| it Will Yield to Blakey's .X OUGjH WHITE COUQH MEDICINE This is the most powerful yet discovered. Rein# inad$ of harmless herbs it will not leave the patient debilitat- ed. Contains tonic prop- erties. Strengthens and in- vigorates the system while driving out the cough. Tes- ted and proved efficacious in all the climates b u „t adapted particularly t o this. I ! A. S. BLAKEY, DRUGGIST j; MINOR TOPICS =j Bam Falkenberg, the brake- man, is ill with small pox at his home. A seven and a half pound daughter was born to ( '. 10. Col- cora and wife, Saturday. Jame Morrison and wife the atoiall pox and are doing- nicely at the pest house. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Olsgard, <jf Lakota, visited at the home of their uncle Attorney Olsgard •everal days. Little Florence Chaniplin is ill with a very light case of small pox. The home has baen quar- antined. Mrs. George Martin has been ill and the popular engineer has been taking a vacation from the road on that account. Notwithstanding that the Minot mill is running day and night, it is behind six car loads of flour with its orders. The well at the mill lias placed out, and now a hard time is be- ing had to secure a pump to draw water from the liver. The best shaves and hair cuts in state at the Astoria liar Iter Shop. North of the Soo tracks near Stoltze's lumber yard. '/The Astoria Barber Shop for baths. Mrs. Muhs certainly has the finest bath rooms and equip- ments in this part of the state. On account of rush of business at the land office, there have been but a few contest notices issued latelv. . L. A. Emerson lias returned from Boulder Springs, Mont., where lie spent several weeks for rheumatism, lie is greatly bene-" fitted. Mayor Hoach departed for St. 1'aul Saturday morning to tran- sact business for a week. Workmen are bricking up the new boilers at the round house and we can listen for the whistles again in about a week. I^reeden & Stewart purchased from A. Botz his livery barn on "tanistad St., and have already a ken possession. imall pox patients should be F 1 tftfe 'ken at once to the pest house. The disease is t spreading in the city.. People have had the dis- ease and the health officer has lpt been notified. John II. Lewis is collecting for the John C. Hoflf concern, and will leave no stone unturned to get all that is due. Mr. and Mrs. Staxton, Mr. and Mrs. Ludvig Mikkleson and Mrs. Louis Larson came into the city Friday for the christening of Mr. and Mrs. Mikkelson's little baby. Caspar Tangedahl and brother Ole have opened a meat market in a building near the west bridge They will sell only first class meat. M. W. Cochran and family will go to their old home at Bangor, Mich., this week to spend the winter. Mr. Cochran has done well on his farm near Markillie. Have you tried the new game? Twenty-five throws of the dice for 25 cents at the Astoria Bar- ber Shop. Twenty-six counts gets you .fl worth of cigars. John McJannett was called to Bowbells Saturday to prepare for shipment, the remains of C. J. Hanson who died of old age Friday. Hanson was 72 years old and his body was shipped to New Hock ford. Minn. L. W. Torgeson, a lawyer, has opened up an office in this city and expects to remain here E ermanently. At present he can e found in "the office of the Kent Realty Co. which he lias charge of during the absence of Mr. Wei- land. He recently practiced at Dawson, X. I). Fred Hanua, theChilcot ranch- er and postmaster, stopped in Minot on his return from St. Paul Monday, where lie had been with two car loads of cattle. Fred said that the cattle brought a very low price but lie will live through the winter all right. He made the Independent office a pleasant- call. C. F. Ferber, the shoe man, is making himself famous as a pea- nut and popcorn man. Carl built a fine enclosed wagon and ran it to the sidewalk near Ryder & Mansfield's store. Every even- ing he can be found ready to sup- ply your wants and the stuff is first class too. Dave Lloyd's partner in the gold mining business returned from Cape Nome last week and brought Dave a present of an Esquinieux's suit, made from the skin taken from the legs of rein- deer. It is trimmed with ermine and fur from young imp seal and is valued at $100. Mr. Lloyd wore the suit in the city attract- ing." much attention. 11 f k."