The Stilled Pendulum No.4 Well we are all still here in lockdown, for economic reasons it will have to end soon for most of the population but probably not for my age group, but they could lift some restrictions, the Telegraph and other newspapers are beginning to doubt the efficacy of lockdown as washing your hands is probably more important, this is from a government that allowed the Cheltenham Festival to go ahead, many thousands of people attended many from overseas. There are some small allowances, suppressed by the police until a journalist found out, you can drive somewhere for a walk, as long as you walk for a longer time than you drove to get there. False news doesn’t help, a classic example you can buy paint to do up your kitchen which was reported as being banned, false news I am afraid. We have contributions this week from Sue Watts-Cutler, Hilary Boughton, Ros Milward and Mark Herbert. Thank you all. Historical Dowsing Challenge – Richard III and the Princes in the Tower Did Richard III kill his nephews? This must be one of the biggest unsolved mysteries in the history of our country. Edward V and Richard, Duke of York, were the young sons of Richard’s brother (Edward IV), who were taken to safety in the Tower of London at the start of Richard’s reign. At this time, the Tower was not only a prison but was also a palace. The young princes were gradually seen less and less in the Tower gardens, until they disappeared. There are stories of them reappearing under false names years after Richard III was killed at the Battle of Bosworth. Were the princes murdered or did Richard hide them away to protect them? Were the young men who claimed to be the princes the real princes? The following questions are based on the excellent book by Matthew Lewis, “The Survival Of The Princes In The Tower.” Please have a go at dowsing the answers, and share your findings with me (Hilary) so that I can compile a summary of our results. No members’ names will be mentioned in my summary so you won’t need to worry if your results don’t coincide with the majority. If your dowsing takes you down a different path, or you are able to discover information not in the questionnaire, please also share those findings. The summary of results will be published in a later newsletter. 1. Did Richard III kill his nephews, known as Edward V and Richard, Duke of York? 2. Did the Duke of Buckingham kill the young princes known as Edward V and Richard, Duke of York? 3. Did Henry VII (Henry Tudor) kill the young princes known as Edward V and Richard, Duke of York? 4. Was Edward V killed at the Battle of Stoke Field? 5. Was Richard, Duke of York executed on the orders of Henry VII? 6. Was Warkin Perbeck actually Richard, Duke of York? 7. Was Dr John Clement actually Richard, Duke of York? 8. Was Dr John Clement the son of Richard, Duke of York? 9. Did Richard III’s wife, Queen Anne, die of tuberculosis/consumption? 10. Did Richard III’s wife Queen Anne, die of poisoning?

The Stilled Pendulum No. 4 - Microsoftbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site15681/Stilled...The Stilled Pendulum No.4 Well we are all still here in lockdown, for economic reasons it

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The Stilled Pendulum No.4

Well we are all still here in lockdown, for economic reasons it will have to end soon for most of the population but probably not for my age group, but they could lift some restrictions, the Telegraph and other newspapers are beginning to doubt the efficacy of lockdown as washing your hands is probably more important, this is from a government that allowed the Cheltenham Festival to go ahead, many thousands of people attended many from overseas. There are some small allowances, suppressed by the police until a journalist found out, you can drive somewhere for a walk, as long as you walk for a longer time than you drove to get there. False news doesn’t help, a classic example you can buy paint to do up your kitchen which was reported as being banned, false news I am afraid. We have contributions this week from Sue Watts-Cutler, Hilary Boughton, Ros Milward and Mark Herbert. Thank you all. Historical Dowsing Challenge – Richard III and the Princes in the Tower Did Richard III kill his nephews? This must be one of the biggest unsolved mysteries in the history of our country. Edward V and Richard, Duke of York, were the young sons of Richard’s brother (Edward IV), who were taken to safety in the Tower of London at the start of Richard’s reign. At this time, the Tower was not only a prison but was also a palace. The young princes were gradually seen less and less in the Tower gardens, until they disappeared. There are stories of them reappearing under false names years after Richard III was killed at the Battle of Bosworth. Were the princes murdered or did Richard hide them away to protect them? Were the young men who claimed to be the princes the real princes? The following questions are based on the excellent book by Matthew Lewis, “The Survival Of The Princes In The Tower.” Please have a go at dowsing the answers, and share your findings with me (Hilary) so that I can compile a summary of our results. No members’ names will be mentioned in my summary so you won’t need to worry if your results don’t coincide with the majority. If your dowsing takes you down a different path, or you are able to discover information not in the questionnaire, please also share those findings. The summary of results will be published in a later newsletter.

