January 31, 1920—Page 6 THE JEFFERSONIAN, TOWSON, MARYLAND. THE REPUBLICAN CONGRESS "STARVES" RECLAMATION PROJECTS IN THE WEST- ERN SECTION OP THE COUNTRY. (Continued from Page 1, Col. 6.) A strange thing has happened in the House since Mayor J. Hampton Moore, of Philadelphia, gave up his seat in that branch of Congress. Through Mr. Moore and other old guard members, Senator Penrose dominated the steer- ing committee. Before the mayorality campaign got under full headway the steering committee was busy all the time, doing all sorts of miachief to the plans of independent or would be in- dependent Republicans, but since it has subsided. Senator Penrose is a "boss" who bosses. His) influence in the present Congress is greater than that of any other man or group of men. Therefore, his absence is a great handicap to Sen- ator Lodge and Representatives Gillett and Mondell. While the country suffers in a hun- dred different ways the Republican Congress Addles as Nero did while Rome burned. The people back home are be- ginning to ask questions about prom- ised legislation. They are fixing the blame where it belongs in spite of ef- forts to fool them. Observant, exacting voters are asking what has become of the following prop- ositions: The bills; to provide lands for the soldiers who fought in the World War, and kindred measures. The "conservation" bills that have long been without action—including the water power and oil leasing meas- ures. President Wilson has made a special effort to have Congress act on the water power bill. He recommended a qpecial committee to handle it. The Senate finally has succeeded in passing it, but it must now go to a conference committee of the two houses. The bills to protect industries that sprung up during- the war, and now need protection from foreign competi- tion. The President has urged proper measures for this important line of American endeavor. Dystuffs are in- cluded in this category. The President's recommendations for the reduction Qf certain war taxes, and the readjustment of others. Legislation to permit the reorgani- zation of the army. These and scores of other proposi- tions necessary to the welfare of the people, are mislaid somewhere. Those busy "smelling" committees, to which the Republicans of the House gave with funds and instructions to discover anything that would damn the Democratic administration, have been lost in the shuffle. They travelled here, there and everywhere at the expense of the Government, but their everlasting delvings in the records of the war have resulted in nothing worth while. Their hired press agent has ceased to send around his outgivings. The newspapers —even those of the Republican faith— did not want the propoganda. The one record of the Graham inves- tigating committee that will become permanent, is that of the enormous ex- penditure of money. In addition to the hundreds of thousands dispensed by the committee and its various subdivisions the expense has been great. It is esti- mated by experts that it* cost the War Department more than $125,000 to com- ply with the requests of the subcom- mittees for documents and other infor- mation. It is understood at the Capitol that large fees have been paid to at- torneys and others to do the work that members of»the committee could have done and were expected to do. Expert accountants have been paid to rehash and read expense bills. Democratic members of the committee predict that when all of the junketing has ceased the bill against the people will total more than a million dollars. The one outstanding fact is that the committee, althongh it has rambled up and down the land, cannot point to a single scandal involving prominent men or large sums of money. Demo- crats said when the nosing program was announced, that it would fail of its purpose. The verdict of the press, which has been offered the records, is unanimous in manifesting its lack of interest in' the alleged exposures. «, "UNCLE JAKE" IN A "STEW." (Continued from Page 1, Col. 3.) ers what he 'vented on Thursday when ther ground at ther Knob was frozen over solid. Ol' Hoke's nigh 'bout er hundred an' has er wooden leg, inter which he hammered er big spike an' on ther other fastened ther spring off er ol' baby carriage fer er runner an' shoved himself along with ther peg leg, an' believe yer Uncle Jake he was ther only livin' creature at Gobbler's Knob what ventured out, an' those what took ther chance once an' nigh 'bout busted their contract, had ter stay inside ter nurse ther bruises received when one large body meets 'nother. Ol' Hoke was pretty durn smart doin' capers on ther