TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Trains leave and AniveSt. Paul as Folloim: Union Depot, Slbiey St. /os&\ TICKET OFFICE EAST THIRD ST. Diniiic Cars on Winnipeg and ,— ST. PAUL" IVicitic ("oast Train*. Leave. Arrive. Pacific >!ail <d»Hy> for Fnrsro Bozenr.n. Butte. Helena. Mis- \u25baoiiln. hpoknne. Tacoma. EeKiiltaml Portland .. - *-a; pm 5:53 p m ! Dakota Express (dailyi Tor Moorbead, Farero, J-ni."_towii. Ferjnw Falls Wnhppton. Crookston. Grand Forks. Graf- ton and Winnipeg >;» pro 7:10 a m Farpo Local (dally except Sun- day \ for St. Cloud, lirainerd audFargo 1 :**> am 5:39 p m first Class and Tourist Sleepers. f*fui alhffiir 395 ROBERT ST- CORNER SIXTH, P**^ CPEONE 480) AND UNION DEPOT. 'Leave. I tEx. Sunday. «Daily. Arrive. I«::<Spm i. r| IL. A ill 1 *11 :35am tlo:lo«m.Duiuth. Superior, Ashland. +s :sopm •I!r'rttpni;.. Dnluth arid Superior. •6:soam •10 :05 am Su City, Omaha & Kan. City *6:sipm tlOtQGam Ktniore, Su Falls. Pipestone t6:Rspm +4-30)>m .Mankato, New I'lm. Tracy. ti):3oam +K>:rsami.Wstertovrn, Huron. Pierrt. +fi:sspm *B:l.'>pm; Sioux City. Omaha, Kan. Cy. *7:25 am *S:].~>i>_a' "California iv Three Days" *7:25 am GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY Ticket Office. 199 E. Third St. "Phone 1142. Leave. *I).mly. tExcErT SrxnAY. Arrive. +H:_'"ani Breck. Division &Branches ta-.&Spm \u2666B:3oa__|F*«rm Falls Div.& Branches +(i:ospm +5:;! "pm|\Villmar via St. Cloud tlO:4sam •7 :45pm Breck.. Fareo.Gd.F'R.W'peg *7:s'Jam •3:oopm Montana & Pacific Coast •6:2opm •B:lSptn St. Cloud, Cr'kst'n, Gd. F'Ks •7:lsam +4:4.'> pin Excelsior* Hutchinson +<J:4oam Hotel Lafayette, Minnetouka Beach, now open. EASTERN MIIIWESOTA-8. W. BY. >l?Sf Pnluth. West Superior \ NORTHERN STEAMSHIP CO. North West. North Land. KrcUwivrtif Vatawntier. Leave Duluih 1 :45 p.m. Tuesdays and Saturdays Leave Buffalo o:3'.' p. m. Tuesdays and Fridays Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad. Lv - * >l F - Ar - St - F - Chicago "Day" Express.. +B:<>oam +10:10ptn Chicago "Atlantic' Ex... *2:.V)pm *11:35am Chicag > "Fast Mail" *6:55pm *2:oopm Chicago "Vestibule" Lim. t8 :10pm *7:s:)am Chicago via Dubuque t4:f>opm tll:00am Dubuque vii La Crosae.. .. *B:O'sam tlOMOpm Peoria viaMason City *4:Sopm *11:00 am £t. Louis and Kansas City. •B:3:am *B:3spm Milbank and Way tß:2oam *12:50pm Aberdeen and Dakota Bx- press. *7:ospm *8 :10am •Daily. tEx. San. {Ex. Sat. Mon. For fullinformation, call at Ticket Office. Chicago Great Western Ry. " The Maple Leaf Route." Ticket Office: Robert St., cor. sth St. Phone 15a Trains leave from St. Paul Union Depot. Daily. f Except Sunday. Leave. Arrive. Dubmiue, Chicago, Waterloo, 117.30 am +7.28 pm Marshalltown. I)es Moinesx *B.lopm »7.45ani St. Joseph and Kansas City.. (*B.lopm •l.JKpm / )odge Centre Local *3j» i>m »9.50 am ST. PAUL & DULUTH R. R. i-eave Arrive gt.Paul. *Dally. tEx. Sunday. Bt. Paul. From Union Depot. CITYTICKET OFFICE. »H5 Robert Street. M., ST. P. & S. S. IN. R. R. Union Station. leave. | EAST. | Arrive" ?:45 p m Atlantic Limited Daily. 9:35 am fi:o3 a ni Kniuelonder Local, ex. Sun. 6:30 p m WEST. 9:05 a m Pacific Limited. Dally 6:30 p m From Minneapolis." Glen- -6:00 p m wood Local, except Sunday. S:3O am WISCONSIN CENTRAL City Office. 073 Robert Street. 'Phone No. 694. All Train, Daily. S^S^jfg^ liau Claire, Chlppewa 1 Falls, Afchland. Hur- Qn o ,_ ley, Oshkosh.Milwau- '~" m - B:lr>am- kee, Waukesha, Chi- \ -*" d m «* nd cago and tne East and '40p.ni. *5 .d5p.r0. South J •Arrive7:30 p. m, on Sundays. ipHfeß3MßflH|B Leave Union Depot for BifatoliwfißUl m - : arrives from Chicago, MB|Pffiff| 9 2;15 p. in., except Sunday. MbJNm In Chicago and St. Louis. 4:40 H p. m. Arrives from same s ** 1ir ' 1 '''" l *" 3 points 7:45 a. m., daily. M- & ST. L. DEPOT, Broadway and Fourth. MINNEAPOLIS & ST. LOUIS R. R "ALBERT MA ROUTE." T Leave | *DaUy; tEx. SundayH Arrive j Alb't Lea, De« Moinen, I «r9:13 a.m. i Ced. RpMs, Kan. City f t7:«p m i Watertown. New Ulm I +£:•« a.ni. , and Redwood Falls Ex f t4:55p.m I- :^ pm - U _s Moines * Omaha Lim *8:55a.m •<-M p.m. Chicago & St, Louis Lia. *B:5Sa m M:4b p.m. AlbertLea & Maukato Loc t!0:35 a.m LEVEE root of Slbiey Street. Will leave for St. Louis and intermediate land- Inps Monday, Aug. 17th, at IO A.M. For fullinformation regarding passenger and freightrates address C. R. BROCK AY,General Agent. Oflice, foot of Sibley street, oppoiita t nioi! Depot. St. Paul. Telephone call. a. DR.-FELLER (6CE. 7th Street, St. Paul, Minn. Speedily cures all private, nervous, chronic did blood and skin diseases of both sexes \u25a0without the use of mercury or hindrance from ousiness. NO CURE. NO PAY. Pri- vate diseases, and all old. lingering cases ;whcre the blood has become poisoned, caus- irs ulcers, blotches, sore throat and mouth pains in the head and bones, and all diseases of ihe kidneys and bladder are cured for life. Men of all ages who are suffering from the results of youthful indiscretions or ex- cesses -jf mature years, producing nervous- ness, indigestion, constipation, loss of mem- ory, etc., are thoroughly and permanently c-red. Dr. Keller, who has had many years of ex- perience in thl3 specialty, is a graduate from ore of the leading medical colleges of the country. lie has never failed In curing any eases that he has undertaken. Cases and correspondence sacredly confidential. Call or . \u25a0wrtto for H*t of questions. Medicine sent by mail ad express everywhere free from risk Mid exposure. FVec Kiirc te the State Fair. Reed the Globe's offer In another column. It tells you how to fret both froe railroad fare and free admission tickets to the Great Minnesota State F«oJr. WANTS iAYBE LEFT At the following; locations for Inser- tion In the Dally and Sunday Globe, "1 the same rate* am ure cbarsed by the niuin office. II \MI,IXK. llamline Pharmacy Drug Store 750 SNELLING AVENUE. DAYTON'S BLUFF. Sever Westby Drug Store 679 EAST THIRD STREET. MWBS TOWN. William K. Collipr Drug Store SEVENTH AND SIBLEY. Joseph Argay Drug Store COlt. GROVE AND JACKSON STREETS. M. D. Merrill News Stand 442 BROADWAY. \u25a0 Mi:i(l(IAH PARK. A. L. Woolsey Drug Store ST. ANTHONY AND PRIOR AVENUES. ST. ANTHONY HILL. Emll Bull Druggist GRAND AY. AND ST. ALBANS. W. A. Frcst & Co Drug Store SELBY AND WESTERN AVENUES. Straight Bros Drug Stor» RONDO AND GROTTO STREETS. A. A. Campbell Drug Store 235 RONDO STREET. A. T. Guernsey Drug Store 171 DALE STREET. Brackett's Pharmacy VICTORIA AND SELBY AVENUES. WEST SIDE. The Eclipse Drug Store. S. ROBERT AND FAIRFIELD AVENUE. George Marti Drug Store S. WABASHA AND FAIRFTELD AVENUE. Concord Street Prescription Store. CORNER STATE AND CONCORD. A. T. Hall Drug Store COR. S. WABASHA AND ISABEL. UPPER TOW3T. S. H. Reeves Dm* Store MOORE BLOCK. SEVEN CORNERS. C. T. Heller Colonnade Drug Store ST. PETER AND TENTH STREETS. B. J. Witte Drug Store 29 EAST SEVENTH STREET. F. M. Crudden Confectioner m 496 RICE STREET. W. B. Lows Drue: Store ROBERT AND TWELFTH STREETS. R. T. Wlncott & Co Drug Store CORNER RICE AND IGLEHART. ARLINGTON HILLS. C. R. Mrrelhis X Drug Store CORNER BEDFORD AND DECATUR. A. & G. A. Schumacher Drug Store 954 PAYNE AVENUE. WEST SEVENTH STREET. A. & G. A. Schumacher Drug Store 409 WEST SEVENTH STREET. J. J. Mullen Drug Store COR. JAMES AND WEST SEVENTH. ISION PARK. C. A. Monchow Cigars and Tobacco UNIVERSITY AND PRIOR AVENUES. PERSONALS. fe Dr. MOSS, th| SLMyoME NOW LOCATED 1 AT No. 552 Wabasha Sfreef. SINCE the beginning of history man has been persistent in his efforts to find out the things that would do him good. The scien- tific mind has been at work investigating the hidden mysteries of nature, trying to solve the many questions that would benefit him and his kind. The lady whose name begins this article Is one of nature's pure, noble women, and her power simply bor- ders on the miraculous. She is so endowed that she can be of inestimable help to her fellow man, and in all things stands ready to lend a helping hand. She can reveal the secrets of the past, and accurately foretell the coming events of the future. She tells where hidden treasure may be found. She advises in matrimony, divorce, love, busi- ness and troubles of all kinds. The very best business people of the city consult her daily, and she has been the means of saving many a man from financial ruin. These things taken into consideration, she is pre- eminently one of the world's great wonders, and the many thousands of our readers who are in need of pure help and advice should not hesitate to consult her at once, and they will bless the day they read this ar- ticle. MRS. DR. MACK, from Chicago, tub bath and massage, manicure and chiropodist. 186 East Seventh st. LADIES Call at 189 East Eighth st. to have their fortunes told. 25 cents; gents, 50 cents. MADAME W T ALTHEIR. natural born clair- voyant; have you trouble? Are you sick? Do you wish to know if you will marry the one you love? Madame can tell you; help you. 490 St. Peter St., in rear; also Sun- days. 15c BOX SALVE cures corns, stings, burns, freckles, offensive feet, piles. 46 Ninth st., corner Cedar. LADIES BOARDED, nursed through con- finement; thirty years' experience; terms reasonable. Address care office E. Walters, 490 St. Peter St., city. C. M. B.— Come home. Everything is all right. ST. PAUL VI A VI COMPANY furnishes health book free to mothers and daughters. ."4 Mannheimer Building. LADIES, call at 189 East Eighth st. and have your fortunes told; only 25 cents; gents, 50 cents. A RELIABLE CLAIRVOYANT— Madame Teltsworth; prices reduced 50 cents; thirty years' experience. 13 Eighth street. INSTRUCTION. WANTED— PupiIs for evening class In sten- ography and bookkeeping: positions when competent. Address W 77, Globe. BALDWIN SEMINARY, 459 Portland ay., St Paul. Boarding and day school. Superior advantages. Catalogue free. REOPENING— Prof. J. Renter's Academy for Dancing reopens Sept. 21. Westmoreland Hall, Tenth and St. Peter sts. TELEGRAPHY, bookkeeping, shorthand and civil service examinations taught at Globe Business College. Endlcott Building- stu- dents can earn board. 'WANTED TO BUT. CHAlßS— Wanted to buy, 200 to 400 chairs suitable for a public hall; also cash car- riers. Address Laird, BoiJe ft Co.. Rush [ City, Minn. THE SAINT PAUL GLOBE, SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 1893. SITUATIONS OFFERED- MALES. AGENTS wanted to sell the finest hard rub- ber Inhaler on the market. Blanchard Mfg. Co.. Box 658, Cincinnati, O. AGENTS—Here Is a good chance Tor good men; $40 a month. W 76, Globe. AGENTS—Entirely new Bryan buttons now ready; own design; sample, 5 cents; We manufacture buttons, badges, uniforms, torches, campaign supplies generally. Cata- logue free. Send 35 cents for sample Auto- matic Campaign Horn. General Manufact- uring C->., 102 Fulton St.. New York. AGENTS wanted for our patent shaft tug; does away with breeching; whiffletree. leath- er tugs and traces. Send stamp. Kinney & Jackson, 125 West Thirty-second St., New York. AGENTS everywhere. Magic Insect Food. Exterminates bedbugs, cockroaches and all insects; big profits; samples and terms postpaid for fifteen cents. Ralph Food Co., 25 and 27 Third ay.. New York. AGENTS—Experienced specialty salesmen to devote exclusive attention selling our line to general merchandise trade; high com- mission; exclusive territory; excellent oppor- tunity for hustlers. A. E. Zlehme & Co., Chicago. AGENTS—The manufacturer of Peterson's Bicycle Skirt Holders wants general agents in every city In this country. Address Pe- terson & Co.. 52 Dearborn St., Chicago. AGENTS—Campaign Badges, Buttons, Gold and Silver Bugs. Large variety, lowest prices. Line of samples, 10c. Perm. Supply Co., York. Pa. AGENTS—Dealers, sell Cabinet Photographs, McKlnley, Bryan. Sample ten cents, with wholesale prices. Kern, Photographer, 314 Second St., New York. AGENTS— From $3 to $10 per day guaran- teed to aell the "Business Guide." Over 400 pages, 12m0., cloth, selling price $1. Outfit free to hustlers. For particulars ad- dress J. L. Nichols & Co., Napervllle. 