TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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Page 1: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down
Page 2: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

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The Histamine Free Paleo Breakthrough

10  Days  of  Autoimmune  Paleo  Recipes  

Without  High  Histamine Foods!  

Page 3: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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High  Histamine  Foods  

Foods  To  Include:  

10  Day  Histamine  Free  Menu      

Grilled Chicken  With  Zucchini  

Stir  Fried  Chicken  Breast  

Crock  Pot  Chicken  

Grilled  Chicken  Wrapped  In  Steamed  Collard  Greens  

Chicken  With  Basil  Pesto  

Pastured   Tri-Tip  and  Collard  Greens  

Seasoned  Ground  Beef  Over  Raw  Zucchini  Noodles  

New  York  Steak  and  Red  Oak  Leaf  Salad  

Tri-Tip  Steak  and  Salad  

Pan  Seared  Yellowtail  

Ginger  Steamed  Halibut  and  Steamed  Chard  

Ginger,  Coco,  Wasabi  Salmon  Steak    

Vegetable  Broth  

Grill  Pan  Pork  Chops  

Lamb  Chops  

Greek  Salad    

Arugula,  Asparagus  and  Chicken  Salad  

Green  Smoothie  

Cucumber,  Nori  Salad  

Coconut  Mango Smoothie      21  

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  





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Disclaimer:  This  program  manual  is  not  intended  to  provide  medical  advice  or  to  take  the  place  of  medical  advice  and  treatment  from  your  personal  physician.  Readers  are  advised  to   consult   their   own   doctors   or   other   qualified   health   professionals   regarding   the  treatment  of  medical   conditions.   The  author   shall   not  be  held   liable  or   responsible   for  any  misunderstanding  or  misuse  of  the  information  contained  in  this  program  manual  or  for  any  loss,  damage,  or  injury  caused  or  alleged  to  be  caused  directly  or  indirectly  by  any  treatment,   action,   or   application  of   any   food  or   food   source  discussed   in   this   program  manual.   The   U.S   Food   and   Drug   Administration   have   not   evaluated   contents   in   this  manual.  This  information  is  not  intended  to  diagnose,  treat,  cure,  or  prevent  any  disease.  

To  request  permission  for  reproduction  or  to  inquire  about  classes,  please  contact:  

Anne  Angelone,  Licensed  Acupuncturist  Website:  www.paleobreakthrough.com  

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 5: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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Are   you   following   the   autoimmune   Paleo   template   and   finding   certain   healthy   foods,  such  as   sauerkraut,  are  causing  hives,   swelling  of   the   face  or   throat,  a  headache,  nasal  congestion,   skin   problems,   a   racing   heart,   anxiety,   watery   red   eyes,   heartburn,   or  irritability?   If   so   the  problem  may  not  be  allergies  but   instead  a  histamine   intolerance.  Histamines  are   found   in  many  common  foods,  especially   those  that  have  been  aged  or  fermented,   such  as  aged  cheese,   red  wine,  and  sauerkraut.  Reacting   to  sauerkraut  and  fermented  foods  could  be  a  histamine  intolerance.  

Histamine  is  a  compound  produced  by  the  body  when  you  have  an  immune  reaction  in  order   to   increase   blood   flow   to   the   affected   area.   It   also   plays  many   other   important  roles   in   the   body.  Most   people   are   familiar   with   histamines   in   response   to   hay   fever,  which  many  people  dampen  by  taking  antihistamines.  

How  is  histamine  intolerance  different  from  a  food  allergy?  

Histamine   intolerance  is   different   from   an   allergy   in   that   the   response   builds   up   over  time  i.e.  the  more  foods  with  histamine  you  consume,  the  more  you  react.  This  is  what  makes   it   difficult   to   pinpoint.   It’s   common   for   people   with   histamine   intolerance   to  screen  for  food  allergies  and  have  the  results  come  back  negative.  They're  not  allergic  to  the   high-­‐histamine   foods.   Instead,   they   react   to   the   elevated   histamine   levels   they  experience  after  eating  too  many  of  them.  

In   the   case   of   a   food   allergy,   the   immune   reaction   happens   soon   after   consuming   the  food.   With   an   intolerance,   however,   the   reaction   does   not   necessarily   happen  immediately  after.  This  is  because  histamine  levels  in  the  blood  need  to  reach  a  certain  level  for  reactions  to  take  place.  

What  causes  histamine  intolerance?  

A   histamine   intolerance   is   caused   by   defect   in   the   breakdown   process   of   histamine,  particularly  a  deficiency  of  the  diamine  oxidase  (DAO)  enzyme.  Normally,  when  histamine  levels  rise  too  high  DAO  helps  breakdown  histamine.  When  this  system  falters  histamine  levels  climb  too  high  and  a  person  experiences  allergy-­‐like  symptoms.  

Why  do  people  get  histamine  intolerance?  

Many  believe  an  imbalance  of  bacteria  in  the  gut  play  a  role  in  histamine  intolerance.  We  all   have   both   beneficial   and   harmful   bacteria   in   our   guts,   although   ideally   the   good  outnumber   the   bad.   However,   modern   diets,   stressful   lifestyles,   and   the   use   of  antibiotics  can  tip  these  bacteria  out  of  balance  so  that  the  bad  outnumber  the  good.  

