- THE SUN . . . - -- - -- . , AIONDAY. NOVEMBER 7, l87i I ) i It hHra rr All. jj MONDAY, NOYEllllElt 7, 1870. j i Animrnipnle Toinr, i I tlMtb'a lbtre-luit- aa MiU. L i r. llilj. J. ' rmb Ant, Uturi-M- ii w.', l' Crand O pfra llsnse-- ts llri.S. tliM. '13 otlsis Tkeulrp iwt.j. f 5 t J Jjttlly At l.tta'a-- U 4. lumt. i lit K.lnla'aTbrnlrr-lm- ul Au.ea. ' Mlble'a C.rJfii-.M'i-- i. Mu OKI. ? ' IMtw YtrL tlreua Kit , .TP. Martf. ft ' I Olj-.p- l. Ibratre -- '. WuH. UM. Hi frsatUta Mli.lrrl. Hr.Hir. Jki Teal I'uHor'. Oarra ly. N, AiiimIIsiu. fp t, lbs Il.a.l. Immel-Osi- sts Vlillirs. IN Vlalla.k'. I..I- -. I.,'. Vt Ily, lnIll"li"J. HstiMl. f Do not tic Alrnltl to Vote Keep tbo Every legal voter ought to vote. No man who 1b not cjnalifitxl should attempt to voto ; nJ If any man who is Utapunllllod attempts j to vol?, wo hopo lio will bo arrested, Indict- - csj, tried, convicted, and punished. JJut ilo not bo nfralil of UltANT'd threats. 1m Even if ho should station troops at tho ; 'i polls, walk through tho bayonets they will not prick you and vote. Vote, according to your honest convictions. Votn J tut as you ilcaw that Is freedom. But do not bo j.' I afraid to voto. jjjf" Don't Voto lor iVoodlord. IK.Jn, Don't vote for Stlwaht L. Wooufonu If :j i ( lor Governor. IaP' Uccauso it is proved by his own evidence Ufcy that ho was ft friend of AriLinoN Oak- - W. j , BUlTif, tho slavo-txado- r, and when Acting k.: 5 ", District Attorney connived vTltli hint to eeud i ' out tho bark Augusta on a Blavctrcdir.g Ml ' yojtgc. Wfi ' IhcatirO when he was Lieutenant-Governo- r Pffl 'tis business partner received five thousand Jl, dollars for the pns'flgo through the Lcgisla- - fr. ; - euro of the French Cable bill. Jl k ' Because Ida business partner rocelvol a H f r i three thousand dollar mortgage from Kr.xo lH Duukiiam shortly after IIutimiau was par- - jft, f ' iloned out of State Prison, 1 For theso reasons thousands of liopul' J l .leans will voto for John T. M j ; JlomtAN, and they iei!l do right- It Is n jS y liard nm'mity for them, but tho slave-trnd- u j j candidate uioilT TO in: uia iUTEi). mtp. Vote for .Unrtlit T. JlcJlnhon. WfJ: Every i lectnr of tho Fourth District should ftjl . vote for .M.MiriNT. McMAItON, l)eeaue h is 11 j! .n hom-e- t man. No schemo to rob tho ' public treasury or to oppress tho people with wnjusi taxes can omt obtain encourngeraeut Wi, ' r snppott from him. IIo is n capable man. lie. has beuu tried u Mhilbter from the ITnlted States in South America, whero the flavuholdlng cmplro of i Hra.ll was endeavoring to put down tho frec- - - government of Paraguay ; and In this I'll difficult situation Mi Maiion co:auctod him- - rclfwlth gn-a- t diMrction and with flaillty ; ; to Deimwratic principles. This ehowr Jiat ( lio is ablet" defend tliofc'iir'nc'plcsl'epcccli I ud vote on the of Corgress. He Is n true l)riiio'rMt and dg not nn. i Ixjhu tliai hi- - is Oct for than his iw'ow citizens kjp In cause lie was born richer and has had bet- - Jtj'l Icr opportunities than they. Ho looks I'll ' down upon no man, but regards all honest citizens as entitled to rerpect. wlthnut re j J gard to considerations of wealth or blrih. He is a brave man. and has provwl It by fighting bravely in defence of the Union I upon many fields of battle. ?. 'I ' He is n thorough going American, born of f' 'rish parents In Canada. Every voter should B've him his suffrage, because In him tho lpJfal rights of foreign-bor- cIHwjdb havo len af ailed. Men have been called upon 12 vote ngaintt him on account of the clrcum- .' , stance that ho firnt saw tho light in Canada. t this spirit be rebuked by his election. ( j He is a rellmv. jjn faithful to all his Bulies.jmt ond tolerant toward nun of other fonns of lalth, but sincere in his attachment "j- - to his own. All Intelligent electors ihonld ci!), Iflve him their eufl'mgcp, becauso an attempt . Las been made to strike him down on Hie 'f Rround that he Is a Catholic; and all men ihould rise ngalnH such efforts to Introduce ' H t'' religious intolurance Into politics. ' ' ' Vote for Mahtix T. McMaiio, because J!j Us opponent cr.Itttica Eeutlments of con tj tempt toward Irish, German, ana '. J Citizens, such bb render him unworthv ot I J'it your sufl'rao. The District ilot-- ' 'j ,n,,t. wnnt a Kiiow-Xothlii- representative J Ujl j In Congrrss. j Finally, vote for Maiitin T. McMaiio?; if ,Hj l 'because he ought to be clec'e 1. Ace 'rdltigly, m n let iiBibet him. ' IfeM' a ,,' CnBrsaloinil I2J of ''- - H.J,- nll,l Bj I; i'...t nave nlivady choen representa- - m-- i . rives for the next Congress, electing clght.t- - ft I, ' tiireo iiuiubers. Two States choosj repi ft.j M- pintatlves electing seven inumb is. j 'I Twenty two States choom representallvi s B5 electing ono hundred and thirty- - j liJ'J' eight iiit'iubcp). Ono Stnto chooses ropro- - !l i' rentutives in Doeeinbcr, olettlng svveu mem- - i'1 leru. Two State choose lepreiKUitiitiws next spring, idcctlng coven mombors. This - lompletes tho list of thlri,i" eftvcn SiateP, ar.rt ' ' nial.ee a total of two hundred and forty-tw- the luuuber which the uxt House ' is-i- to in tho vlvctioni which taken pluce, ns ull no fn those l imiui.-dlatel- pending, or arc to in tho clioico of members nf flncmliur, i ' Congress. In the present Houso have n major'ty of eighty, j To lnrely th s majority, the must now make n net gain of 1 miinbers. Itather more than one the House is already chosen, and the If . JU'iuinntH claim n net gain thus far ot ' tw-lv- ii or thirteen. Tho Republicans w.ll mili st tlneo or four of theso scats. As they i, ' (v ill have a majority In tho next House, they ill It lil ly to get them, thus rediu lng the ,111'' 3) iii'Kraue uuii.n to eight or ulno. (' R ' I lu the for tho lcnialulng two- - ! 1 tlilrds of the Hens,. th Democracy will no II r Vioulit lnaki- - raiher lnigor punioitlonal gains t gihan iu the elections width linvu tiausplmd. !W ribiilt will bo niiiiiily due to tliu (juar Vela huh w ,dc ly prevailing In the Republican 11 J Biurtv and wlmh aru clmrgi able to the '.' jbmifrl It ii mi e r (,f Ueu (li AST with y't j1" 1( I p'..l i if miniv tf the Htatis. WhiH , 1'ytri nf M- - ir allIt,v TToik wber i' paity sufl' rs from his nn A luiii.W J'diit', ftud lu which tUc die r traded and contentious Republicans will suffer seriouB losses. The rceult of the elections In Kottli and South Cn rollna indicates that tho Ilopubll. cane ran by no means secure the whole negro vote in the old tOavtholduig Slates. ludeod, the result in the Carol, nas clearly shows that If the National Democracy had only lieen wiso enough to put on record in duo Hcaton an emphatic declaration that they did not intend, Iu the event of their return to power, to reopen or in any way disturb tho great principles embodied iu tho Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments, thry might this very year hnvc overthrown tho supremacy of the Republicans In two-third- s of the Southern States. As It is even, wo not lie surprised to liudthat supremacy seriously Impaired by the elections of y and tomorrow, teaching oversangulno Re- publicans, what oil reflecting and candid mluds clearly foreseo, that the six or ncven hundred thomand negro voters In those States will prove to he an unstable founda- tion whereon to ttako the fortunes of a party. However, though the Democrats make handsome gains lu tho Congressional elec- tions yet to tako place, they cannot hopo to carry a majority of the next House. Never- theless, thoy may reduce that majority to bo low u figure as to raiso a reasonable doubt whether the Republicans, with two years more of tho dead weight of Giiant'u on their hands, will bo able to win In the Presidential race of lb?2. Voto for Horace (Srcclcr. The Hon. llonACRUitnianY is a candidate for Congress. Voto for him. Ho has ren- dered imuicBtA BcrvtM to the Ropnbllcan party; and they havo put WooDFOitD up for Governor over tlio veteran's htnd. TL'.s is an Insult to Mr. GllCElXY which ought to be resented. The right and proper way to resent it U to voto for Mr. Glinni.tT and elect htm ; whilo WuODroilD will bo de- feated. At all events, let hb ftlvo Mr. nmtv I cv a larger vote lu tho district whero ho runs than WoomxmD receives. In a few years Mr. atitXM'.Y may have re- tired from political llfo. Then overvbody will lament as people lament over tho falo of Ronr.tiT Bunas and of He.nuy Clay, after it Ifl too late, that they were so neg-lrct-- when they were on the stage of octivo lire. Voto early for Mr. Giibulky ; but don't vot? often. It Is wicked nnd criminal to vote more than once. And If all Mr. Gltr.KT.nVs friends, in the district where he runs, vote for him once, ho is pretty sure to be elected. Let all free-trad- men vote for Mr. Giir.i:-LEY-. Thoy profcts entire confidence In their principles. And If their principles are- - cor rect, they must triumph after a full ditcus-slon- . Then let them send their ablest an- tagonist to Congrcfs, and have the question finally settled after full debate. Of courts, all protectionists will voto for Mr. Gheelly. Wo havo no doubt that tho vonerahlo Jahiw Goiu'O.n HhSMrrr will support Mr. GUKJ'.LUY. iivM.ui tj'..n ut alive to Mile lor him, if ha lives in his district Mr. I!o.nm:u owns houf.es all around, and we do not know in which one ho is living Ix cause Mr. Grtrnji.KT has Wen a conspicuous contributor to his pepor. Isaac Siiliiusn. Esq. the brains of the Republican party will support him; for ho has an enthusiastic admiration for Mr. Giili:i.i:y. Jinlgo Baunaiii), being a Tuiiuiiuny mau, may uot vote for him, but ho must wish to sec him elected ; for Judgo Baiixmid being an lu .est man, has a pii"imd regard for Mr. Gm:ki.I!Y as an honest man. Mr. Gur.Kr.rv Is one of tho few great men of New York. lt us eend Mm to Con- gress. Vote for him. All hands vote for him but don't voto but one. Vote lor d'eorgo tVllkei. Mr. Gkoiku: Vii.ki:s is a candidate for Congress. We hoje to see him elected. Why t Became Mr. Wii.kks is ludlsputably a man of talent aud a patiiot. Some effort has liecn made to Injure Mr. Wti.Km by showing that he aasoclatcd with eharai ters of social inferiority. Tills has re- sulted in establishing that among his promi- nent friends aro Mr. A. A. SuLOVr.ll, Chief Justice Ciiabi:, and tho Hon. John C. HAMir ton, trntof Ai liXA.siir.ii Hamiltov It Is trua tf:?! Mr. "Ji Is under- - 6ucnk XeW8 liB'I-i- Hood to rnief, John Ri'tsi:i.i. Yocno. Jlut that is no objection to electing him to Con-gicss- , even if his disposition to u'I the Sneak News Thief remains ao good aa ever. Everybody knows that if Mr. Wilkes Is doomed to reside in Washington, ho will havo no money left to lend Yoo.so, or any other eneali thief. Voto for Mr. Wiluiu. He Is a man of tukiit ; and men of talent are rare, and, like beefsteaks, all the more valuable for be. lug rare. Veto for Mr. Wilkes, Vc hats to hurt Urother BiiQCns ! but we must oxhort all men Republicans and Democrats to votJ for Mr. Wiluus. The .Mn orally. A careful examination, cf th6 Btato of tho ennvaw in all parts of tho city furnishes clar Indications that Thomas. A. Lkdwith will poll a very largo vote That ho ' l.koly to be elected cannot now bo said, but he will coma a good deal nearer to it than his npponeuU hovo been expecting. Thid extraordinary development of strength li due to tho conviction among upright men in all parties that tho.ro cannot be an houwt and toonomlcal administration of tho city government so long as it ifl monopolized by iho Tammany machluo. This is a most en coiiriiglng symptom. It proves that though defeated at Albany last winter by tho folly and treachery of tho Republicans, The Sl-- hu' not worked for nothing. Tho goveru-mcn- t of this metropolis may oen yet ha reformed. If, instead of allowing tho belief to become general that ho was to bo used to glvo votes to 'WooDronn, the Slave Trado candidate for (lovi-rnn- r, Juil.re l,i l'WITlt hod declared at tlin s ait th i. If ' J no connection with an su hdi'iluu r i'l in . guc, that his only pur j ib was to ovi i throw tho Tammany Ring In the ilty and tliu' he himself would vole agiuist Qowowi, thvjc can no doubt that ho would havo been elected Mayor by a noblo majority, lie irould hare not mmy more lhpuUkan recti then than At titl gtt note. However, the opposite com so was taken; and )ct there is a olbllity that I.UDWIlit may bo elected, but the probability Is in fa- vor ufO'llAi.L. A committee, consisting or Mah'HaI I. O. KonrRT. MnM Tamos, Joitv J. Asms, K. I. Hiiowm, (Inin'.s K. HiMUir, nnd HiiWAniiStmi.i, lisve exsmlncd the sccmuils of Mr. Coinptiollcr CoXNOLLt. and find tlicni all correct, llify lo declare, in a itatctucnl published iu another cob uuiii, that the citj liuaiicv re In psrfect older In Mr. IVvnollt's hK Tlili statement, fr mi gentlemen no eminent In the financial woild, must be UVcn as aiiwrimr the linpiilatlnn that baro been made agaliut the character and of Mr. Coxxoi.lt. We underiUnd that It bus been determined, In older to avoid a luit, to run Mr. CosxoiLr ai a candidate for Comptroller upon t lie Tainnia. ny ticket. Mr. Comsoi.lv Infnriiis in that It wan not his wUU to run, as he igard h's preent tenuro of the office aj jierfeetly a.i, .but ho jleldl to tho juJBmeul of lil political annciate. After the ccilificatc to which wc baro referred, U li uot likely that bis toto will be Hnallcr than tlut of any of the other candidates upon bis ticket. B. B. Roosevelt, the Uod-Bu- g candhhto for Conycs in the I'ounh District, h repeU-edl- y abu-o- d and wtlfied Mattiikw T. Hbwixam throujli tlio columns of his paper, tlio fllton. This wm after he said that " tf Hit Iilsh did nut lie, steal, cheat, lob, murder, get dnmk, perjnra tliemelca, quarrel, tight, and lnlt upon dam-ag- unreajenably, thoy would be almost i good ai other natloui." Democrats of the Sixth Ward friends of Matthew T. llnt.NNO tlda inau Itomnr It. Roosevelt It now befero you, hut in hand, aid- ing for your votes. What In your reply ? Joait Foley, who lart year was elected Hupervhor In sp'.S of all that could be done to tho contrary, i now mRihis fur Oio LcirlUture in the Twenly-llri- t DMiict. lie is alt hwoit politician, on a fast lailroid platform. Bvcrj-bod- y likes him, and lie Hill mako a mlality poweifnl run. Mr. Speaker IIitcuuas is hit opponent, bat It I tald that 1'olet lll sweep the track. ' Out of the wav. the onijine'a com- ing !" "For wo.yw that are dark nnd tricks that are vain the heathen Chinee Is pcenlhr." Hut what I to be .old of neh a ticket us the fellow-lo- g !- - for (ioTtraer. giewart L. Wo.!rot, i f- -r Ln- urnasl. HlalnittOd Kanftinsni ir (nieiri.lr. AijUh W. l'alin.t i for Col I anilii.'ttiwr it leru l Alnlmn Nrlecnt fnr Caaal c 'aintivNMirr lent,). lx. for 4ad- t'r,,n lut, rri..r. luim l'ri.'ifii roi Major. A. tl.