k tsv - A - kit m 9 IM fc V t l- - J THE VOL XL THIS AND THAT Coming Events McKinley Club Meeting Augusf J4 Brvan Club Meeting August 15 Old Settlers Keunion Sept 18 19 Saturday August 15 at 8 p m a meeting will be held in the rooms over Stetters saloon for the purpose of or ¬ ganizing a Bryan free silver club All are cordially jnvited to be present Gus Cjlpjsqn Monday was pay day at the Post Croquet sets at cost at C E Wat sons 29 Charley Strickland returned to Rose ¬ bud Tuesday C H Cornell returneorg Oxqaha Tuesday night II I Mantz of Chicago is the guest X E Sparks J B Lord and Chas Reece were up ifrom Simeon Monday Jar vis Ri chards 4he Chadrpn Rank- er ¬ was in town Monday A moonlight picnic e the next societyeventrso rumor says J T Galloway twiU -- biiild a tnew house on Cherry street soon Gen T H Stanton left hera or Port Robinson Saturdayrnorning i A large assortment or wall iaperj jaew styles cheap at C E Watsons Prospects for a Bryan club are good Attend the meeting Saturday night Roland Hunter is clerking in E Mc J Donalds store at Crookston this week Wanted Baled hay For particu- lars ¬ enquire of Davenport Thacher John Poster was in town from bis farm east of Fort Niobrara Monday W H McCloud is supplying local dealers with a fine lot of watermelons Gas Carlson is home from Fort Nio- brara ¬ and will stay in town until next week TV T Bullis and son John are working in the harvest fields an the table Warren Cook is in town taking Vacation from his arduous labors on the ranch 1L F dynes is the latest addition to the ranks of The democrats corps of Professors M Coynes is having the ouildihg Kccupied by Sagesers barber shop painted and repaired The very best castor machine oil lowest possible price at C R Watson Try it and be convinced 29 Laverne the two year old s6h ttf Mr and Mrs Chas Sparks has been quite ill but is now recovering Capt Haskell returned from what might be called a drawn oht tour 0f the Black Hills Saturday morning Frank Whittecar brick inspector at the Rosebud yard moved his family ttt that place from Ainsworth- - Tuesday Harry Edwards dropped into town Sunday morning with his running horses Wounded Knee and Well Us6d The democrats of Maine held anoth- er ¬ state convention last week and nominated a free silver man fdr gov- ernor ¬ Col W W Thompson has recently improved his residence property on Cherry street by the erection of a new fence Jas Wellford went to Rosebud last Friday to work with the gdvefnmfcnt Purveying party which goes t6 Pdnca reservation Mrs O L Ramsey gave a picnic on the GAR grounds west of town to the members of her Sunday School tlassyesterday Prof H N Russell of the Platfe Collegiate institute Kearney- - as in j town last week tne guest of Mr and Mrs Fraak Fischer The Democrat is reliably informed that the Fort Niobrara ball team will go to Fort Meade to play the team there oh the 19th inst What persistence arid a little city water will do toward making a fine lawn is shown by E E Sparks yard -- at the Cherry County Bank -- Dr C Ai Wells came down from Lead City S D Saturday morning -- and will remain a couple of weeks t fettehd to his dental practice VALENTIN CO 18 1896 Walter P White registered at the City Hotel Monday frpm Marshall town Iowa Attorney D H Thurston has swung a nice new sign to the breezes at the head of Tgg IJemoceat sjpirs It was the gift pf a friend in Sioux City J P Vance jjnd wife teachers on the reservation returned from thieir vacation trip in the Black Hills and went over tp he Agency Tuesday morning -- The second commissioner district Is composed of gichlagle Cleveland Dewey Lake Pleasant Hill Loup Kennedy Steen Buffalo Mother and IWopdLske precincts J W Burleigfe resigned his position as Village trustee pwjng o haying re moved from town and a ie last ineeting of the town board P F Simons was elected to fill the vacancy LL Bivens went to Pine Ridge S p this morning where he will work on the brick yard Len has beon timekeeper at the Rosebud yard since work started there huf was transfer ¬ red Mrs Jos Spirk and Jayp children who have been visiting at jEhe home of J W Spirk started for Wiiberlfebras kaTuesday morning From tbpre they will return to their home JaJDavepport slowa J H Emery the efficient night watch at the Indian warehouse is the proud possessor of a new Colts 44 calibre revolver the present of his Uncle Samuel Tramps should take warning Sister Alexia returned from the east last Friday and visited with the family of W E Haley until Monday evening when she went to St Francis Mission to resume her duties as a teacher NowoTtlieteadera of The Demo ¬ crat Mto notice the new dis ¬ play adveftisetireht of T C Hornby on anotfe page of thls paper The BlgStonfcdtev Hs a synonym for excellence Adjutant rC tath of Fort Nio brara received a telegram Saturday announcing tfaetoth of his father Fml he atarfcgd ifot Leavenworth Kan d 6as Sunday Morning to be present at too funeral MrsJF K Bivehs and daughter Anna started for Mullen Saturday morning where they will visit for some time with the family of S G Bivens They went from here to Johnstown where they were met by friends- - ir Andrews of Yifgitiify sdh of the Colonel and f McEntee- - a hBphew Mfi atad Miss Wilson- - of Wil Mlngtoh- - Delaware and Miss Groshon- - Of St Louis