The Talking School Route Map Early Years Settings Key Stages 1 and 2 To exit the Route Map press Esc

The Talking School Route Map Early Years Settings Key Stages 1 and 2 To exit the Route Map press Esc

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The Talking School

Route Map

Early YearsSettings

Key Stages 1 and 2

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Page 2: The Talking School Route Map Early Years Settings Key Stages 1 and 2 To exit the Route Map press Esc

Promotes and values talk; develops a ‘talk culture’ and reflects the home languages

of all pupils

Provides many opportunities for

children to learn how to talk and use their

talk to learn

Organises learning so that talk is at the heart

of the curriculum

Ensures that children have opportunities to talk

about big ideas and investigate philosophical


Values debate and discussion and provides

explicit teaching of language structures

associated with it

Ensures that children see talk as a way of

enhancing their learning and provides

opportunities for children to evaluate their talk

Knows the importance of a wide vocabulary to

academic success and has a whole school

systematic approach to teaching it

Explicitly models and scaffolds high quality

oral language for writing

Ensures that teachers are skilled in assessing

children’s talk skills

Knows that high quality learning relies

upon high quality teacher talk

Teaches children the different types of talk

and associated language structures

A Talking School ...


Uses drama to develop thinking,

language and learning

Uses rhymes, songs and interactive dialogue to

develop a love of reading and to support the teaching

of phonics, reading skills and comprehension

Places an emphasis on early identification of

children’s language and communication


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Speaking and listening are seen as a priority

in their own right; discussion is valued

Children are encouraged to use

language to imagine and recreate experiences

Bilingualism is valued and seen as a positive


There is an emphasis on early identification of children with speech,

language and communication difficulties Special Educational

Needs and support involving parents and other agencies if necessary

Adults model and scaffold the writing process and use rich talk to support

early writing development

Opportunities and provision are planned in response to children’s interests to promote

development of language

Adults have a good understanding of

communication and language development and are skilled in

observing and making assessments

Adults know the importance of a wide vocabulary to

future academic success, particularly mathematics,

and have a whole school/setting approach to vocabulary development

Practitioners talk with children throughout the

day modeling appropriate vocabulary and structures

Through sustained shared thinking, practitioners encourage children to

explore and express ideas

Adults make time to listen to children respectfully

Children are provided with a broad and exciting

curriculum to enrich their language experience

Children develop a love of sharing books and stories

(both read and told), rhymes and songs and begin to use

early reading strategies

Skillful practitioners support children in using a variety of communication strategies,

including signing


A Talking setting is

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What do we mean by ‘talking’?

We are using the word ‘talk’ to include all forms of communication – including gesture, signing, use of expression and all other forms of nonverbal communication

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Promotes and values talk; develops a ‘talk culture’ and

reflects the home languages of all pupils

Through the whole range of Language for Learning training and programmes plus linked training

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Provides many opportunities for children to learn how to talk

and use their talk to learn

Talk for Learning: a CPD programme designed to develop high quality dialogue and thinking in the classroom

Talk for Writing: includes how to develop sentence structures which lead into writing

Talk for Reading: includes how to develop children’s thinking through text talk

Philosophy for Children: training to support the development of children’s thinking through dialogue

TalkingPartners@Primary: a targeted, time limited intervention programme designed to improve the way children communicate across the curriculum, developing skills and strategies which can be used with the whole class, small groups or individuals

ELKLAN training: a whole school project over 12 months following a five step process of how to develop a Communication Friendly School

Special Educational Needs Services training – see BSO pages for more details

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Organises learning so that talk is at the heart of the curriculum

Talk for Learning: a CPD programme designed to develop high quality dialogue and thinking in the classroom

Talk for Writing: includes how to develop sentence structures which lead into writing

Talk for Reading: includes how to develop children’s thinking through text talk

Philosophy for Children: training to support the development of children’s thinking through dialogue.

