Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, 111. The graduation exercises, marking the end of nine weeks of "boot camp," included a full dress parade and review before military officials and civilian dignitaries. Marine Cpl. George E. Hogan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Hogan of 193 Overbrook Ave., Town ef Tonawanda, participated in two Marine Corps unit anniver- saries at Camp Lejeune, N.C., while serving with the 10th Reg- iment. On Feb. 2 the regiment joined other units in celebrating the Sec- ond Marine Division's 18th birth- day. On Jan. IS the 10th Regi- ment had observed its 41st birth- day as the oldest artillery unit in the Marine Corps. The names of 159 Tonawanda Junior High School pupils are listed on the honor roll for the marking period ending Jan. 23, which was released today by Prin- cipal Richard E. Perry. The seventh grade, with 67 pu- pils on the honor roll, is headed by Frank Kampas with a 98.4 av- erage. Others on the list include: Susan Bergholtz. Gregory Her- schell, Diane Meyers, Carolyn Andrews, Terry Burkholder, Mary iRew, Walter Zorkers, and Susan Reisch. Suzanne Brown, Carol Herman, James Johnson, Orrin Christy, Samuel Enzinna, Carol Becker, Christine Tucker, C a t h e r i n e Holmes, Joyce Konic, Teddy Sny- der, ' Christine Roach, James Rosokoff, Peter Andolina, Daniel Bors, Patricia Christy, Keith Ger- rish, Charles Wolf, John Harte and Karen Seager. Nancy Cotton, Charles Earnst, Martha Hale, Linda Keem, Philip Moudy, George Harris, Tom Toft, Cina Siddall, Daniel Dahl. Linda Treat, Nancy Bray, Mark Gaeth, Martin Gjonwall and Terry Suter. Maryalice Bacon, Wendy Jones, George Koch, Christine Korff, Judith Anne Horton, Hilda Martin, Wayne Reilly, Daniel Ostwald, Colin Coshway, Terrie KapJm, Mi- chael Lance, Wendy Schaefer, Pamela Clark and Wayne Maer- ten. Also, Marilyn Phillips, Billie Lou Saurini, Gene Schmidt, Lynne Stone, Freddie Ortiz, Carol Os- man, Eugene Supparits, Mary Stasia, Cheryl Wells, Thomas Pet- ers and William Goodliff. The eighth grade, with 55 pu- Jerome A. Moore, 22, son of Mrs. Mina Moore of 302 Mor- gan St., was assigned to Com- pany Q, Second Training Regi- ment, of the U.S. Army Train ing Center, Ft. Dbt, N.J., for eight weeks of basic training. A N o r t h Tonawanda High- School graduate, Pvt. Moore at- tended State University of New York College of Forestry before entering the service, and was employed by the U.S. Forest Service, Avery Ranger District, Avery, Ida. Crackdown Begins To Pay Off for N.Y. ALBANY ( U P D - A continuing crackdown on unemployment in- surance law violators produced $5,169,000 in back taxes and pen- alties last year, it was reported Monday. Stephen Mayo, acting executive director of the State Labor De- partment's division of employ- ment, said 137 firms were fined for consistent failure to submit timely payroll, reports. The fines ranged from $10 to $500. Daniel E. McOwen, photogra- pher's mate, USN, son of Mr. I and Mrs. Edward P. McO w e n of 570 Creekside Drive, is now serving with Light Photographic Squadron 62 at the Naval A i r Station, Cecil Field, Fla. He was recently transferred to this command from Port Lyautey, Morocco, Africa, where he worked in photography. A graduate of North Tonawanda High School, he was formerly employed by Edward P. McOwen, v Rosewood Signs. Three North Tonawanda Army Reservists recently were assigned to Company H; First T r a i n i n g Regiment, at Ft. Dix, N.J., for eight weeks of infantry basic training under the Reserve Forc- es Act. They are: Pvt. Richard Werth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman K. Werth of 518 Ward Rd., who formerly at- tended North Tonawanda High School and Canisius College. Pvt. David Nalepka, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Nalepka, 276 Ward Rd., who formerly attended North Tonawanda High School and Erie County Technical Institute. Pvt. Jerome Okrzynski, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Okrzynski, 244 12th Ave., who formerly at- tended St. John Kanty Prepara- tory School, Erie Pa., and Brock- port State Teachers College. Under the RFA program they will serve on active duty for six months and then be transferred to hometown duty with an Army Reserve or National Guard Unit. MORE THAN EVER you're smart to switch to Rambler 