111. AGENTS Everywhere can make Immense profits. Our Summer Specialties, just out, sell at sight. Write for catalogue; full in- formation. Sample, 10c. Aluminum Novelty Co., 335 Broadway, New York. AGENTS—Hustlers make $5 dally selling only revolving griddle cake turner. Sample, 20c. O. E. Mickel, Manufacturer, Haverhlll, Mass. AGENTS WANTED— Liberal contract; choice territory; pays sick, accident, death and endowment benefits. Address American Benevolent Association, St. Louis, Mo. BENCH MEN—Wanted, good bench men. Bohn Mfg. Co., Arcade st. ' BOY—Wanted, a boy of about fifteen years of age on a farm. William Ortner, Owa- tonna, Minn. BOYS— Ten active boys, aged eighteen, Intelli- gent and good appearance. Call Monday 9 o'clock at Globe counting room, St. Paul. CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTORS—Wanted, circu- lar distributors everywhere; good pay. Ap- ply with stamp, Northwestern Distributing Bureau, Chicago. CANVASSER— Wanted, man of good appear- ance and well acquainted with city for city canvassing. _ Address A.B. C, Globe. COLLECTOR—Wanted, a city collector; lib- eral commission offered. 217 Washburn Building. ERRAND BOY— Wanted, a boy fourteen years of age to run errands; good wages to the right party. Call 139 East Tenth st. FIVE DOLLARS per 1,000 paid distributing circulars. Enclose stamp. Commercial Ad- vert. Asso., Chicago. INDISPENSABLE IN ANY HOUSEHOLD— Ball's Combination Kitchen Tool, the only perfect bread and meat slicer and bone saw. all In one, yet offered the public. A simple device needed in every kitchen; 100 per cent profit for agents. Exclusive ter- ritory granted. Write for particulars. Standard Steel Tool Co.. Akron, O. SALESMEN— Wanted, specialty salesmen to give entire attention to fast selling line; high commission ; exclusive territory ; dry goods and general trade; unparalleled in- ducements; no novice need apply. Interna- tional Mfg. Co., lowa City, 10. SALESMEN— To sell our full line of E and 10-cent cigars; $25 weekly and ex rinses. National Consolidated Company, Chicago, 111. SALESMEN make $200 a month selling our machines for cooling refrigerators. Guaran- teed 75 per cent cheaper than ire. Pro- duces a dry cold that keeps perishable ar- ticles indefinitely. Write for terms. Arctic Refrigerator Co., Cincinnati, O. SALESMEN for our Bryan and McKinley Cigars. $30.00 weekly and expenses. Ex- perience unnecessary. Folk, Ritchie & Cq*, St. Louis, Mo. SALESMAN Large cigar firm wants a sales- man in every locality; $50 per month and ex- penses to beginners; entirely new Induce- ments to agents and dealers. Address Box 1210, Chicago. THE BANKERS' LIFE ASSOCIATION, as- sets $650,900; largest, strongest, and best Minnesota Life Company, wants a few more agents. Every assistance given. Expenses of good men guaranteed. Address Douglas Putnam. Secretary, St. Paul. Minn. THE BEST OPPORTUNITY ever offered to learn the barber trade; only eight weeks re- quired; situations guaranteed; failure im-' possible; tools donated; catalogue free. Twin City Barber College, 223 Washington ay. south. Minneapolis. TINNERS— Wanted, five good tinners or cor- nice makers. Lefebvre Roofing and Cornice Works, Eighth st. TROMBONE PLAYERS— Wanted, slide and valve trombone players for amateur brass band. Address O 84, Globe. WANTED—Man to manage branch office; $600 required; salary $1,200; good chance for right person. Manager, 200 Monon Block Chicago. ' WANTED— Men and women to work for us day or evening at their homes; nice, pleas- ant work; no canvassing; experience not necessary; we pay salary; send us your ad- dress. Standard Manfg. Co., 142 W. 23d, New York. PERSONS wishing to take civil service ex- aminations. soon to occur in St. Paul for various government positions, to write for valuable information (free). IT.l T . S. BUREAU OF INFORMATION, Cincinnati, O. $85 AVERAGE weekly Income with $250 in- vested. Safe, conservative; prospectus proofs free. F. Daly, 1293 Broadway New York. $4.50 PER $1,000 CASlT"fo7~distributing~7irT culars; inclose 4 cents. U. S. Distributing Bureau, Chicago. $75 to $150 A MONTH AND EXPENSES paid salesmen for cigars; experience un- necessary; standard goods; Little Clerk cigar machine free to each customer. Chas C. Bishop & Co.. St. Louis. Mo. WE don't want boys or loafers, but men of ability. $300 to $500 a month to hustlers. State and general agents. Salary and com- mission. Racine Fire Engine Co., Racine Wis. W r ANTED Able salesman for new magazine combination. IncludingMunsey's, McClure's, Godey's and Cosmopolitan, in connection with books on installments. Big money tor live men. National Subscription Co Security building, Chicago; 1213 Filbert st. Philadelphia; 150 Nassau St.. New York- -81 State St., Boston; 708 Perm ay., Pittsburg! WANTED— A strong boy. Apply Sunday morning Como park, at the pavilion, end of electric line. WANTED Man to open office in every coun- ty and represent manufactory; hist commis- sion ; steady position. Ohio Mfg. Co. Day- ton. Ohlo v WANTED—Permanent sample distributors- ss per 1,000; enclose stamp. Geneva Phar. Co., Chicago. WE PROCURE all kinds of situations. Call or send stamp for application blank. Green- leaf, 424 Nicollet ay.. Minneapolis., LOST _IfD FOUSO. BRACELET LOST—Saturday evening a lady's silver bracelet, with watch attached: Ourita scratched on inside; $5 reward if returned to this office. COIN LOST— An Egyptian gold coin, with a gold rim enclosing it. in the business part of Minneapolis yesterday. Finder please re- turn to Globe office, Minneapolis, and re- ceive reward. DOG FOUND— Found, a St. Bernard dog- he is a male dog: black in the face. Apply at 52 East Aurora ay. COW FOUND—A red cow. Owner call at 1153 Qaqltler at. »\E WORKS. KAHLERf t MINTEL— Minnesota Itelm" Dye Worka, 244 East Seventh. BICYCLES. BICYCLES for sale cheap for cash. Only two left. C. F. Lorertng, 381 Wabastia st SITUATIONS OFFBRED_FEMALEJ. APPRENTICES— Watted; two glrla to learn dressmaking. Call At-once, at 415 Seiby ay. APPRENTICE— Wanted, , a young girt who wishes to learn dressmaking; no errands or other work. Apply i (K^Selby ay. APPRENTICE— Wanted^ ' a young girl to learn dressmaking.' tJall 393 Selby, Dry Gooda, Millinery. Mas Hiddlng. GIRL TO TRAVEL—Wanted, girl to travel in a medicine wagon;- rio 'experience. Inquire 458 St. Peter st. Come; ready; good wages. HOUSEWORK— Wanted,..young girl to assist in housework and .help to care for child. Call at 643 Martin at. [; HOUSEWORK— Wanted,; a good girl for gen- enal housework. Apply at once at No. 68 Eleventh _t. t HOUSEWORK— Wanted, >•• girl for general housework; small fanifly. 115 South Waba- sha fit ' HOUSEWORK— Good girl for general house- work. Call at 796 Laurel ay. HOUSEWORK— GirI for general housework; good wages. 379 East Tenth st. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl tor general housework. 446 Dayton ay. HOUSEWORK— GirI wanted for general house- work; family of three. Apply 62 Park place. HOUSEWORK— Wanted. German girl for gen- eral housework. 822 Selby ay. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a young girl to as- sist with housework. Apply at 274 Iglehart street. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, competent girl for general housework; wages, $12. Call at 382 St, Albans st^ HOUSEWORK— Wanted, neat girl for gen- eral housework. Inquire 469 Laurel ay. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a strong, compe- tent girl for general housework. Apply Monday morning at 519 Marshall ay. HOUSEWORK— GirI wanted for general housework In small family. Call at 618 Canada st. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl for general housework. 51 Summit ay. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, competent girl or woman for general housework; easy place and good wages. 311 South Franklin st. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a neat girl to assist in light general housework; family of three. Apply No. 9 Seville Flats, corner Kent and Selby. HOUSEWORK— GirI wanted for general housework, or young girl to assist, at once. 287 Dayton ay. _ \u25a0. , HOUSEWORK— Wante.d, J neat German girl for general housework, at 704 Burr St.; take Lafayette ay. ct.r'tp Iftinnehaha st. HOUSEWORK— Wantea. \u25a0' a thoroughly com- petent girl for general 'housework in family of two; must be a good cook. Call Monday morning between 9 and 12 at 771 Selby ay. HOUSEWORK— Wanted;! good girl for general housework; no small children. 767 East Fourth at. ;.\u25a0)\u25a0_;• HOUSEWORK— Wanfe*;' girl for general housework; must ha^p reference and ex- perience; also nur^sejgirl; wages $12. Ad- dress i 52 West Un4Y er f?ty. KITCHEN WORK^Waftted, a good girl to do kitchen work' aha plain cooking. 654 Grand ay. LADIES wanted in our^prder department to interview our patron^.' Call 9 to 10 a. m. H. Freeman, 50 Davidson block. NURSE— Wanted, girl about 14 years old to take care of 5-year-old child during the day; one living on west side preferred. Apply 466 Clinton st. SECOND GlßL—Wanted, a second girl at White Bear for one week, beginning Tues- day or Wednesday next; good wages. Ap- ply Monday, to O. L. Taylor, 218 Manhattan Building. SCRUB GlßLS—Wanted, scrub girls; must be strong and willing workers. Apply to Ma- _tron, jrity^and County Hospital. SOLICITORS—Ladies to solicit for W. & -M. Powder Flavoring; every housekeeper buys it. Call afternoons. 210 Washburn Build- ing. BQA^D WAtfTJSP, \u25a0 \u0084T . H P _,» __ . . \u25a0 BOARD A business znan and wife would like pleasant rooms, with board, in private family; must be modern and centrally lo- cated. Address J 94, Globe. BOARD-^-Wanted, by young lady, furnished room (alcove room preferred) with break- fast and S o'clock dinner, in private fam- ily; reply, stating terms, description and size of^room. Address W 79, Globe. BOARD—Comfortably 'furnished cool room with board, wanted by gentleman; please state price. Address F 86, Globe. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE—High-grade bicycle^ only been used a week, for bed room furniture, or willsell for cash. Address 279 East Seventh St. The Empire. WILL TRADE improved inside clear prop- erty paying better than 6 per cent for mod- ern home; can pay some cash. Z 93, Globe. TO EXCHANGE—High grade wheel in ex- change for fine shot -gun and diamond ring or part cash. Bo^ White Bear Lake. •IMPROVED REAL? 'ESTATE and cash to exchange for mer*Man9lse. F. J. Otis 152 East Sixth et., St.. PWttt, Minn. -airJi -* NEW GOODS for wood-hand. Ryan Fur- niture and Exchange @0., 142 and 144 East Seventh . R. N. Cardip^a. Proprietor. FOil 5.41. E. $250 BUYS FURNIT.U»K, 10 rooms; central; $500 buys furniture wosth $1,300; snap; $1,000 buys furniture, gijfc jedgo, worth double; central. Schram, 320., and 322 Manhattan Building. ' \u25a0' ORGAN—For sale, new,«arlor organ, left on sale at factory; cost' » a month. Address X 78. Globe. ; M ' t PIANO— For sale, tiprijHit mahogany piano, 7 1-3 octaves; mttst Sell; most any price takes it; $25 cash, balance long time. Ad- dress V 86. Globe. '' : \'\ SEWING MACHINES— For "sale, Domestic sewing machine, $15; Cabinet machine, $12; Singer. $6. Address X 78, Globe. PIANO^ Fine upright piano, half-value; can- not go on with the payment. $20 cash, bal- ance on time. Address S 82, Globe. STEWART HEATER, gasoline range and baby carriage for sale. Mr. Harman, care Schliek & Co. \u25a0 1 i _ : _ DOG For sale, Irish setter, thoroughly brok- en on chickens. Address E 88, Globe. MILCH COWS—Go to Midway Milch Cow Market. 2161 University ay., Minnesota Transfer, when you want to buy your milch cows; a fresh carload just received; take interurban car to Cleveland ay. TICKET— For sale, cheap; round-trip ticket to coast; all privileges. Address X 94 Globe. CHOTGUN—For sale, new 12-gauge hammer- less shotgun. Address S 80, Globe. ENCYCLOPEDIA—Britannica encyclopedia; late edition, complete. 22 Schutte Block. BED—Good upright antique oak folding bed, with French mirror. Address S. 86, Globe. WATCH— Lady's solid gold watch; fine move- ment; cheap, or will exchange for lady's bicycle. Address L 84, Globe. n 1 FOR SALE— Van. range and broiler, with cooking utensils almcrat new, suitable for restaurant or htftW; JftTlso one showcase 2&x4% feet. Inquire W~. L. Perkins & Co., . 319 Robert st. '\u25a0 y"' CTJVARCJUJU . *a - « . AVERAGE PROFILES Wtth $100 investment; May $960, June, $82*, Jfcly. $1,240. Send for particulars, Rice ft' Co., 119 Dearborn St., Chicago. ANT ONE CAN B^R^OW MONEY, any amount, on dlamdndi, watches, Jewelry, furs, bicycles, typewriters, at Lytle's, 411 Robert, opposite Rfan^otel, Watches and diamonds for sale at ftalf their value at Lytle's, 411 Rotfert st. :< « $50 TO $560 short-urhs} loans procured on per- sonal property. Objo Investment Company, Seventh floor, Qloba, bu}lding. ISO TO fSW SHOftT TIME LOANS ON PEJR- •onsl property, collateral paper, household goods, diamonds, seal garments and all goods In storage. Notes discounted. Ohio Investment Company, seventh floor, Globe bailding; most private office* fa the ettr, MONEY TO LOAN—On furniture, pianos, etc., to remain with the owner; also on watches, diamonds, seal cloaks, etc; loans can be repaid by Installments; business gtrtetty private. Room 7, Ftps* National Bank Balldfng, corner Fourth and Jackson ; Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co. SITUATIONS WASTED-.ll«le. CARPENTER wants work at 220 Water at. CLERK Wanted, position as grocer's clerk by experienced young man. Call on or ad- dress Ben Mavea, 2012 West Seventh St. CLERK—Young man 20 years old desires posi- tion In wholesale house or office work; experienced and can give references. Ad- dresg E. Titus, 28 Garfleld St., city. CLERK—Wanted, by young man, position in meat market or delivery; no objection to leaving city. Address M. 8., 821 Van Buren at.. City. CLERK—Young married man wants posi- tion clerking; has good knowledge of dry goods, furnishings and general merchan- dise. V 94, Globe. COACHMAN—Coachman desires position in private family; good city references. Ad- dreag W. X., 450 Fort St. _______ COACHMAN— Situation wanted by a com- petent man as coachman; is a good horse- man and careful driver. Address J. H., 337 Iglehart st., city. COOK First-class meat and pastry cook wants situation; hotel or restaur.mt. city or country; first-class references. Address Maurice Nolan, General Delivery. St. Paul. EMPLOYMENT— A young man wants work at most anything; handy with all kinds of tools; my trade is electrician; good refer- ences. Address Z 99, Globe. EMPLOYMENT— UsefuI young man, active, reliable, honest, good address, wants any kind of work; first eight days for board. W. Franke, General Postofflce Delivery. EMPLOYMENT—Wanted, by a. man with horse and delivery wagon, work of any kind. Address W. H. C, 617 Blair et., city. EMPLOYMENT—University graduate; gentle- manly manners and address; total abstainer, seeks any employment; small salary ac- cepted. Address Geo. Turner, General De- llvery, St. Paul. EMPLOYMENT—Young man with good busi- negs knowledge wishes work of any kind during Q. A. R. encampment. V 94, Globe. EMPLOYMENT— A boy eighteen years old \u25a0wants work of any kind. Address 392 Erie St., city. HOSTLER— Young man wants work of any kind; used to horses. Address 206 South Exchange at., city. OFFICE WORK— Young man of eighteen would like position in office or wholesale house; best references. William Cutts St. Paul. General Delivery. PAINTER Young man does painting and kalsomining; wants work. W. Werner, 445 Wabasha st. PORTER— Wanted, by young man, position doing portering or any other work offered. E. A. 8., 325 Martinjrt., St. Paul, Minn. WAlTEß—Situation as waiter In restaurant in city. 43 East Eighth st. WANTED— PIace In private boarding house or family by a bright high school student, where could be useful generally and at- tend school in the forenoon; is honest, active and willing. Will work for small salary if place is permanent. Best of city refer- ence; if interested address H. 8., 190 East Fourth st. WANTED— Painting, paper hanging or kal- somining in exchange for room rent. E 87 Globe. HORSES ASD CARRIAGES. FOR SALE— One black mare, five years old; one pony; one single harness, one open buggy, one cart, with box; cheap, cash or time. 211 East Ninth st. WANT TO BUY CHEAP~ FOR CASH—Sec- ond-hand light dray, express or heavy de- livery wagon; size, 1% or I^-inch axle. Address W 78, Globe. FOR SALE—Bay mare, 7 years old; good driver; will sell at half value. Call at 991 Laurel ay. SPRING WAGON, buggy, harness and small horse for sale. Call at 691 Olive. FOR SALE— A light-running sidebar Brew- ster buggy, just painted, cheap. 569 Selby ay. GOOD young horse, gentle, sound and good style; weight 1,050; also Columbus leather top buggy and harness. 897 Woodbridge street. HORSE AND TRAP— For sale, first-class horse and trap complete at very low figure. Apply W. H. Bromley, 194 West Third st. MIDWAY HORSE MARKET-The firms of William Cunningham & Co. and H A Winslow will sell jointly Tuesday Thui<=- day and Saturday, at auction; all classes always on hand; strictly commission con- signments solicited. OUR GRAND combination sale takes place Aug. 31 to Sept. 5; entries close Aug. 20; a large number of well-bred horses already entered. Send for entry blanks, terms of sale and catalogue to Barrett & Zimmerman 20 Second st. north. Minneapolis. BOARD OFFERED. BOARD— Pleasant room, good board, bath and parlor, $3.50 per week. 249 Nelson ay. BOARD—Nicely furnished rooms, with flrst- class board. 16 Summit ay. BOARD— Elegant furnished rooms and first- class board; centrally located; all modern conveniences. 472 Sibley st. BOARD— Nicely furnished rooms, with board- terms reasonable. 620 Central Park. BOARD—For rent, pleasant furnished rooms and board; cheap rates. 252 Wesit Fifth at. BOARD A furnished room and board for two gentlemen; all conveniences. 251 Maria ay. _ DRESSMAKING. MADAME MARIE FAVRE, French dress- maker, 27 East Seventh st., Kendrick block. TRAI.VED ' 7^rticKMy"nno¥r POINTERS AND SETTERS— For price~and particulars write to S. O. Cundy, Norwood Minn. The Globe. Free Want Page Blank Forth* Unemployed Or ST. TAVL AXD VIXKBAPOLIS. Free Xi tuition or Help Wanted Ad- vertieementi must be written on ibji blank and tent to THE GLOBE Ad- vertising Department. St. Paul. 1 1 If ! I t i ______ _____ _____ » SITUATIONS WA.ITED-"EMAIB. BOOKKEEPER^Young lady of good address and long experience would like position as bookkeeper; can speak German. Address M. C. Globe. CASHIER Thoroughly competent young lady would like position as cashier; can give best of references. Address C. M., Globe. CHAMBERWORK—Wiah situation hi fuT nished rooms or chamber work; wish to go home nights If convenient. Oall after 6 p. m. 515 Robert, Room 1. COOK—Wanted, by a bright, good girl, a nice place to do cooking or general house- work, where there is little or no washing __to__do. Addresß E 85, Globe. COOK—Position wanted by flrst-class cook; best of references. Call Monday. 904 Payne avenue. AT MRS. SCHNELL'S— Wanted, meat and pastry cook, wages, $35.00; five dining room girls, wages, $15.00, and thirty girls for small families; no washing; also two laundresses. Room 9, third floor, 14 East Seventh st. DRESSMAKER— Competent dressmaker; good fitter; quick sewer; will work in families dull season; day or week; best city refer- encea. Address A 88, Globe. DRESSMAKING— Wanted, to do dressmaking in exchange for day board. Address B 600, Globe. HOUSEKEEPER— AIady of refinement would like a position as managing housekeeper where one servant is kept; would make c home attractive, and capable of looking after all interests of it; references ex- changed. N., 1800 First ay. south, Minne- apolis. HOUSEKEEPER— Wanted, by a reliable, mid- dle aged lady, position as housekeeper. Mrs. T. D. Mejer, General Delivery. HOUSEKEEPER— Young widow. German, good housekeeper and nurse, wishes posi- tion as housekeeper. Mrs. Grerllch, 390 Eaot Sixth st. LADIES can find Ne. 1 girls waiting; girls, best places. Mrs. Merryweather, 543 Wa- basha st. NURSE wishes to travel for the winter as a child nurse or a lady's maid; can furnish good references, or will nurse confinement in city or any kind of sickness. Call after 6 p. m. 515 Robert, Room 1. NURSE— A girl fifteen years old would like a place to take care of baby or help with light housework; would like to go home at night. Call or address 155 East Twelfth. NURSE— As nurse to lady or gentleman going to Denver or California, by respect- able, refined widowed lady .of forty-eight good reference. Address Mrs. Sarah E Campbell, St. Paul, Minn.; General Deliv- ery. OFFICE WORK— An intelligent woman would like some kind of office work to do. Ad- dress Mrs. Maloney, 156 Front at. OFFICE WORK^A young lady~of~good"7pT pea ranee desires a position doing office work. Address C 93, Globe. SEWING— A dressmaker wants sewing by the day in families. Call or address 215 Rondo st. SEWlNG— Wanted, sewing In families by competent dressmaker; prices reasonable. 580 Ashland ay. SITUATIONS WANTED-Flve flrst-class, three plain cooks, eight girls for house- work; furnish excellent recommendation. 