.RM - HEDENE1T GAUE Labor Day Event Planed at Amer- icam Lague Park. To judge from the verbal meae* that have oceurred between *Dick" Conner. coach of the Home Defense Baseball team. and "Bob' Bar, coach of the Metropolitan Police nine, which teams will croea bate at American League Park on Labor Day in the in- terest of the Widowi* and Orphans' Fund of the Police Depatnent. a real het ball contest may be expected. The Home Defense and the Police' teams have been putting in a lot of time practicing and the enthusiasm between the teams and their friends be so great that it will not be sur- prising if quite a few doIlarm chance hands on the result of the contest. The regular line up of the team has not been definitely decided. there are enough candidates to make up two lrst class tens. It is the in- teantion of "Dick" Conner. who Is coaching the Home Defense team. to ue two full teams during the game. using one line-up for one-balf of the game and the other for the other half. Here are some of the men who are trying out for poeltions on the team: Pitchers. "Rooney' Verntein. f'aul L. Hughes. Wm. H. Fowles. catcers. "Jack" Ryan. Danny Hurd. and Charley Wire; first base. John Noone: second base. C. N. Boteler rrd **Bif" Johnson; shortstop. C. Thoman, and Louis Long; third base. Osmund Varela; outfield Ed. Ander- son, "Jimmy" Fitzpatrick. Andy Wal- ker, C. Anderson and D. McCarthy. The following is the personnel of the policemen from whom the Labor I'ay nine will be made up: Leach. Seventh precinct: Grant. headquar- ters; Witherall. Eighth precinct; Red- den. First precinct; Grinder. Tenth lprecinct, Goggins. Eighth precipct; Ppirth. Seventh precinct; H em e r. Tenth precinct; Dreschen. Tenth pre- cinct; Murray. First precinct. Sayers, Ninth precinct; Carrico. Sixth pre- cinct: Platt. Fifth precinct: Howard. Tenth precinct; Watts. Ninth pre- ,net: Heim. Tenth precinct; Cer- faratti. First precinct; McKinnin. Tenth pmttinet. Worthington. First yrecinet. hrur. Seventh precinct; Thomas. Fifth precinct., and Swann. 'ighth precinct. DED. ARNOLD-On Monday. August 2. 1917. at lilyndon. Md.. GEORGIA ARNOLD. in her 71st year. Funeral notice hereafter. B9SWELL-On Sunday. August M. 1917. at 3.15 a. n. ANNE CATHl- ERINE BOSWELL, widow of Charles A. Boswell. Funeral from late residence, 331 North Caro!na avenue southeast. tn a. m . today. Interment at St. Paul's Chaptl. Charles County. Md. DROWN -On Sunday. Aug;ust 3. 1911. at !,s.' a. in. at her residence. ?11') Srok wid avenue. Baltimore. Md.. HAP.RIET .t. widow of the Rev. B. i ton irown. nInerreni sariwes at Oak Hill (.-n: try. Waiigton. D. C.. this aft, noon at ::0 p. m. BLRqI;j ,F,-On sundar. August N. v17. %.\ :PT 0. RIRGDORF, Jr.. be!o~sd qjn of Aitert u. and Sarah EIzlbeth t :rardorf. Fur ral from Georze W. Wise's lun dertakijng e0tblishment. :900 I stieet northwest, today at 2 p. m. Relatives and friends invited. lnteirment at Arir.gton Cemetery. COOPER-On Siturday. Aiust 2., 1911. at %;21 Q street northwest. CLINTON A. COOPER. Funeral from his home residence. 3, A street northeast, tomorr'ow morning itime later, thedce to St. Iypri:o's Church. Thirteenth ana C strtets southeast, where requiem hilh mass will he celebrated. CEAWF' Ri>-After a short illness, 'l.\hk;.\RTE CRAWFORD. Fnoo fmrm St. Paul's A. It. E Church this afternoon at 2 o'clock p. i. Relatives and friends in- DVIL ER Suddenly, on Sunday. .uuist 117. at Fellow. Cal.. at I hom.. nfi her son, William J. I -i! -. l.LEN F. DILGl ER. moth- or of Marv A. Dilger and Mrs. Fred M Vurger. Fimeral notic. later. TON-On Monday. Aurust 3. 1317. at her residence. CI) Eact Capitol street. HATTIE I. vo.nzest daughter of the late S.muti and Elizabeth Gilston. Notice of funeral hereafter. GREEN-)eparted this life on Satur- day. August 23. 1917, at 5:40 p. m.. at her residence, Ethan Allen avenue. Takoma Park. Md.. IMINTREL, the beloved daughter of Josephine and Samuel Green and slstur of Louise Green. Funeral tomorow afternoon at 1 o'clock. from St. Luke's Baptist Curch. Shepherd road and Georgia avenue northwest. Friends. relatives and schoolmates invited to attend. LAWRENCE-On Saturday. August 3. 1917,. at 2:4 p. m.. IDA W., wife of P. 0. Lawrence. Funeral from her late residence, 1419 Chapin street northwest, this afternoon at 2 p. m.. Interment oprivate) In Arlington National Cemetery. (Brooklyn. N. Y.. daily papers please copy.) PEACH-4On Sunday. August 39. 1917. at 1:3 p. m.. at Garfield Hospital. GERTRUDE PEACH, beloved wife of Samuel Peach. Funeral from her late residence this afternoon at 2 p. m. Interment at Glenwood Cemetery. Funeral prt- vate. POLLET-On Sunday. August '4. 1917. at 9:15 a. m., at her residence. 533 Fifth street southeast. ELEANOR ELIZABETH. infant daughter of Richard H. and Alice C. Policy &nee King). aged ten months and twenty-seven days. Funeral this afternoon at 3 p. in. RelatIves and friends inviten. Interment private. STAPLES -- On Sunday afternoon. August N. 1917. at his res .deuce. Wesley apartments. Columbia road. D r. S A MU EL O'RANVILLE STAPLES. Funeral services. Roanoke, Va., to- day. STEPHIENSON--On Monday. August 27. 1917. -at 9-30 a. mn.. at Emer- genicy Hospital. JAMES ARTHUR. beloved husband of Kate Stephen- son. aged 40 years. SFuneral from his late residence. Hyattsville. Md., Thursday, 10 a. mn. Interment at Congresslona. Cemetery. TILLMAN-On Sunday. August 2, 1917. at 11:1') a. mn.. MAUD G., wife of Fred D. Tillmnn Funeral from her late residence. lI1I P street northwest. today at 10:20 n. m. Intermenit private) In Rock- ille nion Cemetery. Rockville, Md. RJENT-eparted this life Sunday. August 2.135-. at 1:10 a. mi., SUSIE TRENT (nee Bailey., beloved daughter of the late lmas Hailey, beloved wife of Nathaniel Trent, \mther of Samuel Moore. sister of 'a Trent, Marv and Lawrence 1at 2 %fregn .3. DN ,.paster, JSOU~ aturday, August 5. W.at H: a. in.. at hie residence, Nw avanne nerthwemt. Immaceumate Goseep- r thsmorning at S a. ms, e aad relat~ves lnetted 5-At his hemne Ia Aubeta- . Jety U, 1917. THOMIAS et aamD.C. anda (mo ee e- .. bethiF. 5 w. oft a e ms.. FAud Agahi Sphhn Petitis. Ili a wit of habess corpus was Med yesterdmg in the District Superme Court Wl J. Harry Bean against United .States Marshal Mauries gpisin. te pev t his being. turned ever to the North Carolina a%- thoritime who want him on a grand jury charge. Bean is now in the cuftody of the-Diatriet authorities. He states he is being illegally held. The North Carolina offcials have asked that he be turned over to thelp. FUR.HALL I AMY CONTIbIUED PeOM PAGE ONE. Jesse Lee Cassidy. on Eighth street. Charles Benjamin Campbell. 421 First .eet. idward Logan Roche. 211 D street. James Brooks. 4 G street. 1'reston Raymond Harding. 801 H etreet. klenry Edward Williams. 2 Jackson Hall Alley. Robert Jamee Randolph. 125 E street. James Edward Wilso. Jr.. 22 D street. Cleveland Bailey Rice 216 C street. Walter Beauler MrW 315 Pennsyl- vanIa avenue. George Chester Gambrell. 