®k lEattjjmaii ató SoutliríiL. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 22, 1893. great gathering io the city of Benjamin the *^^IfÄÄ>^Beel one with another and sell JfaBfcrelàfr 2. And Benjamin, the ChieTTapÄ^ did go ia and oat uaoeg the peoprevta spy apon them, if happy he might dis- cover some vender of strong drink. 3. Bat there waa a certain renegade Tillmamte, who had not the fear of Benjamin before his eyes. 4. Moreover, thia Tillmanite did walk ia devions wave, aod waa of most aaraly spirit. 5. 'He did even sat ap for himself a booth, where be did vend strong .drink onto aa many warfarers as came nigh sato him.* í¿ » * * 6. < had make diligent search ia and out among Steeple, bfcgi fall up&Jta* anralj^PinSsaite vjjÍ&d vend J&Éow drink? . %\*<& 7. Thee was Benjamin exceeding wroth, and spoke haag ht i ly unto bim, saying : "Thou an profitable servant Alii***!*?**!? ^ < law ¿ ' ^B¿4e Äado^efstrong drink was nothing moved, and,did laugh Beajaa^tola^^ttid tèaio hi«* *lGotj¿tb<)aBeoiaajÍE,:heTiHoianire: thoa w%lJl«*4*¿fr lion, bat'bray- become commanded bis spies tb at they seato upon the Teador of strong drink. $ 11Î tar/ j 11. Aad whea Benjamin had seat his prisca |aard>s the* executed not bil wU^T^nrW aad claft aot'be found. 12. Whew Beopawo. bad peri»etved these things, he ~ a^ aJreigfcw**, t jaw- ared with, (hame, that bia. foolish threats had come td naeght. and de¬ parted atta*ffet*aj auto bia tíwa: boase. 13. Aad the people ate these things nasoaed oaV wtth^Ärh^ er, saying ; -What manner of ruler is this, that brentfaeth forth threatenings yet Heath before aa ofeader .* 14 However, the Prophet marveled. »ot, for he Imam wearie** Ms^kêmml wri^: . .À.^MÀ^j^^wm^ m a mortar.w Thu omSSfS rknv &*¿ WASSDKJTC», NovewÄef 14 -The has fe« mWeU bas played bto the beads of Great Britain. According to the story cur¬ rent ^Jktgjß tbcf-aetioo. . of the presi- dent is the very thin* above all others that gaglao'^a^^ is sn opea secret nf diplomatic circles that Great Britain wishes to have indirect control of the Hawaiian »les through j the future.. sovereignty of Princess Katalaèf, niece of the queen and heir apparent to the throne. She it was jr bo mad& tbVjánÉnt i vs appeal to Pre¬ sident: Cleveland while she was at Waakii^da l^spnag. The princess was educated la Eeg- land and has spent the bast part of ber lifo there auder the gaardlaoshrip of Mr. Davies-, an English subject who is financially interested to a considerable extent ia the government of the Hawaiian Isles. It was through bis personal influence with the qaeea that he waa selected as the guardian of the princesa. Tba latter Became a mem¬ ber of bis household. The princess it BOW io her eighteenth year and is a yoong lady of unusual intelligence. Mr. and Mrs Davies accompanied her ea her visit to the Ueited States and we|a vera eloquent in their claim for recognition ot ber "rights by the It - will also be recalled rare considera-1 United States tba; tr tioo, Mrsv Çêeaelandvga^^-.for **.-to call upoo her. According' fa infest advices Mr. Davies is io Hooolulo, having accompanied Minister Willis on bis trip front èaa Fraecrso. The prin¬ cess ts io England anxiously awaiting results ia Eîawali. This"*© oatoral, as the queen js gettiag old and feeble, and the princess is the next in Hoe of succession. As Mr. Davies come to Washington to iook oat for ber interests it ts natara! to presume that be has gone to Honolulu for the same parpóse, sod there is a belief sjoat that Mr. Davies was giveo a private tip as to the president's policy of restoring the queen. The theory tn diplomatic circles is that Great Britain will be the only oona try to benefit bj the so-called coup d'etat of Mr. Cleveland in bringing about the restora¬ tion of Queen Liliuokalani. She bas always agHated wita th e^ogfieV party *m ied^prjar to berasceot 4 waa notoriously and offcu¬ ts; American*. The it they can count upon or t of ber upon speedily,'as she is of a short-lived race, ber successor on the throne, Prioee-s Kalutaoi, will be thoroughly British