> IS, < s * Typewriter Ribbon And Carbon Sale .... For the next Thirty Days I will soli $1.00 Typwewriter Ribbons for any Machine for 5*> Cents. T will sell Carbon Paper for only $i.50 Per x . This paper is sold every where from $3.50 to $5.00 per box. This paper is in •' all sizes and in all colors. Don't Fail to Take Advantage of ; J* This Offer j * A. P. SLOCUM, Your Druggist Minot, N. Ole Fugeskjel is teaching school at Fort Snelling. The county commissioners will meet next Monday. House and lot for sale. J. C. Youngkin, east Soo tracK. S. Sangalli came down from Berthold on business Monday. P. Vandenoever returned from Dexter, Minn., where he visited three weeks. S. J. Law lias returned to his old home at ('anterburym Xew Brunswick to spend the winter. Geo. Dahlc, the Carpio hard- wareman, was in Minot Monday greeting his many friends. The Markillie postoffice was reestablished Monday, (ieorge Christopher is the postmaster. Bert (ireen and H. 10. Had field, of Glenburn, bought the Xick Schiltz quarter for $1,400. An-oyster supper will be given Thursday night at the home of Chas. Taylor, in Iowa Township by the Sunday School. Archie Moen, of Mohall, fell in an epeleptic fit on Jacobson's corner Monday afternoon and was carried to Dr. Hyndman's office where he soon recovered. The fine open winter thus far, is a great boon for the stockmen whose cattle can run on the range saving hundreds of dollars worth of hay in the county daily. Liveryman White found his business increasing to such an exitent that he concluded to build a forty foot addition to his livery stable. Billy is ever on the alert and is doing a fine business. Someone suggested that the city could use the old (-ells which are in the county jail after the first of the year for the new city jail which will have to be erected soon. There will be a new county jail by that time. Mrs. J. B. Taylor will give an ' At Home'" for Miss Miller Wednesday evening and all day Thursday. Miss Miller will have on exhibit ion some specimens of burned wood, known as pyrog- rapliy. All are invited to attend. Mrs. Taylor resides south of the Presbyterian church. Sheriff Scofield arrested Satur- day Chas. Crisp in this city at the order of the sheriff from Can- do. Crisp is accused of stealing a harness in Cando and bringing it to Minot. It could not lie found here. Crisp is inthecountv jail and may betaken to Cando. j Those who have borrowed shafts and buggy poles from me in the last few months are asked to return same to me as 1 have not time to drive over the coun- try after them and need tliem badly. D. A. Hall, the black- smith. Minot. N. 1). The Minot Reporter in relating the death of Pearl Taylor claimed she was shot down and died in- stantly and Bert Benedict, the slayer, had fled and has not been apprehended. This is a mistake as it has not yet been proven that she was even murdered, and it is positively known she was not shot. God knows Williston is bad enough so -please Bro. Wil- son don't make it worse than it is.—Williston Herald. T. W. Tasker. the Carpio land man, visited Minot Monday. He informed a representative of the Independent that Carpio was do- ing and had done everything she could to keep out blind pigs, even the citizens had risked their lives to rid the town of such places. Carpio is one of thecleanestlittle cities in the county. Conditions of Minot. Time and again the papers of the city have agitated the or- ganization of a business men's club. The result is apparant to every clear sighted business man and the sooner we do this, the quicker our city will be placed on a firm basis. Get together and offer inducements to get people here to trade. Sell goods a little cheaper than tliey can bo bought for in other towns. See that the elevators pay more for grain. Pay the farmers more for their produce. Do more business and make less profits if necessary. Make this the great center. Make everv da v a bargain day and we «. c- ^ *• will all profit by it. We have, some of the brightest business men in the state who are doing- much for our city. The Inde- pendent believes, however, that more .can be done. People can be induced to Come to this city to trade from every direction. The railroads make it handy for people to come here to shop. Al- ready we have .the best stocked stores in this part of the state. Again we say, do everything to induce people to make this their headquarters for trading. Camera Delights Kvery season is good season to own and use u camera. It