OLD GUARD CELEBRATES TOO p.iv or I'MtMu: ash nissKit uahheh os i .V III' WATEIt. llrror Marrh Tlirnimli the Met Confident of n t'urr fur Clint llantiiet l the IMiih I'oIIohs mill n INotahlo ,h nr Chilian anil .Military Hursts. ' Ihoi" uto a lot nr present day young-,.T- ti - wlui tliinl; that, New York'rt military i aiiiz-itio- n known affectionately as tho Did fiiinrd U made lip of soldiers who (c likn Ilial greatest of (leneralw in Wash-incti'- ii "Ircct, IkiMon, if whom i lm life loll! 1 nit lit) drew his sword licl and lnt in a rafllo. And bo when our did litiard liiid itH annual parade and f 'ntrcli MTV lew yesterday afternoon, Ullotted liy a nlphl, midnight, morning mi. I batikwel in tho I'laa Hotul, the yoiniKxtord had the ticrvo to ask What' doin', and who mo they.'" I In- - Old (iuaid yeMorday had ahoiit tho Iuihi day of all the clad days ll linn irleliriited despite ono or two mishaps ri the lit'cintiing of itB yearly celebration. ' Only a Miiall pari of Now York wai for- tunate in iee tho Old (itiard in parado jeterday. An olahora'n march had beep liliir pi intcd weeks nun. Then came n fall el water. Water Tell rlRht mil or the side !ozh darn it. Water! tap n J. Wheeler Asoll had had a premonition that water would be ijaixed in with the festivities. Wherefore Cfcp'n Wheeler and (icn. I'. Klbert Davia outht cit I'hil Dempsey, one of the most expert riveters or the Hridgostniths and lion-worke- Union, to reorl. early at the Armory In Fifty-fir- st street to rivet (steam power) on the solid gold uniforms of the C'l.ird, o that nil seam would be water- proof should water decide to fall from the Met upon the soldiers. l,et (lie bearskin thakos lay limp! Who c.irzh? They had to stand out in front ofGrace Church in a drizzle to be photographed after Dr. James B. Wuzzon had delivered a speech an address, the programme Mid, not a sermon -- of historical interest And here the tlrst disagreement of the day happened. Some of the weakkneed younger members of the Kitard objected to walking up Fifth avenue to the Hotel Plara because of the cold water falling from the low. wet clouds. The oldest members did want to walk. "Ami why?' asked Cap'n Summers "Think or the chill you'll Ret on the ar to tho Plaza." suggested an older member, and he raised his right arm up irul down, the lingers of the right hand affectionately encompassing an imnginarv rhject -- nnrtT' Think of the chill! And what is good for a chill?" i ap'n Summers remembered after some, thought But already the photographers hid clambered upon a ledge across Broad- way, a ledge designed by the architect to aflord a groundwork for a black and gold lettered sign on which was the simple legend ol a hotel, "Cafe." And a they stood at attention in Broad- way and tho watery rain. with their shakos of bearskin looming high and with Major I raull. Commander of the Eastern I'epnrtment ot tho Minute Men of Wdh-Ingto- n, 1). C and Capt W. H. Wimder mud he is) in their Colonial cocked hats - guests and Major S, Klli Briggs in command, to le photographed one couldn't help but remember at least the first few lines of tho ode which a great (OH once wrote about the Old Ouard and sent to The Six: riAnl. Ilrlng out vour chokci (hint l or ihr lilts roit mid blue pant lit the (iuanl So firmly had !mpsey. tlie steam riveter, and his plumber's assistants done tlieir work that the Old (iuuid, hraced in a framework of precio'is metal, stood rigid - could havelstood rigid even had thoy been asleep Ixiwisn of the stanch framewoik or unilorm that sipported them. The Anei-in- t and Hon-erabl- of Boston, the l'litnam Phalanx :f some place in Connecticut, the (lov-rrnor- 's lcelgnard of New Haven, the Araoskeac Veterans, tho First Citv Troop if Philadelphia, tho Most Exemplary ttnards of the all of them have tin noil is- - tliat will hold iiti anything; b'lt never was thero u finer sight than the Old Gimid lining up In the water yesterday to be rhntographed by the man on the care wine and liquors sign one story nhovo ihem across Broadway, It was pimply crand Then the folks who argued for 1 chill lot The Guard, headed by Clmrler n Baar's Old Guard Band (they've tried to get Charley to cut one s oiit of his last name, hut he refuses) went over 10 tlie subway at Astor p'ace and d to the Plaza. In former ye.i-- H th Guvd has had its annual bankWet at the Astor Astor -- an S in it -- difficult " say. Hotel I'lazzaKzaz. Eav In a bunch they entered. It'was like the Hood tide. There was no double door to bother as one, after refreshment on the main door, started to enter tlie hank Wet hall on tlie floor above. Great toublez at the Aztor in other years There h double door which oicned on only cue side. The coffee waz being zoned liefore one could find out which side opened. And there waz a revolving Jo"r at th Astor. year somebody got into the door. Around it went faster and faster Who comes tin to trv to cet in' Comrade Henu .Mefzzzz:'.. Hcrm thinks it's a revolving squirrel cage. "Stop it!" cries Herm. ".Stop it: I want to see (he gold squirrel!" So thU year the guard went to the Plazazzaza. Hiizah! The guest table guozts havo a rived at the guezt'z table. Four major-t"neru- l, two brigadier-general- s, six (oloiiel- -, one captain, four honorables. book at the !lt of guetz at tho guezt'z latile. witli Major Briggs as "II the highest ciest of the wave. lapt.K H Clement, the Kev. Dr Charles I. Slattury. the Ilev. Or. James B. Wasson, "I M A Winter, Col K M Henoiif. Col ii Bird Gardiner, tho Hon William B, I Miaou, the Hon Lewis Nixon.'Major-Gen- . Whitney Tillinchast. Major-Ge- K. A Melpin. Maior-Ge- n Daniel K. Sirklo. Hng-Giii- i. William Verbock. Brig.-Go- n. Inhn G. i:ddy, Alfred K. Steers. Major-;'- n li Holier Breintnall, (lommnndor (ieoren j; Dewey, Commander J. K firaylnll, Major David Wilson, Col. Ben-wm- A I,e, Col. Frank P. King. Georg UiyandCo) ,Iohn T. Camp. en F Flbert Davis was at fable in T.iMe alone held seven captains, lie-- i " UK itli W. .1. C Horry and nmuing r ugh a li- -t including Captain Warner. J;v."t Mason, Dickenson, Stevens and 'iimel, mid lliiishiiig up juzli thizli one 'v.'.. w.izli Major Charles If. Grant. Table 'lad seven captains and Limit H. Cole S" ii' -- imiig aio ind it Capt. Aspell pre- - l"'l a another table. At which sat Fr.m-- 1 - IxiiiImII, the architect: Dr. W. .1. '!' mid Morrison Mavze. Capt, eor C(iii,.y and Capt, K. Tavlor looked 'if'er another table, but the other five at 'us table were merely untitled citizens v' 'lie dinner aUo wiis tho only privuto ul. S.rgi, Kd Pcth. ' h.uley ,in Huar's band in Old Guard 'ciiiis ami (wo salud knoves crossed In- - ( arpet were enough, too much, for 11 Inn enmun Capt. Wenman will ye 1 old within a few months and ' 1 long time was prmldmit of the 'i' hi v'muge Ho got tight up in 'aiiiiini; uniform and went up in front Hurley mi Huar's band diaz and m,(l mid diuied and danzed I10111-a- ,ir, dauze. and thlngz. ,11111 d'd daiiz tin, ord (Inn. Napl; i n v - Waiter' Get waiter! .tar ' i"d K.innorz, ling may zlie wav! "ii' Oh, zay can you zee by the oii-l- In-li- t '' S'o. .A, " id (ianliiii'i Talk on the hizziry J" 11 f'li'. 111 Aineric 111 army fiom (in. W,iingtou to A.a llird Didn't ' '" is 111 aiiiiy once lti and r' izei 111 Amei'ic.oi ai niv llu-ie- "i Ah Minn 011 "Our Fair I .hik I " I " I I pi re StlMe," Gen 'I i. Iliirni Some 'iuln Col Sup tcr Zl He- - (lrii.it, Gen Slcklez niiy" anil I.oim- - Nivon on "Navy ' li' 'h urund, Ueu. Eddy. Col. Ilonouf of SUNDAY. APRIL HUDSON TUB ESI Phoebe Snow 'Direct From Thirty-thir- d Buffalo; From Broadway bright tubes run right Into Anthracite. There is no more convenient Railroad Terminal for the average New Yorker than that of the Lackawanna Railroad. Take elevated or surface car to the Hudson Tubes Station at Broadway and 33d street and in fourteen a Tube train (one every 3 or 5 minutes) will land you inside the Lackawanna Station at Hobokcn. Then board the waiting train on the Road of Anthracite and go on your clean, beautifully picturesque journey to Buffslo and the NliW -- BROADWAY, corner corner Howard St.: cornsr St.; corner 40th BROOKLYN SOS Fulton Street NEWARK Broad fllnrket Stretti. Ancient of Honar of Artillary and An- cient llonorablez or Ronton. Honorable Steerz speekz. Bird Gardiner again. Hiizzah for Bird! Commander hill on "Dixzio Land land up evervbod"! Ztand up Gen. Verbeck on National , Guard .till speaking l.etz go to prezz. n.w.4.v Ksincs sthpfatiieh. Illade Pierced Ills Heart anil He tiled InMantl). A young who had been leidmg a troubled existence for the List four mouths under the. roof of her mother's second husband stabbed mid killed her stepfather list night in his huue, at 1320 Prospect place, Brooklyn Mrs. K.liziibeth Pe.irill. 