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 6: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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When   harmful   bacteria   rule   the   gut,   food   doesn’t   get   thoroughly   digested   and  inflammation   runs   rampant,   scenarios   that   create   a   build-­‐up   of   histamine   in   the  intestines.   This   leads   to   higher   overall   levels   of   histamine   in   the   body   so   that   eating  histamine-­‐rich   foods   could   be   the   tipping   point   that   causes   symptoms.   This   is  confounding  for  people  who  eat  sauerkraut  and  other  fermented  vegetables  to  improve  gut   bacteria.   Fortunately,   there   are   other   ways   to   help   banish   the   bad   bacteria   and  support  the  good,  such  as  with  probiotics,  to  address  histamine  intolerance.    

Foods  high  in  histamines  

While  you  are  working  on  repairing  your  gut  and  restoring  balance  to  your  gut  bacteria,  it  will  be  helpful  to  avoid  foods  high  in  histamines.  Fermented  foods  such  as  sauerkraut  are  the  biggest  culprits  (although  anaerobically fermented foods may  be  fine).

Here  is  a  list  of  foods  to  avoid  on  a  regular  histamine  restricted  diet,  most  of  which  you  are   already  avoiding  on   the  autoimmune  protocol.   Check   the   list   that   follows   to   see   if  you  are  eating  any  of  these  foods.  

• Fish  and  shellfish,  unless  freshly  caught• Eggs• Processed,  smoked,  fermented  meats• Leftover  meats  (bacteria  act  on  leftovers,  producing  histamines)• All  fermented  milk  products,  including  all  cheeses,  yogurt,  buttermilk,  and  kefir• Some   fruits:   Citrus,   strawberries,   apricots,   cherries,   grapes,   raspberries,

pineapple,  cranberries,  prunes,  loganberries,  dates,  raisins,  currants• Some  vegetables:  Tomatoes  and  tomato  products,  spinach,  red  beans,  eggplant,

olives,  pumpkin,  avocado,  pickles,  relishes,  and  other  foods  containing  vinegar• Food   additives:   Tartrazine,   artificial   colors,   preservatives,   especially   benzoates

and  sulfites  (check  your  medications  and  supplements)• Seasonings:  Cinnamon,  cloves,  vinegar,  chili  powder,  anise,  curry  powder,  nutmeg• Miscellaneous:  Fermented  soy  (miso,  soy  sauce),  fermented  foods,  tea,  chocolate,

cocoa,  cola  drinks,  alcoholic  beverages,  and  de-­‐alcoholized  beer  and  wine.

Histamine   caution   foods   in   the   autoimmune   protocol   that   are   removed   for   this   meal  plan:  bacon,  berries,  cloves,  cinnamon,  dried  fruit,  dry  cured  sausages,  fermented  ham,  fermented   cured   meats,   fermented   sausages,   grapefruit,   kombucha,   lemons,   lime,  leftover  meat,   mackerel,   oranges,   sauerkraut,   shellfish,   sauerkraut,   sardines,     spinach,  vinegar,   vinegar   pickles,   anchovy   (e.g.   anchovy   paste),   banana,   fish   sauce,   fish   paste,  grape,  pork,  shrimp  paste,  strawberry,  tuna,  tangerine.  

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

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Those who have salicylate intolerance may also have histamine intolerance. Like FODMAP intolerance, Histamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down histamine gets overwhelmed which results in allergic symptoms similar to salicylate intolerance: nasal congestion, rashes, abdominal cramping, nausea, asthma, runny nose, itchy skin, watery eyes, hives, fatigue, headaches, irritability, heartburn, angioedema. Many of the foods that are high in salicylates are also high in histamines.

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Histamine   caution   foods   in   the  autoimmune  protocol   that  are   removed   for   this   meal   plan:   bacon,   berries,   cloves,  cinnamon,    dried  fruit,  dry  cured  sausages,  fermented  ham,  fermented   cured   meats,   fermented   sausages,     grapefruit,  kombucha,  lemons,  lime,  leftover  meat,  mackerel,  oranges,  sauerkraut,   shellfish,   sauerkraut,   sardines,     spinach,  vinegar,   vinegar   pickles,   anchovy   (e.g.   anchovy   paste),  banana,     fish  sauce,   fish  paste,    grape,  pork,  shrimp  paste,  strawberry,  tuna,  tangerine.  

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Foods  to  Include  

 BEVERAGES  TO  INCLUDE:  Filtered   or   distilled   water,   herbal   tea,   mineral   water,  broths,  freshly  made  veggie  juice,  green  smoothies,  water.  

 FOODS  TO  INCLUDE:    Coconut  oil,   coconut  butter,   coconut   flour,   coconut  milk,  coconut   cream,   unsweetened   coconut   flakes,   coconut  aminos.  

FODMAPs:  Dried   coconut,   coconut   flour,   coconut   cream,   coconut  milk,  and  coconut  butter.  

 CONDIMENTS  TO  INCLUDE:  Coconut  aminos.  

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

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 DENSE  CARBS  TO  INCLUDE:    Acorn   squash,   beets,   butternut   squash,   plantain,   lotus  root,   sweet   potato,   taro,   yams.   cassava   root,   manioc,  tapioca,  yucca.    SIBO  Caution:   sweet  potato,   yams,   cassava   root,  manioc,  tapioca,  yucca,  plantain,  lotus  root.  

