The Wellness Business Academy ©The Wellness Business Academy 2015 & Beyond 1 Semester 2 - Program Development & Design Class : 3 - Lead Magnet Development & Design Section : 1 - Create The Lead Magnet What Is A Lead Magnet? A lead magnet an irresistible bribe offering a specific chunk of valuable content to a prospect in exchange for their contact information. The goal of the Lead Magnet is to maximize the number of targeted leads you are attracting into your sales funnel. The lead magnet acts as an introduction; it gives prospects the ability to get to know you without committing. The lead magnet is the entry to your sales funnel so it should be congruent with the problem you are solving in your main offering. Each program you offer requires it’s own lead magnet. Answer these questions before you create the content for your lead magnet: 1. How does your ideal client best take in information? What mode of delivery would be best for them? 2. The lead magnet needs to feel irresistible to your ideal clients. What content can you create that can’t be passed up by them? What 3 questions are you being constantly asked? 3. What specific problem does your lead magnet solve (that’s part of the big problem your program solves)? If the prospect consumes your lead magnet they should get a result. What is that result?

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Semester 2 - Program Development & Design

Class : 3 - Lead Magnet Development & Design Section : 1 - Create The Lead Magnet What Is A Lead Magnet? A lead magnet an irresistible bribe offering a specific chunk of valuable content to a prospect in exchange for their contact information. The goal of the Lead Magnet is to maximize the number of targeted leads you are attracting into your sales funnel. The lead magnet acts as an introduction; it gives prospects the ability to get to know you without committing. The lead magnet is the entry to your sales funnel so it should be congruent with the problem you are solving in your main offering. Each program you offer requires it’s own lead magnet. Answer these questions before you create the content for your lead magnet: 1. How does your ideal client best take in information? What mode of delivery would be best for them?

2. The lead magnet needs to feel irresistible to your ideal clients. What content can you create that can’t be

passed up by them? What 3 questions are you being constantly asked?

3. What specific problem does your lead magnet solve (that’s part of the big problem your program solves)? If

the prospect consumes your lead magnet they should get a result. What is that result?

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4. What does the prospect need to learn, understand and do in order to get the result? Be specific.

Includes these items in your lead magnet: Medical Disclaimer

Welcome note from (name) with the big promise (outcome)

Instructions on how to use the lead magnet (if applicable)


2-3 Testimonials

Program offer

About You

Sample lead magnet formats:

● Checklist

● Cheat sheet

● Recipe book

● Meal plan

● Video series

● Audio series

● Email series

● Ebook

● Webinar

● Challenge Examples: 72-Hour Sugar Free Challenge 72-Hour Green Smoothie Challenge 72-Hour Meditation Challenge

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Video Series: Get Bathing Suit Ready With This 3-part Ab Routine Ebook: Why Diet & Exercise Alone Won’t Help You Lose Weight Quiz: What Is Your Metabolic Type? Quiz: How Toxic Are You? Audio Series: Learn To Meditate In Just 7 Days Clean Eating Cheat Sheet & Recipe Guide 20 Detox Recipes Made In Under 10 Minutes 20 Apps To Help You De-Stress, Meditate Daily & Feel More Happy Checklist Brainstorm lead magnet ideas here:

Outline the content of your lead magnet here:

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Semester 2 - Program Development & Design

Class : 3 - Lead Magnet Development & Design Section : 2 - Lead Magnet Delivery This section is technology heavy. You can start on this section once your lead magnet is 100% ready to be loaded and delivered. Refer to the elective tech training tutorials so you can watch the steps and walk through them at the same time. Before you dive into implementation you will need:

Lead magnet (pdf, audio, video)

