By Caitlyn Witt senior staff writer Accepted or rejected? United Nations at a standstill with Palestine The St. Catherine University (SCU) community was asked last week to challenge the conceptions surrounding something we encounter on a daily basis: food. Food Week, which began after midterm break, consisted of over 30 events focused on food justice, workers’ rights and sustainability, calling SCU to both awareness and mobilization on these subjects. This resulted in a list of demands from the community to the school. “The ideas that have been coming out of this community have been fantastic in terms of the survey, in terms of the panels, in terms of leaders in this community,” senior Cirien Saadeh said. “People are stepping forward to the table and are really engaging in the dialogue and the mobilization effort in a way I have never seen before from my peers on a single issue.” The idea for Food Week came about through discussions by Saadeh and junior Liesl Wolf on campus last semester, and food justice continued to rise as a topic that needed to be addressed. Since then, they have been receiving support from Sodexo, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet (CSJ) Justice Comission, Student Senate, Minnesota Public Interest Research Group (MPIRG), the Public Health Club, the School of Business and Leadership, and the President’s Climate Commitment (PCC). Food justice, as described by Saadeh, is the recognition and awareness of how food is grown and how it has reached your plate. This understanding encompasses the stages from the seed to the produce, to the picking, to the transportation, to the economics, to the workers, to the cafeteria, to the chefs and to the plate in which money is handed over to purchase. “What food justice means to me is that every step of the way in how food is planted, harvested [and] transported, how it gets to our tables essentially, there’s fairness, there’s equity and people are treated fairly and justly,” Wolf said. Learn to eat ‘glocally’ Organizers challenge SCU to consider food justice By Becky Doucette associate editor See EAT ‘GLOCALLY’ pg. 2 ST. CATHERINE UNIVERSITY STUDENT NEWSPAPER November 8, 2011 - VOLUME 79 ISSUE 5 Wheel This newspaper, like many other things, is recyclable. Online at thewheel-scu.tumblr.com Index: Opinion:2-3 features:4-6 health:7-8 sports:8 Students, faculty, staff, CSJs, and other members of the SCU community marched during the opening ceremony of Food Week on Monday, Oct. 31. They held signs reading phrases such as “Food should be fair” and “Peas now.” Photo by Heather Kolnick. In Ramallah, Palestine, more than 1,000 Palestinian citizens assembled outside of the Palestinian government headquarters anti-United States protest after President Barack Obama addressed the United Nations (UN) General Assembly, giving what many Palestinians believe to be the “most pro- Israeli speech to a non-Jewish audience in his presidential career,” according to The Telegraph Mahmoud Abbas, President of Palestine, submitted an application for recognition to the UN in late September which addressed several focal areas, including two-state recognition of Israel and Palestine, meeting with the Quartet on the Middle East and the Separation Wall between Palestine and Israel. The Quartet is a group consisting of the four supranational and international entities including the UN, the United States, the European Union and Russia. The Palestinian government is asking for recognition of the original state borders in which Israel occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza before the Six-Day War between Palestine and Israel. “The West Bank has been occupied by the for the first official Media. Graphic by Heather Kolnick. See PALESTINE, pg. 3 Israeli army since 1967,” sophomore and international student Zain Jarrar from Palestine said. “[It] is divided into three areas; A, B and C. Area A is under the Palestinian administration and control but is only 17 percent of the West Bank territories. The rest are under Israeli control.” St. Catherine University (SCU) Assistant Professor of Political Science Maria Tzintzarova explained the process that the Palestinian statehood bid has to undergo in order to be a member of the UN. “A sovereign state submits a request Currently, there are 193 member states in the United Nations. South Sudan was the to join the UN to the UN Secretary General,” Tzintzarova said. “The Secretary General hands the request to the Security Council. Then the Security Council has to approve the request with nine out of 15 votes. The five permanent members cannot veto (the most recent country to be admitted as a new member state, officially joining the United Nations on July 14 of this year. The United Nations was established in 1945 in response to the events that occurred during World War II. An application for recognition to the United Nations was formally submitted by the President of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, on Sept. 23. There were two primary efforts made during Food Week and one of these efforts focused on eating locally. “Actually, one of our themes this year ‘Beyond Your Plate,’ in which we defined it in a more difficult concept, ‘think glocally,’” Saadeh said. “It’s thinking beyond our plate in a way thats more global and local. In the year of global thinking at [SCU] and global learning, this is glocal eating and thats a really powerful concept.” Food Week annunciated the concept that eating local is a global and internationally based issue. Communication Studies Professor Joshua Haringa brought to light a dilemma people face. “We do make an impact when we decide to eat these products that are coming from South America[n] produce and we don’t see how those workers are being treated,” Haringa said. “That has a huge global impact. Our ignorance to how our food is produced and where it comes from allows for those exploitative sorts of systems, literally plantations.” Wolf stressed the changes that can occur when switching to local eating and shopping. “When we support local farmers, that means our economy grows and we become

The Wheel Issue 5

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Page 1: The Wheel Issue 5

By Caitlyn Wittsenior staff writer

Accepted or rejected? United Nations at a

standstill with Palestine

The St. Catherine University (SCU) community was asked last week to challenge the conceptions surrounding something we encounter on a daily basis: food.

Food Week, which began after midterm break, consisted of over 30 events focused on food justice, workers’ rights and sustainability, calling SCU to both awareness and mobilization on these subjects. This resulted in a list of demands from the community to the school.

“The ideas that have been coming out of this community have been fantastic in terms of the survey, in terms of the panels, in terms of leaders in this community,” senior Cirien Saadeh said. “People are stepping forward to the table and are really engaging in the dialogue and the mobilization effort in a way I have never seen before from my peers on a single issue.”

The idea for Food Week came about through discussions by Saadeh and junior Liesl Wolf on campus last semester, and food justice continued to rise as a topic that needed to be addressed. Since then, they have been receiving support from Sodexo, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet (CSJ) Justice Comission, Student Senate, Minnesota Public Interest Research Group (MPIRG), the Public Health Club, the School of Business and Leadership, and the President’s Climate Commitment (PCC).

Food justice, as described by Saadeh, is the recognition and awareness of how food is grown and how it has reached your plate. This understanding encompasses the stages from the seed to the produce, to the picking, to the transportation, to the economics, to the workers, to the cafeteria, to the chefs and to the plate in which money is handed over to purchase.

“What food justice means to me is that every step of the way in how food is planted, harvested [and] transported, how it gets to our tables essentially, there’s fairness, there’s equity and people are treated fairly and justly,” Wolf said.

Learn to eat ‘glocally’ Organizers challenge SCU to consider food justice

By Becky Doucetteassociate editor

See EAT ‘GLOCALLY’ pg. 2


THE Wheel

This newspaper, like many other things, is recyclable.Online at thewheel-scu.tumblr.comIndex: Opinion:2-3 features:4-6 health:7-8 sports:8

Students, faculty, staff, CSJs, and other members of the SCU community marched during the opening ceremony of Food Week on Monday, Oct. 31. They held signs reading phrases such as “Food should be fair” and “Peas now.” Photo by Heather Kolnick.

In Ramallah, Palestine, more than 1,000 Palestinian citizens assembled outside of the Palestinian government headquarters

anti-United States protest after President Barack Obama addressed the United Nations (UN) General Assembly, giving what many Palestinians believe to be the “most pro-Israeli speech to a non-Jewish audience in his presidential career,” according to The Telegraph

Mahmoud Abbas, President of Palestine, submitted an application for recognition to the UN in late September which addressed several focal areas, including two-state recognition of Israel and Palestine, meeting with the Quartet on the Middle East and the Separation Wall between Palestine and Israel. The Quartet is a group consisting of the four supranational and international entities including the UN, the United States, the European Union and Russia.

The Palestinian government is asking for recognition of the original state borders in which Israel occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza before the Six-Day War between Palestine and Israel.

“The West Bank has been occupied by the for the first official Media.