io all ber sympa¬ thies aod actions. Then, as the Ueited States was instrumental in plac¬ ing her in power, it cannot consider¬ ately dispute ber administration. It is intimated at the state department that aU the /oreg io powers ii» io ter** t «ere ratified iñt^advaoce of. . iïbe proideofî'a purpose, and that it received their unanimous approval, if the Kaiulaui theory be correct there will be no reasoo to doubt that Great Britain is more tbao delighted at the tarn of affairs. % . Under the treaty of annexation con¬ by Secretary Foster and the ¿ooers of the provisional fient the United States agreed Queen Liliuokalani $20,000 and $20,0$$ annually thereafter ..daring^h^Ki of her natural life," and l|¡¡?to puy eess Kalulani the sua. of provided they, io good ftirh,. **to the authority of the Uni and the ioeal government of: the islands." The treaty was sabqaently withrawo by President Cleveland and has now been utterly repudiated.- Speeial to the Atlanta Constitution. Gen. Wade Hamptons letter has been much discussed the past week. It was toi>e expected that the Abbeville etina a nf «| pfP6^ í&fi¡í& c'a88 iowepev^n^^íoveinént. and bowl about the abolishment of Clemson College. While the Conservative press seems to divided as to tbe timeliness of the scheme« large «umber. hold to tnè opinion that the idea isa good one ¡¿and should ¿ be puk in-practice, ; It ta weli that the matter were openly dis- f^éséU^^há* » «boot afloat fiampi ton's letter means- tîiat the Democrat? oî^tèè-Sâfe opeo' àeîÂyes si to whither \<á¿ ^plrty gjaj drifting j jWe> .arc jaure. that when the time comes, the sober. ¿BteHigeot eitixOTS; *eff the States will cast their lot with the Rational Demo- oratio Party rÖherihäl ^titb gjjfjg« m When^by^D|nly delclares «hen ooWroi eroor goes out to St* ^Ipots and fishes for tba Third Pary »ömination ; wheo io the State ,are repre- 'bird ^MJffi * nm anea, wtty »cou fd Con« servative Democrats piny the ostrich F.aelpowlhide their beads in die sand ? Wise or unwise, some such move aa Baaotoo -suggests is bound to be made sooner or latter -Aiken Journal anet Rettew. yoe weak and weary, BM Elec tr VC fi » tte rF. This ' léatédy aot» dtaeetiy oe Liver. Stomal and Kidneys, gently aiding those organs to pcs form their Jetions. If yo« ara iJBteted with Siek H-deeba, voa will find speedy abd parma nant Ona tri»l will th« remedy yon seed, j bottles on!y ¿Se. at J. P. W. DeLbrae's " Prag Stow. ^ 6 f6r Övor Fifty Yoor». 'J SoovHiac 8T»ÜP bas beta Hdren teething. lt soothes th» child, softens the gums, allays all paw», caret wind colic, and it tba beat iremedy for Diar¬ rhoea. Twent v-fi ve cen T s a bettie. ---^^i^a>^?^?^^^as^^^"~^ When Bábywmí^^íí^^^lQáhotlmf When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she ching to Castoria. I When she had Children, she gave them Castorfe j Jj V:it>-:?*1"'. .,??;> For kidney and liver trouble Glenn Springs water is a cure. On draught at fiugbson & Co's drug store. LOST-A LÂEGÉ ÄilOOTT OP MONEY Is lost annually by parties purchasing worth¬ less fruit trees, roses, ftc. Get them from a firm that grows their own trees, sends out nothing but good stock and sells at reason- able prices We want the address of every farmer or gardener in your section and wiiJ make you a liberal offer, write for jjarticulars aod prices at once, send Stampfer descriptive Catalogue. Agents wanted everywhere. Address, CHEROKEE NURSERY CO., Waycross, Ga. (Mention this Paper.) Who are for the first time to undergo woman's severest trial we offerf J "Motiiers Friend" A remedy which, if used as directed a few weeks before confinement, robs it cf its PAIN, HORROR AND RISK TO LIFE of both mother and child, as thousands who Have used it testify. "Insed two bottles of MOTHERS FRIEND with marvelous results, and wish tve» y w nun who has to pass through the ordenl of emla birth to know if they will use MOTHERS FRIEND foratew weeks it will robconfinexnentof ^<w*and svf ring, and insure safety to life cf motlier and chudP MRS. SAM HAMILTON, Montgomery City,Mo. 8ent by express, charges