- lltlit t r -- BurlT. Muiiia T. Ilrrjn.ni let ( lor oi Hi. t .tr ami ' noal)-- n,w York, uajtlfi P.. l.ccw i tnr Corone , lainc II i 4'lo.i W. Tonnf. 0mii N. Hrrrmnn. Ibrc have ths slire-tr.ijir- candidate for Oivcnvr, and the Tammany cAndida'e, tl'ilm, for U II It about the pmnot cin.blu,ioB that we lmve ecn. It if evident thai there will be une cheating in this elcctii u. Any Iiifhrnan. Giintti, or ll-hr- - " 'ho rotf fvr Itoni.iiT IJ. UousnvsLr uill fully Jutt iff U IU eontrmft tmJ;!u. 1Ioovi.t kat htvfti vpon iktir jtpU. I'.VTHICK MrNAMAKA, Deiiioerat, U run-niii- for the Atieu.Llr in the l'mirlti Hiitri t, fuloet Jons J. I'laib, Tumm.it y. Mr. M V UAlii Is a thouiUjhly lioi.i l uiul n-'- , L! ,M, . imi.v HII ti , Vf "11 iil.ni, 't do hi- - iiui( hi ciiUsiiiiuiilu illicit, 4 ir (ui: Let nvcry honest citizen in the First. Sec- ond, Tblnl, l'ourth, rifth. Sixth, and Illjhtli Wardt secure a McMtno.v ticket ote it the first thing uioriiiinr. II.- - nri that your ticket it ondortod on tlie buk, " C .i s Number Three," and that ii renin, l'or BeiFinUil la Cenzreu fur Hie t'u n ik Martin 1. Mu.Mauox. Head your ballot raitfiillr before votlnjr, and tee that the proper letters ate m the name. Col. B. F. Wi:.MOLTH U the Republican candidate for the Aminbly in the Vint Dittnet. He it a real Colonel, or rather l.o uied tu be, and Is a worthy ci,!iep. We suppose he hardly ev pfcts to be elected unfeiX can contrive to add tho votes of tlu Young Democracy to thf of his own peity. Wituoi-ti- i la one of tho tru. tees of the old John ttieet Mcthodiit Chun.li. UutalUrall, eno of the beat points hi hU char-i.ete- r It that ho warmly mjipoitt Gen, Maiiiis T. MiMauon for Congress. Wo prii t on the third pngo tho speech of Mayor Hall at the gieat ISiuisnax deinouttrntiou tn Cooper Inntllute on Sntiiiday evening, livery voter uould do ull to read It bufjlc goiu; to the ballot-bo- on Tuctdty Benjamin A. Willis la tho Republican candidate, for Congress iu the Seicuth IU,r!ci, ajjan'ii Sihtu lltv, Jr. He U a well knonn law- yer and a rtauuch Kepublican. He ought t j oll a full vote, and he descrvon a geni-ri'in- i ui.port. GKOlifir, L. LoUTltr.L Is thu Twnaiany nominee for Anncmbly in tlio 1'ifih PMiiet. lie has been throe tlinej a member of tlio l.e.'id.v ture, and his left as cleir a record ui any nia i who lm ever reprceiul that district. IK h,i incurred the mortal hatred of the notoilou Tub. Ai.lcn's gang, tlnniiKli hi mpo.uia of llicir operations, and nu lliit if on i o ullier sceou'it hodetenoi an election, Ho nil! have & turn iiinjoiily. Jons M. Coita, tlio wlnnlug candilau for Asiembly In II. o Ninth DUlrlct, l nn old Tblrd-Warde- i, and a tteillng iltlen4 "fl, known in tho district, and dosy7f(Hy pipuUr. If elected, as now iccms gu'e probable, he will bo a decided Improvement on so;na former tentalives from that dlalrlt. Mr. Coit U nnnilnated on the plalfoiin of no tutciferenee by (lie 1 cdual authoiitlc'.tn local politics. In the 'rwe-tlii- AiMtiiilily District, lite Iluuso ltepubllean u.ui. Uiihuo is Jlr. Wu. A. Dooi.lv. He bus bud inucli cxperbjice In city affairs, It a man of propeity and pii.bity, and Mould make u ifi-'- d B.C. Wvnhki.L is tho Republican candl date for Aitembly lu the Tblileenlli Dislilct. Re It a good man. lilt opptueiil is Uicuaiiu ny, a bliud adherent of tho TammanyJ Itlug Theio are three oaatUidute i inning fur llieodlo.'. If Mr. Wanmil polls t4u .full Ilepubliean ho nmy be elected. It Is reported in tho lUrnU thnt tho Presi- dent lu uidered a new muni to be taken in l'lilladelphlii. Somebody hae euiiiplaiued that the nork has not been done cuircctly, and so tlcn. (I bant proposes to havo It done over, Tlili li thcer usurpation. The I'refidcnt bat uulbliif; tu do nlth taking the cciuui. Men of tlio Kighth Wnnl, don't full to voto for I.i kb 0. Giiiues, Iho eloquent dUclple of l'athor MtTiisw, fur School 'fiattec. He li pupular, and oii,ht to be nnaninioii-l- y elected. It Is a cheering tie t thnt tho bufn ess of the rep' liters Ims been slopped 1 yen tnoie nlio have succec led in g 'Mmi tlicni It sic ill buioly dare to vote U uiwr.w. This will probably bo ths most honest election that hat been held In this eity for yeare. Much of the means of accomplishing this has been urj ob- jectionable, but the result is good. Ronr.iiT B. Roosevelt, the Bedbug can- didate fur Confess in thu Fourth District, came from Hull nrenue. He waa Imported into the Vouilh for the purpose of cndflarnrlng to defeat Gen. Minns T. MrMitiiW, a poor, hnnett and a Colonel of the (f dlant Sixty.lillitli in lit fighting days. Hut It can't be iluue. A Vl'JJIt riKOUN' I'O If KIIS. Tlir Opinion or r.nitiiriil l.nsrrera nnt of I tie t lilted hlnlrs Ill.lrlct Attorney. Havo tho United Slates Snpei visors of Elec- tion i Unlit to InUiTtr rici-.i- t with tliorc citizens vtlio propose to vole for members ofConerc-t- f Have they a tklit to bg prtxnt n Hit conntint' of an) sou eicept those tor niembert of Canniest I These queatloas are In a niibllsted opinion nf Vtssrt. B. V. Stout,Mon, fleoreo T. Curtis, W. O. ttartlctt, James Danubue, aad Jo'eph Hill. Tlicy Ulte It at their Jinlgninil thattlie Uwof the United btites cannot have any appllcillon to the ttectlon of Stale and local offlcera; that the 8npcrIors cuinot hare anything to da except with those who propose to for member of L'oiigrr ; that they em have no control oyer any ballot boxis except tbosa soles for Congre'imtn; and tbat they have ao rlxM to os erf te the canvase of any oil er votes except those for Conrroesnno. ltespcetlog tlio act of Congieii ltclf they make the fullois Inst "talo merit ! " llr the HjIIi tffilon ef ihe set II I nmvMffl tht It thtll he Unt il for tin- - M.irh.il "f Hie t tjiie 1 sim ior this illslrle I lo tl"it niaar )" " uri'jnK- - as may lc tree try lo nlr at a? f elci iloa at was li lleprcseotsures in rontftps ar lo bertioen. .(h.I sil.l iln.mletmt htrthti lr.t lofirtrtf nritrtnl rlfllnn: nnt to mint rw ol o'rvr'i rrhmfS or IU inct ronwHtlHi It IhMr riii'.' By tt.c fimnli atnole of Hit iMtiin'mpnls to lliit 'iwiltutln ( tlie t'nllnl sulci, It l Ji e'arfil Hist the rhrlit of Iho peoi ! tn be sernrr In li., ir njniml iiemmnabli self. are lill r.ol W yloiale t . and iht no warrant" iha I t"ne but tiin erobtb e eatisf. npiHirleit b oallier altlrmall i. ptilieniariv le,re.,ni ili per'nn tn fi'iit. Thai i .irlo(il. e ntliirhfc- - 1.jb it.ll.-,- ..t Is in illred ylnUiioB ol tbi 'aue t h Couiinuiinn, nuJ tbuaM y inartutl. un ler pretest of pre-- tt i ontrr ai lh.- - loii'inc el e'lnn setin r'tsora lih.il sinrrnnt Lisrirtiy imoi-I- . npi otiwl by an- il ivlt. he will la iqilhshle, ei linn si v. In the Mats ii'lirl. ami he llitnieih rt ln for dulnsim la adoltion, at Ilia lull of iteargnesnl rartln " On the o'her honl, Mr. t.tl. tho DiMrlet At- torney, hss iMueJ I ho tol!orlii( Intlrncilons tu Ibo tupirvlors! A'.t.l ti n yonr itoty :o aiirnaou th dsrol rtrelinn, simI n l,o nrti-n- t rroin Lie i joim nfi'i-pul- ls iflt lbs fliitl rntuiiin uf the snirs iniiil lo itiallengc every vi,u Trlitc'i sou alio or snip" I to Hi'-a- l, or Itnprop. r.y "iiirerM.aiid tn w t,, It iliai yonr rba lnse Is ir.reeit 1.7 Iho t it 1.1 nf In-- l wl'Hi uvl Unit th.- osllii rr(iiirt t bv biw afa rfopet'T AitininntreJ. lo Ubchnrae ihls nir rforei.. (haillj knp a list ( all t nuns clunlcusat. nnd .lAatn Ci"lli U"m heUier ojIIh tru "mlriiflcrot. and pailleiiSMj Z'Z n. cLrcltial to aiti.itiilsier the oath aod all eaet whtt! twtJII-v'- il ttty refo"ato i k thei'tlh tn cvrry cee wbpt.- - yno rri nvt or fett istitftad tb.n the iron Tom rr s lo vol l not liKlly to votn ii sjourduiy t,i rail ih ulteiiilou ur a UrrniT niatiliMl lo lueli ami hh i rfrnce. As ..n.........nl...H(L.ip u .,... r.. t . m I will be a tailnre of duly . n n.ur iurt II yon rinli.wi u you rbn'li ..ne s ij.-i- i m a uw.nl . 'er, io iimt y ny rlepiiiy marshal nn-e- nt ot Hie irltae aSout b inx coluinntenorsiHmir.i. A4wl-.tt- ne ilwnf the poll-- It Is joor nnnrUI dnl) oi wune-- t ainle' "i-l- V n ouimiiiif f II u and Iks uiakms I II... , II,. ul Tt.t an of Cougre tnai yoit iruil be pmcl anil srlli.r- - ilirouahout Hi" eoaHHir of a I otf." til rrnialn wheto Ihi- - tin !oi b- r isit. at ait timet. isr ttta pm's erf und. nat I the vans are Seattv iinni-i- t M oar rtaM m ii iti r nnl fnrt catn ill ram mm of all nsMln lll.eM,.l H 'tvslt kt you tia In. 4 in .1 JliH i ivis vn e lir n- prtilsn m t orcf'" f "it In nv n' tlie tK'iii- - t,riiiiiiy in.. '' I as i. im.i l n Ihe hvi tie Stale tint I'll x r'is m p s't- - aM p'l-r- ii i . n t e 'fltf.eate fi ibe aftnaee of :t n,i. an sinirnu-n- l lr.net Ina tl ll.tt nr 'nfn-- lli renf wl. rh ht rk-t-r is .s mipoisanr in wiiii- - thnimliont ibi i soie.e(ai IU dirl..u. You uili iau. tlir fure. at jour po t till Ihr n'lie c.mva - SuU&oiL i bj lasri rf the Stsle rtosl.l 'or II or rdrr H wMrfc ihe hsiwM, nio lo be ri-- I and ci.ev-a.e- d. Any Ao-- p irtur ther. frnm. wit i n flnu lrlrtu In enl. I ia. a etliae ay ilio'M accilnn ri tiicart oi I'nnervfi, Ir ii r Uonrd of Iriueetort mi"id in ti"la4tonor luebialc la,ynn b tixliail t l.m in ihe Hw and u- - ibst tl be ul.cvi-1- . tlili if ilu. Lui.. t if . crmicern nof arrrel .ir itnly nr ill ' ... v i n mit, n iifcrMtrv. ruli tas inaihl or ileni.iv io erot- nt yi u in o .(MMa ti it r r.u tie b' ,i cvuu'.eu ana IU.' Ra il v;i 'lOts'v li.J lo. ltunoK r.:t it.it o ami num. Tie MobuLeo I.mii.I mill li.ipiwteiiieui Com print fcrl.i,.ff n Nni-lt- ltlsl r It TI,i- - I'lirl n HulldliiE In llnr Mcl I Ibr tlitl'tb. nil l.lnr. 1 vt mi- - a pi.nt a e, ,iii .nin l,iw be n w fsv regard tc the tO"'1''. "f lb ''Ip With of il.e ITuboLen frrj 'oot cf Bsrc'ay slid '. The Hot oil n Land end ImprGSeiS'! Company, who own and oinae the UtboLin ri.l.i'cU irn.e ii:,l to this i'.p. oad . 'i .u:n.r.er eia t t t rrrc t jr r bv i i,t rrt i, ion and tjLlnS pn I n of it Tl Ir thjeel wn to spile II ovir ard et a Ir ininc aeroa the heail t anrnut-- iidp the etnn- - buslaessof the Munis and - s Kallror.d, uod f,.r ulhi r ofltcct counseled Willi I, liir,-- . Un trLiiin psSMslon ibey coiuaionct-- Jm lag ri'" nllh ll.o utmost enirgy, uml bud neil) (tuiptUaJ tLI poiUur of the work wii n liny wrn waited up a by ei ita,n cky otbclal and oriKrr i tu d. lt. Tbey did dilt. thougti uadtr orelis . bu rot until t ie eff rials tl Ihfra tvlt!i au lribcy iwrnistut In thr.r nndi ttakl.tg. The Jsw-vp- . elvBrty atnltit llm repipany, ire ibitotea eirrisl iiuLib.iTns ii"- siici'ASrf " buildlui beyoiiit the lulkhfail line, ami tills rronnsul I iinU-i'- i Otniik l at lea-- t a lii.iniied b et liejond lli it line. Jiat the Company hnMiu :oipr-.- l work, II. v autbbniitt piiht no I'urll er uitetiiun in tl.e nijib r On Urld. 7 nl ,1 1 ' t, nusrur, !mmcd:a!r!y afi,-- r ditk, a nn of it't." er.rpettcrs from llolo-ken- . fuily .irmed slib afl runner of biiiliirr' too.s. These were toon lo ioned by a flit touile l vtilli lilu ber and lumber, whh-- stjs In tho deb-ite- lip. Veiy qaiikly the sniiml nf the raw and haul-m- u was be ud Lelitnd tho ilrki t Led mi Iho Hi., buk'-- iloi K Nnbo I) kntiv v'.al luueatil. No one vitt iidniiti'l ta tnv,. 'Irati Hip trance proceed- ing. A'l nUht Ions Itu din us Urp'. up v. ilti I sl;r, and it daytlsW on 9lui iAV u.ornlnc Ibe ear'y frfpicnlcrs uf V;.;,ntun Miril't and tutfi ulng 1, ,n.-- sta llit .iiinly v. suipiHed a ri le'e I f i.no b'liliinK eos e rlns Un- bent uf ibe .lip. Tbo build .it is one lor In I ulsi-- t an,, nboul seveiii flve In th by fatly s.fdlb TIhh ihe llutMiVi-i- i Ijinl ntt lipro,iiii nt Com: a y Iktjdoii .Ni'A York, r. Ii- - a n arch on tlie est j clH ci . di fied lu'i sml iva.b Ian iejun'-iin- joni ourioarts At 7 o'eio, k on ts.tunbiy iunruiu, l'.ie lion. W. W. bbijpen, ibe grcl iiiuu.il ul i' u I.imJ aud innro. meal Company, er.i rroin II"' ki i. Itiu, the otk, ptnn lune.il Ii wi'll done. 1. Ui 1. i ! at II t iu vi s of bis phii", ut'l i.e.iir-i- t lo I .i Indi iMKknl of Ne .lei .; . jJtc.sLJi.Ms or mi; i ;;.;.-- . Diir rainaeiH scMii to content th nwlve t .i H - pu ml .i k UU Un. sjicc-- f lht iu v ill, u l ti..n Lcri; vu:iari. Ti e pul i. .iiih, s lolet'fi .iii-r- , .1, '. .' '. " Muu uud U il" (roiu ibe I'lfili Asenae, or y t MMOunrle lo itlmiotiilim.- l.ip Vun S lu'J; .e. ItoolU'a. Sir. Mu'i flu 't i i pitun cf,i , m h ibe old dies that SI nib rnall',2 ti v .JjftcW - ior the Olympic not!-14- e coun i. iUIum.r than tbo iwntoailiat tketg Kim psrfotui,1. Tfv Until Opera Bouse seaks tn ylvr. a I lib. Vitliij loth.v;r;i.ruianC3io'lho "CrfanJ l)ui'.n." anl tie P tit l'aa t" by !' iriluiliu 'In :"til Vrlusa ilr nii-.- in the different set. 'llievx li, bowtvnr, promise of 'evilllcs 'non ti be bri'iurbl out i lor exiwplo.nt v'iaek'a Mr IIj'.i lie' oniaerty, " lllnb." n 1 at Ihe Kiltli Asenue lhciesi.,l . f " l i rnai,,!. On, nl .ic S " l.'rl.jn.N ' Is t'lo iioli.l el aiityouJay t t nil) ,n llouai-- Lull Jidisih tvlyea to give pie ianl v .rlety to the piriornuines ul tier theatre. Tnls wevk Mr. -I nwe'l, wlto uiimi tin rriuient v il't blin r In it I , i In- gin-4- , in iki-- bit iirim imnwi there .in lit kai it . iiiiiac ,c. ul It .i'tQ J Jtf Jcdi' in "'luo A'lli-'- l nt 1," 'I .. 'un ." Ni it un & , i r burb ine fur l,i. ' '..i nni.io it romnnnv, w til i bri ri'bi nut ii ,1 . nt , s IVri., nr fi- - Api In nf I " ' .i, '' u n mi tin , ai ... Mini llli l b i. ' 1, II. i.. i II .1 it llii- din y i. ' At Nibbi't, tlie verv inor.t irmu p f ir nsi. of II lit.' "llutiunian Mill" will b ie I i' ni:ht uml totnnirmv ivi'iibi'!, tin I'dnc laj' ev.M.t i JI "ml iw' i 11m Van Winkle " Will le I roi ,T' t oi.i. Mm llnn'-ii--l i itirkrtnin, a vnirnr punit wl.o Iiiih puiiioi n,u .it.ir witli Mm pul.li. , kiii. iichi,-ei'i- t lu r.iTbt it n l itlnn f'lii'. bus I ir :ib i. i.i n.i .p. Hens, ilr. Win.'l hi.' a th sin' nisi, Mr. eta Ibe nrniiUt. nil othtr nrtuM. Mr, II. Millet will Rive a conoTt at 'I'rennr'a Lyric II .11 nn Saturday eiinla. noil, tiSth nf No- vember, In n'd nl tie' fund Inr ibe 1'reaeh sirtiu a of Ihe w i. Mi- - Millet Is nu ariist of Men rep.i'.'