50% MS TAX s^i VOTED ~ SISE { KHftfarf tea With gaa prices up, save still more money every mile you drive. And get more miles per gallon,too,with improved carbiiretion! • Save hundreds of dol- lars on first cost. • Save further on up- keep, repairs; get top resale value. • Get big car room, small car economy. SPECIALS FOR pils, is headed by Michael Gfroer- er with 99.2. Others are: Richard Rowley, Rosemarie Kroll, Donald Wehrung, Timothy Demmin, M a r g a r e t Wasson, Douglas Eadie, Donna Wein, Su- san Ranbuska, Kathlene Slater, Gary Korte and Carolyn Pfanner. Thomas Dirmyer, Karen Rich- ards, Linda Ellman, Nancy Britt, Carol Peterson, Linda Clontz, Frank Clukey, Ronald Kosko, Richard Carr, Sandy Stegner, Karen Baldwin, James Robinson, Kathleen Schinaman, Br eh da Cole- man, Patricia Por, James Ring- ler and Terrie Lance. Sandra Neuhaus, Daniel Hub- man, R o b e r t Gibson, Sharon Arenz, John Marquette, Judith Hamann, Terrie Niland, Craig Butler, Larry Mercer, Peter Jo-! seph, Carolyn Litz, Mary Ogren! and Donald Riemer. Peter Abram, Joseph Armenia, I Gary Bond, Neil Edin, Donna! Terry, Eileen Payne, Richard! Rager, Carol Rick, Patricia Mur- j phy, Leroy Kramer, Ann Perry,! Raymond S m i d e r and Paul! Springer. Peter Reese, with a 97.2 aver- age tops the 37 pupils on the ninth- grade list. Others include: Walter Schwinger, Ronald Tra- ver, Barnard Hewitt, Roger Schultz, James Schwinger, Dan- iel Stevens, Mary Lou McDonald, Sally Roberts, Dick Higgips, Lois Saint and Lee Ann Enzinna. David Warner, Rose Ann Pace, Sue Gallagher, Carol Pace, Jef- frey Wulf, Jeffrey Hall, Rory Mc- Donald, Diana Pietrowski, Robert Williamson, James Britton and Beverly Bitterman, Judith Bray. Thomas Bodie, Judy Dreier, Bertha Koster, Rowland Williams, Barbara Inzalaco, Lynn Robins, Mary Garrett, Larry ' Fuller, Jeanne Vogel, Joan Duquay, Cher- yl Knople, Carol Bossuet and Mi- chael Keller. 'War Criminal No. 3' HAVANA (UPI)-Lt. Col. Luis H. Grao, 'Cuba's "war criminal No. $," fell before the guns of a firing squad in the dry moat of the Cabana Fortress-prison here just before midnight Monday night, it was announced today. Grao was the last of the three army officers described as Cuba's principal war criminals to face the rifles of "revolutionary jus- tice." Maj. Jesus Sosa Blanco and Executed in Havana Capt. Pedro Morejon Valdes were executed earlier this year. BURN* PROVE FATAL EDWARDS ( U P D - William F. Cobb, 51, died Monday of burns suffered when fire, which appar- ently began in an overheated stove, damaged his farm home in this St. Lawrence County commu- nity. The victim lived alone. MODERNIZE / CHANGE OU TO GAS IN A FEW HOURS THERE IS A GAS CONVERSION BURNER FOR EVERY TYPE OF FURNACE OR BOILER. LOWER HEATING BILLS AUTOMATIC CONTROLS Find out right now bow easily you can convert your old furnace to a modern, economical heating plant. CLEANEST HEAT QUICKEST HEAT THE Call on Us for FREE Estimate! CHARLES R. TURNER Co. Inc. 810 MAIN ST., BFLO. Phone WA. 7176 Nights, Sundays, Holidays, Call PA. 0820 WEDNESDAY MORNING STORE HOURS—9:30 TO 12:30 H COTTON SALE SAVE UP TO 62% « SAVE MUCH MORE THAN EVER BEFOREI STAN'S MOTOR SALES 515 OLIVER ST. NORTH TONAWANDA PHONE JA 6352 SUPER-VALUE FASHION PERCALES To 50c o yard if full bolts ... WashfastSpring cottons... super- values because the prints are so well-designed. Such variety too, you're bound to see loads you like. 4 $i yds. I I $3.49 Chenille Bedspreads FOR Solid colors twin and full sizes. Superior value, long last* ing beautiful spreads. Wed., A.M. only! . .-x- x ' W. T. GRANT MAIN & BROAD ST. SURER WAY: Provide for him by planning your estate with Marine Even if your sayings, property and insurance policies are small, don't dismiss Estate Planning as something for "rich people" only. The manager of your nearby Marine office, (there are 63 of them, you know) will gladly tell you how Estate Planning now can provide the security you want for your family in the future. This service is yours without cost or obligation. Stop in at the Marine office near you and talk it ove'r. You're always close to THE BANK OF u 0LD FASHIONED 1TEIGHB0RLINESS" TONAWANDA AREA OFFICES FIRST TRUST OFFICE - - STATE TRUST OFFICE PAYNE AYE. OFFICE MIMIiR M D M A l DEPOSIT INSURANCI CORPORATION Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