pre-aid, on receipt pf price, $1.50 per bottle Sold by all druggists, i ook To Mothers mailed free. BRADFIELD RECULATOR Co, Atlanta, Ga- s JOHNSON'S MAGNETIC OILI matant mtier ol Pain. Internal and External. Cures RHEUMATISM. NEURAL¬ GIA, Lame Back. Sprains, Braire*, Swellings, Stiff Jointe, COLIC una CRAMPS instantly. Cholera Mor¬ as, Croup,Diptheria, Sore Throat, _ZADACHE, as ll by magic, , THE HORSE BRAND, 88S$ÜEffiá& 1 the most Powerful and Penetrating Liniment for Man ! or Beast la existence. Large H size 75<^ eoe sizetóc jowffsoirs ORfEtrrAL «OAP. .Medicated and Toilet. The Great Skin Cure and Fae« Beautifier. Ladlee will find it the most delicate and nighty perfumed Toilet Soap on me market lt is absolutely pure. Makes the akin soft and velvety and restores the lost com¬ plexion ; is a luxury for the Bath for Infanta. It alays itching, cleanses the scalp and promotes Ste growth of hair. Price 25c. For sale by DR. A. J. CHINA, SUMTER, S. C, COLLEGS, .\"'¿n>i*,<.:.. Q:KO(_thc most cem- I ¡- :.; Î -...:...« r- nVthrS th; Aerial-Business; College \l ?:. *! hy :. a . in : pnvx%zportions; CURES SCROFULA Mr«. E. «?. Rowell, Medford, Mass., says her mothar las been cored of Scrofula by ths use of four battles of RKKS after having had much otter tnjat- KSESSS ment, and being reduced to quite a low condition of health, as it was thought she could not M ve. Cured my tittle boy tary sucfc'a of heredi- whtchap- face. For given up all. .< pe try, when finally neared all over [ '- year I had pf his £ waa JV^Î^5^ induced tiles cured him, and no the disease remain. T.L. MATHERS^Mathcrvflle, Miss. UM mailed free. HC CO.. AlUatL. Gi. WRIO HOTEL COLUMB1A,0. G. WHS -0- -W"- S. L. WRIGHT * SQH, Proprietors. Liberty; Street Next to P. 0. SPECIAL ATTENTION Given to Com poa od ¡op Prescriptions nm \m ¡rn mn AT BOTTOM PRICES« WATCHMAN AM SMITH««» f JnB «FFïl K SUMTER, S C J'« ???AH FOR Everything in this Line R. W. DURANT & SON. i5 |#&c, &c. Cooking and Heating Stores, Guns, Pistols; Cartridges all He»sehold articles Oct, 4 LITKIA _fl HARRIS9 LITHIA SPRINGS, 8. C. td varied experience in the ute of Mineral Waters from man j sources, ^ ettie, 1 am lolly persuaded that toe Harrie Lttlria.'-.Wwte cyln tbe treatment of afflictions of toe Kidney and Bladder unequaled an jr water of w bien I have made trial. tliisopinion is based opon observation of tts effects upon my patients for tbe past three years, during which time I nave perscribed it freely and atmest uniformly arith benefit fn the mee «cable maladies above mentioned. Mr> phew failure tp relieve bas occurred, I have imputed it to insufficient nae of the Water, for my elperjeoee teaches me that from one to two quarts daily should be taken from two to four weeks to secare its full remedial effects. A. N. TALLY, M. D. Columbia, 8. C., October »tb, IO». Canon, January 38, COB. £*- J. T. Hariris, Btq., Waterloo, S C. : Dear Sir-I 6nd great benefit from the osé 'of | four Lithia Water. I consider it a fine tonic and general regulator of the digestion, aa well as wy efficacious io those diseases for which Lttbta is eonsldeied aomewbat of a anecilc. JUDGE J. B. K8R8BAW. Hy wife has been using your Lithia Water and is very much benefitted. I consider it in every respect equal to the famous Buff*lo Lithia Water. Abbeville,8. C JTJt)GB*J. 8. COTHRAN. FOR SALK IN SUMTER BY DR CBWA, DR. DsLORMS, DR. McKAGEN AND March 22-v _ HÜGH80N k CO. J! r. W. DeLORME DEALER !N- Agen» rx- Toilet Soaps, Perfumery and all Kinds ot Druggist's Sundries Usually Kept in a t Class Drug Si Tobacco, Snuff fand Cigars, Gsrden Seeds, also Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass Putty, &c. Dye Stuffs. Physician's Prescriptions carefully compounded, and orders answered with care aod dispatch. The public will find my stock of Medicines complete, warranted genuine, and of best quality. Call and see for yourselves. I i?ht Calls Promptly Attended To. Drugs and Medicines, Soaps, Perfumery, Hair Brushes Tooth brushes, Tooth Powder, Also, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Floor Staius, Kalsomioe, all colors for rooms. Artists' Paints and Brushes, Luster Paints. Convex Glasses. Nice line of Hanging and Stand Lamps, Lanterns, Shades, Wicks, Chimneys, &c. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Keep the following popular brand of Cigars : "Plumb Good," "Custom House," "Rebel Girl." Sep30 FRESH GARDEN SEED._Prescriptions carefully compounded. JEWELRY. Watches, Diamonds, Sterling and Plated Silverware, LARGE STOCK SUITABLE FOR WEDDING PRESENTS. Clocks, Optical G-oods, Fine Knives, Scissors and Razors. Machine Needles. &c. FOLSOM. SIGN OF THE BIG WATCH. ESTABLISHED isos. Sumter, S. C. for Infants and Children. ' ' Ca» tori» is so well adapted to children that Ca« tor ia cures Colic, Constipation, I recomn^end it cs superior to any prescription Sour Stomach, Diarrhea, Eructation, uy^Cojacv'1 - .IL A. AECEEB, iL D.. Ells Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di- lil Co. Oziord Ct, Crooklyn, K. Y. gestion. Without injurious medication. . "Tue use of 'Cestoria i j so universal and "For several years I have recommended : :r.crit; so wdilbiown that it seems a work your4 CastoriV and shall always continue to c f suncrcrogationio endorse it Few ore the do so os it hos invariably produced beneficial Srcligcnt families who do not heep Castoria results. " v.;*^cat7rcach.',, EDWIR F PABDUZ, M. D., CASIXÂMARTYS, D. 125th Street and 7th Ave, New York City. Sew York City THE CECTAUR COMPJJÏT, 77 JIUREXY STREET, SEW YORK Crrr. OBWHHHMSaWaVMOaVMHBJn nwd>iwwi"iii|i>i wu II ni MU .*<;>x .«sean ^P'.'.'v. uarters. J. W. CRIBBES & CO., . 1Ö1 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. SOUTH CAROLINA AGENTS FOR THE "DENSMOM The Twentieth Century Typewriter.- WE fill orders promptly for all kinds of Typewriter novelties and supplies for all Machines and for Mini eogrcphs and Neosty I es. - l%e 'DÈNSMORÈ is'tbe latest achievement of tbe Deosmore fanail j, by whom its predecessor, the Remington, was developed, lt bas fixed type-bar hangers and non.vibrating-two points wbicb insure lasting alignment. It is the most modero and practical machine 00 the market.1 Tn e D ENS MORE is o*ed by the fa moas Cíxeegie Steel Company, the Centrai Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, too Rapid Adáressiog Company of New York, which exhibits 16 Densmores in operation at tbe World's Fai*v the New York, Central and Hudson River Railroad, R. G *Doo 4k Co's Mercantile Agency. Some of the nsers of the Deosmore io Colombia, are : The Evening Joornai, Jones A M'xsoo's Basioess College Mid Typewriting School. Richmond sod Danville Railroad, Master of Trains' Office, Judge S. . W. Melton, Union Central Life Insoraace Company* Benedict Institute and others. - .J ",.. .;.>,,.>í^t Ji9, * <t ¿fc rappir dealers at good disoomrt.. ».a«* Í ».c. Said the Bicycle j Te tts Rifer j Take« ff* ' I J* * Have said the same to the PRICES of SHOES THIS SEASON. Our SHOES were being made up and most of thom finished when the Disastrous Storm struck us. We laid in a Stock for a Now we MUST sell them. If you are lookiug for Bargains in Shoea SEE US. We have just opened a Shoe to catch young men, Genuine German Cordovan, Hand Sewed for $5.0O. Never seen before in this countrv. Our $3.00 Shoes still Lead all others.J Our $2.00 Ladies' Button Boots, are Unexcelled. THE LEADERS, Monaghan Block - Sumter, S. C. j Qa.*- 1893. Fall and Winter. 1893. Opposite the Court House, SIGN OF THE "BIS BSD BOOT." WE KEEP PACE WITO THE PROCESSION. Everything up to Date. No fogy methods/ Procession is the rule. Will give you the for the LEAST MONEY. For evidence come and see our GOODS and be CON¬ VINCED. We have a complete line of Men's (ÍIA Goodyear Welts at vw Also a handsome Ladies Button oj Shoe at All of our goods will be sold at popular prices to suit the STORMY HARD TIMES. Bring in ONE DOLLAR and we will give you a pair of Ladies' Button Shoes, ''Solid as a Rock," andfor another Dollar you will get a pair Men's Shoes "Solid as Iron." Our TRUNKS are the CHEAPEST and the BEST in the City.