are visiting Colonel and to J N Andrews at fort Niobrara Geo Httnier celebrated hiSf thir- teenth ¬ birthday yesterday by giving a party to his friends Geo Millet Frank and RosCoe Fischer iean and Fred Gldver and Edgar Fike made up the crowd and thy M6 a gloriotis time tjnder the supervision Of ftus- - Carl ¬ son workmen af e putting Up an addi ¬ tion tb The frdhbhe r It will be 22x24 bhe story high and when completed will be used Hs ft kitchen The old kitchen will tie repaired and rhade a riart bf the dining room Miss Lillian Hedrick cUme lip1 from Ainsworth this morning ahd Is visiting with Mr and Mrs C R GioVet Miss Hedrick IS ah eldcutwnist bf great meriUnd wul- - assist in the entertain ment t be given at Fort Niobrara to ¬ night In hdhor of GenCoppmger JR Farris came dVer frbin the brick yard Saturday and iotitfay re- signed ¬ his position tltere to accept a situation as night herder for S F Gilman at Rosenud agency Jay will take care of the cattle to fee used for issue fe6 thie Indians He started for firs WeWneifd bf labor Thea day General ftoppinger commanddi4 of the artment tff the Platte- - U g A with headquarters at Omatia cahie d6wh from the Black Hills Wednesday rnbrnuif iahd is inspecting the con uitWn of the nierandpost at Iott Srio brafa A reception was tehdeted the general last evening by Colonel and Mrs Andrews at whftin a number of I VafenVines citizens Wet6 present Palised for Four Years as CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT MCIOIiEY If ag Another Clnb With TVJiicH to KeatV the pemgcnts Te McKinley Club is at lst bring organized Last week a petition was pirqulatejl and gpite numerously signed prayingj for McKinley and prosperity each signer agreeing tp be present at a meeting to J5e held Saturday evening for the purpose of organizing a Mc- Kinley ¬ an4 Hobart plub The eventful njht arrived and tfie faithful repaired to Cprneil Hall to everlastingly wipe up the earth with all species of antagonism to the Na poleon and bis platform Eight oclock arrived and the meeting was called to order A careful count of noses disclosed just thirty people pres ent A few rnore drifted in later makipg a large crowd thirity eight in number Of thege about a dpzen were direct antagonists of McKinley E J Davenport was made chairman and J Pettijohn secretary the disseminator thought and meeting was then open to comers tor hopest opmions of In view of the small crowd it was de cided to leaye the work pf effecting a permanent Qrganijtipn to a committed and J W Tucker F M Walcott Geo Elliott if S Ludwigand W S Barker were appointed for that purpose Judge Wataott was called upon for a speech The object of this was plain and the Judge accomodated the audi- ence ¬ He stated that he was a repub- lican ¬ and believed in republican doc ¬ trine Hesaid he did not believe the money question to the paramount isjue the coming campaign and that if he did ne would be found in some other party as he believed in free silver The Judge was s loudly applauded when he announced his allegiance to McKinley Judge J Wesley Tucker was the nextonthe list and as his iportty j frame loomed up in front of the as-- gembled multitude he was greeted with applause There is something in Judge Tuckers looks which is sug- gestive ¬ of humor and he always starts his speeohes with astory or joke This time no exception to the general rale He commenced by comparing Judge Walcott to a baby elephant and Was greeted with laughter For a wonder fought shy of the tariif question launched out on sound money thus tacitly denying the state- ments ¬ of the former speaker Grover Cleveland came in for eulogy and such a eulogy as it was The most ardeht Cleveland democrat could not have said more for Grover The Judge admitted he had been studying the money question for the last 30 days and had become convinced that the gold standard was the only thing that would save the country and that Grdvet Cleveland was one of the most able men the world had ever known or Wdtds to that effect His Cleveland talk was not very well received E J Davenport offered a few re ¬ marks and said that the republican dahdidate for congress from this dis ¬ trict wduld be here soon and exhotted everybddy to vote for him1 the meeting then adjourned td Fri day night August 14th whBB a per- manent ¬ organization wili be effected There bught to be a larger crowd at the next meeting than there Was at the first The folldwing items are taken ffdrti the Valentine Exporter Of August 9 188 JF Tucker Was appcinted county judge vice J P Wotfdsj resigned ThB railrbad bridge across the Niobrara is dompleted A hew school house is de ¬ manded Mr Turner moved ihtb his ne W hdtel From the Eelhdcratic Blade bf Aug 13 1888 Northwestern Nebraska Press Asso- ciation ¬ Wds in session here A E Thacher was elected schodl director at Fort Nidbrara One of M ft Farris twin babies died Capt Lawyer John Stetter and Pete Donoher serenade sev- eral ¬ prominent residents Thermome- ter ¬ registered 95 degrees in the shade The county treasurer received 29663 yesterday from the estate of MbSes U Payne of Payne Iowa in payment of taxes on land owned by him in the south part of the county Tilfe Democrat i per eah DEMOCRAT VALENTESTE OHEftRY STEBBASKA THUBSDAY AUGUST Marriages Miles W Lichty and