THE SUN TUESDAY NOVEMBER 12 1901 Zi nn I r 3W1W iy r c AT THE NEW YORK THEATRES ViVDE MPtWS A PLAY JIY JAMKS U ilARttlK Comedy of quality Mreet flange of Generally Kxc llent Amute went on Our State tail Night The new play at the Knickerbocker Theatre last night couldnt havo got along very well without Maudo Adams liecauso- hirdly any other actresa could lwro inado Its berolno a delightfully quaint creature But imbued with Miss Adamsa oullnr charm of nature and art which no one neems to even try to resist James M Bar Hes Quality Street had no chance to fail This is not meant to convoy the Idea that the author has written weakly To the contrary ho has dextrously provided a valuable for nono other than a dainty nnd subtle artUt The novelist la not much of u pool as tho faulty voreo which ho- Rscrit ei to an ardent lover clearly prows and it I quoted only to show what kind of a girl was vivid In lila mind IIIIM her pretty thoufbti her ihouldm Her smllri ire all forfctmenoti the pathi btr- traaous Tit tot that do tine U her fanclei walking round Tli swcrlly imlllnr lavtnder In which tnwCJ Well Miss Adams was that kind of a girl us we first saw her In Quality Street The full moaning of tho tltlo WAIl that ft demure Phnbe nicknamed Kirf ltl lived In thn polIte street of a quiet English vil- lage at an early time In tho nineteenth century A young physician of the place lafni Drown had the floral thoughts of her that ho put Into the rhymes here- with printed and she In n mood of sweet reciprocity let him klxs tier That was a brave thing to do In that Spotless Town of prim manners and neighborly watchful- ness and she wouldnt kayo done it If aha hadnt exported ho would ask right to be her husband Instead he went away- to Napoleonic wars unknowing that abe loved him When we next saw Phxbe abe looked forty years old though only nine hid passed Her ringlets were hidden umii r an ugly cap her grace was con ftrftln In a shapeless gown and her face was worn with tho cares of schoolteachlng to which poverty had driven her and an older ilstpr Hot appearance was that iapW and hopoles old maid That was what Vattntine thought when he returned to Quality street and that was what h bluntly said The third aspect of Ptittbe was different from the others Having decided to recover her former lover she put off the dulness that repelled him and put on tho brilliance that would attract him There was much more than n change of clothes from those of dUflRurement to those of adornment Her behavior shifted from dull gloom to bright gayety She assumed a new name too and he did not reeognlzo- the sober spinster of tho schoolroom In the merry of tho ball that was given in honor of the returned soldiers She animated tho occasion In general and Vairnlint In particular She thus won his heart again and after untangling tim knot Into which her false pretence had tied their affair the end was her betrothal This summary shows that Mr Barrios plan for a humorous and sentimental comedy had hon Ingenious Hn hail constructed and written cleverly too with pleasant result The one damaging fault was that tho fabric of the onmpotttlon was stretched In place too much and b ctmn sleazy If thn making of thn success of thin venture and Its very great success was proven by the laughter and applause murt lin apportioned l etwe n tho mithor and th aotrws not than three fourths of It must Im set down to tier Miss Adams all thn trait awl mood of tho singular heroine all the strength and weak- ness nf her femininity with that blend- of assumed and actual personality which road her of all American actretn the prlnut favorite with her own MX Tim wom n were morn insistent than the men In calling her out at tim ends of morn than anybody now knows unlM a count waa behind theHoenes The M rformnnoe was In sym with tho material used Sydney liruiiKh d himself worthy of xrtairn mint Iindou M inaMMillrin- repr of the i it seruM of whoMi a not altogrtiHT manly Thin eld r l ler of herolnn was xwullily- t r ths mixtaken dlrtvlion of Mr Barrit- plarwl by Helen Ixiwell with glKglei- mirk and oth r conventional nld ImviiiH tirxMime A changu should l MMde a to that Marian AblxMt wan riuiit ly huniorou as a blunt and for UMmatd Thrw vllUgn R I M- s iuiiiiui Ira military men luiil- variMis iliaiMitorUtlns tho roiin and a lent wU ih aalion took c- inadx a guild mounting of what U a remark kiily uamt gush Mirrly aixvptnl uontml- yr llwry Irving and IllUm Terry l jfaii e MiUuk lii Iliouklyn U t night with Mtneluiut of Viiilec arid will soak 4ifT tiiafu IINIII il r itmiiury durum i mk Tim atinririol aHliiK by J II 1 4 fur a WMk at llm Harlem OJVIM- ll Mtliln f that ri MII i I 4ix 4ail l MM a Mir t ta a UiM aH lo UM Iliaml a- i44 Nsl ki M t lit fluted tnnt It Man War Mai al HMM ft u I Itotui- k IN Elf S4iS and ChretetIZnttOfl In thn Ureit be are are Ibo Mar Ire m lad W off ot- a belie showed has list lIlt at II 1 14i lh lIuh hI tit Sties lskui Mk Mauls 4 ii Jt at I It lit I 1- 1W4j III Ii met II- Iw I I If I I- tq r rrf li6 fCI III tM n 4- It I t p 4 It wIf I III r r f Jr- r v p Ii I rOb way both less acts dome reIi4IIii lou tim sail 0 I Pu4nd4sr lksuln liner aa Him ki hut am ut Li I Ole H IM4iu- bt Ijfts4 iMl i MN my hisM- I w4metlsudy ja3- j 4 luau ti aim fIil- d M44dss Ns- i V M hid 44MimM4 Se f- ktii Imd 4jay e4 o p i Iliii JIicw MIMiV I d Sls Jka1I4- 4M Io ike hia- e I I S s t iwm4r- n a 4 h i I i a 4 a 4 I 4- I WlISd Ii- S a i I I o Ir 4 b 5- s Pi a se J 5 a ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < < Scribner to whore a costly show won given at tho Tony Pastors were Howard und Florence Bindley anti leroy and Clayton In a of art awl eitlw decency were a feature at KelthV and began Ills final week Dorothy Donnelly whoso local popu- larity waa gained through two years of leadership In the Donnelly stock company nt the Murray Hill now assumed the prin- cipal female In New England Folks at the Fourteenth Street Sho has played more parts than any other actress In Now York within the same time and of them well taking into account con- dition The question what she would do after plenty of tlmo to atudy a rOle mado liar Interesting last evening She the discovers lato that of Illegitimate birth Dignity strongly again She was nnthuil Mr fl than It was on night No alter- ations have been made In because that was excellent front the first but tho of It Iota been much amended were far too words and they reduced Particularly at beginning of the act the ver obscured the merits of the drama been removed in Th good character drawing re- mains as Mr created element in the piece But this Now England It is not necessary- to look for thn cnuses but to record Its popularly positive success Tho it HO drag art theories Into tho matter YESTKHnAVS VlSC Whitney Tew Heard for the Flrit Time The Cutellano Hrrltat Mr WhlUioy Tew nn English basso gave his first song recital in this city at Mendelssohn Hall yesterday afternoon singing a long list of songs ranging from Bach to Chamlnade He displayed a voice of neither remarkable beauty nor of great range ftc lower tones Lack resonance and much of it barytonal In quality sounds breathy when the singer tries for piano effects la agility It falls him sadly but is much at its worst when he lapses aa ho did occasionally Into boisterous spurts tile enunciation is decidedly dear and happily free from ovoraocentuatlon Tho varied array of composers repre- sented bcspoko Mr Tews versatility but with the exception of Mozarts Qul Sdogno- non Snccende Handels