393 Selby, Dry Goods Store. Miss Hldding. STENOGRAPHER— A young lady stenogra- pher and typewriter desires a position; can furnish first-class references and ma- chine if necessary. Address 301 New York Life building. TYPEWRITIST-A young lady desires a po- eitlon in an office as typewritist or assistant- can furnish reference from last employer.' Address B 98, Globe. WASHING— Take In washing and go out. 201 West Sixth st. WASHING—Wanted, to go out washing and Ironing. Call at 641 Charles st. WASHING Woman goes out washing, ironing and house cleaning. Inquire No. 9 Thompson, first house from Ramsey first floor. WASHING— A woman wants washing by the day. Call or address 14 Nash st. WASHING and ironing or any kind of day work at 405, corner Jay and Martin. CHIROPODIST. GOOD THING for sore feet. Good Luck Salve; sure cure for bad-smelHng feet, scald feet and dry, hot feet. If your druggist does not keep it, send or call on W. H. Lockwood, chiropodist, 293 and 294 Endi- cott Building: 25c, r.Oc and $1 box. ANNOUNCEMENTS. GET Y6UR ROOFING AND CORNICE work done by the Minnesota Roofing and Corntcp Co.. 411 Selby ay. . A SPECIALTY—Infants' and children's wardrobes made complete In every de- tail and on short notice; prices rea- sonable; work guaranteed and estimates cheerfully given. Call or address Stone & Smith, Deflel Block, Seven Corners, over Reeves' drug store. Tel, call 1105-2. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED—Man with a few hundred dollars in light manufacturing business; will guar- antee him at least $125 monthly; experience not required. Address G 82, Globe. ' 1 STOCKS OF MERCHANDISE FOR SALE and Exchange— This week we will offer $2,500 stock groceries: $3,ooo. stock station- ery; $2,100. also $3,200 and $5,400 flrst-class country stocks general merchandise. ERher stock for sale, or exchange for good real estate and part money. Merchants or others wanting merchandise of any kind can save money by looking up our bargains. Write Or call. Buck & Campbell, 534 Guaranty Loan Building. CALLOR SEND STAMP for printed lists eon- talning many excellent business opportun- ities; list yours; confidential. Address "Business Chances," 424 Nlcollet ay., Min- neapolis. FOR SALE— Jewelry store in good Dakota town; bench work, $125 monthly. Price, $950. "Business Chances," 424 Nlcollet ay.. Room 2, Minneapolis. PARTY WITH $700 to buy one-third interest in paying business. Answer at once. O 86, Globe. SHOEMAKERS— Two practical shoemakers with $100.00 cash can heJr of something to their advantage by^ addressing L 97, Globe. "MONEY MAKING" guaranteed with or witlT out capital, is about what you want- 10 cents brings It. Address U. S. Correspond- ence Bureau, 162 East Forty-second st New York. GET RICH QUICKLY— One invention may bring you wealth. If you have an idea patent it. Write for particulars, free. El- liott, 40 Broadway, New York. $396.90—Realized in one week on an invest- ment of $100; larger and smaller amounts realized proportionally. Could better re- sults be expected? Gather your share while the golden harvest is ripe. Last year's av- erage more than $1,200 per month. Write for particulars. Condon ft: Co., Clinton Bldg.. Covington. Ky. DRUG STORE For Sale— Well located and do- ing goo* business; price, $1,600; good rea- sons for selling. Novelty Drug Store, Ta- coma. Wash. . MERCHANDISE—For sale or exchange, ex- cellent stock of general merchandise in good location in Minnesota; a bargain. Address V 87, Globe. WANTED—Capable man with $3,000 to carry stock of goods and manage branch for Chi- cago house; salary, $200 per month and all expenses; also extra percentage; permanent position with good future prospects. Ad- dress Henry Morton, 215 Madison St., Chi- _cago : SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY for a competent party to slip into an established and paying saloon business; connected with bowling alley; owner is in Hi health. Address B 87, Globe. STORE For sale, confectionery store; good location ; cheap. 657 Mississippi st. PARTNER— Wanted, partner in good paying business; small capital required. Address V 88, Globe. MEAT MARKET— For sftle. meat market, with all the latest improvements. Wm. Schuff, Wlnthrop, Minn. $85 AVERAGE weekly Income with $250 in- vested. Safe, conservative; prosepectus, proofs, free. F. Daly, 1293 Broadway, New York. MEDICAL. LADIBS! Chichester's English Pennyrpyal Pilie (Diamond Brand) are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4 cents, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladies," in letter by return mall. At druggists. Men- tion Globe, Chichester Chemical Co., Phil- adelphia, Pa. 17 Read Other People's Wants, Then Tell Your Own. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. —— m SEE E. P. ROBERTS* 95 East Fourth Street, For your rents, real estate loans and Insur- __ance. I make a specialty of rents. Miscellaneous. 78>,4X128^ ON JKNKS ST.. with cottage, for sale cheap, or will be put ia shape to suit permanent tenant. The .Scat* Savings Bank, city. FARM LANDS. A KING, A PRINCE, A NOBLEMAN or any good American citizen can buy of me AN 80-ACRE LAKESIDE FARM that is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful well improved, good, large house and barn 1% miles frontage on lake; six miles from court house at St. Paul and Minneapolis at one-fourth value. Come in and get full particulars and go out to see It. H. S. FAIRCHILD. No. 30 East Fourth at. FOR RENT. Bcaict. T ol% R on¥S^ L^ SCHRAM'S RENTING AGENCY, 320 and 322 Manhattan Building, rents houses stores- rooms, furnished and unfurnished- ali prices. J 'JXVriSF PARD> 94 EAST *TH ST~,~RENT3 HOUSES, STORES. OFFICES, STEAM- j&gf Acfflf^SSfr °*» RENTIN » AGENCY - GLOBE |S TG OK,Tc E ES. tX^ CHAOS'S N Z E^ PROPERTY AND MAKE COL- MANNING'S RENTING AGENCY. Davidson block, corner Fourth and Jackson sts., nouses, flats, rooms and stores for rent in all parts of the city and at all prices. LARGE BOARDING HOUSE, WELL LO- CATED; ALSO GOOD LIST OF DWELL- INGS; RENTS REASONABLE. TAY- LOR'S RENTING AGENCY. COTTAGE— For rent, cottage of eight rooms corner Eighth and John ste. Apply D. Bergman & Co., 186 East Third st. COTTAGE— FuIIy furnished cottage, situated at White Bear Lake, for rent till October for $20. Address D 42, Globe, Minneapolis. COTTAGE—For rent, a six-room cottage on Cedar st. Apply 526 Canada st. HOUSES— 7 and 9 East Tenth St.—Opposite the Capitol— Fourteen rooms each; steam heat if desired. W. F. Mason, 544 Wabasha street. HOUSES— For rent, three five-room houses, corner Goodrich and Western ays- water Jff J^WTA F A f?h Ply st L - L " May * HOUSE— For rent, Ist of September, a nicely furnished house for the winter. 279 Pleas- ant ay. HOUSE— Five-room house, 665 Arkwright st." ln good order; $5. Smith & Taylor 218 Manhattan building. HOUSE— For rent, six-room pleasant corner JgHgPjjMy. water; $15. 441 Sherburne ay. HOUSE—63I Ashland Ay.— Modern nine^ room house, with every convenience- very desirable. Apply 627 Ashland. HOUSES— Six-roomed house and barn, $5.00 per month; also four-roomed house- will give rent for repairing. J. C. Beattie 403 Manhattan. HOUSE— Eight-room house, all modern im- provements, possession Sept. 1; also cot- tage. 265 East University ay. HOUSE— For rent, six-room house in good condition; city water, etc.; chpap. 429 St. Anthony ay. H0 . 1 , 5 , E ~ For rent - lar *c sin Ble dwelling. Iqs Ashland ay. Roomi. ASHLANB AY., 414— Ten rooms; all modern improvements. Inquire at No. 412 Ashland ay. CHARLES ST., 171— Three elegant rooms for rent, furnished or unfurnished: rent separ- ately if desired. FIFTH ST., 15«, WEST-For rent. well-fuTT nished front room; all conveniences; loca- tion central; family private; rent reasona- ble. GOODRICH AY., 240-Two nice rooms; cel- lar; city and soft water; nice yard; $5. MARIA AY., 308— Near East Third— A down stairs of five rooms; city water. PLEASANT Xv 7. 149-Pleasant furnished room; also three unfurnished rooms; rent reasonable. ROOMS— For rent, three unfurnished rooms single or en suite; steam and gas; central' location; state business or residence loca- tlon. Address E 89, Globe. ROOMS— Any one wishing to engage rooms during encampment week in a private fam- ilXi. call at 269 West Fifth at. ROOMS—For rent, 6 and 14 rooms in lower town. Apply 221 East Seventh st. ST. PETEBST.. 646^icely~fu7nls1ie¥lronl alcove room for rent; bath, gas, furnace heat. SUMMIT AY., 51—Pleasant furnished rooms for rent; board if desired. TILTON ST., 9—Two or three well furnished front rooms for light housekeeping- bath and cellar. UTOPIA— 493 St. Peter St^Pleasant fron7 rooms, single or en suite; rates reasonable for the summer; transients can be accom- modated. WEST THIRD, 213^-Seven CorarT^Roonis furnished or unfurnished. Mrs. Sargent. WILLIAMS ST., 271— Corner Pine— Two large unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping cheap; on ground floor; city water and sewer. Flats. FLAT—A flat in the Euclid View AparN ment house, corner Bates and Euclid; five rooms and alcove; every modern conveni- ence, including heat, janitor service and gas range; new building; clean flats. Bay- ard, Deuel & Co., 602 Pioneer Press Bldg. FLATS— For rent, flats, five and s!x~rooms7 steam heat, hot water, gas range and fix- tures; newly papered; all modern improve- ments. 796 Jackson. Inquire Leon St. _J > ierre._Browning, King& Co. FLAT— Four-room flat, with bath, gas pas range. First floor, 277 West Seventh st. ' FLATS—To Rent— We have a few choice six and seven-room flats on St. Anthony Hill, including steam heat and all modern con- veniences. Each has a separate entrance, and may be termed houses. The most rea- sonable rent in the city; will make a spe- cial-, ftgure- for tie summer months. Don't fatl to- call. M. |S. Kost & Co., corner Third and Roßert sta. FLAT— For rent, a six-room flat with all modern conveniences; low rent for good tenant. Apply at Bracken's pharmacy, cor- ner Selby ay. and Victoria st. FLATS— Nice three, four and five-room flat* for rent cheap at 474 Rice st. Miscellaneous. HOTEL— For rent, Rotileau Hotel. Furniture for sale. Inquire at 460 St. Peter st. BAKERY—For rent, bakery -with fixtures; centrally located and in first-class condi- tion; good stand; rent very low. A. A. Rene, room 20, Germania Lifr building. WASTED TO RENT. HOUSE—Wanted, by a careful and reliable family of four adults, a furnished or partly- furnished house of nine or more rooms, cen- trally located. Address O 87, Globe. ROOMS— Wanted, at once, three small nicely furnished rooms in flat, all conveniences- Hiawatha preferred. Address C 95, Globe. HOUSE— Wanted to rent, the lower portion of a modern house of five or six rooms- near to town. Address S 85, Globe. ROOM—Comfortable furnished room wanted; private house; state price. Address F 88 Globe. HOUSE—Wanted, to rent, modern room/ house, with barn, on St. Anthony hill. Ad- dress Z 93, Globe. PROFESSIONAL. MISS HULL, successor to Mwh-JJalnwXn7^«- -movea superfluous hair, moles, etc., by elec- tricity;only positive and permanent remedy} references given. 807 Merrill Block, coracr | Fifth and St. Peter sts.

