The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Agata Wala II

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Agata Wala III b. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern  Ireland

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Northern Ireland

Agata Wala III b

Page 2: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern  Ireland

UK…The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain, is located off the north-western coast of continental Europe. The United Kingdom was created in 1707, when Scotland joined England.

Przypisy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wielka_Brytania http://www.tlumaczenia-angielski.info/angielski/premier-anglii-adres.htm http://www.tlumaczenia-angielski.info/angielski/anglia-unia-europejska.htm http://www.tlumaczenia-angielski.info/angielski/nazwa-brytyjskiej-waluty.htm http://www.tlumaczenia-angielski.info/angielski/roku-unii-szkocji-wielkiej-brytanii.htmThe cauntry joined the European Union in 1973.

The capital city of Britain is London.

The form of government is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system. The UK is one of the few countries in the twenty-first century that have a queen. The current Prime Minister is David Cameron.

Great Britain's national anthem is „God save the Queen”.

Page 3: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern  Ireland

…it consists of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, colloquially- Ulster.All of the countries have a

symbolic plant:Wales- leek & daffodilIreland- cloverScotland- thistleEengland- rose

Page 4: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern  Ireland


Islands belonging to

Scotland: Hebrides,

Orkney and


Haggis is a Scottish national dish made of spiced lung, stomach, liver and hearts served in sheep stomachs.

Scottsh kilt is made of tartan skirt. Tartan is a checked material.

Nessi is the legendary

monster who lived in

Scotland's Loch Ness.The most popular games involving strong men are "tossing the caber."

It is about throwing a wooden caber or a hammer.

Scotland's national instrument is bagpipes.

Page 5: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern  Ireland


From Ireland derives Halloween.


cal I




The Irish do not use large-

denomination banknotes. The

highest tolerated in this trade

bill is 50 euros. 100 and

higher denominations raise

stampede among sellers.

The main holiday celebrated in Ireland is the St Patrick’s day. On this day, all are dressed in green.

The symbol of Ireland is the shamrock, or three-leaved clover. According to legend St. Patrick explained what the holy trinity was on the basis of it to the first Irish Christians .

Guinness beerThe harp is the

symbol of Ireland too.

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Currently, the

reigning British family

are the Windsors, who

have been sitting on the

throne since 1917.

Now the Queen of Great Britain is Elizabeth II. She was born in 1926 and was crowned in 1953. Elizabeth Alexandra Mary is not only the Queen of the UK but also of Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, the Solomo Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda and Saint Kitts and Nevis. Her father was George VI, husband - Prince Philip and she has one sister- Margaret. Elizabeth II has four kids; Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward.

Page 7: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern  Ireland

Union JackThe flag of the United Kingdom is called Union Flag but everyone calls it colloquially Union Jack. The red cross on a white background is the cross of St. George, who is the patron of England. The white diagonal cross on the blue background is the cross of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. The red diagonal cross on the white background is St. Patrick’s and belongs to Ireland.

The flag of Wales is not shown because when the first version of the flag emerged, Wales was united with England.

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LondonThe UK capital is London. It is the third largest city in Europe and the largest in the European Union.The population of London (within the so-called Greater London) is around 8.2 million per 1 607 km ², all of the London metropolitan area, including all surrounding cities (the so-called area Megalopolis) has about 20 million inhabitants. London is full of monuments and museums so every year about 30 million tourists arrive there.

Mayor of London

since 2008

has been Boris


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Page 10: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern  Ireland

Literatura: Dramaturg William Szekspir jest przez wielu literaturoznawców uważany za najwybitniejszego pisarza angielskiego. Inni dobrze znani pisarze to Alan Alexander Milne, Agatha Christie, Charles Dickens, Geoffrey Chaucer, Jane Austen, Terry Pratchett oraz J.K.Rowling. Wśród poetów na uwagę zasługują George Herbert, John Donne, Robert Burns, Thomas Hardy, John Milton, Alfred Tennyson, Rudyard Kipling, Dylan Thomas i William Wordsworth.

Czterech wybranych pisarzy:William Shakespeare: Hamlet, Romeo i Julia, Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist. Jane Austen: Duma I Uprzedzenie, (Pride and Prejudice)Emily Bronte: Wichrowe Wzgórza ("Wuthering Heights„)

Swan of Avon (łabędź z Avon). Szekspir przybrał taki pseudonim, ponieważ urodził się w Stratford-Upon-Avon.

famous artists

William Shakespeare is considered by many

literary scholars as the most prominent

writer of English. Shakespeare had a

pseudonym "Swan of Avon".

