THEiuSAN F&ANCIB^ EVENTS IN THE COUNTIES BORDERING ON THE BAY OF SAN FRANCISCO SOCIAL LEADERS TO JUDGE DOLL-SHOW WOMEN STUDENTS AT FESTAL BOARD BATTLES FOR LIFE IN WATERS OF BAY Women Plan a Festival For West Oakland Home Sailor Rescued by Fishermen /After Keeping Himself Afloat /Two Hours !; OAKLAND. Dec. ' 1. After .fighting for his- life for two hours in the cold waters' of 1 the \u25a0 bay, George Oberg.V a sailor, was; rescued 'early this morning by two; fishermen who. heard his cries" of 'distress and pulled him into their boat just -as he was - about to give .up indespalr.- /r : ; :, t^Oberg was .walking along long wharf,' shortly before midnight; on his .way .to his Vshlp,-;.wheri i the . electrlcl lights s that Illuminate the: wharf, went out. Groping along; in; the; darkness > he; stepped 'off into, the ;;water,; striking a pU«i as; he fell: and -.becoming, partly^ dazed. '.';-.". j; ~. Vv He; swam". lnstinctively,, but when; he had .regained 'complete "control , of his senses he found that "the strong tide had ; carried - him far ; f rom *> the wharf. He tried to ; make' his way back, but could ; not do- no,; and finally concen- trated his efforts to keeping afloat; and permitted- the Current, to carry- him along. : ; 'He rcriedfrepeatedlyj'for';: help,', but none -camey until- the,: fishermen,: who were ; just -going x to work, heard \u25a0 him. They. * took -h im back "to Oakland and summoned^ the police, iwho "took . Oberg to the. receiving. hospital. He was still suffering' from exhaustion. Pneumo- nia may set In. '\u25a0\u0084:\u25a0 -s' PRIZES TO PAY FOR CITY HALL DESIGNS CLUB TO PUT BELL ON EL CAMINO REAL Patient Sues for Damages, AY leging Fall Due to Careless » > ness at Sanatorium f, OAKLAND. Dec I.—Suit to r*eove| $71,000 damages for Injuries allegnd U have been sustained -by falling from the second story of, the Livermore-sana. toflum was- brought^today by A. Arman of Los Angeles against Dr. Job a W. Robertson,- proprietor of the lnstfr tutlon.. De Ar.nan «ay» that he hat been made 'a, cripple 'for life becaus* of his fall, for which he blames Doctoi Robertson. ' \ . According to the complaint :flJed"t<»« day,~De Arman was an Inmate of th« sanatorium June 1$ of this. year, whea he sustained his Injuries. He aros« at night, he says, and walked about In. the, dark. - A door- bad : been ltfl open and he dropped ~16 feet to tht cement pavement below. .' - His right arm was broken in four places. saya both wrists were, sprained. " his . spinal column injured, and he suffered Jnter« nal paralysis, which has proved to permanent. - - « - - - . De Arman says that he has expended $1,000 for medical services and assert* that $70,000 will not compensate hint for his crippled condition. I .V*ay > the management of the sanatorium it responsible for leaving the door open in the dark. DEMANDS $70,000 BALM FOR INJURIES EXPERT IN WRITING FLAYED BY LAWYER . BERKELET. Dec. L—With his young wife, whom he married October 14 In Seattle, as his constant 'companion^ Franklin EarL Rlcketts, said by ; Chief of ' Police Vollmer to "have passed a dozen checks of- a bogus, nature In^the bay cities within the last month.' is held at the^pollce station, where he is booked on a charge of . forgery. . Eick- etss, who Is ; alleged to have an alias In/the ; name of L. . M. "\u25a0• Reynolds, Is not yet 2S years old: He protests his innocence, although Vollmer . declared that .he admits passing a check on his landlady. Mrs. O. L. Zuber of 1339 Stannage street, where he lived in this city, to cover, a deficit in house rent."\u25a0••„-. Ricketts was brought. up from Pasa« dena, where he was found -bj\the Pasa- dena and ~ Los Angeles police after, a hard; Chase. He was detected leaving a hotel 'and, only" a' fusillade /of bullets after a chase of several blocks brought him:to a . halt.i :-i .^ ' - '; - -Rlcketts '•Is accused by yVollmer of having, swindled the following mer- chants:- C.B. Radston, %\1; Herbert Jones, $10, and X:Hiltunen. $12. When arrested *he had '} oh ; his person two checks signed In- his own name to'or- ders. of ; $2,000; and 12,500,' which the police * said ; he endeavored to pass here. RickettsHveda short" time in Colorado Springs, according, to- Vollmer. .after leaving, his home; ln Decatur.lH. -'He alsoillved for; &->time in Portland and Seattle. ;, Berkeley Merchants Accuse iVoung Man <of Passing a Dozen Worthless Checks BENEDICK CHARGED WITH FORGERIES Body Exhumed by the Excited Residents of Tilla'mobkV . TILLAMOOK, Ore., Dec. I.—An Im- pression that Mrs. L. A. Holdredg*. one of the victims of the wreck of tha steamer Argo, was buried allv<» gained such" strong foothold. after tba funeral ceremony Tuesday that. 200 residents of the city went to the cem- etery three miles out of town at mid- night and the body. An ex- amination by physicians showed that the woman was dead b«fore *he wa« buried. The idea that the woman was still alive seems to have arisen from the fact that her face was highly, colored and her body and limbs re« laxed at the time bnrial was mid*. Women of Alia. Mira.Will Mark Old San Lorenzo and Hayward Roads Oakland; d*c. i.--Th« "am ej Camino real bell to be placetJla posi- tion along the historic King's high* way. that was trod by the missionary padres In. what is now Alameda county, will be located at*the Junction. of the old San Lorenzo road with th« Hay- ward road and will be put there by the Alta Mlra club of San Leandro. The organization is the youngest in the California Federation of Women's Clubs and the bell in the gift of Mrs. A. A. Goddard.bead of the department of California history and landmarks in the federation. The placing of th« bell and the exercises In connection therewith will take place before th« Christmas holidays. The Hay ward road is a part of El Camino real and was used by th* padres in traveling from the Mission San Jose to the Mission de.jSolano. WOMAN HAD NOT BEEN BURIED ALIVE * : : \u25a0 : ; : ; . * i Three of the organizers of the annual doll- show for the West Oakland home to be held at Ebell club. : " •> \u25a0 : \u25a0 -7- ~ ; * Freshmen Members of Greek Letter Societies Serve Upper Class Pry tanean Quests BERKELEY, Dec. I.— lt fell to the lot !of .the .freshman ;girls of > the 11 soror- \u25a0 itles ;of /the university to act as i wait- resses tonight for 'the members of; the Prytanean; honor society which held Its annual/'initiatloni In/the house'^ofs, the Kappa; Kappa Gamma sorority. ./; Clad : ln pretty aprons and with a bow. daintily "arranged in their! co!ffure»,"; the/student waltressescarried out; their part ;of the program"' most •\u25a0efficiently; . : ; //" * - . There' wa s; the faintest suggestion of :a rebellion when ,the upper class women 'announced jto' their * freshmen I members \u25a0that. part of the burden of being;fresh- men 'wastwaitlng: on' ; .the tabl6 T'a'f the annual initiation ceremonies of, the Pry - Ctanean upper class :honor society/;/ Su- periority of numbers cornvinced[theil9l3 ; women that an open revolt against' the orders > of * the 'seniors- and /Juniors, was : not ; safe nor, profitable, so ; they/donned their, attractive- attire and^served the members . of the society gathered' in celebration. ; ; .'Among -'-the: -freshmen women-who waited on the" tables tonight were: Miss. Helen Ayre, .Miss- Dorothy s Pillsbury, 4 Miss ; Edith: Cook, Miss Florence, McCoy, Miss/Margaret Locan, Miss .Gertrude Menihen,' Miss- Dorothy/ Peterson,- Miss Itnth' Holder anrt Qthers.'^|)3^ffl^g»ffllWlßl The banquet of the Prytaneans was the occasion for the initiation:of Misses Ether Jordan, Agnes Ehrenberg, Grace Morin,' Irene Coffin,- Louise Howard, Ed- na Higgins and Rose Gardner.' All. the neophytes are prominent, in \u25a0 college ac- tlvities.*.especiaHy;,!n; literary/ and ; dra- matic circles on/ the 'campus. .Among the members of the honor^ so- ciety/who, took part in the. banquet and initiation were: '.-",/- «'\u25a0 Inns Broml't ' |Kdith Car'ew \faude -. Cl^Tfland •• jnorothv Do.tl»> - Flor«nre Gnddnrd Ro*« -\u25a0 Schmidt j. \u25a0• Paulina r.aldwin " . ChrlKttan Kryst»* Maja-McCabe Violet OWotnan t .' ' - Mary Pbilllps.'- Esther Phillips - Mill* Sherman . Martha Chlck»rloj I>uct HarrtsoD B^rnice -K^lley. Msrc»r»t Hizar - Bes»I«» Gcodwla . H»1»b;HI!1•\u25a0•"\u25a0\u25a0•" ' .\u25a0-\u25a0"\u25a0 Marjru»rite Ogdea " Ha«l Hotchkiss ' ' *\u25a0 - . ' : -. ." , v. '. --aT-:«" ; "-*'*' : - " "' "The "sophomore ; class .of "the univer- sity Is preparing for ; the annual hop, the formai<lance: which: will begiven In Harmon gymnasium February .4 .of next year. These committees have been appointed to make*' suitable ; arrange-* ments. I * ;'• . G^Dcral '.' rhairtnsn— M.iA. Cartwright. ArraoßPtnpßtii committee:. -- E. M. Einstein, chair- J. .It. Qtitnn ••. - man ;. \u25a0•; - . R. C; Ingram : . , •" Florenc«» Pot]i» -\u25a0 I C. TT. .; Erans " Alice. HleFtan-I E. M. Vail Elsa SchilllDit . - /.R. -U ' Shnrtleff . - Anna . Uehenthal ' '- C. \ Phleg^r - Marion Gay , .. \u25a0 JS. -E. Meserre Irene 'O'Connor \u25a0• ; | > ,- v \u25a0.-•.-\u25a0-, .- : Reception com.mJttee«-- i .-:'j--'. E. ; Warren, chalrmati M.' H:^Harrit Fern . Andnin ' A. W. Elliott . Elaine >Standish . S. de la Caesta Buth Shr^TP It.- S. Correy F.thel Pierce - . H. S. -Chase Mildred Porter J. B. Black Hel»n RnnyaD y"V R. H. Clark . -Flooi: manager— H.H.'Phleper. - - ... - . -•\u25a0 . : A conference between S. E. Busser, superintendent of: the^ Santa' Fe. rail- road, •' and ' li. H. . Hibbard, , manager of the i mandolin^, club, \ has; resulted a tentative agreement - that i the ? glee : and mandolin ; clubs ; of the - students ; of ; the university will make a.trip "4o* Chicago and return at; th~e r end of /the .college year In May. The trip wllUbe the sec- ond annual one'of the 'clobs.^the; first taken last year being greatly enjoyed." The students of the clubs look forward with anticipation to the trip next sura- mer. /\u25a0 ; \u25a0\u25a0• ': \u25a0\u25a0; "-\u25a0 \u25a0 /' -'-' \u25a0 '-' -.- :.. *V ' * \u25a0 "' /rhe'.mining: association; of the stu- dentsi;hasielected,the<following officers: President,' ?F/ North; 'vice. 