THE WEEI(LY EXPONENT. YOLl:)!E V THE IS AT SUG[SSf Ul GOMPlETION First Vocational Congress for Women of Montana Is Well Attended--Nearly One Hundred Delegates Are Present for Three Days Session THE \\'EEKLY EXPO::\EXT, Fill D.IY, :'>:()\" DfBEJ! 1!113 \l"\ll\EH 11 M S r l0 S ES T 0 r l n SS Ir S whil'll nffor•l a t•liant·e for wom:111 io he b1tt1•11 by :i r110,.q11;to. whu·h lrn.•I I I lJ I lJ ff lJ .. l IT ER AT I 0 u T p lAY AG RIG 0 lA I!t'WspUJ1l'r anti to 1],.,·oh• th<> "os11011 -.:1\ill• t1Jr tht.• 1·arry1ng ol the n•mflillllt•r of hl•r SfWt'eh tn tlu.• work Soon nftl•r l11•ing hitt<'n. ht• r1111l qn:ilifi1·ntions of till• woman wno die-cl. :l martyr to st'tP111·e. The 1\p('ti- i'lltPrS thf' fiPld of IH'Ws writinl£. Thi> ings for lhr ·wonHlu wl\O will study m('d- sp('aker fl"kC'<l the hi,l!h -.l'lrnol ... tntlf'11t i('il1P arP 1111n1t'ro11!', sh" said, anil one who <'OlltC'lllfilate<l newl'= dot':-:l not haYe tu pn11·ti<'t' in OPler tc. paper fi£'Jtl to takf' of h;•rsdf. I f•llrn n. t·omfort a.hll' lid11g. nf the :rnrl if thong-ht thnt .she wfls <'n;1 - the pr:wtic<? of me ahlp of engaging in the work, to h .... il'hrn whit·h a.re 011l'U to the Coliseum Missoulianis, the Classic Arena of the Literati Filled With Plebian Throng Who Witness the Attack on the Agricolae true to be1 .. •l'lf, her pnper anrl t}1p Jnlh· graduate ar(' position.., as mC'mhers of --------- Thc> fir:-t Yot•a:ion:d COIH!'n's" for I.".' 1 l'l'nt.01_· tiie who C'nter. h.igh I 1h'. Rom(' of the qnalific.at.ion_.:: of_' 1 · _health and oft'i"ciai" Last F "Jo l · It l I 11 ff 1 · . ., r11 .. y a }rtg 1 am c OIH ess' O t le time 11onoreil sanclal thong wornc>u in >fom:u.ia 1..'<lTlle to :l l·losl' !:"at- :"thool \\as a1l completed the four lH'Wsp:tpPr woman, < hr1-.t1e sa;1 1 , in reformatone-... .\drletl to th('sc are sky hung OYer l'oliseum mon.,ment on thl' :flauk. rn:-c wa::> ur l:iy afteru11011. ff:'\ ..;uel'<',;"' wa ... hp- year 31111 that less than Ollf' 11cr are strength nnd <'ll· the positions whit'h are clo:-ely 1•onncct· and, >vith the coming of the eighth so thn.t when :Nero t'amc to yontl that antki11:lted 11,v l.!q'n i·('nt t•nrollerl in t·olleges and iustitn- thnc.ia!'"m ana 1•ommon se 1 i--<'. a e<l with so<'in l work for. she saicl. this hou th pa t u l' f II t 1 1 . r, e r. c. or an us o owers eo· I a.s 011.' t 1e "11ning ('Olumns of tbe go:il who most clost•ly i'OJ11u•1•h•.t w1lh tious oi higher learning'. To (lo onr to ohey orders :1n1l to forrgo work will before long require at lea,1 tererl the classic arena. seated them· were ,p1..;;t ahead. Xf'xt Brntuti made a it, atul th<' cntb11)0.i:ism with whid1 ·t be"'t. )lr :-aid, must 11ot only I apprN•in.tion. The tH'Ws writer . some knowlerl2e of tlie sf•iC1n1'c of med- seln •"I, arranging their toga!l in phi lo- fol't'C'd mart'h ;n·oniHl his left gnar<l ·s l\·a:-o ri:>t'Ci\'c<l hy the> a:-.:-nn'-. str'YI.' (-1r of snbj('<'t matte1', sai11. "!.'<'!' r\·ery phn..;f' of lit't•- i1·ine. Jn n of thC' require· <;Ophie fol1b and lheir fnt•es in nn.vin.{ positiou. whnl' hf' W:\S reli('ve<l hv it ro be an annual aihir at :\fontnna hut \\'l' must so 1•orrelatc this nrnttl'r as the good :1n1l thr had. mento;; of til<.' es!<lentials for those- rn· 1 lcgrees of dignity nntl ilisiutrn• ... te·l· ('JN•ro, who adn1.1H"eil nnothcr :-'tat€'. )fr-;. Ill•rri<' . who to :!h'l' th1• bt'St to the sfn· 1 h<>r lifl' to thi• pnhlk and gagecl i11 t hi s line of work. Dr. l'lrirh ness. F'rom <lfar down th<' 1'iher <'ame toward!-. the dpsire•I <'OlnHILl:-:1. CbeercJ ori:,.:itJateil thi .. plan for snl'h a t'ong-rb' dl•nts. \Yt• must :-;top tPxt- things; hut. in r<'tnrn. i;;he re- said that a of hnmor was nN·es· the :;trains of martial music furnisll£'•1 by th<' Jirospl•ct, the hoary d!oage of iu )Joutaua. b ·11akin::?: 1.Jaug for lll'Xt books and tt»1d1 hoys a11il Th» from Jifr more <'ll.iO,Ylll\'llt th:111 !iutry, otherwi .. c Oil<' wo11J11 be a Yictim the military han1l of the ill\'adl'r . ..;, Romulus "'houe with a 111 ,,J\ow light ·n•ar. rm 1 l 1ierf'after tht> Y ll'rtt 01rnl ('Ull· of Ill' "aid. nr(' aimin;,! most mort:1J,;.. :O::onH• of the prohl('mS :if of despail', physiral !:itrt 1 11gth. nenC' and thp h:rnrl itsi>lf app<'flf<'(1. fo!Jo.n1l l'lnte'liing th<' pr<'i•ious glohum to hi:i gr1'ss will ;it' r.rnkC'•l wit11 tlll• toward of lifl'. Tilt• tl1(' erlitor werp (•xplainerl . 'ff 1 coll rage-the hest erh1"atio11 in th" the plPhian throng. whh•h soon filled withl'r<'(1 he tottNcll a(·ross the tonrunmt•nt a11d w(•t•k a ... 3 Jlr •u•ipl.- ot' •'Oll"t'OYation 01 )lrs. f'hri,,,tie. nn1l Ull insight intn thl' whoh• 1•01rntry-with psv1·hology n., nn the twenty thou:-:ianil to o\·erflow· t\•n- remnining spai·es anti plauterl his mean-.. of hri11ing th<' }IE'OJ 1l<' in wh'C'h is heing ..-o uniY1·r:-;:tJly :lpjllied \·anitil'" of was to 1\1°• l'SSt•ntial, an1l thp i• istinl't a1ul patil.'11('<' ing. trea:oure sat\>!.\· hetWCt'll the pillnrs. tnurh w=t'1 t'Hl work of th(' t•ol11'f!i' rn.1 to thC' husiue ... s of is what Wt" 1 audienl't> whrn "ht' told of ..;ome of fh<' or' a tca<'lwr. ::;0011 tla• preliminnry -;uh- (At thb moml'ut Publins Yirgiliu.,, in•t>n•,;11ng them i11 ldg-lin l'•ln1•atio11 of shonltl :-triYl' fo1. To :!s:-ist hy 11rep:tr· whiC'l1 h:l\'l' lo he mPI liy Friday Afternoon. :-id<'il, nn1l all eyes turned to the ell· n. 1 ·ei•orh'r on Thr l'lasil·::d 11.eYiew, to 1 ation tlw who 1lesin' to c>utl•r tlit• the sot•iet.\· e1litor. Thi' ..;tory of t\1.> 1'hP t"X('l'dses Friday affl•rno1l11 <'on- trn.nl'e of thl' c·hlsSil' oval. where Rom- whosl' we> n.rt• .udi'htt•il for this E\'<'r.\' llll'et ng \\!ls Wt'll attt'll•h'•L anol JI f 1'lcl of manual hthor, is what thl• h•mptariotl"i \\'hi1·h Ii,. ml•t :lnol of n11 en.ioyahl<' lit· 1hc nlns Ooruhlaser nnd Kelly lt·•I al'<'onnt of th 1 , g-ame, lwl'ame liystnical t spt>aker' werf' a•1 1l wen' a1h·uratt·11. appn•nti!'(•s of c·nnrpwn•1l h.\' th<' 111•\\·spa11er woman girls' <'hnnis of thC' auxiliary. a Yery in their well knowu w·nrriors.i and lo:::.t his fC'w tbongh i·a.rPfnlly hoaril - nhl1• to imJ•fC's upon their li:'.'t1•ut•:·" the I Yl'"'tf'l'<la\· C'nt1'rr1l the hdorY or work- pron.,d of intere,.:t to int('l'Psting tn.lk on applied hy from m:wy uf the 01111:.,.ing nncl far ,fr:.,- eel f"i:tsSii• phrase" auil 1lrOJ•J1(';il into hi:. iinp 1rt:111 ·t> of ... t•ll'l'tinz \"lkntion. :-.l1op'.learne1l illt' l:nsinf's ... and tlw1 .1 went l'hri,.lh'. in f'onc•lu1ling-. n1lmoni:-h1•(1 ).[is-. B:tl•l\\'ill of th<' fnrulty. anil a rnnt pro,·iur('s. t'rowdrn:r t·lo ... c to the nathl• Y<'rna1·nlar, wl1i1•h had hl'en his The\· hrongh• out rhe ian tha+ lht"n' ont 111to the world, wht•n' tht:>y .... t,t HJ• tho:-'' intf'll•lin,!! to enter tbe n<'wspnpt'I" srecl!h 011 the an<l openings pntriari·hs 1•i.1me F:thnlns l'rfl.i.l!h<'arlu ... . only form of sp£'P1'h the long ... nii-. hot 1 i h11:-i11e":-I thl'ir 0\\'11 ..... hop: hut the .\·nuth" wlio worl1l to look well witbin w:1iting for the woman who 1·a.r£'s to who wnr... lornll." hcral1lecl rn111111;1niler ot .n•ars :o.p<•111 in l·hasin!!' h11ffalo away nn'l proh· .... ::;1011al wor11 wl11d1 women P11t1•r till' f:11•tor.\· totfa,\· nnskilJ.,11 to wrigh wrll thp hanbhip-. Cit' thi" pro· 1'Hlt.•r the fi('Ji! of 1irofpssional Jihotng· l·eutE'r h>gion; then ('ame- his hrn· from !ht' town pump of '.'t. of f'Dtf'r an1l in whi1·h \\'Ollll'n ore for rhl"" rest of their Jit'i:o. "'Jr. fl',.._iou :11111. ii it thc>n flJlJ"'HlPil to them. raphy. A eo1·'1inl in,·ita1ion the1· Pl:111tns l'rnig-h1•adus. who snp· thf' Pl:1thea11. so thl' rrmn.inilrr of the re::i.!Jy lh'C'•lt'•l. I s:iiil. to t•t'fi1•it'lll'!", to l'U!!agl' in it \\"ith an thi:oir )10\\"('I' hy )!iS'L Harkins tn the \'is it or-, to in· portet\ Fahulns on tht' right. .\ugth 0 l'-"' is t::iken n•rhntirn lrom hi::i .\ bu111ln•(l W<'l't' :t': Jllll-.t ·"J>t•1•1nliZl', i"' "h"Wll hy t\1.:_> !lll,] 1•apat·itY. :o.I•f•t't lfa111iJton.h<1lJ 3111! ht' the !ZIW:-ts :-:frC'ituS, c·ommatlll<'I' Of th(' right lOW\!I', llrt'Sel'\'f't} to ild..: fls the <'OU:!rc>..;S. rC>pr.e:-.r•nt.in:.?:.· I n'.qniit'lll1rnts of th.(> ))1'. ).falwl rlti1•h. tht' possr ... of 'l of thc> llome rluh ::1t a rec·1'J1· wa ... followe•l hy .\ppnllM \'eal.'·· l'om- toh'lll hook o( :111 thl' Plntht•:11b.' <'llll':- n )fon'"au:1. 'l'IH'Jr '1s1t to ot tn1l:1»; four. six :rncl ofh'n fint' \'Oi1•f' an.l stage le1·t11n•·l fio11 in lhf' c]omestic• man.kr of C'xtremt' right win!.!. '·From thi.; nn tht'f(' w:1s uo 1loubt mnu wa,. ma1le J.ot<.. ... :111t 3 ... :i..: 1 v(•a:·s a··e rt•tpiin•11. :.rr. T\:en :-.howi•il on ··}.fp(liri11<' anol Sot•ial by nt•:1rly all thP l:ng1' a111li- \ftt'r a ... 11ort p:lll"'l' 1.'ftllH' the reiloub;. that the Flarheails wunld makt> a com- in:-:rrucr n.· l1y th1• 1wnt pr.1- how rp 11•st'on wa ... linki'a to ntlll'r whic•h wa..; nnt onh· w1•ll 11t•li\'1'n'1l. 1lm•r. ).frs. lr1•11(' El•ln•d. clPau of worn- aldr l'a,s..;.i1h D;ll'mn-., \\ho 01·1·11pif'il tht• pletp mas .. Tonrnlia\'.-l\S Wt'rt' y:.k,l tor rlwrn h\' tht' \\"omnn· ... ·Juh 'I ll•-.tioih of ll:ltioual importaut·e. amonu: th(' in wn-. tllll' with whir 1 l at thi• <'ollegt' of "'fo11tana. l••1•att'il left -,;upport: tht"n with soft tn'a 1l an·l inu in t'\·en· clirf'dio11. ou!Y to hi'. an.l (;1rts· anx1li:1rv of Roum:111. tht•m lh•iu:,! i•omnwn·e au.J morality. ln fe,,· nf th£' au1lie111'e \\"Pl'l' familiar. Di. Int D1'C'r ma.Jr a fow rf'spon-..iYl' glanre X<'ro \\'ei1lrn1an. l'Olll- 1•:rnght np h<'fon' the\ f.-11 n111l to be 'I'h( eomplC>tr prograu1 follows: ('Jn ... tht" "'llg'ge..,tt'•l th:it n l'lrirh thl" iu wil1d1 she tl:ankC'•1 tlw pt•n· mnn1h•r of the extreme kft wing. hnrlt'•l atr:lin :in(l ;1gain with ilt>:lrllv Friday Morning. J>lan simil:ir r,1 that n:--ed iu tht• (•ollc>£;'<.." tWl'en l11C'11i1·rne a nil so1·1al work, nn l tilt> ot Bouman nnd the rollt>!!t' for thC' Her(' tl1rre was a pansc-thf' trump· aim. Tn the se1•0n1l IJ!lartPr lland.v Th 1• l'Xen·J,.:ps }'riday morning npt'HC'rl I he tri 1, 1 1. This 1·onrs<' wonlil rt>qu:rc:> I c;howecl that l'lll'h w:i-.. (1C'pt"n1lc>nt t1:> \n•l<"ome C'Xtc>ndC'rl to thl' 1\1.'lt•i,rat('s. f'ter blew a long hlast <11111 the \Yei1lt'm:rn. Big- 11 .. an.I <tt •h:lt time> the 1h•I- thP iir»t rwo of g 1 •n 1 •rnl \\·ork flJl.l sOmC' 1'XtE'11t on thC' o:lwr. Taking 1111 .\ft1'1" !hp lllCl•tinl! Jia1l la•en P:llll•cl to '\\-pr(' h1'1·alde11. Timher-\\'ater·Kn•..-s, Born iu-a<\IinC' were hy lf1•l1•,1 then the two wonlil c•ontain eh'l'· work, shl' ('.xplain1 1 ol. th(' OPler b,· '.\fr..-. Jforrick anil )Ir•. Eldn•11 Krt•..;s a111l Brutus Ow..-Je.\· anrl Ruu-Lil<t>·:t·R:l.bhit Uaems Brewer of t111" tacruh-, awl in»trth'- .. 0 arrangeil th:it either :i yo,.n- rapul growth nf this sort ot work, an·l h:11l l'\'"Jurn1led to the arf't•ting .. ex· pr(lndly forth in l'l'spousE'. ancl 1 ·uJi ... pn. 1 1 all ficur£>1l lrll'C't'ly in :1 111lin!! thirteen tiYt:> Spl·C'rhcs by )Jr. H. \Y. Kt•tT. prin- tional 1·ourst'.' <'OUM he pur.;neil or n that brfore long it "·011lcl h1.• <l pro h•11ch't! to tht' \·i-;itors.\li,.:S Baldwin rlr .:\Ii:::isonlianis thu111lere1l to aftn more to tht' «pn•n !'1·aJp .. l!ath - eipal of tlir eounty high ... t·l1001. ( .. 111 r,e h'acling 10 a collf'g(' e•lne:11io 11 fession on a par with any of thP othC'rs. Ji,·ert•il h('r pnper. rn opening her talk. l·lieer for l'at'11 nobl, .. I erril. T"inally nHntY t-;1•aJp .. w1•rf' hang- '\\'. .T, Chri,.tit• ot' thC' .\uaeonda i·onld be taken. •rhi!-i profos.;ion appeal.; partil'ularly to Raltlw iu 1•alle1l to thl' an(l u111.rnnounl•ed. the in· ing to the helt of Figl1tinl,!· Stanilar1l, an1l Dr . .:\[abel rlril'i1 of ).fr .... Chri ... tie, the next "Pc>ali.el·, ... women, t11e speaker '-:lid, he1«lll"I"' ne<'11 of :;\fo."'t JH'Oplt' Ya11ers next nrn<le thl'il' nppN1ra111·r. Hattlt•-P('rhaps-D.nnhla-"er, wbile his \Iinn<'apoJis, prn\·iderl a morn· l'tnetl the attention of the anili<'n<'e hy woman a of clo realize how muc·h 1k.sign nserl, she l<'il by C'iudnnntui- 'ohle. folfowe1l hy hra,C's h:til Jo ... t not ;\ war 101·k. ing. Deau Stewart of thl' f'ollt.'!!C' of a touching Jti<:tnre of an old editor j 11 motherliu{'-.!'\, a eapal'it.'· for y.;ni11. Th(' c·Jothing WC' wear. the i•hin.i <'ineinnnti as Os('nhrng. Taylor, •• !11 mirlr1lt' of fight. the )[is!'1rnla, )Ji ... s Phoe-lie King of the )finnesota, who fought for bis priiH'I· for greater than that h.'· mau. on til<' tabk. tlll' furnishiugs 1'rnitt. Krum. (iat· hr:lY('-. being worn hY tht>ir pJn.,-, re· GirJs' a.uxiliaryi an1l deleg-ates from ples with hi:-: life Oloorl, giYing up The pi<'turct1 th(' inhahiUnh of the home, thl' shop win1lows-in ton .. folh".'·· l 'nrr. nriml•s . .Tohnson, \Yi]- tire1l for :1 time to the li.>pl't' of Rig-- the Rnttr. Dillon. :rn11 Calla.· wt>alth and health j 11 on1er that the of the largC' eitie"' who, when exnminP•l fnrt, cn•rywhere we look we find dC'- ('omh. C:arYin. t't1'. ('hief-Tlrilmnn 1'1H• papoo"'""• bn·aking I tin hi;!h n•spon1k1l to )Iiss Hn'W· thinμ-s for which ]](' fought might hl" 1lortors Wl'f(' found to be in goncl sign. Applie(l is dh·icled into Without ilelfly. t111) t1i<>. awn.." from their "'Jli3Ws, r1nd1l'il nonnr l er's u:reeting . brought about. Tli'i-i !'Onng ilaughtPr, physi<"al <·on<lilion. nu1l yPt ti.it",\" wP1'1" two she saicl-f'OlllllH'!'{'ial an•l anil the fra>· was on. ..\grieola Carr 1 in a war (lancl' to the tune of: ...., 1 ·Tbe Objet'tiYe Point. · 1 plcade11 for vo- him. learnt•d the profrssion. :lUd ing- remetliC'd lJ,, . .;o(·ial worker..: and ho-;- entiou of rll'signer is a fil•lil whi1·h holils it nt the ten il'agnE> n11.1 :uh"a1H·1' 1 l l"gh! Wnh' \\·:il1 1 :.Ir. Kl'rr, speaking on tht' topii" his 1o.\·al eon<;titnrnt, working not fit to work. This. l'Ou1lition i:-. hti· cle,..igu inlrn1h•1l for hnJHleraft. TIH' \·o- kil 1 ke-1l th<' glohum to Brntlh, who I C-gh! \Yah! \Yah' catiouai training among the boys aul nn inspiration to the olrl man. Th£' 1iit:ds working in 4•011.iuu1·1in11. Dr. 1'1- wo111lerfnl po""'ihiliti1>:-: fo1· ihnsr "·ho one l011g man•h to tl1c forty-tw,.. l'l:1thearl! girls in thl' hhd1 :-:<'hoob of onr romi- pidurc show('il th(' "'Jlirit of ,jo\lrnali·m, ri1·li cited work of tlw Bo,..ton r.Pu· nr<' l'apahlt?, .:\fj,.., Balclwin "':iitl. lr leag11e post. 'ero \\'<,idi•m:u .. I \\":ih' \\"ah'. \Vt1h' ., tr,\". He .:howC'd hy st:tt:!'tii•:-; that the rlemnnding from its fol- cm.I ho:.pital. wher(' satisfadory work ilem:111d:- a na1mal SP11.::.1". an1l this with his l't11111iug. I -PO<'_\.L\\\'P..\ :--:..\t . has hf't'll rlon\• iu 1l1>\·ph1ping the rt>l:1- is Lorn , not 11en>Jo11ecl; it. orig· Y.M.-Y.W. HOlO JOINT M[ETING MEMB[RS Of "M" GlUB rnR Bib fErn I raMMITTEE REDORTS I a [NT G lU B 5 pill«' existing' <'Onditi>lllS <In' tlll"ll".J in au \Ya.<· . ]11 th» line of,,,] lJ r O\"<'r to lht• :-01·i:1l worker"'. :tud thf'_,. s<'i' rn·:ition, thf' fir.;;t rrqnircment. is 3 lih- that li\·i11g' ronilitinns 31'(1 <;1• f'ral ('\]Ul't1tion \\ith 1il1•11t,\· of hro:\.\l·ll- or STUDENT SENATE Men Who Have Won T heir Letter Plan tllr<'d, lwalthful work i'i Jll'Ol'l\J'l'd, ,i_','1g111·;"1.,l\1"101.il•l'l' •. '11 •. 1,·,·,1:,_· .• \t\1· •• .. \.· I r --- II H 0 lO Mt f Tl NG or wl1atP\l'r el"'f' m:iy h1• Jll'c'l"-..sllJ'.Y tn . _ ,, . v _ la•lp tht.• -..11fff'rPr toward n lwttrr physi art a111l p:l!-!t an.l pn•,;N1t 1]P1·ornt101. . I i·nl <'onditinu. Xot all -.ol'::il wnl'k j..- Id' tla• ()f rn:dl•rink .\fh·r lhl' f r-.t Reports of Comnultees on Auditing. I -- I Big Feed Before T hauksg:ving. R ev. E. A. Valiant Addresses Chri-..lian Commitee Appohited. th<' kiu.J, tlH• "J•Pal1•r :u1rl hl'nad p.ri111·iplt•s of h:I\·•' 11<'1'11 Records and Organizations and j -.hi• in th·· hi;..thl•,t t•'r111-. th1H' ma .. t1•n•1l, Olit' 1r1:1v sp\•«ializ•\ ..;Jw sai,J. Musical Affair-... 1 Student Clubs Hold Regular Meetings Ai.sociations. •'Well Balanced I \\ho are> giying their Jin•-. to :-.•'ll''"'''· htit .. 11 ... 1 :1 1 hi"'t'd a g1•1wr:ll trni11i11g: Today. Speakers Have Been Se- -- Iwl l at \\lw h time a ('1111l'it1tu· dointr, as -.lw 1·;.ilh>d. 111181•1•11 .;,odal work . of 0111 1 \\·hi1·h fltt<'d a Jh'rson fur !"m·h nH•n :h P:t"ll'llr 11 nd tJi 1 , mC'u wlw c1nh (•i•i·tni 11 ld11d"' of desi!,!11. :-o;hl• spolu' Report of Couuuittee on Record.., aud :-ll'l' striYing- n.l the Hoc·k('!'plJpr insti- of ill'sig:u and the ol' Man'' is Ht s Sub ject. I \ it tltr ''\I., 1·lnh \\fl" Th\' Youn1'! ).Il•n \; and Youug \\'urn- tJnn \\fl,S ado11ll•d and pl.t11s m:r1le tn1 n. eu ·s 1'hri:-: tian _\:-"Ot'iations of the cul· 1 feeil hef ire the ing ll'('(•ss. to im11ro,·e sc·it'll1'l' an• e11ti1h•d t.1 (Continue<l on Page F our) lc>ge bdd thC'ir iirst joint .Jrvotioiwl :\l yron ).fax l\('nt·k anll ).!;i\ .\\";I. B G SOGIETY IS f OUNOEO mN•ting of the year .\\'(•duP"'d:iy t'Vl'll- 1·omli \\'l'r<> appointed 011 the G 0 I ing at 7:30 in tht• tl'"'('mhl\· roum. Tilt' to arrange for the ba11quet. At prc:-e11t program was 01 , 011 ,.,1 1,_,. , 0111 ,_, I the <'Int. has. n 11w111hor>hip of four«'"'.!. I I 1 1 C'offev. · 1··)['' i11 !<OlllC' hr:,ind1 uf athll'li(·s followe•lhyaviolinsolohy)lissllnul <'Ornl"""d of 111 " 11 who h'"'·' won the<r GOll[GE Re>:. .• \. Yallant of thi• Hapti:-t. H.talP. •rhosP. · who won. thc>1r rhurC'h, the sp<':tkl'r of th<' CY1'11iu;,!.1 in Joot hall will h.f' on th<' <>nhjcl·t 1t The \Yell·Balaiu·ril elig1hl<' to nwmher.;h1p afft•r tht•1r )fan.', Hr began his talk hy saying 1Ptt1'rS nwanlc(l. that SU<'<'1"s' in a large measure the ?Ct-illlt of trainiug, and he p;aY(' se,·er:d goes to tl1t' otlwr C'Xtrt:>me an1l «an nnly examples as ill11stm1inn..-. lit> tlrnt think of not Jong ago he wa» i111pl'l"iSl'd with tlw Tiw pnrpusf' ol' thi.; instltutiou i.; truth of <111 a.dY. \\hh·h ht• saw in :"I. I that of tr:tiuing, 111111 !randng' is !Ill' magnzitlt'. iu ·whil..'h a youmr turning llut of \Hll '.nl'n :111.J mau was ]Ji1·lnrC'tl a fhl• door wornc>n. l'h ysi(·aJI,\·, mnn Js a h1pec1. li11t of an offitr, 1111011 wlii1·h W"l't' thl' char acteri stically i.l' is :1 q11:1dnq11•d words•• \la11:1g-L•r'', 1111·1 with a k1•,v 11 lh• go<'s 011 all four.;. Thl' of t/tP hi.; b:111tl with the word writ right hand in,ll•ad of t!Jr ldt i-. 1111•rt>I\' ten 1q1011 it. "Traiuiu:-( !-'pt•IJ ... h111· the 1·1•sult ot' rraiuing. lie llH'lltiu11t'd an n""'"'· '' 1!1 this mantwr 111• 1utrn1hwl'd ini'icl1•11t iu liis owu <'XJWrit'IH'l' wl1i1·h tht' :-:uhjPl't h<' talkccl UJ•OTJ. lie r<'- an 1•xamplt' of this. .\ hooldif't•p4·r markl•cl tl1:H for this Oe"asion mau \\·as had his hanrl !ohot off lly tlw Jlrl•111nt1n 1 ' to embra1.•t' woman. 1f11 \n•ut on lo s:1_,. of H 1·:tnno11. !Tl• (k1 1 rnd1 1 •l ; th:1t tht" propl'rl.\· i111liYid11:il i-. upon thi:s 11rof1•s ... iotl as a 111C'aus of Jj\·1•- ti wrlJ.hal:llH'f'd. ]IC' poi uteri out tlit• r1\J'- Ii hood, so he 1h•n•lopf'tl hi ... l<'ft hand to I fieulty of i11tli,.·i1hrnls who do. J.;Uf'h au P:d('11t so that to1lny ht:' is our not pos:-:('Ss .\!"! an C'X:tmplc>. he> of t hf' best in part of t lw nH•utionell one who oppo""e"' foreig-11 mi:-. 1•011ntry. TlL' again t11<' f:td and, on the other han1l, one who (Continued on Four) Five Faculty and Five Students Form Chapter Roll of New Organization--Society Is Destined to Exert a Powerful Influence at M. S. C. cured for Engiueers.