1. Did Richard III kill his nephews, known as Edward V and Richard, Duke of York? 2. Did the Duke of Buckingham kill the young princes known as Edward V and Richard, Duke

of York? 3. Did Henry VII (Henry Tudor) kill the young princes known as Edward V and Richard,

Duke of York? 4. Was Edward V killed at the Battle of Stoke Field? 5. Was Richard, Duke of York executed on the orders of Henry VII? 6. Was Warkin Perbeck actually Richard, Duke of York? 7. Was Dr John Clement actually Richard, Duke of York? 8. Was Dr John Clement the son of Richard, Duke of York? 9. Did Richard III’s wife, Queen Anne, die of tuberculosis/consumption? 10. Did Richard III’s wife Queen Anne, die of poisoning?

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11. Was Richard III responsible for the death of his wife? 12. Did Richard III have a premonition of death on the night before the Battle of Bosworth? 13. Was Richard III unsure if he would win the Battle of Bosworth?

If you have a dowsing challenge, historical or otherwise, please send it to the newsletter so we can put ourselves to the test. Hilary Boughton

“If I’d known then what I know now......!”

2. The Nazi slaves in the tunnel It is somewhat ironic that my late father - himself a self avowed atheist who poo pooed all things spiritual yet paradoxically was also paranoid about all matters psychic – was inadvertently responsible for several of my early encounters with discarnate human ‘ghosts’. One of his enduring interests was in the history and events of World War II, which he had lived through as a child in Northamptonshire, and, to a lesser extent WW I, when his own father had served with seaplanes in the Royal Navy. My father worked very hard and to take a well earned break from this he would ensure he took an annual summer holiday abroad (where the weather was more reliable, he said), usually in France. However, rather than spending too much time relaxing on beaches in the sun, he preferred to be on the go and sightseeing, as he considered this more mentally stimulating. So it was that the family would be dragged along to visit famous battle sites and wartime constructions as he pursued his war interests. One year in the 1960s when I and my brother were young children, we went on holiday to Guernsey, where my father eagerly set off with us in tow to visit the old German underground hospital there. This was a subterranean series of concrete lined round tunnels, grassed on top to make it almost invisible to overhead planes and to offer protection from bombing. The Nazis had built the hospital using ‘forced labour’ (in other words, ‘slaves’ which included prisoners of war) and work had still been underway to enlarge it when the war ended and everything came to a halt. When we visited it, the unpainted concrete tunnel walls and ceilings were damp, dark and gloomy, with occasional puddles on the floor. A very basic printed information point at the entrance gave introductory background information. After that, you just wandered into the empty tunnels to the end of the string of 100 watt light bulbs which had been rigged up to try and illuminate the gloomy place. After that, the tunnels continued off into blackness for a huge distance further. My mother had sensibly declined to go inside so my brother and I were taken in instead. The atmosphere in there was awful - for a young child the stuff of potential nightmares. It was shadowy, oppressive, fearful and threatening. It wasn’t long before both myself and my brother were whinging to leave. But, we were told, we’d travelled a long way to visit this place and might not ever return (‘Good!’ I thought) so we had no alternative but to indulge my father’s enthusiasm. One of the unfinished tunnels which had been under construction when the war ended had been more effectively lit than the others, probably because the same light bulbs had a smaller space to light up. The half finished tunnel was a much narrower and smaller aperture than the large, concrete lined finished tunnels, looking much like a hand made cave, hewn out of the rock using pick axes. You couldn’t enter it because it was considered potentially unsafe as it had never been finished so one could only look along its cavernous inside from the open end. I looked into it with horrified amazement: despite the comparatively bright lights which cast no shadows for the eye to play tricks, there were shadowy, ragged male figures in there, apparently still hacking away at the rock with pick axes in what looked like a state of utter and desperate exhaustion. Eventually my brother and I persuaded my father he’d seen everything and to turn back towards the entrance and daylight again. This involved retracing our steps along a fair distance of the

