GRADES 5-6 | NT | SET 1 | WEEK 1 | LESSON A 1 A What final preparations did God make for the birth of the promised Savior? God prepared Zechariah and Mary by sending the angel Gabriel to announce the miraculous births of John and Jesus. Application: Through his Word, God also prepares us for Jesus’ advent, or coming. Response: We gladly study God’s Word as we eagerly anticipate Jesus’ final coming. Lesson Summary: Zechariah doubted the angel’s message that he and his aged wife would have a son, the Messiah’s forerunner. When the angel Gabriel announced to the virgin Mary that she would have a son, Jesus the Messiah, she believed. When Mary visited Elizabeth, the Holy Spirit revealed Mary’s news to Elizabeth. Matthew 1:21,23 * John 3:16 ** Galatians 4:4,5 * The Second Article of the Apostles’ Creed Hymn 2:1 barren/not able to conceive—unable to have children virgin—a woman who has not had sexual intercourse See Franzmann, Bible History Commentary: New Testament, Volume 1, pages 4-12; The People’s Bible: Prange, Luke, pages 8-13. Heavenly Father, help me prepare for the important task of teaching your children, and prepare their hearts to receive your message with joy. May we grow in the desire to learn your Word and trust your promises. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. Looking Ahead at 1B The Birth of John the Baptist Luke 1:57-80 Aim: What did God teach Zechariah? Truth: God taught Zechariah to trust all his promises, especially his promise to send a Savior. Application: God wants us to trust that he keeps all his promises, especially his promise of salvation through Jesus. Response: We trust all of God’s promises. Lesson Summary: God kept his promise to Zechariah. Elizabeth gave birth to a son. She and Zechariah insisted that he be named John, as the angel had declared. When Zechariah’s speech was restored, he fervently prophesied that John would be the forerunner of the Savior. Memory Treasures: *John 3:16; **Galatians 4:4,5; 1 John 4:10; *The Second Article of the Apostles’ Creed 1 THEME OF THE WEEK: God prepared his people for the Savior’s coming The Births of John and Jesus Announced Luke 1:5-45 © 2013 Northwestern Publishing House. All rights reserved.

THEME OF THE WEEK The Births of John and Jesus A Announced Luke 1… · 2016-09-05 · THEME OF THE WEEK: God prepared his people for the Savior’s coming 1 GRADES 5-6 | NT | SET

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What final preparations did God make forthe birth of the promised Savior?

God prepared Zechariah and Mary bysending the angel Gabriel to announcethe miraculous births of John and Jesus.

Application: Through his Word, God also prepares us for Jesus’advent, or coming.

Response: We gladly study God’s Word as we eagerly anticipateJesus’ final coming.

Lesson Summary: Zechariah doubted the angel’s message that heand his aged wife would have a son, the Messiah’s forerunner.When the angel Gabriel announced to the virgin Mary that shewould have a son, Jesus the Messiah, she believed. When Maryvisited Elizabeth, the Holy Spirit revealed Mary’s news toElizabeth.

Matthew 1:21,23* John 3:16

** Galatians 4:4,5* The Second Article of the

Apostles’ CreedHymn 2:1

barren/not able to conceive—unable tohave children

virgin—a woman who has not had sexualintercourse

See Franzmann, Bible History Commentary:New Testament, Volume 1, pages 4-12; ThePeople’s Bible: Prange, Luke, pages 8-13.

Heavenly Father, help me prepare for theimportant task of teaching your children, andprepare their hearts to receive your messagewith joy. May we grow in the desire to learn

your Word and trust your promises. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Looking Ahead at 1BThe Birth of John the Baptist

Luke 1:57-80

Aim: What did God teach


Truth: God taught Zechariah to

trust all his promises, especially

his promise to send a Savior.

Application: God wants us to

trust that he keeps all his

promises, especially his promise

of salvation through Jesus.