THE TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Other People's Wants, Then Your Own. · mail ad express everywhere free from risk Mid exposure. FVec Kiirc te the State Fair. Reed the Globe's offer Inanother

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Page 1: THE TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Other People's Wants, Then Your Own. · mail ad express everywhere free from risk Mid exposure. FVec Kiirc te the State Fair. Reed the Globe's offer Inanother

TRAVELERS' GUIDE.Trains leave and AniveSt. Paul

as Folloim:Union Depot, Slbiey St.


EAST THIRD ST.Diniiic Cars on Winnipeg and ,—ST. PAUL"

IVicitic("oast Train*. Leave. Arrive.

Pacific >!ail <d»Hy> for FnrsroBozenr.n. Butte. Helena. Mis-\u25baoiiln. hpoknne. Tacoma.EeKiiltaml Portland . .- *-a;pm 5:53 p m!

Dakota Express (dailyi TorMoorbead, Farero, J-ni."_towii.Ferjnw Falls Wnhppton.Crookston. Grand Forks. Graf-ton and Winnipeg >;» pro 7:10 a m

Farpo Local (dally except Sun-day\ for St. Cloud, lirainerdaudFargo 1:**>am 5:39 p m

firstClass and Tourist Sleepers.

f*fui alhffiir 395 ROBERT ST-CORNER SIXTH,


'Leave. I tEx. Sunday. «Daily. Arrive.

I«::<Spmi.r|IL.Aill1 *11:35amtlo:lo«m.Duiuth. Superior, Ashland. +s :sopm•I!r'rttpni;.. Dnluth arid Superior. •6:soam•10 :05am Su City, Omaha & Kan. City *6:sipmtlOtQGam Ktniore, Su Falls. Pipestone t6:Rspm+4-30)>m .Mankato, New I'lm. Tracy. ti):3oam

+K>:rsami.Wstertovrn, Huron. Pierrt. +fi:sspm*B:l.'>pm;Sioux City. Omaha, Kan. Cy. *7:25am*S:].~>i>_a' "California iv Three Days" *7:25am

GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAYTicket Office. 199 E. Third St. "Phone 1142.

Leave. *I).mly. tExcErT SrxnAY. Arrive.+H:_'"ani Breck. Division &Branches ta-.&Spm\u2666B:3oa__|F*«rm Falls Div.&Branches +(i:ospm+5:;!"pm|\Villmar via St. Cloud tlO:4sam•7:45pm Breck.. Fareo.Gd.F'R.W'peg *7:s'Jam•3:oopm Montana & Pacific Coast •6:2opm•B:lSptn St. Cloud, Cr'kst'n, Gd. F'Ks •7:lsam+4:4.'>pin Excelsior* Hutchinson +<J:4oam

Hotel Lafayette, Minnetouka Beach, now open.EASTERN MIIIWESOTA-8. W. BY.

>l?Sf Pnluth. West Superior \NORTHERN STEAMSHIP CO.

North West. North Land.KrcUwivrtif Vatawntier.

Leave Duluih 1:45 p.m. Tuesdays and SaturdaysLeave Buffalo o:3'.' p. m. Tuesdays and Fridays

Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad.Lv

- *>l F-

Ar- St- F-Chicago "Day" Express.. +B:<>oam +10:10ptnChicago "Atlantic' Ex... *2:.V)pm *11:35amChicag > "Fast Mail" *6:55pm *2:oopmChicago "Vestibule" Lim. t8:10pm *7:s:)amChicago via Dubuque t4:f>opm tll:00amDubuque viiLa Crosae.. .. *B:O'sam tlOMOpmPeoria viaMason City *4:Sopm *11:00am£t. Louis and Kansas City. •B:3:am *B:3spmMilbank and Way tß:2oam *12:50pmAberdeen and Dakota Bx-

press. *7:ospm *8:10am•Daily. tEx. San. {Ex. Sat. Mon.For fullinformation, call at Ticket Office.

Chicago Great Western Ry."The Maple Leaf Route."

Ticket Office: Robert St., cor. sth St. Phone 15aTrains leave fromSt. Paul Union Depot.•

Daily. fExcept Sunday. Leave. Arrive.Dubmiue, Chicago, Waterloo, 117.30 am +7.28 pmMarshalltown. I)es Moinesx *B.lopm »7.45aniSt. Joseph and Kansas City.. (*B.lopm •l.JKpm/)odge Centre Local *3j» i>m »9.50 am

ST. PAUL & DULUTH R. R.i-eave Arrivegt.Paul. *Dally. tEx. Sunday. Bt.Paul.

From Union Depot. CITYTICKETOFFICE.»H5 Robert Street.

M.,ST. P.&S. S. IN.R. R.Union Station.

leave. | EAST. |Arrive"?:45 p m Atlantic Limited Daily.9:35 a mfi:o3 a ni Kniuelonder Local, ex. Sun. 6:30 p m

WEST.9:05 a m Pacific Limited. Dally 6:30 p m

From Minneapolis." Glen--6:00 p m wood Local, except Sunday. S:3O a m

WISCONSIN CENTRALCity Office. 073 Robert Street. 'Phone No. 694.

AllTrain, Daily. S^S^jfg^liau Claire, Chlppewa 1Falls, Afchland. Hur- „Qn o ,_

ley, Oshkosh.Milwau-'~" m


kee, Waukesha, Chi- \ -*"dm «*nd

cago and tne East and '40p.ni. *5.d5p.r0.South J•Arrive7:30 p. m, on Sundays.

ipHfeß3MßflH|B Leave Union Depot for

BifatoliwfißUlm-:arrives from Chicago,

MB|Pffiff| 9 2;15 p. in.,except Sunday.

MbJNm In Chicago and St. Louis. 4:40H p. m. Arrives from sames**1ir'1' ''"l*"3 points 7:45 a. m., daily.

M- & ST. L. DEPOT,Broadway and Fourth.


TLeave | *DaUy; tEx. SundayH Arrive

jAlb'tLea, De« Moinen, I«r9:13 a.m. iCed. RpMs, Kan. City f t7:«p miWatertown. New Ulm I

+£:•« a.ni.,and Redwood Falls Ex f t4:55p.m

I-:^ pm- U_s Moines *Omaha Lim *8:55a.m•<-M p.m. Chicago & St, Louis Lia. *B:5Sa mM:4b p.m. AlbertLea &Maukato Loc t!0:35 a.m

LEVEEroot of Slbiey Street.

Will leave for St. Louis and intermediate land-Inps Monday, Aug. 17th, at IO A.M.For fullinformation regarding passenger and

freightrates address C. R.BROCK V» AY,GeneralAgent. Oflice, foot of Sibley street, oppoiitat nioi!Depot. St. Paul. Telephone call. a.

DR.-FELLER(6CE. 7th Street, St. Paul, Minn.

Speedily cures all private, nervous, chronicdid blood and skin diseases of both sexes\u25a0without the use of mercury or hindrancefrom ousiness. NO CURE. NO PAY. Pri-vate diseases, and all old. lingering cases;whcre the blood has become poisoned, caus-irs ulcers, blotches, sore throat and mouthpains in the head and bones, and all diseasesof ihe kidneys and bladder are cured forlife. Men of all ages who are suffering fromthe results of youthful indiscretions or ex-cesses -jf mature years, producing nervous-ness, indigestion, constipation, loss of mem-ory, etc., are thoroughly and permanentlyc-red.

Dr. Keller, who has had many years of ex-perience in thl3 specialty, is a graduate fromore of the leading medical colleges of thecountry. lie has never failed In curing anyeases that he has undertaken. Cases andcorrespondence sacredly confidential. Call or. \u25a0wrtto for H*t of questions. Medicine sent bymail ad express everywhere free from riskMid exposure.

FVec Kiirc te the State Fair.Reed the Globe's offer In another

column. It tells you how to fret bothfroe railroad fare and free admissiontickets to the Great Minnesota StateF«oJr.

WANTS iAYBE LEFTAt the following;locations for Inser-tion In the Dally and Sunday Globe,"1 the same rate* am ure cbarsed bythe niuin office.


llamline Pharmacy Drug Store750 SNELLING AVENUE.

DAYTON'S BLUFF.Sever Westby Drug Store


William K. Collipr Drug StoreSEVENTH AND SIBLEY.


M. D. Merrill News Stand442 BROADWAY. \u25a0

Mi:i(l(IAHPARK.A. L. Woolsey Drug Store


Emll Bull DruggistGRAND AY.AND ST. ALBANS.



A. A. Campbell Drug Store235 RONDO STREET.

A. T. Guernsey Drug Store171 DALE STREET.

Brackett's Pharmacy




Concord Street Prescription Store.CORNER STATE AND CONCORD.


UPPER TOW3T.S. H. Reeves Dm* Store

MOORE BLOCK. SEVEN CORNERS.C. T. Heller Colonnade Drug Store


29 EAST SEVENTH STREET.F. M. Crudden Confectionerm 496 RICE STREET.W. B. Lows Drue: Store




A. & G. A. Schumacher Drug Store954 PAYNE AVENUE.

WEST SEVENTH STREET.A. & G. A. Schumacher Drug Store

409 WEST SEVENTH STREET.J. J. Mullen Drug Store


C. A. Monchow Cigars and TobaccoUNIVERSITY AND PRIOR AVENUES.


fe Dr.MOSS,th|



No. 552 Wabasha Sfreef.SINCE the beginning of history man has been

persistent in his efforts to find out the

things that would do him good. The scien-

tific mind has been at work investigating

the hidden mysteries of nature, trying to

solve the many questions that would benefit

him and his kind. The lady whose name

begins this article Is one of nature's pure,

noble women, and her power simply bor-

ders on the miraculous. She is so endowed

that she can be of inestimable help to her

fellow man, and in all things stands ready

to lend a helping hand. She can reveal the

secrets of the past, and accurately foretell

the coming events of the future. She tells

where hidden treasure may be found. She

advises in matrimony, divorce, love, busi-

ness and troubles of all kinds. The very

best business people of the city consult her

daily, and she has been the means of saving

many a man from financial ruin. These

things taken into consideration, she is pre-

eminently one of the world's great wonders,

and the many thousands of our readers who

are in need of pure help and advice should

not hesitate to consult her at once, and

they will bless the day they read this ar-


MRS. DR. MACK, from Chicago, tub bathand massage, manicure and chiropodist.186 East Seventh st.

LADIES Call at 189 East Eighth st. to havetheir fortunes told. 25 cents; gents, 50 cents.

MADAME WTALTHEIR. natural born clair-voyant; have you trouble? Are you sick?Do you wish to know ifyou willmarry theone you love? Madame can tell you; helpyou. 490 St. Peter St., in rear; also Sun-days.

15c BOX SALVE cures corns, stings, burns,freckles, offensive feet, piles. 46 Ninth st.,corner Cedar.

LADIES BOARDED, nursed through con-finement; thirty years' experience; termsreasonable. Address care office E. Walters,490 St. Peter St., city.

C. M. B.—Come home. Everything is allright.

ST. PAUL VIAVI COMPANY furnisheshealth book free to mothers and daughters.."4 Mannheimer Building.

LADIES, call at 189 East Eighth st. and haveyour fortunes told; only 25 cents; gents,50 cents.

A RELIABLE CLAIRVOYANT—Madame Teltsworth; prices reduced 50cents; thirty years' experience. 13 Eighthstreet.


WANTED—PupiIs for evening class In sten-ography and bookkeeping: positions whencompetent. Address W 77, Globe.

BALDWIN SEMINARY, 459 Portland ay., StPaul. Boarding and day school. Superioradvantages. Catalogue free.

REOPENING— Prof. J. Renter's Academy forDancing reopens Sept. 21. WestmorelandHall, Tenth and St. Peter sts.TELEGRAPHY, bookkeeping, shorthand and

civil service examinations taught at GlobeBusiness College. Endlcott Building- stu-dents can earn board.