41S New Jersey avenue. Divisio Ne. 3. Agostino Soidano, 320 Massachusetts atenue t'yes Tyler. 13U Twenty-fifth at I eet. Watt Amos Johnson, 2106 G street. Wiliam Alexander Dixon. 2126 Stev- en i A!ley. Joseph Walker McIdain. 124 Twenty- third street. Frank Doye. 2421 Eye street. Theodore Impy Gofney. 2411 K street. Andrew Mike Fekets. 911 Twenty- third street. John Evans Spriggs, 2210 Eye street. William Lawrence Hennesy. 2224 F street. lurry Morton Sponable. The Morey. Nineteenth and G streets. Joseph Bellad Gray, 1916 L street. Ullysses Grant Bennell. 2014 H street. Harry Jackson, 2411 Snow's court. Daniel Edward Byrd. i0 Twenty- third street. Arthur Brown, 2148 L street. Samuel Smallwood. 1229 Twenty-sec- ond street. John Edward Burke, 960 Twenty- sixth stret. Norman Carroll Butts. 1906 H street. Gayle Simon Barnett. 1704 F street. George Shoulders. 2431 Eye street. Richard McAlister, Shamley. 1011 Seventeenth street. Roy W. Mosena. 3M G street. James Adams. 1156 Twentieth street. Rudolph F. Johnson, 200 G street. William Henry Lee. 2702 K street. James Henry Downs. 1117 Nine- teenth street. John Grooms. 1021 Eighteenth street. Claude Edwin Thompson. 718 Eight- eenth street. Divisie No. I. Lawrence Taylor Pratt, 153 First street. southeast. Percy Campbell. 1416 C street. Clifton Boose, 1612 A street. Evereth Edward Gunnell, 1327 Ea3t Capitol. Paul Auglstine, 231 Second street. Francis Diggs. -36 Navy Place. Btcnjamin McGuire Carter, 406 Fif- teenth street. Charles Nathenfal C o a tes. 131 Eleventh street. Mlichael Holland Warner. 1106 Tenth street. William Eopoluccl, 649 Eye street. Carroll Bailey. 438 New Jersey avenue. Noble Tinker Tinker. 112 Quander street. Frank Allen. 1431 South Carolina avenue. Charleston Duckett. 13-A Eye street. George Leroy Landsdale. 133 E street. Charles H e n r y Thompson, 421 iurth street. Tsadore May, 628 D street. Everett Cody Kraemer, 1333 L street. Robert Alfonso Hager. 1425 C street. Willian Walter Reeder. 732 Navy Place. William Glenworth Simms. 17 L street. Richard Jackson Earnshaw. Con- gressional Cemetery. William Isemann, 141 Eleventh street. August Lewis Dicke]. C52 Eye street. Division No. 4. Charles McLean Brown, 00 K street northeast. Edwin Walton Schultse, 1507 Rose- dale street. LAbana Mason. 05 L street. James Morris Daly. "2 C street. Francis Joseph Salb. 617 Ninth street. William Ashtown Dulin. 213 A street. James Francis Rossiter, 864 Ninth street. Frank Osborne. 1518 Rosedale street. Division No. 7. John Thomas Grahm. 3088 R street northwest. Rudolph William Santelmann, 5426 Connecticut avenue. Lenard Husband, 204 N street. Herbert George Henderson, 2712 M street. George William Manley, 2726 Olive avenue. David Bonnettr S6 and 0 streets. Ivan Dent Gates. 3412 Prospect ave- nue. Joseph Lucas, 48t8 Forty-first street. Frank Walling, 140 Wisconsin ave- nue. Charles Edgar Stone. 1712 Thirty- fourth street. Leslie Hall Jackson. 3021 P street. Francis Aloysius Barbee. 224 Wis- consin avenue. Frederick Duglese Robinson, 1062 Thirtieth street. George Dorsey. 204 Forty-first street. Charles Leroy Carter, 11 Forty-first street. Harry Alls Jackson. 20 0O street. Divisien We. S. Jordon Carter, 17 Florida avenue northwest. Albert N. Senseney, 1343 Otis place. David Hodward, Jr.,' Octavia Apart- ment. Marton B. Walker. 1542 Calvert street. Alfred E5. Lewis, jr.. 2226 Connecticut avenue. Harrison M. Hoyt, 1437 Belmont street. Lee R. Pennington, Jr.. 1842 Calvert street. Alvin Hoff a. 1740 Lanier place. Clerence L. Eggleston, 1754 Lanier pla~ce. George A. Wiggin, 1914 Sixteenth street. John R. Payne. 1408 Newton street. James 0. C. Roberts. Jr.. 1124 Bel- mont street. Jamee B. Skinner, 204 Fourteenth street. David Murpth. 3419 Fourteenth street. John D. Desendorf, 1420 Meriden street. Robert Lee Thomnpson. 144 Florida avenue. Brintons B. Barnes. 719 Thirteenth Fred Battle. 125 Vernon street. Bushrod Hoopiin, Wellington Apart- sment. Waninsug jackson. 1166 Soaton street. Myron W. Wilson. 141d Belmont street. Harry H. Dodek, 2123 Elgthteenth -tBet. Robert C. Courry, 220 Uizteenth street. George Marion W. Shea. MU0 Nine- heamth strt Doglissa U. Bansch, Octavia apart- Ferdinand Quarierl, 36 Bighteenth street.* ISCHOOL DA*' YOU CAN ENTER THE C*()N. TEST RIGHT NOW AND P.i"T YOURSELF IN THE LEAD WITH JUST A LITTLE EiFFOURT. All that is required is the will to do-ONLY a few subscriptions wil put you in the lead in virald- tricts and well up in the tunning Ir any district. Votes Couat More Before September I Thirty-five thousand extra vote for each and every $15 wotth f new subscriptions turned in bfoi, that date. A five-dollir -~Idl pi iz. to all candidates turning- in $35 iorth of new subcriptiions be- tween Augurt 11 and i pte I is the offter that closes Saturday night. Sptemhcr 1. and the bre vote offer ,f the campatign. Ju t a word to the ni, thers o The Heital's All-l'rize liom' Suh ist tiClub who hav less that 1~.000 or 20.000 votes in th. pub lihed list. No doubt you nteicd the club with the determination t win an automobiir. a piano. or on. of the forty-five sItrict prizes. Perhaps you are waiting t, sui prise us September I with a hool or two full of subsct iptions. If ci this will be fine, but don't you knov your fiitnds are liable to think yol ate not active atid will give thi'i subscriptlnns and influene to more energetic member n ho c-n tinues to climb day after day ii the published vote standing? Now Is the Time to Work. This is a fact, and unless you ar going to pass up an opportutnity t' win a valuable prize for just a lit tie effort now is the time to tak every advantage to boost you standing. Remember. 'F A I N7 HEART NEVER WON-FA IR LADY. Do nt give up now. The whol world loves a witnner, so why no be one of the witnners. In an event you cannot lose becaure Th Herald will pay every active mem ber who does not win a prize 10 pe cent on all new subscription mone; received. Mr. Charles W. Lake, the liv wire front Front Royal, Va.. no only leads his own district In to day's published list, but the entir ten districts. Mr. Lake only joine the club last week and has show: by a little effort what others wh are low in the published voting lis can do by a little constant hustling August Blase. District 7, is sec ond with 43,231 votes, and Jesse I Robert Birdsell. 3440 Brown street. Melvin DeWitt Brown, 1223 Twelfi street. Arthur- Toney, 1113 Corcoran street Charles Carrell Rouse. 1404 Girar, street. Dh ila N o. 11. Frederick Sims, 1%40 Bladensburi road. William Coleman. 1028 Bladensbur; road. Clagget T. Jones. 1050 Bladenusbur road. Albert R. Thomas. 1949 Naylor road Charles R. Chiawell, 3221 Centra street. Edgar H. Euell. 909 Forty-fourt steet. John N. Liesch. 1604 T street. Alvin G. Jeffers, United States na val magazine. WillIam R. King. 1210 Bladensbhuri road. William Clare. 633 Raleigh strert. Elmer Carl Andrews. 