'president/ George Dillingham; corresponding.sec- retary, Irving Augur; recording secre- tary, F. Hammerley; treasurer,>Willlam de Berrj" librarian, E. Lepper; sergeant at. arms, R. Drake; yell leader,, C. A. Rodgerdts. "'•' ' . 'V : . -'. The new ; officers of : the' agricultural club are: President,- A. R/Tylor; vice president, R/H." Taylor ;' treasurer, F.C. Clarke; secretary, -N. M. Stover; ser- geant at arms.^EAD.; Woodward. ".*- : Oakland Board of Works Ar- ranges to Hold Contest for Architects OAKLAND, Dec. I.—The board l/of public works will begin an architects' competition for plans for. the 'hew'mu- nicipal buildings on the city thali site as soon as the bonds for the improve- ment are sold. A conference, was. held this* morning by the members of the board with delegates from the local chapter of the American institute .of architects, under whose rules the-con- test will be conducted. / The architects present were George B. McDougall, . Manker O'Brien and William Moore. They explained- the method of"conducting the competition and on their advice the board will pro- ceed. '...... . First an advisory architect will be appointed. He probably will be a Pa- cific, coast architect: and. he will prepare guide drawings ' showing the shape; of the city hall; property, : .the* plan Con which "Washington street is to be ex- tended to \u25a0 San Pablo/ avenue,' and .the. number 0f ... offices, required' in the ad- ministrative buildings. . •' ' ]\u25a0. As complete a description"; as can be prepared " will be included in the - call for plans. The board figured *:., that 60 days would be required for the. archi- tects to make their drawings and-de- signs. After thje winner of the con- test.has been named 60 days .''more- will be needed for;, completion of the de- tails. AX least , 30; days must be al- lowed for unavoidable, delays/ and ;30 days for the legal advertising for; bids on the structures. This j will: defers the time of laying, the cornerstone of ; the new. city, hall until next July. Mayor Mott suggested July 4 as the most suitable date. r^^^^^^^^^BS^S&Si .The architects suggested that, six prizes should -be oftered so' that the competition would bring out many plans. The . amount - "of the first j prize is to be fixed-.by", the board. The others will be '•'\u25a0 Second prize, J3.000; third, $2,500; fourth, |2,000; fifth, 11,500; sixth, $1,000.-7 - v The amount-of the bonds 'voted will cover this expense and provide /the $1,000,000 . needed for erecting the city hail. ' , /.-;;;,r \u25a0;>'...;>' ;•\u25a0" ,-\u25a0... :-•;-•'. \u25a0 - - [Special Dispatch to The Call] SANTA i ROSA. Dec. . 1. Samuel Mor« rison; one of the oldest and most r«- spected citizens of Santa Rosa. celf» brated - his ninety-third . birthday annU Bversary8 versary here today. ; Usually he ha * nude much >{ the anniversary, bm owing to a recent Illness the calls and friendly greetings of old time friends had to be omitted. He. iv remarkably well preserved; for one of hU age. OBSERVES NINETY-f HIRD s ANNIVERSARY OF BIRTH . OAKLAND, Dec. 1. The marriage of Ernest . yon Lobe'n Sels and^Miss" Elea-' nor Slate- was solemnized- this evening at a beautifully appointed.- service at th« Slate .residence "in only the members of tth'e families and the closest ' friends witnessing -.the cere- mony, which 'w*s read by Rev. Charles R. Brown, pastor, of-the First Congrega- tional church of Oakland!- The bride .chose lier sister. Miss /Margeryj Slate, and Uhe sister of the bridegroom. Mis* .Virginia von -Loben Sels. as ;.ber.' enly attendants. James ron" Loben" Sels as- sisted his' brother as best; man.- ' After an .Informal reception and supper Mr. and. ; Mrs. .yon *- Loben \u25a0 Sels left on a brief planning to return .to the hay cities for the, marriage of James i von Loben , Sels and Miss ' Edith Page - the coming Wednesday^ . They will /establish their new * home in the college .town. ..-;/ . . -.The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. yon, Loben . Sels. and the grandson -of Mr. and Mrs^ James de Fremery. ; For, many year* -the family has been promlnently/identlfled. with affairs on the coast; The bridegroom's father was" the representative of the Holland" government ; In San Francisco, holding, a. high place_ in consular cir- cles.. The" bride Is "the daughter of Prof.- Frederick -Slate of the^depart- raent of physics of the University of California. She Is' a charming and gifted r girl and well liked by the younger set of the college town. After graduating from Miss Head's seminary she spent two years in' travel and study abroad. Upon her return to California she;resumed her course In the univer- sity, giving it. up to become the bride of< the successful young businessman- She is a member of the Alpha Theta fraternity. " ' " •' '• . , Mr;. Harry Smith has asked friends, who are "meeting together frequently during the winter for. a game-of cards, to be ; her guests the evening lof Fri- day,* December 10, when she will enter- tain informally at bridge, followed by supper. ••. Mrs. Frank Proctor, who Is. spending the winter in California with" "her mother, Mrs. C. F. MacDermot, Is not entertaining today, as had been an- nounced. « This afternoon Mrs. B. F. Lewis pre- sided: a*, hostess over a prettily ar- ranged thimble bee. entertaining a dozen .or more friends informally at her East Oakland, home. - \u25a0 - - \u25a0* Mr. and Mrs. "XVhlpple Hall are In southern- California, where they will remain during the winter. They hay* leased a home, closing "their Oakland resWence for- thej season. Miss Jane Crellin is spending the early Decem- ber as the house guest of her sister. •_-.-\u25a0\u25a0• The marriage .'-of Harry Newton of San Francisco "and Miss May Burck- halter. Ithe daughter of Prof. "Charles Burckhalter, " will .be solemnized at a prettily '* planned " house wedding "VVednesday ' evening^ of the "comlnc week. In the bridal party will be Miss Vena Brown, the maid of. honor, and Miss Edith Lancaster, the bridesmaid. Francis -Newton and Kenneth t Newton will ' /serve* as ribbon ' bearers. The bridegroom, will be assisted .by his brother, Edwln^ Newton. ..-•-.•\u25a0\u25a0 •\u25a0 ' . A prettily appointed shower was given last evening at the home' of Miss Georgeina C. Taft of East Oakland in honor of Miss Helen Merriam. a former Oakland girl, now a resident of Hick- man, Cal. The shower took the form of a dinner party... Miss Taft's mother I and 'sister were \u25a0at home, .and at the close tof the /evening the. engagement of the hostess to Wayne Matthews, an accountant of Oakland, was announced. The engaged pair are graduates of the Polytechnic high school of Oakland. Miss"" Taft of June JOB and Matthews June : '03. ,\.'[ \u25a0 The^ color scheme of- the party" was pink ; and green, the decorations being InJ pink .carnations, chrj'santhemums aridj; ferns. The guest 'of honor was gowned "In green, while : the hostess wore pink. Rpßi - Miss; Merriam is to become the. bride of Paul W. Doty, of Turlock In the early; part of 'January. The guests were : . MI«» H«l«o Merrlam I.MUs Hazel' MU>r Mi»» Gladys Bansett MI»« Miriam Sapiro Mi*s Ell* Hoksd Mist, Etta Trttrrhoff . Miss Hrlen AfaddriU Ml«» GluSys Webster Miss Anil* F.stcrbrook Mlm Aaita S«benek ' Miss Dora Oalirtdo- Mrs. C. S. BaraMt Miss Cora \u25a0 Clayton Mrs. D.\ H."Barnett tSBafiSM^aES "•* " * * ' W. M. DuVal. and family'have taken possession of their new home In Lenox street, Adams point. "-y- Pretty Ceremony .'Marks Nuptials of Miss Eleanor Slate and Ernest vonvLoben-iSels BECOMES BRIDE AT HOME OF PARENTS OAKLAND, Dec, 1. Insults were heaped upon Carl Eisenschimel, hand- writing expert, today by Attorney A. L. Frlck in the course of his argu- ment to save from conviction on a charge of felony embezzlement John S. de Lancey, former attorney, for George Gray, who was public adminis- trator of Alameda county until re- cently. "A, willful, malicious and devilish perjurer"; "a contemptible cur, lower than the lowest dog that sneaks on the streets"; "a professional witness who testifies for hire," were some of the phrases used by Frlck in referring to Eisenschimel. "Bearing in mind the story of Ananias," he -shouted to the Jury, "i<; is a good thing for.Elsen- schimel that the days of miracles have passed.** . TESTIMONY ABOUT AVRITIXG That Eisenschimel's testimony was regarded as vital in the trial -of De Lancey was clearly shown by this at- tack on his character, which- took up a great part of Frick's time today. The handwriting expert said, when on the witness, stand, that writing that could be seen,, though erased, in. the accounts of the estate of George Hite Cook, .which. De' Lancey is accused of looting of $10,000, '-was the handwrit- ing of the' defendant... . .-. Eisenschimel testified also that/the Indorsement on a certificate of deposit for $10,000, which was put into De Lancey's private ' bank account, was made at the same time as other in- dorsements on the certificate,- also made by De Lancry. -.The prosecution has relied much on this testimony/ as tending to disprove the theory of the defense that De Lancey had merely failed to account for money that came in his hands, intending all along to do so later. JUROR IX POOR HEALTH Assistant District Attorney Hynes clo?ed his argument to the, jury today, after which Frick began for the ; de- fense. He was still ; talking -/this afternoon, when an early- adjournment was taken to accommodate Juror Jef- ferson Gillam,.who is in a feeble con- dition.; Gillam is conveyed to and f*om. the courthouse to his home in a closed carriage by order of ; Judge Brown. Attorney M. C. Chapman will follow Frick for the defense. District Attorney Donahue' will make the clos- ing argument. - It is -expected that arguments in the case will be ended tomorrow after- noon. Judge Brown has expressed a disinclination to lock up the Jury over night because of the condition of Gll- lam, and It- is probable that the read- ing of instructions will be delayed until Friday. morning. De Lancey's Defender Attacks Carl Eisenschimel and Calls His Testimony Perjury CHURCH BAZAAR WILL /BE OPENED TOMORROW All Saints Guild of Palo Alto Arranges Affair - [Special Dispatch lo The Call] PALO ALTO, Dec. I.