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First Vocational Congress for Women of Montana Is Well Attended--Nearly One Hundred Delegates Are

Present for Three Days Session

THE \\'EEKLY EXPO::\EXT, Fill D.IY, :'>:()\" DfBEJ! ~l. 1!113 \l"\ll\EH 11

:~.~.'::~~·:.'.'.~::'.;:·:::'::·~::::'.~~·::,·::~::·::.":::~'.:~'.~~ ~'.:'.:'::'~ •·1~'.:::~:·i'.:'.~~:~,:J~~; 1:~::~1-;;;.;~:::::~ ···:~.'.1

M S r l 0 S ES T 0 r l n SS Ir S whil'll nffor•l a t•liant·e for wom:111 io he b1tt1•11 by :i r110,.q11;to. whu·h lrn.•I I I lJ I lJ ff lJ :;:,'.'",",:'.'.:·;,':::~in;;;;· h\:~·;;,'.~.·s~· ;~::;· .~'!'";:.~ ~~·.;:,. h:~··;::ll~ .. ';·;,I,~'," .::~':,:o::~,:~~~'\,:.~ l IT ER AT I 0 u T p lAY AG RIG 0 lA I!t'WspUJ1l'r anti 11ro1·('{~1h•il to 1],.,·oh• th<> "os11011-.:1\ill• t1Jr tht.• 1·arry1ng ol the

n•mflillllt•r of hl•r SfWt'eh tn tlu.• work ~t•rm-.. Soon nftl•r l11•ing hitt<'n. ht• r1111l qn:ilifi1·ntions of till• woman wno die-cl. :l martyr to st'tP111·e. The 1\p('ti-

i'lltPrS thf' fiPld of IH'Ws writinl£. Thi> ings for lhr ·wonHlu wl\O will study m('d­

sp('aker fl"kC'<l the hi,l!h -.l'lrnol ... tntlf'11t i('il1P arP 1111n1t'ro11!', sh" said, anil one who <'OlltC'lllfilate<l 1~nt~rin~ th.~ newl'= dot':-:l not haYe tu pn11·ti<'t' in OPler tc. paper fi£'Jtl to takf' ~to1·k of h;•rsdf. I f•llrn n. t·omforta.hll' lid11g. ~ome nf the :rnrl if ~1H1 thong-ht thnt .she wfls <'n;1 - po~i t iOll!". lwsi1lP~ the pr:wtic<? of me I·

ahlp of engaging in the work, to h .... il'hrn whit·h a.re 011l'U to the meili<~al

Coliseum Missoulianis, the Classic Arena of the Literati Filled With Plebian Throng Who Witness the

Attack on the Agricolae true to be1 .. •l'lf, her pnper anrl t}1p Jnlh· graduate ar(' position.., as mC'mhers of ---------

Thc> fir:-t Yot•a:ion:d COIH!'n's" for I.".' 1 l'l'nt.01_· tiie student~ who C'nter. h.igh I 1h'. Rom(' of the qnalific.at.ion_.:: of_' 1· _health hoa.rd~,_<·ommi~sions and oft'i"ciai" Last F "Jo l · It l I 11 ff 1 · . ., r11 .. y a }rtg 1 am c OIH ess' O t le time 11onoreil sanclal thong wornc>u in >fom:u.ia 1..'<lTlle to :l l·losl' !:"at- :"thool \\as a1l t~1at completed the four lH'Wsp:tpPr woman, >fr~. < hr1-.t1e sa;11, in reformatone-... .\drletl to th('sc are sky hung OYer l'oliseum :.ri~-..oulianis mon.,ment on thl' :flauk. Thi~ rn:-c wa::>

ur l:iy afteru11011. ff:'\ ..;uel'<',;"' wa ... hp- year ~·our:-e, 31111 that less than Ollf' 11cr are J·h~·si(':l) strength nnd i.'llPf~y. <'ll· the positions whit'h are clo:-ely 1•onncct· and, >vith the coming of the eighth so ~UC('C!'~ful thn.t when :Nero t'amc to yontl that antki11:lted 11,v l.!q'n tho~i..· i·('nt t•nrollerl in t·olleges and iustitn- thnc.ia!'"m ana 1•ommon se1i--<'. a willln~· e<l with so<'in l work for. she saicl. this hou th pa t u l' f II t 1 1 .

r, e r. c. or an us o owers eo· I a.s 011.' t 1e "11ning ('Olumns of tbe go:il who \H1 rl~ most clost•ly i'OJ11u•1•h•.t w1lh tious oi higher learning'. To (lo onr ncs~ to ohey orders :1n1l to forrgo work will before long require at lea,1 tererl the classic arena. ~rn<l seated them· were ,p1..;;t ahead. Xf'xt Brntuti made a

it, atul th<' cntb11)0.i:ism with whid1 ·t be"'t. )lr Kt~rr :-aid, Wt~ must 11ot only I apprN•in.tion. The tH'Ws writer . J.lr~. some knowlerl2e of tlie sf•iC1n1'c of med- seln•"I, arranging their toga!l in phi lo- fol't'C'd mart'h ;n·oniHl his left gnar<l ·s

l\·a:-o ri:>t'Ci\'c<l hy the> 1l1•jc~:\tl'."'1 a:-.:-nn'-. str'YI.' (-1r cqu:tlit~· of snbj('<'t matte1', l'hri~tie sai11. "!.'<'!' r\·ery phn..;f' of lit't•- i1·ine. Jn n summnr~· of thC' require· <;Ophie fol1b and lheir fnt•es in nn.vin.{ positiou. whnl' hf' W:\S reli('ve<l hv it ro be an annual aihir at :\fontnna hut \\'l' must so 1•orrelatc this nrnttl'r as the good :1n1l thr had. ~he dt~dir:H1•s mento;; of til<.' es!<lentials for those- rn· 1lcgrees of dignity nntl ilisiutrn• ... te·l· ('JN•ro, who adn1.1H"eil nnothcr ~tag.a