Ah Mlo Cor and Lo Pas dArmoa dti Kol Joan by SaintSaens tho progrninmo contained tho least Interesting eolectlon ponslble To represent Bach such a trifle aa Hat mnn semen Kindern from the alleged humorous CorTeo Cantata worse it would bo to neglect him en arid Brahms must n poor song- writer Indeed which ho is the only place opposite his name tilled In Tho loss said of tho LISa Ijohmnnn setting of Tennysons In Memorlani thin most of not music at nil thn other quarter In of n hopelessly luau sentimental sort lde It more lull moments than Is reasonable to expect of ono Why It have had n place on this or on any pro a puzzle For the rest two surprisingly unlnterofltfne by to wonls Walt Whitman and n wry sentimental song Ix t ls Forget Mauda White which Mr T w th approwl Fngllsh drawingroom manner for hlmm only encore An of songs FullorMallland the tit Tho- aiidleucn was fair In size but far from enthusiastic Mr Isldor Iiiickstone ac l In the evening at the WaldorfAstoria Eugenic Ca tollario an pianist who first played In this ton years a o a an unhappy election Scarlatti Sgarnbatl- artu i Chopin Uszt and Tauslg were on Mine vies at her lx t wherti her lingers had thn In the of Hcarlatti- techiifjun am amid tier memory The audience was a most a- pr ciatl e one nitiiHii inKS iiKiAvrnIt- nrlillnv fom ani IJielnfrr Na i hail MralJier and high Wlmli Are Ilir Caiue Mon tlian five hundrcti Ions of wire for tlwi i ew LaM Itlver Bridgn cahlH an si already sloied In tlie shops of llm Juhn A Ihixhllng Hun Coni any In Kent avenue WllliMiiu burg i iMiinpaiiy lisa lately iwii rriticiMMl for IU iliUy In starting thn cahl work arid It was aid yertenlay that rtiiuniliJcatliina lntwwn IKI oflirtala- of ci iii miy and tlm Ithlfio iimiiiln- hlottem lm uB l DUllvn lo its dcluy Mlllam Illllenbramli chief iiKiitxer for llw uiii aiiyMli yralcrday- Wn an l lilnil In our rahln hut It HHikt iiiMlnnrfiMid that It laUt Mum lo Itiilld WMII a Hii etnwium- Many M IM U IH I In i ii lii r list thai atlier at liium Kivally with t ur ori I r i t wioks tn IJHM- volfily UK n u a HUld wire fui Its iiblM Illieli MU lii iimln IM- M fur I M ii Its Utt two III IdllU JM IIUM III sIr I UI llMK tHlirhlvtt will Ik THI MI w Wl- UHM MtM Iw to H- IUIIIIMH nin in iiiniI- lir rt Mill lirl I trtirrllTr UMI All Hi t niailr IMU s li lit l fH r Sudan A4 I M 4 l M t ItuuH Ml li H Is s nliaHi lli liau II M a I lon ow r le mOlt aced and had poInt at and and she play much th Thor belt b tlnI notto 0 ort mnt hamlnAde and It alan tty JInn t Ir I hIr I J1a I t rj I If u I I t I I t 11 I I T k M t 1 1 AIUIfllU 1m UI I I I i o 4 4s W 0t t pathos 11111 counted greeted earned is now better is tutu I- nmost remit IMhr represented fleet fairest field mush 5111 Iar1uieei Thur touch 4 his t lie thin ISinit rail atoll a as this stills ale and saly l 44e1ssJ se lh I M IasWY ii Its btw 4 lIe his pitIi n s4os- us 5 W4 1 Its ai9k 4aie k Iaa hal slid htwtase t4 Ml urn I 4ol IMalel 40 1 l S I- ai IuI hail uNNhif I C- I tiSH1WII I IN sat 4 4se a Ii S Iv mI Ir i MI PlII S 0 I ors 4 e 4aa 4 IsMial IIi IdS J V iI I ill UI 114 IWSt I5IL44 b4141 hP l14 I- ui h- iNC I 0 I a- 44s 4 I aiS a- I M N- M jmr i lId p- a mi 5 I mm- so HnpHi s 1s4ese It w J4a- a 4 1 s d 1 M0 m- Si iimu tii I S I S is A 4- I e iS b0 S 5 KS4a a u Viaua 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > > > <> < < < < < > < = + + + NEW ANIMALS FROM MAINE A FINE LOT rsr PVHCIIASKD ran run XOOIMOICAL PARK Maine Folk More Partial to Beasts From Other Countrln 80 Were irttlnc the Finest Pair of Caribou In Captivity Palatial Monkey house Nearly Ready Director William T Honuday of tho Now York Zoological Park got back from a trip down Eat yesterday with glowing accounts of a now lot of animate he purchased at Brunswick Me for the park There are flve carloads In the lot and they will arrive next week from Merry Meeting Hay where for several years they have boon the chief attraction of another park Tho anlmaU or most of them are common to the Maine woods HO ore not enough of a novelty for the Maine folks Tho Merry Meeting Park managers are going to stock up with snakes and monkeys which are curiosities down Kant and so they con entod to Bell their mooto and caribou to New York Several of the animals in the lot just purchased by Mr were on exhi- bition here at last years HnorUmens Show Tho director of tho New York Zoologiyal Park tried to buy them then but they were not for tale He asked their owners however to give him tho first chance at them so ho was sent for tho other day to go to Brunswick and take his pick Ho bought up the whole Merry Mooting outfit In speaking of hk latest acquisition yesterday Director Hornaday They am all hardy North American that have been brought up care a cold vigorous climate Their development has been perfectly natural toe them and tho are the hardiest and t Because of their and than because of their kind they will be a valuable addition to our collection York The caribou has been the most difficult animal to keep In captivity In this climate lln Is the most his whole fam- ily to In food and In this collection from Brunswick wo havo got a most pair of cari- bou a 6 years old a female- S old It most unusual to find caribou of those in captivity hut these are in as condition an were In their natural states They ere both at the we tried to them then I do lint think that there to another caribou 5 year old In captivity In this country lot are three buffaloes a bull a cow nnd a calf throe threeyearold two hears three big gray ilmbor trolvwi two of them and the finest that Mr Hornaday ever saw one ocelot ono red fox one fox a cross between a red and a throe raccoons three porcupines rind a lot of wild water birds Tim new primates bouts in the Park ready for occupancy animals and open to tho on Doe 1 Primates Is Just the way of caring Director associates at the are resigned to It called monkey house for generations to come they are work for the Primates will lx engraved- in time Mono over every entrance- It U the first of a of buildings that and subtropical an I tho name onler which Includes thin monkeys and Tliew beasts are to have a luxurious establishment up In Bronx after Dec 1 There are to acoummoda for JSO of them The ground plan of tho house the cage arrangements are entirely new and lira Uvwl on Director own studies of tim primates In their natural state and III of is clawlo Thin building Is on story highs 187 feet and front 23 to 74 according to the width of the outdoor o g Thins building materials am bun brick gray granite limestone cotta slate and interior- is divided Into three puro fl- nf maintaining more onto temperature at thin Mine time of the animals Tho monkejs wild live In I ho am sill New World monkevM This and l mun the Old World will iKcupy- tho main or central ball timid th ni lint U rlilinimimw- cibbons and gorillas ulll IDI There to one lsckixl a maiM of tropical plmits II will n lot nf wirne particu- larly rare linmUTs of the genii Hrmno- fiifArrtia This JilliKl I 21 f M IIIIIK 10 fWt ttlilu niiil II f el high Fi r the n t- o tli JVi primali then am two triple wall C K nine wall fnii and i eniyi u fttxir K- TlieiK tll a iiiuiiktiyii Kiimii In KMie H iHilliiHHIllif iiutilixtr rage hit that all lh UaM run go nut In K d- Hlll II l I HIHtHIS IAltliN- rM lurk ml Iurl hester llallruai- lr urnl li la r II Murrls Tint Mult IUilr Mil I itHfHUwttiii iidllmml ail llm rlfili AVHNIM HiHxl yitilfiiUy llnl- irMlUtlC vt tie ij44tillu lle Nnw Vmk aMid M i I ill lilt uf Haunt IM