— All Saint's guild of the Episcopal church will hold its annual ; bazaar: at ?Ramoria% hall :to- morrow/afternoon: and 'evening. : - ; Mrs:| H. j ß/Post^- manager/ of the,af- fair, 1 has announced that' the^doors. will open at i 2 :3o o'clock^'Admilsloh' will , be free. ".The .various ;: booths,/ with com- mittees : ; in t charge. ; will . be ' as follows: .Fancy work,; Mrj, 1 . Lloyd Place and committee: plain work. ; Mrs. H. - B. Post and committee; delicatessen," Mrs. Per- cy.-Keatlnge and committee; . dolls, Mrs. Buff urn and committee;- candy, St. Ag- nes \u25a0 guild ; \u25a0 archery : tree \u25a0 prizes/ Mrs. v. Harrier; v, fish : pond, , Castilleja k school; refreshments. Mrs.^Harker, -and the Mis>"se» i Harker. •- > . \u25a0 " * / ' Henry/* Post" will preside- over the archery tree and Mrs. Sidney Holman and Mrs.~: Robert iThompson'* wili:alter- nate *as [ cashiers /for/ same. , \u25a0\u25a0-iThe.doll house" will be 'shown off Mrs ' S. VW.' ; Ch arles, : Mrs/ C." E. 1' Hod ges, M Js& f G Daisy -^Allcott ', and - Mrs. Handy. Mrs.C. B.' Wing^will have'eharge of the decoration's.^ Mrs. B.n G.\ Allen is the general cashier and treasurer.- : BRUTAL ASSAULT ON LODGING HOUSE LANDLADY Aged ;Wonian; : in? Critical: Cbndi- tiori From Cruel Beating ' OAKLAND, Dec/l.— Mrs' Sadie Diggs, the"middle agedikeeper Jof , a' lodging house: at. 1607 H > Fifth :\u25a0 street, is in; a criticar' condition- at. -.her: :hon»>( as : a result of: a brutal attack said to/ have been .made.' by- Arthur. A. v ; Jones, : a young lodger, Tvho became enraged -when 'she demanded his room "rent - or- his ' re- moval. /~~ \u25a0":':":"-"; \u25a0 :' The 'tale tol d to ; t h e , pol ice by '-i. the' neighbors is that they, heard Mrs." Diggs scream / for: aid.. /70 Several .personß I ran to the . room;- and ~$ found^the\- landlady prostrate, she having been struck down : by^the frate'roomer and kicked.'-" 1 ; Dr. 'W. W. Kergan was* called. He percelvedi that .his patient /was" badly | injured," and,might,have;to:undergo;an / operation.'; He - attended ' to ; Mrs; ]Di ggs i and v linmediately/ reported % the/occur- rence .to the police, /who arrested Jones at ; 1 /o'clock . this i morning. .The * pris- oner is held in detinue, and: denies the charges. '\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0.--. :../: :'.' - --\ SUES UNITED RAILROADS FOR $10,000 DAMAGES \u25a0The trial of. an action In which War-. r#n. Smith, through A. .J. Smith. hl3 guardian * and father, is . suing . th« United Railroads for $10,000 " damages for/ personal injuries, 'was begun be- fore a Jury in Judge Murasky's court yesterday. The boy, then 13 years old. December 9," lSo«.aHghte<l from a. car In Sixteenth street and started to cross the', street when- ; he \ was struck *by another car. running in the opposite di- rection. His fskull was fractured and It Is claimed he will b#' an invalid for. the remainder of his life. Alameda County Grand Jury to Investigate Them Today OAKLAND,Dec. I.— The grand jury will : take up, tomorrow, the alleged'nui- sance conducted; by the? Oakland? meat company at the stockyards. C in- vestigation comes as the result of con- tinued \u25a0 complaints of . residents /of the vicini ty \u25a0 of the , stockyards, . who say that : offensive, ttnd unbearable; odors are emitted. from therabbatolrs^and that their continuance is dangerous WJ public health. . ' ' ',-', The ; of/ the company; have been, subpenaed ; to appear^ before the grand jury, as'well as several residents of the . neighborhood; ;- ; \u25a0/.:\u25a0. :Among,v the. latter/are "W.'/J., Miles, president •\u25a0 of ./the , South/ Berkeley * lm-^ provement ; ;club,' and /George '*< Eubanks, who has: made a study: of;conditlons"at the /slaughter houses ; for the last i t our years.- TO HEAR COMPLAINTS AGAINST STOCKYARDS DISCUSS ADOPTION JOF PURE FOOD LAW Berkeley Board of Health Is in Favor -of Inspection ; BERKELEY,; Dec. : ]I.— Pure food - arid milk Jlaws patterned after, those ; of San Francisco and Oakland may be adopted here If the discussions of the board of health at its meeting today are carried to .-•\u25a0 a /successful^termination;: V; Plans will made once J toward the j proposed 'ordinances \ f or] pure \ milk and food. 'j:During;the absence of PresU dent George Relnhardt.Dr.iClark-Burn- ham;will:occupy;the;chair. , % Woman Tears. Up Divorce Com- plaint to Reward Spouse . SAN . BERNARDINO, Dec. ; I.— Her husband's heroism in saving their baby- from , death . under' the 'wheels of a speeding automobile caused Mrs. ."Walter;. Preston to change her - v mind about. seeking a separation just a few moments » before " she .was I to,. have ap- peared. In Uhe ; divorce r court : andUoday .the? couple: are .together again. ' x. Mrs.' .v Preston 7 was •onr her way 1- to courts when; the*: child .darted in- the patrTof an onrushlng motor-car. The mother's *; screams - attracted Preston. 1 ,whoj ; dashed" in . v front; of the L machine, seized ;* the " little . girl: and 'leaped to safetyi as l the -\u25a0 automobile : shot ; by. Explanations w .were ~> soon made '•' and the I two made, their way, 1 to, the/ attor- ney's lofflce,. where 'Mrs. Preston ":tore upthe divorce complaint. HUSBAND'S HEROISM WINS - B ACK WI FE'S AFFECTION Resigned Secretary of Chamber of Commerce Returns : . OAKLAND, Dec. I.— Edwin. Steams, who tendered his resignation : , as sec- retary of the chamber.' of commerce, slx'.weeks ago, returned to? this city .today from Howard 7 Springs, where ; he and' Mrs. Steams have been spending a vacation. : Steams' resignation was only con- ditionally accepted ,by the directors of the chamber : of, commerce, who ; pre : vailed upon" him to: accept* a'; vacation until',the first of 'the year before [mak-* ing his "determination to resignj final. Steams ' will j temporarily resume his former duties as ;secretary,' but,he;re- fused to say ;* whether he would re- consider his resignation. STEARNS RESUMES HIS OLD JOB TEMPORARILY Many . -Property Owners^ Pay Both Installments at Once T :»,OAKLAND, ""• Dec. I.— According- \u25a0to County. Tax f Collector : Barber, nan r expectedly,! large numberJof^ tax {payers ha ye "i preferred ;.' to I pay ; their ] state i and county. vj taxes "rWhent the ;• first : install^ m*ht 1 became I due, * instead;; of '.waiting several months for. the; second.- J. The 1 re- sult] has i been* that 1 a* much T greater fsum of ,money, will *be. turned 'oyer^tolCounty Treasurer ;' Kelly,' than ; was ~- expected. Barber ,'now; has ; onl hand \ about i $1,200,- 000 to^turn over, to' the; treasurer,, which/ with 5 the & $590,000 ;l he- gaye »' him ; three weeks \u25a0. ago, -" makes a. total- of 'about $l,800,000;for the^ year. \u25a0;'\u25a0. \u0084 TAX PAYERS PROVE i^TO BE UNUSUALLY PROMPT Members of Claremont Parish Arrange for Christmas Sale BERKELEY. Dec I.— St. Clement's chapel of Claremont will hold a Christ- mas fair Friday at St. Mark's parish house in Bancroft way. A variety of articles will be on sale. The tables will be in charge of the following members of the parish: Art, Mrs. E. C Holmes; handkerchiefs, Mrs. J. T. Burke; home cooking, Mrs. Wil- ber Swett; aprons, Mrs. C. W. Randall; dolls, Mrs. R. L. Ulsh; refreshments, Mrs. James Meyers; candy, Mrs. George Jackson; stationery, Mrs. Leonard Van Mehr; fancy work, Mrs. Harmon. BAZAAR TO BE HELD IN CHURCH PARLORS Women of Fitchburg Congrega- tion Plan Vending Bee OAKLAND, Dec. 1. The annual ba- zaar given by the women of the Fitch- burg Congregational- church will be held in the church parlors at Rudsdaje and Berry streets, Fitchburg, afternoon and evening, December 3 "and 4. There will be a number of- attractive booths where fancy work, plain sewing,^re- freshments and food .will be offered for sale. The Lock wood school band will give concerts each day. The'-proceeds will be turned into a fund for the benefit of the. church. WILL HOLD FAIR FOR ST. CLEMENT'S Former Union Secretary Applies for Writ of Prohibition OAKLAND, Dec. 1. A writ of prohi- bition, forbidding Police Judges Smith and Samuels to proceed with the trial of R. P. Poorman, former secretary of the painters', pap*»r hangers* and deco- rators* union, was obtained today from Judge Murphey b%- Poorman's attorney, Harry Pulcifer. Poorman's trial on a charge of em- bezzling money from the union was set for tomorrow morning, before Police Judge Samuels. Poorman alleges that he is the vic- tim of persecution on the part of the surety company which acted as his bondsman. He refused to plead when he was arraigned in the police court, contending that the, complaint against him was defective. Judge Murphey made the writ return- able December. 10, at which time he will hear arguments. SEEKS TO RESTRAIN POLICE COURT JUDGES Herr Arnold yon der Aue to Ap- pear in Greek Theater BERKELEY. Dec. 1. Herr Arnold yon der Aue, soloist for the Golden Gate park bank In its series in the Greek theater last summer, and former tenor of the Savage opera company, will tender the half hour of music in the Greek theater next Sunday after- noon at 4 o'clock. The program for the recitation fol- lows: Sohcbffrfs "Der Err Koenig" and "L'nseduld": WacriT'a "Traume." a etudr to "Tribtan and Isolde"; Richard Straats' "Htlmliche .Auffor- Aennr"; Brahnw* "Mem* Is'.r*- Ist Gnxen"; DTorak's *obr, "My Mother ' Tattfht Me," and GvaooA't "An Prtnufiispe." ' Herr yon der Aue' ls fortunate In hav- ing secured Frederic Maurer as his ac- companist, and the', combination of th^se two artists will give those pres- ent Sunday a rare treat. In case of in- clement weather the recital will be postponed until the spring term. HALF HOUR OF MUSIC TO BE RENDERED BY SINGER Annual Festival for West Oak- land Home to Open at Ebell'Club House OAKLAND. Dec 1. Four hundred of the most beautiful dolls in Oakland will open their three day reception to- morrow afternoon in Ebcll club house. The occasion is the annualdoll show, which is given under the direction of the women of the West Oakland home and for the benefit of the larpe insti- tution in Campbell street, which, for a pcore or more of years, lias proved its efficiency and helpfulness. The clubrooms have been decorated n-ith greens and scarlet flowers. The dolls which have been awarded the coveted ribbon of honor for their ex- quisite wardrobes will be displayed in the center of the spaciou.