. .nil tl.e cmii'i'it i Jll mil tail 1 boa tlue ouv, Aimileiir Opera. Hiiioi Itoneuiii't iiiatteur opcratie eiit li.uu-nii'li- ucoi i Ui'l " well last wbilur at Hie Ibeairn of iho L'nloii l.e.nue Clnf, f. at ho has illncted the energloa ot Ills best icliol.in la vocal inuale IdmuJ II o nvstiiy of thi" arts of some new opens. Himv the I'prln of ll.li jeur (Several opeiatC hate bei :i flu lie I nfilij'i me pe.iri' inity for repiewi ii'.nn. Tim - iMtii-l-l- ' of i .li i.itui'iiio and Ci i inn, i nl ir, ,iinl niiifiuin N.i'm .Luiti I're' . i, 1 itcii i, b' iu i, I'uri i - s .ui. and t ,i 111 ..n 'n-- e w'll bn pi.niiti' t, ua me aids of or b i ii' iiiii" in a i tic nr ir I, una ent i. n.rn s n I ii I ulna Li im I la ai tiro ll d s nr,i iu tepi ,t tk ai in am ui sucti ebar ' t n i ii - a it II I'' ii nn ir at a fe nnn- - s fnin' in it by geueiuut VOIUUt i the p itH'ifal pails, A CHAMP JON BARNBURNER. IVItXIXO AX lSVr.XniAHT INTO A J'ltUMlMiXl- U001 TH.1tri.All. The (nreer of Mr. flirtileii ('. Mnnaell of Iliirtlord-Oprrntlo- ita iiaiiu lucendlnrr- y- nl bi ll lor Tssn Venn, uml Iben ( iiimbl-Cbniiu- eil lulu u (iiiait Trinplur, nil I'rreta Into u Tlilel. Comn uudrnee ot llie Hun. llAnminp, Conn., Xor. 0, 16,0. The golpi here list e a choice miration tn the arteat of Charles C, Munirll, a prominent Good Ttinplar, for stealing from hit employer, Day, Caswell .t Co , clothing merchants, oa Alum tlreet. Thtio would be nothing remarkable In the Crime were not Mnn'cll'a record a peculiar one. I base taken iuuio pilot to gather tbo facts of his carter n tew )eai a ago, and jour readers will be Interested In perilling then. Ileforc the war, commencing with the year 1W, the fire department of this city was conducted on the volunteer tjslno. The cirltemenliof a fire- man's llfo led under that system the pride la the alacrity of responso to alarms, Ac to Iti work, In leatoas when fret occurred ratcly, Tin TonCti or ths iWKNTjunr. I'robably In most cities, where the drpartment was not paid, most of tbo fires not aciilutat svrre itorlcl by flicmcn. Here, during tlio time tllmle-- l to, confltgrationa followed one tfu-- tt.c other In inch swift succession that the public mind became deeply agitated oa the sabjeet. T1in police force devoted Its test energle ami Its best detectives to efforts for tlio stipprettinn of the laft-mo- work i for thero wtt no doubt that the tires were the work of sn Incendiary. Chtrles C. Mnn-!- l was foreman of .Ulna Itoso Company. He was a yonng man, apparently lull of teal to promote the welfare of the rshole derailment. At fires the tni ltoowas among tho foremost, and It did efficient lervlee. When the detective began their Investi- gations ILe) ttcedlly fell upon the traekof Mnntell j )et thero was no certain esldtace tbat he wat tie) guilty party. Thero was, however, a positive con. vlctlnn that ho w as doing tho work. Circumstances pointed him oat with as much directness, almost, as If he could l.ave been seen fleeing under the shadows of tte Bret which Ms own hands had kindled. To watch his movements In detail. Lleat. Packard started systematically; had his iplrsont: pot enn flit nee in a Irnsty tnemt-s- r of the .r.loa Hose Com- pany, so ss tn lesm In what plljhl Mnnsetl appeared when he Joined the rompiny going to or at a fire and. w hen hit plans wtre all properly arranged, gtvn day and ulgnt to bis lavealliatloos. rut citAvrioM uicxuTtNin. Tor 'wo years be devoted his host cff.irts to oh. tula the evidfiice be wanted. In this llinon great num-l- n r ol fln uei ho tsllsllil tliat Mnn-ce- ll hid I start but win not able to secure dir. rt pr iH. A part of tb list of Ibe". fires It as follows : Woodruff "aavclll Vara In tear of "the Arch," In j 'lain stri-e:- . . w. r. r s Habits en Anlnm ilreet totally iv.. I. an-- HaV lalnab'. Iioi-a- . uarueil to si Jnhn'i Until rtaitea -- n Msln irret i entlr, ly enn-pi- n I. and four horse iMrttodaib. liidrr's Hotel lt.,Mrt on TSortk JLiln tlreet i tnint les and a erne and two bnys bnrrr.i : trre3.ffnr .laiiiea It. I'rcaot'a barn on Arch street t imt-u- ;i I a r tn ucnrc-i''i- il aliempts on dllleiebt oera.i.jn-- . Mi. tllvun'a barn In Chsilsr liak trt. entlnly oonsiuneil and one hnre bnmeJ tu eeatli. Mviion'i bun on nest strict i all ihe cor.ieoi' ev-e- t animsls Mirnnd. (ul. Ward's baro iu siree. t totnl loss, but bnr,i. removml I: Ii .Mllliii ir.'s barn la Ulvernor street ; total tat tcr'on Ion. .loin Cnswelfs hjrn In Vain ilreet, neit lo cwih eburrb t nno 11 ie burned lo ns!b. ;ni(. llerrlek'i baro, near ibe mpewalk In Mar' t sir ct: three horses barn-- 1 to dcitb. Mi. Campbell's dwcl ing.r-a- r or Pearl stiei-l- ; man with iho iii!stt-in- r,ove t Jitst la tiiuo to sure h .a frnm to death. os tuc tpail or nig ixcn.Dinv. In t ti. fires alon s,teen horsrs a ere ' arm 1 to iloaih. Hut mans more herns were dntroyeit In t1 e sime tiprtod, aiumt whirb then eonht bp noroaoti-nl.'.- ,,,nbt of Mima H'a gout la all tho puhrr rougtily eatlraited Uittt be bad burned ovr ere hun- dred i .uussmI itotlarV wmth of property. During alt til time Mur.se'l knetr tl at be was nail watebnl. lie talked fresle with the police ibont It. and appeared anxlons all the . bile tn , nt laee them tt at tiielr auspieions were rround-S- - . llr venuld n ii the stall m houe, ray at b n VI k ai nrshl, win n ;he sqai l e'nuirpa plscc- - ot di, . a- d ki wl'h tn polleonmn whose bent was in I,. i i,i:'.li tbut t't I.i- livid an,? r i ni-- r so that t ie ntbci-i- ' would see him ro in. and a i nl I n tnarU: " Tl pit, ron sr l'-'- i 'iniie lo :,lght; now If ilicu .nln don 1 .y it L' r.c." W i ui le l,s doee Ihls ifilccra liave nttctied I Ire. He would gulo bl room, turn nn the gas.watt a tsell to cnoroy the Imi rr:ion tint be was uadreealng, si.d men xltnsnlth ti e lift i and Inste-s- J or gettltsg into bed.Jump ent of a l ink win. low on to a ekwl a die or. Aad be would dodgo the officers 0 ejul It nere I. la Movement. Thsi !:.' ccc ir : Miiu-t- d would Jala bl euiiipr s.iatwhi,r,.ul .nl.eo.UC.,lir ri fir Hie i liec m tlir I let li.ni lip Wi".! !.i':ai. tt In odors. V,-i- lut thst i.p Ip.'i tin In. ii' , be si.'j pxiiIjis If bn iduuued tl at ull. in it im wi-u- t to a roi '.'"IU-uu- . w u-'- 1 ci uUl i . ac u.itidily ny going nut ul ui i ,iu r, .it t Hire v. a no piuuT tl .it hp d,U i. iall' In- tut Into a llji.t pi. ce, and Ibe tame w - ill. blui. Tlir nrTCTin ssn tub rscsrr. On. nisbt Offlecr Uut.ie iru rsslBi up lluehliig-ba.- i trial, n ur ibveirutrof al,lut..n. ami nnl nit - .n a light tltslt In ILe birn of Un. liar nul l. Up jumped lip mi lio at once, snd saw .iinuii inukiiigoir at- - full speed, and gave chase tu nln,; but tbo 'ello tau u.ro-- . ganl.us lulu Ce.lai tt.e.t. and sight of l.lin nasU-t- . The ul oauie OOt to tbo lire. Where Munsell Julai;! h rr,.,iiij ;? '"Id lo l.ietil. PacLtril byThum.s ll. liuikMood, usslaLuit iw u oi -iia , i" yp. In inc n.rniber o.' the foiapm,' VNho LjJ b.ca ee- - le 'tc I tn report as above stated. ! " lie Joiued u," aaid llockwood. " lu IluiVlnK'.- a- ' s . be coming dotyu t'u slreit ('. lar atreci mu-tct- llucklngbain), and was nmch oat of breath ; he InoWeil pasiily arouud, as If rxpecilng to see some one Le did not wlib to see, aud tn.nu. lii.lcad ui tak-lu- the lea. o Ihe eonipoiij left lae tu command, and wini hini'Olf to the dr mpe neir the nup." Munsell was arrested In OakiVt sahxiii neat ilay -.- ic did l.ol Hoi. i l Lut ilaj tibile plaili.g k i;.iu.e CI , iLd WaS Ut Ph t:1:". uf'C-- " '"HpoJlcspB-ei-i- . fnr t ,n iiiat,oii. lianas as pale a4 a ehut but, for u t.l.,. . nothing ecu Id le got mil uf Mm. lie tn, .1 lo Hi-Iai- where be was, ta le had doue be fr j when at last Lieut. lSicktrd, ruing bun, s ll " ilea el!, this TTOi.'t do; yon have told that story ewt lua ,i'i,ii ; jroiv Ti on too Llpuu-iiai.- went on and tuld him, froni the irom J, in i inauner, all ab.iut bis moic r.ei.l- - ti o.u the bur.ilin i fiue L'ulwell bam 0 da.e Muaaell v as at Art rprarentry unmoted ; bat. ts the ofltrtr pn-i- e.l tie n.irmtivo bonis, p, lo- -l bis aell and irvinbled all trr thou bu Un Ii. lo Ic u. Le ex. : iluied : My fi, di l'f.c,.,,rd, wiij dllu'i you stopine tu jirrsi.go?' iniNH'or.'jin isto owon Tiurivii. lb waa prusei'iiierl, nvt ,in an s.ljoiirninent of the e rive noml, lirtlad tnp,n b) an undi rl m t nu, i.iut i'lto tne irur. ind n niiio luoatiis t.iru. and inning t II rum ', setlled d wn di utlv pr, ( lo In I uv hiM-el- Hp joi'.,l ibp thvni Tpiup1 ii. f., ,;,rtr rang !.:. rlswi ! ii iii Ihu Order. Last yiy beS" t ne of i i ilr: , au ftum Cor aeetuut to I'. , Iv-Wonb- i fiinu I i f North America; I" 'rffiw une of Iho 1, ..tl- - ; ofllivrs of tho Ortiud Ludgu .if l.,e rl.iii ; unit mi Monday ceutng lat i el"i"e.l hecretai) uf the Orient 1.0 Ige oi 0.1 ciiy. '. f 'i i..pc nice rroplo ! ve pl;ed the utmost en-- tne lu tiltii, sv. i tie hue slrrngt'ii'oerl ur J nil 3 lie Wiutcli uud taking an active part lu (t'' !: el m.' ,. i.rl:. lint tl.e pn'ler hav, neicr h d the Hlj'ite'l faith In Integrity. They bite a, in Im la t. n inanv tiiit'b:inni situations to e l,i 11' lu bl i.u .111 or lit- - t iitue. Ills du.M b- - I 1 n i'.iC" dillfly I:1 "I P'T.US, tlir.ucll I u U .t i. ...: 1. .1 t'l.d luk a Int.. ilj. buch a in: n cannot rrii.il i i vi IniiP'i, a lute at nig. t w i'bi it it Ir i li . : t' nl. nui . tro a i n tl.n ki.niv I.I .. s intl' i .ii a mil i. 1II Mit' er nl Mill Pat. CiiwiII A t'n wis tin. I In, t.- -i i! p n ember I Ibr firm wlm .ir.. ii. in of I n'd slew, belies rd that be I. an wl .i'y trf. mi' '. lli' bid leenwitn them eip a b i i nalli bi.vi'tg r be n in Ibr emplny nr il.ai.i-- , linn l'i, Inriutiire i e.ili- - . Viry ac n r.' it i nt r!i lb' tr s.'rv!'-- ' Ibey w m advised In It th,. m 'i 'nr I. ue, .ir l! i ii i i ..t bins in riii tin rn.g ll at t'i n witp irnod g'i mul- - lorri.!' i un rrr i l t ,i i , j tl.i y iii'l mt i'i 'rv to tin n li"n H. ' I II bid I'limf l' .it Ii ' l,u i i.m.i ' i'i . linn li'bl lu t a tutu, ..int. lit. , n I, ii ui i up: i ii ii - luiuli as p.. i Un i ii. i leiul to p, tl. t I.., I a i o ki v In Ibe vi, , b"' f lay li,,-- dlaei'veredib it In- did bate a a. r, ni.d that I.i' li.u ti In t'.i liubit ui I'tili'tit g t ii 'uri rr'i I buurs 1 nn ui ikmg Hind- i-, own i'. Hu'j utairap mr b m. vrhu-- wua skil-- I .l.v i i'. .id tut iii'd r i t; ii ii 'Hon ol IK'ieclite C - In. fii'i' ws lea itii'Mit ui i") in ire store nionc on 'linn lay si s "nil u Imrus eulonler was sent III fud iiuii'd if 41 with him, ;tbe ni"ueliinj marked, I Iip nt.tig lean look a long bit of lb I hi. ii I when be wn arre-le- .l yesterday Imdillof Mil In bit pnsstrtlon. The acronnl nf hi aripit ! f.i ent surprise In the coni'i tl lly, ivilli'iilarl) thai portion specially In Irie-U- in t'''" ' I ' un'liir luiUes, though mir.) jirr'ns Inllm.ie i"i the poVi win not In the I a lulii-lie- lie win kept ill Ihe stallnn bone I, a',., ul a n'liu, k I 'M t, wbei, II. II ll.nl in, II q t'u - ",lt "f the Ooud buaiurilan ly. nu bniuls 'or ni .ipfi'iiraurp at tbo pnbeu c urt on Tues'.ay morning nett, ami Le wu leleawd, It Is prubablu that one ul luu thing h, II be iIuiil tliut i.'.e altalr v ill be twilled wuhoiii furlbirpi3tecatl. il. in- - that the :irHtie,t will Inifeit bis bonds and deoart I "I'll ri Pt.un WbiTl 1,1s chui..oUr i tot IOW.il kuu".u ..' t.' II' 1'iHI' 'iiht"l';in (iuea He Whole I Ins. Th I' i r t. r M.i'tcr'-'ui- , while t ,u.r ir 1"i 'i i n i fit Uiiy uoi i' of hp. j'. I i . i i I h i ruf af i it. n ' ii iii li ii m in tiie he ' I) ' mi I ul I ill mi -- s,t In i , V ' I' Uj t. , jt(. l lthKllOM l'OH I I ll.t. Thp Pm riots' I'mMTcm Never so llriolil-Ar- Only Wiinlluu lo Aeiii-- e nn llurlv 1'crmlniillrin nf Ibe C'tinfllrt-A- n liiiaoe-In- nl Vlrtnry for Ibe Insurgents. The full'iwiuk' iC'uriiii "f tn tvs from Culm i eotupllnd Hutn papers ami lettsrs itcelvcd by tlie Inatstesmcr tiom lie lland. liuin It our tial-e- r may barn how mnrli leliance isto be placd on Ihe reports tu carefully ciicu'a'.td by tho secret agents of Ppaln and ot our uwn Admlnlslralinn tlut the rcvolutiiin lu Cuba It nn Its last legs. In reality, tie n of tho Cubans hate neter at any time since the oulbn.tk at Yura been to flatter. lu; as tin y arc burnt where bear Cu-i- de Avlla a very im'outtsr sictoar has beta gaineil by the llnumontt under Hate .a Oarcla aud Ibrgu Dorado. The only nccouuls which have as jit reached Havana aru fioin Bpautiti sources, but they confess a lost of thlrty-llr- killed, Including one major and two other officers. The t'ttilot forces eagsged numbered 1,2U0 armed men. lntheClnco Villas illttrlM CCO Rpanlah soldiers ptssed over to the Cuban ranks, carrying their arms and accoutrriuenta with them. In the Easlern Department things tre If possible worsofor the Ppanlarda than elsewheie, In Itself cholera has msde and It itlll making rtanrib n.tvariss auoxa tub Tnoort of the f srrlson. Valraasods reftisos to tako tho Held tsnln. lie says his forces are unable to core with the patriots. At least two engagements, and both of tome Import laea, took plsen last month close to the city. In bolli the L'libsnt were the early. Un the ICtb tbey attae.kod the for- tified camp or I Ml. Cauabo, In which engwement the Hpanisrds aduilt a loss ot IT men and lour ofri er filled, and on the 17th the Corufla regiment lost 13 killed and two offleers. Tour hundred recruits had arrived at Sinlllto bv the Itontctnaia, bm a paper ol tbat city ol OcL P, says that more aro sadly wanted. TALVASXDi TO BS Vnlmaeda eipecU to bo appointed CaptAln-Qen-rra- and will probably resign unless ho receives tho anpolntmeut. A Madrid paper recelvod nere on Knday says bit appointment baa been determined upon. Carlot tlarcla, with a body of only 41 to 60 men. Is carrying oa a warfare tn the VnelU Abaio. IIo has attacked several smalt oatposta, operpow ered tbo guard, generally consisting of niohlilted volunteer, and captured tt.elr arms and ammual lion. Thousands of Cubsns In tbti Department are ready to rle for their independence, bat io lar liuio eeu unable to obtain any arms. In Hat ana ll'elf the tutaority ut bpaln, or even n( her Captnln-Oeneri- exists only In name. A few days ago theUovernment 1MPVBD A til of tH on the teamsters of the cltr. The latter armed tliemelrei. aud proceeding to the l'trk and to the hridin of Chnvcx, hindered any caru from being ibtotuht Into tho city. Caballero de Itodss was obliged tn order a mspensbm of Ihe tax, and sent a apecisl meistnjer around to the dirlerenl croup of malcontent, to advise them or sueli n. Tne rlo! was quelled ; but baekmen, boat- men, and uijitr on whom similar lutes liave bn-t- i lnipucn, are tnrnnrsTed by the wesknes bown by the llusernnient in the cae or tl eteaniters, and are determined lo w Ithitand by arms If need bo the col- ic turn otnay mom tales. Atlitpst dale from Havana It was curronlly that ll.o riosiilards there bal reeiltpil pol- lute tnf.trnialion rront their friend In Madrid that the tiegor?ttuns lor to: aik or tiis Mini to tho Cubans were o far advanced that they would certainly be concluded by VM: lat uf J.nuary next. The llatnna pairm hud bvtti warned to ceaie abusing Mr. N'leolas Ascarate, w"io ! ntsy In this city, and whne inlwlnn, Intrusted to hlmtiTSnme 0' tne Madrid C.Mnet, Is to lildom tbo tllU-- I here