It OMjW tmiiuxill tut kMl l MM M- MlIHHH HIHII M- KtfM Ur l M M U llr IMII- ktf IMt- t t I anImal lot of over round In her W elk lour dr roN am hi blt to for the or t III I PAl or 1 1 thAI Aol and Tho j M I I lieU I f 1 tf I I fr I Y I M fr l r A I W I li I I L M1 t 4 4 h f t u 4 s H 1 I- a e A 4 W M 1 t- t o W J la A 1 ham said best animals cap- tivity very one moose ante- lope Zoo- logIcal are be erected housing baboons flu The architecture lie Prilnat1 howe copper ha thin hiowhn owl lie liunris sY a tit lie n 5 d four Ii tin lien oetlsr sel lt 14er lNpmei far lus- t emi4 IIP1 4 s4 hu4 sJI Thi ass the N 4 lent u I0 a4 naa4is4- Ir us tanNery eatil iewt- III Iwiwe ak si td a S ski t4sal 91IMu ls 01 sef4 aii iI itis- I l eIe 015 11- I loiS 1 l I 045- d oil s 50 S0- a 1 a I4s s lO 4 0 ld i sI- C S pe I I IiSb- I 4 a- A 5 1 ia 1- 0at jgM- le lhlUlSb 11141 II- luts05M4ltIiil DS N aS 14a li- si ma s a p I l- S 50 s md- m ee 4 5 0 a k earn M 4- II I I k- I Is I tt Ma- e a a i 4 Ii e as4- s 4 Msala4sa- Oh a a Mur sm4 lia Irt ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ° > > < > < > + MIJS TOPICS AllOVT In most of the uptown hotels and in the clubs on Saturday night the scores of the slays football games much attention as do the tickers on tho nights of big prizefights There has been such a shifting around of the comparative rat- Ings of tho various college elevens this year that oven tho wise men admit that they are all at sea whim It comet to picking a team on the form thus far displayed Ono of tho best known foot men of his time said at tho University Club 8omo of the best games have been hereto- fore were not considered strong enough- to give the scrub teams n proper game Pennsylvania which once was a big four of football has a down or moro on tho list and Syracuse which has only recently been football now ono of the fastest In tho Neither Princeton much stronger than one of six or eight as to afford to a Loose game against them From the showing be possible to a at the best football elevens In which tho teams would bo evenly matched Never In the history of game hiss there been so In it aa fall If Luthei n Marsh had not devoted himself to spiritualism in his old age it is not Improbable that the dinner which was given to him in Middletown on Sat- urday In honor of his ninetieth birthday might have occurred here in New York under the auspices of the Bar Association Bomo of his old friends did Journey- to to do him la no other man today whose career tune back In history aa does that of Mr Marsh Ho was a partner- of Daniel Webster who to ago that there are few men ever saw him When the DIss Da liar woman obtained control of Mr Marsh a dozen years because of her alleged power aa a medium of the messages tho world which she secured for him signed Daniel Webster in ornamental and fre- quently they were ungrammatical Mr not think be cause were In meaning Ho showed them to such or his as listen to huts talk on this subject aa con- clusive evidence of thin medium Even whim tho Bar Association Hopped In to him from tim Dlsu womans avaricious swindling Mr Marsh and possibly was bad In aomo ways tenaciously- to hiH spirit ho that are genuine For the past dozen years Mid a Chicago man I haves Linen coming to New York without having purchased any gold bricks or meeting any bunco men but I had an experience this morning that has sadly slip ken my confidence I went Into a In a downtown hotel to get a hair cut Where did you have your hair cut Inst luked the as I down In Chicago said I unsuspectingly I thought MO he replied I have seen a numl er of hueh cases from then What do you mean said I U in very bad shape Norm of our regular customers hns a walp an that use lucre a tonic that urea It and If you dont object I will put seine on When he lurid flninhed vth my hnlr and I Mid I slid not want a shave examined my neck Shave yourself Yes I thought to and I can that It l a sore collar rubs I cant that with another preparation If you dont mind 1 wan so pleased with his attention that I decided a quarter When I got out of the chair handed me two tattle all wrapped up and a cheek for 3so- Whats all thl said I Why I had to two one the balance is fur your shave I was o dated that I paid the cheek arid Mumbled out Into where I d Ixitlles on the radiator- It wa i clear of every- man to whom I have started to Story hiss d me with the namn- nf barber shop That Is tho regular eanin In Ihl I havent to get any sympathy from one Wo do things In Chicago but wo never vl llofM aroer- Hluipw In fashion When Iliiiry Hurt win In full control nf the TIJnl Avtwi ItnJlmsid It V OM frwjuiiitly- hf Mary to wrvf I IKTH on him In vnrloti Mill and f he io lot of lawyer now who run loll luloriKtliiK lorie n nf the w yn In which Mr Hurt dcxlRisJ hens whet law cle rki lli y nr to M rvn- hi n In HUH cifTI i hut had ninny smell uiii th ml dent M was thin itiHloni ta linnk in gnon clerk In thin fnhlon Fn iur titly lliiiy would IH inw j ik ilifiBt for Mi Hurt was alHny on Hit ajVrt for Uw rinks DIM uiif IIMIII li h from law HMIHI nfl T wHlinK two In un effort lo tT Mr lIar fussily IrmiM In hU tfn i niiii down In ilw- waltliiic rixiin WKI ailxMil noon Mr Hurt K He slut l ul Nkn tie l uki klaliint l the iluur ainl rUlfc ittlM J luitili lln- irtwl I i brllm tie ufTW- In IKIP lrfHi Its thus i ant lu HUM Its Mr HJD MjuwiiMieii y- Mvtra1 UMri li i u til a lile Uxuf lie 4t t iwxle a nili wr lieN Mr liens r ni Itaik IM tlw and susIe fwf ll MWM fill Huiir awl v H- M sa I- T T R- M 1ftM I M ft U tem Ole thu I of W her die wen r In his W W cloI W o Ill W W but for 1 and ono for said ali tem W a I I Ill 1 lisr al tfTicw Irk II I Ill I 1 I It Mr 1 I IN 1 t 1 Ir I t- ItW Il S r P i t 1 I 1r 1 lt I TII W 1 z f N M I w feE H u t I JI tr- ot rt- I II t f I c4 II Toll attracted as while appreciating the efforts behalf hula medium barber- shop barber sat Vhs see CIT barber lie hue ease Mints t Isis are a flail Its iItusit lug hi isa law rs ihisi this of Jmer end sruuil It jaw If I la cam guest if l 11 anal les IsIs gs4 arid lie 4erk hIts 1 Ia em J a his pN1C han aleei sefajieeuj hue had Iee sssl Mr hlfl- YN4S4 lbs se threw oil 00 II S hbeseasi the Myiiky astied K h4sei- tlm K4Y Ii I4iel ly Ike slft her ILA 4 Ike hIsw4tuek iu4e114s1s Ie iaae- eN a She eaelas4 Ns 10 145 dey sal y S- MI1 l0e 5 54P55r4 elw IumIo alsil a JIio4 Ieo- IN 00 MIM had Od- lMs as ii 1 tI ui p4 0 I eli IP 1911 t la h Ii A 5 a i 4 sett- N P Le JIs k d ern se- It l thT 4e 4- g tt21- a f- a I M Ia- I a 5- 1d i- p Nil dS 5 41S 4MW I- S I- 0i 4 i lNai4a- ss4 4 Ma a a 4 I I Nrn s I L- e 0 5 111050 NI a t as 5 0 a C C 5 a 0 Nso rtN I Pi- v isi Is 1 iait I 14 llaeea Ss- S Saae S A y I S Iii p i 1- asil Is ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < > < < > + > MR WINSTON CHURCHILLS new novel THE CRISIS is still the best selling book in the United States and perhaps in the world For one reason It Is the best story and the most exquisitely told and for aqother it gives us that Interrelation of American history that we so much need and that inner light on the life of our great men which no one now would be without Recognizing the fact that the book is destined to increase its popularity from now on the publishers are putting on the market a special holiday edition with a por- trait of the author never before published and reproduced in photogravure And this edition will be sold at the same price as the other 150 net by the booksellers- By VINSTON CHURCHILL author of Richard Carvel The Celebrity