% ballroom. These dolls will be judged by Mrs. F. M. Smith, Mrs. Mark Requa and Miss Eva Powell tomorrow morning. 7ln chargre of the concession will be Mrs. Herbert Lang, the chairman, assisted by: Mr?. J. H. MatliPws Mrs. Rotwrt Bala Mrs. W. D. Huntington'Mrs. W. S. Rhmn Mrs. Oscar Lcning iMrs. Harry Ka« Mrs. R. C. Craft ! Mrs. A. P. Holland Mrs. E. U Miller '< Mrs. J. J. Hxnin:i Mies Berne Wood j Mi>. Alex S. Hutc'jin- Mrs. <". C. Oumtnps ' son Mrs. U. W. Brian> ! Mrn. H. P. Rowe Mrs. F. M. Humphrey (Mrs. C. J. Loo* Grouped about the prize doll table will be a number of booths, where all sorts of useful and attractive holiday gifts will be offered for sale. Those who love to take chances will be given an opportunity to \u25a0win the handsome donations of the Oakland merchants. A cozy corner, where ligrht refresh- ments will be served, will prove a pop- ular feature of the affair. , On the opening afternoon a score of littl* tots will present a series of liv- ing pictures, illustrating the Mother Goose rhymes. In the evening the colonial wedding with Florence Laufer as the bride and Walter Plunkett as the bridegroom, will be an interesting numbfr. In the bridal party will be Kloise Laufer and Gertrude Rutley as bridesmaids. Jane Colilck as flower girl, Russell Little, as ring bearer, Wilbur Fortin as clergyman and Theodore Hil^ i born as best man. A number of other tableaux will be given by the children. Among those active In the success of the fete are Mrs. L. N. Snyder. Mrs. W. A. Hershiser and Mrs. Edward Hushes, j Draws Checks for, Depositors of Union National OAKLAND, Dec- l.—^-A .dividend of 25 per cent; has;. been declared, -upon: the stock ~ of s t he defunct }. Union 'j national bank byjßeceiver jMorris. , *- :J Before the > dividends '• can •- be>. con- verted into rash iby. the 3,000 ,or, 4.000 stock holders' the ' Checks'; made -out to each must be jindorsed^by.'.theVcornp-; troller'of i the (currency* at .; Morris "forwarded 'the I checks \l to Uhe comptroller;last ;Friday> and *as jsoon ; as they,; are* returned he^wlll" turn* them over ' to" the- stbcl»iholders. ; The ; checks may,-, be % cashed , at , the J United - States depository; '\u25a0\u25a0? either ' iin ~ Oakland "*b"r in San: Francisco.'V •• v . , . RECEIVER OF DEFUNCT^ BANK PAYS^DIVIDEND CASHIER LEAVES BANK FOR PRACTICE OF LAW 'BERKELEY, Dec^ I— Earll H. 'Webb. jWho « six r.months-agor: obtained a Y seat as a director.tand t took up , the duties of -Ccashierv; of;;-the\" Berkeley i national hank, has resigned that position and re- sumed ; practice of , law' in' Sari7Fran- cisco. He will still act as a. director. His, place as cashier ; will Ibe \u25a0\u25a0 filled sat the January meetlngl of the : directors. Joseph^ S. Mills;*; assistant £ cashier, ? has been mentioned as vhis -probable- suc- cessor," r^awgt^»«iag«i*MßMHiajf.!j.taß STUDENTVORCHESTRA GIVES FIRST CONCERT ' BERKELEY,., Dec. 1. Hearst hall was a* briUiant ; scene tonight on thee occasion of : the >,- first i annual . concert renderd by the university; student,or- chestra Sunder, the i: direction; of .^ Paul Steindorff.\ the , veteran -leader. .. ; Fa- culty., and; student'^body ; were r present and, the- affair.- was' considered a"; suc- cess. •\u25a0":'-- HHtHSHBBHHHB Edwin ' Reynolds and \u25a0 MisVMaily ;Renlff [Special Dispatch (o Thy Call] * SANTA I ROSA. Dec. 1.-^-Edwin H. Reynolds,-, one of the best known - and mbstv popular of $he vNorth- western; Paclflc.rallroad.' [son 'of i Edwin Reynolds, >,the*tlocal capitalist, gave his many.,friends a surprise today when he claimed liMisb' Mary Flora Renlff *of Gey seryille as his bride. -.r \u25a0; v Miss tßenlff * Is";the "; daughter* of ''Asa Reniff . a '; wealthy;., Gey serville farmer and vineyardlst, v,-ho has kept -her ap- proachinginuptiats^a/secret from her many friends In'this county.* r:", "<\u25a0*: Mr.^and SMrs. - Reynolds Hef t r on * th« afternoon^ train; for; an f extended ; vouth- ern < honeymoon ftrlpl '- < RICH FARMER'S DAUGHTER MADE ENGINEER'S BRIDE COMPOUND CONTAINS d OPIUM, IS CHARGE OAKLAND. Dec. 1. John L. Kellet. a manufacturer of medielnal and : heal- ing oile, was arrested last -night on a misdemeanor charge of preparing and selling a remedy which con-; tains 'more, than two grains, of "opium to each fluid ounce. The warrant was sworn out by G.D.; Pratt, inspector for the state board of pharmacy, who , al- leged' violation " of \ the: pure food J and drugs act. 'Kellet when arraigned be- fore Police Judge Smith; asked:. for a continuance and will pl*ad-Saturday. Ladies*; Aid ;Society to- Sell Wares .for, Church Benefit^ - ; FRUITVALE,^ Deci' I '— The ! ladiesVaid society fof J.theiFrultvale^Presbyterlan church* willsglve^ a«r bazaar? at >, Upper Fruitvale hall, , in Hopkins street. Fri- day and Saturday afternoons and even- ings, December. 3 and 4. A variety -of ornamental sands useful articles Iwill be on jsale^'asg well 's'as^ cakes,"^ pies « and homemadecandy.fr.'Refreshment'booths JwilM serve sandwiches,* cofTee^lce 'cream andfcake.vt'Attfactive j ? jn'U6ical^andren-* tertainment ! programs * will be- features of#both?days. T r .~y-j';~' /' ':'-\u25a0 \u25a0 : : '.«; \u25a0\u25a0< ;i" 4 WOMEN OF FRUITyALE ;; PLAN^TWO DAY BAZAAR NEED IS SHOWN FOR A f LARGER POSTOFFICE v BERKELEY; ;; Dec. : jl.-lßy figures Bhowingjtrje|increasedob'usiness v of;the local; postofflce jas• a? result tot i the i phe- nomenal f growth of Berkeley, in the last f our^years,' Postmaßter. Clarence S. Mer- rlU supported this claim' today, for a' new postofflce i building. Congressman" Jo- «eph %R:% Knowland^lwhV \ is 3 making flght^for^airnew^building.'ihas •. been furnished jwith^the ', data. AUTOMOBILE DEALER BANKRUPT— TWbcrt D. Jane*; an ; aotoronbil* : «l<»al«»r of Oakland, ftl*d a ix>tltlon in banimptej- yesterday In the "•\u25a0-L'Bit»-d states dif-trirt «-«nrt, : jctatlnc that ii> entirely 'without 'mean* to pay bit Ji, 820 debt*. IsMsMBlBWfl CHRIST EPISCOPAL fiffl^lgPAßlSH ELECTION ALAMEDA, Dec. \u25a0 l.^-Christ church -, ha a; elected^ the -following? as members V of 'l the Xvestryi board.V all £of whom'.'served 'during $. the XlastlUerm : Senior^ warden,'^" S/iM ?< Haslqtt;^ Junior warden; *H. ; ljl^A;,* Bates;^Becretary^JC^ A.jllarker;* financial S secretary ,I'John! R. 1 Bosch: tre^asurer'.yß.^S.^Bullockjfassistf ant« treasurer,''; Norman Td'Evelyn;li.ves- trymen, John >\u25a0; R;? Nieldfv &•? E:"? Blddle, 1 K."; L.*, Per ryj and ? F/V-A-f Moss^AsJdel e{ gates Atbithe^house[{6f;<cliufchwo"men the if ollowirigYwerej appointed riMrs.^LT 11: Gl llogl y,%Dr.f Mary.|T)elanolFl ctqher. 1 Mi ttn) Ma tt ie i Baco n.i Ml ssl C."£K5 Remmel and ; Mrs." John *K"-Nield;'" '; - """ •:'— WITB A BEATEK fSENT ; ' TO . \u25a0 JAIL— Joh n -i Wli- fe ehintki, 137.' Somerset rafreet, * w*t' tept) t9 the -ooonty-'Jallitforfslx-sinonthß-by-Pellr* Jadse yesterday for. beating hia wife.FaQlta* w T Tnesday ~ nlsht : and; cutting *ber; f see i with. a S gU«.">William Joe«klß«ky awl Tony rrerlnco.- ',' arre»ted" at' the name time, -were. each. wot to jail for 60 days for/ disturbing tbejptae*. - DISAPPEAR LWITH ; nrWELHT^-Mejer Brlcht. 1 3: 1201 -i Buchanan s, etwt. 5 dltappearwl &TueMlfty * afternoon * and ; his .;wlfV, \u25a0 Mnt.Tpopbl* 1 Brichf ' ;J told f, the I polices ymtcrday;' that ? he 3 had | taken &\u25a0 wltb ihim .jewelry?TaJued ; at $390 , belonging to •her and ner.friend; Mrsr Pearl Lattlmer. ; \u25a0 .; Rent ;-your: rooms vby advertising them in^The'Call'ssWant^Ad? columns,! whera people iWho tare jlooklngjforjrooms'j can s ee i wh a t you * ha ve itoi offer. <Th« s cost Is sraal J.I % Phon e ; your;ad ' to i Kearny 86,- or drop a*line and^we .will 'call for it, r~ 8 Works Wonders Marriage Licenses OAKLAND,.Dw., I.— The 'following' marriage license** were issued today: - Fritheof. Haperstrom,: .2s, Alameda, and Ro- salie , Uakaeoo.- 23.' : Berkeley: •-\u25a0'-:\u25a0'. \ .- ' ' - Prospero.-M llano, "i, -, and Katherlna : Polano, 22.- brtth.of Oakland.: . ' :, . . Enjert .• i Van*.:Lob« > n> Sele, 30,- Oakland, and Sarub E. Slate." 24, iß<»rk*loy. . \u25a0"* \u25a0; ' \u25a0 George -.Tora spa,.* 19,. and Pauline Buzzalino, 19. both of Oakland:-; ... - ' Aaron T.I Tomllnson," 41, and '; Hazel '\u25a0 Cold," 35, hoth nfi Oakland,* \u25a0..,,.: .\u25a0\u25a0..:\u25a0\u25a0_ George-E/DaTldson.iSS, and Sadie A; Miller.' 19. hoth.of Oakland. . \. ;. '.Rofal-. Miller. .24, and Irene Hamblin,-"23. both of* Berkeley. •".; .-'\u25a0 , ..\u25a0„:.,\u25a0,.:.\u25a0. ;.-,v,.-i.- .B*nn«»tt F. Storm, .20, Oakland, and Eleie ;G. : Bartlett, 19/ Berkeley.'- v rOR XERVOUS MEX - A*D WOME.V, TOO \u25a0.Undoubtedly the foilowlngpre- scription will work " wonders for that, great class of men who. through dissipation of their nat- ural strength, find themselves in their "second childhood" lonsr be- fore the three score :and ten al- lotted to life's : pleasures and en- joyments are \u25a0 reached. . :: It. ls presumed to b* Infallible, and highly efficient In quickly restoring" in- "nervous exhaus- tion." weak vitality, melancholia and the functions. \u25a0 First get 'so cents* worth of compound fluid ' balrawort - tn -a one «ounce package. . and three ounces * syrup sarsaparllla com- pound; take home, mix and let stand two .hours; -then (get one ounce compound ~ essence cardiol and one ounce tincture cadomene compound "(not cardamom). Mix all in a" six or eight ounce bottle, shake well, and - take one tea- spoonful after each meal and one when retiring., following by -a drink of water. - .. By: mixing it at home no man need ibe, the .wiser as to another's shortcomings.* and expensive fees ar« ! avoided. . ' --' > ;Lack of * poise . and equilibrium In ? men .is a \u25a0 constant source of embarrassment, even when the public least suspects it.- For. the benefit of those. who; want a .res- toration .to full. bounding health, and all, the happiness accompany- ing, it, : the above home treatment is, given. '-It contains 'no?opfates or habit-forming drugs whatever." Mix It; at home and no 1 one: will Sb«lth« ['wiser as to yoqr affliction.