THERE IS A GAS CONVERSION BURNER FOR …fultonhistory.com/Newspaper 11/North Tonawanda NY Evening News...•Bookkeeping •Accounting, Lt. Shirley Lehman, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs

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Tuesday, February 24, 1959 i i i • i i i • . . . I

Painter to Prepare Mural For Niagara Power Visitors

Tonawanda NEWS Page 3

NEW YORK (UPD - Thomas* Hart Benton, the noted painter, has been commissioned by the State Power Authority for $35,000 to prepare a mural for the exhi­bition room of a visitors* view­ing building at the Niagara Power Project, Authority Chairman Rob­ert Moses announced today.

The 7 by 20 foot painting will show Father Lewis Hennepin, said to be the first white man to have

1,000 Tourists Open Havana's 'Welcome Tour'

HAVANA <UPI>—About 1,000 Florida tourists poured into Ha­vana Monday to open the city's

seeT Niagara1 F a K ItendtaTra to****™** >elcome tour." An-top of the Niagara River Gorge with the American and Horseshoe Falls in the background. A group of Indians also will be in t h e mural, Moses said.

The mural will be displayed in

thorities here hope at least four times that number will be on hand by Wednesday.

Hotels here are holding 2,000 double rooms open for tourists who take advantage of the offer

the overlook structure above the of three days* free lodging and main generating plant of the Ni- entertainment, designed to revive agara Project, from which visit-! the stalled tourist trade. ors will have views of the plant, the river gorge and the surround­ing countryside. Moses said the building will be able to accommo­date up to 10,000 visitors a day.

Two murals by Benton are al­ready* on display in the visitors exhibition hall at the St. Law-rence Power Project.

The $55.90 cost of the three-day tour, open to any traveler from the Florida area, cove/s the round-trip air fare, hotel accommoda­tions, a sightseeing tour of Ha. vana, a street carnival, a para, chute-drop and water show, night chib performances and open-air concerts.