TalkingPartners@Primary: a targeted, time limited intervention programme designed to improve the way children communicate across the curriculum, developing skills and strategies which can be used with the whole class, small groups or individuals

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Ensures that teachers are skilled in assessing children’s

talk skills

Talk for Learning: a CPD programme designed to develop high quality dialogue and thinking in the classroom

Talk for Writing: includes how to develop sentence structures which lead into writing

ICAN assessment tool: www.ican.org.uk

TalkingPartners@Primary: training includes assessment tools which can be used with the whole class, small groups or individuals

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Knows that high quality learning relies upon high

quality teacher talk

Adult – child interaction training: a short training programme developed by speech and language specialists to support early language development for all children

Talk for Learning: a CPD programme designed to develop high quality dialogue and thinking in the classroom

Sustained shared thinking: training to support the development of young children’s thinking through dialogue

TalkingPartners@Primary: impact of the programme relies upon the adult modelling good S&L behaviours and language structures; their self- awareness is essential

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Teaches children the different types of talk and associated

language structures

Talk for Learning: a CPD programme designed to develop high quality dialogue and thinking in the classroom

Talk for Writing: includes how to develop sentence structures which lead into writing

Talk for Reading: includes how to develop children’s thinking through text talk

Philosophy for Children: training to support the development of children’s thinking through dialogue

TalkingPartners@Primary: training includes understanding of language functions and their application within the programme

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Explicitly models and scaffolds high quality oral language for


Talk for Writing: includes how to develop sentence structures which lead into writing

Teaching grammar through Talk for Writing: training to support the creative teaching of grammar

Exciting Sentences: training to support the creative teaching of grammar

TalkingPartners@Primary: training promotes modelling of good S&L behaviours and language structures and the use of scaffolding strategies, e.g. Talk Frameworks

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Knows the importance of a wide vocabulary to academic

success and has a whole school systematic approach to

teaching it

It’s only words… training which develops a whole school system for teaching vocabulary

Talk for Reading: using talk to support the development of reading skills and comprehension

Talk for Writing: training which includes ‘Warming up the word’ sections

Adult – child interaction training: a short training programme developed by speech and language specialists to support early language development for all children

TalkingPartners@Primary: training explains how to develop vocabulary and is a key area in the planning and delivery of sessions

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Ensures that children see talk as a way of enhancing their

learning and provides opportunities for children to

evaluate their talk

Talk for Learning: a CPD programme designed to develop high quality dialogue and thinking in the classroom

Talk for Writing: can include specific training on developing AfL for writing

TalkingPartners@Primary: incorporates AfL throughout the programme, including children evaluating their own achievements after each session

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Values debate and discussion and provides explicit teaching

of language structures associated with it

Talk for Learning: a CPD programme designed to develop high quality dialogue in the classroom

Philosophy for Children: training to support the development of children’s thinking through dialogue

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Ensures that children have opportunities to talk about big

ideas and investigate philosophical concepts

Philosophy for Children: training to support the development of children’s thinking through dialogue

Talk for Learning: a CPD programme designed to develop high quality dialogue and thinking in the classroom

Talk for Writing: includes how to develop thinking for writing

Talk for Reading: includes how to develop children’s thinking through text talk

Sustained shared thinking: training to support the development of young children’s thinking through dialogue

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Ensures that children have opportunities to talk about big

ideas and investigate philosophical concepts

Philosophy for Children: training to support the development of children’s thinking through dialogue

Talk for Learning: a CPD programme designed to develop high quality dialogue and thinking in the classroom

Talk for Writing: includes how to develop thinking for writing

Talk for Reading: includes how to develop children’s thinking through text talk

Sustained shared thinking: training to support the development of young children’s thinking through dialogue

TalkingPartners@Primary: provides opportunities for extended, collaborative talk

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Uses drama to develop thinking, language and


Powerful Drama: training on using drama techniques to support language development, writing and learning across the curriculum

Talk for Writing: includes the use of drama techniques

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Uses rhymes, songs and interactive dialogue to develop a

love of reading and to support the teaching of phonics, reading skills

and comprehension

Early Reading training: to support the early development of phonological awareness

Talk for Reading: using talk to support the development of reading skills and comprehension

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Places an emphasis on early identification of children’s

language and communication difficulties

ELKLAN Training courses and accreditation

The Autism Team run “drop-in” sessions each term at 10 “hub” schools across the city. These are for any professional to attend (not parents) to talk to the team about any issues they have regarding children with autism. Information on the drop-ins is on the Autism Team page on BSO

Other useful websites include:

‒ www.talkingpoint.org.uk

‒ www.thecommunicationtrust.org.uk

‒ www.afasic.org.uk

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Actively engages parents in understanding how to support

their children’s language and talk

Talking Families: a training programme developed by Education Works to highlight the importance of talk and providing practical ideas for family workshops–course aimed for adults in school working with parents and families

Family Storytelling: using Talk for Writing with families

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Talk for Learning

Talk for Learning [dialogic learning and teaching]What is talk for learning [dialogic learning and teaching]?A particular kind of interactive experience which includes key pedagogical principles and practices. Dialogic teaching harnesses the power of talk to engage children, stimulate and extend their thinking and advance their learning and understanding. It has been developed by Professor Robin Alexander and trialled by North Yorkshire and Barking and Dagenham LEAs. What will it do for you?It will develop teachers’ skills in the following ways:develop the planning and teaching of talk for learning e.g. developing children’s skills in explaining, analysing and solving problems, discussing and negotiatingincrease understanding of the different kinds of talk for teaching i.e. rote, recitation, instruction, discussion and dialoguedevelop skills in the organisation of different interactive contexts e.g. whole class teaching; collective group work [teacher led]; collaborative group work [pupil led]; one-to-one [teacher and pupil]; one-to-one[pupil pairs] extend understanding of the centrality of talk improve ‘question-answer-feedback to children’s responses’ sequences extend understanding of successfully implementing the right ethos and classroom culture for talk   

To book this training programme or to find out more contact: [email protected]

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Philosophy for Children

What is P4C?P4C was developed by Professor Matthew Lipman in the late 60’s to encourage students to be able to reason and be reasoned with. The emphasis is on questioning or enquiry where children and teachers collaborate with each other to grow in understanding, not only of the material world but also of the personal and ethical world around them. There are clear links with thinking skills, and P4C has been proven to develop a child’s learning in different aspects of the curriculum.

Why do we need it?Discusses issues across the curriculumGives children the thinking tools for discussing sensitive issues in a mature and considered wayChildren develop responsibility for their own ideas and thoughtsDevelops their skills in problem solvingDevelops their ability to appreciate the experience and perspective of othersCan recognise forms of manipulation and persuasionDevelops skills of resolving conflictsWillingness to change one’s opinions and attitudes in the light of discussion and evidenceCourage to defend a point of view

To book this training programme or find out more contact: www.sapere.org.uk

[email protected]

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Talk for Writing

To book this training programme or find out more contact: talk4writing.com

[email protected]

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Grammar through Talk for Writing

To book this training programme or find out more contact: talk4writing.com

[email protected]

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Exciting Sentences

To book this training programme or find out more contact: www.alanpeat.com

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Sustained Shared Thinking

To book this training programme or find out more contact: [email protected]

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Powerful Drama

To book this training programme or find out more contact: [email protected]

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Talk for Reading

What is it? A training day on how to develop comprehension and reading skills through high quality classroom dialogue

Course objectives:To refresh and develop a whole school philosophy towards readingTo explore the importance of talk in underpinning reading motivation and engagement and its crucial role in developing reading comprehension skillsTo revisit the role of guided reading and provide a range of practical ideas and activities   

To book this training programme or to find out more contact: [email protected]

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It’s only words… a whole school system for teaching vocabulary

What is it?Course objectives:To develop a greater understanding of how to support children in their acquisition and usage of vocabulary for reading, writing, communication and thinkingTo explore a systematic approach to the teaching and learning of vocabulary To provide practical ideas, strategies and activities 

 ‘Poor vocabulary is the primary cause of academic failure.’ [Becker 1977]


To book this training programme or to find out more contact: [email protected]

[email protected]

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Early Reading

What is it?Course objectives:To develop teachers’ and other practitioners’ understanding of phonological awarenessTo encourage development of children’s skills in early reading developmentTo provide a ideas for a range of activities to use rhymes, songs and rhyming stories in Foundation Stage and Y1 classrooms and in Early Years settings 

Good phonological awareness is critical for children to become successful decoders in reading. One vital element of understanding how sounds work is to experiment with rhyme

and rhythm .