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IN WATERS OF BAYWomen Plan a Festival

For West Oakland HomeSailor Rescued by Fishermen

/After Keeping HimselfAfloat /Two Hours !;

OAKLAND. Dec.'1.

—After .fighting

for his- life for two hours in the coldwaters' of 1 the \u25a0 bay, George Oberg.V asailor, was; rescued 'early this morningby two;fishermen who. heard his cries"of 'distress and pulled him into theirboat just -as he was

-about to give .up

indespalr.- /r : ; :,t^Oberg was .walking along long wharf,'shortly before midnight;on his .way .tohisVshlp,-;.wheri ithe .electrlcl lights s thatIlluminate the: wharf,went out. Gropingalong; in; the; darkness >he; stepped 'offinto, the ;;water,; striking a pU«i as; hefell:and -.becoming, partly^ dazed. '.';-.". j; ~.VvHe;swam". lnstinctively,, but when; hehad .regained 'complete "control,of hissenses he found that"the strong tidehad;carried -

him far ;from*> the wharf.He tried to;make' his way back, butcould ;not do- no,; and finally concen-trated his efforts to keeping afloat; andpermitted- the Current, to carry- himalong. :;'He rcriedfrepeatedlyj'for';: help,', butnone -camey until- the,: fishermen,: whowere ;just -going x to work, heard \u25a0 him.They. *took -h im back "to Oakland andsummoned^ the police, iwho"took.Obergto the.receiving. hospital. He was stillsuffering' from exhaustion. Pneumo-nia may set In. '\u25a0\u0084:\u25a0 -s'



Patient Sues for Damages, AYleging Fall Due to Careless » >

ness at Sanatorium

f, OAKLAND. Dec I.—Suit to r*eove|

$71,000 damages for Injuries allegnd Uhave been sustained -by falling fromthe second story of,the Livermore-sana.toflum was- brought^today by A. L» d«Arman of Los Angeles against Dr. Job aW. Robertson,- proprietor of the lnstfrtutlon.. De Ar.nan «ay» that he hatbeen made 'a, cripple 'for life becaus*of his fall, for which he blames DoctoiRobertson.

'\ .

According to the complaint :flJed"t<»«day,~De Arman was an Inmate of th«sanatorium June 1$ of this.year, wheahe sustained his Injuries. He aros«at night, he says, and walked aboutIn.the, dark. - A door- bad:been ltflopen and he dropped ~16 feet to thtcement pavement below. .'

-His right

arm was broken in four places. h« sayaboth wrists were, sprained.

"his .spinal

column injured, and he suffered Jnter«nal paralysis, which has proved to b«permanent. - -

«- - - .

De Arman says that he has expended$1,000 for medical services and assert*that $70,000 will not compensate hintfor his crippled condition. I H«.V*ay>the management of the sanatorium itresponsible for leaving the door openin the dark.



. BERKELET. Dec. L—With his youngwife, whom he married October 14 InSeattle, as his constant 'companion^Franklin EarL Rlcketts, said by;Chiefof'

Police Vollmer to "have passed adozen checks of-a bogus, nature In^thebay cities within the last month.' isheld at the^pollce station, where he isbooked on a charge of. forgery. . Eick-etss, who Is;alleged to have an aliasIn/the;name of L..M."\u25a0•Reynolds, Is notyet 2S years old: He protests hisinnocence, although Vollmer.declaredthat .he admits passing a check on hislandlady. Mrs. O. L. Zuber of 1339Stannage street, where he lived in thiscity, to cover, a deficit in house rent."\u25a0••„-.•

Ricketts was brought. up from Pasa«dena, where he was found -bj\the Pasa-dena and

~Los Angeles police after, a

hard;Chase. He was detected leaving ahotel 'and, only"a' fusillade /of bulletsafter a chase of several blocks broughthim:to a. halt.i:-i .^

' -';

--Rlcketts '•Is accused by yVollmer ofhaving, swindled the following mer-chants:- C.B. Radston, %\1; HerbertJones, $10, and X:Hiltunen. $12. Whenarrested *he had '}oh ;his person twochecks signed In-his own name to'or-ders. of;$2,000; and 12,500,' which thepolice

*said;he endeavored to pass here.

RickettsHveda short" time in ColoradoSprings, according, to- Vollmer. .afterleaving, his home; ln Decatur.lH. -'Healsoillved for;&->time in Portland andSeattle. ;,

Berkeley Merchants AccuseiVoung Man <of Passing a

Dozen Worthless Checks


Body Exhumed by the ExcitedResidents of Tilla'mobkV

.TILLAMOOK, Ore., Dec. I.—An Im-pression that Mrs. L. A. Holdredg*.one of the victims of the wreck of thasteamer Argo, was buried allv<»gained such" strong foothold. after tbafuneral ceremony Tuesday that. 200residents of the city went to the cem-etery three miles out of town at mid-night and the body. An ex-amination by physicians showed thatthe woman was dead b«fore *he wa«buried. The idea that the woman wasstill alive seems to have arisen fromthe fact that her face was highly,colored and her body and limbs re«laxed at the time bnrial was mid*.

Women of Alia.Mira.WillMarkOld San Lorenzo and

Hayward Roads

Oakland; d*c. i.--Th« "am ej

Camino real bell to be placetJla posi-

tion along the historic King's high*way. that was trod by the missionarypadres In.what is now Alameda county,

will be located at*the Junction. of theold San Lorenzo road with th« Hay-

ward road and will be put there bythe Alta Mlra club of San Leandro.

The organization is the youngest inthe California Federation of Women'sClubs and the bell in the gift of Mrs.A. A. Goddard.bead of the departmentof California history and landmarksin the federation. The placing of th«bell and the exercises In connectiontherewith will take place before th«Christmas holidays.

The Hay ward road is a part of ElCamino real and was used by th*padres in traveling from the MissionSan Jose to the Mission de.jSolano.


* : : \u25a0 : ; : ; . *i Three of the organizers of the annual doll-show for the West Oakland

home to be held at Ebell club. :"

•>—\u25a0 :—



—— —~;*

Freshmen Members of GreekLetter Societies Serve Upper

Class Prytanean Quests

BERKELEY, Dec. I.—lt fell to the lot!of.the .freshman ;girls of> the 11 soror-

\u25a0 itles ;of /the university to act asiwait-

resses tonight for'the members of; thePrytanean; honor society which held Itsannual/'initiatloni In/the house'^ofs, theKappa; Kappa Gamma sorority. ./;Clad:lnpretty aprons and with a bow. daintily"arranged in their!co!ffure»,"; the/studentwaltressescarried out; their part ;of theprogram"' most •\u25a0efficiently; . :;//"

* -. There' was; the faintest suggestion of:a rebellion when ,the upper class women'announced jto' their

*freshmen Imembers

\u25a0that. part of the burden of being;fresh-men 'wastwaitlng: on';.the tabl6 T'a'f theannual initiation ceremonies of,the Pry

-Ctanean upper class :honor society/;/ Su-periority of numbers cornvinced[theil9l3;women that an open revolt against' theorders >of

* the 'seniors- and/Juniors, was:not ;safe nor, profitable, so ;they/donnedtheir, attractive- attire and^served themembers .of the society gathered' incelebration. ; ;

.'Among -'-the: -freshmen women-whowaited on the" tables tonight were: Miss.Helen Ayre, .Miss- Dorothy s


Miss;Edith:Cook, Miss Florence, McCoy,Miss/Margaret Locan, Miss .GertrudeMenihen,' Miss- Dorothy/ Peterson,- MissItnth'Holder anrt Qthers.'^|)3^ffl^g»ffllWlßl

The banquet of the Prytaneans wasthe occasion for the initiation:of MissesEther Jordan, Agnes Ehrenberg, GraceMorin,' Irene Coffin,-Louise Howard, Ed-na Higgins and Rose Gardner.' All.theneophytes are prominent, in \u25a0 college ac-tlvities.*.especiaHy;,!n; literary/ and;dra-matic circles on/ the 'campus.•.Among the members of the honor^ so-ciety/who, took part in the.banquet andinitiation were: '.-",/- «'\u25a0Inns Broml't

'|Kdith Car'ew •

\faude -. Cl^Tfland •• jnorothv Do.tl»>-

Flor«nre Gnddnrd Ro*« -\u25a0 Schmidt • j. \u25a0•

Paulina r.aldwin " . ChrlKttan Kryst»*Maja-McCabe • Violet OWotnan t.'

'-Mary Pbilllps.'- • Esther Phillips

-Mill*Sherman . Martha Chlck»rlojI>uct HarrtsoD • B^rnice -K^lley.Msrc»r»t Hizar • -

Bes»I«» Gcodwla .H»1»b;HI!1•\u25a0•"\u25a0\u25a0•"

'.\u25a0-\u25a0"\u25a0 Marjru»rite Ogdea "

Ha«l Hotchkiss ''*\u25a0-

.':-. .",v. '.• --aT-:«" ;"-*'*':- ""'

"The"sophomore ;class .of "the univer-sity Is preparing for ;the annual hop,the formai<lance: which: will begivenIn Harmon gymnasium February .4 .ofnext year. These committees have beenappointed to make*' suitable ;arrange-*ments. I

*;'•.G^Dcral '.' rhairtnsn— M.iA. Cartwright.

ArraoßPtnpßtii committee:.--

E. M. Einstein, chair- J. .It.Qtitnn ••.-man ;. \u25a0•;

- . R. C;Ingram :. , •"

Florenc«» Pot]i» -\u25a0 I C. TT. .;Erans"

Alice. HleFtan-I E. M. VailElsa SchilllDit . - /.R.-U

'Shnrtleff . -

Anna .Uehenthal' '- C. \ Phleg^r

-Marion Gay , .. \u25a0 JS. -E. MeserreIrene 'O'Connor \u25a0• ;| > ,-

v \u25a0.-•.-\u25a0-, .-:• Reception com.mJttee«-- i .-:'j--'.E.;Warren, chalrmati M.'H:^Harrit •

Fern .Andnin'

A. W. Elliott . •

Elaine >Standish . S. de la CaestaButh Shr^TP It.-S. CorreyF.thel Pierce - . H. S. -ChaseMildred Porter • J. B. BlackHel»n RnnyaD y"V R. H. Clark. -Flooi: manager— H.H.'Phleper. •- - • •... • - . -•\u25a0 . :

A conference between S. E. Busser,superintendent of: the^ Santa' Fe. rail-road, •'and

'li. H..Hibbard, ,manager of

the imandolin^, club,\has; resulted atentative agreement

-that ithe ?glee :and

mandolin ;clubs ;of the-students ;of;the

university willmake a.trip "4o*Chicagoand return at; th~e r end of /the .collegeyear InMay. The trip wllUbe the sec-ond annual one'of the 'clobs.^the; firsttaken last year being greatly enjoyed."The students of the clubs look forwardwith anticipation to the trip next sura-mer. /\u25a0 ; \u25a0\u25a0• ': \u25a0\u25a0; "-\u25a0

\u25a0 /' -'-' \u25a0'-'

-.- :.. *V'* •


"'/rhe'.mining: association; of the stu-

dentsi;hasielected,the<following officers:President,' ?F/ North; 'vice. 'president/George Dillingham; corresponding.sec-retary, IrvingAugur; recording secre-tary, F.Hammerley; treasurer,>Willlamde Berrj" librarian, E. Lepper; sergeantat. arms, R. Drake; yell leader,, C. A.Rodgerdts. "'•'' . 'V :. -'.•

The new ;officers of:the' agriculturalclub are: President,- A.R/Tylor; vicepresident, R/H." Taylor ;' treasurer, F.C.Clarke; secretary, -N. M. Stover; ser-geant at arms.^EAD.; Woodward. ".*-:

Oakland Board of Works Ar-ranges to Hold Contest

for Architects

OAKLAND, Dec. I.—The boardl/ofpublic works will begin an architects'competition for plans for. the 'hew'mu-nicipal buildings on the city thali siteas soon as the bonds for the improve-ment are sold. A conference, was.heldthis* morning by the members of theboard with delegates from the localchapter of the American institute .ofarchitects, under whose rules the-con-test will be conducted. /

The architects present were George

B. McDougall, . Manker O'Brien andWilliam Moore. They explained- themethod of"conducting the competition

and on their advice the board willpro-ceed. „'...... .

