1 i i i 1 ft aft tf - iji ijnm imii n nwi niAi jiivamxipnmniii i 4 mmmmmmdtadiiilM0tmmmmMmammammmmmmm Tfce Royal is the highest grade baking powder c known Actual tests show goes one third further than any other brand pill Ik poI Btrc POWDER Absolutely Pure tip 4W - - - B i it 3SS ROYAL BAKINO POWDER CO NEW YORK TIE BOOBBOjl HEWS Eighteenth Year Established 1881 Published every Tuesday and Friday by WALTER CHAMP BBUOE MILLER and Owners I Editors Make all Checks Money Orders etc mayable to the order of Champ Miilkr One step wont take you very far Youve got to keep on walking One word wont tell folks what you are Youve got to keep on talking One inch wont make you very tall Youye got to keep on growing One little ad wont do it all Youve got to keep em going ADVERT IU1JVU RATES Displays one dollar per inch for first inser ¬ tion half rates each insertion thereafter Locals or reading notices ten cents pei line each insertion Locals in black type twenty cents per line each insertion Fractions or lines count as full lines when running at line rates Obituaroh cards of thanks calls on candi ¬ dates resolutions of respect and matter of a like nature ten cents per line Special rates given for large advertise ¬ ments and vearlv arris The Argonaut wants to augment the military camps at Lexington by having Gov Bradleys Colonels ordered into camp near that city The Nicholas County Courier is the name of a creditable new Republican paper which was launched at Carlisle last week It is a seveu column folio J Sam Thompson and Wyattlusko are the editors One million dollars in Vrze money willbe distributed among the members of the1 17 S Navy The boys in the army however will have to be con tented with their 13 per month The prize money scheme should be abolished One day the papers tell us that the Second Kentucky is to be retained in the service and the nest day the dis- patches ¬ say that it 4s to be mustered out One day it is ordered to change its camp and the nest day the order is countermanded About the only thing real sure about the Second Kentucky is that it is still at Chickamauga and that itwants to quit the service as the war is rt over A MOST EXCESSIVE OCCASION Ah repeat sah observed Deacon Johnsing de camp meetin was a most excessive occasion De attendance was Jahge and full of enthusnm and -- de esahcises was puffeckly lubly Yaas Bah it was a most escessive occasion a most suspicious event Deed hit wos deacon rejoined Brother Jnckson Dar war a whole passel of fried chicken whole stacks ob pie whole heaps ob cake an de watah millionsl Ah me deacon lets doan talk about de festible paht ob de camp meetin Hit meks mah mouth watah De sistahs did prepahr a detectable feast suah Brothah Jackson re- marked ¬ Deacon Johnsing but de discohse ob Brothah Vinegah was a feast of de soul An An de social crap game deacon jes on de outside was fine Yo ought ter bin in it No sah Brothah Jackson I dont be- lieve ¬ in craps cept occabicnally when de boys lets me use mah own dice Den I feels in mah bones that I can be ex cessful Deacon inquired Brothah Jackson does yo think dat it would be wrong ter have a santraree a little dance yo know after de camp meetin ter night I resume not Brothah Jackson if yo all gits yo razzahs checked befo yo begins ter trip de light gymnastic De event will snahly be a most ex- cessive ¬ occasion deacon Waller Champ in Up-To-D- ate Always ask for Paris Milling Oos Purity flour All grocers keep it Insist on having Purity every time Awarded Highest Honors Worlds Fair DELr CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder Free om Ammonia Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD -- w THE BOTTBBON NEWS PARIS KY FRIDAY SPTEMBER 9 1898 i j Kespectfully Dedicated To The Memory Of The Dead James Gartland aged 66 dud at Stony Point Wednesday The remains were interrpd at the Catholic cemetery in this city yesterday Mrs Eudicott aged 30 Main Street formerly of of South Harrison county died yesterday morning romnins will bfi buried to da at The Re- - public Church near Oddville Alleen Soper aged sevpn died early Wednesday morning at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs L A Soper near Little Rock The remains were interred yestei day afternoon in the Paris ceme tery Four girl friends ot tne aeceaseu Lida Hopkins Florence Hopkins Ollie Hopkins and Mary Soper acted as pall- bearers The former pupils of the Visitation Academy will regret to learn of the death at Tacoma Wash of Sister Mary DeSales who was teacher of Languages at the academy before it was moved from this city to Tacoma The deceased was a valued member of the Order for seventeen years Before en- tering upon a religious lifo the deceased was known as Miss Maud Curtin being a sister of Jeremiah Curtin translator of Quo Vadis and other of Sieukie witzs novels Price Co are going to quit handling trunks not having the room If in need of one you can buy at actual cost Rac eland Jersey butter sale by Newton Mitchell GOSSIPY PARAGRAPHS Theatrical And -- - mahlo The Foyer - ¬ ¬ for In fnr on nf whoof An amateur minstrel show will be given at Winchester on the 22d Sells Bros circus will show at Mays ville on October 10th and