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gloomy concrete lined main tunnels. As we did so, my increasing relief was interrupted by the sense that there were two discarnate men following us. I tried not to look back but it wasn’t necessary to do so: they were British troops, presumably POWs in the state they had been captured, for they wore warm climate army uniforms of shorts with the distinctive WW II brimmed helmets. With the entrance into the outdoors within feet of us and daylight streaming in, they both stopped and almost huddled together, frightened or uncertain or unable to follow us outside. I felt a childlike sense of relief that they wouldn’t be coming home with us in the car but also a deep sense that they needed help which I could not give them. ‘If I’d known then what I know now...’ I’d have put up some protection before going into such a place! I’d probably also have started immediate spirit release work on the place. Yet those horrific memories of that early visit proved to be a spur: decades later I met a chap in Somerset who knew such discarnate men were still trapped in there and this made me realise that what I had seen had had objective reality. He was involved with a spiritual group who had done much rescue work on the Guernsey underground hospital, he said, and it had made a difference in the years since my visit. Decades further on again, still carrying with me the memory of those two ‘Tommies’ in the tunnel, I too got involved with spirit release work connected to the war. ‘Better late than never’, as they say. Sue W-C Next time: the haunted modern starter home. THE SIRIUS CONNECTION Many of you will remember Mark Herbert, a retired thermodynamics engineer, who gave a talk to us in May 2018. Mark was involved in research connected with the space and aviation industries. His published papers can be viewed here: https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/2059614244_MK_Herbert I recently contacted Mark to ask about the possible link between his findings relating to ‘Sirius' and the current global situation. He has been writing and giving talks on Sirius' influence on Earthly consciousness since 2015, unique work that he is keen to share and details of which are gradually being corroborated by other sources. Mark has kindly offered to send a number of articles for our lockdown newsletter and I’d like to introduce Mark to you this week by sharing part of an email conversation I had with him last week. If you would like to see a copy of the 4 page article entitled ‘Dartington and the Sirius Connection, published a year ago in Caduceus magazine, please contact either me (Hilary) or David and we can send you the copyrighted final draft in pdf form. Mark tells us:

“The article ends with a brief discussion for the expectation, ‘Toward 2021 Renewal’. It is a part of my larger work ‘Time for Sirius Renewal’. Therein, my analyses showed a concurrent double closure of two periodic cycles of the triple star system, Sirius : the shorter 60-year cycle (known to the ancient Dogon as ‘sigui’ or ‘World Renewal’) and, the longer 1461-year cycle (known to the ancient Greeks as the ‘Sothic’ cycle); the latter not only matches the rise and fall of the great dynasties of ancient Egypt but also that of recorded British history since the Druidic decline. Indeed, the Druids recognised a similar 1500-year cycle of the oak and, the Cathar’s had awareness of a 700-year or Sothic semi-cycle.

Is it not, therefore, peculiar, even timely, that the planet now suddenly finds itself subjected to an unmatched ‘plague’ and the consequential imposition to the freedom of movement on the very eve of 2021?

I am not suggesting that emanations from Sirius are directly seeding a world pandemic (even though, back in the 1970s, a famous British astronomer –Fred Hoyle, wrote a controversial paper advocating that long period comets carried a flu-like virus to Earth).

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On the contrary, I am actually eluding to the strong possibility that aspects of dominant world powers have long since recognised the existence of both these higher cosmic seasons and awareness that each are now drawing to converging closure. After all, Sirius has been covertly worshipped for over 5000-years, even unto this day. The evidence is overwhelming.

