The Wonders of Honey - Healing for Humankind

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  • 7/31/2019 The Wonders of Honey - Healing for Humankind


    The Wonders of Honey: Healing for Humankind

    And your Lord taught the bee to build its cells in hills, on trees, and in habitations;

    Then to eat of all the produce, and find with skill the spacious paths of its Lord: there issues

    from within their bodies a drink of varying colours, wherein is healing for men: truly in this is

    a sign for those who reflect. [Quran 16:68-69]

    Honey is one of the greatest medicinal blessings which Allah has bestowed upon mankind.

    It is not only a great remedy, but also a great means of prevention against numerous

    illnesses. In addition to its vast range of medical benefits, it is also one of the most delightful

    sources of natural sugar, minus harmful side effects.

    The Noble Quran informs of its remedial qualities in the above verse from Surah al-Nahl,

    meaning the Bee. It explains the bees submissive trait in following Allahs instruction, to

    collect nectar and pollen and then travel straight back to its hive.And then Allah says Truly in this is a sign for those who reflect, Regarding this, as

    quoted from thetafseer of Hafiz ibn Kathir, it is explained; Meaning, in the fact that Allahinspires this weak little creature to travel through the vast fields and feed from every kind

    of fruit, then gather it for wax and honey, which are some of the best things - in this is a

    sign for people who think about the Might and Power of the bees Creator, Who causes all

    of this to happen. From this, they learn that He is the Initiator, the All-Powerful, the All-

    Wise, the All-Knowing, the Most Generous, the Most Merciful.

  • 7/31/2019 The Wonders of Honey - Healing for Humankind


    The Beloved Messenger of Allah, as reported by Sayyidina ibn Abbas, said, Healing is in

    three things: a gulp of honey, cupping, and branding with fire (cauterizing). But I forbid

    my followers to use cauterization (branding with fire).[Bukhari]The Numerous Wonders of Honey

    Extracted fromal-Tibb al-Nabawi (Prophetic Medicine) by Imam ibn Qayyim al-Jawziya:

    Honey has tremendous medicinal value, because it washes away the harmful substancesthat might be collected in the veins and the intestines. Honey, in addition, dissolves excess

    moisture, is beneficial as a drink and as an ointment. It is of great value for the elderly, and

    those suffering from phlegm and cold moods or condition (chills). Honey is nutritious,

    softens ones bowel movement and is a good preserving agent. In addition , honey reduces

    the bitter taste of other medicines, cleanses the liver and the chest, aids in producing urine,

    and dissolves the phlegm that is accompanied by coughing. When honey is consumed hot

    and mixed with rose oil, it cures animal bites and the effects of opium. Taking honey mixed

    with water helps against the bite of a rabid dog and the effects of eating poisonous


    If fresh meat is kept in honey, it preserves its freshness for three months. Likewise if

    gourds, cucumbers and eggplants are kept in honey, they too will be preserved. Further,honey will keep some types of fruit fresh for six months. It preserves dead corpses, thus

    deserving to be called, the true preserver.

    When honey is applied to someone that is infected with lice, it will kill both the lice and the

    eggs. Honey will, in addition, add softness and beauty to the hair while allowing it to grow

    longer. When honey is applied to the eye as aKohl, it will strengthen weak eyesight. Honey

    also whitens the teeth, preserves their health and the health of the gums, opens the orifice

    of the veins along with causing the flow of menstruation.

    Furthermore, licking honey on an empty stomach will help the body get rid of mucus and

    phlegm. It cleanses the stomach and rids it of harmful substances or mixtures, heats the

    stomach mildly and opens up the pores. Honey has similar effects on the kidneys, the

    prostate and the liver. Furthermore, honey is the least harmful sweet substance for

    congesting the liver and kidneys.

    Adding to all these benefits that we mentioned, honey does not have any side effects, nor

    harm except for those suffering from bile and who should take it with vinegar to neutralize

    its harm.

    Honey is, in addition, a food, a drink, a sweet, a remedy, a type of refreshment and an

    ointment, along with its numerous medicinal values. Therefore, there is no other substance

    that is more beneficial than honey or that even rivals its value. This is why the people of old

    relied on honey, for most of the books of old do not mention sugar, as this was discovered

    in modern times.

    Uses & Application of Honey

    Stomach and abdominal illness

    Regarding the application and usage of honey, one of its main uses is for abdominal

    maladies, as taught by the best of teachers to mankind, the Beloved Messenger of Allah.