22 years old, una the gill 'ho took her three-ninni- old and live with mother mominc. of pneumonia, at hi; L. i ,:n ... J ' . I. , t... I. I ' iimnit! oi oiuicuiue wim ner nuo.iini. Her stepfather, Micluel Beid. olijetted to the arrangement from tlie sVirt and there were many time, whii unfriendly telatiotis wet's in the making. Mrs. Beid had two children by her first marriage. Mrs. Peirall and mi eichteeti-year-ol- d Gill. i lour her with 'I he son Beid. from Kdward. who is 16, to a seven mouths old. The trouble List started after upr when Mrs. Beid wept into the parlor and lighted tho gas for a caller J who ns coming to ee Anna. Krid left the time and oil the Mrs. Beid lighted it Beid once mote put it out this time saying tint lie intended lint the n in the should be kept out. He said tint lie would do ir it wnsti t left that way Mr. who luid heinl the rmi died avenue John Vital told and said It A(1 otril Vorh .ens Hern Hien Three lacoli New York former the taken the comedy. Doctor in the male pirt. baby went to to the tlie diughler. daughter mairiage ranging baby night sup)er turned again mrlor romething Beir'all. clerks nflki's Road minutes JACOB WENDELL DEAD rnorEssioxu.. .tolneil l.ratet before home. Kast hive New York The York phy bcn Mary Anna Bolide from Barrett Jacob JntMen New Yoik, well known actor. .Mrs. the Thirty-eight- h died into appointments outsidy ITCOLLEfiE thrown I ' a nie himself on dozing. , 1 when ttejid.iughler the .Susanna he up irted daughter Philip I rom He into came a line or over ' jurist.- - whoe he vonnger children onnected wun military saw -- fililntii;. of r.iu ir a Mili"H:nan. An aitiliulni''e me nan gone through Heiij h heirtand ho instintlv. At Mlititic station Peirsall ..iid cinie i,ni r.r ,1... I, ;..!. ui.n 1....1 : soon that Doctor . , stepfather in ' I'niverslty n in i i ti u- - in ' i a ' ' ' ' b . , ' are . and in in VA'.l'.1' WEST .IEHSEV lr. l! lleaseii. departmpni Kngliind. .? dauhterofG..Hannaofr,oest .ichieveil popu-sixt- h city, Other In Jersey on Friday Be People's Palace pastor of Congregational at of t heJeey Health and a marriage on Thursday Maryland in lh04and a merchant married to at Jos'1, and separated di a JtiHtiio Nuwhurger in on I, '.ii I. tlie In t a friend ol W. D wedded in Jermy to ha-- , o ceremony performed by It inovioiwly nigg"Hed or t Peace William Wittp-nn- 's to he ex- plained a was s lie made in i no home. Helltlevavi- - the St. Hi- - to Ull l so, Wittpenn's Mr. ii- i V..,,rH ,.!d lor A iiii'.chiiierj-- , :, miikiesol at 11 in yr f'.'.ndo r ileiilei-- . THE SUN. 1911. go The The to-da- y right West. YORK 28th woman IS AM El OH OV WEALTH h no Tcnsvn Of n ch ramllj.Hi' I Prominent In the He the Theatre lt Wendell, of a prominent lamily and of it re Company, whs ill at o:i of early tierfo-mnn- of A. K. new the Ordered." which to her rhirty-flft- h -- trvet. the Ordered" was nt th last production of lias put Mr was youngest of lacub and the had of other light and One A. of I5arrctt Wendell, a professor at Harvard; Wendell, of nl-- o as an amateur Wendell, live at S street. in for I to I now I lit. . a But I.h .is .hi st for of 1 run Hie blnde there on the ints I c th" tint Wond-I- I. the of her. tlie I toity-- 1 Mr. lint Mayor liut motlier. at.otlier Wendell Wendell Mr. Wendell o; as i, lit. Wciiraej bououift. formed similar lluru-sai- d Intended London Mliittg. A Brook- lyn "tctd.iy W.iril atviinst Wi'llcrJ can To Of any C'nmed) Opi'iiInK Children. member member Trenton ednetd-t- lending opened Theatre Friday Wendell Bertodi Barrett. children Gordon Wen- dell mother, Wendell pr10t l!l-- l of meice.. hrhmldl tlie L A nt nt Guar- antee Trilsl t'limimnv ran insiimnre omnany, hl death of board lriite t)lietifsry Mciintl II. Wanlwell died at hl hntnc, In Mnnnsvllte. In Hamilton 'M civil he nerwrri three as Artillery to Hitchcock death her Ml Hitchcock, aimlviM was an naicer inanutnc-turln- it comnanlen member tr flut,. the l.nral I.eclon te.ne IBteh-for- k a1 Mi Wiirdwell denrge testerdav n S Poskorok. of original Produie ensaiied about a of Seventh In ft moinlier Mom Sl'MVEIl Courten Than Ktrr .lames V,. f.ougli, director of New York University Summer announced courses would be year, a number exceeding of session family natno thU' The which numbers this, country by Kvert Wendell, year, consists mainly of the regular Bnulen, Kant Krieslmd, fessors of the university college, school in lill.. '1 first Wendell lived of applied of peda-- 1 a in New Atntc.-dn- n the:i gogy. In addition these thero moved to Orange, Albany, this year several S:o alc US whcio in 17U3. His first wife. ranks of ,'IESL HE knife had Prof. T.wia Perrv. M. 4. ilaaUtAnt long can-in- ft(ini Wendell and came into "c-"- ll. rieux. room jumped her. nem. then toppled Kvert .lanseii floor. inerch and weio f.im.lv prominently theiu surgeon siiil knife tint had home Mrs. tint when she yours. Jaioh ,vhl)ln movement- - their larob father iler, several John sixty York university. give courses Vonkers. Knglish of centurv. "oodstock at Woodstock, Md., llrvn.ni. lecturer lo in University or California, i Maryland in Westchester health andico,""" institution w.i . N. in school hvnlene ( terlmrle 1'iliniiml yesterday (llloush reiiresents. of former)v' principal or Lowell Training properly in Yonkent is bh! "nde"! l will give courses Ulienthal cMate andT; ofTh in special George W Bar- - Mtr-flv- e Acres of highly cultivated of stabbing hetlir t lu ot ((iinmerce. lennez, in iiraiiom., done it wheihr Inrob Wendell, ,1r.. became of will offer course knife didn't make much known as an amateur actor while a mem- - jn embryology biological depart- - difference her mind. ber of Ha-t- v Pudding lub nl liar- - ,Pnt Montrose Moses, author of Mrs. Pearsall's husband. Georce. is vard, where he gr.itluited -- children's Books of Lis treet. appeared in the clubs piodurtions Literature of South," will lyn Tho He wetil th hom-- r.s,and tlie of children's rn;. .ilmiit heinl of wdeV iirrel. and other cmups of umate.ir a student. which sp.cial It a frontage although hadn't Mioken to ejtv he appe-iie- mat ir an, (raii,ing courses nr0a, rut nnd with the as said he Intended to stick with Stroller.- - Comedy ,.Hti()nai charge or w.or( Tit lies A ?VL Hoir! Gill were Tub. In the of itter organtza- - I ' held as material witni-ise- R und a ch'irgo tion noci.ite I plays h,, tment of manual was , V.,rn Vr uireciion nr. Barton ! "7. ': ?ir"5 "e"f,? M.iior Philip it I eiidslUf Haney. director or high schools !rl i?h TO WEIL nurnt, an I'lnsllsh Mrrclinnl, Tell ll wife Garritt profe-iotuil- ly Tr.per Cliat lesO. London, produelioti. lus pirt. gardens M Kleanor May Banna, of Ac Mdeterlinck lllue - consider.ible street, wein married r,.v much praise. New Citv by the Dr. L.Scudder, manager of former First Church. City Board of Statistics for license Mr Burns said that born had been Ho declared that he was Louise Sr.n Cab, in lhSO wa.i fiom by having granted niul another by New York I Btirito he was who was several and lie wanted his marriage parson been to that Just ice lie J. Burk-- , H. Glto knots that religious ceremony de- - leu, an uukciih.-iii- , nan line, make plans for ceremonv Hill uuv--- s auto, met Burns and Hautia. Mr. (i. W. Hanna, V Inkle's mid and h). Scudder manager hcnlt o printitig Altll Mr, iuiy lo Tlmm.i Nollman, ...l,,,ln,iit liinii St.; AT Hail t'lilti New New The who jint Thomas's Inve pliyed died New until fall. Wendell are Kast American and civic times. actor, Title West im ilTtv This that born he Irom born ISirt. local nnd ...ing at The uml inner and nNo and Tho Mrs. Anna work ,enve give gum. tie in f)f York r three survive Albert of New York until schools. ioc,-tm- o a ineir.o-- r I 'I lie it re Coun-in- nt opening or . or Thomss of I " I .iv ho'i-- e. pi'r.i." i ' New York 1, am v. Iiicli he look weie "The Merry Wive-- i of WituNor" "Winter' T.iK" Wendell wn- - a member i Pl Seiw.inhik.i Corintliimi cIiiIh. Alphi Dcll i I'll! tr.iteitilly Hollmd tnon'h n,i- - ftinii Ml to tc'llni.