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The Violet | Fall 2011

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The Violet fall 2011 issue

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Director’s Letter 5

Contributors 6

Values 8


Do Something 11

Decoriatr Thriftily, Live Fully 14


Make Things 19

Blossom 22


Reviews 25

Be Well 26


Fall Meal 29

From Scratch 34

Mac and Cheese 38


A Haunted, Homemade Halloween 45


Slightly Superstitious 57


Go Vintage 69

Your Turn 72

Do Something that Scares You 73


Back Story 76

End Quote 77

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*remove the covers or wrapping from

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Last issue I made no secret of my less-than-love-affair with the

summer season. Fall, on the other hand, and I are close, close

friends. I love everything about fall...the smells, the sounds, tastes,

colors, the clothes and especially the crisp air. I thought that

would make for an easy issue. Maybe it is because I have so much

wrapped up in this season but putting together all of our content

this time was a lot more intimdating than I expected. I wanted to

make sure that this wonderful season was represented fully. So I’ll

be honest and tell you that I’m a little nervous about this issue. I

hope you’ll love it.

Lately, I’m learning more and more that time goes by way too

quickly. I can’t believe we’re already in our third issue of The Violet.

One year ago the idea for this project popped into my head and

to realize that we’ve come this far is kind of mindboggling.

With my other work, this magazine, and a fast-approaching

wedding the days seem to have been slipping away from me. And

then our {Your Turn} question (page 72) really got me thinking

that if there are things that we would like to add to our days to

help us feel happier and more fulfilled, then certainly we should

be incorporating them right now instead of waiting for a time

when it’s more convenient. That means if you want to find time

in your schedule to write, then you must set aside that time. Big,

heartwarming dinners (page 29) with friends and family are an

absolute imperative, as is decorating the heck out of our homes

with pumpkins and cinnamon spice (page 19). Life is too short to

spend the majority of it waiting to find time to enjoy it.

That’s what fall always reminds me of. It’s one of those seasons

that awakens all of the senses and reminds us that the world we

live in shifts as quickly as the colors of the changing leaves.

Director’s Letter

Camilla Salem

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Contributorsmeet the team behind this issue of the violet!you will fall in love with them!



Camilla is a 6’0 tall California native who

enjoys food (a lot), yoga, creativity and day-

dreaming. She is a graduate of UC Berkeley’s

department of Peace and Conflict Studies

and admits to having amassed an embar-

rassingly large collection of magazines...so,

naturally she decided to start her own.

Blog: Champagne Bubbles


Ashlee Gadd is an aspiring writer & ama-

teur photographer residing in Sacramento,

California. When she’s not making lists

and guzzling Go Girl energy drinks, you

can find her at your local thrift store, yoga

studio, or most likely, frozen yogurt shop.

She’s a self proclaimed joy-chooser, smile-

creator, and truth-lover.

Blog: Where My Heart Resides


Jackie lives in New York’s Hudson Valley

with her two dogs, Rocco and Suzette.

Known as “the resident paparazzi”, it was

no surprise that she’s ended up making

her living as a photographer. Jackie likes

hiking, sushi and bad reality television

and she is among the small percentage of

people in the world who actually enjoys

hanging out in airports.

Blog: Exposed Brick


A curly-haired, library-loving girl split

between Ottawa (journalism school) and

London (home). An apple lover, dinner

party enthusiast & bedroom ballerina,

Emily enjoys picnics, baking, 80’s post-

punk and reading Hemingway. She loves

boys with glasses, John Hughes movies,

and listening to other people’s stories.

Idols include Anne Shirley and Tina Fey.

Blog: Say Anything


Becky is a student living in a small pocket

of English countryside. She divides her

time between reading in libraries, baking

in kitchens and photographing seaside

paths. She’d like to be a writer and a

baker and a mother, someday. But right

now she’s just trying to make sense of this

beautiful thing called life.

Blog: Hummingbee Pens The Paperback


Jasmine is a southern California na-

tive living in Long Beach, CA, with her

super-hot, hair stylist husband, Levi, and

their kitties, Gretel and Lily. True to her

Gemini nature, she values independence

and likes to dabble in anything that strikes

her fancy. She appreciates good food, good

coffee, and good people.

Blog: An Experiment in Poverty

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Originally from Utah, Stacey now calls

Chicago home. She is married to her dream

guy, Chris, and they live in a quaint 1906

apartment. She is obsessed with her Canon

AE-1 film camera, loves taking public

transit, pretends to be a food critic, and

compulsively buys books. Her dream is to

travel, travel, and then travel some more

and have lots of cute squishy babies!!

Blog: Love and Photographs


Kenza is 16 year old with a passion for

Shakespeare and all things old fashioned.

She finds herselfself looking at life through

some seriously dramatic lenses and like

so many teenagers considers herself well

beyond her years. She’d much rather be

having steak frites with Badoit in France

than going a high school dance.

Blog: My Treasure Trove.


Molly Yeh is a writer and percussionist

living in New York City. She is a recent

graduate of The Juilliard School and assis-

tant editor of The Juilliard Journal. In her

free time, this Chicago-native enjoys tap

dancing, eating, yoga, rock climbing, and

biking. Her refrigerator is home to

approximately 50 mustards.

Blog: My Name is Yeh.


Claire was born and raised in San Fran-

cisco, and as a result, loves rain and fog.

She sees the world in black and white

film and loves fashion, art, potstickers,

and sparkly high heels. She can always be

found on a horse, behind a camera, or in

a vintage clothing store and she’s pretty

sure she should have been born in the

1950’s. Blog: School of Style


Olivia is a student, dancer, and a Wildcare

volunteer, but her true passion is styling.

She is obsessed with everything dance and

fashion and aspires to be a stylist. Born

and raised a hop, skip, and a bridge away

from San Francisco, she is constantly in-

spired by the metropolitan culture and the

great outdoors.

Blog: School of Style


Yodai is an aspiring photographer, who

never looses touch with his Japanese roots.

In his life dominated by school and crew

practices, he found photography to be his

escape go. He loves the world seen though

the viewfinder of a camera, and secretly

desires to be as tall as Camilla!

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*remain alive

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Beat the fall blues.

September and October are wonderful for

me. Baking, fresh notebooks, pumpkins

galore and bright-eyed starts to the year.

By the time it gets to November, I’m fed

up with fall. The greyness gets to me.

I start to long for summer nights spent

barbecuing outside, and trips to the beach.

My bed starts to feel like the only place

on earth. This is a phenomenon I like to

call The Ugly Novembers (perhaps more

commonly known as Seasonal Affective

Disorder). I know I’m not the only one

who suffers from the Ugly Novembers,

and I’d like to share my tips for overcom-

ing them. Wear bright colors, breathe

fresh air, force yourself to get up early. Go

on dates with your best girlfriends. Take a

dance class (I prefer zumba!) that gets you

moving and shaking. Have an honest-to-

goodness singing and dancing party in

your underwear. Three minutes of belting

out ‘My Sharona’ in your skivvies will put

you back on top. Give back to the com-

munity-- a little volunteer work helps put

everything in perspective. Try a herbal tea

(peppermint, lemongrass) instead of cof-

fee, which may help you feel less sluggish.

Do Something

Invest in something that makes you utterly

happy (whether it’s a massage, a new class,

a long run, or just time spent with your

dogs). Don’t let the Ugly Novembers get

you down, and most of all try to surround

yourself with the people you love.

Switch off your laptop and

get outside.

Go on a walk with the express purpose of

crunching leaves under your boots! Col-

lect the prettiest ones and press them into

books with a few words about the day.

Breathe the crisp air, notice the smell of

bonfires and cedar, be at peace by your-

self. Aim to be outside a little bit every

day. It’s dangerously easy to get caught up

indoors and in front of screens, especially

in colder weather. Even a 10-minute tech-

nology hiatus is better than nothing.

Take advantage of beautiful

seasonal produce. Farmers mar-

kets are the perfect place to shop for au-

tumn foods. Carrots, beets, turnips, yams,

leeks, onions, figs and apples are fabulous

seasonal flavors to incorporate into your

cooking. Often grocery stores will have

deals on local fruits and vegetables, so

take advantage of the sights and smells of this cozy season

By Emily Rack

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keep an eye out. Roast up some colorful

root veggies with some garlic, olive oil

(or avocado oil, which won’t burn in the

oven!) and a pinch of sea salt for an easy

side dish or salad topper.

Experiment with your style!

Cooler weather is the perfect time to try

new looks. Layering is not only cute, but

practical when it gets chillier out. Play

around with combining items you already

have. Try a long sleeved top with a cute

waistcoat, a summer dress with a cardigan

or let some wooly socks peek out over

your boots. Wear a slim-cut pair of cor-

duroy pants instead of your trusty jeans.

Make use of accessories like tights, scarves,

hats, socks, cute gloves and hairbands!

These details are versatile and can give

your style a cozy fall update. Even easier?