:-'tat€'. _.\Jrea1l~· )fr-;. Ill•rri<' . who to :!h'l' th1• bt'St trainin~ to the sfn· 1 h<>r lifl' to thi• pnhlk and sncrific·~~ gagecl i11 t hi s line of work. Dr. l'lrirh ness. F'rom <lfar down th<' 1'iher <'ame toward!-. the dpsire•I <'OlnHILl:-:1. CbeercJ ori:,.:itJateil thi .. plan for snl'h a t'ong-rb' dl•nts. \Yt• must :-;top te~(·hi11g tPxt- man~~ things; hut. in r<'tnrn. i;;he re- said that a ...,cn~e of hnmor was nN·es· the :;trains of martial music furnisll£'•1 by th<' Jirospl•ct, the hoary d!oage of

iu )Joutaua. b ·11akin::?: 1.Jaug for lll'Xt books and tt»1d1 hoys a11il ~irls. Th» f"t'i\·~,._ from Jifr more <'ll.iO,Ylll\'llt th:111 !iutry, otherwi .. c Oil<' wo11J11 be a Yictim h~· the military han1l of the ill\'adl'r . ..;, Romulus "'houe with a 111 ,,J\ow light a~, ·n•ar. rm 1l 1ierf'after tht> Y ll'rtt 01rnl ('Ull· ~ehool::i of tod~1y, Ill' "aid. nr(' aimin;,! most mort:1J,;.. :O::onH• of the prohl('mS :if of despail', physiral !:itrt1 11gth. nenC' and ~0011 thp h:rnrl itsi>lf app<'flf<'(1. fo!Jo.n1l l'lnte'liing th<' pr<'i•ious glohum to hi:i

gr1'ss will ;it' r.rnkC'•l wit11 tlll• ha~kl'thall toward l'Olh·~<' in~tead of lifl'. Tilt• tl1(' ~01•icty erlitor werp (•xplainerl .'ff 1

coll rage-the hest erh1"atio11 in th" h~· the plPhian throng. whh•h soon filled withl'r<'(1 hn~a..;t, he tottNcll a(·ross the tonrunmt•nt a11d Vannt'r~i w(•t•k a ... 3 Jlr •u•ipl.- ot' •'Oll"t'OYation 01 e1wr~y )lrs. f'hri,,,tie. nn1l Ull insight intn thl' whoh• 1•01rntry-with psv1·hology n., nn the twenty thou:-:ianil ~r>n.ts to o\·erflow· t\•n- remnining spai·es anti plauterl his

mean-.. of hri11ing th<' }IE'OJ 1l<' in ~·lost'!" wh'C'h is heing ..-o uniY1·r:-;:tJly :lpjllied \·anitil'" of lif~ was :1ffor 1 l1~rl to 1\1°• l'SSt•ntial, an1l thp i •istinl't a1ul patil.'11('<' ing. trea:oure sat\>!.\· hetWCt'll the pillnrs. tnurh w=t'1 t'Hl work of th(' t•ol11'f!i' rn.1 to thC' husiue ... s of to11n~· is what Wt"

1 audienl't> whrn "ht' told of ..;ome of fh<' or' a tca<'lwr. ::;0011 tla• preliminnry enthn!-iia~m -;uh- (At thb moml'ut Publins Yirgiliu.,,

in•t>n•,;11ng them i11 ldg-lin l'•ln1•atio11 of shonltl :-triYl' fo1. To :!s:-ist hy 11rep:tr· p~rpl<'xiti1~~ whiC'l1 h:l\'l' lo he mPI liy Friday Afternoon. :-id<'il, nn1l all eyes turned to the ell· n. 1·ei•orh'r on Thr l'lasil·::d 11.eYiew, to

~Otllt" ~ort. 1 ation tlw h~1ys who 1lesin' to c>utl•r tlit• the sot•iet.\· e1litor. Thi' ..;tory of t\1.> 1'hP t"X('l'dses Friday affl•rno1l11 <'on- trn.nl'e of thl' c·hlsSil' oval. where Rom- whosl' ~nlum 11 ._ we> n.rt• .udi'htt•il for this

E\'<'r.\' llll'et ng \\!ls Wt'll attt'll•h'•L anol JI f 1'lcl of manual hthor, is what thl• h•mptariotl"i \\'hi1·h rn~"t Ii,. ml•t :lnol si~lt•d of n11 en.ioyahl<' seld~tiou lit· 1hc nlns Ooruhlaser nnd R<'lllU~ Kelly lt·•I al'<'onnt of th 1, g-ame, lwl'ame liystnical

t ·~ spt>aker' werf' intNl~stin~. a•1 1l wen' :-.pea 1it~r a1h·uratt·11. Tht~ appn•nti!'(•s of c·nnrpwn•1l h.\' th<' 111•\\·spa11er woman girls' <'hnnis of thC' auxiliary. a Yery in their well knowu w·nrriors.i ~atht•retl and lo:::.t his fC'w tbongh i·a.rPfnlly hoaril ­

nhl1• to imJ•fC's upon their li:'.'t1•ut•:·" the I Yl'"'tf'l'<la\· C'nt1'rr1l the hdorY or work- pron.,d of intere,.:t to tht~ <ltllf'!!:ltC'.~. int('l'Psting tn.lk on applied 1b~'-i,!!ll hy from m:wy uf the 01111:.,.ing nncl far ,fr:.,- eel f"i:tsSii• phrase" auil 1lrOJ•J1(';il into hi:. iinp 1rt:111 ·t> of ... t•ll'l'tinz .~ome \"lkntion. :-.l1op'.learne1l illt' l:nsinf's ... and tlw1.1 went >Ir~. l'hri,.lh'. in f'onc•lu1ling-. n1lmoni:-h1•(1 ).[is-. B:tl•l\\'ill of th<' fnrulty. anil a rnnt pro,·iur('s. t'rowdrn:r t·lo ... c to the nathl• Y<'rna1·nlar, wl1i1•h had hl'en his

The\· hrongh• out rhe ian tha+ lht"n' ont 111to the world, wht•n' tht:>y .... t,t HJ• tho:-'' intf'll•lin,!! to enter tbe n<'wspnpt'I" srecl!h 011 the plea~nres an<l openings pntriari·hs 1•i.1me F:thnlns l'rfl.i.l!h<'arlu ... . only form of sp£'P1'h d1ni11~ the long

~lrt' Uli.Hl\~. \~r ... nii-. hot 1 i t~J(' h11:-i11e":-I thl'ir 0\\'11 ..... hop: hut the .\·nuth" wlio worl1l to look well witbin tht'lll~t'ln'"» w:1iting for the woman who 1·a.r£'s to who wnr... lornll." hcral1lecl rn111111;1niler ot .n•ars :o.p<•111 in l·hasin!!' h11ffalo away

nn'l proh· .... ::;1011al wor11 wl11d1 women P11t1•r till' f:11•tor.\· totfa,\· r1~111~1in nnskilJ.,11 to wrigh wrll thp hanbhip-. Cit' thi" pro· 1'Hlt.•r the fi('Ji! of 1irofpssional Jihotng· ihl~ l·eutE'r h>gion; then ('ame- his hrn· from !ht' town pump of '.'t. ll{n~tin" of ma~ f'Dtf'r an1l in whi1·h \\'Ollll'n ore lahon·r~ for rhl"" rest of their Jit'i:o. "'Jr. fl',.._iou :11111. ii it thc>n flJlJ"'HlPil to them. raphy. A eo1·'1inl in,·ita1ion l'.'Xtl~n<'<l the1· Pl:111tns l'rnig-h1•adus. who snp· thf' Pl:1thea11. so thl' rrmn.inilrr of the

re::i.!Jy lh'C'•lt'•l. I Kl~rr s:iiil. to ~{'!'HrP t•t'fi1•it'lll'!", to l'U!!agl' in it \\"ith an thi:oir )10\\"('I' hy )!iS'L Harkins tn the \'is itor-, to in· portet\ Fahulns on tht' right. .\ugth 0 l'-"' ru·~·onnt is t::iken n•rhntirn lrom hi::i

.\ bu111ln•(l af'lt~gntf'"' W<'l't' pr1~:'iC'llt :t': Jllll-.t ·"J>t•1•1nliZl', n~ i"' "h"Wll hy t\1.:_> !lll,] 1•apat·itY. :o.I•f•t't lfa111iJton.h<1lJ 3111! ht' the !ZIW:-ts :-:frC'ituS, c·ommatlll<'I' Of th(' right lOW\!I', tliar~·. llrt'Sel'\'f't} to ild..: il;t~· fls the

t~1~ <'OU:!rc>..;S. rC>pr.e:-.r•nt.in:.?:.· nn~•nt,,··two I n'.qniit'lll1rnts of th.(> !('a!li11~ profrssion.~ ))1'. ).falwl rlti1•h. tht' possr ... ~or of 'l of thc> llome l-~<'onomies rluh ::1t a rec·1'J1· wa ... followe•l hy .\ppnllM \'eal.'·· l'om- toh'lll hook o( :111 thl' Plntht•:11b.'

<'llll':- n )fon'"au:1. 'l'IH'Jr '1s1t to noz1~ ot tn1l:1»; four. six :rncl ofh'n t'i~ht fint' \'Oi1•f' an.l stage p1·f'.,t"111·1~. le1·t11n•·l fio11 in lhf' c]omestic• ~ciencC' rooms\\";.~<; man.kr of tlh~ C'xtremt' right win!.!. '·From thi.; nn tht'f(' w:1s uo 1loubt

mnu wa,. ma1le J.ot<.. pl1~a ... :111t 3 ... u~ll :i..:1

v(•a:·s a··e rt•tpiin•11. :.rr. T\:en :-.howi•il on ··}.fp(liri11<' anol Sot•ial ~('rYil'l'.··1a<'1·1•ph.'d by nt•:1rly all thP l:ng1' a111li- \ftt'r a ... 11ort p:lll"'l' 1.'ftllH' the reiloub;. that the Flarheails wunld makt> a com­

in:-:rrucr n.· l1y th1• 1~11tt•rta·n 1wnt pr.1 - how th1~ rp 11•st'on wa ... linki'a to ntlll'r whic•h wa..; nnt onh· w1•ll 11t•li\'1'n'1l. hu~ 1lm•r. ).frs. lr1•11(' El•ln•d. clPau of worn- aldr l'a,s..;.i1h D;ll'mn-., \\ho 01·1·11pif'il tht• pletp mas .. ant~. Tonrnlia\'.-l\S Wt'rt' n~-·

y:.k,l tor rlwrn h\' tht' \\"omnn· ... ·Juh 'I ll•-.tioih of ll:ltioual importaut·e. amonu: th(' suhjl~c-t in it~plf wn-. tllll' with whir 1l 1~11 at thi• <'ollegt' of "'fo11tana. l••1•att'il left -,;upport: tht"n with soft tn'a 1l an·l inu in t'\·en· clirf'dio11. ou!Y to hi'.

an.l (;1rts· anx1li:1rv of Roum:111. tht•m lh•iu:,! i•omnwn·e au.J morality. ln fe,,· nf th£' au1lie111'e \\"Pl'l' familiar. Di. Int D1'C'r Loci~f'. ma.Jr a fow rf'spon-..iYl' fnrtin~ glanre X<'ro \\'ei1lrn1an. l'Olll- 1•:rnght np h<'fon' the\ f.-11 n111l to be

'I'h( eomplC>tr prograu1 follows: ('Jn ... in~. tht" spC':li~l'r "'llg'ge..,tt'•l th:it n l'lrirh sl10,~·<'~I thl" l'losl~ ~Olllll'i'tion 111~- n•111n1~k-.. iu wil1d1 she tl:ankC'•1 tlw pt•n· mnn1h•r of the extreme kft wing. hnrlt'•l atr:lin :in(l ;1gain with ilt>:lrllv

Friday Morning. J>lan simil:ir r,1 that n:--ed iu tht• (•ollc>£;'<.." tWl'en l11C'11i1·rne a nil so1·1al work, nn l tilt> ot Bouman nnd the rollt>!!t' for thC' Her(' tl1rre was a pansc-thf' trump· aim. Tn the se1•0n1l IJ!lartPr lland.v Th 1• l'Xen·J,.:ps }'riday morning npt'HC'rl I he tri 1, 11. This 1·onrs<' wonlil rt>qu:rc:> I c;howecl that l'lll'h w:i-.. (1C'pt"n1lc>nt t1:> \n•l<"ome C'Xtc>ndC'rl to thl' 1\1.'lt•i,rat('s. f'ter blew a long hlast <11111 the re"'t'rn;·~ witl1-the·~totH•-.\x 1• \Yei1lt'm:rn. Big-

11 .. l'nn~l'l'S-... an.I <tt •h:lt time> the 1h•I- thP iir»t rwo ~· 1•ars of g 1•n 1•rnl \\·ork flJl.l sOmC' 1'XtE'11t on thC' o:lwr. Taking 1111 .\ft1'1" !hp lllCl•tinl! Jia1l la•en P:llll•cl to '\\-pr(' h1'1·alde11. Ta1'it11~ ~lwrhlnu.('i1·l•ro Timher-\\'ater·Kn•..-s, Born iu-a<\IinC' e~·1 tt's were wel~onH'd hy ..\fis~ lf1•l1•,1 then the l:i~t two wonlil c•ontain eh'l'· ~O<'i.al work, shl' ('.xplain11ol. th(' n~v('ll[ OPler b,· '.\fr..-. Jforrick anil ) Ir•. Eldn•11 Krt•..;s a111l Brutus Ow..-Je.\· stl'l'J 1 t~ 1 l Ow"'h'~· anrl Ruu-Lil<t>·:t·R:l.bhit Uaems

Brewer of t111" tacruh-, awl in»trth'- tiYl~:-: .. 0 arrangeil th:it either :i yo,.n- rapul growth nf this sort ot work, an·l h:11l l'\'"Jurn1led to the arf't•ting .. ex· pr(lndly forth in l'l'spousE'. ancl 1 ·uJi ... pn.1 1 all ficur£>1l lrll'C't'ly in :1 111lin!! thirteen tiYt:> Spl·C'rhcs by )Jr. H. \Y. Kt•tT. prin- tional 1·ourst'.' <'OUM he pur.;neil or n ~aitl that brfore long it "·011lcl h1.• <l pro h•11ch't! to tht' \·i-;itors.\li,.:S Baldwin rlr .:\Ii:::isonlianis thu111lere1l to t'llt~,•r aftn more to tht' «pn•n !'1·aJp .. alreacl~· l!ath­

eipal of tlir P~1rk eounty high ... t·l1001. ( .. 111 r,e h'acling 10 a collf'g(' e•lne:11io 11 fession on a par with any of thP othC'rs. Ji,·ert•il h('r pnper. rn opening her talk. l·lieer for l'at'11 nobl, .. 1~om:in. I erril. T"inally nHntY t-;1•aJp .. w1•rf' hang­

}[r~. '\\'. .T, Chri,.tit• ot' thC' .\uaeonda i·onld be taken. •rhi!-i profos.;ion appeal.; partil'ularly to )fj ...,~ Raltlw iu 1•alle1l a~te-ntion to thl' rnhC'rnldl~il an(l u111.rnnounl•ed. the in· ing to the helt of Figl1tinl,!· Hi~·Last­

Stanilar1l, an1l Dr . .:\[abel ~. rlril'i1 of ).fr .... Chri ... tie, the next "Pc>ali.el·, ... t~· women, t11e speaker '-:lid, he1«lll"I"' llllin·r~al ne<'11 of 11C'~i$t'n. :;\fo."'t JH'Oplt' Ya11ers next nrn<le thl'il' nppN1ra111·r. Hattlt•-P('rhaps-D.nnhla-"er, wbile his

\Iinn<'apoJis, prn\·iderl a deli~htful morn· l'tnetl the attention of the anili<'n<'e hy woman po~~e~SPS a ~en'e of 1~01l£>C'th·" clo realize how muc·h 1k.sign i~ nserl, she l<'il by C'iudnnntui- 'ohle. folfowe1l hy hra,C's h:til Jo ... t not ;\ "'iuglt~ war 101·k.

ing. Deau Stewart of thl' f'ollt.'!!C' of a touching Jti<:tnre of an old editor j 11 motherliu{'-.!'\, a eapal'it.'· for h('lpfnlnt•~s. y.;ni11. Th(' c·Jothing WC' wear. the i•hin.i ~n(•h <'ineinnnti as Os('nhrng. Taylor, •• !11 th,~ mirlr1lt' of tl11~ fight. the

)[is!'1rnla, )Ji ... s Phoe-lie King of the )finnesota, who fought for bis priiH'I· for greater than that pOR~es'.'e.J h.'· mau. on til<' hrC'nkfa.~t tabk. tlll' furnishiugs 1'rnitt. TToclg--ki-.~. Krum. {~onnor. (iat· hr:lY('-. being worn hY tht>ir pJn.,-, re· GirJs' a.uxiliaryi an1l deleg-ates from ples with hi:-: life Oloorl, giYing up The ~pen.ker pi<'turct1 th(' inhahiUnh of the home, thl' shop win1lows-in ton .. folh".'·· l 'nrr. nriml•s . .Tohnson, \Yi]- tire1l for :1 time to the li.>pl't' of Rig-­

the Rnttr. Dillon. \Yhit.~lrnll :rn11 Calla.· wt>alth and health j 11 on1er that the of the largC' eitie"' who, when exnminP•l fnrt, cn•rywhere we look we find dC'- ('omh. C:arYin. t't1'. ('hief-Tlrilmnn 1'1H• papoo"'""• bn·aking

I tin hi;!h s~hools n•spon1k1l to )Iiss Hn'W· thinµ-s for which ]](' fought might hl" h~· 1lortors Wl'f(' found to be in goncl sign. Applie(l ch~~ig-n is dh·icled into Without ilelfly. Remu~ r~1~t t111) t1i<>. awn.." from their "'Jli3Ws, r1nd1l'il nonnrl

er's u:reeting. brought about. Tli'i-i !'Onng ilaughtPr, physi<"al <·on<lilion. nu1l yPt ti.it",\" wP1'1" two dn~s(•S, she saicl-f'OlllllH'!'{'ial an•l anil the fra>· was on. ..\grieola Carr 1 in a war (lancl' to the tune of: ....,

