4T w 4 i r r w z VUeF 1 b t nTh I 1 VOL LNO 98 NEW YORK THURSDAY DECEMBER 7 1882 PRICE TWO CENTS VENUS ON TIlE SUNS DISK TJTK atlKAT CKLKSTIAT SMSCTACTJC SUCCESSFULLY OISEIl D I Bcantiral Hicht U the Akr nt which Thou and Uasied The Mplrndld Appearance that Venus Made Heeulte f the Work that waa home at the Observatories Inhabitant of this onrth wilt not BOO n transit of Venus Main unti tho year 2001 Those who through elasncs and tho telescopes street oxhlbltors cauRhtaellmppo of tho circular black spot that slowly crossed tho lower portion ot tho suns disk yesterday tfltnoasod ono of tho rarest and most Impor- tant ¬ of astronomical ovontan event that wai looked forward to occurrence was predicted by astronomera more than hundred your ago For moro than 0 hundred years to come school children as they con their lessons in all tho languages of civilized man will strive to remember facts and figures batted upon yeR tordays trnrmlt of Venus and teamed moo will refer to it as tbo foundation ot 1 many calculations and tho means of solv- ing ¬ many puzzling questions lu short it will play 0 most important part in tho science of tho coming century Tho preparations for this groat astronomical ovont ntid tho manner in which the observations of it went conducted woro commensurate with Its Importance and Us rarity Hundreds of thou eandsot dolarswcro spent inproporlng instrti- incuts expeditions to different parts of tho world and tho finest skill and best earnlnl tho world affords woro enlstt1ln tho make tho slocossful- Yot on Tuesday night it looked a though nil this labor and expense might pro o to hno bon wasted in this quarter of tho world at for I large portion of tho United Status was shadowed with thick clouds and rain and snow woro falling upon tho roofs of tho ob- servatories If tho clouds did not clear away yesterday so that the sun could b soon tim astronomers know that labor of years would bo lost and thoro would bo no opportunity to retrieve- it for 132 years to come Many spent I sleep- less ¬ night going to doors and windows at frequent intervals to see whether there was yet any promise of clear weather Hut the rain poured down until almost sunrise If it kept- on thus a few hours longer tho beginning of tho transit could not bo soon Tho Signal Service men could give the distressed astrono- mers ¬ no encouragement Al their reports indicated clouds and There scored barely a spark of hope loft and some in this city and Its neighborhood gave up ni hope and tried to resign themselves to fated C6 tatnty that the great transit would take placo bidden behind clouds But after all the rain ceased before daybreak and although tho sun in bank of clouds It soon burst through roe 0 them and shono brightly at intervals I nil the anxious astronomers scattered over tho country could have been within sight and hearing of one another at that moment and have behold tho joy that shono in one anothers faces three hearty astronomical cheers with a lively tiger would no doubt have shaken the observatories until tho telescopes danced Yet tho sky was not by any means clear Long rows of singular looking clouds wero stretched across tho heavens In nearly an east and west direction and those passed in succession over I tho sun preventing for many minutes together- any clear and distinct observation of its sur- face ¬ Even the spaces between those logl tudlnal clouds were not perfectly clear but woro moro or less filled up with thin patches of haze and streaks and bunches of cirrus clouds mares tails and mackerel scales Ac coidtne to tho predictions of Ifto astronomers Venus would b soon touching tho loworlet edge of tho sun at about eight minutes after 9 oclock Now York time At that hour the sun entered ono of tha gaps between the rows of clouds and its disk was seen pretty clearly defined Observers aimed their tele scopes upon tho critical point and held their breath at least those who had not been bred in observatories did for to thorn it seemed hardly credible that such 0 prediction clllbof- uUled almost smacked of I re art thlt men should thus presume to foretell years In advance and write down in books a tho minute when 1 black circle would bo seen r encroaching upon the shining edge of the sun Bt But while those who half doubted and those Who feared that there might halo been some mistake wore revolving these things in their I minds bholdllt I was there It mado tho un t prnctced obsoror start with a feeling half of awe see I black perfectly don nod line sud- denly S miLo its appearance on the very edge of the sun which 0 second before had been as r bright and cleanly curved as tho ode of a- round golden mirror But there was tho black- S line sham and distinct nt the very place whore tho astronomers had said It would 1 bn L In tho traction of a second it wa ° i no longer a hue but a smoothlv rounded black notch In the edgo of tho sun Tho first contact had taken 0 placo and Venus was fast swinging Into linn bulncon tho earth und tho sun rho black k notch deepened Its curve was as per feet Is outline as sharp as tho Imagination could conceive As it grew deeper and deeper there presently burst into sight a marvellously beautiful phe- nomenon ¬ The atmosphere of the planet had caught the on Its outer edge and bunt them round so that It became vIslWo as a beautiful half circle of light rue sicli was almost Indescribable and overjbodywho am it uttered exclamation of admiration Half the 1 planets body was between tho ore of the observer and the sun making a deep black tin suns edge the other half Hcnlol11 being the suns disk vas Invisible- but around lu unseen edge shining against tho sky and arching ralnliovllko across the black gap In tho suns edge was an are of silvery light Somo observers who wore favorpd with very clear gkles saw I yet moro beimtlfu sight To tlinin that whole portion of Venuss disk which had not yet entered upon the suns face appeared Illuminated within tho arc of likht by I faint glow presenting such an ap peamnco as the new moon does when the un illuminated portion visibly reflects back UK light poured upn I from tho continents and oceans of the eirth In about twenty minutes this black body the planet hail iiissod completely within the edge of the sun anti then some of the observers vw with varying degrees of distinctness tho curious phenomenon known ns the black drop As the outer edge of the planet D slowly withdrew from its apparent contac with tho Inner edge of tho sun in ntcad of separating sharply and clearly- the two edges appeared to remain oonnoetm for AOIorl seconds by a black or gray llgi best telescopes and those situ sled In places wheie the atmosphere Was steady did not show much of the black drop but with poorer glasses and unsteady air It WR moro tioublesomo This phenome- non which greatly bothered tho observers of tint eighteenth century has been explained on opt icai grounds and has In fact been fairly vvo- llinltutud in oxperiincutswlth artlllclal transits contrived fortralnlngobsnrvorsso that gIves less trouble now Homo observers yesterday tact tone little trice of the black drop After tho planet had passed fully within tho suns disk I or second Nmtalt us It is titchni- ailly called had taken place the sight was hardly less beautiful DitTcreni ttpnctnlnragn different Impressions It Tosomu It appear cd like a perfectly round black hole In the fun others compared it to a little black bill llont- Ini p In a kottlo of whitehot molten Iron Hut Ni to lltoHii who reflected upon tho real I slfiiin- cimco of the phenomenon It shod n hood of light upon tho structure of wonderful lam fly of worlds to which tho earth belongs Tho- aw in the black circle that Roomed to distinct S against tho sun a Planet which in IIUrdllnglA- rOiulnr ni course of revolution had ri tho ninth and this sun anil hrjlm- unlllumlnatcd on the side tttrnnd toward earth because tho sun could not shine upon that Hfdti prusontod the nppenrancu ot u blue circle To such observers it was a world In Bllhotictto world too that In size In lie succession of Its seasons and in many other A partlculHrHcIo lyrcS8mblos the world In which- we live There Is no mystery whatever about u 4 transit of Venus and nothing which any per- son lot of avoraju capacity and Intolllgnnco can- not understand To UInrstlndi It Is only necessary to recollect system I II made up of the sun nn enormous globe In an IncandoncHnt condition which occupies tue centre and night 1lnnlII very touch smaller I n than time sun not lIke it In a Dcry condition which revolve arnnmt I- tI As I I F the orbit or paths of those planota around the Run are not very greatly Inclined to oich thor but oil lie pretty near thn same plane I It la tear that at times the planets which are near oR t ttij sun must como directly between that and the J planets that are further away and In such case must appear as seen from the outor planets to pass Ilko black balls or circles heroes tho shining taco or disk of tho sun Venus Is nearer tho sun than the earth is and onscnuently at certain Intervals which as trolOOrl with tho aid of niatbtMitatlcfl If to determine Vonus must bo 8NI from tho rutth parsing across tho Site was thus ROUU vnsterdiy and tutu will not ho Keen In that position iigaln dur log lie wholo couito of the coming century Tim great value of I transit of Venus to nn ronoinerH is that It furnishes Otto of tho best means they have of determining thn suna dls uncu In miles and from that nil other dls nncjsnnddlmfinHlons In the hulnrsvstem to lelsuro anti weight that system with its con and Its circling worlds The matho- nattcul principles upon which tho astronomers proceed In utilizing n transit ot Venus for the lurposu of determining tho suns distance iro at bottom ns simple us those by which n surveyor mejHUrns tho distance of timmy objoct which ho cannot ronch principles depending upon certain proportion of angles which aru fully explained In school text books ll Is tot the pttrpiiso of getting iho lemilrcdiinglcM accuuitoly measured that tho astronomers limo the Instant ol contacts be- tween ¬ the edges of Venus antI the sun tako pliotogrtiplmKliowing the placo which Venus occupies upon thu pun ut nxud moments and moasttie with mlciomotrleiil iippnrntustho va- rying ¬ distance between the centres of Venua and the suit during 0 transi In order to on tain what tile n base line ob- servers ¬ lr sent Into the southern homlnpliero and their measurements are combined with those made by tho observers tie north- ern ¬ hemisphere then the mathematicians tire tibIa to deduce from the two sets of measures tho value of the angles by which the suns dis- tance ¬ can bo calcllntl fo give un Idea of tho oxtremo measurements which wero thus attempted yesterday it may bo said that tho uncertaInty In tho old measures of thu importiintitnglo called tho suns parallax upon which its distance depends amounts only to about the angle that would bo mibtomlod by tho thickness of a hair suspended over tho middle ol the Enit llhcr tied viewed from ono of tho lowers of the meat bridge An ito plnnet slowly closed tho sun keep ¬ ing near lie lower ode thousands of ihirsoni stared at It with mmikml and colored glasses and several men who set up small telcsejpes In tile streets and parks of tho city reaped a rich harvest dimes from persons who crowded about them eager for a qlanco nt the strnlo- slcctalllln thu sky Alter thn first tacts were ovor tho observers devoted their attention to studying tho appearance of tho 1 planet and searching for any possible satellite that might bo seen Bccomtiinylnjr It across tIm sun SOIIIH noticed light spots on tho dark orb of Venus which they wero Inclined to aserlba to some peculiarity In the physical condition of tho 1 planet though It IB moro likely that they wero merelyoJtcallu6- 10no ¬ Irof Young of watch for tho supposed satellite but saw none Tho observations at Princeton were very elab- orate ¬ and Interesting and attended with a good decree of succe Including the students In Prof Youngs class In astronomy who assisted enthusiastically in the work there were about twonlyobsetvers and twelve instruments were in use Prof Young himself observed the transIt In the big blue dome of tho new ob- servatory ¬ with the monster equatorial a ole scope second In size only to that at Viashlnc ton Icrchcd In his observing chair which was swung half way to tho lofty ceIling with a gray cap drawn over his head and his keen eye at the eye piece he noted tho contact and then piled the powers of Iho- Soctroscopo in the effort to learn somethlngof Venuss atmosphere ills obser- vations ¬ and those of his assistants showed plainly tho lines indicating tho presence of watery vapor In tho atmosnnero of the planet Some other unknown lines were noticed tho naturo of which romulus to be explained Com pleto measures of tho planets diameter wore made with both Slur and doubleImago mi- crometers ¬ Prof Youngs record of the times of the contacts reduced to Washington time Is as follows First 8 hours55 minutes sec- onds ¬ second 91618 third 1928 fourth 30014 The photographic work at Princeton was oiiually successful 188 photographs being taken most of which aro excellent although BO me were affected by clouds All the contacts wore about one minute later than the computed times Irof Young thinks tho observations probably exceed In accuracy those made in 1874 Mr S V YVIiltv the Wall street astronomer observed tho transit from his observatory at 210 Columbia Uelbt Brooklyn Prof J K I fndouocossfulobonUons wuh a telcscopo derrick to tho top of the unfinished observatory ol Columbia College OBSCBVATIOXS I WASHINGTON WASHINGTON Dee GTho lawns and sloping grounds at the Naval Observatory were cleared away this morning like tho deck of n frigits for action A long rakish object like a six- pounderon a tripod was brought out of tho building and seemingly brought tn bear on the Capitol This was the liveInch telescope- and it was polished so brightly that Prof Hark ness could have seen his lace In Its brass mountings had he not been so picnccuplud UK t to forget that he hail a face A moro slondor and smaller instrument was placed on tho bluff just above tho revtomsc anti was sighted seemingly so us to swoop tho flats und by 11 little elevation to got in range of the sinful but omptv guns- of Fort Meyer across thu river Thin was tho threeInch telescope through which bv means of n hole about ns large BS the eye of a nocdlo 3Ir Itod ors expected to sweep the sun with his keen anti accustomed eyo from time to tIme during tho tiny lhol tho electric chronograph began Its work a mstorlout and awepro ¬ ducing Instrument trced out lines with lIttle loops In thorn on paper and kept it up ceaselessly and solemnly without visible cause of motion To thn eye of Mr Rodgers theso mysterIous tracings seemed to have great in- terest ¬ and to be related In some peculiar way tn tho threeinch telescope and to thn opera- tions ¬ that wero going on In the building that looked like a shooting gallery A nervous man in a faded skull cap with a Morse instrument in ono hand nmll electric chronometer in the other hlmsol as the guardian of these Tn him the mysterIous tracings whom compared- with tho chronometer seemed to bo lines of beauty of which the jjggod indentations woro the double curves It was not well to approach the nervous gentleman Ho was getting ready to measure the hundredth parts of a second and a breath or a whisper might put him sev oral hundredths out of his reckoning This would Imve been bad as It might havo In- ereasol ¬ or lessoned tho dIstance to the sun by- a couple of millions of wiles or thereauouts In trout of the long building that looked like I shooting gallery Mr llodgurs had set up a couple of glasses at right tingles to each outer and to these worn attached complicated and huge clockwork thriebegan 1 ceaseless ticking anti kept Iho glasses In range of the bun At the other end of the hootnl gallery was a a dark room whence odor of chemicals and in which wow glass plates and sundry other contrivances so dullciitn that If you breathed on them you might spoil the prepara- tions ¬ of weeks and make the work of I the Naval Observatory a failure Horn Mr Joduof ex- pected ¬ to capture a half hundred less photograph < if the 8uns face with Venus like it black dot sailing ovor it The photograph gallery by wires was connected with the Instru- ments ¬ that the nervous man hold so that tho little recorders oull toil tho nxact hundredth- part of a second which the phototrrnphB worn taken Meanwhile tho groat dome parted and tho bald and glassy trout of tho biggest telescope In America slowly forced itself through and seemed to bn preparing for vigorous acton I swayed slowly and gracefully up like