Dab on a wine-colored lipgloss. It may

be darker than your go-to shade, but it’ll

bring warmth to almost every skin tone

and complement your woolies! Some great

shades are Stila’s Black Cherry Lip Glaze or

Clinique’s Black Honey Almost Lipstick.

Buy new “school supplies.”

To me, fall always feels like the fresh-

est start to the year. Channel your inner

school girl and make your way to a

stationery shop (or check out the vast se-

lection on Etsy). Some pretty new papers,

a pencil case or a monogrammed notepad

can really jumpstart you to get motivated

and organized. Use that first-day-of-school

feeling to your best advantage.

Really dive into fall! Wear

something knitted, eat something

pumpkin-y, rake piles of leaves, light

cinnamon candles, decide on your Hal-

loween costume (some ideas on page 52),

make soups, have a bonfire complete with

hot cocoa and s’mores, cover yourself in

cranberry body butter, and really get into

the autumn mood. Now is the time to im-

merse yourself in your favorite fall things.

Maybe it’s kitschy to have your whole

house smell like pumpkin pie, but there’s

no better time to do it.

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Decorate Thriftily, Live Fullyby stacey sargent

Do you wish you could make your home look like the ones you see on decorating blogs, interior design magazines, and the pins you

drool over on Pinterest? I am pretty sure we all do, but there’s

a catch. How do we make our abodes places of envy without

spending all of our savings or maxing out our credit cards? Well,

I am here to tell you that you can do just that. It may take a little

imagination, a lot of time, and maybe a swear jar or two, but you

can make your home Pinterest-worthy.

I’ve been helping others decorate on a budget for a few years

now, so I am going to share the tricks and secrets I’ve stashed

away. I’ve learned most of these secrets from having moved three

times in the last three years and having to decorate each new

place along the way. I truly believe that you can give your place a

facelift on any budget - be it $5,000, $1,000, or just $150. If you

use your money wisely, you can make a huge difference in what

your place looks and feels like. Here are a few of my tips for you!

where to shop and what to buy:

Use What You Already Have:

What’s the biggest mistake people make when redecorating? They

don’t take advantage of what they already have. They are sick of

it and think it has had its time, but that’s not true! Gather all you

decorating goods from around the house (frames, side tables,

artwork, lamps, etc), and put them all in one place. Now really

look at what you have. The frames can be reused; just put some-

thing new in them like vintage wallpaper or cool paper you got

at the stationary store for five cents! Repaint (or spray paint) your

old coffee tables and side tables, and give them new hardware…

good as new!! Put new lampshades on your lamps, and spray

paint them a funky color - boom! They’re amazing again! Lastly,

put them in a new place in your house. You have already started

redecorating, and you’ve spent very little on painting and supplies.

Can’t find a new life for something you already have? List it on

Craigslist, and use the money to buy something new or new to


Thrift Stores and Garage Sales:

This is where the time aspect comes to play. Start frequenting

your local thrift stores and getting up early on Saturdays to hunt

those garage sales. You might not find anything the first few

times, but don’t give up ‘cause it will be worth it when you find

the perfect dresser for a mere $50!! What to look out for: dress-

ers, end tables, coffee tables, wooden chairs, mirrors, frames,

lamps, artwork, and decorative vintage books. Tip: Remember to

look beyond the dings and ugly 80’s wood. Wood glue and paint

go a LONG way! Also, don’t be afraid to barter. It never hurts to

ask if you can get a deal on something or a price reduction for

buying multiple items. Most likely, they will give you a great deal.


I have a serious love-hate relationship with Ikea. I love all they

offer but hate assembling it and having a home look like it came

from Ikea. The trick is to buy items that are universal and don’t

scream, “Hi, I’m plastic, and my name is Ikea.” Steer clear from

their furniture, dressers especially. Their furniture prices are actu-

ally a lot higher than what you can find at a thrift store, and after

spending five hours putting it together yourself, it still won’t last

more than a year. What to buy at Ikea: frames, rugs (best deals on

rugs!), pillows, sheets, drapes (I get all my drapes here), lamps,

artwork, and accessories.

when in doubt, stick to the four elements:

Not sure where to start, or you have only a few hundred dollars

for your whole re-do?? Buy the things that make the most differ-

ence and cost the least. The following are my four favorite decora-

tive elements that make a huge difference in a room.


Nothing makes a house pop like walls with great pictures and

artwork. You don’t have to spend a lot to get a lot. I love to

buy prints on Etsy that cost less than ten dollars. Invest in some

frames, and print your own photographs. Nothing makes a gal-

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lery wall like tons of gorgeous black and white photos. Hang

that crazy piece you found at the thrift store for five dollars. Or

better yet, make your own. Buy some paint, and brush three huge

stripes on a large canvas - boom, artwork! Whatever you do, just

don’t forget the walls.


I love rugs! I literally want to buy a new rug every single day.

They make a huge impact in the room and instantly make it feel

decorated. Rugs can cost a serious fortune, but I’ve found that the

best deals are at Ikea and Overstock.com. You can score a killer

rug for under $150!! Not every room needs a rug, but if you feel

like your room is missing something, buy a rug, and you’ll be set!


I am a firm believer that you can never own too many pillows.

My husband would disagree, but, really, an amazing pillow can

hide any hideous couch or chair or bring pops of color to a bor-

ing room. Pier 1 Imports, Target, Ikea, and HomeGoods are the

best places to buy affordable pillows. Throw them around the

room, and your house will look a million times better!

Lamps and Books:

Okay, so this element is technically two things, but I pair them

together so often that they are pretty much one in the same. I

think a room can look really outdated by old lamps. Easy fix - get

rid of that scary lampshade, spray paint the base, and you have a

new lamp. Not salvageable? Go buy some new ones. Once again

thrift stores, Ikea, Target, and HomeGoods are my favorite places

to buy lamps. My favorite trick for side tables and dressers is to

place a lamp with, or on top of, three or four vintage books.

Look for hardcover books with cute covers. I have found all of

mine at garage sales and thrift stores for pennies. You can also try


I promise if you follow a few of these tips, or at least one, it will

make a huge impact in your home! It might be just a facelift, but

it’s still a start and will make you and your guests fill like you did

a whole lot more than you really did! Don’t forget that decorating

is a work in progress and is never really done, but that’s the fun

of it. You are always tweaking, moving things around, and add-

ing new things. It’s about making this a lifestyle and loving every

minute of it.

Lastly, there really are no rules. I really, truly believe that there

are no rules when it comes to decorating your place. It is just that

- YOUR place. You can decide if everything matches or if nothing

matches at all. If it is something you like, and you are confident

in your decorating, then it will look like a million bucks. Have

fun with it, and put your personality into it. If you’re fun and

bubbly and love loud things, hunt for things that reflect that, and

splash them all over your house. If you’re more calm and love

neutrals, that’s fine too! You don’t need to use every color in the

rainbow to make a statement. Use pattern and texture to give

your place some interest. Stay true to your style and personality to

create a look that’s all your own!

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*bring (something) into existence

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Here are 4 Fall crafts that will help you

celebrate the season to the fullest!

Pumpkin Place cards

Dress up your table with fall’s favorite

accessory: mini pumpkins! Stamp your

guests’ names on gift tags or small pieces

of cardstock and attach to the stem with

thin string. These place cards double as

dinner favors; your guests will love to take

them home!

chalk pumpkins

Are you carving challenged? Fear not!

Grab a can of chalkboard paint, tape the

stem, and spray your pumpkin a spooky

shade of black. Once dry, draw yourself a

jack-o-lantern, ghost, cat, or whatever your

artistic heart desires. With an easy swipe

of a wet paper towel, you can change up

your design as often as you like!

Mini Pumpkin Candle Holder

If you’re looking for a creative way to

display your fall candles, look no further!

Grab a knife and carve a deep hole in the

center of a mini pumpkin. These candle

holders look great on accent tables, or

lined up on the sidewalk leading to your

front door on Halloween!

Scented pinecones

Nothing will make your house smell like

fall faster than spice scented pinecones. At

just $5 a bag at your local craft store, this

is the quickest way to decorate your house

for fall. Grab a few mason jars and glass

containers, and ta-da! Your house will

smell like you’ve been baking all day. Add

a few cinnamon sticks and old wine corks

for an extra decorative touch. – AG

CREATE: make things

These crafts will take you through all the way through the fall season! They are great for Halloween and Thanksgiving festivities!

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When I think of autumn, I think of cozy

dinners at home with my family, trips

to the pumpkin patch, and baking warm

treats. For me, fall is the time to appre-

ciate simple pleasures like a cup of hot

apple cider or a brisk walk on a cool day.

There’s beauty in simplicity just as there’s

beauty in the death of falling leaves. That’s

what I tried to keep in mind as I created

this fall centerpiece.

You can create one too for your next

family dinner! All you need are a few

gourds, a drill, and some “flowers.” The

blossoms I chose are actually at the end of

their bloom, which adds to the simplicity

because they don’t need water! They’ll also

“live” a long time… since they’re already


To create your gourd bud vases, simply

drill a hole through the neck of the gourd,

about half way down. Look for gourds

with flat bottoms and straight necks. I

filled my vases with Billy Ball Craspe-

dia, broom corn, and Scabiosa seed pods

(they’re what is left over after the flower

has died and all the petals have fallen).