The watchman and southron.(Sumter, S.C.) 1893-11-22

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®k lEattjjmaii ató SoutliríiL.WEDNESDAY, NOV. 22, 1893.

great gathering io thecity of Benjamin the *^^IfÄÄ>^Beelone with another and sell JfaBfcrelàfr

2. And Benjamin, the ChieTTapÄ^did go ia and oat uaoeg the peoprevtaspy apon them, if happy he might dis-cover some vender of strong drink.

3. Bat there waa a certain renegadeTillmamte, who had not the fear ofBenjamin before his eyes.

4. Moreover, thia Tillmanite did walkia devions wave, aod waa of most aaralyspirit.

5.'He did even sat ap for himself a

booth, where be did vend strong .drinkonto aa many warfarers as came nighsato him.* í¿ »

* *


had make diligent search ia and out

among Steeple, bfcgi fall up&Jta*anralj^PinSsaite vjjÍ&d vend J&Éowdrink? .

%\*<&7. Thee was Benjamin exceeding

wroth, and spoke haaght ily unto bim,saying : "Thou an profitable servant

Alii***!*?**!?^ <

law ¿'

^B¿4e Äado^efstrong drinkwas nothing moved, and,did laughBeajaa^tola^^ttid tèaiohi«**lGotj¿tb<)aBeoiaajÍE,:heTiHoianire:thoa w%lJl«*4*¿fr lion, bat'bray-

becomecommanded bis spies tb at they seato

upon the Teador of strong drink. $11Î

tar/ j11. Aad whea Benjamin had seat his

prisca |aard>s the* executed not bil

wU^T^nrW aad claft aot'befound.

12. Whew Beopawo. bad peri»etvedthese things, he ~a^ aJreigfcw**, tjaw-ared with, (hame, that bia. foolishthreats had come td naeght. and de¬

parted atta*ffet*aj auto bia tíwa:

boase.13. Aad the people ate

these things nasoaed oaV wtth^Ärh^er, saying ; -What manner of ruler isthis, that brentfaeth forth threateningsyet Heath before aa ofeader .*14 However, the Prophet marveled.

»ot, for he Imam wearie**Ms^kêmmlwri^: ..À.^MÀ^j^^wm^m a mortar.w

Thu omSSfSrknv &*¿

WASSDKJTC», NovewÄef 14 -The

has fe« mWeUbas played bto the beads of GreatBritain. According to the story cur¬

rent ^Jktgjß tbcf-aetioo. . of the presi-dent is the very thin* above all othersthat gaglao'^a^is sn

opea secret nf diplomatic circles thatGreat Britain wishes to have indirectcontrol of the Hawaiian »les through jthe future.. sovereignty of PrincessKatalaèf, niece of the queen and heirapparent to the throne. She it was

jrbo mad&tbVjánÉnt ivs appeal to Pre¬sident: Cleveland while she was at

Waakii^da l^spnag.The princess was educated la Eeg-

land and has spent the bast part of berlifo there auder the gaardlaoshrip of Mr.Davies-, an English subject who isfinancially interested to a considerableextent ia the government of theHawaiian Isles. It was through bispersonal influence with the qaeea thathe waa selected as the guardian of theprincesa. Tba latter Became a mem¬

ber of bis household. The princess itBOW io her eighteenth year and is a

yoong lady of unusual intelligence.Mr. and Mrs Davies accompanied

her ea her visit to the Ueited Statesand we|a vera eloquent in their claimfor recognition ot ber "rights by the

It - will also be recalled

rare considera-1

United Statestba;trtioo, Mrsv Çêeaelandvga^^-.for **.-tocall upoo her. According' fa infestadvices Mr. Davies is io Hooolulo,having accompanied Minister Willis on

bis trip front èaa Fraecrso. The prin¬cess ts io England anxiously awaitingresults ia Eîawali. This"*© oatoral, as

the queen js gettiag old and feeble, andthe princess is the next in Hoe ofsuccession. As Mr. Davies come to

Washington to iook oat for ber interestsit ts natara! to presume that be hasgone to Honolulu for the same parpóse,sod there is a belief sjoat that Mr.Davies was giveo a private tip as to thepresident's policy of restoring thequeen.The theory tn diplomatic circles is that