the movements of any monster that is carefully balanced on a inn n point and ii null y having got into a position whore the sun Eeomflellahinlntrdovui into it was stopped and thctrettt done lltselfbegnntnmove carriingthot- oleucopo with it >n that It might constantly lirMiron tho orb of day for the next six hour Tliero was a rift in tha old dome and thin saucy form ot a nineInch telescope forced Itself through the opening and got its range The astronomers were busy hut calm Shortly before 9 oclock tho obsoiveis took their stations 1rof Frisbee wearing a fatted green skullcap slid Pinto the reclining chair under the grout telescope and was slowly ele- vated ¬ to tho point whlre he could bring thn retina of his eye anti Venus and the sun in line anti burled his head amid the screws antI machinery at the end of tho monster telescope Hu held up his hand and the groit room was so still you could hear the solemn clicking of the great machinery of the telescope accom- panied ¬ In shorter but liat monlc rhythm by tho ticking of tho sidereal cock lie ready comes In mum d tones front the Reims pegs and othor puruphornalla at the end of tho telescope Thu assistant fixes his oyo on tho second- hand ofjthe sidereal clock Jle his nlreltygot- the hour and minute hand noted slugs out the Piufesbor and tho assistants pencil dots down illS second Onco moro says the Professor and another observation is made of tIm time Then all Is silent for a mo- ment ¬ The Professor seR on the mirror within the telescope a llttlo black l boad slowlygrowlng larger anti dnitlnr tInt lower edge of tutu itiiiB- Aurfaci This is Vonus Hlio camu on line anti this Professor shouted Her unit line just touched that of tho sun Ha thou waited for tho Instant when tho planet should have lie second contact thn first having been at bb 6Gm 45s By anti by there was a sharp crack as though the sun had sent A llerr bolt through tho telescope right Into the curious eye of the observer ihy Lie way the ob orver jumped be soemod to Uiol it would n bo well to got out of tho way It was found that tho object glass of tho smaller telescope ranged large ono had concentrated HO much heat on lie eyeglass an to break It Tho as- sistant ¬ at once fastened I pasteboard covering with a small hole In It over the object glass to prevent such concentration of heat mid then wont on with his observations Thcro was no time to put In n now ono Tho 20Inch object glass of the big telescope had boon protected from the first otherwise It would tao con contratml bent enough In n fow have crititntcd Prof 1rlsby btmilar observations were going on outside Mr Hodger thrust plntcn through tho comr tho suns Imago on tho wits shot through tho shooting gallery printed on tho tilde and recorded by the nervous mans Instruments Mr Itodgers was delighted with lie splnndld photographs that worn l being taken Tho dullcato instru- ments ¬ tho 1 plumb I line tho clock work and countless anti dollcatoinstruments wero making record of matters going on mil- lions ¬ I of miles away lr1oler slid his plates- in 61 times with good result s Between astronomers ro- tlrud to ijulot rooms and figured anti made careful notes of their llgures On tho whole they wore fairly well lt fed with tho results After the last contact telescope was brought buck groaning with Its own weight Into its usual position and Its great Ions was eM with a huge cover antI it was llci away for n long rust The rifts in the big nod litllo dnmo woro closed tho luMsh looking instruments carried back to cover tho tIreless clicking of the dirt logtupha was stopped und tho shoot- ing ¬ gallery fsliut up By anti by a big tombIIko bitiloli ugh will bo built tumid i In it wilt bo t placed under loci and key thin priceless records of todays observations This wlllbn for safe and long keeping Tho building will bo placed beside tun one built to prcerno tim records tIn nboervntlon of the transit In 1874 When Prof Frlsby noted Iho fourth contact anti from his porch In the big damn of fun Naval Observatory ho said with evident slltsfnctol anti confidence My observations successful moro successful than I lad oxpnctod A few minutes later ho an- nounced ¬ tho following observations The lust contact occurred at 8 oclock 50 minutes anti 45sI00ul Washington time second contact mlnutslnI911coutR third eon ¬ ocok 1 f 7 seconds fourth nntact 3 oclock S8 minutes anti 55 seconds According to these observations tho line of tim transit was six hours two minutes und ton second In response to iltiestlnns Prof Frlstiy said his observations worn accurate Iho definition of tho first con- tact ¬ In time morning was sharp but somewhat faint owing tnanllKhtly clouded sky The second contact said Prof Frlsby was nothing but what ho called a pure geometrical contact Thcro was nothing nt all of what some astron- omers ¬ call a black drop Tho third contact according to Prof 1rlsby was very much like the second Tho image was eomewhal flicker- ing ¬ but good Tho fourth contact was not Quito so distinct because otlho flickering light but It Was not bath OBSERVATIONS IN OTHER PLACES PiTTSDUitnii Dee tLTiio observation nt the Allegheny Observatory was rather unsatisfac- tory ¬ on account of clouds In tho Interval bo- twcon tho llrat external and first internal con- tact ¬ lIght was seen gathered Into a bright spot extending within tho planets disk and occu- pying ¬ thirty degrees of lUclrcumfnunco This phenomenon was unexpected and Prof Sam P lAngley observer said ho was unublo to account fur It UTICA GDr C II P Poter nt tho Litchlloul Observatory College causht a glimpse of Venus through n ClIP in the clouds ton minutes nIter tho second inner contact ALBVNY Dec GTho astronomers at tho Dudley Observatory obtained no observations- of the transit of Venus this morning owing to the cloudy condition of tho sky SAN FRANCISCO lice GAt Lick Observatory Mount Hamilton at 9 A M there was splendid weather mid fnrtyolchl photographs of tho transit were obtained HANOVER lice 6At Intervals durlnl tho forenoon good views were Prof Kmnrson hero At tho Dartmouth College- all views wore lo t HARTFORD Dec GTho Gorman astrono- mers ¬ taking observations of the transit of Venus ut Trinity College at 1 oclock hind sue- d sfully secured live full sot of heliometrlo measurements PouoiiKEErsiE Doc GAt Vassar College photographs wore taken bfor 11 A H BALTIMORE Dec 6 grounds of the Johns Hopkins Hospital under the direction of Irof Hastings observations wore success- fully ¬ made of iho second third and fourth contacts MBMUKU Coon Dsa4Th 1r alarm boll was tlollt tho beginning of transllnlt the public schools day Seven lolcscopen open to the public were sot on the mounds of the Itev J T Putteo a local astronomer nnd 0000 persons looked through thom Tho day was clear and some vorysiiisfactoryobonationawcro recorded JAcKoSnLLF Flit flee 6Prof Eastman > successful day at Cudn Keys Tim morning was cloudy and the first contact of Venus with the KnnlaS lost by the Inter- vention ¬ of a of cloud Tho second contact was obtained very well No lig- aments ¬ or hack drops were seen One hun- dred ¬ and fifty photographs were taken with dry plates all of which were good TIme French astronomers nt St Augustine had clear weath- er ¬ antI made successful observations BOSTON Dee Gho obiorvatlons ut tho Cnmbcidgn observatory thin afternoon were much innrn satisfactory titan hose maim In the mornlnr Kpuctroscoplu examinations Vnnubihns not an Htmnnphero capable ofntisnrhlng much light Photometer observations Indicated that tho light from tho tusk of Vnnus Ilsless than reflected from tho sky near tho NEW HAVEN Doa GThe astronomers of Yule College tho whole exceedingly well satisfied with their observations of the transit Good work was done by the new huh oinotor n telescope having a divided object Ills anti used to measure the distance of train tho suns cnntro It Is the only hellomntnr in this country Prof Newton gave a brief account this oyenlnl of the result of his observations My first two contacts wero not good owing to clouds which nnarly obscured the sun Indeed I should call my flrst contact a failure but my last two contacts wero tolerably good It is Impossible as yet to mako any comparison be- tween ¬ tho observations today und those of 1874 1 shall bn greatly disappointed if tho hellometer mon8uremontslnd tho photographs do not turn wll o Ilm hopes of most successful said the hell omotur worked splendidly GALVESTON Doc GA special to tho AVics from San Antonio sale The trnRltof Venus observatIons very suco tho American and Belgian Commissions express satisfaction at the rosult FOREIGN OBSERVATIONS JNnOI Deo Grho transit of Venus to favorably obsjrvod at Durban and Cape Town At Madrid observations wnro prevented by had weather Snow fell rendering tIme transit totally Invisible from tho Greenwich Observa- tory ¬ Tho transit was plainly visible nt Cork OTTAWA Dee G3Ir Blako took 0 successful observation this morning 1Aiufl Due 6jilack clouds which hid tho sun from vIew rendered useless tho great preparations made ut tim OlwervatoryJiero to take observations of the transit of Venus today lOISOVm ny COSMKTIC- SVsmt la Said In tkli CUI of the Death of the Aetres va Troy A despatch from Now Orleans yesterday announced tho death In tho Hotel Dleu of Miss Cassia Troy tho wellknown omotonnlnctroa- who has been travelling with dramatic eompany supporting Miss Swain In the play of Cad tho Tomboy Miss Troy hind been complaining for some tlmo of fre- quent ¬ sharp pains and of ruohlDI of blood- to her head On Nov 27 the com- pany ¬ was playlnl at Bldwclls Academy- of Music appeared in tho first act in her usual character of Emma lie itcnlurcss As tho curtain fell on tho first act she was seized with sudden Inoulnd could- not I proceed with her part who w an called pronounced her ailment painters colic iltir was taken by Miss LIla limit and she wiiRiemovod to thu Hotel Diou In a iitocarlous condition On Wednesday last site was much Improved but not well enough to proceed with the company to Mobile Site re- mained ¬ In thu hotel In care of u kind acquaint- ance ¬ llur disease however grew worse until death yesterday roloelilo sufferings It is now died of blood poisoning superinduced by tho uso of cos- metics ¬ necessary to her makeup In tho parts she played Al examination of nor makeup box showed sho was In tho habit of using large CuanlllcIf 1110Jtncoltllnlnl poisonous a prepara- tion ¬ b UuslneiRx Munugpi Laugh Lynch ito Union Sauaro Thoatto nald of lair last night hhe wits unaccomplished anti favorite actress SIte wus from Iblii to 1871 ono of lie Furbish dru- mutl company plating leading juvenile parts Since thai tlmo nho has been In tho neighbor- hood ¬ of Now York anti hltllod for a number of years at 3J5 < Jersey City whlrt sho hat mother sister nnd two chil ¬ I known of several luslancei of actors lining polsoncd by tho use of grease- paints which are otten necessary to conceal the wearing of wigs I remumlxir nu actor unwed BuUhuu who died of thlb poisoning VERY RUGGED LANGUAGES Mi STAJtn CALLS Bit 11KXRY COWARD pit JtKXltY CALLS HIM A LIAR- A lent CoMmutes 1okUc Into the Myete rite of Castle Garden Hnelaee llarney- lllfllne Prltllecee of Several KInds Superintendent Jackson of Castlo Garden testified bfor tho lento Finance Committee appointment of tho committee of Investigation tho Commissioners of Emigration had taken stops to make the prtvllugos granted to Barney Blglln tho rail- roads ¬ rvslauiant keepers and others a source of revenue Lets go Into tho express business 1 llltlo said Senator Jacobs Chairman of tho Commit- too How ninny pieces of baggage wero ro celved at Castle Garden Inst year 1 There wore 895300 In 1881 more In 1882 How ninny boarding bonito keepers con- tinued ¬ the Senator The Commissioners approved of sixty seven They i tiay 1 license from Nov 1 but did not before Tie license runs from < 50 to t25 Aro > ou awnro that tho boarding house- keepers VIOM assessed t25 each for political purposes at tho last election Novor heard of It replied Mr Jackson If n piece of baggage Iomos to Castlo Garden and lilvlln doesnt deliver It dont ho gotten CUn5 all the umo V asked the Senator Mr Jackson replied that lllcllna men got out tho baggage for tho immigrant for ton cents Then Senator Jacobs wanted to know why tho Stnto imlil for a baucngu master Mr Jackson said that DIglln had just begun- to pay 100 I month for his privileges and tho ro tnurint men were doing tho santo Do they sell whiskey 7 naked I Senator No sir Did you over hoar that they offered for Ito privilege and that they sold tOO ot beer day for ten weeks In Juno July and August and hint their proilta wore overttiOOOU In that time and that they kept warm water on the barge on which tho immigrants were brought to thoOitrdon to make tho Immigrants thirsty V atKeil Senator Jacobs- Mr Jackson hadnt heaid of those things Aro tickets sold to emigrants on local routes 7 Mr Jackson admitted that Blglln sold tick- ets ¬ on the 10callutos Ho did not know what Dr M henry teKtllkd that ho was appointed SurgconinChlef to tho Hoard In 1H73 served eight years Ills offlco was abolished In 1880 Then it was recreated and a man was appointed who wal only a walker and had never arrived even the dignity of a consult- ing ¬ or houso physician lit a hospital When Dr Henrys abolished bespoke to Commissioner Hurlbut about it Tho salary had been reduced to IGO but Commissioner Starr wanted time COO big fat extra gate man and got It At this into Commissioner Hurlbut told tho witness that an offer had ben made of tOo a j lr for the restaurant leges accepted 7 the witness asked You cant most always sometimes toll about these things Mr Did bo put his lingers to his nose asked Senator Jacobs sagaciously Well I dont recollect that gesture exactly but ho smiled significantly Did you over hear charges Against high officials of gross immoralities at Wards Island 7 With tho proviso that ho was not to be ex- amined ¬ 01 the subject at length Dr Henry re- plied ¬ ho had Ono very pretty woman who bad I natural child was put ovor others of skill and experience Commissioner Stephenson was Chairman of the Ward Island Committee- A relative of Commissioner Starr was Inc- lrcrtt ¬ In tho Insane Asylum without pro ¬ css Henry ordered him removed at once October 1880 the witness said ho was spoken to about resuming his position Ho went up to see abut I anti Floyd Kane and Commissioner him at a meet- ing ¬ of the He drew a pair of scissors in self defence Mr Starr tho witness him said came up on purpose to create I row with At this point Mr Starr got up said God hates a coward and nnl I and the worst ono in the world Is In this room I suppose that is meant for meDr Henr retorted but you are such a lar that no one will believe YOI Ivo called you over twenty times cried Cemmltsioner Btlrr 1 was in tho scru my oounrywhen you wore stealing rotuinod Dr Henry Meetings adjourned gentlemen said Senator Jacobs TVKKET JIlL MINE STOPS Mr F A Potts Nitre that the Cost of Iron Mining Mnet Come Down A despatch from liloomsbury N J an- nounces ¬ that the Wost End Iron Complot which Frederick A Tolls 15 President has sus ¬ pended operations at West End and closed tho Turkey Hill mute throwing one hundred men out of employment Mr lots snll yesterday Wo wire obliged to stop in the Turkey Hill mImic simply l because there Is n- oIlI1 stile for Ito or Wo hud orders front Iron Works whloll were coun- torrnatiilod Tho or is suited for Bessemer works ami are no other customerx wo- nuiHt alt Meanwhile our Svvazro mine con- tinues ¬ to bo worked on orders from lie Scran- ton anti Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company I havunn doubt nat the result of tho repent condition of tho iron business will bo that work will b itisiimpd before long on a paying basis chief trouble is that the prices hitv been too high The cost of production Is too hlsh and must come down It docs not follow necessarily that if wages como down their piiichiisinu Iwor wIll 1x3 less but It Is certain that production cannot go on under tho present ondlloll Tho trade will gradually regulate Iisol Itonrd of Review lleelelone These cases were the most Important dis- posed ¬ of yesterday by the Board of Rely cf the National Trotting Association which sat at the Fifth Avenue Hotel National Trolling Association agt A J McKlmmln Nashville Tenn In the matter of no tints races at Aberdeen tIlts In October liwo McKlmmln asked to hive the IraI this tee suppressed sail WHI dlnqualt tied The retested him as he tied received no money licurflt TJ Vail Secretary itt I E L Ialmer New York Ialiner nns ordered to return remiums won by the horse Trades which he trotte through the Connecticut circuit of l IHHO under the nom