T T h h e e S S p p a a r r t t a a n n T T i i m m e e s s March 27, 2014 By Casey Knowles, senior Proposed laws by Michelle Obama and the Department of Agriculture would limit marketing of unhealthy foods in public schools. These laws are aimed at combating childhood obesity. These proposed laws are in line with Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" Campaign, which works to reduce childhood obesity. "The idea here is simple, our classrooms should be healthy places where kids aren't bombarded with ads for junk food," said Obama in a statement before the laws were officially proposed. This proposition has been met with opposition by conservatives, who believe that the government should not dictate what children eat in school. Michelle Obama however, believes that child obesity in America is spiraling out of control. Statistics have shown the childhood obesity is an increasing problem. According the the Center for Disease and Control (CDC), more than one third of children and adolescents were overweight or obese in 2012. That is about 20,178,428 children in the United States that are either overweight or obese. Some citizens are concerned that these laws violate the constitutional rights that schools have that allows them to market whatever they want. Freedom to market falls under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. This could complicate things when the process to enact these laws begins to happen. There is no question that childhood obesity needs to be reduced, but Michelle Obama and the Department of Agriculture may need to find another way to do it. Their current proposition is too risky and has the potential to violate constitutional rights. "Death by Cheesecake" Photo by Diandra Pezzano , senior 1

The Spartan Times · You should have pride in the way you look and know, that someone thinks you are amazing the way you are. Someone, somewhere, thinks that you are prettier and

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Page 1: The Spartan Times · You should have pride in the way you look and know, that someone thinks you are amazing the way you are. Someone, somewhere, thinks that you are prettier and

TThhee SSppaarrttaann TTiimmeessMarch 27, 2014

NewsProposed Laws Would Limit Marketing of Unhealthy Foods

By Casey Knowles, senior

Proposed laws by MichelleObama and the Department ofAgriculture would limit marketingof unhealthy foods in publicschools. These laws are aimedat combating childhood obesity.

These proposed laws are in linewith Michelle Obama's "Let'sMove" Campaign, which worksto reduce childhood obesity."The idea here is simple, ourclassrooms should be healthyplaces where kids aren'tbombarded with ads for junkfood," said Obama in astatement before the laws wereofficially proposed.

This proposition has been metwith opposition byconservatives, who believe thatthe government should notdictate what children eat inschool. Michelle Obamahowever, believes that childobesity in America is spiralingout of control. Statistics haveshown the childhood obesity isan increasing problem.

According the the Center forDisease and Control (CDC),more than one third of childrenand adolescents wereoverweight or obese in 2012.That is about 20,178,428children in the United States thatare either overweight or obese.

Some citizens are concerned that these lawsviolate the constitutional rights that schools havethat allows them to market whatever they want.Freedom to market falls under the FirstAmendment of the United States Constitution.This could complicate things when the process toenact these laws begins to happen.

There is no question that childhood obesity needsto be reduced, but Michelle Obama and theDepartment of Agriculture may need to findanother way to do it. Their current proposition istoo risky and has the potential to violateconstitutional rights.

"Death by Cheesecake"Photo by Diandra Pezzano , senior


Page 2: The Spartan Times · You should have pride in the way you look and know, that someone thinks you are amazing the way you are. Someone, somewhere, thinks that you are prettier and

Surviving Media MayhemBy: Diandra Pezzano, senior

People are surrounded by media everyday, it's inevitable. Teenage Girlsare always on Twitter or Instagram,reading seventeen or cosmopolitanmagazine, shopping at Pink orHollister. What do all of these thingshavein common you might ask? They allproject the idea of being THE idealimage.The models for Pink and Hollister areextremely thin and most ofHollister's clothing comes in smallsizes. At Pink the models areperceivedas "sexy" because they are thin. Inseventeen magazines there are oftenmany stories about peoples whoboyfriends left them because theyweren't "pretty" enough because theydidn't look like Megan Fox oranother celebrity who is thin.Girls are pressured by the media to beanother one of Hollywood’smanufactured “Barbie” dolls who don’texist in the real world. These girlsare supermodels and celebrities whostarve themselves to be that perfectsize zero. They are women who havebecome uncomfortable with theirbody but won’t take a stance becausethey have low self­esteem. Themedia promotes girls to dislike theirown body image.Ladies, here is a newsflash: there is nospecific or perfect size that you“need” to be at. Of course you shouldalways strive to be health and fit,but you shouldn’t go about beinghealth by starving your selves. It maybea cheesy saying but you really arebeautiful in your own skin, even if youwould like to think otherwise.Recently in an interview with JenniferLawrence, the star of the HungerGames and actress in American Hustleopened up about her early lifestruggle with weight problems and theacting industry.