-- . in in at in ol' William iiit .Mr. of li. 44 w,i Mm i at of of of lMwnrd of N. Iw lu Cap- tain of and Harriet nnd .lames Howlanrt I., of of of of etoran having of to Offered Dr. in in school the tho urn. fe.snr the Krnest Is cive courses ntiblio bedd.M thT is her insirucior in J. IWI. - the stilion various book,, After return several ,,,,ml phu Ijinl and office April nllice City Wall Gray Kvert mnrrie;i agisted 'T..B' and .ipj-c.- r lie -- " I t.iusio under ' Inst In Vtltonv .. r M,,.r.n ! school i ! When in ivers and aclt and under Henry Griscom Parson POST. nlanted. Winner Words Minute H)t IMrl. The first annual contc-- t Goeld Moyt city type-- 1 where States poor lie.iltli some tune, writing neiti tsrowne wl.ich Buslnesu College under Mrs. feel-- . cannot uinnt.i. tsaao the enrlenvir final decree been Winlleld liovl, ingjo secure iransier post atjo, had him tied imvid Koeie, tcaciior two ago. Mis- - and .,Mm end 189t. and and name Miss and who citv Xew T1B tint .unmr and gi.'ll.i Sloke- -, luotlier week- - "Wh-i- t Astor Gould ch.im- - High School. Wett mem, amateur York. oncneior iroi'srmu.ii about member Miss Bessie who lujedo wnnh minule Brook silver r..eda- - contest Ch.irics Klauber Business Harry iirtlit, died words Miss illness lllgli Burko secure automobi.'e B.,l,..,i ,m,n,. wltli words ioiiowihk piamien llday Mrs. father night. llov'. Kmimi tiRlanil, rer.iom J'ritz. former worn chain- - lieanties ,"'11 "MI,1 motinialrxhl.. ,l rffS'&t,.!' 'iT'T. .(c.iniiilo rrnininril itglish champion asked Ihrlruw llon.r.iimtilntm woman in. Citv Hall and tool; to n,. i,luili-.i,i'i- l Whittiei's "Snim rlianre house, llmim! In ."iint'il small of peace acting in chnuireur lwasuno. pioneers -- i.ir'eil I'.hIoi;- vto each l"r women carried ii'1 meiuher of Dr i".- -t night Burn-- 1 Sa'i.Mi, Vnieilcaii Water told liimritlieoniciat- - color American Water narnon bceaum Dr per- - rfolur Sioke- -. by ihcnrliters lie Sl'a-tP'U's- ' "It. im TU llumlMon 'oii dlni According license forty ,'as lnl, contemplated timti itnony mlletfe jaulior. nioiiths. these -- indent with for Huinlltnii kinm Petr Kelly, M..J n..i,w- - f,iil,,-i- s York .stryker Waller Pari; ViMird fur ho .'nrdi'd .md for the was IDf. "what o!f ton du tne did Wl'l. Wt thn tlie Mi 'n's 'llli'll Kelly tti'upi'.iiloii uf Ibitullliiii iuiiiui"ni iiliiiuiii lose S'll.i'ol' Kev iicIImm Piiv.iKts) Kjllege Ulit'l dentil, Citeilou Schuiidl. lellied , (bed l.ist liis home, eiiis'nlil. inw niniv-v- r 'riioiiiiis. wlio wits overniid killed on KaMern lieooh.i (lage, I'arkway by Uefentlanfa uutouiobiJc, deul L'3. Cum- - rounded brlinilili street, uml treasurer the gpneral manager of the Lawyers Mort- - hi! iireiilent the rtliopdlc and nnmimonla Flftr-nint- h Horn mil Brndunted In the war rear manied In Jo'ejihlne alter married Mr Ward-we- ll in unt' and Wlillehnll tno and Kdward M'ardwrll daiinh'er. Alice W Boskerek Plslnfleld, at sge Ilcwa's Mjrn In Hackeiif.nck, the the ineinhers the Corn Kxrhange now tbe K.xchaime. was In the eorunilion huslness years. Hoker'k Beilmenl, Joined the SKth conipanr revolution .V. V. SCHOOL. More nefnre. School. yesterday offered this far former The was brought faculty, .lanen pro-wh- o wni- - science lime new than This kitchen gov tlie was the the the the OOd4toel(. Sid.. in literature in '" nineteenth College, conducted bv Jesuits. hygiene in liurchaned H.. the tiv- - Teachers, by the method. Dr. he actually or flr-- Chicago, run the Beading" butcher, rortv-niri'- li He reading. he for the all bv he m.u ng-- i tlie Vh tl'.e applied wu-- i Scudderat IIT wno its snecialists. two New tv. by sons W. lie not 001 direction the the leo- - tlie was the bis one Thoitre tlie lb" lef-o- n nni will htn rniitiMlrTit. . rmrniTixt: rot ."peed Contest t. Mlnu!r. III . died ly pioimhip tlie Bolivia, former United in for but wan msi m Mim-'te- r wi-- t lirotlier, man i ster is mm leacnerH 10 ( iim noyi Amu i ii, ij in inn who neen ill .ITi.i, V..!. Three contests living ii- , . . ., rear I Kiftv-slxl- h stris1!. "'-r- e neio, nun iwo oi inn New Iloyi nun crt- - woo oy ,ind yens 1'rledni.in of Bronx, of Kniikeibncker. ,., ()- - for nftecn t'ie Count!".-- , and I nnd i she ' , f,. kJ.ooI ' n ' tV lllllW. I . . oanti'-- i ll Vim. . and Kuleninii home S niter an .iiimaici won Ihe ever, Ii an i .,, n , itl net ,, a s u a : a a '. ,.. ,i ine iy mm ii- - n ,u - ia-- i horn In Surrey, oven io .hiss ucse ' I .. t i i r I is IT lb; nnr. Mor.t- - linn er ot s dull- - tor year- - the of his i""'i'- - ' iMU l Home !, . ,,K1" i:i ' - ",. AtiK'ilrn lie , (hen nml ui-ii- l III sttiilv- In Ihe n tho r M, i 1, rn the miiii-ter- 's the justiro of the ' lf7u ii liiniil tie a) , artv 111(1 of rtie n N ''rk , a big i lie a . null ' l'l. him hohadM'l.icled nnd I inc had nil ol New Wuk He is sur-- . a rervico Mr ' vlved Ion r nnd i . e V . , . , i i i v the marriage the , six o ns Ihir- - he nil n has sail ins liet at - anil "II Mill hlin mutt Hi.. V..w ' ( iito ( Ills .till f"ti Mr tlie iswj. for got mid 'lie for did In li, ll III 'Mill r,'ie vns .1 HiriUI in eucll sue- - dill!; anil loV 'd In d.IVS ii, t Me ii" iil-- a . il ieiid Bout w,ib s:i year-ol- d mid mi nt ll hi ll o his fin-n- r a nlulil nt Wi'sl Vlnet v.t -- Heel Mr Sc uns 7? " lolm Schmidt, - ,(.. ii. f i,on ., imni mul ii.inu, nai lie- - the I I nun 'I Ihci first pi tliv (he .Sew iurk .1 4 ll v test. i Co Pino one l snu the tlin" was yeliduy trfet , was at He ns I ilea Mls her who him s t the sons, uml Van died Van who was one New ork, and Mr Van IM7 He was also the the T. lie thai 133 any are into and and me he into the same ( t be ti lltir .1 uie for llio ! oiio of sir. (OtSrilY AllLA.E l ire IIiiIiIin Mimnier lln srtorr. L, I . Kite nlioul t P, M. y c.imn scry destroying country ol' Charles Prank Huhbs, president of lie Shore Horse ai West ea- -t Babylon. The wa defective flue, Tlie fought nbout hours. badlv and will exceed j:,Kiu, Tlie and antluiie taken piled on 'awn. neighbors headed Jnmes Kjiiou and Samuel WagsiaiT tlremen The house unoccupied save foreman, Mullen, critically studied smoke called lo sister Mamie, who car- ried down stairs across country horau of Vandeveer. Carat 528 e bsrt diamond rln Ihluhr f ire, Ihf weight and but did r.ot b(ln mlie the this doe. It to lth t and a and not one ptrson In a hundr-- d weuld take ll to ,b worth linn ski to STS. In will to rtfund money If It he matched for lcs at aholf ale. l of Ihounnils of dlamoml we oi to morror at prion from to rwr cradts from purest white to the rarcM blue. CHARLES A. KEENE Imitertrr nnd 4 titter 180 Broadway, New ent anil he died TO COME Reid and lTO Lriir Knrllsi. In Wlllla.n. 4V.II- -. a !ew will sl,r iioets the mi I wnich the Is the for o site which in beid Jacob l!iSticVwnKf for ";nel It had -- fhe nu Head 1(1 ground North Broadway' and nt r.how'place of neighborhood. is Grey, stone, home of Samuel Tilden. nnd at present Ihe residsnce Samuel I'nter-mye- r is said to sold to in productions im?im lule departments his he hi in edu. aiid of I North her four monthi department in rVV. .V perfection, Now nuvtibc" productions i,tl,l, ivi wn , i is ;.v.f-;.-;- . :: v of horn cide e .Mrs. I'eir- - ner or T lite art the nvrn2 .i TO J.". the the ho he in her ef unit of were V.'" His linn the when tlie and will and Mr, of the r(e not of oti lie of tho to of of car will the the tlie the by lire two tlie the tlie her on Not far the J. in arts lll he I '.7, and nnw building erected The .department Is e"?:82'"' ii Burns.nmoichantof " i ; ',, n lias fine but the (his lor one near l ie tlr- -t w be 1) end June 3 the f t tho ntilt n I """ isiim-- oi wens iisamest. fur 1.1 April u"7v, lames Woodi-.toc- several buildings, because inaccessibility decided aban- don location large planting weed, ISlhtt HSOH LESQI'ITS ',.. readv department Johu order city. Heath Mikes lirslrahle. w MiMnx, April Because the shock death foven-year-ol- d von, Malcolm. Horace linowle and Mrs, Knowle will probably not lelurn La id Pan. ork daith. ,iu-e- d Brooklyn Knowles Hint live was unevretted. Mis ausnlces ol the Miorlnand n and vorco.tho wun with when Association conducted cieu. iiii,i .tw.m, li. 