THE ST. JOHN’S WOOD SQUARE PROJECT Full Planning Application Construction Management Plan August 2014 Applicant: St. John’s Wood Square Ltd Prepared by: EC Harris

The sT. john’s wood square projecT€¦ · The 2.2 hectare Main Site is located in the heart of St John’s Wood between Finchley Road to the west, and Primrose Hill to the east

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Page 1: The sT. john’s wood square projecT€¦ · The 2.2 hectare Main Site is located in the heart of St John’s Wood between Finchley Road to the west, and Primrose Hill to the east

The sT. john’s wood square

projecTFull Planning Application

Construction Management Plan

August 2014 Applicant: St. John’s Wood Square Ltd

Prepared by: EC Harris

Page 2: The sT. john’s wood square projecT€¦ · The 2.2 hectare Main Site is located in the heart of St John’s Wood between Finchley Road to the west, and Primrose Hill to the east

St John’s Wood Square Limited

Construction Management Plan for The St John’s Wood Square Project

August 2014

Page 3: The sT. john’s wood square projecT€¦ · The 2.2 hectare Main Site is located in the heart of St John’s Wood between Finchley Road to the west, and Primrose Hill to the east

St John’s Wood Square Limited

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Copyright © 2011 EC Harris. All rights reserved

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Issue Revision No. Date Issued Description of Revision: Page No.

Description of Revision: Comment

Reviewed by:

1 Final August 2014 - - TB

Page 4: The sT. john’s wood square projecT€¦ · The 2.2 hectare Main Site is located in the heart of St John’s Wood between Finchley Road to the west, and Primrose Hill to the east

St John’s Wood Square Limited

echarris.com Construction Management Plan 3

Copyright © 2011 EC Harris. All rights reserved

Contents 1 Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................... 5

2 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................... 7

2.1 Site Location ..................................................................................................................................... 8

2.2 Proposed Development .................................................................................................................... 9

3 PROJECT PARTICULARS ......................................................................................................................... 9

3.1 Description Of The Works ................................................................................................................. 9

3.2 The Site And Constraints ................................................................................................................ 10

4 PROGRAMME .......................................................................................................................................... 11

4.1 Programme Of Works ..................................................................................................................... 11

4.2 Hours Of Work ................................................................................................................................ 11

5 METHOD STATEMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PLAN ........................................................................ 12

5.1 Construction Method Statement ..................................................................................................... 12

5.2 Application Of Principal And Trade Contractors’ Own Policies ...................................................... 13

5.3 Principal Contractor ........................................................................................................................ 14

5.4 Management Of Trade Contractors ................................................................................................ 14

5.5 Public Comments Procedure .......................................................................................................... 14

5.6 Site Logistics ................................................................................................................................... 15

5.7 Traffic Management ........................................................................................................................ 16

5.8 General Site Access And Egress ................................................................................................... 17

5.9 Road Closures And Diversions ....................................................................................................... 17

5.10 Car Parking And Travel To The Main Site ...................................................................................... 17

5.11 Road Cleanliness ............................................................................................................................ 17

5.12 Management Of Noise, Vibration And Dust .................................................................................... 18

5.13 Dust and Dirt Control ...................................................................................................................... 19

5.14 Waste Management ........................................................................................................................ 19

5.15 Utility Services ................................................................................................................................ 19

5.16 Protection Of Water Resources ...................................................................................................... 20

5.17 Ecological Protection ...................................................................................................................... 20

5.18 Energy And Water Use ................................................................................................................... 21

5.19 Cumulative Impacts ........................................................................................................................ 21

6 METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................................................... 23

6.1 Enabling & Demolitions ................................................................................................................... 23

6.2 Riding School .................................................................................................................................. 24

6.3 Bulk Excavation and Ground Works ............................................................................................... 24

6.4 Basement ........................................................................................................................................ 24

6.5 Superstructure and Building Envelope ........................................................................................... 25

Page 5: The sT. john’s wood square projecT€¦ · The 2.2 hectare Main Site is located in the heart of St John’s Wood between Finchley Road to the west, and Primrose Hill to the east

St John’s Wood Square Limited

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Copyright © 2011 EC Harris. All rights reserved

6.6 Fit Out ............................................................................................................................................. 25

7.1 Contacts, Responsibilities And Emergency Response .................................................................. 26

7.2 Site Safety and CDM ...................................................................................................................... 26

Page 6: The sT. john’s wood square projecT€¦ · The 2.2 hectare Main Site is located in the heart of St John’s Wood between Finchley Road to the west, and Primrose Hill to the east

St John’s Wood Square Limited

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Copyright © 2011 EC Harris. All rights reserved

1 Executive Summary This Construction Management Plan (CMP) has been prepared and submitted on behalf of St John’s Wood Square Limited in support of the planning application for the Proposed Development. This CMP describes the anticipated construction sequence and timescales. It identifies the environmental considerations associated with the activities and supporting appropriate measures that might be implemented for their mitigation.

This CMP provides a strategy for managing all construction-related activity for the Proposed Development of the former St John’s Wood Royal Horse Artillery Barracks Site, situated at Ordnance Hill, London, NW8, 1a Queens Grove and 1-7 Queen's Terrace NW8.

The CMP is based on reasonable assumptions in the construction programme and experience in relation to other development sites of a similar size and nature.

Strategies to mitigate potential sources of noise and vibration generated during the demolition and construction phases have been developed with consideration of local residents and neighbours whilst maintaining a safe, sustainable and efficient construction methodology.

Recognition is given to traffic and pedestrian management, as well as the segregation of construction activities. The use of just-in-time delivery minimise material delivery times and reduce congestion and pollution on local highways.

Working hours will be a key factor. This plan outlines the WCC approved working hours for construction activity which will be strictly adhered to at all times.