FODMAPs:  Butternut  squash,  sweet  potatoes,  yams.  

 FATS  AND  OILS  TO  INCLUDE:  Coconut   oil,   red   palm   oil,   tallow   from   grass-­‐fed   beef   or  lamb,  lard  from  pastured  pork.  

 FOODS  TO  INCLUDE  :  Button   mushrooms,   oyster,   portabella,   chanterelle,  puffball,  crimini,  etc.  FODMAPs:  All  mushrooms.  

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

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FRUITS  TO  INCLUDE:  Apples,   Asian   pears,   bananas,   figs,   kiwi,   melons,   pears,  persimmons,   plantains,   pomegranate,   watermelon   and  mango.  SIBO  CAUTION:  Plantains,  green  bananas  

 HERBS  AND  SPICES  TO  INCLUDE:  Ginger,  basil,  cilantro,  dill,   lemongrass,  parsley,  sage,  sea,  salt,   tarragon,   marjoram,   mace,   chives,   chamomile,  chervil,  bay  leaves,  horseradish,  saffron,  sea  salt.  

 FOODS  TO  INCLUDE:  Beef,   chicken;   quail,   squab,   duck,   goose,   turkey,   Cornish  game  hen;  pasture-­‐raised  lamb,  pork,  buffalo/bison,  goat,  emu,   ostrich,   sausage,   (without   fillers   or   nightshade  spices);   liver,   kidney,   heart,   organic   sliced  meats   (gluten,  sugar   free),   uncured   nitrate/nitrite-­‐free   deli   meats   from  grass-­‐fed/pastured  beef/pork.  

 FOOD  TO  INCLUDE:    Cinnamon,   and   ginger.  Use   in  moderation:  maple   syrup,  molasses  and  unrefined  cane  sugar.  

FOODS  TO  INCLUDE:    Arugula,   artichoke,   basil,   beet,   beet   greens,   broccoli,  broccoli   rabe,   burdock,   bok   choy,   cabbage,   carrots,  cauliflower,   celery,   chard,   chicory,   collards,   chard,  

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

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cucumber,   scallion,   jerusalem   artichoke,   jicama,   kale,  kohlrabi,   lambsquarters,   leeks,   lettuce,   mustard,   nettles,  okra,  onions,  purslane,  summer  squash,  turnips,  artichoke  hearts,   Brussels   sprouts,   zucchini,   fennel   root,   dandelion  greens,   red   cabbage,   green   cabbage,   napa   cabbage,  watercress,  shallot,  turnips.  

FODMAPs  noted  in  case  you  are  also  avoiding  these  Artichoke,  beet  root,  broccoli,  Brussels  sprouts,  butternut  squash,  all  cabbage,  cauliflower,  celery,  fennel  bulb,  garlic,  leeks,   mushrooms,   okra,   onions,   pumpkin,   radicchio,  sauerkraut.  


The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

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10 Day Histamine Free Menu

Breakfast   Snack   Lunch   Snack   Dinner   Beverage  

Day  1  Stir  Fried  Chicken  

Green  Smoothie  

Tri-­‐Tip    Steak  

Green  Salad  with  jicama,  cucumber  and  steamed  carrots  

Ginger  Steamed  Halibut  

Sparkling  water  

Day  2   Grilled  chicken  

Grass  Fed  ground  beef  patty,  salad  

Crock  pot  chicken  

Veggie  Broth  

Chicken  with  basil  and  pesto   Water  

Day  3  Turkey  sausage  with  steamed  Bok  Choy  

Sliced  turkey  breast  with  slices  of  cucumber  


Veggie  Broth  

Pastured  tri-­‐tip  

Sparkling  water  

       Day  4  Turkey  patties  with  sautéed  Rainbow  chard  

Coconut  smoothie  

 Grilled  chicken  

Green  Smoothie  

LambChops   Water  

Day  5  CoconutMango  

Cucumbers,  and  chicken  breast  slices  

Grill  Pan  Pork  Chops  

Grass  Fed  ground  beef  patty.  salad  

Ginger  Steamed  Halibut   Water  

Day  6  Pork  sausages  sautéed  with  Swiss  chard  

Veggie  Broth   Crock  Pot  

Chicken  Coconut  Smoothie  

Chicken  with  basil  and  pesto  

Green  Smoothie  

Day  7   Grilled  chicken  

Veggie  Broth  

Arugula,  asparagus,  chicken  salad  

Chicken  breast  slices  

Ginger,  coco,  wasabi  salmon  steak  

Sparkling  water  

Day  8  Crock  pot  chicken  

Grilled  chicken  breast,  steamed  veggies  

New  York  Steak  and  red  oak  leaf  salad  

Green  salad  with  jicama,  cucumber  and  steamed  carrots  

Seasoned  ground  beef  and  zucchini  noodles  

Milk  thistle  tea  

Day  9   Chicken  sausage  and  Swiss  chard  

Cucumber  with  sea  salt,  turkey  breast  

Pan  Seared  Yellowtail  

Veggie  Broth  

Rosemary  grilled  chicken  


Day  10  

Chicken  breast  sautéed  with  coconut  aminos,  Bok  Choy  

Veggie  Broth  

Seasoned  ground  beef  and  zucchini  noodles  

Veggie  Broth  

Pan  Seared  Yellowtail   Ginger  Tea  


The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

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• 2  grilled  chicken  breasts• 3  medium  zucchinis,  sliced  thinly• ½  cup  chopped  basil• 2  Tbsp  coconut  oil• Sea  salt  to  taste


1. Coat   chicken  breasts  with,   coconut   oil   salt   and   basil.  Grill   for   8-­‐10  minutes   oneach  side.

2. Coat  zucchini  lightly  in  coconut  oil  and  grill  alongside  chicken.Servings:  2  


with  yellow  summer  squash  and  cilantro  over  romaine  lettuce.  