Graphic by Heather Kolnick. See PALESTINE, pg. 3

Israeli army since 1967,” sophomore and international student Zain Jarrar from

Palestine said. “[It] is divided into three areas; A, B and C. Area A is under the Palestinian administration and control but is only 17 percent of the West Bank territories. The rest are under Israeli control.”

St. Catherine University (SCU) Assistant Professor of Political Science Maria Tzintzarova explained the process that the Palestinian statehood bid has to undergo in order to be a member of the UN.

“A sovereign state submits a request

Currently, there are 193 member states in the

United Nations.

South Sudan was the

to join the UN to the UN Secretary General,” Tzintzarova said. “The Secretary General hands the request to the Security Council. Then the Security Council has to approve the request with nine out of 15 votes. The five permanent members cannot veto (the

most recent country to be admitted as a new member

state, officially joining the United Nations on July 14 of this year.

The United Nations was established in 1945 in response

to the events that occurred during World War II.

An application for recognition to the United Nations was formally submitted by the

President of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, on Sept. 23.

There were two primary efforts made during Food Week and one of these efforts focused on eating locally.

“Actually, one of our themes this year ‘Beyond Your Plate,’ in which we defined it in a more difficult concept, ‘think glocally,’” Saadeh said. “It’s thinking beyond our plate in a way thats more global and local. In the year of global thinking at [SCU] and global learning, this is glocal eating and thats a

really powerful concept.”Food Week annunciated the concept that

eating local is a global and internationally based issue. Communication Studies Professor Joshua Haringa brought to light a dilemma people face.

“We do make an impact when we decide to eat these products that are coming from South America[n] produce and we don’t see how those workers are being treated,” Haringa

said. “That has a huge global impact. Our ignorance to how our food is produced and where it comes from allows for those exploitative sorts of systems, literally plantations.”

Wolf stressed the changes that can occur when switching to local eating and shopping.

“When we support local farmers, that means our economy grows and we become

Page 2: The Wheel Issue 5

NEWS & OPINION2 | The Wheel November 8, 2011

Editor-in Chief: ALEXA CHIHOS

Layout Designer: SARAH WENTE

Associate Editor: BECKY


Sections Editor: ANNE MOE

Copy Editor: ANNA HAYES


Photographers: DEVON ARNDT,



Senior Staff Writers: CAITLYN



Staff Writers: SARAH KICZULA,




If you would like to contribute to

The Wheel, please contact us at

[email protected].

MISSION STATEMENTThe Wheel aspires to reflect the diversity and unique atmosphere that comprises St. Catherine Uni-versity. We strive to provide an inclusive newspaper primarily for the students and by the stu-dents. The Wheel promotes the vision of empowering women to lead and influence as well as an understanding of the university community inside and outside of the gates. As a staff we aim to meet the highest journalistic stan-dards and stand in accordance with the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America and policies of prior restraint. The Wheel is not a pub-lic relations vehicle for any SCU individual, group, department or for the college as a whole. We welcome feedback and encour-age an open discourse. The Wheel is supported by student funds and is distributed free of charge.


Volume 79, issue 5

EAT ‘GLOCALLY’ continued...

Food Week supporter Rachel Thompson ’14 holds a sign while marching in the Food Week opening ceremony. According to the Food Week Facebook page, “The week is about defining food as it means to SCU and seeing what needs to be done at St. Catherine University to make our food be a better representation of our com-munity.” Photos by Heather Kolnick.

SCU Food Week supporters created a symbolic community garden and placed it on the SCU Quad for the duration of the weeklong event.

Let’s say you decided to spend the winter semester in a hot, fun and sunny place, and so you spent many days during the fall looking for a place to go until you found this awesome island called Sunland. You are very excited to discover this beautiful island, its culture, new friends and, above all, practice your Sunlandish. On the other hand, you feel bad leaving your friends and family in Minnesota. However, the excitement is greater than all these fears. You can’t wait to leave!

This is the experience many international students who study at St. Catherine University (SCU) had before they came to the United States. Most of us were very excited to come to the U.S. and most importantly, to an all-women’s college in Minnesota. What comes to mind right away is that it will be easy to connect with other students because we are all women and we will understand each other. However, things don’t always happen the way you plan them. You have to face challenges you didn’t even consider when leaving: the weather, the language and the cultural differences.

It turns out that Sunland is way too hot for the Minnesotan you are, and you didn’t think it would be so hard to speak in Sunlandish with native speakers. In addition, people have strange habits compared to the ones you were used to dealing with in Minnesota. You find it hard to connect with people because there are differences in the way people interact. Lost in your thoughts, you remember that there is a student club full of foreigners at Sunland. At least people there face the same troubles so you will understand each other. And guess what: many of them speak English as their native language.

Likewise, many international students have trouble adjusting to their new environment at SCU. Here are the thoughts of some of them who wanted to remain anonymous:

A French speaker said,“I had some difficulties to understand English speakers a few months after I came to the U.S.” This made it difficult for her to connect with Americans. Sometimes, this issue becomes almost unbearable.

As another international student stated “The first day when I started school was the toughest time in my life. I felt something I

Knock down the barriers • An international student speaks about cultural difficulties By Julie Sawadogo

had not felt before. I remember sitting in a class full of students who were talking to each other and not understanding what they were saying. In this situation I felt lonely because of the language barrier.”

Besides the language barrier, the cultural differences make it harder for international students to blend into their new society. Indeed, many of them have to face many stumbling blocks in their interactions with Americans such as “Minnesota nice.” It is hard to understand why somebody smiles and even says hi to you when she does not intend to connect with you.

An international student said with much sadness, “I feel like people here don’t mind talking to you in class or at work but when you want to hang out and have fun with them after that, they always have something else to do. ”

The only American friend some of the international students have is their roommate. It is frustrating for international students not to be able to make new friendships with American students and so they always hang out with other international students like themselves.

“I try to find an escape by talking to my friends back home on the internet, which takes me away from communicating with Americans,” one student confessed.

Spending time with other international students definitely prevents international students from having an effective cultural experience in the U.S. But the good news is that everyone can help make SCU a more enjoyable place.

International students can try to go out of their comfort zone and reach out to American students. It is inevitable to face cultural differences, so the best attitude is just to embrace them and get used to them. Be flexible and tolerant with cultural differences.

American students can help a lot by talking to an international student in class and hanging out with her sometimes, maybe even inviting her to do something off-campus occasionally. Most students would be happy to answer all your questions, and you will get the chance to discover a lot about other cultures, too. I am quite sure that you would make lifelong friendships, and by the way, have a new destination for your next vacation.

Sunland is a very good place to be and it looks great on the brochures and the maps, but is it really worth it to go to a beautiful island when you don’t get the chance to interact with the people there? Let’s go beyond the barriers and make some new friends!

Julie can be reached [email protected].

more sustainable as a community rather than relying on other sources,” Wolf said. “It also creates community and if we all operate in that way then other communities who used to be sustainable, who now have all of their farmland owned by big corporations, they can go back…in a way it’s helping those who have already been exploited too.”

The second focus of Food Week was workers’ rights. According to the definition Food Week used, a concern of food justice is awareness of whether workers are being exploited.

“I saw that [on a trip to] El Paso, [immigrants] were given seven dollars an hour and that wasn’t enough to sustain their families and they were essentially homeless, they were living in shelters.” Wolf said. “There are also toxicity [issues], where they are exposed to

important stakeholders,” Haringa said. “But, sadly, we know that students are a transient population. They come and they leave. We need to take from their lead, follow their lead and get faculty, staff and people that will be here for much longer time periods to show the same commitment.”

In looking toward the future beyond Food Week, Saadeh challenges the SCU community to act as she asks whether our own cafeteria and dining options follow through with the mission of SCU and gives the community opportunities to achieve and excel in their work. However, she also sees that SCU is already making progress towards something greater.

“Two years ago, Sodexo was trying to get rid of Peace Coffee on campus,” Saadeh said. “Now they are saying, ‘Peace Coffee, Community Garden, Food Week, Local products, let’s make it happen.’”