To book this training programme or to find out more contact: [email protected]

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Adult-Child interaction training

What is it?Language, communication and learning skills are developed through natural interaction. It is what the adult does and the timing of their response that helps the child on to the next phase in their vocabulary development, word order, use of language and experimentation for learning. Children who are confident communicators are easy to support and teach. This is because those children pull the skills out of the adult and by initiating, support the adult in knowing what they need to say or do next and how they need to do it. Children who present as less able in their speech, language communication and learning abilities can send out different communication signals which in turn affect the confidence and responses of the adult. They may not initiate, so the adult finds it hard to know what to say or do, or they may initiate but be unclear in their words, word order, intention or action. This makes it challenging for the adult to know how to respond, what to say or what to do next. Adult - Child Interaction supports adults in seeing what they already do to support each child, how and when they use these skills, and how to optimize on them in order to support each child in increasing their rate of progress.


To book this training programme or to find out more contact:www.keenacummins.co.uk

or [email protected]

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Talking Partners

What is it?TalkingPartners@Primary has been developed from the internationally renowned Talking Partners programme. It is designed to improve the delivery of SLC (Speech, Language and Communication) in the classroom on a day to day basis by practitioners, as well as support target children who may lack skills or confidence to express themselves clearly. Such children may often find it difficult to listen and group work can be a challenge.

What will it do for you?TalkingPartners@Primary ensures that children make accelerated progress in both speaking and listening. It improves children’s literacy skills and also supports learning across the curriculum.   

To book this training programme or to find out more contact:[email protected]

or www.educationworks.org.uk

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Talking Families

What is it?The Talking Families course has been developed for Parental Involvement Workers, Children Centre practitioners, Nursery Teachers, Nursery Nurses, Teaching Assistants/Learning Support Assistants (particularly those working with families) and Child Minders. It will provide them with a range of skills and strategies to encourage parents and children to communicate more effectively through a series of workshops or drop in sessions. This will be a practically based course with lots of fun ideas and activities.

What will it do for you?To provide practitioners with the training skills and strategies to develop speaking, listening and communication skills with targeted groups of parents and children.understand how to differentiate activities according to need Benefits to schools, parents and childrenincreased parental participation in school life through involvement with workshops to create resourcesincreased support from parents with children’s work in class and homeworkimproved pupil attendance and behaviour development of children’s self-esteem and self-confidenceincreased desire for children to contribute more in class improved achievement in speaking and listening  

To book this training programme or to find out more contact:[email protected]

or www.educationworks.org.uk

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Family Storytelling: T4W

To book this training programme or find out more contact: talk4writing.com

[email protected]

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ELKLAN Training

To book this training programme or find out more contact: [email protected]

What is it?Elklan are a range of accredited training courses for those working with children who have Speech, Language and Communication Needs. It is aimed primarily at teaching assistants but teachers have also completed and benefited from the course. Participants have a choice of studying at level 2 or 3 and the course is accredited by the Open College Network.  Participants will be required to attend the course one half day each week and complete a portfolio of work. They will receive an Elklan Language Builders book which includes detailed advice and strategies to promote communication skills. The courses also include a practical element providing opportunities to work with pupils using the skills taught on the course. Course tutors provide regular monitoring and support for course members with their portfolios and work with pupils. Following the course we offer visits to support Elklan-trained staff and help schools effectively employ their skills. All Elklan courses are taught by specialist teachers from SEN Services’ Learning Difficulties Team, Autism Team and Pre-5 team. We have an excellent working relationship with the Elklan Network and all our previous courses have been moderated as excellent by the Elklan Team.


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What do we mean by ‘talking’?

We are using the word ‘talk’ to include all forms of communication – including gesture, signing, use of expression and all other forms of nonverbal communication

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Skillful practitioners support children in using a variety of communication strategies,

including signing

• Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2012

• Learning, Playing and Interacting – Good practice in the Early Years Foundation Stage 2009

• Challenging Practice to further improve learning, playing and interacting in the Early Years Foundation Stage 2010

• Every Child a Talker: Guidance for Early Language Lead Practitioners 2008

• Inclusion Development Programme – Supporting children with speech, language and communication needs: guidance for practitioners in the Early Years Foundation Stage 2008

• www.foundationyears.org.uk/

• www.ican.org.uk/

• www.keenacummins.co.uk/

• http://www.thecommunicationtrust.org.uk/

• The Makaton Charity www.makaton.org/

 TrainingBradford Early Years Training Prospectus :