1113 C street. Peter Bowen Prentis, 1132 Clarn place. John Albert Hoffman, 905 Nint: street. WillIam Francis Hornig, 200 Elevent! street. Morton Elbert Lee, B8 Sixteent] street. Robert Leo Sanders, 3;21 E street. Herbert Graham Kubel, 1000 Eas Capitol street. Bernard Aloyslus Conlan, Glii Mary land avenue. Robert William Darr, 1404 Marylani avenue. William Jasper Higdon, 1357% street. David Milburn Logan. 512 M street. Charles V% 1lliam Bond. 51.3 Thirn street. James Henry Danilels. 60 street. Sydney Speidon Tolson, 731 Fifti street. John Henry Williams. 1107 Bennini road. Wilson Davis Garner. 112 D) Street. Samnuel John Leonard. 520 G street. Btaford Lorenso D~avis, 23 Four teen-and-a-half street. Ralph Earle Fraser, 611 K street. Charles Joseph Cgrberry, 647 Acha street. Wilitan Samnuel Childa, 525 Thin mintm.is se The Aamial!' 01 4 / DI' , of liistrict2,i thd w h District %tanding. District No. 1. Stev,-n F ran I11k 1 . F. 1: in .. Mi.. 1.. Cunnli;ham ........ 11.'M 11 _ C W ilI.herl......................4" '.-N f.,wis H. Kaufman................. I rh1 a H -, Y C".ci ...................1 T m~l is R. Mlorl:s . i. I John F, Horstkaimp.. .3 . M.lfred Ia wO .......... .. F. McI' ................1V Jrh G;bson ............. 1910 As Th mp on .................... 1 It. H. Rolirm.................... .l,%s P:Icen Desmond.............. 1, Fn. Mi. Moth.. he... ............. I 1 District No. 2. John I. lardest. si1' Mra .\ar. Irt J. Gorml ..1.. %w a l d P 't1t.=................................ .I A o. Robin sn.... I H aw kiln ..................... ... .!la Thehma Anderon ............ W.illiim E. Spmildier................12. W 1iliim B. Pollitt ................... 12,035~ L. M. Me\earry................. ....120 \VI Ilan II. Burton ................. Alftd Tiewol!a ........... Vl:, il M. Fookes.. J. J. If. ro le .............. .. ,) 1, lph i -tchel....................... 1.050 Mrs. Planche Campbell............. 1.N J. K. Hill, Kenihworth. D. C...... 1,0 B inily E verett....................... 1.0 llirry Franklin .....................1,0 Miss Dorothy Small" ood......... 1,Wu District No. 3. Harry P. Da\ is....................42.,43' H. F. H offman ......................4. MNrrs Fishman.....................1,., A lbert Sm all ....................... Fr:ink C. Rupp .......................1-,20 Si lney GI n r ........................12,00 Mis. Hand .......................... LW Mr. Mary Greenberg ............... 1.000 lvester Steinman ................1.010 1 %%.lWalsh ....... .................... 1,00 Misis Marie Fletcher ................ 1.10) J:,a D. K irhy.......................1,0, Miss Mfaiguerite Moore........... 1,0001 M iss E. Pack........................ 1, (0 Miss Esther M. Sheehan.......... 1,1 IHerhert Silverstone .............. 1.00 G. F. Hollis .....................1. District No. 4. Edward M iller......................... -1M 'tolson.............................. Fred Bartlett.........................17.04 LewIs Porter. 1109 Second street. Floyd Emmett Ross, =3 Parker sti eet. Raymond Leroy Pedlow, 1706 C strcet. Sherman Jones.- W Tenth stret. Gecorge Bright 'Clark. 218 Eighth street. James Alonzo Hawkins. 1824 Gales street. Ira Rutherford Nisely, 30 E street. George Carl Flynn, 132 Seventh street. Clarence Caselmore. 229 First street. William NathanIel Janson, 646 F street. James WillIam Amddon, 323 I street. Blernard James Farrell. 640 Second street. ClIfford John Terrull. 120 Maryland avenue. Edwin Jacob Freeh. 719 C street. Charles Dallas Ledane. 139 C street. William King. jr.. 525 Fifteenth sta cet. William C. Quivers. 1512 Turner 5t C et. Therman W. Dorr, Corby avenue. Brookland. Walter E. Holmes. 1610 Sheridan avenue. William E. Cooney, 2S0 Twenty- fourth street. Francis Harper, 2001 Twenty-fourth street. William D. Fenwick. 4315 Sheriff roa-i. John C. Montague. Staunton road. Charies B. Piummer. 1->22 Columbia street. .loseph A. Pessagno, 1410 Montello -avenue. John Irrino Simmons. 1318 Florida avenue. Beverley J. Fletcher. 1216 Wylie street.. William E. Smith. 2248 Chester street. George W. Dyer. St. Elizabeth's Hospital. Richard T. Waters. 1055 Summer road. William Luckett. 21 Summer road. Herman A. Tosch. 633 Reighley John A. W. Ludke, 2240 Shannon place. Richard P, BloswelL, St. Elisabeth's Hospital. 1JeephW.fBarnes. 104 Capitol aye- = a=e B~y DWIG 006e ?e 0 CULATIOli TEST -NER 'ancis Spind .................. 41. J. Grcduan ...... .....12.)M k. M. Dries. Woodburn. D. C .12.000 C. Berry....... lent y C. Cryer... ..... 1 L. S. W olge ........... I........ . 1,fK District No. I. A G odw in........................41.41 -a l C. N iiby .lis. Malm.i lonaldson.............21.27 [wis F. !-n le ..................14. aniiel B. HolTman.................133 lrinanu Norwoor. ..............11.I Wai x Iuhin .......................... 1.*' li.s I. Mitchel................ oaniel J. Byrn .................. 1,90 District No. I. A R R il.. .......................41.11 S.-r'e sith...................13 O F r . ._.. . .................. r i l'. Ni and .............. Z. P. Cr--nshaw. jr................ ie Nane . .................... 1.' itiss Anna Herron................00 District No. T. \ucust B lasi......................... lYman PTash ...................1.' Nirs. N ck I......................1. I. A llen K ing............. ......... 1A District No. . I. A. H urney.........................12.4 harles Dunn ....................... 100 larold P. Ganass................... 1.,0 Rodney Dargeille .................100 I in Mooney ...................... 100 F:. L. Darcev ......................100 lisa NI. E. Simmons.............1.0l lack Kloman....................1 District No. 9. -has. H. Hiayee, Riverdale. Md..13.20 lames W ilson ......................12,i Nealy Bea .......................-0r "larence Wierni.ck. Hyattsville... 1.00 liss Helen Beall. Seat Pleasant. M d. .................................1L00 District No. 10. 'has. W. Lake. Front Royal.....44.031 irs. S. J. Sisson, Fairfax. Va... 41.'1 lohn W. Minton, Alexandria. Va.41.7 laude B. Midkiff. Alexandria.....1u.51 Mt. Coustabb. Vienna. Va.........12.0* lelen Rinker, Middletown. ya... 1.0( NI:-s. Lillian Ridgley, Rickville. Va. ...............................1 0 3. H. Burke. Burke, Va........... ,0I K. A. Suttle, Hooes. Va........... 1.00 Mure. J. L. Lesieur, Clarendon. Va. ............ ................. 1.0 D. C. Glascock. Potomac. Va... 1,03 iliss Lillian Dirch. Ballston, Va..1,00 Miss Sarah Sullivan. Cottage Par Alexandria, Va.................1.0C Miiss Elizabeth Kidwell. Cherrydale V a. ......... ........................ 1.00 William E. Harley, 2707 Good Hop road. Hawes H. Hamilton, Lane and Wit tiUngham place. Gilbert T. Smallwood. 496 Fort Stan ion road. George S. Malet. 2q06 Minerda. John F. Daugherty. 19'26 Sixteent street. Ernest Lockwood. St. Elizabeth' Hospital. Carl Oscar Allison. 1212 Morse streei John Joseph Brazbrol. 1214 V streel James Patrick M.cVerry, 1316 V utreet. Carl Boswell Hardy. 