Great Britain will be the only oonatry to

benefit bj the so-called coup d'etat of Mr.Cleveland in bringing about the restora¬tion of Queen Liliuokalani. She basalways agHated wita the^ogfieV party

*m ied^prjar to berasceot 4waa notoriously and offcu¬

ts; American*. Theit they can count uponort of berupon speedily,'as she

is of a short-lived race, ber successor

on the throne, Prioee-s Kalutaoi, willbe thoroughly British io all ber sympa¬thies aod actions. Then, as theUeited States was instrumental in plac¬ing her in power, it cannot consider¬ately dispute ber administration. It isintimated at the state department that

aU the /oreg io powers ii» io ter** t «ere

ratified iñt^advaoce of. . iïbe proideofî'apurpose, and that it received theirunanimous approval, if the Kaiulauitheory be correct there will be no

reasoo to doubt that Great Britain ismore tbao delighted at the tarn ofaffairs. % .

Under the treaty of annexation con¬

by Secretary Foster and the¿ooers of the provisional

fient the United States agreedQueen Liliuokalani $20,000

and $20,0$$ annually thereafter..daring^h^Ki of her naturallife," and l|¡¡?to puyeess Kalulani the sua. ofprovided they, io good ftirh,.**to the authority of the Uniand the ioeal government of: theislands." The treaty was sabqaentlywithrawo by President Cleveland andhas now been utterly repudiated.-Speeial to the Atlanta Constitution.

Gen. Wade Hamptons letter hasbeen much discussed the past week. Itwas toi>e expected that the Abbeville

etina anf «| pfP6^ í&fi¡í& c'a88iowepev^n^^íoveinént. and

bowl about the abolishment of ClemsonCollege. While the Conservative pressseems to divided as to tbe timelinessof the scheme« large «umber. hold to

tnè opinion that the idea isa good one

¡¿and should ¿ be puk in-practice, ; It ta

weli that the matter were openly dis-

f^éséU^^há* » «boot afloatfiampiton's letter means- tîiat the Democrat?oî^tèè-Sâfe opeo' àeîÂyes si to whither\<á¿ ^plrty gjaj drifting j jWe> .arc jaure.that when the time comes, the sober.¿BteHigeot eitixOTS; *eff the States willcast their lot with the Rational Demo-oratio Party rÖherihäl ^titbgjjfjg«mWhen^by^D|nly delclares

«hen ooWroieroor goes out to St* ^Ipots and fishesfor tba Third Pary »ömination ; wheo

io the State ,are repre-'bird ^MJffi *nmanea, wtty »cou fd Con«

servative Democrats piny the ostrichF.aelpowlhide their beads in die sand ?Wise or unwise, some such move aa

Baaotoo -suggests is bound to be madesooner or latter -Aiken Journal anetRettew.

yoe weak and weary, BM ElectrVC fi » tterF. This' léatédy aot» dtaeetiy oe Liver. Stomal andKidneys, gently aiding those organs to pcsformtheirJetions. If yo« ara iJBteted with SiekH-deeba, voa will find speedy abd parmanant

Ona tri»l willth« remedy yon seed,

j W» bottles on!y ¿Se. at J. P. W. DeLbrae's" Prag Stow.


f6r ÖvorFifty Yoor».'J SoovHiac 8T»ÜP bas beta

Hdren teething. lt soothes th»child, softens the gums, allays all paw», caretwind colic, and it tba beat iremedy for Diar¬rhoea. Twentv-five cen Ts a bettie.


When Bábywmí^^íí^^^lQáhotlmfWhen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.When she became Miss, she ching to Castoria.

I When she had Children, she gavethem Castorfe

j Jj V:it>-:?*1"'. .,??;>

For kidney and liver trouble Glenn Springswater is a cure. On draught at fiugbson &Co's drug store.


Is lost annually by parties purchasing worth¬less fruit trees, roses, ftc. Get them from a

firm that grows their own trees, sends out

nothing but good stock and sells at reason-

able prices We want the address of everyfarmer or gardener in your section and wiiJmake you a liberal offer, write for jjarticularsaod prices at once, send Stampfer descriptiveCatalogue.

Agents wanted everywhere.Address,


(Mention this Paper.)

Who are for the first time to

undergo woman's severest trialwe offerf J"Motiiers Friend"A remedy which, if used as directed a fewweeks before confinement, robs it cf its


of both mother and child, as thousands whoHave used it testify."Insed two bottles of MOTHERS FRIEND with

marvelous results, and wish tve» y w nun

who has to pass through the ordenl of emla birth to

know if they will use MOTHERS FRIEND foratewweeks it will robconfinexnentof ^<w*andsvf ring,and insure safety to life cf motlier and chudP

MRS. SAM HAMILTON, Montgomery City,Mo.8ent by express, charges pre-aid, on receipt pf

price, $1.50 per bottle Sold by all druggists, i ookTo Mothers mailed free.



matant mtier ol Pain.Internal and External.