“Somebody told me I was fat, that I wasgoing to get fired if I didn’t lose acertain amount of weight. They brought inpictures of me where I wasbasically naked, and told me to use them asmotivation for my diet. Theythought that because of the way my careerhad gone, it wouldn’t still hurtme”, said Lawrence in recent interview.Lawrence also vows that she will neverstarve herself to play a role, “'I eatlike a caveman. I’ll be the only actress whodoesn’t have anorexiarumors”, said Lawrence in Elle magazineinterview. Clearly JenniferLawrence is the advocating role model thatteenage girls should listen tomore often.A recent survey in America, conducted byThe Center for Disease Controland National Association of EatingDisorders, have an alarming number ofteenage girls who are unhappy with theirbodies. They reported that 10out of every one hundred American girlshave an eating disorder. 50 % ofteenage girls are on diets and haveunhealthy habits to control theirweight. As if it weren’t bad enough thatyoung girls don’t like their image,this survey also talks about how evenyounger girls struggle with theirbody weight. 42 % of first grade to thirdgraders want to be thinner.Another blow to our self­esteem from themedia is how our face looks.Makeup is the key ingredient for looking“beautiful”. Makeup can dowonders, but it is not always healthy for youface to have pounds andpounds of makeup on it every day! Acne is aserious issue that most girlsnowadays struggle with. Putting on all thatoily or chemical processedsubstance eventually can cause break­outs,in which then you need evenmore makeup to cover it! If you are going toput make­up on, then at leastput it on in moderation.


Page 3: The Spartan Times · You should have pride in the way you look and know, that someone thinks you are amazing the way you are. Someone, somewhere, thinks that you are prettier and

The importance of having self­esteem is vital; being confidentin you isthe next step forward tobecoming yourself. Somepeople are fine withbeing confident and aren’tashamed of who they are.Others becomesurrounded by these ideas thatthey “don’t look good” or they“don’t likethe way” they look. Withoutself­esteem, we tend to thinkhorriblethoughts about our appearanceand end up finding more thingsto dislikeabout ourselves. But when wesee this magazine or T.V.commercialsabout girls who are confidentenough with their bodies tomodel, we wishwe could be as “pretty” or asconfident as they are.Be healthy! If you are thatconcerned with the way youlook, try having apositive and healthier methodto lose the weight. Eat fruitsand vegetablesthat are high in protein and willfill you up more. Stay awayfrom thecarbohydrates, unless you planon burning them off byexercising. Drinkwater instead of soda, this willhelp not only your body but alsoyour skin!Exercise at the gym or go for arun outside (weatherpermitting). Join ateam sport where you will notonly exercise but make newfriends whoalso love being fit and healthy.Another tip, try going to bedearlier atnight, this will give you theenergy you need to stay awake,confident, andhappy

Changing your eating/exercising habitsdoesn’t have to beconsidered a bad idea. Doing all of thesethings are the easy ways andless dangerous way to feel and look moreconfident. Surround yourselfwith people, who are also happy andconfident, your mood will definitelychange.You should have pride in the way you lookand know, that someone thinksyou are amazing the way you are. Someone,somewhere, thinks that youare prettier and funnier than any other personthey have met. Why wouldyou want to change the qualities aboutyourself that everybody loves? Itis you, who has made these wonderfulrelationships with your friends andfamily. It is you that has everybody grinningfrom ear to ear. It is you, whois a bright individual and tries very hard ateverything you do. It is you, notthe skinny model who is on T.V. or skinnyactress in the movie, who hasbeen surviving life and all its ups and downs.Do you still want to be thatother girl now ?

"Body Blues"Here is pictured a student who is viewing Victoria secretswebsite. She was currently looking at the home pagewhich is pictured with girls in underwear and bathingsuits. Looking depressed because she doesn't look likethem. Wondering how she could look like them.Photo by Diandra Pezzano , senior


Page 4: The Spartan Times · You should have pride in the way you look and know, that someone thinks you are amazing the way you are. Someone, somewhere, thinks that you are prettier and

Relationships in theDigital AgeBy: Christianna Casaletto, senior

Due to the majoradvancements in technology withinthe last 20 years, communicatingwith others has become easierthan ever. However, human­to­human interaction has suffereddrastically because of its success.