You can keep your arrangement minimal-

ist like I did with a pretty, moss-covered

branch, or you can dress it up with color-

ful leaves, pumpkins, and candles. Either

way, this simple centerpiece is an easy way

to fill your home with the autumn spirit.

What you’ll need:

• Gourds

• Power Drill

• Billy Ball Craspedia, broomc orn, and

Scabiosa seed pods

• Any other items for decoration

by jasmine l. h. myers

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*care for and encourage the growth or development of

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BOOK – Color: A Natural History of the PaletteVictoria Finlay takes us around the world

to ancient sources of natural colors. We

discover surprising chemical processes

from stones to insects to mummies that

were transformed into precious pigments

for paint, dyes, and varnish. For exam-

ple, did you know that red is made from

cochineal beetles? She takes us on a search

for the origins of yellow and even asks

why pencils were painted yellow. The

color blue brought her to Afghanistan in

2000, where she was the first woman ever

to tour a 7,000-year-old lapis lazuli mine,

and one of the last Westerners to see the

giant Buddhas of Bamiyan. Wondrous so-

cial customs, surprising science, and world

politics are captured in the enrapturing

book of color. Who knew nonfiction could

be so delicious?

grade: a

Playlist - Autumn chill

Cool down from this past Hot Hot

Summer with this calming playlist. These

chill tracks are perfect for cozying up with

a hot cup of apple cider (pg 32) and a

fuzzy blanket after a day of adventures in

the crisp fall air. Note: best enjoyed with

homemade chocolate truffles (pg 35).

• Faster – Matt Nathanson

• Somewhere A Clock is Ticking –

Snow Patrol

• World Spins Madly On – The Weepies

• Paradise – Coldplay

• Hardest of Hearts – Florence + The


• Need You now – Lady Antebellum

• Chocolate – Snow Patrol

• Satellite Heart – Anya Marina

• I belong to you – Muse

• Gabriel and the Vagabond – Foy


• Flightless Bird, American Mouth –

Iron & Wine

MOVIE – Dirt! The MovieDirt. It’s a lot more complex than we give

it credit for. This documentary (currently

available on Netflix instantly) highlights

one of the earth’s most precious resources.

More than a typical eco-documentary film,

Dirt! The Movie takes a look at soil from a

societal, cultural and environmental angle.

One of the most interesting facts I learned

was that Adam, in Hebrew, translates to

dirt or clay while Eve means life, which is

a rather symbolic indicator at the impor-

tance of this resource in the grand scheme

of things. A wide range of people are in-

terviewed throughout the movie including

farmers, activists, professors, and even a

wine expert who actually tastes the dirt in

each vineyard he visits. Though the film is

slightly too long and there are some rather

corny moments, the passion displayed by

the participants of the film for something

so basic is contagious and certainly worth


grade: b+

NURTURE: reviews

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Drink more water.

We all hear this advice inevitably from

someone on a daily basis. We all know

it’s good advice and we probably should

adhere to it. And yet, somehow we all

struggle to incorporate this into our eve-

ryday lives.

But why is it so important? Well, to start,

our bodies are made up of approximately

60% water, meaning that without it, there

is no way we would survive. Drinking

water hydrates and flushes toxins out

of our vital organs. Water also carries

nutrients to our cells. It’s even been linked

to weight loss! Even the slightest amount

of dehydration can result in significant

fatigue throughout the day (which is often

countered with sugary soft drinks or

highly caffeinated beverages).

So, how much should we be drinking?

The Mayo Clinic suggests that men should

drink approximately 3 liters of water each

day, while women need at least 2.2 liters,

which is well above the old 8 x 8 rule

(eight 8 oz. glasses of water a day).

Here are some tricks to get yourself hy-


invest in a good water bottle

Not only is PET plastic (the soft plastic

used for bottled water) horrible for the

environment and your health, but it is a

huge waste of money when the stuff that

comes out of your tap is usually good

enough (if it’s not, invest a little more

money in a Brita filter and you’ll be good

Be Wellquench your thirst: water and why you should definitely be drinking more of it.By Camilla Salem

to go). Our two favorites are: Sigg bottles

that are made out of aluminum and are

fairly damage resistant. You can even de-

sign your own bottles! Life Factory bottles

are made with glass and have a silicone

casing. These bottles are completely non-

toxic and the glass bottle is easy to clean,

leaving no aftertaste in your water.

Replace bad habits with a good one.

Every time you feel the need to bite your

nails or snack on something, take a sip of

water instead. You’ll begin to notice that

you’re drinking a lot more than you used


make drinking water an indulgence

Instead of thinking of it as something you

have to do, think of it as something that is

really amazing for your body that makes

you feel good. Changing your mentality

about hydration is an important step.

Fancy up your water.

Add flavor combinations to your water to

make it more interesting.

Try these –

Sliced lemons and mint leaves

Apples and oranges

Sliced strawberries and nectarines

Cucumber and lemon...the possibilities are

endless and delicious!

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*Provide with food or other substances necessary for growth,

health and good condition

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Fall Meal

Warmth, richness, bold colors and bright flavors – that’s what our meal this issue

is all about. Comfort food doesn’t always

have to be heavy to do its job and this

spread is sure to leave you cozy and ready

to cuddle. Celebrate the change in seasons

with a big, festive meal that highlights all

of the uniqueness of fall – but you won’t

find any pumpkin here! We like to think

out of the box!

the menu:

Spicy Rosemary Roasted


Ina makes these with cashews, but we

took our appetizer a little healthier and

smokier by using almonds and adding a

pinch of pimenton (smoked paprika). They

start off this meal the right way by getting

your palette all fired up for the bounty to


Stuffed Sweet Peppers

Sweet peppers are at their most flavorful

during fall and this warm and colorful

dish highlights their flavor in all the right

ways. Stuffed with ground beef, brown

rice, and some grated vegetables, this dish

is loaded with colorful deliciousness. Yum

factor = through the roof. Seriously.

Potato Gratin

Okay, because it’s fall and it’s getting

colder outside, we decided to be a little

bit bad with this dish. And it was so, so

good. Gruyere, thyme and black pepper

take the potatoes to the next level and a

little bit of cream and butter never hurt

anybody. We baked our gratin in a cast

iron pan and fought over who got to nib-

ble at the crispy edges.

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Frisee Salad with Gorgon-

zola, Pears, Shallots and a

Lemony Vinaigrette

We do the green salad thing a lot. But

this slight shift we made was loaded with

flavors that complemented each other

really well. Prepare your palette for a

whole lot of flavor.

Apple Cider with Orange and


End the night with the flavors of fall. This

cider will warm you from the inside out

and the kick of orange adds some bright-

ness to the beverage.

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Baked Apples with Walnuts

Take advantage of your loot from your

apple picking adventures and savor the

sweetness of this fall superstar. Baked with

a dash of cinnamon, brown sugar, butter

and walnuts this is a great (and light!) end

to a heartwarming meal.

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Caramel corn

This sweet and crunchy concoction has

the perfect combination of texture and

flavor. It’s a cinch to whip up and trust us

when we say fresh caramel corn is one of

the most addicting things on this planet.

“buried potatoes”

They kind of look like white truf-

fles that you dig up somewhere

in the Italian countryside and

they definitely score huge deca-

dent points. Coconutty and almost

tooth-achningly sweet, these little

‘taters will certainly be fought over.

FromScratchtrick or sweets! this halloween try your hand at making your own sweet treats

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Rich, velvety and seriously decadent, these

homemade truffles are quite indulgence.

The fun part is choosing the toppings,

covering your hands in chocolate and

getting a little messy. They last for quite

a while, too! Note: extra good when


peanut brittle

Not only is this buttery delight going to

seriously impress your buddies, but it’s su-

per fun to make. Upon the addition of the

baking soda, the whole pot of hot candy

foams up like some kind of a witch’s po-

tion, and as you stir it all together, you

might just start to laugh menacingly.

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RecipesSpicy Rosemary Roasted


2 cups unsalted roasted almonds

4 tablespoons olive oil

2 tablespoons fresh rosemary, chopped

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp black pepper

1/4 - 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

1/4 tsp smoked paprika

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix every-

thing together in a bowl and spread evenly

over a baking sheat. Place mixture in oven

until nuts are warmed through.

Stuffed Sweet Peppers

(serves 10)

15 small heirloom sweet peppers (or 8

regular sized bell peppers)

1 large clove of garlic, grated

3 lbs good ground beef

3 cups cooked brown rice

1/3 cup chopped parsley

1 carrot, grated

1 medium yellow onion, grated

1 1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp black pepper

1 egg

Tomato Sauce

1 1/2 28oz cans whole tomatoes

2 tsp salt or to taste

3 cloves garlic, grated.