sleet, but when he lost control er his equilibrium an' got on thin ice on Mary Ann's Creek, ther was er gol durn big splash an' Hoke went where McGinity went, ter ther bottom er ther sea, comin' up feet first under ther ice an' his peg leg with ther spike punched through an' when rescuers', got ter ther scene with ther 'sistance er ashes, some young yaps was usin' Ol' Hoke's wooden leg fer er flag pole. Hoke was under ther ice fer nigh 'bout er couple dozen hours an' hadn't it been fer ther quick work er ther rescuin' party he might o' been drowned, as it was he never regained consciousness an' now lays six feet under ther ground in ther cemetery, right on his gol durn back an' with his hands folded, an' now Gobbler's Knob has ernother gay wider in Mrs. Hoke Smith, who's al- ready chucked her optic Visions 'bout fer ther fourth husband. If ther an- cient an' honorable Humrickhausen Spitblower, ther 'steemed constable at ther Knob-ain't pretty gol durn keerful he'll be ther next victim, by heck! Caesar's Ghost! Ever since Prohi- bishun, ther price er hair tonic's gone up er couple hundred kill-er-fellers, an' cider is as scarce asi teeth in er durn ol' stewin' hen. Why them yaps what's ter enforce prohibishun ain't gointer leave er stone unturned, they're even gonna do 'way with every fel- ler's Adam's apple. Instead er round- in up them fellers what likes er little licker once in er while—say every couple minutesi an' flghtin'' ther Bull- she-vicks, er movement ought ter be started ter gather up all ther ol' grouches an' chronic kickers an' tie er stone 'round their neck's an' chuck them plum overboard, 'cause all seen peeple is fit fer, is ter feed fish an' if ther fishes can stomach them it's er durn site more than some people what walk on ther earth kin. Holy Moses! Ther Millionaire's Club at Towsontown's been closed, not fer repairs er anything like that, but by ther hard pressure er prohibishun an' now ther members ex-officio, congre- gate at ther soda fountain in er near by drug store, guzzlin' Coo-Coo-Coola er lemon with phosphates, while ther proprietor, ther ancient an' honorable Frank Fitzpatrick, toasts his feet on ther radiator in ther Temple er Justice, an' 'course ther whole gang is dressed in deep mournin' out o' respect fer poor John Barleycorn, what departed this life jest recently. Nero's Carcas! What's become er ther factory site commission what them there County 'Missioners was gointer 'point ter make ther smoke as thick in this yer county as 'tisi in Pittsburgh? Yer Uncle Jake ain't heerd er word 'bout it since they was 'lected ter of- fice. It can't be so that they's suffer- in' from ther terrible sleepin' disease, do yer reckon so? —: * FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN. (Continued from Page 1, Col. 4.) Army Recruiting Station, further an- nounces that he will give a prize, in addition to the one offered by the War Department, costing approximately $25 to the writer of the essay selected by him as the best in his district. Ask your dad or your big brother to tell you something about our new democratic peace time Army. If they don't know, write the Baltimore Re- cruiting Station for literature, but get busy now and see if a Baltimore coun- ty boy or girl can be one of the sue cessful contestants. ANNOUNCEMENT I beg to make the fact known that I have taken the agency for THE PAIGE MOTOR CAR "The Most Beautiful Car In America" rf'u The demand for a large car has increased and after a thorough investigation The Paige seems to meet all requirements at a fair price. WALTER P. RECKORD: Cockeysville, Md. ^^^^^^^^^^^«^^$^^^^^^^^^^^^$^^^^^§^^^$$^^$$^$$$$^o Means Transportation Economy For Night Owls For students and others who use their eyes at night, Rayo lamps diffuse a rich steady light, gener- ous and soothing to the eye. Rayo lamps don't smell or smoke —are lighted without removing shade or chimney—easily filled, cleaned and re-wicked—are safe. Burn the most economical fuel—kerosene at its best: No business man -will benefit by spending money unless a definite purpose is accomplished. Transportation facilities will make or mar any business. , Therefore your haulage units should be the best to effect a definite purpose—economy. Money spent for FEDERAL transportation will effect economies. FEDERALS will accomplish a definite purpose. Let us show you that money invested in a FEDERAL will benefit your business. VOGE PATENT FROST PROOF CLOSETS SAVE WATER Strong Durable? CAN BE EASILY AND QUICKLY INSTALLED Valve rod and packing may be with- drawn by simply removing brass valve capfeackof bowl. A great convenience when installed