• 2  chicken  breasts• 3  medium  yellow  summer  squash,  sliced  thinly• 1/2  bunch  of  cilantro• 4  Tbsp  coconut  oil• Sea  salt  to  taste• 1  head  romaine,  chopped


1. Cut  chicken  into  cubes  and  sauté  in  coconut  oil,  with  a  pinch  of  salt.2. After  5  minutes  add  summer  squash  in  coconut  oil  and  sauté  for  7  minutes3. Add  cilantro  and  turn  off  heat4. Serve  over  romaine  lettuce

Servings:  2-­‐3  

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

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• 3  Lbs  boneless,  skinless  chicken  thighs• 3  parsnips,  chopped• 3  carrots,  chopped• 4  celery  stalks• Sea  salt  to  taste• 2  medium  zucchinis  chopped• 1/4  cup  coconut  oil• 1  TB  dried  cilantro• 1  TB  sage• 1  1/2  cups  chicken  broth


• Add  everything  to  your  slow  cooker  or  crock-­‐pot  and  let  cook  on  medium-­‐high  for4  hours.


with  crunchy  Veggies  

• 2  chicken  breasts• 1  Tbsp  coconut  aminos• 1  Tbsp  minced  ginger• 3  large  carrots,  peeled  and  diced• Sea  salt• 2  Tbsp  olive  oil• ½  daikon  radish,  peeled  and  diced• 2  ribs  of  celery,  chopped• 1  bunch  of  collard  greens


1. Marinate   chicken   breast   in   olive   oil,   coconut   aminos   and   ginger   for   1   hour   orlonger.

2. Cut  veggies,  steam  collard  greens3. Grill  chicken  breasts  for  12  minutes  each  side  making  sure  thoroughly  cooked.

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 15: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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• 5  tablespoons  coconut  oil  divided• 4  boneless  skinless  chicken  thighs,  cubed• 1  cup  lightly  packed  basil  leaves• ¼  teaspoon  salt


1. Add  coconut  oil,  salt,  basil  to  cuisinart  and  blend  to  make  a  pesto.2. Add   In   a   large   skillet,   heat   2   tablespoons   of   coconut   oil.   Add   chicken   and   cook

over   med-­‐high   heat   for   10  minutes,   add   the   pesto   and   stir-­‐fry   until   chicken   isthoroughly  cooked.


• 1  pound  Tri-­‐Tip  steak• 1  bunch  of  collard  greens,  rolled  then  cut  thin• 2  Tbsp  coconut  oil• Sea  salt  to  taste


1. Lightly  salt  tri-­‐tip  and  cook  on  grill  pan  for  7  minutes  on  each  side.2. Sautee  collard  greens  in  coconut  oil

 Servings:  1-­‐2  


• 2  large  zucchinis,  julienned• ½  pound  ground  beef• ½    bunch  chopped  fresh  basil• Sea  salt  to  taste• Tbsp  red  palm  or  coconut  oil


1. Sautee  basil  and  beef  in  oil  until  fully  cooked,  add  salt  to  taste.2. Pour  on  top  of  zucchini  pasta;  add  more  fresh  basil,  Enjoy!


The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 16: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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• 1  pound  New  York  Steak• 1  head  of  red  oak  leaf  lettuce• ½  cup  grated  jicama  plus  1  carrot  peeled  and  grated• ½  peeled  and  sliced  cucumber• 2  Tbsp  coconut  oil• 1/2  tsp  coconut  aminos• Sea  salt  for  steak


1. Mix  red  oak  leaf  lettuce  with  grated  jicama,  carrots  in  a  large  bowl.2. Mix  in  coconut  oil,  coconut  aminos3. Sprinkle  sea  salt  on  New  York  Steak  then  cook  on  grill  pan  for  7  minutes  per  side.

Slice  and  serve  over  salad.Servings:  2  


• Sea  salt  to  taste• ½  pound  Tri-­‐tip  steak• 1  head  of  arugula• 1  cucumber,  sliced• 1  carrot  grated


1. Sprinkle  salt  on  Tri-­‐Tip  steak  and  cook  on  grill  pan  for  7-­‐10  minutes  on  each  side.2. Slice  steak  and  serve  over  arugula,  cucumber  and  carrots

Servings:  1-­‐2  

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 17: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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• 1  pound  yellow  tail• 2  Tbsp  olive  or  red  palm  oil• 2  Tbsp  coconut  aminos• 1  Tbsp  minced  ginger• Sea  salt  to  taste


1. Marinate  yellowtail  ginger,  coconut  aminos  and  olive  oil  for  1  hour.2. Spray  and  preheat  skillet  on  med-­‐high  for  3  minutes.