Creating a Communication Friendly SettingEvery Child a Talker Cluster Meeting


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Speaking and listening are seen as a priority in their own right;

discussion is valued

• Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2012

•  Every Child a Talker: Guidance for Early Language Lead Practitioners 2008

•  www.foundationyears.org.uk/

•  http://www.literacytrust.org.uk/early_years

•  http://www.ncb.org.uk/ycvn/aims-and-vision

•  www.ican.org.uk/

The Cost to the Nation of Children's Poor - I Can

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Adults make time to listen to children respectfully

• Learning, Playing and Interacting – Good practice in the Early Years Foundation Stage 2009

• Every Child a Talker: Guidance for Early Language Lead Practitioners 2008

• Social and Emotional Aspects of Development – guidance for practitioners working in the Early Years Foundation Stage 2008

• www.foundationyears.org.uk/

• www.keenacummins.co.uk/

• http://www.ncb.org.uk/what-we-do/early-years/early-years-peer-to-peer-support/early-years-peer-to-peer-support-resources/early-years-resource-bank/listening-to-young-children

• Communication Friendly Spaces – Improving speaking and listening skills in the Early Years Foundation Stage by Elizabeth Jarman (Basic Skills Agency 2007)

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Practitioners talk with children throughout the day modeling appropriate vocabulary and


• Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2012

• Learning, Playing and Interacting – Good practice in the Early Years Foundation Stage 2009

• Challenging Practice to further improve learning, playing and interacting in the Early Years Foundation Stage 2010

• www.foundationyears.org.uk/

• Julie Fisher www.early-education.org.uk/training-and-associates/associates/55

• “Developing preschool communication and language“ Chris Dukes and Maggie Smith

• Communication Friendly Spaces – Improving speaking and listening skills in the Early Years Foundation Stage by Elizabeth Jarman (Basic Skills Agency 2007)


Bradford Early Years Training Prospectus :

Creating a Communication Friendly Setting

Every Child a Talker Cluster Meetinghttp://www.bradford.gov.uk/bmdc/health_well-being_and_care/information_for_workers/working_with_children/training

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Through sustained shared thinking, practitioners

encourage children to explore and express ideas

• Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2012

• www.foundationyears.org.uk/

• http://www.early-education.org.uk/publications-and-resources/1414

Dowling, M. ( 2005) Supporting young children’s sustained shared thinking Early education

“Time of our lives”:Bradford MDC

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Children are provided with a broad and exciting

curriculum to enrich their language experience

• Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2012 • Learning, Playing and Interacting – Good practice in the Early Years Foundation Stage 2009• Challenging Practice to further improve learning, playing and interacting in the Early Years

Foundation Stage 2010• Finding and exploring young children’s fascinations: DfES 2010 • www.foundationyears.org.uk/• “Hands on learning”: Bradford MDC ; “Time of our lives”:Bradford MDC• Katherine Finkill: www.playwise.co.uk/about-us/ • Communication Friendly Spaces – Improving speaking and listening skills in the Early Years

Foundation Stage by Elizabeth Jarman (Basic Skills Agency 2007)• Training

Bradford Early Years Training Prospectus :

Creating a Communication Friendly Setting

Every Child a Talker Cluster Meetinghttp://www.bradford.gov.uk/bmdc/health_well-being_and_care/information_for_workers/working_with_children/training

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Opportunities and provision are planned in response to children’s

interests to promote development of language

• Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2012 • Learning, Playing and Interacting – Good practice in the Early Years Foundation Stage 2009• Challenging Practice to further improve learning, playing and interacting in the Early Years

Foundation Stage 2010• www.foundationyears.org.uk/• http://www.ecersuk.org/• http://www.communityplaythings.co.uk/• http://www.letthechildrenplay.net/• http://www.elizabethjarmantraining.co.uk/• Communication Friendly Spaces – Improving speaking and listening skills in the Early Years

Foundation Stage by Elizabeth Jarman (Basic Skills Agency 2007)ResourcesMy Learning Picture – part of the Hands on series – Version 2, April 2013

available from the Early Years Consultant, Locality Team, Early Childhood Services

 TrainingBradford Early Years Training Prospectus :

Creating a Communication Friendly SettingEvery Child a Talker Cluster Meeting


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Children develop a love of sharing books and stories (both read and

told), rhymes and songs and begin to use early reading strategies

• Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2012

•  www.foundationyears.org.uk/

•  http://www.literacytrust.org.uk/early_years

•  www.bookstart.org.uk

•  https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/letters-and-sounds



Bradford Early Years Training Prospectus :