Make tomato sauce by cooking down

whole tomatoes, grated garlic and salt for

approximately 15 minutes. Set aside.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Remove caps

and seeds from peppers and set aside. In a

large bowl combine the remaining ingre-

dients and mix together well with hands.

Stuff peppers with meat mixture. Any

leftover meat, roll into meatballs. In a very

large ceramic or pyrex baking dish arrange

peppers (and meatballs) in a single layer.

Pour tomato sauce over peppers and bake

in oven for approximately 90 minutes or

until peppers are soft and cooked through.

Potato Gratin

6 russet potatoes, peeled and sliced thinly

6 oz shredded gruyere

4 oz shredded cheddar

1/3 cup shredded parmesan

5 sprigs fresh thyme

1 tsp black pepper

1 tsp salt

4 tbsp butter

2 tbsp heavy cream

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Butter a cast

iron pan or a ceramic baking dish. Ar-

range a layer of sliced potatoes, sprinkle

with thyme, salt, pepper, and cheese.

Continue this layering pattern until the

pan or dish is filled. Throughout the gratin

place random chunks of butter. Sprinkle

the entire gratin with the parmesan cheese

and more black pepper and drizzle heavy

cream over it as well. Bake for at least one

hour until potatoes are soft and cheese is

brown and bubbly.

Frisee Salad with Gorgon-

zola, Pears, Shallots and a

Lemony Vinaigrette

(serves 4)

1 head of frisee, washed and torn apart

1 shallot, sliced

2 pears, sliced

sliced or crumbled gorgonzola

4 tbsp olive oil

Juice of half a lemon

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 pepper

Arrange frisee, pears, shallots and cheese

in a large dish. Drizzle olive oil and lemon

juice over salad and sprinkle with salt and


Baked Apples with walnuts

(serves 5)

5 gala apples, washed and cored (any

apple would work well)

5 tbsp butter

5 tsp chopped walnuts

2 1/2 tsp brown sugar


Arrange apples on a baking tray or a

pyrex baking dish. For each apple, stuff

with walnuts, brown sugar, and a pinch

of cinnamon. Top each apple with 1 tbsp

of broken up butter. Bake in a 350 degree

oven, for about 45 minutes or until soft.

Serve warm (and with ice cream)!

Apple Cider with orange and


2 quarts unfiltered apple cider

1 cup water

2 cinnamon sticks

1 orange, sliced

Heat all together in a large pot. Serve in


Caramel Corn

4 tbsp butter, plus more for baking sheet

1/2 cup corn kernels, popped in a table-

spoon of canola oil

1/2 cup packed brown sugar

1/8 teaspoon of salt

2 tbsp water

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Butter a large

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rimmed baking sheet. Place popcorn in a

large bowl. In a small saucepan, bring but-

ter, sugar, salt, and water to a boil, stirring

constantly. Drizzle popcorn with sugar

syrup and toss. Spread popocorn evenly

onto buttered baking sheet. Bake until

golden and shiny. Let cool.

“Buried Potatoes”

1 1/2 cups unsweetened coconut flakes

1 3/4 cups confectioners’ sugar

3 tbsp heavy cream

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Place coconut flakes in a food processor

and pulse until finely chopped. Transfer

coconut to a bowl, add 1 1/2 cups of the

confectioners’ sugar, heavy cream, vanilla,

and mix well. Spoon out about 1 tbsp

coconut mixture and roll it into a 1 inch

ball. Repeat with the rest of the mixture

and set aside to rest for one hour. Com-

bine cocoa and remaining confectioners’

sugar in a small bowl. Dredge each ball in

mixture. Cover with plastic wrap and store

in refrigerator.


34 oz semisweet chocolate, finely chopped

3/4 cup heavy cream

1 cup unsalted butter

1 1/2 tbsp Cointreau

cocoa powder

coconut flakes

chopped almonds

powdered sugar

Place 28 oz chocolate and the cream in

the top of a double boiler or a heatproof

bowl set over a pan of simmering water.

Stir until melted. Remove from heat. Add

butter and Cointreau an stir. Pour into

a baking dish. Cover with plastic wrap

and refrigerate until mixture is very cold

and set (about 2 hours). Melt remaining

chocolate in the top of a double boiler.

Let cool to room temperature. Line two

baking sheets with parchment paper. Set

aside. Scoop ganache and drop onto one of

prepared baking sheets. Chill 10 minutes.

Coat the palm of one of your hands with

melted chocolate. Roll balls, one at a time,

between your palms until evenly coated

with chocolate. Roll in one of the toppings

and set aside. Repeat with remaining truf-

fles. Chill until ready to serve. (These are

even better the next day).

Peanut Brittle

1 tbsp unsalted butter, plus more for pan

2 1/2 cups dry roasted salted peanuts

1 cup sugar

1 cup light corn syrup

1 tbsp baking soda

Butter a large baking pan. Set aside. Com-

bine peanuts, sugar, and corn syrup in a

medium sauce pan. Set over medium-high

heat and bring to a boil stirring constantly.

Insert a candy thermometer. Continue

boiling, without stirring until termpera-

ture reaches 250 degrees. When sugar

begins to brown, stir nuts gently to make

sure everything is cooking evenly. Remove

saucepan from heat and stir in the butter

and baking soda. The mixture will begin

to foam up, so mix quickly. Pour onto the

prepared baking pan. As soon as candy is

cool enough, stretch the brittle as thinly as

possible. Allow the britle to cool com-

pletely and then break apart.

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Macaroni and cheese: the edible form of a

safety blanket, the most comforting of all

comfort foods. It’s homey, warming, and a

wonderful accompaniment to those chilly

Fall nights when staying in is a lot more

appealing than going out. Endless amounts

of emotional nourishment may be its only

health benefit, but that’s ok, because who

doesn’t deserve a little splurge once in a


What began as a simple pasta dish, has

since taken on a life of its own. With

countless variations and entire restaurants

devoted to the stuff, don’t be surprised

if you come across mac and cheese on a

stick, as a pizza topping, in a sandwich,

or with politically inspired pasta shapes.

Though its origins are unclear, it’s likely

that the first person to top their pasta with

copious amounts of cheese was Italian.

And a total genius.

What we do know is that Thomas Jeffer-

son acquired a macaroni pasta machine on

a trip to Paris, and then served macaroni

and cheese at the White House in 1802.

Prior to this, immigrants from Europe

probably brought over dried pasta and

topped it with cheese, making an exact

date of America’s introduction to mac

and cheese difficult to pinpoint. In 1824,

Thomas Jefferson’s cousin, Mary Randolph,

Macaroni & Cheesecozying up during fall never tasted so good...By Molly Yeh

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In Canada, “KD,” short for “Kraft Dinner,”

is what the locals call mac and cheese--

even if it’s not Kraft! It’s commonly eaten

with a dollop of ketchup.

Käsespätzle, or cheesy spätzle, are what

Germans take comfort in: tiny egg dump-

lings that are boiled and sautéed in butter

before getting a generous sprinkling of

Emmentaler cheese and green onions.

Potatoes and onions are added to cheese

and tube-shaped pasta to make Switzer-

land’s version, Älpermagronen.

No traditional Southern dinner is complete

published The Virginia Housewife, which

has a recipe for macaroni and cheese that

consists of baking layers of macaroni,

cheese, and butter, in a casserole dish.

Around that time in France, the chef

Antonin Carême developed the Mother

Sauces, which includes the basis for many

macs today: béchamel. A béchamel is a

white cream sauce that is made by thick-

ening milk with a roux, which is simply

fat and flour. This gives the dish a very

smooth, creamy texture, and does not ne-

cessitate baking. Another common way of

making modern-day mac doesn’t involve a

béchamel, but a custard. Using eggs in a

baked dish binds everything together in a

fluffy, almost soufflé-like way.

In 1937, during the Great Depression, Kraft

Foods introduced their dried version that,

with its easy preparation and low cost of

19 cents, was a hit. Its popularity con-

tinued to grow during WWII when meat

became a commodity and working women

were looking for easy ways to make a fill-

ing dinner. It’s been said that during this

time the dish became accepted as a main

meal, as opposed to a side dish.

Kraft’s boxed dinner, or its frozen counter-

part (Stouffer’s, introduced in the 1950s),

is probably what many of us grew up on.

But we can’t forget the world of richer,

more indulgent mac and cheeses that use

béchamel, custards, creamed soups, or a

host of different toppings to up the flavor

ante... but thankfully, we have National

Macaroni Day every year on July 7 to help

us out.

without a dish of baked macaroni and

cheese. Usually made with eggs to form a

custard, other common ingredients include

sour cream, heavy cream, Velveeta cheese,

and Worcestershire sauce.

In the Caribbean, macaroni pie is a custard

macaroni and cheese that is prepared us-

ing evaporated milk, and then baked and

served in squares. A defining feature is the

shape of pasta that’s used--macaroni that is

much longer, almost like hollow spaghetti.