in the garage, yard or on the reai porch of any residence, SOLD BY All Towson Shares Oar Success Not only does our plant afford pleasant and healthful employment for hundreds of Towsonites, but everyone in Towson is benefited by the additional money that is brought into Towson. This money comes from all over the Unit- ed States, and from many foreign coun- tries as well. A considerable portion of it is spent in Towson, contributing large- ly to the general prosperity. This is money which is brought into .Towson from o**i®ide, n o t m e r e l y the circulation of money that is already here. Reliable Jobbers ©f Plumbing Supplies Everywhere light Aladdin Security Oil STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) Washington, D. C. BALTIMORE, Charlotte, N. C. Norfolk, Va. MD. Charleston, W. Va. Richmond, Va. Charleston, S. C LAMPS Feed Your Cows "PFO" DAIRY RATION For More Milk and Better Health Cows in Good Physical Condition Always Give Best Yearly Yield. "PFO" DAIRY RATION will keep your cows in good physical condition with less attention in feeding. PALATABILITY No dairy cow ever did well on a feed she did not like. In selecting the ingredients for "PFO" DAIRY RATION we have paid most particular attention to the palatability of the mixture. Cows eat it eagerly and do not "go off feed" readily GUARANTEED ANALYSIS PROTEIN, 20 per cent; Pat, 8 per cent.; Carbohydrates, 60 per cent.; Fibre, 15 per cent. The above figures are not the real values to the feeder. It is the digestibility that counts and produces and just how much digesti- ble nutrients in a dairy ration is what the feeder who knows his business wants to know. DIGESTIBLE PROTEIN 15% per cent. FAT and CARBOHYDRATES 60 per cent. Manufactured by P. FRED'K OBRECHT & SON 1128 LIGHT STREET i2l-3-82w BALTIMORE, MARYLAND THE BUCK & DECKER MFG. CO. "TM Good Will Plant" Makers of Electric Air Compressors, Portable Electric Drills and Electric Valve Grinders General Offices and Factory TOWSON HEIGHTS, MARYLAND AT THE SWITCH We have everything prescribed by physicians and our compounding is conducted with skill and care by graduates of pharmacy. The special care which we give to PRESCRIPTIONS has caused our prescription department and every other department of our drug business to grow. This growth is continuous because people believe in pure drugs, superior service f \ right prices. Let Us Fill Your Next Pre*' ptlon STROBEL PHARMACY, Inc. York Road The Prescription Store" 2-i.iy GOVANS, BALTIMORE, MD IK s m m m m m m u m u * m BE BIBB'S ONE-PIPE, THE PERFECT SYSTEM OF HEATING ONE SUN [LmHsy«syii&ja&^^ IHC TRACTORS EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR BALTIMORE AND.ANNE1ARUNDEL COUNTIES. 8-16 H. P. and 15.30 H. P. 4-Cylinder. 10-20 H. P. Titan, 10-20 Mogul. TJ McCORMICK Mowers, Rakes, Binders. IRON AGE Potato Planter and Sprayers. Full Lines Garden and Field Seeds. Growers of "WISDOM" TOMATO Recognized by the leading truckers as being the best ever grown. For quality and quantity it is unexcelled. We are growers in a large way of all the leading varieties of Tomato Seed as follows: Kelly's Red, "another one of our origination," Bonny Best, Chalk's Jewel, New Stone^Red Rock, Matchless, Greater Baltimore, etc. LWISEMAN-DOWNS COMPANY, Inc. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SEEDS, FERTILIZERS, GASOLINE ENGINES 34 E. PRATT1STREET Near Light Street Baltimore, Md. Let The EUREKA Electric Vacuum Cleaner Keep Your Home Free From Dust and Dirt. The Eureka doesn't scatter the dirt. It gathers it up and holds it—and it gathers the dust at the same time. Order Yours Today. Easy Terms THE GAS & ELECTRIC CO. Branch Stores: TOWSON GATONSVILLE HAMILTON HIGHLANDTOWN w Heats the Whole World; g © H » g W M ECONOMICAL in use. c? 00 Why not let ONE REGISTER Heat the Whole House?. We can show you the best Pipeless Furnace on the market. SIMPLE to operate, EFFECTIVE and Bibb's One-Pipe The Perfect System of Heating, ttf © B g Call BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 3 M Write ^ M Phone "60 Years of Furnace Experience" BIBB'S ONE-PIPE, THE PERFECT SYSTEM OF HEATING The B. C. Bibbs Stove Co. 101-109 LIGHT STREET JOHN J. KELLY President THOS. P. KEItl/r, Setfy. PHILIP LINK. Treas. JOHN J. KEIXY, JR.? Vice-President THE NATIONAL BUILDING SUPPLY CO. BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS Cement, Front Brick, Creosote Stained Shingles, Roofing, Sewer Pipe, Lime, Plaster, Etc. North Avenue and Oak St. C. & P. Phone—Mt. Vernon 2840 BALTIMORE. MD. 1-1-18 HOME FRIENDLY SOCIETY INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1025 LINDEN AVENUE BALTIMORE S-l-ll

