The Truth About Supplements by Michael Bannert pg. 1 © Michael’s Fit Man Over 50, 2016

The Truth About Supplements by Michael Bannert...from the use of this material. While every attempt has been made to provide information that is both accurate and effective, the author

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The Truth About Supplements by Michael Bannert

pg. 1 © Michael’s Fit Man Over 50, 2016

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The Truth About Supplements by Michael Bannert

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All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval

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All the material contained in this book is provided for educational and informational

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While every attempt has been made to provide information that is both accurate and

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You are encouraged to print this book for easy reading.

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The Truth About Supplements by Michael Bannert

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Welcome to “The Truth About Supplements”, your inside scoop and free Guide

about Supplements.

We’ll be covering the most common supplements guys over 50 should use when

training to lose fat and gain muscle.

I’ll also be talking about Steroids and Hormones, a subject often avoided by

other Fitness Coaches and “Gurus”.

Do you need supplements to achieve a lean and fit body? Not necessarily. You

can get ALL the nutrition your body needs from wholesome foods.

However – these days, because everyone is so busy, it can be a challenge to

prepare food from fresh ingredients every day. That is why we need to

supplement to get the best nutrients to support our quest for a healthy, lean fit

and attractive body.

I believe this free Guide will help you get a better understanding about

supplements and how they can benefit you.

Enjoy reading it, and I look forward to hearing your success story!

All the best

Michael Bannert Bodybuilding “Grandmaster” http://MuscleBuildingForMenOver50.com


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The Truth About Supplements

There are literally hundreds of supplements on the market targeted at us men

over 50 who want to get fit and lean. Guys who want to lose fat, gain muscle

and get into the best shape of their lives. These supplements are designed to

maximize your body’s natural abilities and help you get the body you want.

But amongst the hundreds of different products on the market today, how do

you know which supplement is right for you?

How many supplemnts should you take?

In this free Guide I will concentrate on the most basic supplements necessary to

assist you in losing fat and gain lean muscle. So without further fluff – let’s get

right into it!

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Creatine is the most popular and commonly used fitness supplement available

today. There are numerous studies backed by many real life examples that

support the efficacy of Creatine supplementation.

For most guys over 50, Creatine supplements increases fat free mass and

improve anaerobic and aerobic performance.

Creatine is a naturally found in red meat. Creatine is manufactured naturally in

your body from the amino acids glycine, arginine, and methionine. This process

takes place in your kidneys, liver, and pancreas.

The typical any man over 50 will process about 2 grams of Creatine per day,

and replaces that amount by taking it in by food and then making it within the


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If we want to get all nerdy and scientific here for a moment - Creatine is used

for the resynthesis of ATP. ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, is the "power" that

drives energy in your muscles.

When your muscles contract, the bonds in the ATP molecule are split. The

energy that is released by breaking this bond powers the contraction of your


Now, here it is where it gets interesting and why you should supplement with

Creatine: When ATP is depleted within the cell, the cell can no longer contract.

You got no energy left, your muscle is useless. So where do you get new


The fastest method, without oxygen, is through supplementation with Creatine.

This allows your muscle to regenerate ATP.

In other words, the Creatine enhances your ability to power through a workout

during short bursts of high-intensity exercise.

There are two way to decide what dosage of Creatine you should take. In the

“loading phase” which is where you begin adding Creatine to your diet, the

dosage is 20 grams a day for five to seven days. After that, I recommend that

you stick to 5 grams per day. This is a good enough rough estimate you can use.

However, if you want to be more specific in your approach, this is what you

should do:

In the “loading phase”, you should be consuming .3 grams of Creatine per

kilogram of body weight. So if you weight 200 pounds, the formula would look

like this:

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1 lb divided by 2.2 kg multiplied by .3 = 27 grams of Creatine per day

After the loading phase, your weight is multiplied by .03, so you would require

2.7 grams in the maintenance phase.

Essentially, Creatine will create muscle-fullness as well as help your body to

grow muscle. It will also delay fatigue during repeated workouts.

However, you must use your Creatine regularly , not on-and-off for it to be


Creatine can also increase the body’s aerobic abilities. This means Creatine

supplements help to reduce the “oxygen cost of activity”, so less strain is

placed on the cardiovascular system.

This is a huge advantage if you want to grow muscle, because you will be able

to work harder and longer losing fat and building up muscle.

Creatine is normally safe for most guys over 50 to take – unless you have kidney


BTW - Doctors are even beginning to endorse Creatine which is generally

unheard of with supplements.

Some guys I know like to take their Creatine in a shake as it most often comes

in the form of powder. You can mix the Creatine powder with some skim or

soy milk and even add some fresh fruit for flavor. I prefer it in a pill, but that is

just me.

It is best to have your Creatine after you workout so that the glycogen in your

body is replenished and you have a faster recovery.

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Another popular supplement I recommend and use myself is Glutamine.

Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid that is produced naturally by the body.

Sixty percent of Glutamine is found in the skeletal muscles.

The remainder is in the lung, liver, brain, and stomach tissues.

Over 60% of our amino acids come in the form of Glutamine. Under normal

conditions, our body can produce more than enough.

However, when we are stressed (and let’s be honest – who isn’t these days???) ,

Glutamine reserves are depleted and we must replenish them quickly with

supplements. So Glutamine is not only good for the stress that the body is

under during periods of exercise, but generally for any mentally stressful


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Now, here is a little known fact for you - If you have too little Glutamine in

your system, you could suffer from muscle loss.

You have to have a “positive nitrogen balance” in order to gain muscle mass.

Glutamine is essential to muscle building because it helps nitrogen in the body

move around to where it needs to be.

It is also thought to prevent sickness, promote healing, prevent sore muscles,

and speed up growth hormone production.

The typical American diet used to provide 3.5 to 7 grams of Glutamine daily

which used to be found in animal and plant proteins. However, due to the

industrial production of food these days we get inferior levels of Glutamine in

our food. Most guys are therefore choosing to supplement daily because of the

long growing list of benefits.

Research suggest levels of supplementation anywhere from 2 to 40 grams daily.

Check with your physician what is the best dosage for you to support your

levels of fitness and workout commitments.

2 to 3 grams dosage used post workout builds protein, repairs and builds muscle

and can induce levels of growth hormone found in the body.

There are many situations where more glutamine will be of benefit:

After physical exercise, workouts, practically any sports training.

If you are under increased physical, mental or emotional stress.

After a Trauma or shock.

After an Illness.

Chronic Illness – Viral infections or repeated infections.

After an Injury during your recovery time.

Aging – because glutamine decreases with age.

What are some typical signs you may be suffering from Glutamine


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Low energy levels or fatigue – this is very common in men who suffer

from chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.

Muscle wasting – this is common with vegetarians or vegans with poorly

managed protein intake.

Bowel changes – consistency or frequency

Weak Immune-System

These are only a few of the symptoms. Glutamine can be helpful for the

following situations:

What we are most interested in – Glutamine supports protein synthesis

(the conversion of protein into actual body tissue). It builds muscle and

stores glycogen for energy in the muscle tissue.

Glutamine can help stabilize your blood sugar levels. It can improve brain

function and promote alertness, memory, focus, overall intellectual

functioning and problem solving.

It improves the production of white blood cells which can promote strong

immune system function.

L Glutamine benefits the small intestine by enabling improved absorption

of nutrients. Naturally, this is important as we age.

Improves your recovery from injuries, wounds, burns, stress, and after

surgery trauma to the body.

Because Glutamine is also anti-inflammatory it is great for arthritis,

connective tissue disorders and any autoimmune diseases.

Minimizes sugar and hunger cravings.

Glutamine works in the liver to produce Glutathione. This is the most

powerful disease fighting amino acid.

It promotes healthy gut functioning. For example, if you are suffering

from diarrhoea or ulcers, or are often constipated - Glutamine works

really well for that.

In summary - if you want to build a ripped body, you’ll need both Creatine and

Glutamine alike. It usually comes in powder form, so you’ll want to take it with

milk or in a shake. You can also get it in pills and take with a drink of water

after your workout.

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Glutamine and Cancer - What You Need to Know

The subject of Glutamine wouldn’t be complete if it didn’t contain a warning as


We know adequate Glutamine levels are needed for ensuring nitrogen balance,

maintaining gut integrity, and improving our immune system. All great things

for promoting health and wellbeing.

On the other hand, cancer cells are huge consumers of Glutamine with the

amino acid being a huge driver in tumour growth. Glutamine contributes to

essentially every core task of developing cancer cells; being used for fuel,

providing nitrogen for protein and nucleotide synthesis, and having specific

cancer promoting functions. In fact - Glutamine is a critical player in thwarting

the efforts of our immune defensive systems to destroy cancer cells.

Because I’m not a doctor I can’t get any more specifics on the details. If this

concerns you it is up to your medical professional to explain this further to you.

Let me just summarise the highlights for you:

1) Glutamine Stops Cell Repair – Cancer Cells Feed On It

Glutamine is the “nectar” for cancer cells; being more than "just" fuel for the

cell growth engine, but also a regulator of their cellular activities, essential for

adaptation, survival and progression of cancer cells. Such is the demand by

certain cancer cells that they cannot survive without a continuous supply of

glutamine - known as "glutamine addiction"- and glutamine blockers have

become a promising target for the future of cancer treatment.

So it won’t come to you as a surprise that many recommendations exist for

cancer patients to steer clear of glutamine.

But here's the thing, such is the power of the glutamine-sourcing-machinery of

the cancer cells, that they will always have enough from the Glutamine that is produced in the body.

It is our healthy cells which become depleted and lose out. For example, with

low Glutamine comes low glutathione in our natural killer cells and that

weakens their ability to defend our healthy cells and promote immune function

which is vital in the battle against cancer.

90% of the body's Glutamine supply is in your muscle, this becomes heavily

depleted when fighting cancer and it creates a serious negative nitrogen balance.

It seems likely that supplementation of Glutamine could be of great benefit.

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While the scientists at this stage cannot agree on it yet, a large body of evidence

is now available to support using Glutamine supplements for cancer patients

because it may improve clinical outcome and quality of life, as well as reducing

the risks of high dose chemotherapy and radiation.

I suggest to discuss any supplementation with Glutamine with your medical

professional if this concerns you. Because the subject of Glutamine and cancer

is so diverse AND controversial, I have below included some references if you

are interested to research this subject further on the internet:

DeBerardinis, R. J., & Cheng, T. (2009). Q's next: the diverse functions of glutamine in metabolism, cell biology and cancer. Oncogene, 29(3), 313-324.

Wise, D. R., & Thompson, C. B. (2010). Glutamine addiction: a new therapeutic target in cancer. Trends in biochemical sciences, 35(8),


Shanware, N. P., Mullen, A. R., DeBerardinis, R. J., & Abraham, R. T. (2011). Glutamine: pleiotropic roles in tumor growth and stress resistance. Journal of molecular medicine, 89(3), 229-236.

Medina, Miguel A. "Glutamine and cancer." The Journal of nutrition 131.9 (2001): 2539S-2542S

Huang, Weijiao, et al. "A proposed role for glutamine in cancer cell growth through acid resistance." Cell Research (2013).

Kuhn, Katharina S., et al. "Glutamine as indispensable nutrient in oncology: experimental and clinical evidence." European journal of

nutrition 49.4 (2010): 197-210.

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The importance of protein to any guy who wants to gain muscle is a no-brainer.

It is the single most important nutrient in your muscle-building program.

Protein is what makes up and maintains most of the stuff in our bodies. Protein

has been shown to have a huge effect on our body when wanting to gain lean,

hard muscles.

Much of your protein will come from your diet, but if you really want to grow

your lean muscle-mass, increasing protein through weight gainers or protein

powders is necessary.

Of course, you’ll need to be careful not to overdo it and monitor the amount of

protein you are consuming, otherwise that can be hard on your kidneys.

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The best type of protein supplement on the market is whey protein because it is

the highest yield. Whey is the best suited protein because of its capacity as a

post-workout recovery supplement.

This is a critical time after severe physical stress when the cells will act like a

sponge and take in protein super-fast. The extreme hunger of the cells and the

fast-acting properties of whey will make sure you use the best window of

recovery to the maximum result.

If you don’t feed your muscles extra protein after a workout your body will hunt

the stored reserves of any nutrients you have. So if you are on a diet for

example that will cause it to rob other muscle-tissue of Glutamine – that’s not

what you want!

So whey is the best protein, especially on a fat-loss-diet. It also supplies the

most amino acids that bodybuilders use. If it’s good enough for professionals

we should use it too!

When you are on a low-carb diet whey protein can function as an alternative

source of energy, sparing your hard-earned muscle protein and glutamine stores

within the body.

Same as with Creatine, the best time to take your protein supplement is post-


Now I let you in on a very little known secret here – and this relates to the

TIMING of when to take your protein:

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If you buy any protein supplement and check out the instructions, or read any

article on protein in popular fitness magazines and on the internet about when

you should take it, they all stress it’s gotta be taken within 30 minutes of the end

of your training session – otherwise you won’t absorb it straight into your


That’s a myth and is not based on scientific fact.

Fact is – latest research has proven without doubt that you have a window of

4 hours (!) after training to have your protein, so you get full absorbtion.

So this means you don’t need to go all anal on your timing after a workout. You

have enough time, you can be relaxed about it.

So you may ask – when do I take my protein? Personally I take it straight after

I’m home from the gym, which is 5 minutes from where I live. So I have my

protein within 10 minutes of finishing my workout.

Why is that?

Because I am ravenous

As you will find out yourself, if you start pumping iron, lifting weights and

building your muscles, you get very hungry when you finish your workout.

Your muscles are screaming for nutrition. That will really be the reason why

most guys over 50 who lift weights will have their protein shake straight after a


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This is also the main reason why most guys who want to lose fat by exercising

hard never lose any weight – because they get so hungry from their workouts

they eat bigger portions. And they justify it because they believe they burned so

many calories they can have a bigger meal. Unfortunately they are wrong.

You need to add calorie restriction to workouts to lose fat, and you have to keep

the muscles fed with the correct amount of protein to have energy.

That’s enough on this subject, if you want to know more on how a muscle-

building fat-loss diet works and check out some easy delicious recipes and diet-

tips study the section on the Muscle-Growth-Diet in my video course Michael’s

Fit Man Over 50 HERE

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Another powerful supplement you can take as part of your muscle growth and

fat-loss program is L-Carnitine. Many guys over 50 who train to get fit and

back into shape take L-Carnitine for a variety of reasons.

L-Carnitine improves your ability to lift weights.

It also aids in muscle growth, speeds up your recovery, and increases strength

along with stamina.

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Regardless of what your bodybuilding and fitness goals are, losing fat or

gaining muscle, your chances of success will increase greatly if you use L-

Carnitine as a main supplement.

Let's take a look what L-Carnitine can do for your workouts, goals and your

overall health.


Fat Loss

If you are a man over 50 and you’re looking to get lean, then this is the

supplement you need.

L-Carnitine changes the long-chain fatty acids, such as triglycerides into

mitochondria, where they are oxidized to produce energy. Carnitine also

reduces fatigue and works great as an appetite suppressant. L-Carnitine will

keep your body from storing fat and at the same time it increases your aerobic

capacity, so you burn more calories.


Muscle Mass

L-Carnitine is also a great weapon if you want to pack on muscle. L-Carnitine

will help you increase your strength and lift heavier weights. That means bigger

muscles in the long run.


Bone Mass

Bone loss due to the aging process is a major concern for all of us guys over 50

because it can lead to fractures, osteoporosis, and arthritis and other bone


By taking L-Carnitine, you can slow down bone loss and improve your bone


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Heart Conditions

Carnitine is often used for heart conditions like angina. Clinical studies have

shown that taking L-Carnitine after a heart attack reduces the chances of

suffering more heart attacks after. Carnitine is being given to treat men with

heart disease.


Kidney Treatment

Your kidneys produce Carnitine. Guys that have been diagnosed or already may

have a kidney disease are given Carnitine because it is recommended to help

make up for the deficiency of in any Carnitine that your kidneys aren't

producing. It is also a good safeguard for your kidneys if you are concerned

about reports that using Creatine and a lot of Protein may overload your

kidneys. By taking L-Carnitine you are protecting them.


Male Infertility

If you’re a guy in his 50’s then it is highly likely you’ve already taken care of

having kids a long time ago.

However, if you’re on your second or even third wife you may find that with the

“Young Trophy-Wife” comes the desire of having more children. If you have

been trying to have children and have low sperm counts, Carnitine has been

shown to help improve both sperm count and quality sperm.


Type II Diabetes

Men that have Type II Diabetes can also benefit from Carnitine supplements. L-

Carnitine can help diabetic men because it increases your glucose oxidation,

glucose storage, and also improves your uptake in glucose.

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Immune System

L-Carnitine is good for your immune-system because it is an antioxidant.

It can help prevent damage to your healthy cells by free radicals, for example

when you are suffering from a cold or are training while suffering from hay-

fever allergies.


Brain Function

We all need to preserve our brain function more than ever because of the toxins

in our air, water and food-chain.

For men over 50 it is vital to use L-Carnitine because it protects your brain from

both age related AND stress related damage. It helps your brain function longer

and better.

How Much Should You Take And How Should You Take L-Carnitine?

For general health and to help you reach your fitness goals I suggest you take

between two to four grams of L-Carnitine a day.

You can get L-carnitine in capsules, tablets, and also liquid form. Personally I

prefer it in capsules because they are easiest to swallow, and you don’t have to

bother with drops or liquids.

Of course you can take Carnitine through food like red meats and dairy products

or nuts, seeds, bananas oatmeal and parsley. I just find it easier and more

convenient to take the capsules every day – that way I know I get exactly the

right amount each time.

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Steroids and Growth Hormones

Welcome to the section on Hormones, Drugs and Steroids. Personally I’ve done

a lot of research into this highly controversial subject, every word is of

importance so you should study it thoroughly.

This subject is very important. You owe it to yourself to read this – if you don’t

you will miss vital information. It is an investment in your own health and well-


This is obviously a subject that divides many guys’ opinions, however I feel it is

important we address this and not ignore the elephant in the room like so many

fitness gurus do.

You see, most EBooks, Courses and Tutorials skip over this subject or slap a

blanket “Don’t use steroids or hormones” on it, ignoring the fact that everyone

who is serious about muscle-building and fat-loss will at some point sooner or

later come across this issue and ask “What’s it all about???”

Well, you very well know by now I’m not like any of the other mainstream

fitness guru’s out there, who tell you one thing and possibly do another. I tell

you what I uncovered about this subject, so you can make up your own mind

about it.

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I am still amazed how little most Fitness courses and books talk about this

subject. Everybody just seems way too scared to stick their neck out and voice

an actual opinion other than saying with a raised finger “Don’t ever do drugs,

don’t touch steroids, stay aware from hormones!”

Trying to get some honest answers on any performance enhancing drugs and

steroids is like pulling teeth. Everyone has either got a commercial interest, or a

social agenda to push so cutting through the BS and misinformation is hard and

has taken a lot of time. But I give you my take on it as I’ve come to understand

it through my research.

I will give you my take on Drugs, Steroids and Hormones so that at least you’ll

be more informed on a subject that should not be ignored if we talk about

fitness for men over 50. So let’s get into it.

In many gyms members use steroids, mostly guys using them for reasons of

vanity, to increase muscle size fast, even if they never want to compete on a

stage for a title.

When I asked steroid users why they take them I found that unrealistic

expectations and a culture of “Give it to me now, I don’t want to wait” is mostly

responsible for the widespread use of steroids amongst young and middle aged

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muscle-builders. They often believe that using steroids is a shortcut to a lean,

strong, big masculine body.

But the result in the extreme is often quite hideous to look at. And the women I

talked to didn’t find any of those guys attractive or dating material. They want

buffed, yeah sure, they want a toned, strong, masculine body – but not an

abomination that can hardly move and has erection problems because of drug

abuse. I think you get the picture.

What are the most common Steroids used?

There are different types of performance enhancing drugs and steroids. Orally

taken pills like Danabol, Winstrol or Clenbuterol are reported to help with

muscle growth and fat reduction. Clenbuterol is supposedly very popular in

Hollywood as it is meant to help with rapid fat-loss.

We’ve all seen those miraculous transformations of famous actors or actresses

who had to shape up for a particular role – rumour has it Clenbuterol is often

used for fast fat loss.

Oral steroids are the preferred drug of choice for newbies in the gym who want

to try it out. More experienced users go for a combination of oral steroids and


Testosterone and Human Growth Hormone injections are coined as “therapies”,

making them sound more acceptable when phrased as “Hormone Replacement


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It is not a question of whether the use of steroids and hormones is morally good

or bad, legal or illegal, socially acceptable or not.

It is a matter of whether it is safe for YOU and whether you actually know what

you are putting into your body and what it is going to do to you.

So let’s look at what the actual science says.

What Happens To Our Hormone Levels As We Age?

Certain hormones required in building and maintaining muscles like

Testosterone and Human Growth Hormone (HGH) decline with age.

This is a normal process and we all experience it. It means as we get older our

bodies produce less and less of these hormones, and so we actually have to

work harder to build and grow muscle than a 20 year old would.

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It does not mean that you can’t build muscle as you go through your fifties and

beyond, you just have to put more effort into it. So you actually don’t need to

add Testosterone and HGH.

Some guys I know in the gym who are over 50 are openly talking about the fact

that they have used and keep using “hormone replacement therapy” to help

them achieve the look they want, and feel fitter and more youthful.

I’m not going to go into the details of how and under what conditions most of

these drugs are manufactured, where they come from, what risks you take and

the whole legal situation , which is of course is a grey area and a mine-field

depending on where you live. I cover this all in great detail in my video course.

Let’s just concentrate on the very basics here in the free guide for you.

Side Effects

Side effects cannot be ignored.

Drilling down to the facts is not easy, but the bottom line is – there will always

be side-effects.

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They are often determined by how high the doses are you may be using, for how

long, and how well you monitor your bloods.

And some steroids, used over a prolonged period of time, can carry very

serious- irreversible health risks.

However - it is a fact that almost anything you put into your body will have

some reaction or effect.

Below you see just some of the possible side effects you may suffer from if you

use performance enhancing drugs:

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It is also good to be aware that you may seriously disrupt your normal day-to-

day activities. For example, it is not a widely known fact that the drug

Clenbuterol is very hard on the kidneys.

Therefore you have to drink 2 gallons of water per day as a precaution while

using it.

2 gallons of water means you got to be close to a restroom at any given time of

the day or night. Night sweats, hand-tremors, severe cramps and headaches are

part of the side-effects reported for this drug as well.

Now let’s find out what the medical profession thinks about Steroids and


What Do Doctors Say?

When I talked to medical specialists their main concern is for unmonitored

steroid use by amateurs who buy steroids of the internet or from a friend at the

gym, have no idea what they are using, how much to take and in what intervals

and what precautions to take… They are the ones most likely to experience liver

failure, kidney failure, heart problems, shrinking testicles, erectile dysfunction,

blood poisoning, infections and so forth.

Most of them who were General Practitioners admitted to me that they actually

knew very little about it and would preferably refer a patient inquiring about

performance enhancing drugs to a Medical Practitioner specialising in Sports


Most doctors however discouraged their clients wanting to get steroids

prescribed, due to real health concerns for the client, but also out of fear from

potential law-suits if things did go wrong.

Let’s have a closer look at some of the most common warnings by the FDA

(Federal Drug Administration) that an increased level of testosterone is directly

linked to an increased risk of having a heart attack. This has been mentioned for

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decades and is being repeated daily. Is this actually true? Let’s examine this a

bit closer, because this highlights a common problem with research and how it

is presented…

Does Testosterone Therapy Increase Your

Heart Attack Risk?

With more and more men over 50 considering Testosterone Replacement

Therapy, the question about side effects or risks is being asked in doctor’s

offices every day.

The FDA has previously put warning labels on testosterone therapies as they

could raise the risk of heart attack. But a new study (April 2016) could help

push for different labels to appear instead.

Here is some welcome news for guys over 50 who are worried about the risk of

Testosterone Therapy.

As a recent study revealed - generally healthy men who undergo testosterone

replacement therapy do NOT become more prone to getting a heart attack or


These findings come from researchers at the Intermountain Medical Center

Heart Institute in Salt Lake City.

They tested 1,472 men between age 52 and 63 with low testosterone levels who

had no history of heart disease. The scientists found that healthy men who

gained normal testosterone levels through testosterone therapy did NOT have a

higher risk of heart disease, stroke, or death.

The researchers found no increase in risk.

On the contrary - testosterone therapy for this men showed a reduction in the

risk of heart attack, stroke, and death compared to a group of men who didn’t

get any testosterone therapy.

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One of the lead researchers of the study, Dr. Muhlestein, is quoted as saying

“This particular study provides assurances to physicians and patients that using

testosterone replacement therapy in a generally healthy population of men over

the age of 50 to normalize levels doesn’t increase a patient’s risk of a heart

attack or stroke, and actually shows a reduction in those risks.”

As I explain in great detail in the section on Hormones, Drugs and Steroids in

the video-course “FIT MAN OVER 50” - a previous study last year also found

that testosterone therapy does not increase the risk of heart attack in men. In that

study over 25,000 mature men on testosterone therapy were examined.

This was done at University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston.

25,420 mature men were treated with testosterone therapy for up to eight years.

Lead author Jacques Baillargeon said, “This is a rigorous analysis of a large

number of patients. Our findings did not show an increased risk of heart attack

associated with testosterone use in mature men.”

In addition, the study also showed that even men with a higher chance of

cardiovascular disease also experienced a lower risk of heart attack in

comparison to men of same age not using testosterone therapy.

An alternative study found that men receiving testosterone therapy to treat low

testosterone also saw a reduction in risk of stroke, heart attack, and all-cause

mortality. This analysis is based on research data from 83,000 veterans.

The researchers split the men into three groups:

Group 1 was treated with testosterone until levels normalized,

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Group 2 was treated with testosterone but the levels did not normalize,

Group 3 did not receive testosterone and thus levels remained low.

The scientists found out that the men of group 1 had a 56 percent reduction of

mortality during the follow-up period, 24 percent reduction of a heart attack

risk, and 36 percent lower chance of a stroke, compared to those who did not

receive any treatment.

Another warning that has been flagged all the time is the risk of increased

danger of prostate cancer if men over 50 are given Testosterone Hormone

Replacement Therapy.

This whole subject is too large to cover here in your free guide, but I cover it in

great detail with references to the scientific studies in the section on Hormones,

Drugs and Steroids in the video-course “FIT MAN OVER 50” – so I encourage

you to check it out so you can make an informed decision on this very important


So where does that leave you?

First – check if it is legal to undergo hormone-replacement-therapy in your

jurisdiction. In some countries and states, it is illegal and hormones are

considered banned substances.

It is prudent to meet with your doctor or medical specialist if you are

considering Testosterone Therapy. Consult with your doctor and go through a

proper patient evaluation, have regular follow-ups, and dosing considerations.

NEVER buy or use illegally obtained drugs, steroids or hormones. Never buy

any drugs or steroids from the internet or a “friend of a friend“ at the gym. Be

safe, not stupid.

Talk to your doctor. He will advise you of the safest way to normalize your

testosterone levels.

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Let me remind you – just using my own fantastic Fit Man Over 50 System

I have proven with my 45 day transformation - and afterwards winning a

bodybuilding competition – it can be achieved without drugs or steroids.

Just check out the images on the next page as a reminder what an average guy

over 50 can do with this system…

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45 days later 9 months later

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Supplements For General Wellbeing

Now that we have covered the most essential muscle-building and fat-loss

supplements, let’s look at a few non-essential, but good to have supplements.

These are my very own personal preference, but you may want to consider some

of them for yourself.

Glucosamine Sulphate with Chondroitin

We all have our strong features, and our weak points. My weak points are my

joints. I always get problems with my joints.

So to support them and to avoid getting sore joints I use Glucosamine and

Chondroitin. One capsule a day seems to keep it at bay, and I have no problems

with soreness or stiffness in my joints.

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Fish Oil or Omega 3 capsules

Omega 3, Omega Q10 or generally Fish Oil capsules are great for general well-

being. They promote healthy skin and heart health, help with brain function

(although my wife doesn’t believe they help at all with that haha…), and they

also support joint health which to me is very important. I take 2 capsules a day

in the morning, together with the Glucosamine capsule.

Magnesium and Potassium

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Many men aren't eating enough foods with magnesium. Men who

have less than the recommended amount of magnesium are more

likely to have elevated inflammation markers. What’s so bad about


Well, inflammation has been connected with major health problems

like heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Also, low magnesium

appears to be a risk factor for osteoporosis, a degeneration of your


There's also evidence that eating foods high in magnesium and other

minerals can help prevent high blood pressure in men. I also find it

prevents me having leg-cramps at night, which I used to get really bad

for many years. I take 2 capsules of magnesium each night.

Taking a lot of potassium may result in a 20% decreased risk of dying

from all causes which – I know - is a wide ranging statement.

It means a reduced risk of stroke, lower blood pressure, protection

against loss of muscle mass, preservation of bone mineral density and

reduction in the formation of kidney stones. Because I always had

problems with kidney stones I have 3 capsules of potassium each day


Vitamin C and Multivitamin

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To cover all the bases, I take a multivitamin every day, so make sure I have the

daily recommended amount of each vitamin required. Often it is not possible to

get all important vitamins through your food.

It is a little known fact that any fruit or vegetable that is picked or harvested

begins losing its vitamins within 30 minutes of being cut from the stem.

This deterioration continues as time passes. By the time I grab a salad or

tomatoes at the supermarket it has very few vitamins left in it. So I chose to

supplement with a Multivitamin just to make sure I get adequate vitamins into

my body.

I also take 1,000 mg of pure Vitamin C per day as a precaution and an immune

booster to ward of any bugs, especially in winter when lots of people have the

cold or flu. Now you may say 1,000 mg is a lot, but Vitamin C doesn’t get

stored in the body so anything that isn’t used you just pee away. So you can’t

overdose on it.

So there you have it that is my personal arsenal of supplements. Makes me

sound like a hypochondriac, but I bet if you are in your 50’s or older than you

also have your share of little niggles and physical shortcomings that you need to

deal with every day. And taking the necessary supplements to maintain a

healthy body just makes perfect sense – wouldn’t you agree?

You can get those from good Health food stores, sometimes at the supermarket

or online. I’ve also put a selection I recommend on my webpage at


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As with all recommendations, be sensible and talk to your doctor before

changing your diet or adding any supplements to your daily diet.

This concludes your free Guide on supplements to help you get fit, lean and stay

strong. I am sure you learned a lot and I’m happy I could clear up some

common misconceptions about the most common supplements, vitamins, drugs

and hormone replacement therapies.

Naturally, if you want to delve deeper into the subject then I suggest you join

our Membership at Fit Man Over 50 . There is a ton more information on this

subject, and how you can best incorporate what you have learned today into

your diet for fat-loss and muscle-growth.

Thank you for signing up to this newsletter series. There is more great

information coming your way. Make sure you keep checking your inbox for

more and tips, tricks and secrets to get that mature body of yours into the best

shape ever!

Let me know how you get on, I can’t wait to hear your success story! Check out

my course at FitManOver50 now and I see you on the inside soon

MICHAEL BANNERT Bodybuilding Grandmaster



“You can Do It – Because I Did!”