Response: We trust all of God’s


Lesson Summary: God kept his

promise to Zechariah. Elizabeth

gave birth to a son. She and

Zechariah insisted that he be

named John, as the angel had

declared. When Zechariah’s

speech was restored, he fervently

prophesied that John would be

the forerunner of the Savior.

Memory Treasures: *John 3:16;

**Galatians 4:4,5; 1 John 4:10;

*The Second Article of the

Apostles’ Creed

1THEME OF THE WEEK: God prepared his people for the Savior’s coming

The Births of John and JesusAnnounced Luke 1:5-45

© 2013 Northwestern Publishing House. All rights reserved.

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Sing: Sing “Savior of the Nations,Come” (hymn 2:1). In this stanza we sing about our Savior’s advent,or coming.

Pray: Dearest God, we know you made many promises to send theSavior into this world. Open our hearts as we learn more about thefinal preparations you made for your Son to be born. We offer praiseto you, dear Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

You will need a calendar.

How do you prepare for your birthday?

Show the calendar. Tell the students that when you saythe month their birthday is in, they should stand andcheer. As you turn each page of the calendar, call out

the name of that month. When done, ask the students, “What doesyour family do to prepare for your birthday?” [Plan parties, bake a cake,make a special meal, wrap gifts, etc.]

In the Bible God tells us that he made some specialpreparations for the greatest birth-day ever. As we readGod’s Word, we’ll learn the answer to this question:What final preparations did God make for thebirth of the promised Savior?


Sing: Sing “Hark the

Glad Sound! The Savior

Comes” (hymn 12:1,4).

Stanza 1 reminds us

that Jesus is the Savior who was

promised long ago.

Pray: Dear God, as we read your

Word, fill our hearts with eager -

ness to learn more about the

prom ised Savior. Forgive our sins

for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

Ask the students, “If

you were going on an

airplane to visit some

relatives, how would they know

you were coming?” [I would tellthem.] “What are some things

you would tell them about your

arrival?” [Date, time, flight infor -ma tion, length of visit.] “What

might your relatives do to pre -

pare for your arrival?” [Clean thehouse. Prepare a bedroom.Arrange things to do duringyour visit.]

When the promised

Savior was about to

come to earth, God

made important

prepa ra tions. Today we’ll answer

this question: What final prepa -

ra tions did God make for the

birth of the promised Savior?

THEME OF THE WEEK: God prepared his people for the Savior’s coming

Alternate Lesson Plan

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1THEME OF THE WEEK: God prepared his people for the Savior’s coming



ALuke 1:5-25

1. Many couples have children. Why wasthe birth of John especially miraculous?[Elizabeth was barren (unable to have children);Zechariah and Elizabeth both seemed too old tohave a child.]

2. In the three blank faces, draw what you think Zechariah’sexpressions might have been when these things happened. On eachline, write the emotion Zechariah might have felt at that time.

Gabriel appeared to Zechariah.


Zechariah heard that he and Elizabeth would have a baby son.

[Confusion or doubt.]

Zechariah couldn’t speak because he doubted the angel’s message.

[Sadness or perhaps shame.]

3. When the angel announced to Zechariah that he and his wifewould have a son, what other good news did Zechariah hear about hisson? Circle the correct answers.

a. Your son will be a mighty leader in the army.

b. Many people will rejoice because of his birth.

c. He will be great in God’s sight.

d. His family will have a special place in heaven.

e. He will get people ready for the Lord.

[Circle b, c, and e.]

How did God prepare Zechariah for theSavior’s coming?

God promised Zechariah a [son] who would [prepare] thepeople for the coming [Savior].

1. Have the students

answer God’s Word 1,

item 1 aloud.

2. For each of the

three situations in God’s Word 1,

item 2, have the students make

their faces look the way they

think Zechariah’s would have

looked at that point. Have them

explain their answers. Then have

them show on their faces how

they think Elizabeth reacted

when she found out she was

going to have a child. [Happy andfilled with awe because afteryears of being barren, she washaving a baby.]