Miss Caroinp Meidl were married at Cody on Sun ¬ day Aug 9 by Squire Mogle Geo Wusflogj and Miss Minnie Tonniges were married by Judge Walr cott last Friday he groom Uvea at prpokston and the bi4de at McCann An Apology ffear reaaers aia you ever have a dentist one of those deft manipulators pf crowbars and bradawls and inqnkey wrenches and other wpapons of war- fare ¬ get you into a chair and dig out the roots of your molars wjth a grub- bing ¬ hoe And did he thjjn hold the pieces of the necessary but spmejfcimes jpbnodDus grinder before your yes and exulting tell you that you re going to haye a mighty sore jaw- - And did his words prove true arid did yqn go arpund town holding the said jaw with one hand while you were wondering whether youd ever survive the shock vIf you did you will sym- pathize ¬ with the editor of this grand C and of prDmulga- - all of in his hpur be in was he and trial and excuse any apparent deter- ioration ¬ in jthe quality qr quantity -- of news spread before you for digestion this week To be Taken to Geneva Martha Mclntyre the 8 year old daughter of Rattlesnake Jack was yesterday placed in the custody of Sheriff Strong who will take the little girUo the Girls Industral SchooJ at Geueya complaint haying been made l that the little one was growing up without proper care She is g bright Htttegirl and it is a pity she has so long beenj kept in such environment as thatprovided for her by Jack She was traveling with the snake show and would handle the monster rattlers and bull snakes with apparently as much ease as her father did Complaint win probably be made to have her brother a boy about 9 years old taken to Kearney The father undoubtedly took as good care of the children as he coM buthe is a dirty loathsome ppiuhviierid in addition to being a snake eharnieif and has not the slight ¬ est idea about the proper caie of child- ren ¬ Poor Jack has been having lots of trouble since he struck Valentine and he seems to feel the prospective loss of his little girl very keenly School Matters Up to the present time teachers have beett engaged by the various districts as follows District No I Prof Watsonr Etta Brown- - Iva Efner Belle Called Lizzie Crawford 2 HO TUdker 5 6 7 8 10 12 16 20 21 25 80 31 32 3 36 39 47 50 56 61 65 70 7i 75 80 81 82 83 85 86 Mrs Belle Hornbadk CHDoty U G Steveson Elva Hackler W F Morgareidge Edith Stark J W Strong Lizzie Hayes Mamie Jeffers Lottie Hubbard J L Ballard Mrs C A Gee Winhid CroWd Mrs S EA FoWlef A T Schribet Celia Schopp Mary Shaughnesy Miss Cline Vivian IsT Lawrie Mattie Shreiak Maddd VanBuskirk Mra Kittie Crowe ISelie Hornback tidna Downing Ella StillweU Isis Lincoln Cora Fee Estella Bartiey Mary Farnham Lizzie Mofgareidge Thd law provides that certificates of school district levies for taxes shall be filed with the county clerk by July 1 tip to date districts No 3 25 27 28 4l 51 52 54 55 58 67 and 84 have ndt yet sent in their certificates and We understand that all these districts intend to have school this year The county clerk is now making but the tax books and if these certificates are not forthcoming sdriie of them may find themselves shy df money County Superintendent Lillian tl Stoner informs lis that she has retard- ed ¬ but two reports ffdro the School boards this yeat on account df efrdr3 Usually the number is nnich greater All teachers and others interested in school Wdrk should read the proposed ametidment td the constitution relat- ing ¬ td the investment of school f undsi Tlie amendments will be found eh n dther pge of this paper rl III ill rmv f HiHIlS vl v lfl n w Y MHMWWi NO 29 Jt THE CAT CAME BACI Davenport A Thats a peculiarity of cats they always do So do the hund ¬ reds of persons who buy their dry goods and shoes of us They do ot return merely from force of Jiahfj like the feline but because they hY learned that in the three great essentials Promptness Qual- ity ¬ and Price we are never found waiitipg When you want to buy shoes for the children aBk for the Henderson make Special bar- gains ¬ this month Bee them Thache nn m wv NEIGHBOR I Why do so many people go to W A PETTYCRE W for GROCERIES CONFECTIONERY g FRUIT Whj fresause hs gells tha freshest and best t hhe lowest prices Try him A LOT OF NICE CQNGORD G RAPES Just Receded Qherry Qounty QkNK Valentine Nebraska Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banWn Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable rates County depository E SPARKS President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier LIKE FRIENDS Drags should be chosen with care and should always b56 treated right if you wish to obtain good from them You can get the right kind at QUICLEYS - DRUG - STORE BANK OF VALENTINE C M tJOBNELZ President IS V KIfJIlis8QX Cashier Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Transacted Bib and Setts Domestic and Foreign EaocJiange Correspondents -- Ctiemical National Bant New Yortr rirst National Bank Omaha CITIZENS - MEAT - MARKET WnJTORSlSH - Pish Q ame Tender Steaks Jucy Roasts Dry Salt Meats and the finest line of Smoked Hams and Breakiast Bacon ever sold in town ftrn A enuufjiiu oona LU U OUnWftLllI mur ittettBrsOidBtandonHaLiBStmt THE PALACE SALOON HEADQTJARTEES WINES LIQUORS and CIGARS VALENTINE Ol the Choicest Brands Nebbaska