First an advisory architect will beappointed. He probably will be a Pa-cific,coast architect: and. he willprepareguide drawings

'showing the shape; of

the city hall; property, :.the*plan Conwhich "Washington street is to be ex-tended to \u25a0 San Pablo/ avenue,' and .the.number 0f... offices, required' in the ad-ministrative buildings.. •'' ]\u25a0.

As complete a description"; as can beprepared

"will be included in the


for plans. The board figured *:.,that 60days would be required for the. archi-tects to make their drawings and-de-signs. After thje winner of the con-test.has been named 60 days .''more- willbe needed for;, completion of the de-tails. AX least , 30;days must be al-lowed for unavoidable, delays/ and ;30days for the legal advertising for;bidson the structures. This jwill:defers thetime of laying, the cornerstone of;thenew. city,hall until next July. MayorMott suggested July 4 as the mostsuitable date. r^^^^^^^^^BS^S&Si.The architects suggested that, six

prizes should -be oftered so' thatthe competition would bring out manyplans. The.amount

-"of the first jprize

is to be fixed-.by", the board. The otherswill be '•'\u25a0 Second prize, J3.000; third,$2,500; fourth, |2,000; fifth, 11,500;sixth, $1,000.-7


The amount-of the bonds 'voted willcover this expense and provide /the$1,000,000 .needed for erecting the cityhail.

' , /.-;;;,r \u25a0;>'...;>' ;•\u25a0" ,-\u25a0... :-•;-•'. \u25a0

- -

[Special Dispatch to The Call]SANTA iROSA. Dec..1.

—Samuel Mor«

rison; one of the oldest and most r«-spected citizens of Santa Rosa. celf»brated

-his ninety-third.birthday annU

Bversary8versary here today. ;Usually he ha *nude much >{ the anniversary, bmowing to a recent Illness the calls andfriendly greetings of old time friendshad to be omitted. He. iv remarkablywell preserved; for one of hU age.


. OAKLAND,Dec. 1.—

The marriage ofErnest .yon•Lobe'n Sels and^Miss" Elea-'nor Slate- was solemnized- this evening

at a beautifully appointed.- service at

th« Slate .residence "in only

the members of tth'e families and theclosest '

friends witnessing -.the cere-mony, which 'w*s read by Rev. CharlesR. Brown, pastor, of-the First Congrega-

tional church of Oakland!- The bride.chose lier sister. Miss /Margeryj Slate,and Uhe sister of the bridegroom. Mis*.Virginia von-Loben Sels. as ;.ber.' enlyattendants. James ron" Loben" Sels as-sisted his' brother as best; man.-


an .Informal reception and supper Mr.and.;Mrs. .yon *-Loben \u25a0 Sels left on abrief planning to return.to the hay cities for the, marriage ofJames ivon Loben ,Sels and Miss



the coming Wednesday^ . Theywill/establish their new *home in thecollege .town. ..-;/ . .-.The bridegroom is the son of Mr.and

Mrs. P. J. yon, Loben . Sels. and thegrandson -of Mr. and Mrs^ James deFremery. ;For, many year*-the familyhas been promlnently/identlfled. withaffairs on the coast; The bridegroom'sfather was" the representative of theHolland" government ;In San Francisco,holding, a. high place_ in consular cir-cles.. The" bride Is "the daughter ofProf.- Frederick -Slate of the^depart-raent of physics of the University ofCalifornia. She Is' a charming andgifted r girl and well liked by theyounger set of the college town. Aftergraduating from Miss Head's seminaryshe spent two years in'travel and studyabroad. Upon her return to Californiashe;resumed her course In the univer-sity, giving it.up to become the brideof< the successful young businessman-She is a member of the Alpha Thetafraternity.

"'" •' '• • .• • ,Mr;.Harry Smith has asked friends,

who are "meeting together frequentlyduring the winter for.a game-of cards,to be ;her guests the evening lof Fri-day,*December 10, when she will enter-tain informally at bridge, followed bysupper.

••.• •Mrs. Frank Proctor, who Is. spending

the winter in California with" "hermother, Mrs. C. F. MacDermot, Is notentertaining today, as had been an-nounced. • « •

This afternoon Mrs. B. F. Lewis pre-sided: a*, hostess over a prettily ar-ranged thimble bee. entertaining adozen .or more friends informally ather East Oakland, home.- •

\u25a0• - • -


Mr. and Mrs. "XVhlpple Hall are Insouthern- California, where they willremain during the winter. They hay*leased a home, closing "their OaklandresWence for- thejseason. Miss JaneCrellin is spending the early Decem-ber as the house guest of her sister.• •_-.-\u25a0\u25a0•

The marriage .'-of Harry Newton ofSan Francisco "and Miss May Burck-halter. Ithe daughter of Prof. "CharlesBurckhalter,

"will.be solemnized at a



house wedding"VVednesday

'evening^ of the "comlnc

week. In the bridal party willbe MissVena Brown, the maid of. honor, andMiss Edith Lancaster, the bridesmaid.Francis -Newton and Kenneth tNewtonwill

'/serve* as ribbon'

bearers. Thebridegroom, will be assisted .by hisbrother, Edwln^ Newton.

..-•-.•\u25a0\u25a0 •\u25a0' • . • •

A prettily appointed shower wasgiven last evening at the home' of MissGeorgeina C. Taft of East Oakland inhonor of Miss Helen Merriam. a formerOakland girl,now a resident of Hick-man, Cal. The shower took the formof a dinner party... Miss Taft's mother

Iand 'sister were \u25a0at home, .and at theclose tof the /evening the. engagementof the hostess to Wayne Matthews, anaccountant of Oakland, was announced.The engaged pair are graduates of thePolytechnic high school of Oakland.Miss"" Taft of June JOB and MatthewsJune :'03. ,\.'[

\u25a0 The^ color scheme of- the party" waspink ;and green, the decorations beingInJpink .carnations, • chrj'santhemumsaridj; ferns. The guest 'of honor wasgowned "In green, while: the hostesswore pink. Rpßi-

Miss;Merriam is to become the. brideof Paul W. Doty, of Turlock In theearly; part of 'January. The guestswere : .MI«» H«l«o Merrlam I.MUs Hazel' MU>rMi»» Gladys Bansett MI»« Miriam SapiroMi*s Ell* Hoksd Mist,Etta Trttrrhoff .Miss Hrlen AfaddriU Ml«» GluSys WebsterMiss Anil* F.stcrbrook Mlm Aaita S«benek


Miss Dora Oalirtdo- Mrs. C. S. BaraMtMiss Cora \u25a0 Clayton Mrs. D.\H."BarnetttSBafiSM^aES "•* "* * '

W. M. DuVal.and family'have takenpossession of their new home In Lenoxstreet, Adams point. "-y-

Pretty Ceremony .'Marks Nuptialsof Miss Eleanor Slate and

Ernest vonvLoben-iSels


OAKLAND, Dec, 1.—

Insults wereheaped upon Carl Eisenschimel, hand-writing expert, today by Attorney

A. L.Frlck in the course of his argu-ment to save from conviction on acharge of felony embezzlement JohnS. de Lancey, former attorney, forGeorge Gray, who was public adminis-trator of Alameda county until re-cently.

"A,willful, malicious and devilishperjurer"; "a contemptible cur, lowerthan the lowest dog that sneaks onthe streets"; "a professional witnesswho testifies for hire," were some ofthe phrases used by Frlck in referringto Eisenschimel. "Bearing in mindthe story of Ananias," he -shouted tothe Jury, "i<; is a good thing for.Elsen-schimel that the days of miracles havepassed.** .TESTIMONY ABOUT AVRITIXG

That Eisenschimel's testimony wasregarded as vital in the trial -of DeLancey was clearly shown by this at-tack on his character, which- took upa great part of Frick's time today.The handwriting expert said, when onthe witness, stand, that writing thatcould be seen,, though erased, in. theaccounts of the estate of George HiteCook, .which. De'Lancey is accused oflooting of $10,000, '-was the handwrit-ing of the' defendant... . .-.

Eisenschimel testified also that/theIndorsement on a certificate of depositfor $10,000, which was put into DeLancey's private 'bank account, wasmade at the same time as other in-dorsements on the certificate,- alsomade by De Lancry. -.The prosecutionhas relied much on this testimony/ astending to disprove the theory of thedefense that De Lancey had merelyfailed to account for money that camein his hands, intending all along to doso later.JUROR IX POOR HEALTH

Assistant District Attorney Hynesclo?ed his argument to the, jury today,after which Frick began for the ;de-fense. He was still ;talking-/thisafternoon, when an early- adjournmentwas taken to accommodate Juror Jef-ferson Gillam,.who is in a feeble con-dition.; Gillam is conveyed to andf*om. the courthouse to his home in aclosed carriage by order of ; JudgeBrown. • Attorney M. C. Chapman willfollow Frick for the defense. DistrictAttorney Donahue' will make the clos-ing argument.

-Itis -expected that arguments in the

case will be ended tomorrow after-noon. Judge Brown has expressed adisinclination to lock up the Jury overnight because of the condition of Gll-lam, and It-is probable that the read-ing of instructions will be delayed

until Friday. morning.