• 1  pound  halibut• 1  inch  of  sliced  ginger• ¼  bunch  cilantro• 2  Tbsp  olive  or  red  palm  oil• 2  tbsp  coconut  aminos• Sea  salt  to  taste• One  bunch  of  red  chard


1. Cover  Halibut  with  olive  oil,  coconut  aminos,  cilantro,  and  ginger.2. Sauté  chard  in  coconut  oil,  add  salt  to  taste.

Servings:  2  

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 18: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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• 1  pound  salmon• ½    tsp.  wasabi  paste• 2  coconut  or  red  palm  oil• ½  tsp  coconut  aminos• Sea  salt  to  taste


• Soak  salmon  in  coconut  oil,  cocnut  aminos  and  a  light  dusting  of  salt  and  wasabipaste  for  5  minutes.  Grill  for  8  minutes  on  each  side.

Servings:  2  


• 3  quarts  of  water• 2  sliced  carrots• 1  cup  of  cubed  daikon• 1  cup  of  turnips  and  rutabaga  cut  into  large  cubes• 2  cups  of  chopped  greens:  kale,  parsley,  collard  greens,  chard,  dandelion,  cilantro• 2  celery  stalks• 4  ½  inch  slices  of  ginger


1. Add  all  the  ingredients  at  once  and  place  on  low  boil  for  60  minutes.2. Cool  and  strain  veggies  out-­‐discard  them.3. Store  in  fridge.  Heat  and  drink  3-­‐4  cups/day.

Servings:  8  cups  

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 19: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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• 2  Pork  Chops• 2  small  yams• ½  cup  cilantro  chopped• 2  Tbsp  red  palm  oil• Sea  salt  to  taste


1. Mix  cilantro  leaves  with  red  palm  oil  and  salt  then  rub  chops.2. Grill  on  med-­‐high  heat  for  5-­‐7  minutes  per  side.3. Steam  yams  until  tender

Servings:  2  


on  a  bed  of  kale  chips  and  arugula  salad  


• 1  pound  lamb  chops• 2  Tbsp  minced  majoram• 2  teaspoons  sea  salt• 4  Tbsp  coconut  oil,  divided• 5  pieces  of  Kale


1. Rub  chops  with  coconut  oil,  majoram  and  sea  salt.2. Coat  baking  dish  and  5  large  kale  with  coconut  oil.3. Coat  5  large  kale  leaves  with  olive  oil.4. Place  lamb  chops  on  top  of  Kale

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 20: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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5. Bake   in   oven  @   375F   for   20   minutes,   turn   chops   over,   and   cook   for   20   moreminutes,  or  to  desired  doneness.

6. Toss  arugula,  and  cucumber  with  olive  oil  and  sea  salt  to  taste.7. Be  sure  to  eat  the  kale  chips!

Servings:  2-­‐3  


Ingredients:  • 2  cups  red  or  green-­‐leafed  lettuce,  chopped• 3  ounces  grilled  chicken  or  lamb,  chopped• 1/2  cup  chopped  cucumber• 1  Tbsp  diced  red  onion• 1  tsp  fresh  basil  leaves


Ingredients:  • 2  cups  arugula• 3  ounces  grilled  chicken,  chopped


with  kale,  ginger,  pear  

• 1/2  a  bunch  Dino  kale  or  Swiss  chard,  cut  out  stalks• 1/2  inch  ginger• 1  asian  pear• 5  cups  of  water• Blend  for  5  minutes

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 21: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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• 1  cucumber,  peeled,  seeded  and  sliced  thin• 1  tsp  ginger  root,  chopped• I  carrot  sliced  thin• 1  tsp.  coconut  aminos• 1  Tbsp  red  palm  oil• Sea  salt  to  taste


1. Cut  Nori  into  thin  strips  and  let  sit  in  a  bowl  of  warm  water.2. Combine  the  coconut  aminos,  red  palm  oil  and  sea  salt3. Pour  over  cut  veggies,  remove  Nori  from  water  and  add  to  salad.

Servings:  1-­‐2  


•1  12  oz.  of  coconut  milk•1  ripe  mango

• blend


• 2  Nori  sheets

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 22: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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Shopping  List  By  Day  

Day  1    Shopping  list  


2  chicken  breasts    • 3  medium  yellow  summer  squash,  sliced  thinly• 1/2  bunch  of  cilantro• 4  Tbsp  coconut  oil• Sea  salt  to  taste• 1  head  romaine,  chopped


with  kale,  ginger,  pear  

• 1/2  a  bunch  Dino  kale  or  Swiss  chard,  cut  out  stalks• 1/2  inch  ginger• 1  asian  pear• 5  cups  of  water


• Sea  salt  to  taste• ½  pound  Tri-­‐tip  steak• 1  head  of  arugula• 1  cucumber,  sliced• 1  carrot  grated


• 1  pound  halibut• 1  inch  of  sliced  ginger• ¼  bunch  cilantro• 2  Tbsp  olive  or  red  palm  oil• 2  tbsp  coconut  aminos• Sea  salt  to  taste• One  bunch  of  red  chard

