The Visitor September 2013 301 South Main Street Homer, Illinois 61849 (217) 896-2038 [email protected] www.homerunitedmethodistchurch.org "All of you together are Christ's body, and each of you is a part of it." 1 Corinthians 12:27 I came across this little devotion some time ago. It seems so fitting as summer comes to an end and we enter in to a new season… When you see geese heading south for the winter, flying along in “V” formation, you might consider what science has discovered as to why they fly that way. As each bird flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the bird immediately following. By flying in “V” formation, the

The Visitor - September 2013 · The Visitor September 2013 301 South Main Street ... I came across this little devotion some time ago. It ... When you see geese heading south for

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The Visitor September 2013

301 South Main Street Homer, Illinois 61849

(217) 896-2038 [email protected] www.homerunitedmethodistchurch.org

"All of you together are Christ's body, and each of you is a part of it." 1 Corinthians 12:27

I came across this little devotion some time ago. It seems so fitting as summer comes to an end and we enter in to a new season… When you see geese heading south for the winter, flying along in “V” formation, you might consider what science has discovered as to why they fly that way. As each bird flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the bird immediately following. By flying in “V” formation, the


whole flock adds at least 71 percent greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own. People who share a common direction and sense of community can get where they are going more quickly and easily, because they are traveling on the thrust of one another. When a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go it alone and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird in front. If we had as much sense as a goose, we will stay in formation with those people who are headed the same way we are. When the head goose gets tired, it rotates back in the wing and another goose flies point. It is sensible to take turns doing demanding jobs, whether with people or with geese flying south. Geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed. What message do we give when we honk from behind? Are we encouraging and supportive, or are we critical and gossipy? Finally – and this is important – when a goose gets sick or is wounded, and falls out of formation, two other geese fall out with that goose and follow it down to lend help and protection. They stay with the fallen goose until it is able to fly again or until it dies; and only then do they launch out on their own, or with another formation to catch up with their group.


If we have the sense of a goose, we will stand by each other like that. Author unknown. As a church, do we fly in formation or do we all set out on our own path, trying to make it on our own? Perhaps the best approach is to take the example of the geese! Flying High for Christ, Pastor Teri

Something New I would like to invite you to be a part of Something New. That’s right – ‘Something New’ is about to begin at Homer UMC!

On Sunday, September 8 – Rally Sunday – a new small group for adults will debut. My hope is that through this time of sharing together we will grow in our faith and deepen our relationship with God and each other.

As a new school-year begins, what better time to get back to church and back to learning and growing in grace!

I can’t wait to begin! So mark your calendar – Sept. 8 – and plan on being a part of Something New! Hope to see you there.

Pastor Teri

***The “Odds and Ends” and “Wing and a Prayer” groups will be a part of Something New.


VBS was great fun! There were 111 children attending during the week with over 50 volunteers helping. We raised $1,143.33 to help build a well for clean water in Liberia. Please mark your calendars for

next year’s VBS, July 27-31. Do you need to have your blood pressure checked? Julie Katterhenry, our parish nurse, can help you monitor your blood pressure.

It’s That Time Again… School is back in session and the rhythm of the fall routine is starting to feel right. So, too, with the ending of summer, the church begins to find its rhythm of meeting and activity. Soon it will be that

wonderful time of year – Charge Conference! (said with tongue firmly planted in cheek!) As you notice more committee meetings on the church calendar, be sure to check your calendar and mark those dates. If you can’t be in attendance, be sure to let the committee chair know. Your input is important to the life and ministry of our church. See you at the meeting! Pastor Teri The “Just for the Health of It” class is changing its name to “Good Habits” and will be led by Becci Powers. Join us each Sunday for devotions and discussions about overall well-being as a Christian.


The next meeting of the HUMC His & Hers Fellowship, will be on Monday, September 9, at 6PM. We take this opportunity to extend an invitation to ALL men and women of the church to join us in our monthly dinner meeting and support of our church

projects. The goal of the group is to provide a fellowship meal and to continue the projects we do for the church each year, while exploring new ways to serve. Mark your calendar for September 9, for our monthly dinner meeting, and join us for food, fun, and fellowship.

