THE STREET VOLKSWAGEN NEWS SEPTEMBER 2020 MONTHLY COMPANY NEWSLETTER Vol. II FROM THE DESK OF JOHN LUCIANO: A NOTE OF INSPIRATION SEPTEMBER EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH: SINDY MONASMITH Congratulations to Sindy Monasmith on being named September’s Employee of the Month. Sindy is our Office Administrator and has been with Street Volkswagen since we opened this location back in 2015 starting as a receptionist, but quickly moved up and headed Customer Care & HR. Recently she was promoted to Office Administrator and has done a remarkable job in that position. Recently she has transformed the Office and everyone is excelling in their role. When Sindy isn’t at work she is with her fiancé, David Ortiz and when they can, they are traveling or watching The Kansas Chiefs. Sindy has two grandkids who she loves and a daughter. She enjoys cooking for her family on the weekends and feeding her cat and two dogs. Congratulations Sindy on a job well done. Hello everyone! I hope you’re all doing well and had a productive and successful September! Can you believe it’s already October and fall is upon us? First, let’s start out with the big announcement we’ve all been eager for and finally saw last week, that’s right, I’m talking about the Volkswagen ID.4! If you haven’t already researched it, please go online and view photos, videos and articles. I am excited and cannot wait for the first ID.4 to arrive! This car presents an incredible leadership opportunity for the Volkswagen Brand, and it’s up to us as Dealers to fully embrace this vehicle and be prepared when this vehicle hits our showrooms and get our customers excited and fired up about it! Check out the photos to the right. Thank you to everyone who participated in the Street Automotive Golf Tournament, as always the reason we do things like this is for you all. As most of you already know, this year we will not be having our Annual Volkswagen Car Show because of COVID-19, but are exploring options to hold a show in the spring of 2021 or make the fall show bigger than ever next year. I’d like to congratulate David Ortiz and Sindy Monasmith on their recent engagement. Both of you deserve to be happy and I cannot wait for the big day in Vegas! Congratulations again! As cooler weather approaches, please remember to take extra precautions as flu season is just around the corner and this year will be bigger and worse because of all the other diseases and infections still lurking around. As the election approaches, please plan your time to vote and remember, no matter your views, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it is never okay to put someone down, to judge someone for their beliefs or to make fun/poke at others. This only shows your character. Let’s have a successful October! - John Luciano INTRODUCING THE ALL-NEW 2021 VW ID.4

THE STREET VOLKSWAGEN NEWS · 9/10/2020  · You can do the same, if you have doubters at home, doubters at work, people that make fun of the things you want to do, or the person

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Page 1: THE STREET VOLKSWAGEN NEWS · 9/10/2020  · You can do the same, if you have doubters at home, doubters at work, people that make fun of the things you want to do, or the person




SINDY MONASMITHCongratulations to Sindy Monasmith on being named September’s Employee of the Month.

Sindy is our Office Administrator and has been with Street Volkswagen since we opened this location back in 2015 starting as a receptionist, but quickly moved up and headed Customer Care & HR. Recently she was promoted to Office Administrator and has done a remarkable job in that position.

Recently she has transformed the Office and everyone is excelling in their role.

When Sindy isn’t at work she is with her fiancé, David Ortiz and when they can, they are traveling or watching The Kansas Chiefs. Sindy has two grandkids who she loves and a daughter. She enjoys cooking for her family on the weekends and feeding her cat and two dogs.

Congratulations Sindy on a job well done.

Hello everyone! I hope you’re all doing well and had a productive and successful September! Can you believe it’s already October and fall is upon us?

First, let’s start out with the big announcement we’ve all been eager for and finally saw last week, that’s right, I’m talking about the Volkswagen ID.4! If you haven’t already researched it, please go online and view photos, videos and articles. I am excited and cannot wait for the first ID.4 to arrive! This car presents an incredible leadership opportunity for the Volkswagen Brand, and it’s up to us as Dealers to fully embrace this vehicle and be prepared when this vehicle hits our showrooms and get our customers excited and fired up about it! Check out the photos to the right.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Street Automotive Golf Tournament, as always the reason we do things like this is for you all.