3. Have the students circle the

three correct answers to God’s

Word 1, item 3. Divide the class

into thirds and assign one group

to each correct answer. Have the

students in each group discuss

and explain to the class why

their statement is true. [b. Peoplewould rejoice because Johnwould bring the message thatthe long-awaited Messiah wascoming. c. He would have thespecial honor of proclaiming avery important message. e. Asthe Savior’s forerunner, Johnwould prepare people for Jesus’coming.]

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1 THEME OF THE WEEK: God prepared his people for the Savior’s coming




Remember theReason

Show pictures of

a Christmas tree,

Christmas presents, Santa Claus,

Christmas foods, and a nativity

scene, as well as a Bible and a

paper with “heaven” written

inside a cloud. Ask which rep -

resent ways the world prepares

to celebrate Christmas. [Probablyall except the Bible and the rep -re sen ta tion of heaven.] Then

have the students choose the

pictures they think would best

help them remember the reason

for celebrating the Savior’s

advent, or coming. [Certainly thenativity scene, the Bible, andthe representation of heavenremind us. If we think of themrightly, the Christmas tree andpresents do also.]

4-6. Tell the stu -

dents that Gabriel’s

announce ment to

Mary was among

the most important news that

has ever been heard. As they

read this section of Scripture,

they are to imagine that they

are news reporters hearing this

as late-breaking news. Have

them write key words that

would help them report the

news to others. Then have them

use their notes to tell the story

to a partner, a small group, or

the class, as if they were

reporting it on the TV news.

AdventGod promised Zechariah a son who

would prepare the people for the coming Savior. The Bible shows thatthe preparation was a preparation of the heart. During the Adventseason, we prepare to celebrate the coming of our Savior.

Write the meaning of the word advent. [“Coming” or “arrival.”]

Circle the statements below that best describe spiritual ways to preparefor the advent of our Savior.

a. We have purchased all our Christmas presents so that we aren’tunder a lot of stress as Christmas approaches.

b. We have all of our decorations up to show others that Christmas is a big deal in our family.

c. We are sorry for our sins.

d. We have planned special activities with family members as anexpression of our love.

e. We look forward to celebrating Jesus’ birth because we know thathe’s our Savior.

f. We set aside extra time for special worship services so that we canhear God’s promises concerning our Savior and the Holy Spirit canwork in our hearts through the Word.

[The best answers are c, e, and f. Allow students to explain other choices.]

Luke 1:26-454. Some time later, the Lord sent Gabriel to

Elizabeth’s relative, Mary, with the news thatshe too would give birth to a son. Gabriel told

her several things about the son who would be born. Read again Luke1:32,35. Pick out at least four words or phrases which show that hewould be the Son of God.

[Son of the Most High/Highest; The Holy Spirit will come upon/on you; Holy(referring to the Son); the Son of God.]

5. Mary asked how this amazing announcement was going to beaccomplished since she had not yet married and entered a sexual unionwith Joseph. What was the answer? [She would not conceive by a humanfather but by the Holy Spirit. Her son would be the Son of God.]

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A6. Why do you think Gabriel told Mary about the fact that Elizabeth

was expecting a baby? [Because Elizabeth was old, God was workingoutside the laws of nature. Gabriel was assuring Mary that nothing isimpossible with God.]

7. Draw a line to connect each person to the correct response.

How did God prepare Mary?

God promised the virgin Mary that shewould give [birth] to the [Savior].

Promises and PreparationGod’s promise to Mary was amazing.

Mary knew she was a sinner who didn’t deserve this privilege. She alsoknew that she was a virgin. Mary’s faith in the promise was a gift ofthe Holy Spirit.

The Bible passages below include three amazing promises Godhas made for us. Fill in the blanks to complete the thoughts of thepromises. Then pair up and discuss with your partner why wemight find it difficult to completely trust in each of these promisesto us.