Close liaison with local residents will be maintained via the Community Liaison Officer who will update the local community on construction progress via regular meeting sessions. Residents’ concerns will be registered and actioned via the Community Liaison Officer who will provide regular updates on activities to include:

Issuing regular letter-drops /web-updates to surrounding residents,

Organising regular meeting sessions in vicinity,

Reporting on street-cleansing activities around the site,

Addressing neighbourly concerns raised at previous meetings,

Informing residents of any upcoming noisy works such as demolitions and foundation removals,

Reporting on excavation progress,

Notifying residents of upcoming ground works such as foundation and pile wall installation,

Notice of any temporary traffic management measures in surrounding roads,

Updating residents on construction phasing of residential blocks and

Overall programme reporting and anticipated completion date.

Page 7: The sT. john’s wood square projecT€¦ · The 2.2 hectare Main Site is located in the heart of St John’s Wood between Finchley Road to the west, and Primrose Hill to the east

St John’s Wood Square Limited

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Copyright © 2011 EC Harris. All rights reserved

In addition, the CMP sets out a key number of items that have been considered and can be summarised as follows:

Construction programme & Phasing,

Description of Works,

Site Logistics,

Construction Methods,

Safety, health and environmental mitigation provisions and

Public relations and community liaison.

Page 8: The sT. john’s wood square projecT€¦ · The 2.2 hectare Main Site is located in the heart of St John’s Wood between Finchley Road to the west, and Primrose Hill to the east

St John’s Wood Square Limited

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Copyright © 2011 EC Harris. All rights reserved

2 INTRODUCTION This document has been prepared on behalf of the Applicant; St John’s Wood Square Limited This CMP forms part of the planning application for the redevelopment of the former St John’s Wood Royal Horse Artillery Barracks Site, situated at Ordnance Hill, London, 1a Queens Grove and 1-7 Queen's Terrace NW8 (the Main Site).

The following document describes the site preparation and construction methodology for the site and associated basement, external and landscaping works, in addition to other key areas of pre-construction that need to be considered during the course of the works. It identifies sources of potential possible environmental impact associated with the site activities and, where appropriate, proposals for mitigating such impact. The Applicant will comply with and require compliance by its contractors with all the recommendations, restrictions, limitations specifications and standards contained in and implied by WCC's April 2008 version of its Code of Construction Practice (or any amendments to it as may be agreed with WCC)

The submission of a CMP will be secured by planning condition.

Fig 1.0 Red Line Boundary Plan

Page 9: The sT. john’s wood square projecT€¦ · The 2.2 hectare Main Site is located in the heart of St John’s Wood between Finchley Road to the west, and Primrose Hill to the east

St John’s Wood Square Limited

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Copyright © 2011 EC Harris. All rights reserved

2.1 Site Location

Fig 2.0 Site Location Plan

The 2.2 hectare Main Site is located in the heart of St John’s Wood between Finchley Road to the west, and Primrose Hill to the east. It is on the edge of the St John’s Wood Conservation Area which provides a mix of detached, semi-detached and terraced houses, and apartment buildings. The Site has street frontage to the east on Ordnance Hill and to the west on Queens Terrace. Queens Grove to the north of the Site has terraced houses constructed in London stock brick with raised stucco pilasters, which is an architectural feature typical of the area. Larger mansion block buildings face on to Queens Terrace, which previously provided accommodation for regiments billeted at the barracks and will be taken down as part of the Proposed Development.

Page 10: The sT. john’s wood square projecT€¦ · The 2.2 hectare Main Site is located in the heart of St John’s Wood between Finchley Road to the west, and Primrose Hill to the east

St John’s Wood Square Limited

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Copyright © 2011 EC Harris. All rights reserved

2.2 Proposed Development The Proposed Developments consists of 163 residential units in total, comprising 104 private accommodation units (88 apartments and 16 houses), and 59 affordable accommodation units. The Grade II listed Riding School flanks the north-western edge of the garden square.

Fig 3.0 St John’s Wood Square Master Plan


3.1 Description Of The Works The Works comprise:

Protection and redevelopment of the listed Riding School, Demolitions of existing workshops, stables and accommodation blocks, Excavation of the basement and construction of basement levels from bottom, up to ground floor, Façade retention of 1-7 Queens Terrace, Creation of an additional private garden area to the north of the Main Site, Construction of the superstructure and building envelope, Service diversions and upgrades, infrastructure works where required, Fit-out and handover of the works and Public realm works.

Page 11: The sT. john’s wood square projecT€¦ · The 2.2 hectare Main Site is located in the heart of St John’s Wood between Finchley Road to the west, and Primrose Hill to the east

St John’s Wood Square Limited

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Copyright © 2011 EC Harris. All rights reserved

Prior to the Works commencing, a number of detailed investigations and surveys have been undertaken or are in the process of being undertaken, which include archaeological, asbestos, geotechnical, ecological, topographical and below ground services. Results of some of these surveys are currently being concluded.

The activities will be sequenced so as to protect the adjoining premises and neighbours, minimising disruption whilst supporting the construction process. Particular attention will be paid to the protection of the listed Riding School and the retained façade at 1 -7 Queens Terrace and monitoring markers will be located within and beyond the Main Site prior to the commencement of works.

Desktop studies have also been previously undertaken to help guide the design development to date. To further inform the design, and based on the results of the desktop studies, further onsite investigation works are ongoing.

3.2 The Site And Constraints The Main Site is subject to a number of constraints arising from its historic use, surroundings and local utility infrastructure. The key issues relevant to the Proposed Development are:

The Grade II listed Riding School located on the Site, need careful management to protect the Listed Building during construction,

Protection of the Thames Water Kings Scholar Pond Sewer, UKPN (electrical supply equipment) asset located on site, a UKPN jointing chamber is currently located

on the Ordnance Hill perimeter and connects into the local UKPN network. This connection point will be temporarily relocated during construction and repositioned as necessary in its permanent on-site location and

The protection of the London Underground Asset.