2308 Queel C'hapel road. Calvin George Holland. ldi A street James Edward Dyson. 1300 Staurn ion road. Ernest James Read, 2100 Horne place. John Francis Kelly, 1134 Morse streel William R. Fox. 2347 Rhode Islan Ivenue. Clarence A. Craig. 56 Sommer road Lee Sumblin. 407 Howard road. Alexander B. Petrie. 1001 Kenilwortt Guy L. Bray. 122 Anacostia road. Charles F. Fowler, 1321 WV street. John Melle, 2607 Benning road. Howard A. Norton. 1924 Fourteenth utreet. Antoist Files Suit Against W. R.& E.Company Another damage suit growing out 0 he acefoent on Wisconsin avenue o1 he 17th of this month when a cs >f the Washington RaIlway snd Elec .rc Company crashed into an autc was filed yesterday in the Distric Supreme Court by Jesseie Atl.. wh taks $23,000 damages. This brings th otal amount of damages asked to his event up to $96,O00-7,O00 in thre lamage suits were filed last week. ALLEGES FALSE ARREST. Alleging false arrest. Louise Abbe: iled suIt yesterday in the Distric lupremse Court for $2.t00 again. aJllian B. Lear. The plaintif state hat she was arrested and chargeu w~ith making rude gestures on tOh treet on April :6 last on compilaip it the defendant and the dase wi inits...mes, musn in 1dnla Stu* of Geaan Has Deeasged. says Superintemdmnt hurs... "Durng the past two yewrs there has been a mrked Increase In the unbor of students e1ting French ad a marked faning'of in the mm- her of students eting German in the public school. of Washingto." declared superintendent of Schools Thurston yesterday. when asked whe- ther the school authorities intended to cut down the stax of German in- structors as other cities are doing. "We do not propose to cut down the study of German. except In so far as the decreased demand for instruction in that language continues." Superin- tendent Thurston added. **If the pop- ilarity of French and Spanish con- tinues this year and we expect it to, members of the corps of German in- structors will probably be assigned to other subjects which they are quali- tied to teach." The local school authorities are rianning to upset to a considerable extent old methods of teaching mod- ern languages. The war. and more especially the fact that our armies are to fight side by side with the French pollus instead of the British Tommies. render it important that communication with our French allies .hould not be restricted to second- hand communication through inter- preters. To make this possible gra- duates of next year's high school class who plan to enter the service of their country as ofieers or sol- diers will be given every opportunity to learn to speak the language in a practical way. These young men will know how to ask for a roast beef sandwich in French. how to buy a railroad ticket. and 'kick' in un- derstandable French when they don't ret the right change, romething that the ordinary high school graduate Only Fiv Working Remain j Today 7 35,000 E For Every $15 Worth of N In from August 11 to S Get $30' New Subs Win $5.0 AlN One of Magnifice GRANDI $1,570 Mitchell "Six," Toring 1$1,020 EAgin 'Six," Tomri* Cal $965Sa&mo."Six," Towring Ca $88 Crew FA-hart "Four." 'T $550 Aeoping, Beach and T 11 $400 Fischer Upright Piano, St, DISTRICT $3,400 1a Suhrban Building Lot 2 Lets in Congress Height 4 Lots i Halieweed Fa 2 Lotb in Randle Heights. 2 Lob in South 'he*rea $900 in Merchandise Orders on 10 $50 Merchandie Order 10 $25 Merchandie Orde IS $10 Merchandise Orde EXTRAI $5 l Gold wll be awarded ea who secures $30 worth of 11 and Sept. 1, inclusive. TEN PER CENT CASH COMN active neap, RIGH'I Clip This ENTRY Ille Washington Herald "All-P 1,000 I nominate as a member scription Club": IName............. .... Address.-..--..-..--..-..--..- Nominated by........... Address................ INOTE-Only one nominat for any one candidate. mM8 net de4 as M8888 - k3a Wite Frack ws watoabso senpbmmLr l s net be ONe-seth pa mnfl ts mewn graftee as wet"l the a61 to -eek the iagungse se5e to a iUnted extet. NATUNAL IEEY Acid Iran Mineral Brings Relief From Disease by Removing Cause. USID IN PhIAGRA INS UrES1 Those hadache, singing in the ears, dull tired feeling. black spots on the skin. burning sensation. red rash. and other symptoms of Poll- agra. may be eliminated by the faith- ful use of Acid Iron Mintral. Pellagra is primarily a blood dis- ease and Acid Iron Mineral brings relief by correcting the cause. Acid Iron Mineral Is not a "dope" or patent medicine. It is obtained from the only natuial medicinal Iron mineral deposit of its kind known to the world and in addition to three forms of natural lres. eontains po- tassium. magnesium. oelcium and sodium, medicinal properties which your doctor will tel you are efective in the treatment of the blood. nerves, kidneys, stomach and bladder. For more than thirty years doc- tore and hospitals have been using A-I-M. Pellagra institutes are like- wise using it. Get a bottle of Acid Iron Mineral today, it Is nature's own remedy for Pellagra. At all reliable druggists In Sec and 11 sie$. Use A-i-M Iron ointment for skin eruptions, old sores, ecsema. etc. tic. -Adv. e More Days 4fter o Get :traVotes ew Subscriptions Turned eptember 1, Inlcusive orth of criptions DinGold ID These nt Prizes RIZES. Car, Fogy Equipped. , Fully Equipped. r, Fully Equipped. ring Car, Faly Equipped. elve Music RoI. 50. PRIZES. I. keBeach. Local Mc:. - 'RIZES. :h mepber of "All-Prize Club" mew subscriptio betwee. Aug. ISSION wil be awardcd to al me winners. 'NOW ,000-Vote BLANK ieHorn Subscriptieu Club." ~ CGood for 1,000 $ i Votes f the ''All-Prize Home Sub- on coupon will be accepted BUSY THEBRAEEr A" ao"a bsmas. e, Mt .m. f gisent116 *thtt LU.' BAII TLANII esftd' 4Is..m flesa £A -e mats et. At t i. 0q A." @. T raymore a nLnOoo. . f HOTEL DAYTON Cat.. am e Splendid Hotels. Unequaled Sailing.Btia and F-hng. . .Golf. Ta .i.s.y. d ng, Driving. Etc. Sailings from N. Y.every alter. nate Wednesday and Saturday. me". %t.amoblp %sco.y. SIT 14Unequl SN. Ba th ey ing Ageut. For lt..lrut~d haokls apply t QFesn. .Glfs. Trendwn.Cy n V. BY WATER TO OLD POINT COMFORT, Nembi AeOLK %to POTOMAC 81%l V.R ANDS D4hil t. i. . hoEdP Ea T I. DelyPervilastraedeeektes oppt L.-s'e lk-c.ad Rates. ."1 -k-I "" 11 81ihi E A SFA atoQ TQbe Ot.. ;31 IstO St. a w. NORFOLK ANDF 11 4HING'ON S'! r I HtIO 4T t0. J ta stop! If you are aiming for New York why not strike the center? Ths as where the HERMITAGE is located. In tha axiddle of the Tuna* Squat. district. The HERMITAGE touches elbows at om. With the grM amw meat and busina tes of thhe Sttopoop ! Rooms as es $1.5 and f to 53 50 per day. No higher. FRANK C. HUEY. Proprieor MItidl of the HotsSqae diti. The HEMTAEtoc lbosa on with thedea a.. ment anbsies ctrme he ... IItrooposIa.*~a.. FRANK C. HUREe Prp-to Malhattao ale madt iniernis shedmet. rDohlar a I.e GE~ffs~f"n. O'N p. ante. asthbah abe entrett Sqer.. Weh, tt er S# Is ea Sesrvetten. -5AD LBRM D