Creating a Communication Friendly Setting

Every Child a Talker Cluster Meetinghttp://www.bradford.gov.uk/bmdc/health_well-being_and_care/information_for_workers/working_with_children/training

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Children are encouraged to use language to imagine and

recreate experiences

• Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2012

• Learning, Playing and Interacting – Good practice in the Early Years Foundation Stage 2009

• Challenging Practice to further improve learning, playing and interacting in the Early Years Foundation Stage 2010

• Finding and exploring young children’s fascinations: DfES 2010

• www.foundationyears.org.uk/

“Supporting creativity and imagination in the early years” Duffy B. 1998 Buckingham Open university press


Communication Friendly Spaces – Improving speaking and listening skills in the Early Years Foundation Stage by Elizabeth Jarman (Basic Skills Agency 2007)

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Adults have a good understanding of communication and language

development and are skilled in observing and making assessments

• Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2012

•  Learning, Playing and Interacting – Good practice in the Early Years Foundation Stage 2009

•  Challenging Practice to further improve learning, playing and interacting in the Early Years Foundation Stage 2010

•   www.foundationyears.org.uk/

  “Communication, Language and Literacy from Birth to 5” ,London, Sage publications Ltd


 My Learning Picture – part of the Hands on series – Version 2, April 2013

available from the Early Years Consultant, Locality Team, Early Childhood Services


Bradford Early Years Training Prospectus :

Creating a Communication Friendly Setting

Every Child a Talker Cluster Meeting


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There is an emphasis on early identification of children with speech, language and

communication difficulties Special Educational Needs and support involving parents and other

agencies if necessary

• Children’s communication charity: www.ican.org.uk

• Early support materials: www.ncb.org.uk/.../launch-of-the-new-early-support-early-years-developmental-journal

• SEN Early Intervention Team : Bradford Schools Online https://bso.bradford.gov.uk/Schools/Home.aspx includes portage)

• www.bdct.nhs.uk /our...health-services/.../speechlanguagetherapy/


My Learning Picture – part of the Hands on series – Version 2, April 2013

available from the Early Years Consultant, Locality Team, Early Childhood Services


Bradford Early Years Training Prospectus :

Creating a Communication Friendly Setting

Every Child a Talker Cluster Meeting


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Bilingualism is valued and seen as a positive asset

• Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2012

•  Supporting children learning English as an additional language – Guidance for practitioners in the Early Years Foundation Stage

•  www.foundationyears.org.uk/

•  Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

• www.early-education.org.uk

•  Words and Phrases in other languages including Eastern European and Asian - My Learning Picture – Part of the Hands on series – Bradford Childcare and Early Education, Department of Children’s Services

•  Useful websites for advice, guidance and multilingual resources

•  http://www.blss.portsmouth.sch.uk/

•  http://www.emas4success.org/

•  http://www.hvec.org.uk/HvecMain/index.asp

•  http://www.islingtonschoolsemas.net/primary_resources.htm

•  http://www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/emass/DisplayArticle.asp?ID=20075

•  http://nationalstrategies.standards.dcsf.gov.uk/earlyyears

•  http://www.qcda.gov.uk/assessment/87.aspx

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Adults model and scaffold the writing process and use rich talk

to support early writing development

• Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)


•  Mark making matters webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20110202093118/.../132558 -

  Bromley, H. 2006 Making my own mark: play and writing.

• London: British Association of Early Education

  David, T e al2000 Making sense of early literacy: A practitioners perspective

  Ring, K Moving into writing. the significance of drawing Hull City Council

 A journey from within – A celebration of children’s development using Learning through Movement - Leeds City Council

 Help your child to learn through movement – Department of Early Childhood Services, City of Bradford MDC


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Adults know the importance of a wide vocabulary to future academic success, particularly mathematics, and have a

whole school/setting approach to vocabulary development

• Children thinking mathematically: PSRN essential knowledge for Early Years Practitioners 2009

  Teaching effective vocabulary - What can teachers do to increase the vocabulary of

children who start education with limited vocabulary? London DCSF


Bradford Early Years Training Prospectus :

Creating a Communication Friendly Setting

Every Child a Talker Cluster Meeting