etc With Illustrations by HOWARD CHANDLER CHRISTV nmo cloth Holiday Edition with portrait in a special box 5150 net preunts the In our rational life with A book every American should know It teaches him splendid power and with a sympathy sincerity and a patriot anew to fevere the memory the men to whom this nation owes ism that are Inspiring TIll Trtbunr Chicago its continued existence The rprtti New York The Benefactressi- s another new novel which is worth reading It is perhaps the only work of fiction of real humor published during the past year Cloth 150 you hive the taste to know what real entertainment Is you will find It here THE SUN New York THE MACMILLAN COMPANY PubIl8he Avenue lItl ubUcltt1a I T i- t r i t t It IC CI f I i OCA book that geal crisis I for a 1 Mail and I I 1 j New York J cw ubUrnlOl1 ubt1cn1ion- cfl S 4 AI vIi I Ill ¬ Country Life In AmericaJO- HN BURROUGHS Says 44It is easily the most beautiful publication of the kind that has tOPer appeared tilts country and Is doubtless des- tined to do much towards making our people genuine country YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION 300 Doubleday Page Co lovers P 4 UNION I SQUARE 3 ¬ Six critIc damage were awanlml yrs trnlny by Judge Coxo In tho United State Circuit Court to H S Stone ACo Chicago m lHi hon an n rcwult of n brought them William T for infringement of copyright Mr Kklridft- arirniatwd by Btono- A Co and It an a charity P rfonn np at l on- Xiuinri 3lotlrr- MM Wlmlnw Hdothtnr Srrup for rblldra- l iMnr ol n the gum rfdur lnn mm iloo- kiur wInd colic ll nl r lie ANtirHSON In Mtnllt on Thur l r T- I Ml C pl Itohfrt llAuiloun AnJfrnon ninth t s Intinlrr thr Hubert II savinnali I- KIIUKH VlnnJ r Nor II 1001 uddmlr- Thtunrc Kllmrr r lU r month t bU rMldrnre rat anti t Initrmrnl lS r lof hprlni N V UIMIIALLAI N J no Sund r Nor 10 ties Harare lUtibfook KImball runrrU trrvtrn l All MluUfburrh v IllchUnd- v nation on TurttUf Nov I IMI at IJO I M Tralnlra New York tlloliokf frrrrl- l l llautchutrlit and Illluula paprri pirate ropv- 1CAVITT Sttirtlar Nor IWI l drncr We l Slli t Jo hua nuir l sos of lair llrr Joshua l atltt II II of llruoklfn- Kunrral MrvKf al irttdrorr on Tuesday Nov II SaUl al 10 A U- UWis Al ratvl Vonkrri S V on SalunUr Nov IMI cn ra II H nf Arlliiir N- Umra amid daukt r t she lalf T ol Klrclrldtr- funrrat lu laf al I I U- UATTIIirMKN Al torts u Crtdtr Uarrb I Mil r I MatlUrurn- Ulf u Turtiiai Nu II VH A U llrlalltrt wl lilwdt l v l l- llr hpn4al lina ka itfaM OMial- MaM M M al WA H- IlKV Hill Al WIIW u K MM4ir Nut l lv N alMa br lnttMal M k MM al M- I Mw Aw4MBaMi Wy 0 MI fc TMJt- fc t IMI a4 II J w IN i- lri a M N Y PREFAHATOBY SCHOOL Ml KJWDKIUJAJW- WMl M Mlllll- br MlllrrM- XIMMI ll- F rr i ai- kr raM AjJTI M l ltMfI of macliar cult was pita DZmD aon of late ilI Jndersn of Oil anti t I tIn V reel ISO t trots 55 MilO aft I lM I tMtl U k oW- tI I II III ht 10 Is J t ilild S v 11111 U U I F f IWo jIo tt 111 J too f ot I flU r I J ViI q l UUUf JUMtlJIIMJ- I fI w t t 1 totftf OOLUJUUA tIJta VI tltau- AU V fJT1r r oJ- J 1 S 4 F t rp iorthI a S tee a both nov 0 inch 0 hIs the his lit alt U MsWrs ie a V4lsu Cem sIt N 1 i sis IaI Sssi at iIesisa Iso ss4 Ihe lair J41I aItC iKer 515 55 p at s5 sr4v 5 ICt4- se 0 541 5 a sItiy 0s1sM asiso us us ia 0 i i I ee4 ai CC Is SiC KM ie is4i5 C 4 m- Ia 54 S II 5 SISi ICS 5 cllrvo h4dai- I a 115 I I sss Ms S Ill I aIli is nsial ash ci I414lllUhI sec 54 sa I 0- I us I Nasi aSsM C I eC59 tx r s SW C- a i Me4e a s 0j ii keilNIi I 4uaSNS I- I 4 a Se M C- I ai 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tututr than time shown below Iarccls Ioil malls for 0 r rainy close at P u WcdnMdty per Jteaautlp Caasrt via lumen Regular rind Supplementary malls nose at tot closing time brlow that for Kill and Central America via Colon clou eel hour later at IureUa llriuich- TTIANSATLANTIO MAI1- STUEStlAYAt A M tot ITALY direct per steamship Ururla mali must t per atramthlp Uturla A U for IRELAND Oceanic at 030 A U for direct steamship Sotilhwark mall null be directed per steamship Mouthwa- rkTHUnStAYAt 7 SWITZER ORIICK iiiinisii INDIA an- Kavole 1a Havre mall for other pana of Europe must be litre ltd per aleamsblp La SATUHIMV At I A M for ntnorn per steam luranla via Uuernito 7ii at TA XI for ITALY Olrect tram hlp Mohrnrollem null mum be directed per st am hln lohrn- tollrrnli M 7 A m NKnirHLANDI direct rr strsm hlp Amsterdam malt must re directed team hln Amsierdimij at A M for SCOTLAND per steam- ship imall be directed per steamship Ethiopia PniNTRD HIATTnn rrCThls Steamer takes Pflnted Mailer Oommerrlal and Sam plea for icrmany only The same mull matter tot other parts of Kurop mil not heaent liy her After the rlwlnt nf the Supplementary Trans- Atlantic Main named above Sup Malls are opened on the piers nf American and lirrnun steamers and remain open until within Ten Vllnutr of the hour of salllnt of steamer COR AND CBTTHAL AVIERICA WEST INDIES AC TUESDAY At W A XI XIi caHill Coati Illcal PACIFIC r steam- ship via Colon mall for umlemala- muit b directed per steamship Plaancei- al IJ P VI Isupplemrnlary I3U P MI for LIRYAIII and WINDWAHD ISLANDS and IIHITISII nirrcH and per llnralma mall for Grenada Trinidad mum lie dlrmrd stramsbl- plloralnti at P XI for JAMAICA prr Irsmshtp WrilNTHIiAY- airamthlp Prrlorla at A XI lot INAQVA sod HAITI t rr iramthln Inuni Yrrnon al and IAHAdlAV per Caatlllla- nIrlnrr at II M I HA YUCATAN tAMrmir TAUASCX and tiramthlp Suntan iuitl for other i arti of mult be dlrcricit lram hl Y- urauni at U I M fur JAMAICA t- uaintMp Admiral Xclilry horn ltillailrl M- aTIUlltlJAr Al II VI for NAM rr lrani al i I M for MUJkNO lift atraiuihtp Coiean Irom 1hlladrluMaI- WAV Al llsvi A VI for and HKA71I per lUsHitilu Capri haul lot North tin ira mail b per stramihlp- rmtliAV At A M i for pollTO Him A and 7iKM lr UranMttlpCararu imall CaY anHta sod Caiiacrua maul dlirctrd p r- Slraattklp CaiaiM al i A M lagpMr- rnrtilarv l Jn A M jon I Dim A NA AMILA and CAHrlnRKA lam strait a lp Alene imatl fui t ita Rica mull ur dirrrii4 t r Ales st A VI i iujtl iM lair A VI far HAIrS and HAII1A i i slramtalp al M A M firt CIIIA lallaiaka al VI ftMillKNAliA HllKll- iAII ak4 Ill HAli Hr tnl al Mi U fui XlFXIvfi l lur i4 i i IHI f i I J I M i VIA ASIA hlKVIlAai UIWAItA hANS ausausiiii i visliaarr waM- a frf a J tel i1 j oJ a 1 t lln h j e wr per Qutcnttown i parts of must be directed per Ale I 1 I j II ho A for PPUJtUt1 J Ell LUll umhlp t i mutt 20 1 1 a I 1 h 1 MAILS Tit D CENTRAL AurmtlcA j and IIOUTJt nun I J I I 11Ir l I ltlmI 8110 Admiral I A M I u If for TISr i Ural II 1 1 tAU Iu rl t It I WAil 111 I Alp > A Wit 1sr fAt I till II I- at 0 J frtwtrl I to Jot r to- IaM Wall h Irt r 1t tt i ItI fN tI N 10 of D H- i > 83 I L03 gttnslhip Oceanic sIa i otbvr per hhUdelhl viS N LAiR la Savole 53 flnent bs lists ibtj unles lOl- A Sot Eannarut from liotton At tot per iOi fur rr r shIp tdtn I xtt rot 001 HAL O5 Is Is 5 steaM shI AeSIa4 Sti lilIlco lest isu4 aC4U iiaIi iSa p st S Sal cliii osd p eai 4b5a- 01 U I I 5 T s5 4l 5 Its II 5 I M4Mi55 W a1- 5Mu Is Cptmdsed Is s 1i CrC a S k M4i5d4 5 ii ICiiidaM- Ulqs45 5 5 4 iM 5 iii Ss 0 14 us i T55114 Us- a 1MM k5 aeaa 4 ii I a- is rtLtr u5r- C i I d 5MC illS Mi- l I I S- W1isl sf1- lo 0iCI d 15 as liPa I I Ii iCiC a- ieC bne 15 5 s54 VsaMa 14 iM ICsd S I a- s0eei e 01 i4 S el s 4 5- 4t i Pd i4Ij 4- MaCa 0 S- It L4 5 iC C J L CJ i- a 5- PdC i I- wiI i- c dJ0wS C S s5 a a I 0 F r MSs OS S J Sa 4- ir Iaem 450 1 > ¬ > > > > > < > < >