As most of you already know, this year we will not be having our Annual Volkswagen Car Show because of COVID-19, but are exploring options to hold a show in the spring of 2021 or make the fall show bigger than ever next year.

I’d like to congratulate David Ortiz and Sindy Monasmith on their recent engagement. Both of you deserve to be happy and I cannot wait for the big day in Vegas! Congratulations again!

As cooler weather approaches, please remember to take extra precautions as flu season is just around the corner and this year will be bigger and worse because of all the other diseases and infections still lurking around.

As the election approaches, please plan your time to vote and remember, no matter your views, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it is never okay to put someone down, to judge someone for their beliefs or to make fun/poke at others. This only shows your character.

Let’s have a successful October! - John Luciano


Page 2: THE STREET VOLKSWAGEN NEWS · 9/10/2020  · You can do the same, if you have doubters at home, doubters at work, people that make fun of the things you want to do, or the person



Have you ever felt like no matter what you do that people don’t believe in you? Do they laugh or poke fun of what you would like to do in your life? Maybe you have a hobby you’re passionate in and your friends make fun of you on it. Don’t let anyone ever bring you down, you can do whatever you set your mind to.

As you sit at your desk you can think one time that someone in your life, friend, family member or a complete stranger looked down on your and thought in their mind you would not amount to anything. Anything you did with your life you would not succeed.

They prejudge you by the way you look, the way your dress or the color of your skin and they say “Oh they will be a nobody for the rest of their lives” and look at your now, you have a great job, you have a beautiful family, your providing for them and paying your bills. But deep down that little voice from the past haunts you and you start to hear the laughing, the joking, the sense of doubt and it bothers you, You wake up in cold sweats, toss and turn all night thinking to yourself what if they are right, what if I can’t do what I want to do. I want to be successful, I want to be someone in this society, I don’t want to work paycheck to paycheck, I want to reach that financial freedom, you don’t want to be average, you want to be the best at this game. But hear those voices from the past bringing you doubts.

Do you realize success is the middle finger for anyone that has ever doubted you?

You can’t listen to doubts, you have to believe in yourself, even if no one else does.

There was a time when my own family didn’t think I would amount to anything, heck I had some members in my family that wanted to disown me because of it. I believe even til the day my father died, he too thought I had a long way to go before I would be something. The road I was heading down was not the easy road, I was heading down a long hard road with no rest areas, but 12 years ago I took a U turn and started heading down the right path and found myself where I left off waiting at the bus stop saying “I have been waiting for you” You see it isn’t the road you take but how you get there that matters. I let those voices bring me down, I let those people that doubted me talk me out of many things I wanted to do in my life, but I was determined no matter what I was going to become successful.

You can do the same, if you have doubters at home, doubters at work, people that make fun of the things you want to do, or the person you want to become ignore them, they are just poking fun at you because they themselves have no ultimate goal in life, they have no dreams, they are just jealous you have taken the ball and ran with it while they are sitting around waiting for the next depressed thing to enter their life because they never wanted to work for anything, they just wait for it to be handed to them and get mad when someone else gets the opportunity and succeeds. So if you are reading this and you are the one that’s laughing or poking fun, doubting that person , SHAME ON YOU, and if you are the person that people are doubting, Keep pushing, Keep striving, and never give up because the greater purpose in life has your back and if you think and know you will succeed than that is all that matters and you keep doing what you want to do. I believe in you, even if you don’t believe in yourself just yet.