Area Men In Service A SC Gordon Steffens of 277

Morgan St., Tonawanda, is visit­ing his parents while on leave from Keesler AFB, Miss. On completion of his leave he will re­turn to Keesler for the final 11 weeks of Technical Training as a radio intercept operator. He is a graduate of Tonawanda H i g h School where he was an outstand­ing athlete. He entered the A i r Force in September 1958. ,

• • enina .

Public Accounting OFFICE

36 North Niagara Si.

• Income Tax Returns Prepared

•Bookkeeping •Accounting,

Lt. Shirley Lehman, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Frank Lehman, 24 Linwood Ave., North Tonawanda, has been assigned to duty with the US Air Force Hospital at Low-ry AFB, Denver, Colo,

Miss Lehman was commissioned a first lieutenant in the Air Force Nurse Corps in November 1958 and completed four weeks of ori­entation at Gunter AFB, Ala., pri­or to her present assignment. She is a graduate of North Tonawanda High School and received her BS in Nursing from the University of Buffalo School of Nursing.

Recruit John McCully, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. John McCully of 347 Bennett fit., recently was assigned to Compaqy D, Fourth Training Regiment, at Ft. Dix, N.J., where he is receiving eight weeks of basic infantry training in conjunction with the Reserve Forces Act.

John Stephen Dzina, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dzina of 64 King St, recently enlisted for f o u r years in the U.S. Marines, under the "Stashee Program." He left Feb. 17 for Parris Island, S.C., where he is receiving r e c r u i t training.

HOME ON LEAVE: Airman 'David J. Kowsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Kowsky,

;957 Sweeney St., North Tona­wanda, is spending a few days leave at home enroute to his new duty station at Westover Air Force Base, Mass., where he will receive training as a warehouse specialist in a unit of the Strategic Air Command,. Airman Kowsky is a graduate of North Tonawanda H i g h School and entered the A i r Force in November 1958.

759 Pupils on Honor Roll

At Tonawanda Junior High


36 No. Niagara St. Tonawanda

Three area Marines participat­ed in the 18th anniversary celeb­ration of the Second Marine Div­ision at Camp Lejeune, N.C., ear­ly in February. They are:

Richard M: Muller, d e n t a l technician third class, USN, son of Mrs. Eloise Patraluck of 216 Franklin St.; Marine Cpl. David M. Pachla, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pachla of 311 Warner Ave., and Marine S-Sgt. Eugene M. Hy, son of Mrs. Nicholas Hy of Hom­ey er Rd.

Formed in San Diego, Calif.. Feb. 1, 1941, the Division, during the week, held day-long activities highlighted with a full-scale pa­rade and special meals in the mess hall.

LUMBERMAN Put "lazy" space

to good use

Easy - to • work • with wallboard makes remodeling idle areas a snap. Inexpensive too! It's pre-finished in a wide choice of tex­tures and colors. Come in soon and look them over. Free de­livery.

*Th is Week's Specials* l"*tt° I R A Ft. SPRUCE SHELVING J99



. • • .'nUlMJ^a.'hixdudal


mi mm i i i - i i — • • • • • — — • • * . 1 . 1 — 1 1 . • _ ! ! • ! ! — • • — • — — . .



David A. Normandin, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Normandin of 78 Cranbrook Drive, was graduated recently from the Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, 111.

T h e graduation exercises, marking the end of nine weeks of "boot camp," included a full dress parade and review before military officials and civilian dignitaries.

Marine Cpl. George E. Hogan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Hogan of 193 Overbrook Ave., Town ef Tonawanda, participated in two Marine Corps unit anniver­saries at Camp Lejeune, N.C., while serving with the 10th Reg­iment.

On Feb. 2 the regiment joined other units in celebrating the Sec­ond Marine Division's 18th birth­day. On Jan. IS the 10th Regi­ment had observed its 41st birth­day as the oldest artillery unit in the Marine Corps.

The names of 159 Tonawanda Junior High School pupils are listed on the honor roll for the marking period ending Jan. 23, which was released today by Prin­cipal Richard E. Perry.

The seventh grade, with 67 pu­pils on the honor roll, is headed by Frank Kampas with a 98.4 av­erage.