The Washington herald.(Washington, DC) 1917-08-28 [p SIX]. · 2017-12-15 · .RM- HEDENE1TGAUE LaborDayEvent Planedat Amer- icam Lague Park. To judge from the verbal meae* that have

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.RM -HEDENE1T GAUELabor Day Event Planed at Amer-

icam Lague Park.To judge from the verbal meae*

that have oceurred between *Dick"Conner. coach of the Home DefenseBaseball team. and "Bob' Bar, coachof the Metropolitan Police nine, whichteams will croea bate at AmericanLeague Park on Labor Day in the in-terest of the Widowi* and Orphans'Fund of the Police Depatnent. a realhet ball contest may be expected.The Home Defense and the Police'

teams have been putting in a lot oftime practicing and the enthusiasmbetween the teams and their friendsbe so great that it will not be sur-

prising if quite a few doIlarm chancehands on the result of the contest.The regular line up of the team has

not been definitely decided. thereare enough candidates to make uptwo lrst class tens. It is the in-teantion of "Dick" Conner. who Iscoaching the Home Defense team. toue two full teams during the game.using one line-up for one-balf of thegame and the other for the otherhalf. Here are some of the men whoare trying out for poeltions on theteam: Pitchers. "Rooney' Verntein.f'aul L. Hughes. Wm. H. Fowles.catcers. "Jack" Ryan. Danny Hurd.and Charley Wire; first base. JohnNoone: second base. C. N. Botelerrrd **Bif" Johnson; shortstop. C.Thoman, and Louis Long; third base.Osmund Varela; outfield Ed. Ander-son, "Jimmy" Fitzpatrick. Andy Wal-ker, C. Anderson and D. McCarthy.The following is the personnel of

the policemen from whom the LaborI'ay nine will be made up: Leach.Seventh precinct: Grant. headquar-ters; Witherall. Eighth precinct; Red-den. First precinct; Grinder. Tenthlprecinct, Goggins. Eighth precipct;Ppirth. Seventh precinct; H em e r.Tenth precinct; Dreschen. Tenth pre-cinct; Murray. First precinct. Sayers,Ninth precinct; Carrico. Sixth pre-cinct: Platt. Fifth precinct: Howard.Tenth precinct; Watts. Ninth pre-,net: Heim. Tenth precinct; Cer-faratti. First precinct; McKinnin.Tenth pmttinet. Worthington. Firstyrecinet. hrur. Seventh precinct;Thomas. Fifth precinct., and Swann.'ighth precinct.

DED.ARNOLD-On Monday. August 2. 1917.

at lilyndon. Md.. GEORGIAARNOLD. in her 71st year.

Funeral notice hereafter.B9SWELL-On Sunday. August M.

1917. at 3.15 a. n. ANNE CATHl-ERINE BOSWELL, widow ofCharles A. Boswell.

Funeral from late residence, 331North Caro!na avenue southeast.tn a. m . today. Interment at St.Paul's Chaptl. Charles County. Md.

DROWN -On Sunday. Aug;ust 3. 1911.at !,s.' a. in. at her residence. ?11')Srok wid avenue. Baltimore. Md..HAP.RIET .t. widow of the Rev.B. i ton irown.nInerreni sariwes at Oak Hill(.-n: try. Waiigton. D. C.. thisaft, noon at ::0 p. m.

BLRqI;j ,F,-On sundar. August N.v17. %.\ :PT 0. RIRGDORF, Jr..be!o~sd qjn of Aitert u. and SarahEIzlbeth t :rardorf.

Fur ral from Georze W. Wise's lundertakijng e0tblishment. :900 Istieet northwest, today at 2 p. m.

Relatives and friends invited.lnteirment at Arir.gton Cemetery.

COOPER-On Siturday. Aiust 2.,1911. at %;21 Q street northwest.CLINTON A. COOPER.

Funeral from his home residence.3, A street northeast, tomorr'owmorning itime later, thedce to St.Iypri:o's Church. Thirteenth anaC strtets southeast, where requiemhilh mass will he celebrated.

CEAWF' Ri>-After a short illness,'l.\hk;.\RTE CRAWFORD.

Fnoo fmrm St. Paul's A. It. EChurch this afternoon at 2 o'clockp. i. Relatives and friends in-

DVIL ER Suddenly, on Sunday..uuist 117. at Fellow. Cal.. at

I hom.. nfi her son, William J.I -i! -. l.LEN F. DILGl ER. moth-or of Marv A. Dilger and Mrs.Fred M Vurger.

Fimeral notic. later.TON-On Monday. Aurust 3.

1317. at her residence. CI) EactCapitol street. HATTIE I.vo.nzest daughter of the lateS.muti and Elizabeth Gilston.

Notice of funeral hereafter.GREEN-)eparted this life on Satur-

day. August 23. 1917, at 5:40 p. m..at her residence, Ethan Allenavenue. Takoma Park. Md..IMINTREL, the beloved daughterof Josephine and Samuel Greenand slstur of Louise Green.

Funeral tomorow afternoon at 1o'clock. from St. Luke's BaptistCurch. Shepherd road andGeorgia avenue northwest. Friends.relatives and schoolmates invitedto attend.