affords con- stant diversion and his a retining influence. The thousands of unseen things about you now whjch a camera will help you to see: it opens one's eycH. We carry such an extensive variety of cameiasthat we can suit any one as to quality and price. The inexpen- sive cameras do really good work and rather than deny yourself camera experience it is better to start with a cheap one and buy a better one when you are able. Drop in and let us show you the various styles Prices Range From $1.00 to $35.00 McCOY The Druggist. Lelaad Hotel Minot, N. Dak. NOTICE FOR SALE. Notice is hereby given that I will sell to the highest bidder Dec. 12, 1903, at J. N. Johnson's home on Sec. 27, Twp. 155- 83, at 2 o'clock p. m. the following de- scribed property: One dark red steer two and a half,, years old, no horns, which was taken up by J. N. Johnson in June, 1902. Terms cash. Erick Hustad, Justice of the Peace for Harrison township, Ward county. N. D. Moacy to loan on your farm, I have it terns of payment easy—Rates low as the lowest. I can save you money. J. E. Mc* Kaane. 23-tf Fire insurance protects against loss. I have six or seven of the best companies. Let me write a policy for you. - J. E. McKoane. 23-tf The happiest couple in the world should be a deaf husband and a blind wife, both taking Rocky Mountain Tea. keeps peace ia the family. 35 cents. - K S.Hlakey, Over Shoes. Velvet and kid tip foxed Juliets for ladies. The latest and most beautiful styles. Come and see them. Cleven & Hanson, Minot, N. D. (iood large shack for s^le cheap. For particulars impure fit this oflU'P. xf Leave your ordersfor coal, wood and ice at P. H. Baukols. 32-tf. Money to loan on farms. Six different plans. Fredeen & Stewart, Minot, N. D. P. H. Baukol the oldest and most re- liable coal dealer in Minot. (iive him your next older. 32-tf (io to Spriggs Bros. the plumbers at Minot for all kinds of work. Divine service together with Com- munion will be held in Betliania Luth- eran Church Dec. 6,10.30 a. ni. Ole E. (Jronon, Pastor. Just arrived at one time for P.H. Bau- kol 40 cords of dead cut jack pine, 25 cords seasoned jake pine and 15 cords of edgings. The best wood that ever came to Minot. This makes eighty-one cords and the largest shipment of wood ever received bv any dealer here. 32-tf. P. H. Baukol always keeps the best of fuel on hand and the last shipment of wood is exceptionally tine. Give him your next order for sawed wood and bundled edgings. 32-tf. Spriggs Bros, the plumbers at Minot do all kinds of plumbing. Pipes fitted. Work guaranteed. Pipes iitted and all kinds of plumbing done by Spriggs Bros. Minot. All work guaranteed. MINOT: MILLING COMPANY. MERCHANT AND CUSTOM MILLERS, INCORPORATED. Capacity 200 Barrels Per Day i.tPHK&MNIITfUflr. Mill Runs NIGHT and DAY The Pride of Minot is Ever Popular. Every Sack is Guaranteed to be of iJniforin (Quality. We Ex- change Flour for Your Wheat. Bring 1 Your Feed to This Mill and Have it Ground : : : : The Following Flours and Ceerals Always on Hand a* l'ride of Minot. 1st Grade. "C. Third (Jmik Breakfast Food. Corn Meal. Graham. Lignite Second Grade. Buckwheat Flour. Wheat Hearts. Rolled Oats. Rve Flour. THE NEW WHOLESALE DRY GOODS HOUSE OF F. A.I PATRICK &*CO.*OF DULUTH, MINN Offersjto the merchantsjof N.jp, the advantage of its LOCATION, QUICK SERVICE RIGHT PRICES Mail Orders received before 3 p. m. shipped same day as received. Mer- chants visiting the sample house atJMinot will find a line unsurpassed by any in the Northwest; REPRESENTATIVE AT MINOT, A. DrMHJfli FOR FIRST= CLASS Blacksmithing Plow Works, Wood Working and Scientific Horseshoeing UOTO BARLOW & VALEN Shop opposite Grand Forks Meantreile Wholesale House MINOT, N. D. ...A Full Line of... Farm Implements and Threshers Agents for the Buffalo Pitts and Leader Threshing Machines. Harness repaired on short notice. Single and Double driving ; Harness. j Full line of Deeringl Machinery ! Anythingyou want in Buggies "Deere Vehicle* are All Right." j and Wagons. SAUERESSIG BROS, Opposite Merc. Wholesale House. Minot, X. Samuelson's Important Shoe News. Men's Vici* Kid Box Calf and Velour Calf; dJO CA worth up to $5*00 These are good values at Boys Box Calf and Kangaroo Calf Shoes Solid, made for wear. Sizes 3 to 5 1-2 ^ at $1.75 Overshoes All kinds of High Grade Alaskas, Arctics, and Rub- .bers at Lowest Prices* I Do Not Handle The "Trashy 99