If after reading the following recipes

you are still in the mood for some good

old store-bought mac, make sure it’s the

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frozen kind. The boxed and dried mac and

cheeses have all sorts of unidentifiable in-

gredients that would be mighty difficult to

pronounce. It is more likely that a frozen

variety has friendly ingredients. The only

common ingredient in a frozen mac that

may not be recognized at first is annatto, a

natural food coloring. Although it probably

doesn’t appear in our pantries, fear not--

annatto is simply the yellow or orangey

pulp from an achiote tree. Aside from

that, many frozen macs consist of just the

basics: cheese, butter, milk, flour, salt, and

pasta. In a blind tasting, these two came

out on top:

Amy’s Macaroni and Cheese Made with Organic


Perfectly textured noodles swimming

in pool of yummy cheddar cheese? Yes,



Blake’s Mac and Cheese with Veggies

The organic veggies add great flavor and a

bit of nutrition, while the organic bowtie

pasta is a fun variation.


Whether you’re reviving that store-bought

box in the back of your freezer, or using

the quick and easy recipe on the next

page, any mac can be transformed with a

mix-in or two. Here are some ideas that

go past the usual cut up hot dog:

• crushed garlic

• chorizo

• a fried egg

• homemade ketchup

• chopped fresh tomatoes

• truffle oil

• sriracha, jalapeños, chili flakes {any

kind of heat!}

• crushed Ritz crackers

• figs

• lobster

• mushrooms


Following are four contrasting recipes for

homemade macaroni and cheese. Us-

ing spices, fruits, meats, and inspiration

from all over the world, we’ve given your

ordinary mac a facelift. Equally fitting in

the realms of entree or side dish, these are

sure to win over any cheese lover. They’re

all based with a béchamel, which isn’t as

difficult as the fancy term might suggest.

Once you’ve mastered that basic, don’t feel

tied to these recipes; experiment with dif-

ferent cheeses, mix-ins, and pasta shapes.

The possibilities, like the comforts these

provide, are endless.

Quick + Easy Mac + Cheese

This recipe takes the same amount of time

to make as any store-bought variety and

uses common household ingredients. It’s

twice as good as store-bought and doesn’t

involve unknown additives. So back away

from that box of Kraft.


1 1/2 cups dried pasta or the pasta from a

box of store- bought macaroni and cheese-

save the packet of powdered cheese for an-

other use, like bird feed, or as a popcorn


1 1/2 tablespoons butter

2 tablespoons all-purpose flour

3/4 cups milk (skim is preferable)

3 portions, or about 2 oz, of individually

wrapped cheese (such as mini Babybels or

Cabot Serious Snacks), chopped

salt + pepper to taste, and any other sea-

sonings that strike your fancy


Bring water to a boil and add the pasta.

In a small saucepan set over medium heat,

melt the butter and then add the flour,

whisking constantly until combined. Add

milk and continue to whisk for a few

minutes until the mixture thickens. Add

cheese, and whisk until melted. Remove

from heat, add seasonings, drain pasta,

and combine. Enjoy!

“Macaroni and cheese: the edible form of a safety blanket.”

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Brie Mac + Cheese with Ap-

ples, Pancetta, and Walnuts

It’s apple season... spare an apple for what

is bound to be a dinner party favorite?


3 tablespoons butter

1/4 of an onion, chopped

1/4 cup all-purpose flour

3 cups skim milk

1/2 lb dried pipe rigate or medium shells

4 oz gruyere, chopped

4 oz brie, chopped

1/4 cup cooked pancetta, chopped

1/4 teaspoon paprika

1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

a pinch of allspice

salt + pepper to taste

1 large granny smith apple, chopped

1/2 cup coarsely chopped walnuts

3 tablespoons grated parmesan


Preheat oven to 375. In a large saucepan

set over medium heat, sauté the onions

with the butter until the onions are trans-

parent. Add the flour and whisk constantly

until combined. Continue whisking and

add the milk. Once the milk becomes

thick and boils, add the pasta. Stir gently

for five minutes. Add the gruyere, brie,

and pancetta, and stir until cheese is melt-

ed. Stir in the paprika, cayenne, nutmeg,

allspice, salt, and pepper. Remove from

heat and add the chopped apple, leaving

about a quarter cup for the topping. Pour

the mixture into a greased 8-inch square

casserole dish. Sprinkle on the walnuts,

the rest of the apple, and then the parme-

san. Bake until the top is browned, about

25 minutes. Cool for five minutes, and


Indian-Spiced Mac + Cheese with Cranberries

This fresh take on macaroni and cheese

goes down with a slow burn and a touch

of sweetness.


1/2 lb dried orecchiette or medium shells

3 tablespoons butter

1/4 of an onion, chopped

1/4 cup all-purpose flour

3 cups skim milk

4 oz mozzarella, chopped

3 oz fontina, chopped

4 oz jarlsburg, chopped

1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons grated parmesan

1 teaspoon sugar

1 teaspoon chili pepper flakes

2 teaspoons coriander seeds, toasted and


2 teaspoons cumin

3 teaspoons curry powder

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

1/2 teaspoon cayenne

1/4 teaspoon paprika

salt + pepper to taste

1 cup dried cranberries

1/2 cup panko breadcrumbs


Preheat oven to 375. Prepare pasta accord-

ing to the directions on the box, except

remove it from heat one minute before the

directions say. Strain and rinse with cold

water, set it aside.

In a large saucepan set over medium heat,

sauté the onions with the butter until the

onions are transparent. Add the flour and

whisk constantly until combined. Continue

whisking and add the milk. Once the milk

becomes thick, add the mozzarella, fon-

tina, jarlsburg, and 1/4 cup of parmesan,

and stir until melted. Add the sugar and

all of the seasonings. Remove from heat

and add the cranberries. Combine the

cheese sauce with the pasta and transfer

to a greased 8-inch square casserole dish.

Top evenly with panko breadcrumbs, the

remaining parmesan, and a sprinkle of salt

and pepper. Bake until the top is browned,

about 25 minutes. Cool for five minutes,

and enjoy!

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Fried Smokey Bacon Mac + Cheese

We really mean it when we say that eve-

ryone deserves a caloric splurge once in a



12 oz applewood smoked bacon

1/2 lb dried medium shells

1/4 cup all-purpose flour

2 1/2 cups skim milk

12 oz smoked gouda, chopped

4 oz pepper jack, chopped

1/4 cup grated parmesan

1 1/4 teaspoon paprika

1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1/2 teaspoon thyme

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

salt + pepper to taste

For frying:

vegetable oil, enough to fill 2 1/2 inches

in a large saucepan

1 1/2 cups panko breadcrumbs

1/2 teaspoon each: garlic powder, paprika,

salt, and pepper

1 cup all-purpose flour

3 large eggs

2 teaspoons water


Preheat oven to 375. Prepare pasta accord-

ing to the directions on the box, except

remove it from heat one minute before the

directions say. Strain and rinse with cold

water, set it aside.

Cook bacon on the stove until crispy. Chop

it and set it aside, reserving 4 tablespoons

of the fatty juices from the pan. Transfer

the fatty juices to a large saucepan set over

medium heat and add the flour, whisk-

ing constantly until combined. Continue

whisking and add the milk. Once the milk

becomes thick, add the cheese. When the

cheese melts, add the seasonings. Stir in

the shells and the bacon, and transfer to a

greased 8-inch square casserole dish. Bake

for 25 minutes.

Refrigerate overnight.

To fry, heat vegetable oil to 360. Arrange

three separate bowls: one with flour, one

with the eggs + water, one with panko

breadcrumbs + seasonings. Divide the mac

and cheese into 12 equal portions. Coat

with flour, egg, and then breadcrumbs.

With a slotted spoon, carefully lower into

oil, and fry until brown and crispy. Re-

move from pan and let excess oil drip off.

Serve with marinara sauce or ketchup.

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* engage in activity for enjoyment

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A Haunted, Homemade Halloweenby emily rack

Somewhere between college Halloween

keggers and face-painted toddlers bobbing

for apples lies a certain kind of Hallow-

een party. Specifically a costume cocktail

party with quirky outfits, fun snacks, and

a crafty, homemade feel. We wanted to

mix some of the kitschy, cliché Halloween

traditions with our favorite things about

the autumn harvest (think: apple cider and

pumpkin spice everything!) for a get to-

gether sure to make everyone smile. We’ve

hunted down some amazing Halloween

crafts, cocktail recipes, costume how-to’s

and decorating ideas to help you have a

spooky and special night. Don’t forget the

ghost stories and pumpkin carving!


A big candy buffet is an amazing focal

point for a Halloween party, and makes

great favors to bring home! Who says

grown ups can’t trick or treat too? Stock

a variety of mismatched apothecary jars,

cake stands and glass vases with everyone’s

favourite Halloween treats for maximum

happiness and sugar highs. Our choices?