'Jamaica kiiii was ill Mr. was .10 old, Ho was The the min-rnlo- urr lltM a yesterd.iy flVd Bolilrmc BsvtoN. building gutted liric-a-lira- c furnitine daughter receivisl to-da- letter Knowles, being homo. body (ho being brought country bv parents, Inter- ment made Ogdensburg. Tuesday Wednesday, place beinc Knnwles's trolley l ifld t'lut". was killed by Browne's Urooklvn College birthday won accuracy wun I nt ol ihe in scnoot wit imm ot sr.eed ior .iii-.w- Vim it. nuvn ',. In of IH I "J" ,B,. I, hihmi :;"H '," was lh,,ii ItnK' In w rive lie tl.e te',J societv the a .n t;'1,,, '.1. and to had the the thai eun nut brid" nied with tlie iient row. a v. cnllie Hamu ineii tell III" (' of of Ihe llifiM-(hy- s liliil limiili Hie m.., mil thanibet firm time anil hIka (he Sen the old tor ;vm the direction Mnntcl.-ilr- . Scuddor HOME thr near the l Bay Show a mile tire catt-e- d a tlie (Ire, The was lo-- s out and Mr. Htihhs's by W aislsted was by Hie John who-- o Nan was ill. She and her Ihe and ihe he like tame prhe. they to show one look one half rrat less frt eirce the onl rlar ne $yo rarat. the ULimiinJ., for Dr. one time vjis one of the the away of have course his give this the .son feet on nrn Anvurul .... nt 1J if ri rii, (tj nr. amoved Uv Hie or the of College of noine time ago to a ill May on clr.'.s nnri vapiii nitjiit Transfer it of rrom the tlieir li. Pa-'- . l'i He of New llio is lieefi by pneu-- 1 the) she rit there nga M was unurii-i- , the hl-- i medal to i,, Hub, pair stories Hoas. In at '.': of was to Jll .Ml ef of to There Del. of to on In of In hi to he J. one b" Word to t tills efiect as In a from this city his Tbe of child is to this the will be at N. Y next or that Mrs. home. Tim ..MI.i car at La Pai on M iU of ll.ll .1 lor l,e ho 'alls Down Subway stair. Mbert Scott Ledbotter, who lives nt ;uo State street, Brooklyn, and is a teleg- rapher, lost his balance, nnd plunged head first down Hie. stairs or tho subway at tho Manhattan end or tho Brooklyn Bridgo at M'O o clock last nighl. He is mi unusually largo man and as ho fell ho knocked down several (lertons Ledbetter sustained a fractuio or the skull ('I'orclu .tloli l,)iirltrn rsrn, Stai i'.hiioro, (In., April '.'?. AcctiReil or uttemptiiiK to oiitriige Mn. Siirnh s, wife of 11 planter, Henry JncliKon, 11 nesro, was lynched by a mob After tho negro wus Hiispended his body was riddled with liulletH. It is eliirged the negro entered Sirs, Hondrickc's homo when her husband win, absent, pointed 11 cun nt her nnd threitened to kill her. Mrs. llendriekh lenped tliionsli a window nnd escaped. Mtate lo Intrrirnr In I'rrlnlit llatrl air. AtliANV. April '.".' In tho matter of the petition of the bodies of the lit y of .Vow Vorli to tho Jntei-s'lll- ti I'oillinerce. I'litilinihl-ion- , proiestliiK itRiiiiiHt tho freiglit n.lei of dm i'riilro.ids eiiterlng Now YnrU city, Attorney. General Carmody, nt tho rtq,iiet of (iov. Dlx. has derided lo intervene on behalf of the Statu. w at mm .tv. m to and OIL cut 36, mounted on good quality spring roller; slightly regular price 50c. ' FINE SCRIM with floral borders and bot- toms! S2.S0, CI Zfi pair for oak panels, illkoline (llling; regu- - Q larly $1.25, each for ........ OVC at FILET made on black I: r L mam scrim with filet J'..., and 4 inches wide, colors ivory or eeru; 3 ards long regular pries PI O J 3.50 pair, special. I.Bt Jl W'S) LEX Sale of Summer Upholsteries Shades. Screens Curtains HAND-MAD- OPAQUE WIN- DOW SHADES, imperfect) 2Qg CURTAINS, regularly $lDJ BEDROOM SCREENS, $3.00 Curtains, $1.85 CURTAINS, insertions. . tortl If WM. Ave. tpi.uu Awnings We 3.0 4.0 $1.95 OF mid: Art Taf; fctaa made best possible workmanlike I lar value 10.50. iH,KiMiNt;ii.t:s' fi I" answer to many from pointed who were at- tend the last sale, have decided to hold another of beautiful Clocks at $5.75 remained for Bloomingdalcs' to brinq the price of these clocks to this marvellously low point. the first was to America the price was S20.00. Mllh Ihe (littering rlnl lotr unit Ihr iell;hei niecli.nl.nl. .rtl.Ur urnatnent ond dial. th.erlnrk.(Jil tolheprllliifef nrnnm. thernerd he sound onl; M"I-- : tun than one IIl .eld n rioioiner this price. A. lliullril. llilj sle l srtieduled tor llondBT onll.SP ,rirr,iuii, ully lll not Ut than the taj. ni,ooMir.iAi.i:s' Overflow Budget of Monday Tuesday Sales 12 in. Double Wnrn Srrge, S27 RID.9S. jllc. Ilralcls. yanl l.lr, ' IMutcil Safi-t- 42 in. KtiRlisli Sharlmv Stripe Brn.lantlne, arM.S'. cl.at 4HaCors. for r.r. 50 in. ream Siclllnn, ?c. ' ,..,...,1 Pnekris. -. Women's Hose, unable tir.iullfiil ynrtl fOe. Wl.r.O Hn.ors. OSt-- . SIR IJmoRes Dinner Set!,7."S. SU pleec German Clilna Tea Set, Water Tumbler.. 12 for lSe. in liiittnii Silk Gloves, .. K.I bow liliRtb Kid Ciloves, 81.41I. il spool Cotton, lo.cn .'I5l'. S2.no Lingerie S1.S7. Cover Ilutler Il-.lic- Uv. SOO 5 Parlor Suits. S44. SS Roekers and SS.fiO. S22 Illrd's-ey- e. Dressers, BLOOM INGDALES', Lex. to The Oriental Store .Inc our new which is Natsu Ii tone blue 11 I I summer ,1,1c. atu. This is but one wall to a A. A. & mr nihmlt i.uccr!lnn-- i cttlnntcs tn-i- - rhrrc. at & CO. & 39th St. IA1. he The ltrooMn 'V. A. 1'unil ;nilnK. Tho llrooklyn V.1W. C. wliidi IryiiiB to $l(),fi00 by .May leporled hit nlRht that lad udded Stl.CMMl to tho SltiO.t'Ofl lieM ecs with which ho wn started, making tin-- t it'll tho week $l."il.0nu, One ine.ins to raise the needed motley is n nlchtly dinner nt tlie V. W. l A.'hnll. bust niuht 110.11 l.i hundred peoplo took dinner llicre. Other emc tryliiK to raiso lociil V, W. ('. A. ptirpoMei, but no it wan said lust niRht, con Id equal record of I5i,ixx In 01m N, V. Initlttitr The committee of the New York Law Instiltite Iuih selected tho to balloted 011 May Judgo K, Henry ' licomb" of the United Stntes ('it cult I,. Inui.i- -' Addison . treaHiiror, Hobett bud I secre- tary, .Ionian J. Holliim; I'reUorio Cotiderl Itenno , will make 2,6x4.0 drop z drop mounted on Iron frames and fit- tings, all ready to hang, SLIP COVERS A SUIT FURNITURE, of Cretonne, Ticking French English nicely and finished manner, allowing yards of material reju- - SA $ Special Vi,ou CAR requests disap-- f patrons to we sale It When hspe. hsndnome Jiiil.reiiidii. In In ot rlorU lo si thruu.nttly I. and rnri.. and IMnitiK Talilrs, plei-rs- , IMtis, t Clark's Waist. pleee. Clialrs, S14.75. 11U0 pi I.aiv owlerj exeontiio In lot iiiulontit- - Wasli yartl Hnsn Support ere. riihbci- - ciisliinn hiiMon, prr pair ." Enali,li Hair Pint, I oz. papers, niiint'o boxes, 12'se. Collar ililfl'oii nr net , :t Tor .'. M15 ami S25 Suits and Dresoes. MIO I'mii bCliilToii Hattc, lOiui lies wide, ynril SJir. Ox AMiilnster Uurs, alue. S1.1, SlO.ttM. Wblte. .Mereerlxetl iuclics lde, yard 15c. 3d Ave, 59th to 60th MA1L URDHKS FILIXD. Exclusive Drapery Fabrics One of fabrics proving most ac- ceptable is Got woven in Japan. Comes in two effects, and white, green and while, '.. .1. Natsu Cloth fnndu hiitn, yellow anil wntie,, ami aiso uie colors delft blue, gold and For cither dur lis light and :ik(i makes' for hangings. .2 incites wu'.c. a of a wonderful collection of exclusive drapery and fabrics -- priced From $50.00 yard,.,, .OZZZfZH VANTINE CO., HI or 01 5th lot her. more ime more W. V. A is it for ly are for ice, bo for '.'8' K Iov, It. and (i or or 20 The nr ll (i ftu- - in St ..I... 111 of or it Ilriii I" t im'i A ll'th l'i . Now nt Al-- u Iliiiiii niul American-Electrell- e Recital (MONDAY) AFTERNOON 3:30 ' KNABE 400-Da- y raise other duy. TliKel. Court; FOR Silk on.it.i 27, Nn.j To the printr I'rna I'.itale I'.imU.iIi Ani.ito HalUdc. Ab 1 l.tudc. Op- - m N- - ! .On. i j He t t'moil. lit- - Kiml . . . Mi M.u 1 li.irdrn Danci- -, Nik :. Invited collection employed brook-iyn'- a notniimtinR candidates rreideiit, lirowiwindJohn Pnrhoiis, com-inilte- e, Lewlutou. Damasks: Introduced Women's Toplliu, far-aw- ay darker brown. window hangings. weight lr:mn:irpni-- v dpsir.lbkt 25c I'lillaildplili-- . PROOHAMMI. (MoonlipltD.Op. 'lr.uimctn (Coltiml'i.i Grjflinolj) I'ant,a.ie Inipromptit (C(litmh'.i lir.ifnnol.i) Witches' Kliapxulic lliiii;riiic, Public Cordially a moth miiiriiif t .Rrdhnicn Siliuni.iiiii . . . .tlti. ;: . ..Virdi Chopin . M.v..cnct .MacOnwe'l I iwt ciKSSfnMANAHAN'S TARiNE MOTH BASS V .euBtve. vl NVi f All UVfcli:FAWIl!ES.tT.YEAR 200,000