The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1901-11-12 [p 7]. · Comedy of quality Mreet flange of Generally Kxc llent Amute went on Our State tail Night ... plan for a humorous and sentimental comedy

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r 3W1W iy r c



Comedy of quality Mreetflange of Generally Kxc llent Amutewent on Our State tail Night

The new play at the KnickerbockerTheatre last night couldnt havo got alongvery well without Maudo Adams liecauso-

hirdly any other actresa could lwro inado

Its berolno a delightfully quaint creatureBut imbued with Miss Adamsa oullnrcharm of nature and art which no one

neems to even try to resist James M BarHes Quality Street had no chance to fail

This is not meant to convoy the Idea thatthe author has written weakly To thecontrary ho has dextrously provided a

valuable for nono other than a daintynnd subtle artUt The novelist la not muchof u pool as tho faulty voreo which ho-

Rscrit ei to an ardent lover clearly prowsand it I quoted only to show what kindof a girl was vivid In lila mind

IIIIM her pretty thoufbti her ihouldm

Her smllri ire all forfctmenoti the pathi btr-traaous

Tit tot that do tine U her fanclei walkinground

Tli swcrlly imlllnr lavtnder In whichtnwCJ

Well Miss Adams was that kind of agirl us we first saw her In Quality StreetThe full moaning of tho tltlo WAIl that ft

demure Phnbe nicknamed Kirf ltl livedIn thn polIte street of a quiet English vil-

lage at an early time In tho nineteenthcentury A young physician of the place

lafni Drown had the floral thoughtsof her that ho put Into the rhymes here-

with printed and she In n mood of sweetreciprocity let him klxs tier That wasa brave thing to do In that Spotless Townof prim manners and neighborly watchful-ness and she wouldnt kayo done it If ahahadnt exported ho would ask right tobe her husband Instead he went away-to Napoleonic wars unknowing that abeloved him When we next saw Phxbe abelooked forty years old though only ninehid passed Her ringlets were hiddenumii r an ugly cap her grace was conftrftln In a shapeless gown and her facewas worn with tho cares of schoolteachlngto which poverty had driven her and anolder ilstpr Hot appearance was that

iapW and hopoles old maid That waswhat Vattntine thought when he returnedto Quality street and that was what hbluntly said

The third aspect of Ptittbe was differentfrom the others Having decidedto recover her former lover she put offthe dulness that repelled him and put ontho brilliance that would attract himThere was much more than n change ofclothes from those of dUflRurement to thoseof adornment Her behavior shifted fromdull gloom to bright gayety She assumeda new name too and he did not reeognlzo-the sober spinster of tho schoolroom Inthe merry of tho ball that was givenin honor of the returned soldiers Sheanimated tho occasion In general andVairnlint In particular She thus won hisheart again and after untangling timknot Into which her false pretence hadtied their affair the end was her betrothalThis summary shows that Mr Barriosplan for a humorous and sentimentalcomedy had hon Ingenious Hn hailconstructed and written cleverly too withpleasant result The one damaging faultwas that tho fabric of the onmpotttlonwas stretched In place too much andb ctmn sleazy

If thn making of thn success of thinventure and Its very great success wasproven by the laughter and applausemurt lin apportioned l etwe n tho mithorand th aotrws not than three fourthsof It must Im set down to tier Miss Adams

all thn trait awl mood of thosingular heroine all the strength and weak-ness nf her femininity with that blend-of assumed and actual personality which

road her of all American actretnthe prlnut favorite with her own MX Timwom n were morn insistent than the menIn calling her out at tim ends of morn

than anybody now knowsunlM a count waa behind theHoenes

The M rformnnoe was In symwith tho material used Sydney

liruiiKh d himself worthy ofxrtairn mint Iindou M inaMMillrin-

repr of the i it seruM of whoMia not altogrtiHT manly Thin

eld r l ler of herolnn was xwullily-t r ths mixtaken dlrtvlion of Mr Barrit-plarwl by Helen Ixiwell with glKglei-mirk and oth r conventional nld