The Ward County independent. (Minot, Ward County, N.D ...shafts and buggy poles from me in the last few months are asked to return same to me as 1 have not time to drive over the coun

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Page 1: The Ward County independent. (Minot, Ward County, N.D ...shafts and buggy poles from me in the last few months are asked to return same to me as 1 have not time to drive over the coun

| it Will Yield to Blakey's




This is the most powerful yet discovered. Rein# inad$ of harmless herbs it will not leave the patient debilitat­ed. Contains tonic prop­erties. Strengthens and in­vigorates the system while driving out the cough. Tes­ted and proved efficacious in all the climates b u „t adapted particularly t o this. I



j; MINOR TOPICS =j Bam Falkenberg, the brake-

man, is ill with small pox at his home.

A seven and a half pound daughter was born to ( '. 10. Col-cora and wife, Saturday.

Jame Morrison and wife the atoiall pox and are doing- nicely at the pest house.

Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Olsgard, <jf Lakota, visited at the home of their uncle Attorney Olsgard •everal days.

Little Florence Chaniplin is ill with a very light case of small pox. The home has baen quar­antined.

Mrs. George Martin has been ill and the popular engineer has been taking a vacation from the road on that account. • Notwithstanding that the Minot mill is running day and night, it is behind six car loads of flour with its orders.

The well at the mill lias placed out, and now a hard time is be­ing had to secure a pump to draw water from the liver.

The best shaves and hair cuts in state at the Astoria liar Iter Shop. North of the Soo tracks near Stoltze's lumber yard.

'/The Astoria Barber Shop for baths. Mrs. Muhs certainly has the finest bath rooms and equip­ments in this part of the state.

On account of rush of business at the land office, there have been but a few contest notices

• issued latelv. . L. A. Emerson lias returned

from Boulder Springs, Mont., where lie spent several weeks for rheumatism, lie is greatly bene-" fitted.

Mayor Hoach departed for St. 1'aul Saturday morning to tran­sact business for a week.

Workmen are bricking up the new boilers at the round house and we can listen for the whistles again in about a week.

I^reeden & Stewart purchased from A. Botz his livery barn on "tanistad St., and have already

a ken possession.

imall pox patients should be F1 tftfe 'ken at once to the pest house. The disease is t spreading in the city.. People have had the dis­ease and the health officer has lpt been notified.

John II. Lewis is collecting for the John C. Hoflf concern, and will leave no stone unturned to get all that is due.

Mr. and Mrs. Staxton, Mr. and Mrs. Ludvig Mikkleson and Mrs. Louis Larson came into the city Friday for the christening of Mr. and Mrs. Mikkelson's little baby.

Caspar Tangedahl and brother Ole have opened a meat market in a building near the west bridge They will sell only first class meat.

M. W. Cochran and family will go to their old home at Bangor, Mich., this week to spend the winter. Mr. Cochran has done well on his farm near Markillie.

Have you tried the new game? Twenty-five throws of the dice for 25 cents at the Astoria Bar­ber Shop. Twenty-six counts gets you .fl worth of cigars.

John McJannett was called to Bowbells Saturday to prepare for shipment, the remains of C. J. Hanson who died of old age Friday. Hanson was 72 years old and his body was shipped to New Hock ford. Minn.

L. W. Torgeson, a lawyer, has opened up an office in this city and expects to remain here

Eermanently. At present he can e found in "the office of the Kent

Realty Co. which he lias charge of during the absence of Mr. Wei-land. He recently practiced at Dawson, X. I).

Fred Hanua, theChilcot ranch­er and postmaster, stopped in Minot on his return from St. Paul Monday, where lie had been with two car loads of cattle. Fred said that the cattle brought a very low price but lie will live through the winter all right. He made the Independent office a pleasant- call.

C. F. Ferber, the shoe man, is making himself famous as a pea­nut and popcorn man. Carl built a fine enclosed wagon and ran it to the sidewalk near Ryder & Mansfield's store. Every even­ing he can be found ready to sup­ply your wants and the stuff is first class too.

Dave Lloyd's partner in the gold mining business returned from Cape Nome last week and brought Dave a present of an Esquinieux's suit, made from the skin taken from the legs of rein­deer. It is trimmed with ermine and fur from young imp seal and is valued at $100. Mr. Lloyd wore the suit in the city attract­ing." much attention.



k."> I S , <

s *

Typewriter Ribbon

And Carbon Sale.... For the next Thirty Days I will soli $1.00 Typwewriter Ribbons for any Machine for 5*> Cents. T will sell Carbon Paper for only $i.50 Per B°x. This paper is sold every where from $3.50 to $5.00 per box. This paper is in

•' all sizes and in all colors.

