17 Periods of Bible History The United Kingdom Saul (1051-1011) 1 Samuel 8 – 31; 1 Chronicles 10 David (1011-971) 2 Samuel 1-24; 1 Chronicles 11-29 Solomon (971-931) 1 Kings 1-11; 2 Chronicles 1-9 i Period 9

The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years

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Page 1: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years

17 Periods of Bible History

The United Kingdom


1 Samuel 8 – 31; 1 Chronicles 10


2 Samuel 1-24; 1 Chronicles 11-29


1 Kings 1-11; 2 Chronicles 1-9




Page 2: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years

17 Periods of Bible History

1. Before The Flood Genesis 1-52. The Flood Genesis 6-103. The Scattering of the People Genesis 114. The Patriarchs Genesis 12-505. The Exodus Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers

1-136. Wandering in the WildernessNumbers 14-36,

Deuteronomy, Joshua 1-57. Invasion and Conquest Joshua 6-248. The Judges Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel 1-79. The United Kingdom

Saul 1 Samuel 8-31, 1 Chronicles 10David 2 Samuel, 1 Chronicles 11-29Solomon 1 Kings 1-11, 2 Chronicles 1-9

10.The Divided Kingdom 1 Kings 12-2 Kings 17, 2 Chronicles 10-30*

11.Judah Alone 2 Kings 18-25, 2 Chronicles 30*-3612.Captivity Ezekiel, Daniel13.Return from Captivity Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther14.Years of Silence (Prophesy in Amos 8:11)15.Life of Christ Matthew, Mark, Luke, John16.The Early Church Acts17.Letters to the Christians Romans - Revelation

Page 3: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years

The United KingdomAfter God delivered Israel from Egypt He made a

covenant with them at Mt. Sinai.

Sadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years since the events at Mt. Sinai were lived in sin and oppression. The period of the Judges was a very dark time in the land which can easily be seen through the stories of Judges 17-21. Even in such dark times God did not forsake His people. When they turned from their evil ways and cried out for help He would raise up a judge to deliver them from their enemies, they were still a special treasure to Him.


“You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to Myself. Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a

special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine. And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.”

Page 4: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years

The influence of the surrounding nations once again proved to be a stumbling block for God’s people. They wanted a king like the other nations, one that would go out before them into battle. They had obviously forgotten about the 31 kings defeated under the leadership of Moses and Joshua. The Lord had successfully led His people into battle every single time they faced an enemy so long as they were faithful to God. When they asked for a king they rejected God in the process.

Israel wanted a king like the other nations had and Saul really fit that description. He looked just like a king ought to look, “There was not a more handsome person than he among the children of Israel. From his shoulders upward he was taller than any of the people.” (1 Sam 9:2) And he behaved just like the kings of the other nations would have, having little regard for God’s laws. This led to his being rejected by God and David being appointed to take his place.


Page 5: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years

David, a man after God’s own heart, led Israel in a great direction and restored the kingdom to what it should have been as a nation of God’s people. He had his faults which led to dire consequences for he and his family but he continually returned to God with all his heart. The Psalms give us great insight into the heart and mind of David during his time as king of Israel.

Solomon would inherit the throne from his father David and take the nation to even greater heights. He is most famous for his request for wisdom, building the house of God, and for his many wives which eventually turned his heart from God.

Of all that could be said of this period the most notable has to be the establishment of David’s throne forever. (1 Sam 7:12-14) This points us forward to Jesus Christ whom God would establish as King over His people forever!


Page 6: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years

Give Us A KingWanting to be like the nations around them, Israel asks Samuel to give them a king to reign over them. Even after Samuel explains how bad things would be under the rule of a king, the people still insist on having one. They were not rejecting Samuel as their judge but God as their Lord.