lo btibctbe Madrid Oovernment to psrt with Cul.. A rrpsrt had reached Havana lr.un this city that spurl'ins bills of tho Hnanlh Hank of Havana had r, n printed here nnd scat bpnee to Captalo-Ucner- Ue ItuJu". Tup latter cinpj Iho aiinaymoas libel tn be translated anl pnbtl!ro1 In the olbclat pzettp. He netnttiwly, hm. ever, admits the truth of tho by nut iruducliig the steal p,atcs from which these putts ale piloted, au 1 hich tho dncn-rnen- t lu qnettoa ns rted were stl'.l la this city. cnic.tuo's Dtsr.iiAon. The Stinmrfhl Trputnienl of iho llntnais by Ihe t title floeltlnc The Outrageous rcclalmi of Ihe 1'niplir Tlto Jlenuet llnll-l'lntp- on Ibe (,'uullueiil. i ,ni IA? '. r.c' null Comt.tt null. A ilcpaleli from Cliicagu pilulnl tbiutiglmitt the tummy slalp't that the White had au p to pfsy another with the Mu- tual in tloelnnntl. ThW was solid hnmbrtg tent over the wires fur effect. When the Muiuais let Cnkigo Tuesday etenlng, they were autbnrtied by Ibe ni.ma.'ers of the Club there to arrange tor a gamn In thl city, provHo.t the groundt could bo obtained fnr a ccttiitn amount. On urrltlng here Vi'eilnesdiy morning, the man et trio eeBrcd t'le I'm m grmtn t lor the utii named In .!.n ar.i, Ind Imme llaiely telegrapUed back fnr ibe While blockings to coiao on a had ben prom- ised. He received nn rent) until cveulns, and the answer wa an inttielv unevpei I'd prop tiMen lor t Mutual lo return to Chlciuo fur ibe reeopd run,;. J he Annual itbaidui'Mil tlie tifgutlsUun la uisgi l, aoi deptrtod for Ne York on Wediietday nli't'i irala. I nla Is mil all. Observing thai the White Moth-lag- kasuined lo be in goo i working condition, thu Iti 'i Mockun sent tin follow Ins challenge Wedne-di- : Cixnss.sTr, Nov. 1 ' To Tom Fvltf. . oi ,,t.l if, CA.ViJu Bt IMI : We challenge vmt to a scrip nf irame. practice or otbprwlie, the Hrsl befioa Monday, Kug. Ibe secood tu be p scd ta t luosgn on tVednesd Nov. 9. W. I'. NODLI.', fec'yy The reply to this ctiellctigo Is remarkably rich Jleiv it U ; "Cni.eik", : ov.S. "To TP. P. XMf. ferrto j, inW,l!Mfi liiar lintl t ,.' " In yon 1'Im llrst came hnieoa Monifiy, tei la Lilt nil irtru.i. ti wu I'l.iv sua reiuin tame la Ciacla-nall- , H oduuriay. you lo lake all receipts i the irauies tu tei ractlca, aim im 'viJTht Ut "J.umwo' thtp. Hubert, It atr.'cutilc, 1. n v sail arraegu tt wtib nurelnb. "TOM FOLEY." The Italics nrr ours. The proportion to take all the receipt" U busiuestdikp. from a t'hietuzo point ol vice. Ti e df re to ennserve " the iiirmploatlilp" Is Inudslile, sr.rt the lletl Meek Ihjs want It under stood ib--S they base no mo for tne sort that Chicago claims to tii c gained tl rough a ilmely subsidy of ten baies on cdled bill. Tbe Chlea-- o C'rs nnke a I eTert to sreak In rluw lug term' ahont the "Tletori " The l tilctuo Times lakes the lead In this contemptible abme uf the business of n purling, but Us own ileserip'i ill ol I'e gamp eipu-e- n the Joint fiuodoiibe umpire and the CI i vto uraiui17 Too sumn jr) pnbushrJ by H" 'Prr..t shuwa th it tr.i Muiti il liist bo by ibin lii1 twelte time, and tne lull earin-- theirs n unlv si ten lliius. Hut lag the nine Inning. Ibe uinp.ie walke I ten of do While 8 ock-tni- s tu flr- -t bnae on ejilled balti. On Ihe oi'er bind, not nr.e uf the Mutnals was firm tlrit ot, cu led bull', by lb Timf' own admission, the Vutuaa iiiib.,tiiil Ibe Clracoi ;,pM'lt two to one. In f e 1. ie of u v 111,1 e 0 r.,., , I,, iu operation i d u d imaging lo I'., gaino In II tne I I.;. ,nrn it trU"d ' -- laluis : I bleugo't great auiblilua l.'.aiiilc '.. N'ew Y'rk brs sum uunil to her the tight to ll) th" wini' pennant, ptul lematie ot the Championship uf the uiamopd Urhl. l'..lrl hss tl.i riAf.. Ibniiur I'CwB weu. aad Ha on'.) re;rit Is lliut t'.e liaaifir was l.ol el 'Cled lu a note grac fn, tuauurr." ' llraccfnl " Is exqinl'i-- Ten of the redoubtable Milte Hto, l.lnr wi.lk' d around bas.s, a a punisnteat lur the vvtoraa W'.uters'e bttle ol plloiilugl Let ctiieai'ii l ung uat a b.iiuur litrtiili' d "'1 line ball." fur lur puked pc hate guue up tut spoet, It, swle rf tbilr ril...'ort'i .m ut by JHMfgsn ami Tom l'oley. hod Wulier le'n-e- d IIo hnve .a el' tenth W, Its Stocking wulaed to llrst liiio nn t ill. I balla, "the inle'iai I) est in d lI'UWil." i. iy ihe cine ' :o 7 Houm, " w bleb Ii .1 been cheei lug wibiij. bi mer ihv tiniii d iries mi I "unuunded Lie pi.i. " Il ecms that wbm tl.i'r hoine ljii sn- - pruinensdi'd raiiily iuuuiIImmi ly tie uuipre. a i uicauoua covMl ' thi irvll.l.y" Ti n uf the While Stuck-I- a were li e- - fivuted w I'linttt eteu hilling at the iiil, a ul t Im ,t (iiiiuud tueiKruualy. Applause - i ' If the MiiHin niilbuted the White Rtneklngs In the prop irtiuii ut IV! lo '-- we qunle lu.m the llzuri-- t pub. In b He i bieign pnieis a 1 If in Wnttu blui kings bad tin nun n ui sntilnil with bases by lie uiii.lie, wiiliinil billing a ball, by bow m nj i uu- - i ir' i t'"' hit'1 M'leklnuit in I. ue irlumohi. 1 if Hie, li..u bet a drpmei! ol 11 elr butt altogether 1 Aii.w. i si" t.ld Le ad d to the flrul of MlUliun A I'. i. Aiii'tlilexitr l'sik. I lu- - hue Huwklags beneeforth propoie to p ny w.iliuul bit-- . Tav'.r nmplrrt will deeid" between in. ,i r. and Iho elub tlut uets the most bases uu t.illed balla will be proclaimed champions or the w oi Id. Chicago Is pioxri stive. The l'liiiriul oTn HUlliisulsbeil JniiiimlUi. John aianton (" Uoiry tl'Unua") tho Journalist and l.uniorist, waa burled )o-- t alleraoon Irttn bt. I.tikeS Hplcopal Clitireh, on Cliinou, near l'ulton avenue, Tbo fuucral, which was very lrie, was r.ttended by innny represent es of the pri.a. mid tlie uianibeps uf rurllladu Ludge .No. Ill, !'. mid A. U ul' tiuiill Mr. Mnul.ui w a a iiiebibor. '1 he Hey. Ur. Wlllct pn ..'hi it tlie wl num. aad Iho Interment wis made la Cirrcs Hiiis Itinvlei). Tin ll Inn n' Lid TiMged). '1 1. oin - N Si ini i. f '1 m tun n Iij I.ern f I lo 11. i 1. m.lv Jail lur Ii ji iu lis in nuvw, jL'tLri mi Tin I. uter v. as at In- - i.u lo's Louse a fcA il " i on I u ii . in .I tulo there Hecoi's daugbttr euUrtd L.t Ij;-- i, ami il.a,. .1 that I., i con in had cin-iil.i- it n .kutd reu ili. ru'ioernl'ie I.i lu 'vii p.ute-ii- d lii miii" i. 1. " - u c I'm t i .I'M, mil v, ,i ' i, I I I ,, 1, ' '. I . I rl i . ' ii c - r i l " er I ii" ' i I , fe I I Ii y ft i v , IBIIBM tim; iitisii-.umiic.i- x in,im I io.it i;r it i sn t oi: nuitstnx nuu iy. L jy.t.ss jo iti.. in. C riobcrt II. U(,tii i llrs Opinion ol tier- - fi iiuiiiM, Irish, mid Jrv. I Troni lbs Kear York Citizen, June It, lK 77if ttt'Jtnt ha only to rirte in any of our eity tir of a hiit day to comt out uith toetni tUily e( onh!ilotfnt. Vvr tU$prpen vi thvvhi jiarticMlor ty rtrommthd Iht Utrly fourth itrtttlin-- , tptc. ally tfien it i nurh frrautntid trilh ('onnnrt pnsscticors ol tho lower order. Incut tit inquirrr it not atijuainttj urith Grmon, fi2 uot familiar icith national traits of pkytman'muj, he can ulect the moM Ihorouglily 'IViitoulc by the superior piiiiucnry oflliuotlor. The Thirty-fourt- 'itrttt lint, for fit.nu, ha Irovght into cxitttnee a llach bug. of unre-fomtti- of oral loJy, right email lege, and great apparent tllaliiyan animal that it evidently an otitcroppliiit of the Cor-m- nn lillogyncrnsirs. 7"e Eiyhtk aui.ut road, which Is much usoil by Jews, a Utely mature, aleo llact. rery reatlttt, ami thaptd lit a tcorpion, icith pottilly a tttng in Ut ' tall. Tht Third aceau read, on ultth thu Irish nro iiiprriibiiinlant, hit a O.UUvtt- - ' locking creature that nhilitt ittrlf in opendtfiatu ' of danger, and uhirh erploret hair and irhitler in tht moil aggravating and independeht naniur. It teemt lile a crott the Jewish nnd Ten- - tonic reptiles. From Ibe New York C'tlren. Jane IS Pfiv. In our artu-i- ire epole of the " loie OTmaeit," and ly implication of "low" Jeai and Irith. At for tho low Ainericnns, they hnrdly exist. I Fiom Robert II. nooseycll's Hook, I'lvo aVcres rnoni;Ii. Th inhaUtantt of the Kmtrald Ittt are certaudy a magnificent root, especially tritit thm'r biographer doct not happen to oun a horr sthich i ltat ttrayed on tin ir land, and dent not seosW to I run for Alderman : and if they did not 11c, ' steal, client, rob, murder, net drunk, per I Jure) themselves, quarrel, tight, nnd in- - j slst upon dninnces iinrensonnhly, they 1 would lio almost ns Rood ns oilier nn 1 lions. The ton of nu Irlakmnii Htipporikiis Me H Itlahon nnd liCiltvllli. H To Ihe alitor or The Sun. I Bin: You still conllnuo to advocate the eJco 1 Hon of (Jen. McMahuu lor Congress In the Koarth J District. I hope that every lil'hmtn J aad American have made up their mind lo vote fct i lien. McMahon. Tuminany II ill Is wotkine; nlcht and day for tho election of Ibat N jllilcf, t Itohert Tl. Roosevelt . I tho son of an Irishman, and I hope ami wish V that no native-bor- n Irishman or ton of an Itis'.rosn I willro far forget his duly to lilt Creator m.d t.ls j country si to tote for that bitter enemy or a ilena- - j trodden and noble rice, llobert D. Rouse t j A prominent told Im t'u o'bef tl ay that tho mare you abnic the Irl-- p n;'e the ' better tliiy tike roil. Tt.lt ennnot br n It is a fahehood. 1 hope that no Irishman will br innn 1 to i be a renegade or hec'-'.IJc- r In the fun'th l,.(tlct 'y ruling Hi vote for Rootet:" tien. McMir.on and his two brotBiT." wv I their cocntry well daring the lalo war, and he C1! tit t rves the support ofetery trno patriot si.d o.ry true Irishman. If the Irish voters of tl.e fourth Dl'lilct, tnd alo the flerinans und Jew, wuh to be represented by an honest and patriot!., man In ( ongre, tbey will tnppoit by their votes row, beliveen sum lie and sunel, Orn. M T Iftylh-t- t Ti asny It ill Is dmna- - all that lies In Its power tn deft at Qon. Melta'ion bm yon cn ib 'y and lernfv T'uiirnany b? soling I fT flen McMahon nn-- l against a iylnr Know Moth-l- ani an enemy of the lrlh. (ipriean. n.-- Jews. Thero is another man w bom the Ii l'n Democracy sho'ild support (for Major) with all their mlnhtto-tuorrow- . That Is Thomas A Ledwlth. He Is a young rmin, posseso,t of honor and abilttv, who, with Tils nnmetoua (rleuds aad tupporu re, i wots-la- g hard to overthrow that link of emriiiiiiin, I amniany Hall. Tne Yonng Drmo racy .in ' Itepnb-llenn- s have numlniipd Tbo. A. I.edwlth. Tanittla- - I ttv, as all knoiv, his Ruminated Oskry Hall, the mill who wean a green tu.t and neck lie on Ml Pat- - rick's Day, to tro and gn'l the Irlti to nl Un i vole .1 m tleclion day. TMs arch po'lilesl liywn-'i- e and Wl hi aoeiates sro tn ing very Innl to cet ibe trmb W sute. fur withnut It Iip cannut he pleele I. Hi Was a I K S. In lilt, next a Republican, and no v he Is a. li Tammany Democrtt. Irlli voter! of Nit lork, li rcnieiiiber this row, and vole for au hincst, 11 nnli-- l enilcnt Deaioera', Th is A. II I.i iw ilh, and uot for lhat p diileal rein ci-i- i tHUj I) Hall. A. McI.Al IN. l New Vonn, Kov. S. j j solo fur Candidate llint still I'icte nn J Honor lo the Nulluii. I? tnhi IVtM of He Sin. A ?in : I am highly grallflcil to tte yon so tiger-- J onsly pressing forw ard the iiatnet of boat 't and ie-- if pcited men to fill our public unices, men whos'ar.d ' , re C- u- public wllh a pnro and unblenil-lie- i' char. M uter, and vho Mil not sell their eharactsr foi the 'll ake of advaoclng tl Interests of a corrupt Illcg. Such men are Judge I.clwTJh tnd Oen JfcMnhoo. I hey are Indeed on honor to Ihe .merle.'in nation, men of whom wo may well feel proni1 ,Lt eir.y voter glvo honest men their support, and n'b C1 '. honest men in offlre a' Irishmen, arou-- e I If you rare for the fr i J..111 oJ your beloved country, II 1011 csro f r tlir Un-0- 1 your fe'lowr rotiBtrymen now lniprlnn''d in ilrllblt. duiuinc, (if )Oll waul tu toll lut tu, ul p: n.u,Je, men whn w,ll detiioasta e Ineir piicip'i by atUoni and not by word. 'en t mil by jnitr liunl-ai- il vnle 'or '1 unis A I. I sv it Is and .muimi T Mi'Vi-Ion- . If iou want I support corrupt It.iu man, wiu- onlj prlnelplia .re 'o Mick bv ll.e It.ng. hon-e- t or ditmnet, t'u-r- i el.ng tn O'llall. and I, ,tc is Know-Noi- l in; in )our 'ueiiel eliy ufl,- . .Ajin I a.y, let ill veteis t 'X Mite Ull a eu rmua ll. 11 to break np till 1 .up! swindling lt,nt orgsn Isntlon. Olte)oriipp.irt to true and e.iriu mi , then he.vaft r mil aut. ruoieat aball rarrbil r. Willi tiO'.ur and ll .1. Ah (.'. tw Y01 rt, Nov 5 UeUnliai fnr I unu re The Mvlli In n r.lue. One of the irnet 011 1 nift eiilhu-i.i- -' meet. mss of the ctinp.ii"n r rm i T Kiilnrd i) iiilM on tbo ei r, er of Pi nil a. I l.'in "t ft, for Ihe purpose ol i,'i'tine the noui'ii iii.m of Martin T. McMahon for Consriss. The Inh leruiuoi, and Ibbn r went ' r ily repren tiled, I evcrv allnebm In Hu bil-bu- eandldale timt '1 se li n reeeption as ttm luau d erte. Ti ' 'uu uf M. T. Alcll.ii'oL rf mu. tlicile.l Ibe - ' upult'i-- i William ta'ti t' ' ndeiit catill la'i fnr A" 1" i.i In uiged lut tlaim "f i.e McMahon aa a lit and proper repi,-- , iil.tu mr ( mgrers fioin l,.u l'uurlb Distinl. ml n loll ' t PP'UII.'i d to 1I1- -' clu , H'hi ' "I ibree weru given fur McSlihou, ffilrt, mil Hip" ntu, at tho cholro of the people fur ti 1 i i. for whlsh they are can ildst". Mr. .Miles Martin In a Inn pertinent .Inhn I. Ilean'. uf the fiuithWnrt in an able aud lbqii.i.'. uiam.ei ure.l in 't- - r (leu. McMahon, niul l' nu'eting C"in 'u-- .u pledge tu kill ull Ihe bel I.,:-- . In Ihu 'II-- f An Irlnliliinn Hpenbliig Ifu'n tiU Ilni 7o ll.e I him 01 II ts Slit See ug u ' iiine Laiges 11 .ib nl ll.e In-- b lltep. B Wi 'I J I..1 -t (jelill.li- - . I',- , by that hypmrilu I lio seveli, I .1.1 '1 n -- I'ltit 110 I nur, 1 -- a) tu rai'i '' tl a da. and s te muu ti l "a for Imn-- l ' Vl . ihou, 'Iiik v s'i r nl. I ile, who n - be iu di toi ary Ii hin'tii or It i l .'IIV o' ev luinri In- ir " I 11. nun it w ei- - be hula roi'i Three cheer hi M.W.I.OU, Tug l ,'- - ml. 'all ai I i " I' I tneii fiorfl tl ir ri oi ! Ithni.i ii i.',;li in Hip I. nle. .In labi wUliaai " in ii tiod saVo liilan II I A Nets Ciliiiliilitle for Austin1 ' Tho Hon. Tliiini ia ,1. Trunin Ini ' I Mr ,'am Hsly Is runnln-- t fnr I I'liurleentu illi'nupet'ki lli triet. lb '" V la nu man ul the dbir.ei, i.iii exce) un.- M A w u ta i .i, Ktiir I'jti. I'ire al. " ll.i'y. He Is a gciii', in in wtt l lii ' F al live r I'm u II, ,iij tiboae I lui Ii ii i l . - .1 b) e.tuer Mr. t'le .'v r ui Mi. I.' I .ou'i't. As in oi .ii r be ' '' 'I New York. I,i conc'ii-lui- i, II li - f "u I c.tlsin of Hi" lui.HiH'alb A- - i uu ' I wnnliyut eiit "i.n , Mr. ,lo n ' I hate, i wall, ut r tu atiy at houi" un I No, !'. ' I A 11 1 I III ' a I ti tie 1. ' CI, ,.l p, i.i.. ' HI III - .11 v ' ' ' K III a- - r ,u v j is i