Buffalo Bills big show exhibits there on the 13th A New York soldier lost his pocket book containing 900 in a Louisville theatre the other night and found it the next morning Hows that for luck A bright bit of repartee was exchang ¬ ed the other day between wo promi ¬ nent churchmen of Paris The Metho ¬ dist remarked Your Presbjteiiau pic nic made me sick and the Presbyter ¬ ian replied Oh no brother it wasnt the Presbyterian pic nic it was your Methodist appetite The Boston Lyric Opera company be gan a five weeks engagement in Lex ¬ ington Monday night in Chimes of Normandy The Company which has made a big hit will give twenty five cent matinees every Wednesday and Saturday The bill for the matinee to- morrow ¬ will be Bohemian Girl The Company may appear here later in the season Mr and Mrs Scott Ingliss who been visiting friends in Paris Mt ster ¬ ling and Olympian Springs during the Summer will be members of the Julia ArthurJCompany this season Other members of the company are Robert McWade Joseph Allen White Whittel sey T B Bridgeland Albert Browne W J Thorold Lawrence Miller Her- bert ¬ Fortier William Herbert Marcus Moriarity J H Arnold Geo N Foster J H Logan Florence Conron Ethel Knight Mollison and Marie Bing- ham ¬ Miss Arthurs repertoire will in ¬ clude A Lady of Quality Canaille Infidele Mercedes The Howard Hat made in New York in stiff and soft one of the best hats made guaran- teed ¬ in quality style and finish at the low price of 3 is on sale by Price Go sole agents SCINTILLATIONS Au Interesting Jumble Of News And Comment Sharpsburg is to have a hello ex change Bowling Green is scared over a num- ber ¬ of cases of scarlet fever The Winchester Street Fair will be held on che 22 and The Cynthiana street fair occurs on the 29th ana 30 That hustling afternoon daily paper the Lexington Argonaut had its office slightly damaged by fire Monday night Ed Hughes a C 0 conductor lost 50 bill a few days ago while his train was pulling up the Frankfort hill He thinks it blew off his desk and out the door near by Nicholasville will celebrate her cen- tennial ¬ with a big parade music by Saxtons oand etc The occasion will be augmented by an old fashioned barbecue and burgoo Will Dunlap a Lancaster boy who was in the Santiago fight with the Sixth Infantry arrived home last week and was met by a brass band He was taken to the public square where he was kissed caressed and almost pulled to pieces by admiring friends i J Lvery j i IVIonth i there are thousands of wo- men ¬ who nearly suffer death from irregular menses Some- times ¬ the period comes too often sometimes not often enough sometimes the flow is too scant and again it is too profuse Each symptom shows that Nature needs help and that there is trouble in the or- gans ¬ concerned Be careful when in any of the above con- ditions ¬ Dont take any and every nostrum advertised to cure female troubles BRADFIELDS FEMALE REGULATOR is the one safe and sure medicine for irregular or pain- ful ¬ menstruation It cures all the ailments that are caused by irregularity such leucor- - rhcea falling of the womb nervousness pains in the head back breasts shoulders sides hips and limbs By regulating the menses that they occur every twenty eighth day all those aches disappear together Just before- - your time comes get a bottle and see how much good it will do you Druggists sell at i Send for our free book Perfect Health for Women THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR ATLANTA GA Storage For Grain CO T tu 4 171 efnrarro oonomfTT of iyitt nrorfl Otherwise Remarks imioOB ir l fnr t have 23 a which I will issue negotiable warehouse receipts and will guarantee the holder can borrow two thirds the market price of the grain at the banks seven per cent interest Storage one cent per bushel per month or fractional part thereof No charge for haudliug or sacks Parties who held their wheat last year were paid handsomely for so doing Will pay New Yoik or Balti- more ¬ prices less the freight any time you wish to sell R B HUTCHCRAFT Oleen Crescent Low Kates National Lanndrymens Association Cincinnati O September 12 to 14th 189S Supreme Council 33d Degree of the ncint Accepted Vttish Rire Cincin ¬ nati September lfl to 22 1S98 We are the peoples friends We re- pair ¬ your liueu and pnt neck bands on free Haggard Reed Of Peck P O W S Anderson Pike Co O Uecomunetib Wrights Celery Capsules To th e W right Medical Co uoiumous unio Gents I have purchased a box of Wrightb ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ j ¬ James T used them Constipation to I I oi uapsuies anu t i have cured me Korthe benefit of otLerp afflicted J wish to send this letter Very truly yours Wf S Andemsom Jold by all druggists at and SI per Send address ou postal to Wright Med Co Columbus for trial size Deering twine machine oil and repairs for Deering machinery at R HUTGHORAFTS There are eggs and eggs egg of yesterday looks feels measures and weighs like the egg of last mouth but theres a in another respect and that difference worth money Its just ho with The difference between good work aud poor is slight the unpracticed discernmeut but iis a difference that counts every time Its a