Dark chocolate almonds, salted caramel

apples, candy corn, Reese’s peanut butter

cups and Reese’s pieces, stove-popped

popcorn, sour patch kids and jelly pump-

kins (or you can fill them with your own

homemade candy on page 34!). Guests

will get a kick out of filling their little

treat bags to go. Glassware is easy to find

at secondhand stores and usually inexpen-

sive. You can always use large mason jars

or containers you have around the house

too. Provide cute paper bags for your ‘trick

or treaters’ and don’t forget the candy


Decorating for a Halloween party can be

a little tricky. Stores are crammed full of

plastic, glow-in-the-dark, automated creepy

crawlies and decorations, and it’s easy to

spend a lot of money on tacky accessories

you’ll only have up for a night or two. We

wanted our party to focus on crafts, col-

our, and a homemade feel. Here are some

tips for decorating a get together that will

charm friends and encompass everything

there is to love about the holiday.

Cobwebs make a great base for table set-

tings, bars and candy buffets instead of

tablecloths or elaborate place settings.

They’re inexpensive, widely available and

far outstretch their value. Pull them over

tables, bookshelves, railings and bar carts

to use as creepy coverings.

Small mason jars (250mls) work well

for making candle holders or lanterns.

Simply wrap a little orange tissue around

the jar, and secure with twine, ribbon, or

even attach festive felt pumpkins. Drop

in your favorite autumn-scented tea lights

and soon your party will have a gorgeous


Paper mache skulls are available at most

craft stores this time of year. They’re

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easy to decorate and are spooky scatter-

ing about the house. Simply brush on

cream acrylic paint for a classic look, get

fancy with layering newspaper, or even

try painting elaborate sugar skull designs.

Have them peek out at your guests from

behind candy jars, amongst snacks and

perching on banisters.

Mini pumpkins and gourds add an ele-

ment of autumn harvest to the atmosphere

and keep it from being tacky. Cluster them

with paper skulls, lanterns or around floral


Tissue paper pom poms add a whole new

dimension to your party as they swing

from the ceiling, doorways or entrance.

You can even pile them on tables and

around your candy buffet like we did.

They’re adorable, crafty and will make

your guests ooh and ahh. Not only that,

but you can reuse them for parties all

fall. Our gorgeous pom poms came from

PrettywithSprinkles, who makes them in

every imaginable color, even ‘candy corn’!

Bunting (fabric or paper) is another

adorable way to get crafty for your party.

Hang these little flags above tables, on

bare walls, and even outside your house to

make everything cozier. They are all over

Etsy or if you’re feeling creative, check out

this Halloween bunting tutorial. Bunting

is fabulous since you can pack it away and

reuse for years! Even better? Make yours

double-sided so you can keep them up all

the time.

Invitations are a great way to get people

excited before the party even begins.

Make your own with heavy card stock,

stamps or stickers. We loved the idea of

“Eat, Drink and Be Scary!” for a cocktail

party, but your message is up to you. Our

runner-up idea was “Keep Calm and Scary


Cupcake toppers are another way to add

a little jazz to your dessert table. Try your

hand at DIY with toothpicks and scrap-

booking paper, but on our pumpkin spice

muffins, we used the Boo Kit (that comes

with liners, sprinkles and toothpick top-

pers). We also adore this witchy option.

Don’t forget some the flowers! Put a

spooky Halloween twist on some of your

favorite blooms by adding a few drops of

red food coloring to their water a couple

days before your party. We used sunflow-

ers, which looked incredibly festive with

the red dye creeping along the petals. For

an extra fall element, grab some stems of

the changing fall leaves from around your

neighbourhood and use as filler in your


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It is generally best to serve a few differ-

ent cocktails you can pre-prepare so you

won’t be running back and forth with

drink orders all night long. Make sure you

have a few different options, and of course

some non-alcoholic beverages. These drink

ideas are diverse, fruity, fun, and they all

taste great without the booze too. Serve in

glass mason jars with orange striped paper

straws and black name tags cut out of

chalkboard labels (we chose to make bat

shapes). Nobody will misplace their drink

and you’ll get major bar-tending kudos for


Autumn Harvest Cocktail

2 parts apple cider

2 parts ginger ale

1 part bourbon

Splash of cinnamon Shnapps

Mix the apple cider, bourbon and Shnapps

together and keep in the fridge until ready

to serve. Add the ginger ale before serv-

ing, and pour into glasses (over crushed

ice if you fancy!) Garnish with a sprinkle

of cinnamon and slice of apple for an

extra cosy touch.

Halloween Sunset Cocktail

2 parts Orangina

2 parts cranberry juice

1 part vodka (try lemon-infused for a

super citrusy twist)

Add the vodka, and cranberry juice to

your glass first, and carefully pour the

Orangina over it. The two layers should

remain slightly separate, making a pretty

sunset effect before serving.

Witching Hour Cocktail

Berries of choice

2 parts pomegranate/acai/ blueberry juice

1 part soda water

1 part gin

Squeeze of lemon juice

Muddle a few berries at the bottom of

your glass by crushing with a spoon. Mix

all other ingredients together, pour into

glass and garnish with raspberries. Sweet,

tart and simple.

Other cocktail ideas:

Gin & Skele-tonics

Monstrous Mojitos

Bloodthirsty Marys

Pina Ghoul-adas

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Easy Halloween Snacks

Serve these easy, tasty treats with a

Halloween spin along with your cocktails.

They can all be made in advance and

refrigerated or quickly whipped up on the

morning of the party.

Yeti Meat and Eyes of Newt

We used prosciutto, Hungarian salami and

garlic-stuffed manzanilla olives for this

platter. Any cold cuts or olive varieties will

work, and will pair extremely well with a

cheese plate. Make sure you set out tooth-

picks for the olives!

Ghoulish Guacamole

2 ripe avocados

1/4 cup minced red onion

2 tbsp fresh lime juice

2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

1 or 2 cloves of minced garlic

1/2 a diced plum tomato

Salt and pepper

Put all ingredients except diced tomato

into a food processor and blend until quite

smooth. Lemon, salt, pepper and garlic

can all be adjusted according to prefer-

ence; guacamole is super accommodating.

Gently stir in your tomato before serving,

and add a drizzle of olive oil.

Roasted Red Pepper and White Bean Dip

1 can of white cannelini beans

1 roasted red pepper (about 1 cup)

1/3 cup of goat cheese

1 clove garlic

Juice of half a lemon

Salt and pepper

This dip is low fat, full of healthy ingredi-

ents and the perfect colour for Halloween

festivities. Whiz up the garlic in a food

processor until minced finely. Add the red

pepper, lemon juice and beans and pulse

until they’re at your preferred consistency.

You can serve this perfectly smooth or a

little bit chunky. Either way it’s delicious.

Scoop into a bowl and stir in your salt and

pepper until it tastes just right.

Bat Wings and Monster Feet

The “bat wing” chips are simply blue corn

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tortilla chips, which are widely available

and add a creepy spin to your traditional

appetizer. The monster feet tortilla chips

are homemade and only take a few min-

utes. Use a cookie cutter to cut out foot

shapes from green spinach tortillas. Spritz

with a little olive oil spray, place on a bak-

ing tray (careful not to overlap) and broil

for a few minutes each side until slightly


Pumpkin Spice Muffins with Cream Cheese

Icing (adapted from The Pioneer Woman)


1 cup of all-purpose flour

1/2 cup of sugar

2 teaspoons of baking powder

2 teaspoons of cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg

4 tablespoons of cubed salted butter

1 cup of pumpkin puree (the 100% pump-

kin kind, not pie filling!)

1/2 cup of evaporated milk

1 egg

2 teaspoons of vanilla

Makes 12.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Sift all dry

ingredients into a bowl, and mix in butter

until it’s completely combined. In another

bowl, mix together pumpkin, evaporated

milk, egg, and vanilla. Pour the wet mix-

ture into the dry mixture and gently stir

until it’s incorporated. Spoon batter into

12 cupcake liners and bake for 25 minutes.

Let them cool before icing with cream

cheese frosting.


1/4 cup of softened butter

4 ounces of cream cheese

1 1/2 cups of powdered sugar

1/2 teaspoon of vanilla

Blend all ingredients together, and spread

(or pipe!) onto the muffins as long as

they’re cool. Decorate with sprinkles,

ghosts and pumpkin toppers.

Salted Caramel Apples

10 apples (Granny Smith work best)

10 popsicle sticks

1 bag of caramels

2 tablespoons of water

Sea salt

1 cup of semisweet chocolate chips (op-


Begin by inserting popsicle sticks into

the apples about halfway. Keep apples in

a cool, dry place until ready for dip-

ping. Melt all caramels and 2 tablespoons

of water over a medium heat, watching

closely and stirring often. Add a pinch of

salt when the caramel has become even

and smooth, and take off the heat. Dip ap-

ples into the mixture one by one, rotating

to remove excess caramel, and scraping

the bottoms with a knife. Sprinkle each

apple with a little coarse sea salt, place

onto a sheet of wax or parchment paper,

and refrigerate. When caramel has set,

melt 1 cup of semisweet chocolate chips

in a double boiler (or in the microwave),

and dip just the base of the apples into

the melted chocolate. Place back into the

fridge until ready to serve.