The Sun. (New York, NY) 1870-11-07 [p ]. › lccn › sn83030272 › ... · gihan iu the elections width linvu tiausplmd.!W ribiilt will bo niiiiiily due to tliu (juar Vela huh w

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1870-11-07 [p ]. › lccn › sn83030272 › ... · gihan iu the elections width linvu tiausplmd.!W ribiilt will bo niiiiiily due to tliu (juar Vela huh w

- THE SUN. . . - -- - -- .


) i It hHra rr All.

jj MONDAY, NOYEllllElt 7, 1870.

j i Animrnipnle Toinr,i I tlMtb'a lbtre-luit- aa MiU.

L i r. llilj.J. ' rmb Ant, Uturi-M- ii w.',

l' Crand O pfra llsnse-- ts llri.S. tliM.'13 otlsis Tkeulrp iwt.j.f 5 t J Jjttlly At l.tta'a-- U 4. lumt.

i lit K.lnla'aTbrnlrr-lm- ul Au.ea.' Mlble'a C.rJfii-.M'i-- i. Mu OKI.

? ' IMtw YtrL tlreua Kit , .TP. Martf.

ft ' I Olj-.p- l. Ibratre -- '. WuH. UM.Hi frsatUta Mli.lrrl. Hr.Hir.Jki Teal I'uHor'. Oarra ly. N, AiiimIIsiu.

fp t, lbs Il.a.l. Immel-Osi- sts Vlillirs.

IN Vlalla.k'. I..I- -. I.,'.Vt Ily, lnIll"li"J. HstiMl.

f Do not tic Alrnltl to Vote Keep tbo

Every legal voter ought to vote. No manwho 1b not cjnalifitxl should attempt to voto ;

nJ If any man who is Utapunllllod attemptsj to vol?, wo hopo lio will bo arrested, Indict- -

csj, tried, convicted, and punished.JJut ilo not bo nfralil of UltANT'd threats.

1m Even if ho should station troops at tho; 'i polls, walk through tho bayonets they will

not prick you and vote. Vote, according toyour honest convictions. Votn J tut as you

ilcaw that Is freedom. But do not bo

j.' I afraid to voto.

jjjf" Don't Voto lor iVoodlord.IK.Jn, Don't vote for Stlwaht L. Wooufonu

If :j i ( lor Governor.IaP' Uccauso it is proved by his own evidenceUfcy that ho was ft friend of AriLinoN Oak- -

W. j , BUlTif, tho slavo-txado- r, and when Actingk.: 5 ", District Attorney connived vTltli hint to eeud

i ' out tho bark Augusta on a Blavctrcdir.g

Ml ' yojtgc.Wfi ' IhcatirO when he was Lieutenant-Governo- r

Pffl 'tis business partner received five thousandJl, dollars for the pns'flgo through the Lcgisla- -

fr. ; - euro of the French Cable bill.Jl k ' Because Ida business partner rocelvol aH f r i three thousand dollar mortgage from Kr.xo

lH Duukiiam shortly after IIutimiau was par- -

jft, f ' iloned out of State Prison,1 For theso reasons thousands of liopul'

J l.leans will voto for John T.

M j ; JlomtAN, and they iei!l do right- It Is n

jS y liard nm'mity for them, but tho slave-trnd-u

j j candidate uioilT TO in: uia iUTEi).

mtp. Vote for .Unrtlit T. JlcJlnhon.WfJ: Every i lectnr of tho Fourth District shouldftjl . vote for .M.MiriNT. McMAItON, l)eeaue h is11 j! .n hom-e- t man. No schemo to rob tho

' public treasury or to oppress tho people withwnjusi taxes can omt obtain encourngeraeut

Wi, ' r snppott from him.IIo is n capable man. lie. has beuu tried

u Mhilbter from the ITnlted States in SouthAmerica, whero the flavuholdlng cmplro of

i Hra.ll was endeavoring to put down tho frec--- government of Paraguay ; and In this

I'll difficult situation Mi Maiion co:auctod him- -

rclfwlth gn-a- t diMrction and with flaillty; ; to Deimwratic principles. This ehowr Jiat

( lio is ablet" defend tliofc'iir'nc'plcsl'epcccliI ud vote on the of Corgress.

He Is n true l)riiio'rMt and dg not nn.i Ixjhu tliai hi- - is Oct for than his iw'ow citizens

kjp In cause lie was born richer and has had bet- -

Jtj'l Icr opportunities than they. Ho looksI'll ' down upon no man, but regards all honest

citizens as entitled to rerpect. wlthnut rej J gard to considerations of wealth or blrih.

He is a brave man. and has provwl It byfighting bravely in defence of the Union

I upon many fields of battle.?. 'I ' He is n thorough going American, born of

f' 'rish parents In Canada. Every voter shouldB've him his suffrage, because In him tholpJfal rights of foreign-bor- cIHwjdb havolen afailed. Men have been called upon

12 vote ngaintt him on account of the clrcum-.' , stance that ho firnt saw tho light in Canada.

t this spirit be rebuked by his election.


He is a rellmv. jjn faithful to all hisBulies.jmt ond tolerant toward nun of otherfonns of lalth, but sincere in his attachment

"j- - to his own. All Intelligent electors ihonldci!), Iflve him their eufl'mgcp, becauso an attempt

.Las been made to strike him down on Hie'f Rround that he Is a Catholic; and all men

ihould rise ngalnH such efforts to Introduce' H t'' religious intolurance Into politics.

' ' ' Vote for Mahtix T. McMaiio, becauseJ!j Us opponent cr.Itttica Eeutlments of con

tj tempt toward Irish, German, ana'. J Citizens, such bb render him unworthv ot

I J'it your sufl'rao. The District ilot--

' 'j ,n,,t. wnnt a Kiiow-Xothlii- representativeJ Ujl j In Congrrss.

j Finally, vote for Maiitin T. McMaiio?;if ,Hj l 'because he ought to be clec'e 1. Ace 'rdltigly,m n let iiBibet him.

' IfeM' a ,,' CnBrsaloinil I2J of ''- -H.J,- nll,lBj I; i'...t nave nlivady choen representa- -

m-- i . rives for the next Congress, electing clght.t- -

ft I, ' tiireo iiuiubers. Two States choosj repift.j M- pintatlves electing seven inumb is.

j 'I Twenty two States choom representallvi sB 5 electing ono hundred and thirty- -

j liJ'J' eight iiit'iubcp). Ono Stnto chooses ropro- -

!l i' rentutives in Doeeinbcr, olettlng svveu mem- -

i'1 leru. Two State choose lepreiKUitiitiws

next spring, idcctlng coven mombors. This- lompletes tho list of thlri,i" eftvcn SiateP, ar.rt' ' nial.ee a total of two hundred and forty-tw-

the luuuber which the uxt House


is-i- to in tho vlvctioni whichtaken pluce, ns ull no fn those

l imiui.-dlatel- pending, or arc toin tho clioico of members nfflncmliur,i

'Congress. In the present Houso

have n major'ty of eighty,

j To lnrely th s majority, themust now make n net gain of

1 miinbers. Itather more than onethe House is already chosen, and the

If . JU'iuinntH claim n net gain thus far ot'

tw-lv- ii or thirteen. Tho Republicans w.llmili st tlneo or four of theso scats. As they

i,' (v ill have a majority In tho next House, they

ill It lil ly to get them, thus rediu lng the,111'' 3) iii'Kraue uuii.n to eight or ulno.(' R ' I lu the for tho lcnialulng two- -

! 1 tlilrds of the Hens,. th Democracy will noII r Vioulit lnaki- - raiher lnigor punioitlonal gains

t gihan iu the elections width linvu tiausplmd.!W ribiilt will bo niiiiiily due to tliu (juar

Vela huh w ,dc ly prevailing In the Republican11 J Biurtv and wlmh aru clmrgi able to the

'.' jbmifrl It ii mi e r (,f Ueu (li AST withy't j1" 1( I p'..l i if miniv tf the Htatis.

WhiH , 1'ytri nf M- - ir allIt,vTToik wber i' paity sufl' rs from his nn

A luiii.W J'diit', ftud lu which tUc dier

traded and contentious Republicans will

suffer seriouB losses.The rceult of the elections In Kottli and

South Cn rollna indicates that tho Ilopubll.

cane ran by no means secure the whole negro

vote in the old tOavtholduig Slates. ludeod,

the result in the Carol, nas clearly shows

that If the National Democracy had only

lieen wiso enough to put on record in duo

Hcaton an emphatic declaration that they didnot intend, Iu the event of their return topower, to reopen or in any way disturb thogreat principles embodied iu tho Thirteenth,Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments, thrymight this very year hnvc overthrown thosupremacy of the Republicans In two-third- s

of the Southern States. As It is even, wo

not lie surprised to liudthat supremacyseriously Impaired by the elections of y

and tomorrow, teaching oversangulno Re-

publicans, what oil reflecting and candidmluds clearly foreseo, that the six or ncven

hundred thomand negro voters In thoseStates will prove to he an unstable founda-

tion whereon to ttako the fortunes of aparty.

However, though the Democrats makehandsome gains lu tho Congressional elec-

tions yet to tako place, they cannot hopo tocarry a majority of the next House. Never-

theless, thoy may reduce that majority to bo

low u figure as to raiso a reasonable doubtwhether the Republicans, with two yearsmore of tho dead weight of Giiant'u

on their hands, will bo able towin In the Presidential race of lb?2.

Voto for Horace (Srcclcr.The Hon. llonACRUitnianY is a candidate

for Congress. Voto for him. Ho has ren-

dered imuicBtA BcrvtM to the Ropnbllcan

party; and they havo put WooDFOitD upfor Governor over tlio veteran's htnd. TL'.s

is an Insult to Mr. GllCElXY which ought tobe resented. The right and proper way toresent it U to voto for Mr. Glinni.tT andelect htm ; whilo WuODroilD will bo de-

feated. At all events, let hb ftlvo Mr. nmtvI cv a larger vote lu tho district whero ho

runs than WoomxmD receives.In a few years Mr. atitXM'.Y may have re-

tired from political llfo. Then overvbodywill lament as people lament over tho faloof Ronr.tiT Bunas and of He.nuy Clay,after it Ifl too late, that they were so neg-lrct--

when they were on the stage of octivolire.

Voto early for Mr. Giibulky ; but don't

vot? often. It Is wicked nnd criminal to votemore than once. And If all Mr. Gltr.KT.nVs

friends, in the district where he runs, votefor him once, ho is pretty sure to be elected.

Let all free-trad- men vote for Mr. Giir.i:-LEY-.

Thoy profcts entire confidence In theirprinciples. And If their principles are-- correct, they must triumph after a full ditcus-slon- .

Then let them send their ablest an-

tagonist to Congrcfs, and have the questionfinally settled after full debate.

Of courts, all protectionists will voto for

Mr. Gheelly.Wo havo no doubt that tho vonerahlo

Jahiw Goiu'O.n HhSMrrr will support Mr.


iivM.ui tj'..n ut alive to Mile lorhim, if ha lives in his district Mr. I!o.nm:uowns houf.es all around, and we do not knowin which one ho is living Ix cause Mr.Grtrnji.KT has Wen a conspicuous contributorto his pepor.

Isaac Siiliiusn. Esq. the brains of theRepublican party will support him; for hohas an enthusiastic admiration for Mr.Giili:i.i:y.

Jinlgo Baunaiii), being a Tuiiuiiuny mau,may uot vote for him, but ho must wish tosec him elected ; for Judgo Baiixmid beingan lu .est man, has a pii"imd regard forMr. Gm:ki.I!Y as an honest man.

Mr. Gur.Kr.rv Is one of tho few great menof New York. lt us eend Mm to Con-

gress. Vote for him. All hands vote forhim but don't voto but one.

Vote lor d'eorgo tVllkei.Mr. Gkoiku: Vii.ki:s is a candidate for

Congress. We hoje to see him elected.Why t

Became Mr. Wii.kks is ludlsputably aman of talent aud a patiiot.

Some effort has liecn made to Injure Mr.

Wti.Km by showing that he aasoclatcd witheharai ters of social inferiority. Tills has re-

sulted in establishing that among his promi-

nent friends aro Mr. A. A. SuLOVr.ll, ChiefJustice Ciiabi:, and tho Hon. John C. HAMir

ton, trntof Ai liXA.siir.ii HamiltovIt Is trua tf:?! Mr. "Ji Is under- -

6ucnk XeW8liB'I-i-Hood tornief, John Ri'tsi:i.i. Yocno. Jlut thatis no objection to electing him to Con-gicss- ,

even if his disposition to u'Ithe Sneak News Thief remains ao goodaa ever. Everybody knows that if Mr.

Wilkes Is doomed to reside in Washington,ho will havo no money left to lend Yoo.so,or any other eneali thief.

Voto for Mr. Wiluiu. He Is a man of

tukiit ; and men of talent are rare, and,like beefsteaks, all the more valuable for be.

lug rare.Veto for Mr. Wilkes, Vc hats to hurt

Urother BiiQCns ! but we must oxhort allmen Republicans and Democrats to votJfor Mr. Wiluus.

The .Mn orally.A careful examination, cf th6 Btato of tho

ennvaw in all parts of tho city furnishes

clar Indications that Thomas. A. Lkdwithwill poll a very largo vote Thatho ' l.koly to be elected cannot now bo said,but he will coma a good deal nearer to itthan his npponeuU hovo been expecting.

Thid extraordinary development of strengthli due to tho conviction among upright menin all parties that tho.ro cannot be an houwtand toonomlcal administration of tho citygovernment so long as it ifl monopolized byiho Tammany machluo. This is a most encoiiriiglng symptom. It proves that thoughdefeated at Albany last winter by tho follyand treachery of tho Republicans, The Sl--

hu' not worked for nothing. Tho goveru-mcn- t

of this metropolis may oen yet hareformed.

If, instead of allowing tho belief to becomegeneral that ho was to bo used to glvo votesto 'WooDronn, the Slave Trado candidate for(lovi-rnn- r, Juil.re l,i l'WITlt hod declared attlin s ait th i. If ' J no connection with ansu hdi'iluu r i'l in . guc, that his only purj ib was to ovi i throw tho Tammany RingIn the ilty and tliu' he himself would voleagiuist Qowowi, thvjc can no doubt that

ho would havo been elected Mayor by anoblo majority, lie irould hare not mmymore lhpuUkan recti then than At titl gttnote.

However, the opposite com so was taken;and )ct there is a olbllity that I.UDWIlitmay bo elected, but the probability Is in fa-

vor ufO'llAi.L.

A committee, consisting or Mah'HaI I. O.

KonrRT. MnM Tamos, Joitv J. Asms, K. I.Hiiowm, (Inin'.s K. HiMUir, nnd HiiWAniiStmi.i,

lisve exsmlncd the sccmuils of Mr. Coinptiollcr

CoXNOLLt. and find tlicni all correct, llify lodeclare, in a itatctucnl published iu another cob

uuiii, that the citj liuaiicv re In psrfect olderIn Mr. IVvnollt's hK Tlili statement, fr mi

gentlemen no eminent In the financial woild,

must be UVcn as aiiwrimr the linpiilatlnn thatbaro been made agaliut the character and

of Mr. Coxxoi.lt.We underiUnd that It bus been determined, In

older to avoid a luit, to run Mr. CosxoiLrai a candidate for Comptroller upon t lie Tainnia.

ny ticket. Mr. Comsoi.lv Infnriiis in that It wan

not his wUU to run, as he igard h's preenttenuro of the office aj jierfeetly a.i, .but ho

jleldl to tho juJBmeul of lil political annciate.After the ccilificatc to which wc baro referred,U li uot likely that bis toto will be Hnallcrthan tlut of any of the other candidates upon bisticket.

B. B. Roosevelt, the Uod-Bu- g candhhtofor Conycs in the I'ounh District, h repeU-edl- y

abu-o- d and wtlfied Mattiikw T. Hbwixam

throujli tlio columns of his paper, tlio fllton.This wm after he said that " tf Hit Iilsh did nut

lie, steal, cheat, lob, murder, get dnmk, perjnratliemelca, quarrel, tight, and lnlt upon dam-ag-

unreajenably, thoy would be almost i good

ai other natloui."Democrats of the Sixth Ward friends of

Matthew T. llnt.NNO tlda inau Itomnr It.

Roosevelt It now befero you, hut in hand, aid-

ing for your votes. What In your reply ?

Joait Foley, who lart year was electedHupervhor In sp'.S of all that could be done to

tho contrary, i now mRihis fur Oio LcirlUturein the Twenly-llri- t DMiict. lie is alt hwoitpolitician, on a fast lailroid platform. Bvcrj-bod- y

likes him, and lie Hill mako a mlalitypoweifnl run. Mr. Speaker IIitcuuas is hitopponent, bat It I tald that 1'olet lll sweep

the track. ' Out of the wav. the onijine'a com-

ing !"

"For wo.yw that are dark nnd tricks thatare vain the heathen Chinee Is pcenlhr." Hut

what I to be .old of neh a ticket us the fellow-lo- g

!- -for (ioTtraer. giewart L. Wo.!rot, i f- -r Ln- urnasl.

HlalnittOd Kanftinsni ir (nieiri.lr.AijUh W. l'alin.t i for Col I anilii.'ttiwr it leru lAlnlmn Nrlecnt fnr Caaal c 'aintivNMirrlent,). lx. for 4ad- t'r,,n lut, rri..r. luiml'ri.'ifii roi Major. A. tl.- lltlit t r -- BurlT.Muiiia T. Ilrrjn.ni let ( lor oi Hi. t .tr ami ' noal)--

n,w York, uajtlfi P.. l.ccw i tnr Corone , laincII i 4'lo.i W. Tonnf. 0mii N. Hrrrmnn.

Ibrc have ths slire-tr.ijir- candidate for

Oivcnvr, and the Tammany cAndida'e, tl'ilm,for U II It about the pmnot cin.blu,ioBthat we lmve ecn. It if evident thai there willbe une cheating in this elcctii u.

Any Iiifhrnan. Giintti, or ll-hr- - " 'horotf fvr Itoni.iiT IJ. UousnvsLr uillfully Jutt iff U IU eontrmft tmJ;!u. 1Ioovi.tkat htvfti vpon iktir jtpU.

I'.VTHICK MrNAMAKA, Deiiioerat, U run-niii-

for the Atieu.Llr in the l'mirlti Hiitri t,

fuloet Jons J. I'laib, Tumm.it y. Mr. M V

UAlii Is a thouiUjhly lioi.i l uiul n-'- , L!

,M, . imi.v HII ti , Vf "11 iil.ni, 't

do hi- - iiui( hi ciiUsiiiiuiilu illicit, 4 ir(ui:

Let nvcry honest citizen in the First. Sec-

ond, Tblnl, l'ourth, rifth. Sixth, and IlljhtliWardt secure a McMtno.v ticket oteit the first thing uioriiiinr. II.- - nrithat your ticket it ondortod on tlie buk, " C .i

s Number Three," and that ii renin,l'or BeiFinUil la Cenzreu fur Hie t'u n ik

Martin 1. Mu.Mauox.Head your ballot raitfiillr before votlnjr, and

tee that the proper letters ate m the name.

Col. B. F. Wi:.MOLTH U the Republicancandidate for the Aminbly in the Vint Dittnet.He it a real Colonel, or rather l.o uied tu be, andIs a worthy ci,!iep. We suppose he hardly evpfcts to be elected unfeiX can contrive to addtho votes of tlu Young Democracy to thf of hisown peity. Wituoi-ti- i la one of tho tru.tees of the old John ttieet Mcthodiit Chun.li.UutalUrall, eno of the beat points hi hU char-i.ete- r

It that ho warmly mjipoitt Gen, Maiiiis T.MiMauon for Congress.