Fig 4 0 Plan showing the indicative position of the LUL tunnels and TW Sewer

Page 12: The sT. john’s wood square projecT€¦ · The 2.2 hectare Main Site is located in the heart of St John’s Wood between Finchley Road to the west, and Primrose Hill to the east

St John’s Wood Square Limited

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Copyright © 2011 EC Harris. All rights reserved


4.1 Programme Of Works The site preparation and construction programme comprises the following stages:

Temporary works, Enabling and demolition works including retention of the existing façade on Queens Terrace, Construction of secant piles, Excavation of basements, Construction of substructure, Construction of superstructure and envelope, Implementation of high quality residential fit-out and Hard and soft landscaping works

The works listed below will overlap and the overall duration is anticipated to be between 3 ½ to 4yrs

Activity Anticipated Start Date Approximate Duration


Enabling works and demolition First quarter of 2015 8

Piling Works (including pile enabling) Third quarter of 2015 8

Substructure works (including excavation) Fourth quarter of 2015 20

Basement fit-out (including mechanical engineering)

Fourth quarter of 2016 6

Shell and Core Fourth quarter of 2016 13

Fit-out to residential apartments First quarter of 2017 22

Commissioning First quarter of 2018 12

External works / public realm works (phased)

Third quarter of 2017 6

4.2 Hours Of Work The permitted working hours for all construction works on Main Site will be as per WCC permissible working hours which currently are:

08.00 – 18.00 hours week days, 08.00 – 13.00 hours Saturday and Sundays and Bank Holidays – No working.

Whilst night working will not normally be undertaken, certain activities may be needed to be performed outside normal hours. In these exceptional circumstances, early discussions will be held with WCC and local liaison groups.

Page 13: The sT. john’s wood square projecT€¦ · The 2.2 hectare Main Site is located in the heart of St John’s Wood between Finchley Road to the west, and Primrose Hill to the east

St John’s Wood Square Limited

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Copyright © 2011 EC Harris. All rights reserved


5.1 Construction Method Statement A detailed CMS will form part of the Building Contract and will outline the various different procedures required to complete the works on site. The CMS will be prepared by the Contractor for submission to WCC and all site contractors will be required to comply with WCC Considerate Constructors Scheme in addition to WCC’s Code of Construction Practice

All trade contractors will incorporate requirements for environmental control, based on best working practices and adhering to current H&S regulations and quality procedures.

The project will adopt a minimum code 4 level under the Code for Sustainable Homes guidelines within blocks 9 and 10. This will ensure that waste during the entire construction process will be kept to minimal levels to achieve CFSH scoring credits. A separate Site Waste Management Plan will form part of the contractor’s obligations for submission to WCC. Site teams will be engaged in the project to understand how they may impact on others and how they can contribute effectively to mitigate such impacts. The CMS will be a dynamic document and will evolve during the construction of the Proposed Development.

Trade contractors will demonstrate how they will achieve the provisions of the CMS and how potential impacts will be reduced, minimised or removed.

The CMS calls for contractors to provide:

Plan of their intended activities and their sequencing, Programme for the elements of works including labour and plant requirements, Detailed site layout arrangements for each phase of the project, Review of the needs for access, resources, accommodation, vehicle movements, material delivery,

material storage and any temporary works, Identification of prohibited or restricted works, Identification of any operations that could result in disturbance with duration and timing, Procedure for notifying relevant parties of operations likely to cause disturbance, Procedure for communications with Westminster City Council, neighbours, visitors, workers and site

personnel, Provision for allowing complaints to be registered, responded and logged, Provisions for reporting, Details of access to and from the site for deliveries, Details of works affecting the public highways and footpaths, any diversions or closures needed, special

signage or notices required and Housekeeping procedures.

5.1.1 Sustainability The Proposed Development at the Main Site will aim to achieve a very high level of sustainability through the implementation of the Code for Sustainable Homes standards which are implemented in new building projects nationwide. A Code 4 level has been established with WCC as a suitably high standard for the Proposed Development. The guidelines below are referenced from the CSFH Technical Guide dated November 2010 and currently apply to both demolitions and construction phases The Contractor will be required to establish a Site Waste Management Plan and to follow these practices to achieve the relevant CFSH credit points for the overall scheme. CONSIDERATE CONSTRUCTORS SCHEME

“To promote an environmentally and socially considerate and accountable management of the construction site, the contractor will be required to register with the Considerate Constructors Scheme”

Page 14: The sT. john’s wood square projecT€¦ · The 2.2 hectare Main Site is located in the heart of St John’s Wood between Finchley Road to the west, and Primrose Hill to the east

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Copyright © 2011 EC Harris. All rights reserved

Achieve formal certification under the scheme with an overall score of 35 points or above and a minimum score of 7 in each of the 5 sections. This would indicate that the site is being managed beyond best practice and will enable the scoring of CSFH credits


To promote a construction site managed in a manner that mitigates environmental impacts, the contractor shall develop and implement procedures that cover four or more of the following items (Construction site activities include both demolition and excavation activities),

Monitor, report and set targets for CO2 production or energy use arising from site activities, Monitor and report CO2 or energy use arising from commercial transport to and from site , Monitor, report and set targets for water consumption from site activities , Adopt best practice policies in respect of air pollution (dust) arising from site activities , Adopt best practice policies in respect of water pollution (ground and surface) occurring on the site

and 80% of site timber must be reclaimed, re-used or responsibly sourced.

5.1.2 Construction Site Waste Management Plan The importance of a Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) is recognised and will include procedures and commitments for reducing generated waste. The detail for delivery will be in accordance with the Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4, and responsibility will be placed on the contractor to ensure its compliance.