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The choosing of a perfect Halloween cos-

tume is one that perplexes me every year.

There are so many options...funny or sexy,

pop culture or classic, couples or solo.

Not something so obscure that people

spend the whole night asking “wait, what

are you?” but not so popular that you’re

wearing the same guise as half the other

girls in the room. For me, a costume has

to strike a balance of cute (but not verging

into the realm of Halloween skankiness),

original, and easy to put together.

As amazing as it would be to spend weeks

sewing, knitting, dyeing and paper-mache-

ing a fabulous ensemble, chances are

some of us will be a little lost for time

and resort to the night-before-Halloween

costume panic. Never fear! These costumes

are perfect for busy girls because they can

be thrown together using items you might

have already laying around the house.

Last-minute costumes are no excuse not to

be creative, and this year hopefully none

of us will have to resort to cat ears and a

black tee. Whether you’re at a big Hallow-

een bash, trick or treating, having a scary

movie marathon or handing out candy,

these cute, quirky costumes are sure to

be a big hit (and you’ll never believe how

easy they are).

80’s Prom Queen

What you’ll need: A dollar store tiara (or

make one yourself out of construction

paper), a prom dress (your mom’s, your

cousin’s, even yours! Bright colours work

best for this idea), heels, white fabric or

paper towel, tape, a marker, bright lipstick

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and eyeshadow, a hair elastic (or crimper

if you’re feeling fancy).

Pull hair into a ponytail at the top of your

head, and move it off to one side before

securing. If you have a crimping iron,

use it on every other section of your hair

before putting it up. Backcomb to your

heart’s desire.

Slather on a bright lipstick (we used

Sephora’s Love Test 11) and line only your

bottom lashes with a constrasting colour

(we used Urban Decay’s Shattered). We

love the fuschia-turqouise combination,

but any neon shades will rock.

Make yourself a sash with either fabric or

paper towel. Staple or tape into a loop,

and add your message in bright, bold let-

tering (ours says “PROM QUEEN ‘83!”).

Slip on your tiara, prom dress, kitten heels

and don’t forget your “Oh. My. Gosh.”

face. You won! Congratulations prom


Couples option: the prom king, of course!

A tux (bonus points if it’s powder blue),

mullet, crown, sash and corsage (for you!)

is all he’ll need.

Rosie the Riveter:

What you’ll need: a military-style or den-

im shirt (rolled at the sleeves, of course),

red scarf/bandana/napkin, swipe of red

lipstick, bobby pins, a hair elastic, and a

wrench or other tool of choice.

Start by putting hair in a high bun, and

leave out a small section at the front

(whichever side your part is heaviest).

Divide the section into two pieces, and

one at a time twist the pieces into ropes

and wind them up towards your scalp.

Pin into curls at your forehead, one tucked

behind the other. Finish off the look with

a red scarf knotted jauntily at the top of

your head.

Rosie’s makeup is natural apart from her

pin-up bright red lipstick. Try Mac’s “Ruby

Woo” for a matte look that will last hours.

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Any sort of pant-boot combination works

on the bottom (and will keep you warm

on chilly October nights!) For an extra au-

thentic look, slip on your toughest boots,

grab a wrench, and channel some fierce

girl power.

Couples option: Bob the Builder! A yellow

construction hat, plaid shirt and toolbelt

will do the trick.

Painted Sugar Skull Girl

What you’ll need: face paints (water-based

ones won’t clog your pores), black scarf/

fabric, black clothing, colourful tissue

paper, bobby pins.

This day of the dead costume is super easy

and makes a big impact. Start by putting

on whatever black clothes you plan on

wearing. Anything works, but black lace

and long skirts are best. Make sure to

cover your clothes while you paint your


If you can’t get face paints, you can cer-

tainly use eyeshadows and a black eyeliner

if you don’t mind scrubbing it off later.

Start with a white base all over the face

including eyes and mouth. When that’s

dry, sponge your chosen colors all around

the eyes and chin. Define the shapes by

lining them in the same color with a

brush. Add a black cobweb shape starting

at the bridge of the nose and extending

out onto the forehead using the brush.

While that’s drying, trace black lines from

the corners of the mouth out to the ears.

Add crossing lines all along the mouth.

Wing out black paint from underneath and

above the eyes, making sure to add doll-

like lash strokes on the cheeks. After that,

get creative! Add swirls, stars, and hearts

and squiggles in any colours wherever you

please. Your shapes will stand out more if

you line them in black.

Arrange a black scarf or piece of fabric

over your hair like a veil, and secure

with bobby pins. Crumple tissue paper

into flower shapes (make sure you leave a

“stem” part to attach bobby pins to), and

pin them onto one side of the head scarf.

Real flowers would also look beautiful, but

run the risk of wilting through the night.

Bundle up into gypsy-esque layers, black

boots and practice being mysterious.

Couples idea: the great thing about this

is that anyone can be painted as a sugar

skull. If you’re having Halloween with

your girlfriends, this would be an amazing

group costume. No two would be the ex-

actly the same, and you can infinitely vary

the detailing and colours.

Make sure to check The Violet Blog for

even more tricks and treats leading up to

this haunted holiday!

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*make (something) more attractive by the addition of decorative

details or features

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Slightly Supertitiousphotography by yodai yasunaga

styled by olivia moskowitz

text by camilla salem and olivia moskowitz

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horse shoes

This look perfectly encapsulates

the essence of fall. A cozy blazer

and a classic white button down

paired with some tall boots

allow for a comfortable yet

structured outfit. This look can

be carried from the stables to the

bustling city streets.

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evil eyes

it’s one thing to catch someones

eye, but quite another to keep it.

The smoky eye is nothing new,

and at times can be taken too

far. Black eyeliner, a sweep of

dark shadow, and hint of blush

to balance out the edge will have

all eyes on yours.

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A scarf wrapped around your

head like a turban, excessive

jewelry and a mysterious

and perhaps mischevous grin

carry this look to the next

level. In this world, less is

not more. Load up on the

accessories and don’t forget

your tarot cards.

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spilled salt

It is said that throwing salt over

your shoulder will ward off dark

spirits, but sometimes it’s fun

to channel your inner demon.

Make a little black magic with an

all over black look that is oh so

chic with a touch of wickedness.

Wear classic pieces, like a blazer,

to keep the look sophisticated

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broken mirrors

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who

is the fairest of all? Shock your

mirror with unexpected, vibrant

hues. Brighten chilly fall days

with colors such as coral, ruby,

and plum that can make any

look stand out.

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walking under


Be bold and be a woman.

Lacy, feminine dresses are best

complemented by harder, edgier

pieces like a leather jacket and

boots. This look is a head turner

so be sure to hold yours up high

and walk strong.

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As a fast-moving, and even

slightly controversial trend in the

fashion world, Native American

inspired prints are scattered

throughout mega stores all over

the place. We really appreciate

the geometric beauty of these

prints and we wear them with

the utmost reverence and re-

spect. This poncho, paired with

a comfortable, loose-fitting top,

and jeans evokes a bohemian


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bad luck comes in threes

Throw the rules out the window

and wear as many prints as you

can together. The mismatching

prints end up complementing

one another wonderfully and

you look like a rockstar. Don’t

over think it, just go with your


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*be absorbed in thought

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I began collecting vintage-wares a few years ago. It started with

books, I suppose. My love of literature meant that creating a shelf

out of just antique spines was a real and enticing goal. And then,

somehow, this little act of mine slipped through to clothing, then

to storage, and now, all I really dream about is that future home

décor: a mix of modern simplicity and old, aged tradition. Since

this collection began (and right now, I confess: it is modest), I

have noticed a few things. And it’s all to do with learning.

You see I was never really one for history books. The serifs and

glyphs of blocked out text just didn’t do it for me. The scenes

they portrayed of the times important to my ancestors were not

real; they did not have personality. But objects? They do. The

little springed clasp on my 1950s yellow pinstriped suitcase does.

It makes a tiny sound as it pops into place, and sometimes it’s

temperamental; it allows just a certain weight of clothes to slip

between its joints. And in doing so, it reminds me of the need to

ration and resource. My heirloom clock pendant speaks to me too.

Slumping to one side, its little broken fastening whispers the idea

that the paths we so often take need alterations, that they may just

swerve and tilt a little bit. These objects, they invoke all sorts of

sounds and smells and associations and orchestrate a whole series

of emotions. They are, I suppose, the characters in life’s little


If you were to give me a copy of Lady Chatterley’s Lover, an

old one where the cover is peeling and you can just about see

the bound threads, I’ll feel what its very first reader felt. It’ll be

shock, disbelief, and utter embarrassment. I’ll understand what it

was like to live in a censored world where artistic expression was

stifled, and things, certain worldly things, were just not talked

about. If you cinch in my waist with a full-skirted gown of the

same period, I’ll understand more about oppression and gender

roles than any lecturer could teach. The importance of looking

after oneself would be bestowed upon me, as would a sense of

the objectified. I, in that little transaction, would become just as

much object as owner.