of little The ease was referred 10 this ineetinc from tile Chlcairo nieettnir that he aught show cause why he should not be expelled lit I tlnl not appear and was expelled M U I lleilni s Auirusta t la ant lluflalo Park Associa- tion Application I for removal of suspension of W k Wet and the bay geldlne hay Htiiy pacer and the stallion J K Thomas Iranted Joins tlchee 1aterson N J art Cleveland Cml- Appiication b- condiiolallirvof for removal of suspension McKee ntxde a the ctientnut stallion Young Fuller the OnltIlo wlhdraw I I meld that he must pay N Emit Cleveland Ohio ex parts Application for romovl of uplllol Granted New apt National Fair Associa- tion kfl Washington Caie mistaken Identity huspen- siou revoked W II II AchhuR of Philadelphia ant New Hunting Park rtilladelphla Archhulf substituted outs horse for the other and was suspended He pleaded ignorance The Hoard dented hi application for reinstatement The Board adjourned to mutest In Chicago on May 19 nut Hketllnc Alnsksm Villages WASHINGTON Doc Secretary Tolger In- formed ¬ the lon today of the circumstances under which an Alaskan village was recently attacked lij the revenue cutter Corwin Lieu llealy of the Convln was authorized to go to Alaska and enforce submission from Indiana who were reported lor deftnC Ihe taw con cermiiuig seal nhHI and the Introduction of liquor Iieuit tittuly foutd that at licotinon iAgootl Ca itsed Iil whaling I had sccthentaty I exploded and 3 3- Ildial an I mdlco mal The I InII pttzcd tv o while J their raTisotu and Iltrealened to destroy the tltcrmens utores iteut- lleaiy loaned the Curs lit to CalI Merriam of the wltaier Adam 10 restore order The u ttlte tuteim s crc released stilt a a pututelituitni Cetit Merrisitt deunitded 4451 blankets The ludiane vere deitatut wlsereupuit forty- canoes were destroycul StIll Iii I htudiatis were umtsa- ttltirI and the Corelit lsndcut seine mite tinder cover of the guns slid bUn their vlg Fenclnc In tOOOOO Acres ArnuNsus CITY Kas Dec GA representat- ive ¬ of the Ienusjlvanla Oil Company I Is tiers near the line of locust Territory with a force of ton fencIng In two hundred thousand acres of Und south of the State tilts of Kansas and v est of the Arkansas Kit er to the ex elusion of stockuitrn n ho ha e held the range for v ears und paid t the I Cherokee Nation a tax for the mirlt lIege These tact are seemlnirl Ignoring the licenses issued by tilt herokee Ireasiirv and ulrvad have pouts distrib- uted around the entire track and part of the wIre already dissatisfaction I edit and desperate Inn ats ntIsrr srr both sides W llhln the tall rek lit it have spruiiv up slid the I outttry I Is burned o stoe kmm who hove held stock on tile range Mr t cars declare that If they eaiit have It the tilt tohtamiv shall not all the result nlll be I that the couttiry will I be destroyed as fast as tie grass Is dry enough to burn Mr Folger Slakes a Chinaman happy WASHINGTON Dec Secretary Folgor re- ceived ¬ a telegram from the Collector at Portland Ore- gon to the ret that a Chinaman residing titer hal a wit tsid child at Victoria British Columbia whom he vtlehedtn bring tn his home The Collector asked for Instruetlons file Secretary took the ground that the wife ass olUlollo the same privileges as the husband on the husbtul and wife are one said Inseu arable The Chinaman may therefore Import h family TRAGEDY ON 1l1 MIMIC BTAGE Am Amateur Actor Shot by his Brother IB a Play In at Country Behool Hones CAHBONIULE HI Doc Makanda alWt town on tho Illinois Central nolroRd miles south of this place was scone on Sat- urday ¬ night of a painful accident not unllko lint which occurred n tow evenings boforo in Cincinnati Several of tho young men of the place In casting about for Bomethlna to nmuso themselves with during tho winter hit upon a dramatic organization A meeting was held and outside aid enlisted Ono of tho boys was selected t writ tho play anti tho village school- house was for the rehearsals anti for time final exhibitions as well Tho youth whoso duty it was to produce tho play hat ben 0 closo reader of tho fiery fiction of tho the result of his labors was a in which tho number of pooplo massacred In cold blood was limited only by the strength of the company cast for Its presentation The boys studied their parts diligently anti rehearsed with great frequency taking much pleasure in their labors Tho play was presented to tho public for tho first tlmo In tbo school house on Saturday even- ing ¬ Thtero won Illlto 0 largo gathering of rustle youths anti n few adults Tho 111101Swlb performance smoothly enough for a line In tho third net one highly virtuous voting man is made to fall n victim to tho mur- derous ¬ passion ol n desperado John Iorl as- sumed ¬ Ito character first mentioned and his lirothor James pornonatod tim other Tho con- flict ¬ between tho two was very desperate anti as vvlckonosK exhibited signs of triumphing Oorvlrtlo tho howls of tho audience became lonl deep While tho excitement was at height James Ierl threw ono of tho tile revolvers which ornamented his per- son ¬ and fired at his brother John who as laid down In tho play was to oxplro Immediately Doth boys know hat tho revolver was loaded with ball cart- ridges ¬ and before tho performance John hail called JamesH attention to It James hind prom ¬ iced to remove the balls but forgot to do so Ho fired point blank at lila brother who fell with I millet in lila head For nn Itibtant It was sup- posed that It was all In tho play but James Ierl recollected when too late that ho had not withdrawn tho bullets anti ho know that his brother wan wounded When tho truth became known tho sccno was- a yore sorrowful ono A physician was sum- moned ¬ who soon ascertained Ibnt the ball hat entered the head just back of the loft ear anti ranged upward Into Ito brain The wounded boy was borne behind tho improvised curtain jut ho remained unconscious until ho filed threo hours later An Innucstwas hold yester ¬ tiny the jury bringing in verdict of accidental death und exonerating James Iorl from blame James was 1C years old and John 18 MARSHAL SttltltAXOS 1ROGIf4MMI For ITalTereal auffraKe and Liberty of the Prcee and of Public TVorehlp MADRID Doc 6In the Senate today Marshal Serrano In a speech explaining tho programme ol his party declared that ho was a partisan of the Constitution of 1869 but ho bo loved it was susceptible of modification Ho desired the establishment ot universal suffrage legalization of civil marriage reform ol the general administration and of the Departments 3f War and Marine reduction of the taxation improvement of the national credit anti liberty of tha press and public worship Ho believed that the monarchy under King Alfonso was compatible with the Constitution of IHGJ Ho considered that all parties from the Carllsts to the republicans might coororatu and estab- lish ¬ a rtime of liberty SonorSagaota President of tho Council re- plied ¬ to Serranos speech Ho said ho was glad that Serrano wIts a partisan ot the present dynasty He maintained that ho lad carried out a hotter programme than that just an- nounced ¬ by Serrano with which Spain ho stud would retrograde He reminded the Senate thai the Democratic party had accepted the Constitution ot 187G which guaranteed lie principle of monarchy He regretted that the Conservatives supported Serrano Ono of the Senators favorable to the Minis ¬ try presented a resolution declaring hat any modification of the Constitution would bo dan eorous and unpatriotic and contrary to the will of the nation Sailor Cuesta supported the resolution and It was unanimously agreed hat It bo taken un- der ¬ consideration the Left not voting The opposition subsequently brought for ¬ ward a motion declaring that hero was no ground for deliberating on the resolution The debate was adjourned France Refusing Knglanda Proposal LONDOK Doe 6A despatch to the 5ftrrt < from Iarls says that England has ttered France the per- manent Presidency of the Debt Cotnmlsalonwhlch body in the future wilt have the management of the Pairs domains should a French President be appointed the management of the Egyptian revenues would become exclusively Intruded to ranee A Heiitcr despatch front ram say It Is staled that M Duclerc President of the Oouiull yesterday commu- nicated tn this Cabinet that his reply to Kngland pro- posals ¬ tn Kraut In regard to Eg pt v as a refusal ft is jointed out In parliamentary circles that the acceptance of the Presidency of tIle Ilebt Commission u ould necepst title the mainte nance of impartiality which would debar trance from defendhg hoc Interests German Politics BERLIN Dec 6The Prussian Government wilt Introduce In the Bundesrath a motion in favor of Increasing the timber duties with a view to deriving a large revenue from the forests lIen llaenel and sixteen followers have written to the Progressist Committee saying I that though In regard to cooperation with other Liberal groups they remained In this minority against Herr Richter they would not secede from the party They require however uncon- ditional recognition of their standpoint within the Iro- gretnUt parly stud demand that Its organization shall not be emplo ed for combating their views Warfare lu the Transvaal DURBAN Dec Intelligence has teen re- ceived ¬ from the Transvaal that the Kamrs have been driven Into Chief Mapochs caves One cave has been destroyed with dnamlte and It I Is supposed that fifty naives were killed This Commandant end a lIver were also tilted Alttaal to Visit America LONDON Dec 6Trtzth says that Madame Alhaul the prttia donna has accepted an cngagf ment to slug In the United State and Canada before Christ liii lansfbrd Court llnrned LONDON Dec Stamford Court In Worcest- ershire ¬ the seat of SIr 5raicls Wlnnlngton has been burned with valuable plate pictures and manuscripts Marled In a Mine IIKADINO Ia Dec 6While Joseph Harden aged 45 and Frank Bauer aged 2J were working In Slope No 1 in lables ore mine near Uoerstown this morning a large inaisof ore fell llorden vtait tiken unit dead liauer was so hurt that tils recovery is doubtful UltOUKLlff A pistol shot na fired from an alley leslie Joseph Bosch house lt 7 Twenty second street last night Into a throng of lttya who were aunovinir vir Itoaeh The bullet severely wounded Daniel 11dor aged It of OttO Fourth avenue lu tine arm Hosch was arrested Application lila been made to Justice lilhert for fV a week alimony and late counsel fee In this absolute di- vorce suit of Mrs Mary Andrews against Edward K An drew a broker who lives In Macou street The name ot Minnie Parsons ocurs In the complaint WAShING TON NOTES The President entertained Cen B F Butler at dinner at the Soldiers Home last evening RearAdmiral Nicholson will be relieved of the com- mand of this European station lu March and will prob- ably be retired The President has nominated Brig den John Pope to be Majttreiciteral Red Cloud hiss been given permission tn vIsit Washing- ton He vtUhes to emphasize his charges against Agent McUllljcudd KKH JKUSKi Taxpayers of Jersey City Intent to form reform also elaUnn in every Alderinantc uiitrict Horace Haiumll of Camden an officer nf the Newton Building Ijoau Association who defaulted to the extent of many IhoiiHiid dollars and who was sentenced to ten years In the State tinsel was pardoned on Tuesday The bodv of William Malone a young married man who disappeared from his home I1J Haltida street Jersey City on Wednesday of last ii ceO warn found yes terda In a pool of water in asnamp baek of hU home It Is supposed that lie fell Into It vt tulle he was Intoxieattd LOSSKH HY JIRF A lois of 10001 was caused by a fire mast night at < 8- Broome street 1I he chief losers were hamuels A HaUkey clothing C7ttst A thee last night In this engine room nf Mm her A Icy etts chemical works at no to S4< W oil tlxteeiith street caused a lutes of 1110- 0Hhawnee College ten miles south of Bedford Ind was burned on Moiiila night with Its uiuvvuni of i Indian curiosities valued at tiuow 5 lIre early vesterday morning till fOiino damage to stock and toots in W m Lungs furniture factory at IS 1ell ttreet and flKU damage to building The large granite block at Third and rllblei streets ft Paul oHlird by Charles Loch tart tif tint riliiidanl till Compaiiv and occupied it lticli4lhy by Mi hols A Dean w holt vale liirduare dialers a as burned vesterduy Total log about IHOIHKI nearl tnrrtd h lustiraiiee The stock uf Verell Hahlgaam A Timing wholesale druggists steal door was damaged lu tie extent of from 1UUUU f UUUU JOhN IWTOT8 TRIAL The Pasta Committed to the Jury and like Jury JLoeked Vp Over Nlsjht At the resumption yesterday In the Gen- eral ¬ Sessions of the trial of John Dovoy charged with libelling August Belmont Mr Mc Farland Mr Bolmonts counsel moved that tho whole ot Devoys evidence bo stricken out Judge Cowing ruled out so much ot his testi- mony ¬ as referred to his appointment upon a committee to reclaim the money intrusted to Belmont Co by John OMahony In 1601 for transmission to George Hopper and John OLeary Fenian leaders in Ireland Then Mr Beach summed up for tho defence Ho urged lie jury to strictly interpret the wording ot time article alleged to bo libellous Who had not heard Mr Jloneh won ton pi Irelands sufferings anti her struggles for lib ¬ erty 7 John Decoy hind suffered tot Ireland privation Imprisonment anti lifelong exile Hobcllovod that Mr Belmont stood between lie struggling pcoplo of Ireland and tile fund that hiirdworking Irishmen and Irish wonton had subscribed to aid them If the jury looked carefully at the record of time civil stilts about Ito remittances through lioltnont fc Co ho rae confidant thnt they would hold that U es- tablished ¬ the truth of Dovoys article Mr McFarland tn bin summing up for time prosecution said thnt JtelmonteVCochallenged- my honest juror or Judge to llnd a slngln tact that would show that they had not acted with Ito strictest Integrity Vet tile nTomnnt lint bOon folzod when Mr Delmont was tutu of pa rontnl anxlotyhls son being n candidate forCon cress to issue from a printing pr ss obtained from tIm charity of hon Ht labor anti under thin julio of Hhnm patriotism a Rhamelul and libellous attack upon nn unblemished personal and business reputation Judgo Cowing In his charge to tho jury said hat without Intending any disrespect to dis- tinguished ¬ counsel on either side cases of as itreit Importance had been settled within two tours 1 hIs hail occupied nearly two weeks The question wits sImple If Dovoy had yb lo hated Ito law in writing the article complained of ho should bo convicted If ho had not ho should bo acquitted Tho jury retired at 0 oclock Innn hourthoy returned and asked for thin correspondence bo- Iwcon Uolmont 1 Co and tInt Itothschllds ns to the drafts but Mr McFarlandn clerk hint taken a part ot It to his homo in Nowork and flue jury rntlrod agnin for consultation At 10 oclock they were locked up for tho night A Reward Offered for News of Mr flick Two persons yesterday Informed Mr Collnr partner of the misting merchant Henry Rich that the body of the missing man hail been fouunit lii a sowar In East Fifty sev enth street Mr Celler communicated with the police who after Investigation pronounced the statement untrue Friends of Mr Rich left cir- culars with the police last evening describing him and offering SiloS reward for Information as to Ills whereabouts Photographs of this missing man are also to be distributed aol a search wilt be made along the river fronts Mr Celler lays that Mr Rich had no usitiers trouble It is conjectured that In a state of mental disturbance the eausc of which remains to be discovered Mr Itlch may have left town and the police of other cities v ill be untItled Sergeant oKeefe of tIe Park police said last ulght Ihany of nfl know Mr Rich by sight He wit subject to headaches and on several occasions came to the Park at night He said that the alt and the stillness did him good Once he coitus as late as 3 oclock lu this morning Iollce lists already been searching for htm- n tIle 1ark Today the late wfihbo thorough searched Aseaeilnallou Speaker Tlson JACKSON Miss Doc C Private advices from Qaldtrln glue a detailed account ot the tilling of Speaker Tuon Domestic trouble In the family ot Cot Tlsons Brother culminated In an attack on hd Saunders a mer- chant In Baltimore by the tv o Tisons and a son of each which resulted tn launders Icing badly beaten and In lured During his confinement he was repeatedly in formed that Cot Thou had threatened to kill him Going out for the first lImo on Monday he carried his shotgun and shot Tinmen sight killing hint Instantly Tlsou had a pistol on huh person when tilled The Printer Election At the annual election of Now