Don't Fail to Take Advantage of ; J* This Offer j*

A. P. SLOCUM, Your Druggist Minot, N.

Ole Fugeskjel is teaching school at Fort Snelling.

The county commissioners will meet next Monday.

House and lot for sale. J. C. Youngkin, east Soo tracK.

S. Sangalli came down from Berthold on business Monday.

P. Vandenoever returned from Dexter, Minn., where he visited three weeks.

S. J. Law lias returned to his old home at ('anterburym Xew Brunswick to spend the winter.

Geo. Dahlc, the Carpio hard-wareman, was in Minot Monday greeting his many friends.

The Markillie postoffice was reestablished Monday, (ieorge Christopher is the postmaster.

Bert (ireen and H. 10. Had field, of Glenburn, bought the Xick Schiltz quarter for $1,400.

An-oyster supper will be given Thursday night at the home of Chas. Taylor, in Iowa Township by the Sunday School.

Archie Moen, of Mohall, fell in an epeleptic fit on Jacobson's corner Monday afternoon and was carried to Dr. Hyndman's office where he soon recovered.

The fine open winter thus far, is a great boon for the stockmen whose cattle can run on the range saving hundreds of dollars worth of hay in the county daily.

Liveryman White found his business increasing to such an exitent that he concluded to build a forty foot addition to his livery stable. Billy is ever on the alert and is doing a fine business.

Someone suggested that the city could use the old (-ells which are in the county jail after the first of the year for the new city jail which will have to be erected soon. There will be a new county jail by that time.

Mrs. J. B. Taylor will give an ' At Home'" for Miss Miller Wednesday evening and all day Thursday. Miss Miller will have on exhibit ion some specimens of burned wood, known as pyrog-rapliy. All are invited to attend. Mrs. Taylor resides south of the Presbyterian church.

Sheriff Scofield arrested Satur­day Chas. Crisp in this city at the order of the sheriff from Can-do. Crisp is accused of stealing a harness in Cando and bringing it to Minot. It could not lie found here. Crisp is inthecountv jail and may betaken to Cando.

j Those who have borrowed shafts and buggy poles from me in the last few months are asked to return same to me as 1 have not time to drive over the coun­try after them and need tliem badly. D. A. Hall, the black­smith. Minot. N. 1).

The Minot Reporter in relating the death of Pearl Taylor claimed she was shot down and died in­stantly and Bert Benedict, the slayer, had fled and has not been apprehended. This is a mistake as it has not yet been proven that she was even murdered, and it is positively known she was not shot. God knows Williston is bad enough so -please Bro. Wil­son don't make it worse than it is.—Williston Herald.

T. W. Tasker. the Carpio land man, visited Minot Monday. He informed a representative of the Independent that Carpio was do­ing and had done everything she could to keep out blind pigs, even the citizens had risked their lives to rid the town of such places. Carpio is one of thecleanestlittle cities in the county.

Conditions of Minot.

Time and again the papers of the city have agitated the or­ganization of a business men's club. The result is apparant to every clear sighted business man and the sooner we do this, the quicker our city will be placed on a firm basis. Get together and offer inducements to get people here to trade. Sell goods a little cheaper than tliey can bo bought for in other towns. See that the elevators pay more for grain. Pay the farmers more for their produce. Do more business and make less profits if necessary. Make this the great center. Make everv da v a bargain day and we

«. c- ̂ *•

will all profit by it. We have, some of the brightest business men in the state who are doing-much for our city. The Inde­pendent believes, however, that more .can be done. People can be induced to Come to this city to trade from every direction. The railroads make it handy for people to come here to shop. Al­

ready we have .the best stocked stores in this part of the state. Again we say, do everything to induce people to make this their headquarters for trading.

Camera Delights

Kvery season is • good season to own and use u camera. It affords con­stant diversion and his a retining influence. The thousands of unseen things about you now whjch a camera will help you to see: it opens one's eycH.

We carry such an extensive variety of cameiasthat we can suit any one as to quality and price. The inexpen­sive cameras do really good work and rather than deny yourself camera experience it is better to start with a cheap one and buy a better one when you are able. Drop in and let us show you the various styles

Prices Range From

$1.00 to $35.00 McCOY

The Druggist. Lelaad Hotel Minot, N. Dak.