CONSTRUCTION SITE WASTE MANAGEMENT To promote resource efficiency via the effective and appropriate management of construction site waste, a compliant SWMP shall be developed and implemented on the construction site. The Contractor’s SWMP shall contain:

Target benchmarks for resource efficiency, i.e. m3 of waste per 100 m2 or tonnes of waste per 100 m2 set in accordance with best practice,

Procedures for minimising non-hazardous construction waste. Specify waste minimisation actions relating to at least 3 waste groups and support them by appropriate monitoring of waste ,

Procedures for minimising hazardous waste and Monitoring, measuring and reporting of hazardous and non-hazardous site waste production

according to the defined waste groups (according to the waste streams generated by the scope of the works). The SWMP shall include procedures and commitments to sort and divert waste to landfill, through either:

Re-use on site (in situ or for new applications) , Re-use on other sites, Salvage/reclaim for re-use, Return to the supplier via a ‘take-back’ scheme, Recovery and recycling using an approved waste management contractor, Compost and According to the defined waste groups (in line with the waste streams generated by the scope of the

works) at least 85% by weight or by volume of non-hazardous construction waste generated by the project shall be diverted from landfill. (Construction site waste includes both demolition and excavation waste.)

5.2 Application Of Principal And Trade Contractors’ Own Policies The Principal Contractor and Trade Contractors will be requested to comply with their own company policies that are relevant to this project so as to improve the outcome for all. For example, contractors will be asked to demonstrate the practical implementation of their own environmental management plans, environmental policies, and waste management policies in their methodology for delivering site operations.

Page 15: The sT. john’s wood square projecT€¦ · The 2.2 hectare Main Site is located in the heart of St John’s Wood between Finchley Road to the west, and Primrose Hill to the east

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Copyright © 2011 EC Harris. All rights reserved

5.3 Principal Contractor The Principal Contractor and all main contractors will be required to comply with WCC Considerate Constructors Scheme within their appointment conditions. The Principal Contractor will also comply with all relevant legislation and specific Local Authority requirements will be sought and adopted. The Principal Contractor will be responsible for managing compliance of the Trade Contractors and must set an exemplary standard.

Keeping neighbours and the general public informed of the works is of key importance in managing impact. The Principal Contractor will carry out both formal and informal liaisons by way of newsletters, specific activity notices relating to any particularly unusual or particularly disruptive works such as road closures or piling works. Signage will notify contact details for the site together with site information as appropriate.

It will also be a requirement that the Principal Contractor shall follow the principles of Good Construction Practice and that the scheme will be registered under the Considerate Constructors Scheme. The Building Contract specifically identifies the need for resources to be allocated to meeting the Considerate Constructors Scheme requirements and this will allow assessment of the Principal Contractors’ intended resources for compliance with such requirements.

The Applicant and the professional team has experience of and understands the impact that development has on tenants, neighbours and the general public. This experience will be fully utilised in the setting and measurement of targets that the Principal Contractor and his team will be expected to achieve.

5.4 Management Of Trade Contractors The Principal Contractor will obtain evidence from Trade Contractors of their proposals to comply with the CMS, ECS and the principles of Good Construction Practice and all other such obligations and expectations made of the principal contractor. Nominated and domestic subcontractors will be requested by the Principal Contractor to adhere to the construction guidelines set out in WCC’s Considerate Constructors’ manifest.

5.5 Public Comments Procedure

The procedure for dealing with public enquiries, receiving positive comments and/or complaints will be prioritised with the Principal Contractor once appointed.

The Contractor will engage with and inform the local community and local stakeholders of particular construction tasks and indicative timelines across the individual construction phases for the overall master plan, and will ensure that both parties are fully involved in any such dialogue.

Matters for public consultation during the demolition and bulk excavation works will be brought to the public through staging drop-in exhibitions and the circulation of bespoke newsletters within the established catchment area. Local stakeholders will be engaged in direct communication with the landowner, contractor, design team and other such consultants as required from time to time through the established Resident's and Community Liaison Groups. These groups shall be open to new members as and when required and will be run in accordance with the stipulations of WCC.

In addition to reporting to regular meetings of the Residents' and Community Liaison Groups, the Contractor’s procedures will allow for:

Clear point of contact for the public to make enquiries and to submit complaints, Details of how enquiries will be registered and progressed, Advising the intended timescale for responding to the matter raised, Records of any responses given, and to whom and Escalation procedures if the response is not satisfactory.

Page 16: The sT. john’s wood square projecT€¦ · The 2.2 hectare Main Site is located in the heart of St John’s Wood between Finchley Road to the west, and Primrose Hill to the east

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Copyright © 2011 EC Harris. All rights reserved

5.6 Site Logistics

Fig 5.0 Proposed Vehicular Access Points to the site during demoltions and construction

The above Vehicular Access Plan identifies the demolition and construction access points into and out of the Main Site. Due to the location of the existing residential block on Queens Terrace, initial access to the site will be via the existing entrance gates situated on Ordnance Hill where traffic currently approaches.

After demolition of the residential block on Queens Terrace, vehicular access will become available from the west side of the Main Site, thus affording construction vehicles quicker access to the A41 arterial road and reducing construction traffic flows on Ordnance Hill. Chapter 8 Transport and Access of the EIA illustrates that there is minimal traffic impact on the St John’s Wood area during peak flows. Note that site logistics are indicative at this stage as the Principle Contractor may consider alternative options that further minimise vehicular impacts during the construction process and subject to prior approval with WCC.

A programme for noise monitoring shall be prepared as part of the Environmental Management Plan and agreed with WCC prior to the commencement of works on Main Site. If complaints arise these shall be investigated immediately and appropriate action taken. Wherever possible, plant and equipment will be switched off when not in use.

Queens Grove



e H


Access from A41

Riding School – Grade II Listed






Egress to A41

Page 17: The sT. john’s wood square projecT€¦ · The 2.2 hectare Main Site is located in the heart of St John’s Wood between Finchley Road to the west, and Primrose Hill to the east

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Demolition and construction impacts will include exhaust emissions from site plant, equipment and vehicles and dust emissions. Emissions shall be minimised through the use (where appropriate) of catalytic converters and the regular maintenance of vehicle engines. It is anticipated that all heavy equipment inclusive of tower cranes and jibs, piling rigs and heavy excavating machinery will be delivered directly to the Main Site from Ordnance Hill without interruption to the existing traffic flows, therefore avoiding any unnecessary closures to the public highway.