On Thursday, Nov. 10, the Food Week Steering Commission will hold a public meeting in which students and faculty can evaluate and reflect on the events of Food Week. this meeting will also focus on taking the next steps to continue the actions of making food justice present on campus.

“It’s very important for us to consider the price of dignity that goes into each meal and the fact that we need to respect the people who come to our campus community by respecting everybody else and everything

pesticides and the health risks that encompass that too, such as back problems with bending down and picking food.”

Other events during Food Week included Secretary of State Mark Richie’s visit and support of the efforts, movie showings and tours of the kitchens and green roofs. However, there was disappointment among Food Week organizers in the lack of administrative appearance at these events.

“A set back of Food Week was the lack of support from a lot of the powerful figures on campus and administration,” Wolf said. “I think [that] was really disappointing. We’ve only had two administrators show up to events thus far and we only had two administrators show up to Mark Richie, the Secretary of State, who came on campus…maybe [the support] is there but we haven’t seen it.”

At the rally that closed Food Week, Dean of Student Affairs Curt Galloway was present to accepted the list of demands created out of the surveys. The steering commission of Food Week received over 200 completed surveys from the community, which described what changes they would like to see in the dining options available.

“We are here for students so that they become the most

else,” Saadeh said. “It’s much bigger than one campus or one culture or one international setting; it’s a matter of recognizing our differences, recognizing the disparities that exist, and then taking a step forward.”

Becky can be reached at [email protected]

Page 3: The Wheel Issue 5

NEWS & OPINIONNovember 8, 2011 The Wheel | 3

Editorial: Do we have a choice?

By Becky Doucetteassociate editor

United States is not one of the five), otherwise it will not pass successfully. If approved by the Security Council, the request goes in front of the General Assembly and has to be approved by [a] two-thirds majority.”

The issue with this process, however, is that Palestine is only recognized as an observer entity. The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) along with the Fatah political party are the leading forces in representing Palestine in the UN.

“It doesn’t seem right to deny Palestine this membership because of our own political interests,” Political Science Club President Christina Paetzel said. “I believe that allowing Palestine to have the protections of UN membership would lead to more peaceful options rather than more conflict, because it would result in a standard of accountability for violence against Palestine.”

The Israeli government highly opposes the Palestinian membership into the UN due to their lack of cooperation during negotiations to bring peace between the warring countries.

“As a Palestinian, I was very skeptical about it and I neither supported nor opposed it,” Jarrar said. “The U.S. calls the Palestinians and Israelis toward talks and negotiations but the fact that Israel refuses to stop building homes on Palestinian land makes the negotiations useless. It’s like negotiating how to share a piece of pizza while the other person is eating it. That’s the No. 1 reason why Abbas decided to leave the negotiating table and request a membership state in the UN. I support peaceful resistance, and the Palestinian statehood bid seems a sensible and a good step towards peace.”

Israel rejects the 1967 borders as basis for negotiations or as basis for a Palestinian state and does not support the UN membership state.

“I think the number one reason is that if Palestine became a state, the 500,000 illegal settlers (under international law) who live in the West Bank will be internationally known as occupiers,” Jarrar said. “Many Palestinians also believe that the reason Israel does not want a Palestinian state is because they are dreaming of a Greater Israel, and that explains the continuous land confiscation and home demolitions in the West Bank and especially near Jerusalem.”

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been a long-running issue for the UN and the Quartet on the Middle East. In 2001, the Quartet laid out a plan called The Road Map, a three-phase plan in which Israeli-Palestinian territorial, security and political issues would be negotiated and monitored by the Quartet. In recent years, however, suicide bombings, civil unrest, protests and diplomatic disagreements have caused both Israel and Palestine to break negotiations and fend for themselves.

“Add us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter” doesn’t that sound like a phrase we hear every day?

The huge growth of social media throughout web-based networks allows users to communicate and promote ideas, services and items. We asked a few of the international students in St. Catherine University (SCU) about social media in their countries and in the United States:

Sahar Abbas from Pakistan

How does social media operate in your country?

The usage of social media depends on the

PALESTINE continued...

By Dana Al-Emamstaff writer

After participating in some of the Food Week activities and sharing in the joys of St. Catherine University (SCU) moving forward, a question had come up in discussion: do we have a choice in what we eat? Choice is exceedingly larger than standing in the super market or convenience stop with a box of organic or non-organic crackers, it’s a multitude of factors, factors that decide for us.

It’s easy to point at someone’s lunch and judge them, “you’re going to eat all that meat?” Or, “you got pizza instead of a sandwich?” An assumption goes into this judgment, that all students make an individual choice on whether they eat healthy and organic or not.

First of all, prices are skewed in the US economy and grocery system. I have worked at a grocery store for three summers now, and I can state that the price of one apple, there in the grocery store, is always a few cents more than a burger at McDonalds. If challenged to feed a family of four with 10 dollars, a realistic experience for many, would it make more sense to buy eight apples, or four meals? Most likely the latter.

These price difficulties happen within the SCU cafeteria, too. Should I get the sandwich that has been sitting out for a while, or the pizza that has been sitting out for just as long but is half the price? With the meal plan I have, I am tired of fried foods. However, I haven’t necessarily had the finances to switch my diet entirely.

Second, there is a crisis of “food deserts.” This past week I learned that this term can be negative; however, the implications are still present. There are regions, predominantly poor, that have little-to-no access to fresh produce or meat. Consumers either have to drive an hour just to get to a market, or they have to buy canned goods. The option to eat well isn’t even available to some families. Living in the Highland area I know this is not a difficulty I face. However, I do not have the means to get to a grocery market except by walking. In the winter time I will be forced to use the dining services provided to me.

According to British Braodcasting corporation (BBC) News, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu believes that Palestine’s membership into the UN will not help resolve any of the ongoing conflicts between the Middle Eastern countries.

“A diplomatic confrontation is not in the interest of any party,” Jarrar said. “For Israel, if the Palestinian statehood bid failed, it will prompt an outburst of public anger and possible violence in the occupied territories. For Palestine, it means more restrictive control.”

The Israeli-occupied territories in Palestine are already under strict control and fail to be in suitable conditions for Palestinian civilians.

“The Palestinians don’t enjoy their full freedom, even in the Palestinian-controlled territories, and are subject to invasions at any time without question,” Jarrar said. “Human rights are deeply violated in those territories with house demolitions, land confiscation, disregard of human lives, minors less than the age of 15 in prisons, destruction of property and the list goes on.”

Currently, Palestine’s membership is divided between the UN Security Council, but Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki has stated to Reuters that the Palestinian delegation is working hard to secure the minimum nine out of 15 votes to pass membership approval on to the General Assembly.

United States opposition comes from President Barak Obama’s speech to the General Assembly on Sept. 21.

“Despite extensive efforts by America and others, the [Israelis and Palestinians] have not bridged their differences...peace is hard work, peace will not come through statements and resolutions at the United Nations... ultimately peace depends on compromise,” President Obama said.

No recent news reports have been made about the UN’s decision to admit the observer entity Palestine into the organization but the Palestinians are hopeful that they will receive the minimum nine of 15 votes from the UN Security Council without veto and the General Assembly will pass with a two-thirds majority.

“Membership would definitely increase the leverage of Palestine in negotiations with Israel, but it might also lead to negative response, such as economic measures, against it by economic power-houses such as the U.S.,” Tzintzarova said.

“The Palestinians have been denied their basic rights for 60 years and has been suffering to gain freedom and self-determination,” Jarrar said. “The option for the Palestinians of just sitting back and doing nothing isn’t a very good one. It will change the terms of the debate and tilt the balance of power internationally against Israel and in favor of the Palestinians.”

Caitlyn can be reached [email protected].

Pressure on the media has a grasp further than we even consider as well. The fact that, on an everyday basis, we see an average of 300 advertisements, is disturbing. These 300 advertisements can convince us, as consumers, on what clothes we “choose” to wear, the car we “choose” to buy, the food we “choose” to eat. How much individual choice is realistically considered? A study states that 47 percent of girls in grades 5-12 want to lose weight specifically because of magazine images.