Others on the list include: Susan Bergholtz. Gregory Her-

schell, Diane Meyers, Carolyn Andrews, Terry Burkholder, Mary iRew, Walter Zorkers, and Susan Reisch.

Suzanne Brown, Carol Herman, James Johnson, Orrin Christy, Samuel Enzinna, Carol Becker, Christine Tucker, C a t h e r i n e Holmes, Joyce Konic, Teddy Sny­der, ' Christine Roach, James Rosokoff, Peter Andolina, Daniel Bors, Patricia Christy, Keith Ger-rish, Charles Wolf, John Harte and Karen Seager.

Nancy Cotton, Charles Earnst, Martha Hale, Linda Keem, Philip Moudy, George Harris, Tom Toft, Cina Siddall, Daniel Dahl. Linda Treat, Nancy Bray, Mark Gaeth, Martin Gjonwall and Terry Suter.

Maryalice Bacon, Wendy Jones, George Koch, Christine Korff, Judith Anne Horton, Hilda Martin, Wayne Reilly, Daniel Ostwald, Colin Coshway, Terrie KapJm, Mi­chael Lance, Wendy Schaefer, Pamela Clark and Wayne Maer-ten.

Also, Marilyn Phillips, Billie Lou Saurini, Gene Schmidt, Lynne Stone, Freddie Ortiz, Carol Os-man, Eugene Supparits, Mary Stasia, Cheryl Wells, Thomas Pet­ers and William Goodliff.

The eighth grade, with 55 pu-

Jerome A. Moore, 22, son of Mrs. Mina Moore of 302 Mor­gan St., was assigned to Com­pany Q, Second Training Regi­ment, of the U.S. Army Train ing Center, Ft. Dbt, N.J., for eight weeks of basic training.

A N o r t h Tonawanda High-School graduate, Pvt. Moore at­tended State University of New York College of Forestry before entering the service, and was employed by the U.S. Forest Service, Avery Ranger District, Avery, Ida.

Crackdown Begins

To Pay Off for N.Y. ALBANY ( U P D - A continuing

crackdown on unemployment in­surance law violators produced $5,169,000 in back taxes and pen­alties last year, it was reported Monday.

Stephen Mayo, acting executive director of the State Labor De­partment's division of employ­ment, said 137 firms were fined for consistent failure to submit timely payroll, reports. The fines ranged from $10 to $500.

Daniel E. McOwen, photogra­pher's mate, USN, son of Mr. I and Mrs. Edward P. McO w e n of 570 Creekside Drive, is n o w serving with Light Photographic Squadron 62 at the Naval A i r Station, Cecil Field, Fla.

He was recently transferred to this command from Port Lyautey, Morocco, Africa, where he worked in photography. A graduate of North Tonawanda High School, he was formerly employed by Edward P. McOwen,vRosewood Signs.

Three North Tonawanda Army Reservists recently were assigned to Company H; First T r a i n i n g Regiment, at Ft. Dix, N.J., for eight weeks of infantry b a s i c training under the Reserve Forc­es Act.

They are: Pvt. Richard Werth, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Norman K. Werth of 518 Ward Rd., who formerly at­tended North Tonawanda High School and Canisius College.

Pvt. David Nalepka, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Nalepka, 276 Ward Rd., who formerly attended North Tonawanda High School and Erie County Technical Institute.

Pvt. Jerome Okrzynski, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Okrzynski, 244 12th Ave., who formerly at­tended St. John Kanty Prepara­tory School, Erie Pa., and Brock-port State Teachers College.

Under the RFA program they will serve on active duty for six months and then be transferred to hometown duty with an Army Reserve or National Guard Unit.

MORE THAN EVER you're smart to switch to


50% MS TAX s ^ i VOTED ~ SISE {

KHftfarf tea

With gaa prices up, save still more money every mile you drive. And get more miles per gallon, too, with improved carbiiretion!

• Save hundreds of dol­lars on first cost.