Materials will be delivered and fed to the Main Site via tower cranes which may be equipped with luffing jibs to avoid over-sailing of neighbouring properties wherever possible. Climbing hoists are anticipated to be utilised across the Site to distribute materials within the blocks themselves.

Loading and unloading of vehicles, dismantling of equipment such as scaffolding or moving equipment or materials around site shall be conducted in such a manner as to minimise noise.

During construction, strict attention will be paid to noise complaints, or exceeding noise-action levels and any issues shall be reported to the Contractor, recorded and investigated.

A programme for noise monitoring shall be prepared as part of the Environmental Management Plan and agreed with WCC prior to the commencement of works on site. If complaints arise these shall be investigated immediately, and appropriate action taken. Wherever possible, plant and equipment shall be switched off when not in use.

If in the unlikely event that any temporary stopping-up notices are required on Queens Terrace, Ordnance Hill or Acacia Road, specific applications to WCC Highways Department and TfL relating to any road closures will be implemented by the contractor in accordance with all statutory notice periods.

5.7 Traffic Management It has been identified that some parking bays may need to be suspended temporarily to allow safe manoeuvring of traffic past the Main Site during construction. All loading/unloading of materials will be contained within the Main Site with the exception of the delivery of principle cranes where, in some instances, special arrangements will be made.

Other general traffic considerations include:

Residents access to their neighbouring properties will be maintained during all stages of construction,

Existing public access routes and rights of way will be maintained during construction,

Only those routes approved by the relevant bodies will be used by vehicles accessing the site,

No long-stay, day-time or overnight parking of HGVs in the vicinity of the Main Site will be permitted and

There will be a Principals Contractor’s office on Site where the contractor’s staff and workers can operate from. All staff will be encouraged to use public transport and/or cycling as an alternative to vehicular transport to and from the Main Site. Limited parking will be provided for staff.

8.3.1 Trip Generations

The peak traffic generation during construction would occur during the excavation of the basement and there would be up to 116 vehicle load movements per day.

This volume of traffic is unlikely to impose any negative impact on the local transport network; queuing of vehicles on the local road network will not be accepted.

8.3.2 Material Management:

The Principle Contractor will be expected (under the employer’s requirements) to achieve the highest average vehicle utilisation within the site constraints. The Principle Contractor will be required to agree with each supplier a maximum number of deliveries per day, to be agreed with WCC, prior to start on site. In addition, the Principle Contractor will be responsible in ensuring that deliveries are not grouped or batched together, instead being smoothed and distributed over the course of the day. The Principle Contractor will

Page 18: The sT. john’s wood square projecT€¦ · The 2.2 hectare Main Site is located in the heart of St John’s Wood between Finchley Road to the west, and Primrose Hill to the east

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have undertaken an analysis of the likely unloading times (queuing theory) to ensure that a queue does not form beyond the boundaries of or within the confines of the site logistics area.

8.3.3 Measures to Achieve Load Consolidation:

Consideration by the Principle Contractor, sub-contractors and suppliers should be made to achieve deliveries on the largest possible vehicle in respect of weight and size to minimise the number of trips required,

Use of more space-efficient packaging and palleting: the contractor is required to review the methods of storing materials on vehicles. Offsite warehouse storage of equipment and material will be required,

Back-loading to encourage suppliers to pick up during the same trip as dropping off supplies,

Delivery Collaboration by the Principle Contractor will be required to review horizontal collaboration in the freight demands of the job. This will entail approaching key suppliers and sub-contractors and reviewing the possibility of using a joint freight company so that vehicles could be laden with materials from different suppliers and ensure maximum utilisation,

Vehicles will not be overloaded and

All hazardous substances on site (if applicable) will be controlled in accordance with COSHH (2002) Regulations.

5.8 General Site Access And Egress There will be clear management of the interface between site and pedestrian and highway routes as this is an area of high risk of accidents and needs careful control. Qualified banksmen will be employed to oversee vehicle movements in and out of the Main Site.

Separate access zones for pedestrian and vehicles will be maintained at all times. This will be in compliance with the Site Safety plan under CDM regulations.

5.9 Road Closures And Diversions The exact requirements for road closures, diversions etc. are to be developed. However, any requirements will be thoroughly assessed and any applications made through the required channels. Notice will be given for road and footpath diversions and closures to relevant parties including Westminster Council, TfL and the emergency services, in sufficient time in advance of the intended closure.

5.10 Car Parking And Travel To The Main Site There will be a policy of restricted on-site parking and all site workforces will be encouraged to use public transport. This will be in compliance with carbon reduction measures as specified in CFSH Level 4 Guidelines. During the Fit Out Phase all vehicles will be parked on site in the basement carparking.

5.11 Road Cleanliness Precautions will be taken to contain site-generated matter to within the Site boundary. The exact precautions to be taken, e.g. wheel wash facilities, will be agreed with the contractor based on the proposed methods of working and will be placed at the Queens Terrace and Ordnance Hill entrances to the Site.

Page 19: The sT. john’s wood square projecT€¦ · The 2.2 hectare Main Site is located in the heart of St John’s Wood between Finchley Road to the west, and Primrose Hill to the east

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Typical anti-dust control measures will include water-damping during construction and de-construction, and wheel-washing upon exit. Water damping is a technique that employs either water jets or fine ‘misting’ over areas of the site that are susceptible to dust creation and is particularly effective during the demolition of larger masonry or concrete structures, such as the accommodation block on Queens Terrace.

In addition, the contractor will provide street cleansing to the construction site entry and exit points located on Ordnance Hill and on Queens Terrace. Cleansing will be undertaken either by local jet-washing of pavements and roadways, or by the use of dedicated street cleansing vehicles during the excavation phase.