Library Update Three books have been purchased recently. They are The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews, Beginning Prayer by John Killinger, and God's Word—a unique translation of the Bible from the original languages. We have one other Andy Andrews book, The Noticer, which has been read by many of our members. God's Word was recommended for our library as a Bible that is easy to read and understand. It accurately presents all the meaning the original writers intended in a friendly, easy style using natural, common language. We also have received a donation of a 20” television and a dvd player. We are in need of a small stand (preferably one with wheels) to hold this equipment. If you have one to donate, please contact the church office, 896-2038. Please welcome Ron Eldridge as our new librarian!


New Office Hours The church office is open Monday–Thursday 8:30–12:00 Pastor Teri’s office hours will typically be:

Monday 9:00 – 12:00, 1:00 – 3:00 Tuesday 9:00 – 12:00, 1:00 – 3:00 Wednesday 9:00 – 12:00, 1:00 – 3:00 Thursday 9:00 – 12:00; Afternoon home visits Friday – Pastor’s Sabbath

***These hours are subject to change due to required clergy meetings, special continuing education events, or hospital calls or emergency.

Dinner’s on Us!

commYOUnity dinner

Sunday, September 29, 2013 4:30-6:30 p.m.

Join us the last Sunday of each month for a free dinner

with friends, family, and neighbors.

September’s Menu: Ham & Potato Casserole, Green Beans, Rolls, and Brownies

Pizza Slices for kids

Thank you to Jeane Taylor for taking on the role of coordinator for altar flowers.


Come Join the Fun!!! Rally Day – Sunday, September 8th Church – 9 a.m. Brunch and Sunday School – 10 a.m. See you there!

LIBERIA A Partnership Between the Iroquois River District

and the Kakata/Farmington River District History In 2006, the bishop of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference, Sharon Brown Christopher, along with several cabinet members, visited Liberia. From that meeting, a covenant was created between the Illinois Great Rivers Conference and the Liberia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. In the original covenant, every district in the Illinois Great Rivers Conference was paired with 2 districts in the Liberia Annual Conference. In 2009, Rev. Andy Adams visited Liberia on a mission trip of the United Methodist Church and met Rev. Albert Barchue, the district superintendent for the Kakata/Farmington River District in Liberia—a sister district to the Iroquois River District in Illinois. After his trip, Andy led his congregation to build a new building for a church in Albert's district. This partnership led to a visit by Albert to the Iroquois River District in 2011, where he met with several churches to express his


thanks for support and to share the challenges of his district. Albert returned to the Iroquois River District in 2012 to continue strengthening the partnership between our districts and began the campaign to create sister-church partnerships. Today, the Iroquois River District has 3 churches who have created sister partnerships with churches in the Kakata/Farmington River District. There are many more churches in Liberia in need of a sister-church relationship with one of the 80+ churches in our district. These two districts of the United Methodist Church, Iroquois River of the USA and Kakata/Farminton of Liberia, have covenanted together to support each other with their resources where abundant in one district and lacking in the other. On the part of the Iroquois River District, those abundant resources are of a physical and financial nature. The Kakata/Farmington River District has much rural territory in need of basic necessities as the entire nation of Liberia recovers from two decades of civil unrest. Focuses of support are education, church support, and living necessities. Connection of HUMC to the Liberia Partnership HUMC has supported this partnership with scholarships for children to attend school in 2009, funding wells in 2010 and 2013, and partnering with other local churches to reroof a Liberian church 2012. For more information, we invite you to check out the following website which is dedicated to promoting meeting the needs of our brothers and sisters in Liberia. http://liberiaird.wix.com/update#!


Homer UMC T-Shirts Have you been wondering where everybody got the great HUMC shirts? Are you feeling left out because you don’t have one? Now is your chance! We are placing another order. Shirts are $10 each if we reach a minimum order of 15 shirts. If you would like to show your team spirit, pick up an order form in the church foyer. You have a choice of two designs. Orders and money are due by September 30.