The Sun. (New York, NY) 1911-04-23 [p ]. · OLD GUARD CELEBRATES TOO p.iv or I'MtMu: ash nissKit uahheh osi.V III' WATEIt. llrror Marrh Tlirnimli the Met Confident of n t'urr fur

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1911-04-23 [p ]. · OLD GUARD CELEBRATES TOO p.iv or I'MtMu: ash nissKit uahheh osi.V III' WATEIt. llrror Marrh Tlirnimli the Met Confident of n t'urr fur


p.iv or I'MtMu: ash nissKituahheh os i.V III' WATEIt.

llrror Marrh Tlirnimli the Met Confidentof n t'urr fur Clint llantiiet l theIMiih I'oIIohs mill n INotahlo ,hnr Chilian anil .Military Hursts.

' Ihoi" uto a lot nr present day young-,.T- ti

- wlui tliinl; that, New York'rt militaryi aiiiz-itio- n known affectionately as thoDid fiiinrd U made lip of soldiers who(c likn Ilial greatest of (leneralw in Wash-incti'- ii

"Ircct, IkiMon, if whomi lm life loll! 1 nit lit) drew his swordlicl and lnt in a rafllo. And bo when ourdid litiard liiid itH annual parade andf 'ntrcli MTV lew yesterday afternoon,Ullotted liy a nlphl, midnight, morningmi. I batikwel in tho I'laa Hotul,the yoiniKxtord had the ticrvo to askWhat' doin', and who mo they.'"

I In- - Old (iuaid yeMorday had ahoiit thoIuihi day of all the clad days ll linnirleliriited despite ono or two mishapsri the lit'cintiing of itB yearly celebration.

' Only a Miiall pari of Now York wai for-tunate in iee tho Old (itiard in paradojeterday. An olahora'n march had beepliliir pi intcd weeks nun. Then came n fallel water. Water Tell rlRht mil or theside !ozh darn it. Water!

tap n J. Wheeler Asoll had had apremonition that water would be ijaixedin with the festivities. Wherefore Cfcp'nWheeler and (icn. I'. Klbert Davia outhtcit I'hil Dempsey, one of the most expertriveters or the Hridgostniths and lion-worke-

Union, to reorl. early at theArmory In Fifty-fir- st street to rivet (steampower) on the solid gold uniforms of theC'l.ird, o that nil seam would be water-proof should water decide to fall from theMet upon the soldiers. l,et (lie bearskinthakos lay limp! Who c.irzh?

They had to stand out in front ofGraceChurch in a drizzle to be photographedafter Dr. James B. Wuzzon had delivereda speech an address, the programmeMid, not a sermon -- of historical interestAnd here the tlrst disagreement of theday happened. Some of the weakkneedyounger members of the Kitard objectedto walking up Fifth avenue to the HotelPlara because of the cold water fallingfrom the low. wet clouds. The oldestmembers did want to walk.

"Ami why?' asked Cap'n Summers"Think or the chill you'll Ret on thear to tho Plaza." suggested an older

member, and he raised his right arm upirul down, the lingers of the right handaffectionately encompassing an imnginarvrhject -- nnrtT' Think of the chill!And what is good for a chill?"

i ap'n Summers remembered after some,thought But already the photographershid clambered upon a ledge across Broad-way, a ledge designed by the architect toaflord a groundwork for a black and goldlettered sign on which was the simplelegend ol a hotel, "Cafe."

And a they stood at attention in Broad-way and tho watery rain. with their shakosof bearskin looming high and with Major

I raull. Commander of the EasternI'epnrtment ot tho Minute Men of Wdh-Ingto- n,

1). C and Capt W. H. Wimdermud he is) in their Colonial cocked hats- guests and Major S, Klli Briggs incommand, to le photographed onecouldn't help but remember at least thefirst few lines of tho ode which a great(OH once wrote about the Old Ouardand sent to The Six:

riAnl.Ilrlng out vour chokci (hintl or ihr lilts roit mid blue pant

lit the (iuanl

So firmly had !mpsey. tlie steamriveter, and his plumber's assistantsdone tlieir work that the Old (iuuid,hraced in a framework of precio'is metal,stood rigid - could havelstood rigid evenhad thoy been asleep Ixiwisn of thestanch framewoik or unilorm thatsipported them. The Anei-in- t and Hon-erabl-

of Boston, the l'litnam Phalanx:f some place in Connecticut, the (lov-rrnor- 's

lcelgnard of New Haven, theAraoskeac Veterans, tho First Citv Troopif Philadelphia, tho Most Exemplaryttnards of the all of them have tin noilis- - tliat will hold iiti anything; b'lt neverwas thero u finer sight than the Old Gimidlining up In the water yesterday to berhntographed by the man on the carewine and liquors sign one story nhovoihem across Broadway, It was pimplycrand

Then the folks who argued for 1 chilllot The Guard, headed by Clmrler

n Baar's Old Guard Band (they'vetried to get Charley to cut one s oiit ofhis last name, hut he refuses) went over10 tlie subway at Astor p'ace and d

to the Plaza. In former ye.i-- H

th Guvd has had its annual bankWetat the Astor Astor --an S in it -- difficult" say. Hotel I'lazzaKzaz. Eav

In a bunch they entered. It'was likethe Hood tide. There was no double doorto bother as one, after refreshment onthe main door, started to enter tliehank Wet hall on tlie floor above. Greattoublez at the Aztor in other years Thereh double door which oicned on onlycue side. The coffee waz being zonedliefore one could find out which sideopened. And there waz a revolving Jo"rat th Astor.

year somebody got into thedoor. Around it went faster

and faster Who comes tin to trv to cetin' Comrade Henu .Mefzzzz:'.. Hcrmthinks it's a revolving squirrel cage.

"Stop it!" cries Herm. ".Stop it: I wantto see (he gold squirrel!" So thU yearthe guard went to the Plazazzaza.

Hiizah! The guest table guozts havoa rived at the guezt'z table. Four major-t"neru- l,

two brigadier-general- s, six(oloiiel- -, one captain, four honorables.book at the !lt of guetz at tho guezt'zlatile. witli Major Briggs as"II the highest ciest of the wave.

lapt.K H Clement, the Kev. Dr CharlesI. Slattury. the Ilev. Or. James B. Wasson,

"I M A Winter, Col K M Henoiif. Colii Bird Gardiner, tho Hon William B,I Miaou, the Hon Lewis Nixon.'Major-Gen- .

Whitney Tillinchast. Major-Ge- K. AMelpin. Maior-Ge- n Daniel K. Sirklo.Hng-Giii- i. William Verbock. Brig.-Go- n.

Inhn G. i:ddy, Alfred K. Steers. Major-;'- n

li Holier Breintnall, (lommnndor(ieoren j; Dewey, Commander J. Kfiraylnll, Major David Wilson, Col. Ben-wm-

A I,e, Col. Frank P. King. GeorgUiyandCo) ,Iohn T. Camp.en F Flbert Davis was at fable in

T.iMe alone held seven captains, lie-- i" UK itli W. .1. C Horry and nmuing

r ugh a li- -t including Captain Warner.J;v."t Mason, Dickenson, Stevens and

'iimel, mid lliiishiiig up juzli thizli one'v.'.. w.izli Major Charles If. Grant. Table'lad seven captains and Limit H. ColeS" ii' -- imiig aio ind it Capt. Aspell pre- -

l"'l a another table. At which sat Fr.m-- 1- IxiiiImII, the architect: Dr. W. .1.

'!' mid Morrison Mavze. Capt,eor C(iii,.y and Capt, K. Tavlor looked

'if'er another table, but the other five at'us table were merely untitled citizensv' 'lie dinner aUo wiis tho only privuto

ul. S.rgi, Kd Pcth.' h.uley ,in Huar's band in Old Guard'ciiiis ami (wo salud knoves crossed

In- - ( arpet were enough, too much, for11 Inn enmun Capt. Wenman will

ye 1 old within a few months and' 1 long time was prmldmit of the'i' hi v'muge Ho got tight up in

'aiiiiini; uniform and went up in frontHurley mi Huar's band diaz and

m,(l mid diuied and danzed I10111-a-

,ir, dauze. and thlngz. ,11111

d'd daiiz tin, ord (Inn. Napl; i n v- Waiter' Get waiter! .tar

' i"d K.innorz, ling may zlie wav!"ii' Oh, zay can you zee by the

oii-l- In-li- t '' S'o..A, " id (ianliiii'i Talk on the hizziry

J" 11 f'li'. 111 Aineric 111 army fiom(in. W,iingtou to A.a llird Didn't

' '" is 111 aiiiiy once lti andr' izei 111 Amei'ic.oi ai niv llu-ie- "i

Ah Minn 011 "Our Fair I .hik I "

I " I I pi re StlMe," Gen 'I i.Iliirni Some 'iuln Col Suptcr Zl He- - (lrii.it, Gen Slcklez

niiy" anil I.oim- - Nivon on "Navy 'li' 'h urund, Ueu. Eddy. Col. Ilonouf of



Phoebe Snow


From Thirty-thir- d


From Broadway bright

tubes run right



There is no more convenient Railroad Terminal for the average New Yorker than thatof the Lackawanna Railroad.