difference that your bill from an expense to an investment We good work it cost no more than poor work but its worth double the difference Steam Laundry HillBilUlllliatit m it J K V X 4V as so it at is to Tested and Tried For 25 Years Would you feel perfectly safe put all your money a new bank One you have just heard of But how about old bank One that has done business over a Quarter BO O n St si SB s ss S Si or V- - Ju ft a century One that has kept its promises One that never failed never misled you in any way Youcouldtrustsuchabank ss couldnt youv SCOTTS EMULSION ss S Si 9 ss ss ss ss X OOP LIVER OIL WITH 5 HYPOPHOSPHITES is like such a bank It has never 5 jt disappointed you never will lb has never deceived you S 0 TiairaM ill iK Look out that someone does not try to make you SS invest your health in a new 5 tonic some new medicine S you know of x 50c 100 all druggists f t SCOTT BOWNB Chemists New York X vfefcrarafea4fefe4a4fcfcTOtftfcWii Entertaining the Copper It was a bitter cold uight and a night pDliceman in Lombard street no- ticed a light in the bank window and going to the door rapped Is that policeman asked a voice fxom within Yes was the reply Come in and have a drink said the voice The policeman stepped inside and en- - i countered a dapper little fellow sitting at a desk Ivu been detained tonight straight ening up accounts The policeman warmed hi n self at the rousing fire that blazed on the hearth and went out again on his beat An hour after the policeman came that way aud still seeing the light the wiudow rapped again Is that you policeman Yes Come in and warm The policeman the invita- tion Its a howling cold night said the clerk Youre right he police man So ho got another drink and returned to his beat He was rather surprised next day to find that his frieud of the night before had got off with some 50 000 of the banks funds London Suc- cess An Attack on Sevastopol From where I was stationed I could the dense masses of the attacking columns advance up the slope Then the torrents of grape which met them would obscure their ranks for a mo ment and hardly a man would be seen to remain I at one time saw a body of men many hundreds strong so complete- ly swept away by one discharge that only a few of the rear rank remained when the iron storm went past The dead and dying could be clearly distin guished lying in piles on the hillside and over their prostrat3 bodies fresh troops crowded on to meet the same fate Many a manly heart and nervous arm went down in the deadly struggle on that green hillside No valor avail- ed The cannons force was greater than the strength of man How many ardent hopes extin- guished How many home circles de- stroyed and lives rendered miseruble by the havoc of that hour none can tell no more than they can imagine the bodily agony or the grief for home and friends which was there endured What would be the value of what is called glory if weighed on the field of bat tie among the dead Good Words Altama or Altamalia There can I suppose be no doubt that in the lines in The Deserted Vil- lage To distant climes a dreary bcene Where half the convex world intrudes between I Through torrid tracts with fainting steps they Where wild Altama murmurs to their is alluding to the River Al tamaha iu the colonization of which had taken place not long before But his expressions are not very accu- rate So far from being torrid in the strict sense of the word the latitude of the mouth of the Altamaha is more than 31 degrees No part indeed of the Celery from Blaser drug- - Capsules rTnirprl Present btates is located witnm gist WnverlyO and forStomach trouble and 1 was unable the tropics But besides this although do anything for nearly two years used there are certainly rattlesnakes and mree oiwe your ueiery iney 50c box the free binder all the B The difference laundry changes laundry do will Bourbon to in an for of always of iunt in nothing and yon i through yourself accepted sir said see were woe Goldsmith Georgia Georgia there are no tigers there to wait their hapless prey which the poet reckons among the horrors of the region where some of the inhabitants of Auburn have gone Notes and Queries Snow That Is Alive A most curious phenomenon in the northwest of Canada is the appearance of millions of minute blaek insects whenever a thaw occurs During the winter the snow is dry and crisp like sand and nothing what- ever ¬ can be discovered of these insects but as soon as a thaw comes they are found everywhere in large patches looking like a dusting of soot They are generally known as snow fleas or snow lice and have slight hop- ping ¬ powers being able to leap some three or four inches They entirely dis- appear ¬ when it freezes again and not a trace of them can be found They do not fall with the snow as there may have been no snow for a month or more before their arrival and are probably analogous to the red snow of arctic regions Second Time Is Out The hotel stood on a corner of a main street and a comparatively unfrequent ¬ ed side street One evening I overheard the little old black man talking very savagely with another around the cor- ner ¬ on the side street and among other things