Which leads to my final point: eating disorders are not uncommon, especially for women. As a college that tries to help and support students with whatever they need, discussions of food can be challenging and difficult for some students on our campus. For students who face an eating disorder, they might have a hard time entering the cafeteria and choosing food for their own well-being. In order to make progress in their health, they might not focus their choices on being socially responsible, but on being self-responsible.

The topic surrounding choice and decision needs to be addressed both in the community, and outside of the SCU gates. We must take a step back and decide if we have a choice in what we eat for the well-being of ourselves, the beings who are affected (produce and meat) and workers who are all affected by our decisions. If we do not have a choice, how can we move forward and make these choices available? How can we change the price system? How can we minimize “food deserts”? How can we have these conversations surrounding choice and other challenges that affect food decisions? These questions are necessary to discuss and engage in; especially since food is a challenge we all have to face daily. Why not face these challenges as a united community?

Becky can be reached [email protected].

region. For example, people in the villages don’t use social media but people in the cities are crazy about it and use it all the time.

What is a difference between social media in The U.S. and your country?

In the U.S. it’s used a lot for getting information and displaying announcements and advertisements. People here in the U.S. tend to overuse it compared to the cities in Pakistan.

What do you think about using social media?

It could be positive since it’s an easy and cheap way to communicate with others and convey ideas. For me, I prefer seeing catchy advertisements on the web rather than newspapers. On the other hand, it could waste peoples’ time on unimportant things.

Wend-Yam Compaore from

Burkina Faso

How does social media operate in your country?

Young people are attached to social media, since many people live outside the country

seeking education or jobs. So people use social media to stay in contact with each other. Everybody has a Facebook account, even my cousin’s six-year-old son in London has a Facebook account.

What is difference between social media in The U.S.A and your country?

The speed of networks here in the U.S. is way faster than the speed of networks in Burkina, although the level of using the internet is almost the same.

What do you think about using social media?

For me it’s good because I can stay close to my family, but some people use social media to upload bad pictures and don’t understand that they shouldn’t share everything.

Lucia Abolafia Cobo from Spain

How does social media operate in your country?

People in Spain use the internet, but you don’t see people using their laptops in public places as you see it here in the United States. I need social media to stay connected with family members and friends, I also use it because I work in translation.

What is difference between social media in The U.S. and your country?

Since I came to the U.S. I started receiving a lot of emails every day but I think that talking to people is a more effective than just sending them an email with a readymade format, because when you interact with people face to face you deliver your message in a clearer way.

What do you think about using social media?

Social media is important for companies for advertisements and publicity, it’s easy for people to click and see.

Dana can be reached [email protected].

Graphic by Heather Kolnick.

Page 4: The Wheel Issue 5

FEATURES4 | The Wheel November 8, 2011

Post-graduation: Plan...D?

By Jordyn Arndt

Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Rep Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Congo (Democratic Rep) Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Cyprus

Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Ivory Coast Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea North Korea South Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia MadagascAR






Marshall Islands











• An alum’s experience on the least anticipated route

By Becky Doucetteassociate editor

Honors thesis, stress, job applications, stress, homework, more stress and the occasional social event dominated my senior year. I substituted caffeine for sleep. Several months after graduating this past May, my life situation has changed completely. I finally have the time to focus on being rather than constantly doing.

Working as an English teaching assistant on Reunion Island, an overseas department of France in the Indian Ocean, was post-graduation Plan D. The idea of spreading American soft power through proliferation of the English language, working only 12 hours a week and essentially taking a year off did not appeal to me. I did not want to waste precious time building my career

and making progress towards serving as a change agent in a complex world riddled with problems.

Ideally, I would have been granted a prestigious fellowship in Washington, D.C., or in Africa to be conducting research or engaging in advocacy for economic justice issues. I did not want to waste time in my quest to become the next U.S. Secretary of State or another prestigious leader in the realm of international affairs. I accepted the position because other plans had fallen through.

One week after graduating I left for Washington, D.C., to intern at Jubilee USA Network, a public policy organization dedicated to fostering progressive economic reforms. Working as a policy associate allowed me to finally work on the issues I had been so

on principles of responsible borrowing and lending and helped with outreach efforts to Jubilee’s diverse grass-roots network.

Despite my enthusiasm for international economic justice, the demanding nature of public policy work in the non-profit sector was taking its toll. Suddenly economic justice issues consumed my life, my evening conversations with my progressive housemates and my bedtime reading. The fact that I was spending my weekends at the Library of Congress working on a Fulbright application that was also linked to social justice did not allow for much repose. It was not until I took a brief vacation to San Francisco that I was able to gain some perspective. While spending a week away from the issues that had become my life for the past three months, I had the sudden realization that I was stressed and unhappy.

Suddenly the idea of spending seven months on a tropical, hiker’s paradise was incredibly appealing. I needed a break from Washington, D.C., so that I could gain some perspective.

improving my French, enjoying nature and learning through new life experiences and frequent trips to the library.

Reunion’s fascinating mixture of African, Asian and European cultural influences combined with a breathtaking natural environment of coral reefs, beaches, forests, mountains and waterfalls is a source of constant fascination. Fortunately, since I am only working 12 hours a week, I actually have time to enjoy it. My work is not taxing. As the token American, I offer valuable insight such as the proper pronunciation of the “th” sound and the distinction between a grocery “trolley” in British English and a grocery “cart” in American English. My students make me laugh and teach me phrases in Creole.

I am making progress on focusing on being in the moment, rather than constantly anticipating the next thing. As a friend so accurately stated, “It was as if I spent the past four years in a pressure cooker.” At the rate

passionate about during my time at St. Catherine University (SCU). I lobbied members of Congress with

seven months to

I decided to dedicate the Tax Justice Network, conducted research

Above all else, an educator•An interview with Ann Bancroft

Recently, The Wheel had the opportunity to speak with Ann Bancroft, the first woman to reach both the North and South poles and to ski across the Antarctic, and discussed her impact on women today. Though refered to by other titles, Bancroft consideres herself primarily an educator.

T h e W h e e l : W h y a “ t e a c h e r ” then? I was expecting “adventurer”

Ann Bancroft grew up in St. Paul and has traveled all over the world, including to both the North and South Poles. Photo courtesy of Ann Bancroft.

b u t yo u w e n t b a c k w i t h t e a c h e r.

Ann Bancroft: Teaching to me is the ultimate profession in a way, and I think that’s why I went to college - to be a teacher. I [have] always valued a good education and I really enjoy inspiring young people to reach their full potential. [My] passions for education and exploration had been separate and I have always wanted my work to have some sort of purpose beyond me. These trips, especially very large expeditions, have always been really important to me and there was a larger purpose in what we were trying to do. Being trained as a teacher, it just manifested itself into education; that seemed like it was the most natural vehicle to express myself.

TW: Was this ever really a decision for a career, or did this really find you?

AB: It found me. I didn’t see anything out there that said this as a career choice. It was always something that I did on spring break or summer break. Even during college I was doing more and more trips and I always wanted to go as far as possible. But I didn’t ever see anyone out there having it as a career, so it really wasn’t on my radar at all in that regard. I think it›s still not the monetary career choice, with talking in front of high school kids they were like, “Do you get rich doing that?” And I’d say no. You usually are spending your time going there and back. I mean it has its challenges but

its other rewards far outweigh the finances.

TW: You were the first woman to cross both the North and South Poles. Could you speak a little bit about this experience?

AB: This experience was incredibly different. I went to the North Pole with seven males and 49 male dogs. I would say that that trip was absolutely fulfilling a childhood dream, you know, as a Saint Paul kid going to the top of the world. That was the epitome, the ultimate adventure. With dog teams and the early explorers that was everything in my dream pool that I could ever want. Then when I came off of that trip, folks began making a great big stink about me being the first and only

woman, and that wasn’t really why I went. The project itself, the expedition itself, was fulfilling the dream, not the prospect of being first.

TW: So there are definitely societal barriers that you have to hurdle over.