CHAlßS— Wanted to buy, 200 to 400 chairssuitable for a public hall; also cash car-riers. Address Laird, BoiJe ft Co.. Rush

[ City, Minn.



AGENTS wanted to sell the finest hard rub-ber Inhaler on the market. Blanchard Mfg.Co.. Box 658, Cincinnati, O.

AGENTS—Here Is a good chance Tor goodmen; $40 a month. W 76, Globe.

AGENTS—Entirely new Bryan buttons nowready; own design; sample, 5 cents; Wemanufacture buttons, badges, uniforms,torches, campaign supplies generally. Cata-logue free. Send 35 cents for sample Auto-matic Campaign Horn. General Manufact-uring C->., 102 Fulton St.. New York.

AGENTS wanted for our patent shaft tug;does away with breeching; whiffletree. leath-er tugs and traces. Send stamp. Kinney& Jackson, 125 West Thirty-second St., NewYork.

AGENTS everywhere. Magic Insect Food.Exterminates bedbugs, cockroaches and allinsects; big profits; samples and termspostpaid for fifteen cents. Ralph Food Co.,25 and 27 Third ay.. New York.

AGENTS—Experienced specialty salesmen todevote exclusive attention selling our lineto general merchandise trade; high com-mission; exclusive territory; excellent oppor-tunity for hustlers. A. E. Zlehme & Co.,Chicago.

AGENTS—The manufacturer of Peterson'sBicycle Skirt Holders wants general agentsin every city In this country. Address Pe-terson & Co.. 52 Dearborn St., Chicago.

AGENTS—Campaign Badges, Buttons, Goldand Silver Bugs. Large variety, lowestprices. Line of samples, 10c. Perm. SupplyCo., York. Pa.

AGENTS—Dealers, sell Cabinet Photographs,McKlnley, Bryan. Sample ten cents, withwholesale prices. Kern, Photographer, 314Second St., New York.

AGENTS—From $3 to $10 per day guaran-teed to aell the "Business Guide." Over400 pages, 12m0., cloth, selling price $1.Outfit free to hustlers. For particulars ad-dress J. L. Nichols & Co., Napervllle. 111.


Everywhere can make Immenseprofits. Our Summer Specialties, just out,sell at sight. Write for catalogue; full in-formation. Sample, 10c. Aluminum NoveltyCo., 335 Broadway, New York.

AGENTS—Hustlers make $5 dally selling onlyrevolving griddle cake turner. Sample, 20c.O. E. Mickel, Manufacturer, Haverhlll,Mass.

AGENTS WANTED—Liberal contract; choiceterritory; pays sick, accident, death andendowment benefits. Address AmericanBenevolent Association, St. Louis, Mo.

BENCH MEN—Wanted, good bench men.Bohn Mfg. Co., Arcade st. '

BOY—Wanted, a boy of about fifteen yearsof age on a farm. William Ortner, Owa-tonna, Minn.

BOYS—Ten active boys, aged eighteen, Intelli-gent and good appearance. Call Monday 9o'clock at Globe counting room, St. Paul.

CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTORS—Wanted, circu-lar distributors everywhere; good pay. Ap-ply with stamp, Northwestern DistributingBureau, Chicago.

CANVASSER— Wanted, man of good appear-ance and well acquainted with city forcity canvassing. _ Address A.B. C, Globe.

COLLECTOR— Wanted, a city collector; lib-eral commission offered. 217 WashburnBuilding.

ERRAND BOY—Wanted, a boy fourteenyears of age to run errands; good wagesto the right party. Call 139 East Tenth st.

FIVE DOLLARS per 1,000 paid distributingcirculars. Enclose stamp. Commercial Ad-vert. Asso., Chicago.

INDISPENSABLE IN ANY HOUSEHOLD—Ball's Combination Kitchen Tool, the onlyperfect bread and meat slicer and bonesaw. all In one, yet offered the public. Asimple device needed in every kitchen; 100per cent profit for agents. Exclusive ter-ritory granted. Write for particulars.Standard Steel Tool Co.. Akron, O.

SALESMEN— Wanted, specialty salesmen togive entire attention to fast selling line;high commission ; exclusive territory; drygoods and general trade; unparalleled in-ducements; no novice need apply. Interna-tional Mfg. Co., lowa City, 10.

SALESMEN— To sell our full line of E and10-cent cigars; $25 weekly and ex rinses.National Consolidated Company, Chicago,111.

SALESMEN make $200 a month selling ourmachines for cooling refrigerators. Guaran-teed 75 per cent cheaper than ire. Pro-duces a dry cold that keeps perishable ar-ticles indefinitely. Write for terms. ArcticRefrigerator Co., Cincinnati, O.

SALESMEN for our Bryan and McKinleyCigars. $30.00 weekly and expenses. Ex-perience unnecessary. Folk, Ritchie & Cq*,St. Louis, Mo.


Large cigar firm wants a sales-man in every locality; $50 per month and ex-penses to beginners; entirely new Induce-ments to agents and dealers. Address Box1210, Chicago.

THE BANKERS' LIFE ASSOCIATION, as-sets $650,900; largest, strongest, and bestMinnesota Life Company, wants a few moreagents. Every assistance given. Expensesof good men guaranteed. Address DouglasPutnam. Secretary, St. Paul. Minn.

THE BEST OPPORTUNITY ever offered tolearn the barber trade; only eight weeks re-quired; situations guaranteed; failure im-'possible; tools donated; catalogue free. TwinCity Barber College, 223 Washington ay.south. Minneapolis.

TINNERS— Wanted, five good tinners or cor-nice makers. Lefebvre Roofing and CorniceWorks, Eighth st.

TROMBONE PLAYERS—Wanted, slide andvalve trombone players for amateur brassband. Address O 84, Globe.

WANTED— Man to manage branch office; $600required; salary $1,200; good chance forright person. Manager, 200 Monon BlockChicago.


WANTED—Men and women to work for usday or evening at their homes; nice, pleas-ant work; no canvassing; experience notnecessary; we pay salary; send us your ad-dress. Standard Manfg. Co., 142 W. 23d,New York.

PERSONS wishing to take civil service ex-aminations. soon to occur in St. Paul forvarious government positions, to write forvaluable information (free). IT.lT. S. BUREAUOF INFORMATION, Cincinnati, O.

$85 AVERAGE weekly Income with $250 in-vested. Safe, conservative; prospectusproofs free. F. Daly, 1293 Broadway NewYork.

$4.50 PER $1,000 CASlT"fo7~distributing~7irTculars; inclose 4 cents. U. S. DistributingBureau, Chicago.

$75 to $150 A MONTH AND EXPENSESpaid salesmen for cigars; experience un-necessary; standard goods; Little Clerkcigar machine free to each customer. ChasC. Bishop & Co.. St. Louis. Mo.

WE don't want boys or loafers, but men ofability. $300 to $500 a month to hustlers.State and general agents. Salary and com-mission. Racine Fire Engine Co., RacineWis.


Able salesman for new magazinecombination. IncludingMunsey's, McClure's,Godey's and Cosmopolitan, in connectionwith books on installments. Big moneytor live men. National Subscription CoSecurity building, Chicago; 1213 Filbert st.Philadelphia; 150 Nassau St.. New York--81 State St., Boston; 708 Perm ay., Pittsburg!

WANTED— A strong boy. Apply Sundaymorning Como park, at the pavilion, end ofelectric line.


Man to open office in every coun-ty and represent manufactory; hist commis-sion ; steady position. Ohio Mfg. Co. Day-ton. Ohlov

WANTED—Permanent sample distributors-ss per 1,000; enclose stamp. Geneva Phar.Co., Chicago.

WE PROCURE all kinds of situations. Callor send stamp for application blank. Green-leaf, 424 Nicollet ay.. Minneapolis.,


BRACELET LOST—Saturday evening a lady'ssilver bracelet, with watch attached: Ouritascratched on inside; $5 reward ifreturnedto this office.

COIN LOST— An Egyptian gold coin, with agold rim enclosing it. in the business partof Minneapolis yesterday. Finder please re-turn to Globe office, Minneapolis, and re-ceive reward.

DOG FOUND—Found, a St. Bernard dog- heis a male dog: black in the face. Apply at52 East Aurora ay.

COW FOUND—A red cow. Owner call at 1153Qaqltler at.


KAHLERf t MINTEL—Minnesota Itelm"Dye Worka, 244 East Seventh.


BICYCLES for sale cheap for cash. Onlytwo left. C. F. Lorertng, 381 Wabastia st


APPRENTICES— Watted; two glrla to learndressmaking. Call At-once, at 415 Seiby ay.

APPRENTICE— Wanted, ,a young girt whowishes to learn dressmaking; no errands orother work. Applyi(K^Selby ay.

APPRENTICE— Wanted^'a young girl to

learn dressmaking.' tJall 393 Selby, DryGooda, Millinery. Mas Hiddlng.

GIRL TO TRAVEL—Wanted, girl to travel ina medicine wagon;- rio 'experience. Inquire458 St. Peter st. Come; ready; good wages.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted,..young girl to assistin housework and .help to care for child.Call at 643 Martin at. [;

HOUSEWORK— Wanted,; a good girl for gen-enal housework. Apply at once at No. 68Eleventh _t.


HOUSEWORK— Wanted, >•• girl for generalhousework; small fanifly. 115 South Waba-sha fit


HOUSEWORK— Good girl for general house-work. Call at 796 Laurel ay.

HOUSEWORK— GirI for general housework;good wages. 379 East Tenth st.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl tor generalhousework. 446 Dayton ay.

HOUSEWORK— GirI wanted for general house-work; family of three. Apply 62 Parkplace.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted. German girl for gen-eral housework. 822 Selby ay.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a young girl to as-sist with housework. Apply at 274 Iglehartstreet.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, competent girl forgeneral housework; wages, $12. Call at382 St, Albans st^

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, neat girl for gen-eral housework. Inquire 469 Laurel ay.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a strong, compe-tent girl for general housework. ApplyMonday morning at 519 Marshall ay.

HOUSEWORK— GirI wanted for generalhousework In small family. Call at 618Canada st.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl for generalhousework. 51 Summit ay.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, competent girl orwoman for general housework; easy placeand good wages. 311 South Franklin st.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a neat girl to assistin light general housework; family ofthree. Apply No. 9 Seville Flats, cornerKent and Selby.

HOUSEWORK— GirI wanted for generalhousework, or young girl to assist, at once.287 Dayton ay. _ \u25a0.

,HOUSEWORK— Wante.d, J

neat German girlfor general housework, at 704 Burr St.; takeLafayette ay. ct.r'tp Iftinnehaha st.

HOUSEWORK— Wantea. \u25a0' a thoroughly com-petent girl for general 'housework in familyof two; must be a good cook. Call Mondaymorning between 9 and 12 at 771 Selby ay.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted;! good girl for generalhousework; no small children. 767 EastFourth at. ;.\u25a0)\u25a0_;•

HOUSEWORK— Wanfe*;' girl for generalhousework; must ha^p reference and ex-perience; also nur^sejgirl; wages $12. Ad-dress i52 West Un4Yerf?ty.

KITCHEN WORK^Waftted, a good girl todo kitchen work' aha plain cooking. 654Grand ay.

LADIES wanted in our^prder department tointerview our patron^.' Call 9 to 10 a. m.H. Freeman, 50 Davidson block.

NURSE— Wanted, girl about 14 years old totake care of 5-year-old child during the day;one living on west side preferred. Apply466 Clinton st.

SECOND GlßL—Wanted, a second girl atWhite Bear for one week, beginning Tues-day or Wednesday next; good wages. Ap-ply Monday, to O. L.Taylor, 218 ManhattanBuilding.

SCRUB GlßLS—Wanted, scrub girls; must bestrong and willingworkers. Apply to Ma-

_tron, jrity^and County Hospital.

SOLICITORS—Ladies to solicit for W. & -M.Powder Flavoring; every housekeeper buysit. Call afternoons. 210 Washburn Build-ing.