Quick  Reference  Guide  

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 23: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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! Pan  Seared  Yellowtail  ! Coco,  ginger  wasabi  salmon  ! Ginger  steamed  halibut  and  steamed  chard  


! Pastured  tri-­‐tip  ! New  York  steak  ! Seasoned  ground  beef  ! Tri-­‐tip  steak  


! Lamb  chops  


! Grilled  chicken  ! Stir  fried  chicken  ! Crock  pot  chicken  ! Grilled  chicken  wrap  ! Chicken  with  Basil  Pesto  


! Vegetable  broth  


! Asparagus  chicken  salad  ! Greek  salad  ! Cucumber  Nori  salad  


! Grill  pan  pork  chops  

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 24: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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Day  1  

• Stir  fried  chicken• Green  smoothie• Tri  tip  steak• Ginger  steamed  halibut

Day  2  

• Veggie  broth• Crock  pot  chicken• Chicken  with  basil  pesto• Grilled  chicken  with  zucchini

Day  3  

• Veggie  broth• Grilled  chicken  wrap• Greek  Salad• Pastured  tri-­‐tip

Day  4  

• Coconut  smoothie• Veggie  broth• Lambchops• Grilled  chicken• Green  smoothie

Day  5  

• Grill  pan  pork  chops

Day  6  

• Vegetable  broth• Crock  pot  chicken• Green  smoothie

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 25: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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• Arugula,  asparagus,  chicken  salad• Veggie  broth

Day  8  

• Crockpot  chicken• Seasoned  ground  beef

Day  9  

• Pan  Seared  yellowtail• Veggie  Broth

Day  10  

• Seasoned  ground  beef• Vegetable  broth• Stir  fried  chicken

Day  7  

• Green  smoothie• Ginger,  coco,  wasabi  salmon  steak

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 26: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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Shopping  List  By  Day  

Day  1    Shopping  list    


2  chicken  breasts    • 3  medium  yellow  summer  squash,  sliced  thinly• 1/2  bunch  of  cilantro• 4  Tbsp  coconut  oil• Sea  salt  to  taste• 1  head  romaine,  chopped


with  kale,  ginger,  pear  

• 1/2  a  bunch  Dino  kale  or  Swiss  chard,  cut  out  stalks• 1/2  inch  ginger• 1  asian  pear• 5  cups  of  water


• Sea  salt  to  taste• ½  pound  Tri-­‐tip  steak• 1  head  of  arugula• 1  cucumber,  sliced• 1  carrot  grated


• 1  pound  halibut• 1  inch  of  sliced  ginger• ¼  bunch  cilantro• 2  Tbsp  olive  or  red  palm  oil• 2  tbsp  coconut  aminos• Sea  salt  to  taste• One  bunch  of  red  chard

Quick  Reference  Guide  

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 27: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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Day  2  


• 3  quarts  of  water• 2  sliced  carrots• 1  cup  of  cubed  daikon• 1  cup  of  turnips  and  rutabaga  cut  into  large  cubes• 2  cups  of  chopped  greens:  kale,  parsley,  collard  greens,  chard,  dandelion,  cilantro• 2  celery  stalks• 4  ½  inch  slices  of  ginger


• 5  tablespoons  coconut  oil  divided• 4  boneless  skinless  chicken  thighs,  cubed• 1  cup  lightly  packed  basil  leaves• ¼  teaspoon  salt


• 2  grilled  chicken  breasts• 3  medium  zucchinis,  sliced  thinly• ½  cup  cilantro  chopped• 2  Tbsp  coconut  oil• Sea  salt  to  taste

Day  3  


• 3  quarts  of  water• 2  sliced  carrots• 1  cup  of  cubed  daikon• 1  cup  of  turnips  and  rutabaga  cut  into  large  cubes• 2  cups  of  chopped  greens:  kale,  parsley,  collard  greens,  chard,  dandelion,  cilantro• 2  celery  stalks• 4  ½  inch  slices  of  ginger

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 28: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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with  crunchy  Veggies  

• 2  chicken  breasts• 1  Tbsp  coconut  aminos• 1  Tbsp  minced  ginger• 3  large  carrots,  peeled  and  diced• Sea  salt• 2  Tbsp  olive  oil• ½  daikon  radish,  peeled  and  diced• 2  ribs  of  celery,  chopped• 1  bunch  of  collard  greens


Ingredients:  • 2  cups  red  or  green-­‐leafed  lettuce,  chopped• 3  ounces  grilled  chicken  or  lamb,  chopped• 1/2  cup  chopped  cucumber• 1  Tbsp  diced  red  onion• 1  tsp  fresh  basil  leaves


• 1  pound  Tri-­‐Tip  steak• 1  bunch  of  collard  greens,  rolled  then  cut  thin• 2  Tbsp  coconut  oil• Sea  salt  to  taste