he said Yes suh an ef I hits you dey woan be but twolicks struck Ill hit you an youll hit de grouu You done heah whut I say Den ¬ ver Post Her Iiiquid Voice Your wife has such a liquid voice said Mr F admiringly to Mr T Yes thats a pretty good name for it replied Mr T Mr F looked up inquiringlyr and Mr T added immediately Dont you understand Why it never dries up you know London Fun Not Disposed to Delay Him I would go to the end of the world for you he exclaimed passionately Im sure I wish you would she answered coldly and then jump off Somerville Journal During the siege of Paris no fewer than 22000000 letters sailed out of the city in the 54 balloons dispatched be ¬ tween the 19th pf September 1870 and the 28th of Jaftuary 1871 St Louis has one church to 2800 of population New York ooe to 2408 Chicago oiu to 2081 Boston one id 1600 and Minneapolis one to 1054 Crippled by Rheumatism Those who have Rheumatism find themselves growing steadily worse all warehouse receipts at 7 per cent im wmie vim reason oi mis is uimi est or less the remedies prescribed by the doctors contain mercury and potash which ul 1 timately intensify the disease by caus- - ing the joints to swell and stiffen producing a severe aching of the bones S S S has been curing Rheumatism for twenty years even the worst cases which seemed almost incurable Capt O E Hughes the popular railroad conductor of Columbia S C had an experi- ence ¬ with Rheumatism which convinced him that there is only one cure for that painful dis- ease ¬ He says I was a great sufferer from mus- cular ¬ Rheumatism for two years I could get no permanent relief from any medicine pre- scribed ¬ by my physician I took about a dozen bot- - viv jm jjut u u o auu -- Zi now I am as well as I mt ever was mmy life I am sure tnat your medicine cured me and I would recommend it to anv one njiwt v t ra f V Ml Jt suffering from blood disease Everybody knows that Rheumatism is a diseased state of the blood and in cash I only blood remedy is the proper price or and wheat furnish store treatment but remedy containing potash ana mercury only aggravates the trouble CC Cfor vi W MMSv MBKWK14 samzrymzzzs any The msHjBm mtmjBmm J3BEmW2s being Purely Vegetable goes direct to the very cause of the disease and per- manent ¬ cure always results It is the only blood remedy guaranteed to con- tain ¬ no potash mercury or other dan- - gerous minerals Books mailed free by Swift Specific Company Atlanta Georgia To Cure A Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets ¬ All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure 25c For sale by W T Brooks and James Knnpdy Paris Ky stomach trouble remem- ber Syrup Pepsin restored druggist ljatwm THE BOURRON NEWS Oix3LOo3a WEEKLY Blood AUNT wyu have arranged Clubbing which Both Papers Year only Regular Price Both JrSyliUVt nm S225 275 assascKss tlfheai UJanfed Come before selling your Wheat Will furnish sacks and store the reasonable terms Will guar that borrow money inter Wli HUTCHORAFT eat Sacks FOR SALE CHEAP Wheat stored reasonable terms highest market price paid for Wheat Paris Milling Cos office RENIOK CO Farmers would well store their wheat near home Wanted to Buy 300000 bushels wheat will pay only highest market will sacks your elevator wheat when you ready the highest price Those who held wheat last yeart made money Store your wheat the profit PRETWELL Agent 5jnlv Paris Ky 3STOTIOE Notice hereby given that the firm McDeiiuot Spears dissolved Spears having purchased interr Fred McDermott will continue business FRED McDERMOTT SPEARS Snriiiffs Good Memory U ATiruT Tuvn rmn Afim -- tam i often saves money also good M JUftft 10111 IV Ml lOl irouoiea consupaiion inaiges- - tion or any form of ¬ to take home a bottlfi of Dr f ildwnils and health will be to you Trial sizes lc U doses 10c lare size oOc and SI 00 of W T Brook Paiis Ky AND THE cit i V We a Rate by we can aive One for for is SZm j it -- Xp I I it and see us on most tee vou can on our R B on and Call on us at B M P S do to 6f I the a a a in an and buy your are to sell a mar ket big and get E 0 4t is of t o is J K the est of the J K A mA and health If you are wiui Noted White Sulphur and Chalybeate Waters The prettiest Place and best kept Summer Resort in the West For particulars apply to CAPT J M THOMASProprietor IRVINE KY ADMINISTRATORS IIM All persons having claims against the estate of Augusta G Rogers deceased must pnnent same properly proven as n qnirpd bv law before me at my office before Sept 1 Ifc98 or else Jae barred By order of the Bourbori County Court S B ROGERS JnTy 2 1898 Now is the time to secut the advantage of low pricey in i IB HEas a BIBPETJ MB J1TTI8 They are just as 00 1 as they ever were but the stock has to be re- duced ¬ to make room for new goods and WALL PAPER Well just come in and name yortr own price You can secure bar ¬ gains now both in price oi paper and charges made for hanging If you have houses to rent I will sell you fine paper for them ao cheap paper prices J T HINTON Wood Mantels furnished complete Undertaking in all its branches Embalming scientifr ally attended to CARRIAGES FOR HIRE Administrator sfc V -- 3t-T i i a - - i ft 1 t 1 1 13

