The Vegan Summer 1969

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The magazine of The Vegan Society

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Page 2: The Vegan Summer 1969

THE VEGAN SOCIETY Founded November, 1944

Veganism is a way of living which excludes all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, the animal kingdom, and includes a reverence and com-passion for all life. It applies to the practice of living on the products of the plant kingdom to the exclusion of flesh, fish, fowl, eggs, honey, animal milk and its derivatives, and encourages the use of alternatives for all commodities derived wholly or in part from animals. Veganism remembers man's responsibilities to the earth and its resources and seeks to bring about a healthy soil and plant kingdom and a proper use of the materials of the earth.

President: Dr. FREY ELLIS, , Epsom, Surrey. Deputy Presidents: Mrs. E. B . SHRIGLEY and Mr. J. SANDERSON. Vice-Presidents: Mrs. E . BATT, M r s . M . DRAKE, D r . C . NIMMO, M i s s W .

SIMMONS, Miss M. SIMMONS, Mr Dr. F . WOKES. Secretary : Mrs. LOUISE DAVIS, London, S . E . 1 2 . Treasurer : Mrs. (to whom all subscriptions should be sent),

So N . 1 4 . 0 1 - 8 8 6 6 4 0 8 . Librarian: Mr. W. H. C. WRIGHT, , Enfield, Middlesex. Committee: Mrs. E. BAIT, Mr. H . BONNIE, Mrs. S . COLES, Dr. F . ELLIS,

Miss T . LARKIN, Mr. J. SANDERSON, Mrs. E . SHRIGLEY, Mrs. G . SMITH, D r . F . WOKES, M r . W . WRIGHT, M r s . J. FUG EM AN.

Minimum subscription, which includes " The Vegan ", 15s. per annum (and 7s. 6d. for each additional member of one family at same residence); 7s. 6d. if age under 18; payable in January. Life Membership, £10 10s. Od.



The Editorial Board does not necessarily agree with opinions expressed by contributors to this magazine, or endorse advertisements.

Please send articles, classified advertisements and letters for publication to 123 Baker Street, Enfield, Middlesex.

Advertisements must be in keeping with the principles of veganism, and the Publishers reserve the right to refuse any advertisement, or cancel any order without explanation.

Editorial Board: Mrs. EVA BATT, Mrs. SERENA COLES, Dr. FREY ELLIS. Editorial Adviser: Mr. JACK SANDERSON. Vega bution Secretary: Miss THELMA LARKIN,

West Horndon, Brentwood, Essex. Advertisements : H. H. GREAVES LTD., 106/110 Lordship Lane, London,

S.E.22. Rates: Whole page—£10 0s. 0d.; Half page—£6 0s 0d.; Quarter page—£3 10s. Od.

Published quarterly: Annual Subscription, 10s.; single copies, 2s. 6d. plus postage. Obtainable from the Hon. Secretary.


" The Reasons for Veganism." 4 page leaflet. 3d. S.A.E. only. "Vegan Protein Nutrition." 12 page leaflet. Is. 3d. post free. " A Handbook of Practical Veganism." 24 pages with cover. 2s. 9d.

post free. " The Vegetarian and Vegan Food Guide." 2s. 6d. post free. " The Vegan Kitchen " by Freya Dinshah. 5s. 6d. De luxe edition, 7s. 6d.

post free. " Quick and Easy Menus " by K. Keleny. 2s. l id . post free. " Vegan Recipes." A collection of members' favourites. 10 sheets,

Is. 9d. post free. All obtainable from the Secretary. (Cheques and postal orders should be

made out to "The Vegan Society.")

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Many warnings have appeared in recent years in The Vegan, The Vegetarian and general health and food reform literature on current .farming trends. Our journal has not only played' i ts part in helping to reveal the cruelties in so-called normal or traditional farming practices, but in the last decade has repeatedly drawn attention to some of the dangers involved in the use of certain chemical preparations on the land, on growing crops "and in the preparation of food for human beings and animals. Reference has also been made on many occasions to the pollution of the atmosphere iby dangerous chemical fumes and to the pollution of our rivers and shores by industrial effluents, sewage and nuclear waste. Officialdom usually shrugs off such questions on the grounds of economic cost or other expediency, and should a more reasoned reply be given, it is usually to the effect that certain maximum standards of use are being adhered to so as not to reach certain " safe " minimum standards above which some harm or danger may result. This attitude may simply mean putting off the evil day until the particular problem has reached menacing proportions, and in the meantime untold and possibly irrevocable damage may have been done to present and future life.

Whereas under our legal code a person is assumed to be innocent until he is proved guilty, great damage can be done if the same principle is applied to relatively untried chemical preparations. A preparation which may be considered to be innocent as regards known effects may be found to be guilty in the light of later knowledge, whilst one judged innocent as regards short-term effects may later, in the long term, be found guilty in view of harmful additive or cumulative effects of the supposed harmless traces. Only a small percentage of the population may care about or be interested in such considerations, but all of us will be affected by them. Furthermore, the menace is here—now.

As a result of preliminary reports, the Swedish Government ordered the Swedish Institute of Public Health to carry out certain investigations into the present state of the Baltic.

Vol; 16. No: 2. SUMMER, 1969



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According to the research team's results, the Baltic has been polluted by D.D.T. to such a level that the regular consumption of certain fish is dangerous. When D.D.T. is sprayed on crops as an insecticide much of it is easily'washed into streams and rivers. On flowing into the sea, it is taken up by tiny sea creatures, then small fish who are eaten by larger fish, and these in turn by larger fish, sea-<birds, seals, etc. Whereas the food taken in at each stage tends to be turned into energy, building materials or waste products, D.D.T. tends to be retained in the body at each stage, and so there is a tendency for it gradually to accumulate until the apex of the eating pyramid is reached, and this apex may be large fish and sea-birds or MAN.

One-fortieth par t of the fat of the average Baltic sea eagle is now D.D.T., and many of the larger fish show dangerous levels of D.D.T. contamination, the salmon having an average of 31 milli-grams per kilogram weight. Much of the fish eaten in this country comes from the 'North Sea, whose concentration of D.D.T. is about one-tenth that of the Baltic. As a report in the Observer (March 2nd, 1969) indicates, the health hazards of D.D.T., apart from the gradual onset of sterility in animals and deaths in birds, is not yet known in human beings.

Lake Erie is the fourth largest of the American Great Lakes and is a little less in area than the Irish Sea. The rivers that flow into it carry the industrial \vaste and sewage from such cities as Cleveland and Detroit (cars), Erie (paper) and Akron (rubber), and one river is classed as a fire hazard 'because the oil slick and the gases f rom the fermenting sewage at the bottom occasionally catch fire. Many biologists believe that the lake may be on the verge of a biological cataclysm in which billions of tons of pollutants could suddenly be released from the lake bottom to the water above.

The prevention of a nuclear war and the problem of feeding the world's growing millions are probably mankind's two greatest problems. Pollution of the land, the rivers and coastal waters, and the air we breathe may soon be the third. Action at all levels is required—local, regional, national and international—if we are to arrest the growing tendency to poison our environment.



On page 6 of The Vegan for Spring 1969 we expressed our thanks to the Nature Cure Society,for the use of their premises for various vegan meetings during .the year. This was incorrect, it was the accommodating Nature .Cure Clinic in Oldbury Place we wished ' to . thank, and we offer our sincere apologies to .them for this mistake. • , . ,


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Old-fashioned muck used to be the stuff of good farming, but intensive methods have changed all that. 'Whereas the farmer once cleared his cowshed of a mixture of dung and bedding, he now sluices out the loose housing, pumping the slurry on to the fields. Salmonellosis, which endangers man and farm animals, is now comomn in farming, and the salmonellae excreted f rom infected animals can afflict healthy land. Salmonellae are hardy bacteria, surviving six to seven months in pasture or soil, and they multiply in effluent waters.

The Ministry of Agriculture has therefore had to advise farmers not to let cattle graze pasture for at least six months after the slurry from the houses has been spread, and an account from one of their Veterinary Investigation Centres proves the wisdom of this advice (Veterinary Record, 1969, 84, 196).

A dairy-herd in S. Devon was allowed to graze only three weeks after the pasture had been sprayed (in August, 1967) with the slurry. The herd comprised seventy cows and seven heifers, and calving began in the autumn. Three cows and six of the heifers had died by the end of 1967, and five cows had recovered from illness, which was brought on by calving. At least eight calves died. In December the herd was treated with furazolidine and chloramphenicol, but three cows subsequently fell seriously ill, and at least three more calves died. Salmonella typhimurium was detected during this time in the ailing and dead cattle and, during the subsequent spring and summer, in the drainage system.

A contaminated stream running through the farm debouches on to a bathing beach, 1-]- miles away; in its course to the sea it filters underground, and the organism has not yet reached t h e b e a c h . ALAN LONG.