De Lancey's Defender AttacksCarl Eisenschimel and Calls

His Testimony Perjury


All Saints Guild of Palo AltoArranges Affair -

[Special Dispatch lo The Call]PALO ALTO, Dec. I.—All Saint'sguildof the Episcopal church willhold

its annual ;bazaar: at ?Ramoria% hall :to-morrow/afternoon: and 'evening. : -; Mrs:|H.jß/Post^- manager/ of the,af-fair,1has announced that' the^doors. willopen at i2:3o o'clock^'Admilsloh' will,befree. ".The .various ;:booths,/ with com-mittees :;in tcharge. ;will. be

'as follows:

.Fancy work,;Mrj,1. Lloyd Place andcommittee: plain work.;Mrs. H.-B. Postand committee; delicatessen," Mrs. Per-cy.-Keatlnge and committee; .dolls, Mrs.Buffurn and committee;- candy, St. Ag-nes \u25a0guild;\u25a0 archery : tree \u25a0 prizes/ Mrs. v.Harrier;v,fish :pond,,Castilleja kschool;refreshments. Mrs.^Harker, -and theMis>"se» iHarker. •-> . \u25a0

" *

/'Henry/* Post" will preside- over the

archery tree and Mrs. Sidney Holmanand Mrs.~:Robert iThompson'* wili:alter-nate *as[cashiers /for/ same. ,

\u25a0\u25a0-iThe.doll house" willbe 'shown offMrs

'S. VW.';Charles, :Mrs/ C." E.


MJs&fG Daisy -^Allcott ',and-Mrs. Handy.

Mrs.C. B.' Wing^willhave'eharge of thedecoration's.^ Mrs.• B.nG.\ Allen•

is thegeneral cashier and treasurer.- :


Aged ;Wonian;:in? Critical:Cbndi-tiori From Cruel Beating '

OAKLAND,Dec/l.—Mrs' Sadie Diggs,the"middle agedikeeper Jof,a' lodginghouse: at. 1607 H>Fifth:\u25a0 street, is in;acriticar' condition- at. -.her: :hon»>( as :aresult of:a brutal attack said to/havebeen .made.' by-Arthur. A.v;Jones, :a younglodger, Tvho became enraged -when 'shedemanded his room "rent - or- his


moval. /~~ \u25a0":':":"-"; •\u25a0:'The 'tale „told to ;the ,police by'-i.the'

neighbors is that they,heard Mrs."Diggsscream /for:aid../70 Several .personß Iranto the . room;- and ~$ found^the\- landladyprostrate, she having been struck down:by^the frate'roomer and kicked.'-" 1;

Dr.'W. W. Kergan was* called. Hepercelvedi that .his patient /was"badly |injured," and,might,have;to:undergo;an /operation.'; He


'to;Mrs;]Diggs i

and vlinmediately/ reported % the/occur-rence .to the police,/who arrested Jonesat ;1/o'clock. thisimorning. .The

*pris-oner is held in detinue, and: denies thecharges. '\u25a0 \u25a0

\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0.--. :../: :'.' - --\


\u25a0The trial of.an action In which War-.r#n.Smith, through A. .J. Smith. hl3guardian

*and father, is. suing . th«

United Railroads for $10,000 "damagesfor/personal injuries, 'was begun be-fore a Jury in Judge Murasky's courtyesterday. The boy, then 13 years old.December 9," lSo«.aHghte<l from a. carInSixteenth street and started to crossthe', street when- ;he \ was struck *byanother car. running in the opposite di-rection. His fskull was fractured andIt Is claimed he will b#' an invalidfor. the remainder of his life.

Alameda County Grand Jury toInvestigate Them Today

OAKLAND,Dec. I.—The grand jurywill:take up, tomorrow, the alleged'nui-sance conducted; by the? Oakland? meatcompany at the stockyards. Cin-vestigation comes as the result of con-tinued \u25a0 complaints of.residents /of thevicinity \u25a0 of the

,stockyards, . who say

that: offensive, ttnd unbearable; odorsare emitted. from therabbatolrs^andthat their continuance is dangerous WJpublic health. . ' ' ',-',

The ;of/ the company; havebeen, subpenaed ;to appear^ before thegrand jury, as'well as several residentsof the .neighborhood; ;-

; \u25a0/.:\u25a0.:Among,v the. latter/are "W.'/J., Miles,

president •\u25a0 of ./the ,South/ Berkeley *lm-^provement ;;club,' and /George '*<Eubanks,

who has: made a study:of;conditlons"atthe /slaughter houses ;for the last itouryears.- •



Berkeley Board of Health Is inFavor -of Inspection

; BERKELEY,;Dec.:]I.—Pure food-arid

milk Jlaws patterned • after, those ;of SanFrancisco and Oakland may be adoptedhere If the discussions of the board ofhealth at its meeting today are carriedto .-•\u25a0 a /successful^termination;: V;Planswill made once J towardthe jproposed 'ordinances \ for]pure \milkand food. 'j:During;the absence of PresUdent George Relnhardt.Dr.iClark-Burn-ham;will:occupy;the;chair. , %

Woman Tears. Up Divorce Com-plaint to Reward Spouse

. SAN .BERNARDINO, Dec. ;I.—Herhusband's heroism in saving theirbaby- from , death . under' the 'wheelsof a speeding automobile caused Mrs.."Walter;. Preston to change her -

vmindabout. seeking a separation just a fewmoments » before

"she .wasIto,.have ap-

peared. InUhe;divorce rcourt:andUoday.the? couple:are .together again.'

x. Mrs.'.v Preston 7 was •onrher way1- tocourts when; the*:child .darted in- thepatrTof an onrushlng motor-car. Themother's *;screams

-attracted Preston. 1

,whoj;dashed" in.v front; of the L machine,seized ;*the

"little.girl:and 'leaped to

safetyi aslthe -\u25a0 automobile :shot ;by.Explanations w.were ~> soon made '•'and

the Itwo made, their way,1to, the/ attor-ney's lofflce,. where 'Mrs. Preston ":toreupthe divorce complaint.



Resigned Secretary of Chamberof Commerce Returns :

. OAKLAND, Dec. I.—Edwin. Steams,

who tendered his resignation :,as sec-retary of the chamber.' of commerce,slx'.weeks ago, returned to? this city.today from Howard 7Springs, where ;heand' Mrs. Steams have been spendinga vacation. :

Steams' resignation was only con-ditionally accepted ,by the directorsof the chamber :of,commerce, who;pre:vailed upon" him to: accept* a'; vacationuntil',the first of'the year before [mak-*ing• his "determination to resignj final.

Steams'willjtemporarily resume his

former duties as ;secretary,' but,he;re-

fused to say;* whether he would re-consider his resignation.


Many. -Property Owners^ PayBoth Installments at Once T

:»,OAKLAND,""•Dec. I.—According- \u25a0toCounty. Tax fCollector :Barber, nan rexpectedly,! large numberJof^ tax {payershaye "ipreferred ;.' toIpay;their ]state iandcounty.vjtaxes "rWhent the ;• first:install^m*ht1became Idue, *instead;; of '.waitingseveral months for. the; second.- J.The 1re-sult]has ibeen* that1a* muchTgreater fsumof,money, will*be. turned 'oyer^tolCountyTreasurer ;'Kelly,' than

;was ~-expected.

Barber ,'now;has ;onlhand \abouti$1,200,-000 to^turn over,to' the; treasurer,, which/with5 the &$590,000 ;lhe- gaye »'him ;threeweeks \u25a0. ago, -"makes a. total- of 'about$l,800,000;for the^ year. \u25a0;'\u25a0. \u0084


Members of Claremont ParishArrange for Christmas SaleBERKELEY. Dec I.—St. Clement's

chapel of Claremont willhold a Christ-mas fair Friday at St. Mark's parishhouse in Bancroft way.

A variety of articles will be on sale.The tables will be in charge of thefollowing members of the parish: Art,Mrs. E. C Holmes; handkerchiefs, Mrs.J. T. Burke; home cooking, Mrs. Wil-ber Swett; aprons, Mrs. C. W. Randall;dolls, Mrs. R. L. Ulsh; refreshments,Mrs. James Meyers; candy, Mrs. GeorgeJackson; stationery, Mrs. Leonard VanMehr; fancy work, Mrs. Harmon.


Women of Fitchburg Congrega-tion Plan Vending Bee

OAKLAND,Dec. 1.—

The annual ba-zaar given by the women of the Fitch-burg Congregational- church will beheld in the church parlors at Rudsdajeand Berry streets, Fitchburg, afternoonand evening, December 3"and 4. Therewill be a number of- attractive boothswhere fancy work, plain sewing,^re-freshments and food.willbe offered forsale. The Lockwood school band willgive concerts each day. The'-proceedswill be turned into a fund for thebenefit of the. church.


Former Union Secretary Appliesfor Writ of Prohibition

OAKLAND,Dec. 1.—

A writ of prohi-bition, forbidding Police Judges Smithand Samuels to proceed with the trialof R. P. Poorman, former secretary ofthe painters', pap*»r hangers* and deco-rators* union, was obtained today fromJudge Murphey b%- Poorman's attorney,Harry Pulcifer.

Poorman's trial on a charge of em-bezzling money from the union was setfor tomorrow morning, before PoliceJudge Samuels.

Poorman alleges that he is the vic-tim of persecution on the part of thesurety company which acted as hisbondsman. He refused to plead whenhe was arraigned in the police court,contending that the, complaint againsthim was defective.

Judge Murphey made the writ return-able December. 10, at which time hewill hear arguments.


Herr Arnold yon der Aue to Ap-pear in Greek Theater

BERKELEY. Dec. 1.—

Herr Arnoldyon der Aue, soloist for the GoldenGate park bank In its series in theGreek theater last summer, and formertenor of the Savage opera company,will tender the half hour of music inthe Greek theater next Sunday after-noon at 4 o'clock.

The program for the recitation fol-lows:

Sohcbffrfs "Der Err Koenig" and "L'nseduld":WacriT'a "Traume." a etudr to "Tribtan andIsolde"; Richard Straats' "Htlmliche .Auffor-Aennr"; Brahnw* "Mem* Is'.r*- Ist Gnxen";DTorak's *obr, "My Mother

'Tattfht Me," and

GvaooA't "An Prtnufiispe." '

Herr yon der Aue' ls fortunate In hav-ing secured Frederic Maurer as his ac-companist, and the', combination ofth^se two artists will give those pres-ent Sunday a rare treat. Incase of in-clement weather the recital will bepostponed until the spring term.


Annual Festival for West Oak-

land Home to Open atEbell'Club House

OAKLAND. Dec 1.—

Four hundredof the most beautiful dolls in Oakland

will open their three day reception to-

morrow afternoon in Ebcll club house.

The occasion is the annualdoll show,

which is given under the direction ofthe women of the West Oakland homeand for the benefit of the larpe insti-tution in Campbell street, which, for apcore or more of years, lias proved itsefficiency and helpfulness.