1 ·Tbe Objet'tiYe Point. · 1 plcade11 for vo- him. learnt•d the profrssion. :lUd w~1 ..- ing- remetliC'd lJ,, . .;o(·ial worker..: and ho-;- entiou of rll'signer is a fil•lil whi1·h holils it nt the ten il'agnE> po~t n11.1 :uh"a1H·1'1l l"gh! Wnh' \\·:il1 1 :.Ir. Kl'rr, speaking on tht' topii" his 1o.\·al eon<;titnrnt, working ht'si~lP not fit to work. This. l'Ou1lition i:-. hti· cle,..igu inlrn1h•1l for hnJHleraft. TIH' \·o- kil1 ke-1l th<' glohum to Brntlh, who m~t I C-gh! \Yah! \Yah'

catiouai training among the boys aul nn inspiration to the olrl man. Th£' 1iit:ds working in 4•011.iuu1·1in11. Dr. 1'1- wo111lerfnl po""'ihiliti1>:-: fo1· ihnsr "·ho b~· one l011g man•h to tl1c forty-tw,.. l'l:1thearl! l·~lalh 1'nd' girls in thl' hhd1 :-:<'hoob of onr romi- pidurc show('il th(' "'Jlirit of ,jo\lrnali·m, ri1·li cited th 1~ work of tlw Bo,..ton r.Pu· nr<' l'apahlt?, .:\fj,.., Balclwin "':iitl. lr leag11e post. 'l'hl~n 'ero \\'<,idi•m:u .. I \\":ih' \\"ah'. \Vt1h' .,

tr,\". He .:howC'd hy st:tt:!'tii•:-; that ;~}I the prnf('~sion rlemnnding from its fol- cm.I ho:.pital. wher(' satisfadory work ilem:111d:- a na1mal ,~olor SP11.::.1". an1l this with his charartC'ri~iiC' l't11111iug. pnlll~cl I -PO<'_\.L\\\'P..\ :--:..\t . .\llll\'TA~. has hf't'll rlon\• iu 1l1>\·ph1ping the rt>l:1- is Lorn , not 11en>Jo11ecl; it. rt~1111irl'~ orig·