Yoga is a word with which many of us are familiar; frequent references to in the press, radio and television leave many people with a desire to understand more about it and wish " to take it up." Of the many Yogas, Hatha Yoga (the Yoga of Health) and the Yoga of Meditation are the ones generally considered to be the most attractive to Western minds. Hatha Yoga incorporates physical and mental exercises with breath control and diet. The physical exercises take the (form of certain named poses practised in a specific order ; one should become proficient in the first before attempting the second and so on. Each pose is scientifi-cally worked out and each one affects the body and mind in a different way—there is, in fact, interaction 'between body and mind during the exercises ; however, some of the poses develop the body, others are 'more conducive to meditation, because in them the gravitational pull is lessened. A supple body is obviously able to adopt the requisite pose more easily and quickly.


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The mental exercises in Hatha Yoga are in the main the pre-paratory ones of concentration and " stilling the mind." in order to achieve a degree of awareness of one's action and of oneself, and to develop an awareness in perception.

The student of Yoga is warned that to develop one facet of Yoga at the expense of another leads to failure. Wnat is required is a harmonious progression. As an example, were Hatha Yoga practised in the natural progression required, then practice could •be undertaken in the Yoga of Meditation, in which an advanced form of concentration leads to contemplation and an increased awareness. When all the Yogas have .been perfected, then unique meditat ion would bring enlightenment and produce the Adept (Yogi). The Adept is then in the required state to become in harmony with the life principle or in yogic language " The Law " : one whose actions are pure in the yogic sense because they are motiveless: perfection of perception has been achieved and con-sequences of action " known to the knower " (the Adept) as limitless.

Remembering that the serious student of Yoga is aware that progress depends upon adherence to the prescribed instructions, he would not, for instance, embark upon the practice of. the poses of Hatha Yoga without consideration of the appropriate diet for that stage, nor would he assume that if his diet was the prescribed one he could omit the physical poses or the mental exercises or breath control and still be practising Yoga in the approved way.

If the student's diet, for instance, was one which would be considered an hindrance to progress (flesh eating is such a one), he wouid need to make changes in it. His developing perception would show which items were undesirable and which were n o t ; his continued practice of the mental exercises would enable him to overcome the desire for ^appropr ia te foods in a yogic manner: one which does not call for extra effort of will. In yogic under-standing to attempt to rid oneself of an undesirable habit by will power is to transfer the problem, not resolve it.

Vegans or Vegetarians would find an introduction to Yoga simplified even though they may not have come to veganism or vegetarianism by yogic means: an intuitive perception that flesh foods and other animal products were undesirable would be a natural condition, and practice in Yoga would inevitably enhance the awareness tha t animal products such as cheese, butter and milk would likewise be seen to be undesirable. The higher the attainment,in Yoga, the nearer the students comes to a vegan diet, the obstacle (or hindrance) of an impure diet has been resolved.

Complete harmlessnesss in diet must perforce extend to harm-lessness in the way the fruit, nuts, cereals, vegetables and herbs are grown: veganic agriculture is synonymous with this harmless conception. 4

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As a preliminary to adopting the first of the Yoga poses which require extra physical effort, ordinary simple keep-fit exercises help to make the body supple so long as they are done with rhythm and smoothness rather than jerky or strained. They would ibe most practical if done before breakfast, or some hours after meals.

A condition of mental repose may be experienced (with practice) by adopting the relaxed pose known as Padmasana. Sit crossed-legged with back straight, but not tense, hands lightly placed together in lap. Breathe in slowly from the diaphragm (chest lifted). Direct all thought to watching the breath as you breathe in (count of five), breath held (count of five), breath out (count of five), then, still with the count of five, " hold " the breath away—neither inhaling or exhaling. Repeat this sequence only five times at the first attempt, later both the count and the duration may be extended, so long as it is done in rhythm and effortlessly. To gradually come up to a five-minute duration would be very good.

The mind will tend to stray, as the rhythm becomes effortless, bring it back to be aware only of the breath. Keep the body still during the exercise. This unagitated and relaxed but upright position is most useful as preliminary to assuming other medita-tive postures, particularly the one known as the Lotus.

R . D . O'BRIEN.


On February 25th, Wimbledon Vegetarian Society held a Brains Trust in Morden Library, the Panel being Miss Olwen Battersby, Mr. Neville Hall, Mrs. Pearl Wellington, Dr. Alan Long and our own Mrs. Eva Batt, who kept the flag flying at full mast for veganism.

A variety of questions was submitted and in reply the follow-ing opinions were expressed by members of the Panel: —

Vegetarianism was a way of life which one had to follow when one realised what was involved in the production of animal foods. This was very wasteful of land and resources, and it was almost certain that people would ultimately have to live at any rate as near-vegetarians.through force of economic circumstances. For this reason alone, no thinking person could eat meat with a clear conscience in the present world food situation.

• Many people were turning away from animal foods on realis-ing-the atrocities which talce place in producing them. Factory farming had a limited life, probably due to the competition of soya-based foods.. These were now being produced and flavoured and textured to resemble meat. They were comparatively cheap. Although the similarity to meat might be obnoxious to many vegetarians, it would mean that in the future more people would be eating these foods instead of meat.


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- There was no doubt that children could be brought up fit and healthy and heavy manual labour performed on a vegetarian diet. Many vegetarians djd heavy physical work regularly, and .there were notable vegetarian athletes.

Vegetarians were usually interested in other humanitarian causes and frequently took an active part in them. The advantage of vegetarianism over many other good causes was that it was something we could do ourselves as individuals and did not depend on other people.

There was no need for vegetarian meals to be monotonous or expensive ; indeed they were usually more attractive than conven-tional diet.

The meat-producing and dairy industries were complementary. Meat production, which was heavily subsidized, could not con-tinue without the dairy industry- to support it. Therefore, by eliminating dairy produce from our diet we would no longer be supporting the meat trade, and vice versa.

Sincere thanks were expressed to all those who took part. M.C.

EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING On Sunday, April 20th, a small group of members and friends

were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fugeman, where the Extraordinary General Meeting was held for the purpose of electing an Auditor.

Mr. T. Leacock had already agreed to accept the appointmen t of auditor if elected, and it was proposed by Mrs. Coles and seconded 'by Mr. Fugeman that Mr. Leacock be appointed as Auditor .

This was carried unanimously. The business of the day was followed by a session of " Your

Questions Answered," which proved popular and interesting. It was unfortunate (for us, not for him) that Mr. James Chase,

who had agreed to take a seat on the panel, was prevented from attending by a professional engagement, but Mr. Fugeman kindly agreed to deputise at very short notice, and his experiences, first as a farmer and later working with animals in East Africa, made a valuable contribution.

Mr. Harry Bonnie assisted, and the questions prompted some lively discussions on a variety of topics, all with vegan over- or under-tones.

A pleasant afternoon concluded with excellent refreshments and general chat. We would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Fugeman for allowing us the use of their home, once again, for this, meeting.

THE MAY MEETINGS, 1969 This year the meetings of the vegetarian societies were held

in Lincoln—a city that is overshadowed by its beautiful cathedral standing high on the hill, almost as though it is enfolding and 6

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protecting the inhabitants who live and work- in the lower industrial-area of the town.-

. The~County Assembly Rooms, where the dinner and meetings were held, were very pleasant and, on the Saturday afternoon, the Beauty Without Cruelty stall did a brisk trade while the models were greatly applauded as they displayed their latest fashions of simulated fur coats. The Lady Dowding informed the audience that there would soon be a new fabric simular to plush on the market.

It is always encouraging to see a mayor or mayoress present at the annual dinner and this was no exception. The sheriff was particularly entertaining and said that his brother was a vege-tarian. How glad we are to know that such people in local government have an understanding of our way of life.

A-t" the delegates' meeting on the Sunday morning greetings were given from the Vegan Society. It was pointed out that we give ourselves as guinea pigs in order to establish our way of life on a scientific basis as well as a humane one and that we had helped to pioneer the way for the plant milks and that by the time all the vegetarians had become vegans, we hope to have blazed the trail in restaurants and other places. An invitation was given for all present to attend our twenty-fifth celebration dinner in December, 'when we would be. pleased to show them what we could offer. Our thanks were expressed to the organisers for their consideration of the vegan diets each year.

During the evening an interesting Brains Trust was held, with Peter Dyer in the Chair. Members answering questions were Mrs. Isabel James, Drs. Barbara and Gordon Latto, Dr. Alan Long, the Marquis de St. Innocent. The favourite topic of BJ2 was raised, with one doctor emphasizing that vegans must take it. Your delegate drew attention to,the fact that many had lived for years without it long before the scientists drew attention to B;2. Dr. Long then compared the spleen of a horse with that of a human being and said a horse would find it easier to manu-facture. Much laughter was caused later when the delegate remarked that she must have been a horse in a previous incarna-tion, as she did thrive for many years without supplementary Bv>.

, Altogether a very happy time was spent, and our thanks go to our. friends in Lincoln for their efforts on behalf of vegetarians - - o f a l l k i n d s ! SERENA COLES.

A Vegan Talk, " The Next Step," given to the Bournemouth and Christchurch Vegetarian Society at the Salad Centre, Bourne-mouth, on May 16th, was well received,' and we were pleased to see-a 'small group of students in the audience. Mr. and Mrs. Mather, who recently took over the double duties of Secretary and Treasurer from the charming and energetic Miss Bannerman-


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Phillips,-have a-vegan guest house in Bournemouth, and still manage to take an active part in all kinds of animal welfare-and humanitarian work.