AB: Men and women will still come up to me and say, “I can’t believe you do that! I can’t believe you pulled a 125-pound sled!” Or a 250-pound sled or whatever the equation is. But it’s really fun to bash down those attitudes that really have no basis or fact. The thing that’s crazy about it is that it stops us from achieving our potential, or it stops all sorts of people from doing the things they want to do. People are constantly saying you can’t do this, you’re a girl you can’t do that or you’re small. Perhaps I am the perfect body type to do what I do but you wouldn’t know that from the remarks that people will sometimes throw out at you.

T W: You mentioned a women-only expedition earlier. Was this a purposefully chosen trip? What were the implications around that?

AB: The implications were not so much “we can show you we can do it,” but I think it was more around the values that you all hold being an all-women’s college. There’s a certain freedom that happens that is really a gift, not really having all that other stuff or proving y o u r s e l f . I traveled with these fantastic guys to the North Pole, but I was always the odd one out and it was very subtle. It’s just sometimes that vision of the body or your voice, sometimes in certain areas, doesn’t carry the same weight for you as a woman. But when you go with all women there is none of that, you don’t have to prove that at 125-pounds you can pull 250-pounds. I mean

it and you can get right down to the business. T W: H o w d o y o u t h i n k y o u r expeditions and some of the teaching that you have done influence the minds and actions of women and girls today?

AB: Well, if I read the comments on our website, women will often write sort of in my age group or 10 years on either side of my age group and say, “I watch what you’re doing and you’re following your passions and you’re dreams and I think it’s not too late, I can do this too.” That’s not why I go and it’s not in the curriculum but it’s that kind of response, so there’s sort of an influence there of doing the things that you love and then sharing those stories with others.

I want

t h e n e x t

they all understand it, we’re all doing

Page 5: The Wheel Issue 5

November 8, 2011 FEATURES The Wheel | 5

About 2.2 billion Muslims celebrated Eid-Al-Adha which, follows Eid-Al-Fitr and Ramadan. Ramadan is the time when Muslims fast for one month from sunset to sunrise and give charity. After a month of fasting, Eid-Al-Fitr follows. This is a time when Muslims have a large feast, get together with their families and friends, wear new clothing and exchange gifts. As part of the celebration, many families like to buy new clothing to treat themselves with a gift of their own.

The origin of Eid-Al-Adha is in the Quran, similar to the biblical story of the story of Abraham. Eid-Al-Adha is also the start of a new year in the Muslim lunar calendar. In the U. S., men will go

•An closer look at Eid-Al-Adha, a Muslim tradition By Ishika Huq

Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Rep Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Congo (Democratic Rep) Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Cyprus








East Ti






Equatorial Guinea




FijiFinland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Ivory Coast Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea North Korea South Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia MadagascAR

Jordyn Arndt ’11 (left) and new friends from Reunion and Madagascar in the Sud Sauvage. Photo courtesy of Jordyn Arndt.

improving my French, enjoying nature and learning through new life experiences and frequent trips to the library.

Reunion’s fascinating mixture of African, Asian and European cultural influences combined with a breathtaking natural environment of coral reefs, beaches, forests, mountains and waterfalls is a source of constant fascination. Fortunately, since I am only working 12 hours a week, I actually have time to enjoy it. My work is not taxing. As the token American, I offer valuable insight such as the proper pronunciation of the “th” sound and the distinction between a grocery “trolley” in British English and a grocery “cart” in American English. My students make me laugh and teach me phrases in Creole.

I am making progress on focusing on being in the moment, rather than constantly anticipating the next thing. As a friend so accurately stated, “It was as if I spent the past four years in a pressure cooker.” At the rate

at which I was going, post-graduation, I was likely to burn out before the age of thirty. This would not have been in my best interest or in the interest of the lives that I hope to impact through my future work.

I am confident that I will eventually be in a position of influence in which I can help to enact the social and economic change that I wish to see in the world. For the time being, I will focus on working on some positive interpersonal changes and enjoying each day during this seven month paid vacation curtsy of the French government.

While this was not the type of change I anticipated post-graduation, it is indeed an important one. In the future, when my work does eventually become more rigorous, I will still aspire to live more holistically and spend time appreciating the gift of life, while contributing to the seemingly overwhelming and unending process of fostering social and economic justice worldwide.

Jordyn can be reached [email protected].

Above all else, an educatorit and you can get right down to the business. T W: H o w d o y o u t h i n k y o u r expeditions and some of the teaching that you have done influence the minds and actions of women and girls today?

AB: Well, if I read the comments on our website, women will often write sort of in my age group or 10 years on either side of my age group and say, “I watch what you’re doing and you’re following your passions and you’re dreams and I think it’s not too late, I can do this too.” That’s not why I go and it’s not in the curriculum but it’s that kind of response, so there’s sort of an influence there of doing the things that you love and

kids to feel excited about the world that’s around them and I think that the expeditions are a great metaphor for all sorts of things. It’s about perseverance, working together, following your dream and your passion [and] being prepared.

What goes into those expeditions is what’s happening in the classroom, it’s happening in the boardroom, they’re all the same types of challenges to go after the things we want to go after in life.

It’s a lot of work, but work is, I think, really rewarding, and I think there are lessons in our work. That’s why I keep going back and why I keep sharing it. To me it suddenly becomes everyones’ trip - they’re investing in it, they’re cheering you on, they’re a part of it in one way or another.

Becky can be reached at [email protected].

A holiday to celebrate

of my mom’s cousins did the pilgrimage together. It was really special for my grandmother, because my grandfather passed away three years ago. That’s where my mom’s cousin came in; he performed the pilgrimage in my grandfather’s name.

In Minnesota, many Muslims celebrate Eid-Al-Adha in a different way, but the start of the day is similar. As a part of Eid, every Muslim must come together in prayer. This is absolutely amazing to see, because so many Muslims from different cultures come together for just one hour to pray together.

After the prayer, everyone hugs (males to males and females to females) each other to share the bond of Islam. The Eid prayer is one of the most amazing parts about being a Muslim. When Islam was first introduced in Saudi Arabia, the prophet of Islam, said that in Islam there is no such entity as class, culture or ethnicity. When I attend Eid prayer and see all the different Muslims from different ethnic backgrounds, it really shows that everyone is equal in religion and the amazing power of it to unite many different people together. After the prayer is over the large celebration begins.

Some Muslims in Minnesota like to have a large celebration at the Mall of America, while others like to have dinners or get together with family and friends. I am of Bengali descent and although my relatives live in Illinois and the United Kingdom, I still have the joy of celebrating Eid with my immediate family and friends in Minnesota. Minnesota has a small Bengali community and each year a few people from the community volunteer to host a

meal at their homes. We dress up and then visit various houses and celebrate with different families. Although everyone’s relatives do not reside in Minnesota, the small community celebrates as if we are all family.

Eid-al-Adha is almost a combination of Thanksgiving and Christmas, because we have a large feast throughout the day with friends and family. But, unlike Thanksgiving, we have three to four large meals, depending on how many people are hosting a feast at their homes. During one Eid celebration I literally gained five pounds in one day.

It is like Christmas, because this is when we exchange gifts and celebrate with family. Gifts are not the most important part of Eid though; it is more about celebrating with family. Often times people become very busy with their lives and the beauty of Eid is that everyone has a reason to come together. Celebrating Eid here really shows the beauty of living in the U. S., because we are far away from our family and we create our own families by uniting people from our culture.

I have been celebrating Eid with the same families for the last 11 years, but now that many of the children in my generation are going to different schools, sometimes it’s hard for all the children to get together and it feels strange. It’s amazing to actually see how you do not have to be blood to be family.

Ishika can be reached [email protected].

to a farm that specifically kills animals in the halal way, which is when you cut the throat of

the animal by saying Bismilah-Al-Rahman—Rahim in the name

drain the blood from the body. The meat is then portioned

and families will take their portions home and share it with friends and family, but

they also donate a portion to those in poverty.

Another part of Eid-Al-Adha is the pilgrimage. During this time Muslims

Ka b a h , w h i c h i s believed to be built by prophet Ibraham, and they walk together. When doing th i s ritual, every Muslim is given the same white clothing. In this way

a Muslim, there are no cultural, social or class backgrounds; everyone is equal.