BQA^D WAtfTJSP,\u25a0 \u0084T . H P _,»

__ .. \u25a0


A business znan and wife wouldlike pleasant rooms, with board, in privatefamily; must be modern and centrally lo-cated. Address J 94, Globe.

BOARD-^-Wanted, by young lady, furnishedroom (alcove room preferred) with break-fast and S o'clock dinner, in private fam-ily; reply, stating terms, description andsize of^room. Address W 79, Globe.

BOARD—Comfortably 'furnished cool roomwith board, wanted by gentleman; pleasestate price. Address F 86, Globe.


TO EXCHANGE—High-grade bicycle^ onlybeen used a week, for bed room furniture, orwillsell for cash. Address 279 East SeventhSt. The Empire.

WILL TRADE improved inside clear prop-erty paying better than 6 per cent for mod-ern home; can pay some cash. Z 93, Globe.

TO EXCHANGE—High grade wheel in ex-change for fine shot -gun and diamond ringor part cash. Bo^ White Bear Lake.

•IMPROVED REAL? 'ESTATE and cash toexchange for mer*Man9lse. F. J. Otis 152East Sixth et., St.. PWttt, Minn.

-airJi -*NEW GOODS for wood-hand. Ryan Fur-

niture and Exchange @0., 142 and 144 EastSeventh . R. N. Cardip^a. Proprietor.

FOil 5.41.E.

$250 BUYS FURNIT.U»K, 10 rooms; central;$500 buys furniture wosth $1,300; snap; $1,000buys furniture, gijfc jedgo, worth double;central. Schram, 320.,and 322 ManhattanBuilding.


ORGAN—For sale, new,«arlor organ, left onsale at factory; cost' » a month. AddressX 78. Globe. ; M


tPIANO—For sale, tiprijHit mahogany piano,

7 1-3 octaves; mttst Sell; most any pricetakes it; $25 cash, balance long time. Ad-dress V 86. Globe.

'':\'\SEWING MACHINES—For "sale, Domestic

sewing machine, $15; Cabinet machine, $12;Singer. $6. Address X 78, Globe.


Fine upright piano, half-value; can-not go on with the payment. $20 cash, bal-ance on time. Address S 82, Globe.

STEWART HEATER, gasoline range and babycarriage for sale. Mr.Harman, care Schliek& Co.

\u25a0 1 i_—



For sale, Irish setter, thoroughly brok-en on chickens. Address E 88, Globe.

MILCH COWS—Go to Midway Milch CowMarket. 2161 University ay., MinnesotaTransfer, when you want to buy your milchcows; a fresh carload just received; takeinterurban car to Cleveland ay.

TICKET—For sale, cheap; round-trip ticketto coast; all privileges. Address X 94Globe.

CHOTGUN—For sale, new 12-gauge hammer-less shotgun. Address S 80, Globe.

ENCYCLOPEDIA—Britannica encyclopedia;late edition, complete. 22 Schutte Block.

BED—Good upright antique oak folding bed,with French mirror. Address S. 86, Globe.

WATCH—Lady's solid gold watch; fine move-ment; cheap, or will exchange for lady'sbicycle. Address L 84, Globe.

n 1

FOR SALE—Van. range and broiler, withcooking utensils almcrat new, suitable forrestaurant or htftW;JftTlso one showcase2&x4% feet. Inquire W~. L. Perkins & Co.,. 319 Robert st. '\u25a0y"'

CTJVARCJUJU. *a- • « .

AVERAGE PROFILES Wtth $100 investment;May $960, June, $82*, Jfcly. $1,240. Send forparticulars, Rice ft'Co., 119 Dearborn St.,Chicago.

ANT ONE CAN B^R^OW MONEY, anyamount, on dlamdndi, watches, Jewelry,furs, bicycles, typewriters, at Lytle's, 411Robert, opposite Rfan^otel, Watches anddiamonds for sale at ftalf their value atLytle's, 411 Rotfert st. :<«

$50 TO $560 short-urhs} loans procured on per-sonal property. Objo Investment Company,Seventh floor, Qloba, bu}lding.


•onsl property, collateral paper, householdgoods, diamonds, seal garments and allgoods In storage. Notes discounted. OhioInvestment Company, seventh floor, Globebailding; most private office* fa the ettr,

MONEY TO LOAN—On furniture, pianos,etc., to remain with the owner; also onwatches, diamonds, seal cloaks, etc; loanscan be repaid by Installments; businessgtrtetty private. Room 7, Ftps* NationalBank Balldfng, corner Fourth and Jackson ;Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co.


CARPENTER wants work at 220 Water at.


Wanted, position as grocer's clerkby experienced young man. Call on or ad-dress Ben Mavea, 2012 West Seventh St.

CLERK—Young man 20 years old desires posi-tion In wholesale house or office work;experienced and can give references. Ad-dresg E. Titus, 28 Garfleld St., city.

CLERK—Wanted, by young man, position inmeat market or delivery; no objection toleaving city. Address M. 8., 821 Van Burenat.. City.

CLERK—Young married man wants posi-tion clerking; has good knowledge of drygoods, furnishings and general merchan-dise. V 94, Globe.

COACHMAN—Coachman desires position inprivate family; good city references. Ad-dreag W. X., 450 Fort St. _______

COACHMAN—Situation wanted by a com-petent man as coachman; is a good horse-man and careful driver. Address J. H.,337 Iglehart st., city.


First-class meat and pastry cookwants situation; hotel or restaur.mt. cityor country; first-class references. AddressMaurice Nolan, General Delivery. St. Paul.

EMPLOYMENT—A young man wants workat most anything; handy with all kinds oftools; my trade is electrician; good refer-ences. Address Z 99, Globe.

EMPLOYMENT—UsefuI young man, active,reliable, honest, good address, wants anykind of work; first eight days for board.W. Franke, General Postofflce Delivery.

EMPLOYMENT—Wanted, by a. man withhorse and delivery wagon, work of anykind. Address W. H. C,617 Blair et., city.

EMPLOYMENT—University graduate; gentle-manly manners and address; total abstainer,seeks any employment; small salary ac-cepted. Address Geo. Turner, General De-llvery, St. Paul.

EMPLOYMENT—Young man with good busi-negs knowledge wishes work of any kindduring Q. A.R. encampment. V 94, Globe.EMPLOYMENT—A boy eighteen years old

\u25a0wants work of any kind. Address 392 ErieSt., city.

HOSTLER— Young man wants work of anykind; used to horses. Address 206 SouthExchange at., city.

OFFICE WORK— Young man of eighteenwould like position in office or wholesalehouse; best references. William Cutts St.Paul. General Delivery.


Young man does painting andkalsomining; wants work. W. Werner, 445Wabasha st.

PORTER— Wanted, by young man, positiondoing portering or any other work offered.E. A. 8., 325 Martinjrt., St. Paul, Minn.

WAlTEß—Situation as waiter In restaurantin city. 43 East Eighth st.

WANTED—PIace In private boarding houseor family by a bright high school student,where could be useful generally and at-tend school in the forenoon; is honest, activeand willing. Will work for small salaryif place is permanent. Best of city refer-ence; if interested address H. 8., 190 EastFourth st.

WANTED—Painting, paper hanging or kal-somining in exchange for room rent. E 87Globe.

HORSES ASD CARRIAGES.FOR SALE—One black mare, five years old;

one pony; one single harness, one openbuggy, one cart, with box; cheap, cash ortime. 211 East Ninth st.

WANT TO BUY CHEAP~ FOR CASH—Sec-ond-hand light dray, express or heavy de-livery wagon; size, 1% or I^-inch axle.Address W 78, Globe.

FOR SALE—Bay mare, 7 years old; gooddriver; will sell at half value. Call at 991Laurel ay.

SPRING WAGON, buggy, harness and smallhorse for sale. Call at 691 Olive.FOR SALE—A light-running sidebar Brew-

ster buggy, just painted, cheap. 569 Selbyay.

GOOD young horse, gentle, sound and goodstyle; weight 1,050; also Columbus leathertop buggy and harness. 897 Woodbridgestreet.

HORSE AND TRAP—For sale, first-classhorse and trap complete at very low figure.Apply W. H. Bromley, 194 West Third st.

MIDWAY HORSE MARKET-The firms ofWilliam Cunningham & Co. and H AWinslow will sell jointly Tuesday Thui<=-day and Saturday, at auction; all classesalways on hand; strictly commission con-signments solicited.

OUR GRAND combination sale takes placeAug. 31 to Sept. 5; entries close Aug. 20; alarge number of well-bred horses alreadyentered. Send for entry blanks, terms ofsale and catalogue to Barrett & Zimmerman20 Second st. north. Minneapolis.

BOARD OFFERED.BOARD—Pleasant room, good board, bath and

parlor, $3.50 per week. 249 Nelson ay.

BOARD— Nicely furnished rooms, with flrst-class board. 16 Summit ay.

BOARD—Elegant furnished rooms and first-class board; centrally located; all modernconveniences. 472 Sibley st.

BOARD—Nicely furnished rooms, with board-terms reasonable. 620 Central Park.

BOARD—For rent, pleasant furnished rooms• and board; cheap rates. 252 Wesit Fifth at.BOARD

—A furnished room and board for

two gentlemen; all conveniences. 251 Mariaay. _


MADAME MARIE FAVRE, French dress-maker, 27 East Seventh st., Kendrickblock.

TRAI.VED' 7^rticKMy"nno¥r

POINTERS AND SETTERS— For price~andparticulars write to S. O. Cundy, NorwoodMinn.

The Globe.Free Want Page Blank


Free Xituition or Help Wanted Ad-vertieementi must be written on ibjiblank and tent to THE GLOBE Ad-vertising Department. St. Paul.

1 1 If!I


______ _____ _____ »


BOOKKEEPER^Young lady of good addressand long experience would like position asbookkeeper; can speak German. AddressM. C. Globe.


Thoroughly competent young ladywould like position as cashier; can givebest of references. Address C. M., Globe.

CHAMBERWORK— Wiah situation hi fuTnished rooms or chamber work; wish to gohome nights If convenient. Oall after 6p. m. 515 Robert, Room 1.

COOK—Wanted, by a bright, good girl, anice place to do cooking or general house-work, where there is little or no washing

__to__do. Addresß E 85, Globe.COOK—Position wanted by flrst-class cook;

best of references. Call Monday. 904 Payneavenue.

AT MRS. SCHNELL'S— Wanted, meat andpastry cook, wages, $35.00; five diningroom girls, wages, $15.00, and thirty girlsfor small families; no washing; also twolaundresses. Room 9, third floor, 14 EastSeventh st.

DRESSMAKER— Competent dressmaker; goodfitter; quick sewer; will work in familiesdull season; day or week; best city refer-encea. Address A 88, Globe.

DRESSMAKING—Wanted, to do dressmakingin exchange for day board. Address B 600,Globe.

HOUSEKEEPER— AIady of refinement wouldlike a position as managing housekeeperwhere one servant is kept; would make chome attractive, and capable of lookingafter all interests of it; references ex-changed. N., 1800 First ay. south, Minne-

apolis.HOUSEKEEPER— Wanted, by a reliable, mid-

dle aged lady, position as housekeeper.Mrs. T. D. Mejer, General Delivery.

HOUSEKEEPER— Young widow. German,good housekeeper and nurse, wishes posi-tion as housekeeper. Mrs. Grerllch, 390Eaot Sixth st.

LADIES can find Ne. 1 girls waiting; girls,best places. Mrs. Merryweather, 543 Wa-basha st.

NURSE wishes to travel for the winter as achild nurse or a lady's maid; can furnishgood references, or will nurse confinementin city or any kind of sickness. Call after6 p. m. 515 Robert, Room 1.

NURSE— A girl fifteen years old would likea place to take care of baby or help withlight housework; would like to go home atnight. Call or address 155 East Twelfth.

NURSE— As nurse to lady or gentlemangoing to Denver or California, by respect-able, refined widowed lady.of forty-eight•good reference. Address Mrs. Sarah ECampbell, St. Paul, Minn.; General Deliv-ery.

OFFICE WORK—An intelligent woman wouldlike some kind of office work to do. Ad-dress Mrs. Maloney, 156 Front at.