5.12 Management Of Noise, Vibration And Dust The need for noise, vibration and dust monitoring and control will be carefully assessed as the method of working is developed. Any works will be managed to minimise the impact on site workers, workers in the vicinity of the Main Site, nearby occupants, nearby businesses and adjacent buildings and tenants. In particular, residents to the northern edge of the Site will be considered during pile installation and excavations. Where applicable, the Contractor will place vibration detectors on adjoining properties and agree trigger levels to assess potential impact. The physical measures to be assessed by the contractor prior to commencement will cover:

Noise monitoring, Vibration monitoring, Keep voices and conversation outside the site perimeter to a minimum and low in volume with no

banging of doors, gates, scaffolding, or other objects, No machinery starting up on site before the designated start times, Working method of piling selected to minimise potential movement and vibration, Using low impact and low volume machinery and tools where possible. Local residents will be advised of

the start and finishing dates/times of particularly noisy works (e.g. demolition and piling) and these will be timed to minimise the disruption to local residents,

Protection for exposed party walls and Detailed method statements and assessment for works that have an impact on adjoining structures and

environment, identifying possible sources of movement and mitigation measures.

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5.13 Dust and Dirt Control Operations likely to produce nuisance dust will use water spray solutions to create a fine mist to suppress dust levels. Operatives will be responsible for ensuring the wheels of any vehicles leaving the Main Site are clean and the Site entrance and surrounding roads are kept clean at all times. The Site will have designated loading and offloading areas which will also be used as a wash down area for vehicles leaving the confines of the Site.

5.14 Waste Management The principal aim during the construction process will be to reduce the amount of waste generated and exported from the Main Site. The contractor will be obliged to comply with the CFSH prerequisite to achieve a Code 4 standard of sustainability and will investigate opportunities to reduce waste generation such as:

Designing out waste at source, eliminating waste that would otherwise be generated through deconstruction, construction and fit out,

Just in time site delivery to reduce possible damage of stored materials,

Good site management of stored materials to avoid damage or loss,

Re-use of on-site generated material where possible,

Segregation of materials at source and

Diversion of waste materials from landfill sites.

Any hazardous materials arising will be managed as required by the hazard identified e.g. asbestos containing materials (ACMs) will be managed in accordance with the Control of Asbestos Regulation 2012. See also Site Waste Management Plan section.

5.15 Utility Services The following benchmarking systems are applied for the Proposed Development and provide requirements related to on-site services and sustainability. A sustainability champion is to be appointed for the on-site monitoring of sustainable construction work and responsibility shall be assigned to the sustainability champion for monitoring, recording and reporting energy, water and transport consumption data resulting from the applicable construction processes. To ensure the robust collection of information, this individual(s) shall have the appropriate authority, responsibility and access to the data required.

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5.15.1 Water

All ground or surface water run-off will be strictly controlled to prevent pollution of drains and watercourses, such as: All relevant contractors shall investigate opportunities to minimise and reduce the use of water, Selection and specification of water efficient fixtures and fittings in site offices, Implementation of staff-based initiatives such as turning off taps, when not in use both on-site and within

site offices, Use of recycling water systems such as wheel washes, Monitor and record data on potable water consumption (m3) from the use of construction plant,

equipment (mobile and fixed) and site accommodation necessary for completion of the applicable construction processes and

Using the collated data report the total net water consumption (m3), i.e. consumption minus any recycled water use, from the applicable construction process.

5.15.2 Energy & CO2

All relevant contractors shall investigate opportunities to minimise and reduce the use of energy, such as: Use of alternatives to diesel / petrol powered equipment where possible, The incorporation of sources of renewable energy to offset the use of mains utilities, Selection and specification of energy-efficient plant and equipment, Implementation of staff-based initiatives such as turning off plant and equipment when not in use, both

on-site and within site offices, Monitor and record data on energy consumption (kWh) from the use of construction plant, equipment

(mobile and fixed) and site accommodation necessary for completion of the applicable construction processes,

Using the collated data, report the energy consumption (total kWh and kWh/£100k of project value) and carbon dioxide emissions (total kgCO2eq and kgCO2eq/£100k of project value) from the applicable construction process and

Monitor and report CO2 or energy use arising from commercial transport to and from site.

5.15.3 Pollution

Adopt best practice policies in respect of water (ground and surface) pollution and air (dust) pollution occurring on the Site:

Implement the erosion and sedimentation control measures set in the Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan:

All site activities that generate noise shall follow British Standard (BS) 5228 (Ref. 17-32) to minimise impact on neighbours. Mitigation shall be implemented by the contractor and include

1. All plant and equipment to be used for the works shall be properly maintained, silenced where appropriate, and operated to prevent excessive noise and switched off when not in use and where practicable,

2. Plant shall be certified to meet relevant current legislation and Noise and Vibration Control on Construction and Open Sites (BS 5228) Standards and

3. All Trade Contractors shall be made familiar with current noise legislation and the guidance in BS 5228 (Parts 1 and 2) which will form a prerequisite of their appointment.

5.16 Protection Of Water Resources Water resources will be protected from potential contamination during the deconstruction and construction phases of the Proposed Development. An assessment of potential sources of contamination will be undertaken and mitigation measures agreed. All substances that could cause contamination (e.g. diesel fuel, oils,) will be stored on surfaced areas and within dedicated bunding zones.

5.17 Ecological Protection The Main Site comprises a large percentage of unplanted hard-standing together with existing basement structures site-wide, and neither of these conditions are conducive to the proliferation of wildlife at the Site.

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However, as the Site is within a conservation area, the removal or replacement of any trees may only be with prior approval form WCC. This includes the currently isolated green area to the north of the listed Riding School and behind the existing Queens Grove houses.

Where applicable, trees that require protection during the construction sequences will be clearly identified with the contractor on site, and all necessary measures will be put in place to ensure their continuing protection throughout the works.