THE THE REPUBLICAN CONGRESS ANNOUNCEMENT VOGEmdhistory.msa.maryland.gov/msa_sc3410/msa_sc3410_1...on the reai porch of any residence, — SOLD BY All Towson Shares Oar Success No t

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Page 1: THE THE REPUBLICAN CONGRESS ANNOUNCEMENT VOGEmdhistory.msa.maryland.gov/msa_sc3410/msa_sc3410_1...on the reai porch of any residence, — SOLD BY All Towson Shares Oar Success No t




(Continued from Page 1, Col. 6.) A s t range thing has happened in the

House since Mayor J. Hampton Moore, of Philadelphia, gave up his seat in tha t branch of Congress. Through Mr. Moore and other old guard members, Senator Penrose dominated the steer­ing committee. Before the mayorali ty campaign got under full headway the steering committee was busy all the time, doing all sorts of miachief to the plans of independent or would be in­dependent Republicans, but since it has subsided.

Senator Penrose is a "boss" who bosses. His) influence in the present Congress is greater than tha t of any other man or group of men. Therefore, his absence is a great handicap to Sen­ator Lodge and Representatives Gillett and Mondell.

While the country suffers in a hun­dred different ways the Republican Congress Addles as Nero did while Rome burned. The people back home are be­ginning to ask questions about prom­ised legislation. They are fixing the blame where it belongs in spite of ef­forts to fool them.

Observant, exacting voters are asking what has become of the following prop­ositions:

The bills; to provide lands for the soldiers who fought in the World War, and kindred measures.

The "conservation" bills that have long been without action—including the water power and oil leasing meas­ures. President Wilson has made a special effort to have Congress act on the water power bill. He recommended a qpecial committee to handle it. The Senate finally has succeeded in passing it, but it must now go to a conference committee of the two houses.

The bills to protect industries tha t sprung up during- the war, and now need protection from foreign competi­tion. The President has urged proper measures for th is important line of American endeavor. Dystuffs are in­cluded in this category.

The President 's recommendations for the reduction Qf certain war taxes, and the readjustment of others.

Legislation to permit the reorgani­zation of the army.

These and scores of other proposi­tions necessary to the welfare of the people, are mislaid somewhere.

Those busy "smelling" committees, to which the Republicans of the House gave with funds and instructions to discover anything tha t would damn the Democratic administration, have been lost in the shuffle. They travelled here, there and everywhere at the expense of the Government, but their everlasting delvings in the records of the war have resulted in nothing worth while. Their hired press agent has ceased to send around his outgivings. The newspapers —even those of the Republican faith— did not want the propoganda.

The one record of the Graham inves­t igat ing committee tha t will become permanent, is tha t of the enormous ex­penditure of money. In addition to the hundreds of thousands dispensed by the committee and its various subdivisions the expense has been great. I t is esti­mated by experts that it* cost the War Department more than $125,000 to com­ply with the requests of the subcom­mittees for documents and other infor­mation. It is understood a t the Capitol that large fees have been paid to at­torneys and others to do the work tha t members of»the committee could have done and were expected to do. Expert accountants have been paid to rehash and read expense bills. Democratic members of the committee predict tha t when all of the junket ing has ceased the bill against the people will total more than a million dollars.

The one outstanding fact is tha t the committee, althongh it has rambled up and down the land, cannot point to a single scandal involving prominent men or large sums of money. Demo­cra ts said when the nosing program was announced, that it would fail of its purpose. The verdict of the press, which has been offered the records, is unanimous in manifesting its lack of interest in' the alleged exposures.