Day  4  


• 1  12  oz.  of  coconut  milk• 1  ripe  mango• blend


The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 29: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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• 3  quarts  of  water• 2  sliced  carrots• 1  cup  of  cubed  daikon• 1  cup  of  turnips  and  rutabaga  cut  into  large  cubes• 2  cups  of  chopped  greens:  kale,  parsley,  collard  greens,  chard,  dandelion,  cilantro• 2  celery  stalks• 4  ½  inch  slices  of  ginger


on  a  bed  of  kale  chips  and  arugula  salad  


• 1  pound  lamb  chops• 2  Tbsp  minced  fresh  majoram• 2  teaspoons  sea  salt• 4  Tbsp  coconut  oil,  divided• 5  pieces  of  Kale


with  crunchy  Veggies  

• 2  chicken  breasts• 1  Tbsp  coconut  aminos• 1  Tbsp  minced  ginger• 3  large  carrots,  peeled  and  diced• Sea  salt• 2  Tbsp  olive  oil• ½  daikon  radish,  peeled  and  diced• 2  ribs  of  celery,  chopped• 1  bunch  of  collard  greens


with  kale,  ginger,  pear  

• 1/2  a  bunch  Dino  kale  or  Swiss  chard,  cut  out  stalks• 1/2  inch  ginger• 1  asian  pear• 5  cups  of  water

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 30: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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• 2  Pork  Chops• 2  small  yams• 5  sprigs  of  fresh  cilantro• 2  Tbsp  red  palm  oil• Sea  salt  to  taste

Day  6  


• 3  quarts  of  water• 2  sliced  carrots• 1  cup  of  cubed  daikon• 1  cup  of  turnips  and  rutabaga  cut  into  large  cubes• 2  cups  of  chopped  greens:  kale,  parsley,  collard  greens,  chard,  dandelion,  cilantro• 2  celery  stalks• 4  ½  inch  slices  of  ginger


• 3  Lbs  boneless,  skinless  chicken  thighs• 3  parsnips,  chopped• 3  carrots,  chopped• 4  celery  stalks• Sea  salt  to  taste• 2  medium  zucchinis  chopped• 1/4  cup  coconut  oil• 1  TB  dried  cilantro• 1  TB  sage• 1  1/2  cups  chicken  broth

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 31: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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• 1  asian  pear• 5  cups  of  water

Day  7  


with  kale,  ginger,  pear  

• 1/2  a  bunch  Dino  kale  or  Swiss  chard,  cut  out  stalks• 1/2  inch  ginger• 1  asian  pear• 5  cups  of  water


• 1  pound  salmon• ½    tsp.  wasabi  paste• 2  coconut  or  red  palm  oil• ½  tsp  coconut  aminos• Sea  salt  to  taste


Ingredients:  • 2  cups  arugula• 3  ounces  grilled  chicken,  chopped• 5-­‐6  stalks  of  asparagus,  cut  into  1”  lengths


• 3  quarts  of  water• 2  sliced  carrots• 1  cup  of  cubed  daikon• 1  cup  of  turnips  and  rutabaga  cut  into  large  cubes• 2  cups  of  chopped  greens:  kale,  parsley,  collard  greens,  chard,  dandelion,  cilantro• 2  celery  stalks• 4  ½  inch  slices  of  ginger


with  kale,  ginger,  pear  

• 1/2  a  bunch  Dino  kale  or  Swiss  chard,  cut  out  stalks• 1/2  inch  ginger

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 32: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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Day  8  


• 3  Lbs  boneless,  skinless  chicken  thighs• 3  parsnips,  chopped• 3  carrots,  chopped• 4  celery  stalks• Sea  salt  to  taste• 2  medium  zucchinis  chopped• 1/4  cup  coconut  oil• 1  TB  dried  cilantro• 1  TB  sage• 1  1/2  cups  chicken  broth


• 2  large  zucchinis,  julienned• ½  pound  ground  beef• 1/2  bunch  chopped  fresh  basil• Sea  salt  to  taste• Tbsp  red  palm  or  coconut  o

Day  9  


• 1  pound  yellow  tail• 2  Tbsp  olive  or  red  palm  oil• 2  Tbsp  coconut  aminos• 1  Tbsp  minced  ginger• Sea  salt  to  taste


• 3  quarts  of  water• 2  sliced  carrots• 1  cup  of  cubed  daikon• 1  cup  of  turnips  and  rutabaga  cut  into  large  cubes• 2  cups  of  chopped  greens:  kale,  parsley,  collard  greens,  chard,  dandelion,  cilantro• 2  celery  stalks• 4  ½  inch  slices  of  ginger

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 33: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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• 2  large  zucchinis,  julienned• ½  pound  ground  beef• 1/2  bunch  chopped  fresh  basil• Sea  salt  to  taste• Tbsp  red  palm  or  coconut  oil


• 3  quarts  of  water• 2  sliced  carrots• 1  cup  of  cubed  daikon• 1  cup  of  turnips  and  rutabaga  cut  into  large  cubes• 2  cups  of  chopped  greens:  kale,  parsley,  collard  greens,  chard,  dandelion,  cilantro• 2  celery  stalks• 4  ½  inch  slices  of  ginger


2  chicken  breasts    • 3  medium  yellow  summer  squash,  sliced  thinly• 1/2  bunch  of  basil• 4  Tbsp  coconut  oil• Sea  salt  to  taste• 1  head  romaine,  chopped

Day  10  

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 34: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  


Anne Angelone, Licensed Acupuncturist

Bachelor of Science, Cornell University

Master of Science, American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine


The Paleo Mom Consulting

Primal Docs

The Paleo Physicians Network

Dr. O’Bryan Certified Gluten Practitioner

✦ Background ✦

My own experience with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) led me to study the underlying mechanisms of disease expression. While learning how to treat AS, which is correlated to the gene type called HLA B-27, I learned how to identify and remove specific triggers and how to heal my leaky gut. Over the course of my exploration, I learned how it's possible to turn off inflammatory gene expression with nutrition, supplements, Qi, acupuncture, exercise, diet, and meditation. I’m grateful to be able to share what I have learned through experience and years of research, training, and investigation.