1. What are we told about Samuel’s sons?

2. Did Samuel’s sons give Israel the right to demand a king?

3. Why did the people want a king?

4. Why was there request for a king unnecessary?

5. What did Samuel do after the people told him to make them a king?

6. What was the Lord’s response to Samuel?

7. Did the people give heed to what the Lord had said?


1 Samuel 8



Page 7: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years

Saul Chosen And InstalledIn many ways Saul was exactly what one might expect in a king and in other ways he was far from kingly material. At this time we see a humble Saul who is very apprehensive about taking the throne. Through several signs God reassures him that his appointment is from God and not from men.

1. Who was Saul and how was he described?

2. Why did Saul and his servant seek Samuel?

3. What had the Lord told Samuel the day before Saul came?

4. How did Saul respond when Samuel told him the “desire of Israel” was on him and his father’s house?

5. After anointing Saul, what did Samuel tell him would happen on his journey home?

6. What happened when Saul left Samuel to return home?

7. What did Samuel tell the people as he was about to present their new king to them?

8. When Saul was to be presented where was he?

9. Did everyone except Saul as their king that day?


1 Samuel 9-10



Page 8: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years

Jabesh Gilead; Samuel’s Address; Saul’s Unlawful SacrificeMost of what we remember about Saul is not very flattering. However, in the beginning Saul was a good leader and seemed to have a respect for God’s will. As time went on Saul began to compromise and in turn began his fall from God’s grace.

1. When Nahash the Ammonite came up against Jabesh Gilead what did the men of Jabesh request?

2. What condition did Nahash say must be met before he would make a covenant with them?

3. Where was Saul and what was he doing when news of Jabesh Gilead’s troubles comes to him?

4. How many gathered together with Saul to fight?

5. What did those loyal to Saul want to do when the battle was over?

6. What did Samuel remind the people of in 12: 6-11?

7. Describe the scene at Gilgal while Saul and his army waited on Samuel?

8. Why did Saul offer the sacrifice which was not lawful for him to offer?

9. What penalty did Saul have to pay for his sin?


1 Samuel 11-13



Page 9: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years

Jonathan’s Victory; Saul’s Rash Oath; Sparing King AgagWith sure defeat looming over Israel, Jonathan shows great faith and courage and takes on an entire garrison of Philistines with only his armor bearer at his side. Unfortunately his father did not have the same faith as he again compromises and fails to do as the Lord had instructed.

1. What situation did Israel find itself in as the Philistines encamped against them?

2. What gave Jonathan the courage to take on the Philistines with just his armor bearer?

3. Did he just assume that the Lord would be on his side?

4. How many Philistines were defeated initially?

5. When Saul saw the Philistines retreating what did he do?

6. Who all joined in the battle?

7. What oath had Saul placed his men under?

8. Was this type of oath necessary for the Israelite’s victory?

9. What instructions were given to Saul concerning the Amalekites?

10. How does Saul respond when Samuel tells him he had failed to do as the Lord commanded?


1 Samuel 14-15



Page 10: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years

David Anointed, Faces GoliathEven though Saul still sits on the throne, the Lord sends Samuel to anoint a new king to take Saul’s place. In choosing David, the Lord shows Samuel that He does not see as man sees. Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart.

1. Did Samuel take delight in Saul’s rejection?

2. Why was he reluctant to go to the house of Jesse to anoint the new king?

3. What did Samuel think as Eliab approached?

4. How many men passed in front of Samuel before David was called?

5. Why did the Spirit of the Lord come upon David and depart from Saul?

6. What did Saul’s servants advise concerning the distressing spirit?

7. How is Goliath described?

8. What challenge did he issue to Israel?

9. Why had David come to the battlefield?

10. What was his reaction when he saw and heard Goliath?

11. Where was David’s confidence placed as he went up against the giant?


1 Samuel 16-17



Page 11: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years

Saul Resents David & Plans To Kill HimTo have one such as David on your side would surely be a blessing. Not only was he a mighty man, his loyalty to the king is unsurpassed. Blinded by envy, Saul views David as a threat rather than the blessing he was and so he sought to kill him.