(Continued from Page 1, Col. 3.) ers what he 'vented on Thursday when ther ground at ther Knob was frozen over solid. Ol' Hoke's nigh 'bout er hundred an' has er wooden leg, inter which he hammered er big spike an' on ther other fastened ther spring off er ol' baby carriage fer er runner an' shoved himself along with ther peg leg, an' believe yer Uncle Jake he was ther only livin' creature at Gobbler's Knob what ventured out, an' those what took ther chance once an' nigh 'bout busted their contract, had ter s tay inside ter nurse ther bruises received when one large body meets 'nother. Ol' Hoke was pretty durn smart doin' capers on ther sleet, but when he lost control er his equilibrium an' got on thin ice on Mary Ann's Creek, ther was er gol durn big splash an' Hoke went where McGinity went, ter ther bottom er ther sea, comin' up feet first under ther ice an' his peg leg with ther spike punched through an' when rescuers', got ter ther scene with ther 'sistance er ashes, some young yaps was usin' Ol' Hoke's wooden leg fer er flag pole. Hoke was under ther ice fer nigh 'bout er couple dozen hours an' hadn' t it been fer ther quick work er ther rescuin' par ty he might o' been drowned, a s it was he never regained consciousness an' now lays six feet under ther ground in ther cemetery, r ight on his gol durn back an' with his hands folded, an' now Gobbler's Knob has ernother gay wider in Mrs. Hoke Smith, who's al­ready chucked her optic Visions 'bout fer ther fourth husband. If ther an­cient an' honorable Humrickhausen Spitblower, ther 'steemed constable at ther Knob-ain' t pret ty gol durn keerful he'll be ther next victim, by heck!

Caesar's Ghost! Ever since Prohi-bishun, ther price er hair tonic's gone up er couple hundred kill-er-fellers, an' cider is as scarce asi teeth in er durn ol' stewin' hen. Why them yaps what ' s ter enforce prohibishun ain ' t gointer leave er stone unturned, they're even gonna do 'way with every fel­ler's Adam's apple. Instead er round-in up them fellers what likes er little licker once in er while—say every couple minutesi an' flghtin'' ther Bull-she-vicks, er movement ought ter be started ter gather up all ther ol' grouches an' chronic kickers an' tie er stone 'round their neck's an' chuck them plum overboard, 'cause all seen peeple is fit fer, is ter feed fish an' if ther fishes can stomach them it's er durn site more than some people what walk on ther earth kin.

Holy Moses! Ther Millionaire's Club at Towsontown's been closed, not fer repairs er anything like that, but by ther hard pressure er prohibishun an' now ther members ex-officio, congre­gate at ther soda fountain in er near by drug store, guzzlin' Coo-Coo-Coola er lemon with phosphates, while ther proprietor, ther ancient an' honorable F rank Fitzpatrick, toasts his feet on ther radiator in ther Temple er Justice, an' 'course ther whole gang is dressed in deep mournin' out o' respect fer poor John Barleycorn, what departed this life jest recently.

Nero's Carcas! What ' s become er ther factory site commission what them there County 'Missioners was gointer 'point ter make ther smoke as thick in this yer county as 'tisi in Pi t t sburgh? Yer Uncle Jake ain't heerd er word 'bout it since they was 'lected ter of­fice. It can't be so tha t they's suffer-in' from ther terrible sleepin' disease, do yer reckon so?


(Continued from Page 1, Col. 4.) Army Recruiting Station, further an­nounces that he will give a prize, in addition to the one offered by the War Department, costing approximately $25 to the wri ter of the essay selected by him as the best in his district.

Ask your dad or your big brother to tell you something about our new democratic peace time Army. If they don't know, write the Baltimore Re­cruit ing Station for l i terature, but get busy now and see if a Baltimore coun­ty boy or girl can be one of the sue cessful contestants.

ANNOUNCEMENT I beg to make the fact known that I have

taken the agency for


"The Most Beautiful Car In America"


The demand for a large car has increased and after a thorough invest igat ion The Pa ige seems

to meet all r equ i rements at a fair price.

WALTER P. RECKORD: Cockeysville, Md.


Means Transportation Economy

For Night Owls For students and others who use their eyes at night, Rayo lamps diffuse a rich steady light, gener­ous and soothing to the eye. Rayo lamps don't smell or smoke —are lighted without removing shade or chimney—easily filled, cleaned and re-wicked—are safe. Burn the most economical fuel—kerosene at its best:

No business man -will benefit by spending money unless a definite purpose is accomplished.

Transpor ta t ion facilities will make or

m a r any business. , Therefore your

hau lage un i t s should be the best

to effect a definite purpose—economy.

Money spent for F E D E R A L

t ranspor ta t ion will effect economies.

F E D E R A L S will accomplish a definite purpose.

Let us show you tha t money invested in a F E D E R A L will benefit your business.