Eco 2- Ecological Enhancement 1 Credit under the CfSH may be awarded where a suitably qualified ecologist has been appointed to recommend appropriate ecological features that will positively enhance the ecology of the Site, and where the Developer adopts all key recommendations to include:

All personnel involved in the construction works will be briefed on the ecological mitigation strategy and relevant wildlife legislation,

Risk of pollution incidents will be reduced by adhering to current Environment Agency Guidelines, Prior to works commencing, protective fencing will be erected around all new and retained, Features on site to delineate no-go areas for workers and machinery, All vegetation removal will take place outside of the bird breeding season (which is between March and

September, inclusive). If clearance works are unavoidable during this period, the Site will be cleared during the preceding winter,

Zones for the piling of soil or storage of materials associated with the development will be clearly defined,

Fuel, oil and other chemicals will be stored in appropriate impervious containers in accordance with Environmental Standards. Leaking and empty containers will be removed from the Site immediately,

Any trenches/pits created during the construction process will either be covered over at night or will include a means of escape to prevent animals becoming trapped in them and

Any new lighting scheme implemented on the Site will follow Bat Conservation Trust advice on wildlife sensitive lighting .

5.18 Energy And Water Use The contractor will investigate opportunities to minimise the use of energy and water. Opportunities to be considered are:

Alternative means of working, Use of alternatives to diesel / petrol powered equipment such as electric powered equipment, Selection and specification of energy efficient plant and equipment and Green energy policies for on-site staff and accommodation e.g. use of percussion taps.

5.19 Cumulative Impacts The Environmental Statement carried out for the Main Site considers the cumulative impacts associated with schemes which are located within 1km of the Main Site, schemes spatially linked to the Site i.e. likely to use the same local road network and schemes likely to be visible in views to and from the Site.

The combined effects of different types of impact from the Proposed Development have only been considered during the demolition and construction works and not once the development is completed. This is because it is considered that the greatest likelihood of impact interaction, and hence significant impacts, would occur during the demolition and construction works.

Three types of cumulative impact are considered:

Schemes located within 1 km of the redline boundary for the Site would be considered for environmental topics where appropriate, such as socio-economics: ground conditions: water resources and flood risk: wind: daylight, sunlight and overshadowing: telecommunication interference; and waste.

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Schemes spatially linked to the Site, for instance likely to use the same local road network, would be considered for environmental topics such as transport and accessibility, air quality; and noise and vibration.

Schemes likely to be visible in views to and from the Main Site would be considered in relation to townscape, heritage and visual amenity.

Following informal consultations with WCC, the Environmental Statement has identified nine schemes for consideration in relation the Main Site:

Fig 6.0 Location of SJWS Cumulative Developments Source: Environ There is the potential, in the absence of mitigation, for some impact interactions to take place during the different phases of demolition and construction works. These will generally be restricted to the period when works are occurring close to impacted residents, neighbours, pedestrians and business owners. The majority of interactions arise from activities such as noise and vibration from construction plant and vehicles, general demolition works, dust from plant and vehicles, the visual impact of the works and passing HGVs.

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6.1 Enabling & Demolitions

Fig 7.0 Demolition Extent

The current Main Site comprises a small number of low rise workshop buildings and stables, mostly of brick and concrete construction, a two storey brick-built house and two medium rise accommodation blocks of concrete and brick construction, the largest of which extends along Queens Terrace and is five storeys in height.

To the north of the Site is located the original Riding School dating back to 1825 which is a Grade II listing. The listed Riding School will be protected at all times throughout the demolition, bulk excavation and main works.

Part of the development site also extends to 1-7 Queens Terrace. This brick and stucco structure spans four storeys and has been converted into small rental-units on the ground floor level, with residential flats above.

It is proposed that the existing façade and its architectural features will all be retained, with a new mansard roof level above. Prior to demolitions, a protective tunnel structure will be erected over the public footway that will brace the building fabric for pedestrian protection. All necessary pavement licences will be maintained by the Contractor, and this structure will remain in place for the duration of the works to ensure that pedestrians are fully protected at all times.

Due to the presence of the TfL Jubilee Line and Thames Water Sewer assets under the Main Site, a preliminary Demolitions Impact Study has been undertaken to understand the affect that demolitions may have on these assets. Both statutory authorities have been consulted and the initial findings indicate that demolitions of the existing buildings to ground floor slab level will not have any material impact upon either asset. TfL have formally issued a letter stating that they have no objection to the early demolition works, and the same is anticipated from Thames Water shortly. In line with these discussions, it has been agreed that first phase demolitions should be undertaken down to ground level initially followed by removal of foundations and basement structures.

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6.2 Riding School

The existing listed Riding School structure and internal timber roof elements are all subject to a Grade 2 listing and will be required to be protected by the Contractor during the works with the protection methodology being approved in the Contractor’s Construction Method Statement (CMS). The main works to the Riding School will comprise:

Constructing a new integrated swimming pool and leisure facility within a newly formed basement area below the existing Riding School footprint,

Linking the Riding School basement to the lower ground level of the adjacent main development, including lift access,

External ground level changing area to the West, Protection of the nearby TfL tunnel, Thames Water sewer, and other buried assets in all construction

procedures, Addressing the vibration and acoustic issues arising from the TfL tunnel and Construction procedures and sequences to acknowledge the interaction between the listed Riding

School and the adjacent development, particularly with respect to the basement construction and access arrangements.

6.3 Bulk Excavation and Ground Works

Recent site investigation showed no areas of contamination across the Main Site but the Principal Contractor will be obliged to test the excavations and dispose of any material which cannot be classified as inert appropriately and in accordance with the Environmental Agency’s soil-contamination controls. All inert excavated materials will be removed or recycled in accordance with the contractors SWMP.

Bulk excavation of the Site and existing foundations will occur in two stages.

1. Excavation of existing substructures below the main accommodation blocks to the south and west of the site; and the removal of smaller footings to the remaining low-rise structures.

2. This will be followed by bulk excavation across the site down to approximately 10+m below ground level, with some areas of local lowering to accommodate specific plant or sump areas within the lower ground Lower Ground 1 slab.

The excavations will be within a secant piled retaining wall which is expected to be propped during the construction with a mix of flying shores, raking shores, thrust blocks, and central parts of the permanent basement structure once installed.

6.3.1 Bulk Excavations Sequencing The Principle Contractor will excavate down to a pre-determined level to reveal part of the secant wall, the depth of which will vary around the site and will be limited by the depth of the embedded piles over the TfL and Thames Water tunnels.