THE VALENTIN DEMOCRAT · 2019-02-06 · Collegiate institute Kearney--as in j town last week tne guest of Mr and Mrs Fraak Fischer The Democrat is reliably informed that the Fort

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Page 1: THE VALENTIN DEMOCRAT · 2019-02-06 · Collegiate institute Kearney--as in j town last week tne guest of Mr and Mrs Fraak Fischer The Democrat is reliably informed that the Fort











l- -



THIS AND THATComing Events

McKinley Club Meeting Augusf J4Brvan Club Meeting August 15Old Settlers Keunion Sept 18 19

Saturday August 15 at 8 p m ameeting will be held in the rooms overStetters saloon for the purpose of or¬

ganizing a Bryan free silver club Allare cordially jnvited to be present

Gus Cjlpjsqn

Monday was pay day at the Post

Croquet sets at cost at C E Watsons 29

Charley Strickland returned to Rose ¬

bud Tuesday

C H Cornell returneorg OxqahaTuesday night

II I Mantz of Chicago is theguestX E Sparks

J B Lord and Chas Reece were upifrom Simeon Monday

Jarvis Richards 4he Chadrpn Rank-



was in town Monday

A moonlight picnic e the nextsocietyeventrso rumor says

J T Galloway twiU --biiild a tnewhouse on Cherry street soon

Gen T H Stanton left hera orPort Robinson Saturdayrnorning


A large assortment or wall iaperjjaew styles cheap at C E Watsons

Prospects for a Bryan club are goodAttend the meeting Saturday night

Roland Hunter is clerking in E Mc J

Donalds store at Crookston this week

Wanted Baled hay For particu-lars


enquire of Davenport Thacher

John Poster was in town from bisfarm east of Fort Niobrara Monday

W H McCloud is supplying localdealers with a fine lot of watermelons

Gas Carlson is home from Fort Nio-


and will stay in town until nextweek

TV T Bullis and son John areworking in the harvest fields an thetable

Warren Cook is in town takingVacation from his arduous labors on

the ranch

1L F dynes is the latest additionto the ranks of The democratscorps of Professors