(Cross and Flame on green

shirt with black text) (Tree on white shirt with green text)

Back of both shirts: Serve One Another in Love

Galatians 5:13

The junior high youth will have their first gathering on Friday September 13, from 6PM-8PM at the church for an end of summer party. Things will be done a little differently this year.

We will try to have 1-2 gatherings a month instead of meeting every Friday night. Flyers and invitations will be made for each event. If you have any questions or would like to help, please contact Lisa Woodmansee.


PPRC If you would like to get to know Pastor Teri and her husband Don better, here is your chance. The PPRC will sponsor small group socials that will give the congregation an opportunity to get to know our pastor and her husband in a setting other than Church.

The PPRC will be looking for 5 or 6 people or families to host “Get to Know” small group socials. The socials will be sponsored by the PPRC, and they will assist the volunteer hosts. Date, time, and location of each “Get to Know” social will be determined by the hosts. As soon as the hosts are identified and dates and locations are set, the congregation will be given the opportunity to sign up for a “Get to Know” social that best fits their schedule. Announcements will be made when sign-up starts. If you have any questions, contact a member of the PPRC committee or PPRC chair Kent Krukewitt.

Administrative Council Minutes July 2, 2013

Attending: Quinn Powers, Dave Wingate, Kent Krukewitt, Don Tate, Tom Smith, Sue Smith, Phyllis Smith, Susie Mohr, Rene Hudson, Pat Varvel, Bruce Bryan, Jaime Bryan, Jeane Taylor, Judy Lowe, Pastor Teri. Call to Order: Jeane called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting started with the committee members introducing themselves to Pastor Teri. Dave Wingate had devotion with focus on idols today, things and ideas that are put ahead of God that can lead us astray. He finished with a prayer. Jeane will provide devotion for September.


Minutes: The minutes for June were reviewed. Tom motioned to accept the minutes as presented. Bruce seconded, and the motion carried. Treasurer’s Report: The report was reviewed, and Tom had a question concerning higher expenses in May. Tom moved to accept the report, and Dave seconded. Motion carried. Trustee Treasurer's Report: Tom reported monthly payments and noted the majority of the expense was for parsonage repairs. The cost of parsonage repairs so far for the Trustees is $8,400.00. Tom reported that the donations are close to covering the cost but are about $1,000.00 short. Motion to accept made by Susie, second by Rene, and motion carried. Trustee's Report: Bruce reported the Trustees had a meeting. He noted there were kitchen items in the parsonage that needed to be addressed. Bruce said they were hoping to have the blinds installed and the garage completed in a few days. He hopes to have a workday in August. On the agenda would be: replacing the roof over the entryway to the basement on the south side of the church and replacing the steel door by the men’s bathroom. Bruce reported the Trustees discussed the list of items that Pastor Steve had left detailing all the things he had routinely done around the church. He said they are hoping to divide up the list among the Trustees and others. PPRC: Kent reported Pastor Teri’s first Sunday in the pulpit as pastor of HUMC will by July 7. Kent said a meet and greet was being planned afterwards to welcome Pastor


Teri to the church. Kent informed the committee that Pastor Teri has requested for the first couple of Sundays that everyone wear a nametag. Kent said the mission plan group would resume to develop a ministry plan for the church as requested by the district. Christian Education: Reported discussion on a new chairperson. Worship: Phyllis reported the committee has dwindled due to several members moving from the area. Church and Society: Pat reported no request for assistance this month. She said she had given Pastor Teri a list of information about the group and what it handles. Youth: Quinn noted VBS would be in a couple of weeks. Missions: Sue reported the VBS committee has decided to fund another well in Liberia. She said they would be using connections that Quest United Methodist Church has with Rev. Barchue’s district, so the money would go more directly to Liberia. Other: Kent stated that the church’s budget needed to be amended since Pastor Teri’s salary was different than Pastor Steve’s. The budget for salary will now be $42,900.00. Kent moved to amend the budget to reflect changes, and Bruce seconded. Motion to approve the budget as amended passed.


