DIPOLOG CITY, 7100 PHILIPPINES Pastor Renato & Nelia Advento To all our partners and fellow men and women in the Lord , we would like to extend our gratitude of thanks of your unending support in the ministry, through your prayers and support by the grace of our living God: Jesus Christ we always abounding the works of the Lord according to His will. This month some parts of the world was being devastated by hurricane, strong storm and huge of floods like in Japan, people and houses being swept away also here in Philippines some parts of the country was being hit by a strong earthquake with 6.3 magnitude. Many filipino people losses their houses and belongings. We thank the Lord that we are not affected here in Dipolog City. We keep praying for God’s protection to every Christ believers and we prayed also to all people who still in a darkness that they will know Jesus Christ who saved us from any works of the enemies. We also Praise the Lord that SOGIE BILL and same sex marriage didn’t pass the senate hearing in the country of Philippines. Everyday as we monitored the news there are different worst things happening worldwide, as Christ believer it is a big responsibility to share the word of God in season and out of season to every unbelievers that only Jesus Christ can give us a whole protection of all attacks of the enemies. Isaiah 54:17 KJV No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the LORD. Importance of prayer: Prayer is one of the most important things a Christian can do. It is a time they are communicating with God and it should be taken very seriously. While there is deep theological meaning in prayer, it doesn’t have to be something that is complicated and difficult. It’s something anyone can do anywhere at any time. God promises us in His Word that He hears every word that we pray to Him. Like a good parent, He is waiting, ready, and willing to listen to our worries, concerns, and needs. Whether we are seeking forgiveness, strength, or healing, prayer provides the channel to communicate with God and receive supernatural strength and power!

their houses and belongings. We thank the Lord Pastor ...bibleprophecyfoundation.org/Ministry Newsletter October 2019.pdf · This man was a drug addict before Pastor Advento prayed

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Page 1: their houses and belongings. We thank the Lord Pastor ...bibleprophecyfoundation.org/Ministry Newsletter October 2019.pdf · This man was a drug addict before Pastor Advento prayed


Pastor Renato & Nelia Advento

To all our partners and fellow men and women in

the Lord , we would like to extend our gratitude of

thanks of your unending support in the ministry,

through your prayers and support by the grace of

our living God: Jesus Christ we always abounding

the works of the Lord according to His will. This

month some parts of the world was being

devastated by hurricane, strong storm and huge

of floods like in Japan, people and houses being

swept away also here in Philippines some parts of

the country was being hit by a strong earthquake

with 6.3 magnitude. Many filipino people losses

their houses and belongings. We thank the Lord

that we are not affected here in Dipolog City. We

keep praying for God’s protection to every Christ

believers and we prayed also to all people who still

in a darkness that they will know Jesus Christ who

saved us from any works of the enemies. We also

Praise the Lord that SOGIE BILL and same sex

marriage didn’t pass the senate hearing in the

country of Philippines. Everyday as we monitored

the news there are different worst things

happening worldwide, as Christ believer it is a big

responsibility to share the word of God in season

and out of season to every unbelievers that only

Jesus Christ can give us a whole protection of all

attacks of the enemies. Isaiah 54:17 KJV

No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says

the LORD.

Importance of prayer: Prayer is one of the most important things a Christian can do. It is a time they are communicating with God and it should be taken very seriously. While there is deep theological meaning in prayer, it doesn’t have to be something that is complicated and difficult. It’s something anyone can do anywhere at any time. God promises us in His Word that He hears every word that we pray to Him. Like a good parent, He is waiting, ready, and willing to listen to our worries, concerns, and needs. Whether we are seeking forgiveness, strength, or healing, prayer provides the channel to communicate with God and receive supernatural strength and power!

Page 2: their houses and belongings. We thank the Lord Pastor ...bibleprophecyfoundation.org/Ministry Newsletter October 2019.pdf · This man was a drug addict before Pastor Advento prayed

What we do?

Praying for a lost soul: This man is a beggar, begging food

to eat until he reach at the house we gave him food but he refused, He didn't ask anything but to used a toilet because his stomach was in pain he cried and almost fallen on the ground, some people at the house doubted if he will allow him to enter because some other people pretending they are sick but they’re not and just observing and come back after all to make something bad if they can get something they may have from your house. But the spirit of the Lod was very strong in my heart I cried deep inside of me, the word of God reminded me in Matthew 25:36-40 (KJV) 36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was

sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto

me.37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when

saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee

drink?38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or

naked, and clothed thee?39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in

prison, and came unto thee?40 And the King shall answer and

say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have

done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done

it unto me. To make the long story short we let him used a toilet and after that i ask him where he came from and who he is? He says that he came from a far place and he is a Muslim! It makes me a surprise! I grab the opportunity to share the love of Christ to everyone. I told him that Jesus Christ love him very much according in the book of John 3:16 For God so love the world that He give His only begotten son that whosoever believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. even he is a muslim and i told him if he believe Jesus Christ to heal him I will pray for him. and He let me pray for him, to God be all the glory after praying God healed Him!!! Praise the Lord God almighty. Even in a sort time there is an opportunity to prayed for this people who need Jesus Christ our Lord and savior. He Thank Jesus after praying that Jesus healed him immediately!

This man was a drug addict before Pastor Advento prayed for him that he may continue to used by God for many people are now being addicted of alocohol, smoking, and anything that can make their life mesirable! This man is an example of giving life to Jesus is a big opportunity to received the salvation freely. He said ;he was lost but now he was found.