ImviiiH tirxMime A changu shouldl MMde a to that Marian AblxMt wan

riuiit ly huniorou as a blunt and forUMmatd Thrw vllUgn R I M-

s iuiiiiui Ira military men luiil-

variMis iliaiMitorUtlns tho roiinand a lent wU ih aalion took c-

inadx a guild mounting of what U a remarkkiily uamt gush Mirrly aixvptnl uontml-

yr llwry Irving and IllUm Terry l jfaiie MiUuk lii Iliouklyn U t night withMtneluiut of Viiilec arid will soak

4ifT tiiafu IINIII il r itmiiury durumi mk Tim atinririol aHliiK by J II

1 4 fur a WMk at llm Harlem OJVIM-

ll Mtliln f that ri MII i

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Scribner to whore acostly show won given at tho

Tony Pastors were Howard undFlorence Bindley anti leroy and

Clayton In aof art awl eitlw

decency were a feature at KelthV andbegan Ills final week

Dorothy Donnelly whoso local popu-larity waa gained through two years ofleadership In the Donnelly stock companynt the Murray Hill now assumed the prin-cipal female In New England Folksat the Fourteenth Street Sho has playedmore parts than any other actress In NowYork within the same time and ofthem well taking into account con-dition The question what she would doafter plenty of tlmo to atudy a rOle madoliar Interesting last eveningShe the discovers latothat of Illegitimate birth Dignity

strongly again She was nnthuil

Mr flthan It was on night No alter-ations have been made In becausethat was excellent front the first but tho

of It Iota been much amendedwere far too words and they

reduced Particularly atbeginning of the act the ver

obscured the merits of thedrama been removed

in Th good character drawing re-mains as Mr createdelement in the piece But this

Now England It is not necessary-to look for thn cnuses but torecord Its popularly positive successTho it HO drag arttheories Into tho matter

YESTKHnAVS VlSCWhitney Tew Heard for the Flrit Time

The Cutellano HrrltatMr WhlUioy Tew nn English basso

gave his first song recital in this city atMendelssohn Hall yesterday afternoonsinging a long list of songs ranging fromBach to Chamlnade He displayed a voiceof neither remarkable beauty nor of greatrange ftc lower tones Lack resonance andmuch of it barytonal In quality soundsbreathy when the singer tries for piano

effects la agility It falls him sadly butis much at its worst when he lapses aa hodid occasionally Into boisterous spurtstile enunciation is decidedly dear andhappily free from ovoraocentuatlon

Tho varied array of composers repre-sented bcspoko Mr Tews versatility butwith the exception of Mozarts Qul Sdogno-non Snccende Handels Ah Mlo Corand Lo Pas dArmoa dti Kol Joan bySaintSaens tho progrninmo containedtho least Interesting eolectlon ponslbleTo represent Bach such a trifle aa Hatmnn semen Kindern from thealleged humorous CorTeo Cantataworse it would bo to neglect him en

arid Brahms must n poor song-writer Indeed which ho isthe only place opposite his name tilled In

Tho loss said of tho LISa Ijohmnnn settingof Tennysons In Memorlani thinmost of not music at nil thn otherquarter In of n hopelessly luau sentimentalsort lde It more lull momentsthan Is reasonable to expect of ono

Why It have had nplace on this or on any pro

a puzzleFor the rest two surprisingly

unlnterofltfne byto wonls Walt Whitman and n wrysentimental song Ix t ls ForgetMauda White which Mr T w th

approwl Fngllsh drawingroommanner for hlmm only encoreAn of songs

FullorMallland the tit Tho-aiidleucn was fair In size but far fromenthusiastic Mr Isldor Iiiickstone ac

lIn the evening at the WaldorfAstoria

Eugenic Ca tollario an pianist whofirst played In this ton years

a o aan unhappy election Scarlatti Sgarnbatl-

artu i ChopinUszt and Tauslg were on

Mine vies ather lx t wherti her lingers had thn

In the of Hcarlatti-

techiifjun am amid tier memoryThe audience was a most a-

pr ciatl e one

nitiiHii inKS iiKiAvrnIt-

nrlillnv fom ani IJielnfrr Na i hailMralJier and high Wlmli Are Ilir CaiueMon tlian five hundrcti Ions of wire for

tlwi i ew LaM Itlver Bridgn cahlH an sialready sloied In tlie shops of llm Juhn A

Ihixhllng Hun Coni any In Kent avenueWllliMiiu burg i iMiinpaiiy lisa latelyiwii rriticiMMl for IU iliUy In startingthn cahl work arid It was aid yertenlaythat rtiiuniliJcatliina lntwwn IKI oflirtala-of ci iii miy and tlm Ithlfio iimiiiln-hlottem lm uB l DUllvn lo its dcluy

Mlllam Illllenbramli chiefiiKiitxer for llw uiii aiiyMli yralcrday-

Wn an l lilnil In our rahlnhut It HHikt iiiMlnnrfiMid that It laUtMum lo Itiilld WMII a Hii etnwium-Many M IM U IH I In i ii lii r listthai atlier at liium Kivallywith t ur ori I r i t wioks tn IJHM-volfily UK n u a HUld wire fui ItsiiblM Illieli MU lii iimln IM-

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Maine Folk More Partial to Beasts FromOther Countrln 80 Were irttlnc theFinest Pair of Caribou In Captivity

Palatial Monkey house Nearly Ready

Director William T Honuday of thoNow York Zoological Park got back froma trip down Eat yesterday with glowingaccounts of a now lot of animate hepurchased at Brunswick Me for the parkThere are flve carloads In the lot and theywill arrive next week from Merry MeetingHay where for several years they haveboon the chief attraction of another parkTho anlmaU or most of them are commonto the Maine woods HO ore not enough ofa novelty for the Maine folks Tho MerryMeeting Park managers are going to stockup with snakes and monkeys which arecuriosities down Kant and so they conentod to Bell their mooto and caribouto New York

Several of the animals in the lot justpurchased by Mr were on exhi-bition here at last years HnorUmensShow Tho director of tho New YorkZoologiyal Park tried to buy them thenbut they were not for tale He askedtheir owners however to give him thofirst chance at them so ho was sent fortho other day to go to Brunswick and takehis pick Ho bought up the whole MerryMooting outfit In speaking of hk latestacquisition yesterday Director Hornaday

They am all hardy North Americanthat have been brought up carea cold vigorous climate Their

development has been perfectly naturaltoe them and tho are the hardiest and

tBecause of their and

than because of their kind theywill be a valuable addition to ourcollection York

The caribou has been the most difficultanimal to keep In captivity In this climatelln Is the most his whole fam-ily to In food and

In this collection from Brunswickwo havo got a most pair of cari-bou a 6 years old a female-S old It most unusual to findcaribou of those in captivity hut theseare in as condition an were Intheir natural states They ere bothat the we triedto them then I do lint think thatthere to another caribou 5 year old Incaptivity In this country

lot are threebuffaloes a bull a cow nnd a calf throe

threeyearoldtwo hears three big

gray ilmbor trolvwi two of themand the finest that Mr Hornaday eversaw one ocelot ono red fox onefox a cross between a red and athroe raccoons three porcupines rind a lotof wild water birds