Wo prii t on the third pngo tho speech ofMayor Hall at the gieat ISiuisnax deinouttrntioutn Cooper Inntllute on Sntiiiday evening, liveryvoter uould do ull to read It bufjlc goiu; to theballot-bo- on Tuctdty

Benjamin A. Willis la tho Republicancandidate, for Congress iu the Seicuth IU,r!ci,ajjan'ii Sihtu lltv, Jr. He U a well knonn law-

yer and a rtauuch Kepublican. He ought t j olla full vote, and he descrvon a geni-ri'in- i ui.port.

GKOlifir, L. LoUTltr.L Is thu Twnaianynominee for Anncmbly in tlio 1'ifih PMiiet. liehas been throe tlinej a member of tlio l.e.'id.vture, and his left as cleir a record ui any nia iwho lm ever reprceiul that district. IK h,iincurred the mortal hatred of the notoilou Tub.Ai.lcn's gang, tlnniiKli hi mpo.uia of lliciroperations, and nu lliit if on i o ullier sceou'ithodetenoi an election, Ho nil! have & turniiinjoiily.

Jons M. Coita, tlio wlnnlug candilaufor Asiembly In II. o Ninth DUlrlct, l nn oldTblrd-Warde- i, and a tteillng iltlen4 "fl,

known in tho district, and dosy7f(Hy pipuUr.If elected, as now iccms gu'e probable, he willbo a decided Improvement on so;na formertentalives from that dlalrlt. Mr. Coit Unnnilnated on the plalfoiin of no tutciferenee by(lie 1 cdual authoiitlc'.tn local politics.

In the 'rwe-tlii- AiMtiiilily District, liteIluuso ltepubllean u.ui.

Uiihuo is Jlr. Wu. A. Dooi.lv. He bus bud inuclicxperbjice In city affairs, It a man of propeityand pii.bity, and Mould make u ifi-'- d

B.C. Wvnhki.L is tho Republican candldate for Aitembly lu the Tblileenlli Dislilct. ReIt a good man. lilt opptueiil is Uicuaiiuny, a bliud adherent of tho TammanyJ ItlugTheio are three oaatUidute i inning fur llieodlo.'.If Mr. Wanmil polls t4u .full Ilepublieanho nmy be elected.

It Is reported in tho lUrnU thnt tho Presi-

dent lu uidered a new muni to be taken inl'lilladelphlii. Somebody hae euiiiplaiued that thenork has not been done cuircctly, and so tlcn.(I bant proposes to havo It done over, Tlili lithcer usurpation. The I'refidcnt bat uulbliif; tudo nlth taking the cciuui.

Men of tlio Kighth Wnnl, don't full to votofor I.i kb 0. Giiiues, Iho eloquent dUclple ofl'athor MtTiisw, fur School 'fiattec. He li

pupular, and oii,ht to be nnaninioii-l- y


It Is a cheering tie t thnt tho bufn ess ofthe rep' liters Ims been slopped 1 yen tnoienlio have succec led in g 'Mmi tlicni It sic

ill buioly dare to vote U uiwr.w. This

will probably bo ths most honest election thathat been held In this eity for yeare. Much of themeans of accomplishing this has been urj ob-

jectionable, but the result is good.

Ronr.iiT B. Roosevelt, the Bedbug can-

didate fur Confess in thu Fourth District, camefrom Hull nrenue. He waa Imported into theVouilh for the purpose of cndflarnrlng todefeat Gen. Minns T. MrMitiiW, a poor, hnnett

and a Colonel of the (f dlantSixty.lillitli in lit fighting days. Hut It can't beiluue.


Tlir Opinion or r.nitiiriil l.nsrrera nnt ofI tie t lilted hlnlrs Ill.lrlct Attorney.

Havo tho United Slates Snpei visors of Elec-

tion i Unlit to InUiTtr rici-.i- t with tliorc citizensvtlio propose to vole for members ofConerc-t- f

Have they a tklit to bg prtxnt n Hit conntint' ofan) sou eicept those tor niembert of Canniest I

These queatloas are In a niibllsted opinionnf Vtssrt. B. V. Stout,Mon, fleoreo T. Curtis, W.O. ttartlctt, James Danubue, aad Jo'eph Hill. TlicyUlte It at their Jinlgninil thattlie Uwof the Unitedbtites cannot have any appllcillon to the ttectlon ofStale and local offlcera; that the 8npcrIors cuinothare anything to da except with those who proposeto for member of L'oiigrr ; that they em haveno control oyer any ballot boxis except tbosa

soles for Congre'imtn; and tbat they haveao rlxM to os erf te the canvase of any oil er votesexcept those for Conrroesnno. ltespcetlog tlio actof Congieii ltclf they make the fullois Inst "talomerit !

" llr the HjIIi tffilon ef ihe set II I nmvMffl tht Itthtll he Unt il for tin- - M.irh.il "f Hie t tjiie 1 sim iorthis illslrle I lo tl"it niaar )" " uri'jnK-- as maylc tree try lo nlr at a? f elci iloa at was lilleprcseotsures in rontftps ar lo bertioen. .(h.Isil.l iln.mletmt htrthti lr.t lofirtrtf nritrtnl

rlfllnn: nnt to mint rw ol o'rvr'i rrhmfSor IU inct ronwHtlHi It IhMr riii'.' By tt.c fimnliatnole of Hit iMtiin'mpnls to lliit 'iwiltutln ( tliet'nllnl sulci, It l Ji e'arfil Hist the rhrlit of Iho peoi !

tn be sernrr In li., ir njniml iiemmnabli self.are lill r.ol W yloiale t . and iht no warrant" iha It"ne but tiin erobtb e eatisf. npiHirleit b oallieraltlrmall i. ptilieniariv le,re.,ni ili per'nn tnfi'iit. Thai i .irlo(il. e ntliirhfc- - 1.jb it.ll.-,- ..tIs in illred ylnUiioB ol tbi 'aue t h Couiinuiinn,nuJ tbuaM y inartutl. un ler pretest of pre-- tt

i ontrr ai lh.-- loii'inc el e'lnn setin r'tsoralih.il sinrrnnt Lisrirtiy imoi-I- . npi otiwl by an-

il ivlt. he will la iqilhshle, ei linn si v. In the Matsii'lirl. ami he llitnieih rt ln for dulnsim la adoltion, atIlia lull of iteargnesnl rartln "

On the o'her honl, Mr. t.tl. tho DiMrlet At-torney, hss iMueJ I ho tol!orlii( Intlrncilons tu Ibotupirvlors!

A'.t.l ti n yonr itoty :o aiirnaou th dsrol rtrelinn,simI n l,o nrti-n- t rroin Lie i joim nfi'i-pul- ls iflt lbsfliitl rntuiiin uf the snirs iniiil lo itiallengc every vi,uTrlitc'i sou alio or snip" I to Hi'-a- l, or Itnprop. r.y

"iiirerM.aiid tn w t,, It iliai yonr rba lnse Is ir.reeit1.7 Iho t it 1.1 nf In-- l wl'Hi uvl Unit th.- osllii rr(iiirt tbv biw afa rfopet'T AitininntreJ. lo Ubchnrae ihls

nir rforei.. (haillj knp a list ( all t nunsclunlcusat. nnd .lAatn Ci"lli U"m heUier ojIIh tru

"mlriiflcrot. and pailleiiSMj Z'Z n. cLrcltial toaiti.itiilsier the oath aod all eaet whtt! twtJII-v'- il

ttty refo"ato i k thei'tlhtn cvrry cee wbpt.- - yno rri nvt or fett istitftad tb.n

the iron Tom rr s lo vol l not liKllyto votn ii sjourduiy t,i rail ih ulteiiilou ur a

UrrniT niatiliMl lo lueli ami hh i rfrnce. As..n.........nl...H(L.ip u .,... r.. t . m Iwill be a tailnre of duly . n n.ur iurt II yon rinli.wi uyou rbn'li ..ne s ij.-i- i m a uw.nl . 'er, io iimt y

ny rlepiiiy marshal nn-e- nt ot Hie irltae aSout b inxcoluinntenorsiHmir.i.

A4wl-.tt- ne ilwnf the poll-- It Is joor nnnrUIdnl) oi wune-- t ainle' "i-l- V n ouimiiiif fII u and Iks uiakms I II... , II,. ul Tt.tan of Cougre tnai yoit iruil be pmclanil srlli.r- - ilirouahout Hi" eoaHHir of a I otf."til rrnialn wheto Ihi- - tin !oi b- r isit. at ait

timet. isr ttta pm's erf und. nat I the vans areSeattv iinni-i- t M oar rtaM m ii iti r nnlfnrt catn ill ram mm of all nsMln lll.eM,.lH 'tvslt kt you tia In. 4 in .1 JliH i ivis vn elir n- prtilsn m t orcf'" f "it In nv n' tlietK'iii- - t,riiiiiiy in.. ' ' I as i. im.i l n Ihe hvitie Stale tint I'll x r'is m p s't- - a M p'l-r- ii i . n te 'fltf.eate fi ibe aftnaee of :t n,i. an sinirnu-n- l

lr.net Ina tl ll.tt nr 'nfn-- lli renf wl. rh htrk-t-r is .s mipoisanr in wiiii- - thnimliont ibi i

soie.e(ai IU dirl..u. You uiliiau. tlir fure. at jour po t till Ihr n'lie c.mva -

SuU&oiLi bj lasri rf the Stsle rtosl.l 'or II or rdrr H wMrfc

ihe hsiwM, nio lo be ri-- I and ci.ev-a.e- d. Any Ao-- p

irtur ther. frnm. wit i n flnu lrlrtu In enl. I ia. aetliae ay ilio'M accilnn ri tiicart oi I'nnervfi, Ir ii rUonrd of Iriueetort mi"id in ti"la4tonor luebialcla,ynn b tixliail t l.m in ihe Hw and u- - ibsttl be ul.cvi-1- . tlili if ilu. Lui.. t if . crmicernnof arrrel .ir itnly nr ill ' ... v i n mit,n iifcrMtrv. ruli tas inaihl or ileni.iv io erot- ntyi u in o .(MMa ti it r r.u tie b' ,i cvuu'.eu anaIU.' Ra il v;i 'lOts'v li.J lo.

ltunoK r.:t it.it o ami num.Tie MobuLeo I.mii.I mill li.ipiwteiiieui Com

print fcrl.i,.ff n Nni-lt- ltlsl r It TI,i- -

I'lirl n HulldliiE In llnr Mcl I Ibrtlitl'tb. nil l.lnr.

1 vt mi-- a pi.nt a e, ,iii .nin l,iw be n

w fsv regard tc the tO"'1''. "f lb ''Ip With

of il.e ITuboLen frrj 'oot cf Bsrc'ay slid '.The Hot oil n Land end ImprGSeiS'! Company,

who own and oinae the UtboLinri.l.i'cU irn.e ii:,l to this i'.p. oad . 'i .u:n.r.er

eia t t t rrrc t jr r bv i i,t rrt i, ion andtjLlnS pn I n of it Tl Ir thjeel wn to spile II

ovir ard et a Ir ininc aeroa the heail t anrnut--

iidp the etnn- - buslaessof the Munis and - sKallror.d, uod f,.r ulhi r ofltcct counseled Willi I,liir,--. Un trLiiin psSMslon ibey coiuaionct-- Jmlag ri'" nllh ll.o utmost enirgy, uml bud neil)(tuiptUaJ tLI poiUur of the work wii n liny wrnwaited up a by ei ita,n cky otbclal and oriKrr i tud. lt. Tbey did dilt. thougti uadtr orelis . burot until t ie eff rials tl Ihfra tvlt!i au

lribcy iwrnistut In thr.r nndi ttakl.tg. TheJsw-vp-

. elvBrty atnltit llm repipany, ire ibitotea

eirrisl iiuLib.iTns ii"- siici'ASrf " buildluibeyoiiit the lulkhfail line, ami tills rronnsul I iinU-i'- i

Otniik l at lea-- t a lii.iniied b et liejond lli itline. Jiat the Company hnMiu :oipr-.- l work, II.vautbbniitt piiht no I'urll er uitetiiun in tl.e nijib r

On Urld. 7 nl ,1 1 ' t, nusrur, !mmcd:a!r!y afi,-- r

ditk, a nn of it't." er.rpettcrs from llolo-ken- .fuily .irmed slib afl runner of biiiliirr' too.s.

These were toon lo ioned by a flit touile l vtilli liluber and lumber, whh-- stjs In tho deb-ite-

lip. Veiy qaiikly the sniiml nf the raw and haul-m- u

was be ud Lelitnd tho ilrki t Led mi Iho Hi.,buk'-- iloi K Nnbo I) kntiv v'.al luueatil. No onevitt iidniiti'l ta tnv,. 'Irati Hip trance proceed-ing. A'l nUht Ions Itu din us Urp'. up v. ilti

I sl;r, and it daytlsW on 9lui iAV u.ornlncIbe ear'y frfpicnlcrs uf V;.;,ntun Miril't andtutfi ulng 1, ,n.-- sta llit .iiinly v. suipiHed

a ri le'e I f i.no b'liliinK eos e rlns Un-

bent uf ibe .lip. Tbo build .it is one lor In I ulsi-- tan,, nboul seveiii flve In th by fatly s.fdlbTIhh ihe llutMiVi-i- i Ijinl ntt lipro,iiii nt Com: a yIktjdoii .Ni'A York, r. Ii- - a n arch on tlie est j clHci . di fied lu'i sml iva.b Ian iejun'-iin- joniourioarts At 7 o'eio, k on ts.tunbiy iunruiu, l'.ielion. W. W. bbijpen, ibe grcl iiiuu.il ul i' u I.imJaud innro. meal Company, er.i rroin II"' ki i.Itiu, the otk, ptnn lune.il Ii wi'll done.

1. Ui 1. i ! at II t iu vi s of bis phii", ut'l i.e.iir-i- tlo I .i Indi iMKknl of Ne .lei .; .

jJtc.sLJi.Ms or mi; i ;;.;.-- .

Diir rainaeiH scMii to content th nwlve t .iH - pu ml .i k UU Un. sjicc-- f lht iu v ill, u lti..n Lcri; vu:iari.

Ti e pul i. .iiih, s lolet'fi .iii-r-, .1, '. .' '." Muu uud U il" (roiu ibe I'lfili Asenae, or y t

MMOunrle lo itlmiotiilim.- l.ip Vun S lu'J; .e.ItoolU'a. Sir. Mu'i flu 't i i pitun cf,i , m hibe old dies that SI nib rnall',2 ti v .JjftcW- ior the Olympic not!-14- e coun i. iUIum.rthan tbo iwntoailiat tketg Kim psrfotui,1.

Tfv Until Opera Bouse seaks tn ylvr. a I lib.Vitliij loth.v;r;i.ruianC3io'lho "CrfanJ l)ui'.n."anl tie P tit l'aa t" by !' iriluiliu 'In :"tilVrlusa ilr nii-.- in the different set.

'llievx li, bowtvnr, promise of 'evilllcs 'non ti bebri'iurbl out i lor exiwplo.nt v'iaek'a Mr IIj'.i

lie' oniaerty, " lllnb." n 1 at Ihe Kiltli Asenuelhciesi.,l . f " l i rnai,,!. On, nl .ic S " l.'rl.jn.N 'Is t'lo iioli.l el aiityouJay t t nil) ,nllouai--

Lull Jidisih tvlyea to give pie ianl v .rlety to thepiriornuines ul tier theatre. Tnls wevk Mr. -I

nwe'l, wlto uiimi tin rriuient v il't blin r In it I , iIn- gin-4-

, in iki-- bit iirim imnwi there .in litkai it . iiiiiac ,c. ul It .i'tQ J Jtf Jcdi' in "'luoA'lli-'- l nt 1," 'I .. 'un ."

Ni it un & , i r burb inefur l,i. ' '..i nni.io it romnnnv, w til i bri ri'binut ii ,1 . nt , s IVri., nr fi- - Api In nfI " ' .i, '' u n mi tin , ai ...Mini llli l b i. ' 1, II. i.. i II .1 itllii- din y i. '

At Nibbi't, tlie verv inor.t irmu p f ir nsi. ofII lit.' "llutiunian Mill" will b ie I i' ni:htuml totnnirmv ivi'iibi'!, tin I'dnc laj' ev.M.t i

JI "ml iw' i 11m Van Winkle " Will le I roi ,T' t oi.i.Mm llnn'-ii-- l i itirkrtnin, a vnirnr punit wl.o

Iiiih puiiioi n,u .it.ir witli Mm pul.li. , kiii. iichi,-ei'i- t

lu r.iTbt it n l itlnn f'lii'. bus I ir :ibi. i.i n.i .p. Hens, ilr. Win.'l hi.' a th

sin' nisi, Mr. eta Ibe nrniiUt. nil othtr nrtuM.Mr, II. Millet will Rive a conoTt at 'I'rennr'a

Lyric II .11 nn Saturday eiinla. noil, tiSth nf No-vember, In n'd nl tie' fund Inr ibe 1'reaeh sirtiu a ofIhe w i. Mi- - Millet Is nu ariist of Men rep.i'.'. .niltl.e cmii'i'it i Jll mil tail 1 boa tlue ouv,

Aimileiir Opera.Hiiioi Itoneuiii't iiiatteur opcratie eiit li.uu-nii'li-

ucoi i Ui'l " well last wbilur at Hie Ibeairnof iho L'nloii l.e.nue Clnf, f. at ho has illncted theenergloa ot Ills best icliol.in la vocal inuale IdmuJII o nvstiiy of thi" arts of some new opens. Himvthe I'prln of ll.li jeur (Several opeiatC hate bei :i

flu lie I nfilij'i me pe.iri' inity for repiewi ii'.nn.Tim - iMtii-l-l- ' of i .li i.itui'iiio and Ci i inn,i nl ir, ,iinl niiifiuin N.i'm .Luiti I're' . i,1 itcii i, b' iu i, I'uri i - s .ui. and t ,i 111 ..n'n-- e w'll bn pi.niiti' t, ua me aids of or b i

ii' iiiii" in a i tic nr ir I, una ent i.n.rn s n I ii I ulna Li im I la ai tiro lld s nr,i iu tepi ,t t k ai in am ui sucti ebar ' tn i ii - a it II I'' ii nn ir at afe nnn- - s fnin' in it by geueiuut VOIUUt ithe p itH'ifal pails,


IVItXIXO AX lSVr.XniAHT INTO AJ'ltUMlMiXl- U001 TH.1tri.All.