Alan Alexander Milne

Charles Dickens Terry Pratchett

J.K.Rowling John DonneJane Austen

Page 12: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern  Ireland

English BreakfastEnglish Breakfast is a traditional meal in the British Isles. Once every day it was given in most English homes, today it is more common in hotels, etc.

The traditional English breakfast consists of at least some components of the deep-fat fried or baked in the oven: eggs, slices of bacon, pork sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms, beans in tomato sauce.In addition toast with butter and jam, cereal with milk, oatmeal, coffee, tea, fruit juices, sauces, ketchup and brown type of sauce are served. Sometimes it also includes a potato or rice croquettes in batter, deep fried, hash browns.

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Tea timePotocznie mówi się, że Anglicy piją o piątej herbatę. Tea Time to podwieczorek, składający się z ciastek, herbaty, itp. Tea time, afternoon tea, high tea – określenie stosowane w Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii opisujące przerwę na lekki posiłek spożywany zazwyczaj popołudniu pomiędzy godziną 15 a 17. Może się on składać z herbaty oraz kanapek, ciasta lub ciastek[1][2].

Colloquially, it is said that the British drink tea at five o'clock. Tea Time consists of tea and sandwiches, cakes, pastries., etc.Tea time, afternoon tea, high tea - the terms used in the UK and Ireland, describing the break for a light meal typically eaten between the hours of 15 and 17.

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CheddarCheddar is the most popular type of cheese in the UK. The name of the cheese comes from the name of the village of Cheddar in Somerset, England.

Cheese started to

be produced

in 1170.

Page 15: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern  Ireland

Poppy Day … it is a Remembrance Day on a Sunday, before 11 November. It is a day dedicated to the victims of war. Then are held some Masses and military parades.

This day is called Poppy Day because in London at the Cenotaph there are put some memorial wreaths made from poppies.

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Pancake Day Pancake Day is celebrated on the

Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. For

Christians, it was the last day that they could eat their fill. Flour, eggs and fat

that they have in the home are used for


Pancake race is held

on Tuesday before

Ash Wednesday. The

winner is the one

who goes a distance

of about 380m

tossing a pancake in

a frying pan 3 times.

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The beatlesThe Beatles- rock band from Liverpool, existing from 1960 to 1970. Its members are considered to be the most popular musicians of all time. In the history of the U.S. market, no one has sold more albums than they did.

Page 18: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern  Ireland

London BusesCurrently, The London Buses operate 673 bus lines, serving about 19 000 stations and 7,500 buses. Routemaster double-decker

bus-model, one of the symbols of London, The first prototype was completed in 1954 and the last one was delivered in 1968.

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Speakers' CornerHyde Park to jeden z kilku królewskich parków w Londynie, położony na obszarze ok. 159 hektwrw. Hyde Park został założony w 1536 roku przez Henryka VIII. W parku tym znajduje się Speakers' Corner, czyli miejsce dla swobodnego wypowiadania wszelkich poglądów w imię wolności słowa (pod warunkiem nieobrażania królowej)

Jest to tradycyjne miejsce przemówień i debat (przemawiali tam m.in. Karol Marks i Włodzimierz Lenin), odbywających się zwłaszcza w niedzielne poranki.

Hyde Park is one of several royal parks in London, located on the area of about 159 hectares. Hyde Park was founded in 1536 by Henry VIII.

It is the traditional place of speeches and debates ( there spoke eg Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin), taking place especially on Sunday mornings.

In this park is located Speakers' Corner, the place for the free expression of all opinions in the name of freedom of speech (as long as they do not offend the Queen)

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Buckingham Palace http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buckingham_Palace

Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the British monarch. The world's largest royal palace is still performing its original function. The palace was built in 1703. It is also the seat of British Queen Elizabeth IIFrom April to July, at 11.30 every day in front of the palace is a ceremonial changing of the guard (in the remaining months every other day).

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Madame Tussauds http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muzeum_Figur_Woskowych_Madame_Tussaud_w_Londynie It is a huge museum

of wax figures of famous people from different walks of life, founded in 1835 by Marie Tussaud in London. Marie Tussaud in 1835 came to London with wax casts of the heads of aristocrats, among others Marie Louise, Princess de Lamballe, guillotined during the French Revolution.

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Harrod’sIt is the most exclusive department store in London.It is on Brompton Road in Knightsbridge.

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Stonehenge Stonehenge is a group of large, high-stones arranged in a circle in the south of England. Formed in prehistoric times around 2500-1500 BC. Perhaps it was a place of worship or place of the Druids, who observed space.

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