rl~N rnR Bib fErn

~~~~.ht~:::::"·;, 1'.!'"tl,'.~~;l'~a,:1·;;'.,t'.::~ ~~i·;'.,'." I ::~:::;·;i·o:: ::::;'~ ~~~:;11~of(:~~~~:.t~o;11:1:1\:l: raMMITTEE REDORTS I ~TU a [NT G lU B 5 pill«' existing' <'Onditi>lllS <In' tlll"ll".J in au qrj~innJ \Ya.<· . ]11 th» line of,,,] lJ r O\"<'r to lht• :-01·i:1l worker"'. :tud thf'_,. s<'i' rn·:ition, thf' fir.;;t rrqnircment. is 3 lih-

that iil'ttt~r li\·i11g' ronilitinns 31'(1 <;1• f'ral ('\]Ul't1tion \\ith 1il1•11t,\· of hro:\.\l·ll- or STUDENT SENATE

Men Who Have Won Their Letter Plan

tllr<'d, mon~ lwalthful work i'i Jll'Ol'l\J'l'd, ,i_','1g111·;"1.,l\1"101.il•l'l' •. ',1~1.,_:1_'.,'11·t '11 •. 1,·,·,1:,_· .• \t\1· •• ~h1.,·~l.1~,l-.. \.· ;:.I~ I r --- II H 0 lO Mt f Tl NG or wl1atP\l'r el"'f' m:iy h1• Jll'c'l"-..sllJ'.Y tn . _ ,, . v _

la•lp tht.• -..11fff'rPr toward n lwttrr physi art a111l p:l!-!t an.l pn•,;N1t 1]P1·ornt101. . I i·nl <'onditinu. Xot all -.ol'::il wnl'k j..- Id' tla• ~trnh ()f rn:dl•rink .\fh·r lhl' f r-.t Reports of Comnultees on Auditing. I

-- I Big Feed Before T hauksg:ving.

R ev. E. A. Valiant Addresses Chri-..lian Commitee Appohited.

th<' ~nm<' kiu.J, tlH• "J•Pal1•r ~al.I. :u1rl hl'nad p.ri111·iplt•s of .11•..;i~n h:I\·•' 11<'1'11 Records and Organizations and j -.hi• 1 1rai~e·l in th·· hi;..thl•,t t•'r111-. th1H' ma .. t1•n•1l, Olit' 1r1:1v sp\•«ializ•\ ..;Jw sai,J. Musical Affair-...

1 Student Clubs Hold Regular Meetings

Ai.sociations. •'Well Balanced I \\ho are> giying their Jin•-. to :-.•'ll''"'''· htit .. 11 ... 1 :1 1hi"'t'd a g1•1wr:ll trni11i11g: i· Today. Speakers Have Been Se-

-- Iwl l Tm~•Lt\· at \\lw h time a ('1111l'it1tu·

dointr, as -.lw 1·;.ilh>d. 111181•1•11 .;,odal work . ..;it~a.J of 01111 \\·hi1·h fltt<'d a Jh'rson fur !"m·h nH•n :h P:t"ll'llr 11 nd tJi 1, mC'u wlw c1nh (•i•i·tni 11 ld11d"' of desi!,!11. :-o;hl• spolu' Report of Couuuittee on Record.., aud

:-ll'l' striYing- n.l the Hoc·k('!'plJpr insti- of :jcw1~lry ill'sig:u and the ;\(h:1n1:i~t' ol'

Man'' is Hts Subject.


\ Ul1'l'ti11~ it tltr ''\I., 1·lnh \\fl"

Th\' Youn1'! ).Il•n \; and Youug \\'urn- tJnn \\fl,S ado11ll•d and pl.t11s m:r1le tn1 n. t11l1~ eu ·s 1'hri:-: tian _\:-"Ot'iations of the cul· 1 feeil hef ire the 1'Jiauk~~l\ ing ll'('(•ss. I====~~~====~=-~~=~-------------

to im11ro,·e sc·it'll1'l' an• e11ti1h•d t.1 (Continue<l on Page F our)

lc>ge bdd thC'ir iirst joint .Jrvotioiwl :\ lyron ~·nrr. ).fax l\('nt·k anll ).!;i\ .\\";I. B G SOGIETY IS f OUNOEO mN•ting of the year .\\'(•duP"'d:iy t'Vl'll- 1·omli \\'l'r<> appointed 011 the 1·011i1111~t1•e G 0 I ing at 7:30 in tht• tl'"'('mhl\· roum. Tilt' to arrange for the ba11quet. At prc:-e11t

program was 01 ,011 ,.,1 1,_,. s~Y<•ral , 0111,_, I the <'Int. has. n 11w111hor>hip of four«'"'.!. I I 1 1

C'offev. · 1··)['' i11 !<OlllC' hr:,ind1 uf athll'li(·s ~t followe•lhyaviolinsolohy)lissllnul <'Ornl"""d of 111


who h'"'·' won the<r ~T MONT~N~ ST~TE GOll[GE Re>:. I~ .• \. Yallant of thi• Hapti:-t. ?i.lonta1~a H.talP. •rhosP. ·who won. thc>1r

rhurC'h, wa~ the sp<':tkl'r of th<' CY1'11iu;,!.1 J1>tt~r in Joot hall tli~s ;H'~l' will h.f' on th<' <>nhjcl·t 1t The \Yell·Balaiu·ril elig1hl<' to nwmher.;h1p afft•r tht•1r

)fan.', Hr began his talk hy saying 1Ptt1'rS ~ll'f' nwanlc(l.

that SU<'<'1"s' in a large measure wa~ the ?Ct-illlt of trainiug, and he p;aY(' se,·er:d goes to tl1t' otlwr C'Xtrt:>me an1l «an nnly

examples as ill11stm1inn..-. lit> ~!\il l tlrnt think of mis~ion!'. not Jong ago he wa» i111pl'l"iSl'd with tlw Tiw pnrpusf' ol' thi.; instltutiou i.;

truth of <111 a.dY. \\hh·h ht• saw in :"I. I that of tr:tiuing, 111111 !randng' is !Ill' magnzitlt'. iu ·whil..'h a fiul·-lokin~ youmr turning llut of \Hll hala1~c.·1"! '.nl'n :111.J

mau was ]Ji1·lnrC'tl ~landiu~ a fhl• door wornc>n. l'hysi(·aJI,\·, mnn Js a h1pec1. li11t

of an offitr, 1111011 wlii1·h W"l't' thl' char acteristically i.l' is :1 q11:1dnq11•d

words•• \la11:1g-L•r'', 1111·1 with a k1•,v 11 lh• go<'s 011 all four.;. Thl' ll~l' of t/tP

hi.; b:111tl with the word ··~11t·1·pr:s'' writ right hand in,ll•ad of t!Jr ldt i-. 1111•rt>I\'

ten 1q1011 it. "Traiuiu:-( !-'pt•IJ ... h111· the 1·1•sult ot' rraiuing. lie llH'lltiu11t'd an

n""'"'· '' 1!1 this mantwr 111• 1utrn1hwl'd ini'icl1•11t iu liis owu <'XJWrit'IH'l' wl1i1·h

tht' :-:uhjPl't h<' talkccl UJ•OTJ. lie r<'- , wa~ an 1•xamplt' of this. .\ hooldif't•p4·r markl•cl tl1:H for this Oe"asion mau \\·as had his hanrl !ohot off lly tlw Jlrl•111nt1n 1


to embra1.•t' woman. 1f11 \n•ut on lo s:1_,. disl'harg~' of H 1·:tnno11. !Tl• (k1 1rnd11•l

; th:1t tht" propl'rl.\· train~il i111liYid11:il i-. upon thi:s 11rof1•s ... iotl as a 111C'aus of Jj\·1•­

ti wrlJ.hal:llH'f'd. ]IC' poi uteri out tlit• r1\J'- Ii hood, so he 1h•n•lopf'tl hi ... l<'ft hand to

I fieulty of ha1i-llin~ i11tli,.·i1hrnls who do. J.;Uf'h au P:d('11t so that to1lny ht:' is our not pos:-:('Ss pui~c. .\!"! an C'X:tmplc>. he> of t hf' best pt~1111rn11s in hi~ part of t lw

nH•utionell one who oppo""e"' foreig-11 mi:-. 1•011ntry. TlL' cmplia~iu:l again t11<' f:td

~ious and, on the other han1l, one who (Continued on Pa~e Four)

Five Faculty and Five Students Form Chapter Roll of New Organization--Society Is Destined to Exert

a Powerful Influence at M. S. C.

cured for Engiueers.



The Weekly Exponent footb JI. \\" rl" t "Y "'-"Oil it~·a .. ai r-r 1 =======:.:===--===---------------1

£,;t d.111 ... h• ·l ,fanuan J. 1'11

Out~Nwth ot '[o11t ih Exp~;_ent. e-.t:ihJi;.lw l .T:wu3ry l, 1 ... ·'·

hard fi.!bt _\ ... ~t. "bolt-. t.wn' f.bouf.1 oC!~ be :i. .:r1 :.r dt'al ot '11,;appoi.n[mt>nt; 0' t'r tlw 0111 O'll•' d th<' ~l': 1 "•> 11 • Tb'

I rollt.•.re won t ~ o .!3.Ull'~ an I Jo .... r t \\ ,,. C~.th wa<:i tll'f.:~ted. tbu .. f'\ en nl! up the

- Publ1sht••J I!' t.•ry Fri1lay of tbt.• Col- reeor•l bt't" cen thr two ~~hoot ... l'at'l1 1egei year by an e·iitorial staff cb.~sen ha' •!l~ won t"··l ~a!lll':-<. trom the ~tuJl·nt,; of the ~lontana ::;.a~e Tht• suppor•ers of tlh• tNlnt :ln"' <ii~­College of .\gri<-ulture an•l )(ecbanie .appollltl"'·I bt•('all .. t' of th1.• f'H'' that lh"" ~rts, JlOZl"'man, ).lontana. o·b,•r t\\O J?Ullt.'" "ert"' Jo-.t, hut th1'~t• -- - ---- 'lare uo i'X"l't1"1'S to ht• mailt>. Thi• 11tuilC'nl<:i

:-;~AF'F ~ •14

('.innot eomplain of tilt' t')31'hinJ?. Tbi• E11itor-1n.Cbkf :--.ehnt'r. H ~olbergt, '15 j t1.•am ha·l tht• m:rn they wantt•·l. nnil nor Busine"'" Mau;.1.~er. :Uoromer .T. Lot • a wor.l b:i. .. he<'n hNtrd :ll!:ltn:=it hi~ work. lJ.anagrni; Editor T. JI ····: 1 ~ I C03.ch Bunker i~ prolrnhly the ht•.;,t foot

Robt•rt. Ke ey, h:i.11 m:i.n in the -.tate to.J:i.Y, Ther1' ca1t C'ircul uiou f!\ n:t)!t'r h1.• no ~·()mpluint of the snpport shown

. J. Erne .. t Border, 1.3 h,· th•' ~tu.it'llf" of tbr i•olh"'!!C'. .\ ,g-oo·I A~~b'<rnt C'in·ulation )faua;Jt>r l'~ow·l wa"- ou: eat•li e,·C'nin)! to w:t~c~

- Hilmer L. Dahl, 'J.j tht" mrn prai•ti<.'t.'. Th(' stu:IC'nt." an<l far· A<1s't Ba'l:ine~!i .'.\Cana£ter .•. -.. ......... ult,- raisr·l th.:> fun·h ne-1·e~"lar~' to St'nrl

.. \.1bcrt IL .\oJ.er .. oo, '16 tht>. l'ollegt' b:t11'1 over to ).[i:.:-.1rnla for Inten:ollt•g:i.1tc H~~;;~;;~~; .. ·a·~-;;~:····;13 the g-ame theri'. Th1.• H•::im lost for sonh!

.Athlcti1• Hl'portl'r..--- .••• H. Lt•'l.!iC Pt•ttJi:rt'W, ·1.'i

General Heporti:-r .\ . r;1ul Tbomp~on. '15

General H1•porter .... Florent•o Wight. '16

other re:a--on. Tht'fl' i" now onJ~· Olli' thing to do.

3u11 that j.; tc• bul•kle 1lown to t:tkin!!' t':lre of tht• otht•r thing~ that art• of in· tl'rt''t tn ourseh·t'"'· Tht• lo~:' of 3 gam(' iu football 11H•a11:-> but littlt> aft1•r it '.s on~r :an•l ~Ont• IH'. Th1•rt' :H1"' othrr



RC'porter ...• -. Emmet Riordan,

Reporter .... . Talhot Thomp~oo,

'li cbitmpion~hips fl hC' ".-on: rhere :.lrt' l'.-:1\"S in whirh tht• 1•olkJl' :-tu,h•nt <''lll

'1 i ma kl• ::::no•l in n. h1c:::.;N an 1 hro:1·l"r "-l'll""i:' th:ln "·'"' ('\t'r liuown on the foot-

Sub:-niption Rate--Two Dollar-. per h: II :r:•l1ron -----year, fi,·o ('Co's per copy. .\.~yer_ti .. - To be .i\.n Annual Event. ing r:ttt's mnJe known Oil n.pph,•at1on.

Entered :is -.o on.l l"Jns.;; mail matter a Dozem:rn, )[ontnnn. un1for .\ct of Coti~rc~-i ot )farcb 3. l "f~).

Tho Weekly E:-..-poncnt is strictly 3. 5tudent enterprise. Its chief purpose is

to presew.t to its readers each week an accurate and complete record of the developments in college affairs during that period and it is intended that its influence :-hall be exerted for the UP· building of M. S. C. The paper is the result of voluntary effort put forth by the students who compose the sraff,

n1'1:i1l"l' of th(' llJIJ:ll i111-.n•n•-.s of tf rhP f"r""t Y(11:ttwna 1 '011.:n~ .... \11. .. l<l :1"

Ho m,u1 fast Wt"'1"'IL t i ... to ht on(' au ·1 rn 1:il f'n'nt. a:1 a l'a•l'" plan~ R h ~ Ill ,i,, t'l m:tk ·1!, IH' l("Xt \" :\1

11·.:::!\'r ;:i 1 1i<'1t r thal' 11 f .. • 1111'•'

in:. \l>o t n t\ '.: .. 11 1 .. ::::

from all i•a 1 .. of lw ~·at<' iut ·h• (11

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Tr m 11 1 :irt .. of t e !'-t h


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I tl. Eadt or;iani:zntion mu'.';t .ra~· t~r

the~r books :tncl warr:rnt .. , wh11•h "·111

be solrl a .. l'O<=t prict'.

R eport of Com.m.ittee on M usical Affair.! .

Thr l'ommittN' on nrnsi1·al affair:"\ makr~ thl' following report to the Stll-' dent $ennte:

1. Thi~ <'ommittC'e sb~ll appron• of all form~ of C'ntertainmrnt an11 public performn.nt'e~ i;rh·en hy mu-.:~·al or,l'?ani ­zation:-- of the C'Ollt"fl('.

~- An,· conflirts roncNnin,!! rla.t1•q of mu~i··al ~r!!':1nizntion~ shall eom(' ht•fon' thi~ ('ommith't". and th1•ir recomm('nd.i· tion ~hall be banrled to th(' c 01on11lllt"t' on Ontes. who ~hall h:l\"(' tht• powt>r of final at·tion in the maLter.


William \\hit worth, rx· 'l t. of Drer Lo.1::!1"", w:1-. pH' .. Pllt at tl1r fo1)tl1all !!'rllllt' in )fi'.".""·1ula ln~t wrC'k.

'Yill ~:1on~ll. '1 ~. nf Tfamllton, wn .... .l(lwn •o w 1l<' 1 th•' foot hall :!Rllt' he

l • tW:'! rhonb las I'r),la,·. I !W('('l} ll l

H :go r1.-,1 nz. ..,_ ·1 . t 111i'ml.1 ... ,,, t lt"' ('Oli1'Z" 'o,t 1J1'l tf''tm of' ~('\t '" r~ a: . \\3-. 11 int0n•~1 ;) of'1fl

of thC' ;:?nmt"'

". ()'(on nor nf •he .. nr inmor1 cl:ls.: Flmrr Lar~ou ~ t (' 1n r c}a ...... , n 1

l---0-UR---S-TO_C_K_I_S_C_O __ MP_LE __ TE~-~O-UR~--PR-I~CE_S_AR_E~-R-I_G_H-~T~""'i OUR SERVICE THE BEST

Flint-Lynn Lumber Company 101 East Main Street Phone 82

Montana State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts

.P..ra.ctical cou.res in Ch·il, EIN•trical an1l )feeh.1.nit•al Engirieering, }.[t-Cb..'lnic Art~. Agriculture, Dairy, Horticulture. Home Economics, Int.lustrial l'hemi5t ry, Economic Biology, ::llu sic and Art.

Beaut.iful grounds. commodious buildin~. complete wood and iron shop:s, e.i:tensi,· e lnboratories, model kitchen aud sewing rooms,

musie and art stud io.

]. M. Hamilton, Pres\dent


Mums Mums Mums The Chrysanthemum

The Queen of Autumn now in its glory at

LANGOHR'S GREENHOUSES 315 Tracy Avenue South

Come and see them. Visitors always welcome. Both phones.

RESULTS COUNT _\t .. l we b~ p ti 11,..:; th1 lr11 I' en and the dl'.'.;1re to I oJ.1 RE:--.eLT~.

Let Us Prove It THE SCHLECHTEN STUDIO 12 Black Avenue South CALENDAR.

\flln\· w<'n' r"1• 1•xprr ...... 1on::; of s1 r­p.1 .. 1• nn~l 1l1•lif!h~ bt• r I from th1'rn ,,. ... the_,. :ll"flt'(lt"'•l lht• 1•qn J llh'llt l,f l'lt~ i'Ol ]1"':!t' in thr art a"\ i b.otllt' ~C1(.ln e .J, I pnrtmC'nt"". Lltth"' ha:i h('l'n known I n.hout 'h1• .... t.ltl"" -,f tht' ahilin· of tbC' col

THE PAN-CO-YEST A for cleaning and

repairing 1


\llan 'mtth kft 1•:i.rlt Fri·llY mor11i11.!! for "\[ ..... 01111 tn or·kr •o hr on lrn.n.l

J io rlH• C''lmr. Thn H' ur111"' l hY wt\

1 of Hnt·C' ... o a ... to -.f•C' tl11• .:nml' hi" t\\('C'n Bt1tt1' rn1 B•ll1n,.: .. ior the -..t tr .,,, _____________________________ _ l) 11 Ha'.-

Boo~ter tl.1t1t:L'.

~aturJ:1_,., X1l,CD h1 -~. Dnll Ha le~t' to train g-iri-.. for thl' followii1u: ot t'rho,Jl ol \g-ril·ulturr d.rn" an_,. parrkul:ir YO<''itio 11 , hut at this

Fri.fa.y, ?'\o\t'11l!Jt•r ~ .... Drill )fall. mN•t'tJ:! many .. aw a Dt""- ,fa~- ahr:i·l for Hamilton Jhll d:tu<t' . th1.• wt•akt•r S(''\'. an1l mart• pos~ihilitie ...

Frid;1y, Dt•rembt>r .i, Drill Hall.- in their lin"'" ih:rn that of m:ttrimony --.r Barb tlJ.nn'. tt.>aeliin;?. ThC' paths to many inh'rC<lt­

The G. B. 0 . G. 's. lng- ~n·l plt"'a:':i.nt •oi.'ntion~ Wt'rt' opene.l t11 1ho""t' prt"'"-l"'nt. ::in•l it i'- un-i('rStOO•l that n Qrrat man" of thn-.e att('niliu~

W th ·i ~0011 J'Urpo .. ,. t1. OJJ!.ln 1z·1· for tht• i'r:".t t me ":l'IT the valuC' nf e-au Lon kn HYn ·"'the G. H. 0. lo "luh. w:b i•:ition hl•youd tht• hie:h s1~hool :;;tn::tP. formed Wt>·lu~' .... ia,\ e\·enlll!!. it:; t•huter Th1.• \ulut~ ot thi-.. fa\·t to ['1t~ ollr!!t'. m1.:mbt"1 ... hip bt•1u.,: t~n. fnl' fa 4 alty thC' '.".la't' an.1 to thtl-..l' who :tth'lllh'•l 1~ I ml•mhN,. .11:,l fi'i' stu1leuts. 2\ot l ..::n•a• iw ... ~ m:ihle.

h a-h -.1 hoot C''1ampi.1n .... h p.

.Tohn \\"harton. 'J:!, of Ruttr. wn.::. '>---------------• n•C'r to :".t'P tht• gam<> 'lna ht•lp the ~[.

The Chronicle Prints The Weekly Exponent

~. ('. rool\•rs.

Proff''.".:-lOr f'h .. w of thr l"i,·il en~dnC'l"'r­ing tlt"'partmt>nt nf tht" collt'.'_ge. left for )fi.,.:'nula ('~rh· Fr:da_,. mornin!! in oder to ~r(' the <'On~1·~t nn the j!ri11iron for th·"' statt• championship.

Loni-. l"'i ... l'hl. pharm:1"·'· ('X· '1-t, nn.'l now .\ ~ht•l1•nt n tht• l'harmao"_Y ,kpnt mC'nt at th1• rollt"'SH' of lihPral art'i 1:1

f 1r::-. ... onla, wa-. on han•l •o w1•hom1" t. •'

You Can Pool Up or Bowl Down at The Arcade

Don't forget the


1lt•a1 1:- ku1mu of the rh. 1 at prt'~1. t. \fr~. llerri k, ,}.,_rn of wonn•n. f ·,t a:; it "'l"t'nh o It' a "trt~t) ""'t rt' 1

t1r· tbou::.;tlt oi ha\' n~ ..;uch 3 meetinf.! :1.fter u:aniz.H1n11. 'l'h1 Jtt' u JCr:.:. :>a.'". how- at l'D·li·J.!'. OlH' for ('Ollt•::::i"' women at P111l-

ft'llO\\S lll•l to ,.bow them the town. 1-------------------------------


Th<' 1>:\"l•l "~"' al\\'\\~ Oil han•l ri

).fi-.;;i:onlt to kt"'1'p th1nl!-. li,1•1' 'r\\tn­t' t '"' n nwu \~ 1"'rt"' t:i. •'U on t b•' 'rip h"t"

t.>t·rr, th 1t the' " II h~ he rJ f 1111 1 au. \\'a ... hill!!ton, Ia .... t Yt'ar. an.l tht•

1 e 1uturt'. nut Lt "' rn k 1 .. ·01J•l t ta ,. for rhi• ~uc ,·~~of •'tP me\'ti11~ lie· ntw .111•mht"'1-.. ·1 t: 'ti bt en lll t onl~un.!':.- t thi~ 1 Jb women of Hnz,~mnn. 1 tlrue to tinh Fir~t. J\\1"'\1r, ~ 0 WlO pul fnth 1>\"('f\' nffort to hC'll' the l•e thorou~11h Or.!!111 , lH l th :-i. I •"'t~nt alou-:::. 100 , 111 _ th",::- J ... nrtt'n1l 11. "'' '10 d1· .. in• to ohta:n mt-mb1•r .. 1up m.1r frivn o'ht>r c tie-. 111 .i proYi•line t'nti>r lo ~o 1.tr putt1 1: ltJ n'l al'ph .. a• o ·o hinmNlf t'or th , i-.itor-.. •lt1rii1~ t tc •r !I.UY onl' of the chanl' m1.•mher-., wb1•n

.. tft,· l1t•rl'.

\r•l t'~n tlo tht' .Toh Prinhn~ for tho• ,- lriou:' L ullt':.!1' ~01•1t·tie~ an1l at Ii It"' ti~ tlr~anu.at'ons ~1th 1•roml'tll~':--"' :llltl lt a r1.•:\"'0nahl1• J'fH'('.

Rrin~ th:it next iob to this -Of· f11·e--:•ou '11 ('ome again.

Chronicle Publishing Co.

I ti1r 1liredor, \fr. ''<io-f1an:!'' HfH\nr•l. 1n. 1 ·111~,· c1"'rt'lit:1h- tlt"~t>ni" all '"bC'

I prai~(' th:it 1:5 lwin~ gin"n t~1•111 From thl" :iml' tltt''" srn,·i" l iu thf' lfsr·lt'n ,~it\" till thr t lllt' tlwy }Pft. t~('\' t'OU\.1

•ht·r will ht• vot1•1l tln .1t the llt'"\t r1"..;- Tilt' h•erurt•s wen"' hi•ld at tht:' 1•01lt•.!•' ular met•ting. II •Wt'\.t:'", whJt• but Hi Wlt 11 dh' t>Xrl•ption of tht' lasr :i.ftt:>r· "'!!-------------_,. tfo can be "':tiil in :ht''l' t·olumn-.., tile

1 noon, wht~n the- ,-i~itr•r::: werC' ent~rtalnc:l

writt•r e:in "·" t tat tb1• J'llflJO't' oi 1~ b' ti.,, lr.rls • :iuxiltary of tlh"' "oman ... org.mi1-1.lion i~ a gOtJ•l one. an1l lt lub 11 ti-ii' liallahu y 3 11, .. ,,. grain rOOl'l. would urge' nll colleg1.' tu 1 leIJt~ :o ~ • Thi5 11 it"t'lf "C'r'"'''l ro let rh.., girl-.. hf'­n tom·h w11h tht> eh: rtt•r D1t'"1he .. as I l'onlt' 1.n imati•l~- arqunintr•l with Uh" ad--

u:;ualh· hi' fonn 1 on th1"' ~trt'C'I" l'ntt"'r· tain n;:: largt' an.l appr('l'i:lti,-l' ('rO'ITd:-'. Th(' l1ao·l !!a,·1~ a C'•lllcf'rt on th(' strt"t'l .. an.1 at th!:' .?ro11n11 ... l1t'fnr(' th(' ari•ltron hattlt'. L:1st Fri·la:" 1''"t•n1111::: the ha.n·l pla~·('1l for the Cr-.t hour of th(' 1lan. C' whif'h wa"" gi,·('n in tl11• .!!.nnnac;inm n~


soon a:-. 1' h .. ihlt>. , nt:l.!'.t'~ that Wl'rt' to ht• "l"• ttr1.••l al on:! (Continued from Page One) tht• rolk~1• rh1•rt' in houor of our foot·

hall team 'Tht• p1~opl1"' ia \f-., ... ;nla ex pn· .. s~·,l rlwir 111•1•r1'\ 1ation pf tlh"' part our han l tnok .lurinz •Iieir -.f:tY fltt•

nu tb4

Football Season Over. \ o• 'ttwu.tl line .. a .. thi" i.:ollt'J:!t~. ~ 0 ...., h r.• ll" , 1 • w H'• ,. ..... of lht• IH'Xt ~enate to J.o its own hin 11 ~-

they ('an bt: honn1l at the top, the

1' t•nt t e Th• ll Zf' H \f1"•1ul h 1, no ', n l. Repor1 of Auditing Committee.

1 wa ..... \ll' l T Lt:' a11•lit 1 ll~ 1·omin 't I' ht'rth~ .. 11 1>· b t 1l'\ ,iffl• 1 • f' \IJ"'"flllb h:i.n1l into ~·· n e T plaY(' I t fort"' th(' I! 1mt" ri: l hC't W't t•n hnl\'t' .. , \\ h It · llf• :o:t 1 11'11 • .... of

'u> 11 i\ , .... tt\ 111 Iul~t 1 l a -.nak1•

ha ..... f'rhall n 1 ... t f1.11l ~ 1_ r• \10 t to tht• :--• ~ at t •l col- ch 11t ~, n te for actiri 1 l'Olil'l'rui 1 .. thr

t • lie 11 n 111 1 :.!' 01 tl1t• ook~ of all t:ol ":::t• 1 f It tr('

I F you want to wear clothes made to suit your own ideas

and according to the latest custom tailoring, let us take your meas-ure.

Walsh's Tailoring Department

or_ n at l!lS. lnrC"t>. I

I1a tl nr~:-. flthrtrea-.h r I \\"h·\hnin:: :.•11'tr-.iIJl;ni·j .. ~. I r.,:.111 at •n, to tLt• f•l"Zt\1\1 itfo 1, 1 lt·ft for \f1-. ... 011l:l Th ir ... fa\ nornrn::r i:1

1 .1 to ~foutann Stat1• c•nlle::c'- l'"'.i.(' 1 0 lt•r t<i Ji,, :-.Urf' .tn l hi~ on ht1n l :i: l <t-.ur1•r !-<h.111 lh' oh1 :Zt'•l tn 0J.t:1 u :-i

uuiiorm :t1'l'Ullllt hook in whit•h to r1• t 11· gnmr

cor•l al mon1.._,. takt•n in r 1•:1id out. Hni•'t> \fi•t"'li•nn wa ... ibn a ,·i-..itor in :in•l aJ .. n ohtain n•1·1·ipts hr all l 1ills :_\fj~.;oula nt th(' gri•llron hntth"'.

,1 ur for monl?\" othrrwi-.t> ('XJlt'D h•d.

-· \.., a uniform n1'<'011nr liook. thi" Pnnl ThompRon ll"ft "F'ri1h,- mornin;! orum llt't• hn .... •lr idt•il uplu ·1 mall ftlr \[1-. ... ouln so 1s to w1tn1•-.. .... 1"l1• -.tru~-

"' z1•l le1l.:1"'r honk. houn1l in soft l1•:tqJt'r, gk ht•t\\t't'll tln• t('tll\-. of tlll• tl'.o t•nl whirh "111 hst for -.oml' 't•ars, lh11" I lt't!t~ ... trh ing 3 rN'Or•l of 1•a1• i : <'.\r ol th1• lift• __ of thC' or~:tnii:uinn. J~a1 h tr1•asun•r will Li' rn .. trn~tt:'·l hnw 1 ki't"n h•s Prof. Ro' <' • .Tnnt'"' •\1 '1t to \f1..-.o, '•nol; ... ~o thnt th 1,,. will .ill hi' likt'. Fri1ln:v- mornin:!. Tit• r1•t1trll1"1l to HozP-1hu-. li:::hti: :ii11:: ·~•' l 1hor .. tlf tl1,.. Jiil- m:\n "\fnrnl:1\' morniu~ nltn ntt('11tliT~ ~ mlttte. fl .... Olllt~ h11-.1llt'SS lU th(' 1:1r.l1•u I :t,Y.

EVERYTHING FOR THE STUDENT ! 111!! t 11' lll!J'lt'\ hl't \fl th1• Ill lilt'\'

11"' pai 1 out. t 1u.~,. "·11 act a .. r1'· ('('lf•t.;:. Tb1• w1r:t1lt" Ht"'> lo hi• num