The clubrooms have been decoratedn-ith greens and scarlet flowers. Thedolls which have been awarded thecoveted ribbon of honor for their ex-quisite wardrobes will be displayed inthe center of the spaciou.% ballroom.These dolls will be judged by Mrs. F.M. Smith, Mrs. Mark Requa and MissEva Powell tomorrow morning. 7lnchargre of the concession will be Mrs.Herbert Lang, the chairman, assistedby:

Mr?. J. H. MatliPws •Mrs. Rotwrt BalaMrs. W. D. Huntington'Mrs. W. S. RhmnMrs. Oscar Lcning iMrs. Harry Ka«Mrs. R. C. Craft !Mrs. A. P. HollandMrs. E. U Miller '< Mrs. J. J. Hxnin:iMies Berne Wood jMi>. Alex S. Hutc'jin-

Mrs. <". C. Oumtnps'

sonMrs. U. W. Brian> !Mrn. H. P. RoweMrs. F.M. Humphrey (Mrs. C. J. Loo*

Grouped about the prize doll tablewill be a number of booths, where allsorts of useful and attractive holidaygifts will be offered for sale. Thosewho love to take chances willbe givenan opportunity to \u25a0win the handsomedonations of the Oakland merchants.A cozy corner, where ligrht refresh-ments will be served, will prove a pop-ular feature of the affair. ,

On the opening afternoon a score oflittl* tots will present a series of liv-ing pictures, illustrating the MotherGoose rhymes. In the evening thecolonial wedding with Florence Lauferas the bride and Walter Plunkett asthe bridegroom, will be an interestingnumbfr. In the bridal party will beKloise Laufer and Gertrude Rutley asbridesmaids. Jane Colilck as flower girl,Russell Little, as ring bearer, WilburFortin as clergyman and Theodore Hil iborn as best man. A number of othertableaux willbe given by the children.Among those active In the success ofthe fete are Mrs. L. N. Snyder. Mrs. W.A.Hershiser and Mrs. Edward Hushes, j

Draws Checks for, Depositors ofUnion National

OAKLAND, Dec- l.—^-A.dividend of25 per cent; has;. been declared, -upon: thestock ~of s the defunct }.Union 'jnationalbank byjßeceiver jMorris. , *-:JBefore the > dividends '•can •- be>. con-verted into rash iby. the 3,000 ,or, 4.000stock holders' the

'Checks'; made -out toeach must be jindorsed^by.'.theVcornp-;troller'of ithe (currency* at.;Morris "forwarded 'theIchecks \ltoUhe

comptroller;last ;Friday>and *as jsoon ;asthey,; are* returned he^wlll"turn* themover

'to" the- stbcl»iholders. ;The ;checks

may,-, be% cashed,

at ,the JUnited -States

depository; '\u25a0\u25a0? either'iin

~Oakland "*b"r in

San: Francisco.'V•• v • . , • .



'BERKELEY, Dec^ I—Earll H. 'Webb.jWho « sixr.months-agor: obtained a Yseatas a director.tand ttook up, the dutiesof-Ccashierv; of;;-the\" Berkeley inationalhank, has resigned that position and re-sumed ;practice of,law'in'Sari7Fran-cisco. He will still act as a. director.His, place as cashier ;willIbe \u25a0\u25a0 filled satthe January meetlngl of the :directors.Joseph^ S. Mills;*;assistant £ cashier, ? hasbeen mentioned as vhis -probable- suc-cessor," r^awgt^»«iag«i*MßMHiajf.!j.taß


'BERKELEY,., Dec. 1.

—Hearst hall

was a* briUiant;scene tonight on theeoccasion of:the >,- firstiannual •.concertrenderd by the university; student,or-chestra Sunder, the i:direction; of.^PaulSteindorff.\ the ,veteran -leader. ..;Fa-culty.,and; student'^body ;were rpresentand, the- affair.- was' considered a"; suc-cess. •\u25a0":'-- HHtHSHBBHHHB

Edwin'Reynolds and \u25a0MisVMaily;Renlff

[Special Dispatch (o Thy Call]*SANTA IROSA. Dec. 1.-^-Edwin H.

Reynolds,-, one of the best known-and

mbstv popular of $he vNorth-western; Paclflc.rallroad.' [son 'of iEdwinReynolds, >,the*tlocal capitalist, gave hismany.,friends a surprise today when heclaimed liMisb' Mary Flora Renlff *ofGey seryille as his bride. -.r\u25a0; v Miss tßenlff

*Is";the ";daughter* of''AsaReniff. a '; wealthy;.,Gey serville farmerand vineyardlst, v,-ho has kept -her ap-proachinginuptiats^a/secret from hermany friends In'this county.* r:",

"<\u25a0*:Mr.^and SMrs.-Reynolds Heftron


afternoon^ train;for;an fextended ;vouth-ern <honeymoon ftrlpl '- <



OAKLAND. Dec. 1.—

John L. Kellet.a manufacturer of medielnal and :heal-ing oile, was arrested last -night on amisdemeanor charge of preparingand selling a remedy which con-;tains 'more, than two grains, of"opiumto each fluid ounce. The warrant wassworn out by G.D.;Pratt, inspector forthe state board of pharmacy, who,al-leged' violation

"of\ the: pure food J and

drugs act. 'Kellet when arraigned be-fore Police Judge Smith; asked:. for acontinuance and will pl*ad-Saturday.

Ladies*; Aid ;Society to- SellWares .for,Church Benefit^-;FRUITVALE, Deci'I'—

The !ladiesVaidsociety fofJ.theiFrultvale^Presbyterlanchurch* willsglve^ a«r bazaar? at>,UpperFruitvale hall, ,in Hopkins street. Fri-day and Saturday afternoons and even-ings, December. 3 and 4. A variety -ofornamental sands useful articles Iwillbeon jsale^'asg well's'as^ cakes,"^ pies « andhomemadecandy.fr.'Refreshment'boothsJwilMserve sandwiches,* cofTee^lce 'creamandfcake.vt'Attfactive j

?jn'U6ical^andren-*tertainment !programs *

willbe- featuresof#both?days. T r.~y-j';~'/' ':'-\u25a0 \u25a0 :: '.«; \u25a0\u25a0< ;i"4




v BERKELEY;;;Dec. :jl.-lßy figuresBhowingjtrje|increasedob'usiness vof;thelocal;postofflce jas• a?result totithe iphe-nomenal fgrowth of Berkeley, in the lastfour^years,' Postmaßter. Clarence S. Mer-rlU supported this claim' today, for a' newpostofflce ibuilding. Congressman" Jo-«eph %R:% Knowland^lwhV \is 3making %£flght^for^airnew^building.'ihas •. beenfurnished jwith^the ',data.

—AUTOMOBILE DEALER BANKRUPT—TWbcrt• D. Jane*; an ;aotoronbil* :«l<»al«»r of Oakland,

ftl*d a ix>tltlon in banimptej- yesterday In the"•\u25a0-L'Bit»-d states dif-trirt «-«nrt, :jctatlnc that h«

ii> entirely 'without 'mean* to pay bit Ji,820debt*. IsMsMBlBWfl


ALAMEDA,Dec. \u25a0l.^-Christchurch -,ha a;elected^ the -following? asmembers Vof'lthe Xvestryiboard.V all£ofwhom'.'served ~£'during$. the XlastlUerm :Senior^ warden,'^" S/iM?<Haslqtt;^ Juniorwarden; *H.;ljl^A;,*Bates;^Becretary^JC^A.jllarker;*financial S secretary ,I'John! R.1Bosch: tre^asurer'.yß.^S.^Bullockjfassistfant« treasurer,''; Norman Td'Evelyn;li.ves-trymen, John >\u25a0; R;? Nieldfv&•? E:"?Blddle,1K.";L.*,Per ryjand ? F/V-A-fMoss^AsJdel e{gates Atbithe^house[{6f;<cliufchwo"menthe ifollowirigYwerej appointed riMrs.^LT11:Glllogly,%Dr.fMary.|T)elanolFl ctqher.1Mittn)Mattie iBacon.iMlssl C."£K5 Remmeland ;Mrs."John *K"-Nield;'" ';- """


WITB ABEATEK fSENT;'TO.\u25a0 JAIL—John -iWli-

feehintki, 137.' Somerset rafreet, *w*t'tept) t9 • the-ooonty-'Jallitforfslx-sinonthß-by-Pellr* Jadseyesterday for.beating hia wife.FaQlta*

wTTnesday ~nlsht :and; cutting*ber; fsee iwith. aS gU«.">William Joe«klß«ky awl Tony rrerlnco.-',' arre»ted" at' the name time, -were. each. wot tojail for 60 days for/disturbing tbejptae*. -

DISAPPEAR LWITH;nrWELHT^-Mejer Brlcht.13:1201 -iBuchanan s,etwt. 5dltappearwl &TueMlfty*


and;his .;wlfV,\u25a0Mnt.Tpopbl* 1Brichf ';Jtold f,theIpolices ymtcrday;' that ? he 3had |taken&\u25a0 wltbihim.jewelry?TaJued ;at $390 ,belonging to•her and ner.friend; Mrsr Pearl Lattlmer. ;\u25a0

.;Rent ;-your:rooms vby advertising themin^The'Call'ssWant^Ad? columns,! wherapeople iWho tare jlooklngjforjrooms'jcanseeiwha t•you*

haveitoioffer. <Th« s costIs sraal J.I%Phon e;your;ad 'toiKearny 86,-or drop a*line and^we .will'call for it,r~


Works Wonders

Marriage LicensesOAKLAND,.Dw., I.—The 'following'marriage

license** were issued today: -Fritheof. Haperstrom,: .2s, Alameda, and Ro-

salie ,Uakaeoo.- 23.':Berkeley: •-\u25a0'-:\u25a0'. \ .-' '- Prospero.-M llano, "i,-,and Katherlna :Polano,

22.- brtth.of Oakland.: . ' :, . .Enjert .•


Van*.:Lob«>n> Sele, • 30,- Oakland, andSarub E. Slate." 24,iß<»rk*loy. . \u25a0"* \u25a0;


\u25a0 George -.Tora spa,.* 19,. and Pauline Buzzalino,19. both of Oakland:-; ... - '

Aaron T.ITomllnson," 41, and ';Hazel '\u25a0 Cold," 35,hoth nfiOakland,* \u25a0..,,.: .\u25a0\u25a0..:\u25a0\u25a0_

George-E/DaTldson.iSS, and Sadie A; Miller.'19. hoth.of Oakland. . \.;. '.Rofal-. Miller..24, and Irene Hamblin,-"23. bothof*Berkeley. •".; .-'\u25a0 , ..\u25a0„:.,\u25a0,.:.\u25a0. ;.-,v,.-i.-•

.B*nn«»tt F. Storm, .20, Oakland, and Eleie ;G.:Bartlett, 19/ Berkeley.'- v



\u25a0.Undoubtedly the foilowlngpre-scription will work

"wonders forthat, great class of men who.through dissipation of their nat-

ural strength, find themselves intheir "second childhood" lonsr be-fore the three score :and ten al-lotted to life's :pleasures and en-joyments are \u25a0 reached. .:: It.ls presumed to b* Infallible,and highly efficient In quicklyrestoring" in- "nervous exhaus-tion." weak vitality, melancholiaand the functions. \u25a0

First get 'so cents* worth ofcompound fluid


-tn -a

one «ounce package. .and threeounces * syrup sarsaparllla com-pound; take home, mix and letstand two .hours; -then (get oneounce compound

~essence cardiol

and one ounce tincture cadomenecompound "(not cardamom). Mixall in a"six or eight ounce bottle,shake well, and

- take one tea-spoonful after each meal and onewhen retiring., following by -adrink of water. -.. By:mixing it at home no manneed ibe, the .wiser as to another'sshortcomings.* and expensive feesar« !avoided. .

' --'> ;Lack of*poise .and equilibriumIn?men .is a \u25a0 constant source ofembarrassment, even when •thepublic least suspects it.- For. thebenefit of those. who;want a.res-toration .to full.•bounding health,and all,the happiness accompany-ing,it,:the above home treatmentis,given. '-It contains 'no?opfatesor habit-forming drugs whatever."MixIt;at home and no1one: will

Sb«lth« ['wiser as to yoqr affliction.