The (nreer of Mr. flirtileii ('. Mnnaell ofIliirtlord-Oprrntlo- ita iiaiiu lucendlnrr- y-

nl bi ll lor Tssn Venn, uml Iben( iiimbl-Cbniiu- eil lulu u (iiiait Trinplur,

nil I'rreta Into u Tlilel.Comn uudrnee ot llie Hun.

llAnminp, Conn., Xor. 0, 16,0. The golpihere list e a choice miration tn the arteat ofCharles C, Munirll, a prominent Good Ttinplar,for stealing from hit employer, Day, Caswell .t Co ,clothing merchants, oa Alum tlreet. Thtiowould be nothing remarkable In the Crime were notMnn'cll'a record a peculiar one. I base taken iuuiopilot to gather tbo facts of his carter n tew )eai a

ago, and jour readers will be Interested In perillingthen. Ileforc the war, commencing with the year1W, the fire department of this city was conductedon the volunteer tjslno. The cirltemenliof a fire-

man's llfo led under that system the pride lathe alacrity of responso to alarms, Ac

to Iti work, In leatoas when fret occurredratcly,

Tin TonCti or ths iWKNTjunr.I'robably In most cities, where the drpartment

was not paid, most of tbo fires not aciilutatsvrre itorlcl by flicmcn. Here, during tlio

time tllmle-- l to, confltgrationa followed one tfu--

tt.c other In inch swift succession that the publicmind became deeply agitated oa the sabjeet. T1inpolice force devoted Its test energle ami Its bestdetectives to efforts for tlio stipprettinn of the laft-mo-

work i for thero wtt no doubt that the tireswere the work of sn Incendiary. Chtrles C. Mnn-!- l

was foreman of .Ulna Itoso Company. He was ayonng man, apparently lull of teal to promote thewelfare of the rshole derailment. At fires the tniltoowas among tho foremost, and It did efficientlervlee. When the detective began their Investi-gations ILe) ttcedlly fell upon the traekof Mnntell j

)et thero was no certain esldtace tbat he wat tie)

guilty party. Thero was, however, a positive con.vlctlnn that ho w as doing tho work. Circumstancespointed him oat with as much directness, almost, asIf he could l.ave been seen fleeing under the shadowsof tte Bret which Ms own hands had kindled. Towatch his movements In detail. Lleat. Packardstarted systematically; had his iplrsont: pot enn

flit nee in a Irnsty tnemt-s- r of the .r.loa Hose Com-

pany, so ss tn lesm In what plljhl Mnnsetl appearedwhen he Joined the rompiny going to or at a fire

and. w hen hit plans wtre all properly arranged, gtvnday and ulgnt to bis lavealliatloos.

rut citAvrioM uicxuTtNin.Tor 'wo years be devoted his host cff.irts to oh.

tula the evidfiice be wanted. In this llinon great num-l- n

r ol fln uei ho tsllsllil tliat Mnn-ce- ll

hid I start but win not able to secure dir. rtpr iH. A part of tb list of Ibe". fires It as follows :

Woodruff "aavclll Vara In tear of "the Arch," Inj 'lain stri-e:- . .w. r. r s Habits en Anlnm ilreet totally

iv.. I. an-- HaV lalnab'. Iioi-a- . uarueil tosi Jnhn'i Until rtaitea -- n Msln irret i entlr, ly enn-pi- n

I. and four horse iMrttodaib.liidrr's Hotel lt.,Mrt on TSortk JLiln tlreet i tnintles and a erne and two bnys bnrrr.i : trre3.ffnr

.laiiiea It. I'rcaot'a barn on Arch street t imt-u- ;i Ia r tn ucnrc-i''i- il aliempts on dllleiebt oera.i.jn-- .

Mi. tllvun'a barn In Chsilsr liak trt. entlnlyoonsiuneil and one hnre bnmeJ tu eeatli.

Mviion'i bun on nest strict i all ihe cor.ieoi' ev-e- tanimsls Mirnnd.

(ul. Ward's baro iu siree. t totnl loss, butbnr,i. removml

I: Ii .Mllliii ir.'s barn la Ulvernor street ; total tattcr'on Ion.

.loin Cnswelfs hjrn In Vain ilreet, neit lo cwiheburrb t nno 11 ie burned lo ns!b.;ni(. llerrlek'i baro, near ibe mpewalk In Mar' tsir ct: three horses barn-- 1 to dcitb.

Mi. Campbell's dwcl ing.r-a- r or Pearl stiei-l- ; manwith iho iii!stt-in- r,ove t Jitst la tiiuo to sure h .afrnm to death.

os tuc tpail or nig ixcn.Dinv.In t ti. fires alon s,teen horsrs a ere ' arm 1 to

iloaih. Hut mans more herns were dntroyeit In t1 esime tiprtod, aiumt whirb then eonht bp noroaoti-nl.'.-

,,,nbt of Mima H'a gout la all tho puhrrrougtily eatlraited Uittt be bad burned ovr ere hun-

dred i .uussmI itotlarV wmth of property.During alt til time Mur.se'l knetr tl at be was

nail watebnl. lie talked fresle with thepolice ibont It. and appeared anxlons all the . biletn , nt laee them tt at tiielr auspieions were rround-S- -

. llr venuld n ii the stall m houe, ray at b nVI k ai nrshl, win n ;he sqai l e'nuirpa plscc- - ot

di, . a- d ki wl'h tn polleonmn whose bent was inI,. i i,i:'.li tbut t't I.i- livid an,? r i

ni-- r so that t ie ntbci-i- ' would see him ro in. anda i nl I n tnarU:

" Tl pit, ron sr l'-'- i 'iniie lo :,lght; now If ilicu.nln don 1 .y it L' r.c."

W i ui l e l,s doee Ihls ifilccra liave nttctied I Ire.He would gulo bl room, turn nn the gas.watt a tsellto cnoroy the Imi rr:ion tint be was uadreealng,si.d men xltnsnlth ti e lift i and Inste-s- J or gettltsginto bed.Jump ent of a l ink win. low on to a ekwla die or. Aad be would dodgo the officers

0 ejul It nere I. la Movement. Thsi!:.' ccc ir : Miiu-t- d would Jala bl

euiiipr s.iatwhi,r,.ul .nl.eo.UC.,lir ri firHie i liec m tlir I let li.ni lip Wi".! !.i':ai. tt In odors.

V,-i- lut thst i.p Ip.'i tin In. ii' , be si.'j pxiiIjisIf bn iduuued tl at ull. in it im wi-u- t to a roi '.'"IU-uu- .

w u-'- 1 ci uUl i . ac u.itidily ny going nut ul uii ,iu r, .it t Hire v. a no piuuT tl .it hp d,U i.iall' In- tut Into a llji.t pi. ce, and Ibe tame w

- ill. blui.Tlir nrTCTin ssn tub rscsrr.

On. nisbt Offlecr Uut.ie iru rsslBi up lluehliig-ba.- i

trial, n ur ibveirutrof al,lut..n. aminnl nit - .n a light tltslt In ILe birn of Un. liarnul l. Up jumped lip mi lio at once, snd saw.iinuii inukiiigoir at-- full speed, and gave chase tunln,; but tbo 'ello tau u.ro-- . ganl.us lulu Ce.laitt.e.t. and sight of l.lin nasU-t- . The uloauie OOt to tbo lire. Where Munsell Julai;! h

rr,.,iiij ;? '"Id lo l.ietil. PacLtril byThum.s ll.liuikMood, usslaLuit iw u oi -iia

, i" yp.In inc n.rniber o.' the foiapm,' VNho LjJ b.ca ee- -

le 'tc I tn report as above stated. !

" lie Joiued u," aaid llockwood. " lu IluiVlnK'.- a- 's . be coming dotyu t'u slreit ('. lar atreci mu-tct-

llucklngbain), and was nmch oat of breath ; heInoWeil pasiily arouud, as If rxpecilng to see someone Le did not wlib to see, aud tn.nu. lii.lcad ui tak-lu-

the lea. o Ihe eonipoiij left lae tu command, andwini hini'Olf to the dr mpe neir the nup."

Munsell was arrested In OakiVt sahxiii neat ilay-.- ic did l.ol Hoi. i l Lut ilaj tibile plaili.g k i;.iu.e CI

, iLd WaS Ut Ph t:1:". uf'C-- " '"HpoJlcspB-ei-i- .

fnr t ,n iiiat,oii. lianas as pale a4 a ehutbut, for u t.l.,. . nothing ecu Id le got mil uf Mm. lietn, .1 lo Hi-Iai- where be was, ta le had doue befr j when at last Lieut. lSicktrd, ruing bun,s ll

" ilea el!, this TTOi.'t do; yon have told that storyewt lua ,i'i,ii ; jroiv

Ti on too Llpuu-iiai.- went on and tuld him, fronithe irom J, in i inauner, all ab.iut bismoic r.ei.l- - ti o.u the bur.ilin i fiue L'ulwell bam 0da.e Muaaell v as at Art rprarentry unmoted ;bat. ts the ofltrtr pn-i-e.l tie n.irmtivo bonis, p,lo- -l bis aell and irvinbled all trrthou bu Un Ii. lo Ic u. Le ex. : iluied :

My fi, di l'f.c,.,,rd, wiij dllu'i you stopine tujirrsi.go?'iniNH'or.'jin isto owon Tiurivii.

lb waa prusei'iiierl, nvt ,in an s.ljoiirninent of thee rive noml, lirtlad tnp,n b) an undi rl m tnu, i.iut i'lto tne irur. ind n niiio luoatiist.iru. and inning t II rum ', setlled d wndi utlv pr, ( lo In I uv hiM-el- Hpjoi'.,l ibp thvni Tpiup1 ii. f., ,;,rtr rang !.:.rlswi ! ii iii Ihu Order. Lastyiy beS" t ne of i i ilr: , au ftum Cor aeetuutto I'. , Iv-Wonb- i fiinu I i f North America;I" 'rffiw une of Iho 1, ..tl- - ; ofllivrs of tho Ortiud Ludgu.if l.,e rl.iii ; unit mi Monday ceutng lat iel"i"e.l hecretai) uf the Orient 1.0 Ige oi 0.1 ciiy.

'. f 'i i..pc nice rroplo ! ve pl;ed the utmosten-- tne lu tiltii, sv. i tie hue slrrngt'ii'oerl urJ nil 3 lie Wiutcli uud taking an active part lu(t'' !: el m.' ,. i.rl:. lint tl.e pn'ler hav, neicrh d the Hlj'ite'l faith In Integrity. They bitea, in Im la t. n inanv tiiit'b:inni situations to el,i 11' lu bl i.u .111 or lit- - t iitue. Illsdu.M b- - I 1 n i'.iC" dillfly I:1 "I P'T.US, tlir.ucll I u U .ti. ...: 1. .1 t'l.d luk a Int.. ilj. buch a in: n cannotrrii.il i i vi IniiP'i, a lute at nig. t w i'bi it itIr i li . : t' nl. nui . tro a i n tl.n ki.niv I.I ..

s intl' i .ii a mil i.1II Mit' er nl Mill Pat. CiiwiII A t'n wistin. I In, t.- -i i! p n ember I Ibr firm wlm .ir..

ii. in of I n'd slew, belies rd that be I. anwl .i'y trf. mi' '. lli' bid leenwitn them eip ab i i nalli bi.vi'tg r be n in Ibr emplnynr il.ai.i-- , linn l'i, Inriutiire i e.ili- -

. Viry ac nr.' it i nt r!i lb' tr s.'rv!'-- ' Ibey w m advised In It

th,. m 'i 'nr I. ue, .ir l! i ii i i ..t bins in riiitin rn.g ll at t'i n witp irnod g'i mul- - lorri.!' i unrrr i l t ,i i , j tl.i y iii'l m t i'i 'rv to tin n li"nH. ' I II bid I'limf l' .it Ii ' l,u i i.m.i '

i'i . linn li'bl lu t a tutu, ..int. lit. , nI, ii ui i up: i ii ii - luiuli as p.. i Un i

ii. i leiul to p, tl. t I.., I a i o ki v In Ibe vi, ,

b"' f lay li,,-- dlaei'veredib it In- did batea a. r, ni.d that I.i' li.u ti In t'.i liubit ui I'tili'tit gt ii 'uri rr'i I buurs 1 nn ui ikmg Hind-

i-, own i'. Hu'j utairap mr b m. vrhu-- wua skil-- I

.l.v i i'. .id tut iii'd r i t; ii ii 'Hon ol IK'iecliteC - In.

fii'i' ws lea itii'Mit ui i") in ire store nioncon 'linn lay si s "nil u Imrus eulonlerwas sent III fud iiuii'd if 41 with him, ;tbeni"ueliinj marked, I Iip nt.tig lean look a longbit of lb I hi. ii I when be w n arre-le- .l yesterdayImdillof Mil In bit pnsstrtlon. Theacronnl nf hi aripit ! f.i ent surprise In theconi'i tl lly, ivilli'iilarl) thai portion specially InIrie-U- in t'''" ' I ' un'liir luiUes, though mir.)jirr'ns Inllm.ie i"i the poVi win not In theI a lulii-lie- lie win kept ill Ihe stallnn boneI, a',., ul a n'liu, k I 'M t, wbei, II. II ll.nl in,II q t'u - ",lt "f the Ooud buaiurilan ly. nubniuls 'or ni .ipfi'iiraurp at tbo pnbeu c urt onTues'.ay morning nett, ami Le wu leleawd, It Isprubablu that one ul luu thing h, II be iIuiil tliuti.'.e altalr v ill be twilled wuhoiii furlbirpi3tecatl. il.in- - that the :irHtie,t will Inifeit bis bonds and deoartI "I'll ri Pt.un WbiTl 1,1s chui..oUr i tot IOW.ilkuu".u ..' t.' II'

1'iHI' 'iiht"l';in (iuea He Whole I Ins.Th I' i r t. r M.i'tcr'-'ui- , while t ,u.r ir

1"i 'i i n i fit Uiiy uoi i' of hp. j'. Ii . i i I h i ruf af i it.n ' ii iii li ii m in tiie he' I) ' mi I ul I ill mi --

s,t In i , V ' I' Uj t. , jt(.

l lthKllOM l'OH I I ll.t.Thp Pm riots' I'mMTcm Never so llriolil-Ar-

Only Wiinlluu lo Aeiii--e nn llurlv1'crmlniillrin nf Ibe C'tinfllrt-A- n liiiaoe-In- nl

Vlrtnry for Ibe Insurgents.The full'iwiuk' iC'uriiii "f tn tvs from Culm i

eotupllnd Hutn papers ami lettsrs itcelvcd by tlieInatstesmcr tiom lie lland. liuin It our tial-e- r

may barn how mnrli leliance isto be placd on

Ihe reports tu carefully ciicu'a'.td by tho secretagents of Ppaln and ot our uwn Admlnlslralinntlut the rcvolutiiin lu Cuba It nn Its last legs. Inreality, tie n of tho Cubans hate neter atany time since the oulbn.tk at Yura been to flatter.

lu; as tin y arcburnt where bear Cu-i- de Avlla a very

im'outtsr sictoarhas beta gaineil by the llnumontt under Hate .a

Oarcla aud Ibrgu Dorado. The only nccouulswhich have as jit reached Havana aru fioin Bpautitisources, but they confess a lost of thlrty-llr-

killed, Including one major and two other officers.

The t'ttilot forces eagsged numbered 1,2U0 armedmen.

lntheClnco Villas illttrlM CCO Rpanlah soldiersptssed over to the Cuban ranks, carrying their armsand accoutrriuenta with them.

In the Easlern Department things tre If possibleworsofor the Ppanlarda than elsewheie, In

Itself cholera has msde and It itlll making

rtanrib n.tvariss auoxa tub Tnoortof the f srrlson. Valraasods reftisos to tako thoHeld tsnln. lie says his forces are unable to corewith the patriots. At least two engagements, andboth of tome Import laea, took plsen last monthclose to the city. In bolli the L'libsnt were the

early. Un the ICtb tbey attae.kod the for-

tified camp or I Ml. Cauabo, In which engwement theHpanisrds aduilt a loss ot IT men and lour ofri erfilled, and on the 17th the Corufla regiment lost 13

killed and two offleers. Tour hundred recruits hadarrived at Sinlllto bv the Itontctnaia, bm a paperol tbat city ol OcL P, says that more aro sadly wanted.


Vnlmaeda eipecU to bo appointed CaptAln-Qen-rra-

and will probably resign unless ho receives thoanpolntmeut. A Madrid paper recelvod nere onKnday says bit appointment baa been determinedupon.

Carlot tlarcla, with a body of only 41 to 60 men. Iscarrying oa a warfare tn the VnelU Abaio.IIo has attacked several smalt oatposta, operpowered tbo guard, generally consisting of niohliltedvolunteer, and captured tt.elr arms and ammuallion. Thousands of Cubsns In tbti Departmentare ready to rle for their independence, bat io larliuio eeu unable to obtain any arms.

In Hat ana ll'elf the tutaority ut bpaln, or even n(her Captnln-Oeneri- exists only In name. A fewdays ago theUovernment

1MPVBD A tilof tH on the teamsters of the cltr. The latterarmed tliemelrei. aud proceeding to the l'trk andto the hridin of Chnvcx, hindered any caru frombeing ibtotuht Into tho city. Caballero de Itodsswas obliged tn order a mspensbm of Ihe tax, andsent a apecisl meistnjer around to the dirlerenlcroup of malcontent, to advise them or sueli

n. Tne rlo! was quelled ; but baekmen, boat-men, and uijitr on whom similar lutes liave bn-t- i

lnipucn, are tnrnnrsTed by the wesknes bown bythe llusernnient in the cae or tl eteaniters, and aredetermined lo w Ithitand by arms If need bo the col-

ic turn otnay mom tales.Atlitpst dale from Havana It was curronlly

that ll.o riosiilards there bal reeiltpil pol-lute tnf.trnialion rront their friend In Madrid thatthe tiegor?ttuns lor

to: aik or tiis Minito tho Cubans were o far advanced that they wouldcertainly be concluded by VM: lat uf J.nuary next.The llatnna pairm hud bvtti warned to ceaieabusing Mr. N'leolas Ascarate, w"io ! ntsy In thiscity, and whne inlwlnn, Intrusted to hlmtiTSnme0' tne Madrid C.Mnet, Is to lildom tbo tllU-- I herelo btibctbe Madrid Oovernment to psrt with Cul..

A rrpsrt had reached Havana lr.un this city thatspurl'ins bills of tho Hnanlh Hank of Havana hadr, n printed here nnd scat bpnee to Captalo-Ucner-

Ue ItuJu". Tup latter cinpj Iho aiinaymoas libeltn be translated anl pnbtl!ro1 In the olbclat pzettp.He netnttiwly, hm. ever, admits the truth of tho

by nut iruducliig the steal p,atcs fromwhich these putts ale piloted, au 1 hich tho dncn-rnen- t

lu qnettoa ns rted were stl'.l la this city.

cnic.tuo's Dtsr.iiAon.The Stinmrfhl Trputnienl of iho llntnais by

Ihe t title floeltlnc The Outrageousrcclalmi of Ihe 1'niplir Tlto Jlenuet

llnll-l'lntp- on Ibe (,'uullueiil.i ,ni IA? '. r.c' null Comt.tt null.