Also Spalding Athletic Goods The standard of quality-for men and women.

Spalding Jacket Sweaters Grey and white-Correct in style-Best of quality.

Phillips' Book _Store _Waterman's Fountiin Pens

ht•r" aul M<'h wara1t a 0111111-..l for.I Youn~ Hoh LnFnll('t't"'. ~oa of thl' Wt•l' at1•l m11<1t h, .. t 1rn('.1 111 "h•·n th1• liooks k11own s1•naror from "i~t·M1sin, ht•n.1 .... :\rt• ani'litf'•l Tlrn tu•a..;11rer will nlso lw onf' nf thl' t~1·kC't" :tc;; ran.li•latC' for prt'~­i.n,trud<'·l how to us,-. th(';;i;1• wnrrants. itl1•11t of th(' frt• ... Junan rln~-1 at thl' t"ni-

1. Th(' hook~ of enrh organization Yl'r ... it_,. of \\'i"i'On~in. Roh i~ .,,nl.l to 11re to he nu 1l h•1l :it lt'a-.t on•'t• Nh'h h(' 3•hornting a~ his phtform th(' ~:\n11• !IPm('" Pr, hut ma_,. b(' audit('d oftenc>r, ~ort 11f di-.moern1•y whi1•h his fathN has :l<i thi:-. comm1tt<'e :ri1•rs flt alw:i~·:r; up)ttl<l. _He runs .09 what. i~

.5. Roth book.q and warrant~ mnv he termNl tho nll -u nh·er~ity Urket. while obtnine1i from ~ome member of the ~001· h i! opponen t bas orgnniz~d a p rogres~i"t""e .aiit~~-- i.c.kAt.___ •.• .- -----


HOOSIER CLUB and get a Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet while you

can, at the terms we offer

D. D. Stnith

Full Two Ounce Tuu


I a debate, there is no eva~ the issue. Does your smolcin~

tobacco bite or doesn't it? Velvet is aged 2 years-which eliminates the leaf harshness ancl mellows and tones the richness. Produces a fine flavor and a smoothness that smokers appreci­ate above all else.

G entlemen-there is only one side to this smoke question- that's the smooth side-"Velvet." Ask for Velvet at your dealers.





. ·r


""estern Mutual Life ln::tura.ncc company. I.,--------------­BUSINESS CARDS

You Owe It To Yourself ha .... been l>u .. y on the .till for tht• la:-<t iew ilays. ) fr. ).foort CXJ1t'L'h to re­main in Bouman a ll "inter.

Diamond Edge




to see the values we are showing at $15.00 to $18.00 the Suit. They are strict-Ua rol1l Lutht>r, who was a fr<>:;hmnn

nt t he 1•o ll t>:?t~ l;1,.;t ,·ear, is noW" stu11' iog denti .. tr .:-- a. t the. t:nh·e r:o;it_,. of Tow.a.

Rooms l .'\Dd ::? Sto ry Block

P hone 46 Blk ly wool and guaranteed to fit and please.

Bozemtt.n, :\foot .


H. R. HARRIS, the tailor DE XTIST -

Stafford says your suit needs pressing

\''ortl l1a ... been recei,·ed at ihe e,,J lege of t he hirth of a daughtrr to )(r an1l ~f rR. }"'rell Wa lchl i a t Sterl ing , roJo ra do. Freil " "al t.'h li g ra tlua t cd i n HHO wit h a B. )J". E . 1 l e~ r ce.

a re t he best becau!\e thev arc !;Old on an absolu te guara ntee . )fade by the best t ool e xper ts, ~ ,.,. it h th 6 latest up- to datPnes~ , first qualily material a nd t ime empered .

Golden Rulo Bl k . Bell Phone 9 ; Bil<

Tlw dt•partmcnt of farm m~l llJ._;.!'.eme n t i ::i preparing- a Uulletin conta ini ng a n

Ca ll for · hem and be coovinceJ.



Office and Residence 201 S. Gra.nd Ave.

Phones-Bell 4.94. red-Home 2962

GENERAL LINE OF PIPES agri<'ul t nra l s nr\' ('.)' of Ga lla ti n eounl.'· · ' r ho work i s being done unde r t he

Willar1l Atkins. who was a -.tu•lf'nt at the rolle~ EJ in lftl 1-12 . ha .. won :l.

plac e on the debate t eam of the Ch i1• f\go Law Sc hool again t hi s yea r. La st y£'a r he won a. (' a i:;h scholarsh ip o( $ \:)0 fo r hi s (le ba te work.. T he t eam will ll l' batc with eith er N"o rthw e!'l t ern un i\'er"iitr or 'Mich igan this yea r.

Sold by Bozeman, Montana

Priced at 25c and up dirt:>ction of Pro fessor f'u rr icr .

- ·:·- Owenhouse Hardware Co Who ar e the Money Makers? You will say the big rich men

whose homes are known to every­body.

T he a nnual 1liredor::· of the honnl , GLEA SON S CIGAR STORE

of stallion r~~ist ration is ht:> ing prl' pa r- Louis Fischl, who was a pharmacy Uy ~( 15~ stud ent l a~t .' ·f'a r, has been clec t erl

pres id ent of th e P ha rmarrnt ira l clu b

ed b::· Or. }{e\"('ll.

See my windows

for .... ome big bar•,!:i1ns in Sweater ..... I think t!ley are the best I ever saw for EUC'h ,, price. They arc nally worth S7.00, but I'm maki•.1g .l special price thi .... weclt 'J! ~4.9:.


''BILL'' the nifty tailor


when buying foot-wear

that we carry the la t es t

styles m C o llege foot -


The Exclu5ive Shoe Store


J. H . Harris & Co.



4,000 feet of

Licensed Pictures

Every Night

Thelen & Hanle y


H ome P hone 2541 B ell 57 Black

:++++++<·+~~<-+++++++++..:•+<·: Sot. so. ).fany la rge enterpr ises - ·:- + N ' B b Sh + are f rnanced by the sa vings of

DirPl'IOr Linficlrl of th e ex 11eriml' u t in )fissoul:1. : eves ar er op : clerks , work people-th e masses + + who deposit par t of their incomo sta ti on lt>lt \\"ash h1gton fo~ BnzC' man It has h<.'C'll :i.nuonnrf'!l that Dn\·e •++ BEST OF EQUIPMENT A ND :


i n sa:"ings ba nks . \'edn('Stla~·. and on h i~ wa.\· we~t wi ll H ighil' a nrl :\f i!<,:; Huth ~tanton ar r to SERVICE. • L it tle savi ngs reach la rge a.g-,-i.-it for a frw ibv~ in :-; t. Paul a rl'I hC' nrnrried T hankf'gh-ini:r. Bot h wen• :. College Trade Cater ed T CI. i ~~~;:;~~a:~:d:!rt\l~-1/~i~\o ~~~~:


Ho•l :--.1•:J.man~ will b~ thr guc~t of ('hirngn, arri\"in~ in Bozennn t ht:' enrl ~- formt:'rl.'· memllrr" of the prl'!1iC'llt -,C'uior + • lo~ses. Sta rt an account in .fohn F'~r.t• n HE>IE>na next Thur~1lay. part (tf n+•xt wrek. cl::I!':!'. \ Cr. Tf ighie i;; at pr('..; 1•nt in Bi~ ++ ...... ++ff++++++++++-+++Gi Gallatin Trust & SaVings Bank - ·:·-_.:·- 'l'imher. whill• \ [ igs ~tnnton is in Ro:r.e Bozeman, ~fon t .




\fis"I fo\weat of Great Falls, will \"i:.;it ,T, n. Xebou of tht"' exprrimi"'nt s•ti- ma n. Quar ter Million Dollars lo Colwnbia. l '----"-"_8;..·..:D;..·..:\ "\..:.".:ID:..:S.::0.::-1:,;.·..:;C::a:.:,' h::;i:;:e:_:r·......! in !'11 .. ter Huth iluring Thank-.gi\"in~. tion staff ,·isitt•1l Twin Hritll?C'" th e Univers ity.

_.:.__ lnttN p:irt of thC' wei•k in nrdi•r to Willnril Y. Kinrr. ·10. will hr in l'olumhia uni\"er:;i t _,. i:; richrr hy $::?01,-:\far.. Hi,11'1! of t t' sophomon• ~·la:- ... , tir<wnrt' ~oil "am~~;~or "tut!.'·· Bozeman thr early part of .fan11ar_,. to 400. Ar tl11• mf"rtin~ of tht:' bo:wl of

h3 ... !( ('n t•o11fitH' to hf'I rnom ·le I !! .\lh1·rt Xt•lsoiu of tlH' '<t•nior lllt't•h:inh' hegi~l r~~·timin~ry _work 011 tht·. ti1•k i~· t lt' 'l~l W1'l'I~ ;-.;.Jw u1ll he h:i.1·k to :Ht.:. i·la~..:. h:i~ n't'O\'f'rr~l from ]lj ... rl'· Yl~ ... til!'.:~t1on wl11d1 1-.: t.1 ht• 1·arnf'1l on u1 1H' t:ln ..... e ... n~arn nn \foutl v, . tht• R1tl1•r Hnot n\lle\· nf':-d ... nmmN. -•!•- 1.,, 111 ._,,,·en• .1ttat'k of p11r1111111111:1 ancl


H . 11 1 . f . . \ll:l I:1't' :-tt hf'r w II lea'·" !-'CHiil for hi" hnm1• in l!Pllll· r w1 11• 111 t'h~Hi!P o the f1f"lil wor1t

f,, 1:~· ' 0/;:.\1~:~~~.~:: .-ilh\. TlH• p:u\•111-i of '\1•J~,,n. who han• of thr hnl't':llt ot t:>ntomnlogy t'l:t"'"' i-;ppnt- ti(• \\ "' .., lwt'll \'il-'i inc him tlnrin;..r hi ... illn1~ .... .


tru'itl't?S n•n•utlY it wa-; announ<·ed tb1t a 1louor wh(l~l' name mu::;.t be withheld from thl' 11uhli1• hail gi"eu ~~.ill,OllO t11 bt:> the prlnci11al of a fine art .... 1•n•lnw­mt•i°1t fund. th~· i111'ome to be <'xp1•111l;•1l in a way not math• public. hut i11•1il'at •cl to the trn .. tt·e~. .. 1 11...: hP n•nt... I

-•:•- ,, II 1t·nnnp 11~- ~.~.1~ \f ... -..t '' ln l :\l ... ~ l:\t' ltt' s·:rr. Tlw ;-..;.. ~. :-. . .-J ·,, t•ompm•t••l nf !,!irl

"·,-:i.1: \\~ .Tonh. ·n1. ,,·ho wa .. :l pM· Tht• ~p1•oncl lar;tt'"t gift-~i .. i110 from r ........ nr of hntnn\· at t'1f' f'nlk~1· for ... r,·- Dr. < lutrlt• ... \\·. "\[1,'"\(urtn·-i~ to be Prat .'·t•:i.r... ).fr .. Tnn•'"' ~:J.''~ in part.: u .. ,,,1 to llH.'t•t th,, ('OSt ot lit'\\" l'<jnipmcnt It> of ( r n .... wtll ' ... jt "1th t

mt•mht•rs of tlH' in inr l'ia...-., lllt't .;-.;.:It n "From .Tanuar.\-, Hllfl. to D11 t>t'mhPr. for tht• d1•nnatnlogical ~et·tion of the il:n :iftt•rnoon :l.t tht• lwuw nf \ti ........ \nna 1!ll~. Twas ln1·ah"'~1 at Rl•'11li11,'.?. ~hrtsh Yauilt•rbilt t·linh'.

\I ...... \I ' l

I Ill..!" l ~' 'l' l 1;on•ho11. with "\[•"" ~fat' )1 \'t'l""" an 1l

-•!..___ ).ll .. s l:\·:tlt>t\ll Kl'lltHtrtl a~ h<lStl''""~· county-. l'alifornia, in the empln_,. nf th1• Small('r 1lonations of $1,.)00 for (':lU· f1 ·1<•1• ).f1•In 1· flf t Lt' t'n•8hm:111 1·la~,;. Thi• afti•rnoon w:i:-. "pent

111 St'wiu~. anil ).l":lmmoth t'op('l'r "\fiuing romp:rn.Y of ecr H'"t'ar<:h. :;nnn to met"'t the l'ost of

w 1 hl' \' .;:ftt>•l lJy her mot 1it•r on Thanks- ,folit•ion"" rt'frC'""hnH'nh w('rt:' ~N\·('cl. The \faint'. ading fl" agri1•11ltural t:>Xpl.'rr. ut•w equipmL'nt in the ;.r.nH'1:ologii•:tl £!i\'iD:!. iwxt nwt•tin:,! of tht" duh will ht• hel 1 or prrhap,,. plant pathologi'"il. Tn Dr- dinic auil $::!,')[) for new books on the

_.!•- remh<>r. 1~1::?. the C'ompan.'· "'cnt mr to ''Xe:ir Ea"'t'' were announ(•e1l. \[1 ... s . \ .1.l~r. 'I 1lel1~j!:IH' to th1"' Yoc:i.- at thl' honH' of ) [ i..;.:: nazi~l l'offl't> ,)!1 th(' .... tat(' unin•r ... it.'· tn l'Othlnrt r('-

tional 1·ongrt'"~. \'i,ned with )[is .. Xina ~:ttur•lar. seari·h wnrk r:ileulatr1l to throw light - ·:._ . .\rmstrone: O\·er SunJny

Prese1H'C' of mincl is good in a railroaol \ acciil cnt, hut a bsence of t he borly 1s bett er.

E. W. Thompson BABBER SHOP

rnrler Xatiooal Bank of Gallatin Vallev.

College Student ~ a Specialty


and remember we have got the goods ill the Watch, Clock :i nd Jewelry line. We also d ? all kinds of repairing promptly .


Jeweler and Optician Bozeman, Mont.

E x-11 ·21-1 3 \[on1l:1,· f'\·ening the g-irl:; of lf runilton upon the rnuH of tht:> low .''it:>lcl of

halt wrrt~ gin•n a ll'dure by Dr. ).[a hcl wheat in f:has ta county. 'f his work le·l )[i.;,!-1 .\1la lfunt :0>11ent the first part r1rid1 on the suffr:'l.!!t' mo,·eun•nt Ill to the prc>pnration of a )fo!-l t C'r


~ thes is. of the ~·•<>t>k ,.i:-<itiog- thC' hig-h sd1ool:; entitle rl '8'tn1lie~ 0!1 ~o il Funi:ri with of lht• -:-tate in the intert.>St of the home Engl:Hu1. J{('r ledurc wa~ Yer_,. inter- Rt'spe('t to F arulta t iYe Pa ra~dti!'m on :;cit'!lt'E.' ilepartment. e<;.lin!! an•l t nstrueti\'e, nn1l ~he <'n lil?ht- \\hcat . .

Courte~_,. i~ the e,-e which o,·erlooks \--------------­your frien!l '-;; b roken gateway, but sees

- •!•- cnt:>•l \i('r auilil~ni•e on man_,. of tht• im- ''During thr ~nm mer I ha,·e heen in F.dna HaJ?erman . '1::?. will ,·i:-it with ponant prim•iple;o;. of woman 8 ~iffrag:e. the em It)\' of the ('owrll Por tlarnl

the rose which blossoms in hi~ garde!l. - E:c.

) fi:-s Georgia Cullom of tlh• senior (' ]:t..;s

Juring- tbf• Thank..,g i ,·ing- rt'1'('""S a nd will abo he a g"lH"'t at the Hamilton hall

D t'I i1•h left Tncs1lav C'\'l'ning for P · r. r . · \ rement rom pa n.\· in th C' ca par il.'· of ag· H omesickness. 1 we:'ltrrn point~. I ri<"nlturnl ex prrt. T he sagehru~h nin 'ta h.ludsome plant- 1

- ·!--- . 1 1 1

" T am no~- a fiehl workrr for t he Its 01lor ('all be beat. )[i..;s Huth ~tanton . rx· 1-t, H\" lN'n • . _ . ..,., wi h a numht~r of ...,howt•r.: ,111 ,.. T lll\"Pl''qf.'' of f'alifornb, in,·e~ti(!ntinl! But wh~n you 're g-one awa_,. from it - •:•- I fa, Ott 1 t • .

1 1·ert:lin plant 1li,,.<"aS1'S of thr st:1tP, an•l The s<l~l' is migh ty swet•t;

)f,non <'arr \'i ... it('•] with friencb in I ing thl' \Hrk in hono: of 1t'r appro:t.1 ~ ~- nt thr .;;amt' time am r<'!!i"t('rf"1l for :l You rC'l·ollt•('t the wide expan .. f' Bu~tt· on Sm11faY. lie ro1l1• iro!ll the: iug m:irria.~t· to D:ln•

1 TTil!hlt'. t'X- ~ Potto1 ·:- il(').!rf'r in thf' --anw in~titutinu. Of ... ih1•r ('0\'t:'rt'.'tl plain,

· . . '\["c:. · H::rn ... 1 • Rm•1·hpr wa"' th 1• ho"tt"·"' llt nwtropo1i .... to Bozem~n with Ju~ '1stt:ir,1 · i.:; _ .· 1 Satnr(l:n· ,,,. 1, 11111 ~ . ,1 ,,,.~ 1 'Fri('1brikC' Zarher. OnC' flf m_,. pupil" .\.nil j('~t for one nhlrl' ~ig-ht of t Trent• C:trr, 'll, who 1:- en lwr wa\· ea-.;t, 3 !-ih.rnei on · . in hot:n1~- in )f. ~.I'., wa'> a junior "tu- You\1 tra!h' ,·our fit•l1b of grain .

• . \11n·i "'iJ ... on on \\'t•dn•'"'•l:i_,. pn•nin).!. 1lent ht•rr in nntnral sri •~llt'(' l:i-.t Yt'3.T,

T ' f "l-3 •.•- I t n a ;ri .. ~ Kah' ~imp .... on on 'l'hnr,.•la." rn~n-. ot• ~\ nr!!<}.n, , returnr1 o .ozcm. n · · · , :11111 is a spnior this yrar. 'fhe 1•al'111s ain't :l lo\'ely flower,

)fon1la\" for :l hrit•f \'iSit with his par· in:,! . anol \[i .. s noroth.\" (.~tton ;omor- . ' L a--1 wintl'r I ('llt'OtinlNe1l .\ 1lili:0.nn Compl'tiu' with rhr rO~('.

W. J. Fransham

The home of t he

Bear Creek Coal

Ca ll us up.

1;Ve h:n·e e\'erything in


Wood and K i ndling

Both PhonC'" :!3

ent ..... "'hilt• in the t•ity he exp1.•t•ts to ro"· (l\"t•tlin!!'. A unmhN ot hN °1rmli•r X. ( lnrk on thr .... trP1't:;; of San Fran· But wht•n :·ou 'rC' milt•::. anil mile-s nwaY

· · - · f · ·hool frit>nil..:. h:n·e alt1'1l•lt••l. anr .. 1t~ .,. t.akl' t.hr cinl :-en-it.'(' t'X:lnun:1non orl"t . . t>i..;<'o. wht>re hC' maintain~ nn engineer· You want it. gootlnes ... know~; l grain in~pl't'tor. ha:-; lH.•en thi• rt•i•ipi : nt 11 lll:lll.'' ~tttS. in~ offil'I'. lf1,rhPrt Farr!~ lrnilNl mt:> You '11 wear it, !-pike~ :ln<l all , upon Nelson Cab Company

_..._ - ·.-- one morning while croo;;:;in~ the univer· 'l' ht:> lnpt:> l of ~·ou r \'eSt ) Ii:-;;. Ine7. DeLa : hmutt of Spokant'. P rini·ipal .T. 1:· H obt of thr ~i·hool ~it_v t•ampn;;,. Rel'an!.'(' it h rung- to you a h int

. j tr ·hm·itorv a111l (lehate work of t l ..' c- 1 1 · cirnj?re~~ . returned to her home Ratur· 1 1 ' · · 1 1 . fesso r of hotan_,- in \[. .,. l'., 1a" li!' - De1n·cr Repnhlit·nn .

Ca b a nd Taxicab Sern.ce.

F or Parties, Weddings, E tc.

Bell Ph one :!73-Home Phone 1962

one of t he :-;peakers at th<' \'ocat1ona l of agri<"ultur(' wi ll hnn" <'h:ugt:> 0! tlhP '' D r . .J . ,, •. Blankinship, former pro- Of :·our hra\'e , open ,,·e-;t! :

aay. T h t:> exhibit of her work wn" one s1: h ool ~ i)f agrirul t urP ~ n < mf'i· u1. nit' r+•:;iclt•ncC' hert', anol hi' 1faughter is in of the features of the l'onqrr'5. arts. :rncl noti<-es requestrn,!? tb o:-t:> ''ho thl• Bt•rkrlfl.'. liigh ~t·hool. l h' ha-.; het•n · b '--------------

- •!"'- ('nnt+'mpbtr 11,)inf! an_,. of this work to a ..;-.;od:ltl'•l with m<> to ~onw £>Xlt'nt thi.. X o man 1·an face the worM wit a 1 \Ii .. ~ fnt•z E,·erett of tht• ,.rnior l'la-:-.:;, r('port :o him han• heen po~te11. ) f r. sumna\r, ""hilt• in ~ha~ta ronnt.'·, T goo•l lw·art unle:-<s it is hal•ke1l up by a ---------------

·11 l 1 a T(' of th(' tw11 1'or· 1.?ood lin•r.-X. Y. Timl'5. "'i'ent th1> WC'f'k end dslt1ng her parl'nt ... llul ... t Wl \{\,.(' I' 1• rg - .:;pent n ·ln;; with n r. F. \Y. TraphA!!t'll,

in Rig Timher. te!' t .:. ht'l rl in the mt:>t·hani1• art~ ,J,•· who \"islh•i l tlw r<><Tion in t'ompnn_,. with - •!•- partmC'nt. nnil he hoprs to •1t'\"•'.

10 P ::• f ir. Jlolmt•:. 11( tl1~ Burt•nu of :\finC':- ., .\. Clirl:-; · R(l:trrliu~ lfoth('-.\n Tn!'ti -11f Yl•nrn ng.-.-.;mart St•t . t ln• ih•11:11"tnn•nt of "·hit•h hl'. i~ tbf' I

)fi .. $ Lilla H:trkin:-i of tlh' tlonn·,.ti1• ""t· 1•111·e 1h·p:nt11wnt. s111•11t th1• latter }'art hea'1, "'nmP work aloni tills


11 Boosts

~lll'l't' ':;i 2 ':, ~p ~ill'. I~ t~: :~•';.~a;~:,'.::~; 1 ~'.~,.,'. :~ ::· f :~ 1• '1:·:1('.,., ;ll:l~ •':,i;:, 11~~:1 :t 1><~ I';~:·,':.•' l·,:1;~· 1

Chapel Crowds by Stti-;pension

Thr eats. r,,·t' ,. ~n·at ra .. k i" .}(1111• .it thP 1·0 .. t

1 (li1. 'h,· w 11 abn 1 :.:-an t' a :'ta L' tl11• hw:ll hi}! l'whool.

Homt• J-:1•01111111 l'' a. ........ n · :1t1011. ALUMNI AND EX-STUDENTS

• \ .. i•\\ t'.!l la i1111 t Prin• t•tm1 1rn1- I ot ~!Tt'a.t l'ffort .\u.l !!\'U 1S1'"' :t t' mt' \•· n·· .. it\· 11·qllln·s t 1a '' E\·1>1\ t1H•l1•r- h mt•n ot ad ion\\ io han' t 1lt' will to C"ra•lrnitt' at 1111 ... uu \'l'J~1 ." 1111i....t atti'll•l ,."0 11l t'lltrntt•, th\• powt•r ll• bhor an.I rh~· at it'a"t nu.•-half of rh1• :--;un•lay morn- i':tpa•·lly ro l'll1lnrt'.- -s.,· .... tl·m.

'\l:tr.'· Thih:1d1':tll an•l )tan Larf>o•1 .T. C\1•1111 Luth~. \"i .... it1•1l fri1•11 l..., ing i•h:tpl•I .. t•n·i1'1'" t•:u•h i1n:ntl'r. Fail-


National Bank

C'apital ~tork ~urplu-; an•l Profit ...

$1.in, lw1 • ~.J1) ,•JVO

GEORGE COX. Cashier Htl7.('m:rn . ~lout

will IH· t•utntaiiwil h.' ~[i...... E1l1•h at tlit• i•ollt•J.!t' la~t S:itur•lay :rnil :--inn· ur1• to l'OlllJ'IY with thi,,. rnk will rrn-.,..--------------<. I ~<'hott(' !\t hf'r bo1111 iu Butt!' ou il.·1Y. ,:\ f r. Luth1•r gra.Ju:Ht'•l fro:u tht' ih•r hi111 Hahl~· to .... u ... pl't1~iu11 .. , lar:e Owinl! to thr t'Xl't•ptionall~' .

Th.111R>:.!i,·i11:!. l'lt~1·tn1·al t'H;.!i11t•t•riu~ dt>p:1rt1111•nt an•l frt•"hman t'la"'" nt Prin••t•ton this .\"t,ar,

Tht' \ [a!.':-i:u:hu ... et t .;, l1btitutt• of 'fN'll-11,1logy IHI~ rl'l't'ntly re1·t>iH••i -.Hml.1)t),l

from two anon.'·mous Jonors. 'fhi:; 111akt•S a total of ~3,l.>0.1l1l0 whi.:h thi:; llt'"ititu­tion h:h rt'l't'i\'t' ll from s111.·h sonrn~s.



Have Your Old Shoes

- made to look like n ew

- bes ides they will d o

double wear b y hav ing

them reso led and h e el

s traightened. We u se

nothing but the best w hi p

oak sol e l e ather- w hic h


Better Wear

Nicholson's Shoe Store

Let 115 do YOJ!t-.!lhoe_ npa.irlng .

I r.w1•111ln]\'11 \ f 1lJ, •will h':.1\'1' \Yt>ilurF- is now t•mplo;n~a :h :i.n t•i1'c·tri1•al t•n- mort• than Litl mt•n w~·re turnci1l aw:\\" I . gi111'l'1' hy th1~ l'onra_r l'ia\'t'r 1.•ompan!· 1 1 1 I a r•

I :~':;; 1~;~.,~,;·r 1~;~:::~si;i,1i'.:·~~"'~ 11'~ 11,::·;,,:1:~ at lluh'. )[ont. ~:~11; 1 ~::::.i~~-'~"·~~::· :~it'.~:~~~~ 1:~~ ·l·e;~ t o return in tim(' for th~ H amilton ha1 1 I . sta rtrU for n nC'W 111111 laq! er huihling.

f'haril'~ T. S:11:kdt. 0-~. lhl' ('Oltnl-'"

da111•t•. :-iUr\"t''·or .. r Park t·otrnt_r. has ht~t•n in ) fn r_,. hnll a little lamh. .\ s all the peopk know. Thi~ af ternoon-;:;1: stmlr>ntf; in thf' tlH' 1·ity for t hl' la"t few thy:-< on hu.;,-

ill('~S . But if t ht' pri1•t:' of mt?at T ht' lnmh is :-urt' to go.


tllrt' will mel"'t in l. h t•i r flllllll~\l foot· J,\·lll:tll lT. ne11n1•tt. \\ }Hl :lltt'llih•tl fh»

1iau i:am•. The t oa111s 11 a w 1>er11 1>r••· den Rule Store ti1·inJ! for some time, nntl whll~ b nt·, ,·oll l'j!t' in l!J1l:!-:} :t11•l \•:lw uow h<\' a 'l'liC' ~l·niors at l'hit·a~o haYC' :\II b t

l 1 1:1w 11r:1diPl' in YirJ.;!inia l'it_, .. "Jlt' llt

I ti•ams :irf' somew a g reen , n. <' 01ie ~ n· :.l;.!rt't'll tn j!row n1u..:.t:11•ht'" au.\ ll't' a i11tPn·~tin~ ~nme shonl• l rf'c:•1!t. '11." ). fon1la:· in Bo7.em:rn. u11ifnr111 i·Jng,. J•ipt' wi l h tht• numt•rah


Ii you want the best see


Bell phone 300 red H ome 1685

Bozr.:::,~ ,r::: il~.o~!~ny l C'.1h S:l'r\ n•e Day and ~ t~ht l'oll1•gt' Part1e" .t RpN't3.lt.'­

Be11 l'hont' ~30 Jfom(' Phone 132

-.·honl s nf mcrhani•· arh a11·l a~ri•·ll; Sta;» II[' Sale at the Gol-l gami· will he pla:·e1l o~ the rol 1 1•:.::: f' 1 , _____________ _,.


1-·i_ •. _i.1_. _______________ E_, _._r_'_· i_"_"_''_" _._"_1. ''_~_··_11_t _r_ .. _' _1_• .. _· _"_· "_'_i1_ •. _ ._· i_1_·_·_,_11_·"_11_ 1_'_"'_11_. -------- I - a s plendid under- pricing of ---------------

--------·• g ood, dependable Suits-the

\ hand-tailored, pure wool kind




M ay W e H ave

Your O r d er?

The Gallatin Drug Company • .... \.I •

Kenyon-Noble Lumber Co

320 West Main