THE Tfce B Lvery IVIonth - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt77h41jjm7r/data/0171.pdf · gan a five weeks engagement in Lex ¬ ington Monday night in Chimes of Normandy The

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Page 1: THE Tfce B Lvery IVIonth - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt77h41jjm7r/data/0171.pdf · gan a five weeks engagement in Lex ¬ ington Monday night in Chimes of Normandy The








- iji ijnm imii n nwi niAi jiivamxipnmniii i


Tfce Royal is the highest grade baking powder


known Actual tests show goes onethird further than any other brand

pillIk poIBtrc

POWDERAbsolutely Pure

tip 4W

- - -B i




TIE BOOBBOjl HEWSEighteenth Year Established 1881

Published every Tuesday and Friday by


and OwnersI Editors

Make all Checks Money Orders etcmayable to the order of Champ Miilkr

One step wont take you very farYouve got to keep on walking

One word wont tell folks what you areYouve got to keep on talking

One inch wont make you very tallYouye got to keep on growing

One little ad wont do it allYouve got to keep em going

ADVERT IU1JVU RATESDisplays one dollar per inch for first inser ¬

tion half rates each insertion thereafterLocals or reading notices ten cents pei

line each insertion Locals in black typetwenty cents per line each insertion

Fractions or lines count as full lines whenrunning at line rates

Obituaroh cards of thanks calls on candi ¬

dates resolutions of respect and matter of alike nature ten cents per line

Special rates given for large advertise ¬

ments and vearlv arris

The Argonaut wants to augment themilitary camps at Lexington by havingGov Bradleys Colonels ordered intocamp near that city

The Nicholas County Courier is thename of a creditable new Republicanpaper which was launched at Carlislelast week It is a seveu column folioJ Sam Thompson and Wyattlusko arethe editors

One million dollars in Vrze moneywillbe distributed among the membersof the1 17 S Navy The boys in thearmy however will have to be contented with their 13 per month Theprize money scheme should be abolished

One day the papers tell us that theSecond Kentucky is to be retained inthe service and the nest day the dis-


say that it 4s to be musteredout One day it is ordered to changeits camp and the nest day the order iscountermanded About the only thingreal sure about the Second Kentucky isthat it is still at Chickamauga and thatitwants to quit the service as the war isrtover


Ah repeat sah observed DeaconJohnsing de camp meetin was a mostexcessive occasion De attendance wasJahge and full of enthusnm and -- deesahcises was puffeckly lubly YaasBah it was a most escessive occasion amost suspicious event

Deed hit wos deacon rejoinedBrother Jnckson Dar war a wholepassel of fried chicken whole stacks obpie whole heaps ob cake an de watahmillionsl Ah me deacon lets doantalk about de festible paht ob de campmeetin Hit meks mah mouth watah

De sistahs did prepahr a detectablefeast suah Brothah Jackson re-marked


Deacon Johnsing but dediscohse ob Brothah Vinegah was afeast of de soul An

An de social crap game deacon jeson de outside was fine Yo ought terbin in it

No sah Brothah Jackson I dont be-lieve


in craps cept occabicnally whende boys lets me use mah own dice DenI feels in mah bones that I can be excessful

Deacon inquired Brothah Jacksondoes yo think dat it would be wrong

ter have a santraree a little dance yoknow after de camp meetin ternight

I resume not Brothah Jackson ifyo all gits yo razzahs checked befo yobegins ter trip de light gymnastic

De event will snahly be a most ex-cessive


occasion deaconWaller Champ in Up-To-D- ate

Always ask for Paris MillingOos Purity flour All grocerskeep it Insist on having Purityevery time

AwardedHighest Honors Worlds Fair




MOST PERFECT MADEA pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder Free

om Ammonia Alum or any other adulterant40 YEARS THE STANDARD



i jKespectfully Dedicated To The Memory

Of The Dead

James Gartland aged 66 dud atStony Point Wednesday The remains

were interrpd at the Catholic cemetery

in this city yesterdayMrs Eudicott aged 30

Main Street formerly ofof SouthHarrison

county died yesterday morningromnins will bfi buried to da at

TheRe- -

public Church near Oddville

Alleen Soper aged sevpn died earlyWednesday morning at the home of herparents Mr and Mrs L A Soper near

Little Rock The remains were interredyestei day afternoon in the Paris ceme

tery Four girl friends ot tne aeceaseu

Lida Hopkins Florence Hopkins Ollie

Hopkins and Mary Soper acted as pall-

bearersThe former pupils of the Visitation

Academy will regret to learn of thedeath at Tacoma Wash of SisterMary DeSales who was teacher of

Languages at the academy before it was

moved from this city to Tacoma Thedeceased was a valued member of theOrder for seventeen years Before en-

tering upon a religious lifo the deceased

was known as Miss Maud Curtin beinga sister of Jeremiah Curtin translatorof Quo Vadis and other of Sieukiewitzs novels