Tim new primates bouts in thePark ready for occupancyanimals and open to tho on

Doe 1 Primates Is Just theway of caring Director

associates at theare resigned to It called monkeyhouse for generations to come

they are work for thePrimates will lx engraved-

in time Mono over every entrance-It U the first of a of buildings that

and subtropical an I

tho name onler whichIncludes thin monkeys and

Tliew beasts are to havea luxurious establishment up In Bronxafter Dec 1 There are to acoummoda

for JSO of them The ground plan oftho house the cagearrangements are entirely new and liraUvwl on Director own studiesof tim primates In their natural state andIII of

is clawlo Thin building Is on story highs187 feet and front 23 to 74according to the width of the outdoor o gThins building materials am bun brick graygranite limestonecotta slate and interior-is divided Into three puro fl-

nf maintaining more onto temperatureat thin Mine time

of the animalsTho monkejs wild

live In I ho am sill NewWorld monkevM Thisand l mun the Old World will iKcupy-tho main or central ball timid thni lint U rlilinimimw-cibbons and gorillas ulll IDI

There to one lsckixla maiM of tropical plmits II will

n lot nf wirne particu-larly rare linmUTs of the genii Hrmno-fiifArrtia This JilliKl I 21 f M IIIIIK10 fWt ttlilu niiil II f el high Fi r the n t-

o tli JVi primali then am two triplewall C K nine

wall fnii and i eniyi u fttxir K-

TlieiK tll a iiiuiiktiyii Kiimii InKMie H iHilliiHHIllif iiutilixtr rage

hit that all lh UaM run go nut In K d-

Hlll II l I HIHtHIS IAltliN-

rM lurk ml Iurl hester llallruai-lr urnl li l a r II Murrls

Tint Mult IUilr Mil I itHfHUwttiii iidllmmlail llm rlfili AVHNIM HiHxl yitilfiiUy llnl-

irMlUtlC vt tie ij44tillu lle Nnw Vmk

aMid M i

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best animals cap-tivity


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In most of the uptown hotels and in theclubs on Saturday night the scores of theslays football games muchattention as do the tickers on tho nights ofbig prizefights There has been such ashifting around of the comparative rat-

Ings of tho various college elevens thisyear that oven tho wise men admit thatthey are all at sea whim It comet to pickinga team on the form thus fardisplayed Ono of tho best known foot

men of his time said at tho UniversityClub 8omo of the best gameshave been hereto-fore were not considered strong enough-to give the scrub teams

n proper game Pennsylvaniawhich once was abig four of football has a down

or moro on tho list and Syracusewhich has only recently beenfootball now ono of the fastestIn tho Neither Princeton

much stronger than oneof six or eight as to affordto a Loose game against themFrom the showing bepossible to a at

the best football elevens In whichtho teams would bo evenly matchedNever In the history of game hiss therebeen so In it aa fall

If Luthei n Marsh had not devotedhimself to spiritualism in his old age it isnot Improbable that the dinner whichwas given to him in Middletown on Sat-urday In honor of his ninetieth birthdaymight have occurred here in New Yorkunder the auspices of the Bar AssociationBomo of his old friends did Journey-to to do himla no other man today whose careertune back In history aa doesthat of Mr Marsh Ho was a partner-of Daniel Webster who to agothat there are few men ever sawhim When the DIss Da liar womanobtained control of Mr Marsh a dozenyears because of her alleged poweraa a medium of the messagestho world which she secured for him

signed Daniel Websterin ornamental and fre-

quently they were ungrammatical Mrnot think be

cause were In meaning Hoshowed them to such or his aslisten to huts talk on this subject aa con-clusive evidence of thin mediumEven whim tho Bar Association HoppedIn to him from tim Dlsuwomans avaricious swindling Mr Marsh

and possiblywas bad In aomo ways tenaciously-to hiH spirit hothat are genuine

For the past dozen years Mid a Chicagoman I haves Linen coming to New Yorkwithout having purchased any gold bricksor meeting any bunco men but I had anexperience this morning that has sadlyslip ken my confidence I went Into a

In a downtown hotel to get a hair cutWhere did you have your hair cut

Inst luked the as I downIn Chicago said I unsuspectinglyI thought MO he replied I have seen

a numl er of hueh cases from thenWhat do you mean said I

U in very bad shapeNorm of our regular customers hns awalp an that use lucre a tonic thaturea It and If you dont object I will putseine on

When he lurid flninhed vth my hnlr andI Mid I slid not want a shave examinedmy neck

Shave yourselfYesI thought to and I can that It l a

sore collar rubs I cantthat with another preparation If you

dont mind1 wan so pleased with his attention that

I decided a quarter When Igot out of the chair handedme two tattle all wrapped up and a cheekfor 3so-

Whats all thl said IWhy I had to two one

the balance is fur yourshave

I was o dated that I paid the cheekarid Mumbled out Into where I

d Ixitlles on the radiator-It wa i clear of every-man to whom I have started toStory hiss d me with the namn-nf barber shop That Is tho regulareanin In Ihl I haventto get any sympathy from one Wodo things In Chicagobut wo never vl llofM aroer-Hluipw In fashion

When Iliiiry Hurt win In full control nfthe TIJnl Avtwi ItnJlmsid It V OM frwjuiiitly-hf Mary to wrvf I IKTH on him In vnrlotiMill and f he io lot of lawyer now whorun loll luloriKtliiK lorie n nf the w yn Inwhich Mr Hurt dcxlRisJ hens whetlaw cle rki lli y nr to M rvn-hi n In HUH cifTI i hut had ninny smelluiii th ml dent

M was thin itiHloni ta linnk in gnon clerkIn thin fnhlon Fn iur titly lliiiy wouldIH inw j ik ilifiBt for Mi Hurtwas alHny on Hit ajVrt for Uw rinksDIM uiif IIMIII li h from law HMIHInfl T wHlinK two In un effort lo tTMr lIar fussily IrmiM In hUtfn i niiii down In ilw-

waltliiic rixiin WKI ailxMil noon Mr Hurt

K He slut l ul Nkn tie l ukiklaliint l the

iluur ainl rUlfc ittlM J luitili lln-

irtwl I i brllm tie ufTW-In IKIP lrfHi Its thus i ant lu

HUM Its Mr HJD MjuwiiMieii y-

Mvtra1 UMri li i u til alile Uxuf lie 4t t iwxle a nili wr lieN

Mr liens r ni Itaik IM tlw andsusIe fwf ll MWM fill

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THE CRISISis still the best selling book in the United States and perhaps in the world Forone reason It Is the best story and the most exquisitely told and for aqother itgives us that Interrelation of American history that we so much need and thatinner light on the life of our great men which no one now would be without

Recognizing the fact that the book is destined to increase its popularity fromnow on the publishers are putting on the market a special holiday edition with a por-

trait of the author never before published and reproduced in photogravure And thisedition will be sold at the same price as the other 150 net by the booksellers-

By VINSTON CHURCHILL author of Richard Carvel The Celebrity etc WithIllustrations by HOWARD CHANDLER CHRISTV nmo cloth

Holiday Edition with portrait in a special box 5150 net

preunts the In our rational life with A book every American should know It teaches himsplendid power and with a sympathy sincerity and a patriot anew to fevere the memory the men to whom this nation owesism that are Inspiring TIll Trtbunr Chicago its continued existence The rprtti New York

The Benefactressi-s another new novel which is worth reading It is perhaps the only workof fiction of real humor published during the past year Cloth 150

you hive the taste to know what real entertainment Is you will find It here THE SUN New York


lItl ubUcltt1a I T


t r





iOCA book that geal crisis


fora 1

Mail andI I



New York

J cw ubUrnlOl1 ubt1cn1ion-cfl S 4 AI





Country LifeIn AmericaJO-

HN BURROUGHS Says44It is easily the most beautiful publication of the kind

that has tOPer appeared tilts country and Is doubtless des-

tined to do much towards making our people genuinecountry





Six critIc damage were awanlml yrstrnlny by Judge Coxo In tho United StateCircuit Court to H S Stone ACo Chicagom lHi hon an n rcwult of n brought

them William T forinfringement of copyright Mr Kklridft-arirniatwd by Btono-A Co and It an a charityP rfonn np at l on-