~~~~!~ill~!f!R©· 1'---~----





Gallatin Laundry Co.

THE WEEE:LY EXPO~EC'T, FHW.\ Y. :-;01· £)fBER 21. JD13 --===---==-==::::;:================--===-~=======


============·1-;-------------i:. ., T :I fF hanksgiving Tablew~re I' u OOTBr!ill STERLING SILVER DEPOSIT WARE I

SANDWICH PLATES ... . .................... . ............... $2.25 SALT AND PEPPERS (SET) ....... Sl.50

1 ENGLISH GIBSON PEAPOTS .................. $1.50 AND $2.00

g!~~~~L~ETs.:.:· ··. ~- :.:-:8t2:i5 ~~S6~

Bell 79 Red W. B. Vestal, Jr., Agent Home 171 I

WATER SETS ... . ................. .... ..... .. ...... 85.50


Euvu::h has l•t•l'U ~ail Li:o.t•\\ht•lt' 1111rho:-t· \\hn .11te111l lo t.r~· f('r ha~ketbnlll { 11'~t· ,·ul11mns 1·olH'L'r111ni.;: t 11..' fo.ir !i:tll ho110rs baYc hrcn 11tnug- t11nt~ 1m 'he

-- 'I

Get the Habit of Eating

Calarab Figs- They're Delicious For Sale at the

MODEL GROCERY George Bartz, Proprietor

Bell Phone 88 Home Phone 691

11 :1m and tl.ll·.111ss of tlw t!:11111· \\ith thoJ l°llolhall ,;q11a1l, th~ turu.unt thi". ''eek ,,.----------------------------L ilh•t!l.' cii \f1:-:sonl:i. wa"' rat!H•r hght. lhJ\\l''·n, alrl'r a ·~

__ '>n•ek':< r1:-.I ii iS1'Xj•\'('l1d that 1'1:t1·tin• G B Q G It !whCll""t:"' 11:-- 11ow to 111'11 10 ba~kt'i will st:nt iu n•:d l'at'IH''t 111•xt week.

buil•lill~ up a tcUm whit-h \\ill n•tain Ulll' of tht.> he:1,·it·~t ..;dw1!11l1..'S c,·er tht.> ,•\rnn111ion..,hip in thnt t'}•Ort as it l'<ll'ril"!l in basketball is 1d.rnncd t'or the bas iu tht' p:1:-l. team thi:o year. )fan:il!l'r f'otner hRs

hN'n in t•omnntni\.'atio11 with "'(lUI(' of

'l'tH''=d~l.Y :.ll'ternoou th(' hn~ketb:dl nH?-11 1hc f:lStl•st t<':ltn~ on tht~ ~··ia"'t an~l it WC'l'l" l':itleil together .fnr tlH' fir~t ti1tH' i..: prohnhle thn.t nn e:x:tcn.Ji:d we..;tcrn tbi:-: St'flSon . At that ti mt' most. oi t11e trip ''ill lie take11 btrr i11 tlll' season.

memhers of last ,rear ·s 1•hnlllpionship tl'll!ll wen• in uniform 31111 !<hOW('d up 'XO £!l\tll('S h:J.\'C" bl'C'll :-rhnifuJcd in the iii their usunl form. srnte :ts ~·et. although 1•omm11nil·:.ldon

ha~ hecn rcl•t•i,-ed from the ! 'lao:.~i~al

:-;cyeral m('mbcrs of the freshman School at :J(is .. oula. ).fontaua, expre::;S·

. . . . What Is It?

If you buy one of our Finest Ready to Wear SUITS OR OVERCOATS

you may be able to join. We can make you happy at $20.00, $22.50, $25.00


~alk-Over Shoes Stetson Hats , ___________ _:_:..::..:.:....).- -.

Population of Bozeman 18,000

and only one place

to eat

ela:;;t: come to )[. $. l'. with haskt>tball jng a rle:-.ire for one or two ,.r11111·~~.

rcpniation.: 1 antl members of the old l 1 gnanl •\·lll he giYen a run for their jl1)· Jt is nor known yPt whetbN the CERETANA MEANS QUALITY _:··. sitions on the team. S 1·hool of .\Ones will 1n11 !1 tt>nm in

the field or not. If ~o. 1lou\Jtll'~~ games Tn ,iew of the faet th:tt most of ,·an nlso he arran~eil ""ith 1he111. m Flour and Rolled Oats-Try them Today

The Bozeman Milling Company Saturday Morning. I Y. M.-Y. W. JOINT MEETING

f'atunl,l\ \\ft~ tlle {;losin!! llnY (C{'lntinued .from Pat!l: One) -----------------------------_,! nml tho lenrnrk:lhlc sm'<:P"'S of tbr meet

jn)! mil'1e many pcrsnn:- C'Xprt'~"' tbe ll that th(' "ell-h3Jnnce(l mnn or womnn l., T l hope thnt it "ouJ,1 \le an t111minl eYent. i< nw 111au or woman wl:o ;, "·ell- HE GALLATIN LUMBER COMP ANY There w~ts ('ertainl.'- :i Yl'I','' fiue t·orps I trnnied. Headquarters for the F amous Owl Creek and of let•t11rt.'rS :rnd in!"trul'ior~ hro11ght ReY. \'.nl.i:lnt eontim.1e,1 hy s~1.\'ing that Peerle~ Bear Creek Coals. Your trade will be

. we an~ hnng ln an 3C'.l' in ·whii·h g-reat appreciated. Opposite the Court House. from nbroail for the congress, aml the .lemarul.:: rrere m:\1le for men :ma woull'D


:\Ionft:tun. Rtate C'O lege h::ts l~Yrry renson whn harl !"\•<•t·ializt:>J in tbC'ir 11rofe"''.'-ion. • to he proud. mir onl.• of the (,;J•len1lid :Jfan i'." n heing of intt~\\('d . aurl tht"re· ------------------------------)-'


PRINTING of the better sort

- that is the kind you get from

The Superior Press

\n1.y in whii.:h \Irs. l11a H. llt·n·ick fore the intellc-1.•t must b(' 1li....C'iplin(',1. 11wn:n!e1l tlh' eoug:re;;s, lnit also of thP Tri.tinin!!' i .. nnt a matter nf po::-~l''."~iug "'("°----------------------------­p~1rt thr C'olJege instrnt'lor' rook in cml.~· :t frw braius. hut of c>xC'rl'i~dnJ! Tht"

. . brains Ont" l'''o:"'e'"'e>'. The ntt'll wlio.;e

I 07 West Main

thr program. En~r-..· Jll'r::-011 attetldlllg: I l~r::iius w~·i~h tht" mo4 :l.l't~ genl"rnlh· :ht• eongre.;s ub::;t'.lrb<",l nnwh from the numbskull~. Quality. 1 or qu:intit:·, i::: thonghtful 1eeturrs nu1l per!'uual 1·ou- e:::~C'ntinl. He l'ai1l th:t~ he> :1lwa\·~ rf'­

fon•tH'L'..: giYen l'Y tb<' promi11L'nt per· mcmht>r1•·l the :'l.ddt'e giy~n him 11\· hi" ">-------------~--------------_;.• ~(in:-; on the prog--ram anil th1~ rl"snlrs 1.rf:' Jl:l!<tnt· whi•n lte ~rndnati•ol frMn. thC'

$Ure to he felt amoug- tl1e hif.):h sd10ol tlu)rilo~it'al -.eminaiy :-en•r:d .Yt':H:" :1~n,

Avoid that cold, tiresome walk at the noon hour

by taking lunch at the Roof Garden Cafe

- with-

"RED" VOCATIONAL CONGRESS OVER I fouu·l in ibis rrofe>0io11. ~r;,, De- ~irl' of the >t:tte. ThoSI' "irls who .lt· "Yim hay,, l•t'l'll trained to ihiuk: now

l.:1::;bmu1t mixe<l her yiersona.l L'xper- tt.•nth•J tlw c·otH!Te":-:. :ll't" l':lrrying homC' think.. l'olJt?J?e men :1.tHl wom('n art"' with them ext('nsi\'(' re11ort~ to the girls moJ<ling th\' life nf th!'.' natinn. 'This ~------------------------------,!

ii;>llCt'"' inh1 th1~ talk iu ~111~h a way a.:$ to who ('onltl not l'Olllt!'. The \\'onH~n ·s <l('lt~"' not lh:>1·~s:;.nrily nw~1n that all whn affor1l mul'h inrere~t to thf' auUieuct.'. tlnh!' nf )J.ontana rcs1ioni\('ll nobl_v in g-rarlunte f_rom rollC'g-e 111a.-..· an import-Jiantl m.'.ttle and 1..-cll mn.~le jewelry wbit"h 'I I t ..,-------------------------------c ~ie lt'<1lt with Iinf's, ton"~ :tntl shades. sL'ntliuc girl!-i to the. eong.~r('ss, antl thC'.Y an _p:trt Ill the affairs of ilw nation.

took into conshleration the intlid,foality n - l t t auJ l3des oi the iwarcr. ""'I <l1ow<d !bat the photoirrapher who will certainly ha1·e '"' cause to reirrct "' .' 11°•• mcnn thnt tho•• "·ho aro

(Coutinued from P:ige One)

"SWEETS FOR THE SWEETS" A Yt!ry inter('~ting p:Ht of hC'r talk c•ombi11t'd art w111t ht~r photography the movem('ut. I sh:Jp1111z tht' history of tht~ c.'liuntr:· are

"""'the information imparted concering <'<llllm:111>lt"d pri<e' whidi wer<' fabnlous. The morning session >'aturilny opene<l colleg,, men nn•l "·omen. At pre<eut a

tt I h I For 11rnni<•nJ, "01

11111ert·o·n1 J>liotoc•rnpli_, .• ·w·ith a srledion h,,. the Latlies • race eolleg-1? mun j.., at the hrn.l flf this eo1111-

po · e1y anl t e cay used to m:tkl' pot· ~ ~ t tery. nurin~ rhi::< part Clf her !>pt.>e~b, !"Olllc or' th(' r~quircmeub are an a,·er· club of the college. t1rnt has gin:•n ry. Mi"~ Baldwin foforiued the aurlient'(' :-iu-c int(>\li)tt"'111•e, au exat'tne:-;s antl neat- mueh ]lle:isure :lt other time~ on the .Furthi~r. man is not onl~· an imel­th:it day taken from uel\r the ro~·n of ness. n knowle<lgc of art an<l a know!- program. '1lis• A•la E. Hunt of the col lertnnl heing, but lie i, al'o a physi,•al E1N•tric had stood all the te~ts ner<"s· l~c1gt"' of hnnrnn 11aturt"'. Sbe eiteil se>'· foge fscu1ty ga\'C a mO::it cxt'elkut ad- bring. FTc~ mentione1l the ten1lPnr'· (lf


· · 0

r1l ' J f · dress on "0J']'°rl1m1't1't'' for Se1·,·1·,.,,,. 1·1, proplC" ilt 1'0l1C~(' to OY€'rlook th"' 1•h_Y~'1· j sn.r_,. o rnsure it:.; pottery-making prop- ... : tX••tnp t~" u. girl.:. who 11a,·e stw- "' '" , .. ertieo. an•l some <la:· pottery ma,Je in roe-led in th,, field of !'hoto)!rnph)·, an'l the Institution•,'' ontliniug the man:· "

11 si•le nn•l •'Olll'Pntrate on rh" men"l

llfontana might be equal to that made ,Ji,, )!an' •l reelions to tho,c staiung in openings for women in nrions iustitu· si<le, lrnt iu the en•l tho mau "·ho doe> au:·where. lllustratio~ is auoiher 1he busines, in " smell wn:-. Honw tio,. >:\be emplrnsize1l the tho11gl1t ex- thb will not exert an influenl'e equal lJra!ll'h Of [hi,. YOl':ttion whit.'h {lffcrs ph•:nn•:-- Often WPr(' tb(' Jieginuiug o! a. )IT('S~E'tl by l)tlJl'l' }eclurerS that pl'nJllL' TO tho.;l' Whrt }Jfl.\'(' at'Y("]Op\'


1 thp phY,...i· !l lnrge fo•ld ro th,• g-irl ,,.J.., ente1» it; husine" nf large rdtlln>. }li" De· get the most out of th1'ir work wh<'n cal si•k fin tlw other han·l. iher~ " lint the nrt

1·enter" nud musenms n·ert• Lashnrntt wns 1werflowi!1g with the lo•:e thc>y i'C'el tlrnt the:· havi:> done il11' llangt"r of O\·.,:-nle\·eJnpi1,g rhl' ph,·.:.ir:ll

mnn· 110<'("-ary tn th .. girl who ,•nters :in,J fa>dtiatiou of the rrnf("sion whith most J'or other<. Tn referring tn !ht' sicle. .