Price Co are going to quithandling trunks not having theroom If in need of one you canbuy at actual cost

Rac eland Jersey buttersale by Newton Mitchell


Theatrical And

-- -

mahloThe Foyer





In fnr on nf whoof

An amateur minstrel show will begiven at Winchester on the 22d

Sells Bros circus will show at Mays

ville on October 10th and Buffalo Billsbig show exhibits there on the 13th

A New York soldier lost his pocketbook containing 900 in a Louisvilletheatre the other night and found it thenext morning Hows that for luck

A bright bit of repartee was exchang ¬

ed the other day between wo promi ¬

nent churchmen of Paris The Metho ¬

dist remarked Your Presbjteiiau picnic made me sick and the Presbyter ¬

ian replied Oh no brother it wasntthe Presbyterian pic nic it was yourMethodist appetite

The Boston Lyric Opera company began a five weeks engagement in Lex ¬

ington Monday night in Chimes ofNormandy The Company which hasmade a big hit will give twenty five

cent matinees every Wednesday andSaturday The bill for the matinee to-


will be Bohemian Girl TheCompany may appear here later in theseason

Mr and Mrs Scott Ingliss whobeen visiting friends in Paris Mt ster¬

ling and Olympian Springs during theSummer will be members of the JuliaArthurJCompany this season Othermembers of the company are RobertMcWade Joseph Allen White Whittelsey T B Bridgeland Albert BrowneW J Thorold Lawrence Miller Her-bert


Fortier William Herbert MarcusMoriarity J H Arnold Geo NFoster J H Logan Florence ConronEthel Knight Mollison and Marie Bing-ham


Miss Arthurs repertoire will in ¬

clude A Lady of Quality CanailleInfidele Mercedes

The Howard Hat made inNew York in stiff and soft oneof the best hats made guaran-teed


in quality style and finishat the low price of 3 is on saleby Price Go sole agents


Au Interesting Jumble Of News AndComment

Sharpsburg is to have a hello exchange

Bowling Green is scared over a num-ber


of cases of scarlet feverThe Winchester Street Fair will be

held on che 22 and The Cynthianastreet fair occurs on the 29th ana 30

That hustling afternoon daily paperthe Lexington Argonaut had its officeslightly damaged by fire Monday night

Ed Hughes a C 0 conductor lost50 bill a few days ago while his train

was pulling up the Frankfort hill Hethinks it blew off his desk and out thedoor near by

Nicholasville will celebrate her cen-tennial


with a big parade music bySaxtons oand etc The occasion willbe augmented by an old fashionedbarbecue and burgoo

Will Dunlap a Lancaster boy whowas in the Santiago fight with theSixth Infantry arrived home last weekand was met by a brass band He wastaken to the public square where he waskissed caressed and almost pulled topieces by admiring friends

i J Lvery ji IVIonth


there are thousands of wo-men


who nearly suffer deathfrom irregular menses Some-times


the period comes toooften sometimes not oftenenough sometimes the flow istoo scant and again it is tooprofuse Each symptom showsthat Nature needs help andthat there is trouble in the or-gans


concerned Be carefulwhen in any of the above con-ditions


Dont take any andevery nostrum advertised tocure female troubles


is the one safe and suremedicine for irregular or pain-ful


menstruation It cures allthe ailments that are caused byirregularity such leucor- -rhcea falling of the wombnervousness pains in the headback breasts shoulders sideships and limbs By regulatingthe menses that they occurevery twenty eighth day allthose aches disappear togetherJust before-- your time comesget a bottle and see how muchgood it will do you Druggistssell at i

Send for our free book PerfectHealth for Women


Storage For Grain


T tu 4 171 efnrarro oonomfTT of iyitt nrorflOtherwise Remarks imioOB ir l fnr





which I will issue negotiable warehousereceipts and will guarantee the holdercan borrow two thirds the market priceof the grain at the banks seven percent interest Storage one cent perbushel per month or fractional partthereof No charge for haudliug orsacks Parties who held their wheatlast year were paid handsomely for sodoing Will pay New Yoik or Balti-more


prices less the freight any timeyou wish to sell


Oleen Crescent Low Kates

National Lanndrymens AssociationCincinnati O September 12 to 14th189S

Supreme Council 33d Degree of thencint Accepted Vttish Rire Cincin ¬

nati September lfl to 22 1S98

We are the peoples friends We re-


your liueu and pnt neck bands onfree Haggard Reed

Of Peck P O

W S Anderson

Pike Co O UecomunetibWrights Celery Capsules

To th e W right Medical Couoiumous unio

Gents I have purchased a box of Wrightb















James Tused them

Constipation toI I

oi uapsuies anu t i

have cured me Korthe benefit of otLerpafflicted J wish to send this letter

Very truly yoursWf S Andemsom

Jold by all druggists at and SI perSend address ou postal to Wright MedCo Columbus for trial size