Xiuinri 3lotlrr-MM Wlmlnw Hdothtnr Srrup for rblldra-

l iMnr ol n the gum rfdur lnn mm iloo-

kiur wInd colic ll nl r lie

ANtirHSON In Mtnllt on Thur l r T-

I Ml C pl Itohfrt llAuiloun AnJfrnon nintht s Intinlrr thr Hubert II

savinnali I-

KIIUKH VlnnJ r Nor II 1001 uddmlr-Thtunrc Kllmrr r l U r month

t bU rMldrnre rat anti t

Initrmrnl l S r lof hprlni N V

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ties Harare lUtibfook KImballrunrrU trrvtrn l All MluUfburrh


v nation on TurttUf Nov I IMI at IJOI M Tralnlra New York tlloliokf frrrrl-l l llautchutrlit and Illluula paprripirate ropv-

1CAVITT Sttirtlar Nor IWI l

drncr We l Slli t Jo hua nuir l sosof lair llrr Joshua l atltt II II ofllruoklfn-

Kunrral MrvKf al irttdrorr on TuesdayNov II SaUl al 10 A U-

UWis Al ratvl Vonkrri S V on SalunUrNov IMI cn ra II H nf Arlliiir N-

Umra amid daukt r t she lalf T

ol Klrclrldtr-funrrat lu laf al I I U-

UATTIIirMKN Al torts u Crtdtr Uarrb IMil r I MatlUrurn-

Ulf u Turtiiai Nu II VH

A U llrlalltrt wl lilwdt l v l l-

llr hpn4al lina ka itfaM OMial-MaM M M al W A H-

IlKV Hill Al WIIW u K MM4irNut l lv N alMa

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itnuiffl rmiiUs

OSTRICH FEATHERSFirstc-lass experienced scwets on Plumes andBoas Highest prices ROSENSHINrJBROS 31 East toth St

tiOOKrOLDERS hsndt couple ofnell to team Tl John st-

POOKIIIPiDEnVEliierlenced hand folderswanted on printed work OKORGR MrRIUUINA NUN Park St nest fIr Uuane and Centre su-

IIItLS fur work on mrtsl trimmings noeipenenc required SIXIdN ZINN TO lludw M-

UltUltrLLAS Tipper on silk umbrella AL-

T iTliTKULAS Hand on 4lk umTfriUi whorun their own work ALUSON I VIKUN OilUroadway

etprrlcnred hookkeeper double arid

Jonujtic tannil-

If HAST D STCall t Mail ft

slits I SKKIV-

vrillCTLV INVCSTIUAT-Kt5rrr brraklot enrsffmrnti will M dl

missed van and all claims M letpaM

limoklrn 14 Nerlm it-

TTullIJKUUAIIIS ITU In Klaundirt waltrewra kllclirnmaldt SO ruuVawho and Iron laundrrwe who tlo rlianitirrwork freneh slid Oerman llermaa trencharid Itnrllih lidk maid second and Iblrdmrn Mrtanli In all wanted IminrdUtrl

lID ll rail IM st-nmnklyii eSter II Kevins at

IIIAllliniMAIII ANII WAITIirsS to fo 19-

NnrMalk oaira III rereirnret requitedVlri I KCELY l st

TOOK lu la Wasbliiflun l i I also i Lainbrmialil siwj laundirai waltrtM loutf gridrnrw mjulir Mrs I HKfIY I East 14 si-

IVKIK AMI LAlMliIlM In r l tliremrlrli-Cullll I M M I UUII 1

Wit I KMY rUit IM si-

iWlK Attic IA SnUrjW lu I Hf

u In rtlfr su N 1 11 small m-

I aV MMMT saiM a silii tar H ale UwH-rIklr u

Ui MillfMaijH if l irv J irvifc-riajatYM U III MM o

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IlnoPllpayj Fablf Oiyn Tablti Pcpri-t PIATT GIll av-

Soit Office 3Jotl


Should he read DAILY br all Intcrtitrd atcbanrta roar occur at any time

maul tor the week ending Korttnbtr16 IDOl will close In eases atthe Gcoeral holt Office lollowi PARCBld-IOTT VIAILS close on hour tututr thantime shown below Iarccls Ioil malls for 0 rrainy close at P u WcdnMdty per JteaautlpCaasrt via lumen

Regular rind Supplementary malls nose at totclosing time

brlow that for Killand Central America via Colon clou eel

hour later at IureUa llriuich-


steamship Ururla mali must tper atramthlp Uturla


Oceanic at 030 A U for

direct steamship Sotilhwark mall nullbe directed per steamship Mouthwa-


ORIICK iiiinisii INDIA an-

Kavole 1a Havre mall for other pana ofEurope must be litre ltd per aleamsblp La

SATUHIMV At I A M for ntnorn per steamluranla via Uuernito 7ii at T A XI for

ITALY Olrect tram hlp Mohrnrollemnull mum be directed per st am hln lohrn-

tollrrnli M 7 A m NKnirHLANDIdirect rr strsm hlp Amsterdam malt mustr e directed team hln Amsierdimijat A M for SCOTLAND per steam-ship imall be directed persteamship Ethiopia

PniNTRD HIATTnn rrCThls Steamer takesPflnted Mailer Oommerrlal and Samplea for icrmany only The samemull matter tot other parts of Kurop milnot heaentliy her

After the rlwlnt nf the Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Main named above Sup

Malls are opened on the piersnf American and lirrnunsteamers and remain open until within TenVllnutr of the hour of salllnt of steamer


TUESDAY At W A XIXIi caHill Coati

Illcal PACIFIC r steam-ship via Colon mall for umlemala-muit b directed per steamship Plaancei-al IJ P VI Isupplemrnlary I3U P MI forLIRYAIII and WINDWAHD ISLANDS andIIHITISII nirrcH andper llnralma mall for Grenada

Trinidad mum lie dlrmrd stramsbl-plloralnti at P XI for JAMAICA prrIrsmshtp

WrilNTHIiAY-airamthlp Prrlorla at A XI lot INAQVAsod HAITI t rr iramthln Inuni Yrrnon aland IAHAdlAV per Caatlllla-nIrlnrr at II M I HA YUCATANtAMrmir TAUASCX andtiramthlp Suntan iuitl for other i arti of

mult be dlrcricit lram hl Y-urauni at U I M fur JAMAICA t-

uaintMp Admiral Xclilry horn ltillailrl M-aTIUlltlJAr Al II VI for NAM rr lrani

al i I M for MUJkNOlift atraiuihtp Coiean Irom 1hlladrluMaI-

WAV Al llsvi A VI for andHKA71I per lUsHitilu Capri haul lot Northtin ira mail b per stramihlp-

rmtliAV At AM i for pollTO Him A and7iKM lr UranMttlpCararu imall CaYanHta sod Caiiacrua maul dlirctrd p r-

Slraattklp CaiaiM al i A M lagpMr-rnrtilarv l Jn A M jon I Dim

A NA AMILA and CAHrlnRKAlam strait a lp Alene imatl fui t ita Rica mullur dirrrii4 t r Ales stA VI i iujtl iM lair A VI far HAIrSand HAII1A i i slramtalpal M A M firt CIIIAlallaiaka al VI ftMillKNAliA HllKll-

iAII ak4 Ill HAli Hr tnlal Mi U fui XlFXIvfi l

lur i4 i i IHI fi I J I M i VIA ASIAhlKVIlAai UIWAItA hANSausausiiii i visliaarr waM-

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