1. What caused Saul to be so jealous of David?

2. When did Saul first try to kill David?

3. What plan did Saul devise to try and bring about the death of David?

4. After his initial plan failed, what did Saul try next?

5. Who helped David escape from Saul?

6. What did Jonathan and David decide to do to see whether Saul really wanted David dead?

7. How did Saul react when he found out Jonathan had helped David?


1 Samuel 18-20



Page 12: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years

David Flees From SaulHaving no other choice, David flees from Saul’s presence. This is a very troubling time in the life of David as can be seen in a number of the Psalms (e.g. - 52, 57, 59) but at the same time we can see the great faith David has in the Lord. May we have such great faith in times of trouble!

1. Where did David go when he separated from Jonathan?

2. What did he ask of Ahimelech?

3. Who else was present while David spoke to Ahimelech?

4. Where did David go when he left Nob?

5. What problem did David face there and how did he overcome it?

6. Who gathered together with David at the cave of Adullam?

7. How would you describe the actions of Saul in 22:6-8?

8. Were the priests guilty of trying to overthrow Saul?

9. What did David do when he heard that the Philistines were fighting against Keilah?

10. Did David have any allies to help him during this troublesome time?


1 Samuel 21-23



Page 13: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years

David Spares Saul; Samuel Dies; David Spares Saul AgainTime and again David shows himself to be a man of honor. Twice faced with an opportunity to kill his pursuer, David restrains himself and leaves matters in God’s hands.

1. Why had Saul turned back from pursuing David?

2. What was the first order of business once the Philistines had been dealt with?

3. Why did David not take the opportunity to kill Saul when he had the chance?

4. What did he do instead of killing him?

5. What did David tell Saul after Saul had left the cave?

6. How did Saul respond to what David had said and done?

7. How did the people respond to the news of Samuel’s death?

8. Who did David meet in Maon and what did David ask of him?

9. What was David’s initial response to Nabal?

10. Why did he not carry through with his plans to kill Nabal?

11. What new occasion presented itself so that David could have killed Saul?

12. Was the result of this new meeting any different than the last?


1 Samuel 24-26



Page 14: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years


Page 15: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years

David Allied With Philistines; Saul Consults A MediumEven though Saul had said he would no longer pursue him, David knows that he will never be safe as long as Saul lives. In a daring move David allies himself with the Philistines. This unlikely union provides David with the safety he needs as well as the cover to deal with the enemies of Israel.

1. Why did David go to Achish, king of Gath?

2. Why did Achish allow David to dwell among his people?

3. What town was given to David and his men?

4. What did David do during the time he dwelt among the Philistines?

5. When the Philistines went up against Israel whose council did Saul seek?

6. How did the medium react when she saw Samuel coming forth?

7. What did Samuel tell Saul?

8. Why did the princes of the Philistines refuse to allow David to go with them to battle?

9. When David and his men returned to Ziklag what did they find?

10. Why did some of David’s men stay by the Brooke Besor?

11. When they had recovered all of their possessions and returned to those who had stayed behind what did some of those who had gone with David say?


1 Samuel 27-30



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12. Did David go along with their plan?


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Saul’s Death; Review1 Samuel 31 brings to a close the tragic story of Saul, a very capable man who began well but came to think too highly of himself. Because of his pride and envy the Lord departed from him and the kingdom was to be taken away. May we all learn the lessons he failed to learn so that we do not repeat his mistakes.

1. Who were Jonathan, Abinadab, and Malchishua?

2. How did Saul die?

3. Why did he die?

4. What did the Philistines do after they found Saul among the dead?

5. How would you describe the reign of Saul? (break it into sections if you need to)

6. List the major events that took place during the reign of Saul.

7. Where was the capital of Israel during Saul’s reign?

8. Which sins led to the downfall of Saul and his house?


1 Samuel 31

1 Chronicles 10



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David Becomes King; Saul’s Descendants Cling To The ThroneDavid’s response to Saul’s death was not what many would have expected including the servant who came to tell David the “good” news. While David mourns the death of Saul and Jonathan he still has to contend with Saul’s son Ishbosheth who wants to challenge David for the throne.