Relationships can varybetween multiple people as well ashaving multiple motives. There isthe coworker relationship; mostuseful when you forget what timeyour shift starts or for half of asandwich during a break. Thereare also friendships. These varyfrom acquaintances (a person youcausally say hi to when you pass inthe halls at school), good friends(someone who is willing to spendmore than five minutes listening toyour latest music obsession, etc.),and best friends (that person whoknows that you actually snort whenyou're laughing too hard).Relationships with family membersare usually the most essentialbecause family influence moreoften than not will influence theperson we become. Finally, there isthe romantic relationship; the topicthat has so generously assistedNicholas Sparks in making womenall over the nation swoon andweep simultaneously.

Each decade consists ofsome staple idea of relationshipsand how to approach them. Itwasn't until the 1980's thatcellphones were something amajority of people owned, probablydue to the influence of the dreamyZack Morris (Saved By The Bell).However the use of technology ineveryday life has not been typicaluntil the last 10 years. According toKleiner Perkins Caufield & Byersannual Internet Trend report,people check their phones 150xper day. And cellphone as well associal media use has bothpositively and negatively affectedthe way people build and maintain

their relationships today.One major benefit of

technology in maintainingrelationships is keeping in touchlong distance. My Uncle and Auntlive in Chicago and technologicaldevelopments, such as Skype,allowed my family to first meet theirnewborn son. However, when Ifinally was able to meet myyounger cousin in person almost ayear after his birth, nothingcompared to being able to playwith him and see his smile inperson. For comparison, my Skypeconversation was like watching myfavorite band's video on Youtube,while meeting him in person waslike seeing my favorite bandperform live. The experience iscompletely different.

Another benefit oftechnology is the quick access.When I have something to tell afriend, I don't need to notify thetown cryer via the colonial age, ortie a note to a messenger pigeon. Ican type a message onto myphone, wait for the whoosh, andexpect a reply fairly soon.Developments in technology havemade it so simple to reach anyone,anywhere, at any time. But whilebeing able to easily contactsomeone wherever you are, thereis a total lack of emotion and realdepth. An "LOL" or smiley faceemoji will not suffice for hearing atrue, hardy laugh at a witty joke. Atext won't comfort someone thesame way a heartfelt hug would.And "I love you" sounds a milliontimes better when said in person.

Romantic relationships havebeen the most greatly affected bythe use of technology. In the timeof our parents, when someonewanted to "go steady" they wouldbe asked in person. When a Fridaynight date ended, they were leftwith lingering anticipation of whatseeing them on Monday morningwould feel like.

This sense of mystery is the firstaspect of romantic relationshipschanged by technology. Hearingof a relationship that didn't evolvefrom a text or "friending"someone online is almostnonexistent.

There is also the idea ofhaving a brave face while hiddenbehind a phone or computerscreen. When not having to facethe anxiety of talking face­to­face,people are usually more able tosay and show things they maynot in person. This is why sextingis such a huge problem withteens in America today. There isalso the commonality of a lack ofhonesty online. Chances are thatthe 6"4 footballplayer /Abercrombie and Fitchmodel you found on Twitter whoowns a puppy ranch in Coloradois not who he claims to be. Thisbrave face also applies tobreakups. 48% of breakups occurthrough an email or textaccording to statisticbrain.com.Although both brutal, I'd muchrather have the "It's not you, it'sme" talk in person with a real lifefrowny face rather than to receivea text of the same message withan emoji. If the ending of arelationship can be summed upinto an emoji, there was probablynever any genuine relationship tobegin with.

The common theme thathas consisted throughout everydigital relationship is the fact thatall personal connection is lost.This also leads to the huge issueof an inability to socialize in reallife. Things as simple as holding aconversation on the phone orface­to­face have become majorchallenges. Instead of being ableto talk to a partner aboutproblems, a paragraph text abouthow much you care about themsolves all for most people today.



Page 5: The Spartan Times · You should have pride in the way you look and know, that someone thinks you are amazing the way you are. Someone, somewhere, thinks that you are prettier and

And instead of approaching theboy/girl you find attractive and tellingthem how you feel, it's easier to"like" an Instagram post or to"favorite" a tweet. Because, likingsomeones post about the ice creamcone they ate while walking thebeach should clearly give theimpression that you would like totake them on date. (And girls/boyswonder why the person they admireisn't picking up on their "obvioussignals").