Welcome email written and any follow ups you want to include

Content for your opt in page and any graphics

Content for your thank you page and any graphics

Technology Definitions: Hosted Link: A hosted link is when you upload a piece of content to cloud storage and then use the hosted link as a way to download the content. Refer to the How To Setup Amazon S3 and/or the Dropbox elective tech videos. Follow Up/Autoresponder: These are the email messages that get written and scheduled into Aweber in advance. They are sent out automatically via your email service provider on the day and time of your choosing. Creating an autoresponder series is part of setting up your sales funnel. Autoresponders are not scheduled on specific dates but rather X number of days after the previous. These are NOT to be used if you are running a date specific program. Refer to the How To Setup Aweber elective tech video. Broadcast: A broadcast is one-off email or a number of emails that you broadcast or publish to your email list. You can schedule these in advance but they are single emails, not sequences. You would use broadcast emails when running a date specific group so that your emails can be scheduled in advance and sent out on specific dates instead of sequence like the autoresponder function. Refer to the How To Setup Aweber elective tech video. Opt in page: AKA squeeze page, sign up page, registration page, lead capture page. This is the page that contains the opt in or subscription box where people enter their name and email. This is the page that you promote anywhere and everywhere by copy and pasting the url of the page on social media, by adding it to your blog and website. Refer to the How To Setup Leadpages and Connect With Aweber elective tech videos.

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Thank you page: This is the page new subscribers are taken to immediately after they subscribe to your lead magnet. If you have a Facebook fan page (business page) or a Facebook group you will want to find a Leadpages thank you page template that allows you to link to those FB pages. Refer to the How To Setup Leadpages and Connect With Aweber elective tech videos. Email list: This is the actual list that someone is subscribed to. It’s held in your email marketing platform. I recommend Aweber. Refer to the How To Setup Aweber elective tech video. Leadpages: Leadpages is a tech company that has done-for-you opt in pages, sales pages, webinar registration pages and thank you pages that don’t require any coding or design. You don’t need leadpages right away since you can build an opt in page using Aweber or MailChimp. However if you don’t have a website and want to sell online you’ll need either a website or leadpages to build your sales page on. Web form: A web form is the the opt in page provided by the email marketing platform in Aweber. You can use the web form to create an opt in page or you can use the web form as the connection point between your email marketing platform and Leadpages. Refer to the How To Setup Leadpages and Connect With Aweber elective tech videos. NOTE: If you have Leadpages you will need to create the email list and the web form in your email marketing platform first before you can connect to Leadpages. Double Opt In: The double opt in is when someone subscribes to your email list and then has to wait for a confirmation email where they have to click on a link to confirm their subscription. You can turn this feature off. It’s not necessary for you to make people double confirm. Refer to the How To Setup Aweber elective tech video. Video Player: If you are using video’s for your lead magnet, you’ll need to record them and load them as Mp4’s into either YouTube or Vimeo. You can link to the video directly or create a replay page and embed the video onto the page. Refer to How To Host On Vimeo elective tech video. Audio Player: If you are using audio’s for your lead magnet, you’ll need to record them and upload them as Mp3’s into SoundCloud. You can link to the audio directly or create a replay page and embed the audio onto the page. Refer to How To Host On Soundcloud elective tech video. Checklist For The Welcome Email: The welcome email that new subscribers receives after they opt in will be scheduled as an autoresponder or follow up email (not a broadcast). You can include more follow up emails after the welcome email if you choose to. The welcome email is your first point of communication with the new subscriber and sets the stage for further communication.

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Here’s a list of the content you should include in your welcome email:

Subject Line: Welcome & the (name of lead magnet) you requested

Personalized Greeting: Welcome to your world/community

Value: Who you are, who you serve, what you do and why it’s important

Set expectations: What kind of content do you send and how often

Hosted Link: The download, viewing or listening link for your lead magnet. Insert the hosted link as a PS underneath your signature too.

Openness To Conversation: Ask a non-threatening question with the instruction to hit reply and answer.

Call To Action: Give the reader a specific action to take

Signature: Create a fun and unique signature. Include an image of you.

Click here to view a sample welcome email.

Checklist For The Opt In & Thank You Pages: You can either use Leadpages to build your opt in and thank you pages or use the web form builder in your email marketing platform.