By Ron Garverick, Finance DirectorHE ASKED HER THE QUESTION



Page 3: THE STREET VOLKSWAGEN NEWS · 9/10/2020  · You can do the same, if you have doubters at home, doubters at work, people that make fun of the things you want to do, or the person


MEET DAVID MERAZ - MILLENNIALWhat is your name and how long have you worked at Street Volkswagen? My name is David Meraz and I’ve been at Street VW since Day 1 (2013).

What do you like to do in your spare time when you aren’t working? I am either running or cooking.

Where did you go to school? I went to WTAMU where I earned a degree in Mass Communication.

What’s your favorite thing about living in Amarillo? The community/people are great. I’ve met some of the best and most talented people in the last few years.

If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you move to? The South of Spain either to Seville or Malaga.

What is something you do now that you didn’t imagine doing when you were a kid? Relying on my phone as much as I do. It’s sickening really.

What’s your favorite movie? I guess I really don’t have a favorite movie. I like horror movies the best I guess.

Do you have any pets? Yes, three small dogs - Beamer, Molly & Abbie.

Best concert you’ve been to? Lady Gaga’s Monster Ball in 2011. Her music hasn’t been the same since then really.

Netflix or Hulu? Hulu, because I can watch The Golden Girls anytime.

What is one show you could watch over & over again? The Golden Girls.

Furthest place you’ve traveled? Poland in 2008.

Favorite place to eat in Amarillo? Thai Palace. I love their Spicy Seafood Soup.

Do you remember life before the Internet. Yes. Everyone was nicer.

Tell us something we don’t know. I like to read. I have over 300 hardcover books. Currently I’m re-reading To Kill a Mockingbird but my favorite book that I read each fall is Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom, which I recommend.

STREET AUTOMOTIVE GROUP COMPANY GOLF TOURNAMENTThank you to everyone who participated in the Annual Street Automotive Company Golf Tournament. A big thanks goes out to John Luciano and Joe Street for putting this event on.


Page 4: THE STREET VOLKSWAGEN NEWS · 9/10/2020  · You can do the same, if you have doubters at home, doubters at work, people that make fun of the things you want to do, or the person




Earlier this month, Street Volkswagen was a sponsor at the Miss Latina Amarillo Pageant. David Meraz was one of the 5 judges this year. Congratulations to all the winners this year!

Mike was only twenty-nine years old when his life hit the wall. He reached the point that he texted his agent, “I don’t want to live anymore.” His advisors begged him to get help. So, he swallowed his pride and checked himself into an addiction treatment center.

He was scared of opening up to others. He had always stood aloof, blocking out the rest of the world. He was so absorbed in his personal goals that he hadn’t even known the names of his Olympic teammates. Now he was going to have to bare his soul in a place of last resort for addicts.

He couldn’t believe how far he had fallen. As a highly decorated Olympian, he had been consumed with becoming the world’s greatest in his sport. In the process, he had become a “machine” of sorts – an automaton who fueled himself on huge amounts of food, herculean amounts of weight lifting, and untold hours of practice laps. Yet, his life was a narrow as a single lane in a pool and as cold as the medals that adorned his neck.

When Mike was at his lowest, his NFL friend Ray Lewis gave him a copy of Rick Warren’s book, The Purpose Driven Life. When he read the book in the rehab center, Mike’s mind was opened to a new way of thinking and living. He would go on to compete in his fifth Olympics and win more gold medals. But this time there was a difference. People watching the Rio games saw a playful Michael Phelps cheering on his teammates. He won his own medals with the unrestrained joy of a kid winning his first medal at a YMCA swim meet.

Being the greatest isn’t ever good enough. Phelps told ESPN Magazine that after opening his life to God, he realized that there was a bigger purpose for him on this planet. Maybe he would give you this advice if you visited with him in person:

The ultimate purpose in life is a life of ultimate purpose.

Adapted from The One Year Book of Amazing Stories by Robert Petterson

By Danny Mize, Staff Support

Be the first to finish this puzzle correctly and return it to David Meraz, you’ll receive a $25 PRG Gift Card! Good luck!