1. Who brought the news of Saul’s death to David?

2. How did his story compare to what we read in 1 Sam. 31 & 1 Chr. 10?

3. How did David react to the news?

4. What can we learn from The Song of the Bow?

5. Why do we read of “Israel” and “Judah” since the kingdom has not divided yet?

6. Who were Abner and Joab?

7. Why did Abner join forces with David?

8. Why was Joab so upset when he learned that Abner had come to Judah?

9. How did Ishbosheth die?

10. Why did David react the way he did at the death of Saul and Ishbosheth?


2 Samuel 1-4

1 Chr. 11-12



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Page 20: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years

The Ark Returned; God’s Covenant With DavidSeven years after Saul’s death David finally gains control over all Israel. He moves to Jerusalem and establishes it as the capital city. After defeating the Philistines he turns his attention to bringing the ark of God to Jerusalem.

1. How long did David reign in Hebron?

2. What was Israel’s attitude toward David after the death of Ishbosheth?

3. What challenge did David face in making Jerusalem his home?

4. What did David do before he went up against the Philistines?

5. What did David not do before retrieving the ark of God?

6. What was wrong with the way David tried to bring the ark to Jerusalem?

7. How did He correct the mistakes that were made?

8. Was it enough that the ark was returned to the tabernacle?

9. What did David intend to do after the ark and true worship had been restored?

10. How did the Lord respond to his intentions?

11. What promise did the Lord make to David concerning his house?

12. Describe David’s reaction to the promise God made?


2 Samuel 5-7

1 Chr. 13-17



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Page 22: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years

David’s Further Conquests; Kindness To MephiboshethDavid does not get comfortable in his palace and forget about the people of the land. He stays busy ridding Israel of its enemies as well as administering judgment and justice to all his people. David also shows that he has not forgotten the covenant he made with Jonathan as he seeks to find a descendant to whom he might show kindness.

1. List the battles mentioned in 2 Sam. 8 and 1 Chr. 18.

2. How was David able to have such great success in battle?

3. Who was Mephibosheth and why did David seek him?

4. What did David do for him?

5. What did David want to do after hearing of the death of Nahash, king of the Ammonites?

6. What mistake did Hanun make?

7. What did he do to the servants David had sent?

8. What did the people of Ammon do when they saw that David was set against them?

9. Who had the upper hand in the battle that ensued?


2 Samuel 8-10

1 Chr. 18-19



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10. Who was victorious?


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David And BathshebaNo man is immune to sin, not even mighty King David. He let temptation get the best of him and it cost him greatly. May this story be a reminder to us to take heed lest we fall. Let it also serve as an example of how those in sin can return to God.

1. Is there any significance in what’s recorded in 2 Sam 11:1?

2. What does David find out after asking about the woman he had seen bathing on the roof?

3. What resulted from David’s sin with Bathsheba?

4. How did David try to cover up for himself?

5. What instructions did Joab give the servant who was to bring news of the battle to David?

6. What did Nathan do when he went to speak to David?

7. What was David’s reaction to the story Nathan told?

8. What consequences did David face because of his sin?


2 Samuel 11-12

1 Chr. 20:1-3



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Amnon & Tamar; Absalom’s TreasonIt doesn’t take long for us to see the words of the Lord concerning David’s house come to pass. Let this be a lesson for us that sin will bring more harm into our lives than we ever could have imagined.