Opt In Page

The headline: Catch the ideal client’s attention with an outcome based headline describing the benefit of the content (make it feel irresistible)

The benefits: Tease the reader with 3 to 5 benefits they are going to receive (include the words SO THAT so you can tie a feature to a benefit)

The call to action: Tell people to sign up

The opt in form: Have a way for them to sign up

Image: Have a beautiful, clear image that clearly depicts the value of the content

Social proof: This one is a bonus. If you have a testimonial and you’ve chosen a Leadpage that allows to you add one, then add a testimonial.

Click here to view some sample opt in pages.

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Thank You Page Confirmation: Let them know their request has been received

Next steps: Tell them what happens next (look in inbox, spam and junk)

Call to action: If you have a social media page or group send them there

Image: Include an image of you if you have one

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Semester 2 - Program Development & Design

Class : 3 - Lead Magnet Development & Design Section : 3 - List Building Strategies Your email list is your business. No list. No business. Building your email list is more important than posting on social media. It’s more important than working on your website and it’s more important than networking. Building your email list and nurturing your email list should be your first priority every single day. There are 5 ways to grow your email list without having to pay for Facebook ads. When you are building out your website make sure you have these elements built into your design. Answer these questions: How many people do you currently have on your email list?

Brainstorm a list of places you could promote your lead magnet.

Brainstorm a list of 10 blog topics or social media status updates that you can create and include a link to your lead magnet.

Brainstorm a list of places you can do free speaking gigs.

What days/times are you going to promote your lead magnet on social media?

Set a monthly email list building goal. Focus daily on promoting your lead magnet so you can reach your goal. What is your email list building goal per month?

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5 Strategies To Grow Your Email List Organically Strategy # 1 - A Feature Box Opt In

The first way to grow your email list is to have a feature box on the homepage of your website. The feature box is used to promote your freebie and includes opt in fields like name and email.

This is Samantha’s feature box. You will see it right when you hit her home page. She has two opt in opportunities framing her feature box so no one will miss her freebie offer.

Strategy # 2 - Use The Sidebar

The right hand sidebar of your website should be used to feature your freebies and paid programs. If you have social media boxes there now, like Facebook or Instagram remove them. You don’t want people clicking off your site onto Facebook.

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Strategy # 3 - Promote On Social Media Often

Since organic reach is down across all social media platforms it’s a good idea to promote at different times of the day every couple of days (like every 3 days). The whole idea behind a freebie or promoting your service is that it demonstrates that you offer programs and services, not just free content. To promote your freebie you would take the url of the opt in page (either in Leadpages or your email marketing platform) and paste it as a status update on social media. You would add an image and write some friendly text with a call to action leading people to click and subscribe. Or you could do what Samantha did and straight up promote your services. Now she offers amazing content on her social media pages and the link to her services page is hugged by opt ins. This is important because if someone isn’t ready to work with you just yet they will likely opt in for a freebie instead. Then it’s your job to stay top of mind by consistently emailing to them.

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Strategy # 4 - Add an opt in to your blog posts

When someone reads your entire blog post it’s likely they are going to want to check out more of your content. Add a call to action with a link to your opt in page 1-2 times throughout your blog post. At the bottom of the blog have a banner graphic with a call to action linking to your opt in page (or even your program).

Strategy # 5 - In-person speaking

One of the fastest ways to grow your email list is to do free talks to companies, non-profits, associations and groups of people who are your ideal clients. When you do speaking engagements you should be allowed to collect names and emails from attendees. When you do a speaking gig you offer your lead magnet as a free gift. People can sign up to your mailing list to receive your free gift. At the start of your speaking gig you want to mention you have a free gift to give them after the talk is over, as a thank you. Have a signup sheet or use an App to subscribe people. You could also buy a separate domain to use as an opt in page and tell everyone to pull out their phones, go to xxxx.com and subscribe to get the free gift.