Technology does, however,have some positive aspects when itcomes to relationships. For olderindividuals, social network websiteslike Facebook allow them toreconnect with old friend's they havelost touch with. But wheneversomeone asks my mom why shedoesn't have an account she alwaysreplies the same: "If I wanted tokeep in touch with anyone from HighSchool other than the people I donow, I would have done so yearsago".

So what does the future holdfor relationships and technology?Before we know it, human­to­humaninteraction will be unnecessary alltogether, as well as verbalizing. Wewill all be a group of mute, roboticbeings who send kissy face emojiswhen the priest texts the bride andgroom "you may kiss the bride."

Good vs. BadCelebrity RoleModelsBy: Courtney Curry, senior

Many teens live their liveslooking up to celebrity role models.Even though celebrities should notbe in charge of how other peoplelive their lives, unfortunately theyare. America is even moreobsessed with celebrities than ever,and their actions are more influentialthan ever before.

The actions of celebritieshighly affect the way many teenslive their lives. One good teen rolemodel is Demi Lovato. Demi Lovatohas had many problems when shewas a teenager, but she turned herlife around unlike many othercelebrities who have not tried tochange their life. She has overcomemany low points in her life andturned her life around completely.She was in rehab at age 18 and hasnow vowed to "stay strong" for herwell being. She has taught many ofher fans to do this as well.

David Beckham is a positivesports role model. He is the captainfor the England Soccer team, and isnever seen in the news for any badbehavior. This is very different froma lot of professional athletes. He isonly seen in the news for his love ofsoccer and the encouragement hegives to young players.

He talks about coachingchildren and his passion for it. Hehas no desire to work with olderplayers who are in the media forbad things. He always is talkingabout his love for his wife Victoriaand his children. He is also seendonating his pay to charities such asUNICEF and the Elton John AIDSFoundation.

Another positive celebrity rolemodel is Taylor Swift. Her songs fitthe life of most teen girls and theycan relate to her relationshiptroubles. She has openly talkedabout her relationships

relationships with many men in hersongs, which helps young teensget over their relationships as well.She acknowledges that she is notperfect and that she has quirks.she is never seen out partying orparticipating in illegal activities. Sheis always dressed appropriatelyand her classy style teaches teensthat they do not need to show offtheir skin.

Teens who idolize a goodcelebrity role models will likelybenefit from it. If this celebrity usestheir money to support charities,dress appropriately, and is notgetting caught drinking or doingdrugs, this role model will helpteens make positive choices in theirlife. This celebrity can help tomotivate and inspire teens byshowing them the right way to livetheir lives.

On the contrary, a badcelebrity role model is Miley Cyrus.She allows young girls to thinkdrugs, alcohol, and sexism areacceptable. She is alwayschanging her appearance and sheencourages girls to do illegalthings. Her songs and herappearance promote badinfluences and make girls think thatit is okay not to respectthemselves.

The sweet, innocent girlfrom years ago is now a 20­year­old pop star who has turned herimage into a trashy appearancewho seems to care more aboutmaking a statement than being agood role model . She is nowknown performing provocativedance moves. This is sendinghorrible messages to teenage girls.

Chris Brown is another badrole model for many teens. He hadan incident a few years back wherehe physically abused his girlfriendat the time, Rihanna. He since thenhas never publicly apologized forhis actions.


Social Media websites like Pinterest,

Facebook and Twitter are consuming a

vast majority of people's time today,

keeping them from creating personal,

face­to­face interactions.

Photo By: Christianna Casaletto, senior

Page 6: The Spartan Times · You should have pride in the way you look and know, that someone thinks you are amazing the way you are. Someone, somewhere, thinks that you are prettier and

He since then has never publiclyapologized for his actions. This rolemodel is teaching teens that it is okto physically abuse someone andnot say that they are sorry for theiractions. A recent survey of over2,000 parents asked whichcelebrities, both female and male,they felt were the most negativeinfluences on their kids. Brown wasrated as a bad role model by 71%of respondents, which isn't a hugesurprise given the singer's non­stopcontroversies in recent years.