LAWRENCE-On Saturday. August3. 1917,. at 2:4 p. m.. IDA W., wifeof P. 0. Lawrence.

Funeral from her late residence,1419 Chapin street northwest, thisafternoon at 2 p. m.. Intermentoprivate) In Arlington NationalCemetery. (Brooklyn. N. Y.. dailypapers please copy.)

PEACH-4On Sunday. August 39. 1917.at 1:3 p. m.. at Garfield Hospital.GERTRUDE PEACH, beloved wifeof Samuel Peach.

Funeral from her late residence thisafternoon at 2 p. m. Interment atGlenwood Cemetery. Funeral prt-vate.

POLLET-On Sunday. August '4. 1917.at 9:15 a. m., at her residence. 533Fifth street southeast. ELEANORELIZABETH. infant daughter ofRichard H. and Alice C. Policy&nee King). aged ten months andtwenty-seven days.

Funeral this afternoon at 3 p. in.RelatIves and friends inviten.Interment private.

STAPLES -- On Sunday afternoon.August N. 1917. at his res .deuce.Wesley apartments. Columbia road.D r. SAMUEL O'RANVILLESTAPLES.

Funeral services. Roanoke, Va., to-day.

STEPHIENSON--On Monday. August27. 1917. -at 9-30 a. mn.. at Emer-genicy Hospital. JAMES ARTHUR.beloved husband of Kate Stephen-son. aged 40 years.

SFuneral from his late residence.Hyattsville. Md., Thursday, 10 a.mn. Interment at Congresslona.Cemetery.

TILLMAN-On Sunday. August 2,1917. at 11:1') a. mn.. MAUD G., wifeof Fred D. Tillmnn

Funeral from her late residence. lI1IP street northwest. today at 10:20n. m. Intermenit private) In Rock-

ille nion Cemetery. Rockville,Md.

RJENT-eparted this life Sunday.August 2.135-. at 1:10 a. mi., SUSIETRENT (nee Bailey., beloveddaughter of the late lmas Hailey,beloved wife of Nathaniel Trent,\mther of Samuel Moore. sister of'a Trent, Marv and Lawrence

1at 2 %fregn.3.DN ,.paster,

JSOU~ aturday, August 5.W.at H: a. in.. at hie residence,

Nw avanne nerthwemt.

Immaceumate Goseep-rthsmorning at S a.

ms, e aad relat~ves lnetted

5-At his hemne Ia Aubeta-. Jety U, 1917. THOMIAS

et aamD.C.anda

(mo ee e-

.. bethiF. 5w.ofta e ms..

FAud Agahi SphhnPetitis. Ili a wit of habess corpus

was Med yesterdmg in the DistrictSuperme Court Wl J. Harry Beanagainst United .States MarshalMauries gpisin. te pev t his being.turned ever to the North Carolina a%-thoritime who want him on a grandjury charge. Bean is now in thecuftody of the-Diatriet authorities. Hestates he is being illegally held. TheNorth Carolina offcials have askedthat he be turned over to thelp.


Jesse Lee Cassidy. on Eighth street.Charles Benjamin Campbell. 421 First.eet.idward Logan Roche. 211 D street.James Brooks. 4 G street.1'reston Raymond Harding. 801 H

etreet.klenry Edward Williams. 2 Jackson

Hall Alley.Robert Jamee Randolph. 125 E

street.James Edward Wilso. Jr.. 22 D

street.Cleveland Bailey Rice 216 C street.Walter Beauler MrW 315 Pennsyl-

vanIa avenue.George Chester Gambrell. 41S New

Jersey avenue.

Divisio Ne. 3.Agostino Soidano, 320 Massachusettsatenuet'yes Tyler. 13U Twenty-fifth

at I eet.Watt Amos Johnson, 2106 G street.Wiliam Alexander Dixon. 2126 Stev-

en i A!ley.Joseph Walker McIdain. 124 Twenty-

third street.Frank Doye. 2421 Eye street.Theodore Impy Gofney. 2411 K

street.Andrew Mike Fekets. 911 Twenty-

third street.John Evans Spriggs, 2210 Eye street.William Lawrence Hennesy. 2224 F

street.lurry Morton Sponable. The Morey.

Nineteenth and G streets.Joseph Bellad Gray, 1916 L street.Ullysses Grant Bennell. 2014 H street.Harry Jackson, 2411 Snow's court.Daniel Edward Byrd. i0 Twenty-

third street.Arthur Brown, 2148 L street.Samuel Smallwood. 1229 Twenty-sec-ond street.John Edward Burke, 960 Twenty-

sixth stret.Norman Carroll Butts. 1906 H street.Gayle Simon Barnett. 1704 F street.George Shoulders. 2431 Eye street.Richard McAlister, Shamley. 1011

Seventeenth street.Roy W. Mosena. 3M G street.James Adams. 1156 Twentieth street.Rudolph F. Johnson, 200 G street.William Henry Lee. 2702 K street.James Henry Downs. 1117 Nine-

teenth street.John Grooms. 1021 Eighteenth street.Claude Edwin Thompson. 718 Eight-

eenth street.

Divisie No. I.Lawrence Taylor Pratt, 153 First

street. southeast.Percy Campbell. 1416 C street.Clifton Boose, 1612 A street.Evereth Edward Gunnell, 1327 Ea3t

Capitol.Paul Auglstine, 231 Second street.Francis Diggs. -36 Navy Place.Btcnjamin McGuire Carter, 406 Fif-

teenth street.Charles Nathenfal C o a tes. 131Eleventh street.Mlichael Holland Warner. 1106 Tenth

street.William Eopoluccl, 649 Eye street.Carroll Bailey. 438 New Jersey

avenue.Noble Tinker Tinker. 112 Quander

street.Frank Allen. 1431 South Carolina

avenue.Charleston Duckett. 13-A Eye street.George Leroy Landsdale. 133 E

street.Charles H e n r y Thompson, 421iurth street.Tsadore May, 628 D street.Everett Cody Kraemer, 1333 L street.Robert Alfonso Hager. 1425 C street.Willian Walter Reeder. 732 Navy

Place.William Glenworth Simms. 17 L

street.Richard Jackson Earnshaw. Con-

gressional Cemetery.William Isemann, 141 Eleventh

street.August Lewis Dicke]. C52 Eye street.

Division No. 4.Charles McLean Brown, 00 K street

northeast.Edwin Walton Schultse, 1507 Rose-

dale street.LAbana Mason. 05 L street.James Morris Daly. "2 C street.Francis Joseph Salb. 617 Ninth

street.William Ashtown Dulin. 213 A street.James Francis Rossiter, 864 Ninth

street.Frank Osborne. 1518 Rosedale street.

Division No. 7.John Thomas Grahm. 3088 R street

northwest.Rudolph William Santelmann, 5426

Connecticut avenue.Lenard Husband, 204 N street.Herbert George Henderson, 2712 M

street.George William Manley, 2726 Olive

avenue.David Bonnettr S6 and 0 streets.Ivan Dent Gates. 3412 Prospect ave-

nue.Joseph Lucas, 48t8 Forty-first street.Frank Walling, 140 Wisconsin ave-

nue.Charles Edgar Stone. 1712 Thirty-

fourth street.Leslie Hall Jackson. 3021 P street.Francis Aloysius Barbee. 224 Wis-

consin avenue.Frederick Duglese Robinson, 1062

Thirtieth street.George Dorsey. 204 Forty-first street.Charles Leroy Carter, 11 Forty-first

street.Harry Alls Jackson. 20 0O street.