Take elevated or surface car to the Hudson Tubes Station at Broadway and 33d street andin fourteen a Tube train (one every 3 or 5 minutes) will land you inside the LackawannaStation at Hobokcn.

Then board the waiting train on the Road of Anthracite and go on your clean, beautifullypicturesque journey to Buffslo and the

NliW -- BROADWAY, corner corner Howard St.: cornsr St.; corner 40thBROOKLYN SOS Fulton Street NEWARK Broad fllnrket Stretti.

Ancient of Honar of Artillary and An-

cient llonorablez or Ronton. HonorableSteerz speekz. Bird Gardiner again.Hiizzah for Bird! Commander hillon "Dixzio Land land up evervbod"!Ztand up Gen. Verbeck on National ,

Guard.till speaking l.etz go to prezz.

n.w.4.v Ksincs sthpfatiieh.Illade Pierced Ills Heart anil He tiled

InMantl).A young who had been leidmg

a troubled existence for the List fourmouths under the. roof of her mother'ssecond husband stabbed mid killed herstepfather list night in his huue, at1320 Prospect place, Brooklyn

Mrs. K.liziibeth Pe.irill. 22 years old,una the gill 'ho took her three-ninni-

old and live with mother mominc. of pneumonia, at hi;L. i ,:n ... J ' . I. , t... I. I 'iimnit! oi oiuicuiue wim ner nuo.iini.Her stepfather, Micluel Beid. olijettedto the arrangement from tlie sVirt andthere were many time, whii unfriendlytelatiotis wet's in the making. Mrs. Beidhad two children by her first marriage.Mrs. Peirall and mi eichteeti-year-ol- d

Gill. i

lour her with 'I he sonBeid. from Kdward. who is 16, toa seven mouths old.

The trouble List started afterupr when Mrs. Beid wept into theparlor and lighted tho gas for a caller

J who ns coming to ee Anna. Krid leftthe time and oil theMrs. Beid lighted it Beid oncemote put it out this time saying tint lieintended lint the n in the shouldbe kept out. He said tint lie would do

ir it wnsti t left that wayMr. who luid heinl the rmi







It A(1

otril Vorh .ensHernHien


New York formerthe taken

thecomedy. Doctor

inthe male pirt.

baby went to



diughler. daughtermairiage



sup)er turnedagain











home. Kasthive

New YorkThe York

phy bcn

MaryAnna Bolide


JntMenNew Yoik, well known

actor. .Mrs. theThirty-eight- h



appointmentsoutsidy ITCOLLEfiE

thrown I 'a niehimself on dozing. , 1when ttejid.iughler the .Susannahe up irted daughter Philip I rom

He into came a line orover ' jurist.-- whoe

he vonnger children onnected wun militarysaw -- fililntii;. of r.iu ira Mili"H:nan. An aitiliulni''e

me nan gone through Heiij hheirtand ho instintlv.

At Mlititic stationPeirsall ..iid ciniei,ni r.r ,1... I, ;..!. ui.n 1....1 :





stepfather in' I'niverslty n

in i i

ti u- - in'

i a ''

' 'b .,' are .


in VA'.l'.1'WEST .IEHSEV

lr.l! lleaseii.


.?dauhterofG..Hannaofr,oest .ichieveil popu-sixt- h

city, OtherIn Jersey on Friday Be

People'sPalace pastor ofCongregational

at of t heJeeyHealth and

a marriage on ThursdayMaryland

in lh04and a merchantmarried

to at Jos'1,and separated di

aJtiHtiio Nuwhurger in on

I, '.ii I.tlie In

t a friend ol W. Dwedded in Jermy

to ha-- , oceremony performed byIt inovioiwly nigg"Hed

or t Peace WilliamWittp-nn- 's

to he ex-plained a wass lie made in i no

home. Helltlevavi- -



Hi- -

toUll l so,

Wittpenn's Mr.ii- i V..,,rH ,.!d

lor A

iiii'.chiiierj-- ,


miikiesolat 11

inyr f'.'.ndo

r ileiilei-- .

THE SUN. 1911.




to-da- y


West.YORK 28th



AM El OH OV WEALTHh no Tcnsvn

Of n ch ramllj.Hi' I

Prominent In theHe the Theatre

ltWendell, of a prominent

lamily and ofit re Company, whs

ill at o:iof early tierfo-mnn- of A. K.

new theOrdered." which to

herrhirty-flft- h -- trvet.

the Ordered" wasnt th last

productionof lias put

Mr was youngest oflacub and

the had ofother




I5arrctt Wendell, a professor at Harvard;Wendell,

of nl-- o as anamateur Wendell,

live at S

street. in

for I toI now I

lit..a But

I.h .is .hist for of 1

run Hie blnde thereon the ints

I c


tintWond-I- I. the of

her. tlie I

toity-- 1



motlier. at.otlier









formed similar

lluru-sai- d IntendedLondon

Mliittg.A Brook-

lyn "tctd.iyW.iril atviinst Wi'llcrJ






Opi'iiInK Children.


Trenton ednetd-t-




Wendell Bertodi Barrett.


Gordon Wen-




l!l-- l


meice.. hrhmldl tlieL A nt

nt Guar-antee Trilsl t'limimnv

ran insiimnre omnany,hl death of boardlriitet)lietifsry Mciintl

II. Wanlwell diedat hl hntnc,

In Mnnnsvllte. InHamilton 'M

civil he nerwrri three asArtillery

to Hitchcockdeath her MlHitchcock, aimlviM

was an naicer inanutnc-turln- it

comnanlen member tr

flut,. the l.nralI.eclon te.ne IBteh-for- k

a1Mi Wiirdwell

denrge testerdavn S

Poskorok. of original


a of SeventhIn

ft moinlier Mom


Than Ktrr.lames V,. f.ougli, director of

New York University Summerannounced courseswould be year, a number

exceeding of sessionfamily natno thU' The which numbers this,

country by Kvert Wendell, year, consists mainly of the regularBnulen, Kant Krieslmd, fessors of the university college, school

in lill.. '1 first Wendell lived of applied of peda-- 1

a in New Atntc.-dn- n the:i gogy. In addition these theromoved to Orange, Albany, this year several


alc US

whcio in 17U3. His first wife. ranks of ,'IESL HEknife had Prof. T.wia Perrv. M. 4. ilaaUtAntlong can-in- ft(ini Wendellandcame into "c-"- ll. rieux.

room jumped her. nem.then toppled Kvert .lanseii

floor. inerch and weiof.im.lv prominently

theiusurgeon siiil

knifetint had

homeMrs. tint when she




movement- - theirlarob father






give courses Vonkers.Knglish of centurv. "oodstock at Woodstock, Md.,

llrvn.ni. lecturer loin University or California, i Maryland in Westchester

health andico,""" institutionw.i . N. in school hvnlene ( terlmrle 1'iliniiml yesterday (llloush reiiresents.

of former)v' principal or Lowell Training properly in Yonkent is

bh! "nde"! l will give courses Ulienthal cMateandT; ofTh in special George W Bar- - Mtr-flv- e Acres of highly cultivated

of stabbing hetlir t lu ot ((iinmerce. lennez, in iiraiiom.,done it wheihr Inrob Wendell, ,1r.. became of will offer course

knife didn't make much known as an amateur actor while a mem- - jn embryology biological depart- -difference her mind. ber of Ha-t- v Pudding lub nl liar- - ,Pnt Montrose Moses, author of

Mrs. Pearsall's husband. Georce. is vard, where he gr.itluited -- children's Booksof Lis treet. appeared in the clubs piodurtions Literature of South," will


He wetil th hom-- r.s,and tlie of children's rn;. .ilmiitheinl of wdeV iirrel. and other cmups of umate.ir a student. which sp.cial It a frontagealthough hadn't Mioken to ejtv he appe-iie- mat ir an, (raii,ing courses nr0a, rutnnd with the


he Intended to stick with Stroller.- - Comedy ,.Hti()nai charge or w.or(Tit lies A ?VLHoir! Gill were Tub. In the of itter organtza- - I '

held as material witni-ise- R und a ch'irgo tion noci.ite I plays h,, tment of manualwas , V.,rn Vr uireciion nr. Barton ! "7. ': ?ir"5 "e"f,?

M.iior Philip it I eiidslUf Haney. director or high schools !rl i?h


nurnt, an I'lnsllsh Mrrclinnl, Tellll

wife Garrittprofe-iotuil- ly

Tr.perCliat lesO. London, produelioti. lus pirt. gardens

M Kleanor May Banna, of Ac Mdeterlinck lllue- consider.ible

street, wein married r,.v much praise. NewCitv by the Dr.