According to Renewmagazine by Barbara Theodosiou,founder of the Addict's MomOrganization, some teens are morelikely to listen to the words of theirfavorite celebrities than their ownparents. Many celebrities outwardlyportray their alcohol or drug abuseand they make it seem like this iswhat most teens should be doing.Celebrities who also act like being90 pounds is what we should allweigh, alter the minds of teens intothinking they need to weigh less.This can ultimately lead to eatingdisorders and low self esteem inmany teens.

Four out of five adultsbelieve that children do not havegood role models in their livesnowadays, according to a surveyreleased by The Children’sSociety’s National MentoringInitiative. The survey, conducted byOpinium Research, found that only20% of respondents, aged over 18,believe that children haveappropriate adults to look up to andlearn from.

As you can see bad rolemodels are more common thangood role models. This issomething that needs to bechanged. Bad role models for teensare causing teens to participate inbehaviors that they think areacceptable because they see thecelebrities they look up to doing it.We need to make sure teens havegood role models to look up too.

This photo shows a pre teenmagazine with good and badcelebrity role models.Magazines are one way teenscan begin to follow down thewrong path by looking up tobad celebrities shown inmagazines.


Page 7: The Spartan Times · You should have pride in the way you look and know, that someone thinks you are amazing the way you are. Someone, somewhere, thinks that you are prettier and

By Patrick Scanlan, senior

It has been said that greed ruins people'slives and sadly I believe this is true. We often seepeople who are not satisfied with their own livesand want more.

People want money, power, or fame. Oncethey acquire it they tend to want more and will doanything to get it. They undergo negative changesin their personalities and tend to treat those aroundthem as inferior and lowly. They can also hurt theones closest to them. People who are greedy donot want to see that others are suffering.

If more people gave contributions to otherswho are suffering from poverty then the poor couldget the help they need. A person who is not greedyis someone who doesn't take life for granted andchoses to show compassion towards others andwants to help. Not all people are greedy, theymake a conscious effort to help people around theworld by donating money and performing goodworks by building homes, providing food, water andmedicine.

One person I know that is caring andselfless is Brittany Gear a senior at St.Mary’s High School. I had the opportunity tointerview her and when asked if she thinksgreed ruins people's lives, Gear said "Yesbecause they lose sense of what and who isimportant.” Brittany has participated inHunger for Justice for 2 years. The moneyraised has gone to help build water towers inforeign countries and work at an orphanagein Cambodia. She also volunteers at theNortheast animal shelter in Salem. Thereshe takes care of the animals by taking themfor walks, playing with them and also takespictures to put up on the adoption website.When I asked her why she likes giving backto the community, Gear said "Because givingto people who aren't as fortunate is alwaysthe right thing to do. They aren't as fortunateas us and deserve help."

I personally think greed ruinspeople's lives. People take money forgranted and spend it all on gambling tryingto win money that is nearly impossible. Itbecomes an addiction trying to increase theirown wealth usually at the expense of others.Due to their greed they are left bankruptfinancially and morally with many lives aredestroyed as a result.

Senior Brittany Jones usingthe IPad to effectively takenotes in European HistoryClass.Photo By: Pat Scanlan, senior



Society tends to idolize people for the wrongreasons. Famous people have fallen to the likesof greed. Amanda Bynes, a rising star, is a goodexample. She was once famous for being in manyTV sitcoms and movies and now she has fallenfrom grace. Her insatiable need for power, alwaysbeing in the limelight and partying too much led toher downfall. Her behavior and rantings in thepress and social media became bizarre. This ledher to become institutionalized, losing her rightsand freedom. Her parents have become herguardians.

Another example of greed destroying thelives of people is the case of Bernie Madoff. Hewas a well respected business man who createda Ponzi scheme which defrauded investorsmillions of dollars. Many people lost their homes,businesses and retirement funds while he and hisfamily lived a lavish if not obscene life. He is injail serving two life time sentences and one of hissons who was involved committed suicide.

Page 8: The Spartan Times · You should have pride in the way you look and know, that someone thinks you are amazing the way you are. Someone, somewhere, thinks that you are prettier and

Sports"8th Grader McKayMakes Impact"By: Jennie Mucciarone, senior

Max McKay enrolled at St. Mary's asan 8th grader in the fall of 2013. Heis a resident of North Reading and anavid hockey player. Max made thedecision to attend St. Mary's insearch of a serious hockey program,and St. Mary's was the perfect fit."Hockey is a major part of my life,and I wanted to challenge myself to afaster paced game. It's an advantagefor me that I am able to participate atthe high school level as an 8thgrader," McKay shared.