Divisien We. S.Jordon Carter, 17 Florida avenue

northwest.Albert N. Senseney, 1343 Otis place.David Hodward, Jr.,' Octavia Apart-

ment.Marton B. Walker. 1542 Calvert street.Alfred E5. Lewis, jr.. 2226 Connecticut

avenue.Harrison M. Hoyt, 1437 Belmont

street.Lee R. Pennington, Jr.. 1842 Calvert

street.Alvin Hoffa. 1740 Lanier place.Clerence L. Eggleston, 1754 Lanier

pla~ce.George A. Wiggin, 1914 Sixteenth

street.John R. Payne. 1408 Newton street.James 0. C. Roberts. Jr.. 1124 Bel-

mont street.Jamee B. Skinner, 204 Fourteenth

street.David Murpth. 3419 Fourteenth street.John D. Desendorf, 1420 Meriden

street.Robert Lee Thomnpson. 144 Florida

avenue.Brintons B. Barnes. 719 Thirteenth

Fred Battle. 125 Vernon street.Bushrod Hoopiin, Wellington Apart-

sment.Waninsug jackson. 1166 Soaton

street.Myron W. Wilson. 141d Belmont

street.Harry H. Dodek, 2123 Elgthteenth

-tBet.Robert C. Courry, 220 Uizteenth

street.George Marion W. Shea. MU0 Nine-

heamth strtDoglissa U. Bansch, Octavia apart-

Ferdinand Quarierl, 36 Bighteenthstreet.*



All that is required is the will todo-ONLY a few subscriptions wilput you in the lead in virald-tricts and well up in the tunning Irany district.

Votes Couat More Before September IThirty-five thousand extra vote

for each and every $15 wotth fnew subscriptions turned in bfoi,that date. A five-dollir -~Idl pi iz.to all candidates turning- in $35iorth of new subcriptiions be-tween Augurt 11 and i pte Iis the offter that closes Saturdaynight. Sptemhcr 1. and the brevote offer ,f the campatign.Ju t a word to the ni, thers o

The Heital's All-l'rize liom' Suhist tiClub who hav less that1~.000 or 20.000 votes in th. publihed list. No doubt you nteicdthe club with the determination twin an automobiir. a piano. or on.of the forty-five sItrict prizes.Perhaps you are waiting t, sui

prise us September I with a hoolor two full of subsct iptions. If ci

this will be fine, but don't you knovyour fiitnds are liable to think yolate not active atid will give thi'isubscriptlnns and influene tomore energetic member n ho c-ntinues to climb day after day iithe published vote standing?

Now Is the Time to Work.This is a fact, and unless you ar

going to pass up an opportutnity t'win a valuable prize for just a littie effort now is the time to takevery advantage to boost youstanding. Remember. 'F A I N7HEART NEVER WON-FA IR LADY.Do nt give up now. The wholworld loves a witnner, so why nobe one of the witnners. In anevent you cannot lose becaure ThHerald will pay every active member who does not win a prize 10 pecent on all new subscription mone;received.

Mr. Charles W. Lake, the livwire front Front Royal, Va.. noonly leads his own district In today's published list, but the entirten districts. Mr. Lake only joinethe club last week and has show:by a little effort what others whare low in the published voting liscan do by a little constant hustlingAugust Blase. District 7, is sec

ond with 43,231 votes, and Jesse I

Robert Birdsell. 3440 Brown street.Melvin DeWitt Brown, 1223 Twelfi

street.Arthur- Toney, 1113 Corcoran streetCharles Carrell Rouse. 1404 Girar,

street.Dhila N o. 11.

Frederick Sims, 1%40 Bladensburiroad.William Coleman. 1028 Bladensbur;

road.Clagget T. Jones. 1050 Bladenusbur

road.Albert R. Thomas. 1949 Naylor roadCharles R. Chiawell, 3221 Centra

street.Edgar H. Euell. 909 Forty-fourt

steet.John N. Liesch. 1604 T street.Alvin G. Jeffers, United States na

val magazine.WillIam R. King. 1210 Bladensbhuri

road.William Clare. 633 Raleigh strert.Elmer Carl Andrews. 1113 C street.Peter Bowen Prentis, 1132 Clarn

place.John Albert Hoffman, 905 Nint:

street.WillIam Francis Hornig, 200 Elevent!

street.Morton Elbert Lee, B8 Sixteent]

street.Robert Leo Sanders, 3;21 E street.Herbert Graham Kubel, 1000 Eas

Capitol street.Bernard Aloyslus Conlan, Glii Mary

land avenue.Robert William Darr, 1404 Marylani

avenue.William Jasper Higdon, 1357%street.David Milburn Logan. 512 M street.Charles V% 1lliam Bond. 51.3 Thirn

street.James Henry Danilels. 60 street.Sydney Speidon Tolson, 731 Fifti

street.John Henry Williams. 1107 Bennini

road.Wilson Davis Garner. 112 D) Street.Samnuel John Leonard. 520 G street.Btaford Lorenso D~avis, 23 Four

teen-and-a-half street.Ralph Earle Fraser, 611 K street.Charles Joseph Cgrberry, 647 Acha

street.Wilitan Samnuel Childa, 525 Thin

mintm.is se

The Aamial!'



DI' , of liistrict2,i thd w h

District %tanding.District No. 1.

Stev,-n FranI11k 1. F. 1: in ..

Mi.. 1.. Cunnli;ham ........ 11.'M11_ C W ilI.herl......................4" '.-N

f.,wis H. Kaufman................. Irh1a H-, Y C".ci ...................1

T m~l is R. Mlorl:s . i. IJohn F, Horstkaimp.. .3

. M.lfred IawO

.......... ..F. McI' ................1VJrh G;bson ............. 1910As Th mp on .................... 1It. H. Rolirm.....................l,%s P:Icen Desmond.............. 1,Fn. Mi. Moth.. he... ............. I 1

District No. 2.

John I. lardest. si1'Mra .\ar. Irt J. Gorml ..1..

%w a l d P't1t.=.................................IAo. Robin sn....I Haw kiln ..................... ...

.!la Thehma Anderon ............

W.illiim E. Spmildier................12.W 1iliim B. Pollitt ................... 12,035~L. M. Me\earry................. ....120\VI Ilan II. Burton .................

Alftd Tiewol!a ...........

Vl:, il M. Fookes..J. J. If. ro le .............. .. ,)1, lph i -tchel....................... 1.050Mrs. Planche Campbell............. 1.NJ. K. Hill, Kenihworth. D. C...... 1,0Binily E verett....................... 1.0llirry Franklin .....................1,0Miss Dorothy Small" ood......... 1,Wu

District No. 3.

Harry P. Da\ is....................42.,43'H. F. Hoffman ......................4.MNrrs Fishman.....................1,.,A lbert Sm all .......................

Fr:ink C. Rupp .......................1-,20Si lney GI n r ........................12,00Mis. Hand .......................... LWMr. Mary Greenberg ............... 1.000

lvester Steinman ................1.0101%%.lWalsh ....... .................... 1,00

Misis Marie Fletcher ................ 1.10)J:,a D. K irhy.......................1,0,Miss Mfaiguerite Moore........... 1,0001M iss E. Pack........................ 1, (0Miss Esther M. Sheehan.......... 1,1IHerhert Silverstone .............. 1.00G. F. Hollis .....................1.

District No. 4.