1. Who were Amnon and Tamar?

2. What had made Amnon sick so that Jonadab realized something was wrong with him?

3. What advice did Jonadab give Amnon?

4. What did Tamar say when she realized Amnon’s intentions?

5. How did Absalom react when he learned what happened to his sister?

6. Why did Joab send the woman of Tekoa to speak to David?

7. When Absalom returned how was he treated by David?

8. Once he was restored what did Absalom begin to do?

9. What did David do when he heard that the hearts of the men of Israel were with Absalom?


2 Samuel 13-15



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Page 27: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years

Absalom’s DefeatAbsalom’s plan to take the throne from his father David seems to be successful at first but he makes the mistake of underestimating his father and his men. He pays for his treason with his life and David mourns greatly for the death of his son even after all Absalom had done to him.

1. Who came to meet David as he was leaving?

2. What reason did he give for Mephibosheth not being with him?

3. Who else found David as he was fleeing and what did he say and do?

4. What did Ahithophel tell Absalom he should do to turn Israel’s hearts to him?

5. What other advice did Ahithophel give that Absalom did not listen to?

6. Why did Absalom not do as Ahithophel suggested?

7. How did Ahithophel respond to Absalom’s rejecting his advice?

8. Who warned David to hurry and cross over the Jordan?

9. Who went to help David in Mahanaim?

10. What did David tell Joab, Abishai, and Ittai as they went out to battle against Absalom and his men?

11. What did Joab do when he heard that Absalom was stuck in the tree?

12. How did David react to the news of Absalom’s death?




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2 Samuel 16-18

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David’s Return; Rebellion of ShebaAfter the death of Absalom, David returns to retake the throne. The remainder of his reign would not be without trouble nor would Absalom be the last to try and establish himself as king in David’s place.

1. Did David recover quickly from the grief he experienced at Absalom’s death?

2. What did Joab say to David when he saw that David still mourned for Absalom?

3. Was David’s return to Jerusalem a festive occasion for Israel?

4. Who was Amasa and what did David want Zadok to tell him?

5. What did David say concerning Shimei?

6. When David met Mephibosheth did his story agree with the story Ziba had told David?

7. Who was Barillai and what had he done for David?

8. What were the men of Judah and the men of Israel quarreling about?

9. Who was Sheba and what did he do?

10. Who did David send to gather the men of Judah together?

11. Why did David have to send Abishai out instead of Amasa?

12. What happened to Amasa?

13. Where did Sheba take refuge?

14. What kept Joab and his army from destroying the Beth Maachah?




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2 Samuel 19-20

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David Avenges The Gibeonites, Praises God & Takes A CensusHere we will see David seeking council from God. Praising Him in song. We see David being given rest from his enemies and a list of the mighty men who helped bring about that rest. But we also see one more blemish in the record of David as he takes it upon himself to number Israel.

1. What problem existed in Israel that led David to seek council from God?

2. What brought about an end to the famine?

3. What happened to David as he went to battle against the Philistines?

4. What were the names of the four men who killed the four Philistine Giants?

5. Where else in scripture do we find the song recorded in 2 Samuel 22?

6. What is the main theme of the song?

7. How would you describe verses 8-17 of the song?

8. Though God is the focal point of the song David also speaks of himself. How does the description David gives of his life relate to the great care and protection the Lord provided for him?

9. How is David described in 2 Samuel 23:1?

10. What do we learn from 2 Samuel 23:8-39

11. What did David send Joab and the leaders of Israel to do?

12. What did David come to realize?

13. What were the three punishments David had to choose from?


2 Samuel 21-24

1 Chr. 20:4-



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14. Which did David choose? Why?


Page 33: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years

Preparations For The Temple; Instructions For SolomonAs David comes to the end of his life there are still a few things that need to be taken care of. David proclaims Solomon to be king in his place and gives Solomon instructions concerning his service to God, building the temple, and taking care of some unfinished business.

1. Who presumed to be king in David’s place?

2. Who joined him in his efforts?

3. What did Nathan and Bathsheba do to stop him?

4. How did those who had gone with Adonijah react when they heard that Solomon had been made king?

5. What did Solomon say concerning Adonijah?

6. What final words of wisdom did David give to Solomon?

7. Who did David instruct Solomon to “take care of” after his death?

8. Though David couldn’t build the temple, what could he do?

9. Where did David get the plans for the temple that he passed along to Solomon?

10. When the offerings had been made for the temple who did David thank?

11. How long did David reign?


1 Kings 1-2:12



Page 34: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years


Page 35: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years

Solomon Carries Out David’s Orders; Asks For WisdomThe reign of Solomon is a very pivotal point in Israel’s history. The Lord had taken Israel to a great height under David and now she has the chance to become even greater. The actions of Solomon will greatly impact the direction the nation will take.

1. What was the first thing Solomon did after becoming king?

2. After he had accomplished what David asked him to do where did he turn his attention?

3. Where did Solomon and the people go to worship God? Why?

4. What was the Lord willing to do for Solomon?

5. What did Solomon say and what did he ask for?

6. What did the Lord do for Solomon?

7. Had Solomon been completely foolish before God granted his request for wisdom?

8. How was his wisdom put to the test?

9. What does 1 Kings 4 tell us about the kingdom under the reign of Solomon?


1 Kings 2:13-4:34

2 Chr. 1



Page 36: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years

Building The TempleDavid has made preparations for the building of the temple and the people have given abundantly in their offerings for the temple. All that remains is for the temple to be built. Here we will not only read of the building of this great temple but also of Solomon’s appreciation for God’s majesty and power.

1. Who did Solomon ask to help him with the necessary supplies for the temple?

2. What reasons did Solomon give for building the temple?

3. What did Hiram ask in return for the supplies he would provide?

4. How many men were employed in the building project?

5. Where was the temple built?

6. How long did it take to build the temple?

7. What other buildings were built around the same time as the temple?




Page 37: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years


1 Kings 5-7

2 Chr. 2-4

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Dedicating The TempleWanting to be like the nations around them, Israel asks Samuel to give them a king to reign over them. Even after Samuel explains how bad things would be under the rule of a king, the people still insist on having one. They were not rejecting Samuel as their judge but God as their Lord.

1. Who all gathered for the dedication of the temple?

2. What happened when the Ark of the Covenant was placed inside the temple?

3. Solomon repeated the Lord’s instructions to David, “Nevertheless you shall not build the house, but your son, who shall come from your loins, he shall build the house for My name.” Has this been fulfilled? In what way(s)?

4. Who did Solomon say the Lord keeps His covenants with? (1 Kings 8:23)

5. Did Solomon expect or think that God would physically come and dwell in the temple?

6. How would you sum up the things Solomon asked for in 1 Kings 8:33-53?

7. When the Lord appeared to Solomon a second time what did He warn him of?

8. Why had Pharaoh destroyed Gezer and given it to Solomon?




Page 39: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years


1 Kings 8-9

2 Chr. 5-8

Page 40: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years

Queen of Sheba; Solomon’s Heart Turns From GodJust as the kingdom has spread under Solomon, so has his fame spread far and wide. Unfortunately, even Solomon’s great wisdom did not keep his heart from turning from the very One who had given him such great success and fame. Let this be a lesson to all of us not to underestimate the power of temptation.

1. What had the Queen of Sheba heard concerning Solomon?

2. What did she think of those reports?

3. What did she do when she went before the king?

4. What was her reaction to all she heard and saw?

5. After reading of all the beautiful things Solomon had provided for himself what else do we read of that he provided for himself?

6. What effect did Solomon’s wives have upon him?

7. What did he do as a result of that evil influence?

8. What did God do as a result of Solomon’s sin?


1 Kings 10-11

2 Chr. 9



Page 41: The United Kingdom - Web viewSadly, the children of Israel failed to keep the covenant they entered into that day. There were times of repentance and reform but most of the 400 years