These are brash generalizations of the ways vintage teaches me

a society’s history. But what I really gain in these moments, as I

A Very Vintage Soula personal essay by becky macnaughton

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step into the ruche organza of a gown or drink from a particu-

lar chipped cup, is an affinity with the past. It is empowering to

know, as I scatter these things around my bedroom or lay them

beside each other in a drawer, that there is a whole wealth of

people behind me who have touched these objects. That these

things have come to know certain situations, that they have lived

them somehow and will guide me and enlighten me on how to

approach those of the future. Family heirlooms are the best I have

found for this: the knowledge and the wisdom that are passed on,

which act as charms or omens or signifiers, are heightened by a

gene pattern. So I use them. My aunt’s hips I adorn in that full-

skirted gown; my mother’s waist I cinch with a belt; my grand-

mother’s hair I curl and cut and style just so - naturally. These

women, those living now and their great, great predecessors

before them, have not only bestowed upon me these looks, these

natural fleshes and structures of bone, but they have given me

their adorning style. I am inspired, to the very fabric of my being,

by these women and the standards they have kept. And, you see,

it does not stop at aesthetics. Their morals, their old-fashioned

scruples, and their traditional hobbies have been kept, preserved

in my heart. I admire their time’s chivalry, their chastity, and

their respect, just as much as the objects I collect and exhibit.

I believe these things to be the greatest gifts I’ve found. And it’s

funny that in recycling and reusing these objects and traditions

of the times before mine, I feel the most original. I feel that

these set me apart from the monotony of this 21st century world.

The beauty of it, of course, is that if this act of delving deep and

learning of the past ever found itself a trend, it would still stand

itself unique against the grain. And that’s a good enough reason

to start, right?

Join me, won’t you?

A few little things to keep in mind as you preserve, restore and, I hope, accumu-late:

❖ Keep it in the family, so to speak. Family attics and garages are absolute treasure troves for vintage souls. Because they chronicle personal, ancestral histories, they are a perfect excuse for family bonding. There’s no better way to learn about your loved ones than a meander through their life’s little relics, and with their own voice as a narrative. ❖ Remember to keep what you want and need in mind. It’s easy to get carried away with these things–just as easy in-store as it is online, and vice-versa--so try to buy pieces only because they speak to you. There’s nothing worse than taking home a sack full of half-loved things, for them to end up relegated; unseen and unworn.

❖ Do try and try again. Where possible, try on your item. It’s the quickest way to make a decision and saves hours of mulling it over and returning to the shop week after week. Whilst it’s on, it’s easier to notice any repairs that may or may not need immediate atten-tion, and will focus your eye to any blemishes or snags. If you’re still in two minds about it whilst it’s on, it’s probably a safe bet to discard and move forward.

❖ Don’t be frightened or intimidated to ask, especially if you‘re in doubt about the age or origin of an item. The likelihood is that the vendor is a kindred spirit, and just as enthusiastic about vintage as you are. They want to see their pieces go to a happy and apprecia-tive home. They are also independent and will value your custom above any main-stream, chain store. This means they’ll be a little kinder, and a little more accommodating to your queries.

❖ Don’t rely on the printed word when it comes to sizes. More often than not there are discrepancies between what, say, a mid-century size ten was, and what it translates to today. Similarly, when buying online, an American size ten is very, very different to a British one. For this reason, most internet retailers will display numerical measurements for the bust, waist and hips of a garment. It’s important to remember, though, that these are usually taken when the garment is flat, and therefore need doubling.

❖ Cease to buy when you get desperate. It’s perfectly okay–and believe me, sometimes healthier–to come home empty handed. You will not always find something you love. But persevere, frequent those haunts, and you’ll find a gem amongst that old-aged rubble.

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I’d spend it outside. Fall, to me, is the perfect season to spend outside as much as pos-

sible, taking walks with no purpose but to hear and see and feel. There’s nothing like be-

ing bundled into an adorable coat and scarf that have been gathering dust at the back of

your closet for the past few months and feeling the nip of the air on your face. Fall is also

about the sounds of the season change - leaves crunching and the cold breeze blowing,

and the trees waving their branches in the wind. Fall is when the light starts changing

- the sun rises later, so you have a better chance of catching the change as you’re out

and about, and the golden hour before is sets is the perfect time just to be outside and

breathe it all in.

– Irene, Blog: Goodnight, Dear Void

I would Pull my recipe books out and pick some favorites to try in the kitchen...everyone

has recipe books, how often do we take time to get creative and try a new one?

– Becca, Blog: Becca and Devin

Dance dance and dance some more. and then maybe a long bath.

– Rachel, Blog: Roots and Wings

At first, this question had me stumped. I have several hobbies and things I like to do,

and I am always looking for new things to try. However, when I really thought about

what I would do with the gift of an hour to dedicate to anything I wanted, I realized that

I would love to spend it writing. At this point, other activities that I do for fun find ways

to squeeze themselves into my day. I can always read a page or two of a book, even if

I don’t have an hour to dedicate to it. I can always justify going for a run, because it is

healthy and important to exercise. However, I have a hard time making the time to sit

down and create. If I had a free hour, I would use it to focus on writing without interrup-


– Lorren, Blog: The Story Girl

Your Turn

If I had an extra hour every day I would spend it reading poetry and prose. I debated for

a little while because several ideas came to mind: yoga, meditation, cooking more from

scratch, spending more time outside. I decided on reading poetry because it is some-

thing that greatly enriches a day, even with less than a full hour to devote to it, yet unlike

some of the other things I thought of I rarely do it.

– Lisa, Blog: To Be Mindful of Beauty

we asked you: if you had one extra hour a day, how would you spend it?

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When I was a little girl, I couldn’t wait to

work in a cubicle. Naïve as the average

child, I always pictured myself wear-

ing high heels and pearls to work, where

I would have my very own, personally

decorated, glamorous cube. You know,

where my boyfriend could send me flow-

ers and stuff, like in the movies.

My ten-year-old self would probably be

devastated to learn that cubicle life has

become the bane of my existence, even

at a job that I truly enjoy. The mundane

repetitiveness of sitting in the same chair

at the same desk under the same fluores-

cent lights for eight hours a day can really

crush a person’s spirit over time. See:

Office Space.

About three months ago, I hit my break-

ing point. On top of my full-time cubicle

job, I had been writing and pursuing a

passion for photography on the side for

a number of months. I was spending 12

hours a day staring at a computer screen,

and losing all sense of creative inspiration.

Everything became a have-to instead of a

want-to. Editing photos became a chore,

writing became a burden, and I began

to dread going to work in the morning. I

was so disappointed with the work I was

producing, and started to feel mediocre in

all aspects of my life. Everything I did was

forced, and a C+ effort at best. I couldn’t

get past it, and I couldn’t get better. I was

just...stuck. Stuck in mediocrity. Which for

me, is basically synonymous with failure.

It all came down to this: something had

to go. I either had to stop writing, stop

pursuing photography, or quit my full-

time job.

Gulp. While none of those options seemed

viable at first, the answer suddenly became

clear as day. I needed to branch out on

my own, start my own business, and take

Do Something that Scares YouBy Ashlee Gadd

control of my life again. I needed to stop

investing forty hours a week in someone

else’s dream, and invest those hours into

my own dream.

Was I ready to give up my full-time

paycheck? Not exactly. Ready to pay my

own taxes? Definitely not. But somehow,

I knew deep down that is was now or

never. No looking back. No regrets.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared. Some-

times I’m scared of failing. Sometimes I’m

scared that I won’t make any money, or

that people will judge the decision I’ve

made. But truthfully, I’ve always been

more scared of missed opportunities.

Opportunities to be great. To be happy.

To inspire others. I can’t be certain, but I

think my ten-year-old self would be pretty

proud of who I’ve become.

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*bring or come to an end

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Candy making was something that I’ve

been legitimately afraid of for a long time

(talk about doing something I’m scared

of!). My fear stems from the fact that tem-

peratures reach scorching levels and the

sticky stringy bits seem to fly everywhere.

But I took on this task with full force and

conquered my fear of molten candy. Okay,

the truth is, it was still pretty scary, but

it may have had more to do with the fact

that I took on way too many different

types of candy in one day.

Enter The Epic Marshmallow Disaster. I

wish I could provide you with a picture

so you could see how truly terrible this

turned out (imagine something that looks

Left: Peanut brittle – we could hardly keep our hands off of this stuff. Talk about a sugar high!

like a cross between someone’s liver and

rubber.) It tasted something like that as


Overall the day was a huge learning expe-

rience. A chocolate fight may or may not

have occurred while making truffles and

I was buzzing from eating so much sugar

for a few hours. But do you know what I

realized? This is what this magazine is all

about...stepping out of our comfort zones

and trying something new just because we

feel like creating a new memory. Heck,

that is what life is all about!

It’s also kind of a great excuse to eat a

buttload of candy :). – CS

Back Story

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Everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn.Elizabeth Lawrence