L.Scudder, manager offormer First


City Board of Statisticsfor license MrBurns said that born

had beenHo declared that he was

Louise Sr.n Cab, inlhSO wa.i fiom by

having granted niul anotherby New York


he waswho was several

and lie wanted hismarriageparson beento that Just ice lie J.Burk-- , H. Glto

knotsthat religious ceremony de- -

leu, an uukciih.-iii-,


line, make plans for ceremonvHill uuv--- s

auto, met Burns andHautia. Mr. (i. W. Hanna, V

Inkle's mid and h).


manager hcnlt oprintitig Altll


iuiylo Tlmm.i

Nollman,...l,,,ln,iit liinii





New The whojint


Inve pliyed died

Newuntil fall.





and civic times.actor,









born ISirt. localnnd ...ing at The uml



nNo andTho

Mrs. Anna work



gum. tie in f)f York rthree survive Albert of New York

until schools.ioc,-tm- o a ineir.o-- r

I 'I lie it re Coun-in- nt opening or . or Thomss of I" I.iv ho'i-- e.

pi'r.i."i '

New York 1, amv. Iiicli he look

weie "The Merry Wive-- i of WituNor""Winter' T.iK"

Wendell wn- - a member iPl Seiw.inhik.i

Corintliimi cIiiIh. Alphi Dcll iI'll! tr.iteitilly Hollmd

tnon'hn,i- -


totc'llni.-- .







.Mr. ofli. 44


i atof

of of

lMwnrd of

N.Iw lu

Cap-tain of




I., ofof

of of



to Offered




the thourn.


Krnest Is

cive courses ntiblio

bedd.M thT is

her insirucior


IWI.- the

stilion various book,,

After return

several ,,,,mlphu









mnrrie;i agisted 'T..B'and

.ipj-c.- r


-- "


t.iusio under '

InstIn Vtltonv .. r M,,.r.n

! schooli !



ivers andaclt


under Henry GriscomParson



Winner WordsMinute

H)t IMrl. The first annual contc-- tGoeld Moyt city type-- 1 where States

poor lie.iltli some tune, writing neiti tsrownewl.ich Buslnesu College under Mrs. feel-- . cannot

uinnt.i. tsaao the enrlenvirfinal decree been Winlleld liovl, ingjo secure iransier post




imvid Koeie, tcaciiortwo ago.

Mis- -and














gi.'ll.iSloke- -, luotlier

week- -

"Wh-i- t


Gould ch.im- -

High School.Wett mem, amateur

York. oncneior iroi'srmu.iiabout member Miss Bessie who

lujedo wnnh minuleBrook silver r..eda- -

contest Ch.irics KlauberBusiness

Harry iirtlit, died words Missillness lllgli

Burko secure automobi.'e B.,l,..,i ,m,n,. wltli wordsioiiowihk piamien






tiRlanil, rer.iom J'ritz. former worn chain- -

lieanties ,"'11 "MI,1motinialrxhl.. ,l rffS'&t,.!' 'iT'T.

.(c.iniiilo rrnininril itglish champion askedIhrlruw llon.r.iimtilntm

woman in. Citv Hall and tool; to n,. i,luili-.i,i'i- l Whittiei's "Snim rlianrehouse, llmim! In ."iint'il small of

peace acting in chnuireur lwasuno. pioneers -- i.ir'eil I'.hIoi;-

vto each l"rwomen carried ii'1 meiuher of

Dr i".- -t night Burn-- 1 Sa'i.Mi, Vnieilcaii Watertold liimritlieoniciat- - color American Water

narnon bceaum Dr per- - rfolurSioke- -. by ihcnrliters

lie Sl'a-tP'U's- ' "It. imTU llumlMon 'oii dlniAccording license forty ,'as lnl,contemplated timti itnony mlletfe jaulior.

nioiiths. these -- indentwith for Huinlltnii kinm Petr

Kelly,M..J n..i,w- - f,iil,,-i- s York .stryker



ViMird furho


.md for the


IDf. "what








'n's'llli'll Kelly

tti'upi'.iiloii uf Ibitullliiii

iuiiiui"ni iiliiiuiiilose S'll.i'ol' Kev

iicIImm Piiv.iKts)Kjllege Ulit'l dentil,

Citeilou Schuiidl. lellied ,

(bed l.ist liis home,

eiiis'nlil.inw niniv-v- r 'riioiiiiis.wlio wits overniid killed on KaMern lieooh.i (lage,I'arkway by Uefentlanfa uutouiobiJc, deul


Cum- -

roundedbrlinilili street, uml

treasurer thegpneral manager of the Lawyers Mort- -

hi!iireiilent the


nnmimonlaFlftr-nint- h

Horn milBrndunted In

the war rearmanied In

Jo'ejihlne altermarried

Mr Ward-we- ll


and Wlillehnlltno

and Kdward M'ardwrlldaiinh'er. Alice

W BoskerekPlslnfleld, at sge Ilcwa's

Mjrn In Hackeiif.nck, thethe

ineinhers the Corn Kxrhangenow tbe K.xchaime. was

In the eorunilion huslnessyears. Hoker'kBeilmenl,

Joined the SKth conipanrrevolution




offered thisfar former

The was brought faculty,.lanen pro-wh- o

wni- -



than This

kitchen gov tlie






OOd4toel(. Sid..in literature in '"

nineteenth College,conducted bv Jesuits.

hygienein liurchaned

H..the tiv- -

Teachers, by themethod. Dr.

heactually or flr-- Chicago,


Beading"butcher, rortv-niri'- li He


for the allbv

hem.u ng-- i tlie Vh



wu-- i

Scudderat IIT




two New tv. bysons W.

lie not001

direction thethe leo- -

tlie was






lef-o- n nniwill

htn rniitiMlrTit. .

rmrniTixt: rot."peed Contest t.

Mlnu!r.III .

died ly pioimhip tlie Bolivia, former Unitedin for but wan msi m Mim-'te- r

wi-- t

lirotlier, man i ster ismm leacnerH 10


iim noyi Amu i ii, ij in inn

who neenill

.ITi.i, V..!. Three contestsliving ii- , . . .,


I Kiftv-slxl- h stris1!. "'-r- e neio, nun iwo oi innNew Iloyi nun crt- - woo oy

,ind yens 1'rledni.in of Bronx,of Kniikeibncker. ,., ()-

- for nftecnt'ie Count!".-- , and I nnd i she '

, f,. kJ.ooI ' n

' tV lllllW. I . .oanti'-- i ll

Vim. . and Kuleniniihome S niter an .iiimaici won Ihe

ever, Ii an i .,, n , itl net










ine iy mm ii- - n ,u - ia-- i horn In Surrey, oven io .hiss ucse








I is IT lb; nnr. Mor.t- - linn er ot sdull- - tor year-- the of his i""'i'- - ' iMU l

Home !, . ,,K1"i:i ' - ",.AtiK'ilrn lie , (hen

nml ui-ii- l III sttiilv- In Ihe ntho r M, i 1, rn

the miiii-ter- 's the justiro of the ' lf7u ii liiniiltie a)

, artv 111(1 of rtie n N ''rk ,

a big i lie a .

null ' l'l.him hohadM'l.icled nnd I

inc had nil ol New Wuk He is sur-- .a rervico Mr ' vlved Ion r nnd

i .e V . , . , i i i v

the marriage the ,six o ns Ihir- -

he nil n hassail ins liet at

- anil "II Mill hlin muttHi.. V..w '



Ills .tillf"ti










Inli, ll III 'Mill r,'ie vns .1 HiriUI in eucll sue- -

dill!; anilloV 'd In d.IVSii, t Me ii" iil-- a. il ieiid Bout w,ib s:iyear-ol- d mid mi nt

ll hi ll o hisfin-n- r a

nlulil nt Wi'slVlnet v.t -- Heel Mr Sc uns 7?

" lolm Schmidt,-,(.. ii. f i,on ., imni mul ii.inu, nai lie- -

the I I nun 'I Ihci first pitliv (he .Sew iurk

.1 4 ll




Co Pinoone


snu thetlin" was

yeliduytrfet ,

was at

He ns I ileaMls herwho him

s t thesons,


Van died

Vanwho was one

Nework, and

Mr Van

IM7He was also the the



thai 133






into the














(OtSrilY AllLA.El ire IIiiIiIin Mimnier

lln srtorr.L, I . Kite nlioul t

P, M. y c.imn scry destroyingcountry ol' Charles Prank

Huhbs, president of lie Shore Horseai West

ea- -t Babylon.The wa defective flue,

Tlie fought nbouthours. badlv

and will exceed j:,Kiu,Tlie and antluiie

taken piled on 'awn.neighbors headed Jnmes

Kjiiou and Samuel WagsiaiTtlremen

The house unoccupied saveforeman, Mullen,

critically studied smokecalled lo sister Mamie, who car-

ried down stairs acrosscountry horau of Vandeveer.

Carat 528e bsrt diamond rln Ihluhr f ire,Ihf weight and but did r.otb(ln mlie the this doe. Itto lth t and a andnot one ptrson In a hundr-- d weuld take ll to

,b worth linn ski to STS. Inwill to rtfund money If It hematched for lcs at aholf ale.l of Ihounnils of dlamoml we

oi to morror at prion from torwr cradts from purestwhite to the rarcM blue.

CHARLES A. KEENEImitertrr nnd 4 titter

180 Broadway, New

ent anil he died TO COMEReid


lTO LriirKnrllsi. In Wlllla.n. 4V.II- -. a !ewwill sl,r

iioets themi I wnich the Is

the for o sitewhich

inbeid Jacob

l!iSticVwnKf for ";nel It


-- fhe




ground North Broadway' and ntr.how'place of

neighborhood. is Grey,stone, home of Samuel Tilden. nndat present Ihe residsnce Samuel I'nter-mye- r

is said to soldto in productions im?imlule departments his

he hi in edu. aiidof I North

her four monthi department in rVV. .V





i,tl,l, iviwn

, iis ;.v.f-;.-;-

. :: vof horn cide e .Mrs. I'eir- - ner or Tlite art the nvrn2 .i





he in




were V.'"His linn the




Mr, of











will the










Not farthe J.



lll he I '.7,

and nnw building erectedThe .department Is e"?:82'"'


" i; ',,n

lias finebut

the(his lor one near

l ie tlr- -t w be1) end June 3 the

f t tho ntilt n I """

isiim-- oi wens


fur 1.1



Woodi-.toc- severalbuildings, because inaccessibility

decided aban-don location large

plantingweed, ISlhtt HSOH LESQI'ITS',..





