Money The Bunny Money The Bunny Brownie wants a new bike Brownie wants a new bike

TheMoney Bunny - PEM Girl Scout Troop 44727 › uploads › ... · bell. They looked at all kinds of bells – big ones and little ones, some that played songs and some that flashed

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BunnyBrownie wantsa newbike

Brownie wantsa newbike

Brownie Bunny lives on a quiet shady street in a small town in Maine. He goes to Wigglesworth Academy and Freddie Hopwell is his best friend.

Freddy has a shiny new bicycle. It has streamers on the handlebars and a bell he rings when he turns the corner. Brownie has an old bicycle that was his brother’s. It doesn’t shine anymore, and it doesn’t have any streamers or a bell. Brownie has been saving his money to buy a shiny new bike.

Brownie didn’t know how much a new bike would cost, and he wondered if he had enough money in his piggy bank to buy one. He emptied out his piggy bank and counted all the nickels, dimes, quarters, and pennies. He had $25.

One Saturday morning Brownie went shopping with his Father to buy red paint for the front door of their house. Brownie wandered into the toy department to look at bicycles. He saw a shiny new bike with streamers

and a bell. It was perfect! He looked at the price tag and his heart sank. The bike he wanted cost $135. “Oh no,” he thought, “I’ll never be able to save enough money to buy that bike.”

Just then he heard his Father calling him from the paint department.“Where are you?” asked Father.

“Oh, just looking at stuff,” Brownie sighed.

They went home and Father started painting the front door. As Father was painting, Brownie asked why it took so long to save up money. Father chuckled, “Well,

maybe it just seems that way because you’re in a hurry to get what you want.”

“Oh,” Brownie moaned. He thought about how long it would take if he saved his whole allowance each week. Brownie and his brother, Buddy, and his sister, Bonnie, each got a dollar a week allowance. But he wouldn’t have any money to spend on candy, movies, or comic books if he saved it all for the bike.

Father knew that Brownie WANTED a new bike, but there were other things the family NEEDED first, like food, clothing, and a new woodstove for the winter.

Father suggested that Brownie could earn more money by

doing odd jobs and extra chores. “Yes,” Brownie replied, “what a great idea!” It wouldn’t take any

time at all to save up enough money for the bike.

So, he asked his Father if the lawn needed mowing.

But his brother had just cut the grass yesterday.

Then he asked his Mother if she needed help in the garden.

But she had already weeded and watered the garden.

Oh, this was never going to work! Brownie went out into the yard where Father was busy putting away the paint and brushes. “I’ll never be able to earn extra money,” Brownie whined. “There aren’t

any chores left for me to do!” He pouted and kicked a clump of grass across the yard.

Father thought for a moment then suggested Brownie could make his old bike look new by painting it and buying a bell. Brownie thought that sounded like a great idea! Father helped Brownie paint the bike, using the red paint left over from the front door. Brownie was very proud of his shiny red bike. But it still needed some streamers and a bell.

Father and Brownie washed up and sat down for lunch. Mother had made big carrot

sandwiches for them. She had been busy all

morning putting the finishing touches on a new bonnet.

She tried her bonnet on for Father and Brownie. It had flowers all across the front and ribbons of red and orange and yellow streaming down the back.

Of course those ribbons really caught Brownie’s eye. He asked his Mother if she had any ribbon left over, and indeed she did.

She helped Brownie make streamers for his bike. The red and orange and yellow streamers flapped and fluttered when he rode down the block. It was beautiful. Now all he needed was a bell.

Brownie’s Mother took him to the store to shop for a bell. They looked at all kinds of bells – big ones and little ones, some that played songs and some that flashed lights when they rang. Brownie knew just what he wanted –

there on the top shelf – it was big and silver with a

red push-button. His mother reached up and handed the package to

Brownie. He read the label and in the corner the price

was stamped $6.

He was quite proud of himself for being such a clever rabbit. He had a

bike that looked as good as new and all he had spent was $6 for a bell.

At dinner that evening Brownie’s brother, Buddy, said, “Brownie, you’re pretty smart for a little brother. You fixed up the old bike and didn’t even spend a lot of money.” His sister, Bonnie, said, “We should call you Money Bunny instead of Brownie.” They all laughed and from that day on they called him the Money Bunny.

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