Mrs. Batt appreciated the opportunity of staying with them overnight, saying, on her return, how much she had enjoyed the warm welcome and friendly atmosphere of the guest house. "And it is such a delight not to have to ask about the food when one is in a vegan home," she added.


The delightful layout of silver trophies, cups, shields and medals for athletic achievements, together with leaflets and fresh frui t , added to the warmth of the welcome for the visitors to the Holborn Public Library Hall by the members of the Vegetarian Cycling and Athletic Club.

The first item on the agenda was an enjoyable half-hour listen-ing to the introduction of each of the guests—and learning who's who in the vegetarian world. The names of the guests on the list are too numerous to mention, except to say that the intro-ductions made an impressive potted history of the Vegetarian Cycling and Athletic Club.

Next followed an interlude of singing, including some fine old songs from our committee member, Mr. Harry Bonnie.

Both vegan and vegetarian refreshments were provided, and during this time there was plenty of opportunity for discussion and to renew old friendships and make new ones.

To round off an enjoyable afternoon, each family was pre-sented with a carrier bag of fresh fruit .

W . WRIGHT, Vegan Society Representative

VEGAN COOKERY COURSE On Monday, March 24th, a group met at Coombe Lodge,

Wotton-under-Edge, in Gloucestershire, to attend the residential Vegan Cookery Course, one of the group coming from as far away as America.

There were two demonstration sessions each day, one in the morning, the second in late afternoon, each lasting two hours. Mrs. Keleny infected us all with "her enthusiasm for cooking. Some of the recipes demonstrated were from Mrs. Keleny's excel-lent book, "Quick and Easy Menus for Joyous Living." The recipes really are quick and easy, especially the wholemeal bread, which requires no kneading. Over seventy recipes were explained and demonstrated during the week, including delicious sandwich spreads, cocktail savouries arid a simnel cake for Easter.

During the afternoons, Mr. Keleny led us for a long walk 8

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through the woods, where we picked up fossils and sampled wild garlic; we attended a lunch club, the speaker being the lady warden of Lee Abbey in Devon, and on the Saturday afternoon we took the bus to Bristol, where we visited the beautiful cathe-dral, the museum, Georgian House, etc.

In the evenings we attended a United Meditation Service in the large parish church, saw the film about Helen Keller at the Wotton film club, went to the horticultural quiz, which Wotton lost to Stroud by one po in t ; enjoyed seeing coloured slides and films of Mrs. Keleny's lecture tour of Australia, and visits to Egypt and other countries ; and heard a most informative talk O N H E R B S - WINIFRED BARNES.


Penicillin is adminstered to cows with mastitis. Alter the dosing, the farmer should not sell milk from the cow until the antibiotic has been cleared, the bottling-stations should test the milk to ensure its absence. These precautions are necessary to avoid distress in people allergic to penicillin. Nonetheless, a case is reported in the Journal of the American Medical Associa-tion (1969, 208, 143) of a lady who has had to give up milk, after severe rashes and headaches from commercial supplies containing penicillin. The attacks ensued 15 minutes after drinking the milk.

Notwithstanding the regulations, dairies in the U.S.A. and U.K. have sold milk provoking allergic reactions in sensitive p e o p l e . ALAN LONG.


" Next year the last of the pit ponies in this country will be made redundant and replaced by mechanical haulage.

But what is to happen to the ponies now working? As things stand at present, they could all be shipped overseas for fur ther work or slaughter, for the National Coal Board has so far given no assurance that they will not sell them to dealers, after which they will lose all control over them.

Surely they deserve a kinder fate? At the very least, humane slaughter after such a hard life. And a period on grass before being put down should not be too much to expect from so-called ' animal lovers. '"

The above, or a similar letter, was sent to a number of news-papers early in May, and a few were published.

We also wrote to several M.P.s urging them to support Sir Robert Cary's "Ponies Bil l" in the House on May 9th.

On that day, immediately the result was known, the News Editor of the Daily Mirror was good enough to write as follows:—

" Thank you for your letter about the future of redundant pit ponies.


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You will be interested in the unopposed third reading of the Ponies Bill in the House of Commons today.

There Mr. John Mackie fo r the Government said that Mr. Roy Mason, Minister of Power, would have responsibility for seeing that pit ponies went to good homes when their working life was ended.


(for News Editor).

[Since writing the above, a kind offer has been received to adopt two pit ponies on their retirement next year.J


From a report in The Lancet, 3 May, 1969, on an outbreak of food poisoning: —

" Nothing can be done to prevent such infections other than educat ion of housewives to treat meat as dirty material. . . . Salmonella infection derived from meat could be prevented if every cook understood that the same precautions should be taken af ter handling meat as would be taken after soiling the hands with cowdung."

This statement was brought to our attention by Dr. Alan Long who added that one of the victims had been infected by drinking raw cow's milk. Salmonella bacteria were probably transmitted f rom bonemeal added to the feed of herds in Hampshire.



We hear from St. Mary's Hospital, London, that the response f rom vegans to letters asking a number of us to take part in a research project has been most satisfactory. More than two-thirds of our members approached replied promptly and said, " Y e s , glad to"—or words to that effect—and replies are still arriving.


Have you made your reservation for December 6th yet? It makes our task less difficult, and your evening more enjoyable, if we know roughly how many people to expect, well in advance.

Non-vegan friends are very welcome (they are often surprised to learn that vegans do not live entirely on lettuce), and there is a strong possibility that Mrs. Cluer can again be persuaded to bake one of her special commemoration cakes for the occasion.


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RECIPES FOR PLAMIL PEASE PUDDING Pease Pudding with Cauliflower.—Steam a small cauliflower

until tender. Meanwhile spread a flat dish with pease pudding and heat under the grill. Arrange cauliflower sprigs carefully on top of pease pudding and grill for another five minutes. Garnish with sprigs of fresh mint stuck between cauliflower sprigs.

Pease Pudding with Corn.—Clean and dice 6 ozs. carrots. Cook over a low heat in a little vegetable oil until tender. Add a pinch of salt and a tablespoonful of chopped mint (use less if dried mint). Drain small tin of sweet corn, reserving liquid for sauce. Mix together carrots, sweet corn and a large tin of pease pudding. Form into a pyramid, brush with oil and bake for forty-five minutes at 375° F., Reg. 4. Garnish with onion rings and serve with green vegetable.

Sauce.—Add sufficient water to sweet corn liquid to make half a pint and'bring to .boil. Mix one tablespoonful each of flour and soya flour with a little cold water. Add boiling liquid, stir, return to pan and stir till it boils. Meanwhile dissolve therein one good teaspoonful yeast extract. For best results use vege-table stock instead of water, and add a tablespoonful of oil to the thickening mixture.

Pease Pudding and Peppers.—One medium-sized red or green pepper, one small onion, two tablespoonsful vegetable oil and one large tin pease pudding.

METHOD: Wash pepper, remove stalk and seeds, dice. Peel and dice onion. Cook together in oil for fifteen minutes. Mix with pease pudding, put in greased dish and bake for forty minutes at 425° F., 'Reg. 6. Serve with vegetables, For a firmer dish add a few wholemeal breadcrumbs and seasoning.

Cornish Pasties.—Use one tin pease pudding (large or small) and equal amount of cooked vegetables cut up small. Add a sprinkling of herbs if desired—mint, basil, thyme or marjoram. Roll wholemeal pastry, cut into rounds the size of a saucer, cover half with a generous quantity of mixture, damp edges and fold over. Bake for half an hour at 425° F., Reg. 6. Eat hot or cold.

Sandwiches—(a) Pease pudding mixed with chopped fresh mint and sorrel ; (to) pease pudding with chopped onion or nasturtium leaves and sliced tomato.

Open Sandwiches.—Many variations. Try pease pudding topped with grated carrot and garnished with olives.

Pease Pudding Pizza.—For the dough: 14 ozs. wholemeal flour, I rounded teaspoonful sea salt, } oz. fresh yeast (or \ oz. dried), 1 tablespoonful vegetable oil, £ pint lukewarm water.

Mix flour and salt, blend yeast in a teacupful of the water and add to flour with remaining water. (If using dried yeast, follow instructions on packet.) Add oil and knead for a few moments. Cover and leave in a warm place for two or three hours.


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Take two bowls. In one. slice or cut up roughly one pound of tomatoes and add one teapsoonful of basil, a pinch of salt and one clove garlic cut small. In the other : One large tin of pease pudding, one teaspoonful of marjoram and one tablespoonful of vegetable oil.

Half an hour before the meal, divide the dough into four and press out into rounds seven to eight inches in diameter on a greased, warmed baking sheet. Brush with oil, particularly round the edges. Cover the mixture from the first bowl, then spoon on pease pudding mixture between the tomatoes. Press well down. The dough should be covered right to the edges.

Bake for fifteen minutes in a very hot oven, 475—500° F., Reg. 8-9. Serve at once hot. Preceded by a raw salad, this makes a complete meal for four people. It is very easy to make, the dough ibeing mixed in advance.