The contractor will then excavate the centre of the Main Site down to formation level, leaving a wide berm around the perimeter and construct the raft in this centre portion, installing raking props off the capping beam down to the constructed raft, and then remove the berm down to Lower Ground 1 level. Due to the proximity of the TfL tunnels, it is intended to install a further two lines of raking props between the waling beams and the already constructed raft.

6.4 Basement The two main basement levels will be constructed as reinforced concrete structures providing support to the permanent perimeter retaining walls. There will also be some localised lowering of the Lower Ground 1 slab to accommodate pool plant areas and underground drainage sumps.

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The basement depth designed to accommodate living and leisure space, storage, car parking and building services plant.

Transfer structures are required within the basement to provide adequate clearance for vehicular movements and car parking and to support loadings from the optimised building layouts at ground level.

6.5 Superstructure and Building Envelope

The building superstructures are designed to be a reinforced concrete frame and slab systems for the apartment blocks. The upper floor levels will incorporate columns and floor slabs set back from the typical perimeter line of the poured concrete roof slab.

Roof mounted M&E equipment and lift over-runs will be visually minimised behind the integrated penthouse roof-line design.

Villas will adopt a similar structural system and external finishes will incorporate additional hand-crafted Portland stone finishes in key areas such as entrance porticos and external window surrounds. High quality brick finishes will compliment these stone details and the Villas and townhouse external stone finishes will be hand-set.

To reduce traffic construction times and to achieve exemplary construction standards, off-site technologies will be incorporated in the building envelope. These external elements will be constructed in quality-controlled environments and delivered to site for direct installation wherever possible. The building envelope and interior fit-out of the apartment blocks will be phased works to follow close behind the superstructure works. Enclosure of each apartment block will be prioritised so as to minimise noise disruption to neighbouring properties, and to protect the internal finishes from elemental damage.

The final choice of construction methodology will affect the access requirements for construction. However, due to the considerable size of the Main Site, it is envisaged that there is sufficient space around the proposed blocks to allow for necessary craneage from the lifting towers.

Hybrid construction methodologies – with larger panelised elements and hand-set joining pieces will also be investigated to improve quality and reduce construction times.

Where practical, external lift-hoists will be affixed to the superstructure in locations that will minimise visual and noise impacts to surrounding properties whilst affording easy access to loading and delivery zones at ground level. Interior and exterior stone finishes will be cut off-site as far as practical, and any cutting on site will be locally shielded and watered to minimise dust impacts arising from site.

6.6 Fit Out Waste materials arising from the interior fit-out works will be recycled or diverted from landfill sites in compliance with the SWMP.

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7 Emergency Response Plan, Site Safety and CDM

7.1 Contacts, Responsibilities And Emergency Response The Principal Contractor will provide contact details for each element of the construction programme so a clear ‘go to person’ is identified for each element (e.g. noise control, dust control, traffic management, etc.) and will be required to relay all incidents to the Project Managers. This will be made available prior to start on site and maintained for the duration of the construction of the Proposed Development.

An incident response and emergency action plan will be prepared for the Proposed Development. This will cover such items as:

Site location address plan and directions, Description of the works, Distribution list (WCC, Emergency Services, etc.), Emergency contacts (police, hospital, services infrastructure providers - gas, electric, water), Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Inventory, Pollution escalation procedure, Site protection facilities (alarms, extinguishers etc.), Site fire safety plan and Permit to work systems and procedures.

7.2 Site Safety and CDM The Principal Contractor will be required to submit a project specific Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan (CPHSP) together with a full up to date copy of their Health and Safety Policy to the Applicant for record purposes, including all updates throughout the course of the works. Attention is also drawn to the Applicant project-specific Construction Health and Safety Policy. The developed CPHSP shall be submitted to the CDM Co-ordinator for review no less than 14 days before the proposed start of construction work. Where required, the CDM Co-ordinator shall consider a shorter notice period. The CPHSP shall include, as a minimum, details for site setup, the fire safety plan, proposed access arrangements, and safe methods of work for initial construction activity.

Site Safety Objectives

To protect the health and safety of those involved in construction and those affected by associated activities by complying with statutory requirements as a minimum and supplemented by industry current best practice at all times:

Ensuring the competency of those involved in the project, including operatives, sub-contractors and site management and

Identifying and eliminating hazards wherever possible, and reducing and controlling those risks that remain both during the Works and throughout the lifecycle of the remaining structure.

Arrangements for Monitoring and Review of Safety

The Principal Contractor will make arrangements to adequately monitor and review the safety performance of all activities involved in the project. The site management team would normally undertake formal monthly inspections, recording observations and action taken. Independent safety inspections will also be undertaken, normally on a weekly basis, however more frequent visits may be required depending on the intensity and hazardous nature of the on-site activities.

The Principal Contractor shall appoint competent members to the site management and supervisory team. Records of safety training must be provided for the project team, in particular the Site manager, prior to commencement of the works. Use of independent safety advisers will be necessary where competent persons are not available in-house.

As well as on-going liaison using established communication techniques, formal liaison will be maintained through project team meetings where health and safety performance will be discussed as an agenda item.

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Welfare Facilities

All facilities to be provided by the Principal Contractor are to be in accordance with Schedule 2 of the Construction, Design and Management Regulations 2007.

Details of the Principal Contractor’s site establishment, including welfare facilities, are to be included within the Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan.

Security Arrangements

Following site possession, the Principal Contractor shall ensure that the work area and contract activities minimise safety and security risks during the course of works. This shall include arrangements for periods of non-attendance such as overnight, weekends and site shutdown periods and may require the use of additional security attendance.

Trespass of the Principal Contractor’s representatives into areas outside of the agreed site demise will not be permitted unless otherwise agreed, such as access through neighbouring properties and through the Main Site. The Principal Contractor is to establish a Site Attendance Log Book to ensure that those in control of the Site are aware of all persons in attendance in the event of an emergency.

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Applicant: St. John’s Wood Square Ltd