Edward M iller.........................-1M 'tolson..............................Fred Bartlett.........................17.04

LewIs Porter. 1109 Second street.Floyd Emmett Ross, =3 Parker

sti eet.Raymond Leroy Pedlow, 1706 C

strcet.Sherman Jones.- W Tenth stret.Gecorge Bright 'Clark. 218 Eighth

street.James Alonzo Hawkins. 1824 Gales

street.Ira Rutherford Nisely, 30 E street.George Carl Flynn, 132 Seventh

street.Clarence Caselmore. 229 First street.William NathanIel Janson, 646 F

street.James WillIam Amddon, 323 I street.Blernard James Farrell. 640 Second

street.ClIfford John Terrull. 120 Maryland

avenue.Edwin Jacob Freeh. 719 C street.Charles Dallas Ledane. 139 C street.William King. jr.. 525 Fifteenth

sta cet.William C. Quivers. 1512 Turner

5t Cet.Therman W. Dorr, Corby avenue.

Brookland.Walter E. Holmes. 1610 Sheridan

avenue.William E. Cooney, 2S0 Twenty-

fourth street.Francis Harper, 2001 Twenty-fourth

street.William D. Fenwick. 4315 Sheriff

roa-i.John C. Montague. Staunton road.Charies B. Piummer. 1->22 Columbia

street..loseph A. Pessagno, 1410 Montello

-avenue.John Irrino Simmons. 1318 Florida

avenue.Beverley J. Fletcher. 1216 Wyliestreet..William E. Smith. 2248 Chester

street.George W. Dyer. St. Elizabeth's

Hospital.Richard T. Waters. 1055 Summer

road.William Luckett. 21 Summer road.Herman A. Tosch. 633 ReighleyJohn A. W. Ludke, 2240 Shannon

place.Richard P, BloswelL, St. Elisabeth's

Hospital.1JeephW.fBarnes. 104 Capitol aye-=a=e


0 06e ?e



-NER'ancis Spind ..................

41. J. Grcduan ...... .....12.)Mk. M. Dries. Woodburn. D. C .12.000

C. Berry.......lent y C. Cryer... ..... 1L. S. W olge ........... I........ . 1,fK

District No. I.A Godwin........................41.41

-a lC. N iiby.lis. Malm.i lonaldson.............21.27

[wis F. !-n le..................14.aniiel B. HolTman.................133lrinanu Norwoor. ..............11.IWai x Iuhin .......................... 1.*'

li.sI. Mitchel................oaniel J. Byrn .................. 1,90

District No. I.

A R R il.. .......................41.11S.-r'esith...................13 O

F r .._... ..................

r il'. Ni and ..............Z. P. Cr--nshaw. jr................

ie Nane ..................... 1.'

itiss Anna Herron................00

District No. T.\ucust Blasi.........................lYman PTash ...................1.'Nirs. N ck I......................1.I. A llen K ing............. ......... 1A

District No. .

I. A. Hurney.........................12.4harles Dunn ....................... 100larold P. Ganass................... 1.,0Rodney Dargeille .................100I in Mooney ......................100F:. L. Darcev ......................100lisa NI. E. Simmons.............1.0llack Kloman....................1

District No. 9.-has. H. Hiayee, Riverdale. Md..13.20lames W ilson ......................12,iNealy Bea .......................-0r"larence Wierni.ck. Hyattsville... 1.00liss Helen Beall. Seat Pleasant.M d. .................................1L00

District No. 10.'has. W. Lake. Front Royal.....44.031irs. S. J. Sisson, Fairfax. Va... 41.'1lohn W. Minton, Alexandria. Va.41.7laude B. Midkiff. Alexandria.....1u.51Mt. Coustabb. Vienna. Va.........12.0*lelen Rinker, Middletown. ya... 1.0(NI:-s. Lillian Ridgley, Rickville.Va. ...............................1 0

3. H. Burke. Burke, Va........... ,0IK. A. Suttle, Hooes. Va........... 1.00Mure. J. L. Lesieur, Clarendon.Va. ............ ................. 1.0

D. C. Glascock. Potomac. Va... 1,03iliss Lillian Dirch. Ballston, Va..1,00Miss Sarah Sullivan. Cottage ParAlexandria, Va.................1.0C

Miiss Elizabeth Kidwell. CherrydaleVa. ......... ........................ 1.00

William E. Harley, 2707 Good Hoproad.Hawes H. Hamilton, Lane and WittiUngham place.Gilbert T. Smallwood. 496 Fort Stan

ion road.George S. Malet. 2q06 Minerda.John F. Daugherty. 19'26 Sixteent

street.Ernest Lockwood. St. Elizabeth'

Hospital.Carl Oscar Allison. 1212 Morse streeiJohn Joseph Brazbrol. 1214 V streelJames Patrick M.cVerry, 1316 V

utreet.Carl Boswell Hardy. 2308 QueelC'hapel road.Calvin George Holland. ldi A streetJames Edward Dyson. 1300 Staurn

ion road.Ernest James Read, 2100 Horne

place.John Francis Kelly, 1134 Morse streelWilliam R. Fox. 2347 Rhode Islan

Ivenue.Clarence A. Craig. 56 Sommer roadLee Sumblin. 407 Howard road.Alexander B. Petrie. 1001 KenilworttGuy L. Bray. 122 Anacostia road.Charles F. Fowler, 1321 WV street.John Melle, 2607 Benning road.Howard A. Norton. 1924 Fourteenth


Antoist Files Suit AgainstW. R.& E.Company

Another damage suit growing out 0he acefoent on Wisconsin avenue o1he 17th of this month when a cs>f the Washington RaIlway snd Elec

.rc Company crashed into an autc

was filed yesterday in the DistricSupreme Court by Jesseie Atl.. whtaks $23,000 damages. This brings th

otal amount of damages asked tohis event up to $96,O00-7,O00 in thre

lamage suits were filed last week.

ALLEGES FALSE ARREST.Alleging false arrest. Louise Abbe:iled suIt yesterday in the Distric

lupremse Court for $2.t00 again.

aJllian B. Lear. The plaintif state

hat she was arrested and chargeu

w~ith making rude gestures on tOh

treet on April :6 last on compilaip

it the defendant and the dase wiinits...mes, musn in 1dnla

Stu* of Geaan Has Deeasged.says Superintemdmnt hurs..."Durng the past two yewrs there

has been a mrked Increase In theunbor of students e1ting Frenchad a marked faning'of in the mm-her of students eting German inthe public school. of Washingto."declared superintendent of SchoolsThurston yesterday. when asked whe-ther the school authorities intendedto cut down the stax of German in-structors as other cities are doing."We do not propose to cut down thestudy of German. except In so far asthe decreased demand for instructionin that language continues." Superin-tendent Thurston added. **If the pop-ilarity of French and Spanish con-tinues this year and we expect it to,members of the corps of German in-structors will probably be assigned toother subjects which they are quali-tied to teach."The local school authorities are

rianning to upset to a considerableextent old methods of teaching mod-ern languages. The war. and more

especially the fact that our armiesare to fight side by side with theFrench pollus instead of the BritishTommies. render it important thatcommunication with our French allies.hould not be restricted to second-hand communication through inter-preters. To make this possible gra-duates of next year's high schoolclass who plan to enter the serviceof their country as ofieers or sol-diers will be given every opportunityto learn to speak the language ina practical way. These young menwill know how to ask for a roastbeef sandwich in French. how to buya railroad ticket. and 'kick' in un-derstandable French when they don'tret the right change, romething thatthe ordinary high school graduate

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