York Typo- graphical ¬ Union No 6 yesterday the following ticket was elected President John It ODonuelli Vice Ireil dent James Pcott Secretary Oeorge McKay Treas urer lid ward J Kaln fund Trustee John Henderson Trustees JoInt A flanong Timothy F llrotnan Sec geant at Arms Thomas J Robinson Delegates to In- ternational Union Joseph A hoeder L J asliburn Alternates John J Roberts Nesbert i White Prylnaj Over a Tower Workmen attempted In vain to pull over the tower of this EPiscoPal Sunday school building In Newtown Long Island on Tuesday afternoon with ropes It was tutu undermined anti pried at with heavy timbers About 4 oclock It toppled over and fell to the ground with a crash tho workmen barely escaping It broke through the roof of Henry Skeilous stable and killed a horse v aim d at f IOU A Cotton Factory In Charleston CHARLESTON Doe 6The engines anti machinery of the Charleston Cotton Factory which was beguiiln August 1551l were successfully tested today at d next week spinning will begin The mill has 15tnIO spindles with a capacttv for sq maity liters It la the first cotton mill erected In Charleston stiles the war and will be run entlrel by steam Republican National ComnilKee HARTFORD Dec 6Tue lion Marshall Jew ¬ ell Chairman of this Republican National Committee hits called a meeting of that committee at the Arlington Hutel Washington at 11 A VII on Vi educed ay Jan 17 1HK1 for the purpose of hetiring and acting ttpotu the re- port of the subcommittee uIlitbttel to report ft plan fur calling the next national Contention Mr Foster lllanpnearunce Kxplalned Mr Charles T Foster tho Chambers street produce merchant who disappeared unaccountabl last week has returned to lila home In VUlHamshurgh Ilia- Ph ntclan siys lie Is suffering fruit severe nervous pros- tration hIlt will recover 1C he remains quiet Hli ab- scnee from homo sat due to an attack of mental sierra thou arising from ncn ous exhaustion from overwork Ilenlh of II Triicy Arnold H Tracy Arnold ono of the most widely knonn mining brokcra of this city itled jesterda at his hoots In Montctalr About tnt davs ago a tire broke taut at night In the house of one of Mr Arnold neighbors He was prompt stud efficient In helping to extinguish it and thus caught a cold vhlch developed Into pneumonia and caused his death The New lEaven Mayoralty NEW HAVEN Dee 6By an alleged mistake on the part of Ito convasser In the Third ward of hilt city the election of Henry G Lewis as Mayor in conceit ed EIghtS one ballots wet counted tu Ice for rank U Andrew for Ma > or Thiachanges this lenuitaa rivet from 38 majority for Audrew to < J for Lew In jofiiaa Aintvi xoint Pr Henrv Drapers will was 3 celerIty admitted to probate All lute property Is left to his widow Mary Anna Ialmer Draper Slayer Grace 3 esterdav appointed John J Ilurke as School Inspector for the Second School dUlrnt In place of J H Mulr resigned Rite W McDowell got a verdltt fur MOOO In hIts United States Circuit Court yesterday for Injuries he re- ceived on the Second Av enuo Itallroad Tile trustees of Columbia College have decided to call thnnew building on Madison aenue exit tiding fruit rort ulnth to Fiftieth streets Hamilton Hull The new match bet een William Sexton antI vtaiirlco- Daly hiss been dennltel Axed for this evening of Hatur tiny lat 6 It w ill be ooo points up cushion earrums fur stw a side Thla Is the last week of the American Institute Fair but the attendance Is ill diminished The distribution of medals diplomas and i remiums is to take place next Saturday evening The building H Warren street In w hlch Theodore Slew art has established a retort inueh frequented bv poll helms has huet coilvo cit by Amos St loon to Mr Stewart fur tsweioo- Uhsses 8 Grant Jr and Fannie C Grant have eon traeled to sell their residence JO tVest tHft eighth street to Diinicl IL Amtlerot Jacksonville Florida for f2500 and other property Collector Robertson has Interpreted the recent order ol Secretary rolger about the closing of the Custom House to mean that the cmiloces shall rrttitin on duty until 41 VI aol 1 they were so informed j enterday The abandoned house1 of worship of The Disciples of Christ ttn Tacit eighth street which was originally the edifice of the Firit tree VMM HaptIM Chun woe terday conveyed to Samuel bluuu for flU iUlel Iho building color two oliy lots rolleeinen Patrick Illnley Iaddy the Horse Thomas S Harper soil John II 1oe were tried br 1olleu I mil mi sioner VlMson jeshertisy fur drutikeiini it Uiulos cane it as adjourned loglve him aclmme tn prove I that cramps lu the stomach coniptlltd him to drink liliior Tile other cases were eoncludett and itill go before this full Hoard Charles Ulebirt who killed hut wife lu llrlOge street In Vlay tat pleaded guilt In tile t Otr toil ferntiner- vesterdav of manslaughter In tIlt tlrhtdtgrec lmlhe llrail said that ho I thought an txuiuple should be nm in of Hiebert but at the request of eounsel deferred puss lug senttnee until Monda- vir George K Hest of the Surrogates otnee waa mar neil lii Vliss I Miiim I ii IIi ohm oil lice bv the lIeS C VI Allen brother law of t the groom saslsh tetl b tllti Itev II K Mote at st Ilsriiiiiii sChiinh HruoUvn Duly Immediate rchtih toes aiittiluiI the eireinoii the honey muun ulll be fptitt at MHgirv ails Tht SP heav y eight rolurt pugiliits w ill lox at Ham Hills Ibis ittltrnotiii fur the Fntltc Vuicltc medti Morris Grant nf New ytirk fiarles Hadlt of llrhlgeport A c Smith I lie gttutt bat her of 1ort Huron t tries Co ilcy and Ned Hetch cc f New Vork The eniulitlons are three minute roun Is Mnrtiils of tjuernfheir rules A eommiinlcatlon fruit the 1llut Commissioners re celvrdb the Coimiiliiliuerii of lucks ritcnl n called attention to this gradual tilling up of valuable waters a s- by the dunning of refuse In the rivers and niiuttted the hue 0 Department to join In urging upon the legl la lure thtt neeessity fur an ropriullou wherewith to rmplo Ml Inipretors or special detectives and u steam Inline h tu watch tile tugboats It also suggested tile temporary suspension of thus license of nay tugboat Cap taut convlctid of Illegal dumping and deprivation of license for a repetition of the offence Nothing equals Dr Hulls Cough K nip for all case of tote throat coughs colds Ac M ccutaAdv LIFE Ifl TilE METROPOLIS DASHES ItFJlE AND mERS 31 22rA SUNS REPOJITERH Animals that May he Looked ss1 on Mundajr The Park Commissioners and the New renal Code The Wood College of Muulqs The trustees Incorporators ot thoBamuol Wood College of Musk waited upon the Park Commit sloners and tlirongh their spokesman Judge rancher requested that tome provision be made tom reestablishing boundary monument upon a site for the erection of a building for the accommodation of the college The trustees claim that the Park Commissioners white n O- Btebbtni was President of the Board set hide forth college a plot ot ground upon Fifth avenue between Eeventyitnth and Light fourth streets which plot waS afterward devoted to the Metropolitan Museum of Art The trustees think that there It ample room for both In t stltutlrnl upon the plot The Hoard decided that D- Oreroui of soy grant to the Institution existed The Board resolved that such work should bo done la- the je lark on Sunday as did not directly contravene the law ant wits necessary sad Instructed the officers not lo Interfere with visitors as long as they did not onenljj transgress the law The animals must have lltfht anil tilt soul It the public wished la look at them no one may prevent them It was also decided that snow that falll upon Sunday utah be cleared from the walks luot world being ermlsalble on the ground of public neces- sity It wee ordered that the Hoard ot Estimate sad A p u- Itorhlonnient be applied to for funds to construct an Iroa ridge over the Harlem at this continuation of Seventh u avenue this present bridge over McCombi Dint bcln Insecure also that tile hoard be asked to trans t cr the appropriation of IHHI givIng fii ao for the construction u of a building upon Mount Bt V incent In Central lark ta the use of the CnmmlMloners for constructing Ulere- munt i 1avlllon in Riverside 1ark- Allottlnc Seats In n New Church The allotment of seats in the now church ol St Francis Xavier to all pewholdera In tie old church was begun yesterday the early rents agreed upon ranging from 1O downward Among those whoaa cured pews were Mavor flrace Judge DonohueMr James Lynch and Mr Itoval 1helps The allotment M the public generally will begin tomorrow evening at I oclock The preference In location will f o to thosu whl offer the highest rents Wedded to a Thief Justice Kollson granted nn absolute dtvorc yesterday to Mary U Harvey 10 years old who sued Ii the name of her mother Elizabeth llollahan from Win R Harvey to whom she was secretly married In 1881 In East New York Rhe was led Into the marriage l It U t said by A fortune teller tOte learned after three months of wettlock that her husband was n title Justice Moors sent htm to the penitentiary for two soul a linlt years tot snatching a pocketbook from a woman In the street nbscrlptlone for LIberty Pedestal Henry r Bpauldlng Treasurer of the Ameri- can ¬ Committee on the Bartholdl Statue acknowledge contributions amounting to f J0400 This following jren- tlemen have subscribed f I urn each W M Kvarts John Taylor Johnston Christian Iietmnld Joseph VV Drexel 1arko lodwln usury K Snatildlng Charles Lanier Henry Vlllard Emmie Kellv VV L strong Win ShIp pen Cornelius N BlIss Cornelius Validerbilt Frederic Itllllnss J VV Flnchot Charles Oeunoulco and Anson 1helj tokes p BaluryMurpky Illdnt ITalt to Draw Owen Murphy Treasurer of the Board of Ex- cise ¬ i ran sway with some 0Oi0 of Its funds on Dec 23 sy 1877 If he had waited tilt January he might have drawn his salary for December but as he didnt hIs as signee Thnmas II Walters sued the city to recover Mur ptts nalarr for the tnenttvo days ot Decenuhe- rJulge Uononue yesterday directed a verdict for the city f Marks Released Abraham Marks lie lawyer who was sent to j Ludlow street jail for thirty days by Judge Larrcmora for hiving struck John Rassett Jr opposing counsel on the trial ot a rise In Supreme Court Spce IKI Term was released yesterday by Judge Iarremore upon thus re¬ quest of Mr llnssttt ant tlio certllicote of a physician that Mr Marks was sick 01 More Telegraph and Telephone WIres Tho certificate of Incorporation of the Now York antI Pennsylv anla Telephone and Telegraph Corn pan was Sled yesterday In the County Clerks office rite lines of the company arc to be constructed between New York and Erie 1a The capital stock is flied at- W3UOO which may be Increased to 1000000 A lint Wall In the llilnlr Time Building Bureau yesterday ordered ha reconstruction of a system of Hues In this Bclalr apart- ment ¬ houw at 411418 West Rlxti nrst street which run through a partition In thiS middle of the building and render It so hot that It can hardly be touched on the outside Thoran F Curhurt Detest Thomas F Cnrhart of Cirhart VThitford ft Co 422 liroadn ny tiled suddenly yesterday at his horn tS In n hite Plains He list teen ill more than a week and unable to attend to builness but tile drain was wholly unexpected He had been engaged In this clothing bull uses m New York for a quarter of a century The Clemymuua Overcoat Stolen The Rev C C Lash conducted a funeral in this old John Street Church on Tuesday Before gollia to the pulpit he left his overcoat on a front seat When he xmiuht It nffalu It it as cone and he borrowed a coat from one or the trustees to wear to lie cemetery Chuck Hell Ahrnil by Mne Votes There were two candidates for President the Medico Legal frioeithys elettJon last entig ilark Bell list 81 votes and Hr W A Hammond SJ A dinner at the Hotel llruuslck followeil the election Solace for Ioslnr kla ICIcUt in Smoke Tho salary of Mr Livingston lie dork In the einplo of llio I lioik toinmUsioiicrii 0 h was riccntly- nftmd pcrmlofion to Hiiioke during ollke hottre liu been increartd by 2C a mouth Grover Cleveland Jlrttirna to ISnffulo- Oovcrnoroleot Cloeuml spent two hours with iaiuucl J rjldtil je trrdnv nt his residence Ul- Urauiercy Turk and started for llultiklo In tile ecnliiB The Slffuul Office Prediction Fair weather followed by much colder cloudy weathtr and occasional mm northweHC to southwest tunIc falling follow cd by rising burometcr sitiiics jJtoir THE ELzfinAPzr The British ship riona lint teen lost at eea with all OB board Munirrntha has been reappolntcd MinIster of Finance of Turkey A collier has foundered oil Bernlck England anti ten persons it cri dromie- dIr I eorold Stain a prominent advocate of Jewish reform in ilirtnun Is diad Herr Von Klntow this n ell known composer of operas line bicouic blind from cntnn ct uf tho eye CaptWC White who tuna Injured a fall of ancle tutor In teittist tile three weeks in died yesterday Dinnls llronnell of Norn noil N V was Instantly killed on Tuesday night w hue trying to cross the track Ahead of a tralu- Slfnor Bertanl the acknowledged leader of the Radi- cal part in Italy took this oMh of allegiance to the King tfctcrdu- Kurplars > raiuacked the lioiie nf Col William Harris In rirvtland on Tuesday enlntr tnklug 12uo In jew sir slid liamond- srouuttrfelt Vt notes of the Bank of Nova Scott and tile National Hank of TrnVl are In circulation 11 Monti val slut other purls of ilttuUa The next lenn < lvatia Houro of Rcprescntatlrs will ctniflfct of II tt Democrats and bd llepubllcanD nDcm- cinllc majority of y The steamship Termini from Montreal which was run aahore lu the Mersey afttr netilllKioii on lucsday to prexut list from sinking hits lice floated The Brttltli steamship stratlimrro front Savannnh for Bremen it hUh Is ashore at atundkong Netherlands bus lust her rudder 1arl of the cres aru stilt on board A body bellcvrd to be that of Dvld Morgan who dis- appeared ¬ In 1H77 was found teshoruhtiy in number t tie of this Lehlgh Coal and Na > ltfution company at Iau fold Ia Adam Johnston one of the ollest Iron men in the Schil Iklll Vallut and proprietor of the rxtrnil Frank- lin Iouiiilrr In Heading died of malaria ttterday morn lug aged 70 j ears This InJiMi authorities are I tr > lng to remove 2noo In- truders front I the Creek and htmlnnle countries who have mo > cil In settled and lived there a long time anti occasional intermarried P M HdUiett dleil In this city tterday morning He- MaH this editor of the Tntth Ftekrr slid author of a book nu tliu I fcagts and wa for a time In India with Hlero- phnnt Uleiitl ant Mnie llaat > k- Th Slot tommlHpion has reeelueit the consent of oioiluHatu I to threoilon of n portion of their reset Millon Abut 550t more are In be Inlinlened on II- Iflibjtet and this it itt elose thu ci utk uf this CominlfcSton- Tho Post Otncc In rutlHown Ia wa broken Into on Tuebila night und robbed of nboul lu In situ sr situ rennies aol I oer ii5t worth of slumps The cafe was Mown open it lilt powder but the nglsured letters lu it were not loiu lied S Wrlpht Gilbert ca hlerof the Iako Shore nallrnnd at llufliilo nbonn delaleatliiti IH nou ttMeertalnrd to be ijoue i Is a nathc of Mm ulx oniku Couuty where he U highly eunnrcted I lit l is r I n fentid so haling sullIed for hurnpi but It U Intlmited that liii relatives in rbtciilx how H here he is Judge Samuel T Worn slur lirnther nf the lexlcogra litter isCtti F Uori enter x number if ongrt from Ohio nntl nienibi r of thin ju iieiui v of that Slate dlid at lila 11 pi lencrt in Nai hua N II > tohurtiy uftrrnnonaired 7H years lie it Its n irratiuiitt it I tht I Harvardelass I ot 3O and a ilaepmuto ef tittui los hiimner The nrhoonf r lionna Anna Iapt KobliiFon from rerlh Atnbo fur I litiinlpnrt hi ass it lit ciii wont ixlmrnon Silniln nisht nu the unutli sits of rUhurx lauil Sue tnu a Inixe link In her bnttnm mid limmiHately nlleit it liii is lilt t tflirdnv moriiiiu tilt I ewel vtelll to tho huh hitui larrjliigfjaii t Hirllmr uli s lInt apparatus be iiitIuig ho Colt AculttheirerKer The selling nuil of thus ruelilo MIINof Lawrence Mats Messrs Jamo I llltlu A io lists resigned caiuing quits an rxettfineiit til try giMnls and manu ¬ farm tirIng elrelt The Itrriilti tin a t lust hue eorporutlnii- ulslied to make one nf I tusk oilleialsa partner in t tho houm ot Uttlo Jt tonhlcli this littler refined to agree lu- Iduard lacitlrs ii as con > letdl I In Philadelphia c terda niurnlnc of tile tits It ruhhcry I t f Jime A MeCaiill- tu Nut inbfr and Charles Jaeqius was cotti it ted as rc- cijter I lliouiHn Cardner was aim rnulcted a a re- ceier ai d lit and Ele ard JarmitH is mrs selitenttil to tie ears and ten months lu thus peulttutlary Charlie Jerque s trutenee it a vusi tndrd rnd the Honiau it Ito claluicd to t Jaeuuts Wife was diseiisrtui