Pease Pudding Fritters.—One large tin pease pudding, four " Sunnybisk," or a cupful fine wholemeal breadcrumbs, one tea-spoonful of sage, one teaspoonful of marjoram, and chopped chives.

METHOD : If using " Sunnybisk," crumble finely. Mix all in-gredients thoroughly with wooden spoon, form into rissoles, roll in flour, and fry in vegetable oil.

Savoury Tartlets.—Roll wholemeal pastry thinly and line small patty tins. Fill with pease pudding mixtures given below and bake for half an hour at 400° F., Reg. 5. Serve hot or cold.

Variety No. 1.—To a small tin of pease pudding add one tea-spoonful of marjoram and half a teaspoonful of thyme.

Variety No- 2.—To a small tin of pease pudding add one tea-spoonful of dried mint and a pinch of celery seed.

Variety No. 3.—To a small tin of pease pudding add one level teaspoonful or more of curry powder, exact amount depends on taste and strength of the curry.



Kindly make a note of the dates by which we must receive your letters and reports for inclusion in The Vegan.

For the Spring issue—Before February 1st. For the Summer issue—Before May 1st. For the Autumn issue—Before August 1st. For the Winter issue—Before November 1st.

Please do not leave your letter until the last day ; avoid dis-appointment and help us by posting as early as possible.

Contributions for publication should be typed (or clearly written) on one side of the paper only. Please enclose a stamped, addressed envelope if return is requested.



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The 2 £th Anniversary to commemorate the founding of

The Vegan Society will be CELEBRATED at the




6 p.m. 25th A N N U A L GENERAL MEETING.

7 p . m . RECEPTION AND G R A N D CELEBRATION DINNER in commemoration of reaching Our first quarter century. A few (short !) speeches, then DANCING AND SOCIAL ACTIVITIES.

We hope all who possibly can will join us on this happy occasion, and bring your friends, all are very welcome



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DIARY Saturday, July 5th, 1969, at 2.30

The Annual Garden Party in aid of the National Anti-Vivisection Society, S.E. London local Branch, will again be held at 42a, Mount Pleasant Road, Lewisham, S.E.13 (Details for getting there in Spring issue.)

There will be a vegan stall, manned by our Secretary, for the sale of literature and general fund raising, and gifts of all kinds for this will be welcome. Come along if you can ; Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Fugeman will appreciate your help, as well as your company.

Sunday, July 6th, at 3 p.m. A Garden Party in aid of the Wimibledon Vegetarian Society

a t Lea Cottage, 39 Esher Road, Walton-on-Thames. Vegans are particularly welcome; we shall hope to see some of you there.

Saturday, July 26th, 1969 The Friends Vegetarian Society have invited you on a tour

of the Henry Doubleday Research Association Trial Grounds, Braintree, Essex. Coach leaves rear of Friends' House, Euston Road, London, N.W.I , at 10.30 a.m. Picnic lunch at Chelmsford Meeting House. Please bring your own food; tea will be pro-vided. Tour of Grounds by the Director. Return to Chelmsford Meeting house for tea. Coach leaves for London at 6 p.m. to reach Friends' House by 8 p.m. Fare for adults 12/6d., children half price.

Book your seats with Tony Back, Millwood House, London, W.10. ( Deposit 5/-.) All are welcome.

Tuesday, August 12th, 1969, at 7 p.m. An Extraordinary General Meeting will be held at the Nature

Cure Clinic, Oldbury Place, London, W.l (off Marylebone High Street, a few minutes from Baker Street Tube Station), when the audited Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts for the year 1967/8 will be presented to the members for their approval.

This will be followed by a display of vegan toiletries and cosmetics, with free testing samples available.

I.V.U. November, 1969 The 20th World Congress of the International Vegetarian

Union will be held in Jerusalem from Sunday, November 2nd, for one week, followed by a week of sightseeing from a base in Nathanya. The Vegan Society will be represented by Miss Hannah. Hurnard and Miss Thelma Larkin, to whom we are all very grateful for they are standing the- entire cost themselves.


Page 17: The Vegan Summer 1969

VEGAN SPORTSMAN Jack McClelland will foe attempting to swim the length of

Lake Zurich in Switzerland (about twenty-seven miles) against several top-line Swiss swimmers on August 9th next.

There is also a marathon swim toeing arranged in .Quebec, Canada, during the week July 13th - 20th. Jack has been invited to take part in this 24-hour relay race, which is a great honour as only twelve swimmers from all over the world have received invitations to compete.

During the first five months erf this year Jack addressed an average weekly audience of 600 in different cities in Britain as the guest of " Bio-Strath " (drops!), when the case for veganism was always presented and well received.

We are deeply appreciative of all Jack is doing for veganism, ,and he has our very best wishes.

ANIMALS FAIR The Society will again be having a stall at The Animals Fair,

Royal Horticultural Hall, Vincent Square, London, S.W.I, on Friday, November 21st, and Saturday, November 22nd.

Helpers are urgently needed, if only for a couple of hours ; all one needs is a personal experience of veganism and a willing-ness to answer questions on this and kindred subjects. If you can bring anything for sale as well, this will be doubly helpful for, as well as introducing veganism to a wide circle of people who would otherwise never hear of it, we hope to cover our costs by the sale of gifts (vegan ones, of course!)! These could be almost anything which is new, or nearly new, not too large, and generally clean and saleable.

In the food line, we find that home-made bread and vegan savouries are especially appreciated.

Further details in our next issue.


July 26th.—Horley Spiritualist and Healing Centre. Mini-Fashion Show and stall at Ipswich.

September 6th.—Oxford Vegetarian Club. Evening Fashion Show and stall at the Randolph Hotel, Oxford.

September 24th.—B.W.C. London Fashion Show. Afternoon and evening, at the Rembrandt Hotel, Thurloe Place, S.W.7. Tickets for evening show will be 8/6d. Afternoon tickets will be 6/- . The first fifty applications for the afternoon show only will receive, on request, two tickets for the price of one.

October 16th.—The Greater World Sanctuary. Evening Fashion Show and stall, Leeds.

Further details from Beauty Without Cruelty, 1, Calverly Park, Tunbridge Wells, Kent.


Page 18: The Vegan Summer 1969


Saturday, September 27th 3 p.m., Kensington Public Library. Illustrated Lecture cn

" The Ethics and Practice of Veganic Gardening." Speaker: Mr. Kenneth Dalziel O'Brien. Admission free. Vegan refresh-ments. Come along and learn how to grow fruit and vegetables with the " no-digging " method and purely organic compost—and see the results! If you have no experience of veganic methods of food production, you are going to get a big—and pleasant— surpr ise! This meeting is being organised joimtly by The Vegan Society and the London Vegetarian Society.

Saturday, December 6th In November the Vegan Society will be twenty-five years

young. Come along and help us celebrate the first quarter-century of life at the Cora Hotel, Upper Woburn Place, London, W.C.I.

The 25th Annual General Meeting will be at 6 p.m. sharp, followed by the Dinner /Dance/Social at 7 p.m. Tickets, 37/6d. See advertisement pages for further details.


A pity without limits, which unites us with all living beings—in that we have the most solid, the surest guarantee of morality^ Whoso possesses it will be quite incapable of causing harm or loss to any one, of doing violence to any one, or doing ill in any way. But rather he will have for all, long-suffering ; he will aid the helpless with all his powers, and each one of his actions will be marked with the stamp of justice and of love . . . I know of no more 'beautiful prayer than that which the Hindus of old used in closing their public spectacles. It was: " May all tha t have life be delivered from suffering!"


Mrs . Goodman sent us this address for a restful, quiet holiday in beautiful surroundings: —

PoLmennor 'Farm, Heamoor, Penzance, Cornwall.

It is now run as a Guest House by Mr. and Mrs. Gregory, who, although not vegans, went to enormous trouble to provide vegan food, we are assured.

There is a Health Food Store in Heamoor and another in St. Ives. 16

Page 19: The Vegan Summer 1969


We now have the details of the new Vitaquell Extra margarine which we mentioned in the last issue of The Vegan, and we are pleased to be able to give a complete assurance on this.

Not only is it vegan, but the manufacturer in Germany assures us that it contains a high percentage of cold-pressed sunflower and soya-bean oil, also palmkernel oil and wheatgerm oil. We asked about the Vitamin D content, and were told that this is gained from yeast which has been subjected to ultra-violet-ray treatment.

Bread The Express Dairy Co. explain that they do not bake bread,

but that in their opinion it is not possible to obtain bread made from 100% wholemeal flour which does not contain animal fats and /o r milk solids. We suggest that members who are not able to bake for themselves should make careful enquiries of local bakers. We shall be glad to know the results.

A letter from the Aerated Bread Company has just arrived. The A.B.C. shops can supply a 100% wholemeal loaf which is vegan and contains vegetable oil in place of the lard or other animal fats normally used. It is a 14-oz. loaf and is called simply 100% wholemeal bread.

Mapleton's " Rissoles in Tomato Sauce " (tinned) are vegan.

To all those people who have asked us to make enquiries about certain foods made by J. Lyons of Cadby Hall—in par-ticular croissants— we can only say that, at the time of going to press, we have received no replies at all from the company. We must, therefore, assume that none of J. Lyons products are vegan.