Page 3: their houses and belongings. We thank the Lord Pastor ...bibleprophecyfoundation.org/Ministry Newsletter October 2019.pdf · This man was a drug addict before Pastor Advento prayed

Church Activities Interyouth Fellowship

Train up! Level up! I am firmly convinced that what today’s youth need most is the gospel of Christ Jesus the Lord. He is the one in whom the fullness of God is found, and he’s the one in whom we are filled

(Col 2:9-10). Moreover, he is

the one who gives meaning to this life.

Feeding Program and Children’s Ministry

- Why is children's ministry so important?

Children need to feel God's love. Children's ministry may be the only time a kid truly gets to experience God's unconditional love. It's so important to raise up a generation of children that know their worth in Christ and know that they are loved.

Matthew 19:14 - Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Page 4: their houses and belongings. We thank the Lord Pastor ...bibleprophecyfoundation.org/Ministry Newsletter October 2019.pdf · This man was a drug addict before Pastor Advento prayed

Discipleship Training:

3 Benefits of discipleship

1. Discipleship builds humility Jeremiah 17:9 - Wise counsel from a friend, pastor, or spouse could be just the thing God uses for our protection.

2. Discipleship unites us with fellow

believers. Acts 2:44–47 . Seeking counsel and discipleship

is one way to invite others into your life.

3. Discipleship equips us for faithfulness.

- Paul tells us in Titus 2:3 that the older women in the church should teach what is good and train the younger women. They are to equip other women in how to walk in step with the truth of the gospel. And this isn’t a suggestion — it is God’s instruction for how we should relate to one another.

Scholarship Program:

Scholarships provide an opportunity for many people to earn an education. Without assistance from an outside source, students may have trouble paying for the degree they need in order to enter the workforce and become a contributing member of society.

Be a sponsor of the Forgotten Children of the Philippines. More Pictures of the children visit our website www.kjcfministries.weebly.com or see pictures at last page of this newsletter and contact: Pastor Nelia Advento Email: [email protected]

Her name is Emma Tumagna 24 years old, just graduated in College with a course of Education.

This two children are siblings they are abandoned child by their parents they still have two brothers, the boy at age of 11 still grade 1 and the girl at age of 6 still a preschool so sad their parents left them, infact they are not studying this year. Also, They are living in different houses weekly, monthly and it depends the house how long they allow them to live. I told them to stay at the church but still not decided this time. By next year we’re praying that they can able to go to school. Please keep praying for this kids that they may able to study next year, this children needs an attention so they may have a hope in the future. Thank you for Praying!!!

Jeremiah 29:11

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares

the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm

you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Page 5: their houses and belongings. We thank the Lord Pastor ...bibleprophecyfoundation.org/Ministry Newsletter October 2019.pdf · This man was a drug addict before Pastor Advento prayed

Pray also for this family Bailado, they need help to have a house

to live as well, As you can see on the picture it looks too hard to live with 4 kids and the parents. The family is too poor, they can get money but it’s good enough for their food daily. Pray for God’s provision upon them if you want to help this family please feel free to write a message to Pastor Nelia Advento in email: [email protected] . 500 POUNDS enough to repair this house.

The first family we built a house November 2019 Schedules: 1st Sunday - Communion and Church Family Bonding. Nov. 12-13 – Pastor’s and Leaders Meeting. Nov. 23 – Pastor Misehen Church Thanksgiving Anniversary at Margus sa Tubig, Pagadian City. Nov. 24 – Interyouth Fellowship

Every Saturday: Childrens Ministry and Feeding Program. Every Wednesday: Prayer Meeting and Discipleship Training

Want to be a Partner? Please Connect:

Pastor Renato and Nelia Advento Cell Number: +639463616075 Email add: [email protected] Address: Lalawan, Dicayas Dipolog City Zamboanga del Nnorte 7100 Philippines

Pastor’s and the Team Pastor Rrenato Advento Senior Pastor Name of staff and area of ministry: Pastor Romelito Diasana – Magsaysay Sibutad Pastor Francisco Lagora – Cayasan Dipolog City Pastor Jorem Villaruel - Sepulan , Manukan Pastor Jonathan Vilbestre – Sekayab, Dipolog City Pastor Alfredo Intia – Mt.Malindang Village Pastor Duane Advento – Sianeb Polanco Church Pastor Lyndlebob Advento – Owaon Dapitan City Pastor Helen Lipapac – Manil, Sindangan Pastor Vencio Lipapac –Palandok, Sindangan Pastor Gilbert Mesihen- Margus sa Tubig Pagadian Pastor Larry Peras – Cogon, Dipolog City Sister Nelia Advento – Children’s Ministry Brother Romel Advento – Youth Department

Page 6: their houses and belongings. We thank the Lord Pastor ...bibleprophecyfoundation.org/Ministry Newsletter October 2019.pdf · This man was a drug addict before Pastor Advento prayed

The Forgotten Children of the Philippines

The forgotten children of the Philippines are those who belong to poverty-stricken families in the Philippines. There are about 100 tropical storms that hit the Philippines from June through January each year. The families living in the affected areas are typically evacuated to higher grounds for safety. Most of them lose their homes and everything they own during the storm, especially those who are living at the beaches and river. To make money, they look for recyclable materials like water bottles, glass and paper to sell to buy food for their families. Others braved it and remain at beaches, the only place they know where to survive since their main livelihood is fishing. The children and their families live with very limited or no food to eat. To have clothes and shoes that fit them is a luxury. Some of the children are forced to drop out of school because of extreme poverty.

This is how you can help us every month:

Php 500.00 - will buy 1 Children's Bible Story Book , $20.00 or Php 1,000.00 - 2 Christmas bags (clothes, shoes, toys, hygiene supplies) Php2,000.00 - 5 family meals

Php 3,000.00 - will support a scholar for 3 months

Php 5,000.00 - will feed 100 children each month

$120.00 or Php 6,000 - will support a scholar for 6 months