The Visual Organ

The Visual Organ

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The Visual Organ

Introduction to sensory organs


accessory organs





interoceptors (visceroceptors)

The visual organ

Function: receiving the stimulation of light, and

converting the stimulation into nerve impulse

Formation: the eyeball the accessory organs of eye

I. the eyeball

1.the shape of the eyeball

optic axis

visual axis

2.the structure of the eyeball

⑴ the wall of the eyeball ⑵ the contents of the eyeball

(1)the wall of the eyeball

the fibrous tunica

the vascular tunica

the retina

the fibrous tunica (outer tunica)

the cornea

the sclera

the vascular tunica (middle tunica)

the choroid

the iris

the ciliary body

Pupil:two set of smooth muscles

ciliary ring ciliary processciliary m.

the retina (inner tunic)

iridial part

ciliary part

optic part

(blind part)

the retina (inner tunic)

the pigment cells lamina

the photoreceptors

the bipolar cell

the ganglion cells

macula lutea ( yellow spot)

optic disc

Optic part contains 4 layers of cells:

⑵ the contents of the eyeball

the aqueous humor

the lens

the vitreous body

the refractive media

II.the accessory organs of eye

the eyelids

the lacrimal apparatus

the extraocular muscles

1.the eyelids:

the skin

the subcutaneous areolar tissueorbicularis oculithe tarsus the conjunctive

bulbar conjunctiva

palpebral conjunctiva

conjunctival sac

sup. and inf. conjuctival fornix

2. the lacrimal apparatus

⑴ the lacrimal gland

⑵ the lacrimal passagea.the lacrimal puncta

b.the lacrimal ductule

c.the lacrimal sac

d.the nasolacrimal duct

3.the extraocular muscles


sup. rectus turns the eyeball superiomedially

inf. rectus turns the eyeball inferiomedially

med. rectus turns the eyeball medially

lateral rectus turns the eyeball laterally

sup. obliquus turns the eyeball inferiolaterally

inf. Obliquus turns the eyeball superiorlaterally


raise the upper lid

III. The blood vessels of eye

ophthalamic a. artery:internal carotid a.

ophthalmic a.

veins: ophthalamic v.

sup. and inf. ophthalamic veins


1.the producing, functions and circuits of the aqueous humor

⑴ producing: the ciliary body

⑵ circuits:The aqueous humor post. chamber pupil

ant. chamber iridocorneal angle space of iridocorneal angle

sinus venous sclerae

a. to supply the nutrition for the cornea

b. to form the refractive media


2.the producing and secreating passages of the tears

the lacrimal gland

sup. fornix

inf. fornix

the lacrimal puncta

the lacrimal ductule

the lacrimal sac

the nasolacrimal duct

the inferior nasal meatus

3.the conduction of the light

the light

the aqueous humor of ant. chamber

the pupilthe aqueous humor of post. chamber

the lens the vitreous body

cod and cone cells bipolar cells

ganglion cells

the optic n.

the cornea