Deering twine machineoil and repairs for Deeringmachinery at


There are eggs and eggs eggof yesterday looks feels measures andweighs like the egg of last mouth buttheres a in another respectand that difference worth moneyIts just ho with The differencebetween good work aud poor is slightthe unpracticed discernmeut but iis adifference that counts every time Itsa difference that yourbill from an expense to an investmentWe good work it cost no morethan poor work but its worth doublethe difference

Steam Laundry













Tested and Tried

For 25 Years

Would you feel perfectlysafe put all your money

a new bank One youhave just heard of

But how about oldbank One that has donebusiness over a Quarter





V- -



a century One that haskept its promisesOne that never failed nevermisled you in any way

Youcouldtrustsuchabank sscouldnt youv



OOP LIVER OIL WITH 5HYPOPHOSPHITES islike such a bank It has never 5

jt disappointed you never willlb has never deceived you S

0 TiairaM ill iK

Look out that someonedoes not try to make you SS

invest your health in a new 5tonic some new medicine Syou know of x

50c 100 all druggists f t

SCOTT BOWNB Chemists New York Xvfefcrarafea4fefe4a4fcfcTOtftfcWii

Entertaining the CopperIt was a bitter cold uight and a

night pDliceman in Lombard street no-ticed a light in the bank window andgoing to the door rapped

Is that policeman asked avoice fxom within

Yes was the replyCome in and have a drink said

the voiceThe policeman stepped inside and en- -

i countered a dapper little fellow sittingat a desk

Ivu been detained tonight straightening up accounts

The policeman warmed hi n self atthe rousing fire that blazed on thehearth and went out again on his beatAn hour after the policeman came thatway aud still seeing the lightthe wiudow rapped again

Is that you policemanYesCome in and warm

The policeman the invita-tion

Its a howling cold night said theclerk

Youre right he policeman

So ho got another drink and returnedto his beat He was rather surprisednext day to find that his frieud of thenight before had got off with some 50000 of the banks funds London Suc-cess

An Attack on SevastopolFrom where I was stationed I could

the dense masses of the attackingcolumns advance up the slope Thenthe torrents of grape which met themwould obscure their ranks for a moment and hardly a man would be seento remain I at one time saw a body ofmen many hundreds strong so complete-ly swept away by one discharge thatonly a few of the rear rank remainedwhen the iron storm went past Thedead and dying could be clearly distinguished lying in piles on the hillsideand over their prostrat3 bodies freshtroops crowded on to meet the samefate Many a manly heart and nervousarm went down in the deadly struggleon that green hillside No valor avail-ed The cannons force was greater thanthe strength of man

How many ardent hopes extin-guished How many home circles de-

stroyed and lives rendered miseruble bythe havoc of that hour none can tellno more than they can imagine thebodily agony or the grief for home andfriends which was there endured Whatwould be the value of what is called

glory if weighed on the field of battie among the dead Good Words

Altama or AltamaliaThere can I suppose be no doubt

that in the lines in The Deserted Vil-

lageTo distant climes a dreary bceneWhere half the convex world intrudes between

I Through torrid tracts with fainting steps they

Where wild Altama murmurs to theiris alluding to the River Al

tamaha iu the colonization ofwhich had taken place not long beforeBut his expressions are not very accu-rate So far from being torrid in thestrict sense of the word the latitude ofthe mouth of the Altamaha is morethan 31 degrees No part indeed of the

Celery from Blaser drug- -Capsules rTnirprlPresent btates is located witnmgist WnverlyO and forStomachtrouble and 1 was unable the tropics But besides this althoughdo anything for nearly two years used there are certainly rattlesnakes andmree oiwe your ueiery iney

50c boxthe


binderall the





changes laundry

do will












sir said





Georgia there are no tigers there towait their hapless prey which the

poet reckons among the horrors of theregion where some of the inhabitants ofAuburn have gone Notes and Queries

Snow That Is AliveA most curious phenomenon in the

northwest of Canada is the appearanceof millions of minute blaek insectswhenever a thaw occurs

During the winter the snow is dryand crisp like sand and nothing what-ever


can be discovered of these insectsbut as soon as a thaw comes they arefound everywhere in large patcheslooking like a dusting of soot

They are generally known as snowfleas or snow lice and have slight hop-


powers being able to leap somethree or four inches They entirely dis-appear


when it freezes again and nota trace of them can be found

They do not fall with the snow asthere may have been no snow for amonth or more before their arrival andare probably analogous to the redsnow of arctic regions

Second Time Is OutThe hotel stood on a corner of a main

street and a comparatively unfrequent ¬

ed side street One evening I overheardthe little old black man talking verysavagely with another around the cor-


on the side street and among otherthings he said

Yes suh an ef I hits you deywoan be but twolicks struck Ill hityou an youll hit de grouu