Although he is one of the youngerplayers on the boys' hockey roster,McKay plays substantial minutes onthe ice. Judging by his size, aspectator would not be able to tellhim apart from the older players. Hisage and size have proven to be non­factors in terms of his performancethis year for the Spartans. McKay ispredominantly a defenseman but candish out assists and score goals aswell. The team's defensive line isanchored by McKay, senior captainChris Price, and junior ClayYianacopolus.

On Jan. 5, McKay scored his firstvarsity goal against Catholic CentralLeague rival Bishop Fenwick.McKay's most stellar game this yearwas his 3 goal performance againstCoyle & Cassidy High School on Jan.15. McKay recorded a hat trick in thegame, and coach Mark Lee praisedMcKay's offensive and defensivecontributions. "I try to contribute tothe best of my ability every game. Itdoesn't matter to me if that meansmy job is to defend, pass, or score,"McKay reflected.

Captain Bailey MacBurnie had kind

words to share about the youngdefender. "Max is a good player forhis age, and he contributes greatly toour team. He has learned to playrelaxed and to be more comfortableeach game. He is one of our bestdefenders, and I trust him in front ofme on the ice."

Athletic director Jeff Newhall alsohad input on McKay, stating that hepossesses "tremendous hockeytalent" for an 8th grader. This year,the Spartans entered the MIAADivision I State Tournament as the#1 seed. They reached the NorthSemi­Finals before losing 2­0 toReading at the Chelmsford Forum onMarch 5. The game was hard fought,and McKay left the rink proud of hisseason with the Spartans. "It endedsooner than I would have hoped, butI will never forget my teammates andthe memories we made this season."

Girls Road To TheGardenBy: Dave Cosenza, senior

The girls basketball team this yearhas been doing outstanding, andthey have been exciting to watch.After getting eliminated from theplayoffs last year, they are looking tobounce back this year. They startedthe year off playing extremely well,and continued the amazing playingall season. They only lost two timesall season, and they have earned aspot in the state tournament for thefourth time in a row since the trio ofJennie Mucciarone, Brianna

Rudolph, Sharell Sanders. The girlsfinished the season in first placegoing into to the playoffs, and thetrio is on there way of winning asecond state championship title.

When the playoffs started the girlswere unstoppable, just as they wereall season long.The Spartans won the first 3 playoffgames, and Brianna and Sharell didan unbelievable job to get the girlsteam to the TD Garden. At the TDGarden they played againstArchbishop Williams. Williamsfinished second behind theSpartans in the division this season,and they also split the seasonseries. It was a tough game goinginto the Garden and either teamcould win.

At tipoff the Spartans startedto take control of the game, butWilliams quickly changed thingsaround and it was a close gamecome halftime. Brianna scoredalmost 20 points in the first half, andshe was unstoppable the wholeentire game. Archbishops Williamscame out of the locker room in thethird quarter locked down, andplayed great defense and hit acouple key three point shots. Eventhough for a minute or two theSpartans looked like they weredying down, Brianna continued heroutstanding play and carried theteam again in the whole second halffinishing the game with 36 points.The Spartan girls defeated Williamsby just two points, but it was a hardwell fought much deserved win.

Everyone on the girls teamcontributed somehow, whether itwas scoring points, stealingthe ball, or playing great defense.The girls basketball team advancedto the state championship gameafter winning at the Garden. Thestate championship game was atthe DCU center and the girls tookon Hoosiac Valley. The Spartansdominated the whole entire game, itwas not a close game at all, and the


Hockey! Photo By: JennieMucciarone, senior

Page 9: The Spartan Times · You should have pride in the way you look and know, that someone thinks you are amazing the way you are. Someone, somewhere, thinks that you are prettier and

girls ended up winning. The Spartansbrought home the second statechampionship title in 4 years, andthey worked extremely hard for this.After a long road to the Garden, thegirls got what they deserved and thatwas winning the State Championshipand becoming champs. SeniorsBrianna, Sharell, and Jennie workedhard all year long, and hope they willall have success in college playingbasketball.

Taking Time OffBy: Amanda Pustorino, senior

Features, Cont.

Basketball Game: GardenHoops!Photo By: Dave Cosenza,senior


In order to be successful you need to be motivated. Beingmotivated requires taking no time off and striving until youachieve your goal. I believe by taking a year or more offafter high school can cause you lose interest andmotivation to pursue your dreams.