Notice is hereby given that I will sell to the highest bidder Dec. 12, 1903, at J. N. Johnson's home on Sec. 27, Twp. 155-83, at 2 o'clock p. m. the following de­scribed property: One dark red steer two and a half,, years old, no horns, which was taken up by J. N. Johnson in June, 1902. Terms cash.

Erick Hustad, Justice of the Peace for Harrison township, Ward county. N. D.

Moacy to loan on your farm, I have it terns of payment easy—Rates low as the lowest. I can save you money. J. E. Mc* Kaane. 23-tf

Fire insurance protects against loss. I have six or seven of the best companies. Let me write a policy for you. - J. E. McKoane. 23-tf

The happiest couple in the world should be a deaf husband and a blind wife, both taking Rocky Mountain Tea. keeps peace ia the family. 35 cents. -K S.Hlakey,

Over Shoes. Velvet and kid tip foxed Juliets for

ladies. The latest and most beautiful styles. Come and see them. Cleven & Hanson, Minot, N. D.

(iood large shack for s^le cheap. For particulars impure fit this oflU'P. xf

Leave your ordersfor coal, wood and ice at P. H. Baukols. 32-tf.

Money to loan on farms. Six different plans. Fredeen & Stewart, Minot, N. D.

P. H. Baukol the oldest and most re­liable coal dealer in Minot. (iive him your next older. 32-tf

(io to Spriggs Bros. the plumbers at Minot for all kinds of work.

Divine service together with Com­munion will be held in Betliania Luth­eran Church Dec. 6,10.30 a. ni.

Ole E. (Jronon, Pastor.

Just arrived at one time for P.H. Bau­kol 40 cords of dead cut jack pine, 25 cords seasoned jake pine and 15 cords of edgings. The best wood that ever came to Minot. This makes eighty-one cords and the largest shipment of wood ever received bv any dealer here. 32-tf.

P. H. Baukol always keeps the best of fuel on hand and the last shipment of wood is exceptionally tine. Give him your next order for sawed wood and bundled edgings. 32-tf.

Spriggs Bros, the plumbers at Minot do all kinds of plumbing. Pipes fitted. Work guaranteed.

Pipes iitted and all kinds of plumbing done by Spriggs Bros. Minot. All work guaranteed.




200 Barrels

Per Day i.tPHK&MNIITfUflr.

Mill Runs


DAY The Pride of Minot is Ever Popular.

Every Sack is Guaranteed to be of iJniforin (Quality. We Ex­change Flour for Your Wheat. Bring1 Your Feed to This Mill and Have it Ground : : : :

The Following Flours and Ceerals Always on Hand a*

l'ride of Minot. 1st Grade. "C. Third (Jmik Breakfast Food. Corn Meal. Graham.

Lignite Second Grade. Buckwheat Flour. Wheat Hearts. Rolled Oats. Rve Flour.


OF F. A.I PATRICK &*CO.*OF DULUTH, MINN Offersjto the merchantsjof N.jp, the advantage of its


Mail Orders received before 3 p. m. shipped same day as received. Mer­chants visiting the sample house atJMinot will find a line unsurpassed by any in the Northwest;



Blacksmithing Plow Works, Wood Working and Scientific Horseshoeing

UOTO BARLOW & VALEN Shop opposite Grand Forks Meantreile Wholesale House MINOT, N. D.

. . . A F u l l L i n e o f . . .

Farm Implements and Threshers Agents for the Buffalo Pitts and

Leader Threshing Machines.

Harness repaired on short notice. Single and Double driving

; Harness.

j Full line of Deeringl Machinery ! Anythingyou want in Buggies

"Deere Vehicle* are All Right." j and Wagons.

SAUERESSIG BROS, Opposite Merc. Wholesale House. Minot, X.

Samuelson's Important Shoe News.

Men's Vici* Kid Box Calf and Velour Calf; dJO CA worth up to $5*00 These are good values at

Boys Box Calf and Kangaroo Calf Shoes Solid, made for wear. Sizes 3 to 5 1-2 ^ at $1.75

Overshoes All kinds of High Grade Alaskas, Arctics, and Rub-.bers at Lowest Prices*

I Do Not Handle The "Trashy 9 9