You done heah whut I say Den ¬

ver Post

Her Iiiquid VoiceYour wife has such a liquid voice

said Mr F admiringly to Mr TYes thats a pretty good name for

it replied Mr TMr F looked up inquiringlyr and

Mr T added immediately Dont youunderstand Why it never dries upyou know London Fun

Not Disposed to Delay HimI would go to the end of the world

for you he exclaimed passionatelyIm sure I wish you would she

answered coldly and then jump offSomerville Journal

During the siege of Paris no fewerthan 22000000 letters sailed out of thecity in the 54 balloons dispatched be ¬

tween the 19th pf September 1870 andthe 28th of Jaftuary 1871

St Louis has one church to 2800 ofpopulation New York ooe to 2408Chicago oiu to 2081 Boston one id1600 and Minneapolis one to 1054

Crippled byRheumatism

Those who have Rheumatism findthemselves growing steadily worse all warehouse receipts at 7 per centim wmie vim reason oi mis is uimi est or lessthe remedies prescribed by the doctorscontain mercury and potash which ul 1

timately intensify the disease by caus- -

ing the joints to swell and stiffenproducing a severe aching of the bonesS S S has been curing Rheumatismfor twenty years even the worst caseswhich seemed almost incurable

Capt O E Hughes the popular railroadconductor of Columbia S C had an experi-ence


with Rheumatism which convinced himthat there is only onecure for that painful dis-ease


He says I was agreat sufferer from mus-cular


Rheumatism fortwo years I could getno permanent relieffrom any medicine pre-scribed


by my physicianI took about a dozen bot- -viv jm jjut u u o auu -- Zinow I am as well as I mtever was mmy life I amsure tnat your medicinecured me and I wouldrecommend it to anv one

njiwt v tra f V Ml Jt

suffering from blood disease

Everybody knows that Rheumatismis a diseased state of the blood and in cash Ionly blood remedy is the proper price or

and wheatfurnish storetreatment but remedy containingpotash ana mercury only aggravatesthe trouble

C C Cforvi W





being Purely Vegetable goes direct tothe very cause of the disease and per-manent


cure always results It is theonly blood remedy guaranteed to con-tain


no potash mercury or other dan--gerous minerals

Books mailed free by Swift SpecificCompany Atlanta Georgia

To Cure A Cold In One Day

Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-lets


All druggists refund the moneyif it fails to cure 25c For sale by WT Brooks and James Knnpdy ParisKy

stomach trouble remem-berSyrup Pepsin restored







have arranged Clubbingwhich

Both Papers Year only

Regular Price Both





tlfheai UJanfedCome before selling your

Wheat Will furnish sacks and storethe reasonable terms Will guar

that borrow moneyinter




Wheat stored reasonable termshighest market price paid for

Wheat Paris MillingCos office

RENIOK COFarmers would well store

their wheat near home

Wanted to Buy300000 bushels wheat will pay

only highest marketwill sacks your

elevator wheat whenyou ready the highest

price Those who held wheat lastyeart made money Store yourwheat the profit

PRETWELL Agent5jnlv Paris Ky

3STOTIOENotice hereby given that the firm

McDeiiuot Spears dissolvedSpears having purchased interr

Fred McDermott will continuebusiness FRED McDERMOTT


SnriiiffsGood Memory UATiruT Tuvn rmn Afim --tam

i often saves money also good M JUftft 10111 IV Ml lOlirouoiea consupaiion inaiges- -tion or any form of ¬

to take home a bottlfi of Dr f ildwnilsand health will be to

you Trial sizes lc U doses 10c lare size oOcand SI 00 of W T Brook PaiisKy


cit iV

We a Rateby we can aive

One for

for is

SZm j


-- Xp




and see uson

mosttee vou can on our



Call on us at

B MP S do to

6f Ithea



in an and buy yourare to sell a mar


and getE 0


is oft o is J

K theest ofthe



and health Ifyou are wiui

Noted White Sulphur and ChalybeateWaters The prettiest Place and bestkept Summer Resort in the West

For particulars apply to


ADMINISTRATORS IIMAll persons having claims against the

estate of Augusta G Rogers deceasedmust pnnent same properly proven asn qnirpd bv law before me at my officebefore Sept 1 Ifc98 or else Jae barred

By order of the Bourbori CountyCourt


JnTy 2 1898

Now is the time to secut theadvantage of low pricey in

i IB HEas a

BIBPETJ MB J1TTI8They are just as 00 1 as they everwere but the stock has to be re-


to make room for new goodsand

WALL PAPERWell just come in and name yortrown price You can secure bar¬

gains now both in price oi paperand charges made for hanging Ifyou have houses to rent I will sellyou fine paper for them ao cheappaper prices

J T HINTONWood Mantels furnished completeUndertaking in all its branchesEmbalming scientifr ally attended



sfc V

-- 3t-T


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