My path led me to acupuncture school. I also had the opportunity to study the emerging system of Functional Medicine (developed by Dr. Jeffrey Bland), which taught me how to investigate the underlying causes of disease.

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The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Halting AS was a top priority for me, so I have searched high and low for the best, most efficient way to detect the underlying causes of my own autoimmune reactions. I first went gluten-, dairy-, and nightshade-free, and then I went to work on healing my leaky gut, clearing hidden infections, balancing hormones, getting adequate nutrition, and replenishing glutathione.

Over time, and after much additional research, I discovered that a no-starch diet was more appropriate for treating AS, so I was drawn to and inspired by the concepts and science in the field of Paleo Nutrition (with its no-grain, no-legume template). I also learned from the astute teachings about autoimmunity by Dr. Loren Cordain and Robb Wolf, which went further to suggest the elimination of eggs, nuts, seeds, potatoes, eggplants, peppers, and tomatoes. This is a similar template to what Dr. Datis Kharrazian, a leading Functional Medicine practitioner, recommends in his leaky gut repair program. I used this dietary template while following Dr. Kharrazian’s Repairvite program and started to improve dramatically.

Soon afterwards, I saw researcher Sarah Ballantyne, Ph.D. report that nightshade- and seed-based spices were also potential leaky gut irritants. When I removed these spices from my diet, I learned how to further control my inflammation. I then collaborated with Dr. Ballantyne to compile an advanced autoimmune protocol list of foods to include/avoid based on evidence in the scientific literature. We indicated whether or not a particular food is immunogenic, allergenic, hard to digest, likely to feed gut bacterial overgrowths, and likely to contribute to leaky gut, dysbiosis, and/or blood sugar imbalances.

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The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

This work is important because as of the writing of this book there has been no standardized knowledge base of the herbs, foods, and compounds that are stimulating the imbalanced immune systems of those with autoimmune disease. We also included foods that are potentially problematic (i.e., foods that should be considered as possible triggers if patients are not improving). These foods include FODMAPs and high-histamine, high-salicylate, and high-oxalate foods.

My goal has always been to prevent the decades of suffering that go along with inflammation and untamed autoimmune reactions. I have dedicated my career as an acupuncturist and Functional Medicine practitioner to understanding and teaching about autoimmune triggers and natural medicine solutions for autoimmune disease.

Please help me spread the word about the simple yet profound equation for halting autoimmune reactions—it’s all about removing triggers, resolving intestinal permeability (leaky gut), and silencing inflammatory gene expression. By sharing this important information, we can treat the underlying causes of the chronic symptoms experienced by those suffering from autoimmune disease.

Visit my website (www.paleobreakthrough.com) for more information or to find out how to contact me.

Many thanks to the leaders who have inspired me in the fields of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Functional Medicine and Paleo Nutrition: Sarah Ballantyne, Ph.D., Eric Gordon, MD, Kevin Doherty, MS, L.Ac., Dr. Tom O’Bryan, Dr. Terry Wahls, Dr. Deanna Minich, Dr. Jeffrey Bland, Dr. Datis Kharrazian, Dr. Alex Vasquez, Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Alison Siebecker, Chris Kresser, MS, L.Ac., Diane Sanfilippo, BS, NC, Robb Wolf, Nora Gegaudas, Dr. Loren Cordain, Mat Lalonde, Ph.D., Dr. Alessio Fasano, Elaine Gottschall, Natasha Campbell McBride, Stephen Wright, and Jordan Reasoner.

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The  Paleo  Approach  By  Sarah  Ballantyne  


The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

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The  Paleo  Approach  Cookbook  By  Sarah  Ballantyne  


The   Autoimmune   Paleo   Cookbook  By  Mickey  Trescott  

Personal  chef  and  blogger  at  Autoimmune-Paleo.com  

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 39: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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SCD  Lifestyle  book  By  Steve  Wright  and   Jordan  Reasoner  

from  SCDlifestyle.com  

Why  Do  I  have  Thyroid  Symptoms  When  My  Blood  Tests  Are  Normal?  By  Dr.  Datis  Kharrazian  

Practical  Paleo    By  Diane   Sanfilippo  

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 40: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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Why  Isn't  My  Brain  Working?  By  Dr.  Datis  Kharrazian  

The  Personal  Paleo  Code  By  Chris  Kresser  

The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

Page 41: TheHistamineFreePaleoBreakthroughHistamine intolerance may tip you off to SIBO and/or dysbiotic bacteria. When these bacteria secrete histamine, the enzyme system that breaks down

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The  Histamine  Free  Paleo  Breakthrough  

The FODMAP Free Paleo BreakthroughBy Anne Angelone

Reintroducing Foods on The Paleo Autoimmune ProtocolBy Eileen Laird