Romans 8:28—In everything God [works] for our [good].

John 14:1-3—Jesus has prepared a place for us in [heaven]. Somedayhe will return to [take] us to [be] with [him].

1 John 1:7b—The blood of Jesus [purifies/cleanses] us from all of our[sins].

Now circle the reasons it’s important for you to study these promisesand all that God says in his Word.

• God’s Word tells us about Jesus’ second coming on judgment day.

• The Holy Spirit uses God’s Word to strengthen our faith in God’spromises.

• Through God’s Word, the Holy Spirit prepares us for our Savior’ssecond coming.

[All three reasons should be circled.]



was content to do whatever the Lord wanted.

asked how to be sure the angel’smessage would come true.

7. Have the students complete

God’s Word 2, item 7. Discuss

how Mary’s reaction to her news

was different from Zechariah’s

reaction to his. [Although Maryasked for an explanation of howshe would become pregnant,she believed the message andtrusted God. Zechariah,however, doubted the messageand wanted proof.]

Second Advent

Point out that the

Bible gives us ways

that we are to pre -

pare for Jesus’ second coming.

Write the following Scripture

references on the board:

Matthew 28:19,20; Mark 13:33;

John 5:39; and Hebrews 10:25.

Have the students look up the

passages and use them to

complete this sentence: We get

ready for Jesus’ second coming

by . . .


Matthew 28:19,20—going andmaking disciples.

Mark 13:33—being alert.

John 5:39—studying theScriptures.

Hebrews 10:25—meetingtogether (in worship).]

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1 THEME OF THE WEEK: God prepared his people for the Savior’s coming




Send home a copy

of Copy Master 2.

Encourage the

students to do it with

their parents and families.

Ask the students what

they think is the most

important thing a

family does to prepare for

compa ny. [Answers will vary.]Remind them that today we

looked at God’s final prepa ra -

tions for the coming of his Son.

Close by singing “Savior of the

Nations, Come” (hymn 2:1,5) as a

round (two groups). The second

group starts singing when the

first group reaches the third

phrase. Sing the stanzas three


The four weeks before Christmas are calledAdvent. During that time there are many thingsthat draw us away from the real meaning ofChristmas. With your parents, make a list ofChristmas songs that remind us of the realmeaning of Christmas.

Student’s initials: ______ Parent’s initials: ______

Write “Advent” vertically on the board.Ask the students to think of ways toprepare for Jesus’ coming—either his

coming at Christmastime or his second coming. Each suggestionshould begin with one of the letters of Advent. Example:

Ask parents to have family devotions.

Dive into God’s Word!

Value the gift of salvation more than earthly gifts.

End each day with prayer.

Never give up worshiping with other Christians.

Trust in God’s promises.

Pray together: Dear God, thank you for preparing us for your coming bysending the Holy Spirit to give us faith. Strengthen our faith throughyour Word so that we are always prepared for your second advent. Amen.

When usingan objectlesson orvisual aid,alwayspractice it at least oncewell in advance of the class(preferably before the dayof the class). By doing this

• you will be sure youhave everything youneed to carry it out,

• you will feel comfortableusing the object orvisual aid,

• you can make anyadjustments necessaryto make it work, and

• you can decide if it isworth the time to do it.

Aim: What final preparations did God make for the birth of thepromised Savior?

Truth: God prepared Zechariah and Mary by sending the [angelGabriel] to announce the [miraculous] births of [John] and [Jesus].

Application: Through his [Word], God also prepares us forJesus’ [advent], or coming.

Response: We gladly study God’s [Word] as we eagerlyanticipate Jesus’ final coming.

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1THEME OF THE WEEK: God prepared his people for the Savior’s coming


Lesson Activities1. Review

You’ll Never GuessPurpose: Students will review facts of the lesson.

Procedure: Use Copy Master 1 to review thelesson. Have the students complete the e-mails,or cut the worksheet into three parts and havestudents complete it in groups of three. Answerswill vary but should include the important factsof the lesson.