    Honey is proven to ease and treat ulcers, acid reflux, cramps and other abdominal

    discomfort. The Prophetic medicine also teaches us its ability to cure loose bowels, as

    narrated in the following report:

    Sayyidina Abu Said al-Khudri,may Allah be pleased with him, reported:

  • 7/31/2019 The Wonders of Honey - Healing for Humankind


    A person came to Allahs Messenger, may Allahs peace and blessings be upon him, and

    told him that his brothers bowels were loose. Thereupon Allahs Messenger said, Give

    him honey. So he gave him that, and then came andsaid, I gave him honey but it has only

    made his bowels more loose. He said this three times; and then he came the fourth time,

    and he (Allahs Messenger) said, Give him honey. He said, I did give him, but it has only

    made his bowels more loose, whereupon Allahs Messenger said, Allah has spoken thetruth and your brothers bowels are in the wrong. So he made him drink (honey) and he

    was recovered."[Bukhari; Muslim]

    One profound aspect of this report is the scientific accuracy in the knowledge of Allahs

    Beloved Messenger regarding the human bodys reaction to cure. Often, as a result of

    medicine, an illness will experience initial worsening before rapid relief and cure. This is

    due to the medicine cleansing out impurities and negative substancesin this case, more

    medicine is often prescribed to successfully complete this process. The Beloved Messengers

    repeated prescription of honey to the sufferer of loose bowels is from the certain knowledge

    that a greater amount of honey was needed, and that the illness would subside after its

    initial adverse reaction.

    A very effective treatment which provides instant relief for general stomach pain anddiscomfort is to drink a mixture of warm water and honey. This causes the stomach to

    settle and soothes it almost immediately.

    General well-being

    It is recommended to drink and apply honey even when one is healthy for overall health

    benefits, and also because it is a great means of prevention from stomach problems etc, as

    described above in the extract from Imam ibn Qayyim.

    Furthermore, the Beloved Messenger of Allah used to like honey and it was his Sunnah to

    drink it. This therefore increases the benefits and reward for one who implements its use

    with theniyyah of also following his blessed example.

    Sayyida Aisha,may Allah be pleased with her, said, The Prophet used to like sweet edible

    things and honey.[Bukhari]

    Sayyidina Anas b. Malik,may Allah be pleased with him,reported, I served drink to

    Allahs Messenger, may Allahs peace and blessings be upon him, in this cup of mine:

    Honey,nabidh, water and milk.[Bukhari; Muslim]

    Skin care

    Honey is a great natural antioxidant, making it extremely effective in improving skin

    condition and increasing the radiance in its complexion. It has also been proved as a truly

    effective treatment for burns, minor acne and for eliminating scars.

    The different ways to apply honey for skin benefits range from simply applying it directly,

    either to the whole face or an affected area, or mixing it into a facial mask e.g. with natural

    yogurt, which should be left to work for 10-15 minutes before rinsing.

    This natural process rejuvenates skin without any harm or side effects, and is ideal for

    every skin type due to its pure nature. This is very unlike many of the commercial products

    sold today, and still even more effective in boosting the skins condition.

    Coughs and chest infections

    Honey is again one of the oldest yet most effective remedies for coughs and chest infections.

    It clears phlegm and improves immunity levels, making breathing easier and treating such

    ailments effectively.

  • 7/31/2019 The Wonders of Honey - Healing for Humankind


    One of the most common ways to use honey for coughs or chest infections is to drink a

    mixture of several teaspoons in a mug of hot water. Another effective method is to take a

    teaspoon of honey several times a day, or with half a teaspoon of crushed ginger to further

    help ease coughs.

    Healing for Humankind

    The wonders of honey go well beyond that which is mentioned in the article above.Throughout the centuries, it has proven beneficial for a truly vast range of purposes,

    bringing to light the profound meaning in the Words of Allah, wherein is healing for

    men.[16:69]Its goodness is not limited to one or two functions, nor is it limited only for

    ailments, as it is also beneficial to consume during good health.

    If we do indeed reflect as the Quranic verse advises, truly in this is a sign for those who

    reflect.[16:69], we are able to recognise the beauty and flawlessness of the blessings which

    Allah Most Kind has bestowed upon us through nature. We are given sustenance and

    goodness in the forms He provides us with, and these forms are of the best kind, as now

    made so evident after centuries of scientific research.

    The goodness and purity of honey is significant evidence of how science is unable to rival

    nature at its best. As Allah has provided honey as a form of healing and remedy, we nowsee how man-made or commercial products are unable to compete with it. In comparison,

    commercial products are either limited in purpose or function, not as effective in

    treatment, cause harmful side effects, or have all of these stated flaws. The status of honey

    as a divine cure and remedy, and as a medicine prescribed and used by the Messenger of

    Allah himself, is completely unmatched in its excellence.

    Truly, complete goodness for the body and the soul is found in the Words of Allah and the

    teachings of the Sunnah.

    May He grant us the ability to implement the wisdoms of His Beloved Messenger in our

    daily lives so we may benefit thoroughly, thus attaining both internal and external purity.

    And may Allahs peace and blessings be upon the Beloved MessengerMuhammad, upon his Family and his Companions. Ameen.