Lutin Muesli, made by Lane's Health Products, contains skimmed milk powder.

Brand's Tinned Vegetable Soup is vegan, but not the other varieties.

Turkish Delight. The kind made by D. Politi & Sons contains no animal gelatine or other non-vegan ingredients. This applies also to the Coconut Ice and Candy Bars made by this company.

Marigold Foods Ltd. tell us they are to import Chufanuts and re-introduce them in this country. We knew them as Tiger Nuts in the years " between the wars," and they were very popular with us children—partly because of their sweetish taste, and partly because your half-pennyworth lasted such a long time! We were not interested in their food value then, of course.


Page 20: The Vegan Summer 1969

Other Marigold Foods already in the shops are Apple and Rose Petal Jelly, made from English apples and unsprayed rose petals (Harry Wheatcroft 's " Fragrant Cloud "). Shropshire Fruit Chut-ney. Tinned Bramley Apples with raw sugar. Dates from Spain which are free from chemicals or other additives, and Dutch Apple Pie Filling.

Veganic Fertiliser Acta-Bacta is entirely free of any animal-based ingredient and

is guaranteed to contain " no harmful chemicals or additives of any kind."

The " no-digging" method of cultivation is recommended, and Acta-Bacta guarantees to turn any soil into a " highly-porous, fertile, friable loam " without any turning of the soil.

Readers are invited to write for a copy of their colour booklet t o : EASI-GRO Products Ltd., Dart Mills, Buckfastleigh, Devon.

Household In answer to an enquiry, we learn from the manufacturer

(Nicholas Products Ltd., of Bath Road, Slough;, Bucks.) that Radox is not vegan, but could be classed as lacto-vegetarian. We cannot imagine why, and no explanation was given.

However, the following products, from the same manu-facturer , are guaranteed vegan: Aspro, Lifeguard Disinfectant, DIP, Matey Powder and Matey Liquid, Glow-white Bleach.

The washing powder " Kee " is not vegan. J. Bibby Food Products Ltd. have recently confirmed that

their Bibby Green Soap, Soap Flakes and Cidal Soap all con-tain ingredients of animal origin. Also PAT controlled lather detergent for washing machines is not vegan.

Artists' Brushes After years of research, and by experimenting with various

man-made fibres, a nylon alternative to animal hair for artists' brushes has been produced. (Nylon can now be tapered, a great advance.) This has been welcome and encouraging news for our many members who are interested in painting.

The new brushes are the flat kind (there is as yet no way of making a satisfactory pointed brush because, whereas man-made fibres are straight, hog bristles have a slight curve which gives the round and filbert brushes their permanent curved shape). They are made by George Rowney & Co. Ltd., Bracknell, Berks, R.G. 12 4ST, and by Reeves & Sons Ltd., Lincoln Road, Enfield, Middlesex. (The latter may also be bought by post from Clifford Milburn Ltd., 54 Fleet Street, London, E.C.4.)

Another manufacturer, Winsor & Newton Ltd, is planning to make flat nylon artists' brushes. This company explains that the technical difficulties in producing round nylon brushes may be overcome in the future, but these materials, not possessing the


Page 21: The Vegan Summer 1969

" flag " of natural hair, will not hold oils particularly well. We shall be glad to have the opinion of our readers who have

used the synthetic brushes. Footwear

The Norvic Shoe Company, makers of Sir Herber t Barker shoes, have recently produced two new styles in their range of mens' shoes which are entirely without leather. These are called " Brampton " and " Pitford " and are in the VC.10 range. A t the moment they are in limited supply. Both are black, bu t other colours should be available later this year. One is a lace-up and the other a step-in style. Norvic shoes are widely distri-buted and it should not be difficult to locate them. Sizes 6—11. E fittings. Price 6 9 / l i d .

Also for the men, there is now a vegan Tuf shoe in the shops. It has uppers of Corfam and is the first f rom the Gluv shoe .people to conform to vegan requirements. They should be appearing in the shops just as you get this copy, so make enquiries. We are told they will come in two styles and be priced a t about 75/- .

NOTE.—The " Gluv " shoe with Corfam upper and vulcanised sole has quarter linings of leather. Surgical Shoes

A helpful reader, John Hay, has sent us news of developments in the field of surgical footwear which should be of considerable interest to all in need of orthopaedic shoes.

To quote f rom the paper we received: — " Extremely lightweight surgical shoes, developed at the Royal

National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore, Middlesex, have proved very satisfactory in tests on patients with difficult feet.

The shoes are made from a new plastic material, Plastazote, which has been successfully used in many types of orthopaediec appliances.

During, the last six months, experimental work at Stanmore has been going on into the making of or thopaedic footwear entirely of Plastazote, and it is now possible to make excep-tionally lightweight surgical shoes with the whole of the upper and the insole made of Plastazote which has been moulded to the patient 's feet.

The base of the shoe is finished with a sole and heel of micro-cellular or a similar synthetic material.

. The cost of production is much less than that of conventional orthopaedic footwear."

Often we hear from readers who are seeking a low-heeled, very comfortable vegan walking shoe.

In a Curtess shop one of our members has found the very thing. It is brown, with extra width at the toe and cushion-lined Ask for the P.V.C. Apron Mocassin, two-eyelet tie, with micro sole/heel , No . L 2214. They cost 25/- and are made in Ta iwan .


Page 22: The Vegan Summer 1969

Ladies' Shoes Equity are offering two new shoes which are entirely non-

leather in fancy cour t styles with two-inch heels. Both have Clar ino upper, resin-rubber soles, and the foam-backed lining which is so hygienic and comfortable. Sizes 2—8.

Model 1355 has a punched f ront and bow, and comes in several plain colours.

Model 1273 is a two-tone style with squarish toe and punched design.

NOTE.—No. 1314, which is the same design, contains some suede.

Equi ty shoes are generally available, and these models are s tocked by many retailers, including the larger branches of the London Co-operative Society Ltd. In case of difficulty, write to Equi ty Shoes Ltd., Western Road, Leicester, LE3 OGQ.

Among the cur ren t Bata shoes suitable for vegans a re : — U n d e r the " Fashion " label : No . 639—6090, which is a black

pa ten t shoe with low heel and sling back. 5 9 / l i d . " Young Fashion," No . 748—6030, also black patent sling

black with medium heel. A sandal-type summer shoe. 3 9 / l i d . " Rhapsody," No . 718—6024, a medium heel, black plastic

patent , with decorative bow on ramp. 3 9 / l i d . A n d the " Kit tens," No . 511—6155. Flat shoes with skinfit-

lining, in black, b rown or beige. For house, driving, etc. 2 7 / l i d . Also the " Kelvin " shoe f rom the Bata shops. No. 511—4005.

A flat walking shoe in black, brown or beige. 1 9 / l i d . The Branch Manager a t the Bata factory assures us that the

Managers of the Bata shops will be very happy to assist in satis-fying our requirements, so ask for assistance if necessary. E.B.

V E G A N P A R E N T S Many new members feel that, while they are prepared to

accept the vegan diet for themselves, they should s tudy the ma t t e r more thoroughly before start ing a family. This is under-s tandable and, even when we have proved the nutri t ional adequacy of the diet for ourselves, we mus t Ibenefit b y the exchange of experiences with o ther vegan parents. To this end, Mrs . F. Howard is organising a " Family Round Robin " which is in tended mainly, al though n o t exclusively, for vegan parents.

Apa r t from food, it is in tended to include such topics as how to help children to ad jus t to being " different " without mak-ing them feel ou t of things, and any other problems with which vegan families may be faced. It is hoped that this will prove a source of mutual encouragement to all young people, and could become a vital pa r t of the work towards establishing veganism.

Anyone with, or intending to begin, a vegan family should wri te to Mrs. Howard at , Hitchin, Her ts . She is hoping to hea r f rom those with advice to share as well as those needing i t ! 20

Page 23: The Vegan Summer 1969

Below i s t h e sugges t ed w o r d i n g f o r t he P e r s o n a l C a r d s which we p lan to have p r in t ed for all m e m b e r s wish ing to ca r ry such i n f o r m a t i o n (see " Being P r e p a r e d , " p. 28, Spr ing Vegan).

THE VEGAN SOCIETY, 123 Baker Street, Enfield,

Middlesex, England.

Member's Name ......

Medical details: — Regular doctor or naturopath:

THE VEGAN SOCIETY, 123 Baker Street, Enfield,

Middlesex, England.

Member's Name ......

THE VEGAN SOCIETY, 123 Baker Street, Enfield,

Middlesex, England.

Member's Name ...... Telephone Address

(Insert here any information such as allergies, etc.) (Insert here any information such as allergies, etc.) Telephone (Insert here any information such as allergies, etc.)

The holder of this card is a vegan and does not take animal food of any kind ; neither meat, fish, eggs, poultry, butter, cheese or milk ; or made-up dishes containing any of these.

Next-of-kin or other person to be contacted in case of accident or hospitalisation for any reason: —

The holder of this card is a vegan and does not take animal food of any kind ; neither meat, fish, eggs, poultry, butter, cheese or milk ; or made-up dishes containing any of these.