OFFICE WORK^A young lady~of~good"7pTpea ranee desires a position doing officework. Address C 93, Globe.

SEWING— A dressmaker wants sewing bythe day in families. Call or address 215Rondo st.

SEWlNG— Wanted, sewing In families bycompetent dressmaker; prices reasonable.580 Ashland ay.

SITUATIONS WANTED-Flve flrst-class,three plain cooks, eight girls for house-work; furnish excellent recommendation.393 Selby, Dry Goods Store. Miss Hldding.

STENOGRAPHER— A young lady stenogra-pher and typewriter desires a position;can furnish first-class references and ma-chine if necessary. Address 301 New YorkLife building.

TYPEWRITIST-A young lady desires a po-eitlon inan office as typewritist or assistant-can furnish reference from last employer.'Address B 98, Globe.

WASHING— Take In washing and go out. 201West Sixth st.

WASHING—Wanted, to go out washing andIroning. Call at 641 Charles st.WASHING

—Woman goes out washing,

ironing and house cleaning. Inquire No. 9Thompson, first house from Ramsey firstfloor.

WASHING—A woman wants washing by theday. Call or address 14 Nash st.WASHING and ironing or any kind of day

work at 405, corner Jay and Martin.

CHIROPODIST.GOOD THING for sore feet. Good LuckSalve; sure cure for bad-smelHng feet, scald

feet and dry, hot feet. If your druggistdoes not keep it, send or call on W. H.Lockwood, chiropodist, 293 and 294 Endi-cott Building: 25c, r.Oc and $1 box.

ANNOUNCEMENTS.GET Y6UR ROOFING AND CORNICEwork done by the Minnesota Roofing andCorntcp Co.. 411 Selby ay. .A SPECIALTY—Infants' and children'swardrobes made complete In every de-

tail and on short notice; prices rea-sonable; work guaranteed and estimatescheerfully given. Call or address Stone &Smith, Deflel Block, Seven Corners, overReeves' drug store. Tel, call 1105-2.


WANTED—Man with a few hundred dollarsin light manufacturing business; will guar-antee him at least $125 monthly; experiencenot required. Address G 82, Globe.


STOCKS OF MERCHANDISE FOR SALEand Exchange— This week we will offer$2,500 stock groceries: $3,ooo. stock station-ery; $2,100. also $3,200 and $5,400 flrst-classcountry stocks general merchandise. ERherstock for sale, or exchange for good realestate and part money. Merchants or otherswanting merchandise of any kind can savemoney by looking up our bargains. WriteOr call. Buck & Campbell, 534 GuarantyLoan Building.

CALLOR SEND STAMP for printed lists eon-talning many excellent business opportun-ities; list yours; confidential. Address"Business Chances," 424 Nlcollet ay., Min-

neapolis.FOR SALE—Jewelry store in good Dakota

town; bench work, $125 monthly. Price,$950. "Business Chances," 424 Nlcollet ay..Room 2, Minneapolis.

PARTY WITH $700 to buy one-third interestin paying business. Answer at once. O 86,Globe.

SHOEMAKERS— Two practical shoemakerswith $100.00 cash can heJr of something totheir advantage by^ addressing L 97, Globe.

"MONEY MAKING"guaranteed with or witlTout capital, is about what you want- 10cents brings It. Address U. S. Correspond-ence Bureau, 162 East Forty-second stNew York.

GET RICH QUICKLY—One invention maybring you wealth. If you have an ideapatent it. Write for particulars, free. El-liott, 40 Broadway, New York.

$396.90— Realized in one week on an invest-ment of $100; larger and smaller amountsrealized proportionally. Could better re-sults be expected? Gather your share whilethe golden harvest is ripe. Last year's av-erage more than $1,200 per month. Writefor particulars. Condon ft: Co., ClintonBldg.. Covington. Ky.

DRUG STORE For Sale— Well located and do-ing goo* business; price, $1,600; good rea-sons for selling. Novelty Drug Store, Ta-coma. Wash. .

MERCHANDISE—For sale or exchange, ex-cellent stock of general merchandise in goodlocation in Minnesota; a bargain. AddressV 87, Globe.

WANTED—Capable man with $3,000 to carrystock of goods and manage branch for Chi-cago house; salary, $200 per month and allexpenses; also extra percentage; permanentposition with good future prospects. Ad-dress Henry Morton, 215 Madison St., Chi-

_cago:SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY for a competent

party to slip into an established and payingsaloon business; connected with bowlingalley; owner is in Hi health. Address B 87,Globe.


For sale, confectionery store; goodlocation ; cheap. 657 Mississippi st.

PARTNER— Wanted, partner in good payingbusiness; small capital required. AddressV 88, Globe.

MEAT MARKET—For sftle. meat market,with all the latest improvements. Wm.Schuff, Wlnthrop, Minn.

$85 AVERAGE weekly Income with $250 in-vested. Safe, conservative; prosepectus,proofs, free. F. Daly, 1293 Broadway,New York.


LADIBS! Chichester's English PennyrpyalPilie (Diamond Brand) are the best. Safe,reliable. Take no other. Send 4 cents,stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladies,"in letter by return mall. At druggists. Men-tion Globe, Chichester Chemical Co., Phil-adelphia, Pa.


Read Other People's Wants, Then Tell Your Own.REAL ESTATE FOR SALE.————



E. P. ROBERTS*95 East Fourth Street,

For your rents, real estate loans and Insur-__ance. Imake a specialty of rents.

Miscellaneous.78>,4X128^ ON JKNKS ST.. withcottage, for sale cheap, or will be put iashape to suit permanent tenant. The .Scat*Savings Bank, city.


A KING, A PRINCE, A NOBLEMAN or anygood American citizen can buy of meAN 80-ACRE LAKESIDE FARMthat is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful wellimproved, good, large house and barn 1%miles frontage on lake; six miles fromcourt house at St. Paul and Minneapolis atone-fourth value. Come in and get fullparticulars and go out to see It.

H. S. FAIRCHILD.No. 30 East Fourth at.



Tol%Ron¥S^ L^SCHRAM'S RENTING AGENCY, 320 and 322

Manhattan Building, rents houses stores-rooms, furnished and unfurnished- aliprices.




MANNING'S RENTING AGENCY. Davidsonblock, corner Fourth and Jackson sts.,nouses, flats, rooms and stores for rentin all parts of the city and at all prices.LARGE BOARDING HOUSE, WELL LO-CATED; ALSO GOOD LIST OF DWELL-INGS; RENTS REASONABLE. TAY-

LOR'S RENTING AGENCY.COTTAGE— For rent, cottage of eight roomscorner Eighth and John ste. Apply D.Bergman & Co., 186 East Third st.

COTTAGE—FuIIy furnished cottage, situatedat White Bear Lake, for rent till Octoberfor $20. Address D 42, Globe, Minneapolis.

COTTAGE—For rent, a six-room cottage onCedar st. Apply 526 Canada st.

HOUSES— 7 and 9 East Tenth St.—Oppositethe Capitol—Fourteen rooms each; steamheat if desired. W. F. Mason, 544 Wabashastreet.

HOUSES— For rent, three five-room houses,corner Goodrich and Western ays- water

JffJ^WTA FAf?hPly


-L" May *

HOUSE—For rent, Ist of September, a nicelyfurnished house for the winter. 279 Pleas-ant ay.

HOUSE— Five-room house, 665 Arkwrightst."ln good order; $5. Smith & Taylor 218Manhattan building.

HOUSE— For rent, six-room pleasant cornerJgHgPjjMy. water; $15. 441 Sherburne ay.

HOUSE—63I Ashland Ay.—Modern nine^room house, with every convenience- verydesirable. Apply 627 Ashland.

HOUSES— Six-roomed house and barn, $5.00per month; also four-roomed house- willgive rent for repairing. J. C. Beattie 403Manhattan.

HOUSE— Eight-room house, all modern im-provements, possession Sept. 1; also cot-tage. 265 East University ay.

HOUSE— For rent, six-room house in goodcondition; city water, etc.; chpap. 429 St.Anthony ay.

H0.1,5,E~For rent- lar*c sinBle dwelling.IqsAshland ay.


ASHLANB AY., 414— Ten rooms; all modernimprovements. Inquire at No. 412 Ashlanday.

CHARLES ST., 171—Three elegant rooms forrent, furnished or unfurnished: rent separ-ately if desired.

FIFTH ST., 15«, WEST-For rent. well-fuTTnished front room; all conveniences; loca-tion central; family private; rent reasona-ble.

GOODRICH AY., 240-Two nice rooms; cel-lar; city and soft water; nice yard; $5.MARIA AY., 308—Near East Third—A down

stairs of five rooms; city water.PLEASANT Xv7. 149-Pleasant furnishedroom; also three unfurnished rooms; rent

reasonable.ROOMS—For rent, three unfurnished roomssingle or en suite; steam and gas; central'location; state business or residence loca-tlon. Address E 89, Globe.ROOMS— Any one wishing to engage roomsduring encampment week in a private fam-

ilXi. call at 269 West Fifth at.ROOMS—For rent, 6 and 14 rooms in lower

town. Apply 221 East Seventh st.ST. PETEBST.. 646^icely~fu7nls1ie¥lronl

alcove room for rent; bath, gas, furnaceheat.

SUMMIT AY., 51—Pleasant furnished roomsfor rent; board if desired.

TILTON ST., 9—Two or three well furnishedfront rooms for light housekeeping- bathand cellar.

UTOPIA—493 St. Peter St^Pleasant fron7rooms, single or en suite; rates reasonablefor the summer; transients can be accom-modated.

WEST THIRD, 213^-Seven CorarT^Roonisfurnished or unfurnished. Mrs. Sargent.

WILLIAMS ST., 271—Corner Pine— Two largeunfurnished rooms for light housekeepingcheap; on ground floor; city water andsewer.

Flats.FLAT—A flat in the Euclid View AparN

ment house, corner Bates and Euclid; fiverooms and alcove; every modern conveni-ence, including heat, janitor service andgas range; new building; clean flats. Bay-ard, Deuel & Co., 602 Pioneer Press Bldg.FLATS—For rent, flats, five and s!x~rooms7

steam heat, hot water, gas range and fix-tures; newly papered; all modern improve-ments. 796 Jackson. Inquire Leon St.

_J>ierre._Browning, King& Co.FLAT—Four-room flat, with bath, gas pas

range. First floor, 277 West Seventh st.'

FLATS—To Rent— We have a few choice sixand seven-room flats on St. Anthony Hill,including steam heat and all modern con-veniences. Each has a separate entrance,and may be termed houses. The most rea-sonable rent in the city; willmake a spe-cial-, ftgure- for tie summer months. Don'tfatl to- call. M. |S. Kost & Co., corner Thirdand Roßert sta.

FLAT—For rent, a six-room flat with allmodern conveniences; low rent for goodtenant. Apply at Bracken's pharmacy, cor-ner Selby ay. and Victoria st.

FLATS—Nice three, four and five-room flat*for rent cheap at 474 Rice st.

Miscellaneous.HOTEL—For rent, Rotileau Hotel. Furniture

for sale. Inquire at 460 St. Peter st.BAKERY—For rent, bakery -with fixtures;

centrally located and in first-class condi-tion; good stand; rent very low. A. A.Rene, room 20, Germania Lifr building.


HOUSE—Wanted, by a careful and reliablefamily of four adults, a furnished or partly-furnished house of nine or more rooms, cen-trally located. Address O 87, Globe.

ROOMS— Wanted, at once, three small nicelyfurnished rooms in flat, all conveniences-Hiawatha preferred. Address C 95, Globe.

HOUSE— Wanted to rent, the lower portionof a modern house of five or six rooms-near to town. Address S 85, Globe.

ROOM—Comfortable furnished room wanted;private house; state price. Address F 88Globe.

HOUSE—Wanted, to rent, modern room/house, with barn, on St. Anthony hill. Ad-dress Z 93, Globe. ——


MISS HULL, successor to Mwh-JJalnwXn7^«--movea superfluous hair, moles, etc., by elec-tricity;only positive and permanent remedy}references given. 807 Merrill Block, coracr

| Fifth and St. Peter sts.