A ilcpaleli from Cliicagu pilulnl tbiutiglmittthe tummy slalp't that the White

had au p to pfsy another with the Mu-tual in tloelnnntl. ThW was solid hnmbrtg tentover the wires fur effect. When the Muiuais letCnkigo Tuesday etenlng, they were autbnrtied byIbe ni.ma.'ers of the Club there to arrange tor agamn In thl city, provHo.t the groundt couldbo obtained fnr a ccttiitn amount. On urrltlng hereVi'eilnesdiy morning, the man et trio

eeBrcd t'le I'm m grmtn t lor the utii namedIn .!.n ar.i, Ind Imme llaiely telegrapUed back fnribe While blockings to coiao on a had ben prom-ised. He received nn rent) until cveulns, and theanswer wa an inttielv unevpei I'd prop tiMen lort Mutual lo return to Chlciuo fur ibe reeopdrun,;. J he Annual itbaidui'Mil tlie tifgutlsUun lauisgi l, aoi deptrtod for Ne York on Wediietdaynli't'i irala.

I nla Is mil all. Observing thai the White Moth-lag-

kasuined lo be in goo i working condition, thuIti 'i Mockun sent tin follow Ins challenge Wedne-di- :

Cixnss.sTr, Nov. 1' To Tom Fvltf. . oi ,,t.l if, CA.ViJu Bt

IMI :We challenge vmt to a scrip nf irame. practice or

otbprwlie, the Hrsl befioa Monday, Kug.Ibe secood tu be p scd ta t luosgn on tVednesd

Nov. 9. W. I'. NODLI.', fec'yyThe reply to this ctiellctigo Is remarkably rich

Jleiv it U ;"Cni.eik", : ov.S.

"To TP. P. XMf. ferrto j, inW,l!Mfi liiar lintl t ,.'" In yon 1'Im llrst came hnieoa Monifiy, tei la Liltnil irtru.i. ti wu I'l.iv sua reiuin tame la Ciacla-nall- ,

H oduuriay. you lo lake all receipts i the irauies tutei ractlca, aim im 'viJTht Ut "J.umwo' thtp. Hubert,It atr.'cutilc, 1. n v sail arraegu tt wtib nurelnb.

"TOM FOLEY."The Italics nrr ours. The proportion to take all

the receipt" U busiuestdikp. from a t'hietuzo point olvice. Ti e df re to ennserve " the iiirmploatlilp"Is Inudslile, sr.rt the lletl Meek Ihjs want It understood ib--S they base no mo for tne sort that Chicagoclaims to tii c gained tl rough a ilmely subsidy often baies on cdled bill.

Tbe Chlea-- o C'rs nnke a I eTert tosreak In rluw lug term' ahont the "Tletori " Thel tilctuo Times lakes the lead In this contemptibleabme uf the business of n purling, but Us own

ileserip'i ill ol I'e gamp eipu-e- n the Jointfiuodoiibe umpire and the CI i vto uraiui17Too sumn jr) pnbushrJ by H" 'Prr..t shuwa th ittr.i Muiti il liist bo by ibin lii1 tweltetime, and tne lull earin-- theirs n

unlv si ten lliius. Hut lag the nineInning. Ibe uinp.ie walke I ten of do While 8 ock-tni- s

tu flr- -t bnae on ejilled balti. On Ihe oi'erbind, not nr.e uf the Mutnals was firm tlrit ot,cu led bull', by lb Timf' own admission, theVutuaa iiiib.,tiiil Ibe Clracoi ;,pM'lt two to one.

In f e 1. ie of u v 111,1 e 0 r.,., , I,, iu operationi d u d imaging lo I'., gaino In II tne I I.;.

,nrn it trU"d ' -- laluis : I bleugo't great auiblilual.'.aiiilc '.. N'ew Y'rk brs sum uunil to her thetight to ll) th" wini' pennant, ptul lematie ot theChampionship uf the uiamopd Urhl. l'..lrl hss tl.iriAf.. Ibniiur I'CwB weu. aad Ha on'.) re;rit Is lliutt'.e liaaifir was l.ol el 'Cled lu a note grac fn,tuauurr." ' llraccfnl " Is exqinl'i-- Ten of theredoubtable Milte Hto, l.lnr wi.lk' d around bas.s,a a punisnteat lur the vvtoraa W'.uters'e bttle olplloiilugl Let ctiieai'ii l ung uat a b.iiuur litrtiili' d"'1 line ball." fur lur puked pc hate guue up tutspoet, It, swle rf tbilr ril...'ort'i .m ut by JHMfgsnami Tom l'oley.

hod Wulier le'n-e- d IIo hnve .a el' tenth W, ItsStocking wulaed to llrst liiio nn t ill. I balla, "theinle'iai I) est in d lI'UWil." i. iy ihe cine ' :o 7 Houm," w bleb Ii .1 been cheei lug wibiij. bi mer ihvtiniii d iries mi I "unuunded Lie pi.i. " Il ecmsthat wbm tl.i'r hoine ljii sn- - pruinensdi'draiiily iuuuiIImmi ly tie uuipre. a i uicauouacovMl ' thi irvll.l.y" Ti n uf the While Stuck-I-

a were li e- - fivuted w I'linttt eteu hilling at theiiil, a ul t Im ,t (iiiiuud tueiKruualy. Applause- i '

If the MiiHin niilbuted the White Rtneklngs Inthe prop irtiuii ut IV! lo '-- we qunle lu.m the llzuri-- t

pub. In b He i bieign pnieis a 1 If in Wnttublui kings bad tin nun n ui sntilnil with bases bylie uiii.lie, wiiliinil billing a ball, by bow m nji uu- - i ir' i t'"' hit'1 M'leklnuit in I. ue irlumohi. 1

if Hie, li..u bet a drpmei! ol 11 elr butt altogether 1

Aii.w. i si" t.ld Le ad d to the flrul of MlUliunA I'. i. Aiii'tlilexitr l'sik.

I lu- - hue Huwklags beneeforth propoie to p nyw.iliuul bit--. Tav'.r nmplrrt will deeid" betweenin. ,i r. and Iho elub tlut uets the most bases uut.illed balla will be proclaimed champions or thew oi Id. Chicago Is pioxri stive.

The l'liiiriul oTn HUlliisulsbeil JniiiimlUi.John aianton (" Uoiry tl'Unua") tho

Journalist and l.uniorist, waa burled )o-- talleraoon Irttn bt. I.tikeS Hplcopal Clitireh,

on Cliinou, near l'ulton avenue, Tbo fuucral, whichwas very lrie, was r.ttended by innny represent

es of the pri.a. mid tlie uianibeps uf rurllladuLudge .No. Ill, !'. mid A. U ul' tiuiill Mr. Mnul.uiw a a iiiebibor. '1 he Hey. Ur. Wlllct pn ..'hi it tliewl num. aad Iho Interment wis made la CirrcsHiiis Itinvlei).

Tin ll Inn n' Lid TiMged).'1 1. oin - N Si i n i i. f '1 m tun n Iij I.ern f

I lo 11. i 1. m.lv Jail lur Ii ji iu lis in nuvw,jL'tLri mi Tin I. uter v. as at In- - i.u lo's Lousea fcA il " i on I u ii . in .I tulo there Hecoi'sdaugbttr euUrtd L.t Ij;-- i, ami il.a,. .1 that I., i

con in had cin-iil.i- it n .kutd reu ili. ru'ioernl'ieI.i lu 'vii p.ute-ii- d lii miii" i. 1. " - uc I'm t i .I'M, mil v, ,i ' i, I I I ,,1, ' '. I .

I rl i . ' iic - r i l "er I ii" ' i I , fe

I I Ii yft i v ,


tim; iitisii-.umiic.i- x in,im I

io.it i;r it i sn t oi: nuitstnx nuu iy. L

jy.t.ss jo iti.. in. C

riobcrt II. U(,tii i llrs Opinion ol tier- - fiiiuiiiM, Irish, mid Jrv. I

Troni lbs Kear York Citizen, June It, lK77if ttt'Jtnt ha only to rirte in any of our eity

tir of a hiit day to comt out uith toetni tUily e(onh!ilotfnt. Vvr tU$prpen vi thvvhi jiarticMlorty rtrommthd Iht Utrly fourth itrtttlin-- , tptc.ally tfien it i nurh frrautntid trilh ('onnnrtpnsscticors ol tho lower order. Incuttit inquirrr it not atijuainttj urith Grmon, fi2uot familiar icith national traits ofpkytman'muj,he can ulect the moM Ihorouglily 'IViitoulcby the superior piiiiucnry oflliuotlor.

The Thirty-fourt- 'itrttt lint, for fit.nu,ha Irovght into cxitttnee a llach bug. of unre-fomtti-

of oral loJy, right emaillege, and great apparent tllaliiyan animal thatit evidently an otitcroppliiit of the Cor-m- nn

lillogyncrnsirs. 7"e Eiyhtk aui.utroad, which Is much usoil by Jews,

a Utely mature, aleo llact. rery reatlttt, amithaptd lit a tcorpion, icith pottilly a tttng in Ut '

tall. Tht Third aceau read, on ultth thuIrish nro iiiprriibiiinlant, hit a O.UUvtt- - 'locking creature that nhilitt ittrlf in opendtfiatu '

of danger, and uhirh erploret hair and irhitlerin tht moil aggravating and independeht naniur.It teemt lile a crott the Jewish nnd Ten- -tonic reptiles.

From Ibe New York C'tlren. Jane IS Pfiv.

In our artu-i- ire epole of the " loie OTmaeit,"

and ly implication of "low" Jeai and Irith.At for tho low Ainericnns, they hnrdlyexist. I

Fiom Robert II. nooseycll's Hook,I'lvo aVcres rnoni;Ii.

Th inhaUtantt of the Kmtrald Ittt arecertaudy a magnificent root, especially tritit thm'r

biographer doct not happen to oun a horr sthich i

ltat ttrayed on tin ir land, and dent not seosW to Irun for Alderman : and if they did not 11c, 'steal, client, rob, murder, net drunk, per IJure) themselves, quarrel, tight, nnd in-- jslst upon dninnces iinrensonnhly, they 1

would lio almost ns Rood ns oilier nn 1lions.The ton of nu Irlakmnii Htipporikiis Me H

Itlahon nnd liCiltvllli. HTo Ihe alitor or The Sun. I

Bin: You still conllnuo to advocate the eJco 1

Hon of (Jen. McMahuu lor Congress In the Koarth JDistrict. I hope that every lil'hmtn J

aad American have made up their mind lo vote fct ilien. McMahon. Tuminany II ill Is wotkine; nlchtand day for tho election of Ibat N jllilcf, t

Itohert Tl. Roosevelt .

I tho son of an Irishman, and I hope ami wish V

that no native-bor- n Irishman or ton of an Itis'.rosn I

willro far forget his duly to lilt Creator m.d t.ls jcountry si to tote for that bitter enemy or a ilena- - j

trodden and noble rice, llobert D. Rouse t jA prominent told Im t'u o'bef

tl ay that tho mare you abnic the Irl-- p n;'e the 'better tliiy tike roil. Tt.lt ennnot br n It is afahehood. 1 hope that no Irishman will br innn 1 to i

be a renegade or hec'-'.IJc- r In the fun'th l,.(tlct'y ruling Hi vote for Rootet:"

tien. McMir.on and his two brotBiT." wv I their

cocntry well daring the lalo war, and he C1! tit

t rves the support ofetery trno patriot si.d o.rytrue Irishman. If the Irish voters of tl.e fourthDl'lilct, tnd alo the flerinans und Jew, wuh to

be represented by an honest and patriot!., man In( ongre, tbey will tnppoit by their votesrow, beliveen sum lie and sunel, Orn. M T

Iftylh-t- t Ti asny It ill Is dmna-- all thatlies In Its power tn deft at Qon. Melta'ion bm yoncn ib 'y and lernfv T'uiirnany b? soling IfT flen McMahon nn-- l against a iylnr Know Moth-l-

ani an enemy of the lrlh. (ipriean. n.-- Jews.Thero is another man w bom the Ii l'n Democracy

sho'ild support (for Major) with all their mlnhtto-tuorrow- .

That Is Thomas A Ledwlth. He Is ayoung rmin, posseso,t of honor and abilttv, who,with Tils nnmetoua (rleuds aad tupporu re, i wots-la- g

hard to overthrow that link of emriiiiiiin,I amniany Hall. Tne Yonng Drmo racy .in ' Itepnb-llenn- s

have numlniipd Tbo. A. I.edwlth. Tanittla- - I

ttv, as all knoiv, his Ruminated Oskry Hall, themill who wean a green tu.t and neck lie on Ml Pat- -rick's Day, to tro and gn'l the Irlti to nl Un i vole .1m tleclion day. TMs arch po'lilesl liywn-'i- e and Wlhi aoeiates sro tn ing very Innl to cet ibe trmb Wsute. fur withnut It Iip cannut he pleele I. Hi Was a IK S. In lilt, next a Republican, and no v he Is a. liTammany Democrtt. Irlli voter! of Nit lork, lircnieiiiber this row, and vole for au hincst, 11nnli-- l enilcnt Deaioera', Th is A. III.i iw ilh, and uot for lhat p diileal rein ci-i- i tHUj I)Hall. A. McI.Al IN. l

New Vonn, Kov. S. j jsolo fur Candidate llint still I'icte nn J

Honor lo the Nulluii. I?tnhi IVtM of He Sin. A

?in : I am highly grallflcil to tte yon so tiger-- Jonsly pressing forw ard the iiatnet of boat 't and ie-- ifpcited men to fill our public unices, men whos'ar.d

' , re C- u- public wllh a pnro and unblenil-lie- i' char. M

uter, and vho Mil not sell their eharactsr foi the 'llake of advaoclng tl Interests of a corrupt Illcg.

Such men are Judge I.clwTJh tnd Oen JfcMnhoo.I hey are Indeed on honor to Ihe .merle.'in nation,

men of whom wo may well feel proni1 ,Lt eir.yvoter glvo honest men their support, and n'b C1 '.honest men in offlre a'

Irishmen, arou-- e I If you rare for the fr i J..111 oJyour beloved country, II 1011 csro f r tlir Un-0- 1your fe'lowr rotiBtrymen now lniprlnn''d in ilrllblt.duiuinc, (if )Oll waul tu toll lut tu, ul p: n.u,Je,men whn w,ll detiioasta e Ineir piicip'i by atUoniand not by word. 'en t mil by jnitr liunl-ai- il

vnle 'or '1 unis A I. I sv it Is and .muimi T Mi'Vi-Ion- .If iou want I support corrupt It.iu man,

wiu- onlj prlnelplia .re 'o Mick bv ll.e It.ng. hon-e- tor ditmnet, t'u-r- i el.ng tn O'llall. and I, ,tc is

Know-Noi- l in; in )our 'ueiiel eliy ufl,- . .Ajin Ia.y, let ill veteis t 'X Mite Ull a eu rmuall. 11 to break np till 1 .up! swindling lt,nt orgsnIsntlon. Olte)oriipp.irt to true and e.iriu mi ,

then he.vaft r mil aut. ruoieat aball rarrbilr. Willi tiO'.ur and ll .1. Ah (.'.

tw Y01 rt, Nov 5

UeUnliai fnr I unu re The Mvlli In nr.lue.

One of the irnet 011 1 nift eiilhu-i.i- -' meet.mss of the ctinp.ii"n r rm i T Kiilnrd i) iiilM on tboei r, er of Pi nil a. I l.'in "t ft, for Ihe purpose ol

i,'i'tine the noui'ii iii.m of Martin T. McMahon for

Consriss. The Inh leruiuoi, and Ibbn r went' r ily repren tiled, I evcrv allnebm In Hu bil-bu-

eandldale timt '1 se li n reeeption as ttmluau d erte. Ti ' 'uu uf M. T. Alcll.ii'oL rf

mu. tlicile.l Ibe - ' upult'i-- iWilliam ta'ti t' ' ndeiit catill la'i fnr A"

1" i.i In uiged lut tlaim "fi.e McMahon aa a lit and proper repi,-- , iil.tumr ( mgrers fioin l,.u l'uurlb Distinl. ml nloll ' t PP'UII.'i d to 1I1- -' clu , H'hi ' "Iibree weru given fur McSlihou, ffilrt, mil Hip"ntu, at tho cholro of the people fur ti 1 i i.

for whlsh they are can ildst".Mr. .Miles Martin In a Inn pertinent

.Inhn I. Ilean'. uf the fiuithWnrtin an able aud lbqii.i.'. uiam.ei ure.l in 't- - r

(leu. McMahon, niul l' nu'eting C"in 'u-- .upledge tu kill ull Ihe bel I.,:-- . In Ihu 'II-- f

An Irlnliliinn Hpenbliig Ifu'n tiU Ilni7o ll.e I him 01 II t s

Slit See ug u ' iiine Laiges 11 .ib nlll.e In-- b lltep. B Wi 'I J I..1 -t (jelill.li- - . I',-

, by that hypmrilu I lio seveli, I .1.1 '1 n

-- I'ltit 110 I nur, 1 -- a) tu rai'i ''tl a da. and s te muu ti l "a for Imn-- l ' Vl

. ihou, 'Iiik v s'i r nl. I ile, who n -

be iu di toi ary Ii hin'tii or It i l

.'IIV o' ev luinri In- ir " I 11. nun itw ei- - be hula roi'i Three cheer hiM.W.I.OU, Tug l ,'- - ml. 'all ai I i "I' I tneii fiorfl tl ir ri oi ! Ithni.iii i.',;li in Hip I. nle. .In labi wUliaai "in ii tiod saVo liilan II

IA Nets Ciliiiliilitle for Austin1 '

Tho Hon. Tliiini ia ,1. Trunin Ini ' I

Mr ,'am Hsly Is runnln-- t fnr II'liurleentu illi'nupet'ki lli triet. lb '" Vla nu man ul the dbir.ei, i.iii exce) un.- M Aw u ta i .i, Ktiir I'jti. I'ire al. "ll.i'y. He Is a gciii', in in wtt l lii ' Fal live r I'm u II, ,iij tiboae I lui Ii ii il . - .1 b) e.tuer Mr. t'le .'v r ui Mi. I.' I.ou'i't. As in oi .ii r be ' '' 'INew York. I,i conc'ii-lui- i, II li - f "u I

c.tlsin of Hi" lui.HiH'alb A- - i uu ' Iwnnliyut eiit "i.n , Mr. ,lo n ' Ihate, i wall, ut r tu atiy at houi" un INo, !'. ' I

A 11 1 I III ' a I ti tie 1.

' CI, ,.l p, i.i.. '

HI III - .11 v

' ' '


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