In Islam, Muslims m u s t p e r f o r m a

during Eid-Al-Adha, but only if they can

financially afford it. The beauty of this is, if a person cannot perform the pilgrimage in his or her lifetime then someone can perform it in their name.

My grandmother, her sisters and one

Senior Ishika Huq celebrates Eid-al-Fitr with her younger siblings Audhora and Preenon. For this holiday, she and her family don their cultural dress. Photo courtesy of Ishika Huq.

Graphic by Heather Kolnick.

gather together at the

pilgrimage once in their lifetime,

of Allah the most merciful and

everyone is seen as just

Page 6: The Wheel Issue 5

FEATURES6 | The Wheel November 8, 2011

• A Model UN course surrounds relations outside the classroom

By Anne Moesections editor

Getting an email from my editors reading: “this is the International Issue, so try to do something internationally themed!” not only cracked me up, as I am the international columnist, living internationally in Ecuador, but also gave me a certain amount of anxiety about what to write about for this column.

A few weeks ago when I was still doing my best to convince myself that Ecuador was a good idea and that I hadn´t just tricked myself into thinking I was brave, a friend told me she had absolutely hated her study abroad experience until she traveled outside Ghana and then returned. It was almost like coming home, she said. Almost.

Unlocking my host family´s door at 5:30 am after a 10 hour bus ride from Cuenca, Ecuador this morning felt oddly similar. Granted, my creaky bed here isn´t the one I bought second-hand out of the newspaper when I was 10, and Cookie, the family´s dog is not my lovably overweight cat, Oliver. But still, slipping between worn sheets in the early morning gave me the same feeling of contentment that I get late at night in my own home: my family sleeping soundly, the house settling familiarly.

My homecoming wouldn´t have been quite so wonderful if my attempted vacation to Cuenca hadn´t been such a complete disaster. Note to all future travelers: book your hostel in advance. I spent most of my five day trip on buses, asking at hostels and hotels for rooms and setting a new baseline for travel anxiety. There were mess-ups

Posts from the equator: Back home in QuitoBy Rachel Armstronginternational columnist

Ambassador for a week

Sitting in the General Assembly Room of the United Nations (UN) building in New York City (NYC), gazing at the vaulted ceiling and sitting among the hundreds of seats, which are routinely filled by the delegates of the 193 nations represented by the UN, is an attainable goal for the students of St. Catherine University (SCU). This experience is achievable through participation in the SCU Model United Nations course, which provides this opportunity to students of all majors.

“I learned so much about the organizational structure and purpose of the UN,” sophomore political science student Jennifer Rocha said. “I also strengthened my public speaking and researching skills.”

Associate Professor of Political Science Maria Tzintzarova has taught the course to 16 students each winter semester beginning in 2010. Tzintzarova was first approached with the idea for this course at SCU when Dean Alan

“What do you mean you eat with your hands?” my friend Becca said as I invited her to lunch with me one afternoon. I had been hassling her to accompany me to one of my favorite restaurants in St. Paul: Fasika.

Fasika is an Ethiopian restaurant located in the Midway neighborhood not too far from St. Catherine University’s (SCU) St. Paul campus. Although the restaurant is in a busy neighborhood and parking is a bit of a hassle, the trip is absolutely worth it. I have eaten there many times, always ordering the same entree: the vegetarian sampler.

The restaurant is modestly decorated with small tables and booths lined against the wall. The smell of sauteed spices and curries waft from the kitchen. The food selection is extensive but may be intimidating for visitors unfamiliar with Ethiopian cuisine. After flipping through the menu nervously, my friend agreed to share the vegetarian sampler with me--it is more than enough food for two.

The vegetarian sampler comes with seven

Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger NigeriA Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania RWANDA St Lucia

St Vincent


the Grenadines


San Marino

Sao Tome & PrincipLe

Saudi Arabia










SloveniA SOLOMON ISLANDS Somalia South Africa Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania THAILAND TOGO Tonga Trinidad & tobago tunisia turkey tuvalu





Arab Emirates

United Kingdom

United States



Vanuatu Vatican City







Silva, first interviewed her for her current position. Tzintzarova, who was involved with Model UN as an undergraduate student, understands the importance of the course for students.

“Students learn to be global citizens by increasing their knowledge of, and experience with, the main challenges the international community we live in faces today, as well as learning how to take action and reach possible solutions,” Tzintzarova said.

The course focuses on three themes. Two of these focal points are learning the basics of the UN, such as the history, structure and function and learning about the positions on disarmament, environmental protection and women’s rights of the country to which the students are assigned.

“Preparing as well as attending the conference comprises the final element of the course,” Tzintzarova said.

Going to and exploring NYC in April is an added bonus for the participants of the course, especially after the hours they commit to research, discussion and other preparations.

“Apart from learning and interacting in committee we also got to go out after committee sessions and explore New York. It’s such a vibrant busy city that has so much to offer,” Rocha said.

Although the emphasis of the course is placed on the functions of the UN, Political Science and International Relations majors are not the only students benefitting from the experience due to the public speaking,

research and debate components of the course.“Everyone can benefit and take away some

valuable skills and lessons from this class and the conference,” Rocha said. “This is truly a unique and worthwhile experience.”

Students of any major can glean experience in the inner workings of communication, negotiation and compromise because those are all skills that can be beneficial in other careers.

“Students also learn how complex it is for countries to reach agreements on these global problems, how challenging it is to negotiate,” Tzintzarova said.

Communication is key because during their experience in NYC the students participate in committee, which is the general assembly,

interaction and discussion of the UN on key issues such as peacekeeping and women’s rights. The SCU students speak in front of large crowds in the general assembly, and they are responsible for approaching students from other colleges and universities to discuss the opinions of the country they represent.

“Realizing that we were debating real life issues and that, somewhere, actual ambassadors were saying the same things and policies were being written is an overwhelming feeling,” sophomore Pooja Shah said.

Anne can be reached [email protected].

SCU’s Model UN class from last year. Listed in order from left to right. Back row: Jennifer Rocha ’14, Carmen Attikossie ‘14, Noushig Ghazarian (exchange student last year), Hilary Stein ‘14, Anna Hardeman ‘12, Morgan Johnson ‘11, Aye San ‘14. Front row: Pooja Shah ‘14, Maria Tzintzarova (Professor). Photo courtesy of Maria Tzintzarova.

and mix-ups and in the end I got on a bus to return to Quito three days earlier than I`d planned, looking forward to eating my host mom`s familiar seco de pollo and having a place to sleep at night.

Pulling into the station in Quito felt ordinary, and I haven´t been so relieved to be some place familiar since I saw my family again after my first month away at St. Catherine University (SCU).

On my flight into Quito in September I had a moment just before landing when I asked myself, “What am I doing? Who in the world throws themselves so completely into unfamiliarity?” Talking with other SCU students thinking about studying abroad, this is a common question. I`ve never thought of myself as terribly quick on my feet, but the fact that I had to think so hard about what to write worthy of the International Issue just proves how quickly I`ve acclimated to life here.

After two months, the Guaguas de pan in the shops--bread baked and decorated to look like babies for Dia de los Muertos--are now as normal to me as my mom`s Seven Layer Bars during the holiday season. Nescafe has replaced my usual morning cup of coffee, and I find myself replacing English words with Spanish without meaning to.

I`m not going to lie and say I`m an adventurer or that I`m some kind of brave. While it still seems crazy to me right now, I can`t imagine not having left Minnesota. If you`re thinking about studying abroad, do it. Leave and be clueless for a while, make mistakes, get on the wrong bus, order the wrong food, over-pay for chocolate, write in seedy internet cafes, meet people, be scared. It`s worth it.

Rachel can be reached at [email protected], or

follow her blog at rachelgoestoecuador.tumblr.com.