Corrections, Please!Purpose: Students will review the facts of thelesson by identifying sentences as true or falseand by correcting the false statements.

Procedure: Have each student complete CopyMaster 2. Possible answers are as follows:

[1. F sinless, upright/righteous; 2. T; 3. F volunteered,was chosen; 4. F Joel, John; 5. T; 6. T; 7. Fabsolutely, not; 8. T; 9. F was dismayed, rejoiced; 10. F fifth, sixth; 11. F daughter, son; 12. T; 13. FJoseph, the Holy Spirit or God; 14. T; 15. T; 16. F stopped moving, leaped for joy; 17. T.]

Matthew 1:21,23

* John 3:16

**Galatians 4:4,5

* The Second Article of the Apostles’ CreedI believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.

What does this mean?I believe that Jesus Christ, true God, begotten of theFather from eternity, and also true man, born of thevirgin Mary, is my Lord.

He has redeemed me, a lost and condemnedcreature, purchased and won me from all sins, fromdeath, and from the power of the devil, not withgold or silver but with his holy, precious blood andwith his innocent suffering and death.

All this he did that I should be his own, and liveunder him in his kingdom, and serve him ineverlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness,just as he has risen from death and lives and ruleseternally.

This is most certainly true.

Hymn 2:1

For hymn texts, use the hymnal or the electronicmemory treasure files for your grade level.

Memory Treasures ExercisesFor Jesus to be our Savior, he had to leave hisglorious place in heaven and come to this sin-filledworld. In the explanation of the Second Article,underline the words that tell why Jesus did all thisfor us. [“All this he did that I should be his own, and liveunder him in his kingdom, and serve him in everlastingrighteousness, innocence, and blessedness.”]

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A2. Application

Come, Lord JesusPurpose: Through a fun activity, students willanswer the questions. Their answers will helpthem apply the lesson’s truths to their lives.

Procedure: Have the students complete CopyMaster 3 individually or with partners.

[Answers: 1.

2. GOD’S WORD, THE BIBLE; 3. the word Jesus, aheart, and a cross; 4. Jesus loves us and died onthe cross for us; 5. heart, Jesus, Jesus, cross.]

3. Music

Prepare the Royal HighwayPurpose: Students will sing a hymn whichreminds us that Advent is a season of preparationand which encourages us to trust God’s promises.

Procedure: Teach the students to sing “Prepare theRoyal Highway” (Christian Worship: Supplement,hymn 702). Point out the descant for stanza 4and, if possible, play it while the students sing.

4. Art

Advent ParamentsPurpose: Students will make paper paraments thatwill remind them of the true meaning of theAdvent season.

Procedure: Explain that paraments are the clothsthat decorate the pulpit, lectern, and altar inchurch. Then follow these steps:

• Give each student a sheet of blue or purpleconstruction paper or craft foam.

• Ask the students to brainstorm about whatkinds of symbols they could use to remindpeople of the meaning of Advent. Possibilitiesinclude candles, trumpets, scrolls (prophecy),an open Bible, angels, a manger, and the like.

• Have them draw their symbols on anothercolor of construction paper or craft foam, cutthem out, and glue them to the parament.They may also use glitter, foil, string, yarn, orcord for decoration.

• Hang the paraments on wooden dowels orplastic straws, or simply tape them to the frontof the students’ desks.

Option: Ask the pastor or a member of yourchurch’s altar guild to show the church’sparaments. Point out that making and takingcare of church paraments is another wayChristians can serve the Lord.

5. Bible Study

What Puts the Merry in“Merry Christmas”?In the B lesson for this week an optional, age-appropriate, theme-related Bible study is offeredon a copy master. If you do not plan to use itwith the B lesson, you may use it with thislesson. The Bible studies are from the originalChrist-Light (© 1998) and use the 1984 editionof the New International Version Bibletranslation.