• Save further on up­keep, repairs; get top resale value.

• Get big car room, small car economy.


pils, is headed by Michael Gfroer-er with 99.2.

Others are: Richard Rowley, Rosemarie

Kroll, Donald Wehrung, Timothy Demmin, M a r g a r e t Wasson, Douglas Eadie, Donna Wein, Su­san Ranbuska, Kathlene Slater, Gary Korte and Carolyn Pfanner.

Thomas Dirmyer, Karen Rich­ards, Linda Ellman, Nancy Britt, Carol Peterson, Linda Clontz, Frank Clukey, Ronald Kosko, Richard Carr, Sandy Stegner, Karen Baldwin, James Robinson, Kathleen Schinaman, Br eh da Cole­man, Patricia Por, James Ring-ler and Terrie Lance.

Sandra Neuhaus, Daniel Hub-man, R o b e r t Gibson, Sharon Arenz, John Marquette, Judith Hamann, Terrie Niland, Craig Butler, Larry Mercer, Peter Jo-! seph, Carolyn Litz, Mary Ogren! and Donald Riemer.

Peter Abram, Joseph Armenia, I Gary Bond, Neil Edin, Donna! Terry, Eileen Payne, Richard! Rager, Carol Rick, Patricia Mur- j phy, Leroy Kramer, Ann Perry,! Raymond S m i d e r and Paul! Springer.

Peter Reese, with a 97.2 aver­age tops the 37 pupils on the ninth-grade list.

Others include: Walter Schwinger, Ronald Tra-

ver, Barnard Hewitt, Roger Schultz, James Schwinger, Dan­iel Stevens, Mary Lou McDonald, Sally Roberts, Dick Higgips, Lois Saint and Lee Ann Enzinna.

David Warner, Rose Ann Pace, Sue Gallagher, Carol Pace, Jef­frey Wulf, Jeffrey Hall, Rory Mc­Donald, Diana Pietrowski, Robert Williamson, James Britton and Beverly Bitterman, Judith Bray.

Thomas Bodie, Judy Dreier, Bertha Koster, Rowland Williams, Barbara Inzalaco, Lynn Robins, Mary Garrett, Larry ' Fuller, Jeanne Vogel, Joan Duquay, Cher­yl Knople, Carol Bossuet and Mi­chael Keller.

'War Criminal No. 3' HAVANA (UPI)-Lt. Col. Luis

H. Grao, 'Cuba's "war criminal No. $," fell before the guns of a firing squad in the dry moat of the Cabana Fortress-prison here just before midnight Monday night, it was announced today.

Grao was the last of the three army officers described as Cuba's principal war criminals to face the rifles of "revolutionary jus­tice." Maj. Jesus Sosa Blanco and

Executed in Havana Capt. Pedro Morejon Valdes were executed earlier this year.


Cobb, 51, died Monday of burns suffered when fire, which appar­ently began in an overheated stove, damaged his farm home in this St. Lawrence County commu­nity. The victim lived alone.









Find out right now bow easily you can convert your old furnace to a modern, economical heating plant.




Call on Us for FREE Estimate!


810 MAIN ST., BFLO. Phone WA. 7176 Nights, Sundays, Holidays, Call PA. 0820







To 50c o yard if full bolts . . . WashfastSpring cottons... super-values because the prints are so well-designed. Such variety too, you're bound to see loads you like. 4 $i

yds. I I

$3.49 Chenille



Solid colors — twin and full sizes. Superior value, long last* ing beautiful spreads. Wed., A.M. only! . . -x-x '


SURER WAY: Provide for him by planning your estate with Marine

Even if your sayings, property and insurance policies

are small, don't dismiss Estate Planning as something

for "rich people" only. The manager of your

nearby Marine office, (there are 63 of them, you know)

will gladly tell you how Estate Planning now can provide the security you want for your family in the future.

This service is yours without cost or obligation. Stop in

at the Marine office near you and talk it ove'r.

You're always close to




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