• An experience of Ethiopian cuisineBy Devon Arndtsenior staff writer

Restaurant review:


The vegetarian platter at Fasika includes samples of all items on the vegetar-ian menu served on injera, a spongy bread. Photo by Devon Arndt.

different dishes, ranging from lentils cooked in spices to vegetable stews and a fresh lettuce salad. All of the dishes are beautifully arranged on a flat piece of spongy bread called injera. Injera is also served on the side and is used as a tool for eating the food.

Although utensils are not served with the entrees, I would imagine that they are available upon request. I would strongly encourage visitors to try eating the food with injera before requesting silverware, as it enhances the experience.

My friend cautiously sampled each dish before easing into the eating process. Overall, she enjoyed the sampler as did I. One of my favorite dishes is the misir key wot which consists of lentils cooked in a spicy berbere sauce. The dishes range in level of spice but they are consistent in taste. We ended our meal by splitting a large piece of baklava. The pastry was prepared in a traditional manner and was served warm with drizzled honey on top.

Fasika is truly a hidden gem. It has won numerous awards including City Page’s Best Ethiopian Restaurant in the Twin Cities, and has cultivated quite a following among food afficianados. The prices are reasonable, the portions are generous, and the food is exquisite. What more can one ask for? So, before ordering a pizza or revisiting that restaurant that serves endless bowls of pasta and salad, consider dining in at Fasika. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Devon can be reached [email protected].

Fasika510 N Snelling

AvenueSt. Paul, MN


Page 7: The Wheel Issue 5

HEALTHNovember 8, 2011 The Wheel | 7

Fitness column: Travel safe, get a shotBy Caitlyn Wittfitness columnist

Studying abroad is a once in a lifetime experience for any Saint Catherine University (SCU) student who decides to participate, whether it’s for January-term (J-term), a semester, or even a whole year. Studying abroad in an entirely different country is an eye-opening experience to language, culture, food and people of all backgrounds. Whether you’re studying abroad as a Global Search for Justice (GSJ) course in Ecuador or India, or studying abroad as a requirement of your major, as I am for my International Relations major, there are many things to do prior to your departure. As I prepare myself for my semester abroad in Amman, Jordan, I go through the motions of paper work, applying for scholarships, figuring out what classes I want to register for and a physical that is required by the Global Studies department.

According to the Health & Wellness Canter website, “Health & Wellness works together with the Office of Global Studies for your study abroad requirements. Our office offers study abroad physicals for any St. Catherine University student traveling abroad during their time at SCU.”

As I sit in the exam room at the SCU Health & Wellness Center, registered nurse practitioner Jeannine Mueller-Harmon looks over my study abroad physical exam sheets and vaccine records, and she notices something.

“Looks like you’ll need to get the typhoid vaccine,” Mueller-Harmon said.

The typhoid vaccine is one of the three unique vaccines most people need in order to travel abroad. SCU Health & Wellness Center offers typhoid, yellow fever and Japanese Encephalitis vaccines, along with routine vaccines such as chickenpox, smallpox, Hepatitis A and B and the 3-series Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine.

“The Health & Wellness always provide immunizations, but we needed to receive certification to provide the yellow fever vaccine,” Mueller-Harmon said.

An important note about vaccinations needed for study abroad, contrary to belief, is that there is no such thing as a malaria shot for those traveling abroad in regions where mosquitos are prevalent.

“There are only pills that can be prescribed by the Health and Wellness Center,” Mueller-Harmon stated.

Also, if there is a vaccination needed that is not available at the moment, the Center can order the vaccine and administer it at another appointment.

Ask Katie!• The Ask Katie! peer health advisers answer your health-related questionsCompiled by Sarah Kiczula

What is Eastern Medicine?“Eastern medicine encompasses the whole

body system to find a cause of ill health which includes looking at physical, emotional and spiritual aspects unlike Western or Allopathic medicine that typically focuses on curing the symptoms,” health coach Tami Koehler at St. Catherine University (SCU) said.

Why Eastern Medicine?Many people are looking for alternative

ways to heal because so many modern day drugs have several nasty side effects.

•Dance workouts bring a new energy to fitness

Ethnic beatsBy Caitlyn Wittsenior staff writer

Zumba © classes are the newest being taught (in addition to Masala Bhangra) as a part of the Fit 4 Life classes offered through SCU Athletics. Photo by Sarah Kiczula.

With its “ditch the workout, join the party” philosophy, Zumba is a Latin-inspired workout that offers an alternative and inspiring way to get the body moving. Integrating itself into St. Catherine University’s (SCU) “Fit 4 Life” program, this new fitness routine has become increasingly popular, taking the workout world by storm.

Along with Zumba, SCU offers another non-traditional way to get in shape: Masala Bhangra. This dance-workout takes aspects of traditional Indian dance and combines it with a “Bollywood” theme to make for an irresistible and fun way to get your blood pumping.

Zumba was created accidentally when

SCU Health Insurance covers roughly $300 each semester of health expenses so it can cover the physical exam and necessary vaccines if needed. Private health insurance will also cover these expenses as well.

For those traveling outside the country, the Health & Wellness Center recommends looking at the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) website under “Traveler’s Health.” The CDC has a list of each country and a list of recommended vaccines one may need if traveling to that region or country. They also list recent disease outbreaks as well as recommendations for personal health needs such as what medical or medicinal supplies you should pack with you as it may be difficult to obtain in a foreign country.

Proper considerations should be made before determining a destination for your study abroad.

“Seriously look at personal health stress levels, homesickness, and look at your past medical history,” Mueller-Harmon said. “Think about your personal medication as well, you should make sure that you make a good physical, emotional and psychological match for your study abroad destination.”

If you have high levels of stress or anxiety, you may want to think twice about studying in a bustling city such as Beijing, China, or Tokyo, Japan, where things are fast-paced. If you have a history of a bad knee or past physical injury, think of alternative destinations where you won’t have to do a lot of physical activities or obstacles such as Peru or Ecuador involving a lot of hiking. Looking at both your physical and psychological personal medical history can help you find a good match for having a fun and safe study abroad experience.

Once your study abroad program has approved your application and you have met with your Global Studies representative, make an appointment with the Health & Wellness Center or HealthPartners Speciality Clinic in St. Paul. For your appointment, bring along your immunization records, the Health & Wellness Center study abroad physical exam form found on the Center’s website and the medical form you received from the Global Studies department. Bring any other medical forms you received from your study abroad program, and if there is an itinerary of your study abroad program already distributed, bring that to the appointment as well.

Caitlyn can be reached [email protected].

“If an individual focuses on healing through food and vitamins they are more likely to live healthier lives,” Koehler said. “Modern day medicine is changing and medical professionals are recognizing the importance of looking at the whole person instead of just the disease. By becoming a more knowledgeable consumer, options for healing pathways expand.”

How can I apply Eastern Medicine to my life?

Many college students suffer from insomnia, or the inability to get to sleep or to sleep soundly.

“By creating a routine of soothing rituals, you can bring your nercous system back into balance and transform your sleep patterns for good” the Yoga Journal said.

Try these following tips to improve your sleep:

• Rituals for relaxing - Simple routines can be the best for relaxation. Yoga can reduce muscle tension, while deep breathing can slow the heart rate, and herbal massage can calm a racing mind.

• Know your timing - This is tricky for many busy college students, but try to establish a regular bedtime. By doing this it will keep your circadian rhythms,

or the biological changes that happen every 24 hours, consistent and steady.

• Tuck in early - Not only is the number of hours you get important but the time of day you go to sleep is important, too! Eight hours has been said to be the ideal number of hours of sleep an individual should be getting every night. Even though it may be difficult for some college students, try going to bed before 10 p.m. and wake up at 6 a.m. You will most likely feel refreshed and ready to go.

• Create a wind-down period - Divide your busy life and your sleep time. Avoid evening classes and evening exercise that excite your mind. When returning home from a busy day transfer into a relaxing atmosphere by playing relaxing music, for example.

• Massage away tension - Try using unfiltered organic sesame oil.