Cures RHEUMATISM. NEURAL¬GIA,Lame Back. Sprains,Braire*,Swellings, Stiff Jointe, COLIC unaCRAMPS instantly. Cholera Mor¬

as, Croup,Diptheria, Sore Throat,_ZADACHE, as ll by magic,

, THE HORSE BRAND, 88S$ÜEffiá&1 the most Powerful and PenetratingLiniment for Man! or Beastla existence. LargeH size 75<^ eoe sizetóc

jowffsoirs ORfEtrrAL«OAP..Medicated and Toilet. The Great Skin Cure andFae« Beautifier. Ladlee will find it the mostdelicate and nighty perfumed Toilet Soap on

me market lt is absolutely pure. Makes theakin soft and velvety and restores the lost com¬plexion ; is a luxury for the Bath for Infanta.It alays itching, cleanses the scalp and promotesSte growth of hair. Price 25c. For sale byDR. A. J. CHINA, SUMTER, S. C,

COLLEGS, .\"'¿n>i*,<.:.. Q:KO(_thc most cem-

I ¡- :.; Î -...:...« r- nVthrS th; Aerial-Business; College\l ?:. *! hy :. a . in : pnvx%zportions;

CURES SCROFULAMr«. E. «?. Rowell, Medford, Mass., says her

mothar las been cored of Scrofula by ths use

of four battles ofRKKS after having had

much otter tnjat- KSESSS ment, and beingreduced to quite a low condition of health, as itwas thought she could not M ve.

Curedmy tittle boytary sucfc'a

of heredi-whtchap-face. For

givenup all. .< petry, when finally

neared all over

[ '- year I hadpf his£ waa JV^Î^5^ induced

tilescuredhim,and nothe disease remain.T.L. MATHERS^Mathcrvflle, Miss.

UM mailed free.HC CO.. AlUatL. Gi.


WHS-0- -W"-

S. L. WRIGHT * SQH,Proprietors.

Liberty; Street Next to P. 0.SPECIAL ATTENTION

Given to Com poa od ¡op Prescriptions

nm \m ¡rn mnAT BOTTOM PRICES«



J'« ???AH


Everything in this Line


|#&c, &c. Cooking andHeating Stores, Guns, Pistols;

Cartridges all He»sehold articles

Oct, 4


td varied experience in the ute of Mineral Waters from manj sources,

^ ettie, 1 am lolly persuaded that toe Harrie Lttlria.'-.Wwtecyln tbe treatment of afflictions of toe Kidney and Bladder unequaled an jr

water of w bien I have made trial.tliisopinion is based opon observation of tts effects upon my patients for tbe past

three years, during which time I nave perscribed it freely and atmest uniformly arith benefitfn the mee «cable maladies above mentioned.Mr> phew failure tp relieve bas occurred, I have imputed it to insufficient nae of the Water,for my elperjeoee teaches me that from one to two quarts daily should be taken from two to

four weeks to secare its full remedial effects. A. N. TALLY, M. D.Columbia, 8. C., October »tb, IO».

Canon, January 38, COB. £*-J. T. Hariris, Btq., Waterloo, S C. : Dear Sir-I 6nd great benefit from the osé 'of |

four Lithia Water. I consider it a fine tonic and general regulator of the digestion, aa wellas wy efficacious io those diseases for which Lttbta is eonsldeied aomewbat of a anecilc.

JUDGE J. B. K8R8BAW.Hy wife has been using your Lithia Water and is very much benefitted. I consider it

in every respect equal to the famous Buff*lo Lithia Water.Abbeville,8. C JTJt)GB*J. 8. COTHRAN.







Toilet Soaps, Perfumery and all Kinds ot Druggist'sSundries Usually Kept in a

t Class Drug SiTobacco, Snuff fand Cigars, Gsrden Seeds, also Paints, Oils, Varnishes,

Glass Putty, &c. Dye Stuffs.

Physician's Prescriptions carefully compounded, and orders answered with care

aod dispatch. The public will find my stock of Medicines complete, warrantedgenuine, and of best quality. Call and see for yourselves.

I i?ht Calls Promptly Attended To.