The Sun. (New York, NY) 1882-12-07 [p ]. · Yot on Tuesday night it looked athough nil ... country could have been within sight and ... observatories until tho telescopes danced

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I Bcantiral Hicht U the Akr nt which Thouand Uasied The Mplrndld Appearance

that Venus Made Heeulte f the Workthat waa home at the Observatories

Inhabitant of this onrth wilt not BOO ntransit of Venus Main unti tho year 2001

Those who through elasncs and thotelescopes street oxhlbltors cauRhtaellmppoof tho circular black spot that slowly crossedtho lower portion ot tho suns disk yesterdaytfltnoasod ono of tho rarest and most Impor-tant


of astronomical ovontan event that wailooked forward to occurrence waspredicted by astronomera more than hundredyour ago For moro than 0hundred years tocome school children as they con their lessonsin all tho languages of civilized man will striveto remember facts and figures batted upon yeRtordays trnrmlt of Venus and teamed moowill refer to it as tbo foundation ot1 many calculations and tho means of solv-ing


many puzzling questions lu shortit will play 0 most important part intho science of tho coming century Thopreparations for this groat astronomical ovontntid tho manner in which the observations of itwent conducted woro commensurate with ItsImportance and Us rarity Hundreds of thoueandsot dolarswcro spent inproporlng instrti-incuts expeditions to differentparts of tho world and tho finest skill and bestearnlnl tho world affords woro enlstt1ln tho

make tho slocossful-Yot on Tuesday night it looked athough nilthis labor and expense might pro o to hnobon wasted in this quarter of tho world at

for I large portion of tho United Statuswas shadowed with thick clouds and rain andsnow woro falling upon tho roofs of tho ob-

servatories If tho clouds did not clear awayyesterday so that the sun could b soontim astronomers know that laborof years would bo lost and thorowould bo no opportunity to retrieve-it for 132 years to come Many spent I sleep-


night going to doors and windows atfrequent intervals to see whether there wasyet any promise of clear weather Hut the rainpoured down until almost sunrise If it kept-on thus a few hours longer tho beginning oftho transit could not bo soon Tho SignalService men could give the distressed astrono-mers


no encouragement Al their reportsindicated clouds and There scoredbarely a spark of hope loft and some in thiscity and Its neighborhood gave up nihope andtried to resign themselves to fated C6tatnty that the great transit would take placobidden behind clouds But after all the rainceased before daybreak and although tho sun

in bank of clouds It soon burst throughroe 0them and shono brightly at intervals I nilthe anxious astronomers scattered over thocountry could have been within sight andhearing of one another at that moment andhave behold tho joy that shono in one anothersfaces three hearty astronomical cheers with alively tiger would no doubt have shaken theobservatories until tho telescopes danced

Yet tho sky was not by any means clear Longrows of singular looking clouds wero stretchedacross tho heavens In nearly an east and westdirection and those passed in succession over

I tho sun preventing for many minutes together-any clear and distinct observation of its sur-face


Even the spaces between those logltudlnal clouds were not perfectly clear butworo moro or less filled up with thin patches ofhaze and streaks and bunches of cirrus clouds

mares tails and mackerel scales Accoidtne to tho predictions of Ifto astronomersVenus wouldbsoon touching tho loworletedge of tho sun at about eight minutesafter 9 oclock Now York time At that hourthe sun entered ono of tha gaps between therows of clouds and its disk was seen prettyclearly defined Observers aimed their telescopes upon tho critical point and held theirbreath at least those who had not been bredin observatories did for to thorn it seemedhardly credible that such 0prediction clllbof-uUled almost smacked ofIre art thlt men should thus presume to foretellyears In advance and write down in books

a tho minute when 1black circle would bo seenr encroaching upon the shining edge of the sunBt But while those who half doubted and those

Who feared that there might halo been somemistake wore revolving these things in theirI minds bholdlltI was there It mado tho un

t prnctced obsoror start with a feeling half ofawe see Iblack perfectly don nod line sud-

denlyS miLo its appearance on the very edge ofthe sun which 0 second before had been as

r bright and cleanly curved as tho ode of a-

round golden mirror But there was tho black-

S line sham and distinct nt the very placewhore tho astronomers had said It would 1bn

L In tho traction of a second it wa °i no longer ahue but a smoothlv rounded black notch In theedgo of tho sun Tho first contact had taken

0 placo and Venus was fast swinging Into linnbulncon tho earth und tho sun rho black

k notch deepened Its curve was as perfeet Is outline as sharp as thoImagination could conceive As it grewdeeper and deeper there presently burstinto sight a marvellously beautiful phe-nomenon


The atmosphere of the planethad caught the on Its outer edgeand bunt them round so that It became vIslWoas a beautiful half circle of light rue sicliwas almost Indescribable and overjbodywhoam it uttered exclamation of admirationHalf the 1planets body was between tho ore ofthe observer and the sun making a deepblack tin suns edge the other halfHcnlol11being the suns disk vas Invisible-but around lu unseen edge shining againsttho sky and arching ralnliovllko across theblack gap In tho suns edge was an are ofsilvery light Somo observers who wore favorpdwith very clear gkles saw I yet moro beimtlfusight To tlinin that whole portion of Venussdisk which had not yet entered upon the sunsface appeared Illuminated within tho arc oflikht by I faint glow presenting such an appeamnco as the new moon does when the unilluminated portion visibly reflects back UKlight poured upn I from tho continents andoceans of the eirth

In about twenty minutes this black bodythe planet hail iiissod completely within theedge of the sun anti then some of the observersvw with varying degrees of distinctness thocurious phenomenon known ns the blackdrop As the outer edge of the planetD slowly withdrew from its apparent contacwith tho Inner edge of tho sun inntcad of separating sharply and clearly-the two edges appeared to remain oonnoetmfor AOIorl seconds by a black or gray llgi

best telescopes and those situsled In places wheie the atmosphere Wassteady did not show much of the blackdrop but with poorer glasses and unsteadyair It WR moro tioublesomo This phenome-non which greatly bothered tho observers oftint eighteenth century has been explained onopt icai grounds and has In fact been fairly vvo-

llinltutud in oxperiincutswlth artlllclal transitscontrived fortralnlngobsnrvorsso that gIvesless trouble now Homo observers yesterdaytact tone little trice of the black drop

After tho planet had passed fully within thosuns diskI or second Nmtalt us It is titchni-ailly called had taken place the sight washardly less beautiful DitTcreni ttpnctnlnragndifferent Impressions It Tosomu It appearcd like a perfectly round black hole In the funothers compared it to a little black bill llont-Inip In a kottlo of whitehot molten Iron Hut

Ni to lltoHii who reflected upon tho realI slfiiin-cimco of the phenomenon It shod n hood oflight upon tho structure of wonderful lamfly of worlds to which tho earth belongs Tho-

aw in the black circle that Roomed to distinctS against tho sun a Planet which in IIUrdllnglA-

rOiulnrni course of revolution hadri tho ninth and this sun anil hrjlm-

unlllumlnatcd on the side tttrnnd towardearth because tho sun could not shine uponthat Hfdti prusontod the nppenrancu ot u bluecircle To such observers it was a world InBllhotictto world too that In size In liesuccession of Its seasons and in many other

A partlculHrHcIo lyrcS8mblos the world In which-we live There Is no mystery whatever about u

4 transit of Venus and nothing which any per-sonlot of avoraju capacity and Intolllgnnco can-not understand To UInrstlndi It Is onlynecessary to recollect system IIImade up of the sun nn enormous globe In anIncandoncHnt condition which occupies tuecentre and night 1lnnlII very touch smaller


n than time sun not lIke it In aDcry condition which revolve arnnmt I-




the orbit or paths of those planota around theRun are not very greatly Inclined to oich thorbut oil lie pretty near thn same plane IIt latear that at times the planets which are nearoR tttij sun must como directly between that

and the Jplanets that are further awayand In such case must appear as seen from theoutor planets to pass Ilko black balls or circlesheroes tho shining taco or disk of tho sunVenus Is nearer tho sun than the earth is andonscnuently at certain Intervals which astrolOOrl with tho aid of niatbtMitatlcfl

If to determine Vonus must bo8NI from tho rutth parsing across tho

Site was thus ROUU vnsterdiy andtutu will not ho Keen In that position iigaln durlog lie wholo couito of the coming centuryTim great value of I transit of Venus to nnronoinerH is that It furnishes Otto of tho bestmeans they have of determining thn suna dlsuncu In miles and from that nil other dlsnncjsnnddlmfinHlons In the hulnrsvstem to

lelsuro anti weight that system with its conand Its circling worlds The matho-

nattcul principles upon which tho astronomersproceed In utilizing n transit ot Venus for thelurposu of determining tho suns distanceiro at bottom ns simple us those bywhich n surveyor mejHUrns tho distanceof timmy objoct which ho cannot ronchprinciples depending upon certain proportionof angles which aru fully explained In schooltext books ll Is tot the pttrpiiso of getting iholemilrcdiinglcM accuuitoly measured that thoastronomers limo the Instant ol contacts be-tween


the edges of Venus antI the sun takopliotogrtiplmKliowing the placo which Venusoccupies upon thu pun ut nxud moments andmoasttie with mlciomotrleiil iippnrntustho va-rying


distance between the centres of Venuaand the suit during 0 transi In order to ontain what tile n base line ob-servers


lrsent Into the southern homlnplieroand their measurements are combinedwith those made by tho observers tie north-ern


hemisphere then the mathematicians tiretibIa to deduce from the two sets of measurestho value of the angles by which the suns dis-tance


can bo calcllntl fo give un Idea of thooxtremo measurements whichwero thus attempted yesterday it may bo saidthat tho uncertaInty In tho old measures of thuimportiintitnglo called tho suns parallax uponwhich its distance depends amounts only toabout the angle that would bo mibtomlod bytho thickness of a hair suspended over thomiddle ol the Enit llhcr tied viewed from onoof tho lowers of the meat bridge

An ito plnnet slowly closed tho sun keep ¬

ing near lie lower ode thousands of ihirsonistared at It with mmikml and colored glassesand several men who set up small telcsejpes Intile streets and parks of tho city reaped a richharvest dimes from persons who crowdedabout them eager for a qlanco nt the strnlo-slcctalllln thu sky Alter thn firsttacts were ovor tho observers devoted theirattention to studying tho appearance of tho1planet and searching for any possible satellitethat might bo seen Bccomtiinylnjr It across tImsun SOIIIH noticed light spots on tho darkorb of Venus which they wero Inclinedto aserlba to some peculiarity In thephysical condition of tho 1planet though It IBmoro likely that they wero merelyoJtcallu6-10no


Irof Young ofwatch for tho supposed satellite but saw none

Tho observations at Princeton were very elab-orate


and Interesting and attended with a gooddecree of succe Including the students InProf Youngs class In astronomy who assistedenthusiastically in the work there were abouttwonlyobsetvers and twelve instruments werein use Prof Young himself observed thetransIt In the big blue dome of tho new ob-servatory


with the monster equatorial a olescope second In size only to that at Viashlncton Icrchcd In his observing chair whichwas swung half way to tho lofty ceIling witha gray cap drawn over his head and hiskeen eye at the eye piece he notedtho contact and then piled the powers of Iho-Soctroscopo in the effort to learn somethlngof

Venuss atmosphere ills obser-vations


and those of his assistants showedplainly tho lines indicating tho presence ofwatery vapor In tho atmosnnero of the planetSome other unknown lines were noticed thonaturo of which romulus to be explained Completo measures of tho planets diameter woremade with both Slur and doubleImago mi-crometers


Prof Youngs record of the timesof the contacts reduced to Washington time Isas follows First 8 hours55 minutes sec-onds


second 91618 third 1928 fourth30014 The photographic work at Princetonwas oiiually successful 188 photographs beingtaken most of which aro excellent althoughBO me were affected by clouds All the contactswore about one minute later than the computedtimes Irof Young thinks tho observationsprobably exceed In accuracy those made in 1874

Mr S V YVIiltv the Wall street astronomerobserved tho transit from his observatory at210 Columbia Uelbt BrooklynProf J K I fndouocossfulobonUonswuh a telcscopo

derrick to tho top of the unfinished observatoryol Columbia College


WASHINGTON Dee GTho lawns and slopinggrounds at the Naval Observatory were clearedaway this morning like tho deck of n frigitsfor action A long rakish object like a six-pounderon a tripod was brought out of thobuilding and seemingly brought tn bear onthe Capitol This was the liveInch telescope-and it was polished so brightly that Prof Harkness could have seen his lace In Its brassmountings had he not been so picnccuplud UK

tto forget that he hail a face A moro slondorand smaller instrument was placed ontho bluff just above tho revtomsc antiwas sighted seemingly so us to swooptho flats und by 11 little elevation togot in range of the sinful but omptv guns-of Fort Meyer across thu river Thin was thothreeInch telescope through which bv meansof n hole about ns large BS the eye of a nocdlo3Ir Itod ors expected to sweep the sun withhis keen anti accustomed eyo from time to tImeduring tho tiny lhol tho electric chronographbegan Its work a mstorlout and awepro ¬

ducing Instrument trced out lines withlIttle loops In thorn on paper and kept it upceaselessly and solemnly without visible causeof motion To thn eye of Mr Rodgers thesomysterIous tracings seemed to have great in-terest


and to be related In some peculiar waytn tho threeinch telescope and to thn opera-tions


that wero going on In the building thatlooked like a shooting gallery

A nervous man in a faded skull cap with aMorse instrument in ono hand nmll electricchronometer in the other hlmsol asthe guardian of these Tnhim the mysterIous tracings whom compared-with tho chronometer seemed to bo lines ofbeauty of which the jjggod indentations worothe double curves It was not well to approachthe nervous gentleman Ho was getting readyto measure the hundredth parts of a secondand a breath or a whisper might put him sevoral hundredths out of his reckoning Thiswould Imve been bad as It might havo In-ereasol


or lessoned tho dIstance to the sun by-a couple of millions of wiles or thereauouts

In trout of the long building that lookedlike I shooting gallery Mr llodgurs had set upa couple of glasses at right tingles to eachouter and to these worn attached complicatedand huge clockwork thriebegan 1 ceaselessticking anti kept Iho glasses In range of thebun At the other end of the hootnl gallerywas a a dark room whence odor ofchemicals and in which wow glass plates andsundry other contrivances so dullciitn that If youbreathed on them you might spoil the prepara-tions


of weeks and make the work of Ithe NavalObservatory a failure Horn Mr Joduof ex-pected


to capture a half hundred lessphotograph < if the 8uns face with Venus likeit black dot sailing ovor it The photographgallery by wires was connected with the Instru-ments


that the nervous man hold so that tholittle recorders oull toil tho nxact hundredth-part of a second which the phototrrnphBworn taken

Meanwhile tho groat dome parted and thobald and glassy trout of tho biggest telescopeIn America slowly forced itself through andseemed to bn preparing for vigorous acton Iswayed slowly and gracefully uplike the movements of any monster that iscarefully balanced on a inn n point and ii null yhaving got into a position whore the sunEeomflellahinlntrdovui into it was stopped andthctrettt done lltselfbegnntnmove carriingthot-oleucopo with it >n that It might constantlylirMiron tho orb of day for the next six hourTliero was a rift in tha old dome and thin saucyform ot a nineInch telescope forced Itselfthrough the opening and got its rangeThe astronomers were busy hut calmShortly before 9 oclock tho obsoiveis tooktheir stations 1rof Frisbee wearing a fattedgreen skullcap slid Pinto the reclining chairunder the grout telescope and was slowly ele-vated


to tho point whlre he could bring thnretina of his eye anti Venus and the sun inline anti burled his head amid the screws antImachinery at the end of tho monster telescopeHu held up his hand and the groit room wasso still you could hear the solemn clicking ofthe great machinery of the telescope accom-panied


In shorter but liat monlc rhythm by thoticking of tho sidereal cocklie ready comes In mum d tonesfront the Reims pegs and othor puruphornallaat the end of tho telescope

Thu assistant fixes his oyo on tho second-hand ofjthe sidereal clock Jle his nlreltygot-the hour and minute hand notedslugs out the Piufesbor and tho assistantspencil dots down illS second Onco morosays the Professor and another observation ismade of tIm time Then all Is silent for a mo-ment