• Breathe for ease - “Every time you exhale, it slows your heartbeat and that helps calm you down,” says Roger Cole, an Iyengar Yoga teacher and a research scientist specializing in the physiology of sleep. One recommended exercise is to begin by exhaling through the nose to the count of six, then inhale through

the nose to the count of three. Do this before bed for five to 30 minutes.

• Keep a journal - Is your mind still processing everything from the day and jumping ahead into tomorrow’s schedule? Write everything down in a journal to help clear your thoughts before your head hits the pillow.

Once you’ve found the nighttime ritual that works best for you, make sure you repeat it every night. It takes a little time to see improvements; however, it will be worth your while. For more night time remedies visit yogajournal.com.

Please note that the Ask Katie! advisers are not trained medical professionals; contact your health care provider with immediate questions or concerns. AskKatie! should not be used in place of professional consultation.

If you still have unanswered questions, don’t forget to go to the Ask Katie! stall in your residence hall and write on the anonymous notepad. If you live off campus, email questions to [email protected].

See ZUMBA, pg. 8

fitness instructor Alberto “Beto” Perez, a native Colombian, forgot his normal tunes for a fitness class. Perez found himself teaching the class using music from his own culture. In turn, a new path to physical fitness was discovered, enabling the participants to not only be moved and energized by the music, but to incorporate “Latin flair” in their own lives.

Bridget Higgins is the Zumba instructor at SCU and has lots of friendly advice for those who are contemplating participating in the Zumba class.

“Zumba is different because it appeals to every age group and every level of fitness,” Higgins said. “No previous dance experience is necessary. If a student has never attended a single dance class in their life, Zumba will present a challenge, but one that is fun and incinerates calories like crazy! Being a student has a certain number of demands on

Page 8: The Wheel Issue 5

Health & SPORTS8 | The Wheel November 8, 2011

Athlete profile: Lensa Gurmessa

It is sophomore Lensa Gurmessa’s second year playing soccer at St. Catherine University (SCU), but unlike most of the women on the team, Gurmessa lived in Ethiopia until 2005.

When it came to deciding on a college, many schools were interested in Gurmessa playing on their soccer team, but there was something about SCU that drew her in.

“I love soccer and I could play it every day, but my education comes first. SCU has a lot of majors and public health major, which I’m currently majoring in,” Gurmessa said.

Gurmessa’s favorite part of soccer is playing the game. The moment is magical to her regardless of whether the team wins or loses. In the game, Gurmessa is able to be herself.

“Many things are challenging when living in a new country; for me it was learning how to be me,” Gurmessa said. “I wasn’t myself for the longest time; it was like living a meaningless life, but as soon as I started high school and joined the soccer team I

By Kaitlyn Dahlestaff writer

ZUMBA continued...

According to the SCU Athletics website, “Fit 4 Life programs are designed to help keep the students, faculty, and staff of the [SCU] community active and healthy.” Zumba provides another opportunity for the SCU community to meet this goal. Photo by Sarah Kiczula.

a person’s time... Zumba is the antidote here.” The response to Zumba from the SCU

student body has been positive.“I like that it’s a full body workout, [but]

you don’t really feel like you’re working out because you are having so much fun,” junior Sarah Yaekel said. “It’s a worthwhile experience. I feel so much better after I do it.”

Masala Bhangra is a high-energy dance

stemming from the Bhangra dance, made popular in American culture by Bollywood-inspired movies, such as Slumdog Millionare. The founder of Masala Bhangra, Sarina Jain, created this dance workout in 1999.

Deepali Roth, who has worked with Bollywood film stars all over the world, is the instructor at SCU.

“This is a cardio-dance workout, so I try and keep my students moving for as much [of] the class as possible,” Roth said.

With its constant movement, Masala Bhangra offers something different from the typical interval training workout. The participant is able to increase endurance while working up a sweat.

“It is different because, though some people are familiar with Bollywood, for most it is still an exotic style of music and dance. Not only do we dance to fantastic music, but I teach a full routine that builds throughout the entire class,” Roth said “By the end, you

have an entire Bollywood routine that you can show your friends and family when you leave the class.”

Both the Zumba and Masala Bhangra classes at SCU are offered weekly. Check out the Butler Center’s “Fit 4 Life” schedule for more information.

Caitlyn can be reached [email protected].

November 8, 2011 -5:00 p.m. Swimming and Diving Hour of Power in St. Paul

November 10, 2011 -7:00 p.m. Basketball vs. Upper Iowa University (exhibition) in Fayette, IA

November 11, 2011 -7:00 p.m. Hockey vs. Augsburg College at Ridder Arena

November 12, 2011 -5:00 p.m. Hockey vs. Augsburg College in Minneapolis

November 18, 2011 -6:00 p.m. Basketball UMAC-MIAC in St. Joseph, MN -6:00 p.m. Swimming and Diving Concordia / Augsburg Double Dual in St. Paul -7:00 p.m. Hockey vs. Saint Mary’s University at Mariucci Arena

November 19, 2011 -9:00 a.m. / 1:00 p.m. Swimming and Diving Roger Ahlman Invite at Macalester in St. Paul -1:00 p.m. Basketball UMAC-MIAC in St. Joseph, MN -4:00 p.m. Hockey vs. Saint Mary’s University in Winona, MN

Upcoming SCU sporting events

Swimmer Sarah Vrudny. Photo by Bryan Tolcser (BryanTolcserPhotography.com). Used with permission.

started to live my life to the fullest again.”Being on the soccer field makes Gurmessa

feel like she is complete.“I feel like my soccer mates know me

more than anyone else,” Gurmessa said. “Despite the cultural barrier, I made it through and I still play soccer without support from my family. It also tells me that I made it in this country despite the language barrier. That moment really gives me a chance to reflect upon my past and my future life.”

Gurmessa started playing soccer when she was eight or nine years old. Although soccer is a very popular sport in Ethiopia,

the passion to strive towards improvement. “Soccer for sure differs depending on the

environment you’re in, but I have to say soccer was more enjoyable and fun when I was in Ethiopia,” Gurmessa said. “Maybe it was because I was still young then, so it wasn’t as competitive yet. However, in Ethiopia it was more like the coaches coached us to be ourselves and learn as we go on.”

In the United States, soccer is not as popular as it is in other parts of the world.

“I do believe people respect the sport and don’t mind watching the sport,” Gurmessa said. “Also, you do have to have the patience and the excitement to watch or play the game for the whole 90 minutes, because sometimes it takes over 90 minutes to score a single goal and that makes it very unique and a very competitive sport. It also shows that both the teams are putting everything on the line to defend the ball from going in the net. It really is amazing!” Gurmessa said.

Gurmessa is concerned that, in the U. S., sometimes it seems as though soccer players are trained to become like soccer playing robots.

“I have had a lot of coaches in the past here, and I have come across coaches who let me be me and explore on my own and others who want me to do exactly as they say and that just takes the fun out of soccer,” Gurmessa said.

Gurmessa loved playing this season here at SCU with new the coaching staff because they give the players a chance to be creative and free on the field, which made the season much more enjoyable despite an unlucky season.

“I love playing soccer with all my heart,” Gurmessa said. “My family and some of my friends think I’m sacrificing a lot to be playing soccer, but soccer really completes me and fills me up with happiness. During [the] soccer season I put a lot of things on hold, such as working and taking only 12 credits

so I can perform better in all the things I do.”

She also says that she is limited in doing certain things, going places and participating in other activities because every day she has to have enough energy to give 100 percent at practice or during games, but to her it is worth it.

“ Eve n t h o u g h I complain about i t sometimes, I’m certainly not upset about it because I love the sport,” Gurmessa said.

Kaitlyn can be reached [email protected].

Lensa Gurmessa. Photo courtesy of St. Catherine University’s athletic page.

women are often excluded from the action.“You don’t find many female soccer players

because it’s considered a male sport [in Ethiopia],” Gurmessa said. “However, I normally don’t take ‘no’ for an answer so I started playing with a couple of my guy friends and that was when I realized I’m really passionate about the sport.”

Gurmessa’s uncle exposed her to soccer as she became older. He coached her and gave her a few tips about soccer which gave her