Buy her that box of

Mc Donalds WE SELL IT

The Tuxedo Billiard Parlors


Cut Flowers and

Potted Plants

this hrauch. wbih• •les:ign l'O\llil hi• sh(' i"' following. and h<'r hparcr::; Jill not worl.; of home C'l'ouomil"S, :Hiss 11um Tn :tili1it'.on to the abon'. m:111 j.., al~o learnt~1l anil larg-e prC'lfitl' mai1C' from it ·louht lu·r slatt~nwnt tli:n

1 \Ya .... more ga•·l' an inierc~ting qnot:nion rrom n ~ ~ot:rn11 1 l'llH?. In or1lP1 to "-1l•'1'i>t>1l \\'l'~I

without le:n:iu!! tht> state. \o ilbtiui·t 1ti!l·rt·"ri11~ rlia 11 ti•a('"iiiq!, wbH·h .:.hf.' papC'r .;tat'ug thar out nf l,:.!ll(l gr:l.11· In lifl~'. :t m:n1 or womnu mu-.r lit"' :1

_\.merh·an ,-ryle h.as :1.' yet hl'l'll 1


,,ll· 1 h:tol t i,•,J for reo1 ye:le>. Slw ud< ,,,.,1 rh« unlt'" fro111 th•' horn• e•·ono1111<'> ,l,•p:ltl· goo.'1 n11x,•r. )[on mnst r"'JIOIHl 1,, th,,

0111;>ti, '\fb!< Balilwin said. anil the \\',• .. <. g·r1 whn 1nti·ulh•il to Cllll'r thiR profc:-;- 1 nwut of thl' Kansas .\g-rw11\ ura.l t(il· I S.Ol'1al •lc•m .. l!11

l u hi ... nnl;~tq1 in or.if''' I "ith it" 1n.c111rat10u, ib stri~ii;..::th al il si •u to h•:n 11 iht• 1111 ,.illC'"' HnilPr n l1•c:P, -1,·!00 were> m:irrit•cl, nnd "<l t';o· to hf' \\('JI halant'i"•I. S1·hn~11 ... •ll'Yi'iop l•ea111:-, "ll ha'<' a ,.

011s:.Jer:ol.J,• J•al't phot >~rnpl 11 ·r who ""' ,·:op:o ,J,., as rh:, tlwn• has not 111,eu a '""' uf .11\"ol'"<' 1h'.' '<."'!al 'i J,,_ 10 ' •·rna·n exr.•ut. ,

11,,1 -----

Ill the ·h'n~l·1r11nl'Ut nf thi,: .\ll\l'f11~a11 lllalllll'l' or learn.Ill,! tl1,~ hu ... _ir1t•!"s _ha.\_ in tht' lllllllht'r. lier atl•lreS> was T<'J·I~'·' I th.- ·~ l'•St'Ullal in ,j,,,,.Jopiu, lllllll '>I --------------------------· t-ifYli'. :--;uf' 1;la-.:-ilit••l W<irk il" two m:iuy adY:111L\\gi•.;i {J\i'l' thi> ... i•hunb 11 .~ with pradii·ul suggestion..:: tn th.~ J:! 1 n,1t1irt. kin·b· th:H "hioh """' >1:;t wook, "'''1 I' 1oto~r:q·h .. )fos Dd.a-h nnir tnl,J of '<'t•ldng a Yn<·arion. . .. )[an i' n~I only au in .-JJ,.,·111al. 1,J1_1,·- 'You\\ int to mairv 1

111 <lauelnei' ·j 1-:••}t•!o!olo•:~..-.:·•!•·!-!•+!-!t+!.....,..._! .... !·~~ .... : .... :ut ....... ~·

lh:ot "l!lcu 11:,,Je '"'' h.,1,1

v \\hilt' ,.11

. J.,,,. f'•'r"nnl '''l«'r""'"e, ,111 ,1 ,.,,,1 ti , )[o,, Lue)· _\nn )[arshall, pr'''"l''nt <.>I ti l•l """ol heon~. ln1t h« i< >pi·'tnt1l "Y, ., ,, _ ! ~ g-agetl in ·loing ic: an·l ,,,;11 that, for sb .. ,,J,J tl1e rn~ that ,1,,, .Ji-I Ht,,. '"t of th.- )font:rna "'\ur•<',' a>Sol'iation t1n•l ah'"" IJ ,.J,,. Thb eha•a<'t<'n<t 111t1k•'' . 1 ''· :"· .\~:1 )O\l ha'<"""" '

0· .;. Give Your Hard Worked •:•


. . . 1

. . . 1 rr,1 1

. 1

. ·'"' ~ m,\ •'Olht'nl; · ·); o. ::: 1r: l Jll"t .. :. :t .

OS( t>n:;:.l~l·•l 111 tlll' work of tlt•si,rn111 r Lil,\",,. tin.J 'nth thP J•l'flt't't"I · I - injo:}'C'dOI' of training sdH}lll~ for flH' r t'lll.llll llpnn th(' fll'Oph• Ill h1 .. ul1('ll•ltl:ll l l . . . . ..:,... Bra1·n a Rest . · ·I . · , . . . . "" -· •1 · • J , "' inr l :"l l f , , . , , ' ropJ•1~ 1 111 to ask '.'•OU It \'t1U thOlWU~ ~· ~·

h . ·} · . ' I'll 11'- 11 ' · 1 l• ' ' '· 'Oll t•onJ1l >\!}'['Ort me 1ll th' s(<"}' to j '°'!+ +



"OI ~ \\rb 01 th.lf krn<l \\ bh•h ma!le onr• 1 I J,l.~t I ,I c•am('l'<l. _Jl,~r f'ltJ , f'" , '{ · !:ilafr, nl:l' (' a .;;frong- :1ppl~:1l to !)w 'Ill' Or \\,.lilt Of :-Olli~·! J!Jl•T hi•{U'I' th'\' ·. . · .., ,. + a~•p:_ \\ ''.J,, they"'"'''.' ·~•ling it. ]"'"'"t''."l J1c•r 10 1,,,, hb 1,,rng;olnw, ,,,,,1

girls iu lH'half of the 1·0,-:1\i"n or nnrs- ~re "," ·''.o'': _'!'hough pet!J'I<' 11-orkin~ "hich T huw 1.,,, 01110 •<ecu>to~u;, 1\,'. '.j: once ill a \'l'hile by attending our ;t .!1" lld.11.hmutt ot HJ•okanP. ,poke '""'· 111ter ,JI\' h:t< h<'•'ll !ll Wuok hul in.,;, n11c VO<':llion in whid1 lime;, pra"- in th, .\''""'""'"" 011 •ht' lllll llltl.'' nt •Jo phoio-play hou<e. Best of pie- +

on '' Tlw. Tel·hni~tw 11f Photo~raJ+lJ~', '·I a 'hon ti1111•. sho ;, tlont mre thing nu<! ti<-ally no cnmpetiliou with men. She tllll<'' he"'"':'' ,]i«•nnrngo'tl, , 1m iu th•' ; ture' and music. .,-. 3n•I th< ta<<' uauou an•l j•l<'a><>re to \,,. lllll<'h -oughr ht>iug .0 woman Witli 0 gaw so111e outline of the n•quirpmr11t• '.''"l tJ,,,, "111 fiuol ll1a1 :tll th,,ir '""k + t' \,;111k roll. :t1

111 the expen<e of the pTepart1lion for 1s "·orth whiJ,._ Di<c•.inragl'Ull'lll' urc l 'm fouol oi · · .\nnic 1.t1uri<: + PROGRAM FOR NEXT SATUR- :t;.

Th,, al'tmooou i"·oertlln ""' •'t>ndu<l, <l her profrS<ion, an<l she s1ntc•l that ih,, fo1111d e,-,.,·rnh,•r.• an.1. oJ'rt•r p:l<siug out To lwnr it is a boon- :: D AY AND SUNDAY :j: 1>:· "\J;,, llao·kin,_ "·Jon in'll•"I the .i,.J .. lmeri•·an traiue<l unrse ,urn.ls ut th• into lit\•. tlu•Y lli•ronw !nor,• freqn,•nt. Xoho•l)' in that song de(']:ir.'' : November 22 and 23 + •""lies t ·

1 hen<! of all eountrics. Re--. Yali:tnl <ni.l tl1:1t '''''"' n•ll··~• Thnt ht''s a Zulu C'oc•n + :j:

l.1•t• _0 :itren• the re<'t'plion> :It 11:1111 · - + S t d f ls f · .._ "" hall nn,) the 10111»,!i>' >l'iem·r )f". :\lahel Kinno)' TI all, reporter au.l ought I» ~;,-,. iu ih e11r•it•11l11111 :t J<la•·• -Washington Tlornl.J. + a ur ay, ourl r~e - o pictures. ;i,.

rooms. soei•t)· C•litor of the C,[iS>oulittn, spoke to the Bihle. It' Olh' is not irained :iloncr -"1:.i 1 like' Highland )Jary;" ;t me u !llg :;:

hricfly on n<·w~tHlJ1C'1' work for \rnlll<'n, spil'lt11al line~. It(' is not wl~ll h:llrtl1"f' 1. fht.• ThYmes arfl onl~· fnir- I+ "HEARTS" ~ . Friday Evening, • B + + '1cl1lil1g some of tbf' si11t•lights 10 tli(' f~p '.~-xprc~-..('d in "trong- ;-r>rms hi .. a.ppr"- I ut _1.10 onp in that song :\ti"'('l't" • + no program T'ridt1)' O'\'ening ""'" po per g-hcn the day hoforo J.y )[,.., \\' r<ation nr the \<"Ork oi the Y. W. t .. \ ll1' loYet! """ i, :1 hea1·. t A touching drama of 'trong heart +



SHOE DRESSING ~1;_"'"" 1 hi: lh·· girl<' <'horu' and S]'ecd1e, .T. t'hrHie. '1lrs. Hall """' formerh· an•l Y. )[. 1· .. I. on tlh' hill. 11., men- -t'Jc,·clau,l Plain Dealer. t appeal by Carey Lee. in two par<s. i

· Di. 1 Jr,,·h and 1fr>. llaruln1a11n, " a memher of the cnllog<' farnlt1· her.' lio1w.1 1110 oppnrt11nitit•< iu snonll t<nrn< T lik• "'fh» )liller's Daughter," + Seldom iu the hbiory of lhe sJI- + dnet hY )Ir. nJl!l )fr:::.. Bi~ho11. tin in1 l . l l [ •:• en1 drama has a story of 'uch + will soften and preserve your Shoe' an• expr<'S>e•l ;ple:tsure in rl'iurninJ' a11•l in tho t·on1m_y for ,.,,li;:io11> wor'<. 'o; al""-'"' tliu- + depth of emotion been so co11VJ11c- +

besides rendering them water-proof. 1'"' 111J•tu ialk In· )fr. \l"i,•k,'lsln1111 au.l .spe.-iall_,. at sud1 an n11>pi•·i01" Ji1u<'. gil"i11g '"''<'1·nl exaniplc>. 11" l'io<e•l 1,.,. Yet no OIH' in t.hnt Jni1· snw: :J: i.ngly siaged. :j:: :1 l'<'lldiug Joy \jj,, )!rt 101111 oft.ho""!- :-ihe g:on• !l'.'ln)' ]Jrnrtir:ol l1inl< for lhn'c snyiug !hat O!lt' 11-ho i, tlt.-Y.-inpe:l '"Bl'iiew him. sb."'s som;, kid." :;: :;:

Shoe• rreated inth this oil rec,ni~ le~,, nl }[iS>onln, a•lrl ••l :111oti11'1' plen<- rnterr_sleol in tt1long "l' roporting n> a rqnall:· on all >itl1» exerts n ~r1•a1 ill· -~<'"' Yo.-k )fnil. '.i: Sunday, four reels, inclnding :l' water-proof much lo<>aer ili,•n "'heu, -.uy ant ,.,.l'tHu!! to th,, l'n11t•rt·s. '· Jl 1· 1·1r·1,.•,, 1ot·nt1u·11 fl11 •oi' · I · \111 T 1·1·

11 ~, n· ·' ·•• ~ " ·- ~- < • • ( ( \' IU s 1ap111g- th(' lift' ot' rlw l'O:n· . ' I \l1 .-.1wnni:e i\"l'l" + "The Oath of ....

b tt · ·, · 1t n. cl o_ ~\ 1nnrtq•n is g-n··~ mun1t~· in whid1 ll(" li•···~ . 1en n t:'l'l't SWL't't aud low. .-t• ~ other dre..;si..ng is used and will •,ake '_1'01~ 1 • ul th1· prvf1:1s .. in11!' nl' 1 .. 11, .. ,l,•n- l>r :.\!:ii 'i !'I I f '[" 1 I · ,,.1 tt l ...:'.• & a e er polish after being oiled. 111 .. tr_, .. ll'1•h tt'i'lllrt', lot,•··.1 ,. \<"fJr' ,., ,,J on• I tl I t h n }' 0 T s '' ~· f>. , , '~ 0. .Ii' J(>SJ' 0. Pr ]('dlln.'s 01\ flllliJton :-.;ll'i'l g'.tl\ p :1 \'il~ .. l] Solo, Or 110 011(' in thnr !'Oil~ 1'0llfi1h~~ :t suru an +

111 ·.,.rn~. :i ... 'on 1•1·ru"' "'''llHln. lil'I' rnlk l rotr~~rnnnl ·womnn antl TlC'r wl1i.:•l1 w:1s urnt·li npln'i'Pi:lft•·l liy all thos~ Tlrnt moth('r·s !..!Ot a lwnu. .·;.·. ~



The Willson Co.

1 was forceful, in,tru•·ti\,, nu.J <'nt<'rtain· lTt"nllh Tt t I 1 I l - IN TWO REELS


11_1.:!,.as wa ... l11•r J>11•\·1n11s t,·olk. 111 ,·,,. wo~w111. 'll1 l :1·cln~:-1 ~110 t•:l1 t i:1[ 1,1 ... ,.,,ry· wl io lwt"rC' prl'~1•11t. 'fhr 111N'tiu~ wa~ -.luil~<'. t This b ncte~ by both Jnpaiiese ~ • • ' ;:.;Ir lll .. Oll ~111a t'll1\' 11ot I(' O~f't with lh'lll•+lid1011 }iy ,~'. \" r t + +: ~1ght inrn ,,.,,,,·nl }<rol"•"i"n" ""' ar- h:\\<' hct1rtl !hi> fin<' lerlun-. whi.-h """ . "'· "•311. ~· and American player-. ant! neted ~

t1H.,l1•ol tlrt· dt·lt•gB1t>s h~· !his li'i'ttll<'. ., fili' 1 1 \. . • •• well. The price centers ou a ~~ ' 111~ c· us(' t(l t w prngrnm of th" - ~t1td1 in t1111(' ~:l\'l'" l'1llhtll'r:l:.~11H..,11t. ":.. torpedo boat inveutiou of jmpor- : ~! 1 "'· Baud111an11 of \li ... -.:011l:l., ... pok•• ('Ongrc~~. nerrn U1 ... rrid< lllll!l1• :l fr\\' He wn~ Going Some. -8ta11t\1nl l'lrnp:11·ral. + t ance TO two nation .... and tell..; +

on,'.' Panuin;:: t\S a Bn>ine" for \l"ont- •·lusiu~ re111a1·k,, and 1h>' rc>t of tho A ~rnUJ• of, isitur' '"" goiu;:: throu)(l• ~: of the on th that was designed t.o : en.' . ~n l. nltlrnn,h it w:os "" fun, _,

1,,. mt11·:1111g wns gin'" oY<r to th,• girls fr,, the ,.,,nnt' ia.I 1111 ,1 a llill·h ll>"gro tru,n· :j; get the plan away from their ~

soo.l ll one woul.1 lc•arn <Ire husines,_ !he ""''.!"n•111·Ps, with the nrious J,•,·t11rer< .. wn< rnlJ,.,l to open doors for the Yisitor;. The Eternal Feminine. + rightful owner. Both reel- !Jn''" <f "'"""' """' lnrge. )Ir<. Ila11.J111an11 i> Tho~ J.'.1<1·0 the ~iris an lllli1'nal O]'i""" "l11m do )ou like ii in l1t•1·e?" on<' \\'hen ,1 •• 1,1_1- ~<'ts a hant.lsom•' {<',,, ~: t hrill and action right ihrough. ~ a '\\Oman who, :i.t'tet l1l•in~ lt•ft, at tli,, tnrnt~· to tnlk Jlt'1's1rnnll~· with tJrn:.;l, of 11!1• won1t•n a~kC'd. "'b t FIVE-PIECE ORCHESTRA l 1 th ~· _rersm1s ,,-11

0 hail


0 .•

11,,1 •• s.··fiil


11 ,.

0,._ .1 0 world is foll oi cloth\.'s for mC'. ~... .y.:. '·en ?f hC'r lrnsbaua, with a ln rge frutt

1. ... ·• ~· ~ '' L'.kl' .ir 1 1113 'am? Tf r-n1h .\ h ,gtits '\rh~·n hoys :l nd f are on good t ...-·rm... + ·~

r_anL·h in t}lt' Bitll"I' Root \',•ti!,•<·, c_-,,,.,., .. _ .. __ .. 10\1!> 1111.'ti of work, nn1l man\" ,,f tl1c Ont n h ·nl 11 'Ji r +- GLD E TH ~ .. ... __ o· 1

• P 1 • 1 tt.o :iO nr fnun he>re Hut ·whrn l think, I mu~t l'onfo::;s + B EATRE 1 1ulty hrtb- currieJ 011 t1e lmsine:-:s. l111re'1.wtent home with definite plan~ t~1r t '\1 la'kt' ui11e i1ollttr.;, to ~en, m~ a po:;- .)f~· n1in1l i::i. full of nothinl•l\es.;. :~ !

ll ure . j tn1· \.':tJ'1l,, • ,... r , Th(' air Js .full of .k..is.:;ing gt!rm~. :+ ... :'""'·~>++4+++++++++....: