THE TRIBÜNE. TO A LADY.Por The Tribune. Oh, when thoo comfest nigh, Thore springs a tide of strange yet known delight As if tbe form tbst mad*» a visiou bright Again went flc-ting by ; With le»* of earth in every motion's trrac.. Ais- something more of Heaven in the face. As »lowly falls the lid O'er the calm glories of that eye of thine, Tbe growing splendors of a mystic shrine, By veiling wing seem hid ; And then I dream why spirits left the sky, Charmed by the brightness of a mortal eye I breathe not Passion's vow -, A sacred mission thine to win and bless For by the token of tky loveliness I know of Angels now ; Glad uplift, as of wings, I feel once more, Thinking of all the Soul's far bridal-store ! ' Tis well we do not see Ob, stranger-lady, beauty like thine ever ; Vor who would ask from earthly things to sever, If fashioned all like thee ; And, well I beed how trembles in a sigh ( Sweet music on my pathway to tbesky ! ' ' JaaoKX A. JfAssT. Latear from Lake Superior. Extract from the letter of s gentleman Just from Cop¬ per Harbor, dated Gnaw» Bar, Msy 2,1846. .* " Owing to the great excitement amo.t? people here, to see my Specimens, I can scarcely __d time to commonicate with my friends. I have before me and upon my table, Specimens of Copper, Qürer, Lead and Iron which I brought with me from the Upper Country, the equal of which cannot he producto elsewhere in the world. I have seen pieces of pure Silver weighing a pound and a quar¬ ter, and so down to mere grains. Some pieces have been wrought into finger rings with beautiful agates set in them, and all done by the the blacksmiths of the country. This silver is abundant in at least the Locations now being worked. I bave a specimen of Native Copper and Silver, which was cut from a sheet 49 feet below the sur face in the Loi-ation of tbe Copper Falls Co. which abeet is 10 feet by 12, eighteen inches thick in the middle« portion, both ends of which are yet firmly in the rock. Another sheet of a similar size has been found lower in the vein and down tbe alope of tbe hill. There are many tons of this pure metal already taken out. It contaios much Silver. Tbe Pitts¬ burgh Co. will ship 140 tons of the ore, worth 45 per cent- of Copper and Sliver, They have raised from 5 to COO tons, and are raising weekly 50 tons -, bat this is not all worth 45 per cent. Alt who were in the country last season, and who will be there this, will bo agreeably disappointed. In all of my correspondence about this matter, I in lend to act according to my best judgment, and am not disposed to give a humbug character to any of my movements; and I now unhesitatingly state that the country is by fsr richer in Minerals, than any other yet Geologically explored. .. ¦ You must excuae my haste. My room Is novrfull of tbe " Copper Sharks." Maq«_tic Telegraph..The telegraphic c.m- munication between New-Haven and Button Is now com¬ plète, and a few days will brlug that city to us, a* far regards a knowledge of what Is transpiring there. A few days are needed to test the work, utter tbe expiration of Which, tbe ligutnlng will Jno«p astride '.be wires ..id shoot b*ck and forth between the two clues, entirely at the will of a singlo Individual at each end of this "highway of tbeugbt." The new* from tbo South I* of so much Importance just sew, and la Ilk* to bo for some time to come, that all haste sh uld bo made in completing the communication between here and Now-York. A_ soon as tin» Is doi c, the specche- of the " grave »rid reverend aelguior*" at Washington may be read here and lu Boston beforo they fairly get cold. . [Naw-Havou iierald, Isth. Fatal Duel..At Carlisle, Penn. on Wednes- day bast, as tbe 197th Regiment, f. M. was beleg re- i viewed by Gen. Armour, who i* the highest officer la comma--, aome word* spoken by Col. Artsatroog Noble dlreipectfully of Qen. Armour's character as s soldler. resultod In a'duel the same day at 2 o'olook, cau»lng tbe bUtant death of Col. Nubln, tbe ball entering cloie to bis Beert. The body waa removed frnui ihn fatal *pot after a Coroner'* Inquest bad been bold, and taken to bis mother's bou*«. Au interne excitement prevailed In re- Í'ard to lt. Oen. Armour has been arrested and lodged njsll. ____ Sales at tbe Stork Kxc____e..-.T»'ESDAY. .1,000 Indiana.H»'è 5.000 Penn.s30 61. 10.000 do. Gil 7.000 Oblo Gs, '«50-9-'i 10.000 do.«6l> !.. 9.000 Illinois.».'*} 20.000 Road Bunds.... 71. 4,000 do.bit 7IJ SO Mechanics' Ilk....I'd 100 Farm Loan.-3« 50 Morris Canal...slO 13, 75 do. 13. 50 do.»..12thJune M 50 do.»60 Kt, 14 Am Ex Bank. t"J 150 Vlcksburg. C 850 Reading. 64 90 do.s3 100 do. GH _'. Cantou Co.37. 50 do.37. 1U0 Hartem.b.1 45 3<H) do.«GO 444 650 do.4-1, i.5 Nor «fcWor.«3 52¡ 850 do.«30 v.!. IV) do.»Go 521 2-5 do.52. 25 do.»3 .1-* 100 do.»GO b-1 50 do.*3 3--1 50 do.1)3 521 50 do.52J 150 do.5'.'| 3U0 do.52J 10 Erie.46 100 Long Island.311 SKC0KO BOARD. 50 Nor it Wor....b30 53.H00 Farmers' L_an..bI0 231 50 do.s3 :_. 50 do. 52| SO do.521 60 do.b3 5i»»i 35 Morris. 14 50 Vlcksburg. 6 100 Canton.37J 25 Long Island.311 100 Harlem.-....bl5 441 The following Is a statemout of tbe amount of coal transportad over the Philadelphia and Heading Railroad for tbe week ending Tbunday, the 14lh ln*t. and alio an exhibit of tbe total receipts from the Scbuylklll mine* | for the seuon. It will be seen that the receipts, as compared with those of last week, show a falling o_ of «,215 tons, owing mainly to ihn heavy rains during tbo Week; nevertheless, the grand total brought down this season amounts to 291,585 tons. The receipts for the corresponding period lut year were 159,723 tons t TAI* _«*. Previously, Total. From Port Csrbon,.6899:03 84 925:04 91,324:05 - Pettsvllle,.3611.18 58,353:11 61.965;»«) " Sehnjlklll Haven,.-.663:04 120.144:19 122 s f.u.i " Pott Clinton,.._i.lTtl.ll 17,316:1» 19.487:12 Totals,.14,844:16 2.0,740:15 295,o85:01 Tbe shipment* from tbe Lohlgh mines for tbo week ending 9th test, are shown by tbe following table, and al¬ so the total shipments since the opening of navigation : _,_.' week. Previously. Total. From Hauch Chunk.9862 ¿ 23.786 33618 " Penn Haven.2.985 * 5.536 8516 - Rockport,.1.126 3.627 4.754 Total.13,973 32 350 46 918 Exports from the Port of New-York from the 8th Of May to the 14tb of May. Inclusive : TO OS .AT BRITAIN. .perm OU.gal*.. 36,830 Turpentine_bbls.. l.OcO Flour...169b« Lai. Oil.ir*U.. 3.414 To-ac«.-, mar...¡bs.. 52.166 OU cake.lb*.. 116,700 Roaln.bbls.. 175 l*ork. soO Whalebone.lb*.. 15.041 Stove».M.. .7,000 Wool.bale*.. 94iCottou.bale».. I.St«. Corn.bush.. 45.9S6iCom meal....bbl*.. x.OOO Tallew.lb*.. 119,SOt» A*h*»s, pou....bbls.. 3.S Tar.bbls.. 1.098JCIover seed.lbs.. 12,181 TO BX.TIXU KOSTU ___*IC_. Flour.bbU». ),68:<jMeat.bel.«.- 1,092 Stye-ocr. So«1 wheat.bush.. 815 Fork. S60|Tob-cco, manuf.lbs.. 4.022 -tice.._M*.. 600 Com.bu»h.. 1,000 Butter. 6,4261 ' ; TO aaXTISH WTC8T 1NS1-S Lard.ÎU... 35 33.1 Beef....bbU... 90 Hams. 1.-72 Flour. 200 Fork..bbls... 700 Hay.bales.» 40 Cbeeae.lbs... 8 250 Oats.-bush... 200 .Butter.16 77-1 TO SPANISH WEST INDUES. J*__edbe_f..lb* 32.112 TO ST DOMINOO. Flour.bbla 30OiDry tub.lb* 27.006 Woe.lbs lO.SWiLard. 430 Batter. 1.5-llBeef..bUe 50 ._ fCotamerclal Advertís««. MARINE JOURNAL. PORT OF NEW-YORK. CLEARED. Ships Leland, Tuffi*. --.«ton; Henrietta Mary, Reed, V*lp_r»Uo. J Herdman A Co. Berk Macedonian. Roblóte«, Portland. Brigs Cuneo«. Ulgglas, NOrleans, X L McCrtsady-, Ajo¬ tare*, Gould. Pbtla. da 8chr* Equity. Edward«. Newport; Riehmond, Otbbs S Bedford; D-.lphin. Holdu. St Johns, KB. Stoop President. Friable, N Haven. Steamer Vulcan, Orees, Pbtla. ARRIVED. Br ship Chsrlette, Betts. 42 im Dublin, in ballast, to ) MeMurray. 225 steerage passengers. 8p sehr R Porta. Ferirarrsdo, 18 ds fm Bells«. Hou. 137 balea **r**p_ri__, .6. bide«, to B Blanco. Loft no Asae-seekk Ship Emily, _»-._, 10 ds ftn St Cr*l_, su*ar, Ac, to Aymar Co. 8«^G*n«**»H_m,15ds fm Calais, Me, lumber, to 8ml»- it Bovntoo. Sehr Julia * Marth«, 80 ds fm Eastport, plaster, Acto Smith A Baya ton r ' So_r 8«perb, Curtía, 17 ds fm Machias. Me. lumbar to £ F Snow. Sehr Velocity. Mont*^t_ery. 14 d« fm Lube«, Me Blas¬ ter, to Brett St Vote. ' "^ 8chr -cioto, Thompson, 8 ds fm Calais, Me, laths to Smith it Boyston- Sehr Richmond, Packard, 8 ds fm Thoaaston, lime, to master. Sehr Franklin, Wooster, 8 ds fm Thoauwon, lime, to Sehr Nidus, Smith, S ds fm Thomas tea. Urne, to master. RULED. Chipo Catherine, Crane, for Charleston; Devonshire. South. WlndKW iliUs-eUaittoiiB. TO COTTON .".AMFACTUREBS and thoseln- «.j:..< them..lib«* i-.'t -t be«*n de*__Me with enttoa mtnu'aciurer« to ob_i'.n a macHne to prepare couon IE«* «hall be .et* objaetiunable or dasge'ou* ,.f tris from fric¬ tion, «* aear',7 « i tbe c 'O milis thai i»ve been burue- hav-i been .red 'oy tbeae BMd__Mss. The *-b-crlt»»Tf«« » confi.*:nt that in the machi;.e he euer» to iñe pobl'c ibera i- iiuie ¿st-tee frorr. fire «common ;»rdiE¡j ma-bioe, and ii* propeiV.e* «a a W'.l'.ow or Picking MvUiine n.uC- before any in u»e la New Knglaiid. a* It »a_«-a iea« power. I«** r«*- pair, will produce more worx clean -.be «--to- much bailer, and mo«e simple la construction,and wii. convey _»eo.c- ; 150 feat from the mac_._e. if -<_ir*_._ The c-Uoo *> perfectly *ep*«_"-d __.. it «fiord« UK» ¿in lb- .raai^fae"*- llwif*e^irai!brfro_ü;«cc__nen<l rere moça sssjutttS operation of l_e .uceeed-.*. marAl-e- There U «o_e -0 or more la op.,, loo In lb-- beat mil- » i«ew E-flSBn St Lowe'ii, li__che*>r, S-co and Norwich. I EDMUND BACU.S. Sup'l Elltott Mia*, Newton Upper Kalla, M«__ -«.«CHUTES, Aug. 7, lí_). t. ..»m r_- eo«vra -Tnu certifie* that two of Mr. B_¿A;_ow.'Jein.accW-l op«r__on el lbeStark mTT. The a«rer»ce work m«d* at the prea-nt time in Ibi» ¡Su _M.*1'.«"Ctton per week. One of the machine. I wmowm_.>i>>.> lo« «ndt_<-ot! er.i.OOOpar week, it will b*"oo»erve- mat _»,<V lb» pmr wee* la considerably more Hum *ny three of the Cooi-al Willow« are doing «1 Lowell at me preaer.1 time. B»con'» Willow prepare» _5,i.0e lb» tn i_e «a_e ieor'h cf time much bélier than either the Lowell or Ma-o.'s Willow will one-third of the last named quanti- Ity, without ..curring o.e half the ri*a of ii - It need» bat two-third* »lie power to propel thl« machine that it require* foe the Conical, and about one half a* much a* I* required for Ma»o_. Willow, and will not need one quartar tr,e re¬ pair« of tnowi generally in tue al the present time. ISO rev- olt,lion« per minute wl_ere_e a draught of air *uf_.ent to bl-iw the *¦.'.! n 100 feel, and thereby answer* lb« double purpoaeof» Wlilow an«: Fan. I can with confidence recom- run-d Bacon's Willow f»r superior to any I am «cquaint-d with, knowing thai if the merit» of lie machine are ge___liy known.lt will baimmediately Introduce-i. J.7. JAM_S,Ûver»eero.*Car,i_,-,atS:arkMii.. I aise bave a Wool Picier, of which I will rjbjoia one of Severs! letter* rt«celve<l fr-.m tho*e mine tbem : ThePicktn. Macbitie* I h*d of youfor woolare very much liked. One of item I* used for worsted woo! end we are perfectly »aiUfied that it opens the woo] eatver and break» the »tapie ie«« than any other picker we bavelrled. Tbeother I* iise», for filling wool, ».-.- we »re equally satisfied thai on abort, fuie and coOed wools It i* more efficient than lbe Scotch Picker, Which, until we tried yours, was the best we could find. ALEX. WH ¡CUT, apl lawif_Sup'i Low-il M. Co. Non.-- TO .»lASTriKH OK V _,_..» _._.*.> ariiv- log »1 lb« Port of New- Vork, and Pilot*, after the third day of June, 1816. The following exlract* from the law regulating Quarantine, passed May 13th, IMS, are pub- 11» bed for thtir information : Sectiom Z Ve««el« arriving at the Port of New-York *ha!l oeaub'eclio Qasrsnllne, .-« follow»: 1. .'».-.,-. direct from any plate where yellow, bi<iou», malignant, or oiber pe«;:>i,ila, or Infertlou« fever »x;«t-d St Iba lim« of: lii'.'lr departure or which «nail have, arrived al any such place, »na proceded iberice to New-York, or on board of which during ihe voyage any case of such fever «hall have occurred, arriving between the lhlrty.fir»t day ol Miy and the fust da. of October, shall remain al Qiar- aoitoe for at least thirty di}* after their arriva], and a> laaat tweniy day» after Uielr cargo »hall have been dl»- charged, and (hall perform auch farther Quarantine the Health _flicer*hall prescribe 2 All vessel* embraced m lbe foregoli'Z MSS di-lalou arriving between lbe fir*t day of April and the _r*l dey of November, exclu*l*e of the lime m »aid sub-division iiirni-orud ; all vesael* from . fur el,-a port, on board of wbirb during tbo voytge or while the port o' departure, any peraun «hall have been alck, or frrm any place in lb. oidmary paasa^e 1/oui wbirb lbey pa«* South of Cape Henlopr-n, airtvine between the thirty-first day of May and the ititb day of October; and all ve«»els from any place, (including laland«,) In A«ia, Africa, or lbe Mediterranean, or from any of the Weil India, Bahama, Beimudaor Western Islands, or from anyplace In America In the ordinary p_»age Irmn willed lb<-y pass South of Georgia, arriving between ihe«ir«'. day of Apill and ibeflrsl nay of Nov»in>i»r, »hall I»«* «ui-jeri to -uch Quarauline, and olli"rr.»'UlHtlons,a« lbe Ileallti U. :er shall ¡.lescnb« Sr.c. 16. Every vi .«el having bad during the voyage a cat« .if »mal r>ox, or ltifectlou« or contagious disease, and every ve»»n Iroui a foreign pon huvlng pa*«enger« «Dd ool ht rBiobetor» declared «ut.je'l to Quarantine, »hall on h<-r arriva at Quar*uline Ground be »unlect lo viiliailun by the H.-^lili Ulbcr, but «ha 1 not be detained beyond the lime re» qulsita ferdue easmlnttioo, unless she »nail i.ave bad ou boaid during tr.<» v,,y«ge»o_ie ..-a»'« o: «mall poa or infec- lio'isor ri>i<t«i.'iuu* «li«ra»e, In which ra». »In-»ball be »uh- J.'Cl in »urh Qu-Mliliuea« lbe Heatlh Oili'er «hall pretcrlbe; and It »ba.l be Hi« duty ol lb- Health Ulli'ier whenever he iblok» It ueewsary for the pre»erv«tljn of the public liralih, t<> c*u«e the poiaon» on board of any ve*»el lo be vaclnaled. Hkc »'. Hvery master of a vesiel hailed by a pilot w ho sbail rilher.lat. 0:ve false Information toaucli pilot rel«llv0 lo the condition ol bit va«*el, crew, pattengera or cargo, or the heallh ollbe piare or places whence h- came, or renne lo give »ueh Icfoiit'.allon »b»l] be lawiully required; ¿d. Or land any p«r«on from hi* ve«*e|j or permit any ex- cept a pilot to cm« on bo«rd bis veaaW, or unload or Iran- ¦hip any ponina of hi» cargo before hi« ve««el >ha¡! have been visited and imam ued by the Heailh Officer; 31 Or «hall nijproar.h will, in« ve«»«l nea-eribe cliy of New-Yoik than Ihe place ot Quarantine lo »» blcti «rail be directed, »hall !.<. guilty of lbe like offence, and be »ubjeel lo lbe like punlshmvoi, (a line nul exceedmg two thousand dollar», or by Imprisonment not exreeillug twelve momh», or by both lineandlmpiLonmeriL) tlENaY VAN fJOVENBERGll, my i>.1_llealih Offir»r GR£-N MOUNTAIN V-C-T«-LS OINTMENT. AMONO lhedliea-e« to which ihla important OnUnenl 1* aiiapteit are ihe following Sore Throat, Rronrhltlc, Glandular Swe.llnga, Erysipala« Shingle*. Keloo», Ring¬ worm«, halt Rheum, -'« I..-'.! and Broaen Breait«, Sore Nip- pies, Ki-ver riori-H Millie. Sores, Hbeumaliam, Gout, lo- ,'laiumallon of the _>..«, lu-animation of ihe Bowel*, Pile«, .crofu na Sore«, Eure», Scald», Bruiae», and Ireab cut Wiiuml". Ftwerful and pen-ailing ui tl Is OlntBMOt 1«, sddre»«lng llsi if lo >o insny an i «o foriiiidalile> iii««*«e», it ony to ou applied sgreeable io dlroctlons ti» sait»iy the «r.o.f,crupu- tous that HI« an luiportani remedy for »ill the purposes «el f otih. The olivlnu« n-K«on of It« power and «rfieacy In ». many and *o/</rriii_tii>lr riltvaae» I», In il» ««rtv-ngn potency to reduce aud «ubdiie 1'tltiuiiiallon, which Hie rxcltlng and permanei cau««-. This removrn.tbe functlous «if nature re«um» a h««allhy action, and a «predy cure Is the result. Tfil» Ointment purely vegetable, and al.bough powe'ful, yei mild tn It* ouerall-n* cotntuenclng a »nothing It.flu-nce where«'er applied. It may be administered with perfect safety in a:.y slur«» of health, from lbi« Infaut If« ihe mo»t aged prraon. It will retain tl« rttcacy In all cllinalu*. and any period of lime unimpaired E>-ry family and lbe crew» of «hip« aoould be furin«hed with tin« Oiritaiect. flood, compeirnt end r-spoasUst» »gent* are wanted for each and every Stale In iho Union, In whnm liberal term« will be gives. None need apply wliboutihomo*i s»tl»fac- lory refoienre*. All «ppllrallou» for agencie« or the Ototmmtt may be ad- dreaied to the «ub»cr|ber» at ili.'lr depot. No 39 Coriiand-sl, New.York, ARMSTltONG HURD. ruy.n Itneod CI BU« C. BLKlaLUttGr*- Pateul Ratchet ar.d Shell I Wool Plcaer..The subscriber» have ou hand and man- ufaci'ini lo order, on short notice, the above Picker*, of width und »lyle to «ull purchaser«. Hundred« or lh-«e nt-i- chloea aro bow tu operation, which give perfect satisfac- lion. Peraon* wlahlug a more particular dPicrlptlon, by dtrecllug a letter lo the subscriber* (poaipaid) will rerelve a pampbiui, with pla'es thowing lbe utu-r.nl parts, and in- eluding o list of bai.e» where our Picker» are used and may be »een. E. K.ELLO0G CO. E Ka__oCS, New-liarlford, Conn. G C. Kr.t.i.oC-, C«?* Also olher mtchloery, Card*, Jacks, Rubbing an.1 Tube Condensera, Ac of ihe most improved kind*, on hand or made lo outer. Order« by mail promblly -»ended lo. mvlil ItnDkW_E KKI.I.OOO CO. IM ..WAT! l.A.M) SM «.euetki Ageucy Uthco, CtDclsuail.Oblo M. L. Sheldon would Inform the cll- tzeua of New-Yura, thai ho will attend to the purchase and sale of every description of Real Esta eand Personal Prop- any tn the Clly of Oiiirlonalt and lu the Western States; will also eolleclnotes, beads and mortgage*, and every apéete* of claim» lu Cncinuaii or ».i-tsvui«. Any Merchants, or other business men, having lands or olber properly In ihe Western cooclry they wish t » dispose of for cash, or to ex- change for city property io Cincinnati, are Invited lo «end * ile»,-rlptlou ot ihe um« to hi* office In Cinclnnaii, where all busiiii-us entrusted to his care will be promptly and faithful- ryattended io. AddrnM M SHELDON, We»i Ififib-«U Ctuclonatl Refermées.. Dwier Barber, 1) Corllaud-sL; J. Jackson, 49 Wall-at; Wm. IngalU.SO Wal]-»L____f__d_ ACrOUNT-BOOK .IIAMIFACTORY, No. 77 Maideu-lane..fraud* Lout-ri invite the attention of ail wbo require AecoULl-hook», Paper and Stationery, io their exteutlve aasoilmeut of lodger». Journal«, day-book», ca-b-hook», hlotlers, orderbt»ok*. involce-Nxik», bill-book», receipt-books, etc of every sire and »tj le of biuolDg, walcn they olT«r In «els or by lbe tingle hoot, at very low price». Cap and letter paper», ruled and plain, variouiquailUo«, al manu-ctuier»' priera Stationery ol every da-crlpilon, ».«me new arilcre*. Prtntmg «uecuied aline luweai rate«. LEWIS FRANCIS. CYRUS H I.O.TREL. myU SlaMoner»and B«Hi>-elin'era.77 Mal.lrn-laoe. OS». JK.NMiNUb having toriueU a r»»-«.ai itier«hlp . with T D. Lander, late of Newburgb. will continue the watrb-maklug and jewelry butine*« «t ihe eld stand, Na IM F_ilo_-*t under lie name and firm of Jenning» Land- 'er. O. S. JENNINGS, New.York. 8th May. 1345t T.D.LANDER Jetinttig» Lander beg to Inform their friend» and the public generally that tbey Intend keeping on hand, a* here¬ tofore, a full aa-ortmeni of gold and «liver watcbe*. jewel- ry, »Uverwar«, fancy article«, _c which they offer for iule on a, r-a-ir... » ir-rm» aiiv \\._.«¦ tn the rile m«R 4«r* CITY !.OA?iî«.. Peraou« dr_ir>r_» ot tuveaitug _KK_eJ m tl»e Revenue Bouds of this Cliy. p«yab!e in lSi~. «rtth iniereai at aix per canl i>er anuum ; or in the Six Per Cent. Temporary \\ autr Loan, payable m one, two or three year«, with mieraalaemi-ancually. can do so In sums of 11.»o and upward«, on applirattou at _ita office» JOHN EWEN. Comptroller. CorpptroV.er'a «"IfiVe. Mav »liS. 114. Divl" im trïï__NK¥>â AÑií^ ronsnki.or'sT"lT- cen»e_.A new and be-U-ful forw ol oipiouia for the ¦dniiulon of Aiu>r_ey'* and Counselor"» in the Supreme Court ha» lalelv l»e«*n engraved. Tbe device represents Law tupporte-. by Wladoa aei Jumce F r aaie at the Law Ejank and "Stationery Si»»re of JANSE.N BELL. 1M Naasan -L oppoalle ihe'-ilY Hall. -IVÍ5 IVKWI.Y l.llfKOVKt) MIO WE H BATU».- 1 a Warranted fra. from leakage..Thl« Balb t* csadr en «dec dedlv «t» and improve. prin»-lpie, and obviate« tbe old and *»'j.i-»n difficulile* of tbe continual dripping which occur* on the u*e of tbe ordinary bata. Tbey are »bear and portable, and made sou'.) bang up to a »i»tio_- »rv boo*, or can be remov«. at pleaaure. Each bath will hold two patlaful of «."»ter. at«d can be arrang«- wlih dra¬ pery apparatu* «so boitom èxture* or not, a* desired. Tbe price t* put very low, *o a* lo come w thin the reach of ail cla**e* of people. No peiaou or family should be without tbem. They ara h-.jbly recrtnmende. by the tnt-lca! f«__l- ty. and »re unrquai«! a* valuable heal-l preaerver*. For .ale, w boleaale a: d retail, bv mvll« JOHN J BROWN ÇQ. j_: Fulton-«_ 1 (. ill ill t-KA.,««*. or Prmttng Pap_r, vix : 1 U,UUU tSaSH-' J to 30 lh*» par ream. _ixsi.19 .. as .. « __t_2.Í0 *.»_¦'. S2x_! -22 .. ÎS " .MrïS-ï't - 36 " -<x.->..¦» " N* " - ;4xS»i.3D " 6 " ¦ S6XS7--0 - Si - as*s»>-_ii - tn " " .Sx«í.S3 - « 2Ssaí-«i " «6 " ¦iixiô ->.«i " 9 > " for aaie by CTRUS W. FIELD, No» S Burttng-eUo. N B»..Printing fapor of any aixe and quality made to ! order._________ ¿JNIPK silOOTlSt«..W'ebav» received »ome new ¡C^pauem» of Stools for Sutpe Shoixuig: of lb» Black Breast, Plover and Red Breast apt-tee. Tbeae Stool« are woil Imitated, handsomely painted, are light, portable, and can be packei br th-» _0_*_ or huadrt- tn a vary «mail compa«* Ouci Stool» of the varioU» patters», oa ba_d, or madeuTorder, for »ale by JOHN J. BROWN A Co. 12i Fu'io--«- near Na»«»n._myl9 }S__Sf OR iRJlVEUNG 1N__ITA_«DS.A eioml variety of »*ockat or Trtvel'.ug Inkstand* for saie al JAN-EV BF.LL'8 ataaonar- Sum». N*a_an-«l f>___ WiUTK -ASTIJLK »SOAP mav always be %-r*¡^*ÁitotU>nat>r J. L CODDIÄOTON, * mfilnf »WH-<itw«_«row farta* SlisteüaneouB. STAATS A BARILEfi, cLC-miite ako rcasrisKi.ac w«*r.«iocie, Vo. 173 Broadnat, tdrncti]/ opponte Howard Hotel.) S'¿ B are now receiving t large aad «iezant o«*ort- . n»e»»t of tprlng and «ntr-aer Gc-atis, wäeh they wiil max e a p to order tr. ¡he most fc__ñ_abls »tjie* at ibeír asn¬ al reasonable prieet. fjtrocger» and other» can he tuppüed «.¦*.._ a very tcperr orortcleof REAOT MADE CLOTHING. Bine, brown arad black cloth Dreu and Frock Coat*.S'.4 M to 62c, 00 Sexo Gotho. Co*S-_e.ilt Pello Coats. 7 « to 12 .»" TweeCc, r'.eri.«-.« er- L.+.L. Sar-r. Coa-J1. 4 ÓH to TOO Psnl* ofCoiwimere. Liner. Dr._a, Ac ItC... 3 Ou to !!* Veouoi White Mar*. Ctsbraere. Slsi. Ac. S Of) to 6 DO Overcoat.« light and lnwsflflll Tweeds, saxo Goths» and Casalmere*. for traveling OvereooU- Al*o, a genera: at »or. »a »at of íar-iabing i -.'..:-». v-j Cravata, Stocks. Tie*, Shin», Ccliara, Glove», Su«a-»ader». tils and cotton Under Shirt». Ire Ac_ml? 3-a GEOBGE M. BEETHAÔM, sn»:n.oir tai_o_, A ft Ç BROADWAY. 3d door above Grand -at, beg* ieav« lw to inform hltfrieod* and the public in general. ib«J b* has Just opened the obcrve ttore with on enure new icoc i of goodt earefuily teleeted from me ¡tie importado-.! and manafoeisrera, tad it adding to hi* rtock daily, which be wiil moke up in a »uperior style and cheap at rm be fur¬ nished by any other »«labiiihmenlln ibe City for ess.. Fute C:oth Drett and Fn-ck Cool*, of any color from.312 to20 Fin« Cloth and Caisimere Pants, any color of pttlters, from. 4 to i Fine Vest, any poltern or tryle. 2 to 4 Pr.ee for Mit m g and Trim&lng. Drewond Frock Costs, from. 66 to 1C .' " '. Thin, " . -to 5 Pants sad Vesta, ¦ .1 M is 2 » G M. B. bo» hod expérience la eurtltw for the last 10 yeori in ihi* City and li weh acquainted with ¦_ th« vanout ityie* thai *re required in the I usine**, tnd will turn hit whole at¬ tention to rarnisb gsrmenl» to suit the latte of those who may favor fc_n with a call All garment* warn-led lo El or the money returned. P. S.A com ple-.e rait can be farrathed at any tim« within 24 hour« after in» ordered._rave imeod* THE EYE. DR. WHEELER. Oculist, So. 29 r>-cn-~<-eW'. A*. Y. near ice Bolierv, d»vr,>i all exclni've attention to ii»- easet of lb« Eye tad Ophthalmia Surgery, and a**uret ibe pub.ic thai there are not among ihe namerou* d!««»«sea to which lb« btrman eye subject, any duorder* of ihtl oriaa which ctnnot he (ssrnti.llj relieved or cared by him. The vo*t Lumber of undoubted teetimonlala which can he aeea at id* office wil »atlify lb« public that hi» practice !. cot ex¬ ceeded either In extent or »ucees» oy that of any other Ocu¬ list In the United States. t"=r OSes hour« from 8 A M. to 1 o'clock, P. M. after which vuit» out-door patient*. A pamphlet containing remark» on Di»et»e» of the Eve, w ih numero«» Inilancet of great curei tffecled by Dr. Wheeler*, mode of treatment, can t-e bad groluiioutiy at hi» rssidei ce, or the lame w.ü be forwarded lo any one Tnakir,»r app.i-ation to him, pon paid._my 11 Imeod' TEIBUNE JOB PRINTING OfflCE. No. 7 Sparcn-STiriKT.(Three doort from Suaum-ttreet.) THE fadlltJetoflhtieiuhluhment for J08 PRINTING are, ptrhspi. uo«urpa*»ed by any office In the city. The patronage of the latt year ha* been t-¿cb a* to guáranle« a great exlenatoo in our retoure»»«. We therefore, with con¬ fidence, liane the following Cord TO MERCHANTS..¡Merchants »applied with all klndt of PRINTING at the cheapest rale, viz : Card.. Bliit Lading, Circulan, Receipt*. Blil H»ad», Cbecki.ltc To LlTik.av GEHTLEMtM..Original JUanutcrtptt priai» ed with accuracy. Pamphlets, Blereotype Work, and all klndt of Book«. Letter Prea Printing. To LscTuaeatASD Mcticuaa.Progromntti beautifully pria ted. lecture Bills, Small Bill« for Dittrl- .Wiranwl,1. Ilúh. button, Jtr. And every detcrlption of Plain and Orrutmrntal Job Work, executed with great neataaei» and punctuality, at the Ornee, No. 7 Spruc.-»u The Improved POWER PRESSES, for Boon, Pam- fhlkts, Ac Ail work on tbe abov« Prenei will be done at exiraordi- nary low prices. J. A KRAETA3, J12lf Tribune Job Printer, ~~NEW APPARATUS» FOR~EVÄPOHATInQ- BY STEAM.The «ub»ciiher» ore now prepared lo iup- ply ordert for their Improved Evaporator. Tni» «pparatut will be found to be of gr-joi value for con¬ centrating »oluiiona of «u.:ar and tbevorioua chemical «alt», making ee.tr art» of dye-woods, healing oil» for purification, dlittlncg turpenitne, and In «horl for every operation of homing, evaporating or concentrating liquid«, wherein It ii detlrobie tu ut« ine h»ol of »teem rather Ir.an a fire. It evaporalei wttb greater rapidity in no »ny spparotui ever before constructed. Atan evidence ol Its excellence It u only necoaaary lu «late thai alaluie fair of the American In- ttitutelt received the premium! of a gold medal aud a »liver cup one ol Uw five moil valuable invention» exhibited thalyear. JAMES J. MAPES, ) Coniulttng WILLIAM A. COX. J Engineer», mid 2ow3m* Nit IIS Chainh»i-»i. New York. H-aVv-QDE LoC-S. TUTTLE It DAY. Loekmtkera, No. 6 Mec.hanic.it New- art, N J. otfer lor aale lo Ibe Irai« at low price«, a gen¬ eral »«aonmentof well fiolihed Houae and Store-door, Kim ond Momee Lock! They olio manufactureexclutiveiy the Potent Cylindrical NU bt Latch, in improved lorm. and Tin- tie«'« Pai'-tt.ieif-Protecting Book ana Store Door Locka. st» äawlmWfcS« LAMPS, GIBAaVDOLES, dto. LAMP8, GIRANDOLES, HALL LANTERNS, AND CANDKLABKAS, for the Spring Trade..DIET2. BROTHER A CO.. No. 13 Jobn-itreet, ore manutaciuilug and have atway* on hand a complete oiiorunentof «nicle» in tbelrllne, of the following .ie«cr1piloi,t. which tbey will tell St wbolijaelij or retail, at LOW P ill C ES for caib Improved Cbemicsl Oil and Carnphrnelaoinpt, Bola Lampi.t'll'. e.nd Bronzed, in gi eat variety, Corneliui A Co'» cel»l»raledpotent Solar Lard L imp t, Girandole*, var.oi.i paitemi. ffilLedlvered orbronxed. Buapending Solar», Doric Cainphens Lamp., Bracket Solan, Side do do Bolor Chandelier*, Brarkot do do Patent Lard Hand Lampe, Stand do do Britannia Hand Lauipt, CoanphensChandeliers, Superior Chemical Oil, Pure Sperm Oil, do CouiDhene, Solar and Lord Oil, do Burning Plaid, Refined Whale Oil. mliy HOT AJß fUHMAOE. WAIiKEB'S Patent Improved Hoi Air Parnaco«,for bealiug Dwnllinga, Storea, Cburchea, Ac.These Kur- noeei will beat economically and efficiently the air In the sparunenli will be pure and healthy, free liom drynett, dun orjra*. Tb'iy are put up under Ibe personal tupervliton of Mr. »Valkvr, the Paieslee, and have hitherto given eotins tat_- tseiton, and are In all caá«» warranted lo perform welL Reference N. W. Taylor, Eiq. Governor New-York Ho» pilal; Mr. Charles Starr, Saperiaundenl, do¡ Edward Be ment, Eiq. 47 Wail-n-, C. D. Rhodes, Etc 12n Peari.ttreei: Mr. ThoinaiMeElnnh, 164 Nastau'ii; Mr. Geo. W. Tuck¬ er, 206 Bowery; Half-Orphan Aiyiam, Sth-aveuue ; Mr. Win.P.Chapman, Brooklyn ; Mr. »V. C. Greene, 9lb-*ti Mr. J.H. Rantom, 2U3 2d-al; Chemical Bank, Broadway; Mr. J. H. Ajh, 2U2 Broadway j Dr. Alfred Wag*laff, 27 W», verly-place; Mr. Geo. M. Buow.SOth-d, t2Slf ftPlO. WAtXRR. 29Î Broadwav. TWO steai_~pëopei.lebs'foe sale. TUE Iron Steam Propeller», Pbeoix and Pilot, formerly running on the Champí tin Canal and Lake Line. Theie boata are gu feel lu length, 13 feel wide, and 6 leet depth of hold, and will carry on thai line 6n ton». Their inventory large and complete. They are each of 20 horte power, sod will be »old low. For farther Information or lermi apply by letter or otherwite to aSOtf_RUSSELL k COPLAND. 62 South-it. PIEKCY'!*. alPlNAX CORSET, and Lacrd Stock- lng»..Tall Cortel for ibe tuppori, ilreugtheniug and old la a euro if dlteatet of the Spine has now been la tue- cettful ute »ove;al yeara. aud hi* received ihe patronage of a number of our d,itlt,gulthed targooo*. Silll detlrout of extending in asslajnei*. ibe Proprielreu otfer« tbl» Cor- .el with renewed col faience to Uio«e ladle« omicted with Spinal dlSMSSS in an> of lu vanou«forms, li it modeled precisely to the female form, and will give eate. comfort sod tupporL She oliobega leave to otTer again to the coniideroiion of Surgeon» and Phyeiciana, a* well a* thoie ahlicted with «wollen or a-dematou* limb«, varico*« veint, Ac i.e. her LtCED Sroci-iNiis, admirably adapted to remove tboss dtieote«, and give Simotin in wa.klng. It ¡»olcelvad- ; .»led to me limb», and entirely »uper»ede* the common roller bandage. For L-,e»e ori'.c'et premium* w«re «warded at ih« 16ih and l«th Pain of the Auierican Imiliule, and s commenda¬ tion from Uta Surgical Committee. »IF UK user: S Dr. .Mott, Dr. A. N. Gunn, " J. R, Roger», | .. Cook, " Wotlnngloc, .' Covel, " Vi\ »-». .. Child*. Order» received at the moaafactory, 162 8ptir.g-*L where a lady vi 111 be in attendance. Tbe article* eon be obtained of ibe General A»r»»nt, A. C. Hillock .V Co. No. 143 Fuilon-at. New-York, whnleaale ond retail._ mvlS*.iW»_St* L'BBAKO'S* PAi'tKA-oLKNAl-AhArJCUCA. No. 43 Jolm-tt-ot-i. offer for »ale a full as*orlm«nl of Paper» manufactured by the Mettra Hahbord,compruing Ledger Paper», blue and white Imperial, Super Royal, Royal, Medium, D«my and F'.ai Cap. Bank Polio Pott. Bank Quarto Poit, Exchange Cap. Extra Super Cut Cap, ruled and plain. Louer Paper, ruled and plain, a full a**ortment. Paekei Poit, Super and Extra Super. Tinted Plaie Paper ; Colored Imperial*. Colored Royal*, thick and thin. Do. Medium, do. do. Do. Double Cop, for copy books. Fine Glazed Coloreó Medium». Royoll. Ac Ac B. A B. hr.ve alto on bond a very ex lendve assortment of Writing Paper», Book and New« Printing Popera, Piale Papers, Hardware and Wrapplsg Papers. Tbey are also »oit agents of the freut*« Patent Envelop Paper. Printing Paper of snytixesnd quality made to order ai tborl OO'lc«. IV21 0«Va>.vJ «-¿.-UlTH'si BOHtCEOPATHlC Phara»cy. N.». i32 O Broadway, adjoining Nibio'« Theoirta.Joh» T. S. Smith ho* a large askorlment of Homoeopathic Meoiolr.ei, In iloerare«, n-lturatioc». dlluiloni and e!obu.»i, Sugar of Mux, Pure Alcohol, D__lied Woler, Peiiet». Ac. A.c. Pav- a-.cla.«', Pocket and Fomi'.y (ease« Medicine« on hand and Frer«tJ-e»d to order. Homoropatnlc Plaster, a «uboutute for ordkiary Court aud Adhesiva Plaster, and an excellent *p- pllcolion for Com«. m'a if Àpotb-^-sa-.etr" Hoii. 3o Calhence-st-, eetablitbed ta ISSU. ALL >1KUH INKS ir. this eslab.iabmeni warrant-d gecolne. No boy« or mexrv»»rienc»d young meo ore allowed lo wail on re»tomera The f.a-«t SwtottH Lilt:« for to)-» car oppiieai bv oo expeneceed pereoo. WM. WATSON, Cbemlit and Phormaceuiisl, a28'm* From A Oarde-'t 372 l^xford-a«. le-in.îoB. WARK.A.NTBO CAf»T MTSJEL.l^ga Too-*.- Tb* real genuine Cocker Toola can be bod only at Si Atlomey-oL where they «re tcoie, ond «t^jrant-xi inferior to none, and ot George Sngg» A Co '*, ? Plait-«!. TboM tool» sold at SS Palton-tl and other alore«, «tamped Conger, are not my tnako. Mine »re »tamped thua. "Conger. 3S Attor- aey-.i N Y." Tbe name of J. Conger Br. is sdded, bavisg or» Interest In the bu«_te**. 13^ A :iba«ral »lloeraoni rartrle tr» -' -«'-r-t «.%> 3meand* ryO UOCSEKKKPEHat-Pereoa«!- want of Solar * Lard Lamps.now etteeir.ed on almost Indi»pensa¬ ble «nicle of btMsebo'.d furmtare. being both asefal asd or¬ namenta:, aad atlpplying tie oneapeet and était bnUumt lights ol any lamp ever mvt-nied.may Sod a very lar»;« ond rich osaortm-.nl at tbetubcenber*» »'..re, toaieiher with every ttyl« of Frencii Caía» lea and dinner teu, Allureett. lakitano», Colotroe BotrJe* and O.-saments.Cutosd Mousi ;.«*», Stone, Ear'ahea and Brttansla Wvf. Ac Ac ol the loweal cash pr.ee«. wholesale and rrttoil J N. MERRITT, tvylS 5i* 10O Bowery, berw««»» Orand and He«ter its. -TTIN VVAUE.-fUat»be«J T-a Cofl-e ond Tea Pota. I S-«ak Di»he« kr bol water osd lamp«, Summ-jr Boke Ove is. Se.;.S«_iae¿ Dutch Oeas, BsAsStni«, Caliender.. Cc^rnoe Tin Wore of oil »inda, tcltaMe for kltcbec, al the H-aLt-keepe.-*» Emnortura, aS Mtadea-utn«»._rjv7 ta-ANK ACCOUNT BU4IH.9--Ttvo «uCaocrlSer» k-ep conoütatly on hoad o tracer«! o»sor-ar.e-»i of Blona Book« of eve, y deocrtrfäoc, inclndiog l>de»Ts. Dav Books. Jouro*:«, Cash Book», In-j-jlc-« Book», B*cord Bo»Ska», Lei¬ ter Books. L.wyer»' l_jg1tte»rt, Back Books, Pat* B.o&i. Ccrpy Boo**, be Ac all made of the ben quality paperr »si bound h the most iub.uni__ r-__.a»r. For tola at the lows»; pries, at the Law Blank. Book and II.n Sior« si ' }è»UksSkai^\»VtWs»a^r^ g.iÍQO-S- _' POLYTECHNIC INSTTTOTE, TN* THE VILLAGE '? .aToSTO»VN. N. -_-Tba .=- l.ers.gied.f.rm-r-v pro-«-».-'.« ***_______'<í_______ rillMtfiSI, b*v.n_. '-run c_»v vear«' _x.er.ecce. fU: __t ibe área»--. m«-i_-d of ¡_*__-_on ouid t>e improved, sy paving more ase-tic. to throe branch-*» »¡-5 «re neres- »s-7 to prae-cal «fa, offen to ihoae P***r_s wbo w__ to j,;t» ie tbdr sun» as e_a_t_to_ at cnce .Iberai a_á snBd, «n io«_i__ « de_i_-.._ to a-aptod ineif m we preo«. par- sari for wfckfa the papü tnwaiec ¡ eîtb-r¦ ç_u».e_t or _*-____.'. ac-ort In. to thai for watch the JOUI_ Is desttced. oracail pr-Te hisuelf at. _-. _»j___ ,_.», [a i_:. ____u__g *_ be unft Readm?. J '»^fAA-..b- me_c G-ography. G-ammar. I«a_S S_-_Orssfc, Frasca, Garn«-. BM___aod lia Un. Cat_ro_--«*-»»e-<=äo=- B-ok- Xcer:"g. «i--_i_s m «_ ibtar =ra_c-e«. Drawiag aid Re'a-lar L*»---r».. of which lie itadeca w_l stterward =axe aattr-a.--.«. m ierre bol- «s sxaa _a_o_s a_d a* exiT- cise« :n Composte1 a, wi ". be ¿r.;-:^«» 1. >/£"-_! P__ojoriy an_ _£_»_*-» ra Sturu- _*/t- 2. Zoalorv. »=p.:-d to r±rtl «-cot-omy. commerce «3d _t__t__-*--rs, Dhu-n-ed bv .-»r-._-r.«. ps-cti-ga aad ex- curs.^.« for lbs rur-v&«e gf araC-CSl »»bssrwsBOB. S. Practical _.:-.»,, app te. ta Bor_c_.i»ire. commerre, medietne. rarsl and tomosOe »c»r_o_v. Castrats*] by part¬ ing«, IMag «»>»._!»;»,and siriiitrirlr« of ob»e v«_cc». «. T.r*»ii-Mf¡«iiiils¿j.*nprlH*- ' __-ree.r_ra. ecc.- omv. ebetcisirv. E;-.-.cg «no _r__»_e_~_, lliust:«-- by s _*_-*** '.»¦-.-_. embttm a: -itiic-I ot otwrva.or.«. 5 N__-_tJ-4_**o*4j and Ou-r-ut-}.iiirrSTTStsd bj «per:- me__. 5. £"n.»T»_! rhsto-y. T. Slaiw.ici of the <__*TS_t QuiSiUSIIints of «_r giobe. la M-derr. Lang-V«"». » prac'lriù k_.'w._ge nfUMBI, a* «pr.jter; ar.d srr_Usa, a* wel. r*-i, wfl] be t_»_*e. by recutr.rtgweek'y orillos*. c;«.or_»s _c la ib»m. A -le A s.'.slant T-», eben are employed le the I_i.t-_on for ibe d;£er»_tdep*_»m*_t*. The students nav» to «.teed r-t-'arly every Sabb&ta .ome piace of worship, at the discreuon of t-.eir parent*. In tue above plan. It ---.'.i be perceived iba: ibe education may be at ihe choice of lb» parent, »taped either toward a complete prepara.on for a professional life. * comce-ciai oce, or »ome pursuit depending for »aece*« on applied «ci- enre.mech».-.;i-,. j»c. Tee ia_or6 ar.d t_»te of lbs Director have i»d aim to the form«_:.c of uncr-.ntoery Rood cabiaeU i- lbs several sci¬ ence« which he propote* !o illustrate by collrC-oa», speci- mec«. painttDg», The '.> inter Se«»:on in iMs Iasiltu-oa com_ence* th« 1st of November and terminate» the last March: the Sat_- m»r Se««ioo commence» the Utaf May and t«r_.l_«t-« the lea: of September. ...».» , ». Tr«M» for Bj_-d Lodging. Washi-Z. iaei. Light*. In« and Tmdon, Mo-let. Language«, Drawmg and Music In¬ cluded, h-ee hundred dollars a year, payable semi annually in adv&nr« No e.trs cnarj'"« Srhool-Books, Copy-Boot», P»?«sr «nd Peiis are funilshe. at tb» usual pr.ci-s. Each »mdant fundabe* hi« own towels »rd bedeinf. The location of ihe Icstlluu; is in ibe pi--a»«n: acd nea.thy Vi läge of E_tontowo, Moamoaih C«uniy. New.J-r«ey. 6ve mile* from Lo:.ir S ranch. thr»e miie« from Red Ban«, acd onear.-i a ha:f tVcrr. E*tuniow-i Landing, to whi-h tv*. U tee» Ibe sieamboiu O'us »r.d Lew'.» ran daily: the Srst from Fulton Marset-«.;p, a_d ihe other from Washington Markst,N.B.New-Tore B. JAEGER. Director of the Insulate. Estontow-, Monm-»D'.h Co. New-Jer«.y, April 1,184t5. REFERENCES: Hoc J. C. Picked, Kenacsy t H >n. J. J. Cr.t.er.a.-n. Keotuckv Hoo. J. R. Puintett. Souih .«rnllna; Edward Johiston. E«q. Washington City, I'oct. Jno. T. Lew-,». Eatoctow P»oberl Benner. E«q New-York; F. Cofenet k Co. New-York : David S Dnrr.nmb, E«q New-York: John Atwiil, Era New.York: C P. Gro.ie'm, E»q New-York; Win. Von Eichel«., Esq W. C. Bryant, E«q Now-Tork ; Prof. John Torrey, M. D Nrw-Tnrk; Aii_n»ta» Belmor.'.. Eiq New-Vork; Ge... C G«n_o_d,E*q New-York ; r%7* III* ¿«..»iri-U _. it :'.e application« be made before the lai of May. Tr.»TiMo.««i*t.s: Coi._er.<t ,-r New-JaaseT,Jan. 18. -M8. Thenr.der«1.3ed-.r»ti'v that Prof-»»or B Ja»ger waaeon- nocled with Una Intr.luimn from 1831 lo IB-IU a* an Instruct¬ or la Natural HI.lory and Modern Language«, and during that tim» ?ave satis actory pn 't- of Ms a-quaintance with the*» »utijecu and we tase p'ea.-.ire also in testifying lo hi« genllemattly dep.,ri nent.al«o lhat he re»igred his sia- don ;:. '.he tu'..r," w-.-.h ibe regret of the Faculty and Tru«:.-«"'. Jam ES CARVAHAN, PreaWent JOSEPH HENRV.Prof Ne.tural Philosophy. STEPHEN ALEXANDER Prof. Math. Astronomy Washisgtoî« Citv, Jan. 5, IMS. We, the undersigned, teirtfy lh*l Mr B. jaeger (Irom IM' to 1«4" frof-«.!»« of Botany.7. lolpgy and Modern Lan- »;u«fe». *: lbs N--.v Jersey <'. iflege in Princeton, and »lnr.o a resident of tin* D-tricU a gentleman of profound knowledge and high «unrt.ng la society, but principally disilcguUhed as a BotaaUt.ZoologUl mil excelleni Lin- gul»t- We al*a take pleasure Id addinir our te«llm3ny to the high nd tuaora'iie -Stringof Professor Jaeger, »Ince we had the ple-»ureof knowing him. I Y. L. E1 ward». Commua, of Pecaiona .1 J. Ate-rt. Cot. Corp. En«. ; Kranci. Marioe; W. D. Nuu.o- the Treasury Denartmetit; A. G Dayt'in, Fourth Andltnr of ih* Treaaory W. H. Swift, Capt Topog. Eng ; Wlnfield Scon, Gen C. S. Army; T. O Totten. Col T.ae : T. M. Johnson P. M Hoas« of Repre». A. D. Hai-I.e, Saperi. I." S. Coa»l Survey ; G. F. Biase. U. S. Navy; Dan. R«t -itef, Atlorr.ey kI Law Wilson M. C Fairfax, f S. Co*«t Surv Tu. P. J m-s. M. L>. Professor of Chemlitry Ch. M. .-«iler. late Cl.iel Ex«m. of Patent*. WDl-mT Stone,E»q.! Prof. Jame« P. E«py._»8 tj-12aw BOAitOINO SCOOOIj..Irvtog Int-tnte, Tarry-, town, N. ...WlLLUM P. I.voN, A. M Pr.nclpal.. Summer se»«on cosirrn-Cci tir«i ,.f May. T" those who d'etre 10 place »on» al Boarding School, Ihe advantage» offered at tai* Ini-intioo are believed equal if ootinpenor bi any. It baa naea in successful operation elghl year».. The location, deü^htfiil and »alubriou», convenient of ac- re» from ihe cuy. The ed-.hre commodious and comfort- abe.the play-ground» amule, «nd dt'cunnected from ihe v:;iiL'e. The government Is effirtent but ai'ld, resembling .n' of a well regulate. Christian lamlly ano uo Day-schol¬ ar« are rr.-ei/ed lo counteract lb» «aiuuiry Influence of fam¬ ily training. The«vi.trn oflnstiT.ctlnn Is designed not merely to adv«nce and pe:i c: the pupil in lh- brancbe« «tud:e.|,hut to develop andtnsiraci the Jidi'mer.t, to enlighten -.'ie uuderalandlng, lo form the habits, and lo give a moral «nd aaeful direction to the incllliattoi.s Farther particular», Including Ci uogu* of Student*, terin«,_c. will be found in the circular 'or ibis Tear, in be bal on »ppllcailon ai ihe In*tliute. or alt.e Book Siore« of Bartlett »nd Welford, Broadway. Cr»«w»u's, 6_1 Broad¬ way; Ravror»', 76 Bowery. Reference«, by peruilision, to _ie followingdUtlng-lsbed geutlemeD Washington Irving, Esq. Hon. l) _:.". Web«ler, Capulín Alexander biidel] Markenile, H-'D. Gillian C Yerplaucx. Rev. George Ruho'.», j m^rreusirn Nathau-el §. Holme», E.q. I *»Jr-»,-wn- Z-he.iee Cook, Jr. tu». 1 Wm. Cullen Bryani, t»q. Franc.» Ha I, Esq. I Now-York City. George T Tmub.e, J. R. Van Re.sselaer, M. D. Harper Brother«. J_m25 feweod '¡IHK _.ATO~NTOWrn 1N_T1T_TK, (for bjy*.) 1 Snrew»bury, N. J 3 hours »all from N.Y.I« now open for ll« Summer Sr-«;oc. Term« Slï-^ lo $i50per year. In- tormatlon given and ctrcu',.-« furnished at IS1 N'»s«au sl N. Y. Ça** L-lters aJdre»«ed lo B. J. GRAY, Pr.uc'.p*l, Ea- tontuwn. N. J. will receive prompt attention. N. B. R-ference.Th-S.hool. _mvlS lw' INSTKÜCTION ON THE PIANO FÜRTK.-A 1 Lady who competent to give instruction on ihe Piano Kortn w!»he« lo obiam a tew »cboiar« on reasonable terras. She would prefer those who are about c immenelDg music A ¡lue addre»sed to M. R. at _..« o£ic« Will receive atten¬ tion m-.m lw* Jiiíiiü Sabber ©coos. INDIA IdBIIKW GOOOH.-Indla rubber goods manutactured t.y HORACE H. den-lane, after ¡»'.May Cortlsad manutac'.ured t.y HORACE" H. DAY. for sale al 2oMai- Day'» paient »blrrt-d *u»pen-i W»-,erme.'* and *portmen'» oer»; coats and pea-jtckets. Shoulder and other braces IShea.'» paient ufe-cbatr and Gentlemen'» »heel rubber o-j settees, with Day's¡mprove- ver-shoes.¡eaihersole»; ment: Do. rubber sole» ; Gr;.-tt.'« patent cotton floaier Sandals, cu for «pring a_d! for rafticg bale« of cotton; f»':l wear; India rubier glove» ; __dle*',ct__ rrn's and youths' udla rubier pantaloons ; i.'.l.-r «hoe«; : Do do »r.irred.nolw»- Metallic rubber machine band-' 1er or air-proof ini;.«uperiorarucle; Air cushion» aad pillows ; Day'« paten: hose; tiydri.tallc beds, batting- Lue pre»erver» of «!l kinds cap«, rubber lent« aad bag- First premium iadie«' Hie pre- gage cover». w»_>r bucs- «erver Jacket«; els,.igelher with all the va. Day'» pat-si rubber boat or rlou» other «tyle« of ruhber Pontooo; good*, all w«.-T«nted to India rubber cloibs; *__dbeator cold and wa- Macktntoshcoai»; ter. wiihoclchanga. The extensive machinery and other facilillo» for macufac- wn^g. embraced In three e*'»»o.»h_ie_i* beloagtng to the undersigned, enable* him lo _t»nre p*ompt execution of order* in a superior manner and with greater dispatch than at any "ihere.tt'tii.hmenl. HORACE H. DAY. aJ'eod DAY'S PATKNTMIIKKt'Ll SRAtEï«-"1.T1- PKOVKJ1ENT."».In addition b> all the former »tyle». ;te »ub,cr:ber r. rec*nily introduced * new «cd de- cided imprjvement, bv wbtch the suspenders h«ve twelve ¦mall cord* instead of »!x large, and lighter «ad rqi_ \z appearar.ee to the ése Kreuch woven go»..«. A fill «J-O**- meet constactiy on hard The twelve cord goods cacai.1 be found at any oth-r establishment, as lbo«e w'io pirate or. my 6«e paten'.» for the variou* processes la Hi" manfaciare, hav» not Vet commeac-d :uii_>nug aiv new »r.icle of twelvs crd en :.» _HORACE H. b.AY. K C"'ii»nd-«L GOODYEAK';« PATENT E'aitir Suspenders,m«_- uf«ctur*;d tt Sew«r«, N. J. have always g'.vea the be»! sail«'a.-tion of a=y in trie tnarSeL Thesubscnaer« w_i *»!- their remaiaiag s: vex of the sraaoa al very low prices. UJ eluding Fancy Si':a Gooes made .-xprea« y far the relai; trade- All our g-jtxls are warraaivd pertect, made up of the very t>«»t mater.aL, and tall lec.l-. Dealrr* a_d other» are i ivitad to call »nd ex_t__te our .WCk before pnrch«»ici e:*ewh-re. tf We **_ ch-ap. mvll-.f HtTCHISSOS «i RPNYtiN. B Mai.ler.-lan-. -K.U_._ÎZ"K_' (. LOTU-rtwa-te-aUtliu: M_-*>,e- ix-«a i'.. ..». for »taad and table cover*. maauUctarr. from Goodyeaa** M-Uuiic Rubber, ma» now he had of the m*ri'if___rer'* agent. GEÜE.GE BEECHER, mv? Ii»i Br._l.sT. MET-LUC Kl'HHKi- -«come B«ading.-Tai» _-ticie, so mach superior to leather ia every r-_p«x_ c«_ now t"_r___e_ of any wlrf'h or k__t_. without aay delay. GEORGE BEECdLR, gui_ Mane .ct-r-r'» Agec- '-'" Broadway. GOOUYKAK'*« PATENT.Anew «nd -reaaafai ar- ticie of Crama Cloth«, elegt__y p__t«»d. _.»»__-»-.per and more durable man Dt-cre- ovS_ CtV.il RPEfHK- lr'' Berxdw^T. FKKNl'U W'lMHlW SHAU-i»:: WINDOW Shade«..J. C. WOOUFÖRD. _*-, Broadway, w_l open iht* moraiag an tarâtes of wiccow «hade*, cjmpn*- t_g a cbot». «nd »elect »saortmect of wtodow abade* re¬ ceived ay the late »rrrvaU from Europe» f_»**Tb« la voice contain* fall las-icape». teroâs, *tyle Lout» XIV Gothic. Dj-.c. I »nie. and sum»»« every »tyle of «.cleat arc _ie»-t_re. A *_. a oew »ivie «aire b¡i___ Al*c, »everal caaea low prie«*, corn'res. î"t:"ar. ta»«-!», cord«, fara'taregimp*. Ac __>j Broadway, Laf-rgeBuiidlsg». a_7 \VTÑDt»W~SHaijk DKÎ'OT, N.« '- ïms« N. v* Y.-Mea.-*. BA8.T0L. DE MACNY CO. wou^i re*?ec¿u_y call the alter noa of country ¡_erc_»_l* and pub le la général, u, .¿¡¿^ ».pertor »iocs of wiadow ».uto» v-ryia«T la pn-«_¡ frog i«. 6. up to «530 per pair. «25 Sai t,t-l».>CM Wl>uuW-*>_l..Ufc.*f :.K-m.-v__-J. C. Woodfora _u removed from No __>. to No. _95 Blued.ay, (4 door» above,) with ac as.orttsent of tha most ____.bes Window-Shade* to ba feuad City. F*a- _ies-otyei_*v_^B_j«_ieirp_rchase*w_l_ad«_app-r- t_a'.ty » sake a food *elec_c_ at the ahove No. Amocg ttse assortment are to ss found corree: copies cf Claade L-rraia», Araek and oti-r s__* -led __=d*esse ?s_ysrs, »i »719 W00_y0R0'-,lîï-r-.a4w.y. jtegal ífotirts. 1*HE INDER**! lïNED k%*tag been ràty «ppototetî by the Hon. F-e»iere.x A. Toilerodie, R.curuer <f the C'.:y of New-Tork. Traitées of the »»tale of G«»orge Locx- wood. a 2oi>re*id»et det'tor, »Ö persons indebted to the taid George L»ic*wood, are bereoy required to recaí »r on ocec-aat stall deitts and tarns of mocey owing by tbeim re« ipccuveiy to te- cold Luck wood, aae to cay ¡he aaise to the Trustee«, and a_ eereos« ha-rtng ta their pcssestsoo «ay proaerty or efjeeu o' Ibe »aid L«>ekwc»3ai. or» require«; to d»l:vrr the «¦*._» to the T.»»;»«*», oc or r-efore lb» tiir» teenii aav of June ¿en. »_ office of Harvey A. W«ed. E*>q- No S StmiHl is tie city of New-York. ATI eredli- or» of ibe ««id Lockwood ore required to Islfver their re» »pactiv« occo-icta a.d ¿etatad» to the (aid Ti-uatse*. II_ihe «orae urea and aU-e. Doia-d New-Tork AnrQ Eist, IMS. ISAAC V. FOWLER. A3RAHAM C D ». y TON. iMj*-_ROSWFLL ... tiBA.NAB.D- ^'(JT1CE It hsrsby given tnot lestera »_i».tc«ra-»dUoc hov« t-eee grtnl-d by lbs Regttter of WO* Rf the City «nd County of Philadelphia, to the lubecriber. ,.<( ;»« goodt «ad cbouei«, rights one credit» ! Lewis, oi_-tw_<« ca.'e>d Aaron, Piout-late ofthe city oi'Pài-Odelptl*. d-Ceoi-ed i and oil pertoci hi-rteg dsiat* oc deraaadi «gaictt the ntat- of lb») told deeraseo. are r-quett-c M make kaow; the aa-ae to ihe rahicnber w-.trtout ceioy. oad allpMSOnsttdSOtsd .re reqaeoled to max e c-tveent to him. THEÔDORE DL'BOSQ Jewe'.ler. a.*) .»«»i» No. 7»» N. id-to. Phtlod» phis. \IOHAUK Ahi) tiLDaO.N MAlLRAODi UMPANY. a'I.Ta; Aac la. E.eeiioe for Director» of in:» Company will be ae.d at tne office of Rawdoo k Groe-«beck, No. 41 Wa.;-it. New-York, on th« i«ccad Wedne«d»y tl'ithday.) of June next, at 12 o'clock at coon of tbat day. The poi. will conuaue open tne hour. Albany, May 4ih. ÏS4Ô. By order of ins Board of Director» my ; 3 id_E. POSTER. Jr. Se.-'y. 1NCUANCEK.Y OF >KW-JEK.ï«EY- Bet ween Mary Gailoeher, complainant, tad Toil Gtlioeber. de- feudoai.Order for Publication..It appearing to ibis Court that lbs corsplaicac: ho» i-ed her bill in the above c»u«e Igslnuthe above ntm-d defendant, praying relief a* »et forthm the »aid bll'..and the pn>ce»t of tubpceaaU) appear oad octwer directed U tee defendant ti»th bo»n reajalarlv itsuec, retaraaoie to the t-rrn of Mirch. A. D. 1M6. but :hst tie de¬ fendant, Toii Gaiioeher, eoaid cot be found in ibis State, to he «erred therewith, and that be ha* cot canted hit appeor- oice tone entered ir. eaie »ach proce»» hod been dnl» .-»r-.ed. and It being moae to appear by affidavit to the »otia- foctioa of the Chonceîior ihot '.he aaid Toll iacber re- «ide» out of the Stale of New.Jereey. to wit. tn the State of Rhode [»land -It thereupon, en th» »Ixihday of April, ia the year oar Lord one tbou.and eight hundred sad r'jr.y- «IX, on motion of !»aae Vf. Scudder, tolicitor of the com- pis.tant, t'y ihn ort-r directed by the Chancellor, ihst the .old abient de!ecdart,To'iGftllacber, do appear, plead, *n- iwer or dem-.r to lbs coraploiaaat'i bill, on or before the third Tae*d»y of June next, or that m default thereof, inch ¿e'reebe mad» og'iin.t him as the Chancellor »hall think eqattah!» an-i ;'J«t. And It it farther »rdered lhat ihn order »htl! within iwentv nan hereafter !>e lerved penocally on lbs taidToUGallacher, r-y a d»'.'.7-rj '.hereof to fclm, or be pubiithed witlln »aid twenty dart in the Jersey City Ad- vertiter and Hmton Coitnty Repujiicsn, a new,paper printed and publUbed la laid Stt.e. and in lb«* New.York Daily Tribune, t newipaper rr.hliifted in the Stale of New- York, and contlr.ued therein tor iut weekt luccettively. it leait otic» m each week. 0. S. H ALaTED. C. A true copy. Saml R. GcMxrn*:. Ora. a.2!awSw* i«¿ IltíI_IFF'.S «*ALK..By vinue of a writ of Sen Olociatto ton directed and Jelivered, I will expo«e lo tale ai the vestibule o!" the City Hall ¡a the City ol New- York, on th«24ihdoy of June, 1346, tt II o'clock A. M-, a.i the right, title and Iztereit of Caspar Marter,t.i, which had on the Uib day of Marcb, iivio. or at ray lime after¬ ward» in whotebaad» »oever the »am« may be,of. In oad to yean veno come and unexpired. to a certain agreement executed" by the heir* at law of Judith Wlnthrop to on» Caspar Marachall, hearing date the 2utb December, 1844. in tue office of to» Renlstrr for the City and County of New- Y'ort, in LU>er 45c of Conveyancea. page 67, of two certain lot« of ground, part und parcel of the L»*nderi'a farm, tod known a* lois No. .»4 and ¿72. it an annual groi.nd rent Ol $120 for e«cn of laid lots, pavanle letri-onnually ¡ the lease, of No jej| to cu'i.mecce on the lit of February. 15 ij, and No. Ó72 to commence on tne Ittof May. 1845, which tsid loti l>y told agreement or« «ulijecl 10 « r»n«*>i! and alto »utject to a mortkfti'e executed iiy «aid Caxpar Mar». cboll to one J«me» H rl»tcher, for the »urn of Siótl, bet»,; m '-.-vi a iva:..- -il by «aid Fletcher lo toid Martchall lo but'd a houae on one of the aatd lots, with on and »in»ui«r the ap- pariei.once« and heredtloniant« thereunto neioiijlr.g. or tn aavwis- ap.iertai ing. W>|. JONES, Snerilf. \Vm LY0^, Deputv Sh-rifT. N-w-Yor«. May I.'. 1846. rryl3 l«w6w llfiltlrh'S SA..i,,-Bj-v;r.ui) Si «ever«, .ru. o >'tcri J-'acta» to lue directed and delivered, I w.,1 ex pote lo «.- ua Triarte«;., the 23th dty of Juan next, at lo o'c.ocx In the forenoon, tit the veetlim.e < f uie City Hall of the city of New-Tork, all in» right, tills and intereat of Jam-a Catey, which he had on ihe 3d day of March, one ili'.i'atanu »;<!it basdred and for.y «ix, or at any Unie after« wsxl» o! in. oad to the fo iowiug detcrib-d leateftold et. late: Ail that t-ertaia dwei.luáf house and lot ol ground altuatej l>inii and being In the iourih Ward of the cry ot New Yort, Oouuded follow», to wit; »ou.h-we»l by Oil- ver-»;re-et, l'uih-oait hj loi number two huudredaod iweu- ty-one. aorib-wcit by lot numner two hundred and twenty- three, and north-eati by lot Lumber two tunJred and liilr- i..-.. coutiinui)- in front twenty-»tx feet and two inche». in me tost twenti-rive fe-retand three Inede», ar.d to leo.ih.oa each tide, one hundred feet, which »aid loi of land it known ai,d dUilnguiibed «¦ r. ¦;:¦¦<«¦ r 12 (teventy-two), Ol.ver-itreeL Sa d ¡eat« 1* tubjeclt.) a renewol of lea jear» alter Ihe expi¬ ran -n e»f tne pre.eut lerm, which for twentv-one yeara from the tir.t day of May, 144.V Together with ibo lene- tneut«oni appurtenance» tberei.nto belonging. WILLIAM JONES, Sheriff. Fruoerick L. Volte, Depuiy Snuriff. Dated, New.York, May l3-.h. lerib. myl3 i|«6wkdi W UK'« 1 l"'l" '.. BALK..By virtu» ol o wit ol bell O la -la», lo mo d.reeled and de.lvored, I will expose to .ale »tlhe Ve.tibuie of the City Holt, In ihe Cny of New. York,on the »4th day of Jane, i-¦!>:. stl2o*C oc« M. ail the right title ar.d inlere.1 if Levt S Bui r, which he had on Ite i»>.a day of au. a«'.. IS'.'., or ot an) r.m- «'i-rwn !., in whoa- handi »oever ihe tame mav be, or, in ar.d lo " Ail thai terl.ln lot, piece or pitrce-l of land lu ihe 14th Word of ihe city of New-York.Beginning at a punt uo the eatler.y tide 01 Marlon (late Orange) aireet.di.iance In a northerly dlrecllou fn.m ill« norlrj-ea»teily Corner of Brooiue and Marlon aire-..'.« 1 feet 5 incne«. ruunlng tbeice lo o northerly direc¬ tion song the e»sierly tl.ie of Marlon (laie Oronge) tteeet -. el 5 Hiebet, thence in ta so»'er ly direction ol right angle» with Ma-'.oo-»trrel ír9 feei4 lache», thence la oiouiherly ,11- recllorj 23 feel 3 lace», to a point dUiatnl lu oa eoaierly di¬ rector Irom the eatteily tt< e of Morloa-«ti»i<l iUI leel 9 In-net, thence ¡ill feet lJ lnche* to the easterly tide ot Marie.-. tirc-i at ihe place of beginning." Belag toe preml.e* now Ka.w «. No. lb Marl' n-iireei, together with ail o:d iln«-u. lor the appartenance» and hnredlttment» thereunto b«loag- lag or in oiherwl.e eppertoing. New Yor», May ;.':):. 4 WM. Jo.NES. Sboritr. Wm. Lyo.v, D-puty Sheriff. mi,.S lawK-v «-¿IIEltlFI'".*« SALK-By vli'ueor a wru of rien ft- O cit» to me .irecied and de.ivcrou, 1 will expo«e to tale at tb-i veiubuieof ibe Cuy Hail, in the Cuy o: N-w-íor», un the Mtb day of June, laid, at o'clock, M «.I ai« r;¿hi. line Budiuterealof Itaac Tuylor, which he had on ihe lUin day of March, 1Ü46, or ol any time afi»rw«.-d, m who...- hand» »oever the tame may he, of, l-i oi.tl lo oil that cer'olu lea«e from Peartall B. Powell tn I»aac Taylor, .iRied Octo¬ ber lilb, lm5.recorded Nov '¿¡in, I8i5, tn Liurary 4t.' pa¿e 2DS- for the term of 10 jean 6 month» and 16 day» from tne date of «aid lease of the bou«e ouu lot mown Ne. rj Mou- roe-»ireet, in the 7th Ward of the city of New.York. New- Yort, May 12th, liüó. WM. JONES, SbaritT. iv. Vt. Lyon, iiepinv Sh'riii._niyia ¡«w6w BY OUDE1X of ihe Hon. Chariot P. Dtly. one of the Judge* of ihe Court of Common Pleat of the City and County of New.York.Notice u hereby given, puriuont tu the provistuui of the ttaiuie authorizing altschuieoii ogoiatt abaconding, conceo.ed. ana noa-reaideni deiiton, that »n at- tocsmeci baa :«ta-l agsloal the eatate of John Pieraoo, rett- aenl of Spencer, M«ain* tuunty, Ohio, and that ibe tarne wtai be told for ibe payment ol bit debt*, ameit he appear and duchirgt. tuco attachment, according lo law, within taiae ooath» from ihe li-M publication of ihlt notice ; sad thai ihr p*\ meat if any debit due to him by any pereon re¬ siding wiihin the Suite of New-York, and ihe delivery to him, or fir bl*u«. of any property within »aid Stole belong¬ ing lo him. and tlae tron»ler of any auch properly by him are far'.; id ei. My law, ond ore void. Dale»! tbe'7ib day of Moy, ltüfí. PETElt CLARK, Ally, for Attaching Creditor!. myl3 lattiaai_ ¿h Nnt»A!i-»t. N. Y. BY OlIDtK of Hon K. A TaLmodge. Recorder of the City of New.York Notice hereby given. pur«uont to the provision* of the »tatute authonziag eilochnieniai agamii ab«condlug, concealed, and noa-ri-ildent detitor», lhat an at- t:u-;:!LeM bat l.tued BafatDst the estate of of Jame» Mitcbeli, a rendent of Jeraey City in the State of New Jertry, and that the aaino wii] oe »oid fur ihe payment of tiiidebt*, un¬ ie«« lie appear and ditcaarge mcb altochnient. according lo law, wuhin nine mouths from the 6rtt pub.icar.on of this no- Uce and lhat the payment of any debts due to him !;y resi¬ dent« of tin» State, and ihe delivery to him er for his u.e. of any property within this St_:o hl-loa^in»' to him, and the tanii.it-r of any »ucn property by him, «re lorblddea by low, and ar» void. Doled th» I9UI d«v of Septemoer, 184»% i2-i lawl?m GEOROE B'RADsHAW. Atloraey for Attacbin«: Creditor. 32 John-tireel New. Y'ork. BY ORDER of John O, Wl!JCe». Esq. a Judge of the Albany County Cour'», oad of the degree of Counsellor at Law in the Supreme Conn, notice is oereby given, pur¬ suant lo the provision« of tne »._:_>, ,..-:ii- hi.- attachinentt again.-et absconding, concealed and non-resident debtort, thai on oRachmeni has isstie-i agamst the eetate» of Thomo* H. Webo and HarrUoa Gray, cco-re«ldenl debtor» and re-i- dentt of the State of M osnacbuietts, and thai the tame wili be told for the poymenl of their debit, anlesi they appear and discharge such anach.lent, according to law, within ame mor. ¦» from tee ti rit publication of this notice ; and thai the payment of ocy deOts due to Ùiets by residents of this äiate, and the delivery to them or for their ase of any property within this Stole belonifing to them, and the trorufer of ony sues propertv by them, ore forbidden bv law and are void. Datt-d. ibe 13ih day of Aagtist, I34Ó. R. L JOICE. ou2n lawirm Auomey for Attocaiai; Crealitor. BY" UKUL'H of Daciel Pratt, 5r»tJad«e of Ocondaga Cocatv Court and Counselor, Ac m lb» supreme Court. No ice is bereoy gifen, pursuant lo the Provision» of the Sta¬ tute eiiUiorixmg oltscament* ogalntl abirocdletr, conceaied. and non-rwideal deb.ori, laat an aitaccmert ha* '.itued ogoiatt the estate of Jame« Huff, of the Stale of Louisiana. o noo-resldent of the state of New.Yi.rk, aini that the tame will be told for li- pa» mea: of hi* debts unie»« appear and discharge luch ollachraect, occordicg to l«w, wiihin nine raocu» irozn tb» first pt.bl:eation of ihn notice, oad that the payment of any debt« due to a'.m riy re»:u«rt» of Ibis State, ond the delivery to aim or for :, a»e of ta y projierty «:i*_ ihi* Stale beloeging to him. and the transfer of any «ceh property by aim. ore f-jrbidden by law and «r« void.. Daiect the 7ts day of March. 184a. P0R3ES A SHELDON. Auomey« mil '»wiem for Af.acb-.3if Cred-.inr. Syroctite. N. Y. Y OUOEH of Charla. P. Doly. Esquire, Associate Judge of ta« Court of Cornmon Picas of the City oad County of New-ïorx. Notice is hereby given, pui-aaonl lo lb» prov»jtio_i of tbe»t_mte aathorj_ig attachraent» against abeeotniag, eoccealed, ins loo-resrideat debtor», teat an al- taeament has isaueci ogslnsl the estale of Alfred Kearaey, r»rsidea'. of New-Orleans. Suiu» of L-oc'rnana. and thai tie aarae »a-.11 be «o.d for tne payment of debts, aale«« it-pear and diacharge raca a_«chrnent. according to ¡aw, w-.¦_¦:;- tune .vonihsfrom the £r»t pablicotioa of ihi» nordee: oad .not the pty_veat of any dents dne to aim by residen'* of .Us su_»), hz.i tne delivery lo ium or for hi* use. of any pro¬ perty i inii|iii| -jj »;m, tad tne 'j_r_u»r of any property by km. are fortc.-ùec by i«w. and ore »old..Ds.ed the 'lila doy of September, Mb. RICHARD H. B OWN E, »17 l*w«>Tr Atwrney for Artrri-g Creditora TO FANCY" tiOtlD*» and Tb-oad and Need* Detl- era..(__r* ?le«_e rat ml» oat'i.Romsev _ Morri*. wbojroole eeoler» ia Comb«, Brasbe«, Pins, Ne-tílies, and eve.ç va_-i«ty of Pacey A.-ucles. Inrlie ibe »_enrion of p«r- »oos »_KÄtcar__iet-tc_ig butnoss, to coil aod e_a_tise their »toct of £'*x!« a: thajir a-w »ion. No. 25 Maidoo-iane, up tiair» N B Mer-hatnl» from tivter-aritrv In-iteai. «as im* BLANK. BOOK tfc «HTATIONERY Wartaonss. Tbe su0«cnb»»re would urn:« «_ecuon of Dealer, oad Country M ercasita facer*..y lo their extensivo «stör-., meet of Sisiiccery and 3'oni Boots; Letter. Cao and Noté Paper ; Envelope» of ev-ry tut« ar.d q-iaittv ; Go'd Pen» Gold ond Silver Pef_r_t ; Seshag W_x _-_ Wofert, t-igetn- or aviih every article in tbe Sienonery Une. win be told In quinan-» to »ait p-a'-bat-ar» at th» lowest wholesale ratea. rnylü FRJLNCI-a k LOUTREL. 77 M.-.d-n-laoeT' 1 8(1*1 VyAKh. HULSK. lil (si-eeowlc-n-.^-Ket-e., . Bfee-ae A Sampstri, rc;ces»on lo Bcormsn. jMnsoo« Ayisa,Co., Im*>ortsrs, ind dsaler» in Swediab, Raa_», and tBsjl__ troeSaCM*^ t_tt),bc«_-draUri^ W*ï". *& tvdt, bn-tr |m| a8dt-_*c_b_n,a_d«s«l#f. tv.tä-tl*. rtH-»» Ccgol -íotires. BY ORDER cf Chester Howe, _*<-_:-e. Sapremo C-'u-t Co*__ii*«.o_er '.a «ad f»ir t.« Coonry of r«n*r**j |_S, Notice üerehy gtves. pat-Uant to the prar*tot>_» of me »;«m:e »albonxicg *_a-__eol* «galtst arvcvn-ia.-, coc*-_e- *_d n.a-reaide.: de-tor*, ibai an a_a-_-"est _s* tsaued »_*._»l the estate of Charle* T. S-elloc a resident o'_- S__e of Ccc-tecüc-t, «ad that the «arse w-.. ».id for the pay meet cf h!» drM». ac'e«- he «apear» «_J r!;»» c«_riW »tich «ttachmeat SOL-«.lllg to law wit- I tthts month» from Era- _r»t pohllcar.oo of _t» _ot-.ee ar. : Usai a.'. p«v_i«ctdae to ¡urn by re»:»lc.l» of '-..» State, and -.."»e _i>- dvery to __3 or for hts'cieo'ar.v pf*j*>_rty W__t_ tt_s Sia.e beiocgia. to _._., «ad tfi« trassier of «ay Si» p--p*>,-i\ by him. are fcrbi.dea ij law «ad «re void _»:,».! the day of Marc.. '..««J. C. R. LS LAN .. Any fer Arrscbtng Cred -. ra-^law.r. Irv__*. C_a Co N V 1 OKI)«.*, of Ho. M:. ha», ..»so«:..-:. F;.»i ...".e ofd-e Cour of Ccm_tca Pleas for i_e Cuy »ad » of New-York. Nonce her»oy given, pur-*n»_t to the pro* v.slocs of the itar.ie aiitnortzi-g sa____e_t* a.» :.»-. »¡> scocding. cocc««'«»-«adnic-reai-teci d»b:or». that «: meat !-.«* _*ue_ a»-___.l ihe e»t*te of peter Count] » r-«td*nt c: New-O.:*>_:». St-it» of L. u'siaa.-«. a_ same w_¡ sold fjr ibe payment Ot* his dobis. u::.e_i »: pe_rs_d duchargesacb »ttachm-r.t. acc-or,»;: » In ame mootb* from th» _e»t pati.ca_.»u o'- tats -.»::.-«' »nd that the payment of anv debt* due to trru by i_r_teol» of His s ate. and the d-.iv»ry :». him, or for _.»._.?. ofany pro -"¦ tyw-.u-.ia_::« State belonging lo Situ, »ad IbeirSBi f »ay such prorerrv by \\m. are forbidden by law, a : ire void. Dated the $4 day o\ April. IS-eS. E. C. DELAVAN, *3 "aw9m Attorney for Attaching Cr» IN -*OK_*UA>CK of an order of toe Sun ». Co.aty of New-York. Nodes hereiy given to » I "- »oc» having .'¡aim* against Samuel Macauiey, late Jf the City of New-York. d-cea-ed, to preeent the »ame. w.:.-. '.re vouchers Usèrent, to the subscriber, at the «>_tce of E. H. Owen, No. T. W«il-*tre-t. in the City of New.York, on or before the «.vectb day of Jaiy next. Dated New.York. theaixthdayofJes.arv. -»t. JAMES HARBISON. ) GEORGE HARRISON. ' Exec-tor*. JJ lawf m E. H OWEN. > txeol Caíale. MAT PRIVATE SALE-Tbs two story brtci H. use and IiOt in fss No. i-) lW.-..st. s . lb* a-«v store« thai are cow building. Size oi lol-l by 116 feet deep. For p_n._Jari »po> t.» ANTHONY" J. BLE_CK_R. Aurli^neer. rr.vtj lw_No» 7 Broa'.-«L ÄAT PR-TATü »*A*-K--_-isc_ .;«t-.i. nTTÏÏi side. 4 w fe-t East o: '._e S I-avena,.-»ne of lot*'-! feel front Sv f lbs block. For particular* arp v ANTHONY J. BLEECKtR. Auettnneer, myl- lw No 7 Broa*..»». f*m AT PRIVATE »»TÀTE-The""twT»_Jïy t>rtc- its house and lot tc fre.No. Oewntng-«». witn tea r mm stt-ch-d. Also, the two *tory frame bouse and lot Is fee. No. ¿- Downing SL s:.« of each loi 1< l>y 7.'i feet deep. Kjr particulars, »rpiv to ANTHONY J. BLEE-r-ER. Aurtioueer. myij lw_No. T B-oii-.t. M TO HE LET.One of the lori* In »;jre N.>. -j Cot_and-*L stre ot ro«.»ti'. by S3 feet to '^e c ear, and to th» r.gtt sort of business the rent will lw made low. my.' Suwtf_HORACE H. DAY. Êl-'UH .ALE,or exchac^elor City property, a »nag country r»«td«ace about tive mile* back of Peokskill, oa ihe main ro«d lo L«ke Mahopack. The h.mse la excellent order, with «ccommodatloua su::..- »v. for a large famiiy, with a barn aad other out bouse« and five arre* of good land, ail in pasture. There Is a excellent well of w»ter in the yard, » garden, «ad frulitree» and «hnibbery in abundance. Apply lo JOHN BL'CKI.EY. Jr. all 3aw.f Exchange Otfice. i-7 Oh»th»ai-«t. ÄTO LET-For a year, or .luring the Summer sea- aon, a ¡nrne H.m«e,"piea*amly «luateil al KorXianl Lake «vie, togaiber with in« t'amiiar» If deiired To a gentleman inri man of bu«ine»« in tt». riiy, tin« would t»«- a ¡e,..r_'ii- Suinraerri'sldetice» The »leiTier Warren lOUCb- s* four lime* a w*ek at Rockland Lake landing, going aud reiurnin. to and from the Cttv of N-'w-Yok. Apply to alJeodlf A. P. STEPHENS, Rocktand Lake» TO LET.A part of the Cottage llou-e No. 16. Slat at. rear Sth-avenue. consisting of 4 rooms lit» a vrry Je.trable plac* for a gentleman and hi« «rife. Rant low. loqulra as above. myl.»ót» E7'¿ LOT*« ironil-tg on the 1th and Mh avenues aud -oth at: 8lsl St», contAlnln. an entire tiio,-k, pleasant- Iv siiuatod on elevated ¿round. Applv to rryl6 ir_KENDALL \ ''""«I W.er.»t ÊlfUK SALE.Very |..* .¡»i-.ivcluo.A uioo.»rn .> «lory liru-i« H, n-e, and Lot in be, ou Ut-aveuue, near l'l.-'-rL Pr'.-e til ¡i.l. AODlytO my» iw Bi.y.r'.i K-it it van ¡>vkf:. n-> m «.. M TO LET.fu» second, ih'ro and fourth door» in inc snre 51 Kullon-«. with weil bole and hol»t wheel, nit - able for a luht imponer or manufucf.iars. myll 7i" ÊTO LET.The upper part of a neat iwo-»lory and aille h .use in the rear or-Cl Uadl*on-*U con*l«ling if :i room» on Ihe »econd d ior and two tie-1-rooin* lu ih.e «lite- Rent eighty .foliar«. I", ».-.- ,n ¡.'.vrr, liTinie,!!^:,. » Inquire of S. T. WILLIAMS, 315 Pearl-sL or on the p-e- nit»-». tnylo lw* a TO L ET.At Brooklyn, Oowaaus, a two-sioiy aille and luwemonl hoa»-». noatly finl.hed with marb!e mantel* and black grato«, situate «l the cotnnieDce- 'TteLt of the 3d-avenue, leading to Greenwood Cemetery The «lluailon very pleasant ai-.d healthy and coiiunanu* a rine view of ihe Bay. Sta_e« to Kulton-?erry pa«« the door every half hour. RentSl-". lnijulre of Win. Tau'lv. near the. p.-emise», M avenue, or of HARRI. WILSON, myll TV 77 Muri-T-et ^J» AT I'ltlVA I'K !»AI,h.-l Loi» on mo !«in^i»f. ^9 nue, between llfi'haud I7ih «t«. .ll»o, 1 Lot» ou tbr ¦"Snu'h «doof I7i »t b-tween 8th and 9ih aver.ne*.- Por pirilcuUra apply to ANTHONY J BLr.E-KÎIR. in 15 IW Auctioneer No 1 Br.,»,t at ¿» t-O.t ."»ALh-.'i L'l« .iTuriio Hav.-.n u' Ko ,. t. BB of (jroiii d, liiciudli)« water »i»hi. wtia a lnr.e Houa-, ^^_c at Turtle ÖHy, on th» E _t Kivr-r. !oter»e_ied t>. ¦¡'. h. -in .] and 47th .:« l«l «vena* aad «venue A.a., ran- lar Ciiy lot*.valuable fir a raaideoc« or for man ir-ctu'lu» purpo»n* Properl» In ihi» Cllv or vielnlly ««rll In-t>»«-i in pan payment Apply to BLEECKER It VAN DYKE, IIIVI5 I»_Wo ' W, .1. M_-LTf*VV M(ll>_, aaillmorn .Tn « «pie.n.ld l«i lei ha* lieen lately refilled au-1 funil.hed in the i-o«l complete and ete.arilmannei, hy -eiiri JACKSON li CRASS 1'ON. and af-.er the Smh April, when It open» U ihe punltc, wt.l t,^ ren,|y lor the reception ..!'»tue»:». The. »xperi»ttce of Mr. Cranston is bo*l of tbe Rock way |».-.-it lou, *nd of Mr. Jackson, at the Exchange Hotel. Balll more, and at the Asior Home, N. York, i* i guaranty of ihe style in which ihe " EUTAW" wl. be kepL The i>c» lion the beat In ihe city of Baltimore. OT" The PAVILION at Ruckaway,!» I., will reis-ln un- der ihe charge of Mr. Cracaton, who, during the summer uiouib», will he happy l ; see hi* old friends al this favu'lin waterlnir placeat?'* Im SMUTlCJt.A HStlUAllke-A Vwai/i ao.i and Farm for «ale, near the rUl*j*«of Sotuerville Monier «el Co. New-Jer»ey..Said C:irin COOslst* of 125 ane» of Land, 25 of which woo«. The tiuildlng» «re a!; new, and oulli within two year».Houae «nd Barn both bull: by day«' work «n-l of the ti-.l material. Tbe Hou». la built I,' the cottage »iyle.3- by 3rf feel front, hall thriMigh the .-enter. parlor* Diit»ht-d with maxbie mantel«, piazza ¿A feet fi u. and 1-feet down each side.together with saObservalorjna top of said Uou»e, a iwo siury kitchen in the rear, and col lar under the wiw!« of tbe main bulldlag, with pautrtes.anJ all dagged through In the best manner. The ts-r. I* 6u feel loog uad painted white.Carriage House, lea Bouse, itc. Also, s groat variety of Fruit of all dejcnpllou*.together wlih a quaniiiy of »hruhhery. Tbe premises lie wtihinfu'ur hundred yard» of the country Seal, and about a Quarter of a mile otf toe Railroad. The placel» aboui two Lour» and a ha'f from ihe cttv. For far- iher particular» luquire of FARRINGTON BaRCALOW, In th« village of S imerviile, N. J. (if tfeod LA.NO OM T-IKn_-17ÍJr.ü.'«J. at Y-ñker^-TKor »ale, . Farm of elgr.teen »ere« of land on tías Ea», bank of the Uudaon River, in the Uiwn of Yonker* »nd County of We»tch««ter, w.thla 17 mile« ..' the city of New-York, and on>! mile of the village and landing, 'ie- twe-n which and New-York iiearnboat* piy regularly (ex- ceptlng lu Winter) four lime* a day. The i«nd good, ani the home, which I* new and eouiinodiuu», built in the modern »tyle, «*riih wide piazza« In front aad rear. Krom It a view had of the moal lieautlfal »cunery of the Hud- ton, extending up to the Highland* a:d down acroa» Ihe h»y to Slilea Ulanl. The o.l-tmiidlag»..coaalaling of bare, carrlage-hou»e, »table, Itc.are all new and In com¬ plete order, and the Ice-bouie I* now filled with Ice. There 1* an excellent well of water upon tbe pla»-e, qilie near the bou»«. L-pon 11 are «*o» large number or «elected frail and ornament«; tree». Ill« weil rai.-la:ed for « gecllem«n'« reaidenca. The above will lie »old cheap. Adjoining the «liave or the North, and also upon the river, are twenty acres of land without building», which «-ill be aoid with th_ »bove, or «eparale from it .if desired. Apply to snhifitfr- WM. W. SCfU'GHAM. Yonk-r«. 2A KAK.V1 KUICHALK.Sil-at-on lile lto«.iirom Now Rochelle to White Plain».«bout .pl-d:»i»fi!from each.co3l*lElEg 150 ACRE»' OF LAND, all of whlcb I* Plough Lan-, excepting Ten Acre*, which I* Wood Land. fb-pi-cel* ilvlded by «lane, aad Ulsld octlcloeoovenieot loi» for cni-vatlon. All the fence* are of «lone, la good order, sal the ground la s high sut» of cultivation. The build¬ ings all of good ctaractaraad In order. For TERMS «poly to B. B. KENYON, on Vses premise*, or of ¿Mf i ¿D.IANC.._«John--t.New.Y»»--. & .FOR »TATEN INLAND.On «cl Monday, April _9d_ ihe Steambo«!» ¦bYLPH ac»l STATEN HUND..', will leave New-York and Suum I»laad a* follow», nuui («rlher noUce Le»ve Staten Island at 5. 3. 9,10,11 A. M.-1.2. 3, -i, .> P M. Leave New-Yorx. fooluf Whitehall-*«, at 7, '), l'J, 11 A. M- 1 -, J. 4,5.7 P. JL Oa Sunday«, ih-r firat hou from the Island w:¡l le*7e at 3 A. M and it-? 5r»t i<i_t from Sew Ynrt. at 9 A. M. ».! PATEttlSON H.AJLKUAU.- Sumaer Arrangement Toeon__«_£ Apr.l .nil:, lr-ir». L»»»7i» P«TE*so.a DitroT. Ntw-Yoax. I o clock A. M. 5, o'c.ocx, A. M. II» - .. I,« .. P.M. i - P.M. 5. " ON SUNDAYS. Leave* P «tenon Depot ai N<pv-York at i c/clocA, A. M. <Ji o'clock, A M. 4 - P. M. 5, '. p. M Pa*se_ger* are advUed to be »t the ?er-y a few ml.-Ce* before tbe oocr of «t_rt__g. ,n¡ 5__l____äPÜ*öi <»H in i8 Trr*5^» w_» <ira*' ''¦>Í-'RS r tUJM rl -«-'- -"--«-*».<-T1 ="^=HB=Y0i_K TO oitxn^*m*m*\\\m 1N3 «ad PITTS BURG. r_ PHILADELPHIA. BALTI M0_£a_d OHIO RAILROAD, Cum.erUnd, Md.-3ft0 MILES RAILROAD. vnms,mm. a-cn To Weatera Traveier»:.Great Cclred S-«_e* M»U ard Pa*«ecger R.jat_ to Wne._ag, PitUburg, C_trr___a and the Sotith «ad '.-.-._ Paaaecger* going directly tbrc-gh. Leave New-Yora. foot of I_tK-rty-*L Nor_. Rl7*r| at ii P. M- ta Ibe Greai M_l Train. Arrive la Pb:.*de¡pa:a *t 5 ?. M. Leave PciiadelpcU ai p. M. dally.Mail Train. A-rive la B«, tunore til AM. Leave Baltimore _i 7; a. M- by toe Baltimore an Ohio Railroad, .:¦'¦ tales. Aad «mve «t Cumberland al 5 P. M. Leave C__.b.riacd at P. M. be toe Nation»' Road aad Good latest Stage Line«, and arriva In W_a_il__ ot PUia- .-r.b aex; eveciag. X3T Tux SecO-0 Mail I_t. New-York. 9 A. M. by Ra_.-o._- Leave Ptu-delphia, aoaday« exeepf-, rt 3 P. M. ny Sieaaiboal, and I A M by Railroad, tot BaUi-Oi. P«_»enger» for Pia»-arg taxe the spl-mdid aew «od mo¬ dern baliiSleamboai* at 8rown«viile,ao_ tntrraby c.iv *or_y mile* of Si__iag on the «.bola First cía«» Sieamboaa leave W__»j___ «nd Pl-sburg hourly, «nd P«*«ecger« »re torw»ried wiiboul del«y to Cin____it «nd an oi_.r Port* is toe Soalh «ad We*. Fare j-'. to C;_.___:. For tttr-u-b ttekeu by thi*ro='j> apply In P-lad-upl la at '_»* Raiiro-") 0_ce, cor_er of Maraet and 21_v*-t_. u, at 45 Souib Thu-a-st, aad oo board «ta i-*;b«>-_, Dock-st « h_f. Fare Ctrocgb from Philadelphia lo Wbssatlin., 8l_i lo Puta- burg, 312; wia the prlvtl-g» of »topping at Baltimore «nd re*u__ag »eats at pie_lara. Por farther lnfor_t__un apply to J- L. -LEMMER, Agea», a__r_«d Office toot of _Iberty-«t, _t4PX__da.A)_, l*AAd-e_r"_ (^st«o.iíW_^^|«^AM,wCüyKotel, H9.13e¡3««-w»7. n3>tpd Cttbur Co-j.-TjanrM, ^c. m ZtjE~ ft. RE«fLAR .vl AIL LINE becw.^ .."^^^""" *p*_Bdfcl »teamer» OREGON and KVICK ERHOCKER *" The «u-«_.r OREGON, eommap-«- bv Cap. p J.-3,_-d _.\":CKESßOC__..»-om_*nde- bv Capt__ g. Taayer. wiL rut. _iro.g_.>ui tee *e*»»'n *!__, '_. _r«t <»» of Aor_. ta eooneccoa with :_t> SuMtcgMtaSsl Provee*«-* «ad 8»»_ic ,;d rr-vt.leO'-e Ral.road«. ¡aa»;n« New.Y rt d _.*, -..day» exrept-j fro_ p4,. x_, 3 North l_»w .,5 "S-Tr 5 _.. _*. «-n__iai__ «i 9 -'CocA. P M, ar upo. t_* arr-T». of tie M__ tr__ f>o_ .oaton. nase «.ear»*«, are ;;_anr->aa*«_ m »pesad, »p'.erdor ted comfort. SavtBg each of .arm tie large- comme .iott» pnv_» sts-e rooms, a-^i -*»n_, lor ^ r».r*o_», be«_i« larga p,S The Steamer» «r-otSctW _-"_,* ao#l .^^.0*. a*^ "dii'u" f\"?-V* **?*" bew»«e N*w York _d tS toafi-mlt -ü--''»"¦». £»reby»m«l_#ta amollis» for «_ ,:c«-a 'rom B oat-c. Noria «_. £«», y. ^^ "" The «JREGON wul leave N«w.Y»rrk-T-e*__v, Tbare- d.v an. .alar,:»v. ^* Leav «tochura n.Moat*»y. We__*a_«y «ad Fr- .-.- The .NlCRfc-RSOCXER w_| I_,ve Ne..V»_.--_.û_. d»v. W edaeeday «ad Friday. Leav« Sto-iia.tou.Tue«d»y. Thursday *_d Sat_r.tr». N. B Pn«rag-r» on the arr.val of the «_»_xers at'__> nlna-iou p-oc*?ed i-ime.i_t«-y .a ibe «riendid railroad car» to Pi-video»- and B»»«u»n. with» _t any del»v; and » .»_#» g _.-» M_.t.-r "-ccmpaa.e* eoch tram to Boatoc. to i«** ;_.»-< .a«?¡»aggae:e. Kor pa*#age or tre'-htlacu'.re on board of the io«t at ou» No. S. R. oc of GEO r. F.URCH1LD, No. 1- Wa___ m-1_or of J NO. 11. RICHMOND, Pt.T-..,^¿¿7' sa .«¿""Ll»_lb:'»l>l---ï» L1S KSTB.Ol STjÄTa jam ¦Or'i'r Air-any, dai'.y.Suadav» except*»}., ^^^^^^^ihroogh direct, »i 7 ocljck,>. it. from the P'.er 1 etwiH-n Cortland and Liberty «*. ftinsmtinel ROCHESTER. Cap. Alf-i. Houghtou. wit» leave oc Monday We-.eaday, aad Fr.day avectagt, *_ 7 ,1'CAVk. Sieambcal HFINDRIK Hl'DSON. Capt. R. G. CrjUeo- dan, will ¡eave on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturaay .see¬ ing* ai 7 o'dock At Five o'c »vk. P. M..La-Jlcg al Iulen_e__>te Place». From the '»»>'i of -Sitia***-: Sieamboei NORTH A5!_K1CA. Cap- R. H. Furey, will «-,-.. oa T .r.d».-, Thursday aad Saturday afternoon« ti i .cloc- SicamiK-wi SOOTH AMERICA. CapL L. W. Bralnar«!, will !e«v» "a Tue*day. Tttiiriday, aad Sattirday, at 7 ov oek-A M. P*_«en»-ei» taking e¡- 'ter of the above Line* w.; arrtv« la A baa} b v i':e time for the Morulcg Train of Car* for lb» Eist »-r West. Fret.hi lakeu at moderate rates, aad noue taken after ct\-!«»ck.P. II, All penóos are fsrUd -TU.ng any of the Boau of this Lin-, wi.toiita wrnten on!*- fr-rn th" Cáptala« or Aganu. K'Tp-.i..- T fTeigbl, «pj'lv on N .rd t_e Boau.ortop. C BCRtlLTZ. at the .>».-.. on ihe w'»rf. t_3 __lpi^1^KW-Ys»li.ï_, .Vitwtuy ano fr».) Ltoe. S^fe^^y-gaj 'i A.Pitiy and Troy ¿ir«._ fi in L>-.e pier at the f,»ot of C.»rt»ü: Ist..Pass-n^e.s tak- lo« ihla Boai will arrive ta tint* 10 'a«e th» Morning Tral» of Cars from Troy We«l to Bud'aio, aud North lo Saraiog«,-" w»-.'.-h»;i ai-.d Lake Champí* n The ."w r.r_«,,:r-»»-,r.,!-.i.H)st CSIPIrfE, Capt. It B. Macv «rill leave Tueaday, T.iur»»i*y aad Saturday SVeni-g«, stl .V ¦o.-k. Kor passage or ireUbl, apply onboard, or «I the 0__a oa lb*» wharf. Nonce..All Good*. Kret.;i-.t, Baak Bill. I p*. le, or sn y other alud of Property, poaidvely al the owner«' ruk. «¿0 »ÍST-^.HW'kSíN«»' tiïNÊ ai 7 «yci«»c»7"fö7_r. 5a*2Í¡SB___i "J "'rv'' *L'' tntermeillate laodlug». frota *atmmmtm^'mlbr> »t-amboal : ier at Hie (bot of ri «r. ay-«. The TR«)Y lea«-,'» New-York Monday, Wrd eaiiav «nil Krtdav. al 7 o'c ock A. M. Leave« Troy Tue«d«y, Th-jr*. d*y. and Samrday al o'clock, A. 51. Lan'tln». al Cakl- »é:i«, We»i Point. Newburgh, Hamrloo, Pr»n^hke,.{>»j«) Hvde Par», RhtneN-.-X. I", lied ll'».<a, Bn.tol, Cat.klll, _.ud*oo, Cos»ac_la Klnderbook. Bn'«kf*«t sod otuoer .i: hoard the h,, U Paaieocer* t'iktn»' ihla boat - II] »irlve in time 10Sake :he Evening Tram« of l'-ir« ir.un Tr..y west i>. i. aad N_r»a to S«rat"g«, VVaUahati aid Lax* 01 'am piain. -.». low-preaaure «ie»nib.-i»t TIIOY. C«p'- t'."i.*in, Monday uiorii i<» May l^.ai 7 P. M. A gCKhls freight, ..« :.n.«'. t"iii» bills, v-'.-ie. of any other kind of property, laXea, put, or »hipped onboard thl» boat, man l>- -i ,__ r.«» ol tne ow-otsof «ucli good«, fieigbl, !'< »»'a _c. r'or p.i»«ageor frei^tit, apply on board, or to K. [|«_, atthe ,>'h.-e,.n Hie wharf in,18 m m]rfrmm a, UtIKN'INsj» LLNK at ? oclocâ-3|«j. ^^fc2JjMf*f*«.iiiany iiti.l int"r'i.e.¡i»t,. Lat.;!,;'g», from «___¦_¦_-«__«, t, sinainrioat Pier »Ithe loot». Hire ay.»_ ihe new low-pitMMU. «i-aintioat SOUTH AMEKICA, Captiia W. Brainard,Friday inormag, May l.ih. »it o'clock. Broa»!-«1 h.'I dluiier on »>onrl The Sonia .-¦_**>> lea -i««--« Sew.Y'W- Monday, Wednesday aad Friday, at 7 o'rli.rn A. M L-a'r.-« A biny TU'ia-lay. T0ur«d«y a_ii Sam «day, at 7 o'cloc« A. M. P*»*eoger* lak.ig thl* b«MI wti! arrive in iline M take the ««-..i.1 g tr»in« of cir% from Troy We.t to l5u4'*io, aud Nonti to Sax-toi:». Whitehall and L >ke Cb»mpl«la All e-i.nl«, freiabl,baggage,b«ok btl.a, «pacta, or *ny other -'..M of pr-peny, um. put or «hipped m Hoard this ' boat, mail be al mi risk of ihe owner» of such good*, fretghi, baggage, _c For pa««*ga or traight, apply oa bo .r.l ur«i in- .'tB.-e .in l>»e «hi'l_.> 14 _, jr*** yJtVBy 1 51«' BOAT for TROY «nd »£. _____S!____-_bany -Thr.ugh wtihoui landing..The _______¦_¦ ,,HB.,,i.,B, COLCMBIA. C«pl *..>t>,.»_-| H. peck, wtl! leave lh« pier ai lb* f,«ot of *-_»!_¦_> ^ aTJr- M.inday. Wednesday and Kruay, al 7 o'coc», P. M, Pessengtsi * taxing the above Boat will *rrtv« in Albany or Troy m amu'ettuie t.i ia»e ih.< early MorulOg TrS.H of Car« for the .t«i or Weal. Till* I* a new and »ubsiaadal boat, fnmUbnd with elegantStata Rooms, and for »peed and ICComiuodalion* la urrivaled on ibe Hu.Uoa All peraons an- for ltd Iruatlog thl» boat wuboul a written order fr..in the Captain ot Agent. For paaaage or freight, apply on board lhebo»t, or al th« ..ffir-e ..h ih.. wriarf N fr-l.hl tallen ..íter .^ o'elnr. a_S " -fr~» _ôl»r«'.*«n him to .iiunu*?«í_,y.. «^*--"'7ff:"""" LlLelor A.b.oy .ilroci-Kuui thO ^^."^¦^.¦^^.leSIDbKal lier, fi«,, of Ro-inxin.i Tha n-w Kid»..v.dtii »le-in y».hi RIPVAt» WINKLE, C«p- tain L II Aule, will |n4ve Tue»day, Thuraday auu Salur» day. »i 7 o'clock P M If »Ule roo__, passage or berths, apply on boaM the tioal. Frel-ht Mien at low r»te« »cd dellv-r»d aarllraetj-d mit ^,tr^»>j»,««"«r»'ii_i'i i«»,« »«» -ï*jrTîs7«T*_ v.. ¿0&jtjg^$gt\)"u '"<¦ wiL'ioul landing -N«*.Yi.i* and .Vl'i.ny Line..The faal and »piendld 0«W «-«R-iioal EXPREM, Cap. A. H.!!¦!...".-», will leav«. tbe foot of Kol'in«on-»t, next above Barclay, every Tuesday Thuraday a-'d Saturday nt 7 o'clock. Th* JCxpresa fltlad «un Ibe beat <>l lurnllure, wlUi spaelou* «utn ruomaand good berih*. Wi'Ji Lie public pairona.'e .lie trav-ling part of Ibe Community timy he sure of low faro the entire *e»*oa _.r ugti. For p.»agi or freight apply to ibe Captain o_ 1'iourdorof GEO.T STANLEY, all al ibe nnWim thed _._ .xft'**">a,>AV «-1NL A i 7 A. »i- K.H AL« .__t__-î_l__-!'. AN V -Laoillugallhi ln:er_i»,.:,«;r places .»»»».^»sss«»«»»»»"fiin |U)W |,jw p.-e««ure »inaiiitioal ST. KIUUO-A-, CapuGeo. B. It »¦ « wul le**e toe pier aline foot of l. ¦¦ -j .-. -, _t_ on Monday«, Wudoeaday*. and »rt. days. Reiurnt.-ií ««rill leave Albany on Tuesdays, Tb "*¦ da-.« an'' Samrday*._ _m'.4 if je¡fm" yt-tefftr Si 1T10 »M Tt» MONUPOlsT«. _¿g_^*j«g»aw_.fi,r..^^li w.inoul landing..New Vuraand ^^^^^^^^^Alrwny Line..Tte new auu splendid .teaiuer K rl.L- Capt Samu il Sduyler, win leav« New- Yor* for Alriuny ivry Monday, «V-»Jne»d»y and Friday, ai7o'«ii>e,x p. M from tbs foot of Robinson**. Tue Bail« i* tilled tip wilt «pieodld ilsie-roooi* , aud for «peed, con> forl and ¦.>' >l *uro««»ed by »tiy hoal on lb" Undaori river. Foi K" tj.it or passage, biuuir* of the Captain, on i".ar I, or ul No. 7 South-at, Puieager« lak'ng »tie BELLE will arrive la Albany la amule nine for the morning iram of car« Kasl or VVeaL N B. Freight laben st moderate rates._m24 tf _ jir,,-"|_K<IKT IIA.II1LT0N A.NU CONE. '"¦¦^¦¦^^ïilï, Capí. H. Ualian, wul connnntice rue- nlng on Monday ihe lalit _>*_(*_ Fon Hamilton only) as fo low« leaving foot (if Whitehall-si. New-York «17 A.M. and -I P. M. *nd V ,rt Hamilton at 8 A. M. Sbd 5 PM. until f»nber mmce. r'ar* lurent*. _fny'd la» PHILADELPHIA AND WILMINGTON. -fr«-»,» opposition LINE from Pbbadalpbis la f_-»yV_««_*-f* W.lui:r.g;or_-0u «n! -,'terTuurnlay.Aprti ***^^^^^^^24ih, ihn Urge ai.d CO.ItnO-IO.. «i*iaiiil>«»t PROPRIETOR, Cant II Mallín, will leave ihe lower tide ofChsuroni «t wii.rf every day, (Snndays exeepu-rj.) ais 0*cl_ca,P.M for VViliiiingp>n. Reiuriji.ig, will leave Hemp- iiiti'a wnarfn/ery moriiiugal 7 o'cloc«, A.M. fir Phtladel- ut.ii, t.iu.-M':.'».'. ¡too« and Chester going «ml returning. Vare lo or fron Wilmington,2$ cent*, r-i.-i to Chatter o: li ok,each way. 121 can.. «-92aw4W THOMAS 3EILBY. Proprietor. _ir*w*^T«i i:>lll.K.-.»iT*« «.--**v--_-r7TTt-rfB _i_r ' ______'*'' H^.k-iii'iiNou ksi I___?ir_5__afa 1,1 ¦ TAPSCOTT'i» Foil-.-»»»*»»»».«¦__ WARDING LINE..The «ub«r-r:b«r« beg to ir.foitn ibeir friend**ad tbs rub:ir. g-nerally, «rid einigraou par.eu- l»ny. that ihey are now prepared lo forward pa.«anger«M> »11 part» of ihe Weaiem .S:al»» »nd Canada, at the vary .-. a .-«¦ ra'e* *nd with » certainly of ;, ,»«¦.¦. s. expert«*«- ln^ no deiay at any place on the route. Being ¡ruera*!/ ¿ equally in »ii the ni'ide« of coovey»_,-o into iheinlartor xa. partial advice wu, o»- given lo lli-^se about uj pr«_^«Kl V jmt as to the best mode of travel, a* well ** the b««l er aU;t ^ take for «iy Inland town ¡n the Uolt»d Suit* or f .ad«^ ihe "Emigronis Trawlvng ____." which not oaJr ',7ei ¡tjsj rate* of uasaag., buial««> the dttianaa to ail p.M0f i_» Wat «ad C-_uia. t iget-.er with ita Um« a_> ,_., occupied in performing a journey to »nv given pise ¿ ¿,., ¡^htA gran«, on application at iheiroffice. ' ' From ihe auperlor manner in wbtcsi Ya\t branch of their Imsine»« baa h.l_srlo been coodivct-d. tee «ur>_:rirrers e«n wim a certainly nnaraniy that no dME«-*,;,« or _e.y c«n poseiMy tie el(», i«,i,ce l by any per^u ».., ,,y tb«', Lin«, _udt_eiM_B*)ro_( frauds daily c/ai_.u-d uy r miisrissT parties on p-rsm.n going We»*., »hjuld deter ibo.e «b<ut ¦ lb* r -«.in-- f.-om «'igaglag «_y where, hut «tin o_.cooíe»l*.-.;u'r.ed reaponttbtuty. Tb« subscribers would re-.re »late, tint their v-riou« cuiiveyance*, viz: Railroad Cars, Car.al .oats, and Steaie-riara,oca a* cannot be sur¬ passed, :f equaled, for .«rit-r B_rtic_lars, apply (ifbT letter, post p_ni to W. J T. TAPSCOTT, ít Sonih-sL one drx.r VV'-it of -i-ruog-sllp- N- .Vt'.k J.T T contluoe todUpaich-rsicl»»*packet* '-« London, L_V_rpoo4, &-.i», New Orlean», Mobtl*, Sa'aanaO and -btrieatoo, wt.h punctual ty. AUo, lo masa arran/einent» _r hrlastlngci ¡lauecger« from toy parlo' th- 'nd cmr.t-y. ar.d ftv-i drata for any »m'junt p«y»n,a on drroand t' any pin ol fireat Biluin or Ira an.!, m S l»wif -¿.r. .\QTiC-.. P«r««,_« »i»__ig to «end for i-atr JaL¿ ir.--':« ;u a.iy pert of i_e Old C-^-nt/y can rr.ase ".^¦. _^r MCSSsary arrangemeai al.h t_* sundraws» acd h«ve ti:-r* broQcbleoiln «ay of Ua» «hip* of ibe Near L.ue if Liverpool Ptr«ni». iae St George'* Lir.e of Liver» pool P_c_ri*. of the UuUjO Line of Liverpool Packet*, upon the _io»l favor*-,« turma bv «ppyln«! u>_ W. J T. TAPSCOTT, iH South-«», one doer VV» of Bur.lng-llp» Drii'i* for any au.uuni payable wiibout diaojuniln any pari of the L'_'.__ Kingdom can be obiaiced by appiytng u -... .i- ¦_my 18 ^ NKW LINE OK P »CKETii for Lrrerp «I - <2__i?AC»e- ot . »t .»:' .T-» .:. eodt I f_tt **| ine and "¦¦*V»_»_a P*c»-H «hip QCEK.N OF THil tV_*3T, 1400 too« nur-aru, Cspt. P W,j,>5_»__e( «ru¡ ,U1 .. Tnur» day. May -1»». 6" reg._ar day. Peraooa xrumag to sacare --.-.« . j t sot fall to masa early ayp.l .«;'.,n on o-«.-i.»l ihefoo«of Burllng-a-p, or to W. k J T. TAPSCOTT, At taeir general Paatage OSce, 8a Souih-at oa« door W*e»: of fs-r.l" g _.:»- Application to nr msyle a* «bova, or .> WM. TAPSCOTT. 40 Waterloo Road. Liv-rp»*_ Draft* for anv *_i,o_a». pay».;, ou d«__od, wKbo»- d_e cocQt. in «1: the pruidpai lown» of Eagi-ui, lf.__-. Scot* Und or Waif», e*n ai all time« be ontamnd on app«'<»r__ (if ntr '««tt.r o-iat' pai/it ».>,.,v^ mvta A*-. TAir**«« Ori'r» «._.N_U\I, «»ll-llii»« ^E5_'riON oFFiCE, tfl 3*-t_-_e-», »N'«w-Y«rf_, stA "tTTStj Wao-roo Road, Livnrp hi!. Pers»_i »ending br ibair frte_d* in any pari of th* oia couutry, C4_ maae ibe neceaaary «rraogemeols w.t.11-> »u»»_ril>e*-« on r-__»*ja»iUi terma. to have taera »r- n<!-»«»t la THE NEW LINE OF LIVERPOOL PACKETS The Slip« Comp«i«l_- -..' line, «re, it w«u ia-wn.t»v »urp.>*ed by any. aad their i__.. «ixe (ail »Hitog 1' . too» and l.p*-i.) reolisr» them mora comfort«-1« saA convenient than »hip» of a *mal,er cas«, and ibe n «"!.*! rell«a»-e may be placed In tcoir puaetuaiîty on »eiilng. _«¦** »u-Bcrtber* sr»> «i*o agenu for the St Oeorge Uaiosfn» Liverpool Pack««, in any of waicb passage can .»..?; i gaged oo rssso-ahie urrsi*. Pot farther -*r*___srsss?ijr I eafi* n*i<MWmx8llW»sT*t*>

THE TRIBÜNE. g.iÍQO-S- Ccgol Cttbur Co-j.-TjanrM, TO BY ... · THETRIBÜNE. TOALADY.PorTheTribune. Oh,whenthoocomfestnigh, Thorespringsatide of strangeyet knowndelight Asif tbeform

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Page 1: THE TRIBÜNE. g.iÍQO-S- Ccgol Cttbur Co-j.-TjanrM, TO BY ... · THETRIBÜNE. TOALADY.PorTheTribune. Oh,whenthoocomfestnigh, Thorespringsatide of strangeyet knowndelight Asif tbeform


Oh, when thoo comfest nigh,Thore springs a tide of strange yet known delightAs if tbe form tbst mad*» a visiou bright

Again went flc-ting by ;

With le»* of earth in every motion's trrac..Ais- something more of Heaven in the face.

As »lowly falls the lidO'er the calm glories of that eye of thine,Tbe growing splendors of a mystic shrine,

By veiling wing seem hid ;And then I dream why spirits left the sky,Charmed by the brightness of a mortal eye

I breathe not Passion's vow -,A sacred mission thine to win and blessFor by the token of tky loveliness

I know of Angels now ;Glad uplift, as of wings, I feel once more,Thinking of all the Soul's far bridal-store !

' Tis well we do not seeOb, stranger-lady, beauty like thine ever ;Vor who would ask from earthly things to sever,

If fashioned all like thee ;And, well I beed how trembles in a sigh (Sweet music on my pathway to tbesky !

' ' JaaoKX A. JfAssT.

Latear from Lake Superior.Extract from the letter of s gentleman Just from Cop¬

perHarbor, dated Gnaw» Bar, Msy 2,1846.. * " Owing to the great excitement amo.t?

people here, to see my Specimens, I can scarcely__d time to commonicate with my friends. I havebefore me and upon my table, Specimens of Copper,Qürer, Lead and Iron which I brought with mefrom the Upper Country, the equal of which cannothe producto elsewhere in the world. I have seen

pieces ofpure Silver weighing apound and a quar¬ter, and so down to mere grains. Some pieces havebeen wrought into finger rings with beautiful agatesset in them, and all done by the the blacksmiths ofthe country. This silver is abundant in at least theLocations now being worked.

I bave a specimen of Native Copper and Silver,which was cut from a sheet 49 feet below the sur

face in the Loi-ation of tbe Copper Falls Co. whichabeet is 10 feet by 12, eighteen inches thick in themiddle« portion, both ends of which are yet firmly inthe rock. Another sheet of a similar size has beenfound lower in the vein and down tbe alope of tbehill. There are many tons of this pure metal alreadytaken out. It contaios much Silver. Tbe Pitts¬burgh Co. will ship 140 tons of the ore, worth 45

per cent- of Copper and Sliver, They have raisedfrom 5 to COO tons, and are raising weekly 50 tons -,bat this is not all worth 45 per cent.Alt who were in the country last season, and who

will be there this, will bo agreeably disappointed.In all ofmy correspondence about this matter, I inlend to act according to my best judgment, and am

not disposed to give a humbug character to any of

my movements; and I now unhesitatingly statethat the country is by fsr richer in Minerals, thanany other yet Geologically explored.

. . ¦ You must excuae my haste. My room

Is novrfull of tbe " Copper Sharks."

Maq«_tic Telegraph..The telegraphic c.m-

munication between New-Haven and Button Is now com¬

plète, and a few days will brlug that city to us, a* far a«

regards a knowledge of what Is transpiring there. A fewdays are needed to test the work, utter tbe expiration ofWhich, tbe ligutnlng will Jno«p astride '.be wires ..id shootb*ck and forth between the two clues, entirely at the willof a singlo Individual at each end of this "highway oftbeugbt."The new* from tbo South I* of so much Importance just

sew, and la Ilk* to bo for some time to come, that all hastesh uld bo made in completing the communication betweenhere and Now-York. A_ soon as tin» Is doi c, the specche-of the " grave »rid reverend aelguior*" at Washington maybe read here and lu Boston beforo they fairly get cold.

. [Naw-Havou iierald, Isth.Fatal Duel..At Carlisle, Penn. on Wednes-

day bast, as tbe 197th Regiment, f. M. was beleg re- iviewed by Gen. Armour, who i* the highest officer lacomma--, aome word* spoken by Col. Artsatroog Nobledlreipectfully of Qen. Armour's character as s soldler.resultod In a'duel the same day at 2 o'olook, cau»lng tbebUtant death of Col. Nubln, tbe ball entering cloie to bisBeert. The body waa removed frnui ihn fatal *pot aftera Coroner'* Inquest bad been bold, and taken to bismother's bou*«. Au interne excitement prevailed In re-

Í'ard to lt. Oen. Armour has been arrested and lodgednjsll. ____

Sales at tbe Stork Kxc____e..-.T»'ESDAY..1,000 Indiana.H»'è5.000 Penn.s30 61.10.000 do. Gil7.000 Oblo Gs, '«50-9-'i10.000 do.«6l> !..9.000 Illinois.».'*}

20.000 Road Bunds.... 71.4,000 do.bit 7IJSO Mechanics' Ilk....I'd100 Farm Loan.-3«50 Morris Canal...slO 13,75 do. 13.50 do.»..12thJune M50 do.»60 Kt,14 Am Ex Bank. t"J

150 Vlcksburg. C850 Reading. 6490 do.s3 6«100 do. GH

_'. Cantou Co.37.50 do.37.1U0 Hartem.b.1 453<H) do.«GO 444650 do.4-1,i.5 Nor «fcWor.«3 52¡

850 do.«30 v.!.IV) do.»Go 5212-5 do.52.25 do.»3 .1-*100 do.»GO b-150 do.*3 3--150 do.1)3 52150 do.52J150 do.5'.'|3U0 do.52J10 Erie.46

100 Long Island.311


50 Nor it Wor....b30 53.H00 Farmers' L_an..bI0 23150 do.s3 :_.50 do. 52|SO do.52160 do.b3 5i»»i35 Morris. 14

50 Vlcksburg. 6100 Canton.37J25 Long Island.311100 Harlem.-....bl5 441

The following Is a statemout of tbe amount of coaltransportad over the Philadelphia and Heading Railroadfor tbe week ending Tbunday, the 14lh ln*t. and alio an

exhibit of tbe total receipts from the Scbuylklll mine* |for the seuon. It will be seen that the receipts, as

compared with those of last week, show a falling o_ of

«,215 tons, owing mainly to ihn heavy rains during tboWeek; nevertheless, the grand total brought down this

season amounts to 291,585 tons. The receipts for the

corresponding period lut year were 159,723 tons t

TAI* _«*. Previously, Total.From Port Csrbon,.6899:03 84 925:04 91,324:05

- Pettsvllle,.3611.18 58,353:11 61.965;»«)" Sehnjlklll Haven,.-.663:04 120.144:19 122 s f.u.i" Pott Clinton,.._i.lTtl.ll 17,316:1» 19.487:12

Totals,.14,844:16 2.0,740:15 295,o85:01Tbe shipment* from tbe Lohlgh mines for tbo week

ending 9th test, are shown by tbe following table, and al¬

so the total shipments since the opening of navigation :

_,_.' week. Previously. Total.From Hauch Chunk.9862 ¿ 23.786 33618

" Penn Haven.2.985*

5.536 8516- Rockport,.1.126 3.627 4.754

Total.13,973 32 350 46 918

Exports from the Port of New-York from the 8thOf May to the 14tb of May. Inclusive :

TO OS.AT BRITAIN..perm OU.gal*.. 36,830Turpentine_bbls.. l.OcOFlour...169b«Lai. Oil.ir*U.. 3.414To-ac«.-, mar...¡bs.. 52.166

OU cake.lb*.. 116,700Roaln.bbls.. 175l*ork. soOWhalebone.lb*.. 15.041Stove».M.. .7,000

Wool.bale*.. 94iCottou.bale».. I.St«.Corn.bush.. 45.9S6iCom meal....bbl*.. x.OOOTallew.lb*.. 119,SOt» A*h*»s, pou....bbls.. 3.S

Tar.bbls.. 1.098JCIover seed.lbs.. 12,181TO BX.TIXU KOSTU ___*IC_.

Flour.bbU». ),68:<jMeat.bel.«.- 1,092Stye-ocr. So«1 wheat.bush.. 815Fork. S60|Tob-cco, manuf.lbs.. 4.022-tice.._M*.. 600 Com.bu»h.. 1,000Butter. 6,4261


Lard.ÎU... 35 33.1 Beef....bbU... 90Hams. 1.-72 Flour. 200Fork..bbls... 700 Hay.bales.» 40Cbeeae.lbs... 8 250 Oats.-bush... 200.Butter.16 77-1

TO SPANISH WEST INDUES.J*__edbe_f..lb* 32.112

TO ST DOMINOO.Flour.bbla 30OiDry tub.lb* 27.006Woe.lbs lO.SWiLard. 430Batter. 1.5-llBeef..bUe 50

._ fCotamerclal Advertís««.


CLEARED.Ships Leland, Tuffi*. --.«ton; Henrietta Mary, Reed,

V*lp_r»Uo. J Herdman A Co.Berk Macedonian. Roblóte«, Portland.Brigs Cuneo«. Ulgglas, NOrleans, X L McCrtsady-, Ajo¬

tare*, Gould. Pbtla. da8chr* Equity. Edward«. Newport; Riehmond, Otbbs

S Bedford; D-.lphin. Holdu. St Johns, KB.Stoop President. Friable, N Haven.Steamer Vulcan, Orees, Pbtla.

ARRIVED.Br ship Chsrlette, Betts. 42 d» im Dublin, in ballast, to

) MeMurray. 225 steerage passengers.8p sehr R Porta. Ferirarrsdo, 18 ds fm Bells«. Hou.

137 balea **r**p_ri__, .6. bide«, to B Blanco. Loft noAsae-seekk

Ship Emily, _»-._, 10 ds ftn St Cr*l_, su*ar, Ac, toAymar 4» Co.8«^G*n«**»H_m,15ds fm Calais, Me, lumber, to

8ml»- it Bovntoo.Sehr Julia * Marth«, 80 ds fm Eastport, plaster, ActoSmith A Bayaton r '

So_r 8«perb, Curtía, 17 ds fm Machias. Me. lumbar to£ F Snow.Sehr Velocity. Mont*^t_ery. 14 d« fm Lube«, Me Blas¬

ter, to Brett St Vote. ' "^

8chr -cioto, Thompson, 8 ds fm Calais, Me, laths toSmith it Boyston-Sehr Richmond, Packard, 8 ds fm Thoaaston, lime, to

master.Sehr Franklin, Wooster, 8 ds fm Thoauwon, lime, to

Sehr Nidus, Smith, S ds fm Thomas tea. Urne, to master.

RULED.Chipo Catherine, Crane, for Charleston; Devonshire.

South. WlndKW

iliUs-eUaittoiiB.TO COTTON .".AMFACTUREBS and thoseln-

«.j:..< them..lib«* i-.'t -t be«*n de*__Me with enttoamtnu'aciurer« to ob_i'.n a macHne to prepare couon IE«*«hall be .et* objaetiunable or dasge'ou* ,.f tris from fric¬tion, «* aear',7 « i tbe c 'O milis thai i»ve been burue-hav-i been .red 'oy tbeae BMd__Mss. The *-b-crlt»»Tf«« »confi.*:nt that in the machi;.e he euer» to iñe pobl'c ibera i- a»iiuie ¿st-tee frorr. fire a» «common ;»rdiE¡j ma-bioe, and ii*propeiV.e* «a a W'.l'.ow or Picking MvUiine i» n.uC- beforeany in u»e la New Knglaiid. a* It »a_«-a iea« power. I«** r«*-

pair, will produce more worx clean -.be «--to- much bailer,and mo«e simple la construction,and wii. convey _»eo.c-

; 150 feat from the mac_._e. if -<_ir*_._ The c-Uoo 1» *>

perfectly *ep*«_"-d __.. it «fiord« UK» ¿in lb- .raai^fae"*-llwif*e^irai!brfro_ü;«cc__nen<l rere moça sssjutttSoperation of l_e .uceeed-.*. marAl-e- There U «o_e -0 or

more la op.,, loo In lb-- beat mil- » i«ew E-flSBn St

Lowe'ii, li__che*>r, S-co and Norwich.IEDMUND BACU.S. Sup'l Elltott Mia*,Newton Upper Kalla, M«__-«.«CHUTES, Aug. 7, lí_).

t. ..»m r_- eo«vra -Tnu certifie* that two of Mr.B_¿A;_ow.'Jein.accW-l op«r__on el lbeStarkmTT. The a«rer»ce work m«d* at the prea-nt time in Ibi»¡Su _M.*1'.«"Ctton per week. One of the machine. 1«

I wmowm_.>i>>.> lo« «ndt_<-ot! er.i.OOOpar week, it willb*"oo»erve- mat _»,<V lb» pmr wee* la considerably more

Hum *ny three of the Cooi-al Willow« are doing «1 Lowellat me preaer.1 time. B»con'» Willow prepare» _5,i.0e lb» tni_e «a_e ieor'h cf time much bélier than either the Lowellor Ma-o.'s Willow will one-third of the last named quanti-

Ity, without ..curring o.e half the ri*a of ii - It need» battwo-third* »lie power to propel thl« machine that it require*foe the Conical, and about one half a* much a* I* requiredfor Ma»o_. Willow, and will not need one quartar tr,e re¬

pair« of tnowi generally in tue al the present time. ISO rev-olt,lion« per minute wl_ere_e a draught of air *uf_.ent tobl-iw the *¦.'.! n 100 feel, and thereby answer* lb« doublepurpoaeof» Wlilow an«: Fan. I can with confidence recom-run-d Bacon's Willow a» f»r superior to any I am «cquaint-dwith, knowing thai if the merit» of lie machine are ge___liyknown.lt will baimmediately Introduce-i.

J.7. JAM_S,Ûver»eero.*Car,i_,-,atS:arkMii..I aise bave a Wool Picier, of which I will rjbjoia one of

Severs! letter* rt«celve<l fr-.m tho*e mine tbem :

ThePicktn. Macbitie* I h*d of youfor woolare very muchliked. One of item I* used for worsted woo! end we are

perfectly »aiUfied that it opens the woo] eatver and break»the »tapie ie«« than any other picker we bavelrled. TbeotherI* iise», for filling wool, ».-.- we »re equally satisfied thai on

abort, fuie and coOed wools It i* more efficient than lbeScotch Picker, Which, until we tried yours, was the bestwe could find. ALEX. WH ¡CUT,apllawif_Sup'i Low-il M. Co.

Non.-- TO .»lASTriKH OK V _,_..» _._.*.> ariiv-log »1 lb« Port of New- Vork, and Pilot*, after the third

day of June, 1816. The following exlract* from the lawregulating Quarantine, passed May 13th, IMS, are pub-11»bed for thtir information :

Sectiom Z Ve««el« arriving at the Port of New-York*ha!l oeaub'eclio Qasrsnllne, .-« follow»: 1. .'».-.,-.direct from any plate where yellow, bi<iou», malignant, oroiber pe«;:>i,ila, or Infertlou« fever »x;«t-d St Iba lim« of:lii'.'lr departure or which «nail have, arrived al any suchplace, »na proceded iberice to New-York, or on board ofwhich during ihe voyage any case of such fever «hallhave occurred, arriving between the lhlrty.fir»t day ol

Miy and the fust da. of October, shall remain al Qiar-aoitoe for at least thirty di}* after their arriva], and a>laaat tweniy day» after Uielr cargo »hall have been dl»-charged, and (hall perform auch farther Quarantine a» theHealth _flicer*hall prescribe 2 All vessel* embraced mlbe foregoli'Z MSS di-lalou arriving between lbe fir*t day ofApril and the _r*l dey of November, exclu*l*e of the limem »aid sub-division iiirni-orud ; all vesael* from . fur el,-aport, on board of wbirb during tbo voytge or while a« theport o' departure, any peraun «hall have been alck, or frrmany place in lb. oidmary paasa^e 1/oui wbirb lbey pa«*South of Cape Henlopr-n, airtvine between the thirty-firstdayofMay and the ititb dayof October; and all ve«»elsfrom any place, (including laland«,) In A«ia, Africa, or lbeMediterranean, or from any of the Weil India, Bahama,Beimudaor Western Islands, or from anyplace In AmericaIn the ordinary p_»age Irmn willed lb<-y pass South ofGeorgia, arriving between ihe«ir«'. day of Apill and ibeflrslnay of Nov»in>i»r, »hall I»«* «ui-jeri to -uch Quarauline, andolli"rr.»'UlHtlons,a« lbe Ileallti U. :er shall ¡.lescnb«Sr.c. 16. Every vi .«el having bad during the voyage a

cat« .if »mal r>ox, or ltifectlou« or contagious disease, and

every ve»»n Iroui a foreign pon huvlng pa*«enger« «Dd oolht rBiobetor» declared «ut.je'l to Quarantine, »hall on h<-rarriva at Quar*uline Ground be »unlect lo viiliailun by theH.-^lili Ulbcr, but «ha 1 not be detained beyond the lime re»

qulsita ferdue easmlnttioo, unless she »nail i.ave bad ou

boaid during tr.<» v,,y«ge»o_ie ..-a»'« o: «mall poa or infec-lio'isor ri>i<t«i.'iuu* «li«ra»e, In which ra». »In-»ball be »uh-J.'Cl in »urh Qu-Mliliuea« lbe Heatlh Oili'er «hall pretcrlbe;and It »ba.l be Hi« duty ol lb- Health Ulli'ier whenever heiblok» It 1» ueewsary for the pre»erv«tljn of the publicliralih, t<> c*u«e the poiaon» on board of any ve*»el lo bevaclnaled.Hkc »'. Hvery master of a vesiel hailed by a pilot w ho

sbail rilher.lat. 0:ve false Information toaucli pilot rel«llv0lo the condition ol bit va«*el, crew, pattengera or cargo, or

the heallh ollbe piare or places whence h- came, or rennelo give »ueh Icfoiit'.allon a« »b»l] be lawiully required;¿d. Or land any p«r«on from hi* ve«*e|j or permit any ex-

cept a pilot to cm« on bo«rd bis veaaW, or unload or Iran-

¦hip any ponina of hi» cargo before hi« ve««el >ha¡! havebeen visited and imam ued by the Heailh Officer; 31 Or«hall nijproar.h will, in« ve«»«l nea-eribe cliy of New-Yoikthan Ihe place ot Quarantine lo »» blcti b» «rail be directed,»hall !.<. guilty of lbe like offence, and be »ubjeel lo lbe likepunlshmvoi, (a line nul exceedmg two thousand dollar», or

by Imprisonment not exreeillug twelve momh», or by bothlineandlmpiLonmeriL) tlENaY VAN fJOVENBERGll,

my I» i>.1_llealih Offir»rGR£-N MOUNTAINV-C-T«-LS OINTMENT.

AMONO lhedliea-e« to which ihla important OnUnenl 1*aiiapteit are ihe following Sore Throat, Rronrhltlc,

Glandular Swe.llnga, Erysipala« Shingle*. Keloo», Ring¬worm«, halt Rheum, -'« I..-'.! and Broaen Breait«, Sore Nip-pies, Ki-ver riori-H Millie. Sores, Hbeumaliam, Gout, lo-,'laiumallon of the _>..«, lu-animation of ihe Bowel*, Pile«,.crofu na Sore«, Eure», Scald», Bruiae», and Ireab cutWiiuml".Ftwerful and pen-ailing ui tl Is OlntBMOt 1«, sddre»«lng

llsi if lo >o insny an i «o foriiiidalile> iii««*«e», it I« ony to ou

applied sgreeable io dlroctlons ti» sait»iy the «r.o.f,crupu-tous that HI« an luiportani remedy for »ill the purposes «elf otih. The olivlnu« n-K«on of It« power and «rfieacy In ».

many and *o/</rriii_tii>lr riltvaae» I», In il» ««rtv-ngn potencyto reduce aud «ubdiie 1'tltiuiiiallon, which l« Hie rxcltlngand permanei cau««-. This removrn.tbe functlous «if naturere«um» a h««allhy action, and a «predy cure Is the result.Tfil» Ointment l» purely vegetable, and al.bough powe'ful,yei mild tn It* ouerall-n* cotntuenclng a »nothing It.flu-ncewhere«'er applied. It may be administered with perfectsafety in a:.y slur«» of health, from lbi« Infaut If« ihe mo»taged prraon. It will retain tl« rttcacy In all cllinalu*. andany period oflime unimpaired E>-ry familyand lbe crew»of «hip« aoould be furin«hed with tin« Oiritaiect.flood, compeirnt end r-spoasUst» »gent* are wanted for

each and every Stale In iho Union, In whnm liberal term«will be gives. None need apply wliboutihomo*i s»tl»fac-lory refoienre*.

All «ppllrallou» for agencie« or the Ototmmtt may be ad-dreaied to the «ub»cr|ber» at ili.'lr depot. No 39 Coriiand-sl,New.York, ARMSTltONG HURD. ruy.n Itneod

CIBU« C. BLKlaLUttGr*- Pateul Ratchet ar.d ShellI Wool Plcaer..The subscriber» have ou hand and man-

ufaci'ini lo order, on short notice, the above Picker*, ofwidth und »lyle to «ull purchaser«. Hundred« or lh-«e nt-i-chloea aro bow tu operation, which give perfect satisfac-lion. Peraon* wlahlug a more particular dPicrlptlon, bydtrecllug a letter lo the subscriber* (poaipaid) will rerelvea pampbiui, with pla'es thowing lbe utu-r.nl parts, and in-eluding o list of bai.e» where our Picker» are used andmay be »een. E. K.ELLO0G CO.E Ka__oCS, New-liarlford, Conn.G C. Kr.t.i.oC-,C«?* Also olher mtchloery, Card*, Jacks, Rubbing an.1

Tube Condensera, Ac of ihe most improved kind*, on handor made lo outer. Order« by mail promblly -»ended lo.

mvlilItnDkW_E KKI.I.OOO CO.IM ..WAT! l.A.M) SM «.euetki Ageucy Uthco,CtDclsuail.Oblo M. L. Sheldon would Inform the cll-

tzeua of New-Yura, thai ho will attend to the purchase andsale of every description of Real Esta eand Personal Prop-any tn the Clly of Oiiirlonalt and lu the Western States; willalso eolleclnotes, beads and mortgage*, and every apéete*of claim» lu Cncinuaii or ».i-tsvui«. Any Merchants, orother business men, having lands or olber properly In iheWestern cooclry they wish t » dispose of for cash, or to ex-change for city property io Cincinnati, are Invited lo «end *ile»,-rlptlou ot ihe um« to hi* office In Cinclnnaii, where allbusiiii-us entrusted to his care will be promptly and faithful-ryattended io. AddrnM M SHELDON,

We»i Ififib-«U CtuclonatlRefermées.. Dwier Barber, 1) Corllaud-sL; J. Jackson,

49 Wall-at; Wm. IngalU.SO Wal]-»L____f__d_ACrOUNT-BOOK .IIAMIFACTORY, No. 77

Maideu-lane..fraud* Lout-ri invite the attention ofail wbo require AecoULl-hook», Paper and Stationery, iotheir exteutlve aasoilmeut of lodger». Journal«, day-book»,ca-b-hook», hlotlers, orderbt»ok*. involce-Nxik», bill-book»,receipt-books, etc of every sire and »tj le of biuolDg, walcnthey olT«r In «els or by lbe tingle hoot, at very low price».Cap and letter paper», ruled and plain, variouiquailUo«, almanu-ctuier»' prieraStationery ol every da-crlpilon, ».«me new arilcre*.

Prtntmg «uecuied aline luweai rate«.LEWIS FRANCIS.CYRUS H I.O.TREL.

myU SlaMoner»and B«Hi>-elin'era.77 Mal.lrn-laoe.

OS». JK.NMiNUb having toriueU a r»»-«.ai itier«hlp. with T D. Lander, late of Newburgb. will continue

the watrb-maklug and jewelry butine*« «t ihe eld stand, NaIM F_ilo_-*t under lie name and firm of Jenning» Land-

'er. O. S. JENNINGS,New.York. 8th May. 1345t T.D.LANDERJetinttig» Lander beg to Inform their friend» and the

public generally that tbey Intend keeping on hand, a* here¬tofore, a full aa-ortmeni of gold and «liver watcbe*. jewel-ry, »Uverwar«, fancy article«, _c which they offer for iuleon a, r-a-ir... » ir-rm» a» aiiv \\._.«¦ tn the rile m«R 4«r*

CITY !.OA?iî«.. Peraou« dr_ir>r_» ot tuveaitug _KK_eJm tl»e Revenue Bouds of this Cliy. p«yab!e in lSi~.

«rtth iniereai at aix per canl i>er anuum ; or in the Six PerCent. Temporary \\ autr Loan, payable m one, two orthree year«, with mieraalaemi-ancually. can do so In sumsof 11.»o and upward«, on applirattou at _ita office»

JOHN EWEN. Comptroller.CorpptroV.er'a «"IfiVe. Mav »liS. 114. Divl" im

trïï__NK¥>â AÑií^ ronsnki.or'sT"lT-cen»e_.A new and be-U-ful forw ol oipiouia for the

¦dniiulon of Aiu>r_ey'* and Counselor"» in the SupremeCourt ha» lalelv l»e«*n engraved. Tbe device representsLaw tupporte-. by Wladoa aei Jumce F r aaie at theLaw Ejank and "Stationery Si»»re of JANSE.N BELL.1M Naasan -L oppoalle ihe'-ilY Hall. -IVÍ5

IVKWI.Y l.llfKOVKt) MIO WE H BATU».-1 a Warranted fra. from leakage..Thl« Balb t* csadr en«dec dedlv «t» and improve. prin»-lpie, and obviate« tbeold and *»'j.i-»n difficulile* of tbe continual drippingwhich occur* on the u*e of tbe ordinary bata. Tbey are»bear and portable, and made sou'.) bang up to a »i»tio_-»rv boo*, or can be remov«. at pleaaure. Each bath willhold two patlaful of «."»ter. at«d can be arrang«- wlih dra¬pery apparatu* «so boitom èxture* or not, a* desired. Tbeprice t* put very low, *o a* lo come w thin the reach of ailcla**e* of people. No peiaou or family should be withouttbem. They ara h-.jbly recrtnmende. by the tnt-lca! f«__l-ty. and »re unrquai«! a* valuable heal-l preaerver*. For.ale, w boleaale a: d retail, bvmvll« JOHN J BROWN ÇQ. j_: Fulton-«_

1 (. ill ill t-KA.,««*. or Prmttng Pap_r, vix :1 U,UUU tSaSH-' J to 30 lh*» par ream._ixsi.19 .. as .. «

__t_2.Í0 *.»_¦'.S2x_! -22 .. ÎS "

.MrïS-ï't - 36 "

-<x.->..¦» " N* " -

;4xS»i.3D " 6 " ¦

S6XS7--0 - Si -

as*s»>-_ii - tn " "

.Sx«í.S3 - « .«

2Ssaí-«i " «6 "

¦iixiô ->.«i " 9 > "

for aaie by CTRUS W. FIELD, No» S Burttng-eUo.N B»..Printing fapor of any aixe and quality made to

! order._________¿JNIPK silOOTlSt«..W'ebav» received »ome new

¡C^pauem» of Stools for Sutpe Shoixuig: of lb» BlackBreast, Plover and Red Breast apt-tee. Tbeae Stool« are

woil Imitated, handsomely painted, are light, portable, andcan be packei br th-» _0_*_ or huadrt- tn a vary «mailcompa«* Ouci Stool» of the varioU» patters», oa ba_d, or

madeuTorder, for »ale by JOHN J. BROWN A Co. 12iFu'io--«- near Na»«»n._myl9

}S__Sf OR iRJlVEUNG 1N__ITA_«DS.A eiomlvariety of »*ockat or Trtvel'.ug Inkstand* for saie alJAN-EV BF.LL'8 ataaonar- Sum». 1» N*a_an-«l

f>___ WiUTK -ASTIJLK »SOAP mav always be%-r*¡^*ÁitotU>nat>r J. L CODDIÄOTON,

* mfilnf »WH-<itw«_«row farta*

SlisteüaneouB.STAATS A BARILEfi,

cLC-miite ako rcasrisKi.ac w«*r.«iocie,Vo. 173 Broadnat, tdrncti]/ opponte Howard Hotel.)

S'¿ B are now receiving t large aad «iezant o«*ort-. n»e»»t of tprlng and «ntr-aer Gc-atis, wäeh they wiil

max e a p to order tr. ¡he most fc__ñ_abls »tjie* at ibeír asn¬al reasonable prieet.fjtrocger» and other» can he tuppüed «.¦*.._ a very tcperrorortcleof REAOT MADE CLOTHING.Bine, brown arad black cloth Dreu and

FrockCoat*.S'.4 M to 62c, 00Sexo Gotho. Co*S-_e.ilt Pello Coats. 7 « to 12 .»"

TweeCc, r'.eri.«-.« er- L.+.L. Sar-r. Coa-J1. 4 ÓH to TOOPsnl* ofCoiwimere. Liner. Dr._a, Ac ItC... 3 Ou to !!*Veouoi White Mar*. Ctsbraere. Slsi. Ac. S Of) to 6 DOOvercoat.« light and lnwsflflll Tweeds, saxo Goths»

and Casalmere*. for traveling OvereooU-Al*o, a genera: at »or. »a »at of íar-iabing i -.'..:-». v-j

Cravata, Stocks. Tie*, Shin», Ccliara, Glove», Su«a-»ader».tils and cotton Under Shirt». IreAc_ml? 3-a

GEOBGE M. BEETHAÔM,sn»:n.oir tai_o_,

A ft Ç BROADWAY. 3d door above Grand -at, beg* ieav«lw to inform hltfrieod* and the public in general. ib«Jb* has Just opened the obcrve ttore with on enure new icoc iof goodt earefuily teleeted from me ¡tie importado-.! andmanafoeisrera, tad it adding to hi* rtock daily, which bewiil moke up in a »uperior style and a» cheap at rm be fur¬nished by any other »«labiiihmenlln ibe City for ess..Fute C:oth Drett and Fn-ck Cool*, of any color

from.312 to20Fin« Cloth and Caisimere Pants, any color of

pttlters, from. 4 to iFine Vest, any poltern or tryle. 2 to 4 5û

Pr.ee for Mitmg and Trim&lng.Drewond Frock Costs, from. 66 to 1C

.' " '. Thin, ". -to 5

Pants sad Vesta, ¦ .1 M is 2 »G M. B. bo» hod expérience la eurtltw for the last 10 yeori

in ihi* City and li weh acquainted with ¦_ th« vanout ityie*thai *re required in the I usine**, tnd will turn hit whole at¬tention to rarnisb gsrmenl» to suit the latte of those whomay favor fc_n with a call All garment* warn-led lo El orthe money returned.

P. S.A com ple-.e rait can be farrathed at any tim« within24 hour« after in» ordered._rave imeod*


DR. WHEELER. Oculist, So. 29 r>-cn-~<-eW'. A*. Y.near ice Bolierv, d»vr,>i all exclni've attention to ii»-

easet of lb« Eye tad Ophthalmia Surgery, and a**uret ibepub.ic thai there are not among ihe namerou* d!««»«sea towhich lb« btrman eye i» subject, any duorder* of ihtl oriaawhich ctnnot he (ssrnti.llj relieved or cared by him. Thevo*t Lumber of undoubted teetimonlala which can he aeea

at id* office wil »atlify lb« public that hi» practice !. cot ex¬

ceeded either In extent or »ucees» oy that of any other Ocu¬list In the United States.

t"=r OSes hour« from 8 A M. to 1 o'clock, P. M. afterwhich h« vuit» out-door patient*.A pamphlet containing remark» on Di»et»e» of the Eve,

w ih numero«» Inilancet of great curei tffecled by Dr.Wheeler*, mode of treatment, can t-e bad groluiioutiy at

hi» rssidei ce, or the lame w.ü be forwarded lo any one

Tnakir,»r app.i-ation to him, ponpaid._my 11 Imeod'

TEIBUNE JOB PRINTING OfflCE.No. 7 Sparcn-STiriKT.(Three doort from Suaum-ttreet.)

THE fadlltJetoflhtieiuhluhment for J08 PRINTINGare, ptrhspi. uo«urpa*»ed by any office In the city. The

patronage of the latt year ha* been t-¿cb a* to guáranle« a

great exlenatoo in our retoure»»«. We therefore, with con¬fidence, liane the following CordTO MERCHANTS..¡Merchants »applied with all klndt

ofPRINTING at the cheapest rale, viz :Card.. Bliit Lading,Circulan, Receipt*.Blil H»ad», Cbecki.ltc

To LlTik.av GEHTLEMtM..Original JUanutcrtptt priai»ed with accuracy.

Pamphlets, Blereotype Work, and all klndt ofBook«. Letter Prea Printing.

To LscTuaeatASD Mcticuaa.Progromntti beautifullypriated.

lecture Bills, Small Bill« for Dittrl-.Wiranwl,1. Ilúh. button, Jtr.

And every detcrlption of Plain and Orrutmrntal Job Work,executed with great neataaei» and punctuality, at the Ornee,No. 7 Spruc.-»uThe Improved POWER PRESSES, for Boon, Pam-

fhlkts, AcAil work on tbe abov« Prenei will be done at exiraordi-

nary low prices. J. A KRAETA3,J12lf Tribune Job Printer,

~~NEW APPARATUS» FOR~EVÄPOHATInQ-BY STEAM.The «ub»ciiher» ore now prepared lo iup-

ply ordert for their Improved Evaporator.Tni» «pparatut will be found to be of gr-joi value for con¬

centrating »oluiiona of «u.:ar and tbevorioua chemical «alt»,making ee.tr art» of dye-woods, healing oil» for purification,dlittlncg turpenitne, and In «horl for every operation ofhoming, evaporating or concentrating liquid«, wherein It iidetlrobie tu ut« ine h»ol of »teem rather Ir.an a fire. Itevaporalei wttb greater rapidity in no »ny spparotui everbefore constructed. Atan evidence ol Its excellence It uonly necoaaary lu «late thai alaluie fair of the American In-ttitutelt received the premium! of a gold medal aud a »livercup a» one ol Uw five moil valuable invention» exhibitedthalyear. JAMES J. MAPES, ) Coniulttng

WILLIAM A. COX. J Engineer»,mid 2ow3m* Nit IIS Chainh»i-»i. New York.

H-aVv-QDE LoC-S.

TUTTLE It DAY. Loekmtkera, No. 6 Mec.hanic.it New-art, N J. otfer lor aale lo Ibe Irai« at low price«, a gen¬

eral »«aonmentof well fiolihed Houae and Store-door, Kimond Momee Lock! They olio manufactureexclutiveiy thePotent Cylindrical NU bt Latch, in improved lorm. and Tin-tie«'« Pai'-tt.ieif-Protecting Book ana Store Door Locka.st»äawlmWfcS«



BROTHER A CO.. No. 13 Jobn-itreet, ore manutaciuilugand have atway* on hand a completeoiiorunentof«nicle» intbelrllne, of the following .ie«cr1piloi,t. which tbey will tellSt wbolijaelij or retail, at LOW P ill C ES for caibImproved Cbemicsl Oil and Carnphrnelaoinpt,Bola Lampi.t'll'. e.nd Bronzed, in gi eat variety,Corneliui A Co'» cel»l»raledpotent Solar Lard L imp t,Girandole*, var.oi.i paitemi. ffilLedlvered orbronxed.Buapending Solar», Doric Cainphens Lamp.,Bracket Solan, Side do doBolor Chandelier*, Brarkot do doPatent Lard Hand Lampe, Stand do doBritannia Hand Lauipt, CoanphensChandeliers,Superior Chemical Oil, Pure Sperm Oil,

do CouiDhene, Solar and Lord Oil,do Burning Plaid, Refined Whale Oil. mliy


WAIiKEB'S Patent Improved Hoi Air Parnaco«,forbealiug Dwnllinga, Storea, Cburchea, Ac.These Kur-

noeei will beat economically and efficiently the air In thesparunenli will be pure and healthy, free liom drynett, dunorjra*.Tb'iy are put up under Ibe personal tupervliton of Mr.

»Valkvr, the Paieslee, and have hitherto given eotins tat_-tseiton, and are In all caá«» warranted lo perform welLReference N. W. Taylor, Eiq. Governor New-York Ho»

pilal; Mr. Charles Starr, Saperiaundenl, do¡ Edward Bement, Eiq. 47 Wail-n-, C. D. Rhodes, Etc 12n Peari.ttreei:Mr. ThoinaiMeElnnh, 164 Nastau'ii; Mr. Geo. W. Tuck¬er, 206 Bowery; Half-Orphan Aiyiam, Sth-aveuue ; Mr.Win.P.Chapman, Brooklyn ; Mr. »V. C. Greene, _» 9lb-*tiMr. J.H. Rantom, 2U3 2d-al; Chemical Bank, Broadway;Mr. J. H. Ajh, 2U2 Broadway j Dr. Alfred Wag*laff, 27 W»,verly-place; Mr. Geo. M. Buow.SOth-d,t2Slf ftPlO. WAtXRR. 29Î Broadwav.

TWO steai_~pëopei.lebs'foe sale.

TUE Iron Steam Propeller», Pbeoix and Pilot, formerlyrunning on the Champí tin Canal and Lake Line. Theie

boata are gu feel lu length, 13 feel wide, and 6 leet depth ofhold, and will carry on thai line 6n ton». Their inventory i»large and complete. They are each of 20 horte power, sodwill be »old low. For farther Information or lermi applyby letter or otherwite to

aSOtf_RUSSELL k COPLAND. 62 South-it.

PIEKCY'!*. alPlNAX CORSET, and Lacrd Stock-lng»..Tall Cortel for ibe tuppori, ilreugtheniug and

old la a euro if dlteatet of the Spine has now been la tue-cettful ute »ove;al yeara. aud hi* received ihe patronage ofa number of our d,itlt,gulthed targooo*. Silll detlrout ofextending in asslajnei*. ibe Proprielreu otfer« tbl» Cor-.el with renewed col faience to Uio«e ladle« omicted withSpinal dlSMSSS in an> of lu vanou«forms, li it modeledprecisely to the female form, and will give eate. comfortsod tupporLShe oliobega leave to otTer again to the coniideroiion of

Surgeon» and Phyeiciana, a* well a* thoie ahlicted with«wollen or a-dematou* limb«, varico*« veint, Ac i.e. herLtCED Sroci-iNiis, a» admirably adapted to remove tbossdtieote«, and give Simotin in wa.klng. It ¡»olcelvad-; .»led to me limb», and entirely »uper»ede* the commonroller bandage.For L-,e»e ori'.c'et premium* w«re «warded at ih« 16ih

and l«th Pain of the Auierican Imiliule, and s commenda¬tion from Uta Surgical Committee.

»IF UK user: SDr. .Mott, Dr. A. N. Gunn," J. R, Roger», | .. Cook," Wotlnngloc, .' Covel," Vi\ »-». .. Child*.Order» received at the moaafactory, 162 8ptir.g-*L where

a lady vi 111 be in attendance.Tbe article* eon be obtained of ibe General A»r»»nt, A. C.

Hillock .V Co. No. 143 Fuilon-at. New-York, whnleaale ondretail._ mvlS*.iW»_St*

L'BBAKO'S* PAi'tKA-oLKNAl-AhArJCUCA.No. 43 Jolm-tt-ot-i. offer for »ale a full as*orlm«nl of

Paper» manufactured by the Mettra Hahbord,compruingLedger Paper», blue and white Imperial, Super Royal,

Royal, Medium, D«my and F'.ai Cap.Bank Polio Pott. Bank Quarto Poit, Exchange Cap.Extra Super Cut Cap, ruled and plain.Louer Paper, ruled and plain, a full a**ortment.Paekei Poit, Super and Extra Super.Tinted Plaie Paper ; Colored Imperial*.Colored Royal*, thick and thin.Do. Medium, do. do.Do. Double Cop, for copy books.

Fine Glazed Coloreó Medium». Royoll. Ac AcB. A B. hr.ve alto on bond a very ex lendve assortment of

Writing Paper», Book and New« Printing Popera, PialePapers, Hardware and Wrapplsg Papers. Tbey are also»oit agents of the freut*« Patent Envelop Paper.

Printing Paper of snytixesnd quality made to order aitborlOO'lc«. IV21 0«Va>.vJ

«-¿.-UlTH'si BOHtCEOPATHlC Phara»cy. N.». i32O Broadway, adjoining Nibio'« Theoirta.Joh» T. S.Smith ho* a large askorlment of Homoeopathic Meoiolr.ei,In iloerare«, n-lturatioc». dlluiloni and e!obu.»i, Sugar ofMux, Pure Alcohol, D__lied Woler, Peiiet». Ac. A.c. Pav-a-.cla.«', Pocket and Fomi'.y (ease« oí Medicine« on hand andFrer«tJ-e»d to order. Homoropatnlc Plaster, a «uboutute forordkiary Court aud Adhesiva Plaster, and an excellent *p-pllcolion for Com«. m'a if

Àpotb-^-sa-.etr" Hoii. 3o Calhence-st-, eetablitbed ta ISSU.

ALL >1KUH INKS ir. this eslab.iabmeni warrant-dgecolne. No boy« or mexrv»»rienc»d young meo ore

allowed lo wail on re»tomera The f.a-«t SwtottH Lilt:«E» for to)-» car oppiieai bv oo expeneceed pereoo.

WM. WATSON, Cbemlit and Phormaceuiisl,a28'm* From A Oarde-'t 372 l^xford-a«. le-in.îoB.

WARK.A.NTBO CAf»T MTSJEL.l^ga Too-*.-Tb* real genuine Cocker Toola can be bod only at Si

Atlomey-oL where they «re tcoie, ond «t^jrant-xi inferior tonone, and ot George Sngg» A Co '*, ? Plait-«!. TboM tool»sold at SS Palton-tl and other alore«, «tamped Conger, arenot my tnako. Mine »re »tamped thua. "Conger. 3S Attor-aey-.i N Y." Tbe name of J. Conger Br. is sdded, bavisgor» Interest In the bu«_te**.13^ A :iba«ral »lloeraoni rartrle tr» -' -«'-r-t «.%> 3meand*

ryO UOCSEKKKPEHat-Pereoa«!- want of Solar* Lard Lamps.now etteeir.ed on almost Indi»pensa¬

ble «nicle of btMsebo'.d furmtare. being both asefal asd or¬

namenta:, aad atlpplying tie oneapeet and était bnUumtlights ol any lamp ever mvt-nied.may Sod a very lar»;«ond rich osaortm-.nl at tbetubcenber*» »'..re, toaieiher withevery ttyl« of Frencii Caía» lea and dinner teu, Allureett.lakitano», Colotroe BotrJe* and O.-saments.Cutosd Mousi;.«*», Stone, Ear'ahea and Brttansla Wvf. Ac Ac ol theloweal cash pr.ee«. wholesale and rrttoil

J N. MERRITT,tvylS 5i* 10O Bowery, berw««»» Orand and He«ter its.

-TTIN VVAUE.-fUat»be«J T-a Cofl-e ond Tea Pota.I S-«ak Di»he« kr bol water osd lamp«, Summ-jr BokeOve is. Se.;.S«_iae¿ Dutch Oeas, BsAsStni«, Caliender..Cc^rnoe Tin Wore of oil »inda, tcltaMe for kltcbec, al theH-aLt-keepe.-*» Emnortura, aS Mtadea-utn«»._rjv7ta-ANK ACCOUNT BU4IH.9--Ttvo «uCaocrlSer»

k-ep conoütatly on hoad o tracer«! o»sor-ar.e-»i of BlonaBook« of eve, y deocrtrfäoc, inclndiog l>de»Ts. Dav Books.Jouro*:«, Cash Book», In-j-jlc-« Book», B*cord Bo»Ska», Lei¬ter Books. L.wyer»' l_jg1tte»rt, Back Books, Pat* B.o&i.Ccrpy Boo**, be Ac all made of the ben quality paperr »sibound h the most iub.uni__ r-__.a»r. For tola at thelows»; pries, at the Law Blank. Book and II.n Sior«si

' }è»UksSkai^\»VtWs»a^r^


TN* THE VILLAGE '? .aToSTO»VN. N. -_-Tba .=-

l.ers.gied.f.rm-r-v pro-«-».-'.« ***_______'<í_______rillMtfiSI, b*v.n_. '-run c_»v vear«' _x.er.ecce. fU: __tibe área»--. m«-i_-d of ¡_*__-_on ouid t>e improved, sypaving more ase-tic. to throe branch-*» »¡-5 «re neres-

»s-7 to prae-cal «fa, offen to ihoae P***r_s wbo w__ to

j,;t» ie tbdr sun» as e_a_t_to_ at cnce .Iberai a_á snBd, «n

io«_i__ « de_i_-.._ to i« a-aptod ineif m we preo«. par-sari for wfckfa the papü i» tnwaiec ¡ eîtb-r¦ ç_u».e_t or

_*-____.'. ac-ort In. to thai for watch the JOUI_ Is desttced.oracail pr-Te hisuelf at. _-. _»j___ ,_.»,

[a i_:. ____u__g *_ be unft Readm?.J '»^fAA-..b-me_c G-ography. G-ammar. I«a_S S_-_Orssfc, Frasca,Garn«-. BM___aod lia Un. Cat_ro_--«*-»»e-<=äo=- B-ok-Xcer:"g. «i--_i_s m «_ ibtar =ra_c-e«. Drawiag aid

Re'a-lar L*»---r».. of which lie itadeca w_l stterward=axe aattr-a.--.«. m ierre bol- «s sxaa _a_o_s a_d a* exiT-

cise« :n Composte1 a, wi ". be ¿r.;-:^«»1. >/£"-_! P__ojoriy an_ _£_»_*-» ra Sturu- _*/t-2. Zoalorv. »=p.:-d to r±rtl «-cot-omy. commerce «3d

_t__t__-*--rs, Dhu-n-ed bv .-»r-._-r.«. ps-cti-ga aad ex-

curs.^.« for lbs rur-v&«e gf araC-CSl »»bssrwsBOB.S. Practical _.:-.»,, app te. ta Bor_c_.i»ire. commerre,

medietne. rarsl and tomosOe »c»r_o_v. Castrats*] by part¬ing«, IMag «»>»._!»;»,and siriiitrirlr« of ob»e v«_cc».

«. T.r*»ii-Mf¡«iiiils¿j.*nprlH*- ' __-ree.r_ra. ecc.-

omv. ebetcisirv. E;-.-.cg «no _r__»_e_~_, lliust:«-- by s

_*_-*** '.»¦-.-_. embttm a: -itiic-I ot otwrva.or.«.5 N__-_tJ-4_**o*4j and Ou-r-ut-}.iiirrSTTStsd bj «per:-

me__.5. £"n.»T»_! rhsto-y.T. Slaiw.ici of the <__*TS_t QuiSiUSIIints of «_r giobe.la M-derr. Lang-V«"». » prac'lriù k_.'w._ge nfUMBI,

a* «pr.jter; ar.d srr_Usa, a* wel. a» r*-i, wfl] be t_»_*e. byrecutr.rtgweek'y orillos*. c;«.or_»s _c la ib»m.A -le A s.'.slant T-», eben are employed le the I_i.t-_on

for ibe d;£er»_tdep*_»m*_t*.The students nav» to «.teed r-t-'arly every Sabb&ta

.ome piace of worship, at the discreuon of t-.eir parent*.In tue above plan. It ---.'.i be perceived iba: ibe education

may be at ihe choice of lb» parent, »taped either toward a

complete prepara.on for a professional life. * comce-ciaioce, or »ome pursuit depending for »aece*« on applied «ci-

enre.mech».-.;i-,. j»c.Tee ia_or6 ar.d t_»te of lbs Director have i»d aim to the

form«_:.c of uncr-.ntoery Rood cabiaeU i- lbs several sci¬ence« which he propote* !o illustrate by collrC-oa», speci-mec«. painttDg»,The '.> inter Se«»:on in iMs Iasiltu-oa com_ence* th« 1st

of November and terminate» the last oí March: the Sat_-m»r Se««ioo commence» the Utaf May and t«r_.l_«t-« thelea: of September. ...».» , ».

Tr«M» for Bj_-d Lodging. Washi-Z. iaei. Light*. In«and Tmdon, Mo-let. Language«, Drawmg and Music In¬cluded, h-ee hundred dollars a year, payable semi annuallyin adv&nr« No e.trs cnarj'"«Srhool-Books, Copy-Boot», P»?«sr «nd Peiis are funilshe.

at tb» usual pr.ci-s.Each »mdant fundabe* hi« own towels »rd bedeinf.The location of ihe Icstlluu; is in ibe pi--a»«n: acd nea.thy

Vi läge of E_tontowo, Moamoaih C«uniy. New.J-r«ey.6ve mile* from Lo:.ir Sranch. thr»e miie« from Red Ban«,acd onear.-i a ha:f tVcrr. E*tuniow-i Landing, to whi-h tv*.U tee» Ibe sieamboiu O'us »r.d Lew'.» ran daily: the Srstfrom Fulton Marset-«.;p, a_d ihe other from WashingtonMarkst,N.B.New-Tore B. JAEGER.

Director of the Insulate.Estontow-, Monm-»D'.h Co. New-Jer«.y, April 1,184t5.

REFERENCES:Hoc J. C. Picked, Kenacsy tH >n. J. J. Cr.t.er.a.-n. KeotuckvHoo. J. R. Puintett. Souih .«rnllna;Edward Johiston. E«q. Washington City,I'oct. Jno. T. Lew-,». EatoctowP»oberl Benner. E«q New-York;F. Cofenet k Co. New-York :David S Dnrr.nmb, E«q New-York:John Atwiil, Era New.York:C P. Gro.ie'm, E»q New-York;Win. Von Eichel«., EsqW. C. Bryant, E«q Now-Tork ;Prof. John Torrey, M. D Nrw-Tnrk;Aii_n»ta» Belmor.'.. Eiq New-Vork;Ge... C G«n_o_d,E*q New-York ;

r%7* III* ¿«..»iri-U _. it :'.e application« be made before thelai of May. Tr.»TiMo.««i*t.s:

Coi._er.<t ,-r New-JaaseT,Jan. 18. -M8.Thenr.der«1.3ed-.r»ti'v that Prof-»»or B Ja»ger waaeon-

nocled with Una Intr.luimn from 1831 lo IB-IU a* an Instruct¬or la Natural HI.lory and Modern Language«, and duringthat tim» ?ave satis actory pn 't- of Ms a-quaintance withthe*» »utijecu and we tase p'ea.-.ire also in testifying lohi« genllemattly dep.,ri nent.al«o lhat he re»igred his sia-don ;:. '.he tu'..r," w-.-.h ibe regret of the Faculty andTru«:.-«"'.

Jam ES CARVAHAN, PreaWentJOSEPH HENRV.Prof Ne.tural Philosophy.STEPHEN ALEXANDER Prof. Math. Astronomy

Washisgtoî« Citv, Jan. 5, IMS.We, the undersigned, teirtfy lh*l Mr B. jaeger (Irom

IM' to 1«4" frof-«.!»« of Botany.7. lolpgy and Modern Lan-»;u«fe». *: lbs N--.v Jersey <'. iflege in Princeton, and »lnr.oa resident of tin* D-tricU l« a gentleman of profoundknowledge and high «unrt.ng la society, but principallydisilcguUhed as a BotaaUt.ZoologUl mil excelleni Lin-gul»t- We al*a take pleasure Id addinir our te«llm3ny to

the high nd tuaora'iie -Stringof Professor Jaeger, »Incewe had the ple-»ureof knowing him. I

Y. L. E1 ward». Commua, of Pecaiona.1 J. Ate-rt. Cot. Corp. En«. ;Kranci. Marioe;W. D. Nuu.o- the Treasury Denartmetit;A. G Dayt'in, Fourth Andltnr of ih* TreaaoryW. H. Swift, Capt Topog. Eng ;Wlnfield Scon, Gen C. S. Army;T. O Totten. Col T.ae :T. M. Johnson P. M Hoas« of Repre».A. D. Hai-I.e, Saperi. I." S. Coa»l Survey ;G. F. Biase. U. S. Navy;Dan. R«t -itef, Atlorr.ey kI LawWilson M. C Fairfax, f S. Co*«t SurvTu. P. J m-s. M. L>. Professor of ChemlitryCh. M. .-«iler. late Cl.iel Ex«m. of Patent*.WDl-mT Stone,E»q.!Prof. Jame« P. E«py._»8 tj-12aw

BOAitOINO SCOOOIj..Irvtog Int-tnte, Tarry-,town, N. ...WlLLUM P. I.voN, A. M Pr.nclpal..

Summer se»«on cosirrn-Cci tir«i ,.f May. T" those whod'etre 10 place »on» al Boarding School, Ihe advantage»offered at tai* Ini-intioo are believed equal if ootinpenorbi any. It baa naea in successful operation elghl year»..The location, deü^htfiil and »alubriou», i» convenient of ac-

re» from ihe cuy. The ed-.hre 1» commodious and comfort-abe.the play-ground» amule, «nd dt'cunnected from ihev:;iiL'e. The government Is effirtent but ai'ld, resembling

.n' of a well regulate. Christian lamlly ano uo Day-schol¬ar« are rr.-ei/ed lo counteract lb» «aiuuiry Influence of fam¬ily training.

The«vi.trn oflnstiT.ctlnn Is designed not merely to adv«nceand pe:i c: the pupil in lh- brancbe« «tud:e.|,hut to developandtnsiraci the Jidi'mer.t, to enlighten -.'ie uuderalandlng,lo form the habits, and lo give a moral «nd aaeful directionto the incllliattoi.sFarther particular», Including Ci uogu* of Student*,

terin«,_c. will be found in the circular 'or ibis Tear, in bebal on »ppllcailon ai ihe In*tliute. or alt.e Book Siore« ofBartlett »nd Welford, Broadway. Cr»«w»u's, 6_1 Broad¬way; Ravror»', 76 Bowery.Reference«, by peruilision, to _ie followingdUtlng-lsbed

geutlemeDWashington Irving, Esq.Hon. l) _:.". Web«ler,Capulín Alexander biidel] Markenile,H-'D. Gillian C Yerplaucx.Rev. George Ruho'.», j m^rreusirnNathau-el §. Holme», E.q. I *»Jr-»,-wn-Z-he.iee Cook, Jr. tu». 1Wm. Cullen Bryani, t»q.Franc.» Ha I, Esq. I Now-York City.George T Tmub.e,J. R. Van Re.sselaer, M. D.Harper i» Brother«. J_m25 feweod

'¡IHK _.ATO~NTOWrn 1N_T1T_TK, (for bjy*.)1 Snrew»bury, N. J 3 hours »all from N.Y.I« now openfor ll« Summer Sr-«;oc. Term« Slï-^ lo $i50per year. In-tormatlon given and ctrcu',.-« furnished at IS1 N'»s«au sl N.Y. Ça** L-lters aJdre»«ed lo B. J. GRAY, Pr.uc'.p*l, Ea-tontuwn. N. J. will receive prompt attention.N. B. R-ference.Th-S.hool. _mvlS lw'

INSTKÜCTION ON THE PIANO FÜRTK.-A1 Lady who 1» competent to give instruction on ihe PianoKortn w!»he« lo obiam a tew »cboiar« on reasonable terras.She would prefer those who are about c immenelDg musicA ¡lue addre»sed to M. R. at _..« o£ic« Will receive atten¬

tion m-.m lw*

Jiiíiiü Sabber ©coos.INDIA IdBIIKW GOOOH.-Indla rubber goods

manutactured t.y HORACE H.den-lane, after ¡»'.May _» Cortlsad

manutac'.ured t.y HORACE"H. DAY. for sale al 2oMai-

Day'» paient »blrrt-d *u»pen-i W»-,erme.'* and *portmen'»oer»; coats and pea-jtckets.

Shoulder and other braces IShea.'» paient ufe-cbatr andGentlemen'» »heel rubber o-j settees, with Day's¡mprove-ver-shoes.¡eaihersole»; ment:

Do. rubber sole» ; Gr;.-tt.'« patent cotton floaierSandals, cu for «pring a_d! for rafticg bale« of cotton;

f»':l wear; India rubier glove» ;__dle*',ct__ rrn's and youths' udla rubier pantaloons ;

i.'.l.-r «hoe«; : Do do »r.irred.nolw»-Metallic rubber machine band-' 1er or air-proofini;.«uperiorarucle; Air cushion» aad pillows ;

Day'« paten: hose; tiydri.tallc beds, batting-Lue pre»erver» of «!l kinds cap«, rubber lent« aad bag-First premium iadie«' Hie pre- gage cover».w»_>r bucs-«erver Jacket«; els,.igelher with all the va.

Day'» pat-si rubber boat or rlou» other «tyle« of ruhberPontooo; good*, all w«.-T«nted to

India rubber cloibs; *__dbeator cold and wa-Macktntoshcoai»; ter. wiihoclchanga.The extensive machinery and other facilillo» for macufac-

wn^g. embraced In three e*'»»o.»h_ie_i* beloagtng to theundersigned, enable* him lo _t»nre p*ompt execution oforder* in a superior manner and with greater dispatch thanat any "ihere.tt'tii.hmenl. HORACE H. DAY. aJ'eod

DAY'S PATKNTMIIKKt'Ll SRAtEï«-"1.T1-PKOVKJ1ENT."».In addition b> all the former

»tyle». ;te »ub,cr:ber r. rec*nily introduced * new «cd de-cided imprjvement, bv wbtch the suspenders h«ve twelve¦mall cord* instead of »!x large, and lighter «ad rqi_ \zappearar.ee to the ése Kreuch woven go»..«. A fill «J-O**-meet constactiy on hard The twelve cord goods cacai.1be found at any oth-r establishment, as lbo«e w'io pirate or.my 6«e paten'.» for the variou* processes la Hi" manfaciare,hav» not Vet commeac-d :uii_>nug aiv new »r.icle of twelvscrd en :.» _HORACE H. b.AY. K C"'ii»nd-«L

GOODYEAK';« PATENT E'aitir Suspenders,m«_-uf«ctur*;d tt Sew«r«, N. J. have always g'.vea the be»!

sail«'a.-tion of a=y in trie tnarSeL Thesubscnaer« w_i *»!-their remaiaiag s: vex of the sraaoa al very low prices. UJeluding Fancy Si':a Gooes made .-xprea« y far the relai;trade- All our g-jtxls are warraaivd pertect, made up ofthe very t>«»t mater.aL, and tall lec.l-.Dealrr* a_d other» are i ivitad to call »nd ex_t__te our

.WCk before pnrch«»ici e:*ewh-re. tf We **_ ch-ap.mvll-.f HtTCHISSOS «i RPNYtiN. B Mai.ler.-lan-.

-K.U_._ÎZ"K_' (. LOTU-rtwa-te-aUtliu: M_-*>,e-ix-«a i'.. ..». for »taad and table cover*. maauUctarr.

from Goodyeaa** M-Uuiic Rubber, ma» now he had of them*ri'if___rer'* agent. GEÜE.GE BEECHER,

mv? Ii»i Br._l.sT.

MET-LUC Kl'HHKi- -«come B«ading.-Tai»_-ticie, so mach superior to leather ia every r-_p«x_

c«_ now b« t"_r___e_ of any wlrf'h or k__t_. without aaydelay. GEORGE BEECdLR,gui_ Mane .ct-r-r'» Agec- '-'" Broadway.

GOOUYKAK'*« PATENT.Anew «nd -reaaafai ar-ticie of Crama Cloth«, elegt__y p__t«»d. _.»»__-»-.per

and more durable man Dt-cre-ovS_ CtV.il RPEfHK- lr'' Berxdw^T.

FKKNl'U W'lMHlW SHAU-i»:: WINDOWShade«..J. C. WOOUFÖRD. _*-, Broadway, w_l

open iht* moraiag an tarâtes of wiccow «hade*, cjmpn*-t_g a cbot». «nd »elect »saortmect of wtodow abade* re¬ceived ay the late »rrrvaU from Europe»f_»**Tb« la voice contain* fall las-icape». teroâs, *tyle

Lout» XIV Gothic. Dj-.c. I »nie. and sum»»« every »tyle of«.cleat arc _ie»-t_re. A *_. a oew »ivie «aire b¡i___ Al*c,»everal caaea low prie«*, corn'res. î"t:"ar. ta»«-!», cord«,fara'taregimp*. Ac __>j Broadway, Laf-rgeBuiidlsg». a_7

\VTÑDt»W~SHaijk DKÎ'OT, N.« '- ïms« N.v* Y.-Mea.-*. BA8.T0L. DE MACNY CO. wou^ire*?ec¿u_y call the alter noa of country ¡_erc_»_l* andpub le la général, u, .¿¡¿^ ».pertor »iocs of wiadow ».uto»v-ryia«T la pn-«_¡ frog i«. 6. 7» up to «530 per pair. «25 Sai

t,t-l».>CM Wl>uuW-*>_l..Ufc.*f :.K-m.-v__-J.C. Woodfora _u removed from No __>. to No. _95

Blued.ay, (4 door» above,) with ac as.orttsent of tha most____.bes Window-Shade* to ba feuad 1« -« City. F*a-_ies-otyei_*v_^B_j«_ieirp_rchase*w_l_ad«_app-r-t_a'.ty » sake a food *elec_c_ at the ahove No. Amocgttse assortment are to ss found corree: copies cf ClaadeL-rraia», Araek and oti-r s__* -led __=d*esse ?s_ysrs,»i »719 W00_y0R0'-,lîï-r-.a4w.y.

jtegal ífotirts.

1*HE INDER**! lïNED k%*tag been ràty «ppototetîby the Hon. F-e»iere.x A. Toilerodie, R.curuer <f the

C'.:y of New-Tork. Traitées of the »»tale of G«»orge Locx-wood. a 2oi>re*id»et det'tor, »Ö persons indebted to thetaid George L»ic*wood, are bereoy required to recaí »r onocec-aat stall deitts and tarns of mocey owing by tbeim re«

ipccuveiy to te- cold Luck wood, aae to cay ¡he aaise tothe Trustee«, and a_ eereos« ha-rtng ta their pcssestsoo«ay proaerty or efjeeu o' Ibe »aid L«>ekwc»3ai. or» require«;to d»l:vrr the «¦*._» to the T.»»;»«*», oc or r-efore lb» tiir»teenii aav ofJune ¿en. »_ _» office of Harvey A. W«ed.E*>q- No S StmiHl is tie city of New-York. ATI eredli-or» of ibe ««id Lockwood ore required to Islfver their re»

»pactiv« occo-icta a.d ¿etatad» to the (aid Ti-uatse*. II_ihe«orae urea and aU-e. Doia-d New-Tork AnrQ Eist, IMS.


iMj*-_ROSWFLL ... tiBA.NAB.D-

^'(JT1CE It hsrsby given tnot lestera oí »_i».tc«ra-»dUochov« t-eee grtnl-d by lbs Regttter of WO* Rf the City

«nd County of Philadelphia, to the lubecriber. ,.<( ;»« goodt«ad cbouei«, rights one credit» ! Lewis, oi_-tw_<« ca.'e>dAaron, Piout-late ofthe city oi'Pài-Odelptl*. d-Ceoi-ed i andoil pertoci hi-rteg dsiat* oc deraaadi «gaictt the ntat- oflb») told deeraseo. are r-quett-c M make kaow; the aa-aeto ihe rahicnber w-.trtout ceioy. oad allpMSOnsttdSOtsd.re reqaeoled to max e c-tveent to him.

THEÔDORE DL'BOSQ Jewe'.ler.a.*) .»«»i» No. 7»» N. id-to. Phtlod» phis.\IOHAUK Ahi) tiLDaO.N MAlLRAODi UMPANY.a'I.Ta; Aac la. E.eeiioe for Director» of in:» Companywill be ae.d at tne office of Rawdoo k Groe-«beck, No. 41Wa.;-it. New-York, on th« i«ccad Wedne«d»y tl'ithday.)of June next, at 12 o'clock at coon of tbat day. The poi.will conuaue open tne hour. Albany, May 4ih. ÏS4Ô. Byorder of ins Board of Director»my ; 3 id_E. POSTER. Jr. Se.-'y.

1NCUANCEK.Y OF >KW-JEK.ï«EY- BetweenMary Gailoeher, complainant, tad Toil Gtlioeber. de-

feudoai.Order for Publication..It appearing to ibis Courtthat lbs corsplaicac: ho» i-ed her bill in the above c»u«e

Igslnuthe above ntm-d defendant, praying relief a* »etforthm the »aid bll'..and the pn>ce»t oftubpceaaU) appear oadoctwer directed U tee defendant ti»th bo»n reajalarlv itsuec,retaraaoie to the t-rrn of Mirch. A. D. 1M6. but :hst tie de¬fendant, Toii Gaiioeher, eoaid cot be found in ibis State, to

he «erred therewith, and that be ha* cot canted hit appeor-oice tone entered a» ir. eaie »ach proce»» hod been dnl».-»r-.ed. and It being moae to appear by affidavit to the »otia-foctioa of the Chonceîior ihot '.he aaid Toll G» iacber re-

«ide» out of the Stale of New.Jereey. to wit. tn the State ofRhode [»land -It I» thereupon, en th» »Ixihday of April, iathe year o¡ oar Lord one tbou.and eight hundred sad r'jr.y-«IX, on motion of !»aae Vf. Scudder, tolicitor of the com-pis.tant, t'y ihn ort-r directed by the Chancellor, ihst the.old abient de!ecdart,To'iGftllacber, do appear, plead, *n-

iwer or dem-.r to lbs coraploiaaat'i bill, on or before thethird Tae*d»y ofJune next, or that m default thereof, inch¿e'reebe mad» og'iin.t him as the Chancellor »hall thinkeqattah!» an-i ;'J«t. And It it farther »rdered lhat ihn order»htl! within iwentv nan hereafter !>e lerved penocally on

lbs taidToUGallacher, r-y a d»'.'.7-rj '.hereof to fclm, or bepubiithed witlln »aid twenty dart in the Jersey City Ad-vertiter and Hmton Coitnty Repujiicsn, a new,paperprinted and publUbed la laid Stt.e. and in lb«* New.YorkDaily Tribune, t newipaper rr.hliifted in the Stale of New-York, and contlr.ued therein tor iut weekt luccettively. itleait otic» m each week. 0. S. H ALaTED. C.A true copy. Saml R. GcMxrn*:. Ora. a.2!awSw*

i«¿ IltíI_IFF'.S «*ALK..By vinue of a writ of SenOlociatto ton directed and Jelivered, I will expo«e lotale ai the vestibule o!" the City Hall ¡a the City ol New-York, on th«24ihdoy of June, 1346, tt II o'clock A. M-, a.ithe right, title and Iztereit of Caspar Marter,t.i, which b«had on the Uib day of Marcb, iivio. or at ray lime after¬ward» in whotebaad» »oever the »am« may be,of. In oadto yean veno come and unexpired. to a certain agreementexecuted" by the heir* at law of Judith Wlnthrop to on»Caspar Marachall, hearing date the 2utb December, 1844.in tue office of to» Renlstrr for the City and County of New-Y'ort, in LU>er 45c of Conveyancea. page 67, of two certainlot« of ground, part und parcel of the L»*nderi'a farm, todknown a* lois No. .»4 and ¿72. it an annual groi.nd rentOl $120 for e«cn of laid lots, pavanle letri-onnually ¡ thelease, of No jej| to cu'i.mecce on the lit of February. 15 ij,and No. Ó72 to commence on tne Ittof May. 1845, whichtsid loti l>y told agreement or« «ulijecl 10 « r»n«*>i! andalto »utject to a mortkfti'e executed iiy «aid Caxpar Mar».cboll to one J«me» H rl»tcher, for the »urn of Siótl, bet»,;m '-.-vi a iva:..- -il by «aid Fletcher lo toid Martchall lo but'da houae on one of the aatd lots, with on and »in»ui«r the ap-pariei.once« and heredtloniant« thereunto neioiijlr.g. or tnaavwis- ap.iertai ing. W>|. JONES, Snerilf.\Vm LY0^, Deputv Sh-rifT.N-w-Yor«. May I.'. 1846. rryl3 l«w6w

llfiltlrh'S SA..i,,-Bj-v;r.ui) Si «ever«, .ru. o

>'tcri J-'acta» to lue directed and delivered, I w.,1 ex

pote lo «.- ua Triarte«;., the 23th dty of Juan next, at loo'c.ocx In the forenoon, tit the veetlim.e < f uie City Hall ofthe city of New-Tork, all in» right, tills and intereat ofJam-a Catey, which he had on ihe 3d day of March, oneili'.i'atanu »;<!it basdred and for.y «ix, or at any Unie after«wsxl» o! in. oad to the fo iowiug detcrib-d leateftold et.

late: Ail that t-ertaia dwei.luáf house and lot ol groundaltuatej l>inii and being In the iourih Ward of the cry otNew Yort, Oouuded a» follow», to wit; »ou.h-we»l by Oil-ver-»;re-et, l'uih-oait hj loi number two huudredaod iweu-

ty-one. aorib-wcit by lot numner two hundred and twenty-three, and north-eati by lot Lumber two tunJred and liilr-i..-.. coutiinui)- in front twenty-»tx feet and two inche». inme tost twenti-rive fe-retand three Inede», ar.d to leo.ih.oaeach tide, one hundred feet, which »aid loi of land it knownai,d dUilnguiibed «¦ r. ¦;:¦¦<«¦ r 12 (teventy-two), Ol.ver-itreeLSa d ¡eat« 1* tubjeclt.) a renewol of lea jear» alter Ihe expi¬ran -n e»f tne pre.eut lerm, which 1« for twentv-one yearafrom the tir.t day of May, 144.V Together with ibo lene-tneut«oni appurtenance» tberei.nto belonging.

WILLIAM JONES, Sheriff.Fruoerick L. Volte, Depuiy Snuriff.Dated, New.York, May l3-.h. lerib. myl3 i|«6wkdiW UK'« 1 l"'l" '.. BALK..By virtu» ol o wit ol bellO la -la», lo mo d.reeled and de.lvored, I will expose to.ale »tlhe Ve.tibuie of the City Holt, In ihe Cny of New.York,on the »4th day of Jane, i-¦!>:. stl2o*C oc« M. ail the

right title ar.d inlere.1 if Levt S Bui r, which he had on Itei»>.a day of au. a«'.. IS'.'., or ot an) r.m- «'i-rwn !., in whoa-handi »oever ihe tame mav be, or, in ar.d lo " Ail thai terl.lnlot, piece or pitrce-l of land lu ihe 14th Word of ihe city ofNew-York.Beginning at a punt uo the eatler.y tide 01Marlon (late Orange) aireet.di.iance In a northerly dlreclloufn.m ill« norlrj-ea»teily Corner of Brooiue and Marlonaire-..'.« 1 Jó feet 5 incne«. ruunlng tbeice lo o northerly direc¬tion song the e»sierly tl.ie of Marlon (laie Oronge) tteeet-. '¦ el 5 Hiebet, thence in ta so»'er ly direction ol right angle»with Ma-'.oo-»trrel ír9 feei4 lache», thence la oiouiherly ,11-recllorj 23 feel 3 lace», to a point dUiatnl lu oa eoaierly di¬rector Irom the eatteily tt< e of Morloa-«ti»i<l iUI leel 9In-net, thence ¡ill feet lJ lnche* to the easterly tide ot Marie.-.tirc-i at ihe place of beginning." Belag toe preml.e* nowKa.w «. No. lb Marl' n-iireei, together with ail o:d iln«-u.lor the appartenance» and hnredlttment» thereunto b«loag-lag or in oiherwl.e eppertoing. New Yor», May ;.':):. 4

WM. Jo.NES. Sboritr.Wm. Lyo.v, D-puty Sheriff. mi,.S lawK-v

«-¿IIEltlFI'".*« SALK-By vli'ueor a wru of rien ft-O cit» to me .irecied and de.ivcrou, 1 will expo«e to taleat tb-i veiubuieof ibe Cuy Hail, in the Cuy o: N-w-íor»,un the Mtb day of June, laid, at 1» o'clock, M «.I ai« r;¿hi.line Budiuterealof Itaac Tuylor, which he had on ihe lUinday of March, 1Ü46, or ol any time afi»rw«.-d, m who...-hand» »oever the tame may he, of, l-i oi.tl lo oil that cer'olulea«e from Peartall B. Powell tn I»aac Taylor, .iRied Octo¬ber lilb, lm5.recorded Nov '¿¡in, I8i5, tn Liurary 4t.' pa¿e2DS- for the term of 10 jean 6 month» and 16 day» from tnedate of «aid lease of the bou«e ouu lot mown o« Ne. rj Mou-roe-»ireet, in the 7th Ward of the city of New.York. New-Yort, May 12th, liüó. WM. JONES, SbaritT.

iv. Vt. Lyon, iiepinv Sh'riii._niyia ¡«w6w

BY OUDE1X of ihe Hon. Chariot P. Dtly. one of theJudge* of ihe Court of Common Pleat of the City and

County of New.York.Notice u hereby given, puriuont tuthe provistuui of the ttaiuie authorizing altschuieoii ogoiattabaconding, conceo.ed. ana noa-reaideni deiiton, that »n at-tocsmeci baa :«ta-l agsloal the eatate of John Pieraoo, rett-aenl of Spencer, M«ain* tuunty, Ohio, and that ibe tarnewtai be told for ibe payment ol bit debt*, ameit he appearand duchirgt. tuco attachment, according lo law, withintaiae ooath» from ihe li-M publication of ihlt notice ; sadthai ihr p*\ meat if any debit due to him by any pereon re¬siding wiihin the Suite of New-York, and ihe delivery tohim, or fir bl*u«. of any property within »aid Stole belong¬ing lo him. and tlae tron»ler of any auch properly by him arefar'.; id ei. My law, ond ore void.

Dale»! tbe'7ib day of Moy, ltüfí.PETElt CLARK, Ally, for Attaching Creditor!.

myl3 lattiaai_ ¿h Nnt»A!i-»t. N. Y.

BY OlIDtK of Hon K. A TaLmodge. Recorder of theCity of New.York Notice i« hereby given. pur«uont to

the provision* of the »tatute authonziag eilochnieniai agamiiab«condlug, concealed, and noa-ri-ildent detitor», lhat an at-t:u-;:!LeM bat l.tued BafatDst the estate of of Jame» Mitcbeli,a rendent of Jeraey City in the State of New Jertry, andthat the aaino wii] oe »oid fur ihe payment of tiiidebt*, un¬ie«« lie appear and ditcaarge mcb altochnient. according lolaw, wuhin nine mouths from the 6rtt pub.icar.on of this no-Uce and lhat the payment of any debts due to him !;y resi¬dent« of tin» State, and ihe delivery to him er for his u.e. ofany property within this St_:o hl-loa^in»' to him, and thetanii.it-r of any »ucn property by him, «re lorblddea by low,and ar» void. Doled th» I9UI d«v of Septemoer, 184»%

i2-i lawl?m GEOROE B'RADsHAW. Atloraeyfor Attacbin«: Creditor. 32 John-tireel New. Y'ork.

BY ORDER of John O, Wl!JCe». Esq. a Judge of theAlbany County Cour'», oad of the degree of Counsellor

at Law in the Supreme Conn, notice is oereby given, pur¬suant lo the provision« of tne »._:_>, ,..-:ii- hi.- attachinenttagain.-et absconding, concealed and non-resident debtort, thaion oRachmeni has isstie-i agamst the eetate» of Thomo* H.Webo and HarrUoa Gray, cco-re«ldenl debtor» and re-i-

dentt of the State of M osnacbuietts, and thai the tame wili betold for the poymenl of their debit, anlesi they appear anddischarge such anach.lent, according to law, within amemor. ¦» from tee ti rit publication of this notice ; and thai thepayment of ocy deOts due to Ùiets by residents of this äiate,and the delivery to them or for their ase of any propertywithin this Stole belonifing to them, and the trorufer of onysues propertv by them, ore forbidden bv law and are void.Datt-d. ibe 13ih day of Aagtist, I34Ó. R. L JOICE.ou2n lawirm Auomey for Attocaiai; Crealitor.

BY" UKUL'H of Daciel Pratt, 5r»tJad«e of OcondagaCocatv Court and Counselor, Ac m lb» supreme Court.

No ice is bereoy gifen, pursuant lo the Provision» of the Sta¬tute eiiUiorixmg oltscament* ogalntl abirocdletr, conceaied.and non-rwideal deb.ori, laat an aitaccmert ha* '.ituedogoiatt the estate of Jame« Huff, of the Stale of Louisiana.o noo-resldent of the state of New.Yi.rk, aini that the tamewill be told for li- pa» mea: of hi* debts unie»« h« appearand discharge luch ollachraect, occordicg to l«w, wiihinnine raocu» irozn tb» first pt.bl:eation ofihn notice, oad thatthe payment of any debt« due to a'.m riy re»:u«rt» of IbisState, ond the delivery to aim or for :, a»e of ta y projierty«:i*_ ihi* Stale beloeging to him. and the transfer of any«ceh property by aim. ore f-jrbidden by law and «r« void..Daiect the 7ts day of March. 184a.

P0R3ES A SHELDON. Auomey«mil '»wiem for Af.acb-.3if Cred-.inr. Syroctite. N. Y.Y OUOEH of Charla. P. Doly. Esquire, AssociateJudge of ta« Court of Cornmon Picas of the City oad

County of New-ïorx. Notice is hereby given, pui-aaonl lolb» prov»jtio_i of tbe»t_mte aathorj_ig attachraent» againstabeeotniag, eoccealed, ins loo-resrideat debtor», teat an al-taeament has isaueci ogslnsl the estale of Alfred Kearaey,r»rsidea'. of New-Orleans. Suiu» of L-oc'rnana. and thai tieaarae »a-.11 be «o.d for tne payment of m» debts, aale«« i»

it-pear and diacharge raca a_«chrnent. according to ¡aw,w-.¦_¦:;- tune .vonihsfrom the £r»t pablicotioa of ihi» nordee:oad .not the pty_veat of any dents dne to aim by residen'* of.Us su_»), hz.i tne delivery lo ium or for hi* use. of any pro¬perty i inii|iii| -jj »;m, tad tne 'j_r_u»r of any property bykm. are fortc.-ùec by i«w. and ore »old..Ds.ed the 'liladoy of September, Mb. RICHARD H. BOWN E,

»17 l*w«>Tr Atwrney for Artrri-g Creditora

TO FANCY" tiOtlD*» and Tb-oad and Need* Detl-era..(__r* ?le«_e rat ml» oat'i.Romsev _ Morri*.

wbojroole eeoler» ia Comb«, Brasbe«, Pins, Ne-tílies, andeve.ç va_-i«ty of Pacey A.-ucles. Inrlie ibe »_enrion of p«r-»oos »_KÄtcar__iet-tc_ig butnoss, to coil aod e_a_tise their»toct of £'*x!« a: thajir a-w »ion. No. 25 Maidoo-iane, uptiair» N B Mer-hatnl» from tivter-aritrv In-iteai. «as im*

BLANK. BOOK tfc «HTATIONERY Wartaonss.Tbe su0«cnb»»re would urn:« m» «_ecuon of Dealer,

oad Country Mercasita facer*..y lo their extensivo «stör-.,meet of Sisiiccery and 3'oni Boots; Letter. Cao and NotéPaper ; Envelope» of ev-ry tut« ar.d q-iaittv ; Go'd Pen»Gold ond Silver Pef_r_t ; Seshag W_x _-_ Wofert, t-igetn-or aviih every article in tbe Sienonery Une. win be told Inquinan-» to »ait p-a'-bat-ar» at th» lowest wholesale ratea.rnylü FRJLNCI-a k LOUTREL. 77 M.-.d-n-laoeT'

1 8(1*1 VyAKh. HULSK. lil (si-eeowlc-n-.^-Ket-e.,. Bfee-ae A Sampstri, rc;ces»on lo Bcormsn. jMnsoo«Ayisa,Co., Im*>ortsrs, ind dsaler» in Swediab, Raa_», andtBsjl__ troeSaCM*^ t_tt),bc«_-draUri^W*ï". *& tvdt, bn-tr |m| a8dt-_*c_b_n,a_d«s«l#f.tv.tä-tl*. rtH-»»

Ccgol -íotires.BY ORDER cf Chester Howe, _*<-_:-e. Sapremo

C-'u-t Co*__ii*«.o_er '.a «ad f»ir t.« Coonry of r«n*r**j|_S, Notice i» üerehy gtves. pat-Uant to the prar*tot>_» ofme »;«m:e »albonxicg *_a-__eol* «galtst arvcvn-ia.-,coc*-_e- *_d n.a-reaide.: de-tor*, ibai an a_a-_-"est _s*tsaued »_*._»l the estate of Charle* T. S-elloc a residento'_- S__e of Ccc-tecüc-t, «ad that the «arse w-.. s« ».idfor the pay meet cf h!» drM». ac'e«- he «apear» «_J r!;»»c«_riW »tich «ttachmeat SOL-«.lllg to law wit- I tthtsmonth» from Era- _r»t pohllcar.oo of _t» _ot-.ee ar. : Usai a.'.p«v_i«ctdae to ¡urn by re»:»lc.l» of '-..» State, and -.."»e _i>-

dvery to __3 or for hts'cieo'ar.v pf*j*>_rtyW__t_ tt_s Sia.ebeiocgia. to _._., «ad tfi« trassier of «ay Si» p--p*>,-i\ byhim. are fcrbi.dea ij law «ad «re void _»:,».! theday of Marc.. '..««J. C. R. LS LAN ..

Any fer Arrscbtng Cred -.ra-^law.r. Irv__*. C_a Co N V1 OKI)«.*, of Ho. M:. ha», ..»so«:..-:. F;.»i ...".eofd-e Cour of Ccm_tca Pleas for i_e Cuy »ad »

of New-York. Nonce t» her»oy given, pur-*n»_t to the pro*v.slocs of the itar.ie aiitnortzi-g sa____e_t* a.» :.»-. »¡>scocding. cocc««'«»-«adnic-reai-teci d»b:or». that «:

meat !-.«* _*ue_ a»-___.l ihe e»t*te of peter Count]» r-«td*nt c: New-O.:*>_:». St-it» of L. u'siaa.-«. a_

same w_¡ b» sold fjr ibe payment Ot* his dobis. u::.e_i »:

pe_rs_d duchargesacb »ttachm-r.t. acc-or,»;: »

In ame mootb* from th» _e»t pati.ca_.»u o'- tats -.»::.-«' »ndthat the payment of anv debt* due to trru by i_r_teol» of Hiss ate. and the d-.iv»ry :». him, or for _.»._.?. ofany pro -"¦

tyw-.u-.ia_::« State belonging lo Situ, »ad IbeirSBi f»ay such prorerrv by \\m. are forbidden by law, a : irevoid. Dated the $4 day o\ April. IS-eS.

E. C. DELAVAN,*3 "aw9m Attorney for Attaching Cr»

IN -*OK_*UA>CK of an order of toe Sun ».

Co.aty of New-York. Nodes :» hereiy given to » I *¦ "-

»oc» having .'¡aim* against Samuel Macauiey, late Jf theCity of New-York. d-cea-ed, to preeent the »ame. w.:.-. '.revouchers Usèrent, to the subscriber, at the «>_tce of E. H.Owen, No. T. W«il-*tre-t. in the City of New.York, on orbefore the «.vectb day of Jaiy next. Dated New.York.theaixthdayofJes.arv. -»t.


JJ lawfm E. H OWEN. >

txeol Caíale.

MAT PRIVATE SALE-Tbs two story brtciH. use and IiOt in fss No. i-) lW.-..st. s .

lb*a-«v store« thai are cow building. Size oi lol-l by

116 feet deep. For p_n._Jari »po> t.»ANTHONY" J. BLE_CK_R. Aurli^neer.

rr.vtj lw_No» 7 Broa'.-«L

ÄAT PR-TATü »*A*-K--_-isc_ .;«t-.i. nTTÏÏiside. 4 w fe-t East o: '._e S I-avena,.-»ne of lot*'-! feelfront Sv h» f lbs block. For particular* arp v b«

ANTHONY J. BLEECKtR. Auettnneer,myl- lw No 7 Broa*..»».

f*m AT PRIVATE »»TÀTE-The""twT»_Jïy t>rtc-its house and lot tc fre.No. -« Oewntng-«». witn tea r mm

stt-ch-d. Also, the two *tory frame bouse and lot Isfee. No. ¿- Downing SL s:.« of each loi 1< l>y 7.'i feet deep.Kjr particulars, »rpiv to

ANTHONY J. BLEE-r-ER. Aurtioueer.myij lw_No. T B-oii-.t.

MTO HE LET.One of the lori* In »;jre N.>. -j

Cot_and-*L stre ot ro«.»ti'. _à by S3 feet to '^e c ear,and to th» r.gtt sort of business the rent will lw made

low. my.' Suwtf_HORACE H. DAY.

Êl-'UH .ALE,or exchac^elor City property, a »nagcountry r»«td«ace about tive mile* back of Peokskill,oa ihe main ro«d lo L«ke Mahopack. The h.mse I«

la excellent order, with «ccommodatloua su::..- »v. for alarge famiiy, with a barn aad other out bouse« and five arre*of good land, ail in pasture. There Is a excellent well ofw»ter in the yard, » garden, «ad frulitree» and «hnibberyin abundance. Apply lo JOHN BL'CKI.EY. Jr.

all 3aw.f Exchange Otfice. i-7 Oh»th»ai-«t.

ÄTO LET-For a year, or .luring the Summer sea-aon, a ¡nrne H.m«e,"piea*amly «luateil al KorXianlLake «vie, togaiber with in« t'amiiar» If deiired To

a gentleman inri man of bu«ine»« in tt». riiy, tin« would t»«-a ¡e,..r_'ii- Suinraerri'sldetice» The »leiTier Warren lOUCb-s* four lime* a w*ek at Rockland Lake landing, going audreiurnin. to and from the Cttv of N-'w-Yok. Apply toalJeodlf A. P. STEPHENS, Rocktand Lake»

TO LET.A part of the Cottage llou-e No. 16.Slat at. rear Sth-avenue. consisting of 4 rooms lit»a vrry Je.trable plac* for a gentleman and hi« «rife.

Rant low. loqulra as above. myl.»ót»

E7'¿ LOT*« ironil-tg on the 1th and Mh avenues aud-oth at: 8lsl St», contAlnln. an entire tiio,-k, pleasant-Iv siiuatod on elevated ¿round. Applv to

rryl6 ir_KENDALL \ ''""«I W.er.»t

ÊlfUK SALE.Very |..* .¡»i-.ivcluo.A uioo.»rn .>

«lory liru-i« H, n-e, and Lot in be, ou Ut-aveuue, nearl'l.-'-rL Pr'.-e til ¡i.l. AODlytO

my» iw Bi.y.r'.i K-it it van ¡>vkf:. n-> m w» «..

M TO LET.fu» second, ih'ro and fourth door» in incsnre 51 Kullon-«. with weil bole and hol»t wheel, nit -

able for a luht imponer or manufucf.iars. myll 7i"

ÊTO LET.The upper part of a neat iwo-»lory andaille h .use in the rear or-Cl Uadl*on-*U con*l«ling if:i room» on Ihe »econd d ior and two tie-1-rooin* lu ih.e

«lite- Rent eighty .foliar«. I", ».-.- ,n ¡.'.vrr, liTinie,!!^:,. »

Inquire of S. T. WILLIAMS, 315 Pearl-sL or on the p-e-nit»-». tnylo lw*

aTO L ET.At Brooklyn, Oowaaus, a two-sioiy ailleand luwemonl hoa»-». noatly finl.hed with marb!emantel* and black grato«, situate «l the cotnnieDce-

'TteLt of the 3d-avenue, leading to Greenwood CemeteryThe «lluailon I« very pleasant ai-.d healthy and coiiunanu* arine view of ihe Bay.Sta_e« to Kulton-?erry pa«« the door every half hour.RentSl-". lnijulre of Win. Tau'lv. near the. p.-emise»,

M avenue, or of HARRI. WILSON,myll TV 77 Muri-T-et

^J» AT I'ltlVA I'K !»AI,h.-l Loi» on mo !«in^i»f.^9 nue, between llfi'haud I7ih «t«. .ll»o, 1 Lot» ou tbr¦"Snu'h «doof I7i »t b-tween 8th and 9ih aver.ne*.-Por pirilcuUra apply to ANTHONY J BLr.E-KÎIR.

in 15 IW Auctioneer No 1 Br.,»,t at

¿» t-O.t ."»ALh-.'i L'l« .iTuriio Hav.-.n u' Ko ,. t.BB of (jroiii d, liiciudli)« water »i»hi. wtia a lnr.e Houa-,^^_c at Turtle ÖHy, on th» E _t Kivr-r. !oter»e_ied t>.

¦¡'. h. -in .] and 47th .:« l«l «vena* aad «venue A.a., ran-lar Ciiy lot*.valuable fir a raaideoc« or for man ir-ctu'lu»purpo»n* Properl» In ihi» Cllv or vielnlly ««rll In-t>»«-i inpan payment Apply to BLEECKER It VAN DYKE,

IIIVI5 I»_Wo ' W, .1.

M_-LTf*VV M(ll>_, aaillmorn .Tn « «pie.n.ld l«ilei ha* lieen lately refilled au-1 funil.hed in the i-o«lcomplete and ete.arilmannei, hy -eiiri JACKSON

li CRASS 1'ON. and af-.er the Smh April, when It open» Uihe punltc, wt.l t,^ ren,|y lor the reception ..!'»tue»:». The.»xperi»ttce of Mr. Cranston is bo*l of tbe Rockway |».-.-itlou, *nd of Mr. Jackson, at the Exchange Hotel. Balllmore, and at the Asior Home, N. York, i* i guaranty ofihe style in which ihe " EUTAW" wl. be kepL The i>c»lion 1« the beat In ihe city of Baltimore.OT" The PAVILION at Ruckaway,!» I., will reis-ln un-

der ihe charge of Mr. Cracaton, who, during the summeruiouib», will he happy l ; see hi* old friends al this favu'linwaterlnir placeat?'* Im

SMUTlCJt.A HStlUAllke-A Vwai/i ao.i andFarm for «ale, near the rUl*j*«of Sotuerville Monier«el Co. New-Jer»ey..Said C:irin COOslst* of 125 ane»

of Land, 25 of which i» woo«. The tiuildlng» «re a!; new,and oulli within two year».Houae «nd Barn both bull: byday«' work «n-l of the ti-.l material. Tbe Hou». la built I,'the cottage »iyle.3- by 3rf feel front, hall thriMigh the .-enter.parlor* Diit»ht-d with maxbie mantel«, piazza ¿A feet fi u.and 1-feet down each side.together with saObservalorjnatop of said Uou»e, a iwo siury kitchen in the rear, and collar under the wiw!« of tbe main bulldlag, with pautrtes.anJall dagged through In the best manner. The ts-r. I* 6u feelloog uad painted white.Carriage House, lea Bouse, itc.Also, s groat variety of Fruit of all dejcnpllou*.togetherwlih a quaniiiy of »hruhhery.Tbe premises lie wtihinfu'ur hundred yard» of the country

Seal, and about a Quarter of a mile otf toe Railroad. Theplacel» aboui two Lour» and a ha'f from ihe cttv. For far-iher particular» luquire of FARRINGTON BaRCALOW,In th« village of S imerviile, N. J. (if tfeod

LA.NO OM T-IKn_-17ÍJr.ü.'«J. at Y-ñker^-TKor»ale, . Farm of elgr.teen »ere« of land on tías Ea»,bank of the Uudaon River, in the Uiwn of Yonker*

»nd County of We»tch««ter, w.thla 17 mile« ..' the city ofNew-York, and on>! mile of the village and landing, 'ie-twe-n which and New-York iiearnboat* piy regularly (ex-ceptlng lu Winter) four lime* a day. The i«nd t» good, anithe home, which I* new and eouiinodiuu», 1» built in themodern »tyle, «*riih wide piazza« In front aad rear. KromIt a view |« had of the moal lieautlfal »cunery of the Hud-ton, extending up to the Highland* a:d down acroa» Iheh»y to Slilea Ulanl. The o.l-tmiidlag»..coaalaling ofbare, carrlage-hou»e, »table, Itc.are all new and In com¬

plete order, and the Ice-bouie I* now filled with Ice. There1* an excellent well of water upon tbe pla»-e, qilie near thebou»«. L-pon 11 are «*o» large number or «elected frail andornament«; tree». Ill« weil rai.-la:ed for « gecllem«n'«reaidenca. The above will lie »old cheap. Adjoining the«liave or the North, and also upon the river, are twentyacres of land without building», which «-ill be aoid with th_»bove, or «eparale from it .if desired. Apply to

snhifitfr- WM. W. SCfU'GHAM. Yonk-r«.

2A KAK.V1 KUICHALK.Sil-at-on lile lto«.iiromNow Rochelle to White Plain».«bout .pl-d:»i»fi!fromeach.co3l*lElEg 150 ACRE»' OF LAND, all of whlcb

I* Plough Lan-, excepting Ten Acre*, which I* Wood Land.fb-pi-cel* ilvlded by «lane, aad Ulsld octlcloeoovenieotloi» for cni-vatlon. All the fence* are of «lone, la goodorder, sal the ground la s high sut» of cultivation. The build¬ings all of good ctaractaraad In order. For TERMS «poly

toB. B. KENYON, on Vses premise*, or of¿Mf i ¿D.IANC.._«John--t.New.Y»»--.


.FOR »TATEN INLAND.On «clMonday, April _9d_ ihe Steambo«!»

¦bYLPH ac»l STATEN HUND..', willleave New-York and Suum I»laad a* follow», nuui («rlhernoUceLe»ve Staten Island at 5. 3. 9,10,11 A. M.-1.2. 3, -i, .> P M.Leave New-Yorx. fooluf Whitehall-*«, at 7, '), l'J, 11 A. M-

1 -, J. 4,5.7 P. JLOa Sunday«, ih-r firat hou from the Island w:¡l le*7e at 3

A. M and it-? 5r»t i<i_t from Sew Ynrt. at 9 A. M. ».!

PATEttlSON H.AJLKUAU.-Sumaer Arrangement Toeon__«_£Apr.l .nil:, lr-ir». L»»»7i»

P«TE*so.a DitroT. Ntw-Yoax.I o clock A. M. 5, o'c.ocx, A. M.

II» - .. I,« .. P.M.i - P.M. 5. "

ON SUNDAYS.Leave* P «tenon Depot ai N<pv-York at

i c/clocA, A. M. <Ji o'clock, A M.4 - P. M. 5, '. p. M

Pa*se_ger* are advUed to be »t the ?er-y a few ml.-Ce*before tbe oocr of «t_rt__g. ,n¡

5__l____äPÜ*öi <»H in i8 Trr*5^»w_» <ira*' ''¦>Í-'RS r tUJM '» rl -«-'- -"--«-*».<-T1="^=HB=Y0i_K TO oitxn^*m*m*\\\m

1N3 «ad PITTS BURG. r_ PHILADELPHIA. BALTIM0_£a_d OHIO RAILROAD, Cum.erUnd, Md.-3ft0MILES RAILROAD. vnms,mm. a-cn

To Weatera Traveier»:.Great Cclred S-«_e* M»U ardPa*«ecger R.jat_ to Wne._ag, PitUburg, C_trr___a andthe Sotith «ad '.-.-._

Paaaecger* going directly tbrc-gh.Leave New-Yora. foot of I_tK-rty-*L Nor_. Rl7*r| at iiP. M- ta Ibe Greai M_l Train.Arrive la Pb:.*de¡pa:a *t 5 ?. M.Leave PciiadelpcU ai lü p. M. dally.Mail Train.A-rive la B«, tunore til AM.Leave Baltimore _i 7; a. M- by toe Baltimore an Ohio

Railroad, .:¦'¦ tales.Aad «mve «t Cumberland al 5 P. M.Leave C__.b.riacd at P. M. be toe Nation»' Road aad

Good latest Stage Line«, and arriva In W_a_il__ ot PUia-.-r.b aex; eveciag.X3T Tux SecO-0 Mail I_t. New-York. 9 A. M. by

Ra_.-o._- Leave Ptu-delphia, aoaday« exeepf-, rt 3 P.M. ny Sieaaiboal, and I A M by Railroad, tot BaUi-Oi.P«_»enger» for Pia»-arg taxe the spl-mdid aew «od mo¬

dern baliiSleamboai* at 8rown«viile,ao_ tntrraby c.iv *or_ymile* of Si__iag on the «.bolaFirst cía«» Sieamboaa leave W__»j___ «nd Pl-sburg

hourly, «nd P«*«ecger« »re torw»ried wiiboul del«y toCin____it «nd an oi_.r Port* is toe Soalh «ad We*. Farej-'. to C;_.___:.For tttr-u-b ttekeu by thi*ro='j> apply In P-lad-upl la at

'_»* Raiiro-") 0_ce, cor_er of Maraet and 21_v*-t_. u, at45 Souib Thu-a-st, aad oo board «ta i-*;b«>-_, Dock-st « h_f.Fare Ctrocgb from Philadelphia lo Wbssatlin., 8l_i lo Puta-burg, 312; wia the prlvtl-g» of »topping at Baltimore «ndre*u__ag »eats at pie_lara. Por farther lnfor_t__un apply

to J- L. -LEMMER, Agea»,a__r_«d Office toot of _Iberty-«t, _t4PX__da.A)_,

l*AAd-e_r"_ (^st«o.iíW_^^|«^AM,wCüyKotel,H9.13e¡3««-w»7. n3>tpd

Cttbur Co-j.-TjanrM, ^c.m ZtjE~ ft. RE«fLAR .vlAIL LINE becw.^.."^^^""" *p*_Bdfcl »teamer» OREGON and KVICKERHOCKER *"

The «u-«_.r OREGON, eommap-«- bv Cap. p g»J.-3,_-d _.\":CKESßOC__..»-om_*nde- bv Capt__ g.Taayer. wiL rut. _iro.g_.>ui tee *e*»»'n *!__, '_. _r«t <»»of Aor_. ta eooneccoa with :_t> SuMtcgMtaSsl Provee*«-*«ad 8»»_ic ,;d rr-vt.leO'-e Ral.road«. ¡aa»;n« New.Y rtd _.*, -..day» exrept-j fro_ p4,. x_, 3 North l_»w .,5"S-Tr 5 _.. _*. «-n__iai__ «i 9 -'CocA. P M, ar upo. t_*arr-T». of tie M__ tr__ f>o_ .oaton.nase «.ear»*«, are ;;_anr->aa*«_ m »pesad, »p'.erdor tedcomfort. SavtBg each of .arm tie large- comme .iott» pnv_»sts-e rooms, a-^i -*»n_, lor ^ r».r*o_», be«_i« larga p,SThe Steamer» «r-otSctW _-"_,* ao#l .^^.0*. a*^"dii'u" f\"?-V* **?*" bew»«e N*w York _d tStoafi-mlt -ü--''»"¦». £»reby»m«l_#ta amollis» for «__¦ ,:c«-a 'rom B oat-c. Noria «_. £«», y. ^^ ""

The «JREGON wul leave N«w.Y»rrk-T-e*__v, Tbare-d.v an. .alar,:»v. ^*

Leav «tochura n.Moat*»y. We__*a_«y «ad Fr- .-.-The .NlCRfc-RSOCXER w_| I_,ve Ne..V»_.--_.û_.d»v. W edaeeday «ad Friday.Leav« Sto-iia.tou.Tue«d»y. Thursday *_d Sat_r.tr».N. B Pn«rag-r» on the arr.val of the «_»_xers at'__>nlna-iou p-oc*?ed i-ime.i_t«-y .a ibe «riendid railroad car»to Pi-video»- and B»»«u»n. with» _t any del»v; and » .»_#»g _.-» M_.t.-r "-ccmpaa.e* eoch tram to Boatoc. to i«**;_.»-< .a«?¡»aggae:e.Kor pa*#age or tre'-htlacu'.re on board of the io«t at ou»No. S. R. oc of GEO r. F.URCH1LD, No. 1- Wa___m-1_or of J NO. 11. RICHMOND, Pt.T-..,^¿¿7'

sa .«¿""Ll»_lb:'»l>l---ï» L1S KSTB.OlSTjÄTajam ¦Or'i'r Air-any, dai'.y.Suadav» except*»}.,^^^^^^^ihroogh direct, »i 7 ocljck,>. it. from theP'.er 1 etwiH-n Cortland and Liberty «*.ftinsmtinel ROCHESTER. Cap. Alf-i. Houghtou. wit»

leave oc Monday We-.eaday, aad Fr.day avectagt, *_ 7,1'CAVk.Sieambcal HFINDRIK Hl'DSON. Capt. R. G. CrjUeo-dan, will ¡eave on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturaay .see¬

ing* ai 7 o'dockAt Five o'c »vk. P. M..La-Jlcg al Iulen_e__>te Place».

From the '»»>'i of -Sitia***-:Sieamboei NORTH A5!_K1CA. Cap- R. H. Furey, will

«-,-.. oa T .r.d».-, Thursday aad Saturday afternoon« ti i.cloc-SicamiK-wi SOOTH AMERICA. CapL L. W. Bralnar«!,

will !e«v» "a Tue*day. Tttiiriday, aad Sattirday, at 7ov oek-A M.

P*_«en»-ei» taking e¡- 'ter of the above Line* w.; arrtv« laA baa} b v i':e time for the Morulcg Train of Car* for lb»Eist »-r West.Fret.hi lakeu at moderate rates, aad noue taken after i«

ct\-!«»ck.P. II,All penóos are fsrUd -TU.ng any of the Boau of this

Lin-, wi.toiita wrnten on!*- fr-rn th" Cáptala« or Aganu.K'Tp-.i..- T fTeigbl, «pj'lv on N .rd t_e Boau.ortop.

C BCRtlLTZ. at the .>».-.. on ihe w'»rf. t_3

__lpi^1^KW-Ys»li.ï_, .Vitwtuy ano fr».) Ltoe.S^fe^^y-gaj 'i A.Pitiy and Troy ¿ir«._ fi in L>-.e pier

at the f,»ot of C.»rt»ü: Ist..Pass-n^e.s tak-lo« ihla Boai will arrive ta tint* 10 'a«e th» Morning Tral»of Cars from Troy We«l to Bud'aio, aud North lo Saraiog«,-"w»-.'.-h»;i ai-.d Lake Champí* nThe ."w r.r_«,,:r-»»-,r.,!-.i.H)st CSIPIrfE, Capt. It B. Macv

«rill leave Tueaday, T.iur»»i*y aad Saturday SVeni-g«, stl.V ¦o.-k.Kor passage or ireUbl, apply onboard, or «I the 0__a

oa lb*» wharf.Nonce..All Good*. Kret.;i-.t, Baak Bill. I p*. le, or sn y

other alud of Property, poaidvely al the owner«' ruk. «¿0»ÍST-^.HW'kSíN«»' tiïNÊ ai 7 «yci«»c»7"fö7_r.5a*2Í¡SB___i "J "'rv'' *L'' tntermeillate laodlug». frota*atmmmtm^'mlbr> »t-amboal : ier at Hie (bot of ri «r. ay-«.

The TR«)Y lea«-,'» New-York Monday, Wrd eaiiav «nilKrtdav. al 7 o'c ock A. M. Leave« Troy Tue«d«y, Th-jr*.d*y. and Samrday al o'clock, A. 51. Lan'tln». al Cakl-»é:i«, We»i Point. Newburgh, Hamrloo, Pr»n^hke,.{>»j«)Hvde Par», RhtneN-.-X. I", lied ll'».<a, Bn.tol, Cat.klll,_.ud*oo, Cos»ac_la Klnderbook. Bn'«kf*«t sod otuoer.i: hoard the h,, U Paaieocer* t'iktn»' ihla boat - II] »irlvein time 10Sake :he Evening Tram« of l'-ir« ir.un Tr..y west

i>. i. aad N_r»a to S«rat"g«, VVaUahati aid Lax*01'am piain.

-.». low-preaaure «ie»nib.-i»t TIIOY. C«p'- t'."i.*in,Monday uiorii i<» May l^.ai 7 P. M. A gCKhls freight,..« :.n.«'. t"iii» bills, v-'.-ie. of any other kind of property,laXea, put, or »hipped onboard thl» boat, man l>- -i ,__

r.«» ol tne ow-otsof «ucli good«, fieigbl, !'< »»'a _c.r'or p.i»«ageor frei^tit, apply on board, or to K. i» [|«_,

atthe ,>'h.-e,.n Hie wharf in,18

m m]rfrmm a, UtIKN'INsj» LLNK at ? oclocâ-3|«j.^^fc2JjMf*f*«.iiiany iiti.l int"r'i.e.¡i»t,. Lat.;!,;'g», from«___¦_¦_-«__«, t, sinainrioat Pier »Ithe loot». Hire ay.»_ihe new low-pitMMU. «i-aintioat SOUTH AMEKICA,Captiia W. Brainard,Friday inormag, May l.ih. »ito'clock. Broa»!-«1 h.'I dluiier on »>onrl The Sonia .-¦_**>>lea -i««--« Sew.Y'W- Monday, Wednesday aad Friday, at7 o'rli.rn A. M L-a'r.-« A biny TU'ia-lay. T0ur«d«y a_iiSam «day, at 7 o'cloc« A. M.P*»*eoger* lak.ig thl* b«MI wti! arrive in iline M take the

««-..i.1 g tr»in« of cir% from Troy We.t to l5u4'*io, audNonti to Sax-toi:». Whitehall and L >ke Cb»mpl«la

All e-i.nl«, freiabl,baggage,b«ok btl.a, «pacta, or *nyother -'..M of pr-peny, um. put or «hipped m Hoard this

' boat, mail be al mi risk of ihe owner» of such good*,fretghi, baggage, _c For pa««*ga or traight, apply oabo .r.l ur«i in- .'tB.-e .in l>»e «hi'l_.> 14

_, jr*** yJtVBy 1 51«' BOAT for TROY «nd »£._____S!____-_bany -Thr.ugh wtihoui landing..The_______¦_¦ ,,HB.,,i.,B, COLCMBIA. C«pl *..>t>,.»_-| H.peck, wtl! leave lh« pier ai lb* f,«ot of *-_»!_¦_> ^ aTJr-M.inday. Wednesday and Kruay, al 7 o'coc», P. M,

Pessengtsi * taxing the above Boat will *rrtv« in Albany orTroy m amu'ettuie t.i ia»e ih.< early MorulOg TrS.H ofCar« for the .t«i or Weal. Till* I* a new and »ubsiaadalboat, fnmUbnd with elegantStata Rooms, and for »peed andICComiuodalion* la urrivaled on ibe Hu.UoaAll peraons an- for ltd Iruatlog thl» boat wuboul a written

order fr..in the Captain ot Agent.For paaaage or freight, apply on board lhebo»t, or al th«

..ffir-e ..h ih.. wriarf N fr-l.hl tallen ..íter .^ o'elnr. a_S"

-fr~» _ôl»r«'.*«n him to .iiunu*?«í_,y..«^*--"'7ff:"""" LlLelor A.b.oy .ilroci-Kuui thO^^."^¦^.¦^^.leSIDbKal lier, fi«,, of Ro-inxin.i Than-w Kid»..v.dtii »le-in y».hi RIPVAt» WINKLE, C«p-tain L II Aule, will |n4ve Tue»day, Thuraday auu Salur»day. »i 7 o'clock P M

If oí »Ule roo__, passage or berths, apply on boaM thetioal.

Frel-ht Mien at low r»te« »cd dellv-r»d aarllraetj-d mit^,tr^»>j»,««"«r»'ii_i'i i«»,« »«» -ï*jrTîs7«T*_ v..¿0&jtjg^$gt\)"u '"<¦ wiL'ioul landing -N«*.Yi.i* and

.Vl'i.ny Line..The faal and »piendld 0«W«-«R-iioal EXPREM, Cap. A. H.!!¦!...".-», will leav«. tbefoot of Kol'in«on-»t, next above Barclay, every TuesdayThuraday a-'d Saturday nt 7 o'clock. Th* JCxpresa I« fltlad«un Ibe beat <>l lurnllure, wlUi spaelou* «utn ruomaandgood berih*. Wi'Ji Lie public pairona.'e .lie trav-ling partof Ibe Community timy he sure of low faro the entire *e»*oa_.r ugti. For p.»agi or freight apply to ibe Captain o_

1'iourdorof GEO.T STANLEY,all al ibe nnWim thed _._

.xft'**">a,>AV «-1NL A i 7 A. »i- K.H AL«.__t__-î_l__-!'. AN V -Laoillugallhi ln:er_i»,.:,«;r places.»»»».^»sss«»«»»»»"fiin |U)W |,jw p.-e««ure »inaiiitioal ST.KIUUO-A-, CapuGeo. B. It »¦ « wul le**e toe pier alinefoot of l. ¦¦ -j .-. -, _t_ on Monday«, Wudoeaday*. and »rt.days. Reiurnt.-ií ««rill leave Albany on Tuesdays, Tb "*¦da-.« an'' Samrday*._ _m'.4 if

je¡fm" yt-tefftr Si 1T10 »M Tt» MONUPOlsT«._¿g_^*j«g»aw_.fi,r..^^li w.inoul landing..New Vuraand^^^^^^^^^Alrwny Line..Tte new auu splendid.teaiuer K rl.L- Capt Samu il Sduyler, win leav« New-Yor* for Alriuny ivry Monday, «V-»Jne»d»y and Friday,ai7o'«ii>e,x p. M from tbs foot of Robinson**. Tue Bail«i* tilled tip wilt «pieodld ilsie-roooi* , aud for «peed, con>forl and ¦.>' >l *uro««»ed by »tiy hoal on lb" Undaoririver. Foi K" tj.it or passage, biuuir* of the Captain, oni".ar I, or ul No. 7 South-at,Puieager« lak'ng »tie BELLE will arrive la Albany la

amule nine for the morning iram of car« Kasl or VVeaLN B. Freight laben st moderate rates._m24 tf

_ jir,,-"|_K<IKT IIA.II1LT0N A.NU CONE.

'"¦¦^¦¦^^ïilï, Capí. H. Ualian, wul connnntice rue-nlng on Monday ihe lalit _>*_(*_ Fon Hamilton only) asfo low« leaving foot (if Whitehall-si. New-York «17 A.M.and -I P. M. *nd V ,rt Hamilton at 8 A. M. Sbd 5 PM. untilf»nber mmce. r'ar* lurent*. _fny'd la»

PHILADELPHIA AND WILMINGTON.-fr«-»,» opposition LINE from Pbbadalpbis la

f_-»yV_««_*-f* W.lui:r.g;or_-0u «n! -,'terTuurnlay.Aprti***^^^^^^^24ih, ihn Urge ai.d CO.ItnO-IO.. «i*iaiiil>«»tPROPRIETOR, Cant II Mallín, will leave ihe lower tideofChsuroni «t wii.rf every day, (Snndays exeepu-rj.) ais0*cl_ca,P.M for VViliiiingp>n. Reiuriji.ig, will leave Hemp-iiiti'a wnarfn/ery moriiiugal 7 o'cloc«, A.M. fir Phtladel-ut.ii, t.iu.-M':.'».'. ¡too« and Chester going «ml returning.Vare lo or fron Wilmington,2$ cent*, r-i.-i to Chatter o:li ok,each way. 121 can..«-92aw4W THOMAS 3EILBY. Proprietor.

_ir*w*^T«i i:>lll.K.-.»iT*« «.--**v--_-r7TTt-rfB_i_r ' ______'*'' H^.k-iii'iiNou ksi I___?ir_5__afa1,1 ¦ TAPSCOTT'i» Foil-.-»»»*»»»».«¦__WARDING LINE..The «ub«r-r:b«r« beg to ir.foitn ibeirfriend**ad tbs rub:ir. g-nerally, «rid einigraou par.eu-l»ny. that ihey are now prepared lo forward pa.«anger«M>»11 part» of ihe Weaiem .S:al»» »nd Canada, at the vary.-. a .-«¦ ra'e* *nd with » certainly of ;, ,»«¦.¦. s. r« expert«*«-ln^ no deiay at any place on the route. Being ¡ruera*!/ ¿equally in »ii the ni'ide« of coovey»_,-o into iheinlartor xa.partial advice wu, o»- given lo lli-^se about uj pr«_^«Kl V jmtas to the best mode of travel, a* well ** the b««l er aU;t ^take for «iy Inland town ¡n the Uolt»d Suit* or f .ad«^ihe "Emigronis Trawlvng ____." which not oaJr ',7ei ¡tjsjrate* of uasaag., buial««> the dttianaa to ail p.M0f i_»Wat «ad C-_uia. t iget-.er with ita Um« a_> ,_., occupiedin performing a journey to »nv given pise ¿ ¿,., ¡^htAgran«, on application at iheiroffice. ' '

From ihe auperlor manner in wbtcsi Ya\t branch of theirImsine»« baa h.l_srlo been coodivct-d. tee «ur>_:rirrers e«nwim a certainly nnaraniy that no dME«-*,;,« or _e.y c«nposeiMy tie el(», i«,i,ce l by any per^u ».., ,,y tb«', Lin«,_udt_eiM_B*)ro_( frauds daily c/ai_.u-d uy r miisrissTparties on p-rsm.n going We»*., »hjuld deter ibo.e «b<ut¦ lb* r -«.in-- f.-om «'igaglag «_y where, hut «tino_.cooíe»l*.-.;u'r.ed reaponttbtuty. Tb« subscribers wouldre-.re »late, tint their v-riou« cuiiveyance*, viz: RailroadCars, Car.al .oats, and Steaie-riara,oca a* cannot be sur¬passed, :f equaled, for .«rit-r B_rtic_lars, apply (ifbTletter, post p_ni to W. J T. TAPSCOTT,

ít Sonih-sL one drx.r VV'-it of -i-ruog-sllp-N- .Vt'.k J.T T contluoe todUpaich-rsicl»»*packet*'-« London, L_V_rpoo4, &-.i», New Orlean», Mobtl*,Sa'aanaO and -btrieatoo, wt.h punctual ty. AUo, lo masaarran/einent» _r hrlastlngci ¡lauecger« from toy parlo'th- 'nd cmr.t-y. ar.d ftv-i drata for any »m'junt p«y»n,a ondrroand t' any pin ol fireat Biluin or Ira an.!, m S l»wif

-¿.r. .\QTiC-.. P«r««,_« »i»__ig to «end for i-atrJaL¿ ir.--':« ;u a.iy pert of i_e Old C-^-nt/y can rr.ase".^¦.

_^r MCSSsary arrangemeai al.h t_* sundraws»acd h«ve ti:-r* broQcbleoiln «ay of Ua» «hip* of ibe NearL.ue if Liverpool Ptr«ni». iae St George'* Lir.e of Liver»pool P_c_ri*. of the UuUjO Line of Liverpool Packet*, uponthe _io»l favor*-,« turma bv «ppyln«! u>_

W. J T. TAPSCOTT,iH South-«», one doer VV» of Bur.lng-llp»

Drii'i* for any au.uuni payable wiibout diaojuniln anypari of the L'_'.__ Kingdom can be obiaiced by appiytng u-... .i- ¦_my 18^ NKW LINE OK P »CKETii for Lrrerp «I -<2__i?AC»e- ot . »t .»:' .T-» .:. eodt I f_tt **| ine and"¦¦*V»_»_a P*c»-H «hip QCEK.N OF THil tV_*3T,1400 too« nur-aru, Cspt. P W,j,>5_»__e( «ru¡ ,U1 .. Tnur»day. May -1»». 6" reg._ar day. Peraooa xrumag to sacare--.-.« . j t sot fall to masa early ayp.l .«;'.,n on o-«.-i.»lihefoo«of Burllng-a-p, or to W. k J T. TAPSCOTT,At taeir general Paatage OSce, 8a Souih-at oa« door W*e»:of fs-r.l" g _.:»- Application to nr msyle a* «bova, or .>

WM. TAPSCOTT. 40 Waterloo Road. Liv-rp»*_Draft* for anv *_i,o_a». pay».;, ou d«__od, wKbo»- d_ecocQt. in «1: the pruidpai lown» of Eagi-ui, lf.__-. Scot*Und or Waif», e*n ai all time« be ontamnd on app«'<»r__(if ntr '««tt.r o-iat' pai/it _» ».>,.,v^ mvta

A*-. TAir**«« Ori'r» «._.N_U\I, «»ll-llii»«^E5_'riON oFFiCE, tfl 3*-t_-_e-», »N'«w-Y«rf_, stA"tTTStj Wao-roo Road, Livnrp hi!.Pers»_i »ending br ibair frte_d* in any pari of th* oia

couutry, C4_ maae ibe neceaaary «rraogemeols w.t.11->»u»»_ril>e*-« on r-__»*ja»iUi terma. to have taera »r- n<!-»«»tla THE NEW LINE OF LIVERPOOL PACKETSThe Slip« Comp«i«l_- -..' line, «re, it :« w«u ia-wn.t»v

»urp.>*ed by any. aad their i__.. «ixe (ail »Hitog 1' .too» and l.p*-i.) reolisr» them mora comfort«-1« saAconvenient than »hip» of a *mal,er cas«, and ibe n «"!.*!rell«a»-e may be placed In tcoir puaetuaiîty on »eiilng. _«¦**»u-Bcrtber* sr»> «i*o agenu for the St Oeorge Uaiosfn»oí Liverpool Pack««, in any of waicb passage can .»..?;

i gaged oo rssso-ahie urrsi*. Pot farther -*r*___srsss?ijrI eafi*n*i<MWmx8llW»sT*t*>