Next-of-kin or other person to be contacted in case of accident or hospitalisation for any reason: —

The holder of this card is a vegan and does not take animal food of any kind ; neither meat, fish, eggs, poultry, butter, cheese or milk ; or made-up dishes containing any of these.

Next-of-kin or other person to be contacted in case of accident or hospitalisation for any reason: —

The holder of this card does not wish treatment to include any of the following: —

The holder of this card is a vegan and does not take animal food of any kind ; neither meat, fish, eggs, poultry, butter, cheese or milk ; or made-up dishes containing any of these.

Next-of-kin or other person to be contacted in case of accident or hospitalisation for any reason: —

The holder of this card is a vegan and does not take animal food of any kind ; neither meat, fish, eggs, poultry, butter, cheese or milk ; or made-up dishes containing any of these.

Next-of-kin or other person to be contacted in case of accident or hospitalisation for any reason: —

The holder of this card is a vegan and does not take animal food of any kind ; neither meat, fish, eggs, poultry, butter, cheese or milk ; or made-up dishes containing any of these.

Next-of-kin or other person to be contacted in case of accident or hospitalisation for any reason: —

The holder of this card is a vegan and does not take animal food of any kind ; neither meat, fish, eggs, poultry, butter, cheese or milk ; or made-up dishes containing any of these.

Next-of-kin or other person to be contacted in case of accident or hospitalisation for any reason: —


H o l d e r s will fill in spaces accord ing to the i r p e r s o n a l w i s h e s o r p re fe rences . Some m a y wish to m e n t i o n t r a n s p l a n t s .

I t will 'help u s if m e m b e r s will let us have the i r v iews a n d sug-ges t ions on this . F o r ins tance , s h o u l d t h e r e be a space f o r Blood Group—if k n o w n — a n d a r e f e r ence to the avai labi l i ty of vegan b lood . ( W e have v o l u n t e e r d o n o r s in the H o m e C o u n t i e s , b u t n e e d m e m b e r s f r o m o t h e p a r t s of t he c o u n t r y w h o a re wi l l ing to give the i r b lood, if needed , t o a n o t h e r vegan involved in an acc ident . )

I t has been sugges ted t h a t we a d d : —

" If possible, I wish to b e taken to or a N a t u r e C u r e or H o m o e o p a t h i c H o s p i t a l . "

Or " M y bas ic food cons i s t s of......


Page 24: The Vegan Summer 1969

REPRINTING OF EXTRACTS FROM " THE VEGAN" We are quite happy that original articles, etc., from our

columns should be reprinted, provided such items are clearly marked " From The Vegan, Journal of the Vegan Society."

LITERATURE Our apologies to members who have been kept waiting for the

American publications Here's Harmlessness and The Vegan Kitchen. The delay was caused by the demand for these, which made it necessary to reprint both at the same time. And as members of the American Vegan Society know, the Founder/ Secretary/Treasurer , Mr. Jay Dinshah, also does all his own print ing!

However, all our orders have now been posted and members should have received them by the time you get the journal.

Here's Harmlessness is a collection of a wide variety of articles, all concerned with the harmless way of life (one by Mrs. Batt on " Veganism ") and contains something of interest for everyone. It is 7 /6d. post free to our readers.

The book of suggestions for vegan meals (not all cooked, of course), The Vegan Kitchen by Freya Dinshah, is 5 / 6d. post free ; de. luxe edition (special lie-flat binding), 7/6d.

We now have a good supply of both these excellent vegan1

publications, and the Secretary will be pleased to send either or both without delay. Post orders should be sent to Mrs. Davis,

, London, S.E.12.

Hunzana Foods Ltd. is a recently formed company which will import, and make available though the Health Food Stores, all kinds of vegan foods, including wild lemons, dried fruits, various seaweeds and Sesame Creams.

Jack McClelland will be closely co-operating in this ambitious new project and Mr. Banks has sent us some interesting general information on the nutritional aspects of some of the Hunzana Brand foods which will be in the shops shortly. The first to arrive will be the grains, nuts, seeds, dehydrated vegetables (in-cluding mushrooms) and various seaplant foods.

' Mrs. Monica Harvey will be very pleased to hear from any member living in or near Paris who can help her daughter, who wants to work in a Health Food Shop during the summer vaca-tion. Please write direct to Mrs. Harvey at , Salisbury, Wilts.


Page 25: The Vegan Summer 1969

POINT AND COUNTERPOINT Q. We would like some addresses for self-catering holidays,

also an indication of the cost. A. The booklet " Holiday Chalets and Caravans," price

2/6d., is stocked by most newsagents. It is specially geared for self-catering and lists addresses all over England and Wales. One item of news is that Butlin's have also added self-catering chalets to five of their holiday camps, and prices are inclusive of enter-tainment. The cost varies according to the season—from £11 for a chalet for four in the spring to £36 at August, tapering off again in the autumn. Addresses to write to for brochures: —

Pontin's Limited, 242, Oxford Street, London, W.l . Camber Chalets Ltd., Holcam House, Lydd, Kent. Brixham Holiday Camp, Furzeham Head, Brixham, South

Devon. Westfield Holiday Centre, Shore Road, Bonchurch, Ventnor,

Isle of Wight. • Bay View Holiday Park, Gurnard Bay, Cowes, Isle of Wight.

As even " Motels " charge £10 per person per week, self-catering can mean a considerable saving for people with children.

Q. Have you a recipe for hut cutlets or a nut roast NOT using breadcrumbs? I have to watch my daily carbohydrate intake, and if I replace the breadcrumbs with rice or barley, that even makes it worse! Please give quantities for one person only.

A. 5 ozs. peanuts (previously Yeast extract

roasted) Garlic and /or powdered .1 oz. soya flour curry 2 ozs. onion A little oil

Grind the nuts and mix with the soya flour and chopped onion. Take half a teaspoon of yeast extract and mix with enough hot water to moisten the mixture.' Add a pinch of curry powder and of garlic. Oil a small shallow baking dish and spread the mixture not thicker than half an inch. Put into a hot oven for three minutes ; continue in a moderately hot oven for another fifteen to twenty minutes. This gives a crisp texture which cuts well and is not crumbly and, incidentally, provides you with 18 g. of carbohydrate and 45 g. of protein.

Q. Have you got a recipe for a quick but tasty mayonnaise? A.

1 dessertspoonful powdered Seasoning of salt and plantmilk mustard powder if liked

1 tablespoonful soya flour Lemon juice or cider Pinch of curry powder vinegar

Combine all dry ingredients and add sufficient cold water to make into a' thick paste. Then add lemon juice to taste. Delicious!


Page 26: The Vegan Summer 1969

Q. My children have just learnt of the discovery of panto-thenic acid by Roger J. Williams, and want to know which vegan foods contain it.

A. Peanuts, walnuts, carrots, cauliflower, soya beans, wheat, rye, rice and oats, beans and peas all have ample quantities of it. It is one of the Vitamin B group (B„).

Q. I am told there is a country-wide Slimming Campaign sponsor ing one vegan meal a day. Do you know any details?

A. The " Help Health Clubs " were formed in January, 1968, by the firm of " O u t s p a n . " Though inspired no doubt by the desire to promote the sale of oranges, they do indeed advocate to make one meal a day consist of an orange and two ounces of peanuts—which is vegan! Combining this with group therapy, they" issue a Special Leader 's Kit, consisting of twenty items, including membership cards, larder stickers and helpful advice about s tar t ing a group.

As members can please themselves regarding the nature of the other meals in the day, this is a good opportunity to show the value of veganism to those who would otherwise not give it a thought . The Kit and fu r the r information can be obtained f rom Ellie Byde, Outspan Limited, 6 Henriet ta Street, London, W.C.2, and costs 9 /6d . The local newspaper, The Kentish Mercury, has already run a big campaign and competition and fo rmed local " Help " groups—all on oranges and peanuts!



VEGANIC GARDENING (Illustrated by Slides)

by D. K. O'BRIEN, Esq. Chairman : Bertrand P. Allinson, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.




at 2JO for 3 o'clock Come and bring your Friends I


Organized by The London Vegetarian Society and The Vegan Society


Page 27: The Vegan Summer 1969

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR When Mr. Brannstrom joined the Vegan Society recently we

were interested that he was attached to the Department of Nature Conservation in the Republic of South Africa, and we asked him to tell us something about his work.

Here is his reply, only slightly condensed: — " I am a Civil Servant of the Provincial Administration of the

Cape of Good Hope, our Director and H.Q. being in Cape Town. My post is as Senior Nature Conservation Officer of this region of the Cape, which is about 20,000 square miles in extent 'and covers the north-eastern region bordering on the Natal and Free State and extending down the East Coast from Port Edward to the Great Fish River mouth just south of East London. There are three of us Nature Conservation Officers working full time within this area: one stationed in East London and two of us in Queenstown.

Our main work is the enforcement of the Nature Conservation laws relating to the protection of wild life, fish and flora of the area. In addition, and to an ever-increasing extent, we dissemin-ate information to the public and try to obtain their co-operation, especially through our Hon. Nature Conservation Officers who are scattered out in town centres and farms throughout the country. These are voluntary officials and have quite consider-able powers for law enforcement. More attention is going to be devoted to educating the public through lectures and film shows, especially to schools, etc., in the near future, but in the mean-time talks and lectures are part of our work.