M Coynes is having the ouildihgKccupied by Sagesers barber shoppainted and repaired

The very best castor machine oillowest possible price at C R WatsonTry it and be convinced 29

Laverne the two year old s6h ttf Mrand Mrs Chas Sparks has been quiteill but is now recovering

Capt Haskell returned from whatmight be called a drawn oht tour 0fthe Black Hills Saturday morning

Frank Whittecar brick inspector atthe Rosebud yard moved his family tttthat place from Ainsworth- - Tuesday

Harry Edwards dropped into townSunday morning with his runninghorses Wounded Knee and Well Us6d

The democrats of Maine held anoth-er


state convention last week andnominated a free silver man fdr gov-


Col W W Thompson has recentlyimproved his residence property onCherry street by the erection of a newfence

Jas Wellford went to Rosebud lastFriday to work with the gdvefnmfcntPurveying party which goes t6 Pdncareservation

Mrs O L Ramsey gave a picnic onthe GAR grounds west of town tothe members of her Sunday School


Prof H N Russell of the PlatfeCollegiate institute Kearney- - as in j

town last week tne guest of Mr andMrs Fraak Fischer

The Democrat is reliably informedthat the Fort Niobrara ball team willgo to Fort Meade to play the teamthere oh the 19th inst

What persistence arid a little citywater will do toward making a finelawn is shown by E E Sparks yard

-- at the Cherry County Bank-- Dr C Ai Wells came down fromLead City S D Saturday morning

--and will remain a couple of weeks t

fettehd to his dental practice


Walter P White registered at theCity Hotel Monday frpm Marshalltown Iowa

Attorney D H Thurston has swunga nice new sign to the breezes at thehead of Tgg IJemoceat sjpirs Itwas the gift pf a friend in Sioux City

J P Vance jjnd wife teachers onthe reservation returned from thieirvacation trip in the Black Hills andwent over tp he Agency Tuesdaymorning

--The second commissioner district Iscomposed of gichlagle ClevelandDewey Lake Pleasant Hill LoupKennedy Steen Buffalo Mother and

IWopdLske precincts

J W Burleigfe resigned his positionas Village trustee pwjng o haying removed from town and a ie lastineeting of the town board P FSimons was elected to fill the vacancy

L L Bivens went to Pine Ridge Sp this morning where he willwork on the brick yard Len has beontimekeeper at the Rosebud yard sincework started there huf was transfer ¬


Mrs Jos Spirk and Jayp childrenwho have been visiting at jEhe home ofJ W Spirk started for WiiberlfebraskaTuesday morning From tbpre theywill return to their home JaJDavepportslowa

J H Emery the efficient nightwatch at the Indian warehouse is theproud possessor of a new Colts 44calibre revolver the present of hisUncle Samuel Tramps should takewarning

Sister Alexia returned from the eastlast Friday and visited with thefamily of W E Haley until Mondayevening when she went to St FrancisMission to resume her duties as ateacher

NowoTtlieteadera of The Demo ¬

crat Mto notice the new dis¬

play adveftisetireht of T C Hornbyon anotfe page of thls paper TheBlgStonfcdtev Hs a synonym forexcellence

Adjutant rC tath of Fort Niobrara received a telegram Saturdayannouncing tfaetoth of his father

Fml he atarfcgd ifot Leavenworth Kand 6as Sunday Morning to be present at

too funeral

MrsJF K Bivehs and daughterAnna started for Mullen Saturdaymorning where they will visit for sometime with the family of S G BivensThey went from here to Johnstownwhere they were met by friends- -

ir Andrews of Yifgitiify sdh ofthe Colonel and f McEntee- - ahBphew Mfi atad Miss Wilson- - of WilMlngtoh- - Delaware and Miss Groshon- -