Pastor Teri: Pastor Teri reported that Becci Powers wanted to know what should be done with the pop money and the flower money. Bruce noted Lori Rushing would be taking care of the soda machine and water. Discussion followed on the flower money and it was decided to place information in the newsletter to see if someone would be interested in taking charge of this project. Pastor Teri stated that Jordan Lowe is maintaining the webpage and would like to have a contact person, someone in charge of the web content. Discussion followed about maintaining the website. Sue noted the site does need updating. Jaime said she would meet with Jordan, and Kent said he could also. Pastor Teri said she would be gone one Sunday in August since she already had a vacation planned. Dave said there is a list of certified lay speakers and someone from the list might be available that Sunday. Pastor Teri also noted that the church and parsonage phone ring together. She wondered if it would be possible to unlink the two. It was decided that Don Patterson would be contacted to look at the phones and see if they can be separated. Pastor Teri asked about someone mowing this summer and it was reported that Dan Hudson is already scheduled to mow. Pastor Teri said she was excited to be here and very happy with the parsonage. She is ready to get involved and asked if there is already a list compiled of shut-ins and others that may be in the hospital. She said to please let her know if there is someone she should visit. Jeane adjourned the meeting at 7:54 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Judy Lowe


Ushers: Sept 1 and 15 Ron and Candace Eldridge Sept 8 and 22 Dale and Julie Katterhenry Sept 29 Ted, Quinn, and Katie Powers Greeters: Sept 1 Katie Woodmansee Sept 8 Jeane Taylor Sept 15 Don Hodgson Sept 22 Heather, Preston, and Evan Webb Sept 29 Rene Hudson Acolytes: Volunteers 2013 SUNDAY MORNING FELLOWSHIP SCHEDULE Still Don’s Class January, April, July, October Good Habits February, May, August, November Something New March, June, September, December


Altar flowers are a great way of remembering or honoring a loved one. Please consider providing fresh flowers one week. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.

Our ancestors gave us a gift of a church more than 100 years ago! Because of their generosity, that gift is still alive, vital, and functioning. Do you

want to pass that same gift on to your children and grandchildren? One of the best things any of us can do is to remember our church when we write our wills. It can mean everything to a future generation. Please remember your church in your will! Please consider receiving the newsletter electronically. The electronic version has colorful pictures, searchable text, and a full index. By switching to the electronic version of the newsletter, you can save the church postage and copier costs each month. Please contact the office to make the change.

The newsletter deadline for the October edition will be September 24. Send articles to Becci Powers at [email protected].

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1

2 Labor Day

3 Cub Scouts, 6:30 Ad Council, 7:00

4 Girl Scouts, 6:00

5 4H, 6:00

6 Fellowship Hall Reserved, 12-4

7 Krazee Daze Breakfast, 7-10

8 Rally Day & Brunch

9 His & Hers Fellowship, 6:00 Boy Scouts, 7:00

10 Cub Scouts, 6:30 Lay Leadership, 7:00

11 Girl Scouts, 6:30


13 JH Youth, 6-8



16 Boy Scouts, 7:00

17 Cub Scouts, 6:30 Christian Ed, 7:00

18 Girl Scouts, 6:00





23 Boy Scouts, 7:00

24 Cub Scouts, 6:30 Newsletter Deadline

25 Girl Scouts, 6:30

26 Trustees, 7:30



29 commYOUnity Dinner, 4:30-6:30

30 Boy Scouts, 7:00

September 2013 Events

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Warren Bensken Brenda Brieden Mary Anne Kilian Ronda Sullivan

2 Jason Rushing Seth George

3 Doug & Cindy Fuller


5 Jim & Barb Phillips


7 Meghan Davis

8 Haley Frerichs

9 Harry Brieden




13 Catherine Emert Doug Cisna

14 Jill Miller Eric Brieden Riayn Cisna

15 Garry & Lori Rushing

16 Dan Hudson Jerry Brown Roma Chenoweth

17 Aubrey Tate Kevin & Kristie Wright Ray & Carol Dable

18 Gary Sullivan



21 Dillon Woodmansee

22 Gavin Rushing

23 Linda Krukewitt Sharon Tate



26 Karin Fish Bob Bryan

27 Jamey & Mary Jenkins


29 Meredith Emert


September 2013 Celebrations









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