Without doubt, taking time off after high schoolcould really affect your future. I feel as though by takingtime off you lose interest. After losing interest why wouldyou want to continue to do something? People alwayssay "I'll take a year off and then go back", but most neverdo. So many people get caught up in life, it's natural, butit could hurt you. It's very easy to get distracted in thisworld of ours, staying focused is a must.

In addition, losing motivation leads to you doingnothing in life which makes you unhappy and depressed.Once you become depressed you most likely will not goback to school because you will have lost all goodthoughts and dreams you once had. You lose rhythm forsomething you knew and liked before. When your notused to doing work it will lead to you being bad at it, ornot doing it at all. You need the motivation because if youdon't want to do something, you won't.

More importantly, by taking time off, you tend toforget. Knowledge is the key to life. You need to know asmuch as you can to be really good at what you want to doand by taking time off, you aren't helping yourself. Youare losing a year of knowledge. Knowledge lets youadvance to become a better thinker, writer, speaker, etc.Of course, that will lead you to a better life.

All in all, going straight to college after high schoolis a better choice. Your memory is still fresh and you areused to going to school already so it's not that much of achange. Stay interested, motivated, and expand yourknowledge. You will get further in life.

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EntertainmentEllen Degeneres Takes onA Brand New TV ShowBy: Zuzu Haefner, Senior

The famous Ellen Degeneres will bedirecting and maybe even appearingon her new upcoming sitcom on NBC.Knowing Ellen, you can obviouslyguess her show is based on makingpeople laugh. Yes, comedy. It will befeaturing a lesbian and her straightmale best friend who get pregnant justas he meets and marries the love of hislife.

Corey Feldman, who previouslyworked for two years on DeGeneres’hit syndicated talk show and wrote forDeGeneres’ first stint as Oscar host,will be helping DeGeneres write. Theshow will be called One Big Happy.

NBC has a history with gay­themed TVshows, including Will and Grace, Two anda Half Men, The New Normal, and SeanSaves the World, which were all verysuccessful shows. Two and a Half Men

recently added a new lesbian characterplayed by Amber Tamblyn, who isenvisioned as she works her way up to aco­lead of the show. There are severalmore popular TV shows on NBC.

Jackie's current ranking during theStock Market Game. Taken by: JackieLavin, Senior

Ellen Degeneres in balloon form.Photo taken by: Zuzu Haefner, Senior

Stock Market GameMadnessBy: Jackie Lavin, Senior

As many people know, economics involves investing in stocksand bonds in the stock market. No one has to be a professionaleconomist to invest in stocks and bonds, as the school'seconomics class in finding out for themselves.

Mrs. Eve Gambale, who has been teaching Economics for twoyears, has introduced the Stock Market Game to her students. Shehas been using it for seven years, first using it with her Algebra 2class, and then with her Economics class. "I was very excitedwhen I first heard about the stock market game. It is a fun,interactive, and competitive way to learn about the stock market."

When asked how the stock market game works, Gambalereplied, "The stock market game gives each investor a virtual$100,000 to invest in the stock market. Each investor's portfolio isupdated daily to reflect the current day's ending price. Thecompetition has between 700­1000 teams entered.

Gambale further said, "I allow my students to research differentstocks that they would like to invest in. I think the stock marketgame takes the mystery out of the stock market. My students learnwhat a ticker symbol is and how to purchase stocks. They learnabout broker's fees, dividends, stock splits, and capital gains andlosses. I hope to peak some students interest in the stock market.However, at a minimum, I want all students to learn how to investtheir money in the stock market in the future. I will encourage allstudents to begin investing as soon as the get their first job!"

With over 900 teams currently entered in the game, there ishuge competition between our economics class and many otherschools in the state. "Currently, I have four teams in the top 100,but it can change quickly!" said Gambale. She means that oneday's rank can be in the top 100, but the next day, it could be deadlast in the rankings. It goes to show how much the stock marketcan fluctuate.

Gambale also mentioned that the top three teams at the end ofthe game will be invited to a dinner sponsored by the BostonGlobe. Maybe one of our own will be one of the three!

Page 11: The Spartan Times · You should have pride in the way you look and know, that someone thinks you are amazing the way you are. Someone, somewhere, thinks that you are prettier and


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