We might, therefore, expect to observe a play out of a global anti-thesis, a converse consciousness as powers jostle for world position, control and supremacy at the very outset of the new cycle in an attempt to hold onto their old systems, many of which appear unworkable for the highest good of the planet and all its inhabitants. For whosoever rules at this juncture dominates to the end of cycle maturity one millennia on. The three and a half years of stalling to implement a Brexit decision (the result of which was engineered to manifest on Midsummer/the Baptist’s Day 2016), appears all part of the timely plan.

The positive gift and opportunity of a renewed (alternative) consciousness that the new cycles offer are presently being diluted, even masked by the outpouring of negativity and fear peddled by a biased media (whose unbalanced reporting of the present situation is all too visible.) Disrespectful banner headlines like ‘They’re dropping like flies’ and an insatiable appetite to maintain a daily death count (as opposed to the far more optimistic/balanced survival count) reflect a journalism revelling in mass expiration at this time. For decades, cancer and heart disease have been known to yield higher daily mortality rates, so why is the present public relations exercise so more ‘in your face’?

Individuals from world nations are literally being held in captivity, many distanced from loved-ones, uncertain of the future economic fallout. They await the next media-piped gloom and doom as their anxiety heightens confined to their cells.

2020 appears to be written off even before Spring has sprung. Our hands seemingly tied, our destiny given to those we would never chose to give it. It is as if the masses are prohibited to intervene in a situation beyond their control.

This mass altered consciousness is just one extreme state (the exact opposite of the potentially divine one) of the essentially neutral transmission from our Sun’s cosmic companion. Being neutrally balanced at source means we can choose and direct the outcome by the path we take. There is now an urgent need for reversing the polarity of the current situation to re-invoke optimism, hope and goodwill.

In Tarot, the last two cards of the 22-card Major Arcana are : ’20-Judgement’ and ’21-The World’. How apt that this consecutive pair depict the final cycle years of 2020 and 2021.

In the quietude of their individual confinements, the masses will be making their own ‘Judgement’, that is, weighing up the situation to discover the real truth of the matter. They will begin to recognise where they and mankind went wrong as custodian species of this beautiful planet. It has already begun to happen as all of us learn, very quickly, how to survive from scratch given nothing else but Earth’s bounty and compassion for one another. At long last, local communities will be seen to be far more important than global ones –the source of the problem. Their rejuvenation is a real possibility as are the positive spinoffs from such a revival. A new and better way of living is potentially around the corner –but we must make it happen and keep it under our control.

Such an inward process will be liberating, invoking a radical change both individually and collectively throughout society. By 2021, one way or the other, ‘the World’ will never be the same again as the transformation moves toward the new cycles.

Great gifts really do come from Sirius! Hold tight and watch it unfold. We can make it happen. We must make it happen.

Sirius is still on view in the evening sky after sunset until around 10 pm, low down in the west. It’s not as bright as Venus but still quite unmistakably brilliant. If you’re unsure, then first find the three belt stars of Orion (usually quite vivid) and use them as pointers downwards to arrive at the Dog Star. You’ll have to the end of the month before Sirius is occulted by the Sun itself as ‘Dog Days’ thus begin (16/16 May) lasting until 12/13 Aug, traditionally known (in hunting circles) as the ‘Glorious 12th.' “

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Hilary Boughton; with grateful thanks to Mark Herbert for this enlightening contribution to our newsletter. I think an interesting experiment would be to engage with our telepathy to communicate with our friends. Its a sense not much used and by patiently focusing first on a very simple few words. Write them down, ring or text your friend with your intent of tele-communicating. Arrange a time when you can both sit and connect to each other. Focus on your words eg: Green Bananas or a Rainbow or Stained Glass etc and send this thought for a few minutes. The other person needs to focus on you. Try it. Senses are important we don't use them enough.Keep practising, if it works, try sending a proper message. Who knows we could get quite adept at it. Happy communicating. Regards Ros

The solution to Sue’s crossword in the last Pendulum