Drugs and Medicines, Soaps, Perfumery, Hair BrushesTooth brushes, Tooth Powder, Also, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Floor

Staius, Kalsomioe, all colors for rooms. Artists' Paints andBrushes, Luster Paints. Convex Glasses.

Nice line of Hanging and Stand Lamps, Lanterns, Shades, Wicks, Chimneys, &c.TOBACCO AND CIGARS.

Keep the following popular brand of Cigars : "Plumb Good," "Custom House," "Rebel Girl."

Sep30 FRESH GARDEN SEED._Prescriptions carefully compounded.

JEWELRY.Watches, Diamonds,Sterling and Plated Silverware,LARGE STOCK SUITABLE FOR WEDDING PRESENTS.

Clocks, Optical G-oods, Fine Knives, Scissorsand Razors. Machine Needles. &c.FOLSOM.


ESTABLISHED isos. Sumter, S. C.

for Infants and Children.' ' Ca»tori» is sowelladaptedtochildren that Ca«toria cures Colic, Constipation,

I recomn^end itcs superior to any prescription Sour Stomach, Diarrhea, Eructation,uy^Cojacv'1 - .IL A. AECEEB, iL D.. Ells Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di-

lil Co. Oziord Ct, Crooklyn, K. Y. gestion.Without injurious medication.

. "Tue use of 'Cestoria ij so universal and "For several years I have recommended: :r.crit; so wdilbiown that it seems a work your4 CastoriV and shall always continue to

c f suncrcrogationio endorseit Few ore the do so os it hos invariably produced beneficial

Srcligcnt families who do not heep Castoria results. "

v.;*^cat7rcach.',, EDWIR F PABDUZ, M. D.,CASIXÂMARTYS,D. 125th Street and 7th Ave, New York City.



nwd>iwwi"iii|i>i wu II ni MU .*<;>x .«sean ^P'.'.'v.


SOUTH CAROLINA AGENTS FOR THE "DENSMOMThe Twentieth Century Typewriter.-

WE fill orders promptly for all kinds of Typewriter novelties and supplies forall Machines and for Minieogrcphs and Neosty I es. -

l%e 'DÈNSMORÈ is'tbe latest achievement of tbe Deosmore fanailj, by whomits predecessor, the Remington, was developed, lt bas fixed type-bar hangersand non.vibrating-two points wbicb insure lasting alignment. It is the mostmodero and practical machine 00 the market.1Tn e DENSMOREis o*ed by the famoas Cíxeegie Steel Company, the Centrai

Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, too Rapid Adáressiog Company ofNew York, which exhibits 16 Densmores in operation at tbe World's Fai*v theNew York, Central and Hudson River Railroad, R. G *Doo 4k Co's MercantileAgency.Some of the nsers of the Deosmore io Colombia, are :

The Evening Joornai, Jones A M'xsoo's Basioess College Mid TypewritingSchool. Richmond sod Danville Railroad, Master of Trains' Office, Judge S. .

W. Melton, Union Central Life Insoraace Company* Benedict Institute andothers. - .J ",.. .;.>,,.>í^t Ji9, * <t ¿fc

rappir dealers at good disoomrt..».a«*Í ».c.

Said theBicycle j Te tts Rifer jTake«


' I J* *

Have said the same to the PRICES ofSHOES THIS SEASON.

Our SHOES were being made up and most of thom finishedwhen the Disastrous Storm struck us. We laid in a Stock for a

Now we MUST sell them.If you are lookiug for Bargains in Shoea SEE US.

We have just opened a Shoe to catch young men,

Genuine German Cordovan,Hand Sewed for $5.0O.

Never seen before in this countrv.

Our $3.00 Shoes still Lead all others.JOur $2.00 Ladies' Button Boots, are


THE LEADERS,Monaghan Block - Sumter, S. C.

j Qa.*-

1893. Fall and Winter. 1893.

Opposite the Court House,SIGN OF THE "BIS BSD BOOT."

WE KEEP PACE WITO THE PROCESSION.Everything up to Date. No fogy

methods/ Procession is the rule. Willgive you the

for the LEAST MONEY. For evidencecome and see our GOODS and be CON¬VINCED.Wehave a complete line of Men's (ÍIAGoodyear Welts at vw

Also a handsome Ladies Button ojShoe atAll of our goods will be sold at popular prices to suit the

STORMY HARD TIMES.Bring in ONE DOLLAR and we will give you a pair of

Ladies' Button Shoes, ''Solid as a Rock," andfor another Dollar

you will get a pair Men's Shoes "Solid as Iron."

Our TRUNKS are the CHEAPEST andthe BEST in the City.