A large portion of our area consists of the Transkei Bantu Homelands, which became autonomous within the Cape in 1962 and now have their own Government. The area of East Griqua-land and a 37-square^mile area of Port St. Johns are 'whi te- ' or European-administered areas within the Transkei. Within these European areas we work, but the Transkeian Government administers its own laws.

The two biggest problems encountered in this area are the hunting of wild life, bushbuck and duiker, etc., by packs of dogs and the snaring of these animals in the bush. These problems are always at their worst on European farms bordering the native area's, where due to over-stocking of these areas and over-grazing, etc., there is practically no wild life left at all. It is only where conservation has been practised in the European areas where game or wild life is still abundant. There is a certain amount of virgin and uninhabited forest and bushland where birds and wild life can be found, especially towards the Eastern coastal areas-

Our work mostly entails travelling, and each one of us is supplied with a powerful station wagon with which to do this. We take our camping equipment, etc., with us, and spend as


Page 28: The Vegan Summer 1969

much time out of the office as possible. In this respect I am at a slight disadvantage, being in charge of the Headquarters and have to spend rather more time on office routine, but I generally average about four days per week out doing field work. •

As a vegan my needs are very simple, and I only have one ' meal per day and consume only raw foods. I usually have this meal in the evening at the end of the day's work. I have found that by existing on raw vegetables and fruit one needs very little food indeed and never gets unduly hungry."

J. A . BRANNSTROM. P.O. Box 563,

Queenstown, Rep. S. Africa.

I feel that in special circumstances vegans should accept drugs,-blood, etc., if we feel there is no other way of saving one's life.

Each of us must realize that when one of us dies it is one less to-fight against the atrocities which are being committed.

To die for a principle is only useful if it helps the cause. HARRY BONNIE.

In reply to Harry Bonnie's letter, I am sure that the choice mus t be an individual one and can only be decided when, the occasion arises. Much depends upon our own inner knowledge of the healing possible within our individual cells. I am sure that we all hope we shall be conscious enough to ask for vegan blood if faced with the necessity.

I know of one vegetarian lady who is now eighty years of .age and was told in her twenties that she would die without a blood transfusion, which she did not have. I was threatened with pneumonia when I refused injections, but I succumbed to anaesthetics when having bones set!

Perhaps these letters will show what a great need there is,for more vegan blood banks everywhere and for more knowledge of herbal healing which does not leave the side effects that drugs tend to have. Let us try to work with nature—even if we have u n n a t u r a l a c c i d e n t s ! SERENA COLES.

I thank you for the copies of The Vegan which I have regularly received in the past, and vegan literature.

I believe it was the vegan literature which solved the gall-stone problem for me over eight years ago, when I gave up milk foods and switched on to raw vegetable pulses and proteins. Not only, have I maintained very good health ever-since, but I have-experienced remarkable spiritual and psychic progress thereby. Jvhave been paying -regular monthly visits to the- shrine at Kataragama, about 175 miles south of Colombo, and have assisted 26

Page 29: The Vegan Summer 1969

the Ramadrishma Mission to feed the. thousands of. pilgrims on a . strict vegetarian diet. . I think it. is. .the strict, vegetarianism associated with this shrine which is ^responsible-for. the_ r e m a r k -able things taking place, there and attracting the pilgrims. I will be going on my monthly visit in a few.days' time. It was five days after a visit to Kataragama which I made eight years-ago that I had the renal colic attack which compelled me to change over to strict raw vegetable diet, eliminating milk, etc., and I have never repented the change. w D .


Here we are settled in Australia after a fairly uneventful journey out here. I thought you would like to know about the vegan feeding arrangements on our Greek ship in case you get any queries from other vegan travellers. The main thing is to take plenty of nuts, which luckily we did, thanks to your advice ; every time we asked for nuts we were given highly; salted peanuts! •

I saw the chief steward as soon as we embarked and he arranged for us to have our meals in our cabin, and after a bit of trouble with the language we hammered out a reasonable menu, roughly as follows: —

Breakfast.—Sultanas plus our nuts. Soaked dried prunes or apricots and fresh fruit, oranges, pears or apples, or occasionally melon and grapes, but never bananas.' ' '

Lunch.—Soup. Baked jacket potatoes and salad, crisp lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber and carrot, and always pickled olives, although we never ate one. Fresh fruit.

Dinner.—Soup. Baked potatoes and minced' cooked vege-tables. Fresh fruit.

Fruit juice at every meal. We could riot get wholemeal or rye bread, although we tried several times.

We have bought eight acres of land out here and plan to start a small nursery. We have bananas, paw-paw and custard apples growing on the place and plan to plant every kind of f ru i t possible. This is a pineapple area, and we have one for break-fast nearly every morning. An English 10/- one costs 6d—l /6d . here. At first sight this appears to be the ideal place for vegans, and when we have had more experience I will 'send you more details. Best wishes. „„ Ajr ,


Queensland 4556, Australia. ',

The poem by Mrs. Alexander and slightly altered by-Alan Long in the Spring issue of The Vegan blames God for making, some things hell. Surely this is not true. Has not Man, by-his greed and refusal to work for the Oneness of all life, created the ' hellish-conditions of this world?

Page 30: The Vegan Summer 1969

As we learn to apply the law of Love-to our fellow men and the creatures we shall surely, be it ever so slowly, improve the environment in which we live. We have been, blessed with Free Will. Let us pray for the Wisdom to use it to the advantage oi all whom we meet.


Purley, Surrey.


We welcome controversy on any subject relevant to veganism, but claims on space are heavy. Please, therefore, be as brief as possible. Full name and address must be given,. although a pseudonym may be provided for publication.


Our consistently busy member Wilfred Crone continues his correspondence on veganism and kindred subjects in the Bournemouth and district press. He also kindly keeps us informed on his success in the various newspapers. Good work, Mr.Crone ; if all our members did this there would be no one

in this country still wondering what a vegan is. . I like his adver-tisement also, which appears each month. It says simply, " Vegetarian Yet? For Health, For Happiness, For Harmony, For Y o u ! " Why not put one in your local paper?

LITERATURE Membership of The Vegan Society 15/-Associate Membership 15/-Life Membership £10 10s. Od. The Vegan quarterly journal is free with membership:-— Single, current copy 2/6d. plus 4d. postage L I T E R A T U R E Handbook of Practical Veganism 2/6d. plus 4d. postage Vegan Protein Nutrition 1 / - plus 4d. postage (These two books plus The Vegan magazine, together weigh under 4 ozs., so only one 4d. postage need be allowed.) Quick and Easy Menus for a Fortnight, with recipes— by K. Keleny 3/Id. post free Vegan Recipes (100 on ten sheets) l/10d. post free Aids to a Vegan Diet for Children 1 / - plus 4d. postage Vegan & Vegetarian Foods & Commodities Guide 2 / - plus 4d. postage Vegan Badge 10/— post free Festive Recipes lOd. post free Why Kill for Food? by G. Rudd . . . . 5 / - plus lOd. postage Crimes Against Creation, compiled by Marie Dreyfus ... £1 plus postages Please write to: Vegan Society Sec., 82 Brightfield Road, London, S.E.12,

The Secretary has a few copies only of " Crimes Against Creation, of which the covers are slightly stained. These are offered at half price.


Page 31: The Vegan Summer 1969

as much good taste as good sense!

Granose Nuttolene and Meatless Steaks are highly regarded in well-balanced vegetarian diets. Rich in protein and non-animal fats, they are a

concentrated source of calories and Vitamin Bl. And the flavour too / That's another reason why

Granose products are acclaimed by many as

Britain's finest health foods. Buy Nuttolene and Meatless Steaks

today — and write for details of the wide range of Granose

meat alternatives.

Granose Foods Ltd. Watford WD2 6JR % T L E S S S T E ^


Page 32: The Vegan Summer 1969



The only items on the menu in this restaurant which are not vegan are "the obvious ones', namely, cheese and Egg Mayonnaise Salads'. ' Occasionally'Cornish Pasties are served which have been glazed with'ari egg-and-milk mixture, but all other savouries/nut cutlets, len t i land tomato pies and nut sausage rolls are. entirely vegan.

Golden Block margarine is always available, and is served with jacket potatoes an.d;with the home-baked bread.

Also, 'Plamil-,'.is served with Fresh Frui t Salad, and with Dandelion Coffe'e.if requested.

The Restaurant is open from noon until 3.30 p.m. only.

An appeal to any vegans or near-vegans living in the Don-caster area or between Doncaster and Hull.

Please contact Mr. W. F. Bradbury at , Rotherham, Yorks'.

Mr. Bradbury at seventy is valiantly attempting to keep to a vegan food-reform' diet in-face of difficulties. A visit, or even letters, f rom other vegans would be a great help, to this gentle-man who lacks, like so many of our older members, the com-panionship of, othersi,who understand our outlook and aims.

" Rolling Down to Rio " Many readers have asked when we can expect another of

Mrs. Batt 's Traveller's Tales. We have had one with the above title in the file here for some time now—just waiting for some space.