Valve rod and packing may be with­drawn by simply removing brass valve cap feack of bowl. A great convenience when installed in the garage, yard or on the reai porch of any residence,


All Towson Shares Oar Success Not only does our p lant afford pleasant and healthful employment for hundreds of Towsonites, but everyone in Towson is benefited by the addit ional money t ha t is b rought into Towson.

This money comes from all over the Unit­ed States, and from m a n y foreign coun­tries as well . A considerable portion of it is spent in Towson, cont r ibu t ing large­ly to the general prosperi ty.

This is money which is b rough t into .Towson from o**i®ide, not merely the circulation of money tha t is already here.

Reliable Jobbers ©f Plumbing Supplies Everywhere


Aladdin Security Oil


Washington, D. C. BALTIMORE, Charlotte, N. C. Norfolk, Va. MD. Charleston, W. Va. Richmond, Va. Charleston, S. C


Feed Your Cows "PFO" DAIRY RATION For More Milk and Better Health Cows in Good Physical Condition

Always Give Best Yearly Yield. "PFO" DAIRY RATION will keep your cows in good physical condition with less attention in feeding. PALATABILITY

No dairy cow ever did well on a feed she did not like. In selecting the ingredients for "PFO" DAIRY RATION we have paid most particular attention to the palatability of the mixture. Cows eat it eagerly and do not "go off feed" readily

GUARANTEED ANALYSIS PROTEIN, 20 per cen t ; Pat, 8 per cent.; Carbohydrates, 60 per cent.; Fibre, 15 per cent.

The above figures are not the real values to the feeder. It is the digestibility that counts and produces and just how much digesti­ble nutrients in a dairy ration is what the feeder who knows his business wants to know. DIGESTIBLE PROTEIN 15% per cent. FAT and CARBOHYDRATES 60 per cent.


THE B U C K & DECKER MFG. CO. "TM Good Will Plant"

Makers of Electric Air Compressors, Portable Electric Drills and Electric Valve Grinders

General Offices and Factory TOWSON HEIGHTS, MARYLAND


We have everything prescribed by physicians and our compounding is conducted with skill and care by graduates of pharmacy. The special care which we give to

PRESCRIPTIONS has caused our prescription department and every other department of our drug business to grow. This growth is continuous because people believe in pure drugs, superior service f \ r ight prices.

Let Us Fil l Your Next Pre* ' ptlon


The Prescription Store" 2-i.iy GOVANS, BALTIMORE, MD


s • • m m m m m m u m u * m






8-16 H. P. and 15.30 H. P. 4-Cylinder. 10-20 H. P. Titan, 10-20 Mogul.

TJ McCORMICK Mowers, Rakes, Binders.

IRON AGE Potato Planter and Sprayers. Full Lines Garden and Field Seeds. Growers of "WISDOM" TOMATO Recognized by the leading truckers as being the best ever grown. For quality and quantity it is unexcelled. We are growers in a large way of all the leading varieties of Tomato Seed as follows: Kelly's Red, "another one of our origination," Bonny Best, Chalk's Jewel, New Stone^Red Rock, Matchless, Greater Baltimore, etc.



Near Light Street Baltimore, Md.


Electric Vacuum Cleaner Keep Your H o m e Free From Dus t and Dirt .

The Eureka doesn ' t scat ter the dirt . I t ga thers it up and holds it—and it gathers the dus t at the same t ime.

Order Yours Today. Easy T e r m s

THE GAS & ELECTRIC CO. B r a n c h S t o r e s :


w Heats the Whole World; g




g W


ECONOMICAL in use. c? 00

Why not let

ONE REGISTER Heat the Whole House?.

We can show you the best

Pipeless Furnace on the market.

SIMPLE to operate, EFFECTIVE and

Bibb's One-Pipe The Perfect System of Heating, ttf


B g Call BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 3 M Write ^ M Phone "60 Years of Furnace Experience"


The B. C. Bibbs Stove Co. 101-109 LIGHT STREET

JOHN J. KELLY President

THOS. P. KEI t l / r , Setfy. PHILIP LINK. Treas.

JOHN J. KEIXY, JR.? Vice-President



Cement, Front Brick, Creosote Stained Shingles, Roofing, Sewer Pipe, Lime, Plaster, Etc.

North Avenue and Oak St. C. & P. Phone—Mt. Vernon 2840




S - l - l l