Of St Louis are visiting Colonel andto J N Andrews at fort Niobrara

Geo Httnier celebrated hiSf thir-


birthday yesterday by giving aparty to his friends Geo MilletFrank and RosCoe Fischer iean andFred Gldver and Edgar Fike made upthe crowd and thy M6 a gloriotistime

tjnder the supervision Of ftus- - Carl¬

son workmen afe putting Up an addi ¬

tion tb The frdhbhe r It will be 22x24

bhe story high and when completedwill be used Hs ft kitchen The oldkitchen will tie repaired and rhade ariart bf the dining room

Miss Lillian Hedrick cUme lip1 fromAinsworth this morning ahd Is visitingwith Mr and Mrs C R GioVet MissHedrick IS ah eldcutwnist bf greatmeriUnd wul- - assist in the entertainment t be given at Fort Niobrara to¬

night In hdhor of GenCoppmger

JR Farris came dVer frbin thebrick yard Saturday and iotitfay re-


his position tltere to accepta situation as night herder forS F Gilman at Rosenud agency

Jay will take care of the cattle to fee

used for issue fe6 thie Indians Hestarted for firs WeWneifd bf labor Theaday

General ftoppinger commanddi4 ofthe artment tff the Platte- - U g Awith headquarters at Omatia cahied6wh from the Black Hills Wednesdayrnbrnuif iahd is inspecting the conuitWn of the nierandpost at Iott Sriobrafa A reception was tehdeted thegeneral last evening by Colonel andMrs Andrews at whftin a number of

I VafenVines citizens Wet6 present

Palised for Four Years as



Ifag Another Clnb With TVJiicH toKeatV the pemgcnts

Te McKinley Club is at lst bringorganized

Last week a petition was pirqulatejland gpite numerously signed prayingjfor McKinley and prosperity eachsigner agreeing tp be present at ameeting to J5e held Saturday eveningfor the purpose of organizing a Mc-


an4 Hobart plubThe eventful njht arrived and tfie

faithful repaired to Cprneil Hall toeverlastingly wipe up the earth withall species of antagonism to the Napoleon and bis platform Eightoclock arrived and the meeting wascalled to order A careful count ofnoses disclosed just thirty people present A few rnore drifted in latermakipg a large crowd thirity eight innumber Of thege about a dpzen weredirect antagonists of McKinley

E J Davenport was made chairmanand J Pettijohn secretary the disseminator thought andmeeting was then open to comers tor hopest opmions ofIn view of the small crowd it was decided to leaye the work pf effecting apermanent Qrganijtipn to a committedand J W Tucker F M Walcott Geo

Elliott if S Ludwigand W S Barkerwere appointed for that purpose

Judge Wataott was called upon for aspeech The object of this was plainand the Judge accomodated the audi-ence


He stated that he was a repub-lican


and believed in republican doc ¬

trine Hesaid he did not believe themoney question to the paramountisjue the coming campaign andthat if he did ne would be found insome other party as he believed infree silver The Judge was s loudlyapplauded when he announced hisallegiance to McKinley

Judge J Wesley Tucker was thenextonthe list and as his iportty

j frame loomed up in front of the as--

gembled multitude he was greetedwith applause There is somethingin Judge Tuckers looks which is sug-


of humor and he always startshis speeohes with astory or joke Thistime no exception to the generalrale He commenced by comparingJudge Walcott to a baby elephant andWas greeted with laughter For awonder fought shy of the tariifquestion launched out on soundmoney thus tacitly denying the state-ments


of the former speaker GroverCleveland came in for eulogy andsuch a eulogy as it was The mostardeht Cleveland democrat could nothave said more for Grover The Judgeadmitted he had been studying themoney question for the last 30 daysand had become convinced that thegold standard was the only thing thatwould save the country and thatGrdvet Cleveland was one of the mostable men the world had ever knownor Wdtds to that effect His Clevelandtalk was not very well received

E J Davenport offered a few re¬

marks and said that the republicandahdidate for congress from this dis ¬

trict wduld be here soon and exhottedeverybddy to vote for him1

the meeting then adjourned td Friday night August 14th whBB a per-


organization wili be effectedThere bught to be a larger crowd atthe next meeting than there Was atthe first

The folldwing items are taken ffdrtithe Valentine Exporter Of August 9188

JF Tucker Was appcinted countyjudge vice J P Wotfdsj resigned ThBrailrbad bridge across the Niobrara isdompleted A hew school house is de¬

manded Mr Turner moved ihtb hisne W hdtel

From the Eelhdcratic Blade bf Aug13 1888

Northwestern Nebraska Press Asso-


Wds in session here A EThacher was elected schodl director atFort Nidbrara One of M ft Farristwin babies died Capt Lawyer JohnStetter and Pete Donoher serenade sev-


prominent residents Thermome-ter


registered 95 degrees in the shade

The county treasurer received29663 yesterday from the estate of

MbSes U Payne of Payne Iowa inpayment of taxes on land owned byhim in the south part of the county

Tilfe Democrat i per eah


MarriagesMiles W Lichty and Miss Caroinp

Meidl were married at Cody on Sun ¬

day Aug 9 by Squire MogleGeo Wusflogj and Miss Minnie

Tonniges were married by Judge Walrcott last Friday he groom Uvea atprpokston and the bi4de at McCann

An Apologyffear reaaers aia you ever have a

dentist one of those deft manipulatorspf crowbars and bradawls and inqnkeywrenches and other wpapons of war-fare


get you into a chair and dig outthe roots of your molars wjth a grub-bing


hoe And did he thjjn hold thepieces of the necessary but spmejfcimesjpbnodDus grinder before your yesand exulting tell you that you regoing to haye a mighty sore jaw- -

And did his words prove true arid didyqn go arpund town holding the saidjaw with one hand while you werewondering whether youd ever survivethe shock vIf you did you will sym-pathize


with the editor of this grandC and of prDmulga- -

all of in his hpur




trial and excuse any apparent deter-ioration


in jthe quality qr quantity --ofnews spread before you for digestionthis week

To be Taken to GenevaMartha Mclntyre the 8 year old

daughter of Rattlesnake Jack wasyesterday placed in the custody ofSheriff Strong who will take the littlegirUo the Girls Industral SchooJ atGeueya complaint haying been made

l that the little one was growing upwithout proper care She is g brightHtttegirl and it is a pity she has solong beenj kept in such environment asthatprovided for her by Jack Shewas traveling with the snake show andwould handle the monster rattlers andbull snakes with apparently as muchease as her father did Complaint winprobably be made to have her brothera boy about 9 years old taken toKearney The father undoubtedlytook as good care of the children as hecoM buthe is a dirty loathsome

ppiuhviierid in addition to being asnake eharnieif and has not the slight ¬

est idea about the proper caie of child-ren


Poor Jack has been having lotsof trouble since he struck Valentineand he seems to feel the prospectiveloss of his little girl very keenly

School MattersUp to the present time teachers

have beett engaged by the variousdistricts as follows

District No I Prof Watsonr EttaBrown- - Iva Efner Belle Called LizzieCrawford

2 HO TUdker5678


Mrs Belle HornbadkCHDotyU G StevesonElva HacklerW F MorgareidgeEdith StarkJ W StrongLizzie HayesMamie JeffersLottie HubbardJ L BallardMrs C A GeeWinhid CroWdMrs S E A FoWlefA T SchribetCelia SchoppMary ShaughnesyMiss ClineVivian IsT LawrieMattie ShreiakMaddd VanBuskirkMra Kittie CroweISelie Hornbacktidna DowningElla StillweUIsis LincolnCora FeeEstella BartieyMary FarnhamLizzie Mofgareidge

Thd law provides that certificates ofschool district levies for taxes shall befiled with the county clerk by July 1tip to date districts No 3 25 27 284l 51 52 54 55 58 67 and 84 havendt yet sent in their certificates andWe understand that all these districtsintend to have school this year Thecounty clerk is now making but thetax books and if these certificates arenot forthcoming sdriie of them mayfind themselves shy df money

County Superintendent Lillian tlStoner informs lis that she has retard-ed


but two reports ffdro the School

boards this yeat on account df efrdr3Usually the number is nnich greater

All teachers and others interested inschool Wdrk should read the proposedametidment td the constitution relat-ing


td the investment of school fundsiTlie amendments will be found eh ndther pge of this paper

rl III ill rmv f HiHIlSvl v lfl n

w Y


NO 29





Thats a peculiarity of cats

they always do So do the hund ¬

reds of persons who buy their dry

goods and shoes of us They do

ot return merely from force ofJiahfj like the feline but because

they hY learned that in the three

great essentials Promptness Qual-



and Price we are never found

waiitipg When you want to buy

shoes for the children aBk for the

Henderson make Special bar-



this month Bee them

Thachenn m wv

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