• D E E D OF COVENANT The Vegan.Soeiety, being a charity, is not liable to income tax.

Supporters who'pay income tax at the full rate and who are pre-pared to complete a Seven-Year Covenant; to pay an annual sum to the Vegan Society, can substantially increase the value of their annual payment, to. the Vegan Scaciety. For instance, if a sup-'

•ipbrter gave. £2 2s.v0d. per annum, the Vegan .Society can recover income.tax from rthe Inland Revenue of.£l- 9s. 6d., and so in pro-portion for larger or smaller payments, 'in the event of death, the covenant terminates at once. For further information and Form "o e to : The Treasurer, Mrs. Grace Smith, , Lon.djDn, N.14. • '• • . •


Page 33: The Vegan Summer 1969

. . . with VITAMIN B12. This is one of the vitamins your body needs and may often lack. Whatever the cause of the deficiency, as in old age, or suffering from nervous tension and stress, it will lead to sadly depleted nutrition • and low-general health and vigour. VEG-E.VIT tablets completely free of all animal products are the only tablets of their kind containing the complete Vitamin B complex as found in yeast with additional B12, making them far more assimilable than straight Vitamin B12. Each tablet contains 10 meg. of vegetarian Vitamin B12. Take VEG-E-VIT tablets with each meal and substan-tially increase its nutritional content! You'll" feel healthier . . . more vigorous!

Try VEG-E-VIT tablets today—85 tablets 4 / - , 300 tablets 12/- , 1,000 tablets 36 / - (or order, direct from the maker—add 9d. for postage and • packing).

From Health Food Stores and Herbalists or direct from the maker:

.. The ..

Vegan Badge This neat, attractive and dignified symbol incorpor-. ates the Vegan emblem with blue surround.

Supplied with pin or charm-ring fitting as illustrated in quality chrome and enamel.

1 0 / - pos t f r ee - From

THE VEGAN SOCIETY 123 Baker St., Enfield, Middx.

H. H. GREAVES LTD Printers & Publishers

1 0 6 - 1 0 L O R D S H I P LANE LONDON. S.E.27

Telephone: 0 1 ^ 6 9 3 1231/2



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Page 34: The Vegan Summer 1969

F r o m the f i rm which makes V E G A N F O O D S O N L Y

P L A M I L p lantmi lk , t h e v e g a n ' m i l k ' in 2 s i z e s o f c a n . P L A M I L C h o c o l a t e and F u d g e , t h e v e g a n c o n f e c t i o n s .

ALL FROM YOUR The economical and versatile savoury— HEALTH STORE

2 sites of can.

Write Dept. V., PLANTMILK Ltd., Tithe Farm, High St., Langley, Slough, Bucks.





All the above items are Vegan, and the main ingredients used are grown without the use of chemical fertilisers or sprays. No additives are used in manufacture. ASK FOR THESE PRODUCTS AT YOUR LOCAL


Marigo ld Foods Limited 124 Seymour P lace London WIH 5 D J

Telephone: 01-723 3640 01-262 9940


Terms: Cash with Order to The Vegan Society, 123 Baker Street, • . Enfield, Middlesex.

(2 / - per line: minimum 2 lines; 20% discount on four consecutive issues.)

BRITISH VEGETARIAN YOUTH MOVEMENT. An organisation for people 12—35. Social gatherings, holidays, monthly magazine, etc., organised. Further particulars from Secretary, B.V.Y.M., c / o London Vegetarian Society, 53 Marloes Road, London, W.8.

3 2

Page 35: The Vegan Summer 1969

BLACKHEATH'S HEALTH FOOD STORE. An impressive selection of Health Foods. Juice Bar and Refreshment Room — small and cosy, -with personal attention. Tasty snacks, generous salads and appetising hot meals. Nutrition without Cruelty — vegetarian and vegan foods; Science without Cruelty — herbal remedies. Also Beauty without Cruelty — harmless soaps and cosmetics. Plantmilk, nuts, seeds and grains—a speciality. Wholewheat bread and cakes. Compost-grown produce. Large selection of health books. Afreta Healing Oil, a unique combination of natural oils, wonderfully penetrating in the relief of sprains, burns, rheumatism, brunchitis, etc. 3/3d. and 6/3d„ plus l /6d. postage. HEALTHWAYS, 5 Tranquil Passage. London, S.E.3. LEE Green 5811.

HEALTH through NATURAL HYGIENE. Are you interested in Health achieved naturally and without the exploitation of other human beings and animals? Natural Hygiene is a system of health preservation and restoration which meets these requirements. For literature, send 6d. stamp to: The Secretary, British Nat. Hygiene Soc., 40 Foxbunrow Road, Norwich, Norfolk.

KINDRED SOUL is a remarkable book which no progressive person can afford to be without. It reveals the eternal truths of naturalism and conservation—man's most powerful weapon against ignorance, superstition, and the subtle evils of civilisation. In an inspiring way it mends the broken link between man and his true heritage. Send $4.00 or 25/- to Essence of Health, P.O. Box 2821, Durban, South Africa. Other publications available on request.

ROOM TO LET. Summer months. Camping accommodation. Another field near chalet to le to order. Details from ]. S. Amsden, , Chale, Ventnor, Isle of Wight. (Prou

THE COMPASSIONATE DOCTRINE OF AHIMSA is stressed in the monthly publication "AHIMSA" (non-killing, harmlessness). Full year, 10s. in British stamps or coins. THE AMERICAN VEGAN SOCIETY, Malaga, N.J. 08328, U.S.A.

VEGANIC GARDENING. COMPOSTING AND NO-DIGGING. Grow your vegetables in the purest way known. POSTAL TUITION. S.A.E. for terms. Veganic Gardening, 4 Ainsdale Crescent, Reading, RG3 3NG.

VEGFAM. Famine Relief by vegetable foodstuffs, crop irrigation, leaf-protein processing—The Sanctuary, Lydford, Okehampton, Devon.

WANTED. Copy of The Vegan, Spring, 1964. 2/6d. and postage paid. Pettit, 150 Palace View, Bromley, Kent.

WORLD FORUM. The leading international Vegetarian quarterly. Edited by Mrs. Esm6 Wynne-Tyson. Advocates the vegetarian way of life for physical health and a true relationship between the human and creature kingdoms—without exploitation and cruelty. 2/-, plus 6d. post per copy. 10/- per year, post free.—H. H. GREAVES LTD., 106/110 Lordship Lane, London, S.E.22.

Page 36: The Vegan Summer 1969


BOURNEMOUTH. Bed, breakfast and evening meal. Vegan and Food Reform. Mr. and Mrs. Mather, 15 South Road. Boscombe, Bourne-mouth. Also self-catering flat near Health Food Store.

BROOK LINN.—Callander, Perthshire. Vegetarian and Vegan meals care-fully prepared and attractively served. Comfortable guest house. Near Trossachs and Western Highlands. Mrs. Muriel Choffin. Callander 103

EASTBOURNE. Very good self-catering facilities ; single and double. Every comfort and convenience. Pleasantly situated outskirts of town. Easy access shops and sea front. P ace. Margaret Fisher, Edgehill Vegetarian Guest House, Telephone: 30627 and 21084. V.C.A. Member.

EDSTONE, WOOTTON WAWEN, WARWICKSHIRE (near Stratford-on-Avon). Modern Nature Cure Resort and Guest House with every comfort, and compost-grown produce. (Phone: Claverdon 327.)

IRELAND. Rural—coastal uitable 2—4. All amenities. Mrs. Benali, Schull, Co. Cork, Ireland.

LAKE DISTRICT. Rothay Bank, Grasmere. Attractive guest house for invigorating, refreshing holidays.—Write Isabel James. Tel.: 334.

PENZANCE. Polmennor Farm Guest House, Heamoor. Ideal spot with delightful views and every comfort for quiet, relaxing holiday. Vegans welcomed. Mrs. A. M. Gregory. Penzance 3701.

"WOODCOTE", Lelant, St. Ives, Cornwall, is a high-class Vegetarian Food Reform Guest House in a warm and sheltered situation over-looking the Hayle Estuary. Composted vegetables; home-made whole-wheat oread; vegans catered for knowledgeably. Mr. and Mrs. Woolfrey Tel.: Hayle 3147. Early bookings for Summer very advisable.

WOTTON-UNDER-EDGE, GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Coombe Lodge is a Manor House set in a two-acre garden on the southern slopes of the Cotswold Hills, overlooking Coombe Valley, where most fruit and vegetables are home-grown. Demonstrations given of Vegan Cookery Apply Kathleen Keleny. Tel.: Wotton-under-Edge 3165.

Do you ever wonder " What is in it?" when purchasing Soup, Soap or Margarine? Don't ' hope for the best' in future, send for


and know which are the humanely produced articles. This 40-page booklet lists hundreds of items conveniently grouped for quick reference.

2/6d. post free, from: THE VEGAN SOCIETY, 123 Baker Street, Enfield, Middlesex

Printed by H. H . GREAVES LTD., 106/110, Londsbip Lane. East Dulwicfa, London. S.E.22.