Heath Mikeslirslrahle.

w MiMnx, April Becausethe shock death

foven-year-ol- d von, Malcolm.Horace linowle and Mrs, Knowlewill probably not lelurn La

id Pan. ork

daith. ,iu-e- d Brooklyn Knowles Hint livewas unevretted. Mis ausnlces ol the Miorlnand n and

vorco.tho wun with when Association conductedcieu. iiii,i .tw.m, li.


ill Mr. was.10 old, Ho was The

the min-rnlo-

urr lltM a






liric-a-lira- c furnitine


receivislto-da- letter Knowles,being homo.

body (ho being broughtcountry bv parents, Inter-

ment made Ogdensburg.Tuesday Wednesday, place

beinc Knnwles'strolleyl ifld t'lut". was killed by

Browne's Urooklvn College birthdaywon accuracy wun

I nt ol ihein scnoot

wit imm ot sr.eedior .iii-.w- Vim it. nuvn


In ofIH I "J"

,B,.I, hihmi :;"H '," was

lh,,ii ItnK' In w rive


tl.e te',J

societv the

a .nt;'1,,, '.1.


had the thethai eun nut

brid" niedwith tlie





cnllie Hamu

ineiitell III" (' of


llifiM-(hy- s

liliil limiiliHiem..,

mil thanibet


timeanil hIka

(he Sen



tor;vm the







l BayShow a mile

tire catt-e- d atlie (Ire,

The waslo-- s

out and Mr.Htihhs's by W

aislstedwas by Hie

John who-- o

Nan was ill. Sheand her

Ihe and ihe

he liketame prhe. they

to show onelook one half rrat

less frteirce theonl rlarne$yo rarat. the




onetime vjis one of the the



his givethis the .son feet on

nrn Anvurul ....

nt 1J



rii, (tj nr. amovedUv Hie

or the


ofnoine time ago to


May on clr.'.snnri vapiii



itof rrom the


Pa-'- .

l'i He of New llio islieefi

by pneu-- 1 the) sherit there nga M


unurii-i- ,

thehl-- i medal







In at













toon In of In







Word to t tills efiect asIn a from this city

hisTbe of child is

to this thewill be at N. Y

next or thatMrs. home. Tim ..MI.i

car at La Pai onM iUofll.ll .1 lor



'alls Down Subway stair.Mbert Scott Ledbotter, who lives nt

;uo State street, Brooklyn, and is a teleg-rapher, lost his balance, nnd plungedhead first down Hie. stairs or tho subwayat tho Manhattan end or tho BrooklynBridgo at M'O o clock last nighl. Heis mi unusually largo man and as ho fellho knocked down several (lertons

Ledbetter sustained a fractuio or theskull

('I'orclu .tloli l,)iirltrn rsrn,Stai i'.hiioro, (In., April '.'?. AcctiReil or

uttemptiiiK to oiitriige Mn. Siirnh s,

wife of 11 planter, Henry JncliKon,11 nesro, was lynched by a mobAfter tho negro wus Hiispended his bodywas riddled with liulletH. It is eliirgedthe negro entered Sirs, Hondrickc's homowhen her husband win, absent, pointed 11

cun nt her nnd threitened to kill her.Mrs. llendriekh lenped tliionsli a windownnd escaped.

Mtate lo Intrrirnr In I'rrlnlit llatrl air.AtliANV. April '.".' In tho matter of

the petition of the bodies ofthe lit y of .Vow Vorli to tho Jntei-s'lll- ti

I'oillinerce. I'litilinihl-ion- , proiestliiKitRiiiiiHt tho freiglit n.lei of dm i'riilro.idseiiterlng Now YnrU city, Attorney.GeneralCarmody, nt tho rtq,iiet of (iov. Dlx. hasderided lo intervene on behalf of theStatu.

w at mm .tv.m



OILcut 36, mounted

on good quality spring roller; slightlyregular price 50c.


floral borders and bot-

toms! S2.S0, CI Zfipair for

oakpanels, illkoline (llling; regu- - Qlarly $1.25, each for ........ OVC

atFILET made on black





scrim with filet J'..., and 4inches wide, colors ivory or eeru; 3

ards long regular pries PI O J3.50 pair, special.


Jl W'S)


Sale of Summer UpholsteriesShades. Screens



imperfect) 2QgCURTAINS,


$3.00 Curtains, $1.85CURTAINS,









3.0 4.0


OF mid:Art Taf;

fctaamade best possibleworkmanlike


lar value 10.50.

iH,KiMiNt;ii.t:s'fi I" answer to many from

pointed who were at-

tend the last sale, have decided to holdanother of beautiful

Clocks at $5.75remained for Bloomingdalcs' to brinq the price of

these clocks to this marvellously low point. thefirst was to America the price was S20.00.

Mllh Ihe (littering rlnl lotr unit Ihr iell;heiniecli.nl.nl. .rtl.Ur urnatnent onddial. th.erlnrk.(Jil tolheprllliifef nrnnm.

thernerd he sound onl; M"I-- : tunthan one IIl .eld n rioioiner this

price. A. lliullril. llilj sle l srtieduled torllondBT onll.SP ,rirr,iuii,ully lll not Ut than the taj.


Overflow Budget of Monday Tuesday Sales12 in. Double Wnrn Srrge, S27 RID.9S.

jllc. Ilralcls. yanl l.lr,' IMutcil Safi-t-

42 in. KtiRlisli Sharlmv StripeBrn.lantlne, arM.S'. cl.at4HaCors. for r.r.

50 in. ream Siclllnn, ?c. ' ,..,...,1 Pnekris. -.

Women's Hose,




fOe.Wl.r.O Hn.ors. OSt-- .

SIR IJmoRes Dinner Set!,7."S.SU pleec German Clilna Tea Set,Water Tumbler.. 12 for lSe.in liiittnii Silk Gloves, ..K.I bow liliRtb Kid Ciloves, 81.41I.

il spool Cotton,lo.cn .'I5l'.

S2.no Lingerie S1.S7.Cover Ilutler Il-.lic- Uv.SOO 5 Parlor Suits. S44.SS Roekers and SS.fiO.S22 Illrd's-ey- e. Dressers,


The Oriental Store


our new which isNatsu Ii

tone blue11 I I

summer ,1,1c. atu.This is but one


to aA. A. &

mr nihmlt i.uccr!lnn-- i

cttlnntcs tn-i-- rhrrc.


& CO.& 39th St.



ltrooMn 'V. A. 1'unil ;nilnK.Tho llrooklyn V.1W. C. wliidi

IryiiiB to $l(),fi00 by .May leporledhit nlRht that lad uddedStl.CMMl to tho SltiO.t'Ofl lieM ecs with which

ho wn started, making tin-- t

it'll tho week $l."il.0nu,One ine.ins to raise the needed

motley is n nlchtly dinner nt tlie V. W.l A.'hnll. bust niuht 110.11 l.i hundredpeoplo took dinner llicre. Other emc

tryliiK to raiso lociilV, W. ('. A. ptirpoMei, but noit wan said lust niRht, con Id equal

record of I5i,ixx In 01m

N, V. InitlttitrThe committee of the New

York Law Instiltite Iuih selected thoto balloted 011

May Judgo K, Henry '

licomb" of the United Stntes ('it cultI,. Inui.i- -'

Addison .

treaHiiror, Hobett bud I secre-tary, .Ionian J. Holliim;

I'reUorio Cotiderl Itenno,

will make2,6x4.0 drop

z dropmounted on

Ironframes and fit-

tings, all readyto hang,

SLIP COVERS ASUIT FURNITURE, ofCretonne, Ticking French

English nicelyand finished

manner, allowingyards of material reju- - SA

$ Special Vi,ou

CAR requests disap-- fpatrons to



hspe. hsndnomeJiiil.reiiidii.

In Inot rlorU lo si

thruu.nttly I. andrnri..

andIMnitiK Talilrs,

plei-rs- ,










lot iiiulontit- -


yartlHnsn Support ere. riihbci-- ciisliinn

hiiMon, prr pair ."

Enali,li Hair Pint, I oz. papers,

niiint'o boxes, 12'se.Collar ililfl'oii nr

net , :t Tor .'.M15 ami S25 Suits andDresoes. MIO

I'mii bCliilToii Hattc, lOiui lieswide, ynril SJir.

Ox AMiilnster Uurs, alue. S1.1,SlO.ttM.

Wblte. .Mereerlxetliuclics lde, yard 15c.

3d Ave, 59th to 60th



Exclusive Drapery FabricsOne of fabrics proving most ac-

ceptable is Got woven in Japan. Comesin two effects, and white, green and while,

'.. .1.




yellow anil wntie,, ami aiso uiecolors delft blue, gold and

For cither durlis light and:ik(i makes'

for hangings. .2 incites wu'.c. a

of a wonderful collection of exclusivedrapery and fabrics -- priced

From $50.00 yard,.,,


or 01



her. more


W. V.A is




are forice,

bo for'.'8'


It. and(i




The nr


(i ftu- -



..I... 111



Ilriii I" t im'i A ll'th l'i . Now ntAl-- u Iliiiiii niul

American-Electrell- e

Recital(MONDAY) AFTERNOON 3:30 '


400-Da- y








on.it.i 27, Nn.j

To the printrI'rna I'.itale

I'.imU.iIi Ani.ito

HalUdc. Ab 1

l.tudc. Op- - m N- - !

.On. i jHe t t'moil. lit-- Kiml . . .

Mi M.u 1 li.irdrn

Danci- -,

Nik :.Invited



brook-iyn'- a



lirowiwindJohn Pnrhoiis,

com-inilte- e,






far-aw- ay

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