The Professor seR on the mirror withinthe telescope a llttlo black lboad slowlygrowlnglarger anti dnitlnr tInt lower edge of tutu itiiiB-Aurfaci This is Vonus Hlio camu on lineanti this Professor shouted Her unit line justtouched that of tho sun

Ha thou waited for tho Instant when thoplanet should have lie second contact thn firsthaving been at bb 6Gm 45s By anti by therewas a sharp crack as though the sun had sentA llerr bolt through tho telescope right Into thecurious eye of the observer ihy Lie way theob orver jumped be soemod to Uiol it would


bo well to got out of tho way It was found thattho object glass of tho smaller telescope ranged

large ono had concentrated HO muchheat on lie eyeglass an to break It Tho as-sistant


at once fastened Ipasteboard coveringwith a small hole In It over the object glass toprevent such concentration of heat mid thenwont on with his observations Thcro was notime to put In n now ono Tho 20Inch objectglass of the big telescope had boon protectedfrom the first otherwise It would tao concontratml bent enough In n fow havecrititntcd Prof 1rlsby

btmilar observations were going on outsideMr Hodger thrust plntcn through thocomr tho suns Imago on tho

wits shot through tho shootinggallery printed on tho tilde and recorded bythe nervous mans Instruments Mr Itodgerswas delighted with lie splnndld photographsthat worn lbeing taken Tho dullcato instru-ments


tho 1 plumb Iline tho clock work andcountless anti dollcatoinstrumentswero making record of matters going on mil-lions

¬Iof miles away lr1oler slid his plates-in 61 times with good result s

Between astronomers ro-tlrud to ijulot rooms and figured anti madecareful notes of their llgures On tho wholethey wore fairly well lt fed with tho results

After the last contact telescope wasbrought buck groaning with Its own weightInto its usual position and Its great Ions waseM with a huge cover antI it wasllci away for n long rust The riftsin the big nod litllo dnmo woroclosed tho luMsh looking instrumentscarried back to cover tho tIreless clicking ofthe dirt logtupha was stopped und tho shoot-ing


gallery fsliut up By anti by a big tombIIkobitiloli ugh will bo built tumid iIn it wilt bo tplacedunder loci and key thin priceless records oftodays observations This wlllbn for safeand long keeping Tho building will bo placedbeside tun one built to prcerno tim recordstIn nboervntlon of the transit In 1874

When Prof Frlsby noted Iho fourth contactanti from his porch In the big damnof fun Naval Observatory ho said with evidentslltsfnctol anti confidence My observations

successful moro successful than Ilad oxpnctod A few minutes later ho an-nounced


tho following observations The lustcontact occurred at 8 oclock 50 minutes anti45sI00ul Washington time second contact

mlnutslnI911coutR third eon ¬ocok 1 f 7 secondsfourth nntact 3 oclock S8 minutes anti55 seconds According to these observationstho line of tim transit was six hourstwo minutes und ton second In response toiltiestlnns Prof Frlstiy said his observationsworn accurate Iho definition of tho first con-tact


In time morning was sharp but somewhatfaint owing tnanllKhtly clouded sky Thesecond contact said Prof Frlsby was nothingbut what ho called a pure geometrical contactThcro was nothing nt all of what some astron-omers


call a black drop Tho third contactaccording to Prof 1rlsby was very much likethe second Tho image was eomewhal flicker-ing


but good Tho fourth contact was notQuito so distinct because otlho flickering lightbut It Was not bath

OBSERVATIONS IN OTHER PLACESPiTTSDUitnii Dee tLTiio observation nt the

Allegheny Observatory was rather unsatisfac-tory


on account of clouds In tho Interval bo-twcon tho llrat external and first internal con-tact


lIght was seen gathered Into a bright spotextending within tho planets disk and occu-pying


thirty degrees of lUclrcumfnunco Thisphenomenon was unexpected and Prof SamP lAngley observer said ho was unublo toaccount fur ItUTICA GDr C II P Poter nt thoLitchlloul Observatory Collegecausht a glimpse of Venus through n ClIP inthe clouds ton minutes nIter tho second innercontact

ALBVNY Dec GTho astronomers at thoDudley Observatory obtained no observations-of the transit of Venus this morning owing tothe cloudy condition of tho sky

SAN FRANCISCO lice GAt Lick ObservatoryMount Hamilton at 9 A M there was splendidweather mid fnrtyolchl photographs of thotransit were obtained

HANOVER lice 6At Intervals durlnl thoforenoon good views were ProfKmnrson hero At tho Dartmouth College-all views wore lo tHARTFORD Dec GTho Gorman astrono-mers


taking observations of the transit ofVenus ut Trinity College at 1 oclock hind sue-d sfully secured live full sot of heliometrlomeasurements

PouoiiKEErsiE Doc GAt Vassar Collegephotographs wore taken bfor11 A H

BALTIMORE Dec 6 grounds of theJohns Hopkins Hospital under the directionof Irof Hastings observations wore success-fully


made of iho second third and fourthcontacts

MBMUKU Coon Dsa4Th 1r alarm bollwas tlollt tho beginning of transllnltthe public schoolsday Seven lolcscopen open to the publicwere sot on the mounds of the Itev J T Putteoa local astronomer nnd 0000 persons lookedthrough thom Tho day was clear and somevorysiiisfactoryobonationawcro recorded

JAcKoSnLLF Flit flee 6Prof Eastman> successful day at Cudn Keys

Tim morning was cloudy and the first contactof Venus with the KnnlaS lost by the Inter-vention


of a of cloud Thosecond contact was obtained very well No lig-aments


or hack drops were seen One hun-dred


and fifty photographs were taken withdry plates all of which were good TIme Frenchastronomers nt St Augustine had clear weath-er


antI made successful observationsBOSTON Dee Gho obiorvatlons ut tho

Cnmbcidgn observatory thin afternoon weremuch innrn satisfactory titan hose maim Inthe mornlnr Kpuctroscoplu examinations

Vnnubihns not an Htmnnpherocapable ofntisnrhlng much light Photometerobservations Indicated that tho light from thotusk of Vnnus Ilsless than reflected from thosky near tho

NEW HAVEN Doa GThe astronomers ofYule College tho whole exceedinglywell satisfied with their observations of thetransit Good work was done by the new huhoinotor n telescope having a divided objectIlls anti used to measure the distance of

train tho suns cnntro It Isthe only hellomntnr in this countryProf Newton gave a brief account this oyenlnlof the result of his observations

My first two contacts wero not good owing toclouds which nnarly obscured the sun IndeedI should call my flrst contact a failure but mylast two contacts wero tolerably good It isImpossible as yet to mako any comparison be-tween


tho observations today und those of1874 1 shall bn greatly disappointed if thohellometer mon8uremontslnd tho photographsdo not turn wll oIlm hopes of mostsuccessful said the hellomotur worked splendidly

GALVESTON Doc GA special to tho AVicsfrom San Antonio sale The trnRltof VenusobservatIons very suco thoAmerican and Belgian Commissions expresssatisfaction at the rosult


JNnOI Deo Grho transit of Venus tofavorably obsjrvod at Durban and

Cape TownAt Madrid observations wnro prevented by

had weather Snow fell rendering tIme transittotally Invisible from tho Greenwich Observa-tory


Tho transit was plainly visible nt CorkOTTAWA Dee G3Ir Blako took 0successful

observation this morning1Aiufl Due 6jilack clouds which hid tho

sun from vIew rendered useless tho greatpreparations made ut tim OlwervatoryJiero totake observations of the transit of Venustoday


SVsmt la Said In tkli CUIof the Death of theAetres va Troy

A despatch from Now Orleans yesterdayannounced tho death In tho Hotel Dleu of MissCassia Troy tho wellknown omotonnlnctroa-who has been travelling withdramatic eompany supporting Miss Swain Inthe play of Cad tho Tomboy Miss Troyhind been complaining for some tlmo of fre-


sharp pains and of ruohlDI of blood-

to her head On Nov 27 the com-


was playlnl at Bldwclls Academy-of Music appeared in tho first actin her usual character of Emma lieitcnlurcss As tho curtain fell on tho first actshe was seized with sudden Inoulnd could-

not Iproceed with her part whow an called pronounced her ailment painterscolic iltir was taken by Miss LIla limitand she wiiRiemovod to thu Hotel Diou In aiitocarlous condition On Wednesday last sitewas much Improved but not well enough toproceed with the company to Mobile Site re-


In thu hotel In care of u kind acquaint-ance


llur disease however grew worse untildeath yesterday roloelilo sufferings

It is now died of bloodpoisoning superinduced by tho uso of cos-metics


necessary to her makeup In tho partsshe played Al examination of nor makeupbox showed sho was In tho habit of usinglarge CuanlllcIf 1110Jtncoltllnlnl poisonous

a prepara-tion


bUuslneiRx Munugpi Laugh Lynch ito UnionSauaro Thoatto nald of lair last night hhewits unaccomplished anti favorite actress SItewus from Iblii to 1871 ono of lie Furbish dru-mutl company plating leading juvenile partsSince thai tlmo nho has been In tho neighbor-


of Now York anti hltllod for a numberof years at 3J5 < Jersey Citywhlrt sho hat mother sister nnd two chil ¬

I known of several luslancei ofactors lining polsoncd by tho use of grease-paints which are otten necessary to conceal thewearing of wigs I remumlxir nu actor unwedBuUhuu who died of thlb poisoning



A lent CoMmutes 1okUc Into the Myeterite of Castle Garden Hnelaee llarney-lllfllne Prltllecee of Several KInds

Superintendent Jackson of Castlo Gardentestified bfor tho lento Finance Committee

appointment of thocommittee of Investigation tho Commissionersof Emigration had taken stops to make theprtvllugos granted to Barney Blglln tho rail-roads


rvslauiant keepers and others a sourceof revenue

Lets go Into tho express business 1 llltlosaid Senator Jacobs Chairman of tho Commit-too How ninny pieces of baggage wero rocelved at Castle Garden Inst year 1

There wore 895300 In 1881 more In 1882How ninny boarding bonito keepers con-


the SenatorThe Commissioners approved of sixty

seven They itiay 1 license from Nov 1 but didnot before Tie license runs from < 50 to t25

Aro > ou awnro that tho boarding house-keepers VIOM assessed t25 each for politicalpurposes at tho last election

Novor heard of It replied Mr JacksonIf n piece of baggage Iomos to Castlo Garden

and lilvlln doesnt deliver It dont ho gottenCUn5 all the umo V asked the Senator MrJackson replied that lllcllna men got out thobaggage for tho immigrant for ton cents ThenSenator Jacobs wanted to know why tho Stntoimlil for a baucngu master

Mr Jackson said that DIglln had just begun-to pay 100 I month for his privileges and thoro tnurint men were doing tho santo

Do they sell whiskey 7 naked ISenatorNo sirDid you over hoar that they offered

for Ito privilege and that they sold tOOot beer day for ten weeks In Juno July andAugust and hint their proilta wore overttiOOOUIn that time and that they kept warm water onthe barge on which tho immigrants werebrought to thoOitrdon to make tho Immigrantsthirsty V atKeil Senator Jacobs-

Mr Jackson hadnt heaid of those thingsAro tickets sold to emigrants on local

routes 7

Mr Jackson admitted that Blglln sold tick-ets


on the 10callutos Ho did not know whatDr M henry teKtllkd that ho was appointedSurgconinChlef to tho Hoard In 1H73

served eight years Ills offlco was abolished In1880 Then it was recreated and a man wasappointed who wal only a walker and hadnever arrived even the dignity of a consult-ing


or houso physician lit a hospital WhenDr Henrys abolished bespoke toCommissioner Hurlbut about it Tho salaryhad been reduced to IGO but CommissionerStarr wanted time COO big fat extra gateman and got It At this into CommissionerHurlbut told tho witness that an offer had benmade of tOoa j lr for the restaurantleges accepted 7 the witnessasked You cant most always sometimestoll about these things Mr

Did bo put his lingers to his nose askedSenator Jacobs sagaciously

Well I dont recollect that gesture exactlybut ho smiled significantly

Did you over hear charges Against highofficials of gross immoralities at WardsIsland 7

With tho proviso that ho was not to be ex-amined


01 the subject at length Dr Henry re-plied


ho had Ono very pretty woman whobad Inatural child was put ovor others of skilland experience Commissioner Stephensonwas Chairman of the Ward Island Committee-A relative of Commissioner Starr was Inc-lrcrtt


In tho Insane Asylum without pro ¬

css Henry ordered him removed at onceOctober 1880 the witness said ho was

spoken to about resuming his position Howent up to see abut I anti Floyd Kane andCommissioner him at a meet-ing


of the He drew a pair ofscissors in self defence Mr Starr tho witnesshimsaid came up on purpose to create I row with

At this point Mr Starr got up saidGod hates a coward and nnl I and the

worst ono in the world Is In this roomI suppose that is meant for meDr Henrretorted but you are such a larthat no one will believe YOIIvo called you over twenty times

cried Cemmltsioner Btlrr1 was in tho scru my oounrywhen youwore stealing rotuinod Dr Henry

Meetings adjourned gentlemen saidSenator Jacobs


Mr F A Potts Nitre that the Cost of IronMining Mnet Come Down

A despatch from liloomsbury N J an-


that the Wost End Iron Complotwhich Frederick A Tolls 15 President has sus ¬

pended operations at West End and closed thoTurkey Hill mute throwing one hundred menout of employment Mr lots snll yesterday

Wo wire obliged to stop in theTurkey Hill mImic simply lbecause there Is n-oIlI1 stile for Ito or Wo hud orders front

Iron Works whloll were coun-torrnatiilod Tho or is suited for Bessemerworks ami are no other customerx wo-nuiHt alt Meanwhile our Svvazro mine con-tinues


to bo worked on orders from lie Scran-ton anti Lackawanna Iron and Coal CompanyI havunn doubt nat the result of tho repentcondition of tho iron business will bo thatwork will bitisiimpd before long on a payingbasis chief trouble is that the priceshitv been too high The cost of production Istoo hlsh and must come down It docs notfollow necessarily that if wages como downtheir piiichiisinu Iwor wIll 1x3 less but It Iscertain that production cannot go on under thopresent ondlloll Tho trade will graduallyregulate Iisol

Itonrd of Review lleeleloneThese cases were the most Important dis-


of yesterday by the Board of Rely cf theNational Trotting Association which sat at the FifthAvenue Hotel

National Trolling Association agt A J McKlmmlnNashville Tenn In the matter of no tints races atAberdeen tIlts In October liwo McKlmmln asked tohive the IraIthis tee suppressed sail WHI dlnqualttied The retested him as he tied received nomoney licurflt

TJ Vail Secretary ittI E L Ialmer New YorkIaliner nns ordered to return remiums won by thehorse Trades which he trotte through the Connecticutcircuit of lIHHO under the nom of little The ease wasreferred 10 this ineetinc from tile Chlcairo nieettnir thathe aught show cause why he should not be expelledlitI tlnl not appear and was expelled

M UI lleilni s Auirustat la ant lluflalo Park Associa-tion ApplicationI for removal of suspension of W kWet and the bay geldlne hay Htiiy pacer and the

stallion J K Thomas IrantedJoins tlchee 1aterson N J art Cleveland Cml-


condiiolallirvoffor removal of suspension McKee ntxde a

the ctientnut stallion Young Fuller

the OnltIlo wlhdraw I Imeld that he must payN Emit Cleveland Ohio ex parts Application for

romovl of uplllol GrantedNew apt National Fair Associa-

tion kflWashington Caie mistaken Identity huspen-siou revoked

W II II AchhuR of Philadelphia ant New HuntingPark rtilladelphla Archhulf substituted outs horse forthe other and was suspended He pleaded ignoranceThe Hoard dented hi application for reinstatement

The Board adjourned to mutest In Chicago on May 19nut

Hketllnc Alnsksm VillagesWASHINGTON Doc Secretary Tolger In-


the lon today of the circumstances underwhich an Alaskan village was recently attacked lij therevenue cutter Corwin Lieu llealy of the Convln wasauthorized to go to Alaska and enforce submission fromIndiana who were reported lor deftnC Ihe taw concermiiuig seal nhHI and the Introduction of liquorIieuit tittuly foutd that at licotinon iAgootl Caitsed Iil whalingI had sccthentatyI exploded and 33-


I mdlco mal The IInII pttzcd tv o whileJ their raTisotu and

Iltrealened to destroy the tltcrmens utores iteut-lleaiy loaned the Curs lit to CalI Merriam of the wltaierAdam 10 restore order The u ttlte tuteim s crc releasedstilt a a pututelituitni Cetit Merrisitt deunitded 4451

blankets The ludiane vere deitatut wlsereupuit forty-canoes were destroycul StIll Iii Ihtudiatis were umtsa-ttltirI and the Corelit lsndcut seine mite tinder cover ofthe guns slid bUn their vlg

Fenclnc In tOOOOO AcresArnuNsus CITY Kas Dec GA representat-


of the Ienusjlvanla Oil Company IIs tiers near theline of locust Territory with a force of ton fencIng Intwo hundred thousand acres of Und south of the Statetilts of Kansas and v est of the Arkansas Kit er to the exelusion of stockuitrn n ho ha e held the range for v earsund paidt theI Cherokee Nation a tax for the mirlt lIegeThese tact are seemlnirl Ignoring the licenses issued bytilt herokee Ireasiirv and ulrvad have pouts distrib-uted around the entire track and part of the wIrealready dissatisfactionI edit and desperateInn ats ntIsrrsrr both sides W llhln the tall reklit it have spruiiv up slid theI outttry IIsburned o stoe kmm who hove held stock ontile range Mr t cars declare that If they eaiit have It thetilt tohtamiv shall not all the result nlll be Ithat thecouttiry willI be destroyed as fast as tie grass Is dryenough to burn

Mr Folger Slakes a Chinaman happyWASHINGTON Dec Secretary Folgor re-


a telegram from the Collector at Portland Ore-gon to the ret that a Chinaman residing titer hal awit tsid child at Victoria British Columbia whom hevtlehedtn bring tn his home The Collector asked forInstruetlons file Secretary took the ground that thewife ass olUlollo the same privileges as the husbandon the husbtul and wife are one said Inseuarable The Chinaman may therefore Import hfamily

TRAGEDY ON 1l1 MIMIC BTAGEAm Amateur Actor Shot by his Brother IB a

Play In at Country Behool HonesCAHBONIULE HI Doc Makanda alWttown on tho Illinois Central nolroRd

miles south of this place was scone on Sat-urday


night of a painful accident not unllkolint which occurred n tow evenings boforo inCincinnati Several of tho young men of theplace In casting about for Bomethlna to nmusothemselves with during tho winter hit upon adramatic organization A meeting was heldand outside aid enlisted Ono of tho boys wasselected twrittho play anti tho village school-house was for the rehearsals anti fortime final exhibitions as well Tho youth whosoduty it was to produce tho play hat ben 0closo reader of tho fiery fiction of thothe result of his labors was a in which thonumber of pooplo massacred In cold blood waslimited only by the strength of the companycast for Its presentation The boys studiedtheir parts diligently anti rehearsed with greatfrequency taking much pleasure in their labors

Tho play was presented to tho public for thofirst tlmo In tbo school house on Saturday even-ing


Thtero won Illlto 0largo gathering of rustleyouths anti n few adults Tho111101Swlbperformance smoothly enough fora line In tho third net one highly virtuousvoting man is made to fall n victim to tho mur-derous


passion ol n desperado John Iorl as-sumed


Ito character first mentioned and hislirothor James pornonatod tim other Tho con-flict


between tho two was very desperate antias vvlckonosK exhibited signs of triumphingOorvlrtlo tho howls of tho audience becamelonl deep While tho excitement was at

height James Ierl threw ono of thotile revolvers which ornamented his per-son


and fired at his brother Johnwho as laid down In tho playwas to oxplro Immediately Doth boys knowhat tho revolver was loaded with ball cart-ridges


and before tho performance John hailcalled JamesH attention to It James hind prom ¬

iced to remove the balls but forgot to do so Hofired point blank at lila brother who fell with Imillet in lila head For nn Itibtant It was sup-posed that It was all In tho play but JamesIerl recollected when too late that ho had notwithdrawn tho bullets anti ho know that hisbrother wan wounded

When tho truth became known tho sccno was-a yore sorrowful ono A physician was sum-moned


who soon ascertained Ibnt the ball hatentered the head just back of the loft ear antiranged upward Into Ito brain The woundedboy was borne behind tho improvised curtainjut ho remained unconscious until ho filedthreo hours later An Innucstwas hold yester ¬

tiny the jury bringing in verdict of accidentaldeath und exonerating James Iorl fromblame James was 1C years old and John 18


For ITalTereal auffraKe and Liberty of thePrcee and of Public TVorehlp

MADRID Doc 6In the Senate todayMarshal Serrano In a speech explaining thoprogramme ol his party declared that ho was apartisan of the Constitution of 1869 but ho boloved it was susceptible of modification Hodesired the establishment ot universal suffragelegalization of civil marriage reform ol thegeneral administration and of the Departments3f War and Marine reduction of the taxationimprovement of the national credit anti libertyof tha press and public worship Ho believedthat the monarchy under King Alfonso wascompatible with the Constitution of IHGJ Hoconsidered that all parties from the Carllsts tothe republicans might coororatu and estab-lish


a rtime of libertySonorSagaota President of tho Council re-


to Serranos speech Ho said ho wasglad that Serrano wIts a partisan ot the presentdynasty He maintained that ho lad carriedout a hotter programme than that just an-nounced


by Serrano with which Spain ho studwould retrograde He reminded the Senatethai the Democratic party had accepted theConstitution ot 187G which guaranteed lieprinciple of monarchy He regretted that theConservatives supported Serrano

Ono of the Senators favorable to the Minis¬

try presented a resolution declaring hat anymodification of the Constitution would bo daneorous and unpatriotic and contrary to thewill of the nation

Sailor Cuesta supported the resolution andIt was unanimously agreed hat It bo taken un-der


consideration the Left not votingThe opposition subsequently brought for ¬

ward a motion declaring that hero was noground for deliberating on the resolution

The debate was adjourned

France Refusing Knglanda ProposalLONDOK Doe 6A despatch to the 5ftrrt <

from Iarls says that England has ttered France the per-

manent Presidency of the Debt Cotnmlsalonwhlch bodyin the future wilt have the management of the Pairsdomains should a French President be appointed themanagement of the Egyptian revenues would becomeexclusively Intruded to ranee

A Heiitcr despatch front ram say It Is staled thatM Duclerc President of the Oouiull yesterday commu-nicated tn this Cabinet that his reply to Kngland pro-posals


tn Kraut In regard to Eg pt v as a refusal ft isjointed out In parliamentary circles that the acceptanceof the Presidency of tIle Ilebt Commission u ould necepsttitle the mainte nance of impartiality which would debartrance from defendhg hoc Interests

German PoliticsBERLIN Dec 6The Prussian Government

wilt Introduce In the Bundesrath a motion in favor ofIncreasing the timber duties with a view to deriving alarge revenue from the forests

lIen llaenel and sixteen followers have written to theProgressist Committee saying Ithat though In regard tocooperation with other Liberal groups they remainedIn this minority against Herr Richter they would notsecede from the party They require however uncon-ditional recognition of their standpoint within the Iro-gretnUt parly stud demand that Its organization shallnot be emplo ed for combating their views

Warfare lu the TransvaalDURBAN Dec Intelligence has teen re-


from the Transvaal that the Kamrs have beendriven Into Chief Mapochs caves One cave has beendestroyed with dnamlte and It IIs supposed that fiftynaives were killed This Commandant end a lIver werealso tilted

Alttaal to Visit AmericaLONDON Dec 6Trtzth says that Madame

Alhaul the prttia donna has accepted an cngagf mentto slug In the United State and Canada before Christliii

lansfbrd Court llnrnedLONDON Dec Stamford Court In Worcest-


the seat of SIr 5raicls Wlnnlngton has beenburned with valuable plate pictures and manuscripts

Marled In a MineIIKADINO I a Dec 6While Joseph Harden

aged 45 and Frank Bauer aged 2J were working InSlope No 1 in lables ore mine near Uoerstown thismorning a large inaisof ore fell llorden vtait tiken unitdead liauer was so hurt that tils recovery is doubtful


A pistol shot na fired from an alley leslie JosephBosch house lt 7 Twenty second street last night Intoa throng of lttya who were aunovinir vir Itoaeh Thebullet severely wounded Daniel 11dor aged It of OttO

Fourth avenue lu tine arm Hosch was arrestedApplication lila been made to Justice lilhert for fV

a week alimony and late counsel fee In this absolute di-vorce suit of Mrs Mary Andrews against Edward K Andrew a broker who lives In Macou street The nameot Minnie Parsons ocurs In the complaint


The President entertained Cen B F Butler at dinnerat the Soldiers Home last evening

RearAdmiral Nicholson will be relieved of the com-mand of this European station lu March and will prob-ably be retired

The President has nominated Brig den John Pope tobe Majttreiciteral

Red Cloud hiss been given permission tn vIsit Washing-ton He vtUhes to emphasize his charges against AgentMcUllljcudd


Taxpayers of Jersey City Intent to form reform alsoelaUnn in every Alderinantc uiitrict

Horace Haiumll of Camden an officer nf the NewtonBuilding Ijoau Association who defaulted to the extentof many IhoiiHiid dollars and who was sentenced to tenyears In the State tinsel was pardoned on Tuesday

The bodv of William Malone a young married manwho disappeared from his home I1J Haltida streetJersey City on Wednesday of last ii ceO warn found yesterda In a pool of water in asnamp baek of hU homeIt Is supposed that lie fell Into It vt tulle he was Intoxieattd

LOSSKH HY JIRFA lois of 10001 was caused by a fire mast night at < 8-

Broome street 1I he chief losers were hamuels A HaUkeyclothing C7ttst

A thee last night In this engine room nf Mm her A Icyetts chemical works at no to S4< W oil tlxteeiith streetcaused a lutes of 1110-

0Hhawnee College ten miles south of Bedford Ind wasburned on Moiiila night with Its uiuvvuni of iIndiancuriosities valued at tiuow

5 lIre early vesterday morning till fOiino damage tostock and toots in W m Lungs furniture factory at IS1ell ttreet and flKU damage to building

The large granite block at Third and rllblei streets ftPaul oHlird by Charles Loch tart tif tint riliiidanl tillCompaiiv and occupied it lticli4lhy by Mi hols A Deanw holt vale liirduare dialers a as burned vesterduyTotal log about IHOIHKI nearl tnrrtd h lustiraiieeThe stock uf Verell Hahlgaam A Timing wholesaledruggists steal door was damaged lu tie extent of from



The Pasta Committed to the Jury and likeJury JLoeked Vp Over Nlsjht

At the resumption yesterday In the Gen-



Sessions of the trial of John Dovoycharged with libelling August Belmont Mr McFarland Mr Bolmonts counsel moved thattho whole ot Devoys evidence bo stricken outJudge Cowing ruled out so much ot his testi-mony


as referred to his appointment upon acommittee to reclaim the money intrusted toBelmont Co by John OMahony In 1601 fortransmission to George Hopper and JohnOLeary Fenian leaders in Ireland ThenMr Beach summed up for tho defence

Ho urged lie jury to strictly interpret thewording ot time article alleged to bo libellous

Who had not heard Mr Jloneh won ton piIrelands sufferings anti her struggles for lib¬

erty 7 John Decoy hind suffered tot Irelandprivation Imprisonment anti lifelong exileHobcllovod that Mr Belmont stood betweenlie struggling pcoplo of Ireland and tile fundthat hiirdworking Irishmen and Irish wontonhad subscribed to aid them If the jury lookedcarefully at the record of time civil stilts aboutIto remittances through lioltnont fc Co horae confidant thnt they would hold that U es-


the truth of Dovoys articleMr McFarland tn bin summing up for time

prosecution said thnt JtelmonteVCochallenged-my honest juror or Judge to llnd a slngln tactthat would show that they had not acted withIto strictest Integrity Vet tile nTomnnt lintbOon folzod when Mr Delmont was tutu of parontnl anxlotyhls son being n candidate forConcress to issue from a printing pr ss obtainedfrom tIm charity of hon Ht labor anti under thinjulio of Hhnm patriotism a Rhamelul andlibellous attack upon nn unblemished personaland business reputation

Judgo Cowing In his charge to tho jury saidhat without Intending any disrespect to dis-


counsel on either side cases of asitreit Importance had been settled within twotours 1 hIs hail occupied nearly two weeksThe question wits sImple If Dovoy had yblohated Ito law in writing the article complainedof ho should bo convicted If ho had not hoshould bo acquitted

Tho jury retired at 0 oclock Innn hourthoyreturned and asked for thin correspondence bo-

Iwcon Uolmont 1 Co and tInt Itothschllds ns tothe drafts but Mr McFarlandn clerk hint takena part ot It to his homo in Nowork and flue juryrntlrod agnin for consultation At 10 oclockthey were locked up for tho night

A Reward Offered for News of Mr flickTwo persons yesterday Informed Mr Collnr

partner of the misting merchant Henry Rich that thebody of the missing man hail been fouunit lii a sowar InEast Fifty sev enth street Mr Celler communicatedwith the police who after Investigation pronouncedthe statement untrue Friends of Mr Rich left cir-

culars with the police last evening describing himand offering SiloS reward for Information as toIlls whereabouts Photographs of this missing man arealso to be distributed aol a search wilt be made alongthe river fronts Mr Celler lays that Mr Rich had nousitiers trouble It is conjectured that In a state ofmental disturbance the eausc of which remains to bediscovered Mr Itlch may have left town and the policeof other cities v ill be untItled

Sergeant oKeefe of tIe Park police said lastulght Ihany of nfl know Mr Rich by sight He witsubject to headaches and on several occasions came tothe Park at night He said that the alt and the stillnessdid him good Once he coitus as late as 3 oclock lu thismorning Iollce lists already been searching for htm-n tIle 1ark Today the late wfihbo thorough searched

Aseaeilnallou Speaker TlsonJACKSON Miss Doc C Private advices from

Qaldtrln glue a detailed account ot the tilling of SpeakerTuon Domestic trouble In the family ot Cot TlsonsBrother culminated In an attack on hd Saunders a mer-chant In Baltimore by the tv o Tisons and a son of eachwhich resulted tn launders Icing badly beaten and Inlured During his confinement he was repeatedly informed that Cot Thou had threatened to kill himGoing out for the first lImo on Monday he carried hisshotgun and shot Tinmen sight killing hint InstantlyTlsou had a pistol on huh person when tilled

The Printer ElectionAt the annual election of Now York Typo-


Union No 6 yesterday the following ticketwas elected President John It ODonuelli Vice Ireildent James Pcott Secretary Oeorge McKay Treasurer lid ward J Kaln fund Trustee John HendersonTrustees JoInt A flanong Timothy F llrotnan Secgeant at Arms Thomas J Robinson Delegates to In-ternational Union Joseph A hoeder L J asliburnAlternates John J Roberts Nesbert i White

Prylnaj Over a TowerWorkmen attempted In vain to pull over

the tower of this EPiscoPal Sunday school building InNewtown Long Island on Tuesday afternoon withropes It was tutu undermined anti pried at with heavytimbers About 4 oclock It toppled over and fell to theground with a crash tho workmen barely escaping Itbroke through the roof of Henry Skeilous stable andkilled a horse v aim d at f IOU

A Cotton Factory In CharlestonCHARLESTON Doe 6The engines anti

machinery of the Charleston Cotton Factory which wasbeguiiln August 1551l were successfully tested todayat d next week spinning will begin The mill has 15tnIOspindles with a capacttv for sq maity liters It la thefirst cotton mill erected In Charleston stiles the warand will be run entlrel by steam

Republican National ComnilKeeHARTFORD Dec 6Tue lion Marshall Jew ¬

ell Chairman of this Republican National Committeehits called a meeting of that committee at the ArlingtonHutel Washington at 11 A VII on Vi educed ay Jan 171HK1 for the purpose of hetiring and acting ttpotu the re-port of the subcommittee uIlitbttel to report ft planfur calling the next national Contention

Mr Foster lllanpnearunce KxplalnedMr Charles T Foster tho Chambers street

produce merchant who disappeared unaccountabl lastweek has returned to lila home In VUlHamshurgh Ilia-Ph ntclan siys lie Is suffering fruit severe nervous pros-tration hIlt will recover 1C he remains quiet Hli ab-scnee from homo sat due to an attack of mental sierrathou arising from ncn ous exhaustion from overwork

Ilenlh of II Triicy ArnoldH Tracy Arnold ono of the most widely

knonn mining brokcra of this city itled jesterda at hishoots In Montctalr About tnt davs ago a tire broke tautat night In the house of one of Mr Arnold neighborsHe was prompt stud efficient In helping to extinguish itand thus caught a cold vhlch developed Into pneumoniaand caused his death

The New lEaven MayoraltyNEW HAVEN Dee 6By an alleged mistake

on the part of Ito convasser In the Third ward of hiltcity the election of Henry G Lewis as Mayor in conceited EIghtS one ballots wet counted tu Ice for rank U

Andrew for Ma > or Thiachanges this lenuitaa rivetfrom 38 majority for Audrew to < J for Lew In

jofiiaa Aintvi xointPr Henrv Drapers will was 3 celerIty admitted to

probate All lute property Is left to his widow MaryAnna Ialmer Draper

Slayer Grace 3 esterdav appointed John J Ilurke asSchool Inspector for the Second School dUlrnt In placeof J H Mulr resigned

Rite W McDowell got a verdltt fur MOOO In hItsUnited States Circuit Court yesterday for Injuries he re-ceived on the Second Av enuo Itallroad

Tile trustees of Columbia College have decided to callthnnew building on Madison aenue exit tiding fruitrort ulnth to Fiftieth streets Hamilton Hull

The new match bet een William Sexton antI vtaiirlco-Daly hiss been dennltel Axed for this evening of Haturtiny lat 6 It w ill be ooo points up cushion earrums fur

stw a sideThla Is the last week of the American Institute Fair

but the attendance Is illdiminished The distribution ofmedals diplomas and iremiums is to take place nextSaturday evening

The building H Warren street In w hlch Theodore Slewart has established a retort inueh frequented bv pollhelms has huet coilvo cit by Amos St loon to MrStewart fur tsweioo-

Uhsses 8 Grant Jr and Fannie C Grant have eontraeled to sell their residence JO tVesttHft eighthstreet to Diinicl IL Amtlerot Jacksonville Floridafor f2500 and other property

Collector Robertson has Interpreted the recent order olSecretary rolger about the closing of the Custom Houseto mean that the cmiloces shall rrttitin on duty until41 VI aol1 they were so informed j enterday

The abandoned house1 of worship of The Disciples ofChrist ttn Tacit eighth street which was originallythe edifice of the Firit tree VMM HaptIM Chun woeterday conveyed to Samuel bluuu for flU iUlel Ihobuilding color two oliy lots

rolleeinen Patrick Illnley Iaddy the Horse ThomasS Harper soil John II 1oe were tried br 1olleu I milmi sioner VlMson jeshertisy fur drutikeiini it Uiuloscane it as adjourned loglve him aclmme tn prove Ithatcramps lu the stomach coniptlltd him to drink liliiorTile other cases were eoncludett and itill go before thisfull Hoard

Charles Ulebirt who killed hut wife lu llrlOge streetIn Vlay tat pleaded guilt In tile tOtr toil ferntiner-vesterdav of manslaughter In tIlt tlrhtdtgrec lmlhellrail said that ho Ithought an txuiuple should be nm inof Hiebert but at the request of eounsel deferred pusslug senttnee until Monda-

vir George K Hest of the Surrogates otnee waa marneil lii Vliss I Miiim Iii IIi ohm oil lice bv the lIeS C VI

Allen brother law of tthe groom saslsh tetl b tllti ItevII K Mote at st Ilsriiiiiii sChiinh HruoUvn DulyImmediate rchtih toes aiittiluiI the eireinoii the honeymuun ulll be fptitt at MHgirv ails

Tht SP heav y eight rolurt pugiliits w ill lox at HamHills Ibis ittltrnotiii fur the Fntltc Vuicltc medti MorrisGrant nf New ytirk fiarles Hadlt of llrhlgeport A cSmith I lie gttutt bat her of 1ort Huron t tries Co ilcyand Ned Hetch ccf New Vork The eniulitlons are threeminute roun Is Mnrtiils of tjuernfheir rules

A eommiinlcatlon fruit the 1llut Commissioners recelvrdb the Coimiiliiliuerii of lucks ritcnl n calledattention to this gradual tilling up of valuable waters a s-

by the dunning of refuse In the rivers and niiutttedthe hue 0 Department to join In urging upon the legl lalure thtt neeessity fur an ropriullou wherewith tormplo Ml Inipretors or special detectives and u steamInlineh tu watch tile tugboats It also suggested tiletemporary suspension of thus license of nay tugboat Captaut convlctid of Illegal dumping and deprivation oflicense for a repetition of the offence

Nothing equals Dr Hulls Cough K nip for all case oftote throat coughs colds Ac M ccutaAdv



Animals that May he Looked ss1 on MundajrThe Park Commissioners and the New

renal Code The Wood College of Muulqs

The trustees Incorporators ot thoBamuolWood College of Musk waited upon the Park Commitsloners and tlirongh their spokesman Judge rancherrequested that tome provision be made tom reestablishingboundary monument upon a site for the erection of abuilding for the accommodation of the college Thetrustees claim that the Park Commissioners white n O-

Btebbtni was President of the Board set hide forthcollege a plot ot ground upon Fifth avenue betweenEeventyitnth and Light fourth streets which plot waSafterward devoted to the Metropolitan Museum of ArtThe trustees think that there It ample room for both In t

stltutlrnl upon the plot The Hoard decided that D-Oreroui of soy grant to the Institution existed

The Board resolved that such work should bo done la-the


lark on Sunday as did not directly contravene thelaw ant wits necessary sad Instructed the officers notlo Interfere with visitors as long as they did not onenljjtransgress the law The animals must have lltfht aniltilt soul It the public wished la look at them no one mayprevent them It was also decided that snow that falllupon Sunday utah be cleared from the walks luotworld being ermlsalble on the ground of public neces-sity It wee ordered that the Hoard ot Estimate sad A p u-

Itorhlonnient be applied to for funds to construct an Iroaridge over the Harlem at this continuation of Seventh u

avenue this present bridge over McCombi Dint bclnInsecure also that tile hoard be asked to trans tcr theappropriation of IHHI givIng fii ao for the construction u

of a building upon Mount Bt V incent In Central lark tathe use of the CnmmlMloners for constructing Ulere-munt

i1avlllon in Riverside 1ark-

Allottlnc Seats In n New ChurchThe allotment of seats in the now church ol

St Francis Xavier to all pewholdera In tie old churchwas begun yesterday the early rents agreed uponranging from 1O downward Among those whoaacured pews were Mavor flrace Judge DonohueMrJames Lynch and Mr Itoval 1helps The allotment Mthe public generally will begin tomorrow evening at Ioclock The preference In location will fo to thosu whloffer the highest rents

Wedded to a ThiefJustice Kollson granted nn absolute dtvorc

yesterday to Mary U Harvey 10 years old who sued Iithe name of her mother Elizabeth llollahan from WinR Harvey to whom she was secretly married In 1881 InEast New York Rhe was led Into the marriage lIt U tsaid by A fortune teller tOte learned after three monthsof wettlock that her husband was n title Justice Moorssent htm to the penitentiary for two soul a linlt years totsnatching a pocketbook from a woman In the street

nbscrlptlone for LIberty PedestalHenry r Bpauldlng Treasurer of the Ameri-


Committee on the Bartholdl Statue acknowledgecontributions amounting to fJ0400 This following jren-tlemen have subscribed f I urn each W M Kvarts JohnTaylor Johnston Christian Iietmnld Joseph VV Drexel1arko lodwln usury K Snatildlng Charles LanierHenry Vlllard Emmie Kellv VV L strong Win ShIppen Cornelius N BlIss Cornelius Validerbilt FredericItllllnss J VV Flnchot Charles Oeunoulco and Anson1helj tokes p

BaluryMurpky Illdnt ITalt to DrawOwen Murphy Treasurer of the Board of Ex-

cise¬ i

ran sway with some 0Oi0 of Its funds on Dec 23 sy1877 If he had waited tilt January he might havedrawn his salary for December but as he didnt hIs assignee Thnmas II Walters sued the city to recover Murptts nalarr for the tnenttvo days ot Decenuhe-rJulge Uononue yesterday directed a verdict for the city f

Marks ReleasedAbraham Marks lie lawyer who was sent to j

Ludlow street jail for thirty days by Judge Larrcmorafor hiving struck John Rassett Jr opposing counsel onthe trial ot a rise In Supreme Court Spce IKI Term wasreleased yesterday by Judge Iarremore upon thus re¬

quest of Mr llnssttt ant tlio certllicote of a physicianthat Mr Marks was sick 01

More Telegraph and Telephone WIresTho certificate of Incorporation of the Now

York antI Pennsylv anla Telephone and Telegraph Cornpan was Sled yesterday In the County Clerks officerite lines of the company arc to be constructed betweenNew York and Erie 1a The capital stock is flied at-W3UOO which may be Increased to 1000000

A lint Wall In the llilnlrTime Building Bureau yesterday ordered ha

reconstruction of a system of Hues In this Bclalr apart-ment


houw at 411418 West Rlxti nrst street whichrun through a partition In thiS middle of the buildingand render It so hot that It can hardly be touched on theoutside

Thoran F Curhurt Detest

Thomas F Cnrhart of Cirhart VThitford ftCo 422 liroadn ny tiled suddenly yesterday at his horn tS

In n hite Plains He list teen ill more than a week andunable to attend to builness but tile drain was whollyunexpected He had been engaged In this clothing bulluses m New York for a quarter of a century

The Clemymuua Overcoat StolenThe Rev C C Lash conducted a funeral in

this old John Street Church on Tuesday Before golliato the pulpit he left his overcoat on a front seat Whenhe xmiuht It nffalu It it as cone and he borrowed a coatfrom one or the trustees to wear to lie cemetery

Chuck Hell Ahrnil by Mne VotesThere were two candidates for President

the Medico Legal frioeithys elettJon last entig ilarkBell list 81 votes and Hr W A Hammond SJ A dinnerat the Hotel llruuslck followeil the election

Solace for Ioslnr kla ICIcUt in SmokeTho salary of Mr Livingston lie dork In the

einplo of llio Ilioik toinmUsioiicrii 0 h was riccntly-nftmd pcrmlofion to Hiiioke during ollke hottre liubeen increartd by 2C a mouth

Grover Cleveland Jlrttirna to ISnffulo-Oovcrnoroleot Cloeuml spent two hours

with iaiuucl J rjldtil je trrdnv nt his residence Ul-Urauiercy Turk and started for llultiklo In tile ecnliiB

The Slffuul Office PredictionFair weather followed by much colder cloudy

weathtr and occasional mm northweHC to southwesttunIc falling follow cd by rising burometcr

sitiiics jJtoir THE ELzfinAPzrThe British ship riona lint teen lost at eea with all OB

boardMunirrntha has been reappolntcd MinIster of Finance

of TurkeyA collier has foundered oil Bernlck England anti ten

persons it cri dromie-dIr I eorold Stain a prominent advocate of Jewish

reform in ilirtnun Is diadHerr Von Klntow this n ell known composer of operas

line bicouic blind from cntnn ct uf tho eyeCaptWC White who tuna Injured a fall of ancle

tutor In teittist tile three weeks in died yesterdayDinnls llronnell of Norn noil N V was Instantly

killed on Tuesday night w hue trying to cross the trackAhead of a tralu-

Slfnor Bertanl the acknowledged leader of the Radi-cal part in Italy took this oMh of allegiance to theKing tfctcrdu-


raiuacked the lioiie nf Col William HarrisIn rirvtland on Tuesday enlntr tnklug 12uo In jewsir slid liamond-

srouuttrfelt Vt notes of the Bank of Nova Scott andtile National Hank of TrnVl are In circulation 11Monti val slut other purls of ilttuUa

The next lenn < lvatia Houro of Rcprescntatlrs willctniflfct of IItt Democrats and bd llepubllcanD nDcm-cinllc majority of y

The steamship Termini from Montreal which wasrun aahore lu the Mersey afttr netilllKioii on lucsdayto prexut list from sinking hits lice floated

The Brttltli steamship stratlimrro front Savannnh forBremen it hUh Is ashore at atundkong Netherlandsbus lust her rudder 1arl of the cres aru stilt on board

A body bellcvrd to be that of Dvld Morgan who dis-appeared


In 1H77 was found teshoruhtiy in number ttie of this Lehlgh Coal and Na > ltfution company atIau fold Ia

Adam Johnston one of the ollest Iron men in theSchil Iklll Vallut and proprietor of the rxtrnil Frank-lin Iouiiilrr In Heading died of malaria ttterday mornlug aged 70 j ears

This InJiMi authorities are Itr > lng to remove 2noo In-

truders front Ithe Creek and htmlnnle countries whohave mo > cil In settled and lived there a long time antioccasional intermarried

P M HdUiett dleil In this city tterday morning He-MaH this editor of the Tntth Ftekrr slid author of a booknu tliuI fcagts and wa for a time In India with Hlero-phnnt Uleiitl ant Mnie llaat > k-

Th Slot tommlHpion has reeelueit the consent ofoioiluHatuI to threoilon of n portion of their reset

Millon Abut 550t more are In be Inlinlened on II-Iflibjtet and this it itt elose thu ci utk uf this CominlfcSton-

Tho Post Otncc In rutlHown Ia wa broken Into onTuebila night und robbed of nboul lu In situ sr siturennies aolI oer ii5t worth of slumps The cafe wasMown open it lilt powder but the nglsured letters lu itwere not loiu lied

S Wrlpht Gilbert ca hlerof the Iako Shore nallrnndat llufliilo nbonn delaleatliiti IH nou ttMeertalnrd to beijoue i Is a nathc of Mm ulx oniku Couuty wherehe U highly eunnrcted Ilit lis r I n fentid so halingsullIed for hurnpi but It U Intlmited that liii relatives inrbtciilx how H here he is

Judge Samuel T Worn slur lirnther nf the lexlcogralitter isCtti F Uori enter x number if ongrt fromOhio nntl nienibi r of thin ju iieiui v of that Slate dlid atlila 11 pi lencrt in Nai hua N II > tohurtiy uftrrnnonaired7H years lie it Its n irratiuiitt it Itht IHarvardelassI ot 3Oand a ilaepmuto ef tittui los hiimner

The nrhoonf r lionna Anna Iapt KobliiFon from rerlhAtnbo fur Ilitiinlpnrt hi ass it lit ciii wont ixlmrnonSilniln nisht nu the unutli sits of rUhurx lauil Suetnu a Inixe link In her bnttnm mid limmiHately nlleitit liii is lilt t tflirdnv moriiiiu tilt I ewel vtelll to thohuh hitui larrjliigfjaiit Hirllmr uli s lInt apparatus beiiitIuig ho Colt AculttheirerKer

The selling nuil of thus ruelilo MIINof LawrenceMats Messrs Jamo I llltlu A io lists resignedcaiuing quits an rxettfineiit til try giMnls and manu ¬

farm tirIng elrelt The Itrriilti tin a tlust hue eorporutlnii-ulslied to make one nf Itusk oilleialsa partner in tthohoum ot Uttlo Jt tonhlcli this littler refined to agree lu-

Iduard lacitlrs ii as con > letdlI In Philadelphia cterda niurnlnc of tile tits It ruhhcryI t f Jime A MeCaiill-tu Nut inbfr and Charles Jaeqius was cotti it ted as rc-

cijter IlliouiHn Cardner was aim rnulcted a a re-

ceier ai d lit and Ele ard JarmitH is mrs selitenttil totie ears and ten months lu thus peulttutlary CharlieJerque s trutenee it a vusi tndrd rnd the Honiau it Itoclaluicd to t Jaeuuts Wife was diseiisrtui