The Unknown Citizen By: W. H. Auden PowerPoint by Emma Hensley 6 th period Dowling

The Unknown Citizen By: W. H. Auden PowerPoint by Emma Hensley 6 th period Dowling

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The Unknown Citizen

The Unknown CitizenBy: W. H. AudenPowerPoint by Emma Hensley 6th period Dowling

AboutWritten by author W. H. Auden an Anglo-American poet born in England and later a U.S. citizenModernism/Post-Modernism time period (1907-1973)

Paraphrase and ThemeOn records, it can seem as if a man has it all. He can have a job, good credit, health insurance, serve the common good, be educated and have money but those statistics are inaccurate representations of the man himself. Theme- Dont let society determine your identity, and do not conform to it.Tone words- Satirical and critical

Essay OrganizationI would organize this essay by the different themes of the poemThe lack of validity in representing man using the information provided by government surveysAvoiding conformityThesis Auden, through his use of satire to criticize the federal government and repetition of thoughts, communicates the flaw of The Unknown Citizen to his readers.Topic sentencesThe government statistics regarding the health of its countrys citizens do not accurately represent the essence of those individuals.The information provided and recorded by the government does not determine ones identity.

Works Cited"The Unknown Citizen - W.H. Auden Analysis."The Unknown Citizen. Muneeza Rufiq, n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2015."The Unknown Citizen[1] by W. H. Auden."In the Dark: